Applied Radiology Featured Article (Via Radrounds)
Applied Radiology Featured Article (Via Radrounds)
Applied Radiology Featured Article (Via Radrounds)
in an electronic world:
The radiologist as value innovator
To avoid becoming a commodity, radiologists must continuously ask how they can add
value to patient care—and how technology can help achieve that goal.
Paul J. Chang, MD
n radiology informatics and infor- willing to dramatically re-engineer the perceived as a commodity—that is,
mation technology (IT), we are con- radiology department and our own atti- undifferentiated from competing prod-
stantly challenged to provide a sus- tudes and practices, we will not only fail ucts or services—the only legitimate
tainable infrastructure that supports the to successfully leverage and exploit basis on which to compete is price. Toilet
needs of the radiology department and these advanced imaging tools, we may paper, for example, is a commodity.
enables imaging throughout the health- threaten the perceived value of radiol- Another way to compete is to provide
care enterprise. In the early days, many ogy and participate in its marginaliza- a product or service that is perceived as
of us thought that radiology informatics tion or commoditization. having additional value that can be dif-
was defined merely by digital image From a strategic perspective, our ferentiated when compared with other
management and its promise to elimi- true goal is to build a technology infra- products and services. An iPod (Apple
nate X-ray film. Once we accomplished structure that ensures the relevance and Inc., Cupertino, CA), for example, is
that goal, we realized that optimization value of radiologists in taking care of perceived to have more value than other
of workflow was even more important. patients. Those of us in informatics and MP3 players.
Too often, electronic practice tools IT need to incorporate into our strate- The question is, as radiologists, are we
are viewed as turnkey solutions. In real- gic planning a view of radiologists as providing a commodity that can be out-
ity, installation of a picture archiving value innovators. sourced anywhere or are we providing
and communication system (PACS) or a true value? The answer depends on how
speech recognition system will not fix a Value innovation we see ourselves and what kinds of ser-
“broken” radiology practice. The im- The concept of value innovation was vice we provide. In arriving at that
proper application of electronic-based first introduced by Michael Porter in his answer, it is important to ask customers
systems can make deficiencies in work- 1985 book, Competitive Advantage: what is important to them and how well
flow even more glaring. Unless we are Creating and Sustaining Superior Per- we’re succeeding in meeting those needs.
formance.1 Value innovation is the never- Once we have defined those axes of
Dr. Chang is a Professor and Vice- ending task of re-examining what we value, it is possible to plot a value curve.
Chairman, Radiology Informatics, and provide that is of value to our customers. Figure 1 shows value curves for 3 dif-
Medical Director, Pathology Informat- We must always ask ourselves: Are we ferent types of radiology practices.2 The
ics, University of Chicago Pritzker relevant? Do we add value? And we must value curve for a typical academic radi-
School of Medicine, and the Medical
Director, Enterprise Imaging, for the continuously re-engineer our workflow ology practice shows very high value in
University of Chicago Hospitals, and our attitudes to add that value. the number of imaging services pro-
Chicago, IL. In a modern economy, there are 2 ways vided. However, academic practices
to compete. If your product or service is tend to fall short when it comes to other
Information throughput
Another major driver in radiology is
the concept of pay for performance, or
“no outcome–no income.” Can radiol-
ogists successfully play this game? I
believe we can. However, critical re-
quirements for success will include
massive improvements in efficiency, FIGURE 3. (A and B) Features such as “Find a Physician” simplify and speed the task of deliv-
productivity, and cost-effectiveness— ering urgent radiology findings into the proper hands—in this case to both (A) a referring
hematologist and (B) the primary care physician.
in other words, optimized information
throughput. The turn-around time that really mat- acquisition, examination interpretation,
Electronic-based technology and in- ters encompasses the entire service chain. report authoring, and report delivery.
formatics can be important enablers of It spans from the time a physician de-
value innovation, if we’re willing to re- cides to order a study to the time at Collaboration
engineer our processes. When it comes which information is available from that It is clear that we must do away with
to improving efficiency in information study to help the clinician create a pa- film and paper. Instead, we must em-
throughput, we must go beyond such tient management plan. To truly improve brace electronic-based informatics sys-
simple measures as enhancing patient turnaround time, we must re-evaluate tems. To do this, we need much better
throughput or reducing report turn- examination ordering and schedul- integration of electronic information
around time. ing, patient registration, examination systems and modalities within those
Radiology must be willing to continu-
ously re-engineer and reinvent itself to
fully exploit electronic technology.
Information systems can play a signifi-
cant role in helping radiologists to
evolve from being simple providers of
information to true collaborators. If we
choose to make this transition, we will
avoid being marginalized and commodi-
FIGURE 4. (A and B) Multimedia reports enhance collaboration with clinicians. tized. Instead, we will be able to show
that we add true value to patient care.
systems. To date, a lack of integration is study. “Performed procedure” steps and
one of vendors’ biggest failures. other kinds of technology can do that 1. Porter ME. Competitive Advantage: Creating
Time-motion studies repeatedly show automatically. and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York,
NY: Free Press; 1985.
that technologists waste too much time In addition, we will need to make 2. Schomer DF, Schomer BG, Chang PJ. Value
typing information from one electronic major improvements in how we commu- innovation in the radiology practice. RadioGraphics.
system to another. We also need greater nicate. Simply sending out reports in 2001;21:1019-1024.
integration in communicating context. It a timely fashion will no longer be For a roundtable discussion of this article,
makes no sense for technologists to have adequate. We must be much more visit
to tell a RIS that they have completed a engaged and collaborative.