Stop Chemtrail Crimes Against Humanity - VF - Rs

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NOTICE TO THE USAF, NATIONAL AIR GUARD, COAST GUARD & other agencies sworn to protect We The People: On 3/16/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS), it was quoted in an official statement concerning Whistle blower attacks that:

"The Air Force will not tolerate wrong doing


The Constitution For The United States of America: That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is th eir right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance.


We are experiencing the largest and most lethal crime that any government has ever committed against its people in human history in any part of the world. Upwards of 40 nations today are experiencing what former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson called Death Dumps orchestrated by a band of mad men, the Psychopathic Foreign Monopolistic Criminal Money Powers, an act performed under the guise of fighting global warming. If the subject of Eugenics is new to you, then start your re-education


The American People have tolerated enemies within our government for more than 150 years. Not anymore. By their actions, the Psychopaths have declared an OBVIOUS WAR against the American People and all people. Their acts violate every moral convention ever conceived by honorable men. Their interests have nothing to do with protecting the Planet or the Rights of
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

the people. Those that have carried these atrocities were mostly been persuaded they are doing some benevolent act like stop global warming which is now understood to be just propaganda. The insane people carrying out these crimes must be exposed, stopped and brought to justice. Let us all be, We the People established Government for sole purpose of safeguarding the Peoples Unalienable rights! Our Government was not instituted to create perpetual war on earth for the benefit of a few insane psychopaths running central Banks, global corporations and what appears to the uninformed as countries. ) have for far too long fraudulently controlled this planet. These lunatics include the Crown Temple Cabal, the International corrupt foreign money Trust made up of the Old Guard; Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, the Council of 300 et al, all of which have been perpetuating their evil for far too long through a myriad of secret societies and what appears as law enforcement agencies of governments. The Psychopaths see themselves as a superior race, and We the People as the "Useless Eaters" not fit to live on this planet (More info on
this subject here: ).

The so called Elite (

Who are the enemies of all people: Lets start with the Committee of 300. This committee of 300 is modeled after the British East India Company's Council of 300, founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. Most of its immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China. This group is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. These phony drug wars were to get us to give away our constitutional rights. Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trail and no proof of guilt needed (just like the Fraud - closure crisis going on right now). Also the Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller (much smaller) and better world. That is their idea of what constitutes a better world. The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients of the future. The committee appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat, Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle, that "Man is of no importance. The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted. This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states (research the 44,000 factories closed across the US, Millions turned out of their own homes by design); the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population," and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives. Not that the de facto U.S. government didn't know, but as it was part of the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known. Queen, Elizabeth II, is the head of the Committee of 300. The Crown Temple Syndicate is a Triumvirate made up of the CROWN (created by the treaty of 1213) + Roman Cult (Vatican) + Khazar Banking Families that control the FED, IMF, UN et al. It rules DC, Vatican and London's City of London (Spiritual, Military & Financial control of the planet). Think about that and now consider:
After 10 years of Chemtrail Spraying - Animal/Plant Life DieOffs are widespread and include:

Life Expectancy drops 8.3 years in U.S. over last 10 years (*Chart provides 1998-2000 average life expectancies in each country of the world) 8,000 Turtle Doves Fall Dead in Italy Thousands of Birds Fall From Sky in Arkansas Birds Drop From Sky over Louisiana Falling Birds Likely Died From Massive Trauma Thousands of Fish Dead In Florida 100 Tons of Dead Fish Wash up on Brazil's Shores Dead Fish cover 20-miles of Arkansas River Mysterious Whale Die-Off Is Largest on Record Soil Tests - Aluminum Levels Elevated? Snakes in Mysterious Global Decline Why Are Native Ladybugs Disappearing? Bat Deaths in U.S. Northeast Baffle Experts Chemtrails Linked to Honey Bee Disappearance Nationwide Tree Decline California Brown Pelican Die-Off Worries Officials Mystery: Scores of Starlings Fall Out of Sky and Lie Dying Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres True Story of the Dead Ladybugs Spider Invasion Creeps out Western Washington What Do Chemtrails Contain? Independent tests across the U. S. have shown chemtrails to contain the following substances:
Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus) Arsenic Barium salts

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Psychopaths behind the NWO have stated they believe population should be no more than ALL INFO FROM PUBLIC SOURCES RESEARCH EVERYTHING & FORM YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS KNOW THYSELF! 500,000,000
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE:

Cadium Desiccated human blood cells Ethylene dibromide Lead Magnesium Mercury Mold spores Mycoplasma Polymer fibers Radio cesium Sharp titanium shards Stonthium Submicron particles Unidentified living bacteria Uranium And many other toxins Short Term Effects of Chemtrails: Morgelons Disease (see images) Allergies Anxiety Asthma Brain Fog Breathing difficulties (Unexplained) Chronic sore or raspy throat Dizziness Ear aches Eye and skin irritations Flatulence (gas) Flu-like symptoms Headaches Heat flashes Itching (Unexplained) Metallic taste in mouth Nausea and Vomiting Nose bleeds (Unexplained) Panic attacks Persistent coughing Rashes (Unexplained) Respiratory problems Short term memory loss Stomach aches Suicidal thoughts Tinnitus (short term ringing In the ears after spraying) And many other symptoms Long Term Effects of Chemtrails: Acid Reflux (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Allergies Alzheimer's Disease Aluminum build up in Pineal Gland - -

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Asthma Autism (evidence links autism to mercury) Autoimmune Diseases Blood in the Urine Borderline personality disorder Cancer (linked to many types of cancers) Constipation Chronic Fatigue Depression Easy Bruising Eye problems - * Nearsightedness & Farsightedness (by altering interocular fluid eye pressure) Fibromyalgia Floaters In the Eyes Gastritis Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) Heart Disease High Cholesterol Hypoglycemia Hyperglycemia Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Insomnia Learning Disabilities Lung diseases Lupus Erythematosus Multiple Sclerosis Oily Skin (Elevated DHT) Parkinson's Disease Rheumatoid Arthritis Schizophrenia Short-Term Memory Loss Sleep Disorders Spider Veins Tinnitus (ringing in the ears 700 million cases of Tinnitus reported worldwide) White Coating On the Tongue And many other symptoms

Could this be your child? What would she have you do?

Common enemies of all People have been given endless demands by numerous individuals to cease and desist from their heinous crimes. They have instead answered by escalating their war against all Free People across America and numerous other nations.
[Side Note: Lesson: The Story of Athens, spirit of former veterans that restored the rule of Organic Law when a Corrupt, Immoral, unconscious few resulted to Tyranny: ].

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

We the Sovereign people from on the land of the 50 Free States, operating under the authority of the Organic Constitution; those sacred Acts that established the States and the Union; do now COMMAND OUR military authorities to TAKE DECISIVE ACTION TO STOP ALL ChemTrail Aircraft operations being conducted by enemy's domestic and foreign over the skies of America and beyond. We demand that you TERMINATE their operations, Supply chains and anyone associated with these acts or treason / GENOCIDE. Terminate acts if actors at all civil agency's that tolerate such acts, those that will if not stopped result in Genocide of the American People (that includes your families). FURTHER, we the People do hereby command all Law Enforcement agencies (especially our Sheriffs conscious of their Original Oath of Office) to arrest and detain anyone in any way associated with these verified acts of Treason, Genocide and crimes against Humanity. We the people have had enough of enemies being tolerated on and over American Land; those within and around the de facto government committing treason! We the People will not any longer tolerate acts of treason against the Organic Constitution, the Law of this great nation and the American people or any people. All servicemen have sworn an Oath to protect the American people and the Republic! It is time that they did their job or by your acquiescence, let us know they are impotent and afraid to do so! Please be reminded of the law and duty to uphold it:
Constitution for The United States of America: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." .... and the idea remains true today as it did in 1776: "This declaration is based on certain truths. All men are equal and to have certain rights ("unalienable rights") that the government

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

should never take away. These rights include "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Declaration of Independence: Governments exist to support the rights of men. Governments exist only through the power of the people that they represent. When a government fails to grant rights to the people and removes the involvement of the people, the people have the right to change their government in a way that will allow for their unalienable rights to be protected. Governments should not be overthrown for trivial reasons; it is not typical for people to change a system that they are accustomed to. However, when the people have suffered many abuses under the control of a totalitarian leader, they not only have the right but the duty to overthrow that government."

The criminal foreign Monopolistic Money Trust (The CROWN SYNDICATE) that has attempted to derail the Republic, enslave the planet and the destiny of all Free People has by its obvious acts openly declared its intention to murder billions of people! The Cabals own spokespeople have openly bragged about targeting Five Billion globally for termination using slow kill methods (Google Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars; Bankers Manifesto 1892... see Georgia Guide Stones: Dr. Henry Kissinger wrote, "Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World." In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy planning group in the U.S. State Department's Office of Population Affairs and prepared the depopulation document Global 2000 document for President Jimmy Carter Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the elite secret society the Bilderberg Group said, "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.

Let us also remember what Kissinger Said about military men that serves the call to protect this nation:
"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. " Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

As you already know, our enemies were never to be found in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya et al. Foreign enemies of We the People have operated in plain site for far too long. They can be found within our National and State governments, the Media, the Military/Prison/Pharma Industrial
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Complexes, The National banks and the global corporations responsible and are responsible for numerous acts of treason and genocide across America and the world. The Cabal, as alerted us by JFK, Eisenhower and other brave men, warned us this battle was upon us in the 50s and 60s: - Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version We are fully aware of their crimes, methods and the atrocities that they commit against Earth and all people. We the People are fully aware that the nations they targeted ARE NOT enemies of the American people or of any Free People. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET THAT ALL PEOPLE HAVE BEEN THREATENED WITH IMMINENT DESTRUCTION CAUSED BY JUST A FEW THOUSAND PSYCHOPATHS. It is time that SERVICEMAN DO THE ONE JOB THAT WE THE PEOPLE HAVE PAID THEM TO DO and EQUIPPED THEM TO DO for decades! TAKE OUT THE TRASH! IF PEOPLE READING THIS TRULY CARE ABOUT THIS NATION, YOUR FAMILIES, ACT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! WHILE OUR FIELDS, WATER and PEOPLE ARE STILL VIABLE! Know that these morons have several agendas. The most obvious is to control global food production. Once they control it they will force all people to accept their One World Slave Planet under the threat of starvation. Just as they have done in other parts of the world over millennia. The people of the world need to:
Expose companies, agencies and individuals backing CT, death dumps, Geo-engineering! Post this and information about CT's to Air National Guard and other Agencys to educate the men and women that serve We The People to protect The American People Publicly Expose Public officials directly for not doing anything to stop these crimes and in so doing violating their Oath of Office (de facto agencies including: USAF, FAA, EPA, HHA, DHS, FBI, STATE SENATE, County and State Sheriffs, Police, Home Guard, CHHS, DHS, All Cabal Media Outlets et al). Publicize letters of those denying anything is going on in our skies (send them certified letters demanding their action to stop this insanity), let the know if they deny it or refuse to comment then We the People will conclude they support acts of Genocide. Force private / public investigation of chemtrails spraying on your County, City, Town ALL INFO FROM PUBLIC SOURCES RESEARCH EVERYTHING & FORM YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS KNOW THYSELF!
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

GRAND Jurys (defacto & dejure) & Common law Courts; bring Lawful action against our so called Public Officials for Treason should they not act. Expose the 4th Estate for not report these crimes! Demand/Force an immediate cease to all chemtrail spraying until we know the short and long term effects of chemtrails on the general population. Force legislation to create No-Chemtrail Spraying Zones ANYWHERE. Give immunity and protection to anyone willing to blow the whistle on chemtrail operations. Boycott products made by any companies who make or produce chemtrail related products or support it (Boeing, Monsanto et al) Identify who is responsible for allowing us to be sprayed at the city/county/state/global level. Demand that each city/county/state expose spraying so people can choose to protect themselves. Demand an explanation for chemtrail spraying on the city/county/state/congress/senate levels and do not accept the denial that spraying is going on. Criminally Prosecute EVERYONE / anyone who continues to aid these illegal psychopathic chemtrail operations and hold those companies criminally responsible that produce toxic chemicals, toxic metals, biological toxins, and any other submicron particles that cause chemtrail related diseases that affect the general population. Demand they pay the people damages for effects sustained to date. Look in to solutions to counter the Toxins like MMS, Parsley, Cilantro et al. (see: ).

PEOPLE ON THE LAND, LAW ENFORCEMENT, SERVICEMEN, please do your own research on the issues raised here in. Validate this call to do duty for the American People and beyond. Validate these demands and claims through your own independent channels. Ask yourself - have psychopaths, cowards & mad men declared war on an unarmed American civilian Population on your watch?! Why do they do what they do? Why does the de facto government deny what you can see going on above your head with your own eyes! To American Nationals outraged by these crimes. Please SHARE your own call to action over a chemtrail image that you have taken in your community. Display proof of these crimes being perpetrated against your own family! Please write your own message to those you know in Law enforcement and our military. Ask them if they are ok with their own families being poisoned by $200,000,000 American aircraft dumping Biological and Chemical Toxins produced in American Factories over American soil on their watch? Are they ok with allowing Psychopaths to Harm the American People while they go about their lives oblivious to what is truly going on in the skies over America and the rest of the world? Ask them why do they support traitors in our midst, those acting against the interests of the American People and all free people. Let them know, their failing to act in honor of an Oath to protect the American People is as good as them supporting the ZIONazi Monopolistic foreign Criminal Money Powers desperately trying to erect their One World Slave Planet before We the People bring it crashing to the ground by revealing to the world their evil intentions.

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Please re-educate yourself on American history. Assume everything you have been told to date about everything is a lie! Do know that the District of Columbia US Inc. Politicians voted to drop chemical and biological weapons on your family. See here: PUBLIC LAW 10585 NOV. 18, 1997 111 STAT. 1629 Public Law 10585; 105th Congress; An Act
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 1998 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe personnel strengths for such fiscal year for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998. The U.S. government can test chemicals and biological agents on humans for nearly any purpose they desire. The Following Should Also Be Noted The term biological agent as stated above in (a)(1) is defined in (e) as follows: Quote: (e) BIOLOGICAL AGENT DEFINED.In this section, the term biological agent means any micro-organism (including bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance, and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized component of any such microorganism, pathogen, or infectious substance, whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable of causing:(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or materials of any kind; or (3) deleterious alteration of the environment. In Other Words: The U.S. government can test chemicals and biological agents on humans that cause death, biological malfunction, and deleterious alteration of the environment. The term deleterious alteration of the environment brings chemtrails to mind. Read the full text of this law here. Page 287 contains the above excerpt.:

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Public Law 105-85:

Bless the usurpers for waking up the people and prompting us to take back our country from enemies foreign and domestic, those within our own government!
For more information on these crimes against humanity please visit chemtrail crime exposure websites like: , , - March 30 2012 David Icke - 8 parts

READ more on the story here: - Evergreen Int'l is now Marana Aerospace - funded by Relativety Capital LLC...also see Pinal Airpark - ALERT: CHEMTRAIL PLANE FACILITY LOCATED Re -educate: From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology (FULL LENGTH VIDEO) MARANA ARIZONA click this link! - Top 8 Chemtrail Connections CIA Evergreen International Aviation - Disease from above MANY MORE VIDEO's HERE:

Information on the culprits: Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails: August 17-19, 2012 BARIUM ,ALUMINUM OXCIDE,STRONTIUM 90 AND

URANIUM 238 ARE BEING SPRAYED ON US VIA CHEMTRAILS North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

"America is in trouble... not from without, but from within! The Central Government has become too powerful. Citizens fear the Government. This is wrong. This is dangerous! I know the Government covered-up and promulgated LIES about Waco, Ruby Ridge, Pan Am Flight 103, Hoffa, and J.F.K. The Government knew I was right when I called Janet Reno a traitor. Janet Reno sold us out when she refused to investigate a $10-million payoff to the Democratic Party from. Think about it! And the Government knew that I had known why Reno was forced to betray America! Im proud that I tried to do something about it! Someday the truth will come out.
-- James A. Traficant, Jr., (1941- ) U.S. Representative from Ohio, Source: Letter from the prison cell of former Congressman and political prisoner, Jim Traficant, November 2003 -

Carnicom is a leading independent researcher exposing acts of the Psychopaths that are dumping toxins on the American People. This speaks for itself. What does it tell you? RE-EDUCATION FOR WE THE PEOPLE ON: THE THESOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

The concept of sovereignty stands on its own. The sources shown below may help you to see that it is a respected and valid concept. " the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects...with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty." CHISHOLM v. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall 419, 454, 1 L Ed 440, 455 @DALL 1793 pp471-472 The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. Through the medium of their Legislature they may exercise all the powers which previous to the Revolution could have been exercised either by the King alone, or by him in conjunction with his Parliament; subject only to those restrictions which have been imposed by the Constitution of this State or of the U.S. Lansing v. Smith, 21 D. 89., 4 Wendel 9 (1829) (New York) "D." = Decennial Digest Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am.Dec. 89 10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. 1`67; 48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7. NOTE: Am.Dec.=American Decision, Wend. = Wendell (N.Y.) California Government Code Sections 11120 and 54950 contain strong statements about the sovereignty of the people. CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 11120 et seq. 11120. It is the public policy of this state that public agencies exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business and the proceedings of public agencies be conducted openly so that the public may remain informed. In enacting this article the Legislature finds and declares that it is the intent of the law that actions of state agencies be taken openly and that their deliberation be conducted openly. The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created. This article shall be known and may be cited as the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54950 et seq. 54950. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created. 54950.5. This chapter shall be known as the Ralph M. Brown Act. SOVEREIGNTY Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition The power to do everything in a state without accountability,--to make laws, to execute and to apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy contributions, to make war or peace, to form treaties of alliance or of commerce with foreign nations, and the like. Story, Const. Sec 207 Sovereignty in government is that public authority which directs or orders what is to be done by each member associated in relation to the end of the association. It is the supreme power by which any citizen is governed and is the person or body of persons in teh state to whom there is politically no superior. The necessary existence of the state and that right and power which necessarily follow is "sovereignty." By "sovereignty in its largest sense is meant supreme, absolute, uncontrollable power, the absolute right to govern. The word which by itself comes nearest to being the definition of "sovereignty" is will or volition as applied to political affairs. City of Bisbee v. Cochise County, 52 Ariz. 1, 78 P.2d 982, 986. STATE Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition A People permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common-law habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other communities of the globe. United States v. Kusche, D.C.Cal., 56 F.Supp. 201, 207, 208. The organization of social life which exercises sovereign power in behalf of the people. Delany v. Moraitis, C.C.A.Md., 136 F.2d 129, 130. California Government Code Deering's 241. Citizens The citizens of the State are: (a) All persons born in the State and residing within it, except the children of transient aliens and of alien public ministers and consuls. (b) All persons born out of the State who are citizens of the United States and residing within the State. CONSTITUTIONAL PREAMBLES Constitution for the United States of America: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. 1849 California Constitution: WE the people of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom: in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution-1879 State of California Constitution: We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure and perpetuate its blessings, do establish this Constitution. In all three constitutions (and the constitution of any real republic) the operative word is "establish." The People existed in their own individual sovereignty before the constitution was enabled. When the People "establish" a constitution, there is nothing in the word "establish" that signifies that they have yielded any of their sovereignty to the agency they have created. To interpret otherwise would convert the republic into a democracy (see Republic vs. Democracy; also see conditions of admission of California to the union). Also, see the legislated notice from the People to the government written in the California Government Codes 11120 and 54950 quoted above. To deprive the People of their sovereignty it is first necessary to get the People to agree to submit to the authority of the entity they have created. That is done by getting them to claim they are citizens of that entity (see Const. for the U.S.A., XIV Amendment, for the definition of a citizen of the United States.) 14 C.J.S. 426, 430 The particular meaning of the word "citizen" is frequently dependent on the context in which it is found[25], and the word must always be taken in the sense which best harmonizes with the subject matter in which it is used[26]. One may be considered a citizen for some purposes and not a citizen for other purposes, as, for instance, for commercial purposes, and not for political purposes[27]. So, a person may be a citizen in the sense that as such he is entitled to the protection of his life, liberty, and property, even though he is not vested with the suffrage or other political rights[28].
[25] Cal.--Prowd v. Gore, 2 Dist. 207 P. 490. 57 C.A. 458. [26] Cal.--Prowd v. Gore. 2 Dist. 207 P. 490. 57 C.A. 458. La.--Lepenser v Griffin, 83 So. 839, 146 La. 584 N.Y.--Union Hotel Co. v. Hersee, 79 N.Y. 454 [27] U.S.--The Friendschaft, N.C., 16 U.S. 14, 3 Wheat. 14, 4 L.Ed. 322 --Murray v. The Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. 64, 2 Cranch 64, 2 L.Ed. 208 Md.--Risewick v. Davis, 19 Md. 82 Mass.--Judd v. Lawrence, 1 Cush 531 R.I.--Greeough v. Tiverton Police Com'rs, 74 A 785, 30 R.I. 212 [28] Mass.--Dillaway v. Burton, 153 N.E. 13, 256 Mass. 568

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

"The very meaning of 'sovereignty' is that the decree of the sovereign makes law." American Banana Co. v. United Fruit Co., 29 S.Ct. 511, 513, 213 U.S. 347, 53 L.Ed. 826, 19 Ann.Cas. 1047. "'Sovereignty' means that the decree of sovereign makes law, and foreign courts cannot condemn influences persuading sovereign to make the decree." Moscow Fire Ins. Co. of Moscow, Russia v. Bank of New York & Trust Co., 294 N.Y.S. 648, 662, 161 Misc. 903. The Constitution emanated from the people and was not the act of sovereign and independent States.*1 The preamble contemplates the body of electors composing the states, the terms "people" and "citizens" being synonymous.*2 *1 McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat. 316 [1819]. See also Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 419, 470 [1793]; Penhallow v. Doane, 3 Dall. 54, 93 [1795]; Martin v. Hunter, 1 Wheat. 304, 324 [1816]; Barron v. Baltimore, 7 Pet. 247 [1833]. *2 Scott v. Sandford, 19 How 393, 404 [1857]. The words "sovereign state" are cabalistic words, not understood by the disciple of liberty, who has been instructed in our constitutional schools. It is our appropriate phrase when aplied to an absolute despotism. The idea of sovereign power in the government of a republic is incompatible with the existence and foundation of civil liberty and the rights of property. Gaines v. Buford, 31 Ky. (1 Dana) 481, 501. Government: Republican Government. One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 626 Democracy. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 388 Bond v. U.S. SCOTUS recognizes personal sovereignty, June 16, 2011 CONCLUSION We the People created government and its instruments to protect the unalienable rights of We the People. Agents of the criminalist foreign corrupt monopolistic money power long ago bought off the leadership of this country and usurped OUR Government and the rule of law for their own nefarious aims. For the intention of creating a one world slave planet that they control. A global police state. The usurpers unlawfully used the Peoples offices (and our energy) to create a de facto (by fact or force) government usurping the authority of the Sovereign People, effectively overthrowing the
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

de jure Government of The United States of America (dejure - by law of law) which was an unbreakable Trust between We the People and Government. Today we now have a corporation masquerading as the lawful authority for The United States of America. Let us be clear, honorable, lawful governments do not engage in crimes against humanity in the form Genocide! This corporation today is nothing but an administrative agency of a foreign money power, a criminal cabal that has enslaved the entire planet through endless war and a fiat money system that they control. They have turned sovereign nations in to plantations and play a game with each of them much like the game Monopoly. They play the game much in the same manner as a player of the board game, with an eye to gathering all the assets and controlling the board. The cabal has set up a One World Government and is now attempting to establish a One World Slave Planet. To bring this about the players have decided they need to delete 90% of the worlds population! New leadership that enters the defacto corporate system for the most part is either to corrupt or too scared to do the right thing for this nation and its people bar very few exceptions. The last brave man in a leadership position to fully expose the Cabal was Congressman James Trafficant Jr.. From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17,
1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:
"...It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States... Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) Hypothecated all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a beneficiary of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their subjects, the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit money substitute it needed.

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didnt have any assets, they assigned the private property of their economic slaves, the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another." In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement. The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world. It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world. Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

Therefore: The United States Exists in Two Forms

1. The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority. 2. The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and its territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law. The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.

The Federal Reserve is essentially the ruler of the de-facto government today. It is owned by a coterie of private bankers - and they aren't even American! Here is a list of the ten primary stockholders in the Federal Reserve System:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rothschilds of London Rothschilds of Berlin Lazard Brothers of Paris Israel Seiff, who resides in Italy Kuhn, Loeb and Company of Germany (their US branch financed Lenin and Trotsky in their seizure of power for the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917) Warburgs of Amsterdam Warburgs of Hamburg Lehman Brothers of New York (now they've gone bankrupt their shares will probably be taken up by Goldman Sachs or the Rockefellers - see below)

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

9. Goldman Sachs of New York 10. Rockefellers of New York


If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. - Thomas Jefferson
Since the Founding fathers were fully aware of such frauds by the Money Powers they made sure that if our servants adhered to the law then such usurpations could never happen. If they ever occurred that provided safeguards for We the People to be fully empowered by the same organic laws to stop usurpations, take out the trash and take back OUR government. Now, these acts of treason perpetuated on the American People Beyond the organic laws and beyond the authority delegated to Public our servants by We the people.

Further Government cannot Harass or harm the people without consequence. Dumping Biological and chemical weapons on the people falls under the category of Harass and harming us! All are liable for their crimes. See - Hafer v. Mel, Title 18, United States Code, sec. 241.
Supreme Court decision: [Hafer v. Melo, 90 681 U. S. (1991)], that held under title 42, United States Code, sec. 1983 suits every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any state subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured. Also note Title 18, United States Code, sec. 242; is for federal citizens under federal jurisdiction (Servicemen being harmed under the same crimes). This section is not applicable to People who are sovereign, under jurisdiction of common law. Of course, We The People can prove that Agents and assigns of the Foreign Monopolistic Money Powers have committed Heinous crimes against the people and they are of course individually and severally are liable to the people for their crimes (no victim no crime ergo no penalty).. All these acts detailed above are perpetuated in fraud & Treason meaning, they are unlawful. This is what the law says about Fraud:

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

The centuries old legal principal, Fraus omnia vitiate, Fraud vitiates everything. The US Supreme Court has ruled in 3 separate cases to uphold the common law maxim: Fraud Vitiates Everything. Those cases are:
Nudd v. Burrows, 91 US 426 (1875), Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters Boyces Executors v. Grundy, 3 Pet. (28 US) 210 (1830), Fraud vitiates everything [14 15 United States v. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, 70 (1878) Fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents and even judgments

For those servants of the People who think this legal maxim does not apply to the US, here are some more recent citations from around the US and the world:
Ellett v Ellett Virginia 0824-00-2 (March 13, 2001) where a property settlement is over turn and specifically cites Throckmorton. [] Dakota Partners v. Glopak, Inc, 2001 ND 168 North Dakota Supreme Court]. In Re Jose Alejandro Penafiel, Relator, No. 05-0213 Texas Supreme Court (2001) "Texas law holds that fraud vitiates every transaction tainted by the fraud" [ Page Lazarus Estates Ltd -v- Beasley [1956] 1 QB 702 from the UK: 24].[ I cannot accede to this argument for a moment. No court in this land will allow a person to keep an advantage which he has obtained by fraud. No judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything. The court is careful not to find fraud unless it is distinctly pleaded and proved; but ones it is proved it vitiates judgments, contracts and all transactions whatsoever; see as to deeds....... So, here, I am of opinion that if this declaration is proved to have been false and fraudulent, it is a nullity and void......" ( Denning LJ) ]

We the People therefore conclude that all servants of the people, serviceman and military officers duty is FIRST to the United States of America and not to enemys foreign or domestic. Further, it would be a violation of an Oath of office and the Law to obey an order that violates the intent of the constitution. Remember those the law of this nation comes from We the Sovereign People of America and not some mindless actor occupying one of the Peoples Offices working for a foreign cabal of mad men. Do you remember your oath:
1. Although the enlisted oath remained unchanged until 1950, the officer oath has undergone substantial minor modification since 1789. A change in about 1830 read: "I, _____, appointed a _____ in the Army of the United States, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies or opposers whatsoever The Oath does not say bear true allegiance to the Rothschilds of London, Rothschilds of Berlin, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Israel Seiff, who resides in Italy, Kuhn, Loeb and Company of Germany (their US branch financed Lenin and Trotsky in their seizure of power for the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1917), Warburgs of Amsterdam, Warburgs of Hamburg, Lehman Brothers of New York (now they've gone bankrupt their shares will probably be taken up by Goldman Sachs or the Rockefellers), Goldman Sachs of New York, Rockefellers of New York, Vatican, IMF, UN, QEII or other imposters! Allegiance to The United States of America! That means standing by the Organic Constitution! Not a counterfeit de facto corporation created by fraud & Treason and attempting to delete the People before they wake up and realize the fraud that has been perpetuated on them these past 150+ years!

Govern yourselves accordingly!

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Long live the Republic for the United States of America and the 50 Free States.
NOTE: Calls for Impeachment of President Obama calls by Congress and Senate have already been made.

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." - Samuel Adams (Founding father and signer of Declaration of Independence) "The only thing necessary forevil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle fighter aircraft of the 4th Fighter Wing perform an "Elephant Walk" as they taxi down the runway during a Turkey Shoot training mission on Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., April 16, 2012. The wing generated nearly 70 aircraft to destroy more than 1,000 targets on bombing ranges across the state to commemorate the 4th's victory over the Luftwaffe April 16, 1945. The aircrews are assigned to the 4th Fighter Wing's 333rd, 334th, 335th, and 336th Fighter Squadrons. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Elizabeth Rissmiller). Meanwhile back in America, enemys of the People drop nano Biological and Chemical weaponized pollutants on USAF families from 40,000 feet across the entire American Continent including North America, South America and Europe!

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

The Company of Howard Hughes Climate Change Fight Old Govt Documentation On Geoengineering *
Wise Up Journal =- 13.04.2010 By Gabriel OHara We are so familiar with nonsensical trivia that fills so many news mediums these days that the following information might appear the same but its quite the opposite. It will soon become apparent, from authorised sources, how important it is. To give the subject proper consideration well need to look at a number of these sources including an important government funded report, an article published by the New York Times (wrote by Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour M. Hersh reminding us of some old facts), and some other government sources. Howard Hughes Companys Climate Change Fight The text below is taken directly from the United States Government Patent site. The restricted for government only domain, .gov, can be seen in the sites address. It shows a technology with patent number 5003186 by Hughes Aircraft Company filed in 1990 with relating technology filed in 1965. Keep in mind that the U.S. government funded a large 1992 report titled Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base (which can be can be read from the archive of the National Academies Press) discussed this technology on a global scale and expressed, quote: the surprises of this analysis is the relatively low costs. Well read some more detailed extracts from this report momentarily and see how current administrations support it but first the technology Hughes Company developed decades ago: tm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=5003186.PN.&OS=PN/5003186&RS=PN/5003186 United States Patent 5,003,186

Hughes Aircraft Company Filed: April 23, 1990 U.S. Patent Documents 3222675 December 1965 Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming This invention relates to a method for the reduction of global warming resulting from the greenhouse effect, and in particular to a method which involves the seeding of the earths stratosphere with Welsbach-like materials.
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

Most current approaches to reduce global warming are to restrict the release of various greenhouse gases, such as CO.sub.2, CFC, and methane. These imply the need to establish new regulations and the need to monitor various gases and to enforce the regulations. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude. While this method would increase the reflection of visible light incident from space, the metallic particles would trap the long wavelength blackbody radiation released from the earth. This could result in net increase in global warming. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a method for reduction of global warming due to the greenhouse effect which permits heat to escape through the atmosphere. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose. The greenhouse gases layer typically extends between about seven and thirteen kilometers above the earths surface. The seeding of the stratosphere occurs within this layer. The particles suspended in the stratosphere Welsbach materials have the characteristic of wavelength-dependent emissivity (or reflectivity). For example, thorium oxide (ThO.sub.2) has high emissivities in the visible and far IR regions but it has low emissivity in the near IR region. It is presently believed that particle sizes in the ten to one hundred micron range would be suitable for the seeding purposes. Larger particles would tend to settle to the earth more quickly. The greenhouse gases are typically in the earths stratosphere at an altitude of seven to thirteen kilometers. This suggests that the particle seeding should be done at an altitude on the order of 10 kilometers. The particles may be seeded by dispersal from seeding aircraft; one exemplary technique may be via the jet fuel as suggested by prior work regarding the metallic particles. The National Academy of Sciences (who have a U.S. Congress Charter) organised the creation of the report (Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base) and on page VIII of the Front Matter it states that the project was funded by the government (the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and got other funding from a consortium of private foundations, including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation . The project had a massive amount of people involved and United Nations man Maurice Strong was there at the conception phase as stated on page III. These introductory pages show what specialists, from private and government bodies, were involved with tunnel knowledge in the fields of Chemistry, Law, the Air Force, Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Genetics, Atmospheric Physics, and Economics to name a few. Professors were brought in from the most upper-class colleges in the United States such as Harvard, Yale, Carnegie, Berkeley, MIT (who constantly work with the
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

United States Department of Defense), the Rockefeller University and so on. General Motors acquired Hughes Aircraft Company plus its technology and their Vice President of their research laboratories, Robert Frosch, took part along with Joseph Glas the Director Vice President and General Manager of the Fluoro-chemicals division at Du Pont (the worlds second largest chemical corporation that also works with the military). There are many other notables including John McLucas, the former United States Secretary of the Air Force On page 59 of the report Hughes patented way is listed among other options: Use aircraft to maintain a cloud of dust in the low stratosphere to reflect sunlight. Page 59 it also states: Geoengineering options appear technically feasible in terms of cooling effects and costs on the basis of currently available preliminary information. On page 460 they express their delight at such low costs, which Im sure the military (who dont mind spending billions on a single plane) would also share. It said: Perhaps one of the surprises of this analysis is the relatively low costs at which some of the geoengineering options might be implemented. Back on page 454 of the 1992 global geoengineering report they go into the costs of chemtrailing with Hughes type technology: If a dust distribution mission requires the equivalent of a 500-mile flight (about 1.5 hours), the delivery cost for dust is $500/t, and ignoring the difference between English and metric tons, a cost of $0.50/kg of dust. If 1010 kg must be delivered each 83 days, (provided dust falls out at the same rate as soot), 5 times more than the 1987 total ton-miles will be required. The question of whether dedicated aircraft could fly longer distances at the same effective rate should be investigated. On page 459 the conflict of interest so called experts recommended going ahead with geoengineering as soon as possible and that the governments of the world can simply reduce as much CO2 as they care to pay for: Cloud stimulation by provision of cloud condensation nuclei appears to be a feasible and lowcost option capable of being used to mitigate any quantity of CO2 equivalent per year These possibilities appear feasible, economical, and capable of mitigating the effect of as much CO2 equivalent per year as we care to pay for. (Lifting dust, or soot, to the tropopause or the low stratosphere with aircraft may be limited, at low cost, to the mitigation of 8 to 80 Gt CO2 equivalent per year.) Such systems could probably be put into full effect within a year or two of a decision to do so, and mitigation effects would begin immediately. Because dust falls out naturally, if the delivery of dust were stopped, mitigation effects would cease within about 6
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

months for dust (or soot) delivered to the tropopause and within a couple of years for dust delivered to the midstratosphere. The report by hand picked experts and highly respected influential players ends up supporting this option as the most cost effective; good news for GM. Its important to note that this technology is just a slight upgrade to old geoengineering technology we forgot about or were not reminded about. The following two 1970s articles are from the New York Times archive (which you can search for yourself on their site): New York Times By LINDA CHARLTON July 12, 1973, Thursday Senate Urges U.S. to Seek End To All Environmental Warfare; Rainfall Pattern Altered Growing Support Noted The Senate gave overwhelming approval today to a resolution calling on the United States to take the lead in seeking an international agreement to prohibit environmental warfare such as past American rainmaking practices in Southeast Asia. The second article was written by the famous Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour M. Hersh: New York Times By SEYMOUR M. HERSH May 19, 1974, Sunday U. S. Admits Rain-Making From 67 to 72 in Indochina; A First in Warfare WASHINGTON, May 18 The Defense Department has acknowledged to Congress that the Air Force and Navy participated in extensive rain-making operations in Southeast Asia from 1967 to 1972 in an attempt to slow the movement of North Vietnamese troops and supplies through the Ho Chi Minh Trail network. There you have government admitting they can change the climate decades ago. That international treaty was wrote up and ratified from 1977. Its titledCONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUESand it can be viewed on the Federation of American Scientists site here and on the Carnegie Endowment site here. This technology is obsolete yet remarkably most of us would think its a technology yet to be developed. Amazing how much we are not reminded of or not told about. Everyday we get from media that its normal for horrible things happen to countries predominantly made up of brown or black people and we dont bat an eyelid even if the pain is inflicted from a Western nation. But the question is; does unaccountable national security
This notice is issued under the authority of the First Amendment. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. RE EDUCATE: - -

branches of governance have the same mindset when it comes to us, the peak of democratic civilised society (The UK, USA, France, Canada and so on)? Fortunately there is an answer to that question? As briefly mentioned by the third largest newspaper in the UK: The Guardian 21.04.2002 A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britains biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979. Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told. The tests, carried out by government scientists at Porton Down The report reveals that military personnel were briefed to tell any inquisitive inquirer the trials were part of research projects into weather and air pollution. One chapter of the report, The Fluorescent Particle Trials, reveals how between 1955 and 1963 planes flew from north-east England to the tip of Cornwall along the south and west coasts, dropping huge amounts of zinc cadmium sulphide on the population. The chemical drifted miles inland, its fluorescence allowing the spread to be monitored. cadmium is recognised as a cause of lung cancerand during the Second World War was considered by the Allies as a chemical weapon. In another chapter, Large Area Coverage Trials, the MoD describes how between 1961 and 1968 more than a million people along the south coast of England, from Torquay to the New Forest, were exposed to bacteria including e.coli and bacillus globigii , which mimics anthrax. These releases came from a military ship, The report also reveals details of the DICE trials in south Dorset between 1971 and 1975. These involved US and UK military scientists spraying into the air massive quantities of serratia marcescens bacteria, with an anthrax simulant and phenol. some families in areas which bore the brunt of the secret tests are convinced the experiments have led to their children suffering birth defects, physical handicaps and learning difficulties. The report also confirms the use of anthrax and other deadly germs on tests aboard ships in the Caribbean and off the Scottish coast during the 1950s. The document states: Tacit approval for simulant trials where the public might be exposed was strongly influenced by defence security considerations aimed obviously at restricting public knowledge. Sue Ellison, spokeswoman for Porton Down, said: The results from these trials will save lives,

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Asked whether such tests are still being carried out, she said: It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research. The publicly unelected characters running national security branches of governance are unaccountable because most of what they do is classified (even to elected member of government) until they decide decades later to declassify some of what they did. When these planes were spraying millions of people obviously the corporate and state run media could not report on it because that is included in National Security laws and the individuals in the general population who noticed the very real spraying were obviously ignored by the major free press who are only free to tell us things of utter importance when given authorization which can be years later or never. Warring on Warming or Climate Changing Anything can be done to the public under National Security laws if the excuse is to help in the fight against this or that (especially if the excuse is to save the world ). UN chief Ban Ki-Moon in 2007 expressed, the danger posed by war to all of humanity and to our planet is at least matched by the climate crisis and global warming (reported by MSNBC); Nicolas Sarkozy, French President, recently used a B-class Hollywood movie line when he publicly proclaimed, Its a question of survival of the human race (reported by the Irish Times). The previous generation were terrified by the global scale cold-war and now their children have a hot war. Its no surprise a war contractor, Hughes Company, was involved right from the start to combat our climate. What are they doing today? When the best and brightest minds decided in the geoengineering report that such systems could probably be put into full effect within a year or two of a decision to do so, and mitigation effects would begin immediately, it was the go-ahead signal for the military that the government paid for. That paragraph can be used as the historical justification for the military to go into full effect with global geoengineering and under National Security laws they did not have to tell elected politicians or the public about it, never mind asking for their permission (that is how ever changing democracies are run). In a globaised world National Security branches works together especially with a perceived global threat. Despite the media blackout on current National Security operations there was one report from Germanys RTL. RTL News is owned by the RTL Group which is Europes largest TV, radio and production company. Below are extracts from that 2007 news report (the broadcast can be viewed here): Clouds up to 350 km long appear all of a sudden on the radar, but only on the meteorological radars . We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails [chemtrails] comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements. Military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.
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Military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate The registers report emissions of chemtrails at low altitudes In the following three weeks the instruments register other activities. Meanwhile the satellite imagery is clearly counterfeited by the military. [Johannes Remmel - German Politician] Its obvious that enormous regions are being polluted with clandestine actions. The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population. If militaries around the world were spraying the atmosphere constantly youd expect it to be detected, right? The Guardian article revealed that government sources in the know were told to lie to the public about spraying the skies so naturally wed expect to find the new massive changes to the skies explained away as normal by official sources with either a good cover story or a poor one. Unfortunately for our health there is such excuses. NASA who has been monitoring the atmosphere for decades with billion-dollar technology instructed us in early 2007 that an enormous 60% of part of the worlds atmosphere that was clear before is now not anymore and its normal. Here is the press release from NASA dot GOV: NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., document for the first time that air around clouds that was previously considered clear is actually filled with particles that are neither cloud droplets nor typical dry aerosols such as dust and air pollution. Worldwide, up to 60 percent of the atmosphere labeled as cloud-free in satellite observations is actually filled with this twilight zone of in-between particles Inconveniently or conveniently the photographs on that page are malfunctioning and not appearing. One of the text captions underneath a missing photos states the clouds in this sky actually has a twilight zone of light-reflecting particles around it . Light-reflecting particles: remember the government report on geoengineering said, use aircraft to maintain a cloud of dust in the low stratosphere to reflect sunlight , and the Hughes technology uses tiny particles of Welsbach materials to reflect light. In 2009 a British Royal society declared a new widespread cloud suddenly exists and of course they said its normal. All clouds were fully categorised since 1953, by the way. The UKs largest newspaper the Telegraph reported the following: Telegraph 30.05.2009 By Richard Gray

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Experts at the Royal Meteorological Society are now attempting to have the new cloud type, which has been named Asperatus after the Latin word for rough, officially added to the international nomenclature scheme used by forecasters to identify clouds. the unique formation has been spotted in skies around the world. Well if you believe that and are that easy to turnover then you would have made a great citizen if you lived in Norwich or other parts of the UK during the 1950s, 1960, 1970s (those who would not believe their own lying eyes). There are other people, who are specialised in one area, that may not know what is going on and they become perplexed: MSNBC June 29, 2007 It is clear that these clouds are changing, a sign that a part of our atmosphere is changing and we do not understand how, why or what it means, said atmospheric scientists James Russell III of Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. These observations suggest a connection with global change in the lower atmosphere and could represent an early warning that our Earth environment is being changed. The military is changing the climate and we are getting the blame. These long trails have been spotted in the skies around the world because it occurs more over cities. Like the British government before they prefer to spay over populated areas. There are millions of websites (some good some bad) documenting the daily photographs of the skies lined with chemtrails like the ones reported in Germany. This equates to millions of people worldwide being aware of what is going on, however billions are unaware. People who go to the major corporate or governmentmanaged media are ignored like people in the UK decades past. If someone is lucky enough to get a reply from the media it might inform him that the spraying they recorded coming out of a plane is actually the assuredly new normal Asperatus cloud. What is the mindset behind such schemes endorsed by the top? The elected government are kept in the dark like the rest of us; so who influences the real government (the unelected more powerful branches)? Its definitely not people without lofty respect (old money and lots of it). Another group of high-up and respected experts in a variety of scientific, business and political fields were brought together to prepare long term plans. Theyre reports are not confidential; anyone who wants to bore themselves can purchase them on Amazon. These experts penned their organisation with the supposedly impressive name of The Club of Rome. Their 1991 report titled The First Global Revolution ( ISBN 0-671-71107-5) has a few revealing paragraphs among all the bureaucratic discourse. In the chapter titled The Vacuum (which is defined the illusion of democracy as being too slow and needs to be replaced by fast business type governance structures operating at the international level) it stated:
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It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act [] The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Then a short number of paragraphs later the report states: in searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself. This organisation with highly influential members had their imaginings accepted years later by billions of people (who may not have realised it yet that they are the invented enemy) thanks to a politicians movie that was shown in cinemas worldwide but mainly the media. The French President also repeated the intention of this paragraph when he said, There is one objective: to encourage homes and businesses to change their behaviour (reported by the Irish Times). Green politics has truly been a global revolution not from the pressure of grassroots/bottom movements in the 21 st century as presented, but from the very top in the 20 th century. The U.S. governments important geoengineering report also targets people as the problem. On page 420 it states: the concomitant reduction in fertility rates could help to hold down overall greenhouse gas emissions at a relatively inexpensive cost per ton of CO2. On page 421 the report states: The National Research Council (1986) report noted that reducing fertility would produce at every subsequent point slower population growth and smaller population size. Both World Bank and U.N. population projections show that the sooner fertility rates are reduced, the smaller the world population will be at stabilization. at any given rate of greenhouse gas emissions per capita, a smaller population will mean less total emissions The report also complains that the U.S. mindset has hindered an in-the-open national population policy. China has one of those. It seems the people in the know are gently preparing the public to accept what is going on as a good idea before they directly admit they were so wise as to do it beforehand using National Security laws. We can see this when Obamas top science director puts out press statements like the following (reported by the Associated Press):

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John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the suns rays. Fox News produced an article on John Holdren that did not get much attention. They tell you about Holdrens book of recommendations but then in mainstream media and typical damagecontrol fashion they include information with the goal of creating doubt that Holdren did not mean what he co-wrote. Here are some facts from that article not the opinions: Fox News July 21, 2009 He co-authored in 1977, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, Holdren and his co-authors spend a portion of the book discussing possible government programs that could be used to lower birth rates. Those plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile. Fortunately there are a small number of people with extremist views like Holdren, unfortunately they can be found in high positions in society like one of Gordon Browns top advisors who longs for the UK population of 61 million to be cut by 30 million people as reported by the Times. Youll find an almost endless list of people at the top who believe this. And some like Senator Rockefeller utterly adore John Holdren. CNSN News has a video in this article where you can see Senator Rockefeller at a Congressional Hearing say, Dr. Holdren, I dont want to embarrass you, but I sometimes refer to you as walking on water. People like Holdren and Holdren himself have taught young men and women (future misleaders and experts) at top universities including Harvard, where he was a professor; so is it any wonder that minds shaped in this way support geoengineering. The particles mentioned in Hughes patent are not the best things to inhale. Aluminium oxide causes Alzheimer symptoms in human brains and thorium oxide is radioactive (it has been used as a nuclear fuel). Its interesting to note that there are reports of rainwater tested (after the sky was filled with chemtrails) and laboratory results showed the presence of Barium. Thorium oxide has been replaced in x-ray machines with Barium as its a little less toxic. When this stuff settles down to the earth and inhaled by us its not going to be great for the health. It wont damage you immediately of course, humans are relatively sturdy. Daily intake and the built up of microns of poisonous materials will however gradual wear down strong biology. The public are kept in the dark and in that regard nothing has really changed for thousands of years. Maybe its time to reconsider the entire power structure of official authorities ruling over us and to stop giving approval to be managed.
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Related: Note: How to differentiate a chemtrail from a condensation trail To people unfamiliar with this subject it comes as a surprise that most people living in cities dont look up. If you live in a city all you need do is look up for a few minutes each day for a couple of days and youll spot the streaks in the sky and the odd plane spewing out chemtrails among commercial planes (that have ordinary contrails behind them). Sometimes the skies are absolutely saturated with trails criss-crossing each other miles long and the public dont notice a thing, even if they are told to look up. These chemtrails expand out forming large artificial clouds. If a number of chemtrails are sprayed the sky looks like a milky blanket. Normal condensation trails from ordinary planes are relatively short and evaporate soon afterwards as they are merely condensation not made up of chemicals or particles like the military planes sprayed in Germany and the UK. MP3: Alan Watt on RBN Radio - Chemical Spraying, Memory Fading * Old Technology Presented As Cutting Edge * Govt: Low Carbon Society Law Need For Ireland * Reuters: China Promotes Abortion To Reduce CO2 - People Are Enemy #1 * 1974 Time Magazine Article on Global Cooling and More * Global Weapon Concerns The EU And Environmentalists * Pachauri: the real story behind the Glaciergate scandal The Great Global Warming Swindle (film) * 74 Years Since Oct Snowfalls - Deprogramming Global Warming *

Global Warming Hidden Agenda Archive

Elite Depopulation Agenda Gains Ground* Global warming a hoax? Ireland - the only country to ban lightbulbs ENDGAME - Blueprint for Global Enslavement (Film) * Man-Made Global Warming Smashed in 3 minutes (video) * Judge rules Gores film an inconvenient catalogue of errors Meet the women who wont have babies - because theyre not eco friendly The BBCs myth-makers serve up a double helping of propaganda Climategate Bombshell: Did U.S. Govt Help Hide Climate Data?
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Victorias electricity smart meters here to stay Global climate change treaty in sight after Durban breakthrough Anger at aid to help Africa cope with climate change: As UK ministers hand over 330m Is the global warming scare the greatest delusion in history? The BBCs hidden warmist agenda is rapidly unravelling Australia passes carbon tax law Green air fares levy is just a tax grab admits Osborne In Scramble for Land, Group Says, Company Pushed Ugandans Out Nobel Prize Winner Resigns Over Stance on Global Warming Prince Charles warns of sixth extinction event THESE GREEN TAXES ARE THROTTLING THE BRITISH ECONOMY * Federal gestapo illegally raid Gibson Guitar factories * Climate change deniers will be despised just like racists one day, says Al Gore EU may propose plan to extend Kyoto Citis Top Economist Says The Water Market Will Soon Eclipse Oil Steve Jones tells the BBC: dont give denialists so much air-time Green agenda has parallels with communism UN security council to consider climate change peacekeeping Beckhams a bad example for families Australian kids are living in climate of fear Taxpayers to subsidise energy companies Merkel pushes for binding agreements at Berlin climate talks Europe Stifles Drivers in Favor of Alternatives The IPCC declares Greenpeace in our time Stop hiding green fuel tax, firms told Controlling the water supply is now at the forefront of the global political agenda * World Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel Coalition commits Britain to legally binding emission cuts EPA Whistleblower Criticizes Global Warming in Peer-Reviewed Study Lobbyists who cleared Climategate academics funded by taxpayers and the BBC Thermal Cameras Show Too Much? Doctors urged to take climate leadership role Save the planet by having fewer babies, says BBC presenter Brussels to propose 2.5 trillion overhaul of EU transport sector Connie Hedegaard wins battle for 25% carbon emissions cut Unscientific hype about the flooding risks from climate change will cost us all dear Australia unveils plans for a fixed carbon price My long crusade for common sense Boy Bagged For Taking Ziploc to School The great carbon trading scandal * Wartime posters to fight climate change Commission urges concrete progress on energy efficiency What we need in 2011 is an opposition Abu Dhabi using weather modification technology * Guardian article on overpopulation *
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The UK and EU pay Greens to lobby them, says report A look at Urbanisation in the future, the planned society Scientists call for rationing in developed world Chris Huhne says the world is within shouting distance of a climate change deal The climate change scare is dying, but do our MPs notice? The Royal Society policy on geoengineering Why you may soon need a warmists permission to eat India: Sterilisation in tribal-dominated districts Ireland: Environmental packs for schools issued Irelands EPA says the recession has helped to reduce carbon emissions China forces woman into abortion Go vegetarian, by order of Government food police US physics professor letter of resignation Surprise, Surprise Greens Want Euthanasia/Rational Suicide US women more likely to accept climate science than men, study finds Vice-chancellor involved in Climate-Gate will not prove the science after promising government The CDM delivers the greatest green scam of all Green taxes could treble by 2020, costing taxpayers more than 16billion a year Business facing a wave of green taxes 40 billionaires hide behind charity foundations to fund The Cause Desperate days for the warmists Brussels plans to test drivers on environmental friendliness The Prince of Wales accuses sceptics of peddling pseudo science British Princes New Global Unit Targets Food, Water, and Energy * Never mind the Climategate whitewash what about our new 50 billion annual climate bill? Climategate, Amazongate - when will the truth be told? The 84 per year green tax hidden on energy bills that most consumers do not know they are paying Daily Mail article lies about the causes of chemtrails Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions Maurice Strong wants Global Governance not a Global Government, there is a difference * France details plans for carbon inclusion mechanism Climate body chief defends use of grey literature Carbon tax is an expensive fraud Climategate: a scandal that wont go away The nine-bin nightmare: Families forced to follow green zealots new recycling diktats Want to save the planet? Eat less meat and dairy Dont let the voters know we face bankruptcy The Company of Howard Hughes Climate Change Fight - Old Govt Documentation On Geoengineering * EU Commission calls for financial tax and levies on carbon emissions Climate change is the new health and safety Gordon Brown calls for global climate fund WWF hopes to find $60 billion growing on trees Government rebuked over global warming nursery rhyme adverts
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A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC Govt: Low Carbon Society Law Need For Ireland * Fuel bills will pay for eco-upgrades Telegraph: Welcome to the New World Order * 60m bill for the CO2 of our political class 9m spent on climate change propaganda for attitude modification programmes British Council gets in on the climate act New errors in IPCC climate change report Climategate: confusion over the law in email case Global Weapon Concerns The EU And Environmentalists * Pachauri: the real story behind the Glaciergate scandal First there was Dolly, now prepare for Zero CO2 the burp-free sheep * It has a gigantic supercomputer, 1,500 staff and a 170m-a-year budget. So why does the Met Office get it so wrong? 2009 UN policy brief on how to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries * GPs should offer climate change advice to patients The questions Dr Pachauri still has to answer Gordon Brown calls for new group to police global environment issues U.N. chief weighs in on climate talk expectations What links the Copenhagen conference with the steelworks closing in Redcar? Copenhagen: a climate of flawed science, false consensus, political hypocrites and prostitutes What will the true cost of the green agenda be on Irish households? Wall Street Journal: Climategate: Follow the Money Can we manipulate the weather? The Great Global Warming Swindle (film) An in-depth look at the climate change situation * Church swaps faith for climate alarmism as scientists are found to manipulate global warming data * Does having children contribute to climate change? Despite attempts to downplay the Copenhagen Treaty, Obama admits it will have immediate operational effect * Threat of climate change should be treated like war say engineers Religion must evolve to lead us to ecological salvation Telegraph:Everyone in Britain could be given a personal carbon allowance Sacked green martyr wins right to sue firm after judge rules: Believing in global warming is the same as believing in God Mainstream media starting to report on weather modification, but pass it off as being normal Irish Independent promotes eugenics and depopulation again New EU-US energy council to be set up early November The real climate change catastrophe * Former World Bank chief economist compares eating meat to drink driving * Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow * Climate change ad aimed at children, tries to scare people into believing the Government backed fairytale The gravest of all problems: Be tougher on litter louts than muggers, says judge
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Smart meters could be spy in the home and new 1,000 pound bin fines Soros pushes the green political agenda, while green solutions mean no freedom * Guardian: Chinas weather modification works like magic * The toxic by-products of eco-politics U.N. climate meeting was propaganda: Czech president Sarkozy imposes carbon tax to save human race Times: Carbon footprint fines for employee-personal-emissions in use Carbon-rationing for everyone because of legally-binding targets to cut emissions * Media corporations culturing the mental ground of reproduction laws Your carbon footprints dust in the wind * Cloud ship scheme to deflect the suns rays is favourite to cut global warming Bill Gates has submitted a patent to control the weather Global cooling hits Al Gores home Obamas Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions Hysteria is the real threat, not global warming The True Face Of Global Warming * Times: G8 leaders agree to control the weather WSJ - Number of skeptics is swelling everywhere * The EPA Silences a EPA Climate Skeptic * Daily Mail: Expect public pennies squeezed for electricity and cheap independent farming phased out * BBC - Population In The East Of England Was Sprayed With Poisonous Compound * Obama Leads The Green Global Revolution With Major Shift In U.S. Policy CO2 tax on international air travel to fight the weather changing Mikhail Gorbachev calls for a Global Revolution * Telegraph: New type of cloud found - exactly what is causing them? The great carbon credit con: Why are we paying the Third World to poison its environment? * Telegraph: Global Warming survey team now safe from freezing Arctic - Arctic warmer in the 1940s * Every UK home will install remote controlled energy meters Times: Green lightbulbs poison people and the environment Telegraph: U.S. declares, CO2, a life giving gas to vegetation, a threat to public health * AP / Google News: Obama looks at spraying skies with particles because global warming is so dire Sir David Attenborough - reduce the number of people on Earth to protect wildlife Mandatory volunteerism service to produce new ideology for American youth * Times: UK population must be cut to 30m says Gordon Browns adviser * Never waste a good crisis - Hillary Clinton (video) * Sky News: Global Governance deal requires all continents and all countries to conform BBC, IPCC and NSIDC Caught Spinning Out of Control Global Warming Propaganda * 1974 Time Magazine Article on Global Cooling and More * Telegraph: Every Home To Be CO2 Audited And Loans Offered For New Low CO2 Appliances * Irish Minister Bans Global Warming Adverts
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Browns Adviser Plans To Ration Holiday Flights And Issue Personal Co2 Ration Cards Sky News: Council Energy Police * Meat to be removed from hospital menus as NHS tells patients to ring GPs to cut carbon emissions * EU to propose 150bn climate tax on rich nations UK homes visited by Govt to monitor waste and tell you what size food portions to eat * Govt stress from a 16,000 CO2 Bill Kills Woman Tyrannical litter bylaw nightmare for Dublin retailers and protesters * UK homeowners to lose control over appliances Telegraph: 2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved * Obama vows to end global warming denial after Gore talks UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims * Beware The Church Of Climate Alarm * International Green Court Backed By Lawyers And Prime Ministers * Reuters: China Promotes Abortion To Reduce CO2 - People Are Enemy #1 * 74 Years Since Oct Snowfalls - Deprogramming Global Warming * UN announces Green New Deal for transformation of world economies Great EU Move, If Health Dangers And Money Wasting Are The Goals - EU Ban * Carbon Tax Provisions Hidden In U.S. Bailout Bill Meat must be rationed to four portions a week, says report on climate change Fascist Ireland - 4,500 levy for removal of private cars from city centres urged report * Professor Takeda - Blame Global Warming On Humans To Prevent Up-and-coming Nations From Developing Carbon Footprint Food Labels - Unhealthy Food Is Greener * The Anti-Human Agenda * Irish Prime Minister Committed to United Nations Depopulation Agenda and Savors Irelands Dying Society * New Subjects In School Shake-Up: Credit Card Debt, Climate Change, Obesity, And Responsibilities As World Citizens * Sustainable Development A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing * Irish consumers escape Life-Giving-Gas Tax the second year in a row but may have to drive slowly Agenda 21 The UN Blueprint for the 21st Century * MSM raises insanity levels as it promotes insect farts as a major contributor to global warming The First Global Revolution - Green Agenda * BBC reports on Global Dimming - What is it? And what could be causing it? * New Controversial Car Parking CO2 Tax * British Kids Encouraged To Become Climate Cops Irish Independent Promotes Eugenics and Depopulation * Doctors: Limit families to two children to combat climate change Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate * Top Rocket Scientist: No Evidence CO2 Causes Global Warming Global Warming Conclusively Debunked As Gore Calls For CO2 Tax Greens are the enemies of liberty *
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G8 leaders UN pledge to create global poverty by enforcing the reduction of life giving gas (CO2) levels by 50% * Personal Carbon Credits Backed by MPs The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel Homer Simpson Is The Cause Of Global Warming / Climate Change ! Heart of the Global Famine * Reshaping the International Order - Part 5 - Population Control and a World Food Authority * Eugenics and Environmentalism: From quality control to quantity control * Ted Turner: World Needs a Voluntary One-Child Policy for the Next Hundred Years - Billion Eugenicist Confronted on Calls for 95% Population Reduction * Rockefellers urge action on climate change Reshaping the International Order - Part 4 - Reshaping Public Opinion and the White Coated Propagandists * REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN * World Bank Climate Profiteering * Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze * The Next Million Years - Part 5 - Over-Population and the Sanctity of Life Report: EU Must Build Military in Face of Climate Change * EU threatens sanctions on CO2 rebels Global Warming Hysteria Is Claimed Mankind at the Turning Point - Part 3 - A Planned World Economy Mankind at the Turning Point - Part 2 - Creating A One World Consciousness EU target on global warming to change Irish lifestyle EU plans to see our economy blown away Who Will Control Your Thermostat? Ireland forced by EU not to ban light bulbs until all members are told to Consensus Shattered As Major Scientific Study Says Global Warming Is Natural* Dimwits: Why green lightbulbs arent the answer to global warming Australia - lifelong child tax for CO2 emissions! TRIBUTE TO TED GUNDERSON FORMER HEAD, FBI Los Angeles, Memphis, Dallas & Whistleblower - poisoned with Arsenic for telling the truth. He exposed what he called Death Dumps, Smart Meters, JFKs assassination, Pedophiles, Ruby Ridge, WT Towers bombing #1 & planned demolition #2 and other crimes by the criminal cabal.

Ted talks about his credentials and exposes 911: RRaezLTU2a0&feature=related

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