Biryukov 2002

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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp.

777781, 2002


Dynamic axisymmetric elastoplastic interaction between a massive body and a simply supported, circular segment of a spherical shell is studied. The problem of determining the contact-interaction force is formulated for the case of spherical and conical bodies. A nonlinear integral equation is derived for various models of local plastic compression using the equations of equilibrium of a membrane spherical shell written in terms of radial displacement of the shell. Numerical results are presented graphically.

Assuming that the mutual velocity is much lower than the velocity of elastic waves in the materials, we reduce the dynamic problem to a quasistatic problem by ignoring inertia eects in the local-compression zone. Displacements of the shell are considered elastic except in the contact zone, where elastoplastic deformation occurs. Initially, the shell is at rest. A body of mass m with elastic constants E2 and 2 and plastic constant k2 impacts on the shell vertex. We denote the displacement of the falling body by s, the displacement of the shell at the contact point by w, and the local plastic compression by . In this case, we have [1] s = w + . (1)

To determine the displacement of the impactor s, we use the dierential equation of motion m = P (t). s Integration of this equation subject to the initial conditions s0 = 0 and s0 = V0 yields
t t1

1 s(t) = V0 t m
0 0

P (t2 ) dt2 dt1 ,


where V0 is the initial velocity of the impactor directed along the shell radius. The displacement of the shell due to the force applied to its vertex is determined from the equations of motion of a membrane spherical shell: (N sin ), N cos = hR1 u sin , N + N = hR1 w + q3 R1 ; (3) (4)

2 N = E1 h((1 1 )R1 )1 (u, + w + 1 (u cot + w)),

N = E1 h((1

2 1 )R1 )1 (u

cot + w + 1 (u, + w)).

Here is the density of the material, h and R1 are the thickness and radius of the shell, q3 is the load, and E1 and 1 are the elastic constants of the shell; the coordinate lines and are directed along a meridian and a parallel, respectively. The plastic constant of the shell is denoted by k1 . The boundary conditions have the form u |=0 = 0, where 0 is the shell opening angle. w|=0 = 0, (5)

Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don 344090. Translated from Prikladnaya Mekhanika i Tekhnicheskaya Fizika, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 171175, SeptemberOctober, 2002. Original article submitted March 13, 2002.
0021-8944/02/4305-0777 $27.00 c 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation


2 1 ))1 .

We introduce the following dimensionless quantities: v = u /R1 , w = w/R1 , = tc/R1 , and c2 = E1 ((1 Then, Eqs. (3) and (4) are written as
2 (N sin ), N cos = E1 h(1 1 )1 v, sin , 2 N + N = E1 h(1 1 )1 w, + q3 R1 , 2 N = E1 h(1 1 )1 (v, + w + 1 (v cot + w)), 2 N = E1 h(1 1 )1 (v cot + w + 1 (v, + w)).

Elimination of the forces N and N from these equations yields v, sin + v, cos (cot cos + 1 sin )v + (1 + 1 )w, sin = v, sin , (1 + 1 )(v, + v cot + 2w) = w, + q, We make the replacement v = v sin : v, v, cot + (1 1 )v + (1 + 1 )w, sin = v, , (1 + 1 )(v, sin1 + 2w) = w, + q.
We apply the Laplace transform over time t denoting the images v , w, and q by v , w , and q , respectively: v, v, cot + (1 1 p2 )v + (1 + 1 )w, sin = 0, (1 + 1 )v, sin1 + (2(1 + 1 ) + p2 )w = q . 2 q = (1 1 )(E1 h)1 R1 q3 .


System (6) can be written as

(v, sin1 ), + (1 1 p2 )v sin1 + (1 + 1 )w, = 0, (1 + 1 )(v, sin1 ), + (2(1 + 1 ) + p2 )w, = q, . Eliminating (v, sin1 ), , we obtain 2 v = sin ((1 + 1 )(1 1 p2 ))1 (w, (1 1 + p2 ) q, ). Dierentiation of the expression for v with respect to yields 2 v, = ((1 + 1 )(1 1 p2 ))1 ((1 1 + p2 )(w, sin + w, cos ) (q, sin + q, cos )).

Inserting the last expression into the second equation in (6), we obtain the following equation for w :
2 2 2 2 w + (2(1 1 ) (1 + 31 )p2 p4 )(1 1 + p2 )1 w = (1 1 + p2 )1 ( 2

q + (1 1 p2 )q ),



= 2 /2 + (/) cot . We seek a solution of (7) in the form of a series in Legendre polynomials which possess completeness and satisfy the boundary conditions (5):

w =

wn Pn (cos (1 )),

1 =

. 20

The point load q(t, ) = P (t)() is also expanded in a series in Legendre polynomials:
2 q = P (t)(2R1 (1 cos 0 ))1 n=0 2 q = P (p)(2R1 (1 cos 0 ))1 n=0

(2n + 1)Pn (cos (1 )),

(2n + 1)Pn (cos (1 )).


Substituting the expansions of w and q into (7), we obtain

2 wn = P (1 1 )(2n + 1)(p2 + B)(2R1 hE1 (1 cos 0 )(p4 + p2 A2 + A0 ))1 ,

B = n1 (n1 + 1) + 1 1,

A2 = n1 (n1 + 1) + 31 + 1,

2 2 A0 = (1 1 )n1 (n1 + 1) 2(1 1 ).

2 2 p4 + p2 A2 + A0 = (p2 + 1 )(p2 + 2 ), 2 1 = (A2 +

A2 4A0 )/2, 2

2 2 = (A2

A2 4A0 )/2, 2

we obtain an expression for which the Laplace transform is tabulated [2]. Finally, the displacement of the shell w takes the form
2 1 1 w(, ) = 2R1 hE1 (1 cos 0 )

P (1 )
0 n=0

(2n + 1)[L1n sin(1 ( 1 )) + L2n sin(2 ( 1 ))]Pn (cos (1 )) d1 , (8)

2 2 i )(i (1 2 2 ))1 ,

Lin = (B

i = 1, 2.

Substituting (2) and (8) and expressions for corresponding to various models of local plastic compression into (1), we arrive at a nonlinear integral equation for P (t). This equation is solved by the following iterative scheme [1]: 1) i = i; 2) si = si1 + Vi1 + yi1 2 /2; 3) wi = 4) 5) 6) 7)
2 1 1 Pj (2n + 1)[L1n sin(1 (i j) ) + L2n sin(2 (i j) )]; 2R1 hE1 (1 cos 0 ) n=0 j=1 i1

i = si wi ; Pi is calculated for i ; yi = Pi /m; Vi = Vi1 + yi .

1 1 2 2 where b = R1/3 (3/(4E))2/3 , R1 = R2 R1 , E = E1 E2 ((1 1 )E2 + (1 2 )E1 )1 , P1 = 3 (3R/(4E))2 , 1/3 = k (k is the smallest of the two plastic constants of the colliding bodies and = 5.7), bf = Rf (3/(4E))2/3 , 1/2

The initial conditions are V |i=0 = V0 /c, s0 = 0, and y0 = 0. Given i , we calculate Pi using the solution of the contact problem. The following models are employed: For a spherical impactor with curvature radius at the contact point R2 : 1) elastoplastic model [3, 4] bP 2/3 , Pmax < P1 , dP /dt > 0, (9) = b P 2/3 + p (Pmax ), dP /dt < 0, Pmax > P1 , f (1 + )c1 P 1/2 + (1 )P d, dP /dt > 0, Pmax > P1 ,

1 1 Rf = (4/3)EPmax 3/2 , p (Pmax ) = (1 )Pmax (2Rp )1 , Rp = R1 Rf , = 0.33, c1 = 31/2 (8E)1 , and 1 d = (2R) ; 2) Kilchevskii model [5] bP 2/3 , P < P0 , dP /dt > 0, = (10) bP 2/3 + P d, P > P0 , dP /dt > 0, bP 2/3 + Pmax d, Pmax > P0 , dP /dt < 0,

where P0 = (4/3)Ea3 R1 and a0 = kR(0.62E)1 ; 0 3) Hertz model

= bP 2/3 ; 4) rigid-plastic model [follows from (9) if the elastic terms are ignored] = (1 )P d;


(12) 779

Fig. 1. Dependence P (t) for V0 = 0.5 m/sec (P1 = 4470.14 N, P2 = 1609.58 N, 2 = 150 , t1 = 0.0002531647 sec, and t2 = 0.0006991468 sec): curve 1 refers to the elastoplastic model for a sphere (9), curve 2 to the Kilchevskii model (10), curve 3 to the Hertz model (11), curve 4 to the rigid-plastic model (12), curve 5 to the elastic model for a cone (13), and curve 6 to the elastoplastic model for a cone (14).

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 2. Dependence P (t) for V0 = 50 m/sec (P1 = 490.28 kN, P2 = 744.3 kN, 2 = 150 , t1 = 0.0001648514 sec, and t2 = 0.0001501326 sec) (notation same as in Fig. 1). Fig. 3. Dependence P (t) for V0 = 1 m/sec (P1 = 9194.98 N, P2 = 18 352.5 N, 2 = 178 , t1 = 0.0002296145 sec, and t2 = 0.0001766265 sec) (notation same as in Fig. 1).

For a conical impactor with the opening angle 2: 1) elastic model [6] = ( cot /(2E))1/2 P 1/2 ; 2) elastoplastic model [7] = c2 P 1/2 , dP /dt > 0, 1 (P )1/2 E1 + p,max , dP /dt 0, (14) (13)

where c2 = cot (1 )1/2 + (1 + 2( 1)/)1/2 E 1 , p,max = (1 )(Pmax /)1/2 (cot 2/(E)), and = 0.22. Figures 13 show curves of P (t) obtained with the use of the models of local plastic compression (9)(14) for the following parameters: shell radius R1 = 1 m, shell thickness h = 0.01 m, shell opening angle 0 = 90 , radius of the spherical impactor R2 = 0.02 m, and mass of the impactor m = 0.25 kg. The shell and impactor were made of steel [P1 , P2 and t1 , t2 are the maximum values of the contact force and the duration of contact for spherical and conical impactors for the elastoplastic models (9) and (14), respectively]. One can see from Figs. 13 that the solutions based on models (9) and (14) agree well with the experimental data of [8]. The Hertz model (11) gives satisfactory results for V0 < 0.15 m/sec, and the rigid-plastic model (12) is applicable only for V0 > 10 m/sec. For the elastic model of a cone (13), the error in determining the main characteristics of the impact can be as great as 100%. The Kilchevskii model (10) also leads to a considerable error. 780

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