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Vission: A strategic vision describes the route a company intends to take in developing and strengthening its business.

It lays out the companys strategic course in preparing for the future. A strategic vision portrays a companys future business scope (where we are going or headed)In this case founders Philosophy was Business can be as much funas creating a show So Firm creating more fun will go to make more money Strategic intent: The Cirque Du Soleil had created a new category of live entertainment with its unique hybrid of music,dance and acrobatics.Future growth headed both artistic and commercial wa y since people were looking for artistic entertainment. Since Cirque experience reached its saturation point after certain time, the firm introduced shows with a new vision of urbanity, overflowing with optimism and happiness. Mission.
Cirque Du Soleils mission was to enable clients to maximize their entertainment lively by developing and innovating circus show. In a nutshell we aim to "arrange the circus in a modern way. They did this by providing their audience with excellence in the own supply mechanism, continuous H R

t r a i n i n g, p e r f o r m e r s s k i l l n e s s , v a r i e t i e s o f s h o w s a n d n e w a m a z i n g i d e a s . T h e p r o v i s i o n o f sophisticated circus show was the primary concern of Cirque Du Soleil and they feel this to be of paramount importance to the long-term mission of the company

Core value:
We identify in the case of Cirque Du Soleil to define 7 values about the firms future strategic course; Confidence:
The firms founder took 100% risk as a challenge with no advance money initially for having high confidence in his performance. Quality: : Show was so attractive for its quality that it became ten year rule show and later on spending money more to keep the show of the highest quality.

Uniqueness: The characteristic in the show called worm was unique and after that decided not to make a
profit in order to develop a new show Social Responsibility:

1% of ticket sales revenue donated to outreach programs designed to aid the development
of disadvantaged children. Safety:

The firm took initiative to ensure the safety of its performers for lower injury rate compared with
foot ball match

Creativity and innovation:

Cirque Du Soleil made their decisions based on artistic and creative criteria instead of industry benchmarks and ratios. Laliberte, President searched talents at major sporting events and trained them in different languages and reinvented other venues to create an environment that would enhance and extend the cirque experience People treated as partner:
it decentralized HR operation from country to country and introduced people with 25 different languages. However, the idea seemed simple to find partners to put up with the money and expertise. Goals: CIRQUE DU SOLEILs great achievement and ultimate goal was to turn the venture into a continuingseries, watching TV these days is a little depressing, People are looking for artistic entertainment thatinspires them and makes them think a bout something other than war and sickness and also Mr.Laliberte made the Cirque is so international is that they have no language they are universal On top of this Mr. Laliberte knew exactly the right path to achieve the GOAL, same this he executed and his CIRQUE DU SOLEIL became one of the best Circus in the world. The above GOALS were great achievement for CIRQUE DU SOLEIL as well as for Mr. Laliberte. Internal analysis: Compromise between art and profit has been managed very well by Cirque du Soleil. Artistic creativity and commercial success have proven that business can be as much fun as creating a show. After 20 years of continuous effort organization has reached at a crossroad as recognition of success.

Competitive Advantage:
Initially they were proven as effective cost leader, at the sector of recreation, were considered as universal, citizen of the world. after the competition enter the market (Cirque Eloize and Cirque Eos )Soleil evaluated and reviewed their strategy.S o l e i l w a s a c l e a r d i f f e r e n t i a t o r . B l e n d o f o p e r a , d a n c e , t h e a t r e , c i r c u s , m u s i c a n d w o r l d c l a s s choreography create a unique context those captivate and surround viewers attention.Their main focus was to attract people towards their show and provide them excellent recreation. Their show appeared such like that which draw people back to their childhood, when all seemed possible.

organization as competitive: In addition to above Soleil was involved in merchandising, TV specials, video and CD sales as well. Finally to survive against competitors they introduced 13 one hour television episodes of wordless entertainment, they have introduced them with small screen instead bigtop Resource based view: Can be explained as under: Appropriable: Soleil was unique at the sector of recreation. At times they used to evaluate andreview strategy to survive against competitors. Sustainable: With the variety of art of show whi ch attract people, contributes a lot towardsrecreation and appropriate sales of business make Soleil sustainable. Valuable: Contents of art and business of Soleil are considered valuable based on aboveexplanation.

R a r e : In i t i a l l y t h e y w e r e c o n s i d e r e d u n i v e r s a l , c i t i z e n o f t h e w o r l d . La t e r o n a g a i n s t competitors they changed business strategy by moving from big top to small screen. In i m i t a b l e : T o m a i n t a i n t h i s c r i t e r i o n S o l e i l h a d t o p a y h a n d s o m e s a l a r y t o r e t a i n t o p performers, so that they cant be hired by competitors. Non substitutable: After initial growth they were considered universal. At a later stage after rising the competitors Cirque Eloize and Cirque Eos alternative substitute were available. Evenrelatively cheaper rate tickets were available to the customers. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS S t r a t e g i c a n a l ys i s i s a t h e o r e t i c a l l y i n f o r m e d u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e e n v i r o n m e n t i n w h i c h a n organisation is operating, together with an understanding of the organisations interaction with its e n v i r o n m e n t i n o r d e r t o improve organisational efficiency and effectiveness by increasing the organisations capacity to deploy and redeploy its resources intelligently. (Professor Les Worrall,Wolverhampton Business School)External environment refers to the major force and factor outside the organization, within as well as outside of the industry that affect the overall performance of the organization. External environment can significantly influence the effectiveness of the organization to large extend. A range of analytical methods can be used to analysis the external environment. There are mostly
PEST analysis Porters five forces analysis Four corners analysis Value chain analysis Early warning scans war gaming. The aim of the analytical tool is to sharpen the foc us of the analysis and to ensure a methodical, balanced approach. All analytical tools rely on historical, backward looking data to extrapolate futureassumptions. It is important to exercise caution when interpreting strategic analysis results. Otherwisethe analysis may be unduly influenced by preconceptions or pressures within the organization whichseek to validate a particular strategic assumption.

Here we will employ Porters five forces analysis. Porters five forces of competitive position analysis was developed in 1979 by Harvard Business school professor Michael E Porter as a simple framework for industry analysis and development of businessstrategy.The theory is based on the concept that there are five forces which determine the competitive intensityand attractiveness of a market. It helps to identify where power lies in a business situation. The fiveforces are 1. Buyers power, 2. Supplier power, 3. Competitive rivalry, 4. Threat of substitutio n, 5.Threat of new entry Cirque du Soleil started as a street live entertainment and over twenty years transforms itself is a very popular circus around the globe that blends opera, dance, theater and fireworks. With still lot of demando f s h o w s , h i gh d e m a n d f o r j o b s a n d b a g gi n g p r e s t i gi o u s a w a r d s m e a n s i t h a s s t r o n g p r o d u c t differentiation and brand positioning. It has little threat in buyer, supplier or competitive rivalry perspective it manages its own supply. It operates in developed market where buyers are ready to paya premium price for quality and innovative entertainment. However it has local competitor as

well aslocal competitor who have international exposure as well as foreign competitors. Even though thesecompetitors are not very strong, they do create problem to retain top performers and erode earnings. Tooffset the threat of substitution and threat of new entry, diversity and further innovation are imperativeand thus company needs huge financing which, without collaboration or going public is impracticablefor Cirque Du Soleil.

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