Dark Heresy Alien Races

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Dark Heresy alien Races

Characteristic Generation
Characteristic Base Kroot Eldar Ork

Weapon Skill Ballistic skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds

2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 2d10+ 1d5+

25 15 25 20 20 20 20 20 15 8

25 25 15 15 25 20 25 20 20 6

25 10 20 25 20 15 20 20 10 8

Kroot Mercenary
Starting Skills:), Carouse (T), Survival (Int) or
Tracking (Int), (Speak Language Tribal, Low Gothic) Starting Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Primitive), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive). Starting Gear: Kroot Riffle (Basic; S/2/-; 90m; 1d10+3 E; Pen 2; Clip 8; 2 Full; Primitive, Unreliable; Wt. 7kg) and 16 Charged Rounds, Knife, Quilted Vest or 5 Knarloc Quills (Toxic Throwing Knives), 1d5 Charms, Backpack. Kroot Riffle Comes with a built in Spear. Starting Rank: Kindred

enemy they may have one of the following effects: -They gain 1d5+TB lost wounds back or heal 1 critical damage. -Gain +10 to any Characteristic for 1d10 rounds. -Gain +10 to all tests for 1d5 rounds. -Lose 1d5 Fatigue. -Gain 1d10xIB experience. Primitive: Though star faring, the Kroot are and have always been feral beings; sticking to tradition and primitive close combat weaponry as oppose to evolving their technology along with those that found them, the Tau. It is for this reason that the creatures are inadaptable with everyday society. But unlike Imperial feral worlders, theirs is a choice. Drawback: You take a -10 Penalty to Tech-use (Int) Tests and a -10 penalty to Fellowship tests in formal or civilized surroundings.

Eldar Corsair
Starting Skills: Dodge (Ag) or Awareness (Per),
Literacy (Int), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic, Eldar), Forbidden Lore (Xenos). Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Exotic Weapons Training (Splinter), Sprint. Starting Gear: Mono-Sword or Splinter Riffle (Basic; S/3/6; 180m; 1d10+2 R; Pen 2; Clip 60; 2 Full; Accurate, Toxic; Wt. 2 Kg) with 2 Cartridges, Mono-Knife or Splinter Pistol (Pistol; S/-/-; 30m; 1d10 R; Pen 2; Clip 15; Full; Toxic; Wt. 1.5) with 2 Cartridges, Injector, 1 Dose of Spook or 3 Doses of Slaught, Xenon Mesh (Arms 4, Body 4, Legs 4), Kabalite Tabard (Good Quality Clothing). Starting Rank: Darkling

Starting Traits: Jungle Fighter: The Kroot come from

the feral, tropical world Pech. A lush, tree filled jungle world that is far from Hospitable. Benefit: Kroot gain +10 to any tests made in feral, jungle or other natural environments. Carrion Eater: This race is infamous for their barbaric habit of eating the carcass of their fallen enemies. This habit is lengthy and annoying for the Kroots allies. However the effects of the Kroot doing this a very visible, for his allies will see him gain the strength and speed of his slain enemy. Benefit: If the Kroot passes an Survival test followed by a passed Carouse test and spends 10 minutes to eat the carcass of the

Starting Traits: Fueled By Pain: The Dark Eldar are

sick individuals, relishing in pain and feeling it as though it were the ripest of ecstasies. They often commit themselves to dark, sadistic rituals of pleasure and pain that no mortal man could survive. It is this high resistance to pain

that makes them more dangerous adversaries wounded then at full health. Benefit: Eldar Corsairs always counted as lightly wounded for the purposes of healing. In addition, whenever they drop to half their starting wounds, they become Frenzied until healed. Darkling: The Eldar Corsairs, though spending their lives mostly on their races starships, most are born on or born from parents that are from Night Worlds. Night Worlds are horrid death worlds that are permanently shrouded in night. Their

inhabitants have either grown blind or have the ability to see at night as clear as it were day. Benefit: Eldar Corsairs gain the Dark Sight trait. With Haste: Eldar are amongst the most quick and agile of bipedal creatures. Their lanky figures and gaunt body structure make them weak, but capable of sprinting long distances without the slightest pause for breath. Benefit: Eldar Corsairs start with the Unnatural Agility (x2) trait.

Fate Points Eldar Kroot

1-4 1 1

5-8 2 2

9-10 2 3

Wealth Eldar Kroot

Starting Income Increase 120+3d10 50 Scum 20+1d10 50 Scum

Roll 01-30 31-50 51-70 71-90 91-00 -KrootSkin Quills Black White Reddish Grey Khaki Green Stained (Any) Brown Albino Black Eyes Gold Green Grey Baby Blue Dark Red Skin Porcelain Fair Bluish Grey Sickly -EldarHair Fire Red Dyed (Any) Auburn Copper Black Eyes White Grey Fully Black Violet Gold

Roll 01-50 051-80 81-00 Kroot Kipling (15+1d10) Warrior (30+1d10) Elder (45+1d10) Eldar Youngling (100x1d10) Adult (200x2d10) Sage(500x3d10)

Roll 01-20 21-50 51-80 81-90 91-00 -KrootDescription Muscular Broad Thin Gaunt Shaper Born Male 2m/95kg 1.90m/85kg 2.25m/80kg 2.20m/70kg 2.50/100kg Description Spindly Svelte Lanky Stunted Stocky -EldarMale 2.50m/45kg 2.35m/65kg 2.10m/70kg 1.75m/55kg 2m/85kg Female 2.35m/35kg 2.10m/50kg 2m/55kg 1.60m/45kg 1.90m/75kg

Kindred XP Level: 0-499

Kroot Mercenary
They are fierce indeed these Kroot, and savage. I look upon them and tremble at their ferocity. I can only hope that when the enemy sees them they tremble as I do. -Porvre Tau Cho, Water caste. From the beginning, Kroot are raised in trials by fire. The Kroot Carnivore race was first discovered by the intellectual Tau Empire. They were one of the few races to not resist the Taus greater good methodology. Though no resistance was made, they Kroot were far from assimilated. The Kroot race are warriors and warriors only. Their children are raised as hunters, their hunters raised as Warriors and it is from this path that a Kroot may choose its path. A Kroot has the choice to return home, aid its kin, or do battle among the stars. Though, hundreds flock home to learn medicine and other trades, it is the Grand Fighters that make up the fighting ranks of the Kroot. The Kroot themselves are mercenaries. They care not for personal prejudices or glorious battles, and fight for others only with the promise of a glorious paycheck at the end of the day. It is this mentality that has forced them to do operations with the Eldar, Orks, Imperium and even dark forces of Chaos behind the extremely prejudice iron fist of the Tau Empire or risk their own annihilation. Their primary defense is their body structure. Formed of hard quills that absorb impact and form strength stronger than muscle, their bodies form a terrifying visage that can not only intimidate their weaker opponents into submission, but slaughter the stronger one in combat. In addition, the Kroot have an empty gene structure that, upon eating their fallen enemies, bonds with their enemys compete

double helix, allowing them to immediately evolve. Huntsman

XP Level: 500-999

Slayer XP Level: 1,000-1,999

Warrior XP Level: 2,000-2,999 Guerilla Jungle-Fighter XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Sage XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Grand Hunter XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Shaman XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Grand Slayer XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Shaper XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Kroot Characteristic Advances Characteristic Simple Weapon Skill 100 Balistic Skill 500 Strength 100 Toughness 250 Agility 250 Intelligence 500 Perception 100 Willpower 250 Fellowship 250

Intermediate 250 750 250 500 500 750 250 500 500

Trained 500 1,000 500 750 750 1,000 500 750 750 Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 Type S S S S T T S T T T

Expert 750 2,500 750 1,000 1,000 2,500 750 1,000 1,000 Prerequisites

Kindred Advances
Kindred are hardly fighters. They are more or less drafted to fight under extreme circumstance. This is the first step on their trial by fire.

Advance Survival Tracking Speak Language (Low Gothic) Forbbiden Lore (Xenos) Resistance (Heat) Pistol Training (SP) Carouse +10 Decadence Basic Weapon Training (SP) Sound Constitiution

Carouse T 30

Huntsman Advances
The Huntsman are the hunters and gatherers of the Kroot tribes. As the Kroot grows older, the beasts he hunts grow in size and ferocity.
This symbol indicates you may take the specified talent three times.

Advance Awareness Acrobatics Climb Dodge Heightened Sense (Smell) Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive) Sound Constitution Inquiry Tracking +10 Trade (Tanner) Catfall Disturbing Voice Light Sleeper Pistol Weapon Training (Las)

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Type S S S S T T T T S S S T T T T


Tracking Ag 30 Per 30

Slayer Advances
Slayers, or guardians as some Kroot reference them, are in the third stage of their trail. They no longer hunt creatures for food, but the most dangerous beasts their homeworld has to offer.
This symbol indicates you may take the specified talent two times.

Advance Awareness +10 Concealment Dodge +10 Intimidate Navigation (Surface) Silent Move Wrangling Crippling Strike Resistance (Fear) Sound Constitution Gamble Survival +10 Ambidexterous Basic Weapon Training (Las) Die Hard Frenzy Melee Weapon Training (Chain) Swift Attack

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200

Type S S S S S S S T T T S S T T T T T T

Prerequisites Awareness Dodge

WS 50

Survival Ag 30 WP 40

WS 35

Warrior Advances
The Kroot has finally entered the last stage of his trial by fire: combat. They must survive this harsh period as a lowly soldier to move on and return home or fight as a guerrila.

Advance Acrobatics +10 Ciphers (War Cant) Climb +10 Common Lore (War) Disarm Double Team Two-Weapon Weilder (Melee) Quick Draw Common Lore (Imperium) Dodge +20 Interrogation Assassin Strike Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) Pistol Weapon Training (Bolt)

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200

Type S S S S T T T T S S S T T T

Prerequisites Acrobatics Climb Ag 30 WS 35 and Ag 35

Dodge +10 Ag 40, Acrobatic

Guerrilla Jungle-Fighter Advances

Jungle-fighters are the most skilled and feared of all the Kroot standing infantry. Only the disabled and the unworthy pass up the honor of fighting as one of these powerful hunters in the dark and turn down the chance of becoming a Shaper.

Advance Carouse +20 Concealment +10 Intimidate +10 Navigation (suface) +10 Silent Move +10 Combat Master Duel Strike Hardy Jaded Awareness +20 Command Shadowing Swim Counter Attack Fearless Heightend Sense (Sight) Rapid Reaction Unshakeable Faith Berserk Charge Lightening Reflexes Advance Barter Charm Chem-use Literacy Medicae Scolastic Lore (Legend) Foresight Meditation Peer (Feral Worlders) Evaluate Inquiry +10 Search Minor Psychic Power Forbidden Lore (Psykers) Forbideen Lore (Warp) Forbedden Lore (Inquisision) Psy Rating 1

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 3800 300 300 300

Type S S S S S T T T T S S S S T T T T T T T Type S S S S S S T T T S S S T S S S T

Prerequisites Carouse +10 Concealment Intimidate Navigation (Surface) Silent Move WS 30 Ag 40, Two- Weapon Wielder T 40 WP 40 Awareness +10

WS 40

Ag 40


Sage Advances
These souls have returned to their homeworld after their time in combat to study the universe.
This symbol indicates you may take the specified talent two times.

Int 30 Fel 30 Inquiry

Advance Barter +10

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400

Type S S S S S S S S S T T T T T S S S T T T T T T T S S S S S S S T T

Prerequisites Barter Charm Chem-Use Medicae

Shaman Advances
Shamans are rare and bizzare beings. Theyre self aware nature is very much different to their Kroot brethren. Some have been reported to gain inate psychic abilities, which, in combination with their militant past makes them formitable oppenents.

Charm +10 Chem-use +10 Ciphers (Secret Society) Medicae +10 Scolastic Lore (Archaic) Scolastic Lore (Astronomy) Scolastic Lore (Chymisty) Scolastic Lore (Numerology) Armor of Contempt Dark Soul Heightened Sense (Touch) Minor Psychic Power Orthopoxy Evaluate +10 Psyniscience Scrutiny Corpus Conversion Insanely Faithful Mimic Peer (Academics) Peer (The Insane) Psy Rating 2 Resistance (Psychic Powers) Deceive Forbbiden Lore (Cults) Forbidden Lore (Heresy) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) Inquiry +20 Navigation (Stellar) Security Nerves of Steel Power Well

WP 40


Psy Rating 2

Psy Rating 1

Inquiry +10

Psy Rating 2

Grand Hunter Advances

Grand Hunters are celebrated veterans of the Kroot fighting force. They have begun their long, viscious path to joining their Shaper brethren.

Advance Acrobatics +20 Concealment +20 Intimidate +20 Heavy Weapon Training (SP) Heavy weapon Training (Primitive) Hip Shooting Navigation (Surface) +20 Search Shadowing +10 Basic Weapon Training (Flamer) Basic Weapon Training (Melta) Basic Weapon Training (Plasma) Dead Eye Shot Marksman Peer (Military) Rapid Reload Two-Weapon Weilder (Balistic)

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300

Type S S S T T T S S S T T T T T T T T Type S S S T T T T S S S T T T T

Prerequisites Acrobatics +10 Concealment +10 Intimidate +10

BS 40, Ag 40 Navigation (Surface) +10 Shadowing +10

BS 30 BS 35 Fel 30 BS 40 Prerequisites Command +10 Search Basic Training (Flame) BS 40, Two-Weapon BS 40 BS 40, Deadeye Shot Shadowing +10 Wrangling BS 40 Ag 40, Two-Weilder

Grand Slayer Advances

The Grand Slayers have ridden the backs of Krootox and Knarloc alike and have expirenced countless battles. Their training has ended and their skills are honed. They are steps away from the Shaper.

Advance Command +20 Demolition Search +10 Cleanse and Purify Gunslinger Independent Targeting Sharpshooter Shadowing +20 Sleight of Hand Wrangling +10 Crack Shot Duel Shot Melee Training (Shock) Resistance (Psychic Powers)

Shaper Advances
Fuck it Im tired.

Advance Common Lore (Imperial) +10 Common Lore (War) +10 Performer (Storyteller) Secret Tongue (Military) Wrangling +20 Evaluate +20 Air of Authoirty Battle Rage Bulging Biceps Combat Master Iron Discipline Iron Jaw Sure Strike Total Recall Climb +20 Demoltion +10 Gamble +10 Search +20 Arms Master

Cost 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200

Type S S S S S S T T T T T T T T S S S S S

Prerequisites Com. Lore (Imperial) Common Lore (War)

Hard Target Into the Jaws of Hell Lightening Attacks Mental Fortress Mighty Shot Paranoia Sprint Takedown Talented (Carouse) Wall of Steel

200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300


Wrangling +10 Evaluate +10 Fel 30 Frenzy S 45 WS 30 WP 30, Command T 40 WS 30 Int 30 Climb +10 Demolition Gamble Search +10 BS 30, Basic Weapon (Any two) Ag 40 Iron Discipline Swift Attack WP 50, Strong Minded BS 40

Ag 35

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