04 29 2012 Builder

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Sunday April 22, 2012 Budget Receipts Budget Needs To Date Budget Receipts YTD Receipts Under Budget

By Annie Armstrong TD Bible Study

$12,382.25 $285,163.00 $281,211.14 $3,951.86 $6,285.35 284

April 29, 2012 Order of Worship 8:30 & 11:00AM Prelude Organist Welcome and Announcements Rev. Paul Medley Call to Shout to the Lord Hymn The Lily of the Valley Childrens Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Solo Allison Barber Hymn I Give All to You Offertory Pianist Chancel The Father Knows Message Spiritual Brokenness Rev. Paul Medley 2 Samuel 12:1-13 Hymn Lord. Im Coming Home Benediction Postlude Organist 6:30 PM Prelude Pianist Opening Chorus 539 With All My Heart Invocation Rev. Paul Medley Hymn 358 Share His Love Solo Amazing Love Offertory Hymn 305 You Are My King (Amazing Love) Offertory Prayer Offertory Organist Ladies Choir There Is None Like You Medley Message Why It Is Called Amazing Rev. Paul Medley 2 Samuel 9:1-13 Hymn 503 Now I Belong to Jesus Closing Prayer Postlude Pianist WELCOME VISITORS Deacon of the Week

Family Supper May 2 Chicken Alfredo Salad Garlic Bread Dessert

OUR CONDOLENCES TO: *****The Family of Joyce Robinson. *****The Bell Family in the death of their loved one, Lillie Mae Bell of Brinson. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Murry & Renee White on the birth of a daughter, Mary Catherine, on 4-19 weighing 6 lbs 10 oz. Proud grandparents are Avery & Mary Lynn White. EXTENDED SESSION April 29 Eddie & Debbie Duke, Jean Stokes, Betty Johnson, Rob & Lauren Millings, Bryan & Julie Cottles, Nan Jordan, Sandra Mobley, Peggy Freeman.

First Baptist

April 29, 2012

Connect with a student. Be a mentor. Reveal to them all the wisdom God has bestowed upon you during your walk with Him. It only takes 30 minutes a week. If youre up to the challenge, contact Richard Dykes.

www.fbcbainbridge.com Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Minister of Youth Brian Steward

The end of the school year is a busy time in the life of any church. Here at First Baptist we will be busy with recognitions, end of the year programs, and special emphasis. All this activity is good but it has a tendency to overshadow the true reason we are here. We are here to worship and honor the Lord Jesus, that is our purpose. I hope you will join me as we truly seek to worship and honor Him today. Paul ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS DAY Friday, April 27 was designated as Administrative Professionals day here in the U.S. The ministers here at FBC want to take time to share our appreciation of Clarene Jones and Virginia Smith for the wonderful job they do in service to the members of First Baptist, Bainbridge. Take a moment to share your gratitude with them when you see them. We cant do ministry without their invaluable leadership and assistance. SENIOR ADULT DAY IS COMING On Sunday, May 6, 2012, we will celebrate Senior Adult Day here at FBC Bainbridge. Our Senior Adults are a vital and active group here at the church. We have set aside this day to honor them and their contributions to ministry and fellowship. The Morning Worship services will feature them as they sing, lead and give testimony of Gods grace in their lives. The Saints Alive Choir will be featured as part of this worship. Saints Alive will meet again on Monday, April 30 to complete our final preparation for this service.

FELLOWSHIP CLUB MEETS AT RIVER Our end of the year event is upon us. Join us at noon on Monday, May 7 as we picnic at the Earl May Boat Basin. Bring your covered dish and your appetite. Pontoon boat trips are scheduled for those who wish to enjoy the river close up. Art

Sunday, April 29 Early Service Bible Study Morning Worship Shockwave Junction 56 AWANA Evening Worship Monday, April 30 Saints Alive Rehearsal Tuesday, May 1 Youth Prayer Breakfast at Bettys Mens Prayer Breakfast Wednesday, May 2 Graded Choirs Family Supper Youth Supper & Bible Study Mission Friends, GAs, RAs Girls of Grace Prayer Meeting Chancel Choir College Ministry Thursday, May 3 Ladies Bible Study in Cooper House led by Frances Gay 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 10:30 AM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 6:15 PM

Please continue to look at the youth web page for upcoming events. We have a lot going on and the web page will help you keep up with the dates for trips, deposits, and forms that will be needed. Please remember to turn in your Graduation Recognition Form and pictures. Make sure you mark you calendars for May 20th for the Senior Breakfast and for Senior Recognition. WHATS NEW Begin to pray for our college students as they will be going to do missions on May 14th through the 18th. We will visiting several homeless shelters, refuge shelters, and other places for the students to serve. The Juniors and Seniors will be going on a trip on May 24th -26th to Tennessee. They will be white water rafting, going on a high ropes course, and hanging out at the water park. This will be a time of fun and an opportunity to have some great Bible Study. I pray that this weekend is used to build our relationships with God and encourage our Juniors to take over leadership within our Youth Program. I am also wanting to ask a favor. Our college ministry hit 22 last night, which is exciting. The college has a trip coming up May 14th-18th and I am wondering if any of the Sunday school classes might be willing to help support us financially. We don't have a lot of funds and are just needing a little help to make sure everyone can participate. If you are interested, please let me know. Brian

WHAT'S HAPPENING May 1st-Breakfast at Bettys May 2nd-YACMeeting @5:00 May 6th-Senior Pictures due to Richard May 12th-College Students (service project) May 13th-SNAC (Dutch Treat) May 14th thru 18th-College Mission Trip May 20th-Senior Breakfast at Church

Sons of Jubal Report

Reconciliation was the purpose of the scheduled 14 day activity will feature multiple concerts in Beijing, China and Pyongyang, North Korea. I will be scheduling a report of the trip as soon as possible. Our three official photographers in DPRK will make their photos available to the group and I will make use of them in the presentation.

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