Illumination 1
Illumination 1
Illumination 1
FIGURE 2-1 Better lighting stores offer several different technologies, and its always a good idea to try before you buy. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs (75 percent more efficient). Better than halogens are CFLs, which last longer and have come a long way in quality in recent years. CFLs do contain trace amounts of mercury, so they must be handled carefully, and they dont work well for all settings. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) (up to 90 percent more efficient) or other emerging advanced technology. LEDs benefit from ruggedness and very long life, and they dont give off much heat. They are still relatively expensive, although prices have been falling. In order to get the most out of an energy-efficient lighting upgrade, its helpful to know a bit about light, electricity, and utilities.
What Is Light?
Light is all around us but is usually taken for granted, unless you find yourself lost in a cave or trying to get grass to grow in a shady
spot on your lawn. Scientifically, light is usually described as the type of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength visible to the human eye (roughly 400 to 700 nanometers). Light exists as tiny packets called photons and exhibits the properties of both particles and waves. Dont worry if you dont really understand what this means; its something the worlds top physicists have debated for many years.
What Is Lighting?
There are many different types of lighting, most of which you will learn about in this book. All lights have a lamp, which is commonly referred to as a light bulb. The lamp is connected to the energy source by something called a fixture, which also positions the light in a useful way. In fluorescent and high-intensity-discharge (HID) fixtures, the energy supply must be modulated through a ballast. Taken together, the lamp, fixture, and any necessary ballast are sometimes called a luminaire.
Resistance (R), measured in ohms, is a materials resistance to electrical flow. Current (I), measured in amperes, is the amount of electricity. I V/R; that is, current is equal to voltage divided by resistance. An analogy commonly used to explain electricity, which is invisible, likens the phenomenon to plumbing. There are some limitations to this exercise, but it can provide some understanding: Voltage (V) is represented as water pressure. Resistance (R) is represented as pipe size. Current (I) is represented as the flow rate. Another important concept when it comes to electricity is power. Electrical power (P) is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. This is measured in watts. In simple circuits, an electrical power system P is equal to voltage times current: P VI. Watts volts amps 1 Kilowatt 1,000 watts
Utility Billing
Electricity use typically is measured in units called kilowatt-hours (kWh). One kilowatt-hour is equal to 1,000 watts of power used over a period of one hourfor example, ten 100-watt light bulbs turned on for one hour. Your monthly electric bill is calculated by multiplying the cost of one kilowatt-hour, set by your utility, by the number of hours of electricity you used. The price per kilowatt-hour usually changes according to the season and time of day, as well as market prices, although many consumers are charged flat rates, with the utility bearing the brunt of the minute-by-minute fluctuations. Beware: You cant directly convert kilowatts into kilowatt-hours because that would be like converting miles per hour into miles traveled; you need to know how long you traveled at that speed.
Lighting Basics
Lumen (lm). The standardized SI (International System) unit of measurement for luminous power, which is the perceived power
of a light source. Luminous power is also called luminous flux, and it is adjusted to reflect the varying sensitivity of the human eye to different wavelengths of light. Technically, one lumen is defined as the luminous flux of light produced by a source that emits one candela of luminous intensity over a solid angle of one steradian. Dont worry if you dont fully understand this, though; whats important for our purposes is that more lumens means stronger light. Initial or rated lumens. The light output of a lamp for the first 100 hours of use. Mean or design lumens. Estimated light output of a lamp between 100 hours of use and 75 percent of lamp life. Lumens per watt (lm/W or LPW). A measure of luminous efficacy, which is essentially efficiency. This is the ratio between the light output (called luminous flux) emitted by a device and the amount of input power it consumes. It is also sometimes referred to as the wall-plug luminous efficacy or wall-plug efficacy. A typical candle has an overall luminous efficacy, in lumens per watt, of 0.3. Standard incandescents range between 13 and 17 lumens per watt, and halogens are a bit higher, up to around 24 lumens per watt. LEDs normally range from 50 lumens per watt to the low 90s (higher in some recent examples), and fluorescents range from the middle 40s up to 100 lumens per watt. Low-pressure sodium lamps, often used for streetlights, range from 100 to 200 lumens per watt, but they dont render colors well, as well see. Candela (candlepower, abbreviated as cd). A unit of measurement of light intensity at various angles. The candela is the SI base unit for luminous intensity; a candle emits light of roughly one candela. Foot-candle. Lumens per square foot striking a surface. Basically, this is the amount of light that a single candle would provide to a one-foot-radius sphere. Intensity. A measure of the time-averaged amount of light striking a given area. For bulbs, this is measured in lumens, and for fixtures, it is measured in lux (lumens per square meter). The higher the lux, the more light a fixture produces. Lumen maintenance. How well a light source retains its intensity over time. HID lamps have poor lumen maintenance, losing up to 40 percent of their intensity within six months. A quality fluorescent bulb loses only 10 percent of its intensity over that time.
Rated life(span). A measure of the amount of time a bulb is expected to last. Technically, the rated life of incandescents and fluorescents is determined by measuring how long it takes for half the products in a test group to fail. This standard doesnt apply to LEDs, however, because they tend to fail gradually. The industry has decided that the burn out of an LED occurs when it has dropped to 70 percent of its initial output. Its also true that many LEDs havent been on the market long enough to really make an accurate prediction of lifespan; in this case, reported figures are often extrapolated. Visual acuity. The eyes ability to detect fine details. Fixture efficiency. The ratio of light emitted from a fixture versus the light emitted by just the lamp(s) in the fixture, expressed as a percentage.
Color Table for Light (DOE/Wikipedia) Source Match flame Candle flame Incandescent light bulb Studio CP light Studio lamps, photofloods, etc. Moonlight, xenon arc lamp Horizon daylight Typical daylight, electronic flash Daylight, overcast CRT screen
Temperature 1700 K 1850 K 27003300 K 3350 K 3400 K 4100 K 5000 K 55006000 K 6500 K 9300 K
Note: These temperatures are merely approximations; considerable variation may be present.
2:00 p.m. Color temperature also can be given in mireds, which are primarily used by lab scientists. A mired, short for microreciprocal degree, is defined as one million divided by the color temperature in Kelvins. For those who might not remember from high school or college chemistry, the Kelvin temperature scale has the same interval as Celsius but has the zero point at absolute zero, where all molecules stop moving. 0 degrees Celsius 273.15 Kelvin 32 degrees Fahrenheit
As shown in Table 2-2, color temperature ranges are often associated with specific lighting names (soft white, bright white, etc.). However, these colors are not standardized for modern bulbs like
Color Chart for Lighting (DOE/Wikipedia) Kelvin 3000 K 3500 K 4000 K 5000 K 6500 K Mired 333 M 286 M 250 M 200 M
Color temperature 'Warm white' or 'Soft white' 'White' or 'Bright white' 'Cool white' 'Brilliant white or Daylight' Daylight
they were for older-style (halophosphate) fluorescent lamps. This can make it more difficult to compare lighting quality across brands, unless color temperatures are referenced, because variations and inconsistencies exist. Its always best to try out a bulb before you buy or try one and see how it works before you buy several. For example, Osram Sylvanias Daylight CFLs have a color temperature of 3,500 K, whereas most other lamps with a daylight label have color temperatures of at least 5,000 K. Some vendors do not include the Kelvin value on the package, but this is beginning to change now that the Energy Star standard for CFLs is expected to require such labeling. Color rendering index (CRI). This measures a light sources ability to render colors accurately. The CRI scale goes from 1 (the lowest) to 100 (able to render colors completely, as with sunlight). A CRI of 75 is often considered good for lighting, with 85 being very good and 95 excellent. Some manufacturers label their CFLs with a three-digit code to identify the CRI and color temperature. In this case, the first digit represents the CRI measured in tens of percent, whereas the second two digits represent the color temperature measured in hundreds of Kelvins. For example, a CFL with a CRI of 83 percent and a color temperature of 2,700 K would be given a code of 827.
Daylighting refers to the use of windows and skylights to bring sunlight into a building. It is a twentieth-century term applied to design elements that have been used for millennia but which were deemphasized in an age of relatively cheap fossil fuels and lack of concern for the environment. The good news is that todays highly energy-efficient windows, plus advances in lighting design, have helped to make it possible to reduce the need for artificial lighting
FIGURE 3-1 Incandescents have had a long run, but their inefficiency will be their downfall. The heat under these Las Vegas lights is stifling. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
magnesium, and barium. He also discovered the useful medical properties of nitrous oxide, commonly called laughing gas. Davy demonstrated the first arc light, either in 1807, 1808, or 1809, depending on the source. He used two charcoal sticks as electrodes, and when he connected his 2,000-cell battery, a bright white light arced across the four-inch gap between the sticks. Davy originally dubbed the effect an arch light owing to its shape, but the name was soon shortened to arc light. Carbon arc lights were produced and sold, although they emitted uneven light and produced a great amount of heat. Today, arc lights are still used in some applications in medicine and movies. Davy also developed the miners safety light (often called a Davy lamp), which could be used around natural gas without causing explosions owing to a heat-dissipating baffle. Unfortunately, Davy suffered a number of accidents and exposures to toxic chemicals in his work, and he died relatively young, at age 51, most likely as a result. However, his assistantMichael Faradaycontinued the work of expanding our understanding of electricity and became famous in his own right. A number of others worked on making lighting brighter and more reliable over the years. In 1878, British scientist Sir Joseph Wilson Swan was granted a patent for an incandescent light bulb, and his house in England became the first in the world to have electric lighting. Swan used a carbonized thread in a bulb with a partial vacuum so that the filament wouldnt oxidize. (Years later, engineers discovered that the light quality improved if the bulb was filled with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen instead of a vacuum, and this is the common practice today.) Edisons first patent on incandescent lighting appeared a year after Swans. Edison also designed bulbs with vacuums and tested thousands of different materials for filaments, eventually settling on carbonized cotton (Figure 3-2). Later, he would also use carbonized bamboo, which provided longer life. When Edison began mass producing bulbs in the late 1800s, Swan sued him for patent infringement. Swan won in court, and as part of the judgment, Edison had to take his rival on as a business partner in Great Britain. Therefore, if Edison didnt really invent the light bulb, why is he so famous? For one thing, he also invented a lot of other useful things, such as the phonograph and motion picture camera, ulti-
Lead wires
mately holding more than 1,000 patents. He also did much to pioneer the modern industrial laboratory and was a successful businessman. Edisons version of the light bulb went mainstream owing to his business savvy as well as his quality product. In short, he produced a better light bulb than Swan or other rivals, and he presented it to the public in an integrated system of electric lighting that caught on rapidly and spread around the globe.
A 100-watt, 120-Vac light bulb produces about 1,700 lumens, or about 17 lumens per watt. This is a low luminous efficacy compared with other lighting options. In comparison, LED lamps range from 50 lumens per watt to the low 90s, and fluorescents range from the middle 40s up to 100 lumens per watt.
FIGURE 3-3 Vintage-style, exposed-filament incandescent bulbs are trendy for restaurants and bars, but they use roughly three times the energy of standard incandescents. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
nical exercise, so for most practical applications it's useful to think of efficacy as essentially efficiency. Note that so-called long-life incandescent bulbs come with a price, in addition to the higher purchase point. Built with thicker filaments, these bulbs are even less energy efficient and so are not favored by green designers or environmentalists. Better are so-called EnergyMiser bulbs, sometimes called supersaver bulbs. These are incandescents designed to be more efficient, generally using 5 to 13 percent less electricity, with only minimal decreases in light output. They tend to cost a bit more than standard bulbs as well, but they may pay for themselves over time. These bulbs may be good choices in fixtures that cant readily accept a more advanced product, such as a CFL. In recent years, in no small part because of federal lighting efficiency standards, there has been fresh interest in designing more efficient incandescents. General Electric has announced ambitious plans in this area, with initial stated production goals of doubling incandescent efficiency in the short term. Time will tell if these developments are successful and price competitive.
Well known today, halogen bulbs are a specialized type of incandescent lighting, and they achieve better energy efficiency. In a halogen lamp, a tungsten filament is sealed inside a small transparent envelope that is then filled with an inert gas plus a small amount of a halogen, which is an element from the column of the periodic table that includes iodine and bromine (remember high school chemistry?). The halogen and filament undergo a chemical reaction called a halogen cycle that redeposits tungsten back onto the filament (Figure 3-4). In normal incandescents, tungsten gradually settles on the inside of the bulb, and the filament becomes thinner and more brittle over time. Eventually, it wears too thin and breaks, which is the most common way bulbs fail. In halogens, however, the redepositing of tungsten prolongs the life of the filament. The halogen cycle also helps to prevent the bulb from darkening. In a halogen lamp, the filament heats to a hotter temperature than in standard incandescents, and this gives it a higher efficacy (10 to 30 lumens per watt). Overall, halogens are 10 to 40 percent more efficient than incandescents, and they tend to last two to three times longer. The light provides excellent color rendition, and it has a higher color temperature than incandescents.
FIGURE 3-4 A lit halogen bulb. Notice the glowing filament. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
However, halogens are more expensive than standard incandescents. Since many arent that much more efficient, they may not result in very substantial savings over time. The California Energy Commission calculated that using a single 300-watt halogen lamp for 2 hours a day would consume 220 kilowatt-hours of electricity in a year at an average annual cost of about $18. On the plus side, halogens can be made in small sizes but still shine brightly. This has made them popular for auto headlights and in track lighting, in which one can use a lower-wattage bulb but get an attractive effect. However, halogens have a number of drawbacks. The outer bulb is made of quartz or special glass, but it still can shatter violently, posing a risk of cuts. And halogens can produce a lot of heat, adding to cooling loads. This is particularly true for torchiere-style floor lamps that use halogen bulbs rated at 300 watts or more. As a kid, one of us had an 800-watt halogen torchiere, but it heated up the bedroom so uncomfortably that it was rarely switched on during the warm months. A 500-watt halogen lamp produces four times more heat than a typical incandescent and reaches temperatures of 1,200F. That kind of heat can ignite fabrics on contact, which is why halogens are often blamed for starting fires and are banned from many dorm rooms. Quartz halogen lamps also can release a substantial amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, enough so that unshielded bulbs even could produce a sunburn. This is rarely a concern in practice, however, because these are normally protected with doping compounds or UV shield glass to block the harmful rays. Its also important not to touch the quartz envelope of a halogen bulb. Any surface contamination, especially fingerprints, can create a hot spot when the bulb is heated. This can lead to weakness, which can result in dangerous shattering. As a precaution, manufacturers suggest handling the bulbs with a clean paper towel or only touching on porcelain parts. Any fingerprints should be carefully removed with rubbing alcohol, which must be dried off before the bulb is used. Many writers exclude halogens from lists of green lighting because they produce so much excess heat and because they arent that much more efficient than conventional incandescents. Still, halogens can have their place in a well-designed lighting scheme, and in some cases they are preferable to standard bulbs. In many ways, they can
be a transitional technology to be used over the next few years before LEDs and other more advanced replacements become more available and affordable. Perhaps symbolically, from 1999 to 2006, halogen bulbs were used on the iconic Times Square ball that marks the New Year in the Big Apple. But starting in 2007, however, they were replaced with LEDs.
Halogen Energy Savers A newer class of halogens being marketed to an energy-conscious public is so-called halogen energy savers, which bring the greater efficiency of halogen lighting to standard incandescent sizes and shapes. These bulbs typically are 30 percent more energy efficient than regular incandescents, but they still produce considerable excess heat and can be a fire hazard. One example is the halogen SuperSaver by Osram Sylvania, which uses only 43 watts to replace a 60-watt incandescent (Figure 3-5). Another leading brand is the Philips Halogena Energy Saver, which uses a special chamber to reflect wasted heat back to the filament, boosting lighting power (Figure 3-6).
These bulbs have the following features: 22 to 47 percent energy savings over standard incandescents Contain no mercury Bright, white light Last at least two years Fully dimmable Instant on Come in A-shape, decorative, and flood
Other Types of Halogens These days, halogens come in many shapes and sizes. Some of the most common include:
Automotive and vessel Commercial applications Projection lamps Linear double-ended lamps
Track lighting Replacement bulbs for standard fixtures Reflector lamps Reflector bulbs direct and spread light over specific areas, as opposed to in all directions, like conventional bulbs. Reflectors are used mainly for floodlighting, spotlighting, and downlighting. They come in two basic types: parabolic aluminized and ellipsoidal. Parabolic aluminized reflector bulbs (type PAR) typically are used for outdoor floodlighting. Ellipsoidal reflector bulbs (type ER) focus light about two inches in front of the enclosure, which makes them popular for recessed fixtures. Ellipsoidal reflectors are twice as energy efficient as parabolic reflectors for recessed fixtures.
High-Intensity-Discharge Lighting
Like the arc light demonstrated by Humphry Davy in the early 1800s, modern high-intensity-discharge lamps (HIDs) create light by forming an arc of electricity between two electrodes. Only in the case of HIDs, the electrodes are sealed in a tube that is filled with a mercury, sodium, or metal halide gas as the conductor, as shown in Figure 3-7. HID bulbs provide long life and high efficiency, with luminous efficacies from 65 to 150 lumens per watt. They can reduce lighting energy use by 75 to 90 percent when they replace incandescent bulbs, according to the Department of Energy (DOE). Of course, the application must be right.
Arc tube
Outer tube
Like fluorescent bulbs, HIDs require ballasts. And they take up to 10 minutes to produce light when first switched on because the ballast needs time to establish the electric arc. HIDs produce bright light and are used commonly for outdoor lighting and in large indoor arenas. These are often the bright lights that shine down on baseball and soccer fields. Since the bulbs take a while to establish, they are most suitable for applications in which they stay on for hours at a time (Figure 3-8). These are the three most common types of HID bulbs: 1. Mercury vapor bulbs 2. High-pressure sodium bulbs 3. Metal halide bulbs
FIGURE 3-8 Discharge lighting is used most commonly outdoors in public areas. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
Metal halides are often chosen instead because they have better color rendering (a color rendering index of 70 versus 50 for mercury vapor), as well as higher efficacy (70 to 115 lumens per watt). However, mercury vapor bulbs have longer lifetimes (16,000 to 24,000 hours) than metal halide bulbs (Table 3-2).
TABLE 3-2 A Comparison of HID Lighting (U.S. Department of Energy) Efficacy (lumens/ Lifetime watt) (hours) 2560 70115 50140 16,000 24,000 5000 20,000 16,000 24,000 Color Rendition Index (CRI) 50 (poor to fair) 70 (fair) 25 (poor) Color Temperature (K) 32007000 (warm to cold) 3700 (cold) 2100 (warm)
High-Intensity Discharge Lighting Type Mercury vapor Metal halide High-pressure sodium
Metal halide bulbs have shorter lifespans (5,000 to 20,000 hours) than either mercury vapor or high-pressure sodium bulbs, according to the DOE (Figure 3-10).
Fluorescent Lighting
The distinctive swirl of the compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) arguably has become one of the most pervasive and successful symbols of the green movement (Figure 4-1). Thousands of CFLs have been passed out for free by activists and corporations, and the bulbs have been subsidized by governments and utilities. As countries and organizations have taken a stand against less efficient incandescent light bulbs, CFLs have been widely seen as their natural successors. In fact, CFLs have been promoted and hyped so much that they have also become a bit of a clich, and leaders in the environmental movement are now spending less air time talking about them in favor of other initiatives that appear to go beyond just changing a light bulb. In some ways, this is unfortunate, because adoption of CFLs is slowing down in the United States despite the tougher lighting energy standards that are gradually coming into effect. So far, the highwater mark was 2007, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that 290 million CFLs were sold that year, nearly double the total for 2006. In 2007, CFLs accounted for about 20 percent of the U.S. light bulb market. This figure was aided by the fact that An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006 and won an Oscar, and Hurricane Katrina had devastated the Gulf Coast in late 2005, an event that was being widely linked to climate change. Many people were pointing to CFLs as an easy solution, and the bulbs received major promotion from retailers, including Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, and others.
Since then, sales of CFLs have declined by 25 percent, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently estimated that 90 percent of eligible fixtures in the country still sport incandescent bulbs. Why? There are likely a number of reasons, not the least of which is the global recession. Even though CFLs save consumers money in the long run (the average payoff period is estimated at two years), they still cost a bit more than standard incandescents up front, and cash-strapped people are more likely to make buying decisions based on initial sticker price. Its perhaps not surprising that the bulbs also were overhyped, and shelves were flooded with cheap versions hastily assembled in China (where about 90 percent of light bulbs are made). Many consumers found that the CFLs they bought at drug and dollar stores didnt last nearly as long as boosters promised, and many complained that they didnt like the harsh light or the nontraditional shape. Scare campaigns also flooded the Internet, exaggerating the mercury content of the bulbs (more on this later) and implicating
them as a cause of migraines and seizures, which is dubious scientifically. Some impatient consumers reverted back to their old ways, particularly as climate change deniers gained new ground in the wake of overblown scandals. (Of course, it is also possible that the longer life of CFLs has meant consumers have had to shop for replacement bulbs less often.) To be clear, CFLs are one of the best choices for green lighting that we have today. Good-quality CFLs now cost around $2 to $4, which is a substantial drop from the $15 to $20 we remember from just a few years ago. CFLs use about 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs to produce the same amount of illumination, for a luminous efficacy of 30 to 110 lumens per watt. This is largely possible because fluorescents produce two-thirds to three-quarters less waste heat and convert about 22 percent of input power to visible light. CFLs should last 8 to 15 times longer than incandescents (10 times is commonly quoted). Improvements in technology have resulted in fluorescents with color temperature and color rendition that are now comparable with those of incandescent bulbs. To guarantee quality, its a good idea to look for Energy Star registered CFLs, which must meet minimum standards for lifespan, brightness, efficiency, and low mercury content. Its also smart to buy major brands, such as Philips, Sylvania, Litetronics, and General Electric (GE). According to the EPA, a typical CFL can save the user over $30 in energy costs over the course of the products life. Note that some writers list the savings at $47 per bulb, the Environmental Working Group recently estimated the savings at up to $80, and New York City advertises that each bulb can save $100of course, it all depends on electric rates and usage patterns.
Technological Overview
Fluorescent lights as we know them were invented in the 1930s, and the essential technology hasnt changed that much since. Fluorescents are technically gas-discharge lamps with the added feature of a phosphor coating. When you turn on a fluorescent light, electrons boil off the coating material of the electrodes at the ends of the tubes. An electric arc forms between the electrodes, and ionizes the mercury vapor in the tube, which is kept at low pressure, typically
less than one percent of atmospheric pressure. Mercury atoms are excited, and when they drop down to a lower, more stable energy state, they emit short-wave ultraviolet (UV) light. This strikes the phosphor coating on the inside of the tube, causing it to fluoresce and produce visible light. Eventually, the coating on the electrodes gets depleted, and the light fails, often turning black at the ends. A fluorescent lights cathode (the negative electrode, where electrons originate) typically is made of coiled tungsten coated with a mixture of barium, strontium, and calcium oxides. The phosphor coatings on the tube regulate the color and quality of the light emitted and are made with varying blends of metallic and rare-earth phosphor salts (Figure 4-2). The coatings, along with the glass of the tube, prevent the UV light from escaping, where it could be harmful. In fact, a 1993 study concluded that UV exposure from sitting under fluorescent lights for eight hours is equivalent to only one minute of sun exposure. Fluorescent bulbs also need a ballast to regulate current and provide startup voltage. Newer electronic ballasts are more energy efficient than previous magnetic ballasts, and they operate at a very high frequency, eliminating the flicker and noise that in the past gave
Phosphor coating Base with bi-pin plug FIGURE 4-2 Inside a fluorescent light. (U.S. Department of Energy)
fluorescents a bad name. In addition, fluorescents now can be dimmed, for the most part, with the help of special ballasts.
pensive, difficult to install, and required high voltages, so they did not earn wide adoption. In 1901, a well-connected electrical engineer by the name of Peter Cooper Hewitt was granted a patent for mercury vapor lights. Cooper Hewitt was the son of a mayor of New York City and grandson of industrialist Peter Cooper, who is best remembered for building the first steam locomotive in the United States and for founding the Cooper Union school. Cooper Hewitts lights werent the first to use mercury vapor, and they were dim and emitted a blue-green light, but they were produced in standard sizes and found some success in photography and industrial applications. In 1926, Jacques Risler received a French patent for applying fluorescent coatings to neon light tubes, which had been invented a number of years earlier. Although Edison had already experimented with fluorescent coatings, their popularization in neon advertising signs helped to set the stage for modern fluorescents. The next year, three German scientists patented a high-pressure, low-voltage vapor lamp. Although this lamp never saw production, the patent was acquired eventually by GE, and it helped to inform later designs. In the 1930s, researchers in London announced promising efficiencies with experimental green fluorescent lamps. This jumpstarted GE to take a more serious look at the technology. Two research teams were established at the companys historic lighting labs at Nela Park in Cleveland, Ohio, one led by George Inman and the other by Philip J. Pritchard. The teams made impressive progress and earned a key patent in 1941. GE brought to market practical, affordable fluorescents, and the technology took off during the war years and through the postwar boom. The CFL was invented by lighting engineer Edward E. Hammer in 1976. At the time, Hammer was an engineer with GE at Nela Park, and he had been working on ways to save energy as a result of the oil crisis in the early 1970s. At first, he improved the efficiency of tube fluorescents, and then he turned his attention to something that would mimic a bulb shape. Hammer ultimately was successful, but GE decided not to market his innovative design for a CFL. According to Hammers current Web site,, GE didnt think it was worth investing the money into new manufacturing facilities for the product. However, Hammers idea eventually leaked out, and other companies started producing CFLs in the
1980s. At first they appeared as a trickle, but they gradually gained steam through the 1990s and into the 2000s. Today, Hammer is retired, but he still educates the public about efficient lighting through podcasts and interviews. In 2002 he was awarded the Edison Medal by the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His prototype for the CFL is now in the Smithsonian. Now lets take a closer look at different types of fluorescent bulbs.
FIGURE 4-3 CFLs have found wide adoption around the world, including in this park shelter in rural Costa Rica. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
director of operations, Lou Nowikas, the upgrade will save $200,000 in energy costs a year and will pay for itself within just one year. The new bulbs use only 25 watts, compared with the 30 watts of previous bulbs, and are expected to last five years instead of the previous three. Fluorescent bulbs are named by the diameter of the lamp. The major types include: T5. A fluorescent lamp that is 0.625 inch in diameter. These are among the newer models, and they have high energy efficiency and light output. They must work with an electronic ballast. They also tend to create more heat and have a shorter lifespan than other fluorescents. T6. A fluorescent lamp that is 0.75 inch in diameter. These are the newest types of fluorescent tubes, and they benefit from high energy efficiency and light output but produce less heat and last longer than T5s. They also require an electronic ballast. T8. A fluorescent lamp that is 1 inch in diameter. These are more energy efficient than older T12s, but they produce less light than newer T5s and T6s. They also require an electronic ballast to operate. T10. A fluorescent lamp that is 1.25 inches in diameter. These lamps arent very common. T12. A fluorescent lamp that is 1.5 inches in diameter. These lamps were very common until recently; now they have been largely superseded by more efficient versions. They work with magnetic or electronic ballasts. In order to determine the size of the tube in inches, simply divide the number of the name by 8 (12 divided by 8, in the case of a T12, is 1.5 inches). Note that T8, T10, and T12 fluorescent lamps typically are held with a bi-pin medium socket, whereas T5 and T6 lamps are usually held with a bi-pin minisocket. Also note that fluorescent tubes are sometimes further categorized by their lumen output as standard or high output (HO). Fluorescent tubes are installed in a dedicated fixture with a builtin ballast. The two most common types are 40-watt, 4-foot (1.2meter) bulbs and 75-watt, 8-foot (2.4-meter) bulbs. As you can see in Figure 4-2, in fluorescent tubes there is a very small amount of mercury and other inert gases to conduct the electric current. This allows the phosphor coating on the glass tube to emit light.
FIGURE 4-4 A circline fluorescent bulb in a kitchen. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
Tubular fluorescent fixtures and bulbs generally are preferred for ambient lighting in large indoor areas, such as schools, offices, and stores. In these situations, their low brightness creates less direct glare than incandescent bulbs. Circular tube-type fluorescent bulbs are called circline bulbs. These are used commonly for portable task lighting, although they also can be used in overhead lighting as shown in Figure 4-4. An important technical advance with fluorescents has been the replacement of older magnetic ballasts with electronic ballasts; this has removed most of the flickering and slow starting traditionally associated with fluorescent lighting. Magnetic ballasts are made of a magnetic core and coil and convert electric current to the proper voltage to run the lamp. In addition to being inefficient, magnetic ballasts produce a lot of heat; they also produce flicker owing to their 60-hertz operating cycle, which results in light flicker thats double this rate. Electronic ballasts, in contrast, use circuitry to provide a stable current to the lamp regardless of input voltages. Note that this means that they usually wont work with dimmer switches unless the ballast is specifically designed to compensate. Inside an electronic ballast is a small circuit board, which usually includes recti-
fiers, a filter capacitor, and two switching transistors (Figure 4-5). An electronic ballast applies a much higher frequency, around 40 kilohertz or more, which is why the lights dont flicker. The light is essentially continuous. Still, its important to note that the amount of efficacy lost through the ballast is significant, about 25 percent of lamp energy for magnetic ballasts and 10 percent of lamp energy for electronic ballasts. Also note that its a good idea to use ballasts that carry the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) seal. Underwriters Laboratories writes testing standards, which are then checked at UL or one of a handful of other approved labs. Another concept to be aware of is ballast factor (BF): Low ballast factor. This results in greater energy savings but reduced light. High ballast factor. This results in higher energy use but delivers more light.
Additionally, types of electronic ballasts include: Rapid start. Starts with a flicker or a blink before achieving full light. Instant start. Achieves full light as soon as the power is turned on. Program start. Ramps up power gradually to the bulb, although it may appear to give full light immediately. This is the best choice when there is frequent switching (on/off) or occupancy sensors are used. The detailed electrical explanations for the different ways to start fluorescents are fairly complicated and are beyond the scope of this book.
FIGURE 4-6 CFLs now come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit almost any fixture. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
FIGURE 4-7 Tubular CFLs are slightly more efficient than spirals. They are more popular in Europe than in North America. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
The CFL tube is filled with an inert gas, typically argon but sometimes neon, as well as a small amount of mercury vapor, all at low pressure. As with larger fluorescent tubes, excited mercury atoms produce UV light, which strikes the phosphor coating on the inside of the glass, which emits visible light. In all fluorescents, the phosphor coating is a key part of the design and is constantly evolving. It is primarily this feature that governs light color and quality, and coatings are selected to balance cost, efficiency, and light characteristics. Today, most CFLs use a layering of two to three phosphors (youll often see triphosphor, for three, advertised). A number of brands advertise higher blends, however, such as BlueMax, which boasts of a five-phosphor blend to produce a light rich in all colors of the spectrum. However, be aware that such terms arent really regulated, and youre best off testing before buying.
Most CFLs have electronic ballasts, although some earlier models had magnetic ballasts, which could cause flickering and humming.
FIGURE 4-8 CFLs can work great in vintage fixtures such as the one pictured, as well as new hardware that is specifically designed for them. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
work with most standard fixtures, although some people have reported problems with very old units and wiring. Optimal results usually can be achieved with dedicated CFL fixtures (i.e., fixtures designed specifically for them). Special three-way, candelabra and dimmable CFL models are also available for use when those features are needed. Nonintegrated CFLs have a separate, replaceable bulb and permanently installed ballast. Since the ballasts are placed in the light fixture, they are larger and last longer than the integrated ones. Nonintegrated CFL housings tend to be more expensive, costing anywhere from $85 to $200 for each recessed light fixture. If a ballast with dimming capabilities is desired, the cost is anywhere from $125 to $300 per fixture. Nonintegrated CFLs are used mostly in commercial settings, such as hotels and office buildings, where lighting gets heavy use.
CFL Advantages
Most household CFLs operate on 13 to 25 watts of energy, far less than the typical 60 to 100 watts for incandescent bulbs. Yet CFLs produce the same amount of light. A quick comparison with incandescent lamps shows that CFLs:
Use less electricity (roughly 75 percent less). Have a longer rated life (8 to 15 times, which is commonly estimated at 10 times). CFLs typically have a rated lifespan of 6,000 to 15,000 hours, whereas incandescent bulbs usually have a lifespan of 750 to 1,000 hours. Cost only a bit more up front but save you an average of $30 over the life of the bulb, according to the EPA (some writers estimate $47, the Environmental Working Group estimates $80, and New York Citywhere energy prices are highsays $100). Save 2,000 times their own weight in greenhouse gases (450 pounds), according to the EPA. They conserve much more energy than is embodied in making and shipping the bulbs themselves. U.S. News and World Report recently estimated that a household that invests $90 in changing 30 fixtures to CFLs would save $440 to $1,500 over the life of the bulbs depending on the local cost of electricity. The magazine suggested looking at your utility bill and estimating a 12 percent discount if you switch to the technology. It is true that CFLs produce a somewhat different type of light than incandescent lamps. However, it is important to note that advanced phosphor formulations have substantially improved the subjective color of the light emitted by CFLs such that the best soft white CFLs are quite close to standard incandescent lamps. At a recent test in the lighting booth of the Green Depot store in New York City, two shoppers could not differentiate between the light quality from a new soft white CFL and a standard incandescent bulb. However, when an older-style CFL was switched on, the shoppers immediately criticized the harsh bluish light. Two examples of prettier CFLs include the 15-watt Bright Effects CFL, at 2,644 K, and the 14-watt Sylvania CFL, at 3,000 K. Earlier CFLs had a color temperature in the 6,500 K range.
monly believed to use a surge of energy when they start up. This belief originated back in the middle of the twentieth century, when energy prices were cheap and lighting technologies were much less efficient. In fact, according to the DOE, it takes only about five seconds of use for a fluorescent light to use the same amount of power that it requires to start up. For an incandescent bulb, it takes even less time. However, since frequent switching does decrease the life of fluorescent technology, it is wise to strike some balance. The DOE suggests turning off fluorescents if you wont need them for 15 minutes or more. With this in mind, its not a bad idea to install CFLs in areas where you wont be switching them on and off so often. One of us tried a CFL in a closet fixture and found that it lasted only about as long as an incandescent bulb because it was rapidly switched on and off. Even in such a worst-case scenario, however, youll still save energy on your lighting, and CFLs now have become so cheap that using them up faster need not necessarily be as big a deal as critics make it out to be. (Learn to calculate just how much energy you can save by turning your lights off in Chapter 8.) Its also worth pointing out that as with most lighting, the life of your bulb can be extended if you keep the fixture clean and dry and if the wiring is done correctly, with proper grounding.
called cold-cathode CFLs, which reach their rated light output quicker (more on these below).
Light Decay
Its also true that CFLs produce less light as they age. The light output decay is exponential, with the fastest losses being soon after the lamp is first used. The good news, though, is that even by the end of their lives, good-quality CFLs should produce 70 to 80 percent of their original light output. For most people, such a small decay should not be noticeable, although it is good to be aware of in case you have specialized lighting needs. Note that this hasnt always been the case. As weve learned, CFL technology has improved considerably over the past few years, and earlier versions did suffer from worse light decay. When the DOE looked at CFLs made in 2003 and 2004, it found that one-quarter of them no longer met their rated output after just 40 percent of their rated service life. Today this problem is less likely, thanks to improved manufacturing.
Audible Noise
Energy Starqualified CFLs are not supposed to emit an audible noise, and most offerings on the market today are silent. In the past, some CFLs did emit a faint buzzing sound, which certainly can be annoying. This is rarely an issue today.
Heat Damage
Many CFLs have ballasts that are easily damaged by heat. This can include the heat that builds up in enclosed recessed lighting fixtures. However, the good news is that there are CFLs specifically designed for these purposes (they usually come in the reflector style).
Remember, too, that CFLs generate much less heat than incandescents, which means that they add less to your cooling loads for interior spaces (although it also means youll have less heating assistance in winter).
Vibration Damage
Most CFLs should not be used in vibrating fixtures, such as on ceiling fans, unless they are specifically designed for that purpose. Vibrations can shorten their lifespan and make breakage more likely.
monitor, she recorded a power factor of .57. This is lousy, she wrote. Conner then asked Peter Banwell of the EPAs Energy Star Program if the agency had considered the issue. We looked at this in detail several years ago and decided against it, though there are a couple of utilities that still support the idea, Banwell told her. We may take this up in the future, as the market share grows, but right now it is still in the noise in terms of impacts. Conner concluded that the relatively low power factor of CFLs shouldnt affect home owner electricity bills, and she stressed that the overwhelming efficiency of the bulbs more than makes up for any small inefficiencies caused by the load issue. She questioned whether it would be worth it to add corrective circuitry to CFL ballasts because this would increase the price of the bulbs. Across the grid, its clear that the benefits of installing CFLs, in terms of energy savings, far outweigh any small inefficiencies relating to power factor (Figure 4-9). Still, the issue is significant enough for green products certifier Green Seal to call for improving and standardizing the power factor of CFLs. A similar electrical concept is harmonic distortion, and its true that CFLs can distort the electricity on the line. Again, this isnt
FIGURE 4-9 CFLs can work with almost any dcor. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
something typical users need to worry about, although some engineers have pointed out that it could be an issue in closed systems that are, say, running solely on solar power. Its also worth paying attention to if you are installing a large number of CFLs at a big facility, because utilities often charge heavy users for low power factors. One important point is that you can buy CFLs that have low (below 30 percent) total harmonic distortion (THD) and power factors greater than 0.9.
In November 2009, 2,076 eleven-watt incandescent bulbs were removed from the iconic Reno Arch in Reno, Nevada, and replaced with more energy-efficient 2.5-watt light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This $62,180 retrofit is expected to reduce electricity demand by 92,011 kilowatts, saving $10,441 per year for The Biggest Little City in the World. The upgrade is part of a citywide energy and water efficiency plan that is projected to save $1 million a year and create 222 jobs. At the lighting ceremony, the old incandescents were passed around the crowd as souvenirs of the past. In California, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) officials switched to LEDs for functional and outdoor lighting, reducing annual lighting costs by $55,000 and lifetime maintenance costs by $980,000. In Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, Sentry Equipment Corporation chose to light its new factory almost entirely with LEDs, both interior and exterior. The initial cost was three times more than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs, but this price premium is expected to be repaid within two years from electricity savings. The bulbs are expected to last for 20 years. In New Yorks Times Square, the world-famous ball that descends every New Years Eve is now covered with bright, efficient LEDs. In Las Vegas, thousands of tourists have been delighted by the 1,500-foot-long shimmering LED display of the Fremont Street Experience (Figure 5-1). In addition, thousands of LEDs brought
FIGURE 5-1 The Fremont Street Experience is a massive LED display over the heart of Las Vegas. Is it a symbol for the evolution of lighting? (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
light, color, and movement to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Summer Olympics. On the Rhode Island coast, Joe Hageman and Kim Lancasters 70 recessed LEDs save 7,730 kilowatt-hours over standard incandescents and provide excellent, cozy light in their family home. LEDs are the most advanced lighting technology we have now, and people are excited about it, Avani Pavasia explained in the New Generation Lighting shop on the Bowery in New York City (in the lighting district). Pavasia is a young lighting and interior designer who hopes to work on green projects. LEDs are especially being used now for commercial work, because that sector is more aware. Typical consumers arent that educated about them yet, she added. Pavasia pointed to a massive chandelier on the ceiling of the store. An array of blue LEDs shimmered through the etched glass. That can change to many colors, since there is a separate controller, Pavasia explained. So LEDs are future technology, here now. A recent study by Pike Research predicts that LEDs will account for nearly half of a $4.4 bil-
lion market for lamps in the commercial and industrial sectors by 2020, and residential applications are rapidly expanding. General Electric (GE) is now spending half its lighting research budget on the technology. Yes, LEDs are still more expensive than conventional lighting, but their cost is falling rapidly, their quality is improving by leaps and bounds, and they can save you serious energy right now. Some advantages of LEDs include: LEDs typically use 90 to 95 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. LEDs are expected to last 10 to 20 years and provide tens of thousands of hours of light (40,000 to 50,000 hours is commonly estimated, although some models are reputed to last 100,000 hours. At 50,000 hours, thats 50 times longer than an incandescent). LEDs come in many colors, sizes, styles, and fixtures. They can produce different colors more efficiently than other lighting technologies. LEDs dont produce as much heat as other lighting, so they have reduced fire risk and less heat gain in interior spaces. LEDs are extremely rugged and are well suited to tough environments, such as on vibrating equipment or in extreme conditions. LEDs can be switched on and off very rapidly, faster than other lighting technologies. Many also can be dimmed. LEDs achieve full brightness in microseconds, much faster than fluorescents and about 10 times faster than incandescents. LEDs can be made extremely small, giving them many applications. LEDs do not contain toxic mercury.
on this later). As with all lighting, the LEDs available on the market can vary widely in light output and efficacy. Although LED lighting may seem cutting-edge, the underlying technology essentially has been known for 100 years. Back in 1907, a British researcher named Henry Round was working at Marconi Labs when he noticed light being emitted by a semiconductor diode. Then, in the mid-1920s, a brilliant Russian scientist by the name of Oleg Vladimirovich Losev independently observed the same effect (Figure 5-2). In 1955, Rubin Braunstein of the Radio Corporation of America reported on infrared emission from diode structures made with gallium antimonide (GaSb), gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium phosphide (InP), and silicon germanium (SiGe) alloys. According to the Smithsonian Institute, in 1961, Robert Biard and Gary Pittman of Texas Instruments received a patent for a GaAs infrared LED.
Anvil Post
Flat spot
The first practical visible-light LED was invented the following year by Nick Holonyak, Jr., of GE. Holonyak therefore is sometimes called the father of the light-emitting diode. For the next few years, LEDs were extremely expensive, so few were produced. In 1968, the Monsanto Corporation found a way to mass produce visible-light LEDs for indicator lights using gallium arsenide phosphide. These were used in sophisticated laboratory equipment, although they soon started showing up in consumer electronics, starting with Hewlett-Packard (HP) calculators and then TVs, radios, and many other products. Over the next few years, other colors of LEDs were developed, starting with yellow and green. Bright blue LEDs were invented in the 1990s by Japanese scientist Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Corporation. This was considered a major breakthrough because it allowed mixing of the primary colors to create a palette of 16 million colors and because bright blue LEDs became the stepping-stone to bright white LEDs, which can be used for lighting. Before that, LEDs were only bright enough to be used as indicator lights. Nakamura is sometimes called the Thomas Edison of the LED industry, and he is the subject of the book Brilliant! Shuji Nakamura and the Revolution in Lighting Technology, by Bob Johnstone (Prometheus Books, 2007). Today, Nakamura continues to research the next generation of LEDs, as well as solar cells, as a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and as a consultant to major LED maker Seoul Semiconductor. LEDs have seen their efficiency and light output increase exponentially, with a doubling occurring about every 36 months since the 1960s. This trend is sometimes called Haitzs law, after Dr. Roland Haitz, a now-retired scientist from Agilent Technologies. Haitzs law states that every decade, the cost per lumen of light emitted falls by a factor of 10 and the amount of light generated per LED package increases by a factor of 20 for a given wavelength of light. This is similar to the more-famous Moores law of computer processing power, which states that the number of transistors in a given integrated circuit doubles every 18 to 24 months. Since LEDs and computer chips are both solid-state electronics, its not surprising that they would have parallel trajectories. Of course, LEDs also have benefited from advancements in materials science and optics.
Electron Conduction band Fermi level Band gap (forbidden band) Valence band
a dozen major lighting manufacturers banded together to create industry standards for LED light engines under a working group called Zhaga. Their efforts should help to streamline development. The efficiency of LEDs has risen sharply and is currently up to around 130 lumens per watt in the laboratory and in some products available on the market (although more typical LEDs average 32 to 50 lumens per watt). Compare this with a 60- to 100-watt incandescent bulb, which produces only 15 lumens per watt, or a fluorescent lamp, which produces up to 100 lumens per watt. However, one issue with LEDs is that efficiency drops dramatically with increased current (it also drops with increased heat). Stronger currents are needed to produce more light, so a great deal of research and development has been centered on this issue. Most LEDs work best on direct current (dc), although many now are packaged with a driver that allows them to function with alternating current (ac). There are two main ways to produce bright white light with LEDs. One is to use individual LEDs that emit three colorsred, green, and blueand then to mix the light. The other method, which is much more common, is to use a phosphor coating to convert light from a blue or ultraviolet (UV) LED to white light, similar to the way fluorescents work. Each LED unit emits light in a narrow range of wavelengths, which is what makes them so efficient for signs and other colored applications. Phosphor-based LEDs are slightly less efficient as a result of the coating, but they are constantly evolving. Normally, the color of the plastic lens is the same as the light actually produced by the LED, but this isnt always the case. Infrared (IR) LEDs often have purple cases, whereas blue LEDs often have clear cases. LEDs also can be made with two (bicolor) or more diodes in a single unit, which allows for switching and mixing between colors. Multiple LEDs can be tightly arranged in the same direction to produce beams. LEDs can be made very small, for tiny indicator lights, or larger, for lighting (Figure 5-4). These can be driven with an ampere or more of current. This circuitry produces a considerable amount of heat (not unlike a laptop), which must be dissipated effectively or the LED will burn out quickly. Large LED light bulbs, such as PAR (parabolic aluminized reflector) lights, have sizable heat sinks built in to get rid of this heat, and they do get quite warm to the touch
during operation (although the overall heat output is significantly less than that of an incandescent).
63 pounds (29 kilograms) of CO2 over the same time. A buildings carbon footprint from lighting therefore can be slashed by 68 percent by swapping out all incandescents for LEDs. Its also true that the long life of LEDs should mean that fewer resources will be needed to produce and maintain lighting equipment. And the fact that LEDs lack mercury is a clear advantage. It is perhaps not surprising, then, that governments and private companies around the world have invested millions of dollars in research on LEDs.
Lets get the big one out of the way first. Its certainly true that LEDs cost more than conventional lighting right nowat least when were talking about upfront prices. However, its essential to look at the total cost of ownership, including energy and maintenance costs, and in that case, its not the price of the bulb that is the biggest piece of the pie. In their lifetimes, LEDs save a chunk of change over incandescent and halogen lighting, and they are starting to get close to competing with fluorescents. This is not to say that LEDs are for everyone and every application right now. David Bergman, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professional (AP) architect and designer of the green lighting line Fire & Water, said that he doesnt think LEDs make that much sense for typical home owners just yet,
although he has recently started to design a few fixtures for them. Bergmans cautious-yet-optimistic approach to the technology is common in the industry. Right now, CFLs are a better buy when youre talking about general lighting for the home, Michael Smith, vice president of the Energy Solutions Group for lighting controlsmaker Lutron, said in a phone interview. LEDs are still relatively expensive to buy because of the hightech components and relatively rare materials used, such as sapphire or indium. There are also basic economies of scale: Not that many lighting-quality LEDs have been built compared with other, more established products. But prices have been dropping rapidly. Just a couple of years ago, a 60-watt equivalent replacement bulb cost around $100. Today, you can order a ZetaLux LED bulb from Advanced Lumonics EarthLED for $40, less than half as much! The ZetaLux uses only seven watts for the light output of a 50- to 60-watt incandescent bulb, so it only costs around $2 a year to run. According to EarthLED, in 10 years, the total cost of using that ZetaLux bulb would be $59.99, whereas it would cost $206.20 for the 30 incandescents it replaced (Figure 5-5). (Thats $30 for the 30 bulbs and $175.20 in electricity costs, assuming 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, although, in reality, electricity rates are likely to go up.)
FIGURE 5-5 The ZetaLux LED retrofit bulb works in regular sockets but uses only 7 watts to approximate a 50- to 60-watt incandescent bulb. ( Lumonics)
Sales of such retrofit LED bulbs are rising because the economics do work out favorably in the long term. However, its impossible to ignore that the initial sticker shock is still a deterrent, particularly in a recession, when budgets are tight. Still, most experts expect LED costs to continue plummeting and quality to rise. Its also true that integrated LED lighting systems can work better than retrofit screwin bulbs, so LEDs can be more attractive for new construction. In 2007, the global market for LED lighting reached $337 million, up from $205 million in 2006, according to a report by Strategies Unlimited. The majority of uses in 2007 were for architectural lighting, signs, and accent lighting. Strategies Unlimited predicts that the worldwide market for LEDs will reach $1.65 billion by 2012. The DOE and the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association have estimated that by the year 2025, LEDs will be the preferred method of lighting in homes and offices.
Alternative Pricing Plans One particularly exciting option for switching to the technology is LED Saving Solutions from Devon, Pennsylvaniabased GREENandSAVE. The company offers commercial customers lease-to-own programs for LED lighting, as well as an innovative option that costs participants no money up front. GREENandSAVE technicians will come out to a facility, install LEDs, and set up energy monitoring. The company then gets paid according to a sharing agreement with the customer, with the money deducted from the customers savings earned through lower utility bills. So far, clients have come from a wide range of industries, including industry, retail, hospitality, health care, and education. Properties have ranged from several thousand to over a million square feet.
well for flashlights, which are now widely available and inexpensive. But the directed beam of a flashlight is not well suited for general lighting, in which you want some wasted ambient light. Most LED bulbs sold for retrofitting fixtures produce more directional light than people are used to. One possible workaround is to try LED reflector lights or spotlights, which take advantage of this property. LEDs are getting better at color rendering, but they still arent quite up to the color rendering index (CRI) of 100 produced by incandescents. The ZetaLux has a CRI of 75 in cool white and 80 in warm white, which is getting pretty good and which is competitive with most fluorescents. Some people still find LEDs on the cool side, however, and they complain that the light isnt that flattering. Further, the color temperature of LEDs can vary significantlyon the order of 500 Kaccording to different viewing angles, as well as quality control by the manufacturer. Most LEDs are dimmable, although some on the market arent compatible with standard dimmers. Its a good idea to ask before you buy. Again, this is an area where integrated LED systems, with their own dedicated controls, can provide more exact specifications.
There is often a tradeoff between LED lifespan and other variables, notably size and light output. By adding a larger heat sink, a LED likely will last longer, but this can make the whole package unwieldy, to the point where it wouldnt fit in many fixtures. Similarly, the brighter a LED unit is made, the more strain is put on it, often shortening its life. LEDs made to last for hundreds of thousands of hours simply arent bright enough to use as lightingat least not yet. Therefore, its important to read the fine print when shopping. Some LEDs are marketed with an estimated lifespan, but with the caveat that they be operated only in exposed fixtures or with strong ventilation. If you put such a LED light in a recessed can, it probably will last a lot less long. This is so because high temperatures shorten the life of LEDs, although some models can be designed to be more tolerant. Its also a good idea to ask the manufacturer if the stated lifespan is for the unit as a whole or just for the core LED chip because this can make a big difference.
Although LEDs do last a very long time, like everything else, they eventually fail. Usually this is by gradually going dimmer, which can give the user a chance to react, versus the immediate burnouts of incandescents. With white LEDs, the phosphors do degrade eventually, causing light quality to decay, although this generally happens more slowly than degradation of gas-discharge lighting.
Light Pollution
If LEDs are used as significant outdoor light sourceswhich is not currently commonthey should be shielded to reduce light pollution. This is so because LEDs emit more blue light than most conventional outdoor lights, and this contributes more to the glow in the sky that can obscure stars and disturb wildlife and other people. If LEDs will be used outdoors, they should be shielded according to the guidelines of the International Dark Sky Association.
Indicator Lights
Since LEDs are small, efficient, and last a long time, they make ideal indicator lights, especially because they dont have to be bright but can be different colors. This was the first practical application of LEDs, and they are more common than ever, showing up in thousands of electronic and consumer products, as well as commercial equipment.
Backlighting of Displays
LEDs are a core technology lighting up televisions, computers, cell phones, watches, and many other devices. This includes Apples groundbreaking iPad, which uses white LEDs in edge-lit configuration, allowing the tablet to be only half an inch thick (Figure 5-6).
The screens of Apple iPhones and iPads are lit with LEDs, like many other electronics devices. The iPhone 4 also has an LED camera flash. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
We replace 150-watt incandescents or halogens with five- and eight-watt LEDs. Thats about as green as you can get, Roy Burton, the CEO of Dialight, explained via telephone. Dialight is a British company that does a lot of business in the United States, and Burton is based in New Jersey. Dialight has been supplying LED traffic lights for 10 years and is the worlds biggest provider. According to Burton, about 70 percent of U.S. traffic lights and about 10 to 15 percent of Europes traffic lights are now LED lit (Figure 5-7). Asked about recent news reports that LED traffic lights have caused accidents in the winter because they dont get hot and therefore dont melt snow, Burton responded: If you look at the accidents caused by failed traffic lights, compared to LEDs, which have excel-
FIGURE 5-7 LED traffic lights are rapidly taking over as the dominant technology. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
lent reliability, I think youll find on balance that LEDs greatly decrease the number of accidents. Burton acknowledged that the snow issue is something his company is looking at, although he said he doesnt know of a solution that doesnt take more energy (he said all coverings tried to date have made the problem worse). Its rare that we hear about it, but if you cant see the light, the sensible thing to do is to stop, said Burton. On the good side, LEDs save a huge amount of energy. And we guarantee all our products for at least five years.
Street Lighting
LED street lighting is showing impressive advancements and is gradually gaining ground, although it is still relatively expensive. In March 2010, University of Pittsburgh researchers concluded the first cradle-to-grave assessment of LED streetlights. They determined that the lamps strike the best balance between brightness, affordability, and energy and environmental conservation when their life spanfrom production to disposalis considered. One example is Philips Lumecs RoadStar, which won the 2009 NGL (Next Generation Luminaires) competition put on by the DOE, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, and the International Association of Lighting Designers (Figure 5-8). The RoadStar is designed to replace conventional high-intensity discharge (HID) lights and is up to 50 percent more efficient. With Philips LifeLED technology, it is said to last more than 70,000 hours, comes with a five-year warranty, and can have twice the pole spacing of other systems. RoadStar is Dark Skycompliant, can function at up to 122F (50C), and is said to produce high-quality light with low glare.
FIGURE 5-8 Philips Lumecs RoadStar may represent the next generation of efficient street lighting. (Philips Lumec)
The company also sells LED strobe lights for cell towers because they are rugged, save energy, and last a long time. Its a safety issue, if you have to climb 500 feet to change a light bulb, said Burton. Ours are guaranteed for five years, and we expect a 10-year life and 20,000 hours or more. They use 60 percent less energy than highpressure sodium or metal halide lights and usually pay for themselves within a year.
Track Lighting
LED track lights only recently entered the market. But since LEDs are small and produce directional light, they would seem to be a good fit for this use (Figure 5-9). In a recent visit to the lighting district in New York City, we saw several attractive examples of LED track lights on display. At one store, LED lights started at $115 per light, whereas halogen track lights started at $27 each. At another lighting store down the street, LED track lights could be picked up for $50 each.
FIGURE 5-9 LED track lighting is a relatively new product, but it offers a number of advantages. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
Accent Lighting
LEDs work very well for accent lighting because they dont have to be extremely bright, and they are small and require little maintenance. They can be readily operated on low voltage. LEDs function so much better at 12 volts, so it would even make sense to have a 12-volt lighting source at a house and then 110 volts for the rest of it, Robert McNeill, the North American account manager of ATG Electronics, explained in a phone interview. That 12 volts can be captured by solar panels, stored in batteries, and then used for lighting, he said. McNeill knows something about this because he spent seven years living off the grid in a cabin in a California canyon. I used LEDs
if I could get them, McNeill said. Mostly he used 12-volt incandescents powered by solar panels, as was his satellite TV and Internet.
Holiday Lights
In just the last few years, LED strand holiday lights have burst into the mainstream (Figure 5-10). They are now widely available nearly everywhere Christmas or Hanukkah lights are sold, and they only cost a few dollars more than traditional incandescent kits. Yet they last a really long time and have a reduced fire risk because they dont get nearly as hot as incandescents. A traditional 26-bulb string of holiday lights uses 125 watts and lasts only 1,000 hours, whereas the same size strand in LEDs uses 2.3 watts and lasts 20,000 hours. LED holiday lights are, on average, 90 percent more efficient than conventional brands, meaning that they cost only a few pennies to power for a season. Theyll save the average family about $100 per season, according to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
FIGURE 5-10 LED holiday lighting brings seasonal cheer without using lumps of coal. (
LED holiday lights come in a range of colors from red to blue, white, and multicolored, as well as styles from icicles to balls and cones. There are also solar-power options (more on this in Chapter 9). LED holiday lights start at under $10, but if you choose them, youll be in good company: This is what adorns the giant Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in the heart of New York City, as well as the official trees of more and more cities across the land.
Night Lights
LEDs also work very well as night lights because they last so long and are so inexpensive to run. These can be picked up at drug or hardware stores for just a few dollars, and you never have to worry about replacing burned-out bulbs again. One example is the multidirectional LED night light from Satco, which lasts an estimated 100,000 hours. The unit has a rotatable head so that you can direct the light where you want it, and it has a built-in photocell so that it turns on automatically when it gets dark and off again when its light. The annual operating cost is estimated at less than $1.
FIGURE 5-11 Efficient LED desklights have become widely available, as well as inexpensive. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
This has a milky white lens and smaller LEDs, which give more even light, and solid lighting across, with no shadows in between [unlike the earlier design], said McNeill. For someone used to a fluorescent bulb, shadows can be a bit distracting, he admitted.
Retrofit Bulbs
New products bring the efficiency and other benefits of LEDs to existing light fixtures to replace incandescents or CFLs. These are the
FIGURE 5-12 A look inside an LED bulb, showing the actual LED chips. (EarthLED)
LEDs that some critics say arent quite ready for prime time, although it is undeniable that they will pay for themselves in the course of their lifetime. To some people, thats enough, and to others, its important to buy LEDs to reduce our impact on the environment today and to support an emerging technology that offers so much hope for the future. Those who are truly committed to greening their lighting may want to consider trying a few of these LED bulbs (Figure 5-13).
FIGURE 5-13 Using only 12 watts, Philips high-tech EnduraLED is designed to replace 60 W incandescents in standard fixtures, for an energy savings of 80% (plus a lifespan thats 25 times longer). (Philips)
There is an increasing array of choices available. One exciting area is MR16 LEDs, which are already nearly cost competitive with halogen MR16s and which are used in track and other downlighting. ATGs MR16s are made with three LEDs each and are powered by 3.5 watts, compared with 20 or 50 watts for halogens. And they release a lot less heat and last a lot longer. Attractive candelabra LED bulbs are also available, again providing longer life and better efficiency than incandescents (Figure 5-14), although they havent quite reached the brightness. Edison screw-base LEDs continue to improve at a rapid pace. The $40 ZetaLux by Advanced Lumonicss EarthLED, for example, has a pretty respectable CRI of 75 in cool white and 80 in warm white. It has a power factor greater than 0.85, which puts it on par with high-quality CFLs and reduces stress on the grid (refer to Chapter 4 for more on power factor). The ZetaLux is also the first Underwriters Laboratories (UL)listed LED retrofit for general household
FIGURE 5-14 LED accent lights can be great replacements for candles, and their flicker patterns are so natural that many dont notice they arent real flames. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
lighting. The LED chip inside is made by Cree, a North Carolina based company that has earned praise from President Obama and Vice President Biden for creating new green jobs. EarthLED warranties its bulbs for two years, including the EvoLux line, which matches the light output of a 100-watt incandescent with a mere 13 watts. These are also available in two color temperatures, they last an estimated 50,000 hours, and they cost only $6 a year to operate (although they cost $80 to $100 to buy). Advanced Lumonics also offers a complete line of LEDs that work with standard dimmer switches, exhibiting a full range of dimming. These are called Lumiselect, and they come in several PAR and globe sizes. Other good sources of LED retrofit bulbs include Superbright and Pharox. One thing youll notice about these bulbs is that they are made with a fair amount of metal, usually flaring out from the screw base, either smooth or with ridges. This is the heat sink, which dissipates heat away from the LEDs circuitry to avoid damage to the core components.
At the time of this writing, press releases from the worlds biggest manufacturers have been heralding a new generation of mass-produced and widely available retrofit LED bulbs. GE, Philips and Sylvania say they are all coming out with high-quality LEDs to replace standard incandescents, and at more competitive price points (see Figures 5-13 and 5-15). Home Depot has announced plans to sell a 40-watt equivalent for $20 through its EcoSmart label.
Grow Lights
LEDs are also gaining increasing attention from plant cultivators, who are interested in the energy savings, as well as reduced heat, because high temperatures can damage sensitive vegetation. Therefore, LEDs are being designed and tested to provide optimal growth spectrums.
FIGURE 5-15 Osram Sylvania is also producing a 12 W LED bulb for general use, which the company says can replace 60 W incandescents. It will give off 810 lumens, with a color temperature of 2,700 K. (Osram Sylvania)
Liquid-Cooled LEDs
At the massive Consumer Electronics Show in 2010, a Taiwan-based company demonstrated liquid-cooled LEDs, marketed as Liquileds. Its an innovative idea, although some observers are skeptical. Jaymi Heimbuch, who writes about technology for, wrote, Sounds great, but if one of these things breaks what a mess. And these arent really any different from the Hydralux-4 liquid-cooled LED being distributed by EternalLEDs that got such bad press not so long ago. Next generation of LEDs? Maybe, but probably not. Theres all sorts of ways to cool LEDs. Earlier computers were liquid cooled, explained Roy Burton of Dialight. Most manufacturers dont use liquid cooling, although we use semiliquid heat packs for some of our products. In a strobe youre dealing with a sealed environment, because you dont want water to get in there, but the heat is sealed in as well, so we use heat pipes to take that out. Some of these products are custom designed, he said.
Unclean light fixtures can increase energy consumption by 25 percent. Thus, even if you install the best energy-saving bulbs, if you dont clean the fixtures regularly, you wont enjoy all the benefits. Outdated or old fixtures can reduce the efficiency of your lighting significantly. Perhaps not surprisingly, technology has improved. In most cases, it is possible to request a fixtures efficiency rating from retail staff or a manufacturer. Thus, if you are buying new or upgrading, look for the fixtures with the highest ratings. Similarly, it is often a bit more efficient to use dedicated fluorescent fixtures with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) if you can, versus regular old incandescent fixtures.
Types of Fixtures
When selecting a fixture, always choose one with a rating that is appropriate to where you will be using it. The most well-known ratings
are maintained by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), an independent testing organization approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). UL was established in 1894 in Northbrook, Illinois to develop standards and test procedures for various products and materials. UL allows manufacturers to display its seal as long as they remain compliant with its stated standards.
Moisture Designations
UL and other similar organizations typically specify the following categories when it comes to moisture: Dry rating. A fixture with this rating should only be used in areas not exposed to moisture. Any fixture that is not explicitly listed for wet or damp applications should be considered a dry fixture. Damp rating. A fixture with this rating may be used in sheltered outdoor areas that are protected from direct contact with rain, snow, or other moisture. Wet rating. A fixture with this rating is suitable for outdoor locations that receive direct contact with moisture (such as rain, fog, or ocean spray), as well as in baths and showers.
Energy Starqualified fixtures have these characteristics: They use one-quarter the energy of traditional lighting fixtures. They support bulbs that must last at least 10,000 hours (about seven years of regular use), which is much more than the typical 1,000 hours for incandescents. They must distribute light more efficiently and evenly than standard fixtures. They carry a two-year warrantydouble the industry standard. The following are the major different types of fixtures. In each category, individual models can range from highly decorative classic styles to ultramodern concepts and bare-bones utility designs. Note that many fixtures will work well with fluorescents as well as incandescents and that there are light-emitting diode (LED) and halogen examples for every category.
Floor Lamps
Floor lamps rest on the floor, of course. A torchiere is a lamp with a shallow, bowl-shaped light fixture mounted on a pole. Torchieres direct light upward and are usually free-standing floor lamps, but they also can be attached to a wall.
Table Lamps
As the name states, these are designed to rest on tables or other surfaces.
Descended from the candlestick holders of yore, sconces attach to a wall, mirror, picture frame, or other vertical surface, and they hold the light source with a bracket. They are often used to create a warm, inviting look and are popular in living areas and hallways (Figure 6-2). One note for public building managers is that sconces should be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which mandates in Section 4.4 that objects projecting from walls with their leading edges between 27 and 80 inches above the finished floor shall protrude no more than four inches into walks, halls, corridors, passageways, or aisles.
FIGURE 6-2 Wall sconces come in many shapes and sizes, and they add interest to rooms.
Vanity Lights
A new vanity fixture really can transform the look of a bathroom. A vanity is a counter that holds a washbasin, and there is often a fixture placed above it, anchored in the wall or a mirror. Instead of using one fixture directly over the mirror, which can create glare and harsh shadows, its best to set two fixtures 35 to 40 inches apart and at head level (more on this in Chapter 8).
Pendant Lights
A pendant is a fixture that is suspended from the ceiling using a chain, rod, or aircraft cable (tough wire rope). The light source is usually placed inside a bowl or drum. Pendants are common in foyers and kitchens, especially over eating areas. CFLs and LEDs typically work well in them (Figure 6-3).
FIGURE 6-3 This whimsical Chalkboard Pendant by St. Louisbased artist John Beck is made with 95 percent recycled steel (more on green materials in Chapter 7). (Photo by Gloria Dawson)
Perhaps more well known to the general public is the chandelier, which is also suspended from a ceiling. Chandeliers position the light sources on arms, which may leave the bulbs exposed, or cover them with a shade or globe. Chandeliers are popular for dining areas and entrance halls. There are many styles for every type of lighting technology.
models and will save you $15 to $20 per year on your electricity bill. Energy Starqualified ceiling fan lights are available from more than 30 manufacturers.
Flush-Mount Fixtures
These fixtures install directly against the ceiling without a stem. (Sometimes versions with short stems are called semiflush.) The pan, or body, of the fixture attaches to the electrical junction box, often
with a hanger bar mounted to the box with screws. A threaded rod then screws into the hole in the center of the bar, which aligns with a hole in the bottom of the glass and is secured with a decorative knob called a finial (this isnt always visible, depending on the design). The glass also can be secured to the fixture with screws on the outside, or it may have a twist-to-lock feature. As with many other fixtures, flush mounts can be decorative or utility.
Suspended Downlights
These fixtures hang from the ceiling and direct most of the light downward. A good green choice is to use LEDs or CFLs to replace incandescent A-lamps.
Recessed Downlights
These fixtures also direct light downward but are set into the ceiling (or false ceiling), often in what are called cans or high hats. Although originally intended for task lighting, recessed downlights have become very popular and are now used widely for general ambient lighting in kitchens, hallways, bathrooms, and many other areas of homes and businesses. As stated previously, it is preferable to use a reflector CFL over a regular spiral both to decrease the chance of damaging the bulb with heat buildup and to more efficiently direct the light downward, where it is needed. Putting a standard bulb in a can will waste a good portion of the light.
Under-Cabinet Lighting
These fixtures direct light down toward a work surface. Common examples include linear fluorescents, which should fill at least twothirds of the cabinet width, or strip LED lights, which are becoming increasingly popular.
Architectural Luminaires
Architectural luminaires mount to a ceiling or wall, but the lamps are shielded behind a board. They produce flattering light that is great for living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, as well as commercial spaces. Fluorescent tubes are commonly used with them. The shielding boards can be made from one-inch lumber stock, plywood, metal, or drywall, which can be painted, stained, or covered with fabric. The inside surface should be painted with semigloss white paint to reflect the light. Luminaires can be left open above and below the shielding board, or they can be covered to more completely conceal the bulb (with baffles, louvers, and diffusers). Luminaires are relatively easy to build and fasten. Types of architectural luminaries include the following: Soffits. These direct light downward. They can be used as direct lighting over a table or counter or as general lighting in rooms with low ceilings.
Valances. These direct light downward and upward. They work well for ambient lighting and are seen often in concert halls and other large spaces. Coves. These direct light upward. They work well with high ceilings and above kitchen cabinets.
Outdoor Lighting
Done well, outdoor lighting can enhance safety and aesthetics with minimal disruption. Remember to use qualified outdoor fixtures and components, including bulbs that are rated for outdoors. If you live in a cold climate, make sure to use fluorescents that are designed for your temperature range. Standard CFLs do not work well below
FIGURE 6-5 High-bay fixtures are designed to light large spaces. (Lithonia Lighting)
40F (4C). Controls are particularly important when it comes to outdoor lighting, and well get to them shortly. Some key terms: Floodlights. These are designed to spread light uniformly over a large area. They are often mounted high on a wall, such as above a garage, but they can be on a pole or on the ground. Spotlights. These focus a bright light on a single subject, just like on the stage. They can be mounted on a wall, a pole, or the ground. Postlights. These are lights mounted on posts. Pathlights. These are designed to direct light low to the ground, with the illumination ideally spreading horizontally over the path surface. Lanterns. Enclosed by glass, these fixtures resemble old-fashioned gas or candle lanterns, and they can be mounted against a wall or on a pole. International Dark Sky Association certification. This Fixture Seal of Approval is a third-party certification for luminaires that minimize glare and reduce excess light pollution.
Lighting Controls
It can be a pain to try to remember to turn off lights when youre not using them, and this can lead to arguments and finger pointing in the home or office. So why not give this repetitive, relatively thankless job over to a machine? Effectively using lighting controls should result in substantial energy savings, as well as a reduced environmental impact. There is an ever-increasing range of products for controlling lighting down to the finest details. Large facility managers can install sophisticated systems that give centralized control over thousands of fixtures, resulting in savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Home owners can install a whole-house smart system, spending more than a thousand dollars, or they can spend much less for a panel in their bedroom that gives control over half a dozen main lights. For $100, you can get a wireless remote that allows you to turn house lights on and off from your car so that you never have to come home to a dark house. Or you can spend just a few dollars for a simple wall dimmer switch or timer. The most common types of lighting controls include: Dimmers Motion and occupancy sensors Photosensors Timers Lets take a closer look.
Dimmer controls reduce the brightness of light, which saves energy. Period. Even if you never use the dimmer you installed, it saves about four percent of the energy for that light, explained Michael Smith, vice president of the Energy Solutions Group for Lutron, the worlds leading lighting controls company. (This is because Lutrons dimmers automatically dial back the energy used, but without diminishing light quality, according to Smith.) Our dimmers are solid-state devices with a processor that switches the lights on and off. A dimmer turns light on and off 120 times a second; the eye just
cant see it. The more you dim, the more cycles the bulb is off. If you are dimming 50 percent, the lights are off 50 percent of the time. The more you dim, the more its off, and the more energy you save, Smith explained via phone from Lutrons head office in Pennsylvania (Figure 6-8). Lutron makes lighting controls for every type of light source, from incandescents to fluorescents, LEDs, and more. With all lights, the more you dim, the more energy you save, and the longer you extend the life of the bulb. According to Smith, the relationship between lower light and savings is nearly one to one, although its a bit less efficient with incandescents. A dimmer is one of the best energy-saving devices, and they also make your home more beautiful. Youre not sacrificing; youre choosing the light level thats best for you, said Smith. Off-the-shelf dimmers for incandescent fixtures cost only a few bucks. Fluorescents cannot be dimmed, unless they work with a dimming ballast, either built into the bulb or present as a separate unit, which may be part of a designated dimming switch product. As discussed in Chapter 4, dimmable CFLs continue to improve and
FIGURE 6-8 Dimmers have more style and flexibility than ever, and many work wirelessly. (Lutron)
are widely available. In addition, cold-cathode CFLs can be dimmed, as can some LED products. A number of different dimmer designs have been used since the late 1800s, including saltwater dimmers, coil-rotation transformers, rheostats, thyristors, and various digital products. Joel Spira founder of Lutroninvented the first solid-state dimmer in 1959, based in part on his experience working with radar in World War II. Detailed explanations of these technologies are beyond the scope of this book. However, consumers will notice that lighting stores stock quite a range of dimmer panels, which boast paddles, wheels, touch pads, buttons, and other convenient interfaces. Some even incorporate LED display lights. Installing a dimmer switch is pretty quick and easy (there likely will be only three wires to connect, and any product you buy should have instructions). If you are in doubt, seek a licensed electrician. If you do go do-it-yourself (DIY), make sure to disable the power to the circuit first! Lutron offers a number of its most popular dimmer styles with Eco-dim, which boasts 15 percent energy savings over standard switches, even if you never turn it below full power. Eco-dim also allegedly extends the life of incandescent and halogen bulbs three times or more. Lutrons Meadowlark Eco-minder dimmer saves an estimated $30 a year and only costs about $25. Unfortunately, 90 percent of the lighting circuits in the world still use basic on-off switches, estimates Smith. But if everybody in North America put in one dimmer, it would be like taking 470,000 cars off the road in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions, said Smith [assuming people actually used the dimmers]. Currently installed Lutron dimmers save an estimated 9.2 billion kilowatthours a year, according to Smith, saving $1 billion in energy costs and 17 billion pounds of CO2. People just arent aware, argued Smith. People put in CFLs to save energy, and because they saw the green marketing and messaging, but they might not realize that if they put a dimmer on the wall, they could save even more, make their lights last longer, and have a better experience.
office buildings and other commercial settings because they are convenient and can result in substantial energy savings. Simply put, a motion sensor turns a light on after motion is detected and turns it back off a short while later. How does it detect motion? A sensor can use infrared (IR) scanning to look for body heat, ultrasonic pulses (similar to sonar), or microwaves (similar to police radar guns). An occupancy sensor is a motion sensor armed to shut off a light after the device no longer detects that someone is present.
Photosensors work great for outdoor lighting because they can switch it on automatically when it gets dark and turn it off when it gets light. This can result in considerable energy savings. Photosensors are popular for accent, path, street, commercial, and security lighting, as well as for night lights.
Timers, naturally, are used to turn on and off lights at specific times. Timers are rarely used alone for outdoor lighting because they would have to be reset often owing to seasonal variations in day length (unless you live near the equator). However, timers can be paired effectively with photosensors. For example, path and driveway lighting could be switched on in the evening by a photosensor and then switched off at a specified time later in the night by a timer, say, at 2 a.m. Timers (Figure 6-9) are also often used for security reasons to make empty houses look occupied. They dont work so well for occupied spaces because people rarely stay in one spot for a set amount of time. Timers can be old-fashioned mechanical designs or newer electronic models.
Integrated Fixtures
Various sensors can be wired directly to fixtures, or they can be built in by manufacturers. An example of the latter is Occu-smart by New Yorkbased Lamar Lighting. This system incorporates an ultrasonic motion sensor into a fluorescent wall- or ceiling-mounted luminaire
FIGURE 6-9 Timers provide security, convenience, and energy savings at the push of a button. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
that includes an electronic ballast. Occu-smart fixtures are designed for stairwells, storerooms, corridors, and other seldom-used areas. The units are always on standby, putting out a low level of light for safety and security. When the sensitive motion sensor picks up movement, the unit switches the light on to full brightness. After a predetermined, and adjustable, length of time, the light dims back to standby.
Wireless Sensors
Many sensors now offer the convenience of wireless operation. One example is the Radio Powr Savr from Lutron, which, according to the manufacturer, installs in minutes. The sensor communicates wirelessly with compatible dimmers and light controls and can be moved around for optimal coverage. It reportedly can see 676 square feet when mounted on a 12-foot ceiling.
Turn off lights when you arent using them; sensors, timers, and other controls can help. Use light colors on walls, which will reflect more light and reduce your need to generate it. Maximize the use of windows and skylights, which is called daylighting. In retrofits and new construction, make sure that all lighting meets, or exceeds, applicable codes. This will improve safety, preserve your property value, maintain efficiency, and reduce your liability and risk of fines.
results. Look at your electric bill to see what the utility charges per kilowatt-hour, and multiply the rate by the amount of electricity saved by not using the bulb. With this example, if your electric rate is 10 cents per kilowatt-hour, the value of the energy savings would be 0.4 cent ($0.004) per hour. Of course, the value of the savings will increase with higher-wattage bulbs and as electric rates go up. If you know the cost of a replacement bulb and any labor costs changing it would require (for commercial managers), you can estimate when it is most cost-effective to make sure that lights are shut off.
Avoid Overlighting
As in most of life, too much of a good thing can be a problem. Too much lighting not only wastes energy, but it also can be uncomfortable to room occupants. No one, except maybe the occasional rock star or retro new waver, wants to wear sunglasses indoors. Overlighting can cause excessive glare and actually can make it harder to complete tasks. Outdoors, overlighting can become light pollution, which disrupts wildlife, disturbs neighbors, and impedes the view of the starry sky.
maximize the benefits to vegetation. Similarly, anyone who has ever kept reptiles knows that the animals are healthier if their caretakers use lamps that are formulated to more accurately replicate natural environments. Along these lines, some manufacturers tout full-spectrum lights for phototheraphy, which is used primarily to counter seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that seems to result from reduced exposure to sunlight during the winter. However, the role of artificial lighting in reducing SAD is not well understood, and some research suggests that white or blue light (or just simply the amount and timing of light) may be the crucial part of prevention.
made especially for this purpose. Fluorescent undercabinet fixtures are also widely available, and the housings tuck away neatly out of sight. Undercabinet lighting can make a kitchen feel bigger, as well as more contemporary. Another popular place for indirect lighting is at the tops of cabinets, which can give the room a soft glow, as well as highlight artwork. Dont forget to make sure that any fixtures that could come into contact with water are protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter to prevent electric shocks. Another way to add interest to a kitchen is with hanging pendants, many of which are quite colorful and which often work great with CFLs. Pendants also can be placed over high-use areas to provide more light when needed, or they also can be used to divide up, as well as decorate, different sections. They are often used over eating areas. Ceiling fans are popular in kitchens, as well as in bedrooms and other areas. Note that fan vibrations can decrease the life of CFLs, so it can be a wise investment to get models that are designed for the purpose. You also can choose Energy Starregistered fan-light combos, many of which are specifically designed for CFLs. Dining rooms. Traditionally, the centerpiece of a dining room is a large hanging light, whether its a classic crystal chandelier or a bold avant-garde statement piece. For the best effect, the fixture generally should be at least 12 inches narrower than the table and should hang a minimum of 30 inches above the tables surface to avoid glare, not to mention collisions with taller guests. As with all rooms, light should not be from only one source; a chandelier should be augmented by one or more adjustable downlights or wall lights. Living rooms. Think layers of light, which you can apply in succession as needed. This can include some overhead ambient lighting, task lighting for reading or other activities, and accent lightssuch as recessed low-voltage fixturesto add a sense of depth and show off parts of the decor (Figure 8-1). Bathrooms. Bathrooms also should be well lit, although, unfortunately, many arent. Its usually easiest to install a single light above the mirror, and this is what builders often do in apartments or older homes. But this scheme produces harsh shadows and high glare. Its much better for putting on makeup or shaving to
FIGURE 8-1 Note the valance lighting (via dimmable fluorescents) in this living room by David Bergman. The pendants in the background are antique glass fitted with CFLs. (Fire & Water Lighting/David Bergman)
have lighting coming from either side of the mirror, ideally 35 to 40 inches apart and at head level (think about the dressing rooms of stars shown in classic movies). Pair this vanity light with an overhead, ideally something built into an exhaust fan unit. Bedrooms. Soft, warm light is best for bedrooms, and dimmers are particularly effective. With overhead lighting, reduce harshness and glare by using recessed downlights that focus toward the foot of the bed or toward the sides of the room. Pendants and wall scones also can add beauty and comfort. Pair these with table or directional lighting for reading on either side of the bed, as well as task lighting for closets. People want their bedrooms to be cozy, and many are reluctant to consider CFLs because of their past associations with offices and cool temperatures. This is where new extrasoft CFLs shine and where it pays to use a good fixture that moderates the light. People generally dont like to look at CFLs. I mean lets face it, they arent the prettiest looking things, Bergman explained as he showed off the diffusing fixtures in his own bed-
room. So I make sure you cant see the bulb. Bergmans bedroom is decidedly cozy and is lit with CFLs set in his fixtures. Offices. Since most officesincluding home officesare frequented for many hours at a time, fluorescents pay for themselves rapidly. Fluorescents also provide bright light that facilitates good visual acuity. To decrease reflections, avoid placing ceiling fixtures in front of a desk. Instead, light should come over the shoulders of the desks occupant. For more natural, comfortable lighting, use the fluorescents in indirect settings. Pair them with wall and accent lighting for variation, and provide task lighting as needed. Corridors. Hallways should be neither a lot brighter nor dimmer than adjoining rooms so that moving through them is not jarring to the eyes. Yet they should have enough illumination for safety, particularly in commercial settings. One general rule of thumb is to place a fixture every eight to 10 feet, either wall- or ceilingmounted. Fluorescents arent usually ideal in private residential hallways because the lights dont need to be on much, although they can make a lot of sense in commercial buildings. LED strip lights can work well in nearly any hallway, as the Hageman family discovered in their green Rhode Island dream house. Stairs. For obvious safety reasons, stairs must be well lit, particularly in commercial buildings, where liability is a serious concern. David Bergman established a welcoming, diffuse light in the exposed-brick stairwell of his Manhattan condo building by placing a large, wall-mounted CFL fixture from his Parallel Universe series at each landing. Large commercial buildings are also increasingly installing recessed LEDs low to the ground, which illuminate each step. In typical homes, its common to use a single close-to-ceiling fixture or a chain-hung fixture at the center of the stairway. Basements. Good lighting can produce surprising transformations in basements, which often seem more dank, dreary, and inaccessible than they need to be. If possible, drive sunlight into your basement. If you cant put in a few windows, consider tubular skylights. For artificial lighting, fluorescent ceiling fixtures provide a lot of light for low cost. To make your basement seem larger, light an entire wall with recessed lights mounted on the ceiling. The lights should be spaced at an equal distance from
each other and the wall. If you have a workbench, desk, or sewing machine in your basement, use task lighting, as you would in other areas. Accents. If you have a fine painting, family portrait, or other type of wall covering you want to highlight, consider a dedicated picture light or recessed low-voltage light. This can be especially impressive in formal dining, living, or sitting rooms or in corporate lobbies. Recessed low-voltage lights or LEDs can beautifully illuminate china cabinets and hutches. If you want to emphasize or set something off, such as a table, buffet, or artwork, place wall fixtures on either side of that element. Place a light on a wall behind a plant to set off its silhouette.
Outdoor Lighting
We may not necessarily give it as much thought, but outdoor lighting is an important part of property management, and it provides safety, security, and aesthetics. Studies are inconclusive on whether outdoor lighting actually decreases crime, although most security experts believe that motion-tripped lights probably help. Unfortunately, outdoor lighting also results in significant energy use, and it can contribute to light pollution, which can disrupt wildlife and the sleep cycles of other people. As stated earlier, its important not to overlight your yard (you also can look for fixtures that have been certified to reduce light pollution by the International Dark Sky Association). Outside, a little light can go a long way. Focus on the areas where you actually need illumination (driveways, pathways, and porches), and then add one or two areas to highlight, such as a sign or attractive tree or key part of the building. Remember to use controls to maximize utility but minimize energy use (Figure 8-2). Here are common outdoor lighting strategies: Uplighting. Lights are placed at ground level and are aimed up toward a focal point, such as a sign, wall, or tree. The fixtures are often floodlights or spotlights. Downlighting. As the name implies, elements are lit from above, often with spotlights or floodlights.
FIGURE 8-2 Install attractive and functional outdoor lighting and increase security and safety, as well as show off landscaping and architectural elements. (Nightscaping)
Spotlighting. A strong beam focuses on an object, such as a flagpole. Pathlighting. Lights are placed low to the ground to illuminate a path or a driveway. Backlighting. Lights are placed behind objects, such as plants, and fixtures are concealed. Here are some additional outdoor lighting tips: Installing outdoor lighting can require some of the same thinking that goes into other aspects of landscape design, especially the need to keep future changes in mind. Install conduit under driveways or patios before paving or bricking, and have the ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacles installed before getting started, Randall Whitehead, a landscape lighting designer in San Francisco, told Popular Mechanics magazine. He added, Buy fixtures with more wattage capacity than you need, [and] then increase wattage in the future by replacing smaller wattage lamps with higher-wattage ones [within the capacity of the transformer] as the plants mature. To avoid a monotonous look, mix and match fixtures and spacing.
Lighting Maintenance
Over time, light levels can fall because of Fixture dirt Lamp aging These factors can reduce light levels by as much as 50 percent, even though the lights still may be drawing full power. This is why it is a good idea to keep fixtures, lamps, and lenses clean. Most experts suggest that lighting should be cleaned every six to 24 months. It also helps to thorougly clean or repaint small rooms every year and larger rooms every two or three years. Again, lighter walls require less light.
FIGURE 9-3 A solar-powered stop sign in the parking lot of a green Walmart in Colorado. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
lights, there are no wires to fool with or that need to be buried or strung between landscaping. All you have to do is position the light where you want it, point the solar cell toward the sun, and make sure that your sensors are set correctly. You should never have to think about your lighting againat least not for a few years, when a battery may need replacing or a panel may need a good cleaning.
Its true that not everyone is beaming about solar patio and accent lights. We recently met with the chief product engineer for a major lighting company, and he was critical of the technology (which competes with his business). Solar lights work okay at first, but they start losing light quality pretty quickly, whether the solar panel gets covered or damaged, and most of them are, lets face it, pretty cheaplooking affairs that I wouldnt want in my yard, he said. True, there are some discount solar lights on the market that wouldnt look right in front of the Ritz Carlton and that may not live up to some marketing claims. But thats true of any type of product. There are also high-end solar solutions that have earned rave reviews. For example, check out the beautiful solar LED accent fixtures in pewter and other fine metallic finishes (Figure 9-4) that are available from GREENCulture ( In all cases, its a good idea to try before you buy, and make sure that you follow the manufacturers directions. Outdoor solar lighting will work in most parts of the world as long as you arent too near the poles. Remember, though, that any given solar product will only work well as long as the solar cells receive the manufacturers recommended hours of sunlight. The ad-
FIGURE 9-4 Solar accent lighting at twilight. (Photo by Brian Clark Howard)
vertised nightly run times for most products are based on specific sunlight conditions. If they get less sun, the lights will be on for less time. And yes, cloudy days can decrease the amount of energy that can be collected, as can shorter days during the winter. But these issues can be managed by properly sized and sited fixtures. Do watch out for shading of the solar cells by vegetation or other features, and try to keep them clear of bird droppings. Also be aware that insufficient battery charging can reduce the life of the battery. Solar lighting systems can be self-contained units, or the solar panel can be separate from the light fixtures, which then can be placed in the shade. They can range in size from tiny accent lights to high-beam security lights. The good news is that solar lighting systems are becoming increasingly available in hardware, lighting, and discount stores, as well as through environmentally oriented mailorder companies. Types of solar outdoor lights include: Solar stepping-stones. These popular products work great as accent lights. They typically combine a small solar cell, battery, photosensor, and LED light in a molded resin shell that resembles a natural stone. Just set them out where you want them, and you can move them at any time. Solar garden lights. The same idea as above, just in different housings. These can be designed as lanterns, posts, or patio fixtures. Solar spot, flood, and security lights. Spotlights and floodlights can be good candidates for solar power because they are often needed far away from existing wiring. These lights can be paired with motion sensors to make security lights and can be lit by halogens or LEDs. A popular example is the MSL180W from Cooper Lighting ($65), which has a bright 13-watt halogen bulb. sells several designs of solar-powered post lights (starting at $185), as well as retrofit kits starting at $125. With these products, you can take advantage of an existing pole, and swap out a conventional lamp with green technology. Solar holiday lights. Since LED holiday lights use so little energy, solar-powered strands may not make financial or environmental sense in places where plugs are available. But they can work in remote locations or offer flexibility in areas where you dont want to run a wire.