Earthworm AP Protocol
Earthworm AP Protocol
Earthworm AP Protocol
The nervous system conducts information from place to place via electrical impulses called action potentials . All sensation, thought and movement in animals is mediated by coded patterns of nerve impulses. The properties of the action potential in single fibers are therefore of considerable physiological interest. Unlike vertebrates, invertebrates do not have myelinated neurons. Myelin, a lipid, acts like insulation and increases the conduction velocity of vertebrate neurons. Invertebrate axons, on the other hand, increase nerve conduction velocity by being large in diameter. Many invertebrates have specialized giant axons. These large fibers help control a variety of escape behaviors because they conduct action potentials very rapidly. Historically, giant axons have played an important part in the discovery of the membrane mechanisms underlying the action potential. The squid giant axon, for example, was used extensively for voltage clamp experiments1. Common earthworms (Lumbricus spp.) have a giant fiber system (Figure 1) consisting of a single median giant fiber and two lateral giant fibers. These giant fibers are triggered by certain sensory inputs. The two lateral fibers are linked by numerous cross-connections and function as a single axon2.
Figure 1. Cross-section of an earthworm, with the ventral nerve cord expanded for display.
The amplitude of a typical action potential measures between 80100 mV. However, when recorded extracellularly, the amplitude appears much smaller. An extracellular recording detects only the small potential difference that arises from the action current flowing in the extracellular medium around the nerve fiber. The response you record today may be less than a thousandth of the amplitude of the action potential itself.
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24 April 2012
Teaching Experiment
Required Equipment
A computer system Scope 3.7 or higher PowerLab 4/25T Stimulator cable (BNC to alligator clips) Shielded Bio Amp cable Three shielded lead wires with alligator clips Three silver wires, chlorided at one end Modeling clay or adhesive tape Corkboard or dissecting tray Metal dissecting pins Petri dish 10% Ethanol in earthworm saline Eyedropper Millimeter ruler Paper tissues Earthworms
Set up and calibration of equipment
Hardware and software set up
1. Connect the shielded Bio Amp cable to the PowerLab (Figure 2). 2. Connect three lead wires to the patient cable: Channel 1 positive (R1), Channel 1 negative (R2), and earth (Figure 2). 3. Attach the red and black stimulus leads to the analog output BNC connectors on the front of the PowerLab. 4. Make sure the USB cable is connected to your computer and turn the PowerLab on. 5. Launch Scope 3.7 on your computer. 6. From the File menu, open the Scope settings file Earthworm AP Settings. A blank data file will appear after a few seconds.
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Teaching Experiment
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Teaching Experiment
Figure 3. Electrode placement for recording earthworm action potentials. The chlorided ends of the silver wires should be in contact with the earthworms skin.
Figure 4. A sub-threshold stimulation of the earthworm giant axons shows a stimulus artifact but no response.
3. Increase the output by clicking the Amplitude up arrow in the Stim Panel (Figure 5). The stimulus should increase by 0.05 volts with each click.
Figure 5. The Stim Panel in Scope, which appears when the stimulator is active.
4. Increase the stimulus voltage in 0.05 V steps, waiting at least 2 seconds (one Scope sweep) before
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Teaching Experiment
increasing the voltage. 5. When you see a response from the median giant axon (Figure 6), click the Stop button. If you do not see a response and you are using a stimulus of more than 3 V, ask for assistance.
6. Reduce the stimulus amplitude by 0.2 V. 7. Click Start. 8. Begin to increase the amplitude by 0.05 V between each sweep. When the response first appears, note the value as an estimate of the threshold stimulus strength. 9. Reduce the stimulus value by 0.05 V, and observe whether the response disappears. Repeat if necessary. 10. By increasing and decreasing the stimulus, you should be able to determine the threshold voltage. You may find a stimulus strength that evokes a response intermittently; some stimuli give a response whereas others fail. This can be considered the threshold voltage. Record your final threshold value in your Data Notebook.
Teaching Experiment
Figure 7. A recording from the earthworm that shows action potentials from the median and lateral giant fibers.
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Figure 8. The response of the median giant fiber to dual stimuli. The time between the stimulus pulses is longer than the refractory period of the nerve.
Figure 9. Placement of electrodes for determining the directionality of the action potential.
Determining threshold voltage
The threshold voltage is defined as the minimum stimulus that produces an action potential 50% of the time.
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1. Record the value for the median and lateral giant axons in Table 1 of the Data Notebook.
Figure 10. Using the Marker and Waveform Cursor in Scope to calculate (a) amplitude of the action potential, and (b) the latent period. The time and voltage values are displayed in the Cursor window at the upper right.
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Teaching Experiment
Determining conduction velocity
1. Place the Marker on the stimulus artifact peak. 2. Place the Waveform Cursor on the action potential peak from the median giant axon. Read the time difference between the action potential and the stimulus artifact in the upper part of the Scope window. 3. Use the following equation to fill out Table 2 in the Data Notebook. Enter the values for mm/ms; then convert your value to the units m/sec.
(distance) (Dt)
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Teaching Experiment
Data Notebook
Table 1. Properties of the earthworm giant nerve fibers
Fiber Median giant fiber Lateral giant fiber Threshold voltage (V) Latency (ms)
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Teaching Experiment
Study Questions
1. Did the amplitude of the action potential in the median giant axon vary with stimulus voltage? What is the physiological basis for your answer?
2. Why do you not see a second action potential from the median giant axon when the stimulus interval is very short?
3. Based on your data, what can you say about the directionality of the action potential?
4. Some of the pioneering research on axon physiology was conducted using invertebrates as the experimental subjects. Why do you suppose invertebrate animals were chosen for this research, rather than vertebrates?
Literature Cited
1. A.L. Hodgkin, A.F. Huxley and B. Katz, Measurement of current-voltage relations in the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. Journal of Physiology 116: 424449 (1952). 2. J.C. Eccles, R. Granit and J.Z. Young, Impulses in the giant nerve fibres of earthworms, Journal of Physiology 77: 23P24P (1932).
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