Binani Industries AR11
Binani Industries AR11
Binani Industries AR11
Mr. Braj Binani - Chairman Mr. Sunil Sethy - Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director Mr. S. Padmakumar Dr. V. C. Shah Mr. A. C. Chakrabortti Mr.N.C.Singhal Ms.Nidhi Singhania Mr.Jitender Balakrishnan
Mercantile Chambers, 12, J N Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001. (Tel.022 30263000-02)
Binani Cement Ltd(BCL) Binanigram, Pindwara, Dist. Sirohi, Rajasthan - 307 022 Binani Zinc Ltd(BZL) Binanipuram, Ernakulam, Kerala - 683 502 Goa Glass Fibre Ltd(GGFL) Colvale , Bardez, Goa - 403 513 BT Composites Ltd(BTCL) C5 to C9, Madkaim Industrial Estate, Mardol Post, Madkaim, Goa - 403 404. Wada Industrial Estate Ltd Wada, Dist Thane BIL Infratech Ltd 37/2 Chinar Park, Rajarhat New Town Road, P.O.Hatiara, Kolkata-700 157 Binani Ready Mix Concrete Ltd Feltham House, 10 J.N Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001 Sankalp Holdings Ltd(SHL) Arch.Makariou III, 229 Meliza Court,4th Floor, Limassol, Cyprus. CPI Binani Inc 1700 Wilkie Drive, P.O. Box 108, Winona, Minnesota-55987, USA
Mr. S.Padmakumar - Chairman Mr. A.C.Chakrabortti - Member Dr. V.C.Shah - Member
Kanu Doshi Associates, Mumbai
Punjab National Bank Axis Bank Limited HDFC Bank Limited Dena Bank IDBI Bank Limited Syndicate Bank Bank of Baroda Indian Overseas Bank
Notice for the 48th A.G.M. Directors Report, Management Discussion & Analysis Report Corporate Governance Report Auditors Report Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account & Schedules Cash Flow Statement & Part IV Auditors Report on Consolidated Financial Statement Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account & Schedules Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Statement Pursuant to Section 212 Abstract of Financial Statements of Subsidiaries Form for Service of Documents by E-mode Proxy Form & Attendance Slip for 48th AGM
2 6 19 32 34 51 53 54 96 98 100 102 103
Udwadia & Udeshi - Mumbai AZB Partners - Mumbai
37/2 Chinar Park, Rajarhat New Town Road, P.O.Hatiara, Kolkata 700 157 (Tel: 033-40161800,32562726)
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2. 3. 4. 5.
To receive, consider and adopt the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2011 and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. To declare dividend on equity shares. To appoint a Director in place of Ms. Nidhi Singhania who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers herself for reappointment. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. N.C. Singhal who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for reappointment. To appoint M/s Kanu Doshi Associates, Chartered Accountants as Statutory Auditors of the Company to hold office from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and authorize the Board of Directors and/ or Committee thereof to fix their remuneration.
5. 6.
To consider, and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification(s), the following Resolution as an Ordinary Resolution : RESOLVED THAT Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan, who was appointed as an Additional Director and who in terms of Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Article 89 of the Articles of Association of the Company, holds office upto this Annual General Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice from a member of the Company under Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposing his candidature for the office of Director alongwith a deposit of Rs. 500 /-, be and is hereby appointed as a Director of the Company. By order of the Board For Binani Industries Limited S.N.Sridhar Place : Mumbai Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) Dated : 22nd April 2011 & Company Secretary
meeting as a duly authorized representative of any body corporate which is a shareholder of the Company, unless a certified copy of the resolution appointing him/her as duly authorized representative has been deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from Monday, the 20th June, 2011 to Monday, the 27th June, 2011 (both days inclusive). Dividend, if declared, will be paid to those members whose names appear on the Companys Register of Members on 27th June, 2011 on the paid up capital of the Company as on 31st March, 2011. In respect of shares held in electronic form (Demat mode), the dividend will be paid to the beneficial owners position received from the depositories as at the close of 18th June, 2011. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 205A of the Companies Act, 1956, all unclaimed / unpaid Dividends upto and inclusive of financial year 1994-95 have been transferred to the General Revenue Account of the Central Government. Shareholders who have not encashed the dividend warrants for the said period are requested to claim the amount from the Registrar of Companies, West Bengal, Nizam Palace, II M.S.O Building, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata - 700 020. Those members who have not encashed their dividend warrants for the financial years ended on 31st March 2006 ,31st March, 2007, 31st March 2008, 31st March,2009 and 31st March, 2010 may lodge a claim with the Company immediately failing which the balance will be transferred to the Investor Education & Protection fund established by the Central Government on or before the dates indicated below: Sl. No. Year ended Last date for claiming the amount of dividend from the Company 10.08.2013 07.08.2014 04.08.2015 07.08.2016 06.08.2017
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF THE COMPANY. The proxy form in order to be effective should be duly stamped, signed and completed in all respects and must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of Item No.6 of the Notice is appended hereto and forms part of this Notice. No person shall be entitled to attend or vote at the
3. 4.
After the above dates, the Shareholders are not entitled to claim the outstanding dividend pursuant to the provisions of Section 205C (2) of the Companies Act, 1956. In respect of the dividend for the years ended 31.3.1996, 31.3.1997, 31.3.1998, 31.3.1999 and 31.3.2000 the balances on 27.8.2003, 2.12.2004, 25.1.2006, 21.01.2007 and 11.11.2007 respectively have been transferred to Investor Education & Protection Fund. Members holding shares in identical names under different ledger folios are requested to apply for consolidation of such folios and send the relevant equity share certificates to the Companys Registrars & Share Transfer Agents.
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between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. on any working day (excluding Saturdays & Sundays). The Annual Accounts of the Company and all its Subsidiaries as above have also been posted on the Companys website Any shareholder may access the Companys Website for the Annual Accounts of the Company and its Subsidiaries.
18. Ms. Nidhi Singhania and Mr N.C. Singhal , Directors retire by rotation and are eligible for re-appointment at the Annual General Meeting. Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan, Additional Director is being appointed as a Director at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Brief resume of the said Directors as required under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement are as under:
Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan 61 B.E (Mechanical) & PG Diploma in Industrial Management Management, Finance & Banking
Mr N. C. Singhal 74 Postgraduate in Economics, Statistics and Administration. Consultant and Management Specialist 19.1.2008 Deepak Fertilizers & Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. Max India Limited. Birla Sunlife Asset Management Co. Ltd. Tolani Shipping Limited. Maha Gujarat Chamunda Cement Co. Pvt. Ltd SCI Forbes Limited Forbes Bumi Armada Limited Amal Limited Future Capital Holdings Ltd Forbes Bumi Armada Offshore Ltd. Samalpatti Power Company Pvt. Ltd. Ambit Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Gati Asia Pacific Pte Limited, Singapore. Chairman Audit Committee : Max India Limited Deepak Fertilizers & Petrochemicals Corpn. Ltd Amal Limited Tolani Shipping Company Limited. Share Transfer Committee : Amal Limited Member : Shareholders & Investor Grievance Committee : Max India Limited Binani Industries Limited Nil
27.7.2010 Bharti AXA Life Insurance Co.Ltd. Bharati AXA General Insurance Co.Ltd. Usha Martin Ltd, Bhoruka Powers Ltd. Aditya Birla Finance Ltd. Polyplex Corpn. Ltd. IL&FS Investment Mangers Ltd. S.Kumar Nationwide Ltd. Sarda Energy & Minerals Ltd. India Glycols Ltd. Essar Steel Ltd. Magus Estates & Hotels Ltd.
Name(s) of the Companies in which Committee Membership(s)/ Chairmanship(s) held (as per Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)
Chairman Policy Holders Protection Committee : Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd. Audit Committee: Usha Martin Ltd. Member: Audit Committee: Magus Estates & Hotels Ltd.
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Your Directors present the Forty Eighth Annual Report of the Company together with the Audited Statement of the Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2011 Previous years figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary. 1.1 Review of Operations The Company, being a holding Company, has no manufacturing activities. Its main source of income is dividend from its subsidiaries on its investments and income from Management and support services provided by the Company to all its subsidiaries in the areas of Accounts, Finance, Treasury, Audit, Forex / Commodity, Risk Management, Purchase, Taxation, Corporate Strategy, Media Services etc. During the year under review, Company received from its subsidiary, Binani Cement Limited, dividend income of Rs.4,614 Lacs and Management Service fee from all its subsidiaries aggregating to Rs.3,510 Lacs. During the year, the Company earned a Net Profit of Rs.1,146 Lacs compared to Rs.1,665 Lacs in the previous year. Out of the profit of Rs.1,146 Lacs, Rs.115 Lacs has been transferred to General Reserve. 1.2 Future Prospects The Companys flagship subsidiary, Binani Cement Limited(BCL) has a Net Profit of Rs.9,051 Lacs. During the year, Net profit of BCL has suffered compared to previous year due to increase in the cost of raw materials, freight, coal etc. Binani Zinc Limited (BZL) has made an operating profit of Rs.1,073 Lacs and Net Loss of Rs.857 Lacs after considering provision for earlier periods with respect to electricity dues to KSEB with whom the Company has reached a long term settlement in the electricity tariff matter. In view of stabilization of LME prices during the year, it is expected that BZLs performance in the coming years will be better. Goa Glass Fibre Ltd. (GGFL) performance during the year has been significant in terms of sales, revenue and operating profit (EBIDTA).GGFL sold 14,429 MT of glass fibre products with the sales revenue of Rs.10,378 Lacs compared to 8,290 MT and Rs.5,787 Lacs respectively last year. Operating profit has been Rs.1,091 Lacs compared to operating loss of Rs.875 Lacs last year. The improved performance was mainly due to increase in the prices of glass fibre products DRM & CSM and introduction of new product, namely wet used chopped strands. However, during the year GGFL made a Net Loss of Rs.1,089 Lacs compared to Net Loss of Rs.2,519 Lacs last year. If the prices of glass fibre products remain stable as at present, the performance of the Company is expected to be better in the coming years as well.
(Rs. in Lacs)
Particulars Sales/Profit on sale of fixed assets, investments/ other Income Profit before, Depreciation, Interest, extraordinary Items and Taxation. Provision for Depreciation Profit before Interest, extraordinary Items and Taxation Interest and Financial Charges Profit before Exceptional items and Taxation Provision for Taxation including Deferred Tax and Fringe Benefit Tax Profit after Tax but before extraordinary items Extra Ordinary Items Profit for the year APPROPRIATIONS / ADJUSTMENTS Transfer to General Reserve Proposed Dividend Tax on Dividend (Loss) brought forward from last year Adjusted with credit balance of General Reserve (Loss) carried to balance sheet (115) (888) NIL (3,198) 115 (2,940) (167) (888) NIL (3,975) 167 (3,198) Year ended 31.3.2011 8,591 Year ended 31.03.2010 5,104
40 4,530
27 2,189
3,384 1,146 -
524 1,665 -
1,146 1,146
1,665 1,665
EBIDTA (Rs/Lacs)
65000 55000 59178
Rs. in Lacs
45000 35000 25000 15000 10733 5000 10178 10135 34698 30639 23265 13515 28521
2.1.1 Industry Overview Cement production in India has grown at a brisk pace during the last few years. Indian Cement Industry foresees a 10.50% CAGR growth in cement production during FY 2010-14. Against 9.2% growth forecast of GDP in 2011-12, industry is likely to show growth of 11%. Housing sector, increased activity in infrastructure development and exports recovery continuing to remain key growth drivers. However, huge capacity addition in pipeline, increased cost of raw materials, fuel, logistics and change in Excise duty structure are key concerns to the bottom-line in the short to medium term. 2.1.2 Financial Performance The financial performance for the year ended 31st March, 2011 is summarized below:
Rs. in Lacs
3 -0 4 04 -0 5 05 -0 6 06 -0 7 07 -0 8 08 -0 9 09 -1 0 10 -1 1 03
-0 01
2.1.3 Review of Operations BCLs operations continues to maintain its growth path. During the year under review, BCLs production and
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Indian Cement Industry : Growth in domestic cement demand is expected to remain strong on the back of growing demand from the housing sector, increased activity in infrastructure development and exports. It is anticipated that industry players will continue to increase their annual cement output in the coming years and the Countrys total cement production will grow at a CAGR of around 10.5% during 2010-11 to 2013-14. Housing and Infrastructure sector is continuing to be the key driver for cement demand in the coming years as well. 2.1.5 Project Overview MODERNISATION / EXPANSION Binanigram unit : During the year 2010-11, following modifications / expansion projects have been commissioned: 1) 2) Up-gradation of existing Pre-heater fans for Unit # 2 to increase capacity of Kiln. Modification of Raw Mill-II separator to increase capacity of the mill. Installation of pre-crushing system for reduction of feed size for Raw Mill # 2. Up-gradation of wagon loading system by introducing third loading point with four additional wagon loaders in order to reduce rake loading time. Installation of air cooled condenser in CPP 1 to conserve water and meet statutory obligation. Installation of additional rail track as per requirement of railways. Interconnection of cement silos in order to have better flexibility in packing operation.
Cement Production 22.24 OPC PPC 17.54 21.08 50 Qty. in Lacs MT 40 3.49 30 20 19.21 10 0
3) 4)
12.43 11.85
15.97 6.43
14.49 8.64
5) 6) 7)
-0 2 02 -0 3 03 -0 4 04 -0 5 05 -0 6 06 -0 7 07 -0 8 08 -0 9 09 -1 0 10 -1 1
Following modifications / expansion projects have been taken up during the year which are under progress 1. 2. 3.
1021 750
Mechanized loading arrangement of clinker in the rakes. Installation of wagon tippler for unloading of coal rakes. Installation of Fly ash collection system at Suratgarh Thermal Power Station in order to ensure uninterrupted supply of flyash to Binanigram and Neem Ka Thana.
Neem Ka Thana unit : Installation of additional packer at Neem Ka Thana for having redundancy and matching grinding capacity.
YEAR 02 -03 -04 -05 -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
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of Companys outstanding contribution towards consistent reduction in water conservation, groundwater replenishment and implementing innovative water saving schemes during the year 2009-10. Safety Innovation Award 2010 by the Institute of Engineers in recognition for Companys efforts towards inculcating behaviour based safety culture, reducing the risk of injuries & ill health to its employees as well as surrounding communities and overall improvement in OHS. Greentech Environment Excellence Gold Award which is third in a row, for Companys notable contribution towards prevention and control of pollution and overall improvement in the quality of environment. Certificate of Excellence, Best Employer 2009 given by Employees Association of Rajasthan, Jaipur for Companys commendable efforts towards improving employee-employer relations. FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Award 2010 for being the best performer in terms of environmental management in Cement Industry. Most Useful presentation Award (National Award for Excellence in Water Management) -The award was given for making an outstanding presentation, showcasing the best water conservation practices, methods and technologies. 2.1.10 Corporate Social Responsibility The Company continues to focus on upliftment of the surrounding community through various programmes like provision of food and shelter, closed toilets, use of smokeless stoves to motivate the villagers towards plantation with a view to divert them from deforestation, provision of training to adivasis on stitching of traditional dresses which can be sold to consumers through cooperative societies and cattle and poultry development. The above programmes are being carried in partnership with M/s. RBKS, an NGO. The programme will not only improve life style of target villagers but also cater to their financial needs. The Binani Ladies Club regularly contributes towards community development and charity through distribution of school uniforms, books, clothes and blankets to needy tribal people. 2.1.11 Human Relations/ Industrial Relations The leadership position attained by the Company over the years is due to the dedication and commitment of its employees. The Company firmly believes that
2.2.1 Industry Overview The demand for zinc in India is estimated at approx 600 KT and growing at around 8% CAGR. The major consumption is in steel galvanizing, though sectors like alloys are showing impressive growth. With the huge investments in the infrastructure segment planned in the Country, the zinc market is poised to grow further. The average zinc price in the London Metal Exchange (LME) was approximately $2,185 during 2010-11. Import duty on zinc stands at 5% and duty on concentrate remained at 2% until it was revised in the recent Union budget to 2.5%. Per capita consumption of zinc in India is low compared to developed Countries. The projected demand for zinc metal in the Country is also high. With increasing demand and high zinc prices, the company is expected to perform well in the coming years.
The company has drawn up a comprehensive plan to mitigate the perceived threats. Price fluctuation: Prices are expected to remain volatile in the coming year also. However, the company has attained sufficient expertise in hedging to safeguard itself from wide fluctuations in zinc price. The company has a good spread of Sales Depots in the Country that can ensure market for its product.
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check up service to employees of several industries around. GBHC. in partnership with Indian Medical Association and National Safety Council, conducted State Level First Aiders training programme this year; thus completing a total of 11 batches and training a total of 392 industrial employees across industries in Kerala. GBHC serves the community, employees and their family members through health talks, multi- speciality medical camps and medical specialists camps. GBHC continued to be recognised as Centre of Public Health Importance this year also. Medical and nursing students regularly visit here and through their extension service wings, serve the community and school students. This year GBHC also organised health screening camp for contract workers with the assistance of ESIC, a total of 220 contract workers were covered. Empowerment programmes for the children, women and the aged are regularly conducted and annual camps are organised focusing on the personality development of school children. Assemblage in the Pakalveedu on all Tuesdays have become an active part of the 43-odd oldaged of the community, where the meaningful presence of the Chief Medical Officer, and at times, by Company officials are cherished by the inmates. Rotary Binani CSR award was constituted with a view of encouraging and inspiring other corporate to take up CSR activities. This year also, Companys partnership interventions continued for the Binanipuram Government High School students, where the SSLC students bagged 100% results, thus repeating history in the fourth year in succession. The Companys association with Government Hospital, Binanipuram continued this year also. 2.2.8 AWARDS / RECOGNITIONS BZL has won the following National, Regional and State Level awards and accolades: Green Tech Environment Excellence Award in minerals and mining sector 2010 Excellence Award 2010 from the Kerala State Pollution Control Board, among large-scale industries. 6 State level safety awards from Government of Kerala and National Safety Council during this year.
2.3.1 Industry Overview The key drivers for growth of the industry are Infrastructure, Automobile, Wind Energy and Building Construction sectors. In the current year the Chinese imports have come down and prices are looking upward. This has resulted in higher sales revenue and better realizations of domestic and export, in the current year. FINANCIALS (Rs. Lacs) Particulars Gross Sales & Related Income EBIDTA Interest and Finance Charges Cash Profit / ( Loss) Depreciation Net Profit / (Loss) before Tax Net Profit / (Loss) after Tax 2.3.2. PERFORMANCE REVIEW: Operations: During the year under review, the Company has produced 12,497 MT. Introduced a new product called wet used chopped strands for Tissue manufacturing. Sales: During the year, Company sold 14,429 MT with a revenue of Rs. 10,378 Lacs as compared to sales of 8,290 MT and revenue of Rs. 5,783 Lacs in the previous year. The finished goods inventory has been brought down from 2,779 MT to 847 MT by liquidating 1,932 MT of finished goods inventory of last year. 2.3.3 Future Prospects The Company has initiated steps to reduce cost of production by increasing the production capacity of Glass Fibre products to the optimum level of the Furnace capacity of 19,640 MT per annum which is expected to result into better profitability. 2.3.4 SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths GGFL has a committed work force with best HR initiatives. The Flagship product Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) of the Company is continued to be well accepted in the Global Market. 2010-11 10,378 1,091 942 149 1,238 (1,089) (1,089) 2009-10 5,783 (857) 695 (1,552) 994 (2,546) (2,519)
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2.5.2 Review of Operation The Company is evaluating options for the effective use of the land for developing it for commercial activities. During the year under review, the Company has earned an income of Rs.0.33 Lacs compared to Rs.0.71 Lacs in the previous year and has incurred a loss of Rs.24.14 Lacs compared to loss of Rs. 19.36 Lacs in the previous year. 2.6. ESS VEE ALLOYS PRIVATE LIMITED (ESS VEE)-[Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Binani Zinc Limited].
2.6.1 Financial Performance During the year under review, Binani Zinc Limited(BZL) sold its 100% investment held in Ess Vee Alloys Pvt. Limited to Binani Metals Limited (a Group Company) based on independant valuation report and it is no more a subsidiary of Binani Zinc Limited. R.B.G.MINERALS INDUSTRIES LIMITED-[Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Binani Zinc Ltd.]
2.7.1 Review of Operations The present status of Deri, Basantgarh and Ambaji mines are as follows: Deri Mine In the last Annual Report it was reported that revaluation of asset is being carried out through Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Nagpur. The report of IBM has since been received and is under consideration of the Rajasthan State Mines & Minerals Ltd (RSMML). Once RSMML accepts the valuation, the Mining Lease will be transferred in favour of the Company. Basantgarh Mine All requisite formalities including execution of Mining lease with the Company has been completed. The mining operations of Basantgarh Mine will commence only after transfer of other mines viz. Ambaji and Deri mines. Ambaji Mine In the last Annual Report it was reported that GMDC had invited a Global tender from International Consultants for revaluation of Ambaji Mine assets. On completion of the formalities, GMDC agreed that the operations of the Ambaji Mine would be conducted as a Joint Sector with the Company and transfer the mining lease to
2.5.1 FINANCIAL RESULTS (Rs in Lacs) Particulars Other Income Loss before extraordinary item and tax Loss brought forward from last year Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 2010-11 0.33 (24.14) (421.92) (446.06) 2009-10 0.71 (19.36) (402.56) (421.92)
2.8.1 FINANCIAL RESULTS (Rupees) Particulars Interest Income/Sales Profit/(Loss) before Tax Provision for Tax Profit / (Loss) after Tax Balance of Profit / (Loss) b/f Balance Carried to Balance Sheet 2010- 11 21,388 8,326 2,573 5,753 2,41,491 2,47,244 2009- 10 18,918 12,772 3,947 8,825 2,32,666 2,41,491
2.8.2 BUSINESS REVIEW AND CHANGE OF NAME The Board is evaluating various options to undertake business relating to generation and / or distribution of electricity.
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Turnover Loss before, Depreciation, Interest, extraordinary items and Taxation. Provision for Depreciation Loss before interest, extraordinary items and Taxation. Interest and Financial Charges Loss before Exceptional items and Taxation Provision for Taxation including Deferred Tax Loss after Tax but before extraordinary items Extraordinary items Loss for the year APPRORPIATIONS/ADJUSTMENTS Transfer to General Reserve Proposed Dividend Tax on Dividend (Loss) brought forward from last year Adjusted with credit balance of General Reserve (Loss) carried to balance sheet 2.10.2 REVIEW OF OPERATIONS
already secured an order from JSL Stainless Limited for a sum of Rs. 11.67 crores for civil construction of their Coke Oven factory at Kalinga Nagar. The order from Vedanta Alumina for their Alumina Handling Plant at Kakinada for a value of Rs. 56.25 crores and order from NPCC for building the boarder outpost valued at approximately Rs. 5 crores are expected to be received shortly. Tenders for various projects worth about Rs. 500 crores have been submitted. The Company expect to secure orders of at least Rs. 100 crores in the next financial year and expect to execute at least Rs. 50 crores worth project in addition to the Groups project work.
In view of the overall performance, prospects and income earned during the year, your Directors recommend a dividend @30%(Rs.3/- per Equity Share of Rs.10/- each), the outgo on dividend will be Rs.888 Lacs.
In accordance with Article 100 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. N.C.Singhal and Ms. Nidhi Singhania, Directors retire by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment. Your Directors recommend re-appointment of Mr. N.C.Singhal and Ms. Nidhi Singhania as Directors on the Board of the Company. During the year, the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan as an Additional Director on the Board. Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan holds office upto the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Company has received a notice from a Shareholder along with a deposit of Rs.500 proposing the appointment of Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan as regular Director at the ensuing 48th Annual General Meeting of the Company. Your Directors recommend appointment of Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan as regular Director on the Board of the Company.
The Company commenced its operations from October, 2010 at Kolkata. To begin with, the Company was entrusted with the Groups Project viz. 1 MTPA Cement Grinding Plant at Mauritius, 1 MTPA Cement Grinding Plant at Orissa, 1 x 55 MW Power Plant at Damlej. The Company undertook the work of pre-feasibility report, feasibility report and initiated action in design engineering and pre-project activities for the aforesaid projects. The company expects to commence the project activities for Orissa Grinding Plant and the Power Plant at Nimbri sometimes between September/October, 2011. During the period from 15-12-2010 to 31-03-2011, the Companys wholly owned subsidiary, Binani Infrastructure (Mauritius) Ltd. has earned a net profit of MUR 163,671 after providing for MUR 38,762 towards Income Tax on a turnover of MUR 9,525,703. 2.10.3 FUTURE PROSPECTS The Company has initiated action to secure projects on EPC basis outside the Group as well. The Company has
Auditors Observations
The management response to the Auditors observations in the consolidated Balance Sheet in respect of Binani Zinc Limited is given below. Binani Zinc Limited (BZL) Regarding the pre-82 tariff concession, as clarified in Note No. 10 of Schedule 16 (Notes to Accounts), the management is of the view that the Company is entitled to the concession which is sub-judice and hence no provision has been considered necessary.
11. 12.
The Statutory Auditors, M/s. Kanu Doshi Associates, Chartered Accountants, hold office upto the conclusion of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and have offered themselves for re-appointment. They have confirmed that, if reappointed, their appointment will be within the limits prescribed under Section 224(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956. Your Directors recommend their re-appointment as Statutory Auditors of the Company.
Fixed Deposit
During the year, your Company has neither invited nor accepted/renewed deposits from the public within the meaning of Sections 58A, 58AA and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
Subsidiary Companies
The Statement pursuant to Section 212 of the Companies Act 1956, relating to Companys subsidiaries and step down subsidiaries are annexed to this report. The Audited Accounts of the aforesaid Companies along with the report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors Report thereon which are required to be attached with the Annual Report of the Company have not been attached as the Board of Directors have given consent not to attach the Annual Accounts of the Companys Subsidiaries and step down subsidiaries with the Annual Accounts of the Company in accordance with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India circular No. 2/2011 dated 8th February, 2011 under Section 212 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Your Directors acknowledge the assistance and cooperation received from the concerned departments of the State and Central Government, Financial Institutions, Banks, Customers, Selling Agents, Dealers, Distributors, Employees at all levels and the Shareholders. For and on behalf of the Board
Corporate Governance
In accordance with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, your Company has ensured continued compliance of Corporate Governance requirements during the financial year. Your Company lays strong emphasis on transparency and independent supervision to increase various Stakeholders value.
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Particulars in respect of (a) Conservation of Energy (b) Technology Absorption and (c) Activities relating to exports etc. are not applicable to the Company. The Company has not earned any foreign exchange during the year under review. The Foreign Exchange used during the year was Rs.196.09 Lacs (Previous Year Rs. 36.34 Lacs). Statement of Particulars of Employees under Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975( as amended)
Sl. No. Name Age (Years) Designation / Nature of Duties Remuneration Received (Rs.Lakhs) 98.43 27.28 Qualification Exp. (Year) Date of Previous Employment commencePost Held Name of Previous ment of employer Employment 9.05.2009 Director PT.Holicim (Indonesia)Tbk 15.12.2010* CFO& Member Lafarge of Board Aggregates & Concrete India Pvt.Ltd. 1.4.2008 Director Hindustan Zinc (Projects) Limited
1 2
57 52
34 25
Ibrahim Ali
M.K. Chattopadhyaya
B. Tech, Diploma in Operations Manage-ment, B.Com (Hons.), FCA, FCS,LLB B Sc,LLB,MLS Dip.Tra.& Dev. FCA, FICWA
5 6
56 56
ED-HR & Admin CFO-Group Control Accounts Business Head RMC/GGFL /BTCL
41.94 44.42
32 31
04.11.2010* 20.09.2010*
Triveni Glass Ltd. Kolkata Ispat Industries Ltd, Mumbai MFAR Group Cochin/Chennai/ Bangalore Mehta Group, Mumbai
Raj K Poddar
Rajesh Mohan
9 10 11
64 54 60
CA Diploma in Material & Strategic Management B.Tech, Mechanical Engg. B. Tech, IIT B.E(Hons.) (Chem.) FCA
3i Infotech Ltd, Dubai-UAE Binani Cement Limited Binani Industries Ltd. Acme Telepower Limited
41 32 36
*Employed for part of the year Note: 1. Gross Remuneration shown above is subject to tax, and comprises salary, allowances, monetary value of perquisites and Companys contribution to Provident Fund. 2. The nature of employment of all the employees as above are contractual except that of Mr. Gautam Ray, Mr. M.K.Chattopadhyaya, Mr. Rajesh Mohan and Mr. Sushil Bhatter whose appointments are on Regular basis. 3. None of the above employees are relatives of the Directors of the Company. For and on behalf of the Board Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011. Braj Binani Chairman
2. Board of Directors
a) Composition Presently, the Companys Board comprises of 7 Non- Executive Directors and 1 Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director. Out of 7 Non- Executive Directors, 5 are Independent Directors. The Board Members possess the required skills, experience and expertise necessary to guide the Company. b) Number of Board Meetings During the year, the Board met 8 (Eight ) times on 6.4.2010, 23.4.2010, 27.7.2010, 6.10.2010, 22.10.2010,15.01.2011,28.01.2011 and 22.03.2011. . c) Directors attendance record and Directorship in other Public Limited Companies. The Composition of the Board of Directors and their attendance at the meetings of the Board held during the year ended 31st March,2011 and at the last Annual General Meeting and also the number of Directorship held in other Companies and Chairman/ Membership of the Committee held by them in other Companies are as follows:
Name of the Director Category No. of Board meetings attended (Total No. of Meetings held - 8) 3 5 7 Whether attended Last Annual General Meeting 4 Yes Yes No. of Directorship in domestic public companies (including this Company) As Chairman 5 5 As Director 6 2 No. of Committee * memberships in domestic public companies (including this company). As Chairman 7 As Member 8 3 4
Mr S. Padmakumar Dr V.C.Shah Mr A.C. Chakrabortti Mr N.C.Singhal Mr. Jitender Balakrishnan (w.e.f 27.7.2010) Ms Nidhi Singhania
2 Non- Executive Promoter Executive Vice C h a i r m a n & Managing Director Non- Executive Independent Non- Executive Independent Non- Executive Independent Non- Executive Independent Non Executive Independent Non- Executive Promoter
7 8 6 7 5
4 3 -
5 5 8 8 13
8 3 3 7 2
8 9 4 4 1
*None of the Directors is a member of more than ten Board Committees or a chairman of more than five such committees, as required under clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the Mandatory Committees.
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
The Audit committee comprises of Mr S. Padmakumar as Chairman and Dr V.C Shah and Mr A.C.Chakrabortti, as members. All the three members of the Audit Committee are independent directors. The Composition of the Committee is in conformity with clause 49 (II)(A) of the Listing Agreement. All the members of the Audit Committee are financial experts. The Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director - Group Chief Financial Officer, CFO Group Control Accounts and General Manager ( Internal Audit ) attend all the meetings of the Audit Committee. Representatives of the Statutory Auditors and Internal Auditors are invited to attend the meetings. The Company Secretary of the Company acts as Secretary to the Committee. b) Terms of reference, powers and role of the Committee The terms of reference of the Audit Committee including its role and powers are as specified in clause 49 of the listing agreement with the stock exchanges, and also in accordance with Section 292 A of the Companies Act, 1956 as amended from time to time, besides other terms as may be referred to it by the Board of Directors. c) Number of Committee meetings and attendance The Audit Committee met 4 (four) times during the year under review on 22nd April, 2010, 26th July, 2010, 21st October, 2010 and 27th January, 2011. The gap between two meetings was not more than four months. The Chairman and all the members of the Audit Committee attended the last AGM. The attendance record of the members of the Audit Committee during the year under review is as under: Name of the Director Mr S. Padmakumar Mr A.C Chakrabortti Dr V.C. Shah d) Status Chairman Member Member No. of Meetings held 4 4 4 No of Meetings attended 4 4 4
Review of Information by the Audit Committee The Audit Committee is responsible for the financial reporting and ensuring compliances with accounting standards and reviewing financial policies of the Company and to recommend the appointment of Statutory Auditors and Internal Auditors and their fees. The Committee examines in detail the reports of the Internal Auditors of the Company as well as those of the subsidiaries. The Committee reviews the risk management reports on quarterly basis. The Committee also reviews all the unaudited quarterly Financial Results and the audited results including that of Subsidiaries and consolidated financial statements before submission to the Board.
4. Remuneration Committee
a) Composition The Remuneration Committee comprises of 3 (Three) members, all being Non- Executive Independent Directors. Mr S.Padmakumar is the Chairman of the Committee. The other Members are Mr A.C Chakrabortti and Dr V.C Shah. b) Terms of Reference The Committee reviews and recommends the salary and service agreement of Managing Director and other Executive Directors; if any, to the Board. c) Number of Meetings held and Attendance Record During the year under review, no meetings were held. .
The Non Executive Directors are remunerated by way of sitting fees, as decided by the Board of Directors of the Company from time to time. Mr. N.C.Singhal and Mr. A.C.Chakrabortti, Non-Executive Independent Directors, are being paid Commission as per the Special Resolution passed by the Shareholders at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 15th February, 2008, and the approval of the Central Government has been obtained. The Central Government has approved the payment of commission of Rs. 5 lakhs each for the financial year 2010-11 to both Mr. N. C. Singhal and Mr. A. C. Chakrabortti. Mr. Braj Binani, Chairman is not in receipt of any Salary/ perquisite or Commission from the Company or any of its Subsidiary Company with effect from 1.4.2005.
Mr. S.N.Sridhar , Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer.
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
The Board has also constituted a Committee of Directors to oversee the financial function and for availing facilities including working capital facilities from Bankers and also for furnishing Corporate Guarantees in favour of its subsidiaries. The Committee comprised of Mr. S.Padmakumar, Dr. V. C. Shah, Mr. N.C.Singhal, Mr. Braj Binani and Mr. Sunil Sethy. The Committee met 6 times during the year to consider matters relating to availing of Corporate Loans, grant of Corporate Guarantee on behalf of the subsidiaries for the loans and other credit facilities availed by the Subsidiaries.
Special Resolution was passed for the payment of remuneration to Mr. Sunil Sethy, Managing Director of the Company and for amendment of the Articles of Association in respect of clause 126 relating to use of common seal.
Postal Ballot During the year under review, Special Resolution under Section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956 for adding the words Inter Corporate Loans and Investments in existing resolution and enhancing the overall limit for Guarantees/Securities, Inter Corporate loans and Investments to Rs. 5,250 Crores was passed alongwith Ordinary Resolution for increase in the borrowing limits to Rs. 1,000 Crores through Postal ballot and the result of Postal Ballot based on the report of the scrutinizer was declared on 26th November, 2010 at Kolkata by the Independent Director, Dr. V. C. Shah in the presence of the Company Secretary.
i) Code of Conduct As required by the amended Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, the Board of Directors of the Company have adopted a Code of Conduct for all Board Members and Senior management of the Company. The Code of Conduct has been posted on the web site of the Company. The members of the Board of Directors and Senior management of the Company and its Subsidiaries have affirmed compliance of the said Code during the period under review. The Annual Report of the Company contains a declaration to this effect duly signed by the Executive Vice Chairman and Managing Director as required by Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
there are, to the best of their knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the companys code of conduct. they accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and they have evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems of the company pertaining to financial reporting and they have disclosed to the auditors and the Audit Committee, deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which they are aware and the steps they have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies. they have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the year; significant changes in accounting policies during the year and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements: and they have not come across any instances of significant fraud and the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant role in the companys internal control system over financing reporting.
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
None of the Directors had any pecuniary transaction or relationship with the Company except to the extent of payment of sitting fee and commission. The related party transactions with the subsidiaries and Promoter Group Companies have been disclosed in the Annual Accounts as per the accounting standards. No penalty or strictures have been imposed on the Company by the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited and The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited, where the Companys Shares are listed or by any other statutory authority on any matter relating to capital markets during the last three years. However, Registrar of Companies has launched prosecution against the Company and the then two Directors and the then Company Secretary for the alleged violation of Sections 211 and 217 of the Companies Act, 1956 based on the scrutiny of the Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2005, which is pending before the Court at Kolkata. Company is strongly defending the above. viii) Shareholding of Non- Executive Directors The shareholding of Non- Executive Directors as on 31.3.2011 are as under: Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of the Director Mr Braj Binani Ms Nidhi Singhania Mr S. Padmakumar Dr V.C.Shah Mr N.C Singhal Mr A.C.Chakrabortti Mr Jitender Balakrishnan No. of Shares held 53,125 6,250 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
iv) v) c) d) e)
Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended By 4th week of January, 2012 December, 2011. Audited Financial Results for the year 2011-12. By 4th week of April , 2012 From Monday, 20th June, 2011 to Monday, the 27th June, 2011 (both days inclusive). 2nd July, 2011 . The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, The National Stock Exchange of India Limited and The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. Company has paid the Annual Listing Fees to all the Stock Exchanges where the Shares are listed for the year 2011-12. BSE 500059 - NSE BINANIIND
f) g) h)
Listing Fees Stock Code Market Price Data (NSE) & (BSE) Price Data (NSE) Months April10 May10 June10 July10 August10 Sept 10 Oct 10 Nov 10 Dec 10 Jan `11 Feb 11 March11 High (Rs.) 142.70 137.00 122.80 134.90 140.00 120.20 246.00 242.00 229.50 263.70 231.90 207.80 Low (Rs.) 93.10 107.20 106.15 107.10 105.70 107.00 107.80 172.05 127.00 216.30 185.00 173.10
Price Data(BSE) High (Rs.) 142.80 136.70 123.00 129.60 136.10 120.00 246.50 241.90 229.45 263.70 231.75 207.60 Low (Rs.) 96.35 106.25 106.75 110.00 107.00 107.10 108.05 170.00 145.25 217.00 183.00 171.30
Sensex(BSE) High (Rs.) 18047.86 17536.86 17919.62 18237.56 18475.27 20267.98 20854.55 21108.64 20552.03 20664.80 18690.97 19575.16 Low (Rs.) 17276.80 15960.15 16318.39 17395.58 17819.99 18027.12 19758.95 18954.82 19074.57 18038.48 17295.62 17792.17
BSE Sensex 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 BSE Sensex
Source :
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
M/s. Link Intime India Pvt.Limited C-13 Pannalal Silk Mills Compound, L B S Marg, Bhandup (W), Mumbai -400 078 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. No. 022-25946970 Fax: 022-25946969 Mr. Rajesh Mishra [email protected] Both Physical and Demat Transfers are done through the Registrar and Transfer Agents M/s. Link Intime India Private Limited. The Shares of the Company are under compulsory demat mode.
Mr. S.N.Sridhar- Sr Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary 022-30263000-02 [email protected] 37/2, Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata -700 157
Mr. Atul P.Falgunia Vice President (Secretarial) Tel. 022- 30263019 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. A. Babu General Manager (Secretarial) Tel. 033- 25160063 E-mail: [email protected]
Kolkata Office
Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group Indian Individuals/ Hindu Undivided Family Central Government/ State Government(s) Bodies Corporate Financial Institutions/ Banks Any Other (specify) Sub-Total (A)(1) 0 18 0 15122679 0 5676558 0 51.09 0 51.09 0 0 0 0 13 13921064 5667433 47.03 47.03 0 0 5 1201615 9125 4.06 4.06 0 0
Category code
Category of shareholder
Number of shareholders
Total shareholding as a percentage of total number of Shares As a percentage of (A+B) ( VI ) As a percentage of (A+B+C) (VII)
Individuals (Non-Resident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals) Bodies Corporate Institutions Any Other (specify) Sub-Total (A)(2) Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)= (A)(1)+(A)(2)
1 19
53125 15175804
0 5676558
0.18 51.27
0.18 51.27
0 0
0 0
(B) (1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Public Shareholding Institutions Mutual Funds/ UTI Financial Institutions/ Banks Central Government/ State Government(s) Venture Capital Funds Insurance Companies Foreign Institutional Investors Foreign Venture Capital Investors Any Other Sub-Total (B)(1) 1 11 1 0 0 18 0 0 31 314329 872395 90 0 0 1029320 0 0 2216134 314329 871635 0 0 0 1029320 0 0 2215284 1.06 2.95 0 0 0 3.48 0 0 7.49 1.06 2.95 0 0 0 3.48 0 0 7.49
Non-institutions Bodies Corporate Individuals 1 Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 1 lakh. 2. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 1 lakh. 48395 6722592 4746989 22.72 22.72 647 2291321 2269105 7.74 7.74
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Category code
Category of shareholder
Number of shareholders
Total shareholding as a percentage of total number of Shares As a percentage of (A+B) ( VI ) As a percentage of (A+B+C) (VII)
(I) (c)
(II) Any Other (specify) 1. Clearing Members 2. NRIs /OCB 3.Foreign Companies 4.Trusts Sub-Total (B)(2) Total Public Shareholding (B)= (B)(1)+(B)(2) TOTAL (A)+(B)
Shares held by Custodians and against which Depository Receipts have been issued GRAND TOTAL ( A ) + ( B ) + ( C)
Distribution of Shareholding as on 31.03.2011 No. of Ordinary Shares held 1 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 to 2000 2001 to 3000 3001 to 4000 4001 to 5000 5001 to10000 10001 and above TOTAL No. of Shareholders 49,604 1,029 465 170 66 53 106 132 51,625 No. of Shareholders (%) 96.08 1.99 0.90 0.33 0.13 0.10 0.21 0.26 100.00
Dematerialization of shares and liquidity Outstanding GDRs /ADRs/ Warrants or any Convertible instruments, Not applicable. conversion date and likely impact on equity.
The Companys shares are under Compulsory demat mode. As on 31st March 2011 58.76 % of the total outstanding Shares were held in Dematerialized form. The Shares are actively traded at BSE/NSE. NIL
Entities comprising Group under Regulation 3(1)(e) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 are:
(1) Abhinav Holdings Limited, Cyprus (2) Ace Portfolio & Finance Pvt. Ltd., (3) Akroor Traders Pvt. Ltd., (4) Atithi Tie-up Pvt. Ltd., (5) Asian Industry & Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (6) BIL Infratech Limited (7) B T Composites Limited, (8) Binani Cement Factory ( Mauritius) Limited, Mauritius (9) Binani Cement Factory (SFZ) Limited, Sudan (10) B C Tradelink Limited, Tanzania (11) Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd. (12) Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited (13) Binani Cement Co. Ltd (Sudan) (14) Binani Cement Factory (Kenya) Ltd (15) Binani Cement Factory LLC. Dubai, (16) Binani Cement Limited, (17) Binani Cement SARL (Djibouti) (18) Binani Energy Private Limited, (19) Binani Industries Limited, (20) Binani Cement Company WLL ( Kuwait ) (21) Binani Infrastructure (Mauritius) Limited (22) Binani Metals Limited (23) Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited (24) Binani Zinc Limited, (25) BZL Minerals Pty Limited, Australia (26) CPI Binani Inc, USA (27) Dharmik Commodeal Pvt. Ltd. (28) Damini Multitrade Pvt. Ltd. (29) Dhaneshwar Solution Pvt. Ltd. (30) Ess Vee Alloys Private Limited, (31) Goa Glass Fibre Limited (32) K B Vyapar Pvt Ltd, (33) Krishna Holdings Pte. Ltd., Singapore, (34) Lexus Holdings & Finance Pvt. Ltd., (35) Lucknow Properties & Finance Private Limited, (36) Manjushree Holdings Pvt Ltd., (37) Merit Plaza Limited (38) Miracle Composites Private Limited, (39) Miracle Securities Private Limited, (40) Nirbhay Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (41) Mr. Braj Binani, (42) Mrs. Kalpana Binani, (43) Ms. Nidhi Singhania, (44) Ms. Shradha Binani, (45) Ms. Vidushi Binani (46) Mukundan Holdings Limited, BVI (47) Murari Holdings Limited, BVI, (48) PT ANGANNA Energy Resources, Indonesia (49) R.B.G. Minerals Industries Limited, (50) Sankalp Holdings Limited, Cyprus (51) Sapan Holdings & Trading Pvt. Ltd. (52) Shandong Binani RongAn Cement Co. Ltd., China, (53) Suryamukhi Vintrade Pvt. Ltd., (54) Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Ltd (55) Sambhaw Holdings Limited (56) Triton Trading Co Pvt. Ltd., (57) Vijayshree Holdings Pvt Ltd, (58) Wada Industrial Estate Limited 1. Binani Zinc Limited Binanipuram, Ernakulam, Kerala- 683502 2. Binani Cement Limited a) b) 3. Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan 307031 Village Sirohi, Taluka:Neem Ka Thana, Dist-Sikar, Rajasthan.
Shandong Binani RongAn Cement Co.Ltd. Fujiazhuang, Dong Guan Town, Ju Country, Rizhao City, Shandong Nagar,China
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
Address for correspondence for Binani Industries Limited & its Subsidiary Companies (Except R.B.G. Minerals Industries Ltd., Binani Energy Pvt.Ltd. Krishna Holdings Pte.Ltd.Singapore, Mukundan Holdings Ltd. Murari Holdings Ltd., Sankalp Holdings Ltd.and Abhinav Holdings Ltd.)
Registered Office: 37/2, Chinar Park, New Town, Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata -700157, Corporate Office and Registered Office of Binani Energy Pvt. Ltd. Mercantile Chambers, 12, J. N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001. Registered Office of R.B.G. Minerals Industries Ltd. 17-A, Old Fatehpura, Udaipur 313001 Registered Office of : Krishna Holdings Pte.Ltd.Singapore(KHL) 8 Temasek Boulevard,#22-03 Suntec Tower 3 Singapore 038988 Registered Office of: Mukundan Holdings Limited (MHL) P.O.Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands (BVI) Registered Office of Murari Holdings Limited Akara Building, 24 De Castro Street, Wickhams Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Registered Office of : Sankalp Holdings Limited Abhinav Holdings Limited Arch. Makariou III, 229 MELIZA COURT,4TH Floor Limassol, Cyprus
All the member of the Board of Directors of the Company and Senior Management of the Company have affirmed compliance of the Code of Conduct for the year ended 31st March 2011. The Code of Conduct laid down for all Board members and Senior Management of the Company is posted on the website of the Company.
annual report 20 1 0 - 2 0 1 1
In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report comply with the accounting standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956. v. Based on the written representations received from the Directors, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2011 from being appointed as Directors in terms of Section 274 (1) (g) of the Companies Act, 1956. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts read with the significant Accounting Policies and other notes thereon give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India; a. in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2011. b. in the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date; and c. in the case of Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date.
For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : April 22, 2011
Annexure referred to in paragraph 3 of our report of even date to the Members of Binani Industries Limited.
i. a) b) The Company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. All fixed assets have not been physically verified by the management during the year, but there is a regular programme of verification which in our opinion is reasonable having regards to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. We are informed that no material discrepancies were noticed on such verification. There has been no disposal of substantial part of fixed assets during the year, which may affect the going concern status of the Company. ii. iii. The Company does not hold any inventories. Accordingly, clause (ii) of paragraph 4 of the Order is not applicable. According to information and explanations given to us, the Company has neither granted nor taken any loans, secured or unsecured, to or from companies, firms or other parties covered in the register maintained under 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. Accordingly, the sub-clauses (b),(c),(d),(f) and (g) of clause (iii) are not applicable to the Company. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there are adequate internal control procedures commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business, for the purchase of fixed assets and sale of services. On the basis of our
viii. ix.
and it has not incurred cash loss both in the current year and in the immediately preceding financial year. xi. Based on our audit procedures and as per the information and explanations given by the management, we are of the opinion that the Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to financial institutions or banks. The Company has not issued any debentures. xii. According to the information and explanations given to us and based on the documents and records produced to us, the Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities. xiii. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the nature of activities of the Company does not attract any special statute applicable to chit fund and nidhi/mutual benefit/societies. xiv. In our opininon and according to information and explanation given to us, the Company has invested temporary surplus funds in mutual funds and term deposits. According to the information and explanation given to us proper records have been maintained of the transactions and contracts and timely entries have been made therein. The mutual funds, term deposits and the shares of its subsidiaries have been held by the Company in its own name. xv. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has given guarantee for loans taken by its subsidiaries from Banks and Financial Institutions, the terms and conditions thereof in our opinion are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the Company. xvi. Based on information and explanations given to us by the management, term loans were applied for the purpose for which the loans were obtained. xvii. According to the information and explanations given to us, and on an overall examination of the balance sheet of the Company, we report that the Company has not used funds raised on short-term basis for long term purposes. xviii. The Company has not made preferential allotment of shares to parties and companies covered in the register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. xix. According to the information and explanations given to us and the records examined by us, no debentures were issued by the Company during the year. xx. The Company has not raised any money through public issue during the year. xxi. Based upon the audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporting the true and fair view of the financial statements and as per the information and explanations given by the management, we report that no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the course of our audit. For Kanu Doshi Associates Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W Jayesh Parmar Partner Membership No.45375 Place : Mumbai Date : April 22, 2011
344.45 3,791.76
The Companys accumulated losses at the end of the financial year are less than fifty per cent of its net worth
(Rs. in Lakhs) Schedule SOURCES OF FUNDS SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS Share Capital Reserves and Surplus LOAN FUNDS Secured Loans Unsecured Loans TOTAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS FIXED ASSETS Gross Block Less : Depreciation Net Block INVESTMENTS CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES Cash and Bank Balances Loans and Advances CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS Current Liabilities Provisions NET CURRENT ASSETS PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT TOTAL SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES TO ACCOUNTS 12 5 728.02 (442.62) 6 7 9,348.72 5,238.46 14,587.18 8 (506.50) (1,016.50) (1,523.00) 13,064.18 2,939.50 88,121.24 (277.10) (942.44) (1,219.54) 5,737.72 3,197.78 36,653.66 285.40 71,832.16 5,517.75 1,439.51 6,957.26 671.06 (402.76) 268.30 27,449.86 As at 31st March, 2011 As at 31st March, 2010
1 2
3 4
35,000.00 30,500.00
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of Balance Sheet As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011
16.83 8,591.01 9 10 11 1,881.17 580.20 1,559.64 3,383.97 40.01 7,444.99 1,146.02 (0.15) 1,146.17 (115.00) 887.89 115.00 (3,197.78) (2,939.50) 3.87 10.00 29,596,425 12
7.29 5,104.39 1,323.79 291.34 1,272.99 523.89 27.44 3,439.45 1,664.94 1,664.94 (167.00) 887.89 167.00 (3,974.83) (3,197.78) 5.63 10.00 29,596,425
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of Profit & Loss Account As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011
SHARE CAPITAL AUTHORISED 4,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each 60,00,000 Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND PAID UP 2,95,96,425 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up (Previous Year 2,95,96,425 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each) (Of the above 1,59,30,075 Equity Shares were alloted as fully paid up Bonus Shares by capitalisation of General Reserve, Securities Premium and Profit on reissue of forfeited shares) Add : Forfeited Shares TOTAL 2,959.64 2,959.64 4,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00
1.88 2,961.52
1.88 2,961.52
RESERVES & SURPLUS CAPITAL RESERVE CAPITAL INVESTMENT SUBSIDY SECURITIES PREMIUM GENERAL RESERVE As per last Balance Sheet Add: Transfer from Profit and Loss Account Less: Balance at the year end adjusted with debit balance of Profit and Loss Account TOTAL 115.00 (115.00) 19,659.72 167.00 (167.00) 19,659.72 49.04 15.00 19,595.68 49.04 15.00 19,595.68
SECURED LOANS From Financial Institutions (Refer Note No. 3A of Schedule 12) TOTAL 35,000.00 35,000.00 -
UNSECURED LOANS Short Term Loans From Bank From Subsidiary Companies Other Loans From Bank (Repayable within one year Rs. 4,348 Lakhs) TOTAL 30,500.00 14,032.42 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 9,032.42
GROSS BLOCK As at 1st April, 2010 Additions during the Year Sales/ Transfer/ Adjustments during the year Total as at 31st March, 2011 DEPRECIATION As at 1st April, 2010 Additions during the Year Sales/ Transfer/ Adjustments during the year Total as at 31st March, 2011 NET BLOCK As at 31st March, 2011 As at 31st March, 2010
127.46 28.08 1.12 154.42 31.41 15.37 0.15 46.63 107.79 96.05
671.06 58.08 1.12 728.02 402.76 40.01 0.15 442.62 285.40 268.30
Notes : * Includes Buildings of Rs.198.05 Lakhs on leasehold land. Transfer of lease is yet to be completed. As at 31st March, 2011
INVESTMENTS:LONG TERM INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES 1) TRADE - QUOTED- AT COST i) 17,91,84,178 Equity Shares in Binani Cement Limited of Rs.10 each fully paid up (Previous Year 13,18,25,956 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up) (Market Value Rs.1,56,786.16 Lakhs, Previous Year Rs.99,726.34 Lakhs) TOTAL 2) NON TRADE-UNQUOTED- AT COST i) 5,90,007 Equity Shares in Wada Industrial Estate Limited Formerly Binani Lead Limited of Rs.100 each fully paid up (Previous Year 5,90,007 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid up) ii) 7,41,77,389 Equity Shares in Goa Glass Fibre Limited of Rs.10 each fully paid up (Previous Year 7,41,77,389 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up) iii) 1,40,00,000 Equity Shares in BT Composites Limited of Rs.10 each fully paid up (Previous Year 1,40,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up) iv) 5,00,000 4% Redeemable Non Cumulative Preference Shares in BT Composites Limited of Rs.10 each fully paid up (Previous Year 5,00,000 4% Redeemable Non Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up) Less : Written Off in earlier years
55,805.00 237.78
13,182.60 237.78
7,417.74 500.00
Number of Units / Shares purchased and sold during the Year UNITS IN MUTUAL FUNDS Baroda Liquid Institutional Daily Dividend Baroda Treasury Advantage Fund - IP - DDR Birla Cash Manager Institutional Daily Dividend Birla Cash Plus Institutional Daily Dividend Birla Saving Institutional Daily Dividend DSP Blackrock Liquidity Fund-IP-DDR DSP Blackrock Money Manager-Institutional plan-DDR JM Financial High Liquidity Fund-SIP-DDR JP Morgan Liquid Super Institutional Daily Dividend JP Morgan Treasury Super Institutional Daily Dividend Kotak Flexi Debt Institutional Daily Dividend Kotak Floater Short Term DD Kotak Floater-ST-DDR Kotak Liquid Institutional Premium Daily Dividend LIC Floating Rate Short Term Daily Dividend LIC Income Plus Daily Dividend LIC Liquid Fund Dividend Plan LIC Saving Plus Daily Dividend Reliance Liquid Treasury Institutional Daily Dividend Reliance Medium Term Daily Dividend Reliance Money Manager Institutional Daily Dividend SBI Liquid Institutional Daily Dividend SBI Ultra Short Term Inst Daily Dividend
Purchased (No.)
Sold (No.)
17,742,420 15,338,010 6,276,422 6,238,681 10,027,832 19,997 12,995 999,105 19,000,376 15,109,087 37,414,677 3,464,287 1,484,106 33,345,750 17,047,630 10,002,512 34,611,542 28,042,177 3,925,201 5,860,934 160,316 27,912,633 28,076,855
17,742,420 15,338,010 6,276,422 6,238,681 10,027,832 19,997 12,995 999,105 19,000,376 15,109,087 37,414,677 3,464,287 1,484,106 33,345,750 17,047,630 10,002,512 34,611,542 28,042,177 3,925,201 5,860,934 160,316 27,912,633 28,076,855
CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash in Hand Current Accounts Dividend Accounts Deposit Accounts LOANS AND ADVANCES ( UNSECURED, CONSIDERED GOODS) Advances & Loans to Subsidiaries (Refer Note 13(b) of Schedule 12) Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received Advance Tax including Tax Deducted at Source (Net of Provision) Advance Fringe Benefit Tax (Net of Provision) Interest Income Accrued but not due Deposits Balance with Government Authorities TOTAL 0.77 9,213.64 132.40 1.91 9,348.72 4,378.77 54.04 691.43 1.63 96.04 16.55 5,238.46 14,587.18 0.34 414.90 101.51 5,001.00 5,517.75 469.11 610.66 274.38 2.01 0.87 80.57 1.91 1,439.51 6,957.26
CURRENT LIABILITIES & PROVISIONS CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry Creditors for Expenses (Refer Note 14 of Schedule 12) Dividend Payable Other Liabilities Interest accrued but not due PROVISIONS Proposed Dividend Gratuity Leave Encashment TOTAL 887.89 46.96 81.65 1,016.50 1,523.00 887.89 21.44 33.11 942.44 1,219.54 51.89 132.30 104.55 217.76 506.50 40.36 101.41 135.33 277.10
(Rs. in Lakhs) For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011 For the Year Ended 31st March, 2010
PAYMENTS TO AND PROVISION FOR EMPLOYEES Salaries, Wages & Bonus Contribution to Provident and other Funds Staff Welfare Expenses TOTAL 1,684.80 184.52 11.85 1,881.17 1,220.64 97.28 5.87 1,323.79
ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Insurance Rates & Taxes Rent Directors Sitting Fees Travelling Expenses Service Charges Printing & Stationery Expenses Postage & Telephone Expenses Electricity Charges Repairs & Maintenance : Buliding Others Advertisements Motor Car Expenses Loss on Sale/ Discard of Fixed Assets Compensation Paid for surrender of Tenancy Rights Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL 8.11 31.65 39.76 225.20 131.35 0.49 206.55 1,559.64 72.90 32.94 105.84 85.92 101.79 1.92 140.00 118.98 1,272.99 0.74 2.22 166.19 3.05 391.67 228.61 46.90 67.03 49.88 0.34 5.04 96.05 2.93 197.93 264.24 39.36 53.99 58.66
INTEREST AND FINANCE CHARGES (Refer Note 9 of Schedule 12) Interest Finance Charges TOTAL 2,936.01 447.96 3,383.97 512.93 10.96 523.89
Short Term Employee Benefits All employee benefits payable within twelve months of rendering the service are recognized in the period in which the employee renders the related service. Post Employment/Retirement Benefits Defined Contribution Plans such as Provident Fund etc. are charged to the Profit and Loss Account as incurred. Defined Benefit Obligation Plans The present value of the obligation under such plans, is determined based on an actuarial valuation, using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains and losses arising on such valuation are recognized immediately in the Profit and Loss Account. In case of gratuity, which is funded with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, the fair value of the plan assets is reduced from the gross obligation under the defined benefit plans, to recognize the obligation on net basis. Employee Benefit in form of contribution to Provident Fund managed by a Trust set up by the Company is charged to Profit & Loss Account as and when the contribution is due. The deficit, if any, in the accumulated corpus of the Trust at the period end for which the Company is liable, is recognised as a provision in the Profit & Loss Account.
Other Long Term Employee Benefits are recognized in the same manner as Defined Benefit Plans. (Refer Note 15)
BORROWING COSTS Borrowing costs which are directly attributable to acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalized as a part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. INCOME TAX Income tax is accounted in accordance with AS-22 Accounting for taxes on income, issued under Accounting Standards Rules 2006, which includes current tax and deferred tax. Deferred income tax reflect the impact of the current year timing differences between taxable income and accounting income for the year and reversal of timing differences of earlier years. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available except that deferred tax assets arising due to unabsorbed depreciation and losses are recognised if there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available to realise the same. CONTINGENT LIABILITY These, if any, are disclosed in the notes on accounts. Provision is made in the accounts if it becomes probable that an out flow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. (Rs. In Lakhs) Particulars 2 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES NOT PROVIDED FOR: a) b) Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts in respect of certain Income Tax matters. Corporate Guarantees given to Financial Institutions and Banks in respect of loans to Binani Cement Limited, Binani Zinc Limited and Goa Glass Fibre Limited (all subsidiaries of the Company) 5,187.20 82,483.00 1,484.24 91,514.00 As at 31/03/2011 As at 31/03/2010
LOANS : A SECURED IFCI Ltd - Corporate Loan - Rs. 35,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil). 1) Exclusive pledge over 8,01,40,000 equity shares of Binani Cement Ltd. held by the Company. 2) Post dated cheques issued for interest and principal repayment.
Liability no longer required written back Service Charges Profit on Sale of short term Investment Others
(Rs. In Lakhs) Computation of Net Profit in accordance with provision of Section 349 of the Companies Act, 1956 Net Profit / (Loss) Before Tax as per Profit & Loss Account Add : Managerial Remuneration Commission paid to Non- Executive Director/s Loss on sale of Fixed Assets Net Profit / Loss (-) in terms of Section 349 Maximum Remuneration payable as per Section 349 @ 5% Maximum Commission payable to Non Executive Directors u/s 309 (4) @ 1% Actual commission paid to Non Executive Directors Note : 1) 2) 146.64 10.00 0.49 157.13 1,303.15 65.16 13.03 10.00 134.40 10.00 1.92 146.32 1,811.26 90.56 18.11 10.00 For the year ended 31st March, 2011 1,146.02 For the year ended 31st March, 2010 1,664.94
The Company has considered profit only for the current year for the purpose of calculating remuneration / Commission as laid down under section 349 / 350 of the Companies, Act 1956. During the year necessary approval has been received from Government for payment of Managerial Remuneration. (Rs. In Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March, 2011 For the year ended 31st March, 2010 35.44 0.90 1.00 3.00 0.50 0.72 5.22
EXPENDITURE IN FOREIGN CURRENCY (on cash basis) :Foreign Travelling Expenses Consultancy Fees Conference Expenses Subscription to periodicals 95.89 97.03 1.47 1.70 1.00 3.00 0.50 1.93 TOTAL 6.43
REMUNERATION TO AUDITORS Statutory Audit Fees for Stand alone Accounts Audit Fees for Consolidated Accounts Taxation Matters Other Services
Interest and Financial charges for the year include Rs.38.60 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs.527.52 Lakhs) allocated by Binani Cement Limited (BCL) and Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs.26.01 Lakhs) allocated by Goa Glass Fibre Limited (GGFL) and are net of interest allocated to GGFL Rs Nil (Previous Year Rs.40.60 Lakhs). Allocation of interest is done on the basis of daily balances in respective Current Accounts. The interest also includes Rs. 30.00 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil) paid to Binani Cement Ltd. on inter corporate deposits recieved from that Company. Besides, interest of Rs. 67.64 Lakhs recieved from GGFL during the year on the basis of daily balances on its current account has been credited to interest income. Both BCL and GGFL are subsidiaries of the Company. Deferred tax asset in respect of unabsorbed depreciation and business loss has been recognised to the extent of deferred tax liability as there is virtual certainty that these would be available as set off in future years on reversal of deferred tax liability representing depreciation.
Segment Revenue a) b) Fees for Management Services rendered Unallocated/Other Income (Refer Note 1 below)
RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE AS PER AS 18 ISSUED UNDER ACCOUNTING STANDARD RULES 2006. (a) The Company has entered into transactions in ordinary course of business with related parties at arms length as per details below: (Rs. In Lakhs) Particulars Subsidiaries Enterprises where Key Management Personnel have got significant influence (-) (-) (-) 11.34 (5.23) 64.50 (52.50) 8.63 (-) 3.48 (2.88) 1.50 (3.00) (140.00) (0.01) 2.47 (-) 39.08 (31.49) (-) 142.46 (142.46) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) Total
Fees received for Management Services Rendered Binani Cement Limited Binani Zinc Limited Goa Glass Fibre Limited Service charges received Triton Trading Pvt. Co. Ltd. Payment towards Services received Sambhaw Holdings Limited Triton Trading Pvt. Co. Ltd. Rent paid Binani Metals Limited Sambhaw Holdings Limited Compensation paid--Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. Rent Received Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. Service charges paid for car usage Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. Binani Metals Limited Dividend received from Binani Cement Limited Dividend Paid to Binani Metals Limited Investment Sankalp Holdings Limited Binani Cement Limited BIL Infratech Limited Binani Readymix Concrete Limited CPI Binani Inc. Advance for Investment BIL Infratech Limited
2,632.47 (1,725.00) 526.49 (345.00) 351.04 (230.10) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) 4,613.91 (2,768.35) (-) 15.31 (16.58) 42,622.40 (-) 5.00 (-) 10.00 (-) 1,234.58 (-) 495.00 (-)
2,632.47 (1,725.00) 526.49 (345.00) 351.04 (230.10) 11.34 (5.23) 64.50 (52.50) 8.63 (-) 3.48 (2.88) 1.50 (3.00) (140.00) (0.01) 2.47 (-) 39.08 (31.49) 4,613.91 (2,768.35) 142.46 (142.46) 15.31 (16.58) 42,622.40 (-) 5.00 (-) 10.00 (-) 1,234.58 (-) 495.00 (-)
Loans & Advances/ Unsecured Loan Given to Wada Industrial Estate Limited Goa Glass Fibre Limited B T Composites Limited CPI Binani Inc. Binani Readymix Concrete Limited Repaid (net) including interest accrued during the year, (net of TDS) to Binani Cement Limited Goa Glass Fibre Limited Repaid (net) including interest accrued during the year, (net of TDS) by Goa Glass Fibre Limited Taken including interest accrued during the year, (net of TDS) from Binani Cement Limited Balance outstanding as on 31.03.2011 Due from Wada Industrial Estate Limited B T Composites Limited Goa Glass Fibre Limited
38.70 (10.40) 800.00 (211.96) 215.99 (-) 3,336.05 (-) 30.87 (-)
38.70 (10.40) 800.00 (211.96) 215.99 (-) 3,336.05 (-) 30.87 (-)
(-) (-)
572.83 (-)
572.83 (-)
8,500.00 (-)
8,500.00 (-)
114.40 (75.70) 397.45 (181.45) 500.00 (211.96) 30.87 (-) 3,336.05 (-) 5,500.00 (9,032.42) 1.96 (-)
114.40 (75.70) 397.45 (181.45) 500.00 (211.96) 30.87 (-) 3,336.05 (-) 5,500.00 (9,032.42) 1.96 (-)
Binani Readymix Concrete Limited CPI Binani Inc. Due to Binani Cement Limited Interest accrued but not due to Binani Cement Ltd. (Figures in bracket pertain to previous year)
Note: 1 Remuneration paid to key management personnel Mr. Sunil Sethy during the year and interest allocated by / to subsidiaries have been separately disclosed vide note no. 6 & 9 respectively. 2 Guarantees given to Banks & Financial Institutions on behalf of subsidiaries have been separately disclosed vide note no 2. 3 Names of related parties and description of relationship: a) Subsidiaries / step down subsidiaries where control exists : Binani Cement Limited (BCL), Binani Zinc Limited (BZL), Goa Glass Fibre Limited (GGFL), B T Composites Limited (BTCL), Wada Industrial Estate Limited (WIEL), Binani Readymix Concrete Ltd (RMC), BIL Infratech Ltd and wholly owned subsidiaries of BZL viz., R.B.G. Minerals Industries Limited, Binani Energy Private Limited (BEPL), and BZ Minerals (Australia) Pty Limited, Australia and Subsidiaries of BCL viz Krishna Holding Pte. Ltd., Singapore (KHL), Shandong Binani RongAn Cement Co. Ltd., China (SBRCC), Mukundan Holdings Ltd., British Virgin Island (MHL), Binani Cement Factory LLC, UAE (BCFLLC), Murari Holdings Ltd., British Virgin Island (MuHL), Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte Limited. Singapore, Binani Cement Factory (Mauritius) Ltd, Mauritius , Binani Cement Factory (SFZ) Ltd, Sudan, BC Tradelink Ltd, Tanzania, Binani Cement Co. Ltd, Sudan, Binani Cement Factory (Kenya) Ltd, Kenya, Binani Cement SARL, Djibouti, Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited, Uganda, PT Anganna Energy Resources, Indonesia, Binani Cement Company WLL, Kuwait, CPI Binani, Inc. U.S.A (CPI), Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited, Merit Plaza Limited, Binani Infrastructure (Mauritius) Limited, Mauritius, Sankalp Holdings Ltd., Cyprus (SHL) and Abhinav Holdings Ltd., Cyprus (AHL). SHL is a wholly owned subsidiary of BIL and, AHL is a wholly owned subsidiary of SHL. Key Management Personnel: Mr. Braj Binani and Mr. Sunil Sethy. Enterprises where Key Management Personnel have got significant influence: Mr. Braj Binani in Binani Metals Limited, Sambhaw Holdings Limited, K. B. Vyapar Private Limited, Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd., Lexus Holding & Finance Private Limited and Miracle Securities Private Limited. Mr. Sunil Sethy in Radix Technologies. (Rs. In Lakhs) Sr. No. Name of the Company Relationship As at March 31, 2011 397.45 (181.45) 500.00 (211.96) 114.40 (75.70) 30.87 (-) 3,336.05 (-) Maximum Balance during the year 2010-11 397.45 (181.45) 1,011.96 (1,070.07) 114.40 (75.70) 30.87 (-) 3,336.05 (-)
b) c)
1 2 3 4 5
BT Composites Limited Goa Glass Fibre Ltd Wada Industrial Estate Ltd Binani Readymix Concrete Ltd CPI Binani Inc.
(Figures in bracket pertain to previous year) Except Loan to CPI Binani, Inc., Loans and Advances shown above fall under the category of Loans and Advances in the nature of loans (through intra company current accounts) where there is no fixed repayment schedule. Advance given to Binani Readymix Concrete Limited, BT Composites Limited and Wada Industrial Estate Limited are interest free. 14 As the Company does not have information as to which of its creditors is registered under The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, no disclosure as required by the said Act is given. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS : a) Defined benefit plans as per actuarial valuation on 31st March, 2011.
(Rs. In Lakhs) Gratuity Funded 31.03.2011 I Expenses recognised in the Statement of Profit & Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 1 2 3 4 III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Current Service Cost Interest Cost Employees Contributions Expected return on plan assets Net Actuarial (Gains) / Losses Past Service Cost Settlement Cost Total Expenses Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation as at the end of the year Fair value of plan assets as at the end of the year Funded status [Surplus/(Deficit)] Net asset/ (Liability) as at the end of the year Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation at beginning of the year Current Service Cost Interest Cost Settlement Cost Past Service Cost Employees Contributions Actuarial (Gains) / Losses Benefits Payments Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation at end of the year Plan assets at beginning of the year Assets acquired on amalgamation in previous year Settlements Expected return on plan assets Contributions by Employer Actual benefits paid Actuarial Gains / (Losses) Plan assets at end of the year Actual return on plan assets (5.51) (2.52) 15.62 102.82 143.06 40.24 40.24 90.31 16.20 7.45 (1.81) (9.33) 102.82 68.87 5.51 77.31 (9.33) 0.71 143.06 6.22 (6.38) 7.24 22.16 90.31 68.87 (21.44) (21.44) 94.58 14.08 7.22 5.55 (31.12) 90.31 85.30 6.38 10.00 (31.12) (1.68) 68.87 4.69 16.20 7.45 14.08 7.22 31.03.2010
(Rs. In Lakhs) Gratuity Funded 31.03.2011 V The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan Qualifying Insurance Policy VI Actuarial Assumptions Discount Rate Salary Escalation b) 8.25% 4.00% 8.25% 4.00% YES YES 31.03.2010
Provision towards liability for Leave Encashment is made on the basis of actuarial valuation as per Accounting Standard 15 (Revised). Actuarial value of liability as on 31.03.2011 is Rs.81.65 Lakhs ( Previous Year Rs.33.11 Lakhs) based upon following assumptions. Discount Rate Salary Escalation 8.25% 4.00% (Rs. In Lakhs)
Earning per share is calculated as follows For the year ended 31st March, 2010 1,664.94 29,596,425
Net Profit after tax Equity shares outstanding as at the year end (in Nos.) Weighted average number of Equity Shares used as denominator for calculating Basic and Diluted Earning Per Share Nominal Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Earning Per Share (Basic and Diluted) (in Rs.) 17 Previous years figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary.
29,596,425 10 3.87
29,596,425 10 5.63
As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011
Note : Cash and Cash Equivalents includes Rs.132.40 lakhs (Previous Year Rs.101.51 lakhs) in respect of Unclaimed Dividend, the balance of which is not available to the Company. As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
5 3
4 2 0 1 1
State Code
CAPITAL RAISED DURING THE YEAR (AMOUNT IN RS. THOUSANDS) Pubic Issue Bonus Issue N N I I L L Rights Issue Private Placement N N I I L L
POSITION OF MOBILISATION AND DEPLOYMENT OF FUNDS (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Total Liabilities SOURCES OF FUNDS Paid up Capital Secured Loans 3 2 5 9 0 6 0 1 0 5 0 2 0 Reserves & Surplus Unsecured Loans 1 3 9 0 6 5 5 0 9 0 7 0 2 0 8 8 1 2 1 2 4 Total Assets 8 8 1 2 1 2 4
APPLICATION OF FUNDS Net Fixed Assets (Including Capital Work in progress) Net Current Assets IV 1 3 0 6 4 1 8 Profit and Loss Account 2 9 3 9 5 0 2 8 5 4 0 Investments 7 1 8 3 2 1 6
PERFORMANCE OF COMPANY (Amount in Rs. Thousands) Turnover Profit/Loss(-) Before Tax Earnings Per Share in Rs. 8 1 5 1 9 4 3 1 6 . 0 0 8 1 2 7 Total Expenditure Profit/Loss(-) After Tax Dividend Rate % 7 1 4 1 4 4 4 6 3 9 1 9 7
0 %
Item Code No. (ITC Code) N A Product Description N A
(Rs. in Lakhs) Schedule SOURCES OF FUNDS SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Share Capital Reserves and Surplus MINORITY INTEREST LOAN FUNDS Secured Loans Unsecured Loans DEFERRED TAX LIABILITY (Refer note no 19 of Schedule 16) TRADE DEPOSITS As at 31st March 2011 2,961.52 37,609.33 As at 31st March 2010 2,961.52 50,964.20
1 2
3 4
209,346.27 48,660.51
171,190.62 14,084.04
APPLICATION OF FUNDS FIXED ASSETS Gross Block Accumulated depreciation and Amortization Net Block Capital Work-in-Progress (Including capital advance) INVESTMENTS DEFERRED TAX ASSET CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Other Current Assets Loans and Advances CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS Current Liabilities Provisions NET CURRENT ASSETS (7-8) MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE SIGNIFICANT ACCOUTING POLICIES AND NOTES TO ACCOUNTS
297,211.10 (88,591.70)
9 16
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of Consolidated Balance sheet As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
(Continued..) Schedule Minority Interest Profit/(Loss) after tax and Minority Interest Balance brought forward from Previous year Transfer to Capital Redemption Reserve Premium paid on Buyback of Shares Transfer from Debenture Redemption Reserve Transfer to General Reserve Proposed Dividend Dividend Distribution Tax on Proposed Dividend Reversal of Dividend Distribution Tax on Proposed Dividend of Earlier year Adjustment In Minority interest for brought forward profit on account of change in shareholding pattern Adjusted with Credit balance of General reserve Adjustment for General Reserve and Debenture Redemption Reserve of previous period on account of consolidation Adjustment of pre-acquisition Profit Balance Carried to Balance Sheet Earnings Per Share (Equity Shares, par value Rs. 10/- each) (Refer Note no. 23 of Schedule 16) Basic & Diluted (Rs.) SIGNIFICANT ACCOUTING POLICIES AND NOTES TO ACCOUNTS 16 (16.35) 86.89 For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011 297.43 (4,542.50) 24,153.70 (1,450.00) (11,600.00) 1,235.09 (1,077.00) (1,123.32) (764.89) 27.45 (Rs. in Lakhs) For the Year Ended 31st March, 2010 (7,202.00) 18,513.86 10,193.21 778.88 (2,049.29) (3,382.52) (1,208.10)
12,430.18 167.00
(8,211.24) 9,244.47
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of Consolidated Profit & Loss Account As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
SCHEDULE - 1 SHARE CAPITAL AUTHORISED 4,00,00,000 (Previous year 4,00,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 60,00,000 (Previous year 60,00,000) Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED AND PAID UP 2,95,96,425 (Previous year 2,95,96,425) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up Of the above 1,59,30,075 Equity Shares were allotted as fully paid up Bonus Shares by capitalisation of General Reserve, Share Premium and Profit on reissue of Forfeited Shares Add: Amount paid up on Forfeited Shares TOTAL SCHEDULE - 2 RESERVES AND SURPLUS CAPITAL RESERVE As per last account Add / Less: Reserve created / Transferred on Consolidation during the year SHARE PREMIUM As per last account DEBENTURE REDEMPTION RESERVE As per last account Less :Transfer to Profit and Loss Account Less :Share of Minority Interest related to previous period Add :Reserve on account of revision of share in Minority Interest Less: Adjustment on account of Pre-operative Profit CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE Transfer from Profit and Loss Account Less: Adjustment on acount of Pre-operative Profit Less :Share of Minority Interest CAPITAL INVESTMENT SUBSIDY As per last account GENERAL RESERVE As per last account Add: Transfer from Profit and Loss Account Less :Share of Minority Interest related to previous period Add :Reserve on account of revision of share in Minority Interest Less: Adjustment on acount of Pre-operative Profit Less: Balance at the year end adjusted with the debit balance of Profit & Loss Account as per contra FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION RESERVE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT TOTAL
1.88 2,961.52
1.88 2,961.52
49.03 49.03 19,595.68 1,622.66 (1,235.09) 752.51 (301.32) 1,450.00 (364.10) (72.40) 838.76
1,013.50 65.00
(Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31st March, 2011 SCHEDULE - 3 SECURED LOANS DEBENTURES Financial Institutions (Falling due for payment within one year Rs.1,500 Lakhs ) (Previous Year Rs.2,500.00 Lakhs) TERM LOANS Financial Institutions (Falling due for payment within one year Rs.622.24 Lakhs) (Previous Year Rs. 625.25 Lakhs) Banks (Falling due for payment within one year Rs. 55,418.85 Lakhs)* (Previous Year Rs. 20,479.72 Lakhs) Interest accrued and due (refer Note 13 (VI) (b) of Schedule 16) WORKING CAPITAL DEMAND LOAN / CASH CREDIT Banks (Falling due for payment within one year Rs. 2,000.42 Lakhs) (Previous Year Rs. 13,572.47 Lakhs) BILL DISCOUNTING- BANK TOTAL 59.97 209,346.27 582.25 171,190.62 2,000.42 14,480.04 19.79 167,744.50 32.03 117,132.45 167,724.71 117,100.42 37,166.38 34,120.88 2,375.00 4,875.00 As at 31st March, 2010
SCHEDULE - 4 UNSECURED LOANS From Bank (Falling due for payment within one year Rs. 21,548 Lakhs) (Previous Year Rs. 5,000 Lakhs) Deferment of Value Added tax From Others (Falling due for payment within one year Rs. 1500 Lakhs) (Previous year Rs. 2844.50 Lakhs ) TOTAL 48,660.51 14,084.04 3,813.54 2,646.97 3,813.54 3,070.50 42,200.00 7,200.00
(Rs. in Lakhs)
GROSS BLOCK 1,514.39 455.34 4.91 19.24 1,483.65 9.21 2,273.46 13,691.77 169.15 15,211.39 228,265.28
Sales/Transfers/ Adjustments during the year (0.31) 1,964.51 178.36 17,389.50 240,025.92 2,965.17 4,392.56 1,579.13 423.26 66,433.63 (76.11) (447.48) 7.28 (5.77) (2.73) (3,423.67) (0.65) 2,111.45 -
DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION 3.80 1,108.76 1.87 1.81 764.18 12,551.66 140.41 271.28 120.56 50.31 25.86 49.23 5,635.50 80,466.81 232.39 897.30 884.21 238.51 187.75 272.72 88,591.70 14,172.93 1,140.29 77,158.44 13,170.44 1,471.64
On Sales/Transfers/ Adjustments during the year 51.04 6,372.67 91,752.64 372.80 1,172.80 (23.21) (157.07) 4.22 (4.10) 998.80
(0.99) 261.97
0.57 461.04
(180.58) 101,443.76
(265.54) 88,591.70
Total as at 31st March,2011 1,964.51 1,514.39 119.92 9,575.89 147,798.47 2,708.91 127.32 11,016.83 148,273.28 2,592.37
NET BLOCK 3,219.76 3,487.98 580.33 410.09 161.29 152.57 66,433.63 42,145.33 1,650.41 705.85 236,019.73 208,619.40 208,619.40 170,321.10 59,488.74 28,672.64
Notes * In BIL: Buildings Include building of Rs. 198.05 lakhs (Previous year Rs. 198.05 lakhs) on leasehold land. Transfer of lease yet to be completed . In BCL, Buildings include assets built on land not owned by BCL Rs. 398.02 lakhs (Previous year Rs. 398.02 Lakhs) BCF LLC: Buildings consist of factory constructed on a land leased from Government of Dubai under lease agreement of 30 years expiring on December 2027 and renewable thereafter. BCF LLC: Labour camp constructed on a land leased from Government of Dubai under lease agreement of 10 years expiring on July 2012 and renewable thereafter. ** Includes expenses of Rs. 26.57 lakhs incurred in previous year for development of new Mine area from which ores are not yet extracted. *** Intangible Assets include Geographical Investigation expenses, Design fee & Exploration, Land Use Rights and Computer Software
(Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31st March, 2011 SCHEDULE - 6 INVESTMENTS LONG TERM QUOTED i) 20,000,000 Fully ordinary share of AUD 0.10 per share & 62,151,691 fully ordinary share of AUD 0.105 per share in Meridian Minerals Ltd. (Australia) Market Value as on March 31, 2011 is AUD 0.115 per share As at 31st March, 2010
NON-TRADE QUOTED (AT COST) NSC PNB Gilts Ltd. 33,400 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up UNQUOTED A) SHARES IN OTHER COMPANIES i) B) 20,000 Equity Shares in Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. of Rs.10 each fully paid up 17.50 17.50 0.03 10.02 10.02
INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES i) ii) 250 Shares in BC Trading ( Mauritius) Ltd, Mauritius, of MUR 100 (Mauritian Rupee) each by BCF LLC Dubai 10,000,000 fully paid up Shares (previous year 5,000,000) of Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. of USD 1 each 0.38 2,325.37
APPLICATION MONEY FOR INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL OF SUBSIDIARIES - PENDING ALLOTTMENT: i) ii) iii) In Equity Shares of Krishna Holdings Pte Ltd. Singapore. In Equity Shares of Murari Holdings Ltd. Advance / Share Application Money - Mukundan Holdings Ltd. 4,559.79 461.99 5,088.90 0.03
Number of Units/Share purchased and sold during the Year Units in Mutual Funds BIL Baroda Liquid Inst. Daily Dividend Baroda Treasury Advantage Fund - IP - DDR Birla Cash Manager Inst. Daily Dividend Birla Cash Plus Inst. Daily Dividend Birla Saving Inst. Daily Dividend DSP Blackrock Liquidity Fund-IP-DDR DSP Blackrock Money Manager-Institutional plan-DDR JM Financial High Liquidity Fund-SIP-DDR JP Morgan Liquid Super Inst. Daily Dividend JP Morgan Treasury Super Inst. Daily Dividend Kotak Flexi Debt Inst. Daily Dividend Kotak Floater Short Term DD Kotak Floater-ST-DDR Kotak Liquid Inst. Premium Daily Dividend LIC Floating Rate Short Term Daily Dividend LIC Income Plus Daily Dividend LIC Liquid Fund Dividend Plan LIC Saving Plus Daily Dividend Reliance Liquid Treasury Inst. Daily Dividend Reliance Medium Term Daily Dividend Reliance Money Manager Inst. Daily Dividend SBI Liquid Inst. Daily Dividend SBI Ultra Short Term Inst Daily Dividend BCL Birla Sun Life Cash Plus - Institutional Premium Plan - Daily Div Birla Sun Life Cash Manager- Institutional Premium Plan - Daily Div Birla Sun Life Ultra Short Term Fund - Institutional - DDR Birla Sun Life Saving Fund - Inst. - Dly Dividend SBI Liquid Fund-Super Institutional-Daily Dividend Reinvest SBI Ultra Short term fund-Institutional-Daily dividend J P Morgan Liquid Super Inst. Daily Div. J P Morgan Treasuary Super Inst. Daily Div. HDFC Liquid Fund - Premium Plan - DDR HDFC Cash Mgmt Fund - Treasury Advantage - WP - Dly Div Religare Overnight Fund-Option-DDR Religare ultra Short Term Fund-Inst-DDR 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 142,785,238 46,027,063 75,624,879 4,001,811 11,464,166 11,566,321 232,663,832 92,214,792 6,525,977 7,991,430 7,507,854 7,503,375 142,785,238 46,027,063 75,624,879 4,001,811 11,464,166 11,566,321 232,663,832 92,214,792 6,525,977 7,991,430 7,507,854 7,503,375 10 10 10 10 10 1000 1000 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1000 10 10 17,742,420 15,338,010 6,276,422 6,238,681 10,027,832 19,997 12,995 999,105 19,000,376 15,109,087 37,414,677 3,464,287 1,484,106 33,345,750 17,047,630 10,002,512 34,611,542 28,042,177 3,925,201 5,860,934 160,316 27,912,633 28,076,855 17,742,420 15,338,010 6,276,422 6,238,681 10,027,832 19,997 12,995 999,105 19,000,376 15,109,087 37,414,677 3,464,287 1,484,106 33,345,750 17,047,630 10,002,512 34,611,542 28,042,177 3,925,201 5,860,934 160,316 27,912,633 28,076,855 Face Value (In Rs.) Purchased (No.) Sold (No.)
Number of Units/Share purchased and sold during the Year Kotak Floater - Short Term - Daily Dividend Kotak Liquid - Inst Premium Plan - Daily Dividend Kotak Floater Long Term- Daily Dividend Kotak Flexi Debt Fund - IP - Daily Dividend LIC MF Liquid Fund - Daily Dividend LIC MF Floating Rate Fund - ST - Daily Dividend LIC MF Savings Plus Fund - Dly Dividend LIC MF Income Plus Fund - Daily Dividend IDFC Cash fund -SI-Plan C-Daily Dividend Reinvest IDFC Fixed Maturity Plan Monthly Series IDFC Money Manager Fund-TP-SI-Plan C-Daily Dividend Reinvest Peerless Liquid Super Inst. Liquid Daily Dividend Reliance Liquid Fund-Treasury Plan-Institutional option -Daily Dividend Reliance Money Manager Fund Institutional option -Daily Dividend Canara Robeco Liquid Super Inst. Daily Div. Canara Robeco Treasuary Advantage Super Inst. Daily Div. SBNNP Money Fund Super Inst. Daily Dividend Reinvestment SBNNP Ultra Short term Fund Super Inst. Daily Dividend Reinvestment SBNPP Flexible Fund - ST Inst - DDR J M Financial High Liquidity Super Inst. DD J M Financial High Liquidity Super Inst. DD 76 J M Financial High Liquidity Super Inst. DD 92 UTI Liquid Cash Plan Institutional-Daily Income option ReInvestment UTI Floating Rate Fund - STP - IP - Daily Dividend UTI Moneymarket - IP - Daily Dividend IDBI Liquid Fund-DDR IDBI Ultra Short term Fund-DDR Baroda Pioneer Liquid - Institutional daily dividend Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage - Institutional daily dividend Baroda Pioneer Treasury Advantage - Institutional weekly dividend DSP Blackrock Floating Rate Fund Institutional daily dividend DSP Blackrock Liquid Fund Institutional daily dividend DSP Blackrock Money Manager Fund - Institutional Plan - DDR BZL Baroda Liquid Institutional Daily Dividend Baroda Treasury Institutional Daily Dividend Birla Cash Manager IP Daily Dividend
Face Value (In Rs.) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1000 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1000 1000 1000 10 10 10 10 10 1000 1000 1000 10 10 10
Purchased (No.) 80,169,198 104,301,749 25,854,978 96,952,812 213,281,292 175,534,733 132,347,029 88,644,484 9998,805 5,027,650 10,004,825 84,057,312 45,818,167 400,319 8,956,849 4,839,566 14,859,959 4,993,301 9,972,733 37,445,531 2,499,710 10,995,180 882,983 758,619 64,841 15,003,205 11,517,471 201,891,924 74,705,661 6,520,800 50,023 99,980 50,036 16,289,737 1,498,636 1,499,550
Sold (No.) 80,169,198 104,301,749 25,854,978 96,952,812 213,281,292 175,534,733 132,347,029 88,644,484 9,998,805 5,027,650 10,004,825 84,057,312 45,818,167 400,319 8,956,849 4,839,566 14,859,959 4,993,301 9,972,733 37,445,531 2,499,710 10,995,180 882,983 758,619 64,841 15,003,205 11,517,471 201,891,924 74,705,661 6,520,800 50,023 99,980 50,036 16,289,737 1,498,636 1,499,550
Number of Units/Share purchased and sold during the Year Birla Cash Plus Institutional Daily Dividend Birla Saving Fund Institutional Daily Dividend DSP Black Rock Money Manager Institutional Daily Dividend IDBI Liquid Daily Dividend IDBI Ultra Short Term Fund JP Morgan Liquid Fund Super inst. Daily Dividend Kotak Floater Short Term Daily Dividend Kotak Liquid Institutional Premium Daily Dividend LIC Liquid Fund Peerless Liquid Super Inst Daily Dividend Reliance Liquid Fund Institutional Daily Dividend Reliance Medium Term-DDR Sbi Premier Liquid Institutional Daily Dividend SBI Magnum Insta Cash Daily Dividend UTI Floating Rate Short Term Daily Dividend UTI Liquid Cash Institutional Daily Income UTI Money Market Inst Daily Dividend UTI Treasury Advantage Inst Plan Daily Div Investments in shares in Subsidiaries Co. BIL Binani Cement Limited BIL Infratech Limited Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited Sankalp Holdings Limited Binani Composites Inc USD of 0.996 each BCL Swiss Merchandise Infrastucture Ltd. (Rs.) Merit Plaza Ltd. (Rs.) Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd (US Dollar) Mukundan Holdings Ltd. (US Dollar) Krishna Holdings Pte Ltd. (SGD) Murari Holdings Ltd.(US Dollar) BZL BZ Australia (Pty) Ltd (AUD)
Purchased (No.) 8,765,509 999,320 12,490 2,250,000 3,000,000 36,171,425 24,465,708 39,867,191 24,589,940 27,995,801 3,597,734 1,608,573 2,990,282 597,004 39,969 186,376 49,831 24,995
Sold (No.) 8,765,509 999,320 12,490 2,250,000 3,000,000 36,171,425 24,465,708 39,867,191 24,589,940 27,995,801 3,597,734 1,608,573 2,990,282 597,004 39,969 186,376 49,831 24,995
10 10 10 1 0.996 10 10 1 1 1 1 1
47,358,222 50,000 100,000 25,000 2,709,999 40,000 40,000 7,000,000 11,000,000 41,312,000 8,900,000 8,525,929
(Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31st March, 2011 SCHEDULE - 7 CURRENT ASSETS, LOANS AND ADVANCES Current Assets Inventories (as taken, valued & certified by the management and includes Goods in Transit) Raw materials and Packing Materials Stores, Spare parts, Loose Tools and Fuel Work-in-Process Finished Goods Sundry Debtors (unsecured, considered good unless otherwise stated) Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months Other Debts Cash & Bank Balances Cash in hand Remittances in transit and cheque in hand Balance with Scheduled Banks: - Current Accounts - Deposit Accounts Balance with Other Banks - Current Accounts - Deposit Accounts Other Current Assets Interest Receivable Insurance Claims Receivable Assets held for disposal Loans & Advances (unsecured, considered good unless otherwise stated) Due from Subsidiary Companies Advances recoverable in cash or kind or for value to be received Advance Income Tax including tax deducted at source (net of provision) MAT Credit Entitlement Fringe Benefit Tax (net of provision) Other Deposits Balance with Custom and Excise Authorities TOTAL As at 31st March, 2010
1,478.53 2,566.87 4,045.40 30.54 24.29 25,205.29 17,845.94 4,558.52 2,661.54 50,326.12 128.57 166.50 13.36 308.43
56.57 11,250.70 11,307.27 19.15 13,877.13 32,731.34 1,602.18 607.27 48,837.07 49.32 24.61 73.93
(Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31st March, 2011 SCHEDULE - 8 CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS CURRENT LIABILITIES Acceptance Creditors For SSI Units (as identified by management) For Trade For Expenses Other Liabilities Advances from customers Unclaimed Dividend Interest accrued but not due on loans TOTAL PROVISIONS FOR Current Income Tax (Net of Advance Tax) Proposed Dividend Dividend Distribution Tax Gratuity Leave Encashment Fringe Benefit Tax Bonus TOTAL TOTAL SCHEDULE - 9 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURE (To the extent not written off or adjusted) Preliminary Expenses As per last Balance Sheet Add: Additions during the year Less: Amortised during the year TOTAL 4.07 4.07 4.07 1.03 4.07 (1.03) 4.07 4.07 As at 31st March, 2010
33,950.33 15,297.21 24,614.17 5,631.84 148.86 443.00 80,085.41 51.99 1,123.32 764.90 317.86 390.65 1.05 0.55 220.34 2,870.66 82,956.07
210.62 10.46 30,850.83 10,870.35 18,661.85 4,881.80 113.11 740.43 66,339.45 4,795.85 3,382.52 1,208.10 179.30 241.18 0.66 3,249.42 13,057.03 79,396.48
(Rs. Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March 2011 For the year ended 31st March 2010 Qty 6,179,614 565,834 124,618 35,843 100 50,863 71,416 8,290 218 Amount 232,129.54 10,405.82 5,048.36 40,421.75 133.53 963.12 137.57 5,727.96 478.65 13.36 295,459.66 (Rs. in Lakhs) For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011 SCHEDULE - 11 RAW MATERIALS, PACKING MATERIALS AND GOODS CONSUMPTION Raw Materials / Packing Material and Goods Consumption (including direct mining cost) Royalty and Cess on Limestone (Increase)/Decrease in Work-in-Progress Opening Stock Closing Stock (Increase)/Decrease in Finished Goods Opening Stock Add: On account of Consolidation Closing Stock Cost of Production of Finished Goods (Trial Run) Excise Duty on Opening/Closing Stock of Finished Goods(net) TOTAL 8,386.92 7,488.19 898.73 (456.56) 65,873.58 15,518.35 8,387.35 7,131.00 31.36 (541.39) 78,190.19 158.82 346.58 (187.76) 542.33 158.82 383.51 4,763.17 4,198.42 60,856.00 66,987.29 For the Year Ended 31st March, 2010
SALES AND RELATED INCOME Cement Clinker GGBFS Unwrought Zinc Aluminium & Zinc Alloys Sulphuric Acid Cadmium Glass Fibre Glass Fibre Products Glass Fibre Products Others UOM MT MT MT MT MT MT KG MT MT Nos TOTAL Qty 5,728,720 511,724 26,468 31,311 1,638 46,856 69,259 14,328 317 76,833 Amount 205,946.50 7,645.34 678.43 38,911.84 2,336.67 2,367.99 125.21 10,282.15 629.95 752.31 273.05 269,949.44
785.01 593.82 680.55 4,535.17 12.95 43,347.67 149.22 3,614.15 321.65 6,162.43 60,202.62
364.48 337.00 894.13 2,958.95 7.91 35,510.63 3,081.00 801.61 6,088.66 50,044.37
NOTES ATTACHED ON CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET & PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT AS AT AND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2011 SCHEDULE -16 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES TO ACCOUNTS 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (i) Basis of Accounting The accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies have been prepared under the historical cost convention and on accrual basis in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in India and comply with the Accounting Standards as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006. Basis of preparation a) The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies are consolidated on a line-by-line item basis by adding together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after fully eliminating intragroup balances and intra-group transactions in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 21 - Consolidated Financial Statements. During the Previous Year, the consolidation of the overseas subsidiaries financial statements for their year/period ending 31st December 2009 were consolidated with BILs accounts for the year ending 31st March 2010. This resulted into a time gap of 3 months between the financial periods of Holding Company and subsidiaries financial statements . To bridge such time gap, during the current year, the financial statements of overseas subsidiaries for their respective period ending 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation with the BILs financial statements for the year ending 31st March,2011. The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar circumstances and are presented in the same manner as holding Companys separate financial statements, as far as possible, except as provided under para 1(iv) (e), 1(iv) (f), 1(iv) (g), 1(vi) (b), 1 (viii) (g), 1(x) (e), 1 (xi) (b), 1(xii) (b), 1 (xii) (c), 1 (xiii) (d), 1 (xv), 1 (xvi) (b), 1 (xxiv) and 1(xxv). In case of financial statements of an non-integral foreign operation, the assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate. Income and expense items are translated at exchange rates at an average rates and all resulting exchange differences are accumulated in a foreign currency translation reserve on consolidation until the disposal of the net investment. Minority Interests share of net profit of consolidated subsidiaries for the year/period is identified and adjusted against the income of the group in order to arrive at the net income attributable to shareholders of the Company. Minority interests share of net assets of consolidated subsidiaries is identified and presented in the consolidated financial Statement separate from liabilities and the equity of the Companys shareholders.
e) f)
USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of the financial statements, in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles, requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Differences between actual results and estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known / materialise. REVENUE RECOGNITION a) Domestic sales are accounted for on transfer of substantial risks and rewards which generally coincide with despatch of products to customers and Export sales are accounted on the basis of dates of Bill of Lading. Sales are net of Rebates & Discounts. In case of sale of Carbon Credits (Certified Emission Reductions), revenue is recognized on submission of application with UNFCCC after execution of agreement with the buyer.
g) h) i) j)
ACCOUNTING OF CLAIMS a) b) Claims receivable are accounted at the time when reasonable certainty of receipt is established. Claims payable are accounted at the time of acceptance. Claims raised by Government Authorities regarding taxes and duties, are accounted for based on the merits of each claim. If same is disputed by the Company, these are shown as Contingent Liabilities.
FIXED ASSETS a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost, net of Cenvat less specific grants received, if any and accumulated depreciation and impairment loss if any. Cost includes trial run and stablisation expenses, interest, finance costs and incidental expenses upto the date of capitalization.. In case of SBRCC, Fixed Assets include assets related to the operation of the Company having useful life over one year and other than the main production equipments with individual values of over RMB 2,000 equivalent to Rs. 13,785. as on March 31, 2011 having useful life in excess of two years. Capital Work-in-Progress includes cost of fixed assets that are not yet ready for the intended use, advance paid to acquire fixed assets and cost of assets not put to use at the Balance Sheet Date.
INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible Assets are stated at cost of acquisition less accumulated amortization. DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION a) Depreciation on Plant and Machinery is provided on Straight Line Method (SLM) (except office equipment & transport equipment for Binani Zinc Limited and except for computer in R.B.G. Minerals Industries Limited (RBG) where it is provided on WDV method) , at the rates and in the manner prescribed under Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 as applicable for continuous process plant except silos where the general rate of depreciation is considered.
Depreciation on other Fixed Assets has been provided on Written Down Value Method at the rates and in the manner prescribed as per Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 including asset constructed on land not owned by the Company. However Buildings & Roads inside plant are treated as Factory Buildings and depreciation charged accordingly. The total expenditure on mine exploration and development is amortized in the ratio of ore extracted to the total estimated exploitable reserves. Leasehold land is amortized over the period of lease. Assets having individual value below Rs. 5,000 are depreciated @ 100% and mobile phones are charged to revenue considering their useful life to be less than one year. Expenditure on major computer software is amortized over the period of five years. In case of Binani Ready Mix Concrete Ltd, SBRCC, Binani Infrastructure Mauritius Ltd., CPI Binani Inc, PT Anggana Energy Resources and BCF LLC & its subsidiaries, the depreciation on fixed assets and intangible assets is provided for on SLM basis over the estimated useful life at rates permissible under applicable local laws.
c) d) e) f) g)
IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS At the end of each reporting period, the Company determines whether a provision should be made for impairment loss on fixed assets by considering the indications that an impairment loss may have occurred in accordance with Accounting Standard 28 on Impairment of Assets issued by the ICAI. An impairment loss is charged to the Profit and Loss account in the period in which, an asset is identified as impaired, when the carrying value of the asset exceeds its recoverable value. The impairment loss recognized in the earlier accounting periods is reversed, if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. VALUATION OF INVENTORIES a) Raw Material, Fuel (except for coal lying at Port), Packing Materials, Stores & Spares is valued at lower of moving weighted average cost (net of Cenvat) and net realisable value. Coal lying at Port is valued at cost on specific consignment basis plus custom duty. Loose Tools are charged over a period of three years.. However, materials held for use in the production of inventories are not written down below cost if the finished products in which they are used and expected to be sold at or above cost. Work in process is valued at weighted average cost. Finished Goods are valued at lower of weighted average cost and Net Realisable Value. Cost for this purpose includes direct cost, attributable overheads and excise duty. Store and Spares have been valued at lower of weighted average cost ( net of Cenvat) and net realisable value. In case of Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCF), Dubai, Stock are valued at the cost or net realisable value. Raw materials comprising of clinker & slag and packing materials are valued at cost using the First in First out (FIFO) method. Consumables are valued at cost using specific identification method. Raw material comprising of gypsum and limestone are valued at cost using the Weighted Average Method (WAM). In case of BIL Infratech Ltd: The costs incurred with respect to Kakinada, Jaipur and Coochbihar Projects till date has been kept as work in progress in view of expectation of getting the orders shortly. In case of Binani Zinc Ltd, By Product are value at estimated selling price.
b) c) d) e)
f) g)
INVESTMENTS a) b) Investments classified as long term investments are stated at cost. Provision is made to recognize any diminution other than temporary in the value of such investments. Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value. In case of Sankalp Holdings Ltd, Unrealised gains or loss arising from the change in the fair value of investment are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income. Investment are shown at cost.
(xiii) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS a) b) Defined Contribution Plan Contribution to defined contribution plans are recognized as expense in the Profit and Loss Account, as they are incurred. Defined Benefit Plan Companys liabilities towards gratuity and leave encashment are determined using the projected unit credit method as at Balance Sheet date. Actuarial gains / losses are recognized immediately in the Profit and Loss Account. Long term compensated absences are provided for based on actuarial valuation. Short Term Employee Benefit All employee benefits payable within twelve months of rendering the service are recognized in the period in which the employees renders the related services. Employees benefits (i) In case of Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCF), Dubai the liability in respect of staff end-of-service gratuity on accrual basis on assumption that all employees were to leave as of the balance sheet date.
c) d)
(ii) In case of BCF LLCs Subsidiaries and PT Anggana Energy Resources , the provision for liability is provided in accordance with Laws of Country in which the Company is operating.
(xiv) BORROWING COSTS Borrowing costs which are directly attributable to acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are capitalised
as a part of the cost of that asset, upto the date when such asset is ready for its intended use or sale. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred. (xv) STATUTORY RESERVE (a) In case of BCF LLC, statutory reserve is created by appropriating 10% of the profit of the Company as required by Article 255 of the UAE Commercial Companies Law No.8 of 1984, as amended. The Company can discontinue such annual transfers when the reserve totals 50% of the paid up share capital. The reserve is not available for distribution except as provided in the Federal Law. (b) In case of Binani Cement Company WLL, Kuwait, Kuwait Commercial Companies Law and the Companys articles and memorandum of association requires that 10% of the profit for the year, before contribution to Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science and directors remuneration, is transferred to the statutory reserve. The Company may resolve to discontinue such transfer when the reserve totals 50% of the paid up share capital. The reserve is not available for distribution except for payment of dividend of 5% of paid up share capital in years when profit in not sufficient for the payment of such dividend.
(xvi) INCOME TAXES a) Tax expense comprises of current tax and deferred tax. Current tax and Deferred tax are accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standard 22 on Accounting For Taxes on Income, issued by the ICAI. Current tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the tax authorities, using the applicable tax rates. Deferred income taxes reflect the impact of the current period timing differences between taxable income and accounting income for the period and reversal of timing differences of earlier years / period. Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available except that deferred tax assets arising on account of unabsorbed depreciation and losses are recognized if there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available to realise the same. In case of foreign subsidiary & step down subsidiary companies Income Tax / Deferred Tax have been provided in accordance with Laws of Country in which the Company is operating.
(xvii) CONTINGENCIES/PROVISIONS A provision is recognized when an enterprise has a present obligation as a result of past event; it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to its present value and are determined based on best estimate required to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. A contingent liability is disclosed, unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying the economic benefit is remote. Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the accounts.
(xviii) ACCOUNTING OF CAPITAL SUBSIDY In case of BT Composites Ltd, investment subsidy under State Investment incentive Scheme not specifically related to a fixed asset is credited to Capital Reserve and retained till the requisite conditions are fulfilled.
(xix) RISK MANAGEMENT TRANSACTIONS In case of Binani Zinc Ltd, the Company uses derivative instruments to hedge the risk of movements in commodity prices. The use of these instruments reduces the risk or cost to the Company and the Company does not use such instruments for trading or speculation purposes. The Company recognizes gain or loss on effective hedges on settlement. Unrealised gain/loss as at the Balance Sheet date is not recognized. SEGMENT REPORTING POLICIES Primary Segment is identified based on the nature of products and services, the different risks and returns and the internal business reporting system. Secondary segment is identified based on geographical area in which major operating divisions of the Company operate.
(xxii) EARNING PER SHARE Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the year attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, the net profit or loss for the year attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year are adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares.
(xxiii) EXPENDITURE DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD BCL: In case of new projects and substantial expansion of existing factories, expenditure incurred including trial production expenses net of revenue earned, prior to commencement of commercial production are capitalised.
(xxiv) DERIVATIVES In case of BCF LLC, Derivatives are stated at fair values. Derivatives with positive market values (unrealised gains) are included in assets and derivatives with negative market values (unrealised loses) are included in liabilities. Change in fair values are recognized in profit or loss.
(xxv) LONG TERM PREPAID In case of SBRCC, the expenses incurred during the Companys pre-operating period were recorded as long-term prepaid expenses and were expensed in the first month of commercial operations.
(xxvi) CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash & cash equivalent for the purpose of Cash Flow Statement comprise cash at bank and Current Accounts.
The financial statements of all Indian Subsidiaries including Indian Step down subsidiaries are consolidated on the basis of their stand alone / consolidated & audited accounts available for the year ended 31st March 2011. 1. Indian Subsidiaries considered for Consolidation Binani Cement Limited (BCL), Binani Zinc Limited (BZL), Goa Glass Fibre Limited (GGFL), BT Composites Limited (BTCL), Wada Industrial Estate Limited (WIEL), BIL Infratech Limited & Binani Ready Mix Concrete Limited (RMC) are the Indian subsidiaries whose accounts have been considered for consolidation. GGFL, BTCL, WIEL, BIL Infratech Limited and RMC are wholly owned subsidiaries, whereas in case of BCL, BILs shareholding is 95.01% (Previous Year 64.91%) and in case of BZL, BILs shareholding is 89.90% (Previous Year 89.90%). Step down subsidiaries a) Indian step down subsidiaries R.B.G. Minerals Industries Limited (RBG) and Binani Energy Private Limited are wholly owned Indian subsidiaries of BZL & Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Ltd and Merit Plaza Ltd are wholly owned Indian subsidiaries of BCL, whose accounts have been consolidated by management with BZL for the purpose of consolidation with BILs accounts. Overseas Subsidiary / Step down subsidiary i) The Consolidated Financial Statements include the financial statements of Binani Cement Ltd. (BCL) and the following subsidiaries and step down subsidiaries:
Name of Company
Murari Holdings Limited -(MUHL) Mukundan Holdings Ltd.( MHL) Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Ltd. Merit Plaza Ltd. Bhumi Resources ( Singapore ) PTE Ltd Shandong Binani RongAn Cement Company Ltd.(SBRCC)
Relation with Holding Company Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Subsidiary of BCL) -do-do-do-do-do-
Country of % of Share Accounting Year / Period Incorporation Holding considered for consolidation Singapore 100%* Jan.10 - Mar.11
British Virgin 100% Islands British Virgin 100% Islands India 100% India Singapore China 100% 100% 90%
Jan.10 - Mar.11 Jan.10 - Mar.11 2nd Nov. 10 - 31st Mar. 11 18th Dec. 10 - 31st Mar. 11 26th Oct. 09 to 31st Mar. 11 Jan.10 - Mar.11
Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Step-down Subsidiary of KHL) Binani Cement Factory LLC. (BCF) Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Step-down Subsidiary of MHL & MUHL) Binani Cement Company WLL Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Subsidiary of Binani Cement Factory LLC, Dubai) Binani Cement Factory ( SFZ) Ltd. -doBC Tradelink Limited Binani Cement Factory ( Kenya) Ltd. Binani Cement ( Uganda) Ltd Binani Cement SARL ( Djibouti) Binani Cement Factory Mauritius Binani Cement Co Ltd. ( Sudan) PT Anggana Energy Resources -do-do-do-do-do-doStep-down Subsidiary of BCL (Subsidiary of Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Pte Ltd)
Jan.10 - Mar.11
12th Nov. 09 to 31st Mar. 11 29th Aug. 07 to 31 Mar. 11 3rd Sep. 10 to 31st Mar. 11 22nd Dec. 10 to 31st Mar. 11 3rd Nov. 10 to 31 Mar. 11 25th Sep. 07 to 31 Mar. 11 4th Jul. 11 to 31 Mar. 11 24th Nov. 09 to 31st Mar. 11
Name of Company
Relation with Holding Company Binani Infrastructure (Mauritius) Step-down Limited Subsidiary of BIL (Subsidiary of BIL Infratech Limited) CPI Binani , INC. (USA) Subsidiary of BIL BZ Minerals (Australia) Pty Limited Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Subsidiary of BZL) Sankalp Holdings Ltd. (SHL) Subsidiary of BIL Abhinav Holdings Limited (AHL) Step-down Subsidiary of BIL (Subsidiary of SHL) ii)
Country of % of Share Accounting Year / Period Incorporation Holding considered for consolidation Mauritius 100% 15th Dec. 10 to 31st Mar. 11
100% 100%
Cyprus Cyprus
100% 100%
* Includes 44.46% (Previous Year 50%) holding through subsidiary Mukundan Holdings Ltd. In March 09, Murari Holdings Limited acquired beneficial interest in 51% of the paid up share capital of BCF which through an agreement, together with 49% shareholding of MHL in BCF makes it a subsidiary of the company. Therefore it has been considered as a subsidiary for the purpose of consolidation.
iii) For calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve, the pre acquisition profits and reserves of the acquired subsidiaries, wherever applicable, have been considered on (no. of days) prorata basis. iv) The excess of cost of investment in the Subsidiary Companies over the companys portion of equity of the subsidiary at the date of investment made is recognized in the financial statements as goodwill. This goodwill is tested for impairment at the close of each financial year. The excess of Companys portion of equity of the Subsidiary over the cost of the investment therein is treated as Capital Reserve. v) The Combined Goodwill / Capital Reserve of all the subsidiaries arising out of consolidation has been netted of in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Company wise information is as follows : Mukundan Holdings Ltd. - Goodwill Rs.19,134.67 Lakhs, Krishna Holdings Pte Ltd. - Capital Reserve Rs. 2,420.80 Lakhs, Binani Cement Limited - Goodwill Rs.2,188.56 Lakhs, Murari Holdings Limited - Goodwill Rs. 21,746.21 Lakhs, Binani Cement Factory LLC - Goodwill Rs. 2.36 Lakhs, Bhumi Resources (Singapore) Ltd - Capital Reserve - Rs. 12.37 Lakhs, Binani Zinc Limited - Capital reserve Rs. 219.13 Lakhs, Binani Industries Limited - Goodwill Rs. 26,014.13 Lakhs . The net goodwill amounts to Rs.40,638.64 Lakhs and disclosed in the Schedule 5.
vi) In view of the management, the effect of exception stated in 1 (ii)(c) above is not quantifiable.
Estimated amounts of contracts and commitments remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for (net of advances): (Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31/03/2011 The estimated amount of contracts and commitments remaining to be executed on capital account not provided for (Consolidated) CONTINGENT LIABILITY 11,764.95 As at 31/03/2010 6,218.22
These, if any, are disclosed in the notes on accounts. Provision is made in the accounts if it becomes probable that an out flow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation.
(Rs. in Lakhs) As at 31/03/2011 a. b. a) Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts in respect of certain Income Tax matters and other matters. Rs. 310.77 Lakhs paid (Previous Year Rs. 43.88 Lakhs). Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts in respect of other matters. Binani Cement Ltd. (i) The Company has imported fuel without payment of Customs Duty aggregating to Rs. 6.77 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 6.77 Lakhs) by utilizing transferable DEPB Licenses purchased from the market in the ordinary course of business. The Customs Department has issued show cause notice alleging that the original purchaser had obtained these licenses fraudulently. The above case is pending with Commissioner of Customs, Kandla. Company is hopeful of success as the Company is not at fault. 6,206.14 48.63 As at 31/03/2010 2,104.06 3,408.31
(ii) Demands raised by Excise Department in various matters aggregating to Rs. 31.50 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 104.30 Lakhs) - (excluding applicable interest). Appeals are pending with various Appellate Authorities. (iii) Demands raised by Customs Department, Jamnagar in relation to import of coal made in earlier years aggregating to Rs. 30.61 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 30.61 Lakhs). The Company has filed appeals before CESTAT, Mumbai. CESTAT Mumbai has set aside the order of the Appellate Commissioner with a direction that the appeal by the department against the Assistant Commissioners orders should be heard denovo on merits by the Commissioner (Appeals). Now Department has filed an appeal before the Honble High Court of Gujarat against the order of CESTAT. (iv) Demands raised by Excise Department in various matters in relation to Cenvat Credit of Service Tax Rs. 54.61 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 0.94 Lakhs). Appeals are pending with various Appellate Authorities. The Cenvat Credit amount / paid under protest Rs. 0.29 Lakhs has been reversed. Commissioner, Central Excise, Jaipur issued a show cause notice disputing basis of Excise duty calculated for sales made to contractual buyers. We have paid duty accordingly before issuing of show cause notice. However Commissioner imposed penalty of Rs. 1 Lakhs which is disputed by us on the ground that we have paid duty before issuing show cause notice, and an appeal has been filed before CESTAT and stay granted against recovery of penalty till disposal of appeal. Demands raised by Additional Commissioner Central Excise, Jaipur II in relation to Cenvat Credit of Excise Duty paid on Capital goods falling under Chapter 72, 73, 59, 69, 39 & 83 amounting to Rs. 34.70 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. nil). The Company filed an appeal before Commissioner (Appeals), Jaipur II and same was rejected. Now Company has filed an appeal with CESTAT New Delhi.
(v) Demands raised by Sales Tax Department aggregating to Rs.70.21 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs.70.21 Lakhs) contending that the Company has wrongly adjusted sales tax on account of trade discounts. The Company has filed a writ petition before Honble High Court, Jodhpur and has also obtained an interim relief. Besides, the Sales Tax department has also issued demand notices relating to various matters aggregating to Rs.10.70 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs.10.70 Lakhs), which are being contested by the Company, including in appeal and is hopeful of success. (vi) Demands raised by Uttar Pradesh State Government on account of Entry Tax on Cement for the year 2003-04 & 2005-06 aggregating to Rs. 23.81 Lakhs ( Previous Year Rs. 23.81 Lakhs), based on market price which was disputed by the Company on the ground that the Entry Tax is payable on stock transfer price. The Company has paid and accounted the same as advances since a stay order has been obtained from Honble Allahabad High Court, pending disposal of the matter. The demand for the year 2004-05, 2006-07 & April 07 to June 07 aggregating to Rs. 69.77 Lakhs ( Previous Year Rs. 69.77 Lakhs) has not been provided for. The Company has paid Rs. 5.00 Lakhs under protest against these demands and accounted the same as advances since a stay order has been obtained. The case is pending before the Honble Allahabad High Court.
(viii) Demand raised by Uttar Pradesh Commercial Taxes Deptt. on account of penalty on late deposit of VAT amounting to Rs. 21.60 Lakhs. An Appeal has been filed with Additional Commissioner (Appeals), Commercial Taxes Department, Ghaziabad. We have deposited Rs. 12.96 Lakhs under protest. (ix) Joint Commissioner Commercial Taxes, Ghaziabad has imposed penalty of Rs. 1.32 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 0.46 Lakhs) on account of incomplete documents carried by Truck of Cement. We have deposited Rs. 1.32 Lakhs under protest and filed an appeal before Additional Commissioner (Appeals), Commercial Taxes, Ghaziabad. (x) Letter of Credit opened by banks on behalf of the Company Rs. 121.78 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 177 Lakhs) (xi) Guarantees given by Banks Rs. 483.14 Lakhs (Previous Year 287.95 Lakhs) (xii) The Company has placed a purchase order for procurement of Steam (Non Coking) coal, on M/s Visa Comtrade A.G. and the party supplied the same under five Bills of lading. However, the Party failed to provide the original bills of lading. The owner of the Ship M/s Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd.has filed a suit against the Company for not providing original Bills of lading. The Company has informed them that the balance amount due to them will be paid after adjustment of the losses and expenditure incurred / to be incurred by the Company till the time matter is finally resolved. The Company has incurred expenses of Rs.171.21 Lakhs up to 31.03.2011 to defend the suit filed by M/s Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. and debited the same to the account of supplier which is to be recovered from the party. Binani Cement Factory LLC. (i) Contingent Liability on account of Bankers letters of guarantee Rs.36.24 Lakhs equivalent to AED 294,000 (Previous Year Rs. 27.20 Lakhs equivalent to AED 213,000).
b) c)
(ii) Unutilized balances of commercial letters of credit of Rs.NIL (Previous Year Rs. 45.70 Lakhs equivalent to AED 357,883). (iii) Letter of Credit opened by banks on behalf of the Company Rs. 1,069.70 Lakhs equivalent to USD - 2,361,120 (Previous Year NIL) Binani Cement Factory (Mauritius) Limited Letters of Credit of Rs.281.54 Lakhs equivalent to USD 697,790.
d) e)
Binani Zinc Limited (i) Letters of credit opened by banks on behalf of the Company amounts to Rs.4,451.45 Lakhs (Rs.678.48 Lakhs).
(ii) Outstanding guarantees and counter guarantees to various banks, in respect of the guarantees given by those banks in favour of various government authorities and others amounts to Rs.519.54 Lakhs (Rs.450.25 Lakhs). BIL Infratech Ltd Contingent Liability on account of Bankers guarantee Rs. 45 Lakhs
BT Composites Ltd Contingent Liability on account of Bankers guarantee Rs. 6.48 Lakhs
The Company has opted for Sales Tax Incentive Scheme, 1989. Earlier 25% incentive was allowed by State Level Screening Committee, (SLSC) but pursuant to order of Rajasthan Tax Board, 75% incentive from Sales Tax for sales effected in Rajasthan for 9 years subject to a limit of Eligible Fixed Capital Investment (EFCI) is being availed of. The Company has availed Sales Tax Incentive of Rs. 20,266.98 Lakhs upto 31st March, 2006. The Sales Tax Department filed a revision petition before the Honble Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur contesting the order of Rajasthan Tax Board, which allowed the Company to avail 75% Sales Tax Incentive. The Honble High Court has dismissed the revision petition of Sales Tax Department. The Department has filed a revision petition before Honble Supreme
Court. Pending the decision of the Supreme Court, no provision has been made for the differential Sales Tax Incentive of Rs.13,327.19 Lakhs (excluding interest, if any) availed by the Company till 31st March, 2006. However, on introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the State of Rajasthan w.e.f 1st April, 2006, an option has been given to switch over to deferment scheme for twice the remaining validity period as available under the erstwhile Sales Tax Incentive Scheme, 1989 subject to the original limit of EFCI. The Company has exercised this option w.e.f 1st April, 2006 under which 75% of VAT collected and payable after the said date is being deferred for a period of 7 years. Till 26th May, 2007, Rs. 3813.54 Lakhs was deferred and shown as Unsecured Loan.(Refer schedule 4) During the year 2007-08, the Company has filed an application with Sales Tax Department for extension of period of EFCI scheme, which was not accepted. The Company has filed a case with Honble Jaipur High Court to instruct the Sales Tax Department to extend the EFCI scheme period. However, the company has continued to defer 75% of the VAT liability amounting to Rs. 3967.07 Lakhs for the period 27th May, 2007 to 30th April, 2008. Application for grant of Sales Tax Incentive was filed to sanction the EFCI to the extent of Rs. 396.72 Crores, but the SLSC sanctioned Rs. 280.47 Crores in Nov.2000, against which Company has requested vide letter dated 13.12.2000 to the SLSC for reviewing the amount of EFCI sanctioned, but no action was taken by the SLSC. A writ petition was filed during the year 2008-09 before the Honble High Court, Jaipur bench, based on the fact that the SLSC has not replied to our review application within the time frame as per the New Rajasthan Sales Tax Incentive Scheme, 1989 and the decision is pending for review till date, hence the Company has continued to avail the deferment benefit treated as deemed to be sanctioned. Further, the Company has made an application to the State Government / SLSC to revise the amount of EFCI from Rs. 396.72 Crores to Rs. 488.50 Crores based on applicable guidelines under the Incentive Scheme. The company has continued to avail the deferment benefit, pending the decision of State Government / SLSC. Accordingly the tax liability for the period 30th April, 2008 to 31st March, 2011 is Rs. 15170.69 Lakhs against which we have deposited Rs. 399.21 Lakhs under protest as per the directions of the Honble High Court. The Matter is pending for decision before Honble Rajasthan High Court / State Government. The excise duty shown as deduction from turnover is total excise duty on sale of goods for the year. However, the excise duty related to the difference between opening stock and closing stock, samples etc. is shown in schedule 10 in profit & loss account. The Company has not deposited a sum of Rs. 811.00 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 725.81 Lakhs) net of Rs. 258.88 Lakhs paid under protest (Previous Year nil) shown as current liability in schedule 8, on account of entry tax on goods under the Rajasthan Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Area Act , 1999 on notified goods purchased from outside the state from May 06. The Company has filed a writ petition on 10.07.2006 against the notice of C.T.O. special circle, Commercial Taxes Deptt., Pali for notice issued under Section 16(3) of the said Act. The said petition was admitted by the Honble Court and a stay was granted. Subsequently, the case was heard by Honble High Court and passed an order that the stay shall remain continued on the condition that petitioner deposit the 50% of amount assessed and submit Solvent security for the balance amount including interest, penalty etc. Accordingly, in compliance of the order, the Entry Tax of Rs. 258.88 Lakhs being 50% of assessed tax was deposited by the Company under protest. BZL 8 The Single Bench of the Honble High Court of Kerala, had in the earlier years disposed the Companys Petition against the Order of the Appellate Authority (Dy. Chief Engineer KSEB) quashing the order levying penalty demand towards alleged unauthorised additional load raised by KSEB, remanding the matter with a direction to take a decision afresh in accordance with Law considering the bonafide conduct of the Company. The Company had obtained all the necessary approvals as stipulated in the conditions of supply of KSEB and since there was no violation, the penal charges are not payable and hence no provision is considered necessary at this stage. The Company has also filed a further writ petition before the Division Bench, challenging that portion of the order, relating to remand which was heard and reserved for judgment. a) During the year, the Government of Kerala has permitted settlement of disputed demand for increase in power tariff w.e.f 01.10.2002, by payment in 32 monthly installments with interest @ 9% per annum. While the principal amount of dispute had been provided for in prior years, the interest payable thereon, amounting to Rs 1368.95 Lakhs, settled as above, has been fully provided for in this year which includes Rs.1,240.71 Lakhs relating to the prior years. Also, the Government has allowed Pre 92 tariff concession to the Company for the entire period, which has been provisionally computed and taken credit for, at Rs.194.36 Lakhs, which is reduced from Power charges.
6 7
borrowings for working capital requirements from Banks ranking pari-passu with charges created and/or to be created in favour of Financial Institutions/Banks/Debentures Trustee(s) executed by the Company and (c) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Limited(BIL) ((d) pari-passu second charge on the immovable assets of 1st phase of the 2x22.3 MW Captive Thermal Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments and shared facilities. ii) The Debentures shall be redeemable at par in a period of 6 years in quarterly installments commencing from 31st March, 2007 and ending on 31st December, 2012. 9.16% (Reset Rate) Secured Redeemable Non Convertible Debentures (11.99% SRNCD) - Outstanding Rs. 333.33 Lakhs (Previous Year 1,666.67 Lakhs) Secured by (a) a charge created on the movable and immovable properties of the Company located at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi in Rajasthan both present and future (except the assets of the first phase of the 2x22.30 MW Captive Thermal Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments and shared facilities which are exclusively charged on first charge basis to Syndicate Bank and the assets imported from M/s F.L.Smidth, Denmark under the export contract dated 14.09.2005 and defined clearly in the loan agreement dated 06.02.2007 entered into between M/s EKF A/S and the Company) and (b) exclusive first charge on plot of land situated at village Mouj, Dhanot, Kalol, Distt. Mehsana, Gujarat subject to charges on specified movables created for securing the borrowings for working capital requirements from Banks ranking pari-passu with charges created and/or to be created in favour of Financial Institutions/Banks/Debentures Trustee(s) executed by the Company and (c) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Limited(BIL). The Debentures shall be redeemable at par in a period of 5 years in quarterly installments commencing from 30th September, 2008 and ending on 30th June, 2011.
TERM LOANS I) Financial Institutions Eksport Kredit Finansiering A/S - Foreign Currency Loans - Outstanding Rs. 2,166.38 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 2,812.49 Lakhs) Secured by (a) exclusive first charge on the assets imported from M/s. F.L.Smidth, Denmark under the Export Contract dated 14.09.2005 and defined clearly in the loan agreement dated 06.02.2007 entered with EKF A/s. (b) Pari Passu charge on Trust and Retention account and (c) Corporate Guarantee of BIL. Banks a) IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI) - Rupee Term Loans / Rupee Tied Foreign Currency Loans / Funded Interest Term Loans - outstanding Rs. 21,216.47 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 24,287.48 Lakhs) The above term loans include loans aggregating to Rs. 5,238.54 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 5,953.59 Lakhs), which were transferred from BIL to the Company with effect from 1st October, 2004 vide letter No.H.O.CFD-II.B-18/ BCL/2274 dated 31st March, 2005 received from IDBI and agreement of take over of loans liabilities dated 30th September, 2005. Secured/to be secured (a) first mortgage and charge created on immovable properties of the Company at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi in Rajasthan (except the assets of the first phase of the 2x22.30 MW captive Thermal Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments & shared facilities which are exclusively charged on first charge basis to Syndicate Bank) and of BIL both present and future (b) first charge by way of hypothecation on all movables of the Company at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi in Rajasthan and BIL (save & except book debts) including movable machinery, machinery spares, tools & accessories present and future, subject to charges on specified movables created and/or to be created for securing the borrowings for working capital requirements from Banks and ranking pari-passu with mortgages & charges created and/or to be created in favour of Institutions/Banks/Debentures Trustee(s)/Other Term Lender as detailed in the respective loan agreement(s) deed(s) of hypothecation/debenture trust deed(s) executed by the Company except the assets imported from M/s F.L.Smidth, Denmark under the Export Contract
future (b) first charge by way of hypothecation on all movables of the Company at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi in Rajasthan and BIL (save and except book debts) including movable machinery, machinery spares, tools & accessories present and future, subject to charges on specified movables created and/or to be created for securing the borrowings for working capital requirements from Banks and ranking pari-passu with mortgages & charges created and/or to be created in favour of Institutions/Banks/Debentures Trustee(s)/Other Term Lenders as detailed in the respective loan agreement(s) deed(s) of hypothecation/debenture trust deed(s) executed by the Company except the assets imported from M/s F.L.Smidth, Denmark under the Export Contract dated 14.09.2005 & defined clearly in the loan agreement dated 06.02.2007 entered into between M/s EKF A/S & the Company, c) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal e) f) Syndicate Bank - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs.15,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 15,000 Lakhs) Secured / to be secured by a) Corporate Guarantee of BIL b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal Syndicate Bank - Rupee Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 1,105.13 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 2,772.13 Lakhs) Secured by (a) first Mortgage and exclusive charge created on immovable properties of first phase of 2x22.30 MW Captive Thermal Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, all associated equipments & shared facilities situated at Pindwara, Sirohi, Rajasthan and all goods & equipments forming part of the plant both present and future, (b) Secured by pari passu first mortgage and charge on underlying land and building for the first phase of 2x22.30 MW Captive Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments and shared facilities situated at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi in Rajasthan both present and future,(c) pari passu charge on Trust and Retention Account and (d) Corporate Guarantee of BIL. Syndicate Bank - Rupee Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 1,857 Lakhs) a) Pari-passu first mortgage and charge created on immovable properties of the Company at Binanigram, Pindwara, Sirohi, in Rajasthan (except the assets of the first phase of the 2x22.30 MW Captive Thermal Power Plant comprising of 1x22.30 MW Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments and shared facilities which are exclusively charged on first charge basis to Syndicate Bank), both present and future, ranking pari-passu with mortgage and charges created and / or to be created in favour of institutions / banks / Debenture trustee(s) as detailed in respective loan agreement(s) / deed(s) of hypothecation / debenture trust deed (s) executed by the Company, (b) pari passu charge on Trust & Retention Account and (c) pari passu second charge on immovable assets relating to the first phase of the 2x22.3 MW captive thermal power plant comprising of 1x22.3 MW captive Thermal Power Plant, associated equipments and shared facilities. Punjab National Bank - Short Term Corporate Loan - Outstanding Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 5,000 Lakhs) Secured / to be secured by a) Corporate Guarantee of BIL b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal Yes Bank Ltd - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 5,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 5,000 Lakhs) Secured/to be secured by a) Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Ltd. till the time Yes Bank is included in to working capital consortium b) subservient charge on movable assets of the Company c) Post dated cheques for Principal repayment. UCO Bank - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 6,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 6,000 Lakhs) Secured/to be secured by a) Subservient Hypothecation charge on the plant and machinery of the Company, b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal & Interest. Central Bank of India - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 5,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 5,000 Lakhs) Secured/to be secured by a) Subservient Hypothecation charge on the movable assets of the Company b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal & Interest
h) i)
j) k)
m) State Bank of India - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 10,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 10,000 Lakhs) n) o) p) q) Secured/to be secured by a) Second pari passu charge on Fixed Assets of the Company b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal & Interest Punjab National Bank - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 5,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil) Secured / to be secured by a) Corporate Guarantee of BIL b) Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal. Bank of Baroda - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 10,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil) Secured/to be secured by a) Subservient charge on fixed assets of the Company (Movable & immovable) Central Bank of India - Term Loan - Outstanding Rs. 5,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil) Secured/to be secured by a) First pari passu charge on Fixed Assets of the Company IDBI Bank Ltd. (IDBI) - Rupee Term Loan (Rs. 10,000 Lakhs yet to be availed) - outstanding Rs.Nil ( Previous Year Rs. Nil) Secured / to be secured by a first charge by way of hypothecation of all the movables (save & except book debts) including movable machinery, machinery spares, tools & accessories, present & future pertaining to the new cement plant along with 25 MW captive power plant & housing colony to be set up/ situated at village Lodhana, Taluka Sutrapada, Distt. Junagad and a grinding unit at village Jhangar, Dist Bharuch both in the state of Gujarat and also pertaining to mining over land area of 400 hectares acquired / to be acquired for new cement plant in Gujarat subject to prior charges created and / or to be created in favour of the bankers on stocks of raw materials, semi finished & finished goods, consumable stores, book debts & such movables as may be agreed to by the lenders for securing the borrowings for working capital requirements in the ordinary course of business. Vijaya Bank - Term Loan (Rs. 4,000 Lakhs yet to be received) - Outstanding Rs.Nil (Previous Year Rs.Nil) Secured / to be secured by a first charge by way of hypothecation of all the movables (save & except book debts) including movable machinery, machinery spares, tools & accessories, present & future pertaining to the new cement plant along with 25 MW Captive Power Plant & housing colony situated at village Lodhana, Taluka Sutrapada, Distt. Junagad and a grinding unit at village Jhangar, Dist Bharuch both in the state of Gujarat and also pertaining to mining over land area of 400 hectares acquired / to be acquired for new cement plant in Gujarat subject to prior charges created and / or to be created in favour of the bankers on stocks of raw materials, semi finished & finished goods, consumable stores, book debts & such movables as may be agreed to by the lenders for securing the borrowings for working capital requirements in the ordinary course of business.
WORKING CAPITAL DEMAND LOANS / CASH CREDIT FROM BANKS Banks - Outstanding Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 7.58 Lakhs) Secured against (a) Hypothecation of Raw Materials, Stock in Trade, Stock-in-Process, Finished Goods, Consumables, Stores & Spares and Packing Material, Book Debts and other receivables belonging to the Company, second charge on immovable properties of the Company and Corporate Guarantee of BIL and (b) pari passu charge on Trust and Retention Account.
Axis Bank : Rs. 17,321.67.Lakhs (US $ 38.25 Million) (Previous Year Rs.39,859 Lakhs (US $ 85 Million) ) Bank of Baroda Bank : Rs. 9,057.08 Lakhs (US $ 20.00 Million) (Previous Year NIL). The loan is secured by a corporate guarantee from BCL and pledge of all shares in the capital of KHL held by BCL and MHL, shares in capital of SBRCC held by KHL, shares in capital of BCF held by MHL and shares in capital of MHL held by BCL. Krishna Holdings Pte Ltd. TERM LOANS Bank
State Bank of India ( HK) : Rs.10,325.52 Lakhs (USD 22,801,000 ) (Previous Year Rs.Nil ) The loan is secured by irrecoverable and unconditional corporate guarantee of Binani Cement Limited, The Holding Company. Binani Cement Factory LLC Bank Borrowings Overdrafts: Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 2,774.57 Lakhs (AED 21,728,131)) Trust Receipts Rs. 1,294.16 Lakhs (AED 10,497,864) (Previous Year Rs. 4,406.01 Lakhs (AED 34,504,132)) Cheques discounted Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 6,391.90 Lakhs (AED 50,055,898)) The bank borrowings are secured by:
Assignment of insurance policies on Stock and Trade & other receivable Assignment of bank guarantees provided by customers and issued by reputed local banks. Undertaking to maintain own funds of AED 100 million.
Corporate Guarantee of Binani Cement Limited, Pledging of 100% shares of the Company ( held by Binani Cement Limited), A negative lien on the assets of the Binani Cement Factory LLC, Dubai. Non disposal undertaking for the beneficial interest for 51% shares of Binani Cement Factory LLC, Dubai Non disposal undertaking for 49% shares of Binani Cement Factory LLC held by Mukundan Holdings Limited. An analysis by Bank of amounts outstanding is as follows: Punjab National Bank: Rs. 3,396.41 Lakhs (USD 75,00,000) (Previous Year Rs.4,689.36 Lakhs (USD 10,000,000) Bank of Baroda: Rs. 1,811.42 Lakhs (USD 4,000,000) (Previous Year Rs. 2,344.68 Lakhs (USD 5,000,000) State Bank of India: Rs.3,849.26 Lakhs (USD 8,500,000) (Previous Year Rs. 4,689.36 Lakhs (USD 10,000,000) Syndicate Bank: Rs. 1,924.63 Lakhs (USD 4,250,000) (Previous Year Rs. 2,344.68 Lakhs (USD 5,000,000)
Interest amount of Rs. 19.79 Lakhs (USD 43,699) (Previous Year Rs. 32.03 Lakhs (USD: 68,296)) due and payable on loan from PNB, Hong Kong. Sufficient balance was maintained in current a/c with the bank to settle the interest. But, it is the banks practice to debit the interest amount to the current a/c during the following month and hence the same can be deemed to be paid as at the period/year end.
B. (i)
(ii) Bills Discounted with Punjab National Bank Outstanding Rs.59.97 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs.582.25 Lakhs).
TERM LOANS Bank a) b) UCO Bank Balance Outstanding Rs.5,000 Lakhs (Rs.5,000 Lakhs) Secured by first hypothecation and mortgage charge on all movable and immovable fixed assets of the Company, both present and future. Punjab National Bank Balance Outstanding Rs.3,000 Lakhs (Rs.Nil) Secured / to be secured by first pari-passu charge on all movable and immovable fixed assets of the Company, both present and future.
Cash Credit from Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce Debit Rs.41.66 Lakhs (Credit Rs.141.17 Lakhs) Facilities are secured by : a. Paripassu first charge by way of hypothecation of the whole of the Current Assets of the Company viz. stocks of raw materials, packing materials, stock in process, semi finished and finished goods, consumable stores and spares, Export / Local Bills receivable, book debts, movable plant and machinery, stores and spares relating to the machinery and other movables belonging to the Company, both present and future. b. Pari-passu Second charge on the fixed assets of the Company located at Binanipuram, Kerala, and c. Corporate Guarantee of Binani Industries Limited, the Holding Company.
Punjab National Bank -Short Term Corporate Loan - Outstanding Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 5,000 Lakhs). Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal were issued in Previous Year. Indian Overseas Bank -Short Term Corporate Loan - Outstanding Rs. 15,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. Nil). Post dated cheques for repayment of Principal are issued. Loans from Others Syndicate Bank - Corporate Loan - Outstanding Rs. 10,000 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs Nil) (Rs. in Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March 2011 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) Profit from Hedging Transactions Interest & Dividend from Banks/ Others (Includes Tax Deducted at Source of Rs. 105.51 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 58.18 Lakhs) Exchange Rate Fluctuation Income from inadvertant flow of surplus power to RPPC Profit on sale of Investments Profit on sale of Fixed Assets Sale of Carbon Credits (Certified Emission Reduction) Liability no longer required written back Scrap Sale / Industrial waste Subsidy income of SBRCC Insurance Claim Others 801.39 1,749.26 8.00 12.70 655.91 1,033.89 783.91 476.04 5,521.10 For the year ended 31st March 2010 694.41 1,537.73 18.86 13.10 757.84 972.96 342.42 288.26 4,625.58
16 17
Misc. expenses in Schedule 13 includes Rs. 25 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 25 Lakhs) donation, given to G D Binani Charitable Trust and Rs. 75 Lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 50 Lakhs) to G. D. Binani Charitable Foundation. (a) Managerial Remuneration (Managing Director, Manager, Whole Time Director) (Rs. in Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March 2011 Salary Contribution to Provident and other funds Perquisites ** 414.90 13.94 56.60 485.44 For the year ended 31st March 2010 214.56 13.42 80.06 308.03
** Does not include monetary value of non cash perquisites as per Income Tax Act,1961. Excluding contribution to gratuity fund and provision for leave encashment since the same are provided on an actuarial basis for the Company as a whole.
Audit Fees Consolidated Accounts Tax Audit Reimbursement of Expenses For other Matters Total 19 Deferred Tax Liability of the Group as on 31.03.2011 comprises of the following (Consolidated ) * :
* In case of Binani Industries Ltd., Binani Ready Mix Concrete Ltd, Deferred Tax Assets is not recognised in books on prudence basis.
20 Segmental Reporting as per Accounting Standard AS - 17 issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Consolidated) (Rs. in Lakhs) Particulars Segment Revenue (net of Excise Duty) Inter-segment Revenue Total Revenue Segment Result Income Taxes Zinc & by products 41,209.51 (39,541.60) (-) 41,209.51 (39,541.60) 202.83 (497.44) Cement 191,703.57 (229,196.47) 3,970.25 (20.32) 195,673.82 (229,196.47) 4,971.85 (45,725.01) Glass Fibre Unallocated 11,221.38 (6,046.33) (38.29) 11,221.38 (6,046.33) (1,169.93) (-2,584) 604.08 (56.55) 9,004.49 (6,964.35) 9,608.58 (56.55) (1,916.27) (925.81) Sub Total 244,738.54 (274,840.95) 12,974.75 (7,022.96) 257,713.28 (274,840.95) 2,088.47 (44,564.13) Less: Elimination (-20.31) 12,974.75 (7,022.96) 12,974.75 (-20.31) (5,473.84) (4,469.04) Total 244,738.54 (274,861.27) - 244,738.54 (274,861.27) (3,385.37) (40,095.09) 978.88 (13,018.02) (1,774.96) (-) (658.49) (1,361.21) (4,501.84) (25,715.87) 411,106.84 (370,037.35) 411,106.84 (370,037.35) 363,900.31 (287,313.24) 363,900.31 (287,313.24) 295,508.47 (237,292.02) 14,172.93 (13,170.31)
Extraordinary Items Previous Year adjustment and other impact Net Profit/Loss Segment Assets Total Assets Segment Liability Total Liabilities Capital Expenditure (net) Depreciation & Amortisation 39,845.55 (35,629.57) 39,845.55 (35,629.57) 32,584.27 (27,491.44) 32,584.27 (27,491.44) 9,568.66 (9,842.74) 860.93 (1,221.80) 344,893.66 (267,425.67) 344,893.66 (267,425.67) 241,718.58 (191,180.58) 241,718.58 (191,180.58) 203,021.20 (217,730.55) 11,757.03 (10,846.12) 18,534.45 (13,259.49) 18,534.45 (13,259.49) 13,197.23 (8,023.60) 13,197.23 (8,023.60) 14,035.06 (10,376.25) 1,502.45 (1,066.77) 230,852.46 (63,090.65) 230,852.46 (63,090.65) 144,128.33 (78,676.40) 144,128.33 (78,676.40) 3,463.81 (-658) 52.52 (35.61) 634,126.12 (379,405.38) 634,126.12 (379,405.38) 431,628.41 (305,372.03) 431,628.41 (305,372.03) 230,088.73 (237,292.02) 14,172.93 (13,170.31) 223,019.28 (9,368.02) 223,019.28 (9,368.02) 67,728.10 (18,058.79) 67,728.10 (18,058.79) (65,419.74) -
Statement of Secondary Segment wise Sales & External Receivables (Rs. in Lakhs) Particulars Segment Revenue Segment Assets Capital Expenditure (net) Within India 226,499.76 (231,386.93) 271,283.62 (307,246.97) 187,526.30 (197,767.77) Out of India 18,238.78 (43,474.33) 139,823.21 (62,790.38) 107,982.17 (39,524.25) Total 244,738.54 (235,617.36) 411,106.84 (310,480.08) 295,508.47 (237,292.02)
21 a)
Outstanding Creditors for Coal Outstanding Creditors for Spares Outstanding Creditors for Spares (ii) GGFL Balances as on 31st March, 2011
Sundry Creditors Sundry Creditors Sundry Creditors Sundry Debtors Sundry Debtors Sundry Debtors Loans and Advances Loans and Advances
(ii) BZL Balances as on March 31st , 2011 Foreign Currency Amount USD 229,897 (USD 105,341) AUD 45,644 (-) EURO 60,27,600 (-) USD 1,75,92,773 USD 9,881,054
(Rs. in Lakhs) Equivalent in Rupees in Lakhs 102 (47) 21 (-) 3,817 (-) 7,855 (4,447)
Trade Payables
BCL - The details of forward contracts outstanding at the year end are as follows :Currency USD USD Number of Contracts 7 (9) Buy Amount Purpose
22 Related Party disclosure as per AS 18 issued under Accounting Standard Rules 2006. (a) The Company has entered into transactions in ordinary course of business with related parties at arms length as per details below: (Rs. in Lakhs) Particulars Enterprises where Companies under Key Management Common ownership Personnel have got and or common significant influence management control 121.46 (104.26) 53.30 (142.46) (142.46) 11.34 (5.23) 64.50 (52.50) 8.63 (90.47) (66.00) Total
Purchase of Material English Indian Clay Ltd Sale of Material Ess vee Alloys Pvt Ltd Purchase of Fixed Asset - Transnational Trading Services Pte Limited Dividend Paid Binani Metals Ltd Services charges received Triton Trading Company Pvt Ltd Payment towards Services received Sambhaw Holdings Ltd Triton Trading Company Pvt Ltd
121.46 (104.26) 53.30 (66.00) (142.46) (142.46) 11.34 (5.23) 64.50 (52.50) 8.63 (90.47)
Enterprises where Companies under Key Management Common ownership Personnel have got and or common significant influence management control 1.50 (3.00) 6.36 (5.76) 30.83 (29.63) 699.93 (2,932.84) 2,884.50 -
1.50 (3.00) 6.36 (5.76) 2.73 (-) 10.54 (26.00) (140.00) (0.01) 31.00 26.39 25.00 (25.00) 75.00 (50.00) 200.00 30.83 (29.63) 699.93 (2,932.84) (2,011.77) 146.36 (115.25) 5.08 2,884.50 -
Others* Interest paid on Inter - Corporate deposit Binani Metals Limited Compensation paid for surrender of Tenancy Rights Triton Trading Company Pvt Ltd Rent Received Triton Trading Company Pvt Ltd Sale of Investment Ess Vee Alloys Pvt Ltd Loans & Advances Repayment / Received Ess Vee Alloys Pvt Ltd Donation - G D Binani Charitable Trust - G D Binani Charitable Foundation Inter - Corporate deposit - Repaid Binani Metals Limited Interest Expenses - Kalpvriksh Holding AG Freight service availed - Transnational Trading Services Pte Limited - Transnational Trading Service charges paid for Car Usage Binani Metals Limited Triton Trading Company Pvt Limited Repayment of Loan - Kalpvriksh Holding AG
2.73 (-) 10.54 (26.00) (140.00) (0.01) 31.00 26.39 25.00 (25.00) 75.00 (50.00) 200.00 (2,011.77) 146.3 (115.25) 5.08 (-)
Enterprises where Companies under Key Management Common ownership Personnel have got and or common significant influence management control 0.18 21.02 (200.00) (2,844.50) -
Balance outstanding as on 31st March, 2011 - Kalpvriksh Holding AG Due to Asian Industries Due from Woodshed Technologies LLC* - Inter - Corporate Deposit Binani Metals Limited (Figures in bracket pertain to Previous Year)
* Partnership firm owned by certain officers / shareholders of CPI Binani Inc (USA). Note: 1 2 The remuneration paid to key management personnel as disclosed vide note no. 21. Names of related parties and description of relationship: a) Key Management Personnel: Mr. Braj Binani, Mr. Sunil Sethy, Mr. Ibrahim Ali, Mr. S.Padmakumar Mr.V.Subramanian, Mr. Roy Kurian K K , and Mr. Sushil Bhatter , Mr. P. Acharya, Mr. Roy Kurian K.K, Mr. I. C. Ahuja, Mr. S.S. Khandekar upto 31.12.2010. b) Transactions with enterprises where Key Management Personnel have got significant influence: i) Mr. Braj Binani in Binani Metals Limited, Sambhaw Holdings Limited, K. B. Vyapar Private Limited, Triton Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd., Lexus Holding & Finance Private Limited, Miracle Securities Private Limited and G.D. Binani Charitable Foundation, ii) Mr. Sunil Sethy in Radix Technologies and iii) Mr. S.Padmakumar in English Indian Clays Ltd. c) Company under common control ownership / and / or common management control : Transnational Trading Services Pte Limited, Transnational Trading, Kalpvriksh Holding AG., Woodshed Technologies LLC.
23 Consolidated Earning per share is calculated as follows : A Basic and Diluted EPS before extraordinary items Particulars For the Year ended 31st March, 2011 (3,064.97) (3,064.97) 29,596,425 29,596,425 10.00 (10.36) (Rs. in Lakhs) For the Year ended 31st March, 2010 25,716 25,716 29,596,425 29,596,425 10.00 86.89
Net Profit after tax attributable to equity shareholder Net Profit after tax before extraordinary item attributable to equity shareholder Equity shares outstanding as at the period end (in Nos.) Weighted average number of Equity Shares used as denominator for calculating Basic and Diluted Earning Per Share Nominal Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Earning Per Share (Basic and Diluted) (in Rs.)
Net Profit after tax attributable to equity shareholder Less: Extraordinary item Net Profit after tax before extraordinary item attributable to equity shareholder Equity shares outstanding as at the period end (in Nos.) Weighted average number of Equity Shares used as denominator for calculating Basic and Diluted Nominal Value per Equity Share (in Rs.) Earning Per Share (Basic and Diluted) (in Rs.) 24 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS : a) b) Defined Contribution
During the year the Company has recognized Rs 480.5Lakhs (Previous Year Rs 364.63 Lakhs) in the Profit and Loss Account on account of defined contribution plans i.e. Employers Contribution to Provident Funds & E.S.I.C. Defined benefit plans as per acturial valuation on 31st March, 2011. (Rs. in Lakhs) Gratuity Funded I Expenses recognized in the Statement of Profit & Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2011 Current Service Cost Interest Cost Employees Contributions Expected return on plan assets Net Actuarial (Gains) / Losses Past Service Cost Settlement Cost Total Expenses Actual return on plan assets Net Asset/ (Liability) recognised in the Balance Sheet as at 31 st March, 2011 Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation as at 31st March, 2011 Fair value of plan assets as at 31st March, 2011 Funded status [Surplus/(Deficit)] Net asset/ (Liability) as at 31st March, 2011 Change in obligation during the year ended 31st March, 2011 1,105.89 1,187.39 84.57 84.57 For the Year ended 31st March, 2011 1,071.19 119.53 77.97 1,071.19 1,086.20 15.01 15.01 For the Year ended 31st March, 2010 802.53 93.74 63.33 (86.89) (22.21) 88.40 76.96 (73.13) 202.95 286.88 59.65 For the Year ended 31st March, 2011 119.53 77.97 For the Year ended 31st March, 2010 93.74 63.32
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 1 2 3 4 III
1 2 3
Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation at beginning of the year Current Service Cost Interest Cost
4 5 6 7 8 9 IV
Settlement Cost Past Service Cost Employees Contributions Actuarial (Gains) / Losses Benefits Payments Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation at end of the year Change in Assets during the year ended 31st March, 2011
(26.38) (136.21) 1,106.09 For the Year ended 31st March, 2011 1,085.02 45.45 141.21 (135.71) 7.68 1,184.98
200.49 (88.89) 1,071.20 For the Year ended 31st March, 2010 807.20 45.16 296.03 (88.89) (2.44) 1,085.02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V
Plan assets at beginning of the year Assets acquired on amalgamation in Previous Year Settlements Expected return on plan assets Contributions by Employer Actual benefits paid Actuarial (Gains) / Losses Plan assets at end of the year Actual return on plan assets The major categories of plan assets as a percentage of total plan
- Current service cost in case of leave encashment are net of benefit paid during the year included under salary and allowance. - In case of BCL: The Actuarial valuation of Defined Benefit Obligation (DBO) as at the end of the current year has been considered as per report of an independent certified Actuary where as at the end of the Previous Year the same was considered as per Actuarial report of L.I.C. of India with whom the Gratuity liability is funded. As both the Actuaries differ in their assumptions for arriving at the present value of DBO, the Actuarial loss of Rs. 11.66 Lakhs for the current year is lower by Rs. 127.95 Lakhs which has been adjusted in the Profit & Loss A/c. - In case of BTCL (Previous Year - No) Provision towards liability for Leave Encashment made on the basis of actuarial valuation as per Accounting Standard 15 (Revised). Actuarial value of liability is Rs. 370.05 Lakhs ( Pervious year Rs.196.49 Lakhs) based upon following assumptions. Particular Discount Rate Salary Escalation 31st March 2011 8.25% 4% to 7% 31st March 2010 8.25% 4%
As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
(Rs. in Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March, 2011 Cash Flow From Operating Activities Net Profit Before Tax before Prior period items Adjustments for: Depreciation / Amortization Interest and Finance Charges Exchange Fluctuation Unrealised Sundry Balances written off / Liabilities no longer required written back Loss/(Profit) on sale/discard of Fixed Assets Profit on sale of Investments Profit on sale of Investments in Subsidiaries Interest and Dividend Income Operating Profit Before Working Capital Changes Adjustments for: Inventories Trade and Other Receivables Trade and Other Payables Cash Generated from Operations Extra-ordinary Item Direct Taxes Paid (including Fringe Benefit Tax) (Net) Net Cash flow from Operating Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities Purchase of Fixed Assets (including capital work - in progress) Sale of Fixed Assets Purchase consideration for Deferred Tax Asset Investment (including investment in Subsidiaries) Sale of Investment in Subsidiaries Other Advances Investment in Fixed Deposit Interest and Dividend Income Received Other Income Net Cash Used in Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities Proceeds from Long Term Borrowings (including Funded Interest) Repayment of Borrowings Increase / Decrease in Bank Borrowings (Net) Towards Share Capital of Subsidiaries including Share application money Trade deposits Unsecured Loan from Subsidiaries & others Interest & Finance Charges paid Dividend Paid / Dividend Distribution Tax Paid Buy Back of Shares Proceeds from Short Terms Borrowings (Net) Repayment of Short Terms Borrowings (Net) Increase in Reserves (3,385.36) 14,172.93 19,015.82 (332.75) (50.45) 308.77 (43.34) (8.27) (1,802.60) 27,874.74 1,060.35 20,834.89 7,415.67 57,185.65 (1,774.94) (6,455.68) 48,955.03 (48,483.51) 85.52 (730.00) (88,025.97) 31.00 (4,049.64) 1,080.78 1,719.62 (138,372.20) 42,876.47 (31,082.99) 66,434.74 54,992.13 272.58 (423.52) (19,248.96) (4,559.71) (13,050.00) (5,000.00) 775.96 For the year ended 31st March, 2010 40,095.09 13,170.31 13,784.84 (121.92) (21.22) 788.25 (19.73) - (700.06) 66,975.55 1,951.36 17,803.64 (15,443.02) 71,287.53 - (4,130.13) 67,157.40 (32,245.35) 32.11 - (51,774.87) - - (1,080.48) 661.97 6.54 (84,400.08) 70,973.87 (23,950.54) (160.78) 22,682.40 395.01 414.74 (15,167.00) (4,555.57) - 19,621.59 (29,000.00) 437.07
(Rs. in Lakhs) For the year ended 31st March, 2010 41,690.79 24,448.11 23,308.48 47,756.59
Net Cash from Financing Activities Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents (Cash and Bank Balances) Closing Cash & Cash Equivalents (D+E) (Cash and Bank Balances)
1. 2.
Cash flow statement has been prepared under the indirect method as set out in the Accounting Standard (AS) - 3 Cash Flow Statements as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006. Closing Cash and Cash Equivalents as per Books (Rs. in Lakhs) Particulars Cash in hand Current Accounts Deposit Accounts Less than 3 months Remittances in transit and cheques in hand Total Cash & Cash Equivalent less than 3 months Fixed Deposit more than 3 months Total For the year ended 31st March, 2011 30.54 29,763.81 20,507.48 24.29 50,326.12 50,326.12 For the year ended 31st March, 2010 19.15 15,479.31 32,258.13 47,756.59 1,080.48 48,837.07
Previous year figure have been recast / regrouped wherever considered necessary.
As per our report of even date attached For KANU DOSHI ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Firm Registration No. 104746W JAYESH PARMAR Partner Membership No: 45375 Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
Statement Pursuant to Section 212 (3) and 212(5) of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to Subsidiary / Stepdown Subsidiary Companies of Binani Industries Limited for the year ended 31st March 2011. (Rs. in Lakhs)
Sr. Name of the Subsidiary Binani No Company Cement Ltd. (BCL) Binani Zinc Ltd. (BZL) Goa Glass Fibre Ltd. (GGFL) B.T. Compos- Wada Indusites Ltd. trial Estate (BTCL) Ltd. (WIEL) India India Binani Binani Ready Mix Infratech Ltd. Concrete Ltd (BInfra) (BRMC) IndiaH India Sankalp Holdings Ltd. (SHL) Cyprus Krishna Mukundan Murari HoldSwiss Holdings Pte. Holdings Ltd. ings Ltd. Merchandise Ltd. (KHL) (MHL) (MUHL) Infrastructure Ltd (Swiss) Singapore British Virgin Islands January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 Subsidiary of BCL India November 2, 2010 to March 31, 2011 Subsidiary of BCL
1 2
Country of Incorporation
British Virgin Islands Financial year / April 1, 2010 April 1, 2010 April 1, 2010 April 1, 2010 April 1, 2010 December 1, July 29, 2010 January January January period of the Subsidiary to March 31, to March 31, to March 31, to March 31, to March 31, 2010 to March to March 31, 1, 2010 to 1, 2010 to 1, 2010 to Company 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 31, 2011 2011 December 31, December 31, December 31, 2010 2010 2010 Relation with Binani Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary of Subsidiary of Industries Ltd (BIL) of BIL of BIL of BIL of BIL of BIL of BIL of BIL of BIL BCL BCL
4 A)
Information pursuant to Sec. 212 (3) Extent of the Holding Companys interest in the Subsidiary as at the end of the Financial Year / Period : Number of Shares 188,601,274 60,788,138 74,177,389 140,00,000 5,90,007 1,00,000 Equity Shares Equity Shares Equity Shares Equity Shares Equity Shares Shares of of Rs.10 each of Rs.10 each of Rs.10 each of Rs.10 of Rs.100 Rs.10 each each each
5,00,000 4% Redeemable Non Cumulative Preference Shares of Rs.10 each 100 % held by BIL
55.54% held 100% held By 100% held By 100% held By by BCL bal- BCL BCL BCL ance 44.46% held by MHL
B ) Net aggregate amount of Profits / (Losses) of the subsidiary so far it concerns members of BIL, not dealt with in the standalone accounts of the Company : a) For the financial 7,280.57 (770.42) (1,088.90) (277.31) (24.14) (18.15) (3.15) (8.06) 52.07 (1,379.70) (1,370.08) (0.43) year / period of the subsidiary aforesaid ( Rs. Lakhs) b) For the previous 29,398.50 1,219.44 (2,180.66) (1,047.04) (421.92) - - (6.05) (21.17) (451.14) 484.91 - financial year / period of the subsidiary since it became the holding companys subisidiary ( Rs. Lakhs) 5 Information pursuant to Sec. 212 (5) (See Note 3) Notes: 1) BCF had incorporated five companies viz BC Trade Link Limited (Tanzania), Binani Cement Company WLL (Kuwait), Binani Cement Factory (Kenya) LImited, Binani Cement SARL (Djibouti) and Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited on 29th August, 2007, 28th July, 2010, 3rd September, 2010, 3rd November, 2010 & 22nd December, 2010 respectively. Their first accounting period would be from the date of incorporation to 31st December, 2011. However, their unaudited financial statements from the date of incorporation to 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation. 2) The Company has acquired CPI Binani, Inc. (USA) on 14th February, 2011. Its first accounting year, post acquisition would end on 31st December 2011. Hence, its unaudited financial statements from the date of acquisition till 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation. 3) During the current year, the financial statements of subsidiaries including step down subsidiaries ( whose accounting year/period ended on 31st December, 2010) for their respective period ended 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation with the Companys financial statements for the year ended on the same date. Hence information required to be provided pursuant to Sec. 212 (5) is not applicable.
Republic of Sudan January November 1, 2010 to 12, 2009 to December December 31, 2010 31, 2010 Step-down Step-down SubsidiSubsidiary of BCL ary of BCL (Subsidiary (Subsidiary of KHL) of BCF)
Republic of Sudan September July 4, 25, 2007 to 2010 to December December 31, 2010 31, 2010 Step-down Step-down SubsidiSubsidiary of BCL ary of BCL (Subsidiary (Subsidiary of BCF) of BCF)
November April 6, April 1, 24, 2009 to 2010 to 2010 to December March 31, March 31, 31, 2010 2011 2011 Step-down Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiof BZL of BZL ary of BCL (Subsidiary of Bhumi )
April 1, 2010 January December to March 31, 1, 2010 to 15, 2010 to 2011 December March 31, 31, 2010 2011 Subsidiary Subsidiary Subsidiary of BZL of SHL of Binfra
Share 10 Shares Capital is of USD 500 not divided each into No. of Shares (Amount of Share Capital in Rmb 4,499.94 lakhs equivalent to Rs. 31,095.06 Lakhs) - - -
250 Ordi1000 Shares 6,00,000 nary Shares of SGD 100 Shares of of MUR 100 each IDR 9,480 each each
For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place Date : Mumbai : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
SUMMARISED FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN RESPECT OF SUBSIDIARIES OF THE COMPANY IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE EXEMPTION GRANTED BY THE MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS UNDER SECTION 212(8) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956. (Amount in Lakhs) Sr. No Name of the Subsidiary Company Country of Incorporation Relationship Financial year/ period ended on Currency Capital Reserves Total Assets Total Liabilities Details of Investments (except investments in subsidiaries) Turnover excluding other income Profit/ (Loss) before Taxation Profit/ (Loss) after prior period items Provision Profit/ Proposed for Taxa(Loss) Dividend tion after Taxation
1 2 3 4 5
Binani Cement Ltd. (BCL) Binani Zinc Ltd. (BZL) Goa Glass Fibre Ltd. (GGFL) B.T.Composites Ltd. (BTCL) Wada Industrial Estate Ltd. (WIEL)
Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BIL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Decof BIL 2010 Subsidiary 31-Decof BCL 2010 Subsidiary 31-Decof BCL 2010 Subsidiary 31-Decof BCL 2010 Subsidiary 31-Marof BCL 2011
39,041.98 258,854.14 200,951.78 499.47 (3,244.56) (1,299.35) (446.06) 39,845.55 11,736.99 709.91 259.27 32,584.27 7,563.81 559.26 115.32
(823.58) (299.00) -
4,715.03 - - - -
Binani Ready India Mix Concrete Ltd (BRMC) Binani Infratech Ltd. (BInfra) India
8 9 10
Sankalp Holdings Cyprus Ltd. (SHL) Krishna Holdings Singapore Pte. Ltd. (KHL) Mukundan Holdings Ltd. (MHL) Murari Holdings Ltd. (MUHL) Swiss Merchandise Infrastructure Limited (Swiss) Merit Plaza Limited (Merit) British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands India
0.00 0.21 -
- - - - - - - - -
13 14
10.00 120.00 5,466.00 319.43 3,962.08 4,499.94 31,095.06 0.12 2.16 0.25 0.38 1.00 18.35
(0.32) 0.01 0.65 833.45 10,337.76 190.91 1,319.19 (52.68) (966.74) 0.16 2.89
9.76 120.05 5,468.42 2,314.26 28,705.16 7,265.12 50,202.74 26.14 479.69 513.86 797.99 4.22 77.36
0.08 0.04 1.79 1,161.38 14,405.32 2,574.27 17,788.49 78.70 1,444.27 513.61 797.60 3.06 56.12
(0.32) 0.01 0.68 (139.24) (1,753.56) 17.04 115.74 (52.68) (1,059.59) 0.16 3.08
(0.32) 0.01 0.68 (139.24) (1,753.56) 17.04 115.74 (52.68) (1,059.59) 0.16 3.08
(0.32) 0.01 0.65 (139.24) (1,753.56) 11.86 80.50 (52.68) (1,059.59) 0.16 3.08
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Bhumi Resources Singapore (Singapore) Pte. Ltd (Bhumi) Binani Cement Factory LLC (BCF)
United Arab Subsidiary 31-DecEmirates of MHL & 2010 MUHL Subsidiary 31-Decof KHL 2010
Binani Cement Republic of Subsidiary 31-DecFactory (SFZ) Ltd. Sudan Of BCF 2010 (BCF(SFZ)) Binani Cement Mauritius Factory, Mauritius (BCFM) Binani Cement Co. Ltd Sudan ( BCCL) Subsidiary 31-DecOf BCF 2010
PT Anggana Indonesia Energy Resources ( Anggana) BZ Minerals (Australia) PTY LTD (BZA) RBG Minerals Industries Ltd. (RBG) Binani Energy Pvt. Ltd. (BEPL) Australia
Subsidiary 31-Decof Bhumi 2010 Subsidiary 31-Marof BZL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BZL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Marof BZL 2011 Subsidiary 31-Decof SHL 2010 Subsidiary 31-Marof BInfra 2011
7,543.65 242,454.56 180,280.91 38.73 (0.16) (7.26) 1,244.51 167.71 7,829.66 448.77 925.36 82.61 3,856.57 4.77
2,002.23 10.13 -
- - - - -
24 25
Abhinav Holdings Cyprus Ltd. (AHL) Binani Infrastruc- Mauritius ture Mauritius Ltd (BIML)
- - -
INR Notes: 1)
Indian Rupees equivalent figures have been arrived at by applying the year/period end exchange rates prevailing for respective companies for all Assets & Liabilities which are as follows: a) for KHL, MHL, MUHL & Bhumi 1USD = Rs. 45.55, b) for SBRCC 1 RMB = Rs.6.91, c) for BCF(SFZ) & BCCL 1 SGD = Rs.18.35, d) for BCF 1 AED = Rs. 12.40, e) for Anggana 1 IDR = Rs.0.01 f) for BCFM 1 MUR = Rs.1.55 and g) for BZA 1 AUD = Rs.46.69. Revenue items are arrived by applying the average rates prevailing during the year / period which are as follows: a) for KHL, MHL & MUHL 1 USD = Rs.45.94, b) for Bhumi 1 USD = Rs.46.07, c) for BCF 1 AED = Rs.12.51, d) for SBRCC 1 RMB = Rs.6.80, e) for BCF (SFZ) 1 SGD = Rs.20.06, f) for BCCL 1 SDG = Rs.19.60, g) for Anggana 1 IDR = Rs.0.005 and h) for BZA 1 AUD = Rs.43.09. BCF had incorporated five companies viz BC Trade Link Limited (Tanzania), Binani Cement Company WLL (Kuwait), Binani Cement Factory (Kenya) Limited, Binani Cement SARL (Djibouti) and Binani Cement (Uganda) Limited on 29th August, 2007, 28th July, 2010, 3rd September, 2010, 3rd November, 2010 & 22nd December, 2010 respectively. Their first accounting period would be from the date of incorporation to 31st December, 2011. However, their unaudited financial statements from the date of incorporation to 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation. The Company has acquired CPI Binani, Inc. (USA) on 14th February, 2011. Its first accounting year, post acquisition would end on 31st December 2011. Hence, its unaudited financial statements from the date of acquisition till 31st March, 2011 have been considered for consolidation.
For and on behalf of Board of Directors R. Venkiteswaran Chief Financial Officer - Group Control Accounts S. N. Sridhar Sr. Vice President (Corporate Legal) & Company Secretary Place : Mumbai Date : 22nd April, 2011 Braj Binani Chairman Sunil Sethy Executive Vice Chairman & Managing Director
Registered Office: 37/2, Chinar Park, New Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata 700 157 Corporate Office: Mercantile Chambers, 12, J.N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400001 CONSENT FOR RECEIVING DOCUMENTS IN ELECTRONIC MODE
(3) Registered folio No./DP ID No./Client ID No.* (*Applicable to investors holding shares in dematerialized form)
(5) I / we hereby exercise my/our option to receive the documents such as Notice of Annual General Meeting, Audited Financial Statements, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Directors Report, Auditors Report, Explanatory Statement etc., in electronic mode pursuant to the Green Intiative by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide circular dated 29th April, 2011
Registered Office: 37/2, Chinar Park, New Rajarhat Main Road, P.O. Hatiara, Kolkata -700 157
(To be handed over at the entrance of the Meeting Hall)
I/We _________________________________________________________
I hereby record my presence at the FORTY EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at Rotary Sadan, 94/2, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata -700 020 on Monday, the 27th June 2011 at 2.00 p.m. Name of the Member ___________________________________________ No. of Shares held _____________________________________________ Folio No. _____________________________________________________ DP ID* _____________________ Client Id*___________________________
______________________________________________________________ as my/our Proxy to attend and vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the FORTY EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Company to be held at 2.00 p.m at Rotary Sadan, 94/2, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata -700020 on Monday, the 27th June 2011 and at any adjournment thereof.
Signed this ____________ day of ____________2011 Name of Proxy/Representative (in Block Letter) (To be filled in if the Proxy attends instead of the Member)
Folio No. _________________ Affix Revenue Stamp Signature of the Members of Proxy/Representative.
i) This Proxy Form must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company, not later than 48 hours before the time of the meeting. * Applicable for Investors holding shares in Electronic Mode.
ii) A Proxy need not be a member. *Applicable for Investors holding shares in Electronic Mode.