E Waste
E Waste
E Waste
E-waste- an overview
Submitted by
Divya. Chandroth Kiran. Kembhavimath Punit. Pardeshi Jeryl. Joseph Rohan. Matkari
It gives us immense pleasure to place this project report in this beautiful way with the hearty co-operation and blessing of many people without whom this project would not have been possible. We wish to thank our Principal Dr.A.R.Katti and Dr.S.B.Charhate ,Head of the Department(Civil) for providing us the opportunity to present our work. Also we wish to thank the professors of Final year for extending their full support and co-operation during the making of this project. We would like to express our deepest and heartfelt gratitude to our Project Guide Prof.P.A.Dode, Senior Lecturer, without whom this project would not have been possible and for sharing his immeasurable and in-depth knowledge on this topic. We wish to thank him for having full faith in us and for rendering his love, co-operation, constant encouragement and immense support at the various stages during the making of this project. We wish to acknowledge Miss.Chitralekha Vaidya who is an ME student at Sardar Patel College Of Engineering for rendering her valuable guidance in conceptualizing this study. We wish to thank Dr.Asolekar, Professor in Environmental Department, IIT, Powai for rendering his knowledge in the topic. We would also like to thank Mr.B.K.Soni, Managing Director, Ecoreco Ltd, for providing us the opportunity to visit the recycling facility. A project of this nature could not be documented without the tremendous background information made available by the various authors of excellent books and articles which have been referred to and listed at the end of the chapters and at the end of this report. We are thankful to them. We are thankful to our friends who have directly/ indirectly helped us in preparing this report. Last but not the least, we are thankful to our family for their understanding and constant support which saw us through the extended working hours.
Chapters List of Tables List of Figures Abbreviations and Glossary Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 General 1.2 Need of e-waste study 1.3 Object of the project 1.4 Scope of the project 1.5 Outline of the Project Chapter 2: Literature review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Classification of e-waste 2.3 E-waste hazards 2.3.1 Health hazards of mercury 2.3.2 Health hazards of lead 2.3.3 Health hazards of arsenic 2.3.4 Health hazards of cadmium 2.4 E-waste Scenario 2.4.1 E-Waste in the global context 2.4.2 E-waste in the Indian context 2.4.3 E-waste state scenario 2.5 Friendly way to handle e-waste 2.6 Regulatory regime for e-waste 2.6.1 The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2003 2.6.2 The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 2.7 Status of e-waste legislation in India 2.8 Basel Convention 2.8.1 Basel Ban Amendment 2.9 Various methods of e-waste disposal 2.9.1 Incineration 2.9.2 Open-burning 2.9.3 Landfilling 2.10 Leaching of e-waste
i ii iii
1 2 3 4 4
5 5 6 9 9 10 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22
2.10.1 Dynamic Leaching Test 2.11 Recycling 23 2.11.1 Purpose of recycling e-waste 2.11.2 Process of Recycling 2.11.3 E-waste Recycling/Treatment technologies in India 2.11.4 Recycling, Reuse and Recovery Options 2.12 Process flow diagram of an integrated facility 2.13 Recommended action against e-waste 2.14 Some international responses to e-waste 32 2.15 Summary Chapter 3: Case Study 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Methodology 3.2.1 E-waste recycling at ECORECO activity flow chart 3.3 Remarketing 3.4 Data security 3.5 Ecorecos associations Chapter 4: Analysis Chapter 5: Result Chapter 6: Conclusions and recommendations Future work References and Bibliography Plates
23 24 24 26 27 28 30 32
34 34 37 39 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 47
List of Tables
Table Number
Page Number
E-Waste Hazards E-waste generating top 10 states Quantities of e-waste sent to Ecoreco from each state
8 15 41
List of Figures
Figure Number
Page Number
Classification of e- waste
2.2 2.3
City-wise Graphical representation of e-waste Pyramid showing friendly way to handle ewaste Recycling process
14 16
2.5 2.6
Recycling of electronic scrap at Umicores integrated metals smelter and refinery Recycling of electronic scrap at Umicores integrated metals smelter and refinery Approach
28 29
3.2 3.3
36 36
CRT Treatment
PBDE : Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers PC : Personal Computer PCB : Polychlorinated Biphenyls PCB : Printed Circuit Board PCDF : Polychlorinated and Polybrominated Dioxins and Furans PIC : Prior Informed Consent PMO : Precious Metal Operations PVC : Polyvinyl Chloride PWB : Printed Wiring Boards SEPA : State Environmental Protection Administration TBBA : Tetrabromo Biosphenol-A TCDD : Tetrachloro-Dibenzo-Dioxin TCLP : Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TSDF : Treatment Storage and/or Disposal Facility WEEE : Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed. -Mohandas K. Gandhi 1.1 GENERAL: Waste is an unwanted or undesired material or substance. It is also referred to as rubbish, trash, garbage, or junk. Waste is directly linked to the human development, both technologically and socially. The composition of different wastes has varied over time and location, with industrial development and innovation being directly linked to waste materials. Some components of waste have economical value and can be recycled once correctly recovered. Various types of wastes are biodegradable waste, biomedical waste, commercial waste, construction and demolition waste (C&D waste), domestic waste, electronic waste (e-waste), hazardous waste, household waste, human waste, industrial waste, liquid waste, municipal solid waste, radioactive waste (nuclear waste), hazardous waste, toxic waste. The large majority of wastes generated globally are disposed of in landfill sites, without any pre-treatment or with minor treatments. Electronic wastes, "e-waste" is a waste type consisting of any broken or unwanted electrical or electronic device. Electrical and electronic equipments are made up of multitude of components, some containing toxic substances which can have an adverse impact on human health and the environment if not handled properly. E-waste contains toxic substances such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, barium etc. Often, these hazards arise due to the improper recycling and disposal processes used. When disposed carefully in a controlled environment, they do not pose any serious health or environmental risk. Hazardous-waste management studies to evaluate the significance of such hazards, advice on treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps are also met upon. E-waste management includes various disposal methods such as incineration, open burning, landfilling and the recycling method. Among the various disposal methods landfilling is considered as the most harmful because of leachate which often contains heavy water resources. . Even the best "state of the art" landfills
are not completely tight throughout their lifetimes and a certain amount of chemical and metal leaching will occur. The situation is far worse for older or less stringent dump sites. Recycling is a far better option as compared to disposal because it saves resources and protects the Earth because new metals don't have to be mined.
1.2 NEED OF E-WASTE STUDY: When people say "I am concerned about the environment," what do they mean? Environment protection is a major concern today, and humans are now trying every means and method available to save the environment. The study on e-waste is required because: It is an environmental and health hazard: E-waste contains a number of toxic substances which are not only dangerous for the environment but also for the people living in the immediate area of ewaste recycling and disposal sites. The cathode ray tubes (CRTs) in computer and television monitors contain lead - which is poisonous to the nervous system - as do circuit boards. Mercury - like lead - a neurotoxin, is used in flat-panel display screens. Some batteries and circuit boards contain cadmium, known to be a carcinogen. Rapid growth of the IT sector: Rapid growth combined with rapid product obsolescence and discarded electronics is now the fastest growing waste stream in the industrialized world. The growing quantity of e-waste from electronic and the IT industry is beginning to reach disastrous proportions and they need to be controlled. The problem in Indian scenario is the lack of awareness among enterprises on the hazardous effects of e-waste. Bangalore is the IT hub of India and is growing phenomenally. The growing industry has provided employment to over 2 lakh people and alone produces nearly 8,000 tons of e-waste every year. Most of this waste is recycled unscientifically or just dumped along with domestic solid waste, thereby creating health and environmental risks.
To separate recyclable and reusable materials: Government organizations would like to foster opportunities to recycle and reuse surplus electronic equipment on as wide a scale as possible. Recycling of ewaste is not required merely because it is mandatory or environmental requirement, but is also essential to avoid bad publicity when computers and
other office automation systems are found in landfill or third world countries, consequently, the industry is on the brink of a paradigm shift with respect to cost avoidance v/s risk avoidance. . Recycling and buying recycled products creates demand for more recycled products, decreasing waste and helping our economy 1.3 OBJECT OF THE PROJECT: E-Waste is a global concern today and it has far-reaching adverse effects on the environment if not dealt with immediately.Hence study on e-waste is necessary and the objectives of our present study are as stated below:
To create awareness about e-waste: The average citizen has no idea about ewaste and the problems it is causing for our environment. There are plenty of things consumers can do. First, spread awareness of e-waste by discussing the problem with friends and family, and at work place. The more the people know the proper way to dispose off their electronic waste, the better. Second, find out if there is an electronic-recycling centre in the city or anywhere nearby. Bring the equipment there when its time to dispose of it. To study the hazardous effects of e-waste: Computers and other electronic equipment are made from hundreds of different materials, both found naturally as well as man-made. While some naturally occurring substances, such as chromium, are harmless in nature, their use in the manufacture of electronic equipment often results in compounds which are hazardous. These highly toxic compounds are especially harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of carefully. Even a small cell phone has hundreds of harmful carcinogens that are detrimental to the environment as well as human health. To study the quantity of e-waste generation: India generated 3.3 lakh tones ewaste in 2007 and is expected to touch 4.7 lakh tones by 2011. The illegal import of e-waste from abroad added another 50 tones to the Indian origin. Pune ranked 3rd in Maharashtra in e-waste generation and the citys e-waste would reach 3,500 tons by 2015. The two largest nations shipping their ewastes out are the United States and Britain. Britain exported 25,000 tons of ewaste to South Asia last year. Disposal methods: In the hierarchy of end-of-life disposal methods, landfilling is considered the most harmful, and recycling the most environmentally tolerable. Various methods of e-waste disposal are incineration, open burning
and land filling. Land filling is one of the most widely used methods of waste disposal.
Reuse or recycling methods: Recycling means taking a product or materials at the end of its useful life and turning it into a usable raw material to make another product. Most of the recycling process involves physical dismantling by hammer, chisel, screw driver and bare hand. Recycling offers significant energy savings over manufacturing with virgin materials.
1.4 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: In order to execute this project, it is essential to establish the e-waste business chain linking different stakeholders to understand the trade economics and associated environmental impacts. The provision of recycling/disposal methods ensures constant and reliable e-waste management .The study shall identify and describe the following: Their respective geographical distribution in the study area. E-waste generation cycle: Generation of electronic wastes starts once it is discarded after the end of its useful life. In industries management of e-waste should begin at the point of generation. This can be done by waste minimization techniques and by sustainable product design. Waste minimization in industries involves adopting inventory management, productionprocess modification, volume reduction, recovery and reuse. 1.5 OUTLINE OF THE PROJECT: The report is organised in six chapters. Chapter one presents introduction of e-waste, need of e-waste study, objective and scope of work. The Chapter two literature review deals with the definition of e-waste, classification of e-waste, hazards in e-waste, the global scenario of e-waste, Indian scenario of e-waste, the state scenario of e-waste, various ongoing practices of disposal and recycling or reuse of e-waste. The chapter three deals with the case study(eco-reco); chapter four is analysis. The results are detailed in chapter five and the conclusions and recommendations that can be arrived upon after the completion of work is included in chapter six.
devices such as DVDs, CDs, floppies, tapes, printing cartridges, military electronic waste, automobile catalytic converters, electronic components such as chips, processors, mother boards, printed circuit boards, industrial electronics such as sensors, alarms, sirens, security devices, automobile electronic devices.The classification of e-waste is shown in the form of a flowchart in Fig 2.1.
Computer peripherals Monitors, CPU, Key Board, Mouse, Circuit Boards CDs Floppies Laptops Servers
Telecommunicatio n devices
Industrial Electronics
Lighting Devices
Fluorescent Tubes
2.3 E-WASTE HAZARDS: Electronic waste accounts for 70 percent of the overall toxic waste currently found in landfills. In addition to valuable metals like aluminum, electronics often contain hazardous materials like mercury. When placed in a landfill, these materials (even in small doses) can contaminate soil as well as drinking water.
E-waste contains different hazardous materials which are harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of carefully. While some naturally occurring substances are harmless in nature, their use in the manufacture of electronic equipment often results in compounds which are hazardous (e.g. chromium becomes chromium VI). The following table gives a selection of the mostly found toxic substances in e-waste and the various health hazards caused.
Table 2.1 E-Waste Hazards Occurrence in Health relevance: e- waste: condensers, transformers Cause cancer, effects on the immune system, reproductive system, nervous system, endocrine system and other health effects. persistent and bio accumulatable can cause long-term period injuries to health acutely poisonous when burned
TBBA (tetrabromobisphenolA) PBB (polybrominated biphenyls) PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers) Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
Fire retardants for plastics (thermoplastic components, cable insulation) TBBA is presently the most widely used flame retardant in printed wiring boards and covers for components
cooling unit, insulation Combustion of foam halogenated substances may cause toxic emissions. cable insulation Temperature processing of cables may release chlorine, which is converted to
dioxins and furans. Heavy metals and other metals: Arsenic small quantities in the form of gallium arsenide within light emitting diodes Getters in CRT power supply boxes which contain silicon controlled rectifiers, beam line components rechargeable NiCdbatteries, fluorescent layer (CRT screens), printer inks and toners, photocopying -machines (photo drums) Data tapes, floppydisks acutely poisonous and on a long-term perspective injurious to health may develop explosive gases (hydrogen) if wetted Harmful if inhaled
Barium Beryllium
Chromium VI
Lithium Mercury
Light-emitting diode (LED) CRT screens, batteries, causes damage to the printed wiring boards nervous system, circulatory system, kidneys causes learning disabilities in children Li-batteries may develop explosive gases (hydrogen) if wetted Is found in the acutely poisonous and fluorescent lamps that injurious to provide backlighting in health on a long-term
acutely poisonous and injurious to health on a long-term perspective causes allergic reactions injurious to health
LCDs, in some alkaline batteries and mercury wetted switches Nickel rechargeable NiCdbatteries or NiMH batteries, electron gun in CRT fluorescent layer (CRT-screen) older photocopyingmachines (photo drums) Is used on the interior of a CRT screen, mixed with rare metals condensers, liquid crystal display Toner cartridges for laser printers / copiers
may cause allergic reactions irritates skin and eyes exposure to high levels may cause adverse health effects Toxic when inhaled
Rare earth elements (Yttrium, Europium) Selenium toxic when inhaled Zinc sulphide Others: Toxic organic substances Toner Dust
Health risk when dust is inhaled risk of explosion May cause cancer when inhaled
Electronics and electrical equipment seem efficient and environmentally-friendly, but there are hidden dangers associated with them once these become e-waste. The harmful materials contained in electronics products (Cynthia A. Bily4et al.,2008); coupled with the fast rate at which were replacing outdated units, pose a real danger to human health if electronics products are not properly processed prior to disposal (Jae-Min Yoo19et al.,2009). Electronic products like computers and cell phones contain a lot of different toxins (Daniel A. Vallero5et al.,2002). For example, cathode ray tubes (CRT) of computer monitors contain heavy metals such as lead, barium and cadmium, which can be very harmful to health if they enter the water system. These materials can cause damage to the human nervous system and respiratory systems. Flame- retardant plastics used in electronics casings, release particles that can damage human endocrine functions. These are the types of things that can happen when unprocessed e-waste is put directly in landfill.
2.3.1 Health hazards of mercury: Mercury is a dense liquid metal that gives off a colourless, odourless, tasteless vapour at relatively low temperatures (David Hollansky8,2008). The fluorescent tubes that provide the source of light in the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) contain mercury. Very small amounts of mercury are also found in the LCD backlights. Mercury vapour lamps provide enhanced indoor and outdoor lighting; and elemental mercury has many uses including thermostat regulation and the manufacture of plastics, mirrors and thermometers. Organic mercury is the most deadly of the mercury compounds, probably due to its ability to enter the cells almost effortlessly. Within the cell it can destroy the various components selectively or in total by releasing chemicals, damaging DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) and by rupturing the cell membrane. A positive correlation was found between mercury concentration in blood and chromosomal aberration. A study of women in the village of Camara de Lobos in the island of Madeira, where sea currents cause a concentration of mercury in local sea life, found that average values of total mercury in hair and blood were about 10 mcg/g and 32 mcg/L respectively. These levels have been associated with risk for brain development. 2.3.2 Health hazards of lead: Lead is found in glass components of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT), as well as in electronics components (printed wiring boards and their components) of both CRT and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). It is widely used in electronic goods, as a major component of solders (as an alloy with tin) in printed circuit boards and as lead oxide in the glass of cathode ray tubes (televisions and monitors), as well as in lead-acid batteries (Elizabeth Grossman13et al.,2007). Its compounds have also been used as stabilizers in some Poly Vinyl Chlorides (PVC) cables and other products. Lead is a significant material in current CRT, accounting for up to 8% of the overall composition of the CRT by weight; with a 17" monitor containing as much as 1.12 kg of lead (Anne E. Maczulak1,2009). Lead is used in several parts of the CRT monitor, including the funnel and neck glass, the sealing frit, as solder on Printed Wiring Boards (PWB) within the monitor, and sometimes in the front panel glass of the CRT. At even very low levels, lead has been shown to cause health problems (Herbert Lund18,2000). This makes it extremely important that we reduce our use of lead and dispose of it properly. When lead is inhaled, about 30%-50% of the particles will reach the lungs, depending on the size of the particle. Large particles land in the upper respiratory tract where they get trapped by the mucous lining and are moved out by the cilia. Unfortunately, the mucous is often swallowed, allowing these large particles to then go into the digestive system.
Smaller particles can reach deeper in the lungs and from there be absorbed into the bloodstream. This means that when there is burning or welding on lead-painted surfaces, the lead fumes can be especially dangerous. The small particles created as a fume will reach the blood if they are inhaled. Once lead is in the blood, some of it moves into soft tissues.
2.3.3 Health hazards of arsenic: Arsenic is the most notorious of the chemicals contained in CCA (Chromate Copper Arsenate). It is a metalloid element, but when refined, arsenic is tasteless, odorless and colorless. Due to the unfortunate exposure of several population groups around the world to arsenic in their water supplies, the adverse health effects of long term arsenic exposure are well known and well documented. They include the following systemic effects: Toxicological: Arsenic is a human poison (toxin). Mild chronic poisoning can occur at doses as low as 0.15 mg daily. According to the Journal of Pesticide Reform, "the lethal dose of arsenic for an adult human is between 1 and 2.5 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight". Thus, for a typical adult male weighing 165 pounds (75 kg), the fatal dose can be as little as 75 milligrams. Dermatological: Skin cancers in the form of basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas, are one of the most serious long-term dermatological health hazards from continuous exposure to arsenic. Other serious dermatological hazards from chronic arsenic exposure can include pre-cancerous Actinic Keratosis (AK), darkening of the skin (hyper pigmentation). Cardiovascular, Hepatic and Hematological: Cardiovascular side effects affecting the heart and arteries from chronic arsenic exposure include high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, premature hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), vascular lesions, diabetes mellitus, and abnormal heart function. Hazards to the liver (hepatic effects) include cirrhosis, abnormal liver function, as well as symptoms such as "jaundice or simply an enlarged and tender liver". Long term arsenic exposure can produces serious hematological (blood) problems ranging from anemia to more lifethreatening ailments such as assorted forms of cytopenia, aplastic anemia and even acute leukemia in rare instances. Respiratory: Continuous arsenic exposure can cause irritation and damage to the mucous membranes in nasal passages and airways, including pharyngitis and
rhinitis, and can also aggravate symptoms of asthma. However, the greatest and most prevalent risk of prolonged arsenic exposure via inhalation is lung cancer. Neurological: The two most commonly-reported neurological effects of severe or chronic arsenic exposure are "pins and needles" feeling in the hands and feet, and partial paralysis of the limbs. In severe cases, degeneration of the peripheral nervous system has been noted. Other noted neurological side effects include hearing loss, memory loss, headaches, depression, anxiety attacks, and muscle and joint pain. Carcinogenic: Chronic oral, dermal or inhalation arsenic exposure can lead to several kinds of cancer. The most common are skin cancer, bladder cancer, and lung cancer, the latter being most prevalent in cases of inhalation exposure. Skin cancer can result from dermal or oral exposure, and patients with arsenic-related skin cancer are more prone to other internal cancers. 2.3.4 Health hazards of cadmium: Cadmium occurs in certain components such as chip resistors, infra-red detectors, and semiconductor chips. Cadmium is also a plastic stabilizer and some older cathode ray tubes contain cadmium. Spills and leaks from hazardous e-waste sites can cause cadmium to enter soil or water. Cadmium attached to small particles may get into the air and travel a long way before coming down to earth as dust or in rain or snow. Cadmium compounds are toxic with a possible risk of irreversible effects on human health, and accumulate in the human body, particularly the kidneys. Eating food or drinking water with very high cadmium levels severely irritates the stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhoea. Cadmium build-up causes kidney damage, and also causes bones to become fragile and break easily. 2.4 E-WASTE SCENARIO: E-Waste is a global concern today. It can have far-reaching adverse effects on the environment if not dealt with immediately. Awareness of e-waste management is the key to getting more customers to come forward and dispose of their e-waste in a safe manner. 2.4.1 E-Waste in the global context: The use of electronic devices has proliferated in recent decades, and proportionately the quantity of electronic devices that are disposed of, is growing rapidly throughout the world. A study found that every year, 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are
generated worldwide. In 1994, it was estimated that approximately 20 million Personal Computers (PC) became obsolete. By 2004, this figure was to increase to over 100 million PC. This fast growing waste stream is accelerating because the global market for PC is far from saturation and the average lifespan of a Personal Computer (PC) is decreasing rapidly. E-waste is a global issue for two main reasons: 1. Developing countries own a substantial share of e-waste. For example, of the estimated 20-50 million tonnes of e-waste discarded annually worldwide, Asian countries discard an estimated 12 million tonnes. This share will likely only increase with the rapidly developing economies of China and India, who will have 178 million and 80 million new computers, respectively, out of the global total of an estimated 716 million new computer users by 2010. 2. E-waste is often sent for recycling and refurbishing in developing countries (David Naquib Pellow6,2007) where labour is relatively cheap, and, once there, can simply be landfilled, for example, 50-80 percent of the e-waste collected for recycling in the US is exported. In USA, it accounts 1% to 3% of the total municipal waste generation. In European Union (EU), e-waste is growing three times faster than average annual municipal solid waste generation. A recent source estimates that total amount of e-waste generation in EU ranges from 5 to 7 million tonnes per annum or about 14 to 15 kg per capita and is expected to grow at a rate of 3% to 5% per year. In developed countries, currently it equals 1% of total solid waste generation and is expected to grow to 2% by 2010. 2.4.2 E-waste in the Indian context: The electronics industry has emerged as the fastest growing segment of Indian industry both in terms of production and exports. The share of software services in electronics and IT sector has gone up from 38.7 per cent in 1998-99 to 61.8 percent in 2003-04. A review of the industry statistics show that in 1990-91, hardware accounted for nearly 50% of total IT revenues while software's share was 22%. The scenario changed by 1994-95, with hardware share falling to 38% and software's share rising to 41%. This shift in the IT industry began with liberalization, and the opening up of Indian markets together with which there was a change in Indias import policies vis-vis hardware leading to substitution of domestically produced hardware by imports. Since the early 1990s, the software industry has been growing at a compound annual growth rate of over 46% (supply chain management, 1999). According to the survey conducted the Indian PC industry is growing at a 25% compounded annual growth rate. The e-waste inventory based on this obsolescence rate and installed base in India
for the year 2005 has been estimated to be 146180.00 tones. This is expected to exceed 8, 00,000 tones by 2012(Vishakha Munshi30,2008). Sixty-five cities in India generate more than 60% of the total e-waste generated in India. Ten states generate 70% of the total e-waste generated in India. Maharashtra ranks 1st followed by Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab in the list of e-waste generating states in India.
Table 2.2 E-waste generating top 10 states State Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Delhi Karnataka Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Punjab e-waste (tonnes) 20270.59 13486.24 12780.33 10381.11 10059.36 9729.15 9118.74 8994.33 7800.62 6958.46
Source: MPCB
2.4.3 E-waste state scenario: In India, among the 10 states, Maharashtra ranks 1st in the e-waste generation .The total e-waste generation in Maharashtra accounts for 20000 tonnes per year. It shows that Greater Mumbai and Pune generates maximum amount of e-waste. This is due to the presence of a large number of Info Tech Parks & electronic products manufacturing companies situated in Mumbai and Pune areas, which plays the main role in e-waste generation. The entire amount of e-waste from this region is transported for dismantling and further supply to Delhi market. Therefore, Maharashtra acts as a hub for supply of e-waste to Delhi and other parts of India. Among the top ten cities generating e-waste, Mumbai ranks first followed by Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Pune, Surat and Nagpur. While there is no large-scale organized e-waste recycling facility in the country and the entire recycling exists in unorganized sector, there are two small e-waste
dismantling facilities in Chennai. Ironically, in India, there are no specific environmental laws or guidelines on e-waste. None of the existing environmental laws have any direct reference to electronic waste or refer to its handling as hazardous in nature. However, several provisions of the laws may apply to various aspects of electronic wastes. Since e-waste or its residues fall under the category of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, they are covered under the preview of The Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 2003. According to the draft guidelines, plasticcontaining flame-retardants can be burnt in common hazardous waste incineration facilities. But monitoring and control of plastic burning at the facilities is a big environmental health and safety issue. Therefore, plastic which cannot be recycled and is hazardous in nature is recommended to be land filled in nearby treatment storage and/or disposal facility (TSDF).
Fig 2.2: City-wise Graphical representation of e-waste Source: Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT)
Moreover, existing lead recycling facilities from batteries fall under the existing environmental regulations for air, water, noise, land and soil pollution and generation of hazardous waste. In case lead recovery is low, they can be temporarily stored at ewaste dismantling facility and later disposed in TSDF. There is a need to geographically restrict area of operation of a particular facility similar to the lines of area of operation of a TSDF facility. This will ensure lower transportation cost, check transportation of e-waste across the different states and availability of raw material to the facility. 2.5 FRIENDLY WAT TO HANDLE E-WASTE: There are many ways to deal with e-waste. As the adage goes prevention is better than cure it is wise to prevent or minimize the production of e-waste. Reusing the parts and various components of e-waste is another option which reduces the total
volume of e-waste to be treated or disposed off. (Anne E. Maczulak1et al.,2009) Recycling is changing the original product and using it to produce something new. Recycling also reduces the content of e-waste to be disposed. When methods like open burning or incineration are used for disposing e-waste, the energy so produced can be recovered and put to use for lighting or other purposes. The least favored method of handling e-waste is to dispose it off. Disposal methods not only cause pollution but also lead to generation of by- products which have to be dealt with separately.
2.6 REGULATORY REGIME FOR E-WASTE: In India, there are no specific environmental laws or Guidelines for e-waste. None of the existing environmental laws have any direct reference to electronic waste or refer to its handling as hazardous in nature. However several provisions of these laws may apply to various aspects of electronic wastes. Since e-waste or its constituents fall under the category of hazardous and non hazardous waste, they shall be covered under the purview of The Hazardous Waste Management Rules, 2003. Respective definitions, their meaning and interpretation under the rule are given below. 2.6.1 The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2003 The Hazardous Waste (Management and handling) Rule, 2003, defines Hazardous waste as any waste which by reason of any of its physical,
chemical, reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or likely to cause danger to health or environment, whether alone or when on contact with other wastes or substances, and shall include: Waste substances that are generated in the 36 processes indicated in column 2 of Schedule I and consist of wholly or partly of the waste substances referred to in column 3 of same schedule. Waste substances that consist wholly or partly of substances indicated in five risks class (A, B) mentioned in Schedule 2, unless the concentration of substances is less than the limit indicated in the same Schedule. Waste substances that are indicated in Lists A and B of Schedule 3 (Part A) applicable only in cases of import and export of hazardous wastes in accordance with rules 12, 13 and 14 if they possess any of the hazardous characteristics listed in Part B of schedule 3. Disposal means deposit, treatment, recycling and recovery of any hazardous wastes. Important features of Schedule 1 and 2 which may cover E-waste are given below. Schedule 1 Although, there is no direct reference of electronic waste in any column of Schedule 1 (which defines hazardous waste generated through different industrial processes), the disposal process of e-waste could be characterized as hazardous processes. The indicative list of these processes is given below. Secondary production and/ or use of Zinc Secondary production of copper Secondary production of lead Production and/ or use of cadmium and arsenic and their compounds Production of primary and secondary aluminum Production of iron and steel including other ferrous alloys (electric furnaces, steel rolling and finishing mills, coke oven and by product plan) Production or industrial use of materials made with organo silicon compounds Electronic industry Waste treatment processes, e.g. incineration, distillation, separation and concentration techniques As per these regulations, once a waste product is classified as hazardous according to industrial process listed in Schedule 1, it is exempted from the concentration limit requirement set by Schedule 2 of Act, and is considered hazardous irrespective of its concentrations.
Schedule 2 The Schedule 2 of the Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules 2003, lists waste substances which should be considered hazardous unless their concentration is less than the limit indicated in the said Schedule. The various classes of substances listed in this Schedule relevant to E-waste are covered broadly in Class A and B as shown below. Class A: Concentration Limit: >= 50 mg/kg The indicative waste list, which could be part of E-waste or its fractions under this class are given below. Antimony and antimony compounds Beryllium and beryllium compounds Cadmium and cadmium compounds Chromium (VI) compounds Mercury and mercury compounds Halogenated compounds of aromatic rings, e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls, polychloroteriphenyls and their derivatives Halogenated aromatic compounds Class B: Concentration Limit: >= 5,000 mg/kg The indicative waste list, which could be part of E-waste or its fractions under this class are given below. Cobalt compounds Copper compounds Lead and lead compounds Nickel compounds Inorganic tin compounds Vanadium compounds Tungsten compounds Silver compounds Halogenated aliphatic compounds Phenol and phenolic compounds Chlorine Bromine Halogen-containing compounds, which produce acidic vapors on contact with humid air or water 2.6.2 The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000
"Municipal Solid Waste" includes commercial and residential wastes generated in municipal or notified areas in either solid or semi-solid form excluding industrial hazardous wastes but including treated bio-medical wastes. "Disposal" means final disposal of municipal solid wastes in terms of the specified measures to prevent contamination of ground-water, surface water and ambient air quality. "Processing" means the process by which solid wastes are transformed into new or recycled products; "Recycling" means the process of transforming segregated solid wastes into raw materials for producing new products, which may or may not be similar to the original products "Storage" means the temporary containment of municipal solid wastes in a manner so as to prevent littering, attraction to vectors, stray animals and excessive foul odor. 2.7 STATUS OF E-WASTE LEGISLATION IN INDIA: Toxics Link, in association with the Basel Action Network, published the landmark report in February 2003, on the transboundary movement of e-waste from the developed countries to India and the hazardous practices associated with recycling ewaste, especially highlighting the need for legislation to ban the import of e-waste as well as ensure environmentally sound disposal of the domestically generated e-waste (Rakesh Joshi27et al.,2009). Even though India is a signatory of the Basel Convention, there is no specific legislation regulating the import/ export or the collection and treatment of e-waste in India as yet (in 2006) (Dr. Hassan Ahmed9et al.,2009). There are however several existing environmental legislations which are of importance and useful in the context of e-waste. 2.8 BASEL CONVENTION: The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is the most comprehensive global environmental agreement on hazardous and other wastes. The Convention has 172 Parties and aims to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects resulting from the generation, management, transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous and other wastes. The Basel
Convention came into force in 1992. It was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous wastes between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to Less Developed Countries (LDC). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste. The Convention is also intended to minimize the amount and toxicity of wastes generated, to ensure their environmentally sound management as closely as possible to the source of generation, and to assist LDCs in environmentally sound management of the hazardous and other wastes they generate. 2.8.1 Basel Ban Amendment: After the initial adoption of the Convention, some LDCs and environmental organizations argued that it did not go far enough. Many nations and NGOs argued for a total ban on shipment of all hazardous waste to LDCs. In particular, the original Convention did not prohibit waste exports to any location except Antartica but merely required a notification and consent system known as "prior informed consent" or PIC. Further, many waste traders sought to exploit the good name of recycling and begin to justify all exports as moving to recycling destinations. Many believed a full ban was needed including exports for recycling. After the 1995 Basel conference by LDCs, Greenpeace and key European countries such as Denmark, led to a decision to adopt the Basel Ban Amendment to the Basel Convention. Not yet in force, but considered morally binding by signatories, the Amendment prohibits the export of hazardous waste from a list of developed (mostlyOECD) countries to developing countries. The Basel Ban applies to export for any reason, including recycling. An area of special concern for advocates of the Amendment was the sale of ships for salvage, shipbreaking. The Ban Amendment was strenuously opposed by a number of industry groups as well as nations including the United States and Canada. As of late-2005, 63 nations have ratified the Basel Ban Amendment; 62 are required for it to enter into force. The European Union fully implemented the Basel Ban in its Waste Shipment Regulation (EWSR), making it legally binding in all European Union (EU) member states. 2.9 VARIOUS METHODS OF E-WASTE DISPOSAL: E-waste management practices comprise of various means of final disposal of end-oflife equipment. In the hierarchy of end-of-life disposal methods, landfilling is considered the most harmful, and recycling the most environmentally tolerable Various methods of e-waste disposal are: Incineration Open burning Landfilling
2.9.1 Incineration: Incineration is the process of destroying waste through burning. Because of the variety of substances found in e-waste, incineration is associated with a major risk of generating and dispersing contaminants and toxic substances. The gases released during the burning and the residue ash is often toxic (R. E. Hester28et al.,2004). This is especially true for incineration or co-incineration of e-waste with neither prior treatment nor sophisticated flue gas purification. Studies of municipal solid waste incineration plants have shown that copper, which is present in printed circuit boards and cables, acts a catalyst for dioxin formation when flame-retardants are incinerated. These brominated flame retardants when exposed to low temperature (600-800C) can lead to the generation of extremely toxic polybrominated dioxins (PBD) and furans. PVC, which can be found in e-waste in significant amounts, is highly corrosive when burnt and also induces the formation of dioxins. Advantages of incineration: Advantage of incineration of e-waste is the reduction of waste volume and the utilization of the energy content of combustible materials. Some plants remove iron from the slag for recycling. By incineration some environmentally hazardous organic substances are converted into less hazardous compounds. Disadvantages of incineration: Disadvantage of incineration are the emission to air of substances escaping flue gas cleaning and the large amount of residues from gas cleaning and combustion. Incineration also leads to the loss valuable of trace elements which could have been recovered had they been sorted and processed separately.
2.9.2 Open-burning: Open burning is the process of destroying the waste by burning it under uncontrolled conditions. Disadvantages of open burning: Since open fires burn at relatively low temperatures, they release many more pollutants than in a controlled incineration process at an MSWI-plant. Inhalation of open fire emissions can trigger asthma attacks, respiratory infections, and cause other
problems such as coughing, wheezing chest pain, and eye irritation (Mackenzie21, et al.,2005). Chronic exposure to open fire emissions may lead to diseases such as emphysema and cancer. For example, burning PVC releases hydrogen chloride, which on inhalation mixes with water in the lungs to form hydrochloric acid. This can lead to corrosion of the lung tissues, and several respiratory complications. Often fires burn with a lack of oxygen, forming carbon monoxide, which poisons the blood when inhaled. The residual particulate matter in the form of ash is prone to fly around in the vicinity and can also be dangerous when inhaled. Soil and sediment collected in the vicinity of an open electronic waste disposal and recycling facility. The PBD were detected in the soil and sediment samples at levels of 0.26824 Ng/g (dry weight). Many of the chemicals released are highly toxic, some may affect childrens developing reproductive systems, while other can affect brain development and the nervous system. The samples of soil/ash from open burning sites generally contained high levels of many metals that are known to be present in electronic devices, some of which have toxic properties (Paul T William, et al.,2005). Numerous organic chemical pollutants were also identified. Similarities were found between the samples from the different open burning sites, with regard to those metals present at high levels and the range of organic chemicals present. 2.9.3 Landfilling: The most common method of managing E-waste has been landfilling (Amalendu Baqchi 2 et al.,2004) While the weight represented by used electronics is not dramatic, the volume that these items represent in landfills is proportionally more significant because of the bulk and rigidity of these materials. Furthermore, as some electronic items contain hazardous material, the proper management of those items is important. In addition, electronic items are made with valuable materials that are a great source of recoverable commodities including steel, glass, plastic, and precious metals. Discarded electronics often end up in landfills. It has become common knowledge that all landfills leak. Even the best "state of the art" landfills are not completely tight throughout their lifetimes and a certain amount of chemical and metal leaching will occur (Paul T William24 et al.,2005). The situation is far worse for older or less stringent dump sites
2.10 LEACHING OF E-WASTE: Leachate is the liquid that drains or 'leaches' from a landfill; it varies widely in composition regarding the age of the landfill and the type of waste it contains (David Hollansky8et al.,2004). It can usually contain both dissolved and suspended
materials. Disposal of e-wastes is one of the main reasons for leaching. Computer wastes that are land filled produces contaminated leachates which eventually pollute the groundwater. Acids and sludge obtained from melting computer chips, if disposed on the ground causes acidification of soil. Incineration of e-wastes can emit toxic fumes and gases, thereby polluting the surrounding air. Improperly monitored landfills can cause environmental hazards. Mercury will leach when certain electronic devices, such as circuit breakers are destroyed. The same is true for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) from condensers. When brominated flame retardant plastic or cadmium containing plastics are landfilled, both polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and cadmium may leach into the soil and groundwater. It has been found that significant amounts of lead ion are dissolved from broken lead containing glass, such as the cone glass of cathode ray tubes, gets mixed with acid waters and are a common occurrence in landfills. 2.10.1 Dynamic Leaching Test Dynamic leaching test (DLT) is employed to study the leaching mechanism and to evaluate the potential leaching hazards of various E-waste components under landfill conditions. The samples include the PC motherboards, hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, CD/DVD drives, power supply units, and cell phones. In the test, a specimen- for instance a whole piece of motherboard - is cleaned of dirt and rinsed by deionizer water, then placed in a test container on top of the supports built inside the container. The containers are filled with two types of leaching fluids. The liquid-to-solid ratio of 10:1 on weight basis is used (James E. Kilduff20,2000). Leaching cycles of 3 to 10 days were used. After each leaching cycle, the leaching fluid is renewed by the fresh one and analyzed for different toxic constituents. 2.11 RECYCLING: Nowadays computer has been as important as oxygen. Without computer no one can live. All are looking at the advantages it has been producing but there are disadvantages equal to advantages. One of them is the electronic wastes produced by the computer. These electronic wastes contain toxic substances like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. These substances cause harm to the Environment. Recycling (Carl A. Zimring3et al.,2005) is one of those concepts everyone embraces. Yet, when it comes to electronicsTVs, monitors, computers, and peripheralswhy do so few of us actually do it? According to figures from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), only about 13.6% of so-called e-waste was recycled in 2007, the rest being diverted to municipal landfills or storage. The rate is a significant improvement from the 10% recycled in 2000; however, its a far cry from the two32
thirds of major appliancesthings such as refrigerators and washing machinesthat are diverted from the dump. Recycling of e-waste is not required merely because it is mandatory or environmental requirement, but is also essential to avoid bad publicity when computers and other office automation systems are found in landfill or third world countries, consequently, the industry is on the brink of a paradigm shift with respect to cost avoidance v/s risk avoidance. 2.11.1 Purpose of recycling e-waste: Most electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals, which can be recovered for recycling. Recycling waste electronics saves resources and protects the Earth because new metals don't have to be mined (Denise Di Ramio7et al.,2008). In addition, some electronic products contain high enough levels of certain materials, such as lead, that render them hazardous waste when disposed. Hazardous wastes cannot be disposed with municipal trash. Apart from this other few reasons for recycling are as follows:
Good For Our Economy -companies rely on recycling programs to provide the raw materials they need to make new products. Creates Jobs Reduces Waste (Frank Ackerman14et al.,2007) Good For The Environment -Recycling requires far less energy, uses fewer natural resources, and keeps waste from piling up in landfills. Saves Energy -Recycling offers significant energy savings over manufacturing with virgin materials. Preserves Landfill Space -No one wants to live next door to a landfill. Recycling preserves existing landfill space. Prevents Global Warming Reduces Water Pollution -Making goods from recycled materials generates far less water pollution than manufacturing from virgin materials. Creates New Demand -Recycling and buying recycled products creates demand for more recycled products, decreasing waste and helping our economy
2.11.2 Process of Recycling: The process followed is as under: Manual separation of glass & large ferrous Shredding of the remaining items
Magnetic separation for iron/steel Eddy current separation for aluminum Manual separation of copper and other mix Re-shredding of mix particles Segregation of Printed Circuit Boards, CRT separation Disposal of heavy hazardous substances Recovery of precious metals by the renowned refinery Sale of recovered commodities to respective smelting companies
The recycle and recovery includes the following unit operations:(i) Dismantling: Removal of parts containing dangerous substances (CFC, Hg switches, PCB); removal of easily accessible parts containing valuable substances (Cable containing copper, steel, iron, precious metal containing parts, e.g.contacts) . (ii) Segregation of ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal and plastic
This separation is normally done in a shredder process. (iii) Refurbishment and reuse: Refurbishment and reuse of e-waste has potential for those used electrical and electronic equipments which can be easily refurbished to put to its original use. (iv) Recycling/recovery of valuable materials Ferrous metals in electrical are furnaces, non-ferrous metals in smelting plants, precious metals in separating works.
(v) Treatment/disposal of dangerous materials and waste Shredder light fraction is disposed of in landfill sites or sometimes incinerated (expensive), CFCs are treated thermally, PCB is incinerated or disposed of in underground storages, Hg is often recycled or disposed off in underground landfill sites. 2.11.3 E-waste Recycling/Treatment technologies in India The assessment of e-waste recycling sector in India indicates that e-waste trade starts from formal dismantling sector and moves to informal recycling sector. E-waste movement from formal to informal sector is driven by trade and can be tracked by trade value chain. This e-waste trade value chain can be mapped based on material flow from formal sector to informal sector. This chain was identified considering bottom-up approach with three levels of e-waste generation hierarchy. The three levels of e-waste generation hierarchy give rise to three types of stakeholders involved in ewaste trade as described below:1. 1st Level Preliminary e-waste Generators. 2. 2nd Level Secondary e-waste Generators. 3. 3rd Level Tertiary e-waste Generators. The input to Preliminary e-waste Generator comes from formal organized market like manufacturers, importers, offices and organized markets, where e-waste from domestic consumers comes either in exchange schemes or as a discarded item. Therefore, the major stakeholders are scrap dealers/ dismantlers who purchase e-waste from the first level in bulk quantities. These stakeholders have limited capacity of dismantling and are involved in trading of e-waste with Secondary e-waste Generators. The market between first and second
level is semi formal i.e. part formal, while the market between second and third level is completely informal. Stakeholders falling under Secondary e-waste Generators have limited financial capacity and are involved in item/ component wise dismantling process and segregation ex. dismantling of CRT, PCB, plastic and glass from e-waste. Tertiary Level Stakeholders are the major stakeholders between second and third level and are metal extractors, plastic extractors and electronic item extractors. They use extraction process, which are hazardous in nature. The characteristics of emissions from e-waste treatment in semi formal and informal sector in India are as follows: 1. Generation of mixed e-waste fractions along with hazardous waste after dismantling. 2. Generation of effluents during metal extraction ex. Acid bath process for copper extraction from printed circuit board. 3. Air emissions due to burning of printed circuit board. 4. Inefficient secondary raw material generation. The entire e-waste treatment is being carried out in an unregulated environment, where there is no control on emissions. There are two e-waste dismantling facilities in formal sector in India. 2.11.4 Recycling, Reuse and Recovery Options: The composition of e-waste consists of diverse items like ferrous and non ferrous metals, glass, plastic, electronic components and other items and it is also revealed that e-waste consists of hazardous elements (M. Streicher Porte23et al.,2005). Therefore, the major approach to treat e-waste is to reduce the concentration of these hazardous chemicals and elements through recycle and recovery. In the process of recycling or recovery, certain e-waste fractions act as secondary raw material for recovery of valuable items. The value of recovery from the elements would be much higher if appropriate technologies are used. The salient features of this operation are given below. 1. The integrated operations are based on two major processes, which are precious metal operations (PMO) involving recovery of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium and ruthenium and base metal operations (BMO) involving recovery of Pb, Cu, Ni, Sb, Sn, Bi, Se, In, Te. 2. The processes are based on complex lead/ copper/ nickel metallurgy, using these base metals as collectors for precious metals and special metals, such as Sb, Bi, Sn, Se, Te, In.
Fig 2.5: Recycling of electronic scrap at Umicores integrated metals smelter and refinery
3. At first at the sampling facility, circuit boards and other E-waste residues after second level of treatment are prepared for smelting by sampling and assaying for precious metal content. 4. The PMO include smelter, copper leaching & electro winning plant and precious metals refinery. The smelter furnace uses submerged lance combustion technology as shown in figure given below. The technology involves injection of oxygen rich air and fuel in a molten bath and addition of coke as a reducing agent for the metals. Plastics or other organic substances that are contained in the input feed partially substitute the coke and fuel as energy source. The smelter separates precious metals in copper bullion from all other metals concentrated in a lead slag. 5. After leaching out copper in leaching and copper electro winning plant, the precious metals are collected in a residue that is further refined at a precious metal in-house refinery 6. The BMO include lead recovery from lead slag obtained from PMO. The main steps in BMO are the lead blast furnace, lead refinery and special metal plants. 7. The lead blast furnace reduces the oxidized lead slag from the smelter together with other high lead containing raw materials and transforms them into impure lead bullion, nickel specs, copper matte and deleted slag.
8. The impure lead bullion, collecting most of the non-precious metals is treated in lead refinery. The lead refinery leads to production of lead and sodium antimonite and special metals residues. These residues are further refined into special metals refinery to produce indium, selenium and tellurium
Fig 2.6: Recycling of electronic scrap at Umicores integrated metals smelter and refinery
. 9. Bismuth and tin intermediates and nickel specs are sent to other locations for their recovery. Copper matte is fed into blast furnace used in PMO. 10. The by-products from the integrated facility include sulphuric acid, gas, waste water and slag from lead blast furnace. Sulphuric acid is further used, while, waste water, gas are cleaned before discharge while slag is physically calibrated for usage in concrete industry or as dyke fortification substance. 11. Air is cleaned using bag house filter, electrofilters and scrubbers before discharging into stack. SOx and NOx are continuously monitored at stack, while diffuse emissions are from stockyards and roads are controlled by intensive sprinkling. Other measures to control air pollution include dust free emptying of shipped drums/ big bags, dust free sampling procedures, storage of critical materials in containers
inside a warehouse, emptying of the containers under aspiration and transport in covered belt system. 12. Water pollution is controlled by using waste water treatment plant where acids are neutralized while metals, sulphates and fluorine are removed by physico-chemical processes. Some of the major parameters in addition to basic water quality parameters, which are monitored, are lead, zinc, copper, nitrates and nitrites and sulphates.
2.13 RECOMMENDED ACTION AGAINST E-WASTE: Rapid product obsolescence in the electronic industry has created a waste crisis that is out of control. The answer to the looming e-waste crisis lies not in finding new downstream hiding places for this waste; it lies not in exporting it to the desperately poor, but in moving upstream to prevent the problem at its manufacturing source (Mike Allen22et al.,2004). Today it is frequently cheaper and more convenient to buy a new machine to accommodate the latest software and hardware technology and their increasing demands for more speed, memory, and power, than it is to upgrade the old. Yet, this trash and buy cycle comes with a monumental price that we are just beginning to pay. We need to change the dominant paradigm that has prevailed over the past three decades. The lust for faster, smaller and cheaper must be governed by a new paradigm of sustainability that demands that our products are cleaner, long-lived, upgradeable, and recyclable. It is time to strengthen the call for sustainable production, environmental justice, and corporate and government accountability in order to achieve these goals. Given here are a few recommendations for the action that needs to be taken. 1 Ban hazardous waste imports: All imports of hazardous waste materials, including hazardous e-waste must be banned. This is consistent with the Basel Ban Amendment decision by the Basel Convention to ban all trade of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD countries. There is no reason for the poor of the world to bear the burden of environmental risk, particularly when they have not benefited from the products and services that created that risk in the 1st place. 2 Make the producer responsible: Producers must be responsible for their products. The principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requires accountability on producers over the entire life-cycle of their products. So far, manufacturers have passed on these costs to the consumers, and now to developing countries where the products eventually land up for recycling (Giles Slade17,2007). By adopting EPR, producers will play their part in conserving resources through changes in product design and process technology. Making producers financially responsible for end-of-life waste will provide them with a
financial incentive to design their products with less hazardous and more recyclable materials. An effective example of EPR is product take-back where a producer takes the product back at the end of its life. However, it must be borne in mind that product take-back needs to go hand-in-hand with mandatory legislation to phase out e-waste. Take-back for e-waste is necessary to place the burden of a products environmental impact clearly back into the hands of those who design it in orders to provide immediate incentive for improvement. 3 Inform the consumer: Manufacturers of computer monitors, televisions and other electronic devices containing hazardous materials must be responsible for educating consumers and the general public regarding the potential threat to public health and the environment posed by their products and for raising awareness for the proper waste management protocols. 4 Design for recycling: When it finally becomes necessary to decommission an electronic device, the device must be designed to ensure clear, safe, and efficient mechanisms for recovering its raw materials. Input materials must be suitable for safe reconstitution and recycling and there must be a pre-identifiable recycling market and mechanism established for the input material. Equipment components must be properly labeled to identify plastic and metal types. Warnings must be placed for any possible hazard in dismantling or recycling and the product must be made for rapid and easy dismantling or reduction to a usable form. 2.13.1 The governments responsibilities
e-waste policy and legislation Encourage organised system recycling Collecting fee from manufacturers/consumers for the disposal of toxic materials Should subsidise recycling and disposal industries Incentive schemes for garbage collectors and general public for collecting and handing over e-waste Awareness programme on e-waste for school children and general public
2.14 SOME INTERNATIONAL RESPONSES TO E-WASTE: United States: In September 2003, California passed the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (SB20), USAs first comprehensive electronics
recycling law, establishing a funding system for the collection and recycling of certain electronic wastes. European Union: On January 27, 2003, the EU parliament passed a directive that requires producers of electronics to take responsibility, financial and otherwise, for recovery and recycling of E-Waste. Japan: Since April 2001, manufacturers have had to recycle appliances, televisions, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Under a new law, manufacturers would charge a recycling fee to consumers. OECD: The OECD has developed international guidelines on the environmentally sound management (ESM) of used and scrap personal computers. China: The Standing Committee of the 9th NPC promulgated a law in 2002, requiring compulsory retrieval of used industrial products. Netherlands: In 1998, passed, The Disposal of White and Brown Goods Decree. It requires manufacturers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment sold in the country to take back their end-of-life products. 2.15. SUMMARY OF LITERATURE REVIEW: Electronic waste or e-waste are the electronic products/ equipments connected with power plug or batteries which have become obsolete due to advancement in technology or due to the nearing of the end of their useful life. According to the gadgets they can be classified into computer peripherals, telecommunication devices, industrial electronics and lighting devices. They satisfy all the conditions of being hazardous as per the standards of the Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2003 as they contain various toxic metals such as lead, barium, arsenic, etc. which are not only harmful to the human health but also to the environment if not disposed of carefully. Every year around 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste is generated worldwide with the share of developed countries like U.S.A being the highest. This is often sent to developing countries for recycling and refurbishment where the labor is relatively cheap and can be simply landfilled. Developing Asian countries discard an estimated 12 million tones of e-waste of the total 20-50 million tones discarded annually worldwide. In India, Maharashtra ranks first in total e-waste generation which is followed by states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, etc. Around 20,000 tones of ewaste is generated in Maharashtra with the share of Greater Mumbai and Pune region being the highest owing to the presence of large number of Info Tech Parks.In India
there are no special environmental laws or Guidelines for e-waste. Since e-waste and its constituents fall under the category of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes they shall be covered under the provisions of The Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2003 . The respective definitions, their meaning and interpretations under the rule have been explained in the rule stated. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is the most comprehensive global environmental agreement on hazardous and other wastes. It was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous wastes between nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to Less Developed Countries (LDCs). After the 1995 Basel conference by LDCs, Greenpeace and key European countries such as Denmark, led to a decision to adopt the Basel Ban Amendment to the Basel Convention. Not yet in force, but considered morally binding by signatories, the Amendment prohibits the export of hazardous waste from a list of developed (mostlyOECD) countries to developing countries. Various disposal methods such as incineration, openburning and landfilling and environmentally friendly method such as recycling is adopted to reduce e-wastes. Lanfilling, which is the most common method adopted has the major disadvantage of causing leaching. To understand the leaching mechanism and to evaluate the potential hazards of various components in landfills dynamic leaching test is done. Recycling method is better as compared to disposal because it requires far less energy and is good for the economy. The process of recycling includes dismantling, segregation of metals, refurbishment and reuse, recovery of valuable materials and finally treatment / disposal of dangerous materials and wastes. Recommended actions to be taken for reducing the hazards of e-waste are to ban the hazardous wastes imports, make the producer responsible, inform the consumer and design the materials for recycling. As rapid product obsolescence in the electronic industry has created a waste crisis that is going out of control actions are to be taken both by the government and the producer of e-wastes so as to reduce the hazards posed by them.
3.2 METHODOLOGY: Ecoreco provides the full spectrum of activities covered under e-waste management collection of e-waste from the door step of the generators, sorting them into working/non-working equipments/components, data security, remarketing of reusable
equipments/components, dismantling of end of life equipments, size reduction, sorting in to different commodities like glass, plastic, iron/steel, aluminium, copper and hazardous material.
Fig 3.4: CRT Treatment 3.2.1 E-WASTE RECYCLING AT ECORECO ACTIVITY FLOW CHART Recycling activities at Ecoreco commences with the receipt of e-waste material from various clients' locations. The material is initially weighed, and is separated productwise (monitors, CPUs, printers, keyboards, etc.) for easy retrieval. The material is then checked by qualified technicians to ascertain whether the equipments are working or
non-working. If the equipment is in working/ near-working condition, then the technicians attempt to repair upgrade the components to ensure that they become remarketable and can be resold. The following flowchart explains the broad flow of activities at Ecoreco:
Shipm ntof e -was e e t fromClie Loc tions nts a Re e of Ma ria a c ipt te l t Fa ilit c y Se g t of Ma e l int W gre a ion t ria o orking / Non-W orkingEquip e s m nt Dis antlingof non m workingc pone om nts Com pone nt Re ove c ry Ca iveUs pt e Re idua Dis al s l pos
Re pairing Upg ding ra Te t s ing Re furbis hing Pa king c Pre iousMe a c tl Re ove c ry
Sc p ra
Sa le
If the equipments are not in working condition, attempts are made to recycle the ewaste material. Accordingly, the technicians dismantle the equipment into components and try to retrieve any working parts thereof. The residual components are then passed on for shredding. The shredder, which is capable of accepting feed of around 1,500 kgs per hour, helps to open up sealed components, separating metals from plastic. The shredder accepts manually dismantled components through a hopper at one end, passes the feed through the shredding chamber and the shredded items are dropped onto a moving conveyor belt. An inbuilt overhead magnetic band ensures automatic separation of ferrous component from the feed, whereas employees, wearing appropriate safety equipment such as gloves and helmets, stand by to physically separate other metals such as aluminium and copper from the moving conveyor belt. All plastic components are deposited at the end of the conveyor belt. These metals (aluminium, steel, copper) and plastics which are of high purity in nature are then usually sold to smelters. Certain components of the computer such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) contain precious metals such as gold, silver, etc. These PCBs are not sent for shredding and
are instead accumulated, and would be shipped to specialist precious metal extraction refineries. That portion of e-waste which contains hazardous elements is sent to authorised hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities for final disposal. 3.3 REMARKETING: Out of the discarded equipments, some of it can still be used after refurbishment and up- gradation at different levels of business and society. For assured supply of ewaste, Ecoreco has entered into sourcing agreements with various companies of validities up to 3 years. Given that a large part of the business involves e-waste collection from multiple locations, Ecoreco has tied up with one of the leading domestic logistics players having nation-wide presence to enable both operational and financial efficiency in collection. Through this tie-up, Ecoreco is able to offer e-waste collection from over 600 locations in India. 3.4 DATA SECURITY: Data security / data-leakage are threats that many organisations fear while discarding computers to external recyclers. To address these concerns, Ecoreco has a first-of-itskind-in-India mobile shredding van which it deploy to clients locations to ensure 100% secured data destruction from hard-disks and other devices that contain information. 3.5 ECORECOSS ASSOSCIATIONS Ecoreco is a member of the International Association of Electronic Recyclers (IAER), USA, probably the only such unit from India to claim these credentials. Ecoreco is also a member of other prestigious industry bodies within the sector such as Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT) and ELCINA Electronic Industries Association of India. Ecoreco is also the only Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) recognised e-waste recycler in Maharashtra. Recently Ecoreco has been declared Winner of the Business Plan 2008 by CII/NVI/WRI/USAID & British Consulate. Ecoreco has also been awarded certificate of Most Innovative Technology by Municipalika 2009.
In the third chapter titled CASE STUDY we have discussed the step by step method adopted at Ecoreco for recycling of e-waste which is received from all over India. The approximate quantities and the types of e-waste received from each state is tabulated in table 4.1
Table No. 4.1: Quantities of e-waste sent to Ecoreco from each state
Type of e-waste Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), motherboards old computers, television, refrigerators and washing machines Electric, Electronic tools, Computers with CPU, monitor, other peripherals PC monitors, PCBs, CDs, motherboards, cables, toner cartridges, light bulbs and tube-lights printed circuit boards (PCBs) printed circuit boards (PCBs) and glass items such as tube lights and picture tubes
1200 1500
Source: Ecoreco
In the previous chapter we have seen the state wise quantities of e-waste received at Ecoreco for recycling. Hence after the study conducted and analysing the data, the following are the results: 1. Recycling is the most environmentally tolerable method as compared to the other e-waste disposal methods like incineration, open burning and land filling. 2. There is only one e-waste recycling facility in Maharashtra and very few in India as a whole. E- Parisaraa being one of the pioneering projects in Bangalore. 3. Major portion of the e-waste generated in the country is not recycled or disposed off in a proper, only a part of it is sent to authorised facilities for the disposal.
The conclusions that can be drawn after conducting the study and analysing the results as described in 5th chapter are as follows: Awareness about e-waste was created: This was achieved by giving a presentation in college and making the youth aware of hazards of not disposing e-waste in a proper manner. Pamphlets which had the various health hazards related to improper handling of e-waste were circulated among the audience to enlighten them about the detrimental effects of the same. At the recycling facility visited (Ecoreco), we spoke to the workers and told them the importance of exercising precaution while dealing with e-waste. Health hazards of e-waste: Electrical and electronic equipments are made of hundreds of materials which can be toxic to the humans when they enter the body. At times it can also be fatal. Quantities of e-waste generated were found out: After interacting with MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board) and CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) authorities we have come to the conclusion that Maharashtra ranked first in e-waste generation followed closely by Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi. Disposal methods being adopted: Among the three common methods of disposal, namely land filling, open burning and incineration, open burning is widely practised although illegal. Recycle and Reuse of products: Although recycling and/or reusing the e-waste is the best and environmentally friendly way to reduce e-waste generation, people prefer to go in for new products rather than upgrade and use the old electronic product.
Every day, Indians toss out more than 350,000 cell phones and 130,000 computers, making electronic waste the fastest-growing part of the Indian garbage stream. Ewaste is a fast emerging problem faced not only by India but also globally. the topic of e-waste is waste and varied and there is a lot of scope to understand and deal with this topic in a better manner. Various processes like pyrometallurgical process, hydrometallurgical process, biometallurgical process and wet acid leeching process which is used to extract gold and other metals from the e-waste can be studied in detail. Cost involved in setting up of an e-waste recycling plant can be studied. Also the operating cost, maintenance cost and profits gained once the plant is set up can be worked out. Nanotechnology which is the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale is an interesting topic and its application in recycling of e-waste can be researched. The methods of recycling and disposal adopted in India can be compared to the methods adopted in developed countries. This comparative study will make us aware of the technological differences that exist in our country.
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Incinerating Plant
Source: india.ewasteguide.info/hazardous_processes
Source: E-Parisaraa