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Landscape and Urban Planning Volume 64, Issue 3, 15 July 2003, Pages 145-160
doi:10.1016/S0169-2046(02)00218-9 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Modelling dynamic spatial processes: simulation of urban future scenarios through cellular automata
Jos I. Barredo
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European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, CCR-TP 261, 21020, Ispra (VA), Italy Received 15 October 2002; accepted 22 October 2002. ; Available online 2 December 2002.
One of the most potentially useful applications of cellular automata (CA) from the point of view of spatial planning is their use in simulations of urban growth at local and regional level. Urban simulations are of particular interest to urban and regional planners since the future impacts of actions and policies are critically important. However, urban growth processes are usually difficult to simulate. This paper addresses from a theoretical point of view the question of why to use CA for urban scenario generation. In the first part of the paper, complexity as well as other properties of digital cities are analysed. The role of the urban land use allocation factors is also studied in order to propose a bottom-up approach which integrates the land use factors with the dynamic approach of the CA for modelling future urban land use scenarios. The second part of the paper presents an application of an urban CA in the city of Dublin. A simulation for 30 years has been produced using a CA software prototype. The results of the model have been tested by means of the fractal dimension and the comparison matrix methods. The simulation results are realistic and relatively accurate confirming the effectiveness of the proposed urban CA approach. Author Keywords: Cellular automata; Land use dynamics; Urban and regional planning; Scenario simulation; GIS Hide Applications
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Article Outline
1. Introduction 1.1. Characteristics and factors of the urban land use dynamics 1.2. How urban land use factors work: an approach
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1. Introduction
Cities can be understood as complex systems considering their intrinsic characteristics of emergence, self-organising, self-similarity and non-linear behaviour of land use dynamics. The use of tools designed for systems that show the aforementioned characteristics will help us to get a better knowledge of the drivers behind urban land use dynamics. Furthermore, these tools can support the development of models for urban land use scenario generation. In the last few years, cellular automata (CA) have gained popularity as modelling tools for urban process simulation. Since the pioneering work of Tobler (1979), several approaches have been proposed for modifying standard CA in order to make them suitable for urban simulation ( White and Engelen, 1993a; White and Engelen, 2000; Itami, 1994; White et al., 1997; White et al., 1999; Clarke and Gaydos, 1998; Semboloni, 2000 and Sui and Zeng, 2001). Researchers can already answer the question of how to build urban CA, or how to modify standard CA in order to make it suitable for urban simulation. However, why to build urban CA is an issue which is still to be satisfactorily addressed (Torrens and OSullivan, 2001). The first part of this paper addresses the question of why. The drivers of urban dynamics are analysed from a theoretical point of view in order to propose an approach for the modelling of urban land use dynamics. In the second part of the paper, results of an urban simulation for the city of Dublin (Ireland) are reported. The CA has been designed and developed in the framework of the ECs Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) EUROLANDSCAPE/MOLAND Project (Monitoring Land Cover/Use Dynamics) in collaboration with the Research Institute of Knowledge Systems (RIKS) (White et al., 1999 and Lavalle et al., 2001; MOLAND web-site: The aim of this model is to predict future land use development under existing spatial plans and policies, and to compare alternative planning and policy scenarios in terms of their effects on future land use development.
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It is logical to think that new residential areas usually grow near or adjacent to existent residential areas. However, they are influenced by other land uses. For example, in this case, the industrial land use could represent a repulsive factor. As a result a sort of equilibrium is reached between all actual land uses and their dynamics in a defined neighbourhood. The third group of factors is related to the spatial characteristics of cities. Factors such as distance to the centre, accessibility, flows or transport networks, are included in this group. For example, new links in the road network might contribute enormously to urban dynamics as an attractor for urban land uses. The fourth group is related to urban and regional planning policies. From a practical point of view, this group is represented by land use zoning status. Through land use zoning plans the city is regulated to be occupied by land uses in space and time. The fifth group comprises factors related to individual preferences, level of economic development and socio-economic and political system. These are the most complicated to understand and model. This group of factors is also related to human decision-making processes, which in most cases are qualitative, evolve in time and can be intransitive and therefore difficult or almost impossible to predict. For example, a new residential area could be located in a place because it is more beautiful than other places. Usually human decision-making processes include some level of unpredictability. Couclelis (1988) defined human systems as terribly complex. From a practical point of view the related complexity of human systems could be modelled as some degree of stochasticity in a probabilistic schema. Therefore, it can be considered as a stochastic factor in urban dynamics modelling. The problem arises in how it can be defined and calibrated. The sum of all the factors which participate in urban dynamics, plus the human decision component, generates a complex dynamic system whose behaviour is influenced by some degree of stochasticity. Where and when some features will change in a city is a spatio-temporal multi-factor process which necessarily includes some stochastic degree.
Full-size image (5K) Fig. 1. Three-dimensional representation of the factors which actuate in urban land use dynamics in phase 1.
In the second phase, another group of urban land use factors come into play. Those related with the land use dynamics at local scale. These factors initiate a non-linear dynamic process in which the current land use pattern and the local-level interactions between land uses combine to create the distribution of new built-up areas and changes from one urban land use to another. It is in this phase where the system actuates in a very dynamic way using as input the subset of areas generated in the first phase. The land uses interact at local scale as non-linear feedbacks producing a dynamic system. Unlike in the first phase, in the second one the factors are dynamic in time and space, iterative, and show a non-linear behaviour. Each change in urban land use affects future land uses at local scale, changing the local equilibrium every time a land use change takes place. All this makes the process very dynamic and interactive. Finally, the third phase gives the system its stochastic character. Cities as most social and economic processes show some degree of stochasticity. Because of the stochastic nature of the system some places that have been highly ranked in the first phase and established to be likely occupied by some land use in the second phase may be discarded or can be occupied by a less proper land use due to human-related decisions. To understand these three phases are useful as a rationale in order to analyse the process of urban land use dynamics. However, one might reasonably assume that in real situations the three phases probably work simultaneously, putting together the elements of the linear deterministic factors of the first phase, with the non-linear dynamics of local-scale factors of the second, and with the stochastic nature of social processes. All these factors working together produce what is known as a complex system. Complex systems are characterised by collective properties which define the behaviour of the system as a whole. However, much of the behaviour of the constituent parts can be different from the whole
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and sometimes partially unknown (Meiss, 2000). On the other hand, self-organisation is a characteristic of complex systems like cities. Self-organisation in cities is the result of local-scale iterations which produce partially ordered large-scale patterns ( Torrens and OSullivan, 2001). Such behaviour deals with systems whose structure is emergent. In the proposed schema of urban land uses dynamics self-organisation is highly dependent of the second phase. In the second phase, local-scale interactions actuate over the existent patterns in a dynamic non-linear sequence generating new patterns that participate in the next iterations of the process. From a practical point of view, the process of urban dynamics can be defined as an iterative probabilistic system (White et al., 1999) in which the probability (p) that a place (i) in a city is occupied by a land use (K) in a time (t), is a function of the concerned factors measured for that land use: suitability (S), accessibility (A), land use zoning status (Z), neighbourhood influence (N) and a stochastic perturbation (v):
(1) Considering this approach, the probability that an area changes its land use is a function of the aforementioned factors working together in time, plus a stochastic degree. In this schema the neighbourhood factor (N) makes the system works like a non-linear system. Their dynamism and interactive behaviour can be understood as the basis of the land use dynamics.
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dynamics and the rules for pattern generation and evolution require well suited tools for their modelling and understanding. At this point a question emerges: why is it important to study complexity in order to understand cities dynamics? From a practical point of view, as is argued by Couclelis (1988), understanding complexity can result in a useful and practical way to predict complex systems. In addition, complexity and the tools which deal with complex emergent systems can help us to understand and model the future of cities. In order to generate these future scenarios, urban land use patterns dynamics can be simulated taking into account the initial state of the system, the participating factors for land use dynamics, and the rules that produce the dynamics that drive the evolution of actual cities. Modelling city dynamics deals with a problem which shows non-linear behaviour, self-organising and self-similarity properties. It is also very sensible to initial conditions and rules and to determine causal relations becomes a hard task since the system presents a degree of stochasticity. In addition, as have been pointed out by Couclelis (1997), there are also laws of complexity at work within the urban and regional land use dynamics, which makes the prediction of the system enormously difficult. We can now point out a new question. What are the tools designed for dealing with this kind of complex spatial dynamic systems?
(2) These equations, although fully deterministic, can produce a very dynamic behaviour, from stable points and limit cycles to chaotic regimes (strange attractors) (Wolfram, 1984a and Wolfram, 1984b; May, 1976). Furthermore, the behaviour of non-linear differential equations may be indistinguishable from the one produced by a random process. CA have been considered as spatial idealisations of partially differential equations with discrete space and time, thus it is not strange that CA show behaviours analogous to non-linear ordinary differential equations (Wolfram, 1984a and Wolfram, 1984b). From this point of view it is not surprising that CA are capable of producing and simulating complex spatial processes showing non-linear dynamics such as some socio-spatial processes (i.e. spatial segregation of socio-economic groups), and moreover CA produce spatial patterns that show chaotic behaviour in the sense of irregular dynamics in a deterministic system. In these kinds of systems the behaviour depends on its own internal logic, and not for the reason that the system is stochastic per se. An elementary CA is comprised by several elements (Couclelis, 1988 and Torrens, 2000): the space represented by an array of cells, each residing in a state at any one time; a discrete number of states (qualities referred to the cells); the neighbourhood template; transition functions, which define what the state of any given cell is going to be in the next time period based in the present state of the cells itself and that of its neighbouring cells. The simple mechanism for defining the next state of a cell based on its actual state and the actual state of the cells in the neighbourhood, made CA very simple mechanism with the following main characteristic: spatial-interactivity. It represents the key to some spatial dynamic processes like urban land use evolution (Couclelis, 1997). We can assume that CA are systems capable of modelling complex emergent systems, but what do CA have to do with cities? It should be noted that urban land use dynamics can be defined as a complex process, and CA can produce or mimic complex spatial processes. However, this is not the only link between them. Some characteristics of cities such as fractal dimensionality, self-similarity across scales, self-organisation and emergence ( Torrens, 2000; White et al., 1997; Batty and Longley, 1994; Allen, 1997 and Portugali, 2000), can also be generated by CA ( Torrens, 2000; Wolfram, 1994; Batty and Longley, 1994 and Batty, 1997). The question arises as to how to get in use all the modelling potential of CA, in order to model urban land use evolution in a realistic way. Two major requirements have been stated in order to produce useful urban land use models using CA: interactivity and realism. Serious qualitative forecasting, through urban and regional modelling, should respond to these two aspects in order to differentiate gameplaying from serious prediction ( Couclelis, 1997).
3. Methods
From the described approach an urban CA model has been designed and developed for modelling urban and regional systems through constrained CA-based simulation tools (White et al., 1999). It has the following specificities.
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datasets. The cell space is assumed not to be homogeneous. Each cell is characterised by a vector of suitabilities, one suitability for each land use taking part in the dynamics. The suitabilities are defined as a weighted linear sum of a series of physical, environmental and institutional factors characterising each cell. They are normalised to values in the range of 01, and represent the inherent capacity of a cell to support a particular activity or land use. The suitability maps remain constant during the simulation unless the user interrupts the run and edits them manually. Secondly, each cell is associated with a vector of accessibility factors, again one for each land use type. This factor represents the importance of access to transportation networks for various land uses for each cell, again one for each land use type. Some activities, like commerce, require better accessibility than others, such as residential discontinuous sparse. Accessibilities are calculated as a function of distance from the cell to the nearest point in the transport network as follows:
(3) In Eq. (3), tAr,K,x,y is the accessibility of the cell (x, y) to infrastructure element r for land use K at time t; Dr is the distance between cell (x, y) and the nearest cell (x, y) on infrastructure element r; and ar,K is a calibrated distance decay accessibility coefficient expressing the importance of good access to infrastructure element r for land use K. Finally, each cell is associated with a set of codes representing its zoning status for various land uses, and for various periods. Due to the combined effect of suitabilities, accessibilities, neighbourhood effect, and zoning, every cell is essentially unique in its qualities with respect to possible land uses. It is on this highly differentiated digital space where the dynamics of the cellular automata take place.
(4) In Eq. (4), tNK,x,y is the contribution of the CA transition rules in the calculation of the transition potential of cell (x, y) for land use K at time t; wK,L,c is the weighting parameter expressing the strength of the interaction between a cell with land use K and a cell with land use L at a distance c in the neighbourhood; tIc,l is the Dirac delta function (inertia effect): tIc,l=1 if cell l at a distance c at time t is in the state L, otherwise tIc,l=0.
PK,x,y=(1+tAr,K,x,y)(1+SK,x,y)(1+tZK,x,y )
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( NK,x,y) v where PK,x,y is the CA transition potential of the cell (x, y) for land use K at time t; tAr,K,x,y the accessibility of the cell (x, y) to infrastructure element r for land use K at time t; SK,x,y the intrinsic suitability of the cell (x, y) for land use K; tZK,x,y the zoning status of the cell (x, y) for land use K at time t; NK,x,y the neighbourhood space effect on the cell (x, y) for land use K at time t; and v is the scalable random perturbation term at time t, it is defined as: v=1+[ln(rand)], where (0<rand<1) is a uniform random variable, and is a parameter that allows the size of the perturbation to be adjusted. Thus, the transition rule works changing each cell to the state for which it has the highest potential, subject to the constraint that the number of cells in each state must be equal to the number demanded in that iteration. Cell demands are generated outside the CA. In each iteration, all cells are ranked by their highest potential and cell transitions begin with the highest ranked cell and proceed downwards until a sufficient number of cells of a particular land use has been achieved. Each cell is subject to this transition algorithm at each iteration. However, most of the resulting transitions are from a state to itself, consequently the cell remains on its current state. When a transition to another state does occur, the actual transition to the second state occurs after one iteration (1 year) delay, during this interval the cell is assigned the state construction site.
t t t
Full-size image (40K) Fig. 2. Dublin maps: (a) urbanised area in 1968; (b) urbanised area in 1998; (c) road network used in the simulation; (d) simulated urbanised area in 1998.
Accurate simulations in the present urban CA depend on several factors. Among the most important of these is the calibration of the weighting parameters of Eq. (4), which define the neighbourhood effect. The weighting parameters are calibrated in order to minimise the differences between the simulated land use map for 1998 and the actual land use map for that year. The schema of weighting parameters for any pair of land uses is based on a rational evaluation of the land use pattern in the city and their evolution. The pattern of weighting parameters for any one pair of land uses is not surprising. For example, residential discontinuous sparse land use is attracted to itself, much more so at close distances, and also, but less strongly, to commerce and to artificial non-agricultural vegetated areas, while it is repelled by industry, especially at close distances (Table 1). From a practical point of view, the calibration of the model is based on an interactive procedure in which each state (active and passive) is calibrated against each of the land uses classes. The weighting parameters are thus assigned for each pair of land uses through interactive windows incorporated in the software prototype. Table 1. The weighting parameters for the neighbourhood effect applied on the residential discontinuous sparse land use
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Notice that one matrix of weight has been produced for each of the passive and active states. The weighting assignment is done by verifying visually the spatial effects of the weights in the urban CA prototype. The simulations can be produced in a few seconds using a good PC, offering the possibility to modify the weight values until the results fit with the reference land use map. Once all the functions have been calibrated, the model is re-run several times in order to verify if the land use transitions work in a logical way. Comparison matrices and more structural procedures like the fractal dimension are also used for producing a fine-tuned version of the simulation which gives accurate and realistic results. Another calibration factor is the random perturbation. This was set at =0.6 following a trial and error approach. This value reproduces the radial (fractal) dimension of the urbanised area measured for the actual land use map. In this case, the value was also fine-tuned to generate a sufficient number of new seed cells of various land uses in new locations such as rural areas, which will subsequently develop into, for example, new industrial, commercial or residential areas. The random perturbation parameter produces also non-continuous (i.e. leap-frog) growth of urban land uses based on a stochastic function. If the perturbation is increased, then the stochasticity of the simulation increases too. The problem remains, however, as to how to make the stochasticity of both systemsthe simulation and the actual citymatch.
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the total area occupied by individual land uses within a given radius from the centre of the city, using a set of increasing radii, in 1000 m increments, which resulted in 21 radius zones for each of the cities. The slope of the simple regression line in the arearadius plot for each land use corresponds to the radial dimension of that land use (Fig. 3).
Full-size image (11K) Fig. 3. Arearadius plots for Dublin ( ) and simulation (): (a) industrial; (b) commercial; (c) residential; (d) urbanised area.
The radial dimension is a measure of how sparse a Euclidean bi-dimensional object is. For example, if some land use increases radially its number of cells in a relatively low rate from the centre of the city, the land use becomes relatively sparser on each radius unit. Thus, their slope in the arearadius plot and hence their radial dimension will be relatively low. On the other hand, if the growth rate is relatively high, there will be a high number of cells occupied on each radius unit. This makes that the slope become relatively high and consequently the radial dimension increases. In this case, the land use will be relatively less sparse. The actual city and the simulation display a bifractal structure in the evaluated four land use classes: commercial, industrial, residential (the sum of residential dense, residential medium dense, residential continuous, and residential discontinuous sparse) and urbanised (the sum of residential dense, residential medium dense, residential continuous, residential discontinuous sparse, industrial, commercial, and public and private services). In the arearadius plots in Fig. 3ad, the inner zone (represented by a steep slope) is evident for the four land use classes. The outer zone, on the other hand, is represented by a flatter slope. The border of the two zones is within a radius of 810 km. These results match with the experiments carried out by Frankhauser, 1991 and Frankhauser, 1994 and White and Engelen, 1993a and White and Engelen, 1993b in which several cities of the world have been studied showing similar bifractal structures. From this point of view cities are structured in two zones: the first one is a fully urbanised inner zone in which the urbanisation process has reached a sort of equilibrium. In this area, the urbanisation process is complete and radial dimension values are usually higher than in the outer zone. The outer zone is an area where land use is less intensive and the urbanisation process continues to evolve: there is still a number of vacant areas that can be taken over by urban land uses, and consequently the urban structure is dynamic and the radial dimension is therefore smaller. Despite some slight differences in the arearadius plot and the corresponding simulation, the general agreement of the plots is an evidence of the similarity of the pattern distribution in both maps. The clear bifractal structure is a consequence of the concentric zonation of land uses in the simulation and in the actual city. In addition, the simulation match with the actual city not only in the inner zone, where few cells were available at the beginning of the simulation, but also in the outer zone, where most of changes in land use took place in the 30-year simulation period. Individual analyses of the arearadius plots show that the land uses are distributed bifractally. For example, up to the radius of 10 km the radial dimension for the industrial land use is 2.45, whilst in the outer zone the dimension is 1.61. These values of radial dimension represent a well developed central area in which the industrial land use is structured in a compact way. Inversely, in the outer zone, the industrial land use is sparser revealing a less urbanised area, and likely it is still evolving to become a more compact structure. In Fig. 3 each individual plot reveals the high similarity between the simulation and the actual city. Although the plots are not identical they are very similar. In addition to this, it is also important that the simulation resembles the concentric distribution of land use of the actual city as it is. In general commercial, residential and the urbanised arearadius plots show a similar structure as industrial: a well identified inner zone and the evolving outer zone, showing all of them the referred bifractal structure. The commercial land use in Fig. 3b shows a plateau in the radius 35 km, this may be caused by the vicinity of the sea and other water bodies. In this radius range the simulation overestimates the area occupied by commercial land use in the actual city. Values of radial dimension were calculated considering the overall 21 km radius zone in the real city and in the simulation. These are shown in Table 2. By comparing the radial dimension values between the actual city and the simulation, the similarity between them is striking. The similar values of radial dimension mean that the simulation reproduces accurately the spatial pattern for the evaluated land uses during the simulated period. But how is the urban CA able to reproduce patterns without any long-range iteration procedure? The answer lies in the characteristics of systems with self-organising properties, such as standard CA: in the urban CA the pattern structure is a consequence of the local-level iterations, which produce the global structure of the simulation map. Table 2. Radial dimension for individual land use classes
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The third approach for testing the model results is to evaluate the degree to which the two maps (the simulation and the actual land use map) are in line with each other, by means of a coincidence matrix and the associated k indices. This approach is useful for identifying the cells that are identical in both maps, considering their state in a cell-by-cell comparison. Although this approach generates quantitative measures of coincidence for the two maps, there are some weaknesses in their implementation in urban CA models (White et al., 1997 and Torrens and OSullivan, 2001). The coincidence matrix procedure is not able to evaluate patterns, since the procedure is based on independent comparisons between pairs of cells, and therefore is unable to take account of patterns or distributions per se. This means that small displacements are identified as discordances, and the same discordance will be stated if the displacement is of 100 cells instead of 1. On the other hand, in land uses with a low number of cells, the k-value will not yield a useful statistical indicator. Regardless of these drawbacks the technique is applied for testing the simulations. The comparison matrix was made using the simulation map and the actual city map for 1998 (Table 3). The matrix has been summarised in order to simplify the extensive comparison matrix produced for the 22 land use classes. The table shows the results only for active states; the remaining land uses were included as other land uses. Total cell numbers have been included only in columns since the number of cells is the same in the simulation and in the actual city for each of the active states. The k-statistics have been also included in the matrices for the active land uses. The last rows of the table show the numbers of cells added for each active land use during the simulated period. Notice that residential medium dense, residential discontinuous and port areas show a low number of added cells in the simulated period, therefore the k-value for these land uses should not be taken into account in the validation process since they do not represent a consistent indicator. Table 3. Coincidence matrix and k-values for the simulation 19681998
Full-size table (16K) Note: the numbers in the coincidence matrix are cell counts. The residential discontinuous sparse land use shows a k-value of 0.73, indicating a good match between the simulation and the actual city. This land use type covers a large area in Dublin, and 71% of the area of the active states. Considering the simulation it is noticeable that 249 cells have been incorrectly assigned to industrial instead of residential discontinuous sparse. This fact is not surprising considering that both land uses compete for open vacant land in the peripheral areas of Dublin due to their very similar allocation criteria. Noticeable errors related to the simulation for Dublin are the 3152 cells incorrectly assigned by the simulation to other land uses instead of residential discontinuous sparse. Most of these cells have been assigned by the simulation to artificial non-agricultural vegetated areas (1450 cells) and pastures (1298). In the first case, artificial non-agricultural vegetated areas are usually integrated in urban areas with residential land uses. Considering that artificial non-agricultural vegetated areas has not been regarded as an active state, the assignment of the residential land use instead is not surprising in view of their very similar locational factors. In the case of the industrial land use, the 259 cells incorrectly assigned as residential discontinuous sparse confirms the aforementioned ideas about the similarity of the locational requirements of both land uses. On the other hand, most of the 692 cells incorrectly assigned to other land uses instead of industrial, have been assigned to pastures (339 cells) and arable land (153 cells). In this case, the zoning datasets would improve substantially the results. The rest of land uses with significant numbers of cells show k-values from 0.72 for commercial, to 0.92 for residential discontinuous, which can be considered as good or very good.
5. Concluding remarks
The results of the simulation for Dublin have demonstrated that the urban CA prototype can provide reasonable representations of the future evolution of cities, even when, as in this study, the amount of supporting data is limited, and the simulated period is quite long (30 years). Clearly, the inclusion of suitabilities and zoning status and a more realistic modelling period of, say, 20 years could yield more reliable results, in a time scenario that is adequate for planning purposes. Despite these constraints, the capacity of the model to reproduce the actual urban form through large-scale patterns maintaining the resolution of the spatial data included in the model is an advantage. This is a property of some CA that are capable to produce fractal objects from self-organisation, universal computation and other types of behaviours pertaining to systems balanced between order and chaos. As opposite to cell-by-cell basis analysis urban CA are intrinsically spatial models. Therefore, these kinds of models are capable to produce dynamic spatial analyses since their analytic basis is not only the cell values on each case. It includes as well the neighbourhood cell states. In addition, the interactivity of the model produces an approach that meets the realism needed for simulating actual
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urban processes. On the other hand, the model structure is open. Thus, as the simulation tool is moved closer to end-users such as urban planners who have access to a wealth of data, it will be possible to extend the richness of the modelling framework to provide better estimates of future conditions producing several future scenarios. Thanks to the experimental potential of the model it could be used by planners as a simulation box, in which a number of spatial conditions if then can be tested easily in a realistic way within a known degree of accuracy. In addition, the use of the arearadius plots for comparing the model results may be useful for measuring the spatial consequences of political decisions and in general the land use evolution, since this model is capable to simulate single land use classes individually. The link between the cellular model and GIS is important considering that the spatial data used by the model was developed and managed using a raster-based GIS. On the other hand, some current GIS applications provide a set of operators enough to develop urban CAs: user defined filters, dynamic operations, overlay, reclassification, and a scripting language to put the operations in a logical order. Some researchers have recently proposed ways of building CA functionality into GIS, or conversely, GIS functionality into CA. This model has been developed following the second approach, in which the GIS is used for handling the models output in the form of predictions. This type of model-GIS approach is called loose coupling (Clarke and Gaydos, 1998). Within this approach the possibility of delivering the model to end-users as a stand-alone software is a clear advantage.
This research was funded by the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre, postdoctoral grant #17646-2001-03 P1B30 ISP IT Monitoring sustainable urban and regional development using spatial dynamics models awarded to Jos I. Barredo; and undertaken as part of the ECs Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) EUROLANDSCAPE/MOLAND (Monitoring Land Cover/Use Dynamics) project. The cellular automata software has been developed by RIKS in the framework of the contract #14518-1998-11 F1ED ISP NL awarded by the European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre.
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Barredo: Jos I. Barredo is a postdoctoral researcher at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Italy). He has done PhD in GIS and remote sensing in 1995 at University of Alcal (Spain). He has worked in the field of GIS applied to urban and regional planning studies. Currently, his major research topic is the application of cellular automata for the study of urban processes. Kasanko: Marjo Kasanko is a researcher at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Italy). She has a Ph. Lic. in impact assessment methodology in the University of Helsinki in 1999. She has worked in the field of various impact assessments (mainly environmental and employment) and urban and regional development. At the moment she is developing spatial indicators for measuring urban sustainability. McCormick: Niall McCormick is a researcher at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Italy), where he has carried out extensive research into the use of advanced GIS and remote sensing techniques for wide-area environmental surveys, such as forest inventories and urban growth assessments. He is currently working on the development and application of automated methods for measuring and modelling the spatial impacts of urban expansion, including landscape fragmentation. Lavalle: Carlo Lavalle works at the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Italy), as Head of the Urban and Regional Development sector. He is working in the following areas of applications: sustainable urban and regional development, environmental impact of human activities, environmental protection and impact assessment of transport infrastructure.
Landscape and Urban Planning Volume 64, Issue 3, 15 July 2003, Pages 145-160
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