FOGN v2 Fastplay
FOGN v2 Fastplay
FOGN v2 Fastplay
Welcome to todays training mission. This exercise is designed to familiarize you with the basics of the Field if Glory Napoleonic rules and to give you experience in commanding troops on the tabletop. The scenario is set in late 1813, with a small division of about 7,500 Austrians attempting to block the path of a slightly smaller division of 6,000 French. The French are attempting to break through the Austrian line to safety before the rest of the Austrians can arrive. First of all, we must set up the 30 x 30 area for play based on the scenario map on page 11. Note that only the important measurements are given and that all measurements should be increased by 50% if using 25mm figures). You can use a paper map, felt cloth or actual terrain pieces to represent the different elements on the map. Players should choose sides and then place their figures per the map set up areas. Units are deployed alternately in groups of 2:2:1 starting with the Austrian player; in other words, 2 Austrian units, then 2 French, and so on per the 2:2:1 ratio until all units are on the game board. For the purposes of this game, you will only need to know a few of the game mechanics and statistics given in the scenario. The full rules offer a range of mechanics and options to enable players to simulate any Napoleonic battle.
The French player or players will be in command of 5 units The Austrian player or players will be in command of 5 units
All French units are formed of 4 bases for infantry and cavalry, and 2 bases for artillery. There is also a single base representing the French Divisional commander. All Austrian units are formed of 4 bases. 2 of the Austrian units each have an artillery attachment. The Austrian Grenzers must be used as skirmishers(meaning that they can move and fire at 6MU, but have other restriction as noted in the Austrian army list). There is also a single base representing the Austrian Divisional commander. This means that the French player moves first, with payers taking alternate moves thereafter. The French player may perform up to 2 complex moves during any turn, the Austrian player may perform 1 complex move per turn. Any and all units may be moved each turn. The French player may perform up to 2 complex moves during any turn, the Austrian player may perform 1 complex move per turn.
The French player is the active player for the first turn The French player may move any or all of his units
Each player takes turns performing actions with their units. Actions must be performed in a certain order during each phase of each players move. See the Action Sequence table on page 4 for a detailed description of this sequence. A unit is made up of a number of bases of figures. There are 4 bases of infantry of cavalry and 2 bases of artillery to each unit. The exception to this is the Austrian line infantry units which will have 3 bases of infantry and 1 base of artillery. Units of cavalry will normally be formed 2 bases wide and 2 deep in tactical formation with limbered artillery having a single model and unlimbered artillery 2 models. All infantry except Grenzers may form square, (shown be facing the rear 2 bases backwards), and for the purposes of this scenario Austrian infantry only may form an extended line, 4 bases wide. The active player may move his units during the Assault or the Movement phases of his own turn. All French infantry and (limbered) artillery units move 6MU. Austrian Grenzers also move 6MU. All other Austrian units move 4MU. Cavalry and Commanders of both sides may move up to 10MU. Both players may also move their commanders an additional 4MU during both players Recovery phases. MU is short for movement Unit. All distances in the game are measure in movement units, each of which is 1 if using 15mm figures and 1 if using 25mm figures. All moves are defined as being Simple or Complex. These are identified in the Movement Table on Page 4. Units wishing to make a complex move must first pass a Complex Move Test (CMT). The player must roll 2 dice for each, and will successfully pass the test if either dice rolls a 5 or 6. The French can attempt 2 CMTs per move, the Austrians only 1. During the first phase of each player turn, the active player may declare an assault (charge) by any of his units on enemy units. Cavalry are not allowed to attack enemy infantry units in the field or the building. Austrian Grenzers and any disordered units must pass a CMT before they can assault unless all the targets of the assault are already Wavering. Units that are Wavering may not attempt to assault. Units being charged may perform a number of reaction moves some of which require them to take a Cohesion Test. Possible responses are as follows: (see the Cohesion Test table on Page 7) Infantry and artillery can always choose to stand and fire Cavalry must counter-charge (unless wavering) Infantry may for square if charged by cavalry (if not already in square) Infantry may reform into tactical if in square and charged by infantry Artillery may abandon their guns Skirmishers may evade All Wavering units must immediately take a cohesion test
What is a Unit ?
What meant by MU ?
1) Calculate the number of dice available to each unit firing, adding or subtracting dice for various tactical factors. (see the firing table on Page 5) 2) Reduce this total due to the cohesion losses of the firing unit. 3) Allocate all dice against targets. 4) Determine the to-hit score against each target. 5) Roll the dice against each target and allocate hits accordingly. 6) Resolve the effect of the hits immediately.
Units may only fire at any enemy directly to their front. Artillery units may wheel forwards or backwards 1MU before choosing their target(s) although they cannot change the range band if they do this. The procedure is as follows:
Artillery may fire up to 16MU and infantry units may fire up to 6MU. Cavalry may not fire at all. Units may only fire at enemy directly to their front. Artillery may wheel 1MU forwards or backwards before firing although they may not change the range band by doing this. Range bands are:
2MU Close range (All infantry and artillery units) 4MU Medium Range (All infantry and artillery units) 16MU Long range (Artillery units only)
When casualties are cause on units, that player should immediately consult the results of Firing table on Page 5. These result are applied immediately before his opponents get to return fire. If a unit receives 4 or more hits the Outcome Moves table on Page 7 should be used to determine how far that unit retires.
1) Calculate the number of dice available to each unit in combat, adding or subtracting dice for various tactical factors. (see the Combat table on Page 6) 2) Reduce this total due to the cohesion losses of each unit. 3) Allocate all dice against enemy units in contact. 4) Determine the to-hit score against each target. 5) Roll the dice against each target and allocate hits accordingly. 6) Resolve the effect immediately using the Combat Resolution table on Page 6, including pursuits by the winning unit(s).
Combat occurs between all enemy touching each other at the start f the combat phase. The procedure is similar to that use for firing and is as follows:
He is used to allow units to perform Complex moves and to recover their cohesion. A unit can only perform a complex move if its commander is within 8MU. A unit can only recover its cohesion if its commander is within 4MU. The Commander may move up to 10MU during its own movement phase and an additional 4MU during either players recover phase. One unit only may attempt to recover its cohesion during a players own recovery phase. Either player wins the game if any of its units are in contact the other players LOC. at the end of any players Recovery Phase. Note well: A unit may not contact the enemy LOC during a retire move. If both players have units in contact with an LOC during the combat phase they fight each other as if they were in front edge contact with each other.
Declare Assaults Declare responsesesponses Move chargers and adjudicate firing
Active player only - CMT if required Inactive player - CMT or Cohesion Test if required Active player resolves result and makes Outcome Moves immediately Inactive player resolves result and makes Outcome Moves immediately Active player resolves result and makes Outcome Moves immediately Active player only - CMTs if required Both players simultaneously Follow steps in Combat resolution table Both players - inactive player first Both players - inactive player first Active player only - test as required
Active player fires Inactive player fires Move units Calculate combat hits Combat Resolution Cohesion Tests Move commanders Recover cohesion
Make a forwards move, an interception, or assault with no change of formation Counter-charging if Cavalry Infantry attempting to assaulting a unit also being assaulted by Cavalry Continue into contact after receiving 1 or 2 hits during charge Turn or wheel to face an enemy within 2MU Any other change of formation or facing while otherwise stationary <= 2MU of enemy Moving through friends in any direction Moving backwards including a wheel > 2MU from enemy Complex Complex
Simple Complex Complex Simple Simple N/A Simple Complex Simple Simple Complex Complex Complex Simple Simple
Complex Complex Complex Simple Simple Simple Complex Simple Simple Simple Simple
N/A N/A N/A N/A Complex Complex Complex Simple Complex N/A N/A Simple
Skirmishers moving 1/2 distance in any direction if outside 2MU Crossing a hedge or wall or entering or leaving buildings forwards or backwards Others Artillery limbering or unlimbering Skirmishers Complex
Artillery moving by prolong 2MU forwards or backwards, including wheel 2nd move if over 6MU from enemy throughout N/A = Not allowed
Complex Complex
Any move may include a slide sideways up to 1 base width if over 6MU from enemy, or to avoid friends if closer When making a double move, the 1st move must be successful before the 2nd move is attempted. ROLL 2 DICE Score required: 5+ Up to 2 tests may be taken per phase by the French
A Wavering unit may not end their move closer to any enemy unit
Number of Dice Used
Long Range Artillery Medium Range Austrian Jaegers Austrian Line Infantry 6 to 16 MU 3 dice 2 to 6 MU 2 dice 5 dice 5 dice 3 dice 5 dice 6 dice N/A -1 dice -2 dice 2 MU 6 dice 4 dice 6 dice +2 dice +1 dice Firers are skirmishers Target is in square All other Targets Cohesion Losses: Disordered: Lose 1/3 dice (round remaing dice up) Wavering: Lose 1/2 dice (round remaing dice up) Target is in square All other Targets Short Range Target is skirmishers or in buildings 5+ 3+ 4+
Austrian Grenzers
Medium range Fire if within 6MU of enemy cavalry Austrian Jaegers Short Range Austrian Line Infantry
Units firing to or from a building receive 4 dice at any range hitting on 5 at close range and 6 at any other range. The To-Hit score cannot be higher than 6+ or lower then 3+
Number of hits
0 1 2 3 4+ Unit must take a CMT to move into contact, or to move closer to the enemy in the movement phase
No effect on movement It a CMT is not taken, or is failed, the testing unit may not move closer to enemy, and must retire to at least 3MU if cavalry.
Cohesion loss
No effect -1 cohesion -1 cohesion -2 cohesion *
Retire to 3MU if closer or are Wavering, otherwise may not advance. Retire immediately as per Outcome Moves table
* A unit can only drop 1 cohesion level if all fire is at medium or long range.
* A wavering unit taking a cohesion loss from medium or long range fire only, retires instead as per Outcome Table.
Number of dice used Situation Infantry and Cavalry: In Open terrain and in either Tactical or Extended Line formations All other troops or situations - including cavalry fighting infantry in square Dice Additions and Losses Enemy downhill +2 (+1) dice +2 dice Each supporting unit to flank Disordered: Lose 1/3 dice (round remaing dice up) The To-Hit Score
Normal score required +4 Dice 6 4
(+1) Units partially uphill get +1 intead of +2 Unless either side is defending an obstacle Wavering: Lose 1/2 dice (round remaining dice up)
Points of Advantage (POA): Each + POA adds 1 to dice roll, each POA subtracts 1 from dice roll + Attacking enemy flank or rear Unless Artillery is defending an obstacle Unless Artillery is defending an obstacle + Cavalry fighting Artillery
Cavalry fighting Infantry not in Square Cavalry fighting Infantry in Square Fighting across an obstacle Skirmishers or Artillery in combat
Only in open terrain, and not across an obstacle Unless Infantry are defending an obstacle Both sides In any terrain
0-1 0
2-3 1
4-5 2
6+ 3
Players perform the following steps in order
Non-active player Recovery Active player Non-active player Active player Non-active player Special rules:
Retire Broken Units Retires units in contact and Broken Active player May pursue * unless Wavering. Active players Broken units no longer in contact because of enemy retiring recover to Wavering Retires units in contact and Broken Non-active player May pursue * unless Wavering Retire Wavering Units
Active player Non-active player Active player Retires units in contact and Wavering Retires units in contact and Wavering May pursue * unless Wavering May pursue * unless Wavering Retire units in contact and Disordered
* Infantry may choose not to pursue if there are any unbroken enemy Cavalry within 6MU of their starting position Steady Cavalry MUST pass through and Disordered Cavalry MAY pass through if ending in contact with Infantry
Cannot pursue if defending obstacle, or in square. May move into buildings CMT to not pursue Must pursue CMT to not pursue CMT to pursue
Test type Infantry assaulted by Cavalry in the open & not in Square Attempted activity Form Square from Extended Line Form Square from Tactical or March Column Stand and fire Score required 6+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 1 attempt only 6+ 5+ 5+ Otherwise all units roll: Abandon Guns Unit Destroyed No effect Cohesion Loss 2 dice Cohesion Loss Result if test failed
Responding to an assault
Infantry in Square assaulted by other Infantry Artillery choosing to stand and fire Rallying broken unit
Recovery tests
3 cohesion losses
Recovering cohesion losses for any unit Other cohesion tests Number of dice used for tests
1 or 2 cohesion losses
Whenever a Broken unit first passes within 4MUs Troops in extended line (if not defending buildings, and enclosed field or a hill.)
Unit type Situation Disrupted
If defending obstacle or in square v cavalry Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise In the the open and in contact with cavalry In contact with enemy In contact with enemy In contact with enemy cavalry Otherwise
Cohesion state
Wavering or Evading Halt Retire D6 Retire D6 + 2 Retire D6 Abandoned Retire D6 Broken Halt Retire D6 + 2 Retire D6 + 4 Retire D6 + 2 Destroyed Abandoned Retire D6 + 2 Destroyed Retire D6 + 4 Retire D6 + 6 Destroyed Retire D6 + 4 Destroyed Retire D6 + 4
A unit retiring >= its normal move ends facing the direction moved, otherwise it faces the direction it moved from.
Action forcing abandonment (of unlimbered artillery): Cohesion losses Voluntary Retire to Infantry unit within 2MU when charged -1 cohesion Retiring from Infantry assault If forced to retire by failing a test Otherwise: Retire from cavalry Assault -2 cohesion Retire as an outcome move from combat Additional loss if all friends within 2MU retire (once only) -1 cohesion * An abandoned artillery unit accumulating more than 3 cohesion level losses is permanently destroyed.
Divisional Commander
Moritz (Skilled Commander)
2 CMTs permitted per move
Light Infantry
Line Infantry
Line Infantry
Special Rules: None Firing: 3 dice at long range 6 dice at medium range 6 dice at close range
Divisional Commander
(Competent Commander) 1 CMT permitted per move
Special Rules: Only loses 1 dice from medium rage fire with enemy cavalry within 6MU. Firing: 5 Dice at medium range 4 Dice at close range
Special Rules: Skirmishers Cannot form Square. Cannot charge the front of steady or disordered enemy. Must evade if charged. Only use 1 dice for Cohesion Tests Firing: 5 Dice at medium range 4 Dice at close range
Line Infantry
Special Rules: Medium range firing is allowed only by the Artillery base Firing: 2 dice at medium range 6 dice at close range
Line Infantry
Special Rules: Medium range firing is allowed only by the Artillery base Firing: 2 dice at medium range 6 dice at close range
Both hills are gentle (i.e. not especially steep or tall). It is important that the Austrian hill is entirely within, and covering no more than half of their deployment zone, and that the building and field are each approximately 4 wide. Other than that the terrain just needs to be similar to the map. PAGE 10