9700 s11 QP 11
9700 s11 QP 11
9700 s11 QP 11
May/June 2011 1 hour
Additional Materials:
Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided unless this has been done for you. There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet. Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully. Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
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2 1 A cell organelle measures 4 101 mm in diameter. What is the diameter in m? A 4 101 m B 4 102 m C 4 103 m D 4 104 m
In the following table, which is the correct comparison between light and electron microscopes? light microscope resolution A B C D high high low low magnification high low high low electron microscope resolution low low high high magnification low high low high
Which structures are present in a typical plant cell? centrioles A B C D cilia mitochondria vacuole key = present = absent
Plant cells are stained and then viewed through a light microscope. Which structures would be clearly visible at a magnification of 400? A B C D chloroplast grana lysosomes nucleoli ribosomes
Which type of cell will contain the highest proportion of single membrane-bound structures? A B C D ciliated epithelial cell goblet cell red blood cell smooth muscle cell
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3 6 Four different fruit juices, A, B, C and D, were tested with Benedicts solution. A second sample of each juice was hydrolysed and tested with Benedicts solution. The table shows the masses of the precipitates formed. Which juice contains the greatest mass of non-reducing sugar? mass of precipitate before hydrolysis / mg A B C D 30 55 65 70 mass of precipitate after hydrolysis / mg 55 55 85 80
Which molecular bonds will be broken by hydrolysis when a molecule of glycogen is converted to glucose? bonds 1,2 A B C D 1,4 1,6 key = broken = unbroken
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4 8 Which set of statements correctly describes haemoglobin? A four polypeptide chains, each containing a prosthetic group iron ions can associate with oxygen forming oxyhaemoglobin in each chain, hydrophobic R groups of amino acids point towards the centre of the molecule two identical alpha chains and two identical beta chains at 50 % saturation, two oxygen molecules are transported by the molecule each chain can transport an oxygen molecule
each chain contains a prosthetic group of amino acids surrounding an iron ion an iron ion is present within each haem group iron ions in the molecule can bind reversibly with oxygen
polypeptide chains interact to produce an almost spherical molecule polypeptide chains produce a loose helical shape, which curls to form a spherical molecule
quaternary structure of two alpha chains and two beta chains in each chain, hydrophobic R groups of amino acids surround the iron ion
each molecule can transport a total of four oxygen atoms each molecule can transport a total of eight oxygen atoms
Some foods contain hydrogenated vegetable oils. These are unsaturated fats that have been converted to saturated fats. Which property of the fats will have changed? A B C D Their hydrocarbon chains will fit together more closely. Their solubility in water will increase. They will have more double bonds in their molecules. They will remain liquid at room temperature.
10 Which rows show the chemical groups present in the biological molecules listed? biological molecule 1 2 3 4 A 1, 2 and 3 amino acid -glucose glycerol fatty acid B 1, 2 and 4 C presence of carboxyl (COOH) groups yes no no yes 1, 3 and 4 D presence of two or more hydroxyl (OH) groups no yes no no 2, 3 and 4
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5 11 Which correctly matches the functional and structural features of cellulose, collagen, glycogen or triglyceride? structure function fibrous molecule held together by hydrogen bonds branched chains
support energy source strengthening support strengthening storage storage energy source
= true
= false
12 The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen is catalysed by the enzyme catalase. In an investigation into the effect of pH on the rate of reaction of catalase, potato cubes were added to hydrogen peroxide. Which dependent variable should be recorded? A B C D the change in mass of the potato after a given time the pH of the solution at regular time intervals the number of potato cubes added at the start the volume of oxygen given off at regular time intervals
13 Which levels of protein structure can determine the specificity of an enzyme? 1 2 3 4 A B C D primary secondary tertiary quaternary
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6 14 Some inhibitors of enzyme reactions bind to the enzyme / substrate complex. Which statements about this type of inhibition are correct? 1 2 3 4 A The active site changes shape. The inhibitor is non-competitive. The initial rate of reaction is reduced. The maximum rate of reaction (Vmax) is increased. B 1 and 3 only C 2 and 3 only D 2, 3 and 4 only
1 and 2 only
15 What is correct for the cell surface membrane and membranes within cells? A B C D Both allow intracellular transport. Both are stabilised by glycoproteins. Both have sites for enzyme attachment. Both protect cells from the contents of lysosomes.
16 What supports the view that a membrane protein is involved in active transport? A B C D It allows movement of molecules across a membrane if concentration differences exist. It can only function if mitochondria are supplied with sufficient oxygen. It has a tertiary structure with a binding site with a specific shape. It is found in the cell surface membranes and the mitochondrial membranes.
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7 17 Strips of plant tissue were immersed in a range of sucrose solutions of different concentrations. Their lengths were measured before immersion and after 30 minutes. The graph shows the ratio of initial length to final length.
1.4 1.2 initial length 1.0 final length 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 sucrose concentration / mol dm3
What is a correct description of the change in the cells and in their water potential as the sucrose concentration increases? change in the cells A B C D less turgid less turgid more turgid more turgid change in the water potential more negative less negative less negative more negative
18 Which is always true of cytokinesis? 1 2 3 A Cell organelles replicate. Cell organelles are divided between two cells. Nuclear envelope reforms. B 1 and 3 only C 2 only D 3 only
1, 2 and 3
19 Which process occurs during prophase of the mitotic cell cycle in an animal cell? A B C D division of centromeres formation of chromosomes replication of DNA separation of centrioles
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8 20 The diagram shows how genetically identical frogs can be developed from unfertilised frog eggs. The diploid number (2n) for frogs is 26.
W nucleus taken from cell and injected into egg egg develops into tadpole
Which combination of numbers correctly identifies the number of chromosomes in each of the types of cell in the diagram? V A B C D 13 13 13 26 W 13 26 26 26 X 26 13 26 13
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9 21 The mechanism of action of four drugs that inhibit DNA replication is stated below. Aphidicholine inhibits DNA polymerase. Cytarabine is converted into a molecule that can substitute for a DNA nucleotide and also inhibits DNA repair mechanisms. Epirubicin inhibits an enzyme involved in the unwinding of DNA and separation of strands. Hydroxycarbamide inhibits deoxyribonucleotides. an enzyme involved in the production of
Which row correctly matches a drug to an explanation of the mechanism of action? explanation of mechanism of action decreased pool of available nucleotides inhibits chain elongation A B C D aphidicholine epirubicin hydroxycarbamide hydroxycarbamide DNA strands not available as templates for transcription epirubicin cytarabine aphidicholine epirubicin DNA damaged during replication and cell death occurs cytarabine hydroxycarbamide epirubicin cytarabine exposed DNA template strands unable to be copied hydroxycarbamide aphidicholine cytarabine aphidicholine
22 The following events occur during transcription. 1 2 3 4 Bonds break between complementary bases. Bonds form between complementary bases. Sugar-phosphate bonds form. Free nucleotides pair with complementary nucleotides.
Before the mRNA leaves the nucleus, which events will have occurred twice? A 1 and 2 only B 1, 3 and 4 only C 2, 3 and 4 only D 1, 2, 3 and 4
23 Which type of sugar and types of bonds are found in a DNA molecule? type of sugar A B C D non-reducing non-reducing reducing reducing types of bonds hydrogen and ionic hydrogen and peptide covalent and hydrogen hydrogen and peptide
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10 24 In an animal cell, which process is dependent upon cell surface area and which process is dependent upon cell volume? cell surface area A B C D carbon dioxide produced glucose absorbed hormones detected oxygen used cell volume oxygen used hormones detected carbon dioxide produced glucose absorbed
25 Which xerophytic adaptations reduce the water potential gradient? 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D rolled leaves hairy leaves sunken stomata fewer stomata fleshy leaves
26 During transpiration, what is the site of evaporation of water in the leaves? A B C D air spaces guard cell walls mesophyll cell walls stomata
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Which describes the relationship of water potential in the labelled cells? A B C D cell 3 less negative than cell 1 cell 2 less negative than cell 3 cell 3 more negative than cells 1 and 2 cells 1, 2 and 3 have the same water potential
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3 water vapour is lost from leaves 2 water passes up the stem 1 water enters the root
Which row identifies the processes involved during the stages of water movement shown? cohesion and adhesion A B C D 1 1 2 2 transpiration 2 3 1 3 osmosis 3 2 3 1
29 What is correct for tissue fluid? phagocytes A B C D platelets protein concentration compared to blood plasma higher higher lower lower key = present = absent
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13 30 What happens during ventricular diastole? A B C D All semilunar valves open. The atrio-ventricular valves open. The pressure in the atria rises above the pressure in the ventricles. The pressure in the left atrium rises more than the pressure in the right atrium.
31 Which row correctly describes the events during the cardiac cycle? nerve impulses from atrio-ventricular node (AVN) to A B C D SAN PT PT SAN nerve impulses from Purkyne tissue (PT) to the ventricles the atria the ventricles the atria nerve impulses from sino-atrial node (SAN) to AVN PT AVN PT
32 Which row correctly identifies the structure of an artery compared with a vein seen in transverse section under a light microscope? outer wall of artery A B C D thicker thicker thinner thinner layer of muscles and elastic fibres thicker thinner thicker thinner diameter of the lumen (hollow space) narrower wider narrower wider
33 In the lungs, oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through cell membranes by diffusion. Which row is correct? number of cell membranes diffused through by oxygen from air A B C D 3 3 5 5 carbon dioxide to air 2 2 or 3 4 4 or 5
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14 34 A student was asked to describe the differences between four microscope slides of sections taken from different parts of the gas exchange system. slide 1 not present: cartilage, glands present: few goblet cells, ciliated epithelial cells, smooth muscle slide 2 present: incomplete cartilage rings, glands, goblet cells, ciliated epithelial cells, smooth muscle slide 3 not present: cartilage, glands, goblet cells, smooth muscle present: squamous epithelial cells slide 4 present: plates of cartilage, glands, goblet cells, ciliated epithelial cells, smooth muscle Which is the correct identification of the parts of the gas exchange system? slide 1 A B C D alveolus bronchiole bronchiole bronchus slide 2 bronchiole bronchus trachea trachea slide 3 bronchus alveolus alveolus bronchiole slide 4 trachea trachea bronchus alveolus
35 A person suffering from mild emphysema stopped smoking cigarettes. Why would this persons health improve? A B C D goblet cells secrete more mucus, allowing a greater number of pathogens to be trapped increased numbers of phagocytic macrophages arrive in the lungs less atheroma build-up on the inner lining of arteries, increasing lumen diameter less carboxyhaemoglobin produced, increasing oxygen transport by haemoglobin
36 Which disease is not likely to be passed directly from parents to child? A B C D cholera malaria sickle cell anaemia tuberculosis
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15 37 The diagram shows one way of testing the effect of an antibiotic on bacteria. colonies of bacteria petri dish with nutrient agar containing bacteria diameter of zone measured every week for 5 weeks
disc of filter paper soaked in antibiotic The table shows the results of testing five different types of bacteria. Zones of less than 13 mm show the presence of resistant bacteria. type of bacteria 1 2 3 4 5 diameter of zone / mm week 1 24.10 18.60 17.90 19.40 22.00 week 2 21.90 15.40 12.80 15.30 21.00 week 3 19.00 12.20 12.40 13.20 20.50 week 4 17.60 9.00 11.10 8.10 20.40 week 5 14.30 0.00 10.90 0.00 20.40
Which statement can be supported by this data? A B C D Bacteria become more resistant to antibiotics over time. Only types 2, 3 and 4 of the bacteria show resistance to the antibiotic. The antibiotic can be used to treat all the types of bacteria. Type 5 of the bacteria can never become resistant to the antibiotic.
38 Smallpox has been eradicated, but not malaria or cholera. Which statements correctly explain this? 1 2 3 4 A Cholera bacteria in the intestines are not destroyed by antibiotics. Plasmodium antigens change during the life cycle. Smallpox antigens remain stable. Vaccines only work against viruses. B 1, 2 and 4 C 1, 3 and 4 D 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 3
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16 39 A square metre of grassland receives about 1 047 000 kJ of solar light energy each year. The table shows what happens to this energy. kJ used in evaporation of water transmitted to the ground reflected by the leaves used for growth used for other life processes respiratory heat losses How much energy is used by the grass in photosynthesis? A 2000 kJ B 19 500 kJ C 21 500 kJ D 23 500 kJ 523 500 335 000 165 000 21 500 1 500 500
40 Which process does not involve making nitrogen available to plants? A B C D ammonification denitrification nitrification nitrogen fixation
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