CPE - 301 System Analysis and Design L T P Cr. 3 1 0 3.5
CPE - 301 System Analysis and Design L T P Cr. 3 1 0 3.5
CPE - 301 System Analysis and Design L T P Cr. 3 1 0 3.5
Section A Systems Concepts and Information Systems Environment: Introduction, characteristics of a system, Elements of a system, the system development Life Cycle, Role of a System Analyst. Section B System Planning and Initial Investigation, Information Gathering, The Tools of structured analysis, Feasibility Study, Cost/ Benefit Analysis. Section C The process and stages of system Design, Input/Output and forms design, File Organization and database design. Section D System testing and quality assurances, Implementation and software maintenance, Project Scheduling and software, Security, Disaster/Recovery, and Ethics in system development. Case study of the following systems (I) Inventory Control (II) Railway Reservation System (III) University Management System (IV) Hospital management System
Recommended Books : 1. System analysis and design - Elias M.Awad. 2. System analysis and design Perry Edwards 3. Analysis and design of information systems James A.Senn 4. System analysis and Design by Elias M. Awad Galgotia Publication Pvt. Limited.
CPE 302
Section A Introduction, history and development of computer networks .The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Reference Model Section B Physical Layer: Theoretical basis, transmission media, Repeaters, Hubs Data Link Layer: Data link layer Design Issues, elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols. Section C MAC layer: Aloha protocols, local area networks -- Ethernet, Wireless LANS Network layer: routing algorithms, congestion control algorithms, internetworking - bridges and routers. IP Addressing Section D Transport layer: Elements of Transport Protocols UDP,TCP. Electronic-mail,WWW , Domain Name System Case Study : Design & Implementation of Local Area Network
Recommended Books : 1 A. S. Tannenbaum. Computer Networks , 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall. 2 D. E. Comer. Internetworking with TCP-IP: Principles, Protocols and Architecture , Vol I, 2nd Edition,PrenticeHall,1991. 3 D. E. Comer and D. L. Stevens. Internetworking with TCP-IP: Design, Implementation, and Internals , Vol II, Prentice Hall, 1990.
CPE 303
Section A Introduction To Database Concepts Difference between Database and non database system, Data independence, DBMS Architecture, components of a database system, Advantages and disadvantages of Database system, Intended Uses of a DBMS, Data Models, Schemas, and Instances, Database Languages and Interfaces, Classification of Database Management Systems. Data Modeling : Relational Model Concepts, creation of tables, virtual tables and views in SQL, Changing of schema and updation of tables in SQL, Data associations and Data relationships, ER Model; Design,
issues, Mapping constraints, keys, ER diagram, weak entity sets, extended ER features, Design of an ER Database schema, Reduction of an ER Schema to tables, Section B Database Design Integrity Constraints: Domain constraints, Referential integrity, entity integrity, Specify these constraints in SQL, specification of Additional Constraints as assertions and triggers, functional dependencies, Decomposition, Normalization using FDs MVDs and JDs Domain key normal form, Denormalization, Queries in SQL. Section C Query processing: in Relation Algebra, Relational Calculus, complex queries in SQL Overview of optimization process: cost based query optimization Section D Transaction processing Transaction Concept, Transaction state, Implementation of Atomicity, and durability, concurrent execution, serializability, Recoverability. Overview of Backup and recovery process Recovery concepts: categories of recovery algorithms, caching of disk blocks, Write-ahead Logging, Steal/No-steal and Force/No-Force, Checkpoints, Transaction Rollback, Recovery techniques based on Deferred update, and Immediate update, shadow paging, Aries recovery algorithm, Recommended Books : 1. Navathe and Elmasri, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson education 2 Prateek Bhatia, Database Management system, Kalyani Publishers 3 Korth and Silberschatz Abraham, Database Concepts, McGraw Hall, 1991. 4 An introduction to database system by C.J.Date (Addison Welsey, Publishing house) Latest edition. 5 john, Oracle 10g SQL, Thomsan 6 Bipin Desai, Database System, TMG
CPE 304
Section A Introduction: Algorithm, analyzing algorithms, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, graphs, hashing. Divide and Conquer: General method, binary search, finding the maximum and minimum, Merge sort, Quick sort, Strassens matrix multiplication. Section B Greedy Method : General Method, Knapsack problem, minimum spanning trees, single source shortest paths. Section C Dynamic Programming: General Method multistage graphs, All pairs shortest path, traveling salesman problem. Branch & Bound : Branch & bound Method, 0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling salesman problem. Section D Lower Bound Theory : Lower bound technique, Comparison trees for sorting and searching, some lower bound on parallel computation. Recommended Books : Fundamentals of Computer Algorithm, Latest edition, By Horowitz Sahni, Galgotia Publication. Algorithms, Latest Edition, By knuth. Design & Analysis of Algorithm, Latest Edition, By Goodman, McGraw hill Publication.
Theory of Computation L 3
T 1
P 0
Cr. 3.5
Section A Sets, Relations and Languages: Sets, Relations and functions, finite and infinite sets, Closures and algorithms, alphabets and languages, finite representations of languages. Finite Automata: Deterministic finite Automata with Epsilon-transitions, Moore and Mealy Machine, Application of finite automata i.e. text search. Section B Regular Expression and Languages: Regular expression, finite Automata and Regular expression and finite automata: Application of Regular expression: Lexical analysis, Finding pattern in text. Properties of Regular languages: Pumping lemma for regular languages, application of pumpins lemna, Closure properties of regular languages, Minimization of finite Automata. Section C Context free Grammar and Languages: Context free grammar: Parse Trees, Ambiguity in Grammar and Languages, Application of context free Grammar: Markup Languages, XML and document type Definition. Properties of Context free languages Normal forms for context free grammars, The Pumping lemma for context free Languages, Closure properties of context free languages. Section D Pushdown Automata: Pushdown Automata: Deterministic Push down Automata, Equivalence of Push Down automata and Context free Grammar. Turing Machines: Definition of Turing Machine, Application of Turing Machine in language accepting and computing.
Recommended Books : J.E .Hopcroft, R. Motwani and J.D. Ullmn, Introduction to Automata Theory, Language and Computation, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition. 2. B.M. Moret, The Theory of Computation, Pearson Education Asia. 3. H.R. Lewis and C.H. Papa dimitriou, Elements of the theory of Computation, Pearson Education Asia, 2nd Edition.
P 0
Cr. 3.5
SECTION A GRAPHICS HARDWARE: Vector and Raster CRTs, Display Controllers and Processors, Graphics Input Devices. TWO-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: Coordinate Systems, Homogenous Coordinates, Basic Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation and other transformations. Composite Transformations. SECTION B RASTER SCAN CONVERSION ALGORITHMS: Line Drawing Algorithms, Circle Drawing Algorithms, Region filling Algorithms. TWO-DIMENSIONAL VIEWING & CLIPPING: Windowing and Viewing Transformations, Line Clipping algorithms, Polygon Clipping, Curve Clipping and Text clipping. SECTION C 3-D GRAPHICS: Three dimensional object representations: Curves and Surfaces THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: Basic Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation. Composite transformations THREE-DIMENSIONAL VIEWING: Modeling and Coordinate Transformations, Projections: Parallel and Perspective Transformations SECTION D VISIBLE SURFACE DETECTION: Hidden surface removal algorithms, Illumination Models SHADING: Gouraud Shading, Phong Shading, Interactive Computer Graphic Techniques
Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. Computer Graphics: By Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker Principles of Interactive Computer graphics: By W.M. Newman, R.Sproull Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics: By J.D. Foley, A. Van Dam Computer Graphics Using OPEN GL: By F.S. Hill Jr.
L T P 0 0 2 OBJECTIVE The students are required to do exercises/projects in database design: 1. creation of tables, virtual tables and views in SQL, 2. Viewing the contents of data dictionary 3. Changing of schema 4. updation of tables in SQL 1.0
5. Specification of various constraints in SQL: Integrity Constraints: Domain constraints, Referential integrity, entity integrity etc
CPE 354
Course Contents: 1. Write a program to sort n numbers using merge sort. Mention the numbers of comparisons made by the program. 2. Write a program to sort n numbers using quick sort. Mention the numbers of comparisons made by the program. 3. Write a program for stressor's matrix multiplication. 4. Write a program for knapsack problem. 5. Write a program for minimum spanning trees. 6. Write a program for single source shortest paths. 7. Write a program of traveling salesman problem. 8. Write a program for all pairs shortest paths
OBJECTIVE The students are required to do exercises on various computer graphics algorithms in either C/C++ Language. Implement following using various algorithms: 1. Line drawing 2. Line clipping 3. circle drawing 4. area clipping 5. drawing of some 2-D pictures 6. 2-D transformations: rotation, translation etc 7. Shading 8. Line Hidding Finally design some Ads., Game etc using all the above or built in commands.