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Analysis of Grid-connected Induction Generators Under Three-phaseBalanced Conditions

L. Wang, Member, IEEE, Ya-Feng Yang, and Sung-Chun Kuo generatedenergy from stator windings to the utility while the latter feeds the generatedenergies obtained from both stator and rotor windings to the utility grid. The latter is also called static Kramer, double-fed, or double outputs induction generators. Since it generally employs a rectifier, a DC link, an inverter, and a step-uptransformerto transfer the rotor side energyto the utility grid and it will add ceiain complexities on studying induction generator. This paper will focus on the grid-connected induction generator feeding power only with single output. Index Terms- grid-connected induction generator, parallelIn this paper, an equivalent circuit of a three-phase operated, grid-connected. induction machine basedd-q axis mode1is used to derive the dynamic equations of an induction generator feeding to the I. INTRODUCTION utility grid. This paper is organized as follows. Section II T IS well known that an externally driven induction machinecan maintain self-excitation when an appropriate introduces the derivation of dynamic equationsof the studied value of a capacitor bank is appropriately connectedacrossthe system. Section III describesthe steady-stateanalysesresults terminals of the induction machine [l]. Such induction under variation of rotor speed.Section IV shows the transient machine is called a self-excited induction generator (SEIG). responses due to the change of applied torque and The primary advantages of a SEIG over conventional disconnected phenomena.Some specific conclusions of this synchronousgeneratorare brushlessconstruction with squirrel- paper are drawn in the SectionV. cage rotor, reduced size, without DC supply for excitation, II. MACHINE MODEL reduced maintenancecost, and better transient characteristics. Fig. 1 showsa three-phaseinduction generator(IG) fed to In recent years, SEIGs have received increasedattention and they have been widely employed as suitable isolated power the utility grid with an excitation capacitor bank. The induction sources and grid-connected in small hydroelectric and wind generator is driven by a separately-excitedDC motor whose the rotor speed is variable. A capacitor bank is connectedto energyapplications. According to the analyzed results of available references, the stator terminal for supplying the reactive power to the IG. most of the researcheson a single induction generator or Fig. 2 shows the d-q axis equivalent-circuit of a three-phase parallel operated induction generator focused on the symmetrical induction machine connected to the utility grid autonomous or isolated operation, which supplied static or including excitation capacitor bank based on synchronously dynamic loads. These induction generator driven by the reference frame model. The voltage equations of the studied individual prime movers employed excitation capacitor bank IG shown in Fig. 2 can be written as below. to buildup desired voltage via self-excited phenomena. Hence the value of the excitation capacitor bank and the rotor speed determine the magnitude of the generated voltage and its frequency.Both voltage and frequencyneedto be controlled to feed the power to the load. The grid-connected induction Grid generatorscan be divided into two types, i.e., single output [27] and double outputs [8-lo]. To supply the active power from induction generatorto the grid, the rotor speedof the induction generator should be greaterthan the synchronousspeedof the resultant revolving magnetic field. The former sends the
Akkuci-This paper analyzes both dynamic and steady-state performances of induction generators connecting to a utility grid. The studied systems with single induction generator under different loading conditions are respectively examined. The rotor speed parameters of the studied system under steady-state conditions are explored. Dynamic characteristics of the studied induction generators under a severe torque disturbance and sudden disconnection from the utility grid are studied in detail..

L. Wang, Ya-Feng Yang, and Sung-Chun Kuo are with the Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Taman, Taiwan 70101, R.O.C. (e-mail: [email protected])

Fig. 1 Diagram of an induction generator fee&g exciting capacitor

to a utihty grid with

0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 2002 IEEE


i,, =

(c/@b h@,,)

+ (kcvdc

(10) (11)

&d =(c~~bh(vds)+~ecvqc

where i,, and icd are the q and d-axis excitation capacitor currents,respectively. The voltage equationsof the equivalent transmissionline are given:
vqs = Jk3 COS@,f (0)) + R&L + w, /ab)p(iqL) + %X&L


Vd, =-fiV,sin(O,r(0))tRtidL
Fig. 2 D-q ax6 equivalent circuit of an induction generator connected to the utility grid.


(13) )

vqr =(-6


-&-XsS)ido -Co

+(p&)iqr 6b

+(sXm)ldr Ob


v& = (~x,,)ips
vqr = -(c

+(-lo - pxs,)i,+


+ (PXm)ldr


Xm)lps - (7


+ (r, + 2 - (DX,)i,,

Xm)lqr + (y + (rr + t

(3) (4)

Y&=(- UC

Or Xm)lqr - (-&X,>,


where R1and X, are the equivalent resistanceand reactanceof the transmission line, respectively. iqL and idL are the equivalent q and d-axis transmission line currents. V, is the rms value of the grid and C&f is its phasor respectingto q(0) axis. The employed induction generator has the following specifications: 1.1 kW, 127(6)/220(Y) V, 8.3 (A)/4.8(Y) A, 60 Hz, 2 poles, 3600 rpm. The per unit baseare: Vb = 127 V, Ib = 4.8 A, & = 26.462 Sz,Nb = 3600 rpm, and at, = 377 rad/s.

III. STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS where X, is the mutual reactancebetween stator and rotor, while X,, and X, are the self-reactances the stator winding of The influencesof the rotor speedof IG on the power flow and the rotor winding, respectively. The self-reactancesare of the studied systemare discussedin this section. expressed as: Fig. 3(a) showsthe active power of induction generatorversus its rotor speed.It is found that the induction machineoperated xs, = Xl, + X as motor mode when the rotor is driven below the synchronous and speed.The negative sign of active power meansthat the power x,=x,,+x, absorbedby the induction machine. Meanwhile, as the rotor speedgets beyond the synchronousspeed,the active power is where Xi, and Xi, are the leakage reactanceof the stator and supplied from induction generatorto the grid. Fig. 3(b) shows the rotor windings respectively. that the reactive power always absorbed by the induction The stator flux linkages, h qsand h ds,and the rotor flux machine,despite its operating mode. Fig. 3(c) plots the active power at the grid side, comparing with the active power at the linkages, h qrand h dnare given by: stator side of IG, it is evident that the both are almost equal, except the lossesof the transmissionlines. The reactive power I,, = -X&, + %(i,, - iqs) (5) versus rotor speed at the grid is shown in Fig. 3(d). It is Ads = -Xl& + X,(id, -ids) (6) observedthat the grid side absorbedthe reactive power when kqr = Xd,, + X,(i,, - &,I (7) the induction machine operated in motor mode, since the capacitor bank provided amount of reactive power which the k& = xl& + xrn (idr - ids) (8) induction motor can not adsorb completely. Fig. 3(e) shows The torque and rotor speedof induction generatorare related the efficiency of the induction machine versusthe rotor speed. As can be seen,the motor mode has higher efficiency than the as: machine operated in generator mode, since the stator of the machinesinks more reactive power in the generatormode. (2H)p(o,)=T, -Te -Do, (9) III. TRANSIENT ANALYSIS where T, is the input mechanicaltorque which is supplied by Since the wind speed is stochastic variation and offers a the prime mover. H is inertia constant and D is friction variable torque to induction generator. Transient responses of coefficient. The electromagnetictorque T, can be expressed an induction generatorsuffered a torque step changeis studied by and illustrated in Fig. 4. Assume that a 0.1 pu torque step disturbanceis addedto the rotor at t=2.0 s and the disturbance T, = X, (i&i,, -i&,) is ended at t=3.0 s. Fig. 4(a) shows the transient responseof the stator voltage of induction generator under torque The voltage-current equations of the excitation capacitors disturbance.It is found that the voltage of the stator becomes shown in Fig. 2 can be exoressed follows: as



1.4152 14148 2 14144 P 1.4140 1.4136 H-l-, 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 t (XC) 4.0 5.0


1760 1800 1840 Rotor tpssd (RPM)


(a) Active power of induction generator

(a) Terminal voltage of induction generato]

1.72 1.68

.1.6 ; C! 1.64 1.60 -2.4 .2.8 I--+,-I/ 1720 1760 1800 1840 Rotor speed (RPM) 1880 9 1.56 & 1 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 t (set) 4.0 5 0

(b) Reactive power of induction generator

0.8 1

(b) Stator current of induction generator

0 856 0 852

0.844 0.840 5 0.848 1720 1760 1800 1840 Rotor speed (RPM) 1880

x 0.0 1.0 2.0 t (ret) 3.0 40 5.0

(c) Magnetization reactance of inductlon generator

0 52 0 48

(c) Active power at grid side

1.0 -j


0.0 Y.; 0.44 b 1 3 &;-il 1720 1840 1760 1800 Rotor speed (RPM) 1880 0 40 2 0.36 .3.0 .2.0

F .l.O

c-l-_ 0.0 1.0 2.0 t (W 3.0 4.0 5.0

(d) Active power of induction generator

236 2.32 2 2.28 f 2.24 2.20 c 7

(d) Reactive power at grid side

2 16 +r, 0.0 1720 1760 1800 1840 Rotor sped (RPM) 1880 1.0 2.0 3.0 t (SW3 4.0 5.0

(e) Reactive power of induction generator Fig 4 Transient responses dumg torque disturbance

(e) Efiiciency of induction generator Fig, 3 Steady-state characteristics versus rotor speed (RPM x 2) of induction generator

slightly small value after disturbance.The stator current of the induction generatoris also plotted in Fig. 4(b). It is found that stator current has a step changefollowing the torque and then carry the additional power to the grid. The change of magnetizationreactanceof the induction generatoris shown in Fig. 4(c), one can be seenthat the induction generatoris driven to deeper saturation region after the applied torque step

increase.Fig. 4(d) shows the transient responseof the active power of the induction generator under torque disturbance. The active power suddenly increasesfrom 0.385 pu to 0.47 pu and quickly recover to original value after disturbance. The changeof reactive power is shown in Fig. 4(e). It is observed that the reactive power absorbed by the induction is also increasing rapidly and causethe induction generator operated in deepersaturationregion.




2.0 t (SK)




(a) Terminal voltage of induction generator


generatorincreasesafter disconnected,since the stator voltage is no longer maintainedat grid level during this time. Fig. 5(b) showsthe stator current also has a step increasecausedby the charging current of the excitation capacitor after the disconnection, The change of magnetization reactanceof the induction generator in this case is shown in Fig. 5(c), it is found that the induction generatorruns into deeper saturation region after the induction generatordisconnectedfrom the grid. Fig. 5(d) shows the transient responseof the active power of the induction generator during disconnecting. The active power supplied from induction generator decreaseswhen induction generator is disconnectedfrom the grid and quickly recover to original value after re-closed to the grid. The change of reactive power is also shown in Fig. 5(e). It is observedthat the reactive power absorbedby the induction is also increasing rapidly and cause the induction generator operatedin deepersaturationregion during disconnecting. V. CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented steady-state and transient characteristicsof a three phaseinduction generatorconnecting to a utility grid. The d-q axis equivalent circuit of the induction machine based on synchronous reference frame has been employed to derive the dynamic equations of the studied system.It is shownthat the rotor speedsignificantly influences the active power which is supplied by the induction generator. Even below the synchronousspeed,the induction machinewill operate in motor model. The capacity of the excitation capacitor bank also affects the efficiency of the induction generator and the voltage amplitude during transient. Larger capacitormakeslower efficiency and higher transient voltage. VI.

001 0.0


2.0 t (SC)




(b) Stator current of induction generator

0.8 5 0.6 r ---



2 0 3.0 t(w)



(c) Magnetization reactance of mduction generator

1.0 2 5 0.0

tr1 E.
.2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 t (ICC) 40 50


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(d) Active power of induction generator

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6.0 g 4.0 2.0 0.0 -

-;i 0.0 1.0 2.0

7-1 3.0 t (ret) 4.0 50

(e) Reactive power of induction generator Fig. 5 Transient responses during disconnecting

In some casessuch as grid fault, the induction generator hasto be disconnectedfrom the grid. The phenomenaafter the induction generator disconnectedfrom the grid are shown in 1998, pp 148-155. Fig. 5. The transient response of stator voltages of the 191R. Pena, J. C. Glare and G. M. Asher, Doubly fed mductron generator using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to varrable-speed induction generator is shown in Fig. 5(a). Assume that the wind-energy generation, IEE, Proc B. Electr. Power A&., vol 143, no induction generator is disconnectedat t=l s and re-closed at I, 1996, pp. 231-241. t=3 s. It can be found that the stator voltage of the induction

[ IOIL. Refouti, B. A. T. Al Zahawi, and A. G. Jack, Analysis and modeling of the steady state behavior of the static Kramer induction generator, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 14, no. 3, 1999, pp. 333-339. Li Wang (S87-M88) was born in Changhua, Taiwan, on December 20, 1963. He received a Ph. D. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in June 1988. He has been an associated professor and a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan in 1988 and 1995, respectively. At present, his interests include the science research of power engineering such as power systems dynamics, power system stability and AC machines analyses. He is an IEEE Member Sung-Chun Kuo was born on July 9,1957 in Tainan, Taiwan. He obtained his M. SC. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. He is currently pursuing his Ph. D. degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. His interest includes AC electric machine analysis and power electronics.

Ya-Fang Yang was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on April 1977. He received the B. S. degree from National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan in 1999 and M. S. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University in June 2001. His interesting include the electrical machine analysis and power electronic application.


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