Grandeur 015 en
Grandeur 015 en
Grandeur 015 en
5 by Lorenzo Sartori 1) INTRODUCTION This is not a new set of rules but an Expansion (yet a developing draft) of Impetus for the Napoleonic Wars. To use this Expansion you will need a copy of Impetus rules. An adaptation for Basic Impetus will be available in the near future. 2) SCALE Grandeur is a Grand Tactical game, where a Unit/Base represents a Brigade (or an equivalent force). An artillery Unit represents 12 to 24 guns. For bigger battles you can upgrade the scale to 1 Unit=1 Division and halve all measures. 3) BASING TROOPS Base your troops like Impetus, but possibly with more depth. Square bases (eg 8x8cm) for 15mm) are perfect, but any another similar system will not affect the game (for example 8x6cm). Artillery must be based 40x40mm for 15mm, 60x60mm for 28mm and 30x30mm for 6mm and 10mm. With 6mm you can use 60x30 bases for Foot and Cavalry. and 20x20 for artillery. Army Leaders and Corps Leaders must be based as Artillery (less deep if preferred). Halve frontage for Division Leaders (eg in 15mm 20x40mm or 20x30mm). 4) TROOP TYPES For simplicity these new troop types are based on the original Impetus troop types. MOUNTED TROOPS Heavy Cavalry (CP) Shock cavalry like Cuirassiers, Carabiniers... They must pursue if they win a melee. Dragoons (CM) Basically an heavy cavalry but also capable of scouting. Light Cavalry (CL) Cavalry used for scouting and screening, like Chasseurs, Hussars, Lancers, Uhlans, Cossacks. FOOT Infantry (FP) There is only one type of infantry in this game: close order foot. Skirmishers are not depicted and are virtually part of these units
providing skirmishing capabilities (skirmish fire). Some of the FP Units could be mixed with Cavalry Unit (FP-MX). Mixed Units get some benefits for the cavalry presence (see of Additional Rules 5.2) ARTILLERY Foot Artillery (F-Art) Can be Heavy (F-Art A) 9-12lbs; Medium (FArt B) 6-lbs or Light (F-Art C) 3-4lbs. Artillery doesn't fire if in Disorder (silenced) or is outside Command Radius (see Command Structure). Horse Artillery (H-Art) Same as Foot Artillery, though using only light and medium guns, but with better movement/manoeuvre capabilities. Only Corps artillery or reserve artillery is represented here; Divisional artillery is considered included into brigades. 5) ADDITIONAL RULES 1.0 Weather After terrain has been placed according to rules players must roll 2d6 (one each) on the Weather Table. Weather Table Roll Result 11-12 Heat 7-10 Good weather 5-6 After rain 3-4 Rain 1-2 Heavy rain, snow, storm Heat. Apply a -1 to all Discipline Test required for moving more than 1 phase. Good weather. Play normally. After rain. Terrain is soaked. Apply a -1 to all Discipline Test required for moving more than 1 phase. Also apply a -1 to artillery fire over 5U (cannister range). Rain. As above. Also apply a -2 to all fire (not to Artillery firing at cannister range). Heavy rain... As above. Also halve all Command Radius (Command Structure). 2.0 Commands and Leaders In Grandeur a Command is a Corps. Armies without Corps (eg the British) are considered
as a unique Command. Units/Brigades must be grouped into Divisions. Contrary to Impetus, in Grandeur Leaders are not included into Units. There are three kinds of Leaders: Army Commander, Corps Commander, Division Commander. Leaders can be moved up to 20U in any direction when their Corps is activated (and in case of CiC - Army Commander- when one of his Corps is activated). Leaders can always evade towards the closest friendly Unit whatever direction they are charged, ignoring routes that are blocked by enemy Units. A full move in not necessary. Leaders can not be targeted by fire. Apart from initiative their role is to keep the troops in radius. Leaders can be attached to Units. In that case the Unit has a benefit during Discipline Test and Cohesion Test as for Impetus, unless brave as in that case they give a +2 in melee and a +2 during the Cohesion Test. If a Leader is attached to a Unit in melee or that is shoot at, in case a 6 is rolled during a Cohesion Test the attached Leader must roll again (see 2.3) or is automatically dead if brave. Leaders attached to a Unit moves with the Units (even if they have already moved that turn) and their Radius is halved. 2.1 Command Structure and Leaders quality There are 4 Command Structure in Grandeur Radius Cost Excellent 80/30 50pts Good 60/30 30pts Average 40/20 15pts Poor 30/15 0pts The first number is the radius of the Army Commander, the second is the radius of Corps Commanders and Division Commanders. Leaders are not the same and their leadership skills vary. Army Commanders and Corps Commanders can be: Leadership Cost Genius 4 40 Expert 3 30 Fair 2 20 Poor 1 10
Division Commanders can be Active if Cost Go-ahead 3+ 10 Cautious 6 5 You can add 5pts to a Go-ahead Commander to rate him as Brave (see 2.3). If the Division Commander is out of radius of the Army Commander or Corps commander, then the he will activate his Division only after a successful roll (see table above). 2.2 Importance of being within Command Radius - Corps Commanders can be activated if out of Army Commander radius, but roll only 1 die for Initiative. - Division Commanders out of Army Commander or Corps Commander Radius can activate their Division once their Corps (or Army) wins the initiative but only after a successful roll (3+ if Go-ahead or 6 if Cautious). - Brigades out of any Commander Radius cannot move more than 1 movement phase and they recover from disorder with a -1 modifier at the Discipline Test. - Artillery cannot move more than 1 movement phase and it recovers from disorder with a -1 modifier at the Discipline Test. Artillery out of Command cannot fire. 2.3 Loss of a Commander Leaders can be killed or wounded only if attached to a Unit or if charged by enemy Units. If contacted by enemy units are automatically captured or killed. If attached to a Unit and the Unit roll a 6 if the general is rated as brave then he has been killed in action. Other Commanders must roll another die and if 6 is rolled the Leader has been killed or captured and is lost for gaming purpose. 3.0 Initiative and activation Initiative is by Corps or by Army if without Corps (eg the British). Army Commanders, with the exception of armies without Corps, don't roll for initiative but influence their Corps Commander. Corps
Commanders out of Radius roll only one die for initiative. If it is a draw the initiative goes to the player with the best CiC (Army Commander) and in case the draw is not resolved to the player with the best Command Structure. If both have the same CS then roll again. 4.0 Movement All not disordered troops can perform a side/oblique movement without becoming disordered if at half speed. CL can perform a side/oblique movement at full speed without becoming disordered. 4.1 Infantry in squares Due to the scale used in Grandeur there are not change of formation. Anyway Infantry units are supposed to mass or form squares when required automatically if a Cavalry Unit is at 5U from them. Units in squares or massed cannot skirmish (see 5.2) and are more vulnerable to Artillery fire. They can anyway move and charge, also Cavalry. 4.2 Evasions All Cavalry units can evade if charged frontally. Also artillery can evade from a charge. Leaders can evade even if the menace is not frontal. Evasion from fire is not allowed. 4.3 Disengage All Cavalry Units can disengage from Infantry or from Artillery. Cavalry Units can disengage from other Cavalry only if faster. 5.0 Fire In Grandeur there are only two types of fire: Artillery fire and Skirmishing fire. 5.1 Artillery Fire Artillery fire as normal following the firing table. Artillery can fire only if in Command Radius. Disordered artillery is considered silenced and cannot fire. Artillery can fire and move or move and fire as a normal unit, but apply a -2 for each movement phase. 5.2 Skirmishing fire Skirmishing fire is performed only by Infantry units that have this capability
(brigades supported by skirmishers). Skirmishing fire cannot be performed against Cavalry. Skirmishing fire get a -2 penalty if firing at a Mixed Unit (FP-MX). Skirmishing fire cannot be performed if the Unit is formed in squares (see 4.1). 5.3 Automatic opportunity fire Any Infantry Unit that hasn't reached the 50% of losses can fire by opportunity at point blank (resolve fire before melee, like rules for pilum) to any charging infantry enemy. The charge must be frontal. 5.4 FIRING TABLE
5U 10U 15U 30U 50U
6.1 Impetus bonus Cavalry have Impetus bonus only if charges other Cavalry. Infantry have Impetus bonus only if charges other Infantry. 6.2 Uphill Cavalry uphill don't get any bonus in melee. 6.3 Artillery in melee Artillery contacted in melee is not removed but fights. If not Disordered can always fire at cannister range if charged frontally. 6.4 Retreating after a melee Mounted Troops that don't win a melee must retreat in Disorder by 5U+1d6. Infantry formed / in squares don't retreat if they loose the melee. 6.5 Pursuing CP must pursue if they win a melee. Other troops can choose (provide they do not have an I=0). Foot Units can follow-up only if they win against a foot Unit. 6.6 Flank and Rear charges All troops are disordered if charged from rear/flank. No other effects are applied. 7.0 Cohesion Tests Apply the same rules of Impetus, but troops classed as Elite can re-roll (once) 5 or 6 results; troops classed as Veterans can re-roll (once) 6 results. 8.0. Victory Conditions An Army is defeated when Units rout with a value of at least 50% of its initial VDT. The route of the army is calculated at the end of the turn.
APPENDIX 1 Rules for Squares These are experimental rules to give a more tactical taste by using squares in Grandeur. A Player can place his Infantry Units in squares when activated or by an automatic reaction (opportunity is not required but helps) when charged by Cavalry. In the first case placing a Unit in squares means that no other action can be taken by that Unit, even if the change of formation fails. To place a Unit in square you have to take a Discipline Test applying the following modifiers.
2 1 4 3 2
0 -2 3 2 1
-1 -3 2 1 0
No No 1 0 No
No No 0 No No
Modifiers -1 if Disordered Foot/Horse (Disordered Artillery is Silenced) +2 if Artillery firing at Foot in squared/formed +2 firing on the flank/rear (enfilade). Not cumulative with the previous modifier. -2 if Skirmish fire at Mixed Units (FP-MX) -1 if Skirmish fire at CL or at Art -2 for each movement phase by Artillery -1 for each movement phase by Foot 5.5 Enfilade fire A Unit is taken by enfilade if the fire comes from a unit that is totally outside its 45 arc.
Example (see diagram). Unit 1 cannot fire on the flank (enfilade) of Unit A. Unit 2 can. 6.0 Melee General rules as in Impetus are applied, with the following exceptions.
If during activation: -1 if in Disorder -1 if Out of Command Radius If as a reaction to a Cavalry charge, apply these further modifiers: +1 for every movement phase taken by the charging unit -1 if flank/rear attack +1 if the Unit forming the square was in opportunity If these rules are used Cavalry can use its Impetus Bonus against Infantry not in square. Also cavalry charging Infantry in square is automatically disordered. Infantry in square ignore flank/rear attacks. APPENDIX 2 Sample troop types Old Guard (FP) 5 7 3 A SkA, Elite 48 Other Guard or Elite Inf. (FP) 5 6 3 A SkA, Elite 41 Line Infantry (FP) 5 4 1 B SkA 19pts Veteran Line Infantry 5 1 B SkA, Veteran 26pts Conscript Line Infantry (FP) 5 4 1 C SkB, 12pts Raw Line Infantry 5 4 1 C, 9 (eg Landwer, OR VBU=3 at 7 pts) Guard Heavy Cav. 8 7 3 A Elite 45pts Cuirassiers/Carab (CP) 8 6 3 B Veteran 31pts Guard Light Cav (CL) 12 4 1 B Elite 25pts Guard Dragoons (CM) 10 4 1 B Elite 23pts Dragoons (CM) 10 4 1 B 18pts (+3 if Veteran) Hussars (CL) 12 3 1 B Elite 23pts oppure Hussars (CL) 12 3 1 B Veteran 21 Ligh Dragoons (British) 12 3 1 B Veteran 21pts Lancers (CL) 12 3 3 B Veteran 20pts Ulhans (CL) 12 3 3 B 17pts Chasseurs (CL) 12 3 1 B 15pts Cossacks (CL) 12 3 1 C SkB 13pts (Best Cossacks can be Veteran +3) Artillery F Art 6 2 0 B Art A 20 or F Art 6 2 0 B Art B 15 Horse batteries H Art 10 2 0 B Art B o C 20 or 15 Costs Veteran + 3pts Elite + 5pts SkA +5pts SkB +3pts
2010-11 Dadi&Piombo