Omi 500 MSDS

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Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

HMIS HEALTH: ..........................1 HMIS FLAMMABILITY: .............0 HMIS REACTIVITY: ...................0 PERSONAL PROTECTION: ......C EMERGENCY NUMBER: ..........800-255-3924 ISO 9001 Registered SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF CHEMICAL PRODUCT PRODUCT NAME: ...................... OMI 500 EFFECTIVE DATE: .................... August 21, 2007 CHEMICAL FAMILY: ............... Compound Cleaning Liquid FORMULA: .................................. Proprietary CAS NUMBER: ............................ Blend SECTION 2 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS HAZARDOUS INGREDIENT Propylene Glycol T-Butyl Ether Nonionic Surfactants PERCENT < 10 < 20 CAS NUMBER 57018-52-7 9016-45-9 PEL None Established None Established

The criteria for listing components in the composition section are as follows: Carcinogens are listed when present at 0.1% or greater; components which are otherwise hazardous according to OSHA are listed when present at 1.0% or greater. Non-hazardous components may be listed at 3.0% or greater if not proprietary in nature. This is not intended to be complete compositional disclosure. Refer to section 14 for applicable states right to know and other regulatory information. SECTION 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW APPEARANCE / ODOR: ............ Clear Red Liquid / Mild Mint Odor SHORT TERM EXPOSURE: GENERAL: Liquid or vapors may be irritating to skin and eyes. INHALATION: High concentrations of vapor may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, experienced as nasal discomfort and discharge, possibly with chest pain and coughing. Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and drowsiness may occur. EYES: May cause mild to severe irritation experienced as discomfort or pain, excess blinking and tear production, possibly with marked redness and swelling of the conjunctiva. SKIN: Brief contact may cause slight irritation with itching and local redness. Prolonged contact, especially with concentrate, may cause more severe irritation, with discomfort or pain. SWALLOWING: May cause headache, dizziness, in-coordination, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and general weakness. OSHA REGULATED: ................. No LISTED CARCINOGEN:............ NTP: No IARC MONOGRAPHS: No POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS PAGE 1 of 6

Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

INHALATION:............................. Irritant INGESTION: ................................ Irritant SKIN (DERMAL):........................ Irritant OVER EXPOSURE EFFECTS: .. Skin irritation develops slowly upon prolonged contact with concentrate. Eye irritation develops immediately upon contact. Signs of Inhalation Overexposure: Irritation of Respiratory Tract, Headaches, Dizziness. SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID: SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes immediately. Wash affected area with soap or mild detergent and large amounts of water until no evidence of chemical remains (at least 15-20 minutes). Get medical attention immediately. EYE CONTACT: Flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water or normal saline solution, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids until no evidence of chemical remains (at least 15-20 minutes). Get medical attention immediately. INGESTION: Give large amounts of fresh water or milk immediately. Do not give anything by mouth if person is unconscious or otherwise unable to swallow. If vomiting occurs, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration. Treat symptomatically and supportively. Seek medical attention immediately. INHALATION: Remove from exposure area to fresh air immediately. If breathing has stopped, perform artificial resuscitation. Keep person warm and at rest. Treat symptomatically and supportively. Seek medical attention immediately. Qualified medical personnel should consider administering oxygen. SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASHPOINT: ............................. None EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Determined by surrounding material. Water fog or spray, Foam, Dry Powder, Carbon Dioxide (CO2). DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: ................................. From fire; Smoke, Carbon dioxide, & Carbon Monoxide LOWER FLAME LIMIT: ........... ND HIGHER FLAME LIMIT: .......... ND UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: ........... None known FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: .............................. Fire fighters and others exposed to products of combustion should wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Equipment should be thoroughly decontaminated after use. SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES CHEMTEL EMERGENCY NUMBER (24 Hour): ................... 1-800-255-3924 SPILL: ........................................... In case of spillage, dilute with water to sewer if allowed by local and state regulations. If unable to wash product with water, absorb with inert material (sand or other approved material) and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. PAGE 2 of 6

Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

RCRA STATUS: ........................... None SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY PRACTICES. THESE PRACTICES INCLUDE AVOIDING UNNECESSARY EXPOSURE AND PROMPT REMOVAL OF MATERIAL FROM EYES, SKIN, AND CLOTHING. HANDLING AND STORAGE: ... Store away from oxidizers or materials bearing a yellow "DOT" label. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: ................................ Provide fresh air ventilation during and after application. Close container after each use. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. After handling this product, wash hands before eating, drinking, or smoking. If contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing. If needed, take firstaid action shown in Section 4. SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTION GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: Consider the potential hazards of this material (see section 3), applicable exposure limits, job activities, and other substances in the work place when designing engineering controls and selecting personal protective equipment. EYE PROTECTION: ................... Chemical safety goggles meeting the specifications of OSHA 29CFR 1910.133 / ANSI Standard Z87.1 should be worn whenever there is the possibility of splashing or other contact with the eyes. Wear safety glasses meeting the specifications of OSHA 29CFR 1910.133 / ANSI Standard Z87.1 where no contact with the eye is anticipated. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: ............................ Use NIOSH approved vapor respirator if exposure is unknown or exceeds permissible limits. A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 or ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant respirator use. Use NIOSH / MSHA approved respiratory protection equipment when airborne exposure limits are exceeded (see below). Consult the respirator manufacturer to determine appropriate type of equipment for a given application. Observe respirator use limitations specified by NIOSH / MSHA or the manufacturer. Respiratory protection programs must comply with 29 CFR 1910.134. WARNING: Air-purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen-deficient atmospheres. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: ........... Wear impervious gloves VENTILATION: .......................... Local exhaust MECHANICAL EXHAUST: ...... Use if needed. LOCAL EXHAUST: .................... Recommended VENTILATION NOTES: Provide natural or mechanical ventilation to control exposure levels below Airborne exposure limits (see below). The use of local mechanical exhaust ventilation is preferred at sources of air contamination such as open process equipment. Consult NFPA Standard 91 for design of exhaust systems. THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE:.. None Established for this Product PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: ... HMIS PERSONAL PROTECTION; C: Safety Glasses, Gloves, Apron PAGE 3 of 6

Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

The user should read and understand all instructions and limitations supplied with the equipment since protection is usually provided for a limited time or under certain circumstances. SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE / ODOR: ............ Clear Red Liquid / Mild Mint Odor BOILING POINT:........................ 212F FREEZING POINT: .................... 32F VAPOR PRESSURE: ................... ND VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1): ....... > 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY: ................ 1.01 - 1.03 pH: ................................................. 12.2 - 12.8 Neat - 20% Solution < 12.0 SOLUBILITY IN WATER:......... Complete SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: ................................. Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: ................. Will not occur POLYMERIZATION AVOID: ... None INCOMPATIBILITY: ................. Oxidizers or Oxidizing Materials. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: ........ None known SECTION 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION EYE EFFECTS: The eye irritation hazard is based on data from information supplied by raw material(s) supplier(s). SKIN EFFECTS: The skin irritation hazard is based on data from information supplied by raw material(s) supplier(s). ACUTE ORAL EFFECTS: The acute oral toxicity is based on data from information supplied by raw material(s) supplier(s). ACUTE INHALATION EFFECTS: The acute respiratory toxicity is based on data from information supplied by raw material(s) supplier(s).

SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Data from laboratory studies and from scientific literature is noted below if available.

SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL: ................... Treatment, storage, transportation and disposal must be in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial and Local Regulations. Regulations may vary in different locations. Characterization and compliance with applicable laws are the responsibility solely of the generator. Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal PAGE 4 of 6

Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. SECTION 14- TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION The data provided in this section is for information only. The description shown may not apply to all shipping situations. Consult 49CFR, or appropriate regulations to properly classify your shipment for transportation. PROPER SHIPPING NAME: ..... D.O.T. NON-REGULATED - OMI 500 REPORTABLE QUANTITY: ..... None HAZARD CLASS AND LABEL: DOT Non-Regulated UN NUMBER: .............................. None NA NUMBER: .............................. None PACKAGING SIZE: .................... Drum & Bulk SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 311 CATEGORIES: EPA ACUTE: ................................ Yes (Eyes) EPA CHRONIC: .......................... No EPA IGNITABILITY: ................. No EPA REACTIVITY: .................... No EPA SUDDEN RELEASE OF PRESSURE: ........................... No CERCLA RQ VALUE: ................ None SARA TPQ:................................... None SARA RQ: ..................................... None EPA HAZARD WASTE #: .......... None CLEAN AIR: ................................ NA CLEAN WATER: ......................... NA SARA SECTION 313: .................. No NFPA HEALTH: .......................... 1 NFPA FLAMMABILITY: ........... 0 NFPA REACTIVITY: .................. 0 DEA Chemical Trafficking Act: .. No TSCA STATUS:............................ All ingredients in this product are on the TSCA Inventory List.

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Material Safety Data Sheet (OMI 500)

SECTION 16 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOOT NOTES: ND - No Data Available NA - Not Applicable < = Less Than > = Greater Than

Prepared according to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the ANSI MSDS Standard (Z400.1) by the Company Health and Risk Assessment Unit, PO Box 1519, Gretna, LA 70054-1519. REVISION STATEMENT: Changes have been made throughout this Material Safety Data Sheet. Please read the entire document. DISCLAIMER: Although the information and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter Information) are presented in good faith and believed to be correct as of the date hereof, the Company makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving this MSDS will make their own determination as to its suitability for their intended purposes prior to use. Since the product is within the exclusive control of the user, it is the users obligation to determine the conditions of safe use of this product. Such conditions should comply with all Federal Regulations concerning the Product. It must be recognized that the physical and chemical properties of any product may not be fully understood and that new, possibly hazardous products may arise from reactions between chemicals. The information given in this data sheet is based on our present knowledge and shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS. *********************************************************************************** THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THIS MSDS ***********************************************************************************

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