Delta Mar in Tanker References

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'Stolt Shearwater' 5,400 m3 chemical parcel tanker 5,000 DWT arctic tanker M/T 'Smeraldo' 6,500 DWT chemical tanker 'Isola Ambra' 7,900 DWT chemical tanker M/T 'Turchese' 12,000 DWT chemical carrier M/T 'Rina Amoretti' 12,000 DWT chemical tanker 22,400 DWT chemical tanker M/T 'Sea Devil' 32,250 DWT oil tanker Machinery concept evaluation for a 37,000 DWT chemical carrier for Stolt Parcel Tankers 40,000 DWT tanker 25,000 DWT product/chemical tanker 'Purha' / Jurmo / Futura / Neste 14,000 DWT chemical/product tanker 'Kiisla' / 'Suula' 25,000 DWT chemical carrier 25,000 DWT chemical tanker Diesel-electric shuttle tanker 'Knock Ardy' tanker repair 6,000 DWT product/chemical tanker 100,000 DWT crude carrier 120,000 DWT arctic tanker 320,000 DWT VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) 700 DWT methanol carrier Development of the diesel-electric safety tanker concept Development of the Aquamaster safety tanker concept List of passenger tanker references CUSTOMER Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA / INMA SpA, Italy Jurong Shipyard Limited, Singapore Cantiere Navale Mario Morini SpA, Italy Aarhus Flydedok A/S, Denmark C.N. Mario Morini SpA, Italy Lindenau GmbH, Germany Societa Esercizio Cantieri SpA, Italy Lindenau GmbH, Germany Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA / Wrtsil Diesel, Finland Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy JinLing Shipyard, China Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, Portugal Italtek, Italy Cantieri Navale Fratelli Orlando s.c.r.l, Italy ABB Industry Oy, Finland Astilleros Espaoles Cadiz Shipyard, Spain Finnyards, Finland Confidential Finnyards, Finland Confidential Rauma-Repola Oy Savonlinna Shipyard, Finland ABB, Cegelec, WDV, WDT, Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc. Aquamaster Rauma Oy, Finland

5,400 m3 Chemical Parcel Tanker

Customers: Owner: Shipyard:

Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA / INMA SpA, La Spezia, Italy Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA INMA SpA, La Spezia, Italy

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth mld Draught max. Speed, trial Diesel-electric mach., total power Deadweight Cargo capacity Class DNV, ice 1B COMMISSION:

96.0 m 91.20 m 16.20 m 6.40 m 12.5 kn. 3,720 kW 5,300 tonnes 5,400 m3

Project & basic design including: - Definition of final main dimensions - Hull form design - Coordination and supervision of model testing - Preliminary loading manual - Stability calculations - Arrangement of safety drawings - Structural classification drawings - Participation in the Owners meetings CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Reliable study on five different machinery options and their impact on the complete configuration of the vessel. Additional cargo volume in restricted main dimensions. Higher maximum speed. Reliable speed-power prognosis already at an early stage of the concept development. Novel hull form design maximising the cargo volume with low resistance. Essential design documents delivered as scheduled.

OTHER BENEFITS: Selected diesel-electric drive with electric motor geared to fixed pitch propeller. Compact machinery space layout with in-built safety in separated engine rooms. High availability of machinery power for all purposes.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Diesel-electric propulsion. Compact machinery spaces with novel layout.


Customer: Shipyard:

Jurong Shipyard Limited, Singapore Jurong Shipyard Limited, Singapore

Main dimensions: Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to upper deck Draught Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity

105.0 m 17.0 m 9.0 m 6.7 m 14.5 kn. 5,000 tonnes 102,000 m3

COMMISSION: Preliminary project design including: - General arrangement - Outline specification - Lightweight estimation - Power/ speed analysis - Electric load analysis SPECIAL FEATURES: The vessel is designed for Ice Class UL.

6,500 dwt Chemical Tanker

Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Cantiere Navale Mario Morini SpA, Italy Finbeta SpA, Italy Cantiere Navale Mario Morini SpA, Italy

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth Depth to main deck Max. draught Speed Main engine Deadweight Cargo capacity Class RINA

117.00 m 108.80 m 16.40 m 8.40 m 6.50 m 14.0 kn. 3,960 kW 6,500 tonnes 6,900 m3

COMMISSION: Hull form development to give adequate speed with selected main engine and to have sufficient ice going properties, special bulbous bow. Speed/power prognosis. Hydrostatic tables, tank tables. Lightweight calculation. Stability and damage stability calculations with loading conditions. Steel classification drawings for bow, stern and deckhouse structures. Review of midship structures. Shell expansion for complete vessel.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Hull form developed to suit to the selected midship design. Short delivery time for classification drawings. Ice strengthening according to Finnish ice class 1A.

OTHER BENEFITS: Hull form optimised to a good compromise between open water and ice operations, special bulbous bow.

SPECIAL FEATURES: All year operation in Baltic Sea. Double skin over entire cargo area. Ballast tanks in double bottom and sides. Finnish ice class 1A.

7,900 dwt Chemical Tanker

Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Aarhus Flydedok A/S, Denmark Marnavi, Italy Aarhus Flydedok A/S, Denmark

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth mld Depth to main deck Design draught Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity Class RINA

109.95 m 103.50 m 18.0 m 9.30 m 6.70 m 15.0 kn. 7,900 tonnes 8,500 m3

COMMISSION: Complete structural detail design in Tribon. Block drawings. Material documentation. Tribon structure design with 3D model. Workshop documentation of foundations and walkways on main deck extracted from 3D model.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Deltamarin supported the shipyard in getting acquainted with the Tribon system. Direct link from Deltamarin to the yard computer, i.e. to the yard production.

OTHER BENEFITS: Use of early stage test block to ensure quality and fluent production.
(P-2284, 2292)

12,000 dwt Chemical Carrier
Customer: Owner: Shipyard: Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity Ice class Class RINA C.N. Mario Morini SpA, Ancona, Italy Finbeta SpA, Savona, Italy C.N. Mario Morini SpA, Ancona, Italy

136.0 m 125.50 m 20.40 m 10.30 m 8.0 m 15.0 kn. minimum 12,000 tonnes 13,850 m3 1A Super

COMMISSION: Study on application of diesel-electric machinery, development of feasible arrangement and hull characteristics. Hull form development to give adequate speed with selected main engines and to have sufficient ice going properties and cargo volume. Speed/ power prognosis. Hydrostatic tables, capacity plan. Lightweight calculation. Stability and damage stability calculations with loading conditions.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Diesel-electric machinery with proven benefits. Hull form for open sea and ice operations. Accurate speed-power prediction.

OTHER BENEFITS: Combination of diesel-electric machinery with efficient hull form, high cargo volume and complete vessel configuration. Operational flexibility.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Diesel-electric machinery. Double skin over entire cargo area and HFO tanks, ballast tanks in double bottom and sides.
(P-5098, 5110)


12,000 dwt Chemical Tanker

Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Lindenau GmbH, Germany Marichem Europe S.r.l., Italy Lindenau GmbH, Germany

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth mld Depth to main deck Design draught Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo tank capacity Class RINA

120.0 m 115.0 m 24.0 m 12.35 m 8.20 m 15.5 kn. 12,000 tonnes 16,400 m3

COMMISSION: Complete structural detail design Block drawings Nesting Material documentation

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Direct computer link with the customers office and production.

OTHER BENEFITS: Use of early stage test block to ensure quality and fluent production.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Extremely short and beamy vessel required a special hull form.


Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Societa Esercizio Cantieri SpA, Italy Marnavi, Italy Societa Esercizio Cantieri SpA, Italy

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Aux. gen. sets DWT Cargo capacity Class RINA

162.30 m 152.20 m 25.60 m 12.75 m 9.75 m 15.7 kn. 8,600 kW 22,400 tonnes 24,000 m3

COMMISSION: Hull form development. Coordination and analysis of model test.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Low resistance hull form with good cargo volume.

OTHER BENEFITS: Advise in selecting diesel-electric drive system.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Diesel-electric machinery.



32,250 dwt Oil Tanker

Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Lindenau GmbH, Germany Carl Bttner, Germany Lindenau GmbH, Germany

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth Depth Draught, design Main engine Speed Deadweight Cargo capacity Class GL

178.2 m 168.0 m 28.0 m 16.8 m 11.0 m 6,600 kW 14.7 kn. 32,250 tonnes 38,600 m3

COMMISSION: Complete structural detail design Block drawings Nesting Material documentation

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Direct computer link with the customer's office and production.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Largest hull ever built at the yard. Largest double-hulled tanker sailing under the German flag.


For a Chemical Tanker for Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc.

Customers: Owner:

Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA / Wrtsil Diesel, Finland Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth mld Depth Draught, design Speed Deadweight Cargo capacity

176.75 m 168.0 m 31.0 m 15.10 m 11.50 m 16.5 kn. 37,000 tonnes 36,850 m3

COMMISSION: Conceptual development of diesel-electric tanker. Evaluation of possible benefits when applying diesel-electric propulsion on a tanker including: - Development of hull form / power demand - Definition of the most feasible machinery configuration - Evaluation of lifetime economics.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Definition of design principles for an efficient diesel-electric tanker. High cargo volume: 1300 m3 additional volume. Low power demand / high maximum vessel speed.

OTHER BENEFITS: Clear description of issues affecting feasibility of diesel-electric machinery when applied on modern chemical tanker design.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Conceptual design of the first new generation diesel-electric chemical/parcel carriers.


Customer: Owner: Shipyard: Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy Finaval, Italy Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy

Main dimensions: Length overall Breadth mld Depth to main deck Draught Deadweight Cargo capacity

188.16 m 29.0 m 15.0 m 11.35 m 40,000 tonnes 44,000 m3

COMMISSION: Machinery design: - Basic design of engine room area including casing and funnel. The work included engine room arrangement and all associated schemes and calculations. - Detail design of engine room area piping and installations. Documentation included necessary information for subcontracting the actual piping work. - The machinery design was made entirely by AutoCad and final drawings were converted for the CAD-system used by the yard. Steel design: - Classification drawings of funnel and surrounding structures. - Detail design of aftship including engine room area and funnel. The work included the complete documentation required by the yards production system. - Tribon steel design software was used for both classification and production design. CUSTOMER BENEFITS: The management of modifications for sister ships was easier for the shipyard because all the documentation was in digital form. Electronic transfer of the drawing cut down the delivery times considerably compared to conventional delivery methods.

OTHER BENEFITS: Use of early stage test block to ensure quality and fluent production.


25,000 dwt Product / Chemical Tankers
Customer: Owner: Shipyard: Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth, mld Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity Class Ice class COMMISSION: Complete basic design, including general, hull, outfitting, accommodation, machinery and electric Special calculations including vibration calculations, manoeuvring calculations, seakeeping calculations Model test coordination including hull form and appendage definitions, CFD calculations, analysis of model test results 3D coordination models of the ballast pump room and cargo deck and manifold area for the shipyard's detail design Final hull fairing for production JinLing Shipyard, China Fortum, Finland JinLing Shipyard, China

169.50 m 160.4 m 23.75 m 14.9 m 9.8 m 16.0 kn. 21,100 tonnes 28,000 m3 Det Norske Veritas 1 A Super

SPECIAL FEATURES: Strip theory calculations with SHIPMO program for seakeeping 3D steel model for the hull classification drawings 3D design of cargo tank area including manifold 3D design of ballast pump room

14,000 dwt Chemical Tanker
Customer: Owner: Shipyard: Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, Portugal Fortum, Finland Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Draught design Height Speed, full load Deadweight, design Cargo tank volume Class Ice class

140.0 m 132.20 m 21.70 m 8.70 m 11.85 m 16.0 kn. 14,000 tonnes 16,000 m3 Det norske Veritas 1A Super

COMMISSION: Basic design work including: - Hull classification - Tank and compartment arrangement - Stability and damage stability calculations - Machinery diagrams - Engine room arrangement - Cargo deck lay-out in 3D - Hull form development, CFD-calculations Detail design work including: - Complete hull design excluding deck house (3D) - Complete Engine room design including pump room (3D) - Cargo deck piping (3D) - Cargo tank area (3D) - Deck outfitting (3D and 2D) CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Cargo deck layout in 3D in close co-operation with the owner in basic design phase.


Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Italtek s.r.l., Italy Marnavi SpA, Italy Fincantieri, Italy

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Draught, design

165.10 m 155.60 m 26.90 m 10.0 m

COMMISSION: Hull form Model test coordination

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Proven simple pram type hull form with slender skeg for high performance.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Diesel-electric machinery



Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Cantieri Navale Fratelli Orlando s.c.r.l., Italy Marnavi SpA, Italy Cantieri Navale Fratelli Orlando s.c.r.l., Italy

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Draught, design Height Speed, full load Deadweight, design Cargo tanks volume

166.0 m 155.50 m 26.90 m 10.0 m 13.50 m 15.2 kn. 25,000 tonnes 18,000 m3

COMMISSION: Project work including: - Hull form - Tank and compartment arrangement - Loading manual - Intact and damage stability - Freeboard plan - Speed/power - Structural principles - Lightweight calculation - Model test coordination CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Proven, simple pram type hull form


Customer: Owner: Charterer: Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to upper deck Draught Speed, service Deadweight Cargo capacity ABB Industry Oy, Finland Knutsen A/S, Norway Statoil, Norway

265.0 m 257.0 m 42.50 m 22.40 m 15.0 m 15.3 kn. 126,500 tonnes 140,000 m3

COMMISSION: Development, introduction and reaching the final application of the diesel-electric machinery in the Statoil Heidrun field shuttle tanker project during the project development and tender phase.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS: Development of the complete, competitive vessel concept on basis of the novel dieselelectric machinery configuration.

OTHER BENEFITS: Safety Reliability Operational feasibility

Tanker Repair

Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Astilleros Espaoles Cadiz Shipyard, Spain Fred Olsen & Co., Norway Astilleros Espaoles Cadiz Shipyard, Spain

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Main engine Deadweight Cargo capacity

270.0 m 260.0 m 43.3 m 22.4 m 17.0 m 16.0 kn. 18,242 kW 140,909 tonnes 168,196 m3

Measurement and definition of vessel shape. Damaged area dismantling afloat procedure. Global strength analyses (FEM). Local strength analyses. Necessary strengthening required for a loaded repair procedure. Ballasting calculations of the vessel to enable repair afloat. Definition of stress control during the work afloat.

Quick response in defining dismantling procedure of the vessel afloat. Repair procedure of the vessel afloat. Fast repair delivery.


Possibility to utilise maximum amount of pre-fabricated steel blocks in the repair work. Fast and accurate measurement of the actual shape of the vessel after explosion damage.

Ballasting and strength calculations to check the work could be performed afloat, especially dismantling.


Customer: Finnyards, Finland

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to main deck Max. draught Speed Deadweight Cargo capacity

109.0 m 102.50 m 17.20 m 8.70 m 6.30 m 13.0 kn. 6,500 tonnes 7,500 m3

COMMISSION: Complete project design: - Outline specification - General arrangement - Accommodation arrangement - Midship structure - Tank capacity plan - Body plan - Hydrostatic tables - Weight calculations - Loading calculations - Power/ speed calculations - Price and building cost evaluations SPECIAL FEATURES: The vessel is designed for Ice Class 1A.




Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to upper deck Draught Speed, service Deadweight Cargo capacity

257.0 m 244.0 m 42.0 m 19.0 m 14.0 m 16.0 kn. 100,000 tonnes 102,000 m3

COMMISSION: Conversion project design: - Refining of ships main dimensions - Outline specification - General Arrangement - Lines drawing - Hydrostatic tables - Power/ speed analysis - Cross section - Weight and centre of gravity calculations - Freeboard calculations - Capacity tables - Trim and stability - Cargo piping SPECIAL FEATURES: Engine room and accommodation of an existing tanker are used; cargo tank area is of completely new design and construction, including double bottom and sides according to MARPOL and OPA requirements.


Customer: Shipyard:

Finnyards, Finland Finnyards, Finland

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth, mld Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity

277.0 m 260.0 m 43.0 m 25.0 m 17.0 m 15.0 kn. 120,000 tonnes 140,000 m3

COMMISSION: Complete project design including: - Defining ships main dimensions - General arrangements - Machinery arrangement - Outline specification - Freeboard calculation - Lines drawing - Midship section - Weight and centre of gravity calculations - Power/speed prediction - Operational capabilities. SPECIAL FEATURES: Diesel-electric propulsion Optional propulsion unit arrangement

320,000 DWT VLCC

(Very Large Crude Carrier)



Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth Depth Draught Speed, service Deadweight Cargo capacity

328.0 m 320.0 m 57.0 m 31.0 m 21.0 m 15.0 kn. 320,000 t 318,000 m3

COMMISSION: Complete project design including: - General arrangement - Outline specification - Equipment number - Freeboard calculation - Power/speed prediction - Weight and centre of gravity calculations - Lines drawing - Hydrostatic tables - Trim and stability calculations - Longitudinal strength calculations - Midship section - Machinery arrangement - Machinery and piping diagrams - Electric load analysis - Electric general diagram


Customer: Owner: Shipyard:

Rauma-Repola Oy Savonlinna Shipyard, Finland V/O Sudoimport, Russia Rauma-Repola Oy Savonlinna Shipyard, Finland

Main dimensions: LOA LPP Breadth mld Depth to main deck Draught, design Speed, trial Deadweight Cargo capacity Class RINA

109.95 m 103.50 m 18.0 m 9.30 m 6.70 m 15.0 kn. 7,900 tonnes 8,500 m3

COMMISSION: Complete engineering package including: - Basic design - Model testing - Naval architectural calculations - Detail engineering including hull, machinery, outfitting, superstructure, cargo piping, electric and automation - Participation to project management - Owners negotiations - Technical supervision CUSTOMER BENEFITS: By using the physical and computer design models for the machinery spaces prefabrication level of pipes and units was very high. First 3-D computer model by Deltamarin, pump room, 1985. High block outfitting level.

OTHER BENEFITS: Good coordination of piping, units, ducting, cableways, maintenance areas etc.

SPECIAL FEATURES: Machinery space and piping design was made by using physical design model (1:10 model). Pump room design was made by using a 3-dimensional computer modelling system (PMS 3D-system especially for design of complicated machinery spaces). Propulsion with Aquamaster-thruster.


Customers: ABB, Cegelec, WDV, WDT, Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc.

Product and crude oil carriers: Propulsion power:

30,000 125,000 DWT 7,000 19,000 kW

Main dimensions: Length overall Length between perp. Breadth mld Depth to upper deck Draught Speed, service Deadweight Cargo capacity

265.0 m 257.0 m 42.50 m 22.40 m 15.0 m 15.3 kn. 126,500 tonnes 140,000 m3

Deltamarin has developed a number of diesel-electric ship concepts. Based on these analyses and project work the concept with all machinery aft has proved to give several special advantages in tanker design. The results of this development work have shown not only technical and operational benefits but also improved overall economy. It seems to be possible to build a well-performing, highly redundant diesel-electric safety tanker, which is even less expensive to build and operate than the conventional design. The first modern diesel-electric tanker has been built at AESA, Spain. This shuttle tanker for Knutsen O.A.S. follows some of the basic ideas, which have been introduced in Deltamarin studies concerning development of diesel-electric safety tanker. This tanker thus meets the vital requirements for safety, redundancy and reliability.


Customer: Aquamaster Rauma Oy, Finland

Product carriers: Propulsion power:

15,000 40,000 DWT 6,000 9,000 kW

Development of the Aquamaster safety tanker concept was carried out in order to show the huge potential the new contra rotating (CRP) Aquamaster Z-drive unit would offer for novel tanker design. The perennial target for the work was to develop and specify a modern mechanical propulsion machinery solution for use on tankers. The concept should have: - Real safety and redundancy both in propulsion and steering. - Flexibility in draught and operation. - Possibility to improve on building practice. - Operational flexibility equal or better than in diesel-electric ships. As a result of this development work a novel Aquamaster safety tanker concept was introduced and specified. The solution presents superior operational features and real attractive overall economy for a ship with such redundant machinery.

Tanker vessel references of Deltamarin Ltd are listed in the following.

Project designs

4,700 DWT Bitumen carrier, client: AB Nyns Petroleum, Sweden 25,000 DWT tanker; client: Rederi AB Donstank, Sweden 4250 DWT Multipurpose dry cargo ship, client: Onega Shipbuilding yard. Handymax bulker, client: Setaf Saget, France Bunkering tanker, client: Baltic Bunkering Company Ltd, Russia Product tanker, Seabulk International, Inc, USA Feasibility project of chemical carriers, client: Stolt Parcel Tankers, USA 25,000 DWT chemical tanker, client: Cantiere Navale Fratelli Orlando, Italy 25,000 DWT chemical tanker hull form design, client: Italtek s.r.l., Italy Hull form and performance of a 22,500 DWT chemical tanker, client: SEC, Italy X-5 tanker, client: Stolt, USA Machinery concept evaluation for a 37,000 DWT chemical carrier for Stolt Parcel Tankers, client: Stolt Parcel Tankers Inc., USA / Wrtsil Diesel, Finland 6,200 DWT tanker, analysis of the effect of hull main dimension, client: MSE, Malaysia CRP-thruster option for a 4,300 DWT chemical tanker, client: Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy 14,000 DWT product/chemical carrier, client: Neste Shipping, Finland 40K product tanker, client: Cegelec, France Product tanker, client: Donstank, Sweden 120,000 DWT arctic tanker, client: Finnyards, Finland 320,000 DWT VLCC, client: confidential 2,000 DWT chemical/product tanker, client: Finnyards, Finland 6,000 DWT product/chemical tanker, client: Finnyards, Finland 27,000 DWT arctic crude oil tanker, client: Finnyards, Finland 16,000 DWT chemical carrier, client: Finnyards, Finland 20,000 DWT product carrier, client: confidential 125,000 DWT shuttle tanker, client: Wrtsil Diesel, Finland Carrying of hydrogen peroxide on an existing 6,000 DWT tanker, client: Finnyards, Finland Evaluation of CP/FP propellers for use on MS 'Yavire' and MS 'Paramacay', client: Maraven S.A., Venezuela 120,000 DWT product carrier, client: Wrtsil Turku Shipyard, Finland 115,000 DWT crude oil tanker, client: Neste Oy, Finland 100,000 DWT crude carrier, client: confidential 5,000 DWT arctic tanker, client: Jurong Shipyard Limited, Singapore

Design work:
Total or partial commission of design work: 37,000 DWT product tanker, client: Jinling Shipyard, China 25,000 DWT product/chemical tanker for Fortum Purha, client: Jinling Shipyard, China 14,000 DWT chemical/product tanker for Fortum Kiisla/ Suula, client: Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo, S.A., Portugal 12,000 DWT chemical tanker Turchese, client: C.N. Mario Morini, Italy 7,900 DWT chemical tanker Isola Ambra, client: Aarhus Flydedok, Denmark 5,400 m3 chemical parcel tanker Stolt Sherwater, client: INMA, Italy 6,500 DWT chemical carrier Smeraldo, client: C.N. Mario Morini, Italy 32,250 DWT oil tanker Sea Devil, client: Lindenau GmbH, Germany 12,000 DWT chemical tanker Rina Amoretti, client: Lindenau GmbH, Germany Upgrading chemical tanker into ice class and operation in low temperatures, client: Nuovi Cantieri Apuania/Beta Shipping, Italy 40,000 DWT tanker, client: Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy 'Knock Ardy' tanker repair, client: Astilleros Espaoles S.A., Spain 2,500 DWT arctic tanker, client: Laivateollisuus Oy, Finland 700 DWT methanol carrier, client: Rauma-Repola Oy, Finland Oil recovery vessel, client: Hollming Oy, Finland


Diesel-electric shuttle tanker, client: ABB Industry Oy, Finland Development of the diesel-electric safety tanker concept, clients: ABB, Cegelec, Wrtsil Diesel Development of the Aquamaster safety tanker concept, client: Aquamaster Rauma, Finland

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