PE4 Team Sports
PE4 Team Sports
PE4 Team Sports
MSU Iligan Institute of Technology College of Education DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION SYLLABUS Second Semester, AY 2010 - 2011
I. II.
P.E. 4 Team Sports (Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Mountaineering, Kickball, Soccer - Football & Frisbee) : This course covers the history of sports, terminologies, rules and regulations, facilities and equipment and officials of the game. It includes competencies in techniques and strategies in playing team sports. 2 units 2 hours/week-54 hours/semester : : P.E. 1
Acquire knowledge on the history, rules, mechanics, terminologies, etc. of the sports. Develop the basic skills of the sports Apply the rules & mechanics in sports competition. Appreciate the values gained in sports participation and apply these values in everyday life.
V. Topic/Content
X. Time Allotment
XI. Remarks
6 hours (1 week)
Lecture Discussion
TV Film Showing
6 hours (3 weeks)
B. Duties & responsibilities of the officials of: volleyball, basketball, softball, mountaineering, Kickball, Soccer Football & Frisbee C. Fundamental Skills of chosen sports
Computer PowerPoint
Written test
10 hours (2 weeks)
Film Showing
Actual Games
Skill test
10 hours (3 weeks)
the official rules and regulations during practices sessions and actual competitions E. Apply the fundamental skills through participation in class tournaments. D. Rules and violations in playing: volleyball, basketball, softball, mountaineering, Kickball, Soccer Football & Frisbee Drills and physical practices. Intersection Competitions Practical exam 10 hours (4 weeks)
Practical exam
12 hours (6 weeks)
Cumulative CRITERIA Attendance and Class Participation Major Exam Class Presentation Outputs TOTAL PRELIM 30% 30% 20% 20% 100% MIDTERM 30% 30% 20% 20% 100% FINALS 30% 30% 20% 20% 100%
XII. Course Requirements 1. Group reports 2. Outputs of group work / workshops XIII. References
A. Books Julco, Sports and Governance: Poce-Vaulting into the 21st century, 2000 FIBA 1995 Rules (Federational Basketball). Fox, henry P. 1992. Basketball in the 90s. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co. Kluka, Darlene A. 1996. Volleyball. Chicago, Brown and Benchmark Publishers, 3rd ed. Tulio. 2004. PE 4 Team sports.