Responsive Document - CREW: NOAA: Regarding BP Oil Spill: 4/3/2012 - (Part 1) Foia 2010-377 Orr Ohc Interim 4 1 To 3596 Final

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From: Tom Moore <Tom.Moore@noaa.



Date: October 29, 201 0 1 0:1 8:53 AM EDT

92 Attachments, 33.5 MB

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chris Doley < [email protected]>

Date: April 27, 201 0 1 :1 9:53 PM EDT

To: Brian Hostetter < [email protected]>

Cc: Cheryl Brodnax < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, 'Leslie Craig'

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: DR L TASKER #5

Brian - This seems to be the level of info that we need but I need you to rework so it explains the typical types of injuries that may

result. Something like the following:

"It is difficult to predict the specific impacts. However, past oil spills in the area have resulted in multiple injuries. For example, sea

floor injuries from discharged oil may result injury to benthic invertebrates, demersal fishes, pelagic fishes, and marine mammals.

These injuries result from the released oil smothering and coating of benthic resources and ingestion by animals that feed on

benthic resources and demersal fishes in the affected area. Contact with oil or ingestion of oil or oiled prey may have acute or

chronic effects on these organisms, including physical effects (such as smothering) and toxicological effects. Additionally, the

presence of discharged oil in the environment may cause decreased habitat utilization of the area, altered migration patterns,

altered food availability, and disrupted life cycles. Natural resource services that may be affected by the oil discharge include, but

are not limited to, chemical exchange across the interface between the sea floor and the water column, decomposition and use of

organic matter by benthic microalgae and other fauna, primary production, and habitat utilization by benthic and demersal fauna."



Brian Hostetter wrote:

Chris, staff felt that the most applicable cases inre to surface/in water habitat consequences to living resources in the Gulf

would be DBL 1 52 and Lake Barre (settled 1 5 Nov 99).

From DBL-1 52 Draft DARP/EA related to water column injury (not surface injury since this was heavy oil). Use of dispersants

was also not an issue with DBL-1 52:

"The majority of discharged oil was denser than sea water. As a result of its density, upon release it sank to the seafloor. Injury

to benthic invertebrates, demersal fishes, pelagic fishes, and marine mammals may have resulted from the released oil from

smothering and coating of benthic resources and ingestion by animals that feed on benthic resources and demersal fishes in the

affected area. Contact with oil or ingestion of oil or oiled prey may have acute or chronic effects on these organisms, including

physical effects (such as smothering) and toxicological effects. Additionally, the presence of discharged oil in the environment

may have caused decreased habitat utilization of the area, altered migration patterns, altered food availability, and disrupted life

cycles. Natural resource services that may have been affected by the oil discharge include, but are not limited to, chemical

exchange across the interface between the sea floor and the water column, decomposition and use of organic matter by benthic

microalgae and other fauna, primary production, and habitat utilization by benthic and demersal fauna.

Response and NRDA data collection efforts were focused on the seafloor and its associated resources and services because

these areas had the longest exposure to the submerged oil and a direct pathway for injury (i.e., smothering and coating of

benthic resources and ingestion by animals that feed on benthic resources and demersal fishes). A considerable effort was

undertaken to assess the nature and extent of oil on the seafloor including its distribution, thickness, fate and transport, and

chemical properties. These data were used to estimate injuries to natural resources and services from this incident.

Dispersed and dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in the water column, which could have

resulted in exposure of aquatic resources to the toxicological effects of PAHs. Various fishes were observed by divers and the

ROV in oiled areas, but oiled fishes were not observed or recovered in the submerged oil field. Other ecosystem resources and

services in the water column also may have been affected by the discharge, but NOAA declined to investigate those potential

injury categories further because NOAA determined the potential effects to animals in most of the water column were likely

short-term and of low -magnitude. Detrimental physical and toxicological effects had a low likelihood of occurring based on the

Document ID:

ability of these animals to avoid areas of the water column with oil (e.g., marine mammals). Furthermore, no oiled animals were

collected or observed on the ocean surface or water column, indicating that such injuries were unlikely to have occurred or were


No reports of lost human use were recorded. No ongoing industrial activity was affected. No recreational or commercial fishing

vessels were observed in the vicinity of the spill."

From Lake Barre EA:

Aquatic Fauna Injury Assessment

Aquatic fauna, including blue crabs, squid, and

shrimp, and different species of fish were affected by

the discharge of oil. Water samples collected close to

the time of the spill indicated that polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs) were present in the water column

for a few days at levels known to be toxic to aquatic

organisms in laboratory tests. As evidence of the oils

impact, dead shrimp were collected in a Louisiana Department

of Wildlife and Fisheries trawl and dead

juvenile crabs were found in a crab pot. A few dead

forage fish were observed shortly after the spill.

The trustees employed a site-specific modeling approach

to assess the aquatic fauna impacts. The employed

model includes algorithms from the Natural

Resource Damage Assessment Model for Coastal and

Marine Habitats (version 2.4, 1 996) and new algorithms

and data to account for habitats and fauna

specific to the Lake Barre incident. The model estimates

the aquatic injury that resulted from death due

to exposure to concentrations of low -molecular-weight

PAHs in the water column. The model also estimates

the resulting loss in growth of the organisms predicted

to have died from exposure to PAHs. Based on the

model, approximately 7465 kg of fish, decapods, and

other invertebrates were lostdue to direct mortality

and lost growthas a result of the discharge. The

mortality number does not account for a reduction in

aquatic faunal production that resulted from a reduction

in marsh service flows supporting aquatic fauna;

thus, there is no double counting of the aquatic faunal


Please advise if you need more.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 9:46:40 AM EDT

To: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Cc: Troy Baker < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: SIPPER paragraph

I think as long as the oil slick is not running through the device and its just dispersed particles that will be okay.

I supposed we could drag under the slick just not surface in it.

On Apr 29, 201 0, at 9:43 AM, Daniel Hahn wrote:

Document ID:

On Apr 29, 201 0, at 9:43 AM, Daniel Hahn wrote:

Did he say anything about dragging it through oil and if that would be a problem?


Tom Moore wrote:

I spoke with Drew this morning here a quick description of SIPPER attached. He also mentioned that they can differentiate

between live and dead organisms in the water column.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Drew Remsen < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 9:28:21 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: SIPPER paragraph

How is this?

I didn't do a SOW as I'm not sure what you want to do exactly. Once I get in St. Pete, we could have SIPPER ready in less

than 24 hours.

It's possible we could have shipped to us a petroleum fluorometer that we could interface with SIPPER to get some good 2-

D and 3-D maps of the underwater dispersal of some of the oil compounds in the water, especially as they become

emulsified and mix with the water.

Le me know if this is adequate or if I need to put more specific application of how this would work with the spill.

I will need to contact the ship we will use to figure out what kind of cable termination they have on their hydrowire to ensure

we can hook up to the cable. It should be one of two types normally and we are prepped for those.




Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy



Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Document ID:

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Begin forwarded message:

From: Pat Montanio < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 1 0:1 8:59 AM EDT

To: _NMFS HQ HC ALL < [email protected]>

Subject: NOAA, NMFS, OHC and the Deepwater Horizon event


Below is a note circulated by David Kenendy regarding the Deepwater Horizon event and NOAA's response. Within NMFS, we

are supporting this effort in a variety of ways - from regional and science center capabilities to our ongoing partnership under


Brian Pawlak has been appointed as the NMFS liaison to NOAA and NOS senior leaderships for spill response information and

action. Captain Gallagher and Jenni Wallace are the F points of contact for requests for information. If you receive a tasker or

request from outside this chain, please bring them all into the loop. It is very critical that all relevant information be coordinated

and consistently delivered within NOAA, and all media communication regarding the spill should be directed to Public Affairs.

Given the magnitude (as well as uncertainty) of this event, it will require considerable redirection of resources across NOAA. This

new assignment will, at least initially, require Brian's full attention. Therefore, I have asked Dean Smehil to serve as Acting Deputy

for the Office of Habitat Conservation in the interim.

We all hope that this oil spill can be brought under control relatively quickly, but it is very possible that this will require a long term

investment on NOAA's part. Many of you will be asked to contribute in different ways - whether directly or indirectly by covering

other assignments. I thank you all in advance, as this is a significant issue for NOAA and the environment.


-------- Original Message --------

Subject: NOS is playing a crucial role in the Deepwater Horizon event

Thu, 29 Apr 201 0 05:51 :1 7 -0400

From: [email protected]

To: _NOS All Hands <[email protected]>

good morning everyone,

The ongoing oil spill resulting from the Deepwater Horizon poses a grave threat to coastal communities and ecosystems in the

Gulf region---and to the national economy. The purpose of this message is to inform you about NOSs role in the response to this

incident, recognize the remarkable work of our staff, and to provide you an update on the status of the spill and next steps.

First, I want to recognize the exceptional performance of NOS staff responding to the incident. Dozens are working very long

hours to continue gathering information about the spill, plan for containment, and prepare for environmental assessment and

response. Eighteen staff members from the Office of Response and Restoration are on site at the command center and more than

two dozen others are involved off site. After more than 20 years of being involved with response efforts including serving as

science coordinator for the Exxon Valdez spill, I know firsthand how seriously our responders take their jobs and how committed

they are to supporting sound, timely decision making. My deep appreciation goes out to them for their work. And I know this is

only the beginning of this effort.

As you know, last week, there was an explosion that resulted in a massive fire on the Deepwater Horizon, a mobile offshore

drilling unit in the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles offshore of Louisiana. Sadly, eleven people who were on the rig at the time of the

explosion are still not accounted for.

After the rig burned for hours, it capsized and sank into the Gulf on April 22. The undersea oil well is leaking oil at an estimated

rate of 1 ,000 barrels a day at a depth of 5,000 feet.

Document ID:

rate of 1 ,000 barrels a day at a depth of 5,000 feet.

So far, attempts to use remotely operated vehicles to trigger a series of valves to stop the leak have been unsuccessful.

Construction has begun on a collection dome that will be deployed to the sea floor to collect and funnel oil as it escapes from the

well, a method that has never been tried at this depth before. The first rig to be used for drilling a relief or cut-off well arrived on

the scene and several more are planned. A relief well would take several months to complete.

Staff members from the Office of Response and Restoration (ORR) in the Emergency Response Division have been providing

scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard and the Unified Command that is coordinating response operations. This support

includes predicting where the oil is going and its effects, identifying resources at risk, and planning response and over flight

operations. Yesterday, NOAAs Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) brought together more than 20 federal and state

natural resource trustees to discuss natural resource damage assessment efforts. ARD is evaluating concerns about potential

injuries of oil and dispersants to fishes, human use of fisheries, marine mammals, turtles, and sensitive resources.

In addition, the National Weather Service is providing weather forecasts, including marine and aviation. The Office of Oceanic

and Atmospheric Research is advising on airborne dispersion modeling and the National Data Buoy Center data is also being

used in oil trajectory forecasting. The National Marine Fisheries Service is addressing issues related to marine mammals, sea

turtles, and fishery resources. The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service is providing analysis of the oil

spill using experimental methods with satellite imagery. The Office of Marine and Aviation Operations is providing aircraft support

for overflights that are being conducted on a near daily basis.

The impact of this spill will be recorded alongside historic events such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill and Hurricanes Katrina and

Rita. During those events, NOAA responded to extraordinary adversity with extraordinary achievement. Our response in this case

will require the same level of resolve.

Dr. Lubchenco asked me to serve as the lead for NOAAs response to this incident. Over the coming weeks and months, we will

be calling on colleagues from across NOAA and within NOS to supplement these efforts. I will keep you and your program

directors informed of the expertise and skills needed from NOS.

In the meantime, you can learn more about NOAAs ongoing response through the following resources:

ORRs Incident News:

ORRs Emergency Response Information: (Click on the link in the upper right hand

corner of the page)


Begin forwarded message:

From: Drew Remsen < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 1 1 :06:43 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: FYI oil detection sensors on SIPPER



Instruments,put together by MMS talking about oil dispersant tracking and it turns out we have a Wetlabs CDOM fluorometer that

we can put on SIPPER easily. It could possibly assist in determining the efficacy of the dispersant and its distribution at depth.



Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 1 1 :1 9:51 AM EDT

Document ID:

To: "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: FYI oil detection sensors on SIPPER

Begin forwarded message:

From: Drew Remsen < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 1 1 :06:43 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: FYI oil detection sensors on SIPPER



Instruments,put together by MMS talking about oil dispersant tracking and it turns out we have a Wetlabs CDOM fluorometer

that we can put on SIPPER easily. It could possibly assist in determining the efficacy of the dispersant and its distribution at




Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy



Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 1 1 :37:1 3 AM EDT

To: "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>

Subject: SIPPER - Call when you have minute...

I have spoken with Drew a few times today and think that between the ability to do both plantkon/laval work & also have a

flourmeter inline we could get some very valuable data.

He was also not worried about dragging ti through dispersed oil or even under a slick. He is looking to see if USF has a vessel

that could support the effort. Likely we would do a 7+ day offshore survey looking at both impact and non-impact areas.

They could just contract through IEc.

I am not super confident in all of the other labs being able to provide a consistent dataset

More info here...

Document ID:


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 4:1 5:09 PM EDT

To: Brian Hostetter < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: SIPPER paragraph

Description attached...

More info at...



Instruments,put together by MMS talking about oil dispersant tracking and it turns out we have a Wetlabs CDOM fluorometer that

we can put on SIPPER easily. It could possibly assist in determining the efficacy of the dispersant and its distribution at depth.



Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Drew Remsen < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 9:28:21 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: SIPPER paragraph

How is this?

I didn't do a SOW as I'm not sure what you want to do exactly. Once I get in St. Pete, we could have SIPPER ready in less than

24 hours.

It's possible we could have shipped to us a petroleum fluorometer that we could interface with SIPPER to get some good 2-D

Document ID:

and 3-D maps of the underwater dispersal of some of the oil compounds in the water, especially as they become emulsified and

mix with the water.

Le me know if this is adequate or if I need to put more specific application of how this would work with the spill.

I will need to contact the ship we will use to figure out what kind of cable termination they have on their hydrowire to ensure we

can hook up to the cable. It should be one of two types normally and we are prepped for those.




Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy


SIPPER descridoc (272 KB)


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eric Schwaab < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 6:30:36 PM EDT

To: _NMFS All Employees < [email protected]>

Subject: Oil Spill Update

We are all watching with concern the unfolding oil spill incident occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. I wanted to let you know the

activities to-date and the critical role that all NOAA line offices are playing, and the process weve established to ensure

consistent and up-to-date communications.

As you know, on April 20th, there was an explosion that resulted in a massive fire on the Deepwater Horizon, a mobile offshore

drilling unit in the Gulf of Mexico 50 miles offshore Louisiana. The rig burned for hours and then sank. Eleven out of 1 26 people

remain unaccounted for. It was recently discovered that there are multiple leaks at a depth of 5,000 feet.

So far, attempts to use remotely operated vehicles to close valves and stop the leaks have been unsuccessful. Construction has

begun on a collection dome that will be deployed to the sea floor to collect and funnel oil as it escapes, a method never tried at

this depth before. The first rig to be used for drilling a relief or cut-off well has arrived and more are planned. A relief well would

take several months to complete.

I want to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work being accomplished by our leadership and staff in the Southeast Region,

Southeast Fisheries Science Center and within Headquarters. Dozens of your colleagues are working long hours, gathering and

processing information, anticipating and planning for needed baseline information, on-going monitoring, and long-term response to

both marine life and the coastal communities that will be impacted when this spill begins to come ashore.

All parts of NOAA are fully engaged providing scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard and the Unified Command that is

coordinating response operations. The overall coordination for the oil spill within NOAA is through the National Ocean Service

Document ID:

and its Office of Response and Restoration. Support from National Marine Fisheries Service includes addressing impact and

response issues related to marine mammals, sea turtles, shrimp and fisheries. National Weather Service is providing marine and

aviation forecasts. The Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research is advising on airborne dispersion modeling and the

National Data Buoy Center data is being used in oil trajectory forecasting. The National Environmental Satellite, Data, and

Information Service is providing analysis of the oil spill using experimental methods with satellite imagery. Yesterday, NOAAs

Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) brought together more than 20 federal and state natural resource trustees to discuss

natural resource assessments. Through ARD, Fisheries is helping to evaluate concerns about potential injuries of oil and

dispersants to fishes, human use of fisheries, marine mammals, turtles and sensitive resources.

Yesterday, Roy Crabtree (Southeast Regional Administrator) and I were in New Orleans and met with the five Gulf States

Fisheries Directors and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. We discussed potential impacts and set up our

communication protocol.

Communication Guidance

NOAA and each of its line offices have established oil spill response teams to support the larger Unified Command effort and its

Joint Information Center (JIC), as well as the Incident Command Center (ICC). Brian Pawlak (Deputy, Office of Habitat

Conservation) is our Oil Spill Coordinator. Two of the most critical roles of this process are to ensure efficient use of our staff

resources and provide consistent and accurate information.

To accomplish this, all oil spill taskers to Fisheries must be directed through the NOAA ICC. The ICC exists to track taskers,

prioritize and deconflict multiple requests for resources, etc. Deputy Under Secretary Mary Glackin has asked everyone to use

the ICC for all oil spill taskings. The NMFS desk at the ICC can be reached by email at [email protected]. The telephone

number at the ICC is B6 Privacy . Should you receive any oil spill taskers from anyone else, please forward them to

[email protected] for further guidance.

Understandably, we are receiving a great deal of inquiries and expressions of concern from our stakeholders in the Gulf and

around the country about the anticipated harm to marine life and the economic impacts. To facilitate consistent and factual

information, all press inquiries to Fisheries are to be routed to Connie Barclay ([email protected]) or Kim Amendola

([email protected]).

For all other public inquiries, please guide them to the informational web pages that are being updated daily with information on

the spill and NOAAs ongoing response (links below), or direct them to Laurel Bryant for further guidance

([email protected])

I appreciate everyones patience and team support during this critical time. Throughout the months ahead, many of you will be

called upon to contribute and assist with this effort. Thanks.

Eric C. Schwaab

Eric_Schwaab.vcf (0.2 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 30, 201 0 1 2:20:27 PM EDT

To: Kristopher Benson < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: SIPPER paragraph

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 4:1 5:09 PM EDT

To: Brian Hostetter < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: SIPPER paragraph

Description attached...

Document ID:

More info at...



Instruments,put together by MMS talking about oil dispersant tracking and it turns out we have a Wetlabs CDOM fluorometer

that we can put on SIPPER easily. It could possibly assist in determining the efficacy of the dispersant and its distribution at




Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Drew Remsen < [email protected]>

Date: April 29, 201 0 9:28:21 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: SIPPER paragraph

How is this?

I didn't do a SOW as I'm not sure what you want to do exactly. Once I get in St. Pete, we could have SIPPER ready in less

than 24 hours.

It's possible we could have shipped to us a petroleum fluorometer that we could interface with SIPPER to get some good 2-D

and 3-D maps of the underwater dispersal of some of the oil compounds in the water, especially as they become emulsified

and mix with the water.

Le me know if this is adequate or if I need to put more specific application of how this would work with the spill.

I will need to contact the ship we will use to figure out what kind of cable termination they have on their hydrowire to ensure

we can hook up to the cable. It should be one of two types normally and we are prepped for those.




Andrew Remsen, Ph.D.

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 7th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy


SIPPER descridoc (272 KB)


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Document ID:

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eugene Shinn < [email protected]>

Date: April 30, 201 0 1 :03:49 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: [Coral-List] Disaster in the Gulf and Coral Reefs

With the developing oil disaster in the Gulf, I thought a few

comments regarding the effects of crude oil on coral reefs might be

healthful. Some of you know my background in the industry and my work

with API committees before 1 974. In 1 972, I was sent to Australia to

testify before the Great Barrier Reef Commission regarding effects of

drilling on coral reefs. I was concerned, so in preparation for the

trip I obtained 5 gallons of Louisiana sweet crude (the kind

presently blowing out off the Mississippi Delta) and traveled to the

Florida Keys to do some personal in-situ experimenting. Corals on the

Barrier Reef flats (including various species of staghorn coral) are

exposed to the air at low tide each day for more than one hour. Since

that is the length of time that corals there are likely to be exposed

directly to floating oil, I performed some crude experiments wherein

I exposed Florida staghorn and star coral directly to oil for 1 _

hours. In these experiments, I placed large clear plastic bags

containing crude oil over live staghorn that was fixed to rods driven

into the bottom. At the same time, I placed plastic domes (skylights)

containing oil over the tops of small star coral heads for the same

length of time. The experiment was conducted in about 1 5 ft of water

off Tavernier Key. What I found, and described pictorially in the

1 989 issue of Sea Frontiers, was truly surprising. Corals retracted

their polyps, but the oil would not stick to the coral because of its

mucus. When I removed the oil, there was no oil on the coral. Fifteen

days later, the corals were alive and appeared normal. While at the

hearings in Australia, I learned that another researcher wearing a

backpack garden sprayer had sprayed crude oil on the same exposed

corals at low tide every day for several days. His results were

similar to mine.

After joining the USGS, a Master's candidate approached me to do

similar experiments for a thesis project. In the laboratory at Fisher

Island Station, we totally submerged 1 0 fragments of living Acropora

cervicornis in Louisiana crude for 2 hours. We then transported the

fragments (in sea water) to the reef line off Virginia Key, Florida,

Document ID:

fragments (in sea water) to the reef line off Virginia Key, Florida,

and placed them in concrete holders in 20 ft of water. When we

returned a week later, the corals were alive and appeared healthy.

The disappointed student decided not to continue that project.

In yet another experiment, students of Tom Bright from Texas A&M

University conducted an oil experiment on Carysfort Reef lighthouse

off Key Largo. A 20-gallon aquarium was filled with aerated seawater.

The aquarium contained two butterfly fish and some live A.

cervicornis branches. A layer of crude oil about one inch thick was

then floated over the coral and fish. Butterfly fish are known to

feed on live polyps, so the purpose of the experiment was to see if

various fractions of the oil would contaminate the coral and then be

transferred to the flesh of the fish. The fish did pick at the coral

and paid no attention to the overlying layer of crude oil. After 24

hours, the fish were sacrificed and taken back to Texas A&M to be

analyzed for oil components. I never heard the results and nothing

was published. I simply documented it all on 1 6-mm movie film.

The lesson from this and other research was that if and when the

oil from this spill reaches the Florida Keys, the damage would be

limited mainly to mangrove-shoreline habitats, sea birds, and

beaches. Dive -boat operations would likely be affected, but the spill

will not harm corals or reef fish. The crude, which will likely be in

the form of tar balls, will simply float over the areas of live


Under no circumstances should dispersants be used on an oil slick

in the vicinity of a coral reef. Dispersants soluabilize the oil and

allow it dissolve in the water and come in direct contact with coral

and fish. In addition, oil-containment booms should not be deployed

in the vicinity of coral reefs because of possible entanglement and

physical destruction. The history of oil spills is that clean-up

efforts, such as use of live steam, solvents, and digging, often do

more damage than the oil.

The best teacher is history. The Keys and the U.S. East Coast

were often awash in oil from torpedoed tankers during WWII, and there

have been numerous tanker spills and oil from bilge cleaning over the

past 50 years with no documented impact to Florida's coral reefs. An

exception is the disastrous onshore oil tank spill at Goleta Point,

Panama, in the early 1 980s. The spill was at the landward end of a

lagoon that opened out to a coral reef being studied by personnel at

the adjacent Smithsonian Institution Marine Laboratory.

Unfortunately, surfactants were added to break up and soluabilize the

oil in an enclosed area with poor circulation with disastrous

results. Many reef-flat organisms and corals were killed. Richard

Dodge conducted extensive research on the effects of that spill,

which are well documented.

In the present case, by the time the spilled oil reaches the

Florida Keys (weeks), the more toxic aromatics components will have

evaporated, and bacterial breakdown will have reduced the oil to a

less toxic gooey mess that can foul beaches, mangroves, and affect

sea birds. It will not harm corals or reef fish. Nevertheless, expect

to see headlines stating, "Spill Threatens Coral Reefs," and similar

overblown claims. Be prepared for one heck of a mess at the shoreline

before this is all over. Let's hope it's over soon. Gene


No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)

------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

E. A. Shinn, Courtesy Professor

University of South Florida

Document ID:

Marine Science Center (room 204)

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

< [email protected]>

Tel 727 553 -1 1 58----------------------------------



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eugene Shinn < [email protected]>

Date: May 2, 201 0 1 1 :39:07 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: [Coral-List] coral and crude oil

Dear listers here is some information re the effects of crude oil on

coral that may be of use at this crucial time.

With the developing oil disaster in the Gulf I thought a few

comments regarding the effects of crude oil on coral reefs might be

healthful. Some of you know my background in the industry and work

with API committees before 1 974. In 1 972 I was sent to Australia to

testify before the Great Barrier Reef Commission regarding effects of

drilling on coral reefs. I was concerned so in preparation for the

trip I obtained 5 gallons of Louisiana sweet crude (the kind

presently blowing out off the Mississippi Delta) and traveled to the

Keys to do some personal in-situ experimenting. Corals on the Barrier

reef flats (including various species of staghorn coral) are exposed

to the air at low tide each day for more than one hour. Since that is

the length of time that corals there are likely to be exposed

directly to floating oil I performed some crude experiments where I

exposed Florida staghorn and star coral directly to oil for one and a

half hours. In these experiments I placed large clear plastic bags

containing crude oil over live staghorn that was fixed to rods driven

into the bottom. At the same time I placed plastic domes (skylights)

containing oil over the tops of small star coral heads for the same

length of time. The experiment was conducted in about 1 5 ft of water

off Tavernier Key. What I found, and described pictorially in the

1 989 issue of Sea Frontiers, was truly surprising. Corals retracted

their polyps but the oil would not stick to the coral because of its

mucus. When I removed the oil there was no oil on the coral. Fifteen

days later the corals were living and appeared normal. While at the

hearings in Australia I learned that another researcher wearing a

backpack garden sprayer had sprayed crude oil on the same exposed

corals at low tide every day for several days. His results were

similar to mine.

After joining the USGS a Masters candidate approached me to do

similar experiments for a thesis project. In the laboratory at Fisher

Island Station we totally submerged ten fragments of living Acropora

cervicornis in Louisiana crude for 2 hrs. We then transported them

(in sea water) to the reef line off Virginia Key, Florida and placed

them in concrete holders in 20 ft of water. When we returned a week

later the corals were alive and appeared healthy. The disappointed

student decided not to continue that project.

In yet another experiment students of Tom Bright from Texas A

and M University conducted an oil experiment on Carysfort reef

lighthouse off Key Largo. A 20-gallon aquarium was filled with

aerated seawater. The aquarium contained two butterfly fish and some

live A. cervicornis branches. A layer of crude oil about one inch

thick was then floated over the coral and fish. Butterfly fish are

known to feed on live polyps so the purpose of the experiment was to

Document ID:

known to feed on live polyps so the purpose of the experiment was to

see if various fractions of the oil would contaminate the coral and

then be transferred to the flesh of the fish. The fish did pick at

the coral and paid not attention to the overlying layer of crude oil.

After 24 hrs the fish was sacrificed and taken back to Texas A and M

to be analyzed for oil components. I never heard the results and

nothing was published. I simply documented it all on 1 6 mm movie


The lesson from this and other research was that if and when the

oil from this spill reaches the Florida Keys the damage will be to

limited mainly to mangrove shoreline habitats, sea birds, and

beaches. Dive boat operations will likely be affected but it will not

harm corals or reef fish.

The crude, which will likely be in the form of tar balls, will

simply float over the areas of living corals. Under no circumstances

should dispersants be used on an oil slick in the vicinity of a coral

reef. Dispersants soluabilize the oil and allow it dissolve in the

water and come in direct contact with coral and fish. In addition,

oil containment booms should not be deployed in the vicinity of coral

reefs because of possible entanglement and physical destruction. The

history of oil spills is that clean up efforts, such as use of live

steam, solvents, and digging, often do more damage than the oil.

The best teacher is history. The Keys and the east coast of the

US were often awash in oil from torpedoed tankers during WWII and

there have been numerous tanker spills and oil from bilge cleaning

over the past 50 years with no documented impact to Florida's coral

reefs. An exception is the disastrous onshore oil tank spill at

Goleta Point, Panama in the early 1 980s. The spill was at the

landward end of a lagoon that opened out to a coral reef being

studied by personnel at the adjacent Smithsonian Institution Marine

Laboratory. Unfortunately surfactants were added to break up and

soluabilize the oil in an enclosed area with poor circulation with

disastrous results. Many reef flat organisms and corals were killed.

Richard Dodge conducted extensive research on the effects of that

spill which is well documented.

In the present case by the time the spilled oil reaches the

Florida Keys (weeks) the more toxic aromatics components will have

evaporated and bacterial breakdown will have reduced the oil to a

less toxic gooey mess that can foul beaches, mangroves, and affect

sea birds. It will not harm corals or reef fish, Hopefully this

knowledge will relieve some tension and fear for the reefs as the

floating oil nears Florida's coral reefs. Nevertheless be prepared

for one heck of a mess at the shoreline before this is all over. Lets

hope it is over soon. Gene


No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)

------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

E. A. Shinn, Courtesy Professor

University of South Florida

Marine Science Center (room 204)

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

< [email protected]>

Tel 727 553 -1 1 58----------------------------------



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Document ID:

hard so please consider this message as a gentle reminder to not let

email be the primary form of communication and that there are a lot of

bases to cover. I'll work to stay more engaged by phone with the TWGs

but understand that this is tough with 6-8 TWGs and other individuals

and groups to keep track of. As of yesterday, Kevin Kirsch is coming in

to help me coordinate with multiple teams in multiple locations.

I'm working with IEc to handle all of our contracting needs. Tom

Brosnan also will be working with IEc this week to help with our

expansion in the Gulf so if you touch base with either Tom or I on

contracting, we'll make sure and keep each other in the loop. thanks

for all the hard work out there and I'll try and get out of the way

again as quick as possible. Troy

Tom Moore wrote:


Attached is the initial draft SEAMAP/SIPPER cruise strategy develop by the folks the USF and Florida FWC/FWRI. This should

be viewed as just a starting point as all of the PI's are happy to work with us to tweak and change the plans to meet our NRDA

injury assessment needs.

We'll have everyone on the phone tomorrow (Sunday) at 1 2CDT/1 EST and we can then have discussion to refine the plan and

priorities further. After that if we decide to move forward we'll work with the team to develop a formal cruise plan, QA/QC plan,

and data/sampling handling plan, along with other details.

Conference #


B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy



I am available on my cell at

B6 Privacy

for any questions.



Troy Baker, SE Branch Chief (Acting)

NOAA National Ocean Service

Office of Response & Restoration / Assessment & Restoration Division

LSU Sea Grant Building, Room 1 24B

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
(office) 225-578 -7921

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

B6 Privacy
From: Todd Barber <
Date: May 2, 201 0 5:29:40 PM EDT

To: Eugene Shinn < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] coral and crude oil

Hi Eugene,

The oil on it's way to your coast is not "light sweet crude" like most

other oil from the Gulf of Mexico. . While most of the oil drilled off

Louisiana is a lighter crude, this isn't. It's a heavier blend because

Document ID:

Louisiana is a lighter crude, this isn't. It's a heavier blend because

it comes from deep under the ocean surface. It also emulsifies easily

(mixes with water) which it is doing as it is coming up from 5000 feet



Todd R Barber

Chairman, Reef Ball Foundation

3305 Edwards Court

Greenville, NC 27858

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
(Cell & Goggle Voice)

toddbarber Skype

www, (Reef Ball Foundation) (Designed Artificial Reefs) (Reefs for Beach Erosion) (Memorial Reefs) (Reef Ball Foundation)

On Sun, May 2, 201 0 at 1 1 :39 AM, Eugene Shinn < [email protected]> wrote:

Dear listers here is some information re the effects of crude oil on

coral that may be of use at this crucial time.

With the developing oil disaster in the Gulf I thought a few

comments regarding the effects of crude oil on coral reefs might be

healthful. Some of you know my background in the industry and work

with API committees before 1 974. In 1 972 I was sent to Australia to

testify before the Great Barrier Reef Commission regarding effects of

drilling on coral reefs. I was concerned so in preparation for the

trip I obtained 5 gallons of Louisiana sweet crude (the kind

presently blowing out off the Mississippi Delta) and traveled to the

Keys to do some personal in-situ experimenting. Corals on the Barrier

reef flats (including various species of staghorn coral) are exposed

to the air at low tide each day for more than one hour. Since that is

the length of time that corals there are likely to be exposed

directly to floating oil I performed some crude experiments where I

exposed Florida staghorn and star coral directly to oil for one and a

half hours. In these experiments I placed large clear plastic bags

containing crude oil over live staghorn that was fixed to rods driven

into the bottom. At the same time I placed plastic domes (skylights)

containing oil over the tops of small star coral heads for the same

length of time. The experiment was conducted in about 1 5 ft of water

off Tavernier Key. What I found, and described pictorially in the

1 989 issue of Sea Frontiers, was truly surprising. Corals retracted

their polyps but the oil would not stick to the coral because of its

mucus. When I removed the oil there was no oil on the coral. Fifteen

days later the corals were living and appeared normal. While at the

hearings in Australia I learned that another researcher wearing a

backpack garden sprayer had sprayed crude oil on the same exposed

corals at low tide every day for several days. His results were

similar to mine.

After joining the USGS a Masters candidate approached me to do

similar experiments for a thesis project. In the laboratory at Fisher

Island Station we totally submerged ten fragments of living Acropora

cervicornis in Louisiana crude for 2 hrs. We then transported them

(in sea water) to the reef line off Virginia Key, Florida and placed

them in concrete holders in 20 ft of water. When we returned a week

later the corals were alive and appeared healthy. The disappointed

Document ID:

student decided not to continue that project.

In yet another experiment students of Tom Bright from Texas A

and M University conducted an oil experiment on Carysfort reef

lighthouse off Key Largo. A 20-gallon aquarium was filled with

aerated seawater. The aquarium contained two butterfly fish and some

live A. cervicornis branches. A layer of crude oil about one inch

thick was then floated over the coral and fish. Butterfly fish are

known to feed on live polyps so the purpose of the experiment was to

see if various fractions of the oil would contaminate the coral and

then be transferred to the flesh of the fish. The fish did pick at

the coral and paid not attention to the overlying layer of crude oil.

After 24 hrs the fish was sacrificed and taken back to Texas A and M

to be analyzed for oil components. I never heard the results and

nothing was published. I simply documented it all on 1 6 mm movie


The lesson from this and other research was that if and when the

oil from this spill reaches the Florida Keys the damage will be to

limited mainly to mangrove shoreline habitats, sea birds, and

beaches. Dive boat operations will likely be affected but it will not

harm corals or reef fish.

The crude, which will likely be in the form of tar balls, will

simply float over the areas of living corals. Under no circumstances

should dispersants be used on an oil slick in the vicinity of a coral

reef. Dispersants soluabilize the oil and allow it dissolve in the

water and come in direct contact with coral and fish. In addition,

oil containment booms should not be deployed in the vicinity of coral

reefs because of possible entanglement and physical destruction. The

history of oil spills is that clean up efforts, such as use of live

steam, solvents, and digging, often do more damage than the oil.

The best teacher is history. The Keys and the east coast of the

US were often awash in oil from torpedoed tankers during WWII and

there have been numerous tanker spills and oil from bilge cleaning

over the past 50 years with no documented impact to Florida's coral

reefs. An exception is the disastrous onshore oil tank spill at

Goleta Point, Panama in the early 1 980s. The spill was at the

landward end of a lagoon that opened out to a coral reef being

studied by personnel at the adjacent Smithsonian Institution Marine

Laboratory. Unfortunately surfactants were added to break up and

soluabilize the oil in an enclosed area with poor circulation with

disastrous results. Many reef flat organisms and corals were killed.

Richard Dodge conducted extensive research on the effects of that

spill which is well documented.

In the present case by the time the spilled oil reaches the

Florida Keys (weeks) the more toxic aromatics components will have

evaporated and bacterial breakdown will have reduced the oil to a

less toxic gooey mess that can foul beaches, mangroves, and affect

sea birds. It will not harm corals or reef fish, Hopefully this

knowledge will relieve some tension and fear for the reefs as the

floating oil nears Florida's coral reefs. Nevertheless be prepared

for one heck of a mess at the shoreline before this is all over. Lets

hope it is over soon. Gene


No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)

------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

E. A. Shinn, Courtesy Professor

University of South Florida

Marine Science Center (room 204)

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Document ID:

Date: May 4, 201 0 1 0:22:1 3 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Deepwater Horizon - water sampling and chain of custody]]

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:[Fwd: Deepwater Horizon - water sampling and chain of custody]

Date:Thu, 29 Apr 201 0 1 2:26:45 -0400

From:Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

To:Michel Gielazyn <[email protected]>

My connection was crashed out. so I had to send the original from Jill's computer.

Thanks for following this.



M i c he l L. G i e l a z y n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or

N O A A - A ss e s s m e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di vi si on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e Sou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 70 1

B6 Privacy
ph one :
m i c he l . g i e l a z y n@noaa . g ov

2010 0310 l.pdf (136 KB)

WaterSampliOC (32.5 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kristopher Benson < [email protected]>

Date: May 6, 201 0 6:42:24 PM EDT

To: "Daniel.Hahn" < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: FW: Protocol for water samples]

FYI, this has the approved safety plan that was used for the water sampling cruise that went out this morning (Dan said he

already had this from the FTP site). From what I understand, they started from the vessel's standard safety plan and added the air

monitoring component. As I mentioned to Dan when we spoke last, the Weatherbird cruise will not be required to have a certified

industrial hygienist on board, but one crew member will be required to man a monitoring instrument for VOCs, and will need to be

trained on the instrument. The instrument can be delivered to the vessel when it is in port in Pensacola. Cheryl Metzler is the

Health & Safety POC for the instrument and training.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: FW: Protocol for water samples

Thu, 06 May 201 0 1 5:36:06 -0500

From: Jeffrey Wakefield <[email protected]>

To: [email protected] < [email protected]>


*Jeffrey R. Wakefield, Ph.D.*

Document ID:


*/Senior Project Resource Economist/*

1 0 Corporate Circle, Suite 300, New Castle, DE 1 9720

DIRECT: B6 Privacy MAIN: B6 Privacy FAX: B6 Privacy


*From:* Ralph Markarian

*Sent:* Thursday, May 06, 201 0 1 0:43 AM

*To:* Rob Barrick; Kim Sechrist

*Cc:* John Dimitry; Jeffrey Wakefield; Karen Favret; Ryan Holem

*Subject:* RE: Protocol for water samples

I am attaching the cruise plan. The third page has a table of the spill/dup plan. The shallower samples will have two sample

containers filled underwater at the same time. they cannot be mixed at sea due to contamination so the will stay as dups , not

splits based on disc with Jim Payne. the deeper samples will be actual splits since they will be taken in a ten litre sample container

with a ROV. Keep this in mind when following guidance provided by Rob below.

* *

*Ralph Markarian**, Ph.D.*


*/Vice President / Technical Director/*

1 0 Corporate Circle, Suite 300, New Castle, DE 1 9720

DIRECT: B6 Privacy MAIN: B6 Privacy CELL: B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy


*From:* Rob Barrick

*Sent:* Thursday, May 06, 201 0 1 2:1 5 AM

*To:* Kim Sechrist

*Cc:* Ralph Markarian; John Dimitry; Jeffrey Wakefield

*Subject:* RE: Protocol for water samples

Kim because of the large bottle size, after collection of the VOA samples it is helpful to swirl (not agitate) the collection bottles

between each filling of a sample bottle. That was my guidance between half-filling a sample bottle from a deep-water 5-L bottle but

it is appropriate for anything except VOA samples (always collect undisturbed VOAs first). Gentle swirling cant hurt in minimizing

oil heterogeneity when we are collecting partial samples from large bottles.



*From:* Rob Barrick

*Sent:* Wednesday, May 05, 201 0 9:05 PM

*To:* Kim Sechrist

*Cc:* Ralph Markarian; John Dimitry; Jeffrey Wakefield

*Subject:* Protocol for water samples

*Importance:* High

Ralph and I spoke about your cruise tomorrow and sampling/analytical requirements. Here is my guidance, some of which is

justification for why it is important for a single laboratory, rather than two different laboratories, conduct these analyses:

1 . *All samples should be sent only to B&B*. They have done all of

our most sophisticated and sensitive analyses to date, including

analyses for oil spill modeling at other sites. In addition,

Document ID:

analyses for oil spill modeling at other sites. In addition,

having the same laboratory conduct all analyses on the same sample

is important to eliminate uncertainties associated with unknown

interlaboratory variability. With these particular samples, the

more uncertainty we can eliminate, the better. That need far

outweighs any concern over a potential catastrophic loss of a

sample, and this potential can be minimized so it is essentially

no larger sending both samples to one laboratory versus two


2. *Sample shipping*:

Pack so that bottles for each sampling depth are in different coolers, even if coolers are only partially filled. In that way, if one

cooler is lost, only samples for one sampling depth are lost.

For shipping and analyzing DEEP WATER samples

Pack the duplicate deep water samples in separate coolers

Ship both coolers to B&B but on separate days so that if a shipping incident occurs on one day, only one cooler would be


Request B&B to place the shipments in separate storage units until processed

Request B&B to process the samples in separate analytical batches so that if an incident occurs at the laboratory, only one

sample would be affected. We cannot control whether something happens that causes both samples to be destroyed in separate

accidents but not only has that never occurred, I cannot recall when we have ever irreplaceably lost any sample in processing at


3. *Shallow water sample collection*: Ralph and I did not talk

about this but if not time-prohibitive (because they are

relatively shallow), I would recommend collecting two full sets of

duplicate samples and sending the two sets of duplicates in two

separate sets of coolers. In other words, at depth A, place

duplicate samples into a cooler for shipment and a second set of

duplicate samples into a second cooler for shipment. This is

essentially the same level of protection recommended below for

the one set of duplicate deep water samples because they are so

costly to collect. If not feasible to collect two sets of

duplicates out of an overabundance of caution for the shallow

samples, then I think it would be OK to settle for just separate

shipping of duplicate samples from each depth (with careful

packing as usual).

4. *Deep water sample collection*:

I recommend collecting the deep water sample using a 1 0-L bottle so that the duplicate samples can be taken as splits from a

single bottle. There is little value in an ephemeral field duplicate, and in fact, that could lead to more issues than taking a

reasonably controlled split sample from one bottle. First collect duplicate VOA samples, then the remaining samples.**

If a 1 0-L bottle cannot be used, then collect duplicate samples using two 5-L bottles but in the following procedure that will help

obtain homogenized samples: First collect both VOA samples from _one_ of the two 5-L bottles (pick either one). This is different

than what Ralph and I discussed but will meet objectives better and is a negligible percentage of the total bottle volume. Next,

swirl each of the 5-L collection bottle to make sure the contents are mixed (do this _after_ collecting the VOAs). For each of the

remaining sample bottles, fill _half_ from each of the two 5-L collection bottles so that each duplicate has 50:50 water from the two

5-L collection bottles. **

As Ralph noted in his e-mail, be sure to take a SAT PHONE with you so we can communicate if needed. Please call anytime with

questions about this or anything that I probably have left out.

* *


Document ID:


*Robert C. Barrick*


*/Senior Consultant / Senior Associate/*

200 First Avenue West, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 981 1 9

DIRECT: B6 Privacy CELL: B6 Privacy FAX: B6 Privacy

EMAIL: [email protected] < mailto:[email protected]> WEBSITE: <>

ENTRIX, Inc. is a professional environmental and natural resource management consulting company specializing in

water resources management, environmental and natural resource liability management (ENRLM), natural resources

management and NEPA/state compliance and permitting.

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please delete this communication without using, copying, or otherwise disseminating it. Please notify sender that you

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Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

Signed NRD Sampling.pdf

Kristopher_Bn.vcf (0.3 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 7, 201 0 6:55:29 PM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], karen_battle [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Document ID:

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Jim Payne

< [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Marine Science Review 371 : Special Edition - Oil and Oil Spills - Gulf of Mexico]]

Forward from Lisa Dipinto.

This Special Edition of Marine Science Review is a compilation of literature references regarding impacts of oil relevant to the

Deep Horizon spill.

-------- Original Message --------

Marine Science Review 371 : Special Edition - Oil and Oil Spills - Gulf of Mexico

Date: Fri, 07 May 201 0 1 2:40:54 -0400 (EDT)

From: SeaWeb < [email protected]>

[email protected]

To: [email protected]


Header: Marine Science Review E-newsletter

SeaWeb <

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B0TM6AgQf3ZxeLJJzCuX1 OF0HkcdK8mNyDPVe7lpFpi1 owZVOytKQJ> | E-subscriptions <

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Marine Science Review 371 : Special edition

Oil and oil spills - the Gulf of Mexico

Document ID:

Please click here to download the full edition (pdf) of Marine Science Review 371 <

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FdV0h1 F673uekVXWP1 cpm3aGBBgeSdB0wEusdh_e648xz3GQz4HiKq2XNab7as56R3M2O_coW8h_83w_ddU2Zr3CkKU3_BAip

rd1 f65O5AqNglBx3cz7rCJKvTFgu8wnAwA=>

In order to support the response efforts to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico SeaWeb

has assembled relevant literature from the last three decades which provide insights not only

to the impact of oil on the marine and coastal environment in the Gulf of Mexico, but high-

lights experiences, issues and research from similar oil spills in other regions of the world.

Please let us know if there are relevant papers to add to this list. We will update this review

and make it available at: <

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1 75nrMjeaON48ooDrHh6P1 Yyd0L57e3doLahQVAsGfY4QvIITKtGkjJ251 NCxoSxh1 p0dmVAtt7BFkmGRqrqe0lXDOg6AnShUemrri


SeaWeb will produce special editions of the Marine Science Review in response to significant ocean events or issues to ensure

that any activities, efforts and media are underpinned by

sound science.

In this review:

A. * *Impacts on human health

B. * *Impacts on marine and coastal birds

C. * *Impacts on marine mammals

D. * *Impacts on sea turtles

E. * *Impacts on fish and invertebrates

F. Impacts on coral and coral reefs

G. Impacts on mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses

H. Previous oil spills

I. Impacts of hydrocarbon production in the Gulf of Mexico

J. Future considerations


A. Impacts on human health

Review on the effects of exposure to spilled oils on human


Symptomatic profile and health-related quality of life of

persons affected by the Prestige catastrophe.

Document ID:

B. Impacts on marine and coastal birds

Assessing the impact of major oil spills on seabird populations.

Pathological features in marine birds affected by the

Prestige's oil spill in the north of Spain.

Survival and dispersal of oiled brown pelicans after

rehabilitation and release.

Consequences of petrochemical ingestion and stress on the

immune system of seabirds.

Birds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

An evaluation of marine bird population trends following the

Exxon Valdez oil spill, Prince William Sound, Alaska.

C. Impacts on marine mammals

Synthesis of effects of oil on marine mammals.

Ongoing population-level impacts on killer whales Orcinus

orca following the 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill in Prince

William Sound, Alaska.

D. Impacts on sea turtles

Oil and sea turtles: Biology, planning, and response.

E. Impacts on fish and invertebrates

A perspective on the toxicity of petrogenic PAHs to

developing fish embryos related to environmental chemistry.

Chronic sublethal effects associated with branched

Document ID:

Chronic sublethal effects associated with branched

alkylbenzenes bioaccumulated by mussels.

Toxicity of seawater and sand affected by the Prestige

fuel-oil spill using bivalve and sea urchin embryogenesis


Comparative toxicity of oil, dispersant, and oil plus

dispersant to several marine species.

Long-term biological effects of petroleum residues on

fiddler crabs in salt marshes.

Toxic effects of unresolved complex mixtures of aromatic

hydrocarbons accumulated by mussels, Mytilus edulis, from

contaminated field sites.

Effects of exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons upon the

metabolism of the common sole Solea solea.

F. Impacts on coral and coral reefs

Oil pollution on coral reefs: A review of the state of

knowledge and management needs.

Oil spills in coral reefs: Planning and response


Short and long term toxicity of crude oil and oil

dispersants to two representative coral species.

Toxicity of third generation dispersants and dispersed

Egyptian crude oil on Red Sea coral larvae.

Effects of chronic oil-sediment pollution on the

reproduction of the Caribbean reef coral Siderastrea siderea.

Short-term ecological consequences of a major oil spill on

Panamanian subtidal reef corals.

Document ID:

Injury, regeneration and growth of Caribbean reef corals

after a major oil spill in Panama.

G. Impacts on mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses

Oil spills in mangroves: Planning and response considerations.

Long-term consequences of residual petroleum on salt marsh


Nonnutrient anthropogenic chemicals in seagrass ecosystems:

Fate and effects.

H. Previous oil spills

Ecological effects of a major oil spill on Panamanian

coastal marine communities.

The fate of Amoco Cadiz oil.

The impact of the "Sea Empress" oil spill.

The Prestige oil spill and its economic impact on the

Galician fishing sector.

Estimated costs and admissible claims linked to the Prestige

oil spill.

Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Long-term persistence of oil from the Exxon Valdez spill in

two-layer beaches.

I. Impacts of hydrocarbon production in the Gulf of Mexico

Document ID:

A review of ecological impacts of oil and gas development on

coastal ecosystems in the Mississippi Delta.

Evidence of regional subsidence and associated interior

wetland loss induced by hydrocarbon production, Gulf Coast

region, USA.

J. Future considerations

Trouble on oiled waters: Lessons from the Exxon Valdez oil


An international comparison of governmental disclosure of

hydrocarbon spills from offshore oil and gas installations.

o Ensuring persistence of marine reserves: Catastrophes

require adopting an insurance factor.


Please click here to download the full edition (pdf) of Marine Science Review 371 <

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FdV0h1 F673uekVXWP1 cpm3aGBBgeSdB0wEusdh_e648xz3GQz4HiKq2XNab7as56R3M2O_coW8h_83w_ddU2Zr3CkKU3_BAip

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SeaWeb | 8401 Colesville Rd. | Suite 500 | Silver Spring | MD | 2091 0


Document ID:

John Cubit, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator, Southwest Region

NOAA Assessment and Restoration Division, Suite 4470 501 W. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802

[email protected] tel 562 980-4081 fax 562 980-4084

Cell phone (for urgent matters and travel contact B6 Privacy


Lisa DiPinto, Ph.D. Acting Marine Debris Division Chief

Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Division

1 305 East West Highway Rm 1 021 8 Silver Spring, MD 2091 0 phone: 301 -71 3 -4248x1 87 cell:

B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: "John.Cubit" < [email protected]>

Date: May 7, 201 0 7:56:24 PM EDT

To: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Ann Bailey < [email protected]>, Rob Ricker < [email protected]>, Laurie

Sullivan < [email protected]>, Robert Haddad < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>,

Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Troy Baker < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Marine Science Review 371 : Special Edition - Oil and Oil Spills - Gulf of Mexico]


Regarding your questions on the toxicity of dispersants and dispersant/oil mixtures, here are two fairly recent references regarding

impacts of oil and dispersants on coral reefs. The first one reports the results of toxicity bioassays of dispersants and dispersant-

oil mixtures on corals and may have references to related toxicological studies. The second is a broader literature review. I have

also written coral ecologists working on the Great Barrier Reef to see if they have observed any mortality connected to the

spraying of dispersants on the the oil that leaked from the Shen Neng 1 coal carrier that grounded there recently. (I haven't

received a reply yet.)


Shafir, S., Van Rijn, J., and Rinkevich, B. Short and long term toxicity of crude oil and oil dispersants to two

representative coral species. Environmental Science and Technology 41 (1 5): 5571 -5574, 2007.

Notes: Oil dispersants, the tool of choice for treating oil spills in tropical marine environments, is potentially harmful to

marine life, including reef corals. In a previous study, we found that dispersed oil and oil dispersants are harmful to soft and

hard coral species at early life stages. In this broader study, we employed a ''nubbin assay'' on more than 1 0 000 coral

fragments to evaluate the short- and long-term impacts of dispersed oil fractions (DOFs) from six commercial dispersants, the

dispersants and water-soluble -fractions (WSFs) of Egyptian crude oil, on two Indo Pacific branching coral species, Stylophora

pistillata and Pocillopora damicornis. Survivorship and growth of nubbins were recorded for up to 50 days following a single, short

(24 h) exposure to toxicants in various concentrations. Manufacturer-recommended dispersant concentrations proved to be

highly toxic and resulted in mortality for all nubbins. The dispersed oil and the dispersants were significantly more toxic than

crude oil WSFs. As corals are particularly susceptible to oil detergents and dispersed oil, the results of these assays rules out the

use of any oil dispersant in coral reefs and in their vicinity. The ecotoxicological impacts of the various dispersants on the

corals could be rated on a scale from the least to the most harmful agent, as follows: Slickgone > Petrotech > Inipol =

Biorieco > Emulgal > Dispolen.


Haapkyla, J., Ramade, F., and Salvat, B. Oil pollution on coral reefs: a review of the state of knowledge and

management needs. Vie et Mileau 57(1 -2): 95-1 1 1 , 2007. O/A

Notes: This paper reviews the current state of knowledge of the effects that oil pollution has on scleractinian corals. A review

of results obtained in laboratory as well as in field conditions are given and suitable management tools are discussed. Studies

made in the 1 970s and 1 980s presented conflicting results regarding the impacts of oil on coral physiology, but later results

confirmed the detrimental effect of oil on corals. The world's coral reefs are severely threatened by an array of factors, one of

which is oil pollution. More laboratory and field work with current oils and dispersants is urgently needed in order to update

our knowledge in this field and reduce impacts in case of a major oil spill on coral reefs.

Greg Baker wrote:

Document ID:

Greg Baker wrote:

Thanks John. From a quick glance, there don't appear to be articles about evaluations of oil / dispersant mixtures, one topic that

we're scrambling to get our arms around. Is dispersant / oil mixture any more toxic (do dispersants add additional toxic agents to

the mix, or do they simply physically change the already present oil constituents?). Do we need to analyze water column

samples for additional analytes beyond our normal set? I'm in discussions with Ann Bailey and others on this -

Greg B

John.Cubit wrote:

This Special Edition of Marine Science Review is a compilation of literature references regarding impacts of oil relevant to the

Deep Horizon spill.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Marine Science Review 371 : Special Edition - Oil and Oil Spills - Gulf of Mexico

Date: Fri, 07 May 201 0 1 2:40:54 -0400 (EDT)

From: SeaWeb < [email protected]>

Reply-To: [email protected]

To: [email protected]


Header: Marine Science Review E-newsletter

SeaWeb <

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GYmZe9eYWAq1 sXmAqb9wVoMnKxYRebp4JLNx0vdXC1 t9eSqENtjsNhEqyG6qJnRA_MynBbNksJuyhhEi1 GJbCHLp> |

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cbvauX2J5MQXEJlMERUmXXBkJEdjglSSCh5I3MYtrtP3no4c2x4iG -F9cY5Rh860p91 -3nhE=>

Marine Science Review 371 : Special edition

Oil and oil spills - the Gulf of Mexico

Please click here to download the full edition (pdf) of Marine Science Review 371 <

et=1 1 03373799882&s=1 856&e=001 yH9_zzOulke_z8EMAWw1 bKwIVwbC_2Vy4zo0ok_qzmC9GPT0TP5PvtcsP55QBwjjRN1 S

k7jfFdV0h1 F673uekVXWP1 cpm3aGBBgeSdB0wEusdh_e648xz3GQz4HiKq2XNab7as56R3M2O_coW8h_83w_ddU2Zr3CkKU

3_BAiprd1 f65O5AqNglBx3cz7rCJKvTFgu8wnAwA=>

In order to support the response efforts to the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico SeaWeb

has assembled relevant literature from the last three decades which provide insights not only

to the impact of oil on the marine and coastal environment in the Gulf of Mexico, but high-

lights experiences, issues and research from similar oil spills in other regions of the world.

Please let us know if there are relevant papers to add to this list. We will update this review

and make it available at: <

et=1 1 03373799882&s=1 856&e=001 yH9_zzOulkeByFFM0y08s-

1 75nrMjeaON48ooDrHh6P1 Yyd0L57e3doLahQVAsGfY4QvIITKtGkjJ251 NCxoSxh1 p0dmVAtt7BFkmGRqrqe0lXDOg6AnShUe


SeaWeb will produce special editions of the Marine Science Review in response to significant ocean events or issues to

ensure that any activities, efforts and media are underpinned by

sound science.

Document ID:

In this review:

A. * *Impacts on human health

B. * *Impacts on marine and coastal birds

C. * *Impacts on marine mammals

D. * *Impacts on sea turtles

E. * *Impacts on fish and invertebrates

F. Impacts on coral and coral reefs

G. Impacts on mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses

H. Previous oil spills

I. Impacts of hydrocarbon production in the Gulf of Mexico

J. Future considerations


A. Impacts on human health

Review on the effects of exposure to spilled oils on human


Symptomatic profile and health-related quality of life of

persons affected by the Prestige catastrophe.

B. Impacts on marine and coastal birds

Assessing the impact of major oil spills on seabird


Pathological features in marine birds affected by the

Prestige's oil spill in the north of Spain.

Survival and dispersal of oiled brown pelicans after

rehabilitation and release.

Consequences of petrochemical ingestion and stress on the

immune system of seabirds.

Document ID:

immune system of seabirds.

Birds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

An evaluation of marine bird population trends following

the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Prince William Sound, Alaska.

C. Impacts on marine mammals

Synthesis of effects of oil on marine mammals.

Ongoing population-level impacts on killer whales Orcinus

orca following the 'Exxon Valdez' oil spill in Prince

William Sound, Alaska.

D. Impacts on sea turtles

Oil and sea turtles: Biology, planning, and response.

E. Impacts on fish and invertebrates

A perspective on the toxicity of petrogenic PAHs to

developing fish embryos related to environmental chemistry.

Chronic sublethal effects associated with branched

alkylbenzenes bioaccumulated by mussels.

Toxicity of seawater and sand affected by the Prestige

fuel-oil spill using bivalve and sea urchin embryogenesis


Comparative toxicity of oil, dispersant, and oil plus

dispersant to several marine species.

Long-term biological effects of petroleum residues on

fiddler crabs in salt marshes.

Toxic effects of unresolved complex mixtures of aromatic

hydrocarbons accumulated by mussels, Mytilus edulis, from

Document ID:

contaminated field sites.

Effects of exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons upon the

metabolism of the common sole Solea solea.

F. Impacts on coral and coral reefs

Oil pollution on coral reefs: A review of the state of

knowledge and management needs.

Oil spills in coral reefs: Planning and response


Short and long term toxicity of crude oil and oil

dispersants to two representative coral species.

Toxicity of third generation dispersants and dispersed

Egyptian crude oil on Red Sea coral larvae.

Effects of chronic oil-sediment pollution on the

reproduction of the Caribbean reef coral Siderastrea


Short-term ecological consequences of a major oil spill on

Panamanian subtidal reef corals.

Injury, regeneration and growth of Caribbean reef corals

after a major oil spill in Panama.

G. Impacts on mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses

Oil spills in mangroves: Planning and response considerations.

Long-term consequences of residual petroleum on salt marsh


Nonnutrient anthropogenic chemicals in seagrass

ecosystems: Fate and effects.

Document ID:

H. Previous oil spills

Ecological effects of a major oil spill on Panamanian

coastal marine communities.

The fate of Amoco Cadiz oil.

The impact of the "Sea Empress" oil spill.

The Prestige oil spill and its economic impact on the

Galician fishing sector.

Estimated costs and admissible claims linked to the

Prestige oil spill.

Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Long-term persistence of oil from the Exxon Valdez spill

in two-layer beaches.

I. Impacts of hydrocarbon production in the Gulf of Mexico

A review of ecological impacts of oil and gas development

on coastal ecosystems in the Mississippi Delta.

Evidence of regional subsidence and associated interior

wetland loss induced by hydrocarbon production, Gulf Coast

region, USA.

J. Future considerations

Trouble on oiled waters: Lessons from the Exxon Valdez oil


Document ID:

An international comparison of governmental disclosure of

hydrocarbon spills from offshore oil and gas installations.

o Ensuring persistence of marine reserves: Catastrophes

require adopting an insurance factor.


Please click here to download the full edition (pdf) of Marine Science Review 371 <

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k7jfFdV0h1 F673uekVXWP1 cpm3aGBBgeSdB0wEusdh_e648xz3GQz4HiKq2XNab7as56R3M2O_coW8h_83w_ddU2Zr3CkKU

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StHocGZPIaa2By5VDExFuKLwNJla04ux3gwAc0cPzw_oFt4jRjjHwb9L3QtdsIfb2tVmyTt1 uK23KPT2XZJgR4g==>

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SeaWeb | 8401 Colesville Rd. | Suite 500 | Silver Spring | MD | 2091 0


John Cubit, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator, Southwest Region

NOAA Assessment and Restoration Division, Suite 4470 501 W. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802 [email protected]

tel 562 980-4081 fax 562 980-4084 Cell phone (for urgent matters and travel contact) B6 Privacy


John Cubit, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator, Southwest Region

NOAA Assessment and Restoration Division, Suite 4470 501 W. Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802 [email protected] tel

562 980 -4081 fax 562 980 -4084 Cell phone (for urgent matters and travel contact) B6 Privacy
Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 8, 201 0 6:06:06 PM EDT

To: Kara Radabaugh <


B6 Privacy
Subject: Fwd: Draft SEAMAP/SIPPER Cruise Strategy -

Background on why we are doing the cruise from our modeler... One of Debbie's folks is also on the cruise.

Sent from my iPad

Document ID:

On May 8, 201 0, at 1 0:52 AM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]> wrote:

I just read this - they were on schedule yesterday afternoon but I see they are are behind schedule now (4 stations/day

instead of 5-6). Would you consider a touch-and -go for samples followed by a regular port call on Tuesday or

Wednesday? The existing crew could stay out there working in the rough weather, and then we could do leg 2 in better

conditions. Ernst

X -USFCMS-MailScanner-Watermark: 1 2739291 1 5.1 998@8hxqYc7f7AnjtqIrq9B60A

Date: Sat, 08 May 201 0 09:1 1 :54 -0400

From: Randy Maxson < [email protected]>

User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/201 00228)

To: Tom Moore <[email protected]>

CC: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>,

Maxson Randy FIO < [email protected]>,

"hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>,

Kristopher Benson < [email protected]>,

"Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>,

Sandra Vargo < [email protected]>,

Rob Walker < [email protected]>,

"mattheww >> Matthew White" <[email protected]>,

[email protected]

Subject: Re: HAZOPPER Monday @ 1 600

X -USFCMS-MailScanner-Information: Please contact [email protected] for more information

X -USFCMS-MailScanner: Not scanned

X -USFCMS-MailScanner-From: [email protected]

X -Spam-Status: No

Tom will have transit time to you shortly. Just spoke with the Captain. They are 48 nm south of Cape San Blas, ops

normal. They completed three stations during the past 24 hours (stas 81 4, 81 3 & 81 6). There was some difficulty with a

trawl net yesterday that required swapping out a net that ate up a lot of time. They have completed 8 stations in the past

48 hours.


Tom Moore wrote:


That is completely understandable and of course crew and vessel safety is our first priority. If you get a first light

departure from Pensacola what is the transit time to 28.51 666, -87.1 9748.



Sent from my iPad

On May 8, 201 0, at 7:51 AM, Randy Maxson < [email protected]> wrote:

Ernst / Tom, the port call and HAZWOPPER training is going to be a disruption to the normal watch /sleep rotation

for the crew. It will be in the best interest of crew and vessel safety if the ship lays inport overnight and departs first

thing Tuesday morning.

Tom Moore wrote:

It turns out getting the HAZWOPPER training arranged was more difficult then expected. After a bit of back and

forth I was able to arrange for the course to take place on the WB at 1 600. They say it is a 6 hour training but told

me it will likly be done in 4.

Thank you very much for everyones flexablity.


Document ID:

Sent from my wireless...


Randy Maxson

Marine Superindendent

The Florida Institute of Oceanography

830 First Street South

St Petersburg, FL. 33701

-1 1 00

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B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

[email protected]


Randy Maxson

Marine Superindendent

The Florida Institute of Oceanography

830 First Street South

St Petersburg, FL. 33701

-1 1 00

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

[email protected]


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

USF College of Marine Science

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

office phone: (727) 553 -3983

lab phone:
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Document ID:

M/V Jack Fitz

Official Number 1074297



Length Overall:
Light Draft:
Clear Deck Space:

Staterooms: 6

Berths: 20

Galley Seating: 10





2 3

3090 sq ft 103 x 30


DP System: MT DP-1 W/Joystick

Gyro: (2) SG Brown


2 RM Young Wind Tracker & Sensor

Deck Cargo:
500 Lt

Radars (2): Furuno 1932 Mark 2

Cargo Water:
AIS: Furuno FA100

81,500 US Gallons

52,800/124,200 US Gallons

Potable Water:
VHF (3): Standard Horizon GX1500S

10,000 US Gallons

Lube Oil:
GPS (2): Furuno GP 32

1,300 US Gallons

3,600 US Gallons

Dirty Oil:
(1): C-Nav 2050

DGPS (1): C-Nav 1000 GNSS Receiver

3,000 US Gallons

Liquid Mud:
71,400 US Gallons/1,700 bls

Navtex: Furuno NX-300

Walk In Cooler:

GMDSS: Felcom 15 Inmarsat C

2 FM8800 w/DSC

Fathometer: Datamarine International Offshore


Auto Pilot: Comm Nav 1001

Main Engines (2):

Caterpillar 3508 MTU

Iridium Sat Phone: 881621416003

1610 hp

B6 Privacy

Reduction Gears:
Twin Disk MG626

International Sat Services, Mitsubishi Sat

Bow Thruster:

Phone: B6 Privacy

4 Bid Brz

Advanced Logistics SAMM System

Generators (2):
Delco 99 kw 480 Volts


Driven By:
Caterpillar 3304

Fire Monitor:
4 Ekhart


Fuel Consumption:

Home Port:
Golden Meadow, La

GPH @ 12 knots:
67 US Gallons

Call Sign:

52 US Gallons

Master Boat Builders

GPH @ 10 knots:
Fuel Pump:
Barnes 10cce

Year Built:

Maximum Discharge 150 gpm @ 80 Head

Jack Fitz ABSpdf (36.3 KB)

Document ID:

M C 252_Incipproved.pdf

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 0, 201 0 1 0:43:48 PM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>, Andrew Remsen

< [email protected]>, "David L. Jones" < [email protected]>, Melanie Schroeder < [email protected]>

Subject: DH - Plume Area SIPPER Transects


Since our conversation earlier today I have spoken with the folks who control water access near the site. They are very willing to

work with us, but it certainly seems the closer we are to the action the more highly scrutinized are activities will be. They are

willing to let us be flexible with planning but I also get the impression that depending on what is going on any given day we may

only get one time slot for the plume. Our time around the plume may also conflict with dispersant application so we need to get in

and out.

In order to get as much information as possible I was thinking we could request a 4-6 hour time slot (however long SIPPER can

stay in with out a battery change), put SIPPER in the water once and try to hit three transects (without taking SIPPER out of the

water) downstream of whatever directions the current is pushing the plume. If we try to do the tic/tac/toe pattern it sounds like we

will need multiple entry authorizations and likely will need to recover/redeploy SIPPER losing a bunch of time. In this process they

should also be able to pull some snapshots and see if we are getting the droplet size info that is needed.

Attached is a graphic of what I was thinking:

Document ID:

For the "D" stations the SIMOPS folks are likely to give us access to a "box" for a period of time (~4-6 Hours). I figured we would

setup a North box and South box and then tell the team to sample them as effectively as possible in the given time. SIMOPS will

be flexible on the box location as the oil moves, but we likely need to lock in by Thursday at 1 800. For purposes of giving BP a

graphic I was going to send the following (adjusted from previous based on SE winds and currents to the East). That said they

understand the box location and what happens inside of it is fluid and asked just for an example schematic. Below is what I was

going to send if you concur.

Document ID:


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 2:26:08 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>, Andrew Remsen

< [email protected]>, "David L. Jones" < [email protected]>, Melanie Schroeder < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: DH - Plume Area SIPPER Transects


Your design and logic make sense to me. When I drew the tic/tack/toe pattern when I had only ADCP data on the currents at the

wellhead, and it showed all directions at various depths and times. The ADCP has shown flow to the south since noon May 5.

The currents are weak and variable from 1 200m up to about 1 00m down. Above that, the plume is sheared off and directed with

the surface layer currents (i.e., those above 1 00m). The currents above 1 00m were very low (<0.2 kts) until May 5 about noon

CDT. From May 5 at noon CDT until May 1 0 at 0000CDT, the surface currents were up to 0.8kts directed to the S (until noon

May 7) and then to the SE (until May 1 0 > at 0000CDT). Since this morning (May 1 0, 000 -0700 CDT) they are slower, up to 0.4

kts to the ESE.

Thus, I like your configuration, and sampling the east and south sides for the "P" transects. In addition, the south side

"downstream" transects are now the prefered configuration. With the currents directed southward to ESE the last 5 days, it makes

sense to focus on, again, the east and south sides. If currents change we can alert them, but it is looking like southward to ESE-

directed currents are stablized. To the north of the wellhead, it does not appear that there is any plume surfacing now.

Good night now,


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

Document ID:

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 0, 201 0 1 0:43 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: hahn >> Daniel Hahn; Stephanie Willis; Andrew Remsen; David L. Jones; Melanie Schroeder

Subject: DH - Plume Area SIPPER Transects


Since our conversation earlier today I have spoken with the folks who control water access near the site. They are very willing to

work with us, but it certainly seems the closer we are to the action the more highly scrutinized are activities will be. They are

willing to let us be flexible with planning but I also get the impression that depending on what is going on any given day we may

only get one time slot for the plume. Our time around the plume may also conflict with dispersant application so we need to get in

and out.

In order to get as much information as possible I was thinking we could request a 4-6 hour time slot (however long SIPPER can

stay in with out a battery change), put SIPPER in the water once and try to hit three transects (without taking SIPPER out of the

water) downstream of whatever directions the current is pushing the plume. If we try to do the tic/tac/toe pattern it sounds like we

will need multiple entry authorizations and likely will need to recover/redeploy SIPPER losing a bunch of time. In this process they

should also be able to pull some snapshots and see if we are getting the droplet size info that is needed.

Attached is a graphic of what I was thinking:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 1 :40:09 AM EDT

To: Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>, Troy Baker < [email protected]>, Mary Elliott

Rolle < [email protected]>

Cc: Brian Hostetter < [email protected]>, "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>

Subject: DH - Is there a Coral Workgroup?

Hi All,

I just got a call from Mike Buchman and then separately from Bill Goodwin, both with FKNMS, wanting to know how development

of the plan was going for the coral workgroup, apparently they were under the impression I was the group coordinator.

That is fine, but it was news to me.

If we do spin up a coral workgroup were going to need to have two sub-groups. One for Deep Coral in the Northern Gulf and

other for Shallow Coral in the Tortuga's and Marquesa's west of Key West. The Deep Coral stuff is likely to be an issue either

way, given the proximately of these habitats to spill area. The Shallow Water Reefs will hopefully never be an issue unless we get

oil or dispersed oil in the loop current, but we should still make sure were on top of the issue before that happens.




Tom Moore


263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lisa.Dipinto" < [email protected]>

Document ID:

From: "Lisa.Dipinto" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 2:03:56 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: DH - Is there a Coral Workgroup?

I have not heard of and certainly did not suggest you as head of that work group- my recollection was that Buchman was heading

that, and that he was going to lead plan development. When last we spoke, I asked him to get me a brief writeup on what he

wanted to do regarding baseline sampling (as that was the specific topic) including what, why, where, and how much it wouild

cost. Not sure how this miscommunication occurred. Ian (the new NRDA lead as of today) will follow up with Buchman on this




Tom Moore wrote:

Hi All,

I just got a call from Mike Buchman and then separately from Bill Goodwin, both with FKNMS, wanting to know how

development of the plan was going for the coral workgroup, apparently they were under the impression I was the group


That is fine, but it was news to me.

If we do spin up a coral workgroup were going to need to have two sub-groups. One for Deep Coral in the Northern Gulf and

other for Shallow Coral in the Tortuga's and Marquesa's west of Key West. The Deep Coral stuff is likely to be an issue either

way, given the proximately of these habitats to spill area. The Shallow Water Reefs will hopefully never be an issue unless we

get oil or dispersed oil in the loop current, but we should still make sure were on top of the issue before that happens.




Tom Moore


263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy




Lisa DiPinto, Ph.D. Acting Marine Debris Division Chief

Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Division

1 305 East West Highway Rm 1 021 8 Silver Spring, MD 2091 0 phone:

B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 2:1 1 :53 PM EDT

To: "Lisa.Dipinto" < [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: DH - Is there a Coral Workgroup?

I heard separately from M.E. that folks had a desire to keep this in DARRP so maybe that was the deal where this started.

I am happy to do it, though currently I think the focus needs to be the deep corals and not the Keys.

Some of the nicest deep reefs in the Gulf are very close to MC 252. Fortunately NOAA has done quite bit of work in the area and

actually did a month long survey in that area less then a year ago. See attached cruise track...

Document ID:

On May 1 1 , 201 0, at 1 2:03 PM, Lisa.Dipinto wrote:

I have not heard of and certainly did not suggest you as head of that work group- my recollection was that Buchman was

heading that, and that he was going to lead plan development. When last we spoke, I asked him to get me a brief writeup on

what he wanted to do regarding baseline sampling (as that was the specific topic) including what, why, where, and how much it

wouild cost. Not sure how this miscommunication occurred. Ian (the new NRDA lead as of today) will follow up with Buchman

on this issue.



Tom Moore wrote:

Hi All,

I just got a call from Mike Buchman and then separately from Bill Goodwin, both with FKNMS, wanting to know how

development of the plan was going for the coral workgroup, apparently they were under the impression I was the group


That is fine, but it was news to me.

If we do spin up a coral workgroup were going to need to have two sub-groups. One for Deep Coral in the Northern Gulf and

other for Shallow Coral in the Tortuga's and Marquesa's west of Key West. The Deep Coral stuff is likely to be an issue either

way, given the proximately of these habitats to spill area. The Shallow Water Reefs will hopefully never be an issue unless we

get oil or dispersed oil in the loop current, but we should still make sure were on top of the issue before that happens.




Document ID:

Tom Moore


263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Lisa DiPinto, Ph.D. Acting Marine Debris Division Chief

Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Division

1 305 East West Highway Rm 1 021 8 Silver Spring, MD 2091 0 phone: 301 -71 3 -4248x1 87 cell:

B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 2:1 3:20 PM EDT

To: Mary Elliott Rolle < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: DH - Is there a Coral Workgroup?


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lisa.Dipinto" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 1 2:03:56 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: DH - Is there a Coral Workgroup?

I have not heard of and certainly did not suggest you as head of that work group- my recollection was that Buchman was

heading that, and that he was going to lead plan development. When last we spoke, I asked him to get me a brief writeup on

what he wanted to do regarding baseline sampling (as that was the specific topic) including what, why, where, and how much it

wouild cost. Not sure how this miscommunication occurred. Ian (the new NRDA lead as of today) will follow up with Buchman

on this issue.



Tom Moore wrote:

Hi All,

I just got a call from Mike Buchman and then separately from Bill Goodwin, both with FKNMS, wanting to know how

development of the plan was going for the coral workgroup, apparently they were under the impression I was the group

Document ID:

development of the plan was going for the coral workgroup, apparently they were under the impression I was the group


That is fine, but it was news to me.

If we do spin up a coral workgroup were going to need to have two sub-groups. One for Deep Coral in the Northern Gulf and

other for Shallow Coral in the Tortuga's and Marquesa's west of Key West. The Deep Coral stuff is likely to be an issue either

way, given the proximately of these habitats to spill area. The Shallow Water Reefs will hopefully never be an issue unless we

get oil or dispersed oil in the loop current, but we should still make sure were on top of the issue before that happens.




Tom Moore


263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Lisa DiPinto, Ph.D. Acting Marine Debris Division Chief

Office of Response and Restoration Marine Debris Division

1 305 East West Highway Rm 1 021 8 Silver Spring, MD 2091 0 phone: 301 -71 3 -4248x1 87 cell:

B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Caitlin Lustic < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 1 , 201 0 4:49:1 6 PM EDT

To: Caitlin Lustic < [email protected] >, [email protected], James Byrne < [email protected]>, Meaghan Johnson

< [email protected]>, Chris Bergh < [email protected]>, Aaron Hutchins < [email protected]>, Kemit-Amon Lewis

< [email protected]>, Daniel Green < [email protected]>, Jonathan Brown < [email protected]>, Ron Sjoken

< [email protected]>, Jennifer Greene < [email protected]>, Robert Brumbaugh < [email protected]>, Amanda Wrona

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Restoration] Oil spill response call RESCHEDULE

Hi everyone

Thanks to those who were able to make the call, and specifically Aaron for fielding our questions. Some of the questions that

came up were:

Document ID:

How do we deal with the oil in the nurseries if it is in the form of tar balls or some other form of thick, sinking oil rather than a

surface slick?

What will the effects of the dispersants be on the coral?

Is there anything we can do to protect the nursery corals?

Aaron and Kemit will be attending a meeting next week of the Caribbean Regional Response Team, and have offered to take our

questions with them to see if they can get any more information. Many of the responders who would normally attend this meeting

are likely in the Gulf helping out but it cant hurt to compile a list of questions and see what information we can get. Please send

me your questions by Monday, May 1 7.

Some other important information:

Any expenses that you incur on the nursery project as a result of the oil spill (including time, additional equipment, etc.) can be

paid under ARRA but should be very carefully documented. Please contact me if you have any questions about this.

James is currently doing some research into OSHA rules and requirements as they relate to diving in the presence of oil. We will

get more details out soon, but there will be guidance about when it is safe to dive.

Please be very vigilant in monitoring for now so that we have accurate and recent data about the status of the nursery corals.

Good baseline data could prove very important.

We will be in touch again as needed.



From: Caitlin Lustic

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:19 AM

To: Caitlin Lustic; '[email protected]'; James Byrne; Meaghan Johnson; Chris Bergh; Aaron Hutchins; Kemit-Amon

Lewis; Daniel Green; Jonathan Brown; Ron Sjoken; Jennifer Greene; Robert Brumbaugh; Amanda Wrona

Subject: Oil spill response call RESCHEDULE

Since most everyone is going to be out on the water this Friday, lets reschedule for Tuesday at 4pm. Join us if you can.

Call-in number:
Access code:

Caitlin Lustic

Document ID:

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

From: Caitlin Lustic

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:19 AM

To: [email protected]; James Byrne; Meaghan Johnson; Chris Bergh; Aaron Hutchins; Kemit-Amon Lewis; Daniel

Green; Jonathan Brown; Ron Sjoken

Subject: Oil spill response call - Friday 10am

Good morning everyone

We would like to have a call this Friday at 1 0am to discuss potential oil spill response plans. I know this is late notice, so join us if

you can, and Ill take and distribute meeting minutes for those who cannot. If you are unable to call in but have some thoughts

you would like heard, give me a call or send me an email.



Call-in number:

B6 Privacy

Access code: 20288020

Caitlin Lustic

Coral Recovery Coordinator

The Nature Conservancy

Florida Keys

P.O. Box 420237

Summerland Key, FL 33042

[email protected]

B6 Privacy
Ext. 114 (Phone)


B6 Privacy

Sugarloaf Key, FL 33042

Earth Day's 40th anniversary is April 22nd. Dive into our online community and join the celebration!


Restoration mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 2:28:07 AM EDT

To: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Document ID:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00-

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the

eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have been

present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we should

get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

Document ID:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 9:1 2:44 AM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

It was the note on the attached. " Source

plume of brown oil approx. 3 mi long on N heading"

Mississippi Canyon 252, Gulf of Mexico

Type of Map: Overflight


Prepared by: NOAA



Date/Time: 05-11-2010 / 1405-1605hrs CDT

Platform: Sikorsky S-76

Observers: Sulfridge (USCG) Wesley (NOAA)

Slater (NOAA)





Aircraft Altitude:

500 - 800 ft

On-scene winds:

SE at 10 knots

Patch of transparent sheen

oriented E - W


Convergence line

Patches of transparent sheen

Leading edge of spill source patch

transparent sheen with one 10ft wide

line of orange emulsified oil

Long 10ft wide line of

orange emulsified oil

Patch of transparent sheen

Entering heavier oil near source

50% metallic sheen

20% silver sheen

1% orange emulsified oil


Long patch of transparent

sheen extending to the west


Long patch of sheen

Patches of transparent sheen

Source plume of brown oil

approx. 3 mi long on N heading

10% metallic sheen

10% silver sheen



Flight Path

NESDIS Anomaly




Document ID:








Flight Path

NESDIS Anomaly







On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727)B6551
-571 5

B6 Privacy

Document ID:


B6 Privacy

<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 9:23:55 AM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

The ocean imaging stuff is pretty useful. What is the access site for that.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Document ID:

Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 9:30:34 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Nicole Mulanaphy < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Tom and Dan,

See attached, best so far. Nicole Mulanaphy is getting these downloaded (take a long time) and working with the GIS to get shape



Please send access info to Tom and Dan, and explain system -- point them at the pdfs.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Document ID:

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:23 AM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

The ocean imaging stuff is pretty useful. What is the access site for that.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Document ID:

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
Cell (870 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brenda Jones < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:23:34 AM EDT

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Hammond < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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Document ID:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Todd M Hoefen < [email protected]>,

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Subject: DEEPOIL Oilspill remote sensing telecon today at 1 300CDT

We will be having a remote sensing working group telecon today at 1 400 EDT, 1 300CDT, 1 200MDT, and 1 1 00PDT. The notes from Saturday and

Tuesday are attached.

Dial in -

B6 Privacy

Following is a brief agenda - I have not confirmed participation.

1 . Introductions

2. NOAA update

3. USCG update

4. EagleVision

5. NGA



8. EPA


1 0. States

1 1 . Roundtable

Brenda K. Jones

Disaster Response Coordinator


4791 4 252nd St

Sioux Falls, SD 571 98

Phone 605.594.6503

605.594.61 50

Email: [email protected]


CELL: B6 Privacy

RSWG_0511.doc (34.5 KB)

RSWG_0508.doc (32.5 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: "M.E. Rolle" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:38:46 AM EDT

To: "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Troy Baker < [email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: Gulf oil and deep coral]

FYI on coral interests at USGS.

Document ID:

Referral to USGS

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:48:49 AM EDT

To: Mary Elliott Rolle < [email protected]>

Cc: Mike Buchman < [email protected]>, Troy Baker < [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, "hahn

>> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>, Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Gulf oil and deep coral]

We probably want to get in front of this on the NRDA side before others in NOAA and DOI start to spin a up a plan for looking at

deep coral impacts. I am not a deep coral expert but from the looking at the data available for the northern gulf this is certainly

an issue we'll need to take a close look at.

Mike and Ian were going to talk after today's call to figure out the best way to spin up a coral group. I am happy to help as


Begin forwarded message:

From: "M.E. Rolle" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:38:46 AM EDT

To: "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Troy Baker < [email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: Gulf oil and deep coral]

FYI on coral interests at USGS.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject:Gulf oil and deep coral

Document ID:

Subject:Gulf oil and deep coral

Referral to USGS

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Mulanaphy <[email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:56:56 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tom and Dan,

The Ocean Imaging data is on their ftp site. The details are:

B6 Privacy

Document ID:

B6 Privacy

On the ftp site are the raster files (for ArcGIS) that contains all of the data, there is information on their flight path and the oil

classification (i.e. thickness, emulsion, sheen, ect.). For some of the days there are pdfs. This is what Debbie attached in her

previous email. The site currently has data for May 5th through May 1 1 th. I have downloaded all of the data (very large files) and

I am processing them into ArcGIS shape files (smaller file size than the raster files). The shape file do not have the fine 2m

resolution like the raster files, but the file size is smaller and easier to work with.

There are no pdfs on the ftp site for May 1 0th or May 1 1 th. I am in the process of creating an image, I will send this to you shortly.

If you are interested I could provide you the pdf/image for each day that there is data on the ftp site as we move forward. Let me

know if you would like me to do that.

Also, if you are interested I can provide you with the processed shape files if you would like.



Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

-----Original Message-----

From: Debbie French McCay

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:31 AM

To: Tom Moore; Nicole Mulanaphy

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Tom and Dan,

See attached, best so far. Nicole Mulanaphy is getting these downloaded (take a long time) and working with the GIS to get shape



Please send access info to Tom and Dan, and explain system -- point them at the pdfs.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:23 AM

Document ID:

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:23 AM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

The ocean imaging stuff is pretty useful. What is the access site for that.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Assessment &

Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Document ID:

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 1 :26:08 AM EDT

To: tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: DWHOS - Summary of Historical and Current Fish/Invert data in GOM]

the database compilation is being taken care of elsewhere but if you can follow up on contacts and information of longline fisheries

as described below, that would be great.


-------- Original Message --------

Subject:DWHOS - Summary of Historical and Current Fish/Invert data in GOM

Date:Mon, 1 0 May 201 0 21 :22:55 -0400

From:Jill Rowe <[email protected]>

To:[email protected] <[email protected]>

CC:Debbie French McCay <[email protected]>

Da n,

A t t a ch e d pl e as e fi nd t he su m m a ry t h a t I ' v e pu t t og e t h er for t h e hi st ori c a l a nd cu rre nt d a t aba s e s f

or fi sh and i nv e rt ebra t es i n t h e G u l f of M e x i c o.
T h e re a re a nu m be r of g a ps t h a t I t h i nk t he i nd i v

i d u al s t at e s w i l l be a bl e t o fi l l i n, bu t a t l e a st i t ' s a g ood st a rt i ng poi nt .

A l s o, I w ou l d l i ke t

o t al k t o som eone at N M FS SEFSC t o d i s c u s s t he st at u s and c ont e nt of t he i r l ong l i ne d a t a ba s e, bu t I

' m not s u re w ho m i g h t be a g ood pe rs on t o cont a ct ? Do y ou h av e a ny i d ea s ? S a m pl i ng of t h e offs hor

e fi s h d ensi t i e s i s g oi ng t o be one of ou r bi g g e s t d a t a g a ps , a nd w i l l m ost l i ke l y re q u i re m ore eff

ort .
A l so, h av e y ou e v er h e a rd of u si ng a rec ord abl e fi s h fi nd e r or EK 60, a s s u g g e s t ed by J a n Rol

e t t o ( N O A A ) bel ow ? I ' v e i nc l u d e d a broch u re a bou t t h e d e v i c e a nd w ou l d l i ke t o d i s cu s s t h i s w i t h t

h e N M FS SEFS C pe opl e , a s w e l l , t o se e i f t h e y ' v e ev e r u s e d s om e t h i ng s i m i l a r for s a m pl i ng .

T h a nks,


J i l l Row e |
Bi ol og i st

A ppl i e d Sc i e nce A s soc i a t e s , I nc .

55 V i l l a g e S q u a re Dri v e
Sou t h Ki ng st ow n, RI
0 2 8 79 U SA

+ 1 4 01 78 9 - 62 2 4, e x t . 3 2 9
+ 1 4 01 78 9 - 19 3 2

j row e@a s a sc i e nce . com
w w w . a sa sc i e nc e. com

A S A | S c i e nc e . S e rvi c e s . S ol u t i ons .

- - - - - Ori g i na l M e ss ag e - - - - -

From : De bbi e Fre nc h M cC ay

Se nt : T h u rsd a y , M a y 0 6, 2 0 10 4: 2 4 PM

T o: J i l l Row e

Su bj e ct : FW : De e pw at e r Hori z on - Di s pe rsa nt s a nd w a t e r c ol u m n d a m ag e s

Document ID:

I f I se nt t h i s a l rea d y ,
W H EN t i m e,
u e ?

T h a nks

pl e a s e i g nore ,

bu t I t h i nk I d el e t e d by m i s t a ke be fore I s e nt i t .

s e e w h a t t h i s a cou st i c approac h t o m e a su ri ng bi om as s m i g h t be - - i s t he re s u c h a t e c h ni q

De bora h Fre nc h M cC ay , PhD

A ppl i e d Sc i e nce A s soc i a t e s , I nc .

55 V i l l a g e S q u a re Dri v e

Sou t h Ki ng st ow n, RI 0 2 8 79

B6 Privacy
( offi ce )
B6 Privacy
( fa x )

d french m cc a y @as a sc i e nce . c om or

d . fre nc h . m cc a y @a sa sc i e nce . com

( A S A )

- - - - - Ori g i na l M e ss ag e - - - - -

From : J a n Rol et t o [m a i l t o: J a n. Rol e t t o@noa a . g ov ]

Se nt : T h u rsd a y , M a y 0 6, 2 0 10 2 : 03 PM

T o: De bbi e Frenc h M c C a y

C c : Pa t ri c k Ru t t e n; j rpay ne @s bc g l oba l . net ; M ari a Brow n; Li s a S y m ons ; Rob Ri cke r;

a u ri e S u l l i v a n; Ei l e e n G ra h a m ; J e nni fe r C ra g an

Su bj e ct : Re : De e pw at e r Hori z on - Di s pe rsa nt s a nd w a t e r c ol u m n d a m ag e s

H i De bbi e:

Sou nd s g re a t .

G ood t o h ea r y ou ' re on i t !

I s i t poss i bl e t h a t t h e v e ss e l h a s a re cord a bl e fi s h fi nd e r, i f not a n

ER or EK 60, for rec od i ng u nd erw a y w a t e r c ol u m n bi om a s s?

I f not , i s i t

pos si bl e t o h av e a s e cond v e s se l fol l ow t h e sa m e t ra ck l i ne , w i t h i n 12

h ou rs of t h e i ni t i al v e ss e l , w i t h som e t y pe of re cord a bl e fi sh fi nd e r or

EK 60 ?

Be s t ,

J a n


Da ni e l H ah n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m os ph e ri c A d m i ni st ra t i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on, S E Reg i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e Sou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov

( 72 7) 5 5 1- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

EK60-shnder.pdf (3.5 MB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 1 :40:47 AM EDT

To: DWHNRDA.Cruise1

Subject: Surfacing and deepwater plume locations

Document ID:

Robe rt A T ay l or;

Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2

ZIP files attached.

Laurie, Rob, Troy,

See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.


Laurie, Dan, Tom,

Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 100 deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported they

were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the bottom

is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2 and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I think we need

more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big help.

I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep discussions on the phone.



The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.

Deb (230 KB) (870 KB)

Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Mulanaphy <[email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 2:50:21 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tim and Dan,

Attached are images that display the remote sensing performed by Ocean Imaging for May 1 0th and May 1 1 th. There is an AM

and PM for May 1 0th. Currently there is only an AM for May 1 1 th, if they did a fly over in the PM they are still processing the data.

As soon as it is on the ftp site I will send you an image.



Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

Document ID:

-----Original Message-----

From: Nicole Mulanaphy

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:57 AM

To: Tom Moore; Daniel Hahn

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tom and Dan,

The Ocean Imaging data is on their ftp site. The details are:

B6 Privacy

On the ftp site are the raster files (for ArcGIS) that contains all of the data, there is information on their flight path and the oil

classification (i.e. thickness, emulsion, sheen, ect.). For some of the days there are pdfs. This is what Debbie attached in her

previous email. The site currently has data for May 5th through May 1 1 th. I have downloaded all of the data (very large files) and

I am processing them into ArcGIS shape files (smaller file size than the raster files). The shape file do not have the fine 2m

resolution like the raster files, but the file size is smaller and easier to work with.

There are no pdfs on the ftp site for May 1 0th or May 1 1 th. I am in the process of creating an image, I will send this to you shortly.

If you are interested I could provide you the pdf/image for each day that there is data on the ftp site as we move forward. Let me

know if you would like me to do that.

Also, if you are interested I can provide you with the processed shape files if you would like.



Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

-----Original Message-----

From: Debbie French McCay

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:31 AM

To: Tom Moore; Nicole Mulanaphy

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Tom and Dan,

See attached, best so far. Nicole Mulanaphy is getting these downloaded (take a long time) and working with the GIS to get shape


Document ID:


Please send access info to Tom and Dan, and explain system -- point them at the pdfs.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:23 AM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

The ocean imaging stuff is pretty useful. What is the access site for that.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Document ID:

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Assessment &

Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Document ID:

Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Polk, Daniel" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 3:26:53 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: DWH - R/V Weatherbird Spill Site Operations 5/1 4&1 5

You are correct, talk to you then.

Remember to call the Field Branch SIMOPS Coordinator Scott Orr and Angel

Rodriguez on board the Development Driller 3 for field entry and if your

vessel needs any assistance.

Best regards,


Daniel Polk

Marine Operations Lead

BP Exploration & Production, GoM

Mobile: B6 Privacy

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 1 :1 4 PM

To: Miley, Joyce; Polk, Daniel; Nash, Dylan; Endicott, Troy M

Cc: hahn >> Daniel Hahn; Stephanie Willis; Rooney, Terry C

Subject: Re: DWH - R/V Weatherbird Spill Site Operations 5/1 4&1 5

Understand. I will be on both the morning and evening SIMOPS call.

This is the dial-in # in the SIMOPS Plan for 0830 and 2030 calls is that


1 - B6 Privacy
Pass Code:

B6 Privacy

M.C.252_Inci.pdf (2.6 MB)

Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Mulanaphy <[email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 3:47:39 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tom and Dan,

Attached is an image of today's (5/1 2) fly over by Ocean Imaging. The oil classification at the incident site is displayed.



Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

-----Original Message-----

Document ID:

From: Nicole Mulanaphy

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 1 2:50 PM

To: 'Tom Moore'; 'Daniel Hahn'

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tom and Dan,

Attached are images that display the remote sensing performed by Ocean Imaging for May 1 0th and May 1 1 th. There is an AM

and PM for May 1 0th. Currently there is only an AM for May 1 1 th, if they did a fly over in the PM they are still processing the data.

As soon as it is on the ftp site I will send you an image.



Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

-----Original Message-----

From: Nicole Mulanaphy

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:57 AM

To: Tom Moore; Daniel Hahn

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Hi Tom and Dan,

The Ocean Imaging data is on their ftp site. The details are:

B6 Privacy

On the ftp site are the raster files (for ArcGIS) that contains all of the data, there is information on their flight path and the oil

classification (i.e. thickness, emulsion, sheen, ect.). For some of the days there are pdfs. This is what Debbie attached in her

previous email. The site currently has data for May 5th through May 1 1 th. I have downloaded all of the data (very large files) and

I am processing them into ArcGIS shape files (smaller file size than the raster files). The shape file do not have the fine 2m

resolution like the raster files, but the file size is smaller and easier to work with.

There are no pdfs on the ftp site for May 1 0th or May 1 1 th. I am in the process of creating an image, I will send this to you shortly.

If you are interested I could provide you the pdf/image for each day that there is data on the ftp site as we move forward. Let me

know if you would like me to do that.

Also, if you are interested I can provide you with the processed shape files if you would like.



Document ID:

Nicole Whittier Mulanaphy | Environmental Chemical Engineer Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

Consider the environment before printing this email.

-----Original Message-----

From: Debbie French McCay

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:31 AM

To: Tom Moore; Nicole Mulanaphy

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: RE: Today's overflight.

Tom and Dan,

See attached, best so far. Nicole Mulanaphy is getting these downloaded (take a long time) and working with the GIS to get shape



Please send access info to Tom and Dan, and explain system -- point them at the pdfs.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 9:23 AM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Daniel Hahn

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

The ocean imaging stuff is pretty useful. What is the access site for that.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:28 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

I am not seeing what you saw about the plume going north. These are notes in an overflight this afternoon?

The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all indications I can find show that the rising plume

extends to the east. The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -

300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday,

the eastward plume was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up. The southward plume is unclear,

might be from dispersant-injected oil coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These features have

been present for a few days now.

Document ID:

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be up flying again soon (was not today), so we

should get more by the 1 4th.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 1 , 201 0 9:1 0 PM

To: Tom Moore

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: Today's overflight.

Agreed that is would be good to have dave relay information back to us

the days leading up to our time in the plume.


Tom Moore wrote:

Check out the notes on the afternoon overflight today. Plume is noted as 3nm long but it seems to suggest it is going north of

the source...

Maybe we should follow-up with Dave, it would also be good for those guys to know our ops plan for the spill area so they can

relay pertinent information.

Sent from my iPad


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Assessment &

Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
<Classification_5-1 0-1 0_0900CDT.jpg><201 0May1 2-01 30gmt-4291 6_5day.png>


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: RV Weatherbird < dwhnrda.cruise1>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 2:25:1 1 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Document ID:

Baseline_Statxls (14.0 KB) (1.1 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 5:1 9:06 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Tom and Dan,

Do you have info or a contact re what the ops schedule is at the wellhead, such as:

Schedule of containments domes on and off (date/time on and off)

Schedule of dispersant injections: date/time start, stop and gal/min injected

How can we get this information? (Particularly the dispersant injections)


Document ID:


Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 4:51 PM

To: RV Weatherbird

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Lets see how the first few stations go and we can see what timing looks like for your spill area arrival. We have you guys plugged

into the incident plan for a Friday arrival at 0600, we'll need to make a call tomorrow if it is work skipping a few stations so you can

at least get to the spill area sometime mid -day friday. Then maybe you could do some night work or try to do a set of D stations

along with the P stations on Saturday. They are installing some new oil capture domes in the next few days as well so assuming

they get luckily and block the oil it would be good to get our D and P stations sooner rather then later.

I will be on the spill area coordination call starting tonight so I should have a better sense as to how tight our schedule is going to

need to be.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:25 PM, RV Weatherbird wrote:

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

Begin forwarded message:

From: Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 5:26:00 PM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Document ID:

Deb, we can ask this of the SSC at our trustee call tomorrow morning, or at tonight's ORR call, or (best) when I see Frank tonight.

Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

Do you have info or a contact re what the ops schedule is at the wellhead, such as:

Schedule of containments domes on and off (date/time on and off)

Schedule of dispersant injections: date/time start, stop and gal/min injected

How can we get this information? (Particularly the dispersant injections)



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 4:51 PM

To: RV Weatherbird

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Lets see how the first few stations go and we can see what timing looks like for your spill area arrival. We have you guys

plugged into the incident plan for a Friday arrival at 0600, we'll need to make a call tomorrow if it is work skipping a few stations

so you can at least get to the spill area sometime mid -day friday. Then maybe you could do some night work or try to do a set

of D stations along with the P stations on Saturday. They are installing some new oil capture domes in the next few days as

well so assuming they get luckily and block the oil it would be good to get our D and P stations sooner rather then later.

I will be on the spill area coordination call starting tonight so I should have a better sense as to how tight our schedule is going

to need to be.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:25 PM, RV Weatherbird wrote:

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

Document ID:


Laurie Sullivan

Regional Resources Coordinator

NOAA ORR/Assessment and Restoration Division

777 Sonoma Avenue, Ste 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404



B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jill Rowe < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 7:53:50 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: FW: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Tom and Dan,

FYI. We just got this from Jan Roletto. I have not been able to review it yet, but will do some either later tonight or tomorrow.

Maybe we should discuss this at some point, or as I mentioned earlier, maybe we should make a subgroup for pelagic fish/invert

data collection?



Jill Rowe | Biologist

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224, ext. 329 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 7:29 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons; Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen

Graham; Jill Rowe; Melanie Schroeder; Jaime Jahncke; [email protected]

Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debby:

Attached is an overview of biomass estimates using an EK 60. This was sent to you from one of our research partners Jaime

Jahncke from PRBO Conservation Science. Jaime has suggested that Dave Demer from NMFS take a look at the situation and

determine if the process of using this biomass assessment, along with ground truthing nets will provide needed data on rapid

assessment of water column biomass, possible resources at risk, and fate of dispersants in the ecosystem. I've include Jaime's

and Dave's email if you want to contact them directly.

Sorry for the delay, I was working on a shoreline early notification for volunteers, for the spill.

Document ID:

Sorry for the delay, I was working on a shoreline early notification for volunteers, for the spill.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Both Pat and are still very interested in whether or not we can use this type of data

and information for NRDA for this spill and in the future.

Best, Jan

On 5/7/1 0 1 :21 PM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


Please do send your protocols. We are gathering information on what data exists for fish biomass, and what can be done to

sample fish distributions. The focus is on developing data to quantify baseline biomass pre-spill (or in reference areas). We are

looking at modeling the exposure and injury resulting, and to do this we need to estimate pre-spill biomass.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Jan Roletto [[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, May 07, 201 0 3:1 6 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons;

Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham; Jennifer


Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debbie:

The assessment of biomass using an EK 60 to record biomass is useful

but is still relatively new. I can send you protocols from our

project if you'd like. We've never used this techniques for rapid

response, fate of oil/dispersants or resources at risk. It looks like

you are well poised to test this, if you are interested.

We have started to use an EK 60, using three frequencies to record

water column biomass. In post-processing the biomass can be

calculated, but you would also need to ground truth the images by

collecting a few trawls. Pat and I are hoping that this type of

technique can also be used for rapid assessment, having an individual

annotate images on the screen in real time, with "estimates" of denser

schools/patches of fish, krill, shrimp, etc.

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 1 :34 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


I am working with Dan Hahn and Tom Moore re a ichthyoplankton sampling cruise with USF scientists that is now sampling on

FL shelf but next week will go to the release site area. That plan is still being developed (for the second leg at the release

site). Sampling will be in the upper 350m, focused on surface mixed layer to about 40m.

Is there a fish finder that can record biomass while underway? I am not familiar with the latest technology re this. Can you

give me some info on that? We had no data on pelagic fish biomass out in the release site area.



Document ID:

Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy

(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 2:03 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons;

Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham; Jennifer


Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debbie:

Sounds great. Good to hear you're on it!

Is it possible that the vessel has a recordable fish finder, if not

an ER or EK 60, for recoding underway water column biomass? If not,

is it possible to have a second vessel follow the same track line,

within 1 2 hours of the initial vessel, with some type of recordable

fish finder or EK 60?

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 0:43 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Jan and Pat,

The Water Column TWG has a cruise leaving the dock at 1 800 CDT today to go out and get water samples in the vicinity

and in the rising oil plume. We are doing CTDs, THC, PAHs BTEX, fluorescence in upper 50m, oil droplet sizes. Measuring

currents upper 50m. Also have ROV to sample bottom water.

We can coordinate via the TWG head Laurie Sullivan, cc'd here. There is a completed cruise plan. Jim Payne is on the

cruise, assisted by an ASA person (Eileen Graham). Another ASA person Jennifer Cragan is in the command center with



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy

(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 1 :1 1 PM

To: Patrick Rutten; Debbie French McCay; [email protected]

Document ID:

Using EK60 ocx (29.2 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 8:29:1 3 PM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

FYI... Looks like things are going well, though I think we will drop the B4 station and maybe more if needed. Right now I am still

hopeful they can make the spill zone Friday which is when we are on the ops plan and they are clearing some areas for us.

Begin forwarded message:

From: RV Weatherbird <dwhnrda.cruise1>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 4:25:1 1 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

On 5/1 2/1 0, Tom Moore < [email protected]> wrote:

Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using

this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2 ZIP files


Laurie, Rob, Troy,

See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil

thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.


Laurie, Dan, Tom,

Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at

the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 1 00

Document ID:

deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported

they were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from

P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the

bottom is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2

and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I

think we need more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big


I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who

is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep

discussions on the phone.



The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all

indications I can find show that the rising plume extends to the east.

The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about

0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00-300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to

be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May

1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the eastward plume

was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up.

The southward plume is unclear, might be from dispersant-injected oil

coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These

features have been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be

up flying again soon (was not today), so we should get more by the 1 4th.


Baseline_Statxls (14.0 KB)

Document ID: (1.1 KB)


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jill Rowe < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 8:50:06 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: FW: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Tom and Dan,

More FYI for pelagic fish sampling. I will follow up with the folks David mentions below tomorrow, unless you would like to do that,




Document ID:


Jill Rowe | Biologist

Applied Science Associates, Inc.

55 Village Square Drive | South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

p: +1 401 789 -6224, ext. 329 | f: +1 401 789 -1 932

e: [email protected] |

ASA | Science. Services. Solutions.

-----Original Message-----

From: David Demer [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 8:41 PM

To: [email protected]

Cc: Debbie French McCay; Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons; Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor;

Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham; Jill Rowe; Melanie Schroeder; Jaime Jahncke; Thompson, Charles H. ; Christopher T Gledhill

Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages


The use of multi-frequency scientific echosounders, such as the Simrad EK60 (and the ME70 on the new NOAA FSVs), coupled

with net or optical sampling, is a mature method for surveying the distributions and estimating abundances of fish and

zooplankton. I have personally used acoustic-trawl or acoustic-optical sampling for surveying krill and fish (demersal, mid -water,

and epi-pelagic), during the last ca. 20 years, but acoustic-trawl surveys have been used around the world for at least 40 years.

That is, mature technologies and methods are available for post-spill monitoring. The bigger question is -- what pre-spill data is

available to estimate baseline biomasses in the area, by species? I suggest contacting Charles Thompson and Chris Gledhill at

the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center (I've cc'd them so they know who to blame for this introduction). They are both very

knowledgeable about acoustic-trawl surveys, and I expect they know, or know who knows, about historical survey data in the



David Demer

Jan Roletto wrote:

Hi Debby:

Attached is an overview of biomass estimates using an EK 60. This was

sent to you from one of our research partners Jaime Jahncke from PRBO

Conservation Science. Jaime has suggested that Dave Demer from NMFS

take a look at the situation and determine if the process of using

this biomass assessment, along with ground truthing nets will provide

needed data on rapid assessment of water column biomass, possible

resources at risk, and fate of dispersants in the ecosystem. I've

include Jaime's and Dave's email if you want to contact them directly.

Sorry for the delay, I was working on a shoreline early notification

for volunteers, for the spill.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Both Pat and are still

very interested in whether or not we can use this type of data and

information for NRDA for this spill and in the future.

Best, Jan

On 5/7/1 0 1 :21 PM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


Please do send your protocols. We are gathering information on what

data exists for fish biomass, and what can be done to sample fish

distributions. The focus is on developing data to quantify baseline

Document ID:

distributions. The focus is on developing data to quantify baseline

biomass pre-spill (or in reference areas). We are looking at

modeling the exposure and injury resulting, and to do this we need to

estimate pre-spill biomass.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy


From: Jan Roletto [[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, May 07, 201 0 3:1 6 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons;

Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham; Jennifer


Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debbie:

The assessment of biomass using an EK 60 to record biomass is useful

but is still relatively new. I can send you protocols from our

project if you'd like. We've never used this techniques for rapid

response, fate of oil/dispersants or resources at risk. It looks

like you are well poised to test this, if you are interested.

We have started to use an EK 60, using three frequencies to record

water column biomass. In post-processing the biomass can be

calculated, but you would also need to ground truth the images by

collecting a few trawls. Pat and I are hoping that this type of

technique can also be used for rapid assessment, having an individual

annotate images on the screen in real time, with "estimates" of

denser schools/patches of fish, krill, shrimp, etc.

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 1 :34 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


I am working with Dan Hahn and Tom Moore re a ichthyoplankton

sampling cruise with USF scientists that is now sampling on FL shelf

but next week will go to the release site area. That plan is still

being developed (for the second leg at the release site). Sampling

will be in the upper 350m, focused on surface mixed layer to about 40m.

Is there a fish finder that can record biomass while underway? I am

not familiar with the latest technology re this. Can you give me

some info on that? We had no data on pelagic fish biomass out in the

release site area.



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

Document ID:

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy

(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 2:03 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons;

Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham;

Jennifer Cragan

Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column


Hi Debbie:

Sounds great. Good to hear you're on it!

Is it possible that the vessel has a recordable fish finder, if not

an ER or EK 60, for recoding underway water column biomass? If not,

is it possible to have a second vessel follow the same track line,

within 1 2 hours of the initial vessel, with some type of recordable

fish finder or EK 60?

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 0:43 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Jan and Pat,

The Water Column TWG has a cruise leaving the dock at 1 800 CDT

today to go out and get water samples in the vicinity and in the

rising oil plume. We are doing CTDs, THC, PAHs BTEX, fluorescence

in upper 50m, oil droplet sizes. Measuring currents upper 50m. Also

have ROV to sample bottom water.

We can coordinate via the TWG head Laurie Sullivan, cc'd here.

There is a completed cruise plan. Jim Payne is on the cruise,

assisted by an ASA person (Eileen Graham). Another ASA person

Jennifer Cragan is in the command center with Laurie.


Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 1 :1 1 PM

Document ID:

To: Patrick Rutten; Debbie French McCay; [email protected]

Cc: Maria Brown; Lisa Symons; Rob Ricker

Subject: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Pat:

On another NRDA issue, since they are now using dispersants to

break up the spill, is there anyone on scene that is conducting

baseline water column resources assessment? Jim Payne and I spoke

a while ago at an OSPR SSEP meeting, about testing monitoring

techniques to assess water column resources, biomass estimates,

depth of thermoclines, all to help determine fate of dispersed oil

in the food chain (e.g. possibly fish, bird and baleen whale injuries).

Jim and Debby French-McCay had received some funds a few years ago

from OSPR to start to test some of the water column assessment

techniques for fate of dispersants. We had spoke about using this

technique for NRDA, using CTD data and EK 60 data to estimate water

column biomass and aerial surveys for resources at risk. Any

interest in pursuing this effort for Deepwater Horizon?

If there is interest in pursuing this new level of NRDA efforts I'd

be happy to work with Jim and Debby on this effort. Perhaps,

hopefully, one of them are already on scene ?

Best, Jan

On 5/5/1 0 8:1 6 PM, Patrick Rutten wrote:


I expect you have already provided this information,.... but I was

contacted by Rob Ricker, NOS, ARD who is leading the damage

assessment for NOS on the Deepwater Horizon spill, to help

identify who would have expertise on turtle and marine mammal necropsy, if needed.

Ideally, the biologist or DVM would be experienced in what

specific tests to run, or what physical observations to make in a

necropsy that would indicate oil exposure, or signs of ingestion or aspiration.

According to Rob the best situation would be to have the biologist

onsite in the Gulf to establish a natural resource damage

assessment protocol...field to lab. Specific facility for

processing animals hasn't been identified, could be Louisiana, could be Florida.

As an FYI the 30+ sea turtles that recently washed up were likely

the result of fishermen not installing TED's on their nets (a nice

black eye!).

All expenses are covered. Just need to know who's is available and


*Usha - You'd know who at La Jolla and NMML would fit the quals

for mammals and turtles Sam / Mike - I know PIFSC has some real

turtle pro's Barb - I'm sure you know who in the SE would be

capable and could also suggest facilities Maria/Jan - I'm

including you since the DVM at the Marine Mammal Center may (may

not) be a likely candidate to ask, but I don't have his name.

As with everything associated with this spill, I need a quick

response please. A negative response would be appreciated.



Document ID:


david_demer.vcf (0.4 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 9:1 0:1 5 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Fwd: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Sounds good, Tom - I have some potential activities to run by you when you have time. I will be in a meeting all morning tomorrow

(Thurs), but will need to discuss potential media coverage and oil-sample disposition with you tomorrow afternoon. I will call to

discuss - please let me know if some times are better than others tomorrow afternoon. Ernst

At 08:29 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

FYI... Looks like things are going well, though I think we will drop the B4 station and maybe more if needed. Right now I am

still hopeful they can make the spill zone Friday which is when we are on the ops plan and they are clearing some areas for us.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: RV Weatherbird < dwhnrda.cruise1>

> Date: May 1 2, 201 0 4:25:1 1 PM EDT

> To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

> Cc: [email protected]

> Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0


> Hi Tom and Deb,

> Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

> spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

> now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

> finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

> night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

> 2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

> locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

> 4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

> evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

> ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.


> We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

> transit to next (B2).


> Thanks

> Mel and Drew


> On 5/1 2/1 0, Tom Moore < [email protected]> wrote:

>> Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using

>> this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2 ZIP files

>> attached.



>>> Laurie, Rob, Troy,

>>> See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil

>>> thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.

>>> Deb




Document ID:

>>> Laurie, Dan, Tom,


>>> Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at

>>> the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

>>> coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 1 00

>>> deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported

>>> they were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from

>>> P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the

>>> bottom is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2

>>> and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I

>>> think we need more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big

>>> help.


>>> I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who

>>> is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

>>> can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep

>>> discussions on the phone.


>>> Thanks,

>>> Deb





>>> The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all

>>> indications I can find show that the rising plume extends to the east.

>>> The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about

>>> 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to

>>> be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at:

>>> 6


>>> Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May

>>> 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the eastward plume

>>> was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up.

>>> The southward plume is unclear, might be from dispersant-injected oil

>>> coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These

>>> features have been present for a few days now.


>>> We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be

>>> up flying again soon (was not today), so we should get more by the 1 4th.


>>> Deb













Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Document ID:

727-647-6538 Cell

FYI... Looks like things are going well, though I think we will drop the B4 station and maybe more if needed. Right now I am

still hopeful they can make the spill zone Friday which is when we are on the ops plan and they are clearing some areas for us.

Begin forwarded message:

From: RV Weatherbird < dwhnrda.cruise1>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 4:25:1 1 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

On 5/1 2/1 0, Tom Moore < [email protected]> wrote:

Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using

this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2 ZIP files


Laurie, Rob, Troy,

See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil

thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.


Laurie, Dan, Tom,

Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at

the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 1 00

deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported

they were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from

P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the

bottom is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2

and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I

think we need more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big


Document ID:

I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who

is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep

discussions on the phone.



The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all

indications I can find show that the rising plume extends to the east.

The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about

0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to

be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May

1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the eastward plume

was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up.

The southward plume is unclear, might be from dispersant-injected oil

coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These

features have been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be

up flying again soon (was not today), so we should get more by the 1 4th.



Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG -

Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271 .1 .1 /2869 - Release Date: 05/1 2/1 0 06:26:00

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Document ID:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 9:50:30 PM EDT

To: Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Thanks for tracking this down Laurie. One of the benefits of being at the ICP. Hopefully Frank has, or can track down that

information. It seemed difficult to get the information on deep disspersant injection volumes. Timing of injections should be much

more straight forward. Also, isn't the new -style dome a while out still? My impression wasn't that it was in the next few days.


Laurie Sullivan wrote:

Deb, we can ask this of the SSC at our trustee call tomorrow morning, or at tonight's ORR call, or (best) when I see Frank


Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

Do you have info or a contact re what the ops schedule is at the wellhead, such as:

Schedule of containments domes on and off (date/time on and off)

Schedule of dispersant injections: date/time start, stop and gal/min injected

How can we get this information? (Particularly the dispersant injections)



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) 401 -789 -6224


B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 4:51 PM

To: RV Weatherbird

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Lets see how the first few stations go and we can see what timing looks like for your spill area arrival. We have you guys

plugged into the incident plan for a Friday arrival at 0600, we'll need to make a call tomorrow if it is work skipping a few

stations so you can at least get to the spill area sometime mid -day friday. Then maybe you could do some night work or try to

do a set of D stations along with the P stations on Saturday. They are installing some new oil capture domes in the next few

days as well so assuming they get luckily and block the oil it would be good to get our D and P stations sooner rather then

later. I will be on the spill area coordination call starting tonight so I should have a better sense as to how tight our schedule is

going to need to be.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:25 PM, RV Weatherbird wrote:

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

Document ID:

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

Phone: (727) 551 -571 5


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 1 0:00:38 PM EDT

To: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

My understanding of the situation is that this method is their second choice and is not happening in the next few days.

Daniel Hahn wrote:

Thanks for tracking this down Laurie. One of the benefits of being at the ICP. Hopefully Frank has, or can track down that

information. It seemed difficult to get the information on deep disspersant injection volumes. Timing of injections should be

much more straight forward. Also, isn't the new -style dome a while out still? My impression wasn't that it was in the next few



Laurie Sullivan wrote:

Deb, we can ask this of the SSC at our trustee call tomorrow morning, or at tonight's ORR call, or (best) when I see Frank


Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

Do you have info or a contact re what the ops schedule is at the wellhead, such as:

Document ID:

Schedule of containments domes on and off (date/time on and off)

Schedule of dispersant injections: date/time start, stop and gal/min injected

How can we get this information? (Particularly the dispersant injections)



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy

(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 4:51 PM

To: RV Weatherbird

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Lets see how the first few stations go and we can see what timing looks like for your spill area arrival. We have you guys

plugged into the incident plan for a Friday arrival at 0600, we'll need to make a call tomorrow if it is work skipping a few

stations so you can at least get to the spill area sometime mid -day friday. Then maybe you could do some night work or try

to do a set of D stations along with the P stations on Saturday. They are installing some new oil capture domes in the next

few days as well so assuming they get luckily and block the oil it would be good to get our D and P stations sooner rather

then later. I will be on the spill area coordination call starting tonight so I should have a better sense as to how tight our

schedule is going to need to be.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:25 PM, RV Weatherbird wrote:

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

Document ID:


Laurie Sullivan

Regional Resources Coordinator

NOAA ORR/Assessment and Restoration Division

777 Sonoma Avenue, Ste 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404




B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 8:58:39 AM EDT

To: Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>, Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

I don't know.... I was on the SIMOPS call last night (in prep for the Weatherbird's site arrival) and one of the vessels mentioned

that they expected to receive authorization for subsea dispersant use in the next 1 2 hours, folks in Houston corrected him and told

him it might be this morning. As for the "top hat" the SIMOPS folks said it was on the bottom (but not over the leak) and the the

drill ship was in the process of lowering piping. They have third drill rig arriving today for relief well work. I'll be on the morning

SIMOPS call today and should be able to get a few more details.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 0:00 PM, Laurie Sullivan wrote:

My understanding of the situation is that this method is their second choice and is not happening in the next few days.

Daniel Hahn wrote:

Thanks for tracking this down Laurie. One of the benefits of being at the ICP. Hopefully Frank has, or can track down that

information. It seemed difficult to get the information on deep disspersant injection volumes. Timing of injections should be

much more straight forward. Also, isn't the new -style dome a while out still? My impression wasn't that it was in the next few



Laurie Sullivan wrote:

Deb, we can ask this of the SSC at our trustee call tomorrow morning, or at tonight's ORR call, or (best) when I see Frank


Debbie French McCay wrote:

Tom and Dan,

Do you have info or a contact re what the ops schedule is at the wellhead, such as:

Schedule of containments domes on and off (date/time on and off)

Schedule of dispersant injections: date/time start, stop and gal/min injected

How can we get this information? (Particularly the dispersant injections)



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

Document ID:

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 1 2, 201 0 4:51 PM

To: RV Weatherbird

Cc: Debbie French McCay

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Lets see how the first few stations go and we can see what timing looks like for your spill area arrival. We have you guys

plugged into the incident plan for a Friday arrival at 0600, we'll need to make a call tomorrow if it is work skipping a few

stations so you can at least get to the spill area sometime mid -day friday. Then maybe you could do some night work or

try to do a set of D stations along with the P stations on Saturday. They are installing some new oil capture domes in the

next few days as well so assuming they get luckily and block the oil it would be good to get our D and P stations sooner

rather then later. I will be on the spill area coordination call starting tonight so I should have a better sense as to how tight

our schedule is going to need to be.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 1 2:25 PM, RV Weatherbird wrote:

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew


Laurie Sullivan

Regional Resources Coordinator

NOAA ORR/Assessment and Restoration Division

777 Sonoma Avenue, Ste 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404



Document ID:


B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 0:07:43 AM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth

< [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet < [email protected]>, Graham

Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan

< [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel < mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer

< [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza < [email protected]>, Peter Sheng

< [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo < [email protected]>, Steve Woll

< [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I

waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough weather

would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale to

discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate scientist

in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The ship

sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic sampling

scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a probability of

randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like exactly the kind

of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public servants and the

decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in

region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to

know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum and/or

dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact here in

region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

Document ID:

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]> wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters that

appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters appeared to be

the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf,

positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have funding for additional

cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil spill become entrained in the

Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1 SEAMAP-style

stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not an official SEAMAP

cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be argued that it had been

compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols to

identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP cruise that had

already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work, we had to

reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work, the

WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-

style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water and

sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies. At

the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan to

make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not anticipate sampling

within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the first place the oil

will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and east of Cape San Blas get

priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6 miles south of


3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Document ID:

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474 -2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

office phone: (727) 553 -3983

lab phone:

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4
Begin forwarded message:

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 0:1 6:40 AM EDT

To: Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>, "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

FYI... this is really a State of FL / FWC issue since they controlled all of the decision making with the where they were doing

SEAMAP work. Wanted you to make you aware eitherway since our name could get dragged into this.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 0:07:43 AM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>,

Felicia Coleman < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E.

Dodge" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety

< [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth < [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet

< [email protected]>, Graham Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph

Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan < [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel

< mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer < [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza

< [email protected]>, Peter Sheng < [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo

Document ID:

< [email protected]>, Steve Woll < [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I

waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough

weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale

to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate

scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The

ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic

sampling scheme (is that what happened?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a

probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like

exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public

servants and the decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in

region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to

know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum

and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact

here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]> wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters that

appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters appeared to

be the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf,

positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have funding for additional

cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil spill become entrained in the

Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to intercept the oil for chemical


Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1 SEAMAP-

style stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not an official

SEAMAP cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be argued that it had

been compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols

to identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP cruise that had

already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work, we had

to reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work,

the WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my understanding that no

SEAMAP-style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was done there during transit to

the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water and

sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies.

At the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan

to make another port call to Pensacola.

Document ID:

to make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not anticipate

sampling within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of


Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the first place the oil

will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and east of Cape San Blas get

priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6 miles south of


3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Document ID:

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 0:26:05 AM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

I am in and out off stuff all day so just give me a call and I will do my best to grab it.

On May 1 2, 201 0, at 9:1 0 PM, Ernst Peebles wrote:

Sounds good, Tom - I have some potential activities to run by you when you have time. I will be in a meeting all morning

tomorrow (Thurs), but will need to discuss potential media coverage and oil-sample disposition with you tomorrow afternoon. I

will call to discuss - please let me know if some times are better than others tomorrow afternoon. Ernst

At 08:29 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

FYI... Looks like things are going well, though I think we will drop the B4 station and maybe more if needed. Right now I am

still hopeful they can make the spill zone Friday which is when we are on the ops plan and they are clearing some areas for


Begin forwarded message:

> From: RV Weatherbird < dwhnrda.cruise1>

> Date: May 1 2, 201 0 4:25:1 1 PM EDT

> To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

> Cc: [email protected]

> Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0


> Hi Tom and Deb,

> Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

> spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

> now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

> finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

> night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

> 2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

> locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

> 4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

> evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

> ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.


> We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

Document ID:

> We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

> transit to next (B2).


> Thanks

> Mel and Drew


> On 5/1 2/1 0, Tom Moore < [email protected]> wrote:

>> Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using

>> this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2 ZIP files

>> attached.



>>> Laurie, Rob, Troy,

>>> See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil

>>> thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.

>>> Deb




>>> Laurie, Dan, Tom,


>>> Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at

>>> the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

>>> coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 1 00

>>> deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported

>>> they were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from

>>> P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the

>>> bottom is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2

>>> and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I

>>> think we need more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big

>>> help.


>>> I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who

>>> is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

>>> can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep

>>> discussions on the phone.


>>> Thanks,

>>> Deb





>>> The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all

>>> indications I can find show that the rising plume extends to the east.

>>> The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about

>>> 0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00 -300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to

>>> be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at:

>>> 6


>>> Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May

>>> 1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the eastward plume

>>> was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up.

>>> The southward plume is unclear, might be from dispersant-injected oil

>>> coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These

>>> features have been present for a few days now.


>>> We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be

>>> up flying again soon (was not today), so we should get more by the 1 4th.


>>> Deb


Document ID:












Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

FYI... Looks like things are going well, though I think we will drop the B4 station and maybe more if needed. Right now I am

still hopeful they can make the spill zone Friday which is when we are on the ops plan and they are clearing some areas for


Begin forwarded message:

From: RV Weatherbird < dwhnrda.cruise1>

Date: May 1 2, 201 0 4:25:1 1 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: WBII May 1 2, 201 0

Hi Tom and Deb,

Please find attached our new locations for the bravo stations (excel

spreadsheet, jpeg, and shape file). We are steaming towards B1 right

now. We should be on station in approximately 3-5 hours. We have

finished all of the SEAMAP stations, we were slightly delayed last

night due to head troubles, but all fixed now. We are figuring around

2 to 2.5 hours of work per bravo station. We tightened up the station

locations to be between 1 3-1 5NM apart. With transit, we are looking at

4 hours per station (1 0 stations) starting between 3:30 to 5:30 this

evening (working around clock). We are going to hit them in order,

ending in B1 0 and then we start steaming over to the D stations.

We will check this e-mail again after our first station, while in

transit to next (B2).


Mel and Drew

On 5/1 2/1 0, Tom Moore < [email protected]> wrote:

Melanie should be able to help interpret this information... Were using

this info to target final spill area sampling. 1 jpg, and 2 ZIP files


Laurie, Rob, Troy,

Document ID:

Laurie, Rob, Troy,

See also attached Ocean Imaging interpretations of remote sensing with oil

thickness. Fresh thick oil should be surfacing oil.


Laurie, Dan, Tom,

Attached are my model results for 5AM today using the measured currents at

the wellhead (ADCP). The Payne cruise should be sampling where oil is

coming up and in the surface waters, but note the narrow plume. The 1 00

deg 8km out position is where I placed him last night, and he reported

they were at P1 position at 8am running the ROV. The plan is they go from

P1 toward P4. If you look at the pictures, I think the deep plume at the

bottom is close to the wellhead and just SW, but also at P3 (between P2

and P4). You can see this is a tough thing to sample. This is why I

think we need more sampling out there. The Sipper sampling will be a big


I have been discussing the deep plume modeling with CJ Beegle-Krause, who

is lead on that for the response. OK that we share model predictions? I

can cc Robert and Stephanie on any emailed pictures, but will keep

discussions on the phone.



The Payne cruise is going to sample the rising plume tomorrow am and all

indications I can find show that the rising plume extends to the east.

The ADCP shows eastward currents in the surface layer (to 1 00 deg. about

0.7 kts), and the currents 1 00-300m down are ~0.2 kts to NE. Net seems to

be about due east. See vector plot attached. This is at: 6

Attached is an Ocean Imaging overflight interpretaions from 0900cdt May

1 0, the most recent we have. At that time yesterday, the eastward plume

was 1 .5km = 0.8nmile long. This seems to be the untreated oil coming up.

The southward plume is unclear, might be from dispersant-injected oil

coming up more slowly and being carried south in deeper waters. These

features have been present for a few days now.

We'd like the Sipper to sample both these plumes. Ocean Imaging should be

up flying again soon (was not today), so we should get more by the 1 4th.



Document ID:

Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG -

Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271 .1 .1 /2869 - Release Date: 05/1 2/1 0 06:26:00


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 2:1 9:08 PM EDT

To: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth

< [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet < [email protected]>, Graham

Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan

< [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel < mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer

< [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza < [email protected]>, Peter Sheng

< [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo < [email protected]>, Steve Woll

< [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective use

of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had limited

time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear became

contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we would

sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was not as good as our

original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they had, but

Document ID:

original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they had, but

the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as they

pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I

waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough

weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale

to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate

scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The

ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic

sampling scheme (is that what happened?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a

probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like

exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public

servants and the decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in

region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to

know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum

and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact

here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected] > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters

that appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters

appeared to be the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the

West Florida Shelf, positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have

funding for additional cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil

spill become entrained in the Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to

intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1

SEAMAP-style stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not

an official SEAMAP cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be

argued that it had been compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By

using SEAMAP protocols to identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one

future SEAMAP cruise that had already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work,

we had to reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the

Document ID:

SEAMAP-style work, the WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my

understanding that no SEAMAP-style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was

done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water

and sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new equipment and

supplies. At the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is

presently no plan to make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional




At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not

anticipate sampling within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are

completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the

first place the oil will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and

east of Cape San Blas get priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6

miles south of Pensacola...

3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their


I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474 -2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy

Document ID:


B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 :55:07 PM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth

< [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet < [email protected]>, Graham

Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan

< [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel < mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer

< [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza < [email protected]>, Peter Sheng

< [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo < [email protected]>, Steve Woll

< [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the exiting

and future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]> wrote:


Document ID:

We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective

use of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had

limited time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear became

contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we

would sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was not as good

as our original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they

had, but the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as

they pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand.

I waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough

weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the

rationale to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a

low rate scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0

first. The ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the

plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic

sampling scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a

probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems

like exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid

public servants and the decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing

in region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted

to know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum

and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact

here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected] > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters

that appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters

appeared to be the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the

West Florida Shelf, positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not

have funding for additional cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should

Document ID:

the oil spill become entrained in the Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits

to intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1

SEAMAP-style stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not

an official SEAMAP cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be

argued that it had been compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By

using SEAMAP protocols to identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one

future SEAMAP cruise that had already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work,

we had to reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the

SEAMAP-style work, the WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is

my understanding that no SEAMAP-style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything,

was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive

water and sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new

equipment and supplies. At the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's

crew. There is presently no plan to make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional




At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not

anticipate sampling within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9

are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the

first place the oil will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and

east of Cape San Blas get priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6

miles south of Pensacola...

3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their


I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

Document ID:

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474 -2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4
Begin forwarded message:

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Document ID:

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 2:04:05 PM EDT

To: Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>, "hahn >> Daniel Hahn" < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 :55:07 PM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>,

Felicia Coleman < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E.

Dodge" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety

< [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth < [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet

< [email protected]>, Graham Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph

Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan < [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel

< mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer < [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza

< [email protected]>, Peter Sheng < [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo

< [email protected]>, Steve Woll < [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the

exiting and future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]> wrote:


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective

use of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had

limited time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear

became contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we

would sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was not as

good as our original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited

time they had, but the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as

they pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not

understand. I waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a

ship in rough weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Document ID:

ship in rough weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the

rationale to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a

low rate scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region

1 0 first. The ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the

plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic

sampling scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a

probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems

like exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid

public servants and the decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are

facing in region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be

comforted to know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations

of petroleum and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real

probability of oil impact here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no

implied consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected] > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters

that appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters

appeared to be the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of

the West Florida Shelf, positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do

not have funding for additional cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current.

Should the oil spill become entrained in the Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the

Florida Straits to intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1

SEAMAP-style stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is

not an official SEAMAP cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it

could be argued that it had been compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards

the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols to identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited

during at least one future SEAMAP cruise that had already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA

work, we had to reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending

the SEAMAP-style work, the WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone.

It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if

anything, was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive

water and sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new

equipment and supplies. At the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and

ship's crew. There is presently no plan to make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional




Document ID:

At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not

anticipate sampling within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9

are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the

first place the oil will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north

and east of Cape San Blas get priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample

1 6 miles south of Pensacola...

3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after

their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
lab phone:
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

Document ID:


(850) 474-2806

1 1 000 University Parkway

Pensacola, FL 3251 4

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Begin forwarded message:

From: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 3:52:1 3 PM EDT

To: Richard Snyder < [email protected]>, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, [email protected], Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, "George A. Maul" < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Aswani Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth

< [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet < [email protected]>, Graham

Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer < [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan

< [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel < mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer

< [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza < [email protected]>, Peter Sheng

< [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo < [email protected]>, Steve Woll

Document ID:

< [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


As a point of clarification, our sampled stations run from just east of Pensacola Beach eastward to Apalachicola, extending from

nearshore to ~35-50 nm offshore (much of NMFS stat zone 1 0 is actually offshore of Alabama). I do not want anyone to get the

impression that we were not able to sample in the vicinity of Pensacola.

The Weatherbird II has managed to remain clear of oil and is now working around the clock in clean waters that feed the spill area

from the south (plankton, neuston, SIPPER) - the crew will be working within the spill by Saturday. Things are going very well -

thanks for all of the expressions of support.


At 1 2:55 PM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the

exiting and future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected] > wrote:


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-

effective use of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we

had limited time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and

gear became contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that

we would sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was

not as good as our original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during

the limited time they had, but the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill

materials as they pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do

not understand. I waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the

pitching deck of a ship in rough weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not

understand the rationale to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I

would think, but then I'm just a low rate scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an

urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West?

What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a

probablistic sampling scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the

Document ID:

Florida Shelf because of a probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a

potential ecological catastrophe, seems like exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public

to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public servants and the decisions made for the

application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as

we are facing in region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the

Panhandle will be comforted to know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote

chance significant concentrations of petroleum and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop

current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information

only, no implied consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles < [email protected] > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida

continental-shelf waters that appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -

plan development, panhandle waters appeared to be the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to

repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf, positioning future cruises

ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have funding for additional cruises

of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil spill become

entrained in the Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to

intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2

of our 1 1 SEAMAP-style stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" -

our ongoing cruise is not an official SEAMAP cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0

had been compromised or that it could be argued that it had been compromised. We decided to

prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols to identify

stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP

cruise that had already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for

the NOAA work, we had to reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing

Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work, the WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still

awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-style work was

done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was done there during transit to the

spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver

age -sensitive water and sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to

exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies. At the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII

had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan to make another port call

to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you

have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At

present we do not anticipate sampling within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within

NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido

Key, likely the first place the oil will come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did

stations around the corner north and east of Cape San Blas get priority over zone 1 0?

Document ID:

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary


2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a"

water sample 1 6 miles south of Pensacola...

3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to

look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

TEL: (850) 474-2806

1 1 000 University Parkway

-31 30

Pensacola, FL 3251 4


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:

B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474 -2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy


Document ID:


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 3:37:1 1 PM EDT

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>

Cc: Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>, Jill Rowe < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: FW: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages


I just talked with Tom about this idea. He noted that there are no acoustics allowed within 20 nmiles of the Wellhead, so this

would need to be for studies outside that area.

Laurie: It would not fit in with next week's cruise.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Rob Ricker [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 1 1 :55 AM

To: David Demer

Cc: [email protected]; Debbie French McCay; Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons; Robert A

Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham; Jill Rowe; Melanie Schroeder; Jaime Jahncke; Thompson, Charles H. ; Christopher T


Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Document ID:

Thanks David for this information and the introductions to Charles

Thompson and Chris Gledhill. Please include Dr. Dan Hahn on any future

correspondence on this matter. He is our lead for the fisheries portion

of the NRDA activities. I suspect that Dan has already connected with

Charles and Chris, but best to fold him into this loop with all the

activity and distractions at play.


David Demer wrote:


The use of multi-frequency scientific echosounders, such as the Simrad

EK60 (and the ME70 on the new NOAA FSVs), coupled with net or optical

sampling, is a mature method for surveying the distributions and

estimating abundances of fish and zooplankton. I have personally used

acoustic-trawl or acoustic-optical sampling for surveying krill and

fish (demersal, mid -water, and epi-pelagic), during the last ca. 20

years, but acoustic-trawl surveys have been used around the world for

at least 40 years. That is, mature technologies and methods are

available for post-spill monitoring. The bigger question is -- what

pre-spill data is available to estimate baseline biomasses in the

area, by species? I suggest contacting Charles Thompson and Chris

Gledhill at the NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center (I've cc'd

them so they know who to blame for this introduction). They are both

very knowledgeable about acoustic-trawl surveys, and I expect they

know, or know who knows, about historical survey data in the area.


David Demer

Jan Roletto wrote:

Hi Debby:

Attached is an overview of biomass estimates using an EK 60. This

was sent to you from one of our research partners Jaime Jahncke from

PRBO Conservation Science. Jaime has suggested that Dave Demer from

NMFS take a look at the situation and determine if the process of

using this biomass assessment, along with ground truthing nets will

provide needed data on rapid assessment of water column biomass,

possible resources at risk, and fate of dispersants in the

ecosystem. I've include Jaime's and Dave's email if you want to

contact them directly.

Sorry for the delay, I was working on a shoreline early notification

for volunteers, for the spill.

Let me know if you have any other questions. Both Pat and are still

very interested in whether or not we can use this type of data and

information for NRDA for this spill and in the future.

Best, Jan

On 5/7/1 0 1 :21 PM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


Please do send your protocols. We are gathering information on what

data exists for fish biomass, and what can be done to sample fish

distributions. The focus is on developing data to quantify baseline

Document ID:

distributions. The focus is on developing data to quantify baseline

biomass pre-spill (or in reference areas). We are looking at

modeling the exposure and injury resulting, and to do this we need

to estimate pre-spill biomass.



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Jan Roletto [[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, May 07, 201 0 3:1 6 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa Symons;

Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen Graham;

Jennifer Cragan

Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debbie:

The assessment of biomass using an EK 60 to record biomass is useful


is still relatively new. I can send you protocols from our project if

you'd like. We've never used this techniques for rapid response, fate

of oil/dispersants or resources at risk. It looks like you are well

poised to test this, if you are interested.

We have started to use an EK 60, using three frequencies to record


column biomass. In post-processing the biomass can be calculated, but

you would also need to ground truth the images by collecting a few

trawls. Pat and I are hoping that this type of technique can also be

used for rapid assessment, having an individual annotate images on the

screen in real time, with "estimates" of denser schools/patches of


krill, shrimp, etc.

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 1 :34 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:


I am working with Dan Hahn and Tom Moore re a ichthyoplankton

sampling cruise with USF scientists that is now sampling on FL

shelf but next week will go to the release site area. That plan is

still being developed (for the second leg at the release site).

Sampling will be in the upper 350m, focused on surface mixed layer

to about 40m.

Is there a fish finder that can record biomass while underway? I

am not familiar with the latest technology re this. Can you give

me some info on that? We had no data on pelagic fish biomass out in

the release site area.



Document ID:

Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 2:03 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Patrick Rutten; [email protected]; Maria Brown; Lisa

Symons; Rob Ricker; Robert A Taylor; Laurie Sullivan; Eileen

Graham; Jennifer Cragan

Subject: Re: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Debbie:

Sounds great. Good to hear you're on it!

Is it possible that the vessel has a recordable fish finder, if not an

ER or EK 60, for recoding underway water column biomass? If not,

is it

possible to have a second vessel follow the same track line, within 1 2

hours of the initial vessel, with some type of recordable fish

finder or

EK 60?

Best, Jan

On 5/6/1 0 1 0:43 AM, Debbie French McCay wrote:

Jan and Pat,

The Water Column TWG has a cruise leaving the dock at 1 800 CDT

today to go out and get water samples in the vicinity and in the

rising oil plume. We are doing CTDs, THC, PAHs BTEX, fluorescence

in upper 50m, oil droplet sizes. Measuring currents upper 50m.

Also have ROV to sample bottom water.

We can coordinate via the TWG head Laurie Sullivan, cc'd here.

There is a completed cruise plan. Jim Payne is on the cruise,

assisted by an ASA person (Eileen Graham). Another ASA person

Jennifer Cragan is in the command center with Laurie.


Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy

(fax) B6 Privacy

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Document ID:

-----Original Message-----

From: Jan Roletto [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 1 :1 1 PM

To: Patrick Rutten; Debbie French McCay; [email protected]

Cc: Maria Brown; Lisa Symons; Rob Ricker

Subject: Deepwater Horizon - Dispersants and water column damages

Hi Pat:

On another NRDA issue, since they are now using dispersants to

break up

the spill, is there anyone on scene that is conducting baseline water

column resources assessment? Jim Payne and I spoke a while ago at an

OSPR SSEP meeting, about testing monitoring techniques to assess


column resources, biomass estimates, depth of thermoclines, all to


determine fate of dispersed oil in the food chain (e.g. possibly


bird and baleen whale injuries).

Jim and Debby French-McCay had received some funds a few years ago


OSPR to start to test some of the water column assessment

techniques for

fate of dispersants. We had spoke about using this technique for


using CTD data and EK 60 data to estimate water column biomass and

aerial surveys for resources at risk. Any interest in pursuing this

effort for Deepwater Horizon?

If there is interest in pursuing this new level of NRDA efforts

I'd be

happy to work with Jim and Debby on this effort. Perhaps, hopefully,

one of them are already on scene ?

Best, Jan

On 5/5/1 0 8:1 6 PM, Patrick Rutten wrote:


I expect you have already provided this information,.... but I was

contacted by Rob Ricker, NOS, ARD who is leading the damage


for NOS on the Deepwater Horizon spill, to help identify who would

have expertise on turtle and marine mammal necropsy, if needed.

Ideally, the biologist or DVM would be experienced in what specific

tests to run, or what physical observations to make in a necropsy


would indicate oil exposure, or signs of ingestion or aspiration.

According to Rob the best situation would be to have the biologist

onsite in the Gulf to establish a natural resource damage assessment

protocol...field to lab. Specific facility for processing animals

hasn't been identified, could be Louisiana, could be Florida.

As an FYI the 30+ sea turtles that recently washed up were likely


result of fishermen not installing TED's on their nets (a nice black

Document ID:


All expenses are covered. Just need to know who's is available and


*Usha - You'd know who at La Jolla and NMML would fit the quals for

mammals and turtles

Sam / Mike - I know PIFSC has some real turtle pro's

Barb - I'm sure you know who in the SE would be capable and could


suggest facilities

Maria/Jan - I'm including you since the DVM at the Marine Mammal

Center may (may not) be a likely candidate to ask, but I don't have

his name.

As with everything associated with this spill, I need a quick


please. A negative response would be appreciated.




Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
E [email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 4:42:1 5 PM EDT

To: "frank.csulak" < [email protected]>

Cc: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>,

Doug Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi < [email protected]>, Bill Lehr < [email protected]>,

Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton

Debbie Payton and others,

My understanding is that, for the time being, we have a pretty good handle on where oil is coming to the surface (i.e. about 2 km

to the E). The reason we were requesting air support is that this location shifts due to subsurface currents and that, at times, we

didn't have good information about where the oil was surfacing. I understand the complications with seeing surfacing oil when

there is lots of oil on the water.

The objective of the SIPPER cruise is to collect information on plankton assemblages in the vicinity of the rising plume, and

potentially to examine droplet size in the rising plume. Thus, knowing where the plume is coming to the surface allows us to plan

our transect locations in such a way that we have better probability of hitting the plume.

Any updates from the overflights tomorrow will help us confirm that our proposed plume transects, which are planned for Saturday,

are in the right location and that the rising plume hasn't shifted. A photo with drilling rig as a reference is very helpful (like


Thanks for your assistance in helping us pin down this information.


Document ID:

frank.csulak wrote:

Dan, I am trying to address your request for overflight information. See email from Debbie Payton. Please address her

questions. Frank

Debbie Payton wrote:

The overflights are being coordinated in the field (I'm assuming at each CP?) In Seattle, we are giving direction to the NOAA

observers and the Ocean Imaging and NASA imaging flights.

Identifying where the oil is surfacing is not a simple matter anymore, it was a bit easier at the beginning of the spill when there

wasn't as much oil in the area. I expect only the helos may be able to determine where the oil is surfacing, and it might

require quite a bit of searching to see if they can see bubbles or blossoming and coordinating with the modeling effort to know

where to look. Initial estimates (without adding subsea dispersants) were that oil would surface in 3-4 hours within 1 .5 miles

of the source. Initial observations confirmed this and we haven't tried to confirm it since that I am aware of.

What is the question we are trying to answer and how much effort is it worth? Is knowing within a given radius good enough?

If this is an important question for someone, I expect we would need a dedicated platform each day to get this information. If

we only need an approximate, then we can use the modeling to answer it.

frank.csulak wrote:

Who is the POC for coordinating NOAA overflights? Received request from Dan Hahn, NOAA/ORR St. Pete for our

response overflights on a daily basis to fly over the location where the oil is coming to the surface, document lat/long, take

photo with a reference point contained in the photo. This request came in a couple of days ago. Frank


Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Copyrighted information

Document ID:

Copyrighted information

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 5:07:49 PM EDT

To: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, "frank.csulak" <[email protected]>

Cc: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>,

Doug Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi < [email protected]>, Bill Lehr < [email protected]>,

Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton


From my analysis and modeling, the rising oil should be surfacing close to the release site and down-current. The ADCP at the

wellhead generally shows weak currents (<0.2 kt) from 3900ft (deepest point sampled) to about 400 ft below the surface. The

ADCP measurements at 31 5 and 21 0 ft below the water surface have shown eastward currents up to 0.7 kts the last few days, but

are slowing now to < 0.2kts. These are the shallowest measurements available, but I am assuming they apply all the way to the

surface (for lack of any other data). Early in the spill, surface (200-300ft) currents were also weak. May 5-7 they were to the

south, May 7-1 0 to the SE, and recently to the E. All of this is based on transport by the currents as measured by ADCP 4291 6

deployed May 1 at the wellhead site.

We would like some confirmation of this model, so we can locate sampling in the rising plume. We need to get these samples to

confirm droplet sizes and dissolved PAHs in that water, and the algorythms used to model such for the purposes of water column

injury modeling.

The Ocean Imaging overflight interpretations have been very valuable for this analysis, and the ones we have compared seem to

agree with this model of what is going on. Today we have the "Payne cruise" sampling 2km E of the Wellhead, and they are

seeing some oil there. Tomorrow and Sat the Sipper cruise is sampling the area, and we are trying to place them downstream of

(Fri) and in the plume (Sat). Next week we are working on a plan for more water sampling. Perhaps coordination of the Ocean

Imaging overflights with these plans would do the trick. If we can confirm the model, we can follow the ADCP measurements to

locate our sampling.

Thanks for your help.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 4:42 PM

To: frank.csulak

Cc: Debbie Payton; Lisa Dipinto; Ian J Zelo; Doug Helton; Glen Watabayashi; Bill Lehr; Debbie French McCay; Tom Moore;

Stephanie Willis

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton

Debbie Payton and others,

My understanding is that, for the time being, we have a pretty good

handle on where oil is coming to the surface (i.e. about 2 km to the

E). The reason we were requesting air support is that this location

Document ID:

shifts due to subsurface currents and that, at times, we didn't have

good information about where the oil was surfacing. I understand the

complications with seeing surfacing oil when there is lots of oil on the


The objective of the SIPPER cruise is to collect information on plankton

assemblages in the vicinity of the rising plume, and potentially to

examine droplet size in the rising plume. Thus, knowing where the plume

is coming to the surface allows us to plan our transect locations in

such a way that we have better probability of hitting the plume.

Any updates from the overflights tomorrow will help us confirm that our

proposed plume transects, which are planned for Saturday, are in the

right location and that the rising plume hasn't shifted. A photo with

drilling rig as a reference is very helpful (like attached).

Thanks for your assistance in helping us pin down this information.


frank.csulak wrote:

Dan, I am trying to address your request for overflight information.

See email from Debbie Payton. Please address her questions. Frank

Debbie Payton wrote:

The overflights are being coordinated in the field (I'm assuming at

each CP?) In Seattle, we are giving direction to the NOAA observers

and the Ocean Imaging and NASA imaging flights.

Identifying where the oil is surfacing is not a simple matter

anymore, it was a bit easier at the beginning of the spill when there

wasn't as much oil in the area. I expect only the helos may be

able to determine where the oil is surfacing, and it might require

quite a bit of searching to see if they can see bubbles or

blossoming and coordinating with the modeling effort to know where to

look. Initial estimates (without adding subsea dispersants) were

that oil would surface in 3-4 hours within 1 .5 miles of the source.

Initial observations confirmed this and we haven't tried to confirm

it since that I am aware of.

What is the question we are trying to answer and how much effort is

it worth? Is knowing within a given radius good enough? If this is

an important question for someone, I expect we would need a dedicated

platform each day to get this information. If we only need an

approximate, then we can use the modeling to answer it.

frank.csulak wrote:

Who is the POC for coordinating NOAA overflights? Received request

from Dan Hahn, NOAA/ORR St. Pete for our response overflights on a

daily basis to fly over the location where the oil is coming to the

surface, document lat/long, take photo with a reference point

contained in the photo. This request came in a couple of days ago.



Daniel Hahn, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Assessment & Restoration Division, SE Region

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

email: [email protected]

B6 Privacy

Document ID:

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 6:23:45 PM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn <[email protected]>, "frank.csulak" < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>,

Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, Doug Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi < [email protected]>,

Bill Lehr < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton


you scooped my response (i was halfway through typing and keep getting pulled away). But, of course, you are correct. The oil is

generally surfacing within 1 -2 km from the source and within 3-4 hours (without injection), confirmed both by obs and modeling.

today's obs have the oil surfacing to the ene, which makes sense given the rig and rov adcps. following is the website with the

adcp measurements - some days there is quite a shear in the vertical. the NGOM model (which you now should have access to

through CJ?) has been doing a pretty good job with subsurface currents as well.

we will make sure that in prep for Saturday an observer identifies the surfacing area tomorrow, then I would look at the ADCPs

and modify the sampling plan based on those obs (if we know approx what time the vessel will be in the area, we can try and

schedule the source overflight to coincide with that time to give better direction).


Debbie French McCay wrote:

A l l ,

From m y a nal y s i s a nd m od e l i ng , t h e ri s i ng oi l sh ou l d be su rfa c i ng c l ose t o t h e re l ea s e si t e a nd

d ow n- cu rre nt .
T h e A DC P a t t h e w e l l h ea d g ene ra l l y s how s w e a k c u rre nt s ( < 0. 2 kt ) from 3 9 00 ft

( d e e pes t poi nt sa m pl ed ) t o a bou t 4 0 0 ft bel ow t h e s u rfa c e.

T h e A DC P m e a su re m ent s at 3 15 a nd 2 10

ft be l ow t he w a t e r s u rfa c e h a v e s h ow n e a s t w a rd c u rrent s u p t o 0. 7 kt s t h e l a s t fe w d a y s , bu t are

s l ow i ng now t o < 0 . 2 kt s .
T h e s e a re t h e s ha l l ow e s t m e a su re m e nt s a v a i l a bl e, bu t I a m a ss u m i ng t h e y

a ppl y a l l t h e w ay t o t h e su rfa ce ( for l a c k of any ot h e r d a t a ) .

Ea rl y i n t h e spi l l , s u rfa c e ( 2 0 0-

3 0 0ft ) cu rre nt s w e re a l so w e a k.
M a y 5 - 7 t h e y w e re t o t h e s ou t h, M a y 7- 10 t o t h e S E, a nd re c e nt l y

t o t h e E.
A l l of t h i s i s ba se d on t ra ns port by t h e c u rrent s a s m e a su re d by A DC P 4 2 9 16 d e pl oy ed

M a y 1 a t t he w e l l h e a d s i t e.

W e w ou l d l i ke s om e c onfi rm a t i on of t hi s m od e l , s o w e c a n l oca t e sa m pl i ng i n t he ri si ng pl u m e .
ne e d t o g e t t h e se sa m pl e s t o c onfi rm d ropl e t s i z e s and d i s s ol v ed PA Hs i n t h a t w a t e r, a nd t h e

a l g ory t h m s u se d t o m od e l su c h for t h e pu rpose s of w at e r col u m n i nj u ry m od e l i ng .


T h e O ce a n I m a g i ng ov erfl i g h t i nt e rpret a t i ons h av e bee n v ery v a l u a bl e for t h i s a na l y s i s, a nd t he

one s w e h a ve c om pa re d s e e m t o ag re e w i t h t h i s m od e l of w ha t i s g oi ng on.
T od ay w e h a v e t h e "Pa y ne

c ru i s e" s a m pl i ng 2 km E of t h e W e l l h e ad , a nd t h ey a re s e e i ng s om e oi l t h e re .
T om orrow a nd Sa t t h e

S i ppe r cru i s e i s s a m pl i ng t h e are a , and w e a re t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow nst re a m of ( Fri ) a nd i n t h e

pl u m e ( Sa t ) .
N ex t w ee k w e a re w orki ng on a pl an for m ore w a t e r sa m pl i ng .
Pe rh a ps c oord i na t i on of

t h e O ce a n I m a g i ng ov erfl i g h t s w i t h t he se pl a ns w ou l d d o t h e t ri c k.
I f w e c a n c onfi rm t he m od el ,

w e c a n fol l ow t h e A DC P m ea s u rem e nt s t o l oc a t e ou r sa m pl i ng .

T h a nks for y ou r h e l p.

De bbi e

De borah French M c C a y

A ppl i ed S c i e nc e A s soci a t e s, I nc.

5 5 V i l l a g e S q u a re Dri v e

S ou t h Ki ng st ow n, RI 02 8 79

d . fre nc h . m cc a y @as a sc i e nce . c om

Document ID:

( A S A )

B6 Privacy
v oc:

_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

From : Da ni el H a hn [Da ni el . H a hn@noaa . g ov ]

S e nt : T h u rsd a y , M a y 13 , 2 010 4 : 4 2 PM

T o: fra nk. cs u l a k

C c : Debbi e Pa y t on; Li s a Di pi nt o; I a n J Z e l o; Dou g H el t on;

Fre nc h M c C ay ; T om M oore ; St e ph ani e W i l l i s

S u bj e ct : Re: N e ed H e l p - Su rfa ci ng oi l l oca i t on

G l e n W a t a ba y a s hi ;

De bbi e Pa y t on a nd ot he rs,

M y u nd e rs t and i ng i s t h a t , for t h e t i m e be i ng , w e h a ve a pre t t y g ood

h a nd l e on w h e re oi l i s com i ng t o t h e s u rfac e ( i . e . abou t 2 km t o t h e

E) .
T h e rea son w e w ere req u e s t i ng a i r s u pport i s t ha t t hi s l oca t i on

s h i ft s d u e t o s u bs u rfa c e cu rre nt s a nd t h a t , a t t i m e s, w e d i d n' t h a v e

g ood i nform a t i on a bou t w h ere t he oi l w a s su rfa ci ng .

I u nd e rs t and t he

c om pl i c a t i ons w i t h s ee i ng s u rfac i ng oi l w he n t he re i s l ot s of oi l on t h e

w a t e r.

T h e obj e c t i v e of t h e S I PPER cru i s e i s t o col l e ct i nform a t i on on pl a nkt on

a s se m bl a g e s i n t h e v i c i ni t y of t h e ri s i ng pl u m e, a nd pot ent i a l l y t o

e x a m i ne d ropl e t s i z e i n t he ri si ng pl u m e .
T h u s, know i ng w h e re t h e pl u m e

i s c om i ng t o t h e s u rfa c e al l ow s u s t o pl a n ou r t ra nse c t l oc a t i ons i n

s u ch a w a y t h a t w e h av e bet t e r proba bi l i t y of hi t t i ng t h e pl u m e.

A ny u pd a t e s from t h e ov e rfl i g h t s t om orrow w i l l h e l p u s c onfi rm t h a t ou r

propose d pl u m e t ra ns ec t s, w h i c h a re pl a nned for S a t u rd a y , a re i n t h e

ri g h t l oc a t i on and t ha t t he ri si ng pl u m e ha sn' t s h i ft e d .
A ph ot o w i t h

d ri l l i ng ri g a s a re fe re nce i s v e ry he l pfu l ( l i ke a t t a ch ed ) .

T h a nks for y ou r a s si st a nc e i n he l pi ng u s pi n d ow n t hi s i nform a t i on.

Da n

fra nk. c su l ak w rot e :

Da n, I a m t ry i ng t o a d d re ss y ou r re q u e st for ov e rfl i g h t i nform a t i on.

S e e em a i l from De bbi e Pa y t on. Pl e a s e a d d re s s he r q u es t i ons . Fra nk

De bbi e Pa y t on w rot e :

T h e ov e rfl i g h t s a re be i ng c oord i na t e d i n t h e fi e l d ( I ' m a s su m i ng at

e a c h C P? ) I n S ea t t l e, w e a re g i v i ng d i rec t i on t o t he N O A A obse rv e rs

a nd t h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng a nd N A S A i m a g i ng fl i g h t s.

I d e nt i fy i ng w h ere t he oi l i s su rfa ci ng i s not a s i m pl e m a t t e r

a ny m ore , i t w a s a bi t e a si e r at t h e be g i nni ng of t he s pi l l w he n t he re

w a s n' t a s m u c h oi l
i n t he a rea .
I e x pe ct onl y t h e h el os m a y be

a bl e t o d e t e rm i ne
w h e re t h e oi l i s s u rfa c i ng , a nd i t m i g h t re q u i re

q u i t e a bi t of se a rc h i ng t o se e i f t h e y c a n se e bu bbl e s or

bl oss om i ng a nd c oord i na t i ng w i t h t he m od e l i ng e ffort t o know w h e re t o

l ook.
I ni t i a l e st i m a t e s ( w i t hou t ad d i ng s u bs ea d i spe rs ant s) w e re

t h a t oi l w ou l d s u rfac e i n 3 - 4 h ou rs w i t hi n 1. 5 m i l es of t h e sou rc e.

I ni t i a l obs e rv at i ons confi rm e d t h i s a nd w e h a ve n' t t ri e d t o confi rm

i t si nce t h a t I a m aw a re of.

W h a t i s t h e q u es t i on w e are t ry i ng t o a ns w e r and h ow m u ch e ffort i s

i t w ort h ? I s know i ng w i t h i n a g i v en ra d i u s g ood e nou g h ? I f t h i s i s

a n i m port a nt q u e st i on for s om eone , I e x pe c t w e w ou l d ne ed a d e d i c at e d

pl a t form e a ch d a y t o g e t t h i s i nform a t i on.

I f w e onl y ne e d an

a pprox i m at e , t he n w e ca n u s e t h e m od e l i ng t o answ e r i t .

fra nk. cs u l a k w rot e :

Document ID:

Bi l l Leh r;

De bbi e

W h o i s t he PO C for c oord i na t i ng N O A A ov erfl i g h t s? Re ce i v e d req u e s t

from Da n H a h n, N O A A / O RR S t . Pe t e for ou r re s ponse ov e rfl i g h t s on a

d a i l y ba si s t o fl y ov e r t h e l oc a t i on w h ere t he oi l i s com i ng t o t he

su rfa ce , d oc u m e nt l a t /l ong , t a ke phot o w i t h a re fere nc e poi nt

cont a i ne d i n t h e phot o. T h i s re q u e st c a m e i n a cou pl e of d a y s a g o.

Fra nk

- -

Da ni e l H a h n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Res ou rce C oord i nat or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m osph e ri c A d m i ni s t ra t i on

A s se s sm e nt & Re st ora t i on Di v i s i on, S E Re g i on

2 63 13t h A ve nu e S ou t h

S t . Pet e rs bu rg , FL 33 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni el . H a h n@noa a. g ov

( 72 7) 5 51- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

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Date: May 1 3, 201 0 6:56:41 PM EDT

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JFHQAL.J2.ANALYST.1, John C Brock < [email protected]>, [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Ronald H Keeler

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], rpl9841, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Ryan Longhenry < [email protected]>,

Rynn Lamb < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], scott.a.rose [email protected],

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Document ID:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], Stafford G Binder < [email protected]>, [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Stephen E Hammond

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], Thomas H Cecere < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], Timothy W Saultz < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Todd M Hoefen < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Subject: DEEPOIL oilspill remote sensing telecon, Friday, May 1 4 at 1 300 CDT

We will be having a remote sensing working group telecon tomorrow at 1 400 EDT, 1 300CDT, 1 200MDT, and 1 1 00PDT. The notes from yesterdays call

are attached. Please provide any updates/comments to me.

Dial in -

B6 Privacy

Following is a brief agenda - I have not confirmed participation.

1 . Introductions

2. NOAA update

3. USCG update

4. EagleVision

5. NGA



8. EPA


1 0. States

1 1 . Roundtable

Brenda K. Jones

Disaster Response Coordinator


4791 4 252nd St

Sioux Falls, SD 571 98

Phone B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Email: [email protected]


CELL: B6 Privacy

RSWG_0512.doc (37.5 KB)

Document ID:

RSWG_0513.doc (37.0 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 7:20:46 PM EDT

To: "dwhnrda.cruise1" < dwhnrda.cruise1>

Subject: Fwd: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 6:23:45 PM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, "frank.csulak" < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto <[email protected]>,

Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, Doug Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi

< [email protected]>, Bill Lehr < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton


you scooped my response (i was halfway through typing and keep getting pulled away). But, of course, you are correct. The oil

is generally surfacing within 1 -2 km from the source and within 3-4 hours (without injection), confirmed both by obs and

modeling. today's obs have the oil surfacing to the ene, which makes sense given the rig and rov adcps. following is the

website with the adcp measurements - some days there is quite a shear in the vertical. the NGOM model (which you now

should have access to through CJ?) has been doing a pretty good job with subsurface currents as well.

we will make sure that in prep for Saturday an observer identifies the surfacing area tomorrow, then I would look at the ADCPs

and modify the sampling plan based on those obs (if we know approx what time the vessel will be in the area, we can try and

schedule the source overflight to coincide with that time to give better direction).


Debbie French McCay wrote:

A l l ,

From m y a na l y s i s a nd m od e l i ng , t h e ri s i ng oi l s h ou l d be su rfa ci ng cl ose t o t he re l ea se si t e and

d ow n- c u rrent .
T h e A DC P a t t h e w e l l he a d g e ne ral l y s how s w e a k cu rre nt s ( <0 . 2 kt ) from 3 9 00 ft

( d e e pe st poi nt s a m pl e d ) t o a bou t 4 0 0 ft be l ow t h e s u rfa c e.

T he A DC P m e as u re m e nt s at 3 15 a nd 2 10

ft bel ow t h e w at e r su rfa c e h a v e sh ow n e a st w a rd c u rrent s u p t o 0 . 7 kt s t he l a st fe w d a y s , bu t a re

s l ow i ng now t o < 0. 2 kt s.
T h e s e a re t h e sh a l l ow e st m e a s u re m e nt s a v ai l a bl e , bu t I a m a s s u m i ng

t h e y a ppl y a l l t h e w a y t o t h e su rfa ce ( for l a ck of any ot h e r d a t a ) .

Ea rl y i n t h e spi l l , su rfa c e

( 2 0 0 - 3 00 ft ) cu rre nt s w e re a l s o w e a k.
M a y 5 - 7 t h e y w e re t o t h e sou t h , M ay 7- 10 t o t h e S E, a nd

re c e nt l y t o t h e E.
A l l of t h i s i s ba s e d on t ra nsport by t h e cu rre nt s a s m e a su re d by A DC P 4 2 9 16

d e pl oy e d M a y 1 a t t he w e l l h e a d s i t e .

W e w ou l d l i ke som e confi rm a t i on of t h i s m od e l , s o w e ca n l oc a t e s a m pl i ng i n t h e ri si ng pl u m e .

W e nee d t o g e t t h e s e s a m pl e s t o confi rm d ropl et si z es a nd d i s sol v e d PA H s i n t h a t w at e r, a nd t h e

a l g ory t h m s u se d t o m od e l su ch for t he pu rpose s of w at e r col u m n i nj u ry m od e l i ng .

T h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t i nt e rpre t a t i ons ha v e bee n v ery v al u a bl e for t h i s a na l y s i s , a nd t h e

one s w e h av e c om pa red se e m t o ag re e w i t h t h i s m od e l of w ha t i s g oi ng on.

T od a y w e h a v e t h e

"Pa y ne c ru i s e " s a m pl i ng 2 km E of t h e W e l l h e a d , a nd t h e y are s ee i ng s om e oi l t h e re .

T om orrow a nd

S a t t h e S i ppe r c ru i se i s sa m pl i ng t he a rea , a nd w e are t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow ns t re a m of ( Fri )

Document ID:

S a t t h e S i ppe r c ru i se i s sa m pl i ng t he a rea , a nd w e are t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow ns t re a m of ( Fri )

a nd i n t h e pl u m e ( S at ) .
N e x t w e e k w e a re w orki ng on a pl a n for m ore w a t e r s am pl i ng .
Perh a ps

c oord i na t i on of t h e O c e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t s w i t h t h e s e pl a ns w ou l d d o t h e t ri ck.

I f w e c a n

c onfi rm t he m od e l , w e ca n fol l ow t he A DC P m e as u re m ent s t o l oca t e ou r s am pl i ng .

T h a nks for y ou r h e l p.

De bbi e

De bora h Fre nch M c C a y

A ppl i e d S ci e nc e A ss oc i a t e s, I nc. ( A SA )

5 5 V i l l a g e S q u are Dri v e

S ou t h Ki ng s t ow n, RI 0 2 8 79

d . french . m c c a y @a s a s ci e nc e . c om

B6 Privacy
v oc :
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

From : Da ni e l H ah n [Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov ]

S e nt : T h u rs d a y , M a y 13 , 2 010 4 : 4 2 PM

T o: fra nk. c s u l ak

C c: De bbi e Pa y t on; Li s a Di pi nt o; I a n J Z el o; Dou g H el t on;

Fre nch M c C a y ; T om M oore ; St e ph ani e W i l l i s

S u bj ec t : Re : N ee d H el p - Su rfa ci ng oi l l oc a i t on

G l e n W a t aba y a sh i ;

De bbi e Pa y t on and ot h e rs ,

M y u nd e rs t a nd i ng i s t h a t , for t h e t i m e bei ng , w e h a ve a pre t t y g ood

h a nd l e on w h e re oi l i s c om i ng t o t h e s u rfa c e ( i . e . abou t 2 km t o t he

E) .
T h e re a son w e w e re req u e s t i ng ai r s u pport i s t ha t t hi s l oc a t i on

s h i ft s d u e t o su bsu rfa ce cu rre nt s a nd t h at , a t t i m e s, w e d i d n' t h a ve

g ood i nform a t i on a bou t w h ere t he oi l w a s s u rfac i ng .

I u nd e rs t a nd t h e

c om pl i ca t i ons w i t h se e i ng s u rfac i ng oi l w h e n t h e re i s l ot s of oi l on t h e

w a t e r.

T h e obj e c t i v e of t h e S I PPER c ru i se i s t o c ol l ec t i nform a t i on on pl ankt on

a ss e m bl a g es i n t h e vi c i ni t y of t h e ri s i ng pl u m e , a nd pot ent i a l l y t o

e x a m i ne d ropl e t s i z e i n t he ri si ng pl u m e .
T h u s , know i ng w h e re t h e pl u m e

i s c om i ng t o t he su rfa ce al l ow s u s t o pl an ou r t ra nse ct l oca t i ons i n

s u c h a w a y t h a t w e ha v e bet t e r probabi l i t y of h i t t i ng t h e pl u m e .

A ny u pd a t es from t h e ov e rfl i g h t s t om orrow w i l l h e l p u s c onfi rm t h a t ou r

propos e d pl u m e t ra nse c t s , w h i c h a re pl a nne d for Sa t u rd a y , a re i n t he

ri g h t l oc at i on a nd t h a t t he ri si ng pl u m e h a sn' t sh i ft e d .
A phot o w i t h

d ri l l i ng ri g a s a refe re nce i s v e ry h e l pfu l ( l i ke a t t a c h ed ) .

T h a nks for y ou r a ss i s t a nc e i n he l pi ng u s pi n d ow n t hi s i nform at i on.

Da n

fra nk. cs u l a k w rot e :

Da n, I a m t ry i ng t o a d d res s y ou r req u e s t for ov e rfl i g h t i nform a t i on.

S e e e m a i l from De bbi e Pa y t on. Pl e a se a d d re ss he r q u e st i ons . Fra nk

De bbi e Pay t on w rot e :

T h e ov e rfl i g h t s a re be i ng coord i na t e d i n t h e fi e l d ( I ' m a ss u m i ng at

e a c h C P? ) I n Se a t t l e , w e a re g i v i ng d i rec t i on t o t h e N OA A obse rv e rs

a nd t h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng a nd N A SA i m a g i ng fl i g h t s .

I d e nt i fy i ng w he re t h e oi l i s s u rfa ci ng i s not a s i m pl e m a t t e r

a ny m ore , i t w as a bi t e as i e r a t t h e be g i nni ng of t h e s pi l l w he n t he re

w a s n' t a s m u c h oi l
i n t h e a re a .
I e x pe c t onl y t h e he l os m a y be

a bl e t o d e t e rm i ne
w h e re t h e oi l i s su rfa ci ng , a nd i t m i g h t re q u i re

q u i t e a bi t of s e arc h i ng t o s e e i f t h e y ca n s e e bu bbl es or

Document ID:

Bi l l Leh r;

De bbi e

bl oss om i ng a nd coord i na t i ng w i t h t he m od e l i ng e ffort t o know w h e re t o

l ook.
I ni t i a l e s t i m a t e s ( w i t h ou t ad d i ng su bse a d i s pe rsa nt s ) w e re

t h a t oi l w ou l d su rfa c e i n 3 - 4 h ou rs w i t hi n 1. 5 m i l e s of t h e sou rc e.

I ni t i a l obse rva t i ons confi rm ed t h i s a nd w e h av e n' t t ri ed t o confi rm

i t si nc e t h a t I a m a w a re of.

W h a t i s t h e q u e st i on w e a re t ry i ng t o a ns w e r a nd how m u c h e ffort i s

i t w ort h ? I s know i ng w i t h i n a g i v en ra d i u s g ood enou g h?

I f t h i s i s

a n i m port a nt q u e s t i on for som e one , I e x pe ct w e w ou l d nee d a d e d i c at e d

pl a t form e a c h d a y t o g e t t h i s i nform a t i on.

I f w e onl y ne e d an

a pprox i m at e , t h e n w e ca n u se t h e m od e l i ng t o a nsw er i t .

fra nk. c s u l a k w rot e :

W h o i s t h e POC for c oord i na t i ng N OA A ov e rfl i g h t s ? Rec e i v ed re q u e st

from Da n H ah n, N O A A / ORR S t . Pe t e for ou r re spons e ove rfl i g h t s on a

d a i l y ba s i s t o fl y ove r t he l oca t i on w h e re t h e oi l i s com i ng t o t h e

s u rfac e , d oc u m e nt l a t / l ong , t a ke ph ot o w i t h a re fe renc e poi nt

c ont ai ne d i n t h e ph ot o. T hi s req u e s t c a m e i n a c ou pl e of d a y s a g o.

Fra nk

- -

Da ni el H a hn, Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i nat or

N a t i ona l Oc e a ni c a nd A t m osph e ri c A d m i ni s t ra t i on

A ss e ss m e nt & Res t orat i on Di v i s i on, SE Re g i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e S ou t h

S t . Pe t e rsbu rg , FL 3 3 70 1

emai l :
Ph one:
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni el . H a hn@noaa . g ov

( 72 7) 55 1- 5 715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 9:33:05 PM EDT

To: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>

Cc: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>, "frank.csulak" < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto

< [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, Doug Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi

< [email protected]>, Bill Lehr < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton

Regarding the timing, the Weatherbird II should be doing transects in the vicinity of the plume throughout the morning Saturday,

May 1 5. They are overnighting outside the spill area and will be heading in somewhere around daybreak. If information can be

conveyed quickly back from a morning overflight, that could be very useful, that is, if adjustments can be made the day of the spill

in coordination with SIMOPS. Otherwise, Friday's overflights are going to provide the best information.

Thanks again for the help everyone.


Debbie Payton wrote:


you scooped my response (i was halfway through typing and keep getting pulled away). But, of course, you are correct. The oil

is generally surfacing within 1 -2 km from the source and within 3-4 hours (without injection), confirmed both by obs and

modeling. today's obs have the oil surfacing to the ene, which makes sense given the rig and rov adcps. following is the

website with the adcp measurements - some days there is quite a shear in the vertical. the NGOM model (which you now

Document ID:

should have access to through CJ?) has been doing a pretty good job with subsurface currents as well.

we will make sure that in prep for Saturday an observer identifies the surfacing area tomorrow, then I would look at the ADCPs

and modify the sampling plan based on those obs (if we know approx what time the vessel will be in the area, we can try and

schedule the source overflight to coincide with that time to give better direction).


Debbie French McCay wrote:

A l l ,

From m y a na l y s i s a nd m od e l i ng , t h e ri s i ng oi l s h ou l d be su rfa ci ng cl ose t o t he re l ea se si t e and

d ow n- c u rrent .
T h e A DC P a t t h e w e l l he a d g e ne ral l y s how s w e a k cu rre nt s ( <0 . 2 kt ) from 3 9 00 ft ( d e e

pe s t poi nt s a m pl e d ) t o a bou t 4 00 ft be l ow t h e s u rfa ce .

T h e A DC P m ea s u rem e nt s a t 3 15 a nd 2 10 ft

be l ow t h e w a t e r s u rfa c e h av e s how n ea s t w ard c u rre nt s u p t o 0 . 7 kt s t h e l a s t fe w d a y s , bu t a re s l

ow i ng now t o < 0 . 2 kt s .
T he se are t he sh al l ow es t m e as u re m e nt s a v a i l a bl e , bu t I a m as su m i ng t he y

a ppl y a l l t h e w a y t o t h e su rfa ce ( for l a ck of a ny ot h e r d a t a ) .

Ea rl y i n t h e s pi l l , su rfa ce ( 2 0 0

- 3 0 0 ft ) c u rre nt s w e re a l s o w e a k.
M ay 5- 7 t h e y w e re t o t he s ou t h , M a y 7- 10 t o t h e SE, a nd re ce nt

l y t o t h e E.
A l l of t h i s i s bas e d on t rans port by t h e c u rre nt s a s m e a s u re d by A DC P 4 2 9 16 d e pl oy

e d M ay 1 at t h e w e l l h e a d si t e .

W e w ou l d l i ke som e confi rm a t i on of t h i s m od e l , s o w e ca n l oc a t e s a m pl i ng i n t h e ri si ng pl u m e .

e ne ed t o g e t t h e se s a m pl es t o c onfi rm d ropl e t s i z e s a nd d i s s ol v e d PA H s i n t ha t w a t e r, and t he a

l g ory t h m s u s e d t o m od e l s u c h for t h e pu rpos e s of w a t e r c ol u m n i nj u ry m od e l i ng .

T h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t i nt e rpre t a t i ons ha v e bee n v ery v al u a bl e for t h i s a na l y s i s , a nd t h e

one s w e h av e c om pa red se e m t o ag re e w i t h t h i s m od e l of w ha t i s g oi ng on.

T od a y w e h a v e t h e "Pa y

ne c ru i s e " s a m pl i ng 2 km E of t he W e l l h e a d , a nd t h e y a re se e i ng som e oi l t h e re.

T om orrow a nd S a t

t h e S i pper cru i s e i s sa m pl i ng t h e are a , a nd w e a re t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow ns t re a m of ( Fri ) a nd

i n t h e pl u m e ( S a t ) .
N e x t w e e k w e are w orki ng on a pl a n for m ore w a t e r s a m pl i ng .
Pe rh aps c oord

i na t i on of t h e O c e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t s w i t h t h e s e pl a ns w ou l d d o t h e t ri ck.

I f w e c a n confi rm

t h e m od e l , w e c a n fol l ow t h e A DC P m e a s u re m e nt s t o l oc a t e ou r sa m pl i ng .

T h a nks for y ou r h e l p.

De bbi e

De bora h Fre nch M c C a y

A ppl i e d S ci e nc e A ss oc i a t e s, I nc. ( A SA )

5 5 V i l l a g e S q u are Dri v e

S ou t h Ki ng s t ow n, RI 0 2 8 79

d . french . m c c a y @a s a s ci e nc e . c om

B6 Privacy
v oc :
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

From : Da ni e l H ah n [Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov ]

S e nt : T h u rs d a y , M a y 13 , 2 010 4 : 4 2 PM

T o: fra nk. c s u l ak

C c: De bbi e Pa y t on; Li s a Di pi nt o; I a n J Z el o; Dou g H el t on;

e nc h M cC a y ; T om M oore ; S t eph a ni e W i l l i s

S u bj ec t : Re : N ee d H el p - Su rfa ci ng oi l l oc a i t on

G l e n W a t aba y a sh i ;

De bbi e Pa y t on and ot h e rs ,

M y u nd e rs t a nd i ng i s t h a t , for t h e t i m e bei ng , w e h a ve a pre t t y g ood

h a nd l e on w h e re oi l i s c om i ng t o t h e s u rfa c e ( i . e . abou t 2 km t o t he

E) .
T h e re a son w e w e re req u e s t i ng ai r s u pport i s t ha t t hi s l oc a t i on

s h i ft s d u e t o su bsu rfa ce cu rre nt s a nd t h at , a t t i m e s, w e d i d n' t h a ve

g ood i nform a t i on a bou t w h ere t he oi l w a s s u rfac i ng .

I u nd e rs t a nd t h e

c om pl i ca t i ons w i t h se e i ng s u rfac i ng oi l w h e n t h e re i s l ot s of oi l on t h e

Document ID:

Bi l l Leh r;

De bbi e Fr

w a t e r.

T h e obj e c t i v e of t h e S I PPER c ru i se i s t o c ol l ec t i nform a t i on on pl ankt on

a ss e m bl a g es i n t h e vi c i ni t y of t h e ri s i ng pl u m e , a nd pot ent i a l l y t o

e x a m i ne d ropl e t s i z e i n t he ri si ng pl u m e .
T h u s , know i ng w h e re t h e pl u m e

i s c om i ng t o t he su rfa ce al l ow s u s t o pl an ou r t ra nse ct l oca t i ons i n

s u c h a w a y t h a t w e ha v e bet t e r probabi l i t y of h i t t i ng t h e pl u m e .

A ny u pd a t es from t h e ov e rfl i g h t s t om orrow w i l l h e l p u s c onfi rm t h a t ou r

propos e d pl u m e t ra nse c t s , w h i c h a re pl a nne d for Sa t u rd a y , a re i n t he

ri g h t l oc at i on a nd t h a t t he ri si ng pl u m e h a sn' t sh i ft e d .
A phot o w i t h

d ri l l i ng ri g a s a refe re nce i s v e ry h e l pfu l ( l i ke a t t a c h ed ) .

T h a nks for y ou r a ss i s t a nc e i n he l pi ng u s pi n d ow n t hi s i nform at i on.

Da n

fra nk. cs u l a k w rot e :

Da n, I a m t ry i ng t o a d d res s y ou r req u e s t for ov e rfl i g h t i nform a t i on.

S e e e m a i l from De bbi e Pa y t on. Pl e a se a d d re ss he r q u e st i ons . Fra nk

De bbi e Pay t on w rot e :

T h e ov e rfl i g h t s a re be i ng coord i na t e d i n t h e fi e l d ( I ' m a ss u m i ng at

e a c h C P? ) I n Se a t t l e , w e a re g i v i ng d i rec t i on t o t h e N OA A obse rv e rs

a nd t h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng a nd N A SA i m a g i ng fl i g h t s .

I d e nt i fy i ng w he re t h e oi l i s s u rfa ci ng i s not a s i m pl e m a t t e r

a ny m ore , i t w as a bi t e as i e r a t t h e be g i nni ng of t h e s pi l l w he n t he re

w a s n' t a s m u c h oi l
i n t h e a re a .
I e x pe c t onl y t h e he l os m a y be

a bl e t o d e t e rm i ne
w h e re t h e oi l i s su rfa ci ng , a nd i t m i g h t re q u i re

q u i t e a bi t of s e arc h i ng t o s e e i f t h e y ca n s e e bu bbl es or

bl oss om i ng a nd coord i na t i ng w i t h t he m od e l i ng e ffort t o know w h e re t o

l ook.
I ni t i a l e s t i m a t e s ( w i t h ou t ad d i ng su bse a d i s pe rsa nt s ) w e re

t h a t oi l w ou l d su rfa c e i n 3 - 4 h ou rs w i t hi n 1. 5 m i l e s of t h e sou rc e.

I ni t i a l obse rva t i ons confi rm ed t h i s a nd w e h av e n' t t ri ed t o confi rm

i t si nc e t h a t I a m a w a re of.

W h a t i s t h e q u e st i on w e a re t ry i ng t o a ns w e r a nd how m u c h e ffort i s

i t w ort h ? I s know i ng w i t h i n a g i v en ra d i u s g ood enou g h?

I f t h i s i s

a n i m port a nt q u e s t i on for som e one , I e x pe ct w e w ou l d nee d a d e d i c at e d

pl a t form e a c h d a y t o g e t t h i s i nform a t i on.

I f w e onl y ne e d an

a pprox i m at e , t h e n w e ca n u se t h e m od e l i ng t o a nsw er i t .

fra nk. c s u l a k w rot e :

W h o i s t h e POC for c oord i na t i ng N OA A ov e rfl i g h t s ? Rec e i v ed re q u e st

from Da n H ah n, N O A A / ORR S t . Pe t e for ou r re spons e ove rfl i g h t s on a

d a i l y ba s i s t o fl y ove r t he l oca t i on w h e re t h e oi l i s com i ng t o t h e

s u rfac e , d oc u m e nt l a t / l ong , t a ke ph ot o w i t h a re fe renc e poi nt

c ont ai ne d i n t h e ph ot o. T hi s req u e s t c a m e i n a c ou pl e of d a y s a g o.

Fra nk

- -

Da ni el H a hn, Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i nat or

N a t i ona l Oc e a ni c a nd A t m osph e ri c A d m i ni s t ra t i on

A ss e ss m e nt & Res t orat i on Di v i s i on, SE Re g i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e S ou t h

S t . Pe t e rsbu rg , FL 3 3 70 1

Document ID:

emai l :
Ph one:
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni el . H a hn@noaa . g ov

( 72 7) 55 1- 5 715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Da ni e l H ah n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m os ph e ri c A d m i ni st ra t i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on, S E Reg i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e Sou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov

( 72 7) 5 5 1- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 9:39:49 PM EDT

To: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Debbie Payton < [email protected]>

Cc: "frank.csulak" < [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, Doug

Helton < [email protected]>, Glen Watabayashi < [email protected]>, Bill Lehr < [email protected]>, Tom

Moore < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton


Thanks for the support and the ftp on the adcps -- was not aware of these. Yes, CJ gave us the link to NGOM, and we'll take a look and work with that.


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy
From: Daniel Hahn [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:33 PM

To: Debbie Payton

Cc: Debbie French McCay; frank.csulak; Lisa Dipinto; Ian J Zelo; Doug Helton; Glen Watabayashi; Bill Lehr; Tom Moore; Stephanie Willis

Subject: Re: Need Help - Surfacing oil locaiton

Regarding the timing, the Weatherbird II should be doing transects in the vicinity of the plume throughout the morning Saturday,

May 1 5. They are overnighting outside the spill area and will be heading in somewhere around daybreak. If information can be

conveyed quickly back from a morning overflight, that could be very useful, that is, if adjustments can be made the day of the spill

in coordination with SIMOPS. Otherwise, Friday's overflights are going to provide the best information.

Thanks again for the help everyone.


Debbie Payton wrote:


you scooped my response (i was halfway through typing and keep getting pulled away). But, of course, you are correct. The oil

is generally surfacing within 1 -2 km from the source and within 3-4 hours (without injection), confirmed both by obs and

modeling. today's obs have the oil surfacing to the ene, which makes sense given the rig and rov adcps. following is the

website with the adcp measurements - some days there is quite a shear in the vertical. the NGOM model (which you now

should have access to through CJ?) has been doing a pretty good job with subsurface currents as well.

Document ID:

we will make sure that in prep for Saturday an observer identifies the surfacing area tomorrow, then I would look at the ADCPs

and modify the sampling plan based on those obs (if we know approx what time the vessel will be in the area, we can try and

schedule the source overflight to coincide with that time to give better direction).


Debbie French McCay wrote:

A l l ,

From m y a na l y s i s a nd m od e l i ng , t h e ri s i ng oi l s h ou l d be su rfa ci ng cl ose t o t he re l ea se si t e and

d ow n- c u rrent .
T h e A DC P a t t h e w e l l he a d g e ne ral l y s how s w e a k cu rre nt s ( <0 . 2 kt ) from 3 9 00 ft ( d e e

pe s t poi nt s a m pl e d ) t o a bou t 4 00 ft be l ow t h e s u rfa ce .

T h e A DC P m ea s u rem e nt s a t 3 15 a nd 2 10 ft

be l ow t h e w a t e r s u rfa c e h av e s how n ea s t w ard c u rre nt s u p t o 0 . 7 kt s t h e l a s t fe w d a y s , bu t a re s l

ow i ng now t o < 0 . 2 kt s .
T he se are t he sh al l ow es t m e as u re m e nt s a v a i l a bl e , bu t I a m as su m i ng t he y

a ppl y a l l t h e w a y t o t h e su rfa ce ( for l a ck of a ny ot h e r d a t a ) .

Ea rl y i n t h e s pi l l , su rfa ce ( 2 0 0

- 3 0 0 ft ) c u rre nt s w e re a l s o w e a k.
M ay 5- 7 t h e y w e re t o t he s ou t h , M a y 7- 10 t o t h e SE, a nd re ce nt

l y t o t h e E.
A l l of t h i s i s bas e d on t rans port by t h e c u rre nt s a s m e a s u re d by A DC P 4 2 9 16 d e pl oy

e d M ay 1 at t h e w e l l h e a d si t e .

W e w ou l d l i ke som e confi rm a t i on of t h i s m od e l , s o w e ca n l oc a t e s a m pl i ng i n t h e ri si ng pl u m e .

e ne ed t o g e t t h e se s a m pl es t o c onfi rm d ropl e t s i z e s a nd d i s s ol v e d PA H s i n t ha t w a t e r, and t he a

l g ory t h m s u s e d t o m od e l s u c h for t h e pu rpos e s of w a t e r c ol u m n i nj u ry m od e l i ng .

T h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t i nt e rpre t a t i ons ha v e bee n v ery v al u a bl e for t h i s a na l y s i s , a nd t h e

one s w e h av e c om pa red se e m t o ag re e w i t h t h i s m od e l of w ha t i s g oi ng on.

T od a y w e h a v e t h e "Pa y

ne c ru i s e " s a m pl i ng 2 km E of t he W e l l h e a d , a nd t h e y a re se e i ng som e oi l t h e re.

T om orrow a nd S a t

t h e S i pper cru i s e i s sa m pl i ng t h e are a , a nd w e a re t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow ns t re a m of ( Fri ) a nd

i n t h e pl u m e ( S a t ) .
N e x t w e e k w e are w orki ng on a pl a n for m ore w a t e r s a m pl i ng .
Pe rh aps c oord

i na t i on of t h e O c e a n I m a g i ng ove rfl i g h t s w i t h t h e s e pl a ns w ou l d d o t h e t ri ck.

I f w e c a n confi rm

t h e m od e l , w e c a n fol l ow t h e A DC P m e a s u re m e nt s t o l oc a t e ou r sa m pl i ng .

T h a nks for y ou r h e l p.

De bbi e

De bora h Fre nch M c C a y

A ppl i e d S ci e nc e A ss oc i a t e s, I nc. ( A SA )

5 5 V i l l a g e S q u are Dri v e

S ou t h Ki ng s t ow n, RI 0 2 8 79

d . french . m c c a y @a s a s ci e nc e . c om

B6 Privacy
v oc :
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

From : Da ni e l H ah n [Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov ]

S e nt : T h u rs d a y , M a y 13 , 2 010 4 : 4 2 PM

T o: fra nk. c s u l ak

C c: De bbi e Pa y t on; Li s a Di pi nt o; I a n J Z el o; Dou g H el t on;

e nc h M cC a y ; T om M oore ; S t eph a ni e W i l l i s

S u bj ec t : Re : N ee d H el p - Su rfa ci ng oi l l oc a i t on

G l e n W a t aba y a sh i ;

De bbi e Pa y t on and ot h e rs ,

M y u nd e rs t a nd i ng i s t h a t , for t h e t i m e bei ng , w e h a ve a pre t t y g ood

h a nd l e on w h e re oi l i s c om i ng t o t h e s u rfa c e ( i . e . abou t 2 km t o t he

E) .
T h e re a son w e w e re req u e s t i ng ai r s u pport i s t ha t t hi s l oc a t i on

s h i ft s d u e t o su bsu rfa ce cu rre nt s a nd t h at , a t t i m e s, w e d i d n' t h a ve

g ood i nform a t i on a bou t w h ere t he oi l w a s s u rfac i ng .

I u nd e rs t a nd t h e

c om pl i ca t i ons w i t h se e i ng s u rfac i ng oi l w h e n t h e re i s l ot s of oi l on t h e

w a t e r.

Document ID:

Bi l l Leh r;

De bbi e Fr

T h e obj e c t i v e of t h e S I PPER c ru i se i s t o c ol l ec t i nform a t i on on pl ankt on

a ss e m bl a g es i n t h e vi c i ni t y of t h e ri s i ng pl u m e , a nd pot ent i a l l y t o

e x a m i ne d ropl e t s i z e i n t he ri si ng pl u m e .
T h u s , know i ng w h e re t h e pl u m e

i s c om i ng t o t he su rfa ce al l ow s u s t o pl an ou r t ra nse ct l oca t i ons i n

s u c h a w a y t h a t w e ha v e bet t e r probabi l i t y of h i t t i ng t h e pl u m e .

A ny u pd a t es from t h e ov e rfl i g h t s t om orrow w i l l h e l p u s c onfi rm t h a t ou r

propos e d pl u m e t ra nse c t s , w h i c h a re pl a nne d for Sa t u rd a y , a re i n t he

ri g h t l oc at i on a nd t h a t t he ri si ng pl u m e h a sn' t sh i ft e d .
A phot o w i t h

d ri l l i ng ri g a s a refe re nce i s v e ry h e l pfu l ( l i ke a t t a c h ed ) .

T h a nks for y ou r a ss i s t a nc e i n he l pi ng u s pi n d ow n t hi s i nform at i on.

Da n

fra nk. cs u l a k w rot e :

Da n, I a m t ry i ng t o a d d res s y ou r req u e s t for ov e rfl i g h t i nform a t i on.

S e e e m a i l from De bbi e Pa y t on. Pl e a se a d d re ss he r q u e st i ons . Fra nk

De bbi e Pay t on w rot e :

T h e ov e rfl i g h t s a re be i ng coord i na t e d i n t h e fi e l d ( I ' m a ss u m i ng at

e a c h C P? ) I n Se a t t l e , w e a re g i v i ng d i rec t i on t o t h e N OA A obse rv e rs

a nd t h e Oc e a n I m a g i ng a nd N A SA i m a g i ng fl i g h t s .

I d e nt i fy i ng w he re t h e oi l i s s u rfa ci ng i s not a s i m pl e m a t t e r

a ny m ore , i t w as a bi t e as i e r a t t h e be g i nni ng of t h e s pi l l w he n t he re

w a s n' t a s m u c h oi l
i n t h e a re a .
I e x pe c t onl y t h e he l os m a y be

a bl e t o d e t e rm i ne
w h e re t h e oi l i s su rfa ci ng , a nd i t m i g h t re q u i re

q u i t e a bi t of s e arc h i ng t o s e e i f t h e y ca n s e e bu bbl es or

bl oss om i ng a nd coord i na t i ng w i t h t he m od e l i ng e ffort t o know w h e re t o

l ook.
I ni t i a l e s t i m a t e s ( w i t h ou t ad d i ng su bse a d i s pe rsa nt s ) w e re

t h a t oi l w ou l d su rfa c e i n 3 - 4 h ou rs w i t hi n 1. 5 m i l e s of t h e sou rc e.

I ni t i a l obse rva t i ons confi rm ed t h i s a nd w e h av e n' t t ri ed t o confi rm

i t si nc e t h a t I a m a w a re of.

W h a t i s t h e q u e st i on w e a re t ry i ng t o a ns w e r a nd how m u c h e ffort i s

i t w ort h ? I s know i ng w i t h i n a g i v en ra d i u s g ood enou g h?

I f t h i s i s

a n i m port a nt q u e s t i on for som e one , I e x pe ct w e w ou l d nee d a d e d i c at e d

pl a t form e a c h d a y t o g e t t h i s i nform a t i on.

I f w e onl y ne e d an

a pprox i m at e , t h e n w e ca n u se t h e m od e l i ng t o a nsw er i t .

fra nk. c s u l a k w rot e :

W h o i s t h e POC for c oord i na t i ng N OA A ov e rfl i g h t s ? Rec e i v ed re q u e st

from Da n H ah n, N O A A / ORR S t . Pe t e for ou r re spons e ove rfl i g h t s on a

d a i l y ba s i s t o fl y ove r t he l oca t i on w h e re t h e oi l i s com i ng t o t h e

s u rfac e , d oc u m e nt l a t / l ong , t a ke ph ot o w i t h a re fe renc e poi nt

c ont ai ne d i n t h e ph ot o. T hi s req u e s t c a m e i n a c ou pl e of d a y s a g o.

Fra nk

- -

Da ni el H a hn, Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i nat or

N a t i ona l Oc e a ni c a nd A t m osph e ri c A d m i ni s t ra t i on

A ss e ss m e nt & Res t orat i on Di v i s i on, SE Re g i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e S ou t h

S t . Pe t e rsbu rg , FL 3 3 70 1

emai l :

Da ni el . H a hn@noaa . g ov

Document ID:

Ph one:
Fa x :
Cel l :

( 72 7) 55 1- 5 715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Da ni e l H ah n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m os ph e ri c A d m i ni st ra t i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on, S E Reg i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e Sou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov

( 72 7) 5 5 1- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: George Maul < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 9:51 :34 PM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>, Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Aswani

Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth < [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet

< [email protected]>, Graham Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer

< [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan < [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel

< mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer < [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza

< [email protected]>, Peter Sheng < [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo

< [email protected]>, Steve Woll < [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey

< [email protected]>

Subject: RE: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

I think it would be important if any hydrocast data were confirmed independently. That is does the temperature profile from an

XBT agree with that from a CTD? Anybody have reversing thermometers? TKX, George Maul


From: Ernst Peebles [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 3:52 PM

To: Richard Snyder; Ernst Peebles

Cc: Hogarth, Bill; [email protected]; [email protected]; Daniel Hahn; [email protected]; Arthur

Jonathan; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ellington William Ross; George Maul; Felicia Coleman; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; Richard E. Dodge; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Aswani Volety; Bill

Hogarth; Donald Winter; Eric Chassignet; Graham Worthy; Ian Macdonald; Joseph Boyer; Kumar Mahadevan; Manhar Dhanak;

Michael Wade Kindel; Mitchell Roffer; Nick Shay; Peter Braza; Peter Sheng; Peter Tatro; Sandra Vargo; Steve Woll; William

Dewar; Wade Jeffrey

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


As a point of clarification, our sampled stations run from just east of Pensacola Beach eastward to Apalachicola, extending from

nearshore to ~35-50 nm offshore (much of NMFS stat zone 1 0 is actually offshore of Alabama). I do not want anyone to get the

Document ID:

impression that we were not able to sample in the vicinity of Pensacola.

The Weatherbird II has managed to remain clear of oil and is now working around the clock in clean waters that feed the spill area

from the south (plankton, neuston, SIPPER) - the crew will be working within the spill by Saturday. Things are going very well -

thanks for all of the expressions of support.


At 1 2:55 PM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the exiting

and future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective use

of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had limited

time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear became

contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we would

sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was not as good as our

original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they had, but

the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as they

pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I

waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough weather

would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale to

discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate scientist

in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The ship

sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic sampling

scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a probability of

randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like exactly the kind

of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public servants and the

decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in

region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to

know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum and/or

dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact here in

Document ID:

dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact here in

region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters that

appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters appeared to be

the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf,

positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have funding for additional cruises

of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil spill become entrained in the Loop

Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1 SEAMAP-style

stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not an official SEAMAP

cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be argued that it had been

compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols to identify

stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP cruise that had already been

scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work, we had to

reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work, the

WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-

style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water and

sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies. At

the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan to

make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not anticipate sampling

within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the first place the oil will

come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and east of Cape San Blas get priority over

zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6 miles south of


3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

TEL: (850) 474-2806

1 1 000 University Parkway

-31 30

Pensacola, FL 3251 4

Document ID:


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

office phone: (727) 553 -3983

lab phone:
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

office phone: (727)B6553


B6 Privacy
lab phone:
B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

Document ID:

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

office phone: (727) 553 -3983

lab phone:
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 3, 201 0 1 1 :1 7:1 3 PM EDT

To: George Maul < [email protected]>, Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Aswani

Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth < [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet

< [email protected]>, Graham Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer

< [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan < [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel

< mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer < [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza

< [email protected]>, Peter Sheng < [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo

< [email protected]>, Steve Woll < [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey

< [email protected]>

Subject: RE: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

George - good idea - we are not using XBTs on this cruise, but we are regularly comparing Seabird CTD measurements with

those of a simultaneously deployed YSI 6920 V2-2 sonde that is being repeatedly calibrated during the cruise. Ernst

At 09:51 PM 5/1 3/201 0, George Maul wrote:

I think it would be important if any hydrocast data were confirmed independently. That is does the temperature profile from an

XBT agree with that from a CTD? Anybody have reversing thermometers? TKX, George Maul


From: Ernst Peebles [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 3:52 PM

To: Richard Snyder; Ernst Peebles

Cc: Hogarth, Bill; [email protected]; [email protected]; Daniel Hahn; [email protected]; Arthur

Jonathan; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ellington William Ross; George Maul; Felicia Coleman; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; Richard E. Dodge; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; Aswani Volety; Bill Hogarth; Donald Winter; Eric Chassignet; Graham Worthy; Ian Macdonald; Joseph Boyer;

Kumar Mahadevan; Manhar Dhanak; Michael Wade Kindel; Mitchell Roffer; Nick Shay; Peter Braza; Peter Sheng; Peter Tatro;

Sandra Vargo; Steve Woll; William Dewar; Wade Jeffrey

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


As a point of clarification, our sampled stations run from just east of Pensacola Beach eastward to Apalachicola, extending from

nearshore to ~35-50 nm offshore (much of NMFS stat zone 1 0 is actually offshore of Alabama). I do not want anyone to get the

impression that we were not able to sample in the vicinity of Pensacola.

The Weatherbird II has managed to remain clear of oil and is now working around the clock in clean waters that feed the spill

area from the south (plankton, neuston, SIPPER) - the crew will be working within the spill by Saturday. Things are going very

well - thanks for all of the expressions of support.

Document ID:


At 1 2:55 PM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the

exiting and future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective

use of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had

limited time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear became

contaminated early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we

would sample the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do understand that finishing 24 stations was not as good

as our original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they

had, but the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as

they pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be



At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0 because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I

waited till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough

weather would subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale

to discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate

scientist in the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The

ship sampled East region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic

sampling scheme (is that what happened?) requiring you discard the most at risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a

probability of randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like

exactly the kind of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public

servants and the decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in

region 1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to

know you are prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote chance significant concentrations of petroleum

and/or dispersants will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are facing a more real probability of oil impact

here in region 1 0, offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied

consent or agreement with my position.

Document ID:

consent or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters that

appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters appeared to be

the most vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf,

positioning future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At this point, we do not have funding for additional

cruises of this type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current. Should the oil spill become entrained in the

Loop Current, we may be able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1 SEAMAP-style

stations were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style" - our ongoing cruise is not an official SEAMAP

cruise). We were therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that it could be argued that it had been

compromised. We decided to prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By using SEAMAP protocols to

identify stations, we could assure that these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP cruise that had

already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work, we had to

reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After departing Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work, the

WBII headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via satellite phone. It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-

style work was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if anything, was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St. Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water and

sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2) to exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies. At

the time of scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan to

make another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if any of this is not clear or if you have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 & 9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not anticipate sampling

within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa Island, and Perdido Key, likely the first place the oil will

come, is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the corner north and east of Cape San Blas get priority over

zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6 miles south of


3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking me what the state is doing to look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

TEL: (850) 474-2806

1 1 000 University Parkway

-31 30

Pensacola, FL 3251 4


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

Document ID:

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy

Document ID:


B6 Privacy


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG -

Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271 .1 .1 /2871 - Release Date: 05/1 3/1 0 06:26:00

Begin forwarded message:

From: George Maul < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 4, 201 0 1 0:59:25 AM EDT

To: Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>, Richard Snyder < [email protected]>

Cc: "Hogarth, Bill" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, Arthur Jonathan < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Ellington William Ross < [email protected]>, Felicia Coleman

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>,

"[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "Richard E. Dodge" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]"

< [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>, Aswani

Volety < [email protected]>, Bill Hogarth < [email protected]>, Donald Winter < [email protected]>, Eric Chassignet

< [email protected]>, Graham Worthy < [email protected]>, Ian Macdonald < [email protected]>, Joseph Boyer

< [email protected]>, Kumar Mahadevan < [email protected]>, Manhar Dhanak < [email protected]>, Michael Wade Kindel

< mkindel1>, Mitchell Roffer < [email protected]>, Nick Shay < [email protected]>, Peter Braza

< [email protected]>, Peter Sheng < [email protected]>, Peter Tatro < [email protected]>, Sandra Vargo

< [email protected]>, Steve Woll < [email protected]>, William Dewar < [email protected]>, Wade Jeffrey

< [email protected]>

Subject: RE: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

Ernst, Is there a cruise track? Do we know where the WBII is with respect to the oil? There are questions regarding the

entrainment issue from the press. TKX, George

-----Original Message-----

From: Ernst Peebles [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 1 1 :1 7 PM

To: George Maul; Richard Snyder

Cc: Hogarth, Bill; [email protected]; [email protected]; Daniel Hahn; [email protected]; Arthur

Jonathan; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ellington William Ross; Felicia Coleman; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; Richard E. Dodge; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Aswani Volety; Bill

Hogarth; Donald Winter; Eric Chassignet; Graham Worthy; Ian Macdonald; Joseph Boyer; Kumar Mahadevan; Manhar Dhanak;

Michael Wade Kindel; Mitchell Roffer; Nick Shay; Peter Braza; Peter Sheng; Peter Tatro; Sandra Vargo; Steve Woll; William

Dewar; Wade Jeffrey

Subject: RE: North Gulf Shelf Sampling

George - good idea - we are not using XBTs on this cruise, but we are

regularly comparing Seabird CTD measurements with those of a

simultaneously deployed YSI 6920 V2-2 sonde that is being repeatedly

calibrated during the cruise. Ernst

At 09:51 PM 5/1 3/201 0, George Maul wrote:

I think it would be important if any hydrocast data were confirmed

independently. That is does the temperature profile from an XBT

agree with that from a CTD? Anybody have reversing

thermometers? TKX, George Maul


From: Ernst Peebles [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 1 3, 201 0 3:52 PM

To: Richard Snyder; Ernst Peebles

Document ID:

Cc: Hogarth, Bill; [email protected]; [email protected]; Daniel

Hahn; [email protected]; Arthur Jonathan; [email protected];

[email protected]; Ellington William Ross; George Maul; Felicia

Coleman; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Richard

E. Dodge; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Aswani Volety; Bill Hogarth; Donald Winter; Eric Chassignet; Graham

Worthy; Ian Macdonald; Joseph Boyer; Kumar Mahadevan; Manhar Dhanak;

Michael Wade Kindel; Mitchell Roffer; Nick Shay; Peter Braza; Peter

Sheng; Peter Tatro; Sandra Vargo; Steve Woll; William Dewar; Wade Jeffrey

Subject: Re: North Gulf Shelf Sampling


As a point of clarification, our sampled stations run from just east

of Pensacola Beach eastward to Apalachicola, extending from

nearshore to ~35-50 nm offshore (much of NMFS stat zone 1 0 is

actually offshore of Alabama). I do not want anyone to get the

impression that we were not able to sample in the vicinity of Pensacola.

The Weatherbird II has managed to remain clear of oil and is now

working around the clock in clean waters that feed the spill area

from the south (plankton, neuston, SIPPER) - the crew will be

working within the spill by Saturday. Things are going very well -

thanks for all of the expressions of support.


At 1 2:55 PM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


Region 1 0, the area most likely to be impacted, remains unsampled

with SEAMAP protocols that will be compatible to the exiting and

future dataset. I will not belabor the point further.

On Thu, May 1 3, 201 0 at 1 :1 9 PM, Ernst Peebles

<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


We adhered to the SEAMAP probabilistic design and protocols to allow

data comparability with other cruises (a cost-effective use of tax dollars).

After much debate, we decided as a group to work east-to-west

because 1 ) this would be most efficient, given that we had limited

time, and 2) more importantly, it would help ensure that we were

working clean-to-dirty - if the vessel and gear became contaminated

early, then ALL pre-impact sampling would have to stop.

We have always recognized that your region is in the most immediate

danger, and it was written into our cruise plan that we would sample

the unaffected parts of stat zone 1 0 if time allowed. We do

understand that finishing 24 stations was not as good as our

original plan (32 stations plus at least part of stat zone 1 0). The

crew worked very, very hard during the limited time they had, but

the pace was not fast enough to get everything done in time.

The second vessel happens to be in the Key West area as part of

another cruise - the possible sampling of spill materials as they

pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

Document ID:

pass by would be opportunistic (also good use of taxpayers' dollars).

In short, all of the rational arguments you raise were carefully

considered beforehand, and we are doing our best to be constructive.


At 09:07 AM 5/1 3/201 0, Richard Snyder wrote:


I do have some concerns, and your rationale to not sample region 1 0

because it has been "compromised" I do not understand. I waited

till this morning to reply hoping the temptation to use language

better suited to the pitching deck of a ship in rough weather would

subside. I wish I could tell you that is the case.

Region 1 0 is in the most immediate danger in all of Florida, which

at least you acknowledge. I do not understand the rationale to

discard the rest of the region because the SW corner may have been

impacted. I would think, but then I'm just a low rate scientist in

the west of Florida, that fact alone would have created an urgency

to get over here and sample region 1 0 first. The ship sampled East

region 8 first, then to the West? What? While we have a window with

SE winds keeping the plume away?

You state this is not an "official SEAMAP cruise" and you sampled

only 24 of the stations, so adherence to a probablistic sampling

scheme (is that what happened ?) requiring you discard the most at

risk region of the Florida Shelf because of a probability of

randomly picking the two stations in the SW corner (?) in the face

of a potential ecological catastrophe, seems like exactly the kind

of <deleted> decision that causes general public to shake their

heads in disgust at their tax dollar paid public servants and the

decisions made for the application of tax payer resources, State and Federal.

Can you honestly tell me that if region 5, the middle grounds and

Tampa/St. Pete, was in the same situation as we are facing in region

1 0, that the same decisions would have been made ? I'm sure the

people up here in the Panhandle will be comforted to know you are

prepared to station a ship in the Florida straits for the remote

chance significant concentrations of petroleum and/or dispersants

will reach there (yes I understand the loop current) when we are

facing a more real probability of oil impact here in region 1 0,

offshore and on shore.

No, I do not understand.

The e-mail addressees are members of the FLCOOS and Oil Spill

Academic Task Force for their information only, no implied consent

or agreement with my position.

On Wed, May 1 2, 201 0 at 5:58 PM, Ernst Peebles

<[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> > wrote:


Our (FWRI and USF) first priority was to establish pre-impact

conditions within those Florida continental-shelf waters that

appeared to be most likely to be affected by the spill. At the time

of cruise -plan development, panhandle waters appeared to be the most

Document ID:

vulnerable. The overall plan was to repeat this approach as

necessary in other regions of the West Florida Shelf, positioning

future cruises ahead of the spill as it moved east and south. At

this point, we do not have funding for additional cruises of this

type, and we are watching spill interactions with the Loop Current.

Should the oil spill become entrained in the Loop Current, we may be

able to position another vessel within the Florida Straits to

intercept the oil for chemical fingerprinting.

Early NOAA spill maps indicated oil was present in the southwest

corner of NMFS stat zone 1 0, and 2 of our 1 1 SEAMAP-style stations

were within this area of stat zone 1 0 (note the term "SEAMAP-style"

- our ongoing cruise is not an official SEAMAP cruise). We were

therefore concerned that stat zone 1 0 had been compromised or that

it could be argued that it had been compromised. We decided to

prioritize stat zones 8 and 9, working west towards the spill. By

using SEAMAP protocols to identify stations, we could assure that

these stations would be revisited during at least one future SEAMAP

cruise that had already been scheduled for July, 201 0.

NOAA's first priority was to study the spill site outside Florida

waters. In order to stay on schedule for the NOAA work, we had to

reduce the number of SEAMAP-style stations from 32 to 24. After

departing Pensacola and ending the SEAMAP-style work, the WBII

headed toward the spill area. I am still awaiting today's update via

satellite phone. It is my understanding that no SEAMAP-style work

was done in stat zone 1 0, although I will check to see what, if

anything, was done there during transit to the spill area.

The Pensacola port call was scheduled after the WBII had left St.

Pete. It's purpose was 1 ) to deliver age -sensitive water and

sediment samples to shore for shipment to the lab in Texas, and 2)

to exchange crew and load new equipment and supplies. At the time of

scheduling this port call, the WBII had a full complement of

scientific and ship's crew. There is presently no plan to make

another port call to Pensacola.

Thanks very much for the offer of support, and please let me know if

any of this is not clear or if you have additional concerns.



At 01 :54 PM 5/1 2/201 0, you wrote:

I really don't like being a pain in the rear, but I am confused, please help.

The Weatherbird cruise plan has stations prioritized for Zones 8 &

9, but for Zone 1 0:

"Figure 6. Locations of SEAMAP sampling stations within NMFS

statistical zone 1 0. At present we do not anticipate sampling

within NMFS statistical zone 1 0 unless sampling within NMFS

statistical zones 8 and 9 are completed ahead of schedule."

Can someone explain to me why Zone 1 0, off of Pensacola, Santa Rosa

Island, and Perdido Key, likely the first place the oil will come,

is not a priority over stations to the east? Did stations around the

corner north and east of Cape San Blas get priority over zone 1 0?

1 ) how was the sampling for pre-oil condition prioritized ? Why is

zone 1 0 a secondary consideration?

2) did they have time to do any sampling in zone 1 0? Our local

paper stated they collect "a" water sample 1 6 miles south of Pensacola...

3) was the stop in Pensacola yesterday (tuesday) scheduled?

4) will they stop back here before heading to FIO? Anything they need?

People here at the likely point of first Florida impact keep asking

me what the state is doing to look after their interests.

I'm hoping that I'm missing something.


Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Document ID:

Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

TEL: (850) 474-2806

1 1 000 University Parkway

-31 30

Pensacola, FL 3251 4


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251 4

TEL: (850) 474-2806

-31 30


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy



Richard A. Snyder, Ph.D.

Professor and Director

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB)

University of West Florida

1 1 000 University Parkway

Document ID:


(850) 474-2806

-31 30

Pensacola, FL 3251 4


Ernst Peebles, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

College of Marine Science

University of South Florida

1 40 Seventh Avenue South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 -501 6

B6 Privacy
office phone:
B6 Privacy
lab phone:

B6 Privacy


No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG -

Version: 8.5.437 / Virus Database: 271 .1 .1 /2871 - Release Date:

05/1 3/1 0 06:26:00

Begin forwarded message:

From: Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 5, 201 0 9:05:1 6 AM EDT

To: Debbie Payton < [email protected]>

Cc: Debra Simecek-Beatty < [email protected]>, Jeff Lankford < [email protected]>, Joshua Slater

< [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: DWH - Morning overflight information for Weatherbird cruise

If we get an update please relay it to Tom Moore - Try email ([email protected]) and cell phone

B6 Privacy

. He'll

relay the information to the vessel.

Debbie French currently thinks the oil will surface to the WNW. See below.

The currents at the Wellhead are very weak now, no longer to the east. See attached and below. The oil will be transported by the ESE winds to the

WNW and NW. I think the Sipper sampling should be rotated to the W to N quadrant.

I hope all is going well on the cruise.


Thanks for all your help.


Debbie Payton wrote:

we got you covered. I've cc'd DSB, Jeff and Josh. Between them, they can coordinate who can do a morning overflight of the

source area and see if they can determine the rise location.

Daniel Hahn wrote:

Regarding the timing, the Weatherbird II should be doing transects in the vicinity of the plume throughout the morning

Saturday, May 1 5. They are overnighting outside the spill area and will be heading in somewhere around daybreak. If

information can be conveyed quickly back from a morning overflight, that could be very useful, that is, if adjustments can be

made the day of the spill in coordination with SIMOPS. Otherwise, Friday's overflights are going to provide the best


Thanks again for the help everyone.


Debbie Payton wrote:

Document ID:


you scooped my response (i was halfway through typing and keep getting pulled away). But, of course, you are correct.

The oil is generally surfacing within 1 -2 km from the source and within 3-4 hours (without injection), confirmed both by obs

and modeling. today's obs have the oil surfacing to the ene, which makes sense given the rig and rov adcps. following is

the website with the adcp measurements - some days there is quite a shear in the vertical. the NGOM model (which you

now should have access to through CJ?) has been doing a pretty good job with subsurface currents as well.

we will make sure that in prep for Saturday an observer identifies the surfacing area tomorrow, then I would look at the

ADCPs and modify the sampling plan based on those obs (if we know approx what time the vessel will be in the area, we

can try and schedule the source overflight to coincide with that time to give better direction).


Debbie French McCay wrote:

A l l ,

From m y ana l y si s a nd m od e l i ng , t h e ri s i ng oi l s h ou l d be s u rfac i ng c l os e t o t h e rel e a s e s i t e a

nd d ow n- cu rre nt .
T h e A DC P a t t h e w e l l h ea d g ene ra l l y s how s w ea k c u rre nt s ( < 0. 2 kt ) from 3 9 0 0f

t ( d e e pe st poi nt s am pl e d ) t o a bou t 4 00 ft be l ow t he su rfa ce .

T h e A DC P m e a s u re m e nt s a t 3 15 an

d 2 10 ft be l ow t h e w a t e r s u rfa c e h av e s how n ea s t w ard c u rre nt s u p t o 0 . 7 kt s t h e l a s t fe w d a y s

, bu t a re sl ow i ng now t o < 0 . 2 kt s .
T h e se a re t h e s h a l l ow e s t m e a s u re m e nt s a va i l a bl e , bu t I am

a s su m i ng t h e y a ppl y a l l t h e w a y t o t h e s u rfac e ( for l ac k of a ny ot h e r d a t a ) .

Earl y i n t h e s

pi l l , s u rfa c e ( 2 0 0 - 3 0 0ft ) cu rre nt s w e re a l s o w e a k.

M a y 5 - 7 t h e y w e re t o t h e s ou t h , M ay 7- 10

t o t h e S E, a nd re c ent l y t o t he E.
A l l of t h i s i s ba se d on t ra ns port by t h e c u rrent s as m e a su

re d by A DC P 4 2 9 16 d e pl oy e d M ay 1 a t t h e w e l l he a d si t e .

W e w ou l d l i ke s om e c onfi rm a t i on of t h i s m od e l , so w e c an l oc at e s am pl i ng i n t h e ri s i ng pl u m e.

W e ne e d t o g e t t he s e sa m pl es t o confi rm d ropl e t s i z e s a nd d i ss ol v e d PA H s i n t h at w a t e r, a nd

t h e a l g ory t h m s u s ed t o m od e l s u c h for t h e pu rpos es of w a t e r c ol u m n i nj u ry m od e l i ng .

T h e O ce a n I m a g i ng ov e rfl i g h t i nt e rpre t a t i ons h a v e be e n v e ry va l u a bl e for t h i s a nal y si s, a nd t

h e one s w e h a ve c om pa re d s e e m t o a g re e w i t h t h i s m od e l of w h at i s g oi ng on.
T od ay w e h a v e t h

e "Pa y ne c ru i se " s am pl i ng 2 km E of t h e W e l l h ea d , and t he y a re se e i ng s om e oi l t h ere .

T om orro

w a nd S a t t h e S i pper cru i s e i s sa m pl i ng t h e are a , a nd w e a re t ry i ng t o pl a c e t h e m d ow ns t re a m

of ( Fri ) a nd i n t h e pl u m e ( S at ) .
N e x t w e e k w e a re w orki ng on a pl a n for m ore w a t e r s am pl i ng .

Perh a ps coord i na t i on of t h e O ce a n I m a g i ng ov e rfl i g h t s w i t h t h e s e pl a ns w ou l d d o t h e t ri c k.

I f w e c an c onfi rm t h e m od e l , w e c an fol l ow t h e A DC P m e a su rem e nt s t o l oca t e ou r s a m pl i ng .

T h a nks for y ou r h e l p.

De bbi e

De bora h Fre nc h M c C ay

A ppl i e d Sc i e nce A s soc i a t e s , I nc . ( A S A )

55 V i l l a g e S q u a re Dri v e

Sou t h Ki ng st ow n, RI 0 2 8 79

d . fre nc h . m cc a y @a s a sc i e nce . com

B6 Privacy
v oc :
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

From : Da ni e l Ha h n [Da ni el . H a hn@noa a. g ov ]

Se nt : T h u rsd a y , M a y 13 , 2 0 10 4 : 4 2 PM

T o: fra nk. cs u l a k

C c : De bbi e Pa y t on; Li sa Di pi nt o; I an J Ze l o; Dou g H e l t on;

French M c C a y ; T om M oore; St eph a ni e W i l l i s

Su bj e ct : Re : N e e d He l p - S u rfa c i ng oi l l oca i t on

De bbi e Pay t on a nd ot h e rs,

M y u nd e rst a nd i ng i s t h a t , for t h e t i m e be i ng ,

Document ID:

G l en W a t a ba y as h i ;

w e ha v e a pre t t y g ood

Bi l l Le h r;

De bbi e

h a nd l e on w h e re oi l i s com i ng t o t he s u rfa c e ( i . e . a bou t 2 km t o t h e

E) .
T h e re a s on w e w e re re q u es t i ng a i r su pport i s t h a t t h i s l oca t i on

sh i ft s d u e t o s u bs u rfa c e c u rre nt s and t ha t , at t i m e s , w e d i d n' t h av e

g ood i nform a t i on a bou t w h e re t h e oi l w a s su rfa c i ng .

I u nd e rst a nd t h e

com pl i c a t i ons w i t h s e e i ng su rfa ci ng oi l w h e n t h e re i s l ot s of oi l on t he

w a t er.

T h e obj e ct i v e of t he SI PPER cru i s e i s t o col l e c t i nform a t i on on pl a nkt on

a s s em bl a g e s i n t h e v i ci ni t y of t h e ri s i ng pl u m e , and pot e nt i al l y t o

e x a m i ne d ropl et s i z e i n t h e ri s i ng pl u m e.
T hu s , know i ng w h e re t h e pl u m e

i s com i ng t o t h e s u rfa c e a l l ow s u s t o pl a n ou r t rans e c t l oc a t i ons i n

su c h a w ay t h at w e h a v e be t t er proba bi l i t y of h i t t i ng t h e pl u m e .

A ny u pd a t e s from t he ov erfl i g h t s t om orrow w i l l h e l p u s c onfi rm t h at ou r

propose d pl u m e t ra ns e ct s, w h i c h a re pl a nne d for S at u rd ay , a re i n t h e

ri g ht l oca t i on a nd t h a t t h e ri s i ng pl u m e h a s n' t s hi ft e d .
A ph ot o w i t h

d ri l l i ng ri g as a re fe renc e i s v e ry h e l pfu l ( l i ke a t t a ch e d ) .

T h a nks for y ou r a s si s t a nc e i n h e l pi ng u s pi n d ow n t h i s i nform a t i on.

Da n

fra nk. c s u l a k w rot e :

Da n, I a m t ry i ng t o ad d re ss y ou r re q u e st for ove rfl i g h t i nform a t i on.

S e e em a i l from De bbi e Pa y t on. Pl e a s e a d d res s h er q u es t i ons . Fra nk

De bbi e Pa y t on w rot e :

T h e ov e rfl i g h t s a re be i ng c oord i na t ed i n t h e fi e l d ( I ' m as su m i ng a t

e a c h C P? ) I n S ea t t l e, w e a re g i v i ng d i re ct i on t o t he N O A A obs erv e rs

a nd t h e O ce a n I m a g i ng a nd N A S A i m a g i ng fl i g h t s.

I d e nt i fy i ng w h ere t he oi l i s s u rfa c i ng i s not a si m pl e m at t e r

a ny m ore , i t w a s a bi t e a si e r a t t h e be g i nni ng of t he spi l l w h en t h ere

w a s n' t a s m u c h oi l
i n t he a re a.
I e x pe c t onl y t h e h e l os m ay be

a bl e t o d et e rm i ne
w h e re t h e oi l i s s u rfac i ng , a nd i t m i g h t req u i re

q u i t e a bi t of s e a rc h i ng t o s ee i f t h e y c a n se e bu bbl e s or

bl os som i ng a nd c oord i na t i ng w i t h t h e m od el i ng e ffort t o know w h e re t o

l ook.
I ni t i a l e s t i m a t e s ( w i t h ou t a d d i ng s u bs ea d i spe rs a nt s) w e re

t h a t oi l w ou l d s u rfac e i n 3 - 4 hou rs w i t h i n 1. 5 m i l es of t h e s ou rc e .

I ni t i a l obs e rv at i ons c onfi rm e d t h i s a nd w e h a ve n' t t ri e d t o c onfi rm

i t s i nce t h a t I a m aw a re of.

W h a t i s t he q u es t i on w e are t ry i ng t o a nsw e r and h ow m u c h e ffort i s

i t w ort h ? I s know i ng w i t h i n a g i v e n ra d i u s g ood e nou g h ? I f t h i s i s

a n i m port ant q u e s t i on for s om e one , I e x pec t w e w ou l d ne e d a d ed i c a t e d

pl a t form ea ch d a y t o g e t t h i s i nform a t i on.

I f w e onl y nee d a n

a pprox i m a t e , t he n w e c a n u s e t he m od e l i ng t o ans w e r i t .

fra nk. cs u l a k w rot e :

W h o i s t he PO C for coord i na t i ng N O A A ov erfl i g h t s? Re ce i ve d req u e s t

from Da n H a h n, N OA A /O RR St . Pet e for ou r re s ponse ov e rfl i g h t s on a

d a i l y ba si s t o fl y ov e r t h e l oc a t i on w h ere t he oi l i s c om i ng t o t he

su rfa c e , d ocu m e nt l at /l ong , t ake phot o w i t h a re fe re nc e poi nt

cont a i ne d i n t h e ph ot o. T h i s re q u e st ca m e i n a cou pl e of d a y s a g o.

Fra nk

- -

Da ni e l H ah n,

Document ID:

Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rce C oord i na t or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m os ph eri c A d m i ni st ra t i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re st ora t i on Di v i s i on, S E Reg i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e S ou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni e l . Ha h n@noa a . g ov

( 72 7) 5 51- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Da ni el H a hn, Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i nat or

N a t i ona l Oc e a ni c a nd A t m osph e ri c A d m i ni s t ra t i on

A ss e ss m e nt & Res t orat i on Di v i s i on, SE Re g i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e S ou t h

S t . Pe t e rsbu rg , FL 3 3 70 1

emai l :
Ph one:
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni el . H a hn@noaa . g ov

( 72 7) 55 1- 5 715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy


Da ni e l H ah n, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or

N a t i ona l O ce a ni c a nd A t m os ph e ri c A d m i ni st ra t i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on, S E Reg i on

2 63 13 t h A v e nu e Sou t h

St . Pe t e rs bu rg , FL 3 3 701

em ai l :
Ph one :
Fa x :
Cel l :

Da ni e l . H ah n@noa a . g ov

( 72 7) 5 5 1- 5715

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill Allison < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 6, 201 0 1 0:52:1 3 AM EDT

To: coral-list coral-list < [email protected]>

Subject: [Coral-List] Fwd: Gulf Oil Spill, dispersants

A number of list members have suggested that the dispersants could be

problematic and should be investigated. It is ironic and alarming that oil

dispersants inimical to life are being used in unprecedented quantities to

make the problem go away, that is, to make it invisible &

coincidentally(?), to make the largely unknown causal chain of environmental

harm much harder to trace. We now have visible oil + invisible oil +

~2,000,000 liters of toxic dispersants in the Gulf, and the meter is still

running - apparently an order of magnitude faster than announced some days


Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:

- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,

Document ID:


- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as detergents

& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


*BIODEGRADABLE - sounds good BUT: it means that microrganisms break it down,

consuming oxygen in the process. Propylene glycol which I suppose is the

carrier and main component, is said to have a very high BOD. Add to this the

BOD created by the decomposition of creatures large & small killed by oil &

dispersants, and that of microbes feeding on the oil itself. There is

speculation about whether the resultant emulsion will sink or float and an

expectation that the whole mess will disperse and be diluted, so becoming

even more invisible. Recall that many species of marine larvae travel in the

near-surface few millimeters of the sea. Depending on the timing of spawning

events and dispersal, might this have a negative impact on larval

recruitment across a spectrum of marine life?

On the positive side (Im kidding), Corexit is made in USA, the stock of the

producer has appreciated, & the costs the whole clean-up bundle will be

added to GNP (Im not kidding). Is that an insane system or what?



Say what some poets will, Nature is not so much her own ever-sweet

interpreter as the mere supplier of that cunning alphabet, whereby selecting

and combining as he pleases, each man reads his own peculiar lesson

according to his own peculiar mind and mood. (Herman Melville, 1 852)


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mark Luther < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 7, 201 0 1 0:35:1 9 AM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Ernst Peebles < [email protected]>,

"Morrison, Geoff" < [email protected]>, Sherryl Gilbert < [email protected]>, Jon Jarrell < [email protected]>, Brian

Bendis < [email protected]>, Scott Burghart < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: automated sampling system for oil spill -- Weatherbird II

hi debie -- sorry not to reply earlier. i was distracted on another matter that you are involved with as well. we are working with a

turner designs sensor, the td 41 00. the web site is:

i've attached a workshop report on this class of sensors that might be helpful. i'll try to call you later.


Debbie French McCay wrote:

Thanks Mark for the update. Please keep us posted.

Do you have some protocols for the sensor? Would need to work into a plan.


Document ID:



Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy

From: Mark Luther [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 0, 201 0 9:55 AM

To: Debbie French McCay

Cc: Tom Moore; Daniel Hahn; Ernst Peebles; Morrison, Geoff; Sherryl Gilbert; Jon Jarrell; Brian Bendis; Scott Burghart

Subject: Re: automated sampling system for oil spill -- Weatherbird II

hi debbie -- ysi is checking on delivery schedule and costs for the

hydrocarbon sensor and time/costs to integrate the sensor into the

seakeeper system. it would take at least a week to get the sensor

delivered. it would be best if the installation on the weatherbird is

done here at our docks. right now, the intake for the seakeeper system

is blocked from the outside to keep oil out. it requires a diver to

remove the plug. i'll talk to ernst today about the weatherbird's

future plans.

thanks -- mark

Debbie French McCay wrote:

The data would be very useful to map the oil plume in the water as Sipper samples. When could the system be ready?


Deborah French McCay

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879 USA

[email protected]

voc: B6 Privacy


From: Tom Moore [[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, May 07, 201 0 9:1 5 AM

To: Mark Luther

Cc: Debbie French McCay; Daniel Hahn; Ernst Peebles; Morrison, Geoff; Sherryl Gilbert; Jon Jarrell; Brian Bendis; Scott


Subject: Re: automated sampling system for oil spill -- Weatherbird II

The boat is going to be making a stop in Pensacola for a crew change and some HAZMAT Training on Monday. I am not sure

what the logistics of install are but that is an option to consider if this data will be useful.


On May 6, 201 0, at 1 1 :1 9 PM, Mark Luther wrote:

hi debbie -- sorry i missed your call.

there is not a hydrocarbon sensor on the weatherbird's seakeeper system at present. we could add such a sensor to the

existing seakeeper system when the ship returns to st. petersburg. the present cruise was staged on such short notice that

there was no time to obtain and install the new sensor. in fact, we had a diver plug the seakeeper intake before this cruise

so that oil didn't foul the c/t and bio-optical sensors. i strongly suspect that there will be follow-on cruises that could make

use of the augmented system. i've copied ernst peebles, who is our faculty ichtyoplankton person who is coordinating the


we do not have the hydrocarbon sensors in hand at present but we can obtain them if there is sufficient interest. we do have

Document ID:

the seakeeper systems into which the hydrocarbon sensors can be integrated. the advantage of the seakeeper system is

that it is modular and self-contained, including all pumping, water handling, anti-fouling, and data acquisition and telemetry


i have meetings from 1 0 am to 1 pm tomorrow but will try to call before 1 0 or after 1 .

thanks -- mark

Debbie French McCay wrote:


Sorry to not be able to talk to you today. Eoin alerted me to your email tonight. (Note my email above -- I think you used

my old one).

I definitely need to talk to you about this asap. We are doing modeling of the spill for the NRDA working for NOAA ORR.

Right now the focus is on data collection for model input and validation. Tonight a ship is enroute to take water samples in

the spill zone, but of course can only feasibly get 1 0s of samples in the 2-day cruise.

In addition, I am working with Dan Hahn and Tom Moore of NOAA (cc'd here) to plan a cruise sampling of ichthyoplankton

in the spill zone area. (They will also do CTDs and other sampling.) That cruise is leg 2 of the Weatherbird II cruise that

left yesterday. Now they are sampling on the FL shelf; Monday or Tues they are going to port in Pensacola to get supplies

and gear. After that they go out to sample in the spill zone area.

You say a hydrocarbon sensor is already installed on the USF vessel, Weatherbird II. Is it possible to get this activated

and sampling during the cruise next week? The ship is doing up and down sawtooth sampling of the upper layer and

running it through a Sipper image analysis system to ID and count plankton (fish and others). Also to count and measure

sizes of oil droplets. Transects to be in clean water (baseline) then in plume area.

Is this feasible? I'd also like to talk about other possibilities.

Please email a good time to talk. I am involved in providing info to the other cruise tomorrow, so another day on the

phone. I will try calling in the morning.



Deborah French McCay, PhD

Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA)

55 Village Square Drive

South Kingstown, RI 02879

(office) B6 Privacy
(fax) B6 Privacy
[email protected] or

[email protected]

cell: B6 Privacy

-----Original Message-----

From: Eoin Howlett Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 8:29 PM

To: Debbie French McCay

Subject: FW: automated sampling system for oil spill

I think Mark used wrong email for you.


From: Mark Luther [[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 201 0 5:41 PM

To: Jim Jeansonne

Cc: 'Mark Luther'; Sherryl Gilbert; Morrison, Geoff; Brian Bendis; Jon Jarrell; Eoin Howlett; [email protected]

Subject: automated sampling system for oil spill

Hi Jim -- As we discussed on the phone, we here at USF Marine Science

and YSI's St. Petersburg office have several Seakeeper 1 000 automated

ocean data acquisition systems (see These modular, integrated

systems can be augmented with hydrocarbon sensors to be used to collect

data on the distribution of oil from the present spill. One of these

systems is already installed on the USF vessel, Weatherbird II, and

another on the Manta from the Flower Garden Banks NMS. We have at least

6 other systems that could be installed on vessels of opportunity, from

small skiffs to USCG cutters to offshore supply vessels. As they are

modular and completely self-contained, installation is relatively quick

and simple. the intake can tap into an existing vessel thru-hull

fitting or seachest, or can be a hose on a boom over the side of a small

boat. Data from the sensors can be displayed in real-time onboard the

Document ID:

boat. Data from the sensors can be displayed in real-time onboard the

vessel or can be telemetered to shore by satellite. We plan to put a

hydrocarbon sensor on the Weatherbird's Seakeeper system when she

returns to port. The other 6 systems are available for use on other

vessels if NOAA has need of them. If NOAA is interested, I can provide

a cost estimate for integration of the hydrocarbon sensor and for

installation. YSI can manufacture additional systems if required. The

best way to reach me is my cell - B6 Privacy .

As always, we are happy to help in any way we can -- Mark



Mark E. Luther, PhD

| Tel: (727)553 -1 528

Associate Professor and Director

| Fax: (727)553 -1 1 89

Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Lab | E-mail: [email protected]

USF College of Marine Science


1 40 Seventh Avenue South

| "If we weren't all crazy we

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

| would go insane" -- J. Buffett




Mark E. Luther, PhD

| Tel: (727)553 -1 528

Associate Professor and Director

| Fax: (727)553 -1 1 89

Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Lab | E-mail: [email protected]

USF College of Marine Science


1 40 Seventh Avenue South

| "If we weren't all crazy we

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

| would go insane" -- J. Buffett



Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy



Mark E. Luther, PhD

| Tel: (727)553 -1 528

Associate Professor and Director

| Fax: (727)553 -1 1 89

Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Lab | E-mail: [email protected]

USF College of Marine Science


1 40 Seventh Avenue South

| "If we weren't all crazy we

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

| would go insane" -- J. Buffett




B6 Privacy
Mark E. Luther, PhD
| Tel:
Associate Professor and Director
| Fax: B6 Privacy

Ocean Monitoring and Prediction Lab | E-mail: [email protected]

USF College of Marine Science


1 40 Seventh Avenue South

| "If we weren't all crazy we

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

| would go insane" -- J. Buffett



Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 7, 201 0 1 :04:28 PM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Document ID:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Diane Kinsey < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], Jeff Gore < [email protected]>, John Himes < [email protected]>,

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], karen_battle [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], msw1 [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Carol Beidleman

< [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Juan Ramirez <[email protected]>,

Tim Fitzpatrick < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Jim Payne

< [email protected]>, Shannon Gerardi < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], John Fruin < [email protected]>,

Nick Stratis < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Dan Hudgens

< [email protected]>, Todd Goeks < [email protected]>

Subject: Information Request - analytes for tissue samples

Document ID:

Subject: Information Request - analytes for tissue samples

Work Groups:

Simeon Hahn (Marine Mammals/Turtles TWG Lead) is requesting information on what analytes are being chosen for

tissue samples with a specific request re: analytes related to dispersants. Please send all relevant information to him

(cc'd here, [email protected]) or to the gmail for forwarding.

Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 7, 201 0 1 :06:02 PM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], karen_battle [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Fwd: The Associated Press: Deep sea oil plumes, dispersants endanger reefs (FKNMS)

Coral Group:

See forwarded email/article below. juq5nw6XDJ9UTfq9bY0dwD9FOHA600

Deep sea oil plumes, dispersants endanger reefs


NEW ORLEANS The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has already spewed plumes over ecologically sensitive reefs, part of a

stalled marine sanctuary proposal that would have restrict drilling in a large swath of the northern part of the vital waterway.

Marine scientists fear that two powerful Gulf currents will carry the oil to other reefs. The eastward flowing loop current could

spread it about 450 miles to the Florida Keys, while the Louisiana coastal current could move the oil as far west as central Texas.

The depth of the gushing leaks and the use of more than 560,000 gallons of chemicals to disperse the oil, including

unprecedented injections deep in the sea, have helped keep the crude beneath the sea surface. Marine scientists say diffusing

and sinking the oil helps protect the surface species and the Gulf Coast shoreline but increases the chance of harming deep-sea

reefs, which are seen as bellwethers for sea health.

"At first we had a lot of concern about surface animals like turtles, whales and dolphins," said Paul Montagna, a marine biologist

at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi who studies Gulf reefs. "Now we're concerned about everything."

On Sunday, researchers said computer models show oil has already entered the loop current that could carry the toxic goo toward

the Keys, the third -longest barrier reef in the world.

The oil is now over the western edge of a roughly 61 -mile expanse of 300 -to-500 -foot-deep reef south of Louisiana known as the

Pinnacles, about 25 miles north of where the Deepwater Horizon exploded April 20, killing 1 1 people and starting the spill that

grows by the hour.

The Pinnacles is one of nine coral banks and hard -bottom areas stretching from Texas to Florida that the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration tried in 2008 to get designated a marine sanctuary called Islands in the Stream.

This sanctuary would have restricted fishing and oil drilling around the identified reef "islands." But the plan was put on hold after

vehement objections from Republican lawmakers, fishermen and the oil industry.

Scientists have found undersea plumes of oil at the spill as much as 1 0 miles long, which are an unprecedented danger to the

deep sea environment, said Samantha Joye, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia.

These plumes are being eaten by microbes thousands of feet deep, which removes oxygen from the water.

"Deepwater coral are abundant on the sea floor in this part of the Gulf, and they need oxygen," said Joye, who was involved in the

plume discovery. "Without it, they can't survive."

Experts say the well's depth and Friday's decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to allow BP to shoot massive

amounts of dispersing chemicals deep underwater may help protect vital marshes and wetlands on the Gulf Coast. But the

tradeoff may result in significant effects on more sea life.

Oil mixed with the chemical agent can disperse into the water more easily, rather than it staying on the surface, where it could

bypass deeper banks like Pinnacles, said Edward Van Vleet, a chemical oceanography professor at the University of South


The downside is that it causes oil to sink, coating corals and other reef organisms and smothering them, he said.

When the dispersed oil is broken into smaller globules, he said they are more easily eaten by smaller reef organisms and can kill

them or cause tumors or something else harmful.

Document ID:

Federal officials who oversee marine sanctuaries and fisheries say it's too early to tell how reefs and other important habitats may

be damaged, said Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA's undersecretary of commerce for oceans.

NOAA, which manages marine sanctuaries, is also responsible for estimating financial costs of the spill on the sea environment

and fisheries. The Pinnacles is a significant habitat for sea life vital to commercial fisheries such as red snapper, crab and shrimp.

The creation of a sanctuary across hundreds of miles of the Gulf would not have blocked oil and gas exploration where the

Deepwater Horizon exploded, said Montagna. However, he said it could have resulted in stricter environmental regulation for reefs

closest to the spill site, and likely less drilling.

"So you can imagine these animals that make a living on rocks, filtering food out of the water, and the dispersants come along

and sink the oil; it's a big concern," Montagna said.

The area also is breeding ground for sperm whales and bluefin tuna, species not doing well, he said.

Studies published in a 2005 National Academy of Sciences report show that oil mixed with dispersants damaged certain corals'

reproduction and deformed their larvae. The study concluded the federal government needed to study more before using massive

amounts of dispersants.

Reefs are made up of living creatures that excrete a hard calcium carbonate exoskeleton.

Depending on the oil exposure, they can be smothered by the pollutants or become more susceptible to bleaching, which hinders

reproduction and growth. While the warm temperatures of Florida could speed the recovery of damaged reefs there, some

problems could be seen for a decade or more. In the deeper reefs in colder water closer to the spill, the damage could last even


As the spill increases, the oil oozes toward other reefs that stretch from the blowout site eastward to the Florida Keys National

Marine Sanctuary.

The Keys exist in relatively shallow water, so the potential exposure to the oil is higher than for deeper reefs, though BP PLC

officials say the oil would be more diffused after having broken down during its travel over hundreds of miles.

This week, researchers from USF and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are heading to the loop current to get a

"chemical fingerprint" of any oil they find to confirm it is from the leaking well.

"We don't expect the loop current to carry oil onto beaches," William Hogarth, dean of the University of South Florida's College of

Marine Science, said. "But we do have a great concern for the Keys."

If oil reaches the Keys, it could threaten one of the country's greatest underwater natural resources as well as its tourism industry.

Locals throughout the ribbon of islands not only relish their ties to the water but rely on it to help bring in 2 million visitors each


"They're not going to come if our beaches are tarred and our mangroves have died and it's a polluted dump," said Millard

McCleary, program director of the Key West-based Reef Relief. "They'll go to the Bahamas or the Caymans or they'll go to


/Sedensky reported from Key West, Fla. Associated Press writer Janet McConnaughey in New Orleans contributed to this report./


William F. Precht

Program Manager

Damage Assessment, Restoration and Resource Protection

NOAA - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

P.O. Box 1 083

95230 Overseas Highway

Key Largo, FL 33037

off: (305) 852-771 7 x29

B6 Privacy
email: [email protected]


"The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem.

Unless we solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all others."

President Teddy Roosevelt, October 4, 1 907

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lisa.Vandiver" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 7, 201 0 1 :27:54 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Cc: Leslie Craig < [email protected]>, Roger B Griffis < [email protected]>, Daphne Macfarlan

< [email protected]>, Meg Goecker < [email protected]>, Cheryl Brodnax < [email protected]>,

Cecelia Linder < [email protected]>, Marti McGuire < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: DWH - Potential Restoration Project Options

Document ID:

Subject: Re: DWH - Potential Restoration Project Options

Hi Jean-

That is a great point. I would think that this is where addressing the sources of nutrients that are contributing to the Dead Zone

could play in to restoration (e.g., improving water quality). In addition, NOAA scientists in the Gulf Hypoxia Task Force have

indicted that they are concerned about potential phosphorus loadings into the Gulf from the dispersants. The Gulf is P limited (in

part, due to all the N discharged from the Mississippi River) and this addition of P may be enough to promote algal blooms and

subsequently enhancing hypoxia occurrence. Just a thought.


[email protected] wrote:


I don't have an answer to this, but I am wondering about restoration

project ideas for the potentially massive water column injury in the

middle of the Gulf. With the latest acknowledgment that oil is staying

deeper in the water column and possibly getting swept up in the loop

current, would this feasibly be scaled to coastal restoration

project(s), such as marsh and oyster reef restoration? If so, for which

state(s) if the injury is in the middle of the Gulf? Again, I have no

specific answer, but wanted to put it out there for thought. In large

part, this will be an evolving discussion as injury assessment moves

along, but if we had some ideas of how we might handle it for

restoration that would be good. Thanks,


----- Original Message -----

From: Leslie Craig < [email protected]>

Date: Monday, May 1 7, 201 0 8:02 am

Subject: DWH - Potential Restoration Project Options

Hi all,

I think I have been in touch with most of you directly but perhaps this email will serve to get us all closer to the same page.

One of the tasks I have been assigned is to pull together a list of "known" restoration options in the areas potentially affected

by the DWH spill. Of course, this is only intended to be a first snap shot, based on multiple sources, of potential restoration

options in the area. Below is an initial list of people who I hope to coordinate with to provide some feedback, in a pretty short

time frame.

I hope to have some feedback from the group by the end of this week (May 21 )- and the bulk of information in hand by mid to

late next week (May 26-28). My deadline to have something back to HQ is around June 1 .*

Leslie Lead; FL Panhandle

Marti West Coast FL (not yet - but may be soon); mapping of projects passed on from the rest of the group

Meg MS, AL - start with ARRA unfunded projects; Mobile Bay NEP PrioritiesDaphne ESA; marine mammals

Cece - LA & MS (based upon work from LA-MS Working Group)

Roger Griffis - CELP (land acquisition priorities for each state)

Cheryl - potentially ARRA unfunded projects; CWPPRA non-selected, BTNEP priorities (are these things Cece would already

be covering?)

Lisa Vandiver - Non-point source, MS R Watershed

I have attached a spreadsheet that we can all work from. Do not feel intimidated by all of the fields. The more you can fill in,

the better - but just give me what you have or what makes sense for every project. Also, do not feel stifled by the word

"PROJECT" - the things that make it on this list can also be Project concepts. For instance, if an NEP has identified a broad

need, go ahead and fit it on the


Hopefully most of the fields are self explanatory but here are a few that might be confusing:

Document ID:

Column E: Correlation to injury - DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS FIELD, unless you really really want to. This is a field we will

use to track how/if a particular project may compensate for a specific injury... i.e. A wetland creation project might have

"Fishery biomass injury" listed in this column.

Column M: NOAA POC - this field is you and any other NOAA POC that is appropriate

The second attachment is a very DRAFT document that begins to describe the RC's role in Restoration Planning through the

DARRP and specifically for this spill. This is NOT for distribution - it is also not rocket science!

Please feel free to call me with any questions. I have a crazy week but this is my priority so I will return emails and calls as

soon as I can.




Leslie Craig

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Avenue South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

(Phone) B6 Privacy

(Fax) B6 Privacy



Lisa Vandiver

Knauss Sea Grant Fellow

NOAA Restoration Center 1 31 5 East West Highway

Silver Spring, MD 2091 0

email: [email protected]

B6 Privacy
Begin forwarded message:

From: Ed Blume < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 7, 201 0 2:47:56 PM EDT

To: coral-list coral-list < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Fwd: Gulf Oil Spill, dispersants

Several posters described experiments to determine the impact of oil on

coral. Has one done (or does anyone know of) research on the ingredients to

Corexit, as described by BIll Allison?

*Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:*

*- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


*- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


*- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


Ed Blume

Madison, WI

On Sun, May 1 6, 201 0 at 9:52 AM, Bill Allison < [email protected]>wrote:

Document ID:

A number of list members have suggested that the dispersants could be

problematic and should be investigated. It is ironic and alarming that oil

dispersants inimical to life are being used in unprecedented quantities to

make the problem go away, that is, to make it invisible &

coincidentally(?), to make the largely unknown causal chain of


harm much harder to trace. We now have visible oil + invisible oil +

~2,000,000 liters of toxic dispersants in the Gulf, and the meter is still

running - apparently an order of magnitude faster than announced some days


Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:

- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


*BIODEGRADABLE - sounds good BUT: it means that microrganisms break it


consuming oxygen in the process. Propylene glycol which I suppose is the

carrier and main component, is said to have a very high BOD. Add to this


BOD created by the decomposition of creatures large & small killed by oil &

dispersants, and that of microbes feeding on the oil itself. There is

speculation about whether the resultant emulsion will sink or float and an

expectation that the whole mess will disperse and be diluted, so becoming

even more invisible. Recall that many species of marine larvae travel in


near-surface few millimeters of the sea. Depending on the timing of


events and dispersal, might this have a negative impact on larval

recruitment across a spectrum of marine life?

On the positive side (Im kidding), Corexit is made in USA, the stock of


producer has appreciated, & the costs the whole clean-up bundle will be

added to GNP (Im not kidding). Is that an insane system or what?



Say what some poets will, Nature is not so much her own ever-sweet

interpreter as the mere supplier of that cunning alphabet, whereby


and combining as he pleases, each man reads his own peculiar lesson

according to his own peculiar mind and mood. (Herman Melville, 1 852)


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Document ID:

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Upper Region)

P.O. Box 1 083

Key Largo, FL 33037

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
(cell) [email protected]

From: Craig Downs B6 Privacy>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 9:43:59 AM EDT

To: 'John Halas' < [email protected]>, 'Cheryl Woodley' < [email protected]>

Cc: 'John Fauth' < [email protected]>, 'Scott Donahue' < [email protected]>, 'Bill Goodwin' < [email protected]>,

'Bill Precht' < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: response to oil spill ?

Hey John,

Have you guys contacted/spoke with Gary Shigenaka at NOAA HAZMAT? He is

good, experienced, and can give your team some sound advice. Also ask him

for his review on oil/fuel impacts on coral reefs. Many effect-bets are off

because of the use of dispersants.

And when you bring Gary Shigenaka on board, tell him that the "anti-christ"

has been working for the past 1 2 days, and last Thursday the opposition had

teams in the Keys.

Which you may also want to remind folks about permits requirements for

collections in the FKNMS. I gave free advice to two firms that they may NOT

want to collect anything in the FKNMS without first having permits...

Collections; will they follow chain of custody? You've got at least five

different categories of legal actions. Some are much more stringent in the

methodology for evidence collection. Best follow the most stringent, that

way everything is covered.

My curiosity is of who you that has experience with oil spills and coral

reefs/mangroves/forensic investigations. Anyone?

If sampling, make sure you don't use plastic, only Teflon or "clean glass."

You've already got some folks down there looking for the tracer chems in the


Helpful hint: make sure that divers are "lab-clean" between sampling dives.

Cross-contamination follies by "the good guys" are already being noted by

the opposition.

Let me know if you guys need any help.


Craig A. Downs Ph.D.

Executive Director

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization

P.O. Box 92

Clifford, Virginia 24533 U.S.A.

Phone: B6 Privacy

Document ID:

Research Faculty

Office of Public Health Studies

John A. Burns School of Medicine

University of Hawai'i - Manoa

1 960 East-West Road, BioMed Tower

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 U.S.A.

Research Professor

Department of Environmental Studies

Sweet Briar College

1 34 Chapel Road

Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 U.S.A

-----Original Message-----

From: John Halas [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 7, 201 0 5:42 PM

To: Cheryl Woodley; Craig Downs

Cc: John Fauth; Scott Donahue; Bill Goodwin; Bill Precht

Subject: Re: response to oil spill?

Cheryl & Craig,

Brian's SE regional Sanctuaries Science Coordinator position is

yet to be filled. Scott Donahue is still the acting Science Coordinator

for FKNMS and heavily involved with conference calls and real busy

planning for an FKNMS oil event along with Bill Goodwin for corals on

the Damage Assessment Restoration and Research team with Bill Precht

heading up the DARRP team.

On conference calls there have been some discussion on guidelines for

sampling protocol with plans to take advantage of already scheduled

trips to the Flower Gardens (today) and Tortugas. Litigation issues

have also been brought up in relation to sampling.

In ccing Scott, Bill and Bill maybe they could chime in with further

discussion on the possibility of NCCOS involvement and assistance.

Thanks for inquiring and offering the help.


Cheryl Woodley wrote:

Hi John

Craig, John and I have been exchanging emails about the possibility of

the effects of the oil spill hitting FL. Is there a new science

coordinator since Brian has passed away? Are there any samples being

taken prior to the oil reaching the Keys? If it is of interest, we

have some samples in our freezer from our past studies down there as

well as biomarker data, that may be of value in determining effects.

As I'm sure you know, the best would be to have samples just prior.

Also just as a reminder, the biomarker technology is not limited to

corals. Please let me know if we can be of any assistance.

All the best



John Halas

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Upper Region Manager

95230 Overseas Highway/P.O. Box 1 083

Document ID:

Key Largo, FL 33037

Phone- B6 Privacy ext. 34

FAX- B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 1 0:08:30 AM EDT

To: "Bill.Goodwin" < [email protected]>

Cc: Mary Elliott Rolle < [email protected]>, Steve Gittings < [email protected]>, Bill Precht

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: response to oil spill ?]

I think it would be very valuable to bring Craig and Cheryl into this effort. They both have a lot of experience on the sub-leathal

effects issues. Per our conversation yesterday I already left a voicemail for Cheryl Woodley (NOAA/NOS), but have yet to her


On May 1 8, 201 0, at 9:57 AM, Bill.Goodwin wrote:




Bill Goodwin

Sanctuary Resources Manager

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (Upper Region)

P.O. Box 1 083

Key Largo, FL 33037

305-852 -771 7 x 28

B6 Privacy
(cell) [email protected]

B6 Privacy
From: Craig Downs

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 9:43:59 AM EDT

To: 'John Halas' < [email protected]>, 'Cheryl Woodley' < [email protected]>

Cc: 'John Fauth' < [email protected]>, 'Scott Donahue' < [email protected]>, 'Bill Goodwin'

< [email protected]>, 'Bill Precht' < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: response to oil spill ?

Hey John,

Have you guys contacted/spoke with Gary Shigenaka at NOAA HAZMAT? He is

good, experienced, and can give your team some sound advice. Also ask him

for his review on oil/fuel impacts on coral reefs. Many effect-bets are off

because of the use of dispersants.

And when you bring Gary Shigenaka on board, tell him that the "anti-christ"

has been working for the past 1 2 days, and last Thursday the opposition had

teams in the Keys.

Which you may also want to remind folks about permits requirements for

collections in the FKNMS. I gave free advice to two firms that they may NOT

want to collect anything in the FKNMS without first having permits...

Collections; will they follow chain of custody? You've got at least five

different categories of legal actions. Some are much more stringent in the

Document ID:

different categories of legal actions. Some are much more stringent in the

methodology for evidence collection. Best follow the most stringent, that

way everything is covered.

My curiosity is of who you that has experience with oil spills and coral

reefs/mangroves/forensic investigations. Anyone?

If sampling, make sure you don't use plastic, only Teflon or "clean glass."

You've already got some folks down there looking for the tracer chems in the


Helpful hint: make sure that divers are "lab-clean" between sampling dives.

Cross-contamination follies by "the good guys" are already being noted by

the opposition.

Let me know if you guys need any help.


Craig A. Downs Ph.D.

Executive Director

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization

P.O. Box 92

Clifford, Virginia 24533 U.S.A.

Phone: B6 Privacy

Research Faculty

Office of Public Health Studies

John A. Burns School of Medicine

University of Hawai'i - Manoa

1 960 East-West Road, BioMed Tower

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 U.S.A.

Research Professor

Department of Environmental Studies

Sweet Briar College

1 34 Chapel Road

Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 U.S.A

-----Original Message-----

From: John Halas [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 7, 201 0 5:42 PM

To: Cheryl Woodley; Craig Downs

Cc: John Fauth; Scott Donahue; Bill Goodwin; Bill Precht

Subject: Re: response to oil spill?

Cheryl & Craig,

Brian's SE regional Sanctuaries Science Coordinator position is

yet to be filled. Scott Donahue is still the acting Science Coordinator

for FKNMS and heavily involved with conference calls and real busy

planning for an FKNMS oil event along with Bill Goodwin for corals on

the Damage Assessment Restoration and Research team with Bill Precht

heading up the DARRP team.

On conference calls there have been some discussion on guidelines for

sampling protocol with plans to take advantage of already scheduled

Document ID:

trips to the Flower Gardens (today) and Tortugas. Litigation issues

have also been brought up in relation to sampling.

In ccing Scott, Bill and Bill maybe they could chime in with further

discussion on the possibility of NCCOS involvement and assistance.

Thanks for inquiring and offering the help.


Cheryl Woodley wrote:

Hi John

Craig, John and I have been exchanging emails about the possibility of

the effects of the oil spill hitting FL. Is there a new science

coordinator since Brian has passed away? Are there any samples being

taken prior to the oil reaching the Keys? If it is of interest, we

have some samples in our freezer from our past studies down there as

well as biomarker data, that may be of value in determining effects.

As I'm sure you know, the best would be to have samples just prior.

Also just as a reminder, the biomarker technology is not limited to

corals. Please let me know if we can be of any assistance.

All the best



John Halas

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Upper Region Manager

95230 Overseas Highway/P.O. Box 1 083

Key Largo, FL 33037

Phone- B6 Privacy ext. 34

FAX- B6 Privacy


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 1 1 :01 :1 2 AM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Craig Downs <

Subject: [Fwd: Re: response to oil spill ?]

B6 Privacy>

Hi Tom

I got your call. I am forwarding you an email from Craig Downs. Gary he mentions has been through this and written the book on

corals. Craig has already been approached by BP lawyers, so he has experience along these lines.

I tried your office, will try cell.

Document ID:

I tried your office, will try cell.



Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.

Coral Health and Disease Program


Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

Hollings Marine Laboratory

331 Fort Johnson Rd

Charleston, SC 2941 2

843.762.8862 Phone

B6 Privacy

[email protected]

B6 Privacy
From: Craig Downs <

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 9:43:59 AM EDT

To: 'John Halas' <[email protected]>, 'Cheryl Woodley' <[email protected]>

Cc: 'John Fauth' <[email protected]>, 'Scott Donahue' <[email protected]>, 'Bill Goodwin' <[email protected]>,

'Bill Precht' <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: response to oil spill ?

Hey John,

Have you guys contacted/spoke with Gary Shigenaka at NOAA HAZMAT? He is

good, experienced, and can give your team some sound advice. Also ask him

for his review on oil/fuel impacts on coral reefs. Many effect-bets are off

because of the use of dispersants.

And when you bring Gary Shigenaka on board, tell him that the "anti-christ"

has been working for the past 1 2 days, and last Thursday the opposition had

teams in the Keys.

Which you may also want to remind folks about permits requirements for

collections in the FKNMS. I gave free advice to two firms that they may NOT

want to collect anything in the FKNMS without first having permits...

Collections; will they follow chain of custody? You've got at least five

different categories of legal actions. Some are much more stringent in the

methodology for evidence collection. Best follow the most stringent, that

way everything is covered.

My curiosity is of who you that has experience with oil spills and coral

reefs/mangroves/forensic investigations. Anyone?

If sampling, make sure you don't use plastic, only Teflon or "clean glass."

You've already got some folks down there looking for the tracer chems in the


Helpful hint: make sure that divers are "lab-clean" between sampling dives.

Cross-contamination follies by "the good guys" are already being noted by

the opposition.

Let me know if you guys need any help.


Craig A. Downs Ph.D.

Document ID:

Executive Director

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization

P.O. Box 92

Clifford, Virginia 24533 U.S.A.

Phone: B6 Privacy

Research Faculty

Office of Public Health Studies

John A. Burns School of Medicine

University of Hawai'i - Manoa

1 960 East-West Road, BioMed Tower

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 U.S.A.

Research Professor

Department of Environmental Studies

Sweet Briar College

1 34 Chapel Road

Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 U.S.A

-----Original Message-----

From: John Halas [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 7, 201 0 5:42 PM

To: Cheryl Woodley; Craig Downs

Cc: John Fauth; Scott Donahue; Bill Goodwin; Bill Precht

Subject: Re: response to oil spill?

Cheryl & Craig,

Brian's SE regional Sanctuaries Science Coordinator position is

yet to be filled. Scott Donahue is still the acting Science Coordinator

for FKNMS and heavily involved with conference calls and real busy

planning for an FKNMS oil event along with Bill Goodwin for corals on

the Damage Assessment Restoration and Research team with Bill Precht

heading up the DARRP team.

On conference calls there have been some discussion on guidelines for

sampling protocol with plans to take advantage of already scheduled

trips to the Flower Gardens (today) and Tortugas. Litigation issues

have also been brought up in relation to sampling.

In ccing Scott, Bill and Bill maybe they could chime in with further

discussion on the possibility of NCCOS involvement and assistance.

Thanks for inquiring and offering the help.


Cheryl Woodley wrote:

Hi John

Craig, John and I have been exchanging emails about the possibility of

the effects of the oil spill hitting FL. Is there a new science

coordinator since Brian has passed away? Are there any samples being

taken prior to the oil reaching the Keys? If it is of interest, we

have some samples in our freezer from our past studies down there as

well as biomarker data, that may be of value in determining effects.

As I'm sure you know, the best would be to have samples just prior.

Also just as a reminder, the biomarker technology is not limited to

corals. Please let me know if we can be of any assistance.

Document ID:

corals. Please let me know if we can be of any assistance.

All the best



John Halas

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

Upper Region Manager

95230 Overseas Highway/P.O. Box 1 083

Key Largo, FL 33037

Phone- B6 Privacy ext. 34

FAX- B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

B6 Privacy
From: Craig Downs>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 1 :06:1 6 PM EDT

To: 'Tom Moore' < [email protected]>

Subject: RE: craig

Hi Tom,

Sure, I would be happy to help out in any way I can.

I can sign documents indicating that I have no conflict of interest, and

both my organization (Haereticus) and I are not being retained by any other


I have been working on oil-spills since 1 999. I've worked with/for both

U.S. federal agencies, as well as protecting the environmental liabilities

of corporations. I basically run forensic investigations for natural

resource damage events, and specialize on coral reefs. I've done a number

of cases concerning crude oil, heavy marine fuels, as well as oil/dispersant

issues concerning coral reefs (Panama, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Yap,

etc). I've done work both on impact assessments, as well as recovery

assessments and modeling.

For sampling strategy, was wondering first about what your objectives will

be concerning which legal actions you want to address. Does Counsel want to

focus only on NRD/oil pollution act, or will they be including actions

concerning ESA, etc?

Definitely, you want to account for the "Boehm" model of baseline. Capture

sites before the impact, as well as establish reference sites to track

recovery (similar to what was done post hoc for the Valdez oil spill).

For methods, I would definitely follow "clean" protocols, and make sure you

address and document efforts against cross-contamination from one sampling

site to another. Your opposition is already working that angle based on

current efforts by NOAA/CG.

Sampling targets. I would definitely focus in on collecting coral and coral

reef biopsies, but also recommend collecting surface sediment and porewater.

This will allow you make repeated-measure tests of the same site/colony.

There is a concept called "manufactured uncertainty." You guys will come up

against this, and my read of the playing field is that they will hit you

hard with this.

Document ID:

Again, any way I can be of assistance, I would be enthusiastic to help.


Craig A. Downs Ph.D.

Executive Director

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization

P.O. Box 92

Clifford, Virginia 24533 U.S.A.

Phone: B6 Privacy

Research Faculty

Office of Public Health Studies

John A. Burns School of Medicine

University of Hawai'i - Manoa

1 960 East-West Road, BioMed Tower

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 U.S.A.

Research Professor

Department of Environmental Studies

Sweet Briar College

1 34 Chapel Road

Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 U.S.A

-----Original Message-----

From: Tom Moore [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 8, 201 0 1 2:06 PM

To: Craig Downs

Cc: Cheryl Woodley

Subject: Re: craig


I spoke with Cheryl and if your interested we would like to look at the

possibility of pulling you into this process on the Trustee side. If your

able to get me a quick write-up on your background we can start getting the

correct folks who make decisions engaged. Separately I would be

interested in your initial thoughts on the best approach on a tiered

sampling strategy that would be great.



On May 1 8, 201 0, at 1 1 :49 AM, Cheryl Woodley wrote:


If you were trying to call Craig he called me right after we hung up, so

you should be able to get him now.


Craig, Tom's number is

B6 Privacy


Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.

Coral Health and Disease Program


Document ID:

Hi Tom,

Sure, I would be happy to help out in any way I can.

I can sign documents indicating that I have no conflict of interest, and

both my organization (Haereticus) and I are not being retained by any other


I have been working on oil-spills since 1 999. I've worked with/for both

U.S. federal agencies, as well as protecting the environmental liabilities

of corporations. I basically run forensic investigations for natural

resource damage events, and specialize on coral reefs. I've done a number

of cases concerning crude oil, heavy marine fuels, as well as oil/dispersant

issues concerning coral reefs (Panama, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Yap,

etc). I've done work both on impact assessments, as well as recovery

assessments and modeling.

For sampling strategy, was wondering first about what your objectives will

be concerning which legal actions you want to address. Does Counsel want to

focus only on NRD/oil pollution act, or will they be including actions

concerning ESA, etc?

Definitely, you want to account for the "Boehm" model of baseline. Capture

sites before the impact, as well as establish reference sites to track

recovery (similar to what was done post hoc for the Valdez oil spill).

For methods, I would definitely follow "clean" protocols, and make sure you

address and document efforts against cross-contamination from one sampling

site to another. Your opposition is already working that angle based on

current efforts by NOAA/CG.

Sampling targets. I would definitely focus in on collecting coral and coral

reef biopsies, but also recommend collecting surface sediment and porewater.

This will allow you make repeated -measure tests of the same site/colony.

There is a concept called "manufactured uncertainty." You guys will come up

against this, and my read of the playing field is that they will hit you

hard with this.

Again, any way I can be of assistance, I would be enthusiastic to help.


Craig A. Downs Ph.D.

Executive Director

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory

A 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization

P.O. Box 92

Clifford, Virginia 24533 U.S.A.

Phone: B6 Privacy

Research Faculty

Office of Public Health Studies

John A. Burns School of Medicine

University of Hawai'i - Manoa

1 960 East-West Road, BioMed Tower

Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 U.S.A.

Research Professor

Document ID:

Research Professor

Department of Environmental Studies

Sweet Briar College

1 34 Chapel Road

Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 U.S.A


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center/DARRP

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy




* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bi l l G ood w i n

Sa nct u a ry Re s ou rce s M a nag e r

Fl ori d a Ke y s N a t i ona l M ari ne Sa nc t u a ry ( U ppe r Re g i on)

P. O . Box 108 3

Ke y La rg o, FL 3 3 0 37

B6 Privacy

(cel l )

bi l l . g ood w i n@noa a . g ov

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

Referral to USGS

Document ID:

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Referral to USGS

Document ID:

Referral to USGS
B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy


Begin forwarded message:

From: Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 3:06:32 PM EDT

To: Ilsa B Kuffner < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Annotated bibliography - oil spill impacts

Hi Ilsa

I was just invited to this call today by Tom Moore, so I don't have much background information on the sites they are discussing.

But here are a papers that may be of value related to effects and the use of cellular diagnostics.


Ilsa B Kuffner wrote:

Primary literature on oil impacts to natural resources:

Marine Science Review - 371

Special edition: "Oil and oil spills: the Gulf of Mexico" SpecialEdition-Oilandoilspills.pdf


Ilsa B. Kuffner, Ph.D.

Research Ecologist

St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center

US Geological Survey

600 4th Street South

St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Tel: (727) 803 -8747 ext. 3048

Fax: (727) 803 -2030

Email: [email protected]


Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.

Coral Health and Disease Program


Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

Hollings Marine Laboratory

331 Fort Johnson Rd

Charleston, SC 2941 2

843.762.8862 Phone

843.762.8737 Fax

[email protected]

Document ID:

valdez paperpdf (76.2 KB)

Kyowa Violet.pdf (410 KB)

Ecotox 2010.pdf (526 KB)

Oil eects o.pdf (208 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 3:1 5:1 7 PM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], Stephen Blair < [email protected]>, [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

Subject: Coral Group - PDFS



William F. Precht

Program Manager

Damage Assessment, Restoration and Resource Protection

NOAA - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

P.O. Box 1 083

95230 Overseas Highway

Key Largo, FL 33037

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
email: [email protected]


"The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem.

Unless we solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all others."

President Teddy Roosevelt, October 4, 1 907

lin_oey_wans.pdf (2.0 MB)

Lugo-Fernan.pdf (1.4 MB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Aaron Hutchins < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 3:35:38 PM EDT

To: Caitlin Lustic < [email protected]>, [email protected], James Byrne < [email protected] >, Meaghan Johnson

< [email protected] >, Chris Bergh < [email protected] >, Kemit-Amon Lewis < [email protected] >, Daniel Green

< [email protected]>, Jonathan Brown < [email protected]>, Ron Sjoken < [email protected] >, Jennifer Greene

< [email protected]>, Robert Brumbaugh < [email protected] >, Amanda Wrona < [email protected]>

Document ID:

Subject: Re: [Restoration] Oil spill response call RESCHEDULE

Last call for specific questions to raise with the Caribbean Regional Response Team tomorrow. We present the project at 9 am

and will segway into the issue of actions we can take at the Keys nurseries now.


From: Caitlin Lustic

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 4:49 PM

To: Caitlin Lustic; [email protected] ; James Byrne; Meaghan Johnson; Chris Bergh; Aaron Hutchins; Kemit-Amon

Lewis; Daniel Green; Jonathan Brown; Ron Sjoken; Jennifer Greene; Robert Brumbaugh; Amanda Wrona

Subject: RE: Oil spill response call RESCHEDULE

Hi everyone

Thanks to those who were able to make the call, and specifically Aaron for fielding our questions. Some of the questions that

came up were:

How do we deal with the oil in the nurseries if it is in the form of tar balls or some other form of thick, sinking oil rather than a

surface slick?

What will the effects of the dispersants be on the coral?

Is there anything we can do to protect the nursery corals?

Aaron and Kemit will be attending a meeting next week of the Caribbean Regional Response Team, and have offered to take our

questions with them to see if they can get any more information. Many of the responders who would normally attend this meeting

are likely in the Gulf helping out but it cant hurt to compile a list of questions and see what information we can get. Please send

me your questions by Monday, May 1 7.

Some other important information:

Any expenses that you incur on the nursery project as a result of the oil spill (including time, additional equipment, etc.) can be

paid under ARRA but should be very carefully documented. Please contact me if you have any questions about this.

James is currently doing some research into OSHA rules and requirements as they relate to diving in the presence of oil. We will

get more details out soon, but there will be guidance about when it is safe to dive.

Please be very vigilant in monitoring for now so that we have accurate and recent data about the status of the nursery corals.

Good baseline data could prove very important.

We will be in touch again as needed.


Document ID:


From: Caitlin Lustic

Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:19 AM

To: Caitlin Lustic; '[email protected]'; James Byrne; Meaghan Johnson; Chris Bergh; Aaron Hutchins; Kemit-Amon

Lewis; Daniel Green; Jonathan Brown; Ron Sjoken; Jennifer Greene; Robert Brumbaugh; Amanda Wrona

Subject: Oil spill response call RESCHEDULE

Since most everyone is going to be out on the water this Friday, lets reschedule for Tuesday at 4pm. Join us if you can.

Call-in number:
Access code:

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Caitlin Lustic

From: Caitlin Lustic

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 9:19 AM

To: [email protected]; James Byrne; Meaghan Johnson; Chris Bergh; Aaron Hutchins; Kemit-Amon Lewis; Daniel

Green; Jonathan Brown; Ron Sjoken

Subject: Oil spill response call - Friday 10am

Good morning everyone

We would like to have a call this Friday at 1 0am to discuss potential oil spill response plans. I know this is late notice, so join us if

you can, and Ill take and distribute meeting minutes for those who cannot. If you are unable to call in but have some thoughts

you would like heard, give me a call or send me an email.



Call-in number:
Access code:

Document ID:

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Caitlin Lustic

Coral Recovery Coordinator

The Nature Conservancy

Florida Keys

P.O. Box 420237

Summerland Key, FL 33042

[email protected]

B6 Privacy
Ext. 114 (Phone)


B6 Privacy

Sugarloaf Key, FL 33042

Earth Day's 40th anniversary is April 22nd. Dive into our online community and join the celebration!


Restoration mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Robert H. Richmond" < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 6:33:21 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: [Coral-List] Corexit oil dispersant and corals

In response to Ed Blume's and others' question on the effects of Corexit oil dispersant on corals, here is the summary from a

Master's Thesis by a past graduate student of mine who performed some experiments on coral gametes and larvae:

MENDIOLA, W.J.C. 2004. The effect of the oil dispersant, Corexit 9527, on reproduction of the spawning coral, Acropora

surcuosa, and on larval settlement and metamorphosis of the brooding coral, Pocillopora damicornis. 40 pages. [Thesis Advisor:

R.H. Richmond].


The findings of this investigation clearly show that exposure to relatively realistic concentrations of Corexit 9527 may reduce

fertilization in A. surculosa and reduce the larval settlement and metamorphosis of P. damicornis. One must keep in mind that

these experiments were performed with dispersant only. During an actual oil spill, it is more likely that the larvae will be exposed

to high amounts of dispersed oil rather than dispersant alone. As mentioned earlier, the effects of exposure to dispersed oil on

many marine organisms is more damaging than oil or dispersant exposure alone. Epstein et al. (2000) found this to be true when

testing six different oil dispersants (Inipol IP-90, Petrotech PTI-25, Bioreico R-93, Biosolve, and Emulgal C-1 00) on larvae of the

coral, S. pistillata and Heteroxenia fuscescense. In an earlier study, Cook and Knap (1 983) found that dispersed oil had a much

more devastating effect on photosynthesis of the coral, D. strigosa than either the oil

or dispersant alone (decreasing photosynthesis by 85% when exposed to 1 ppm of Corexit 9527 for 8 h). Negri and Heyward

(2000) noted similar findings with respect to fertilization and metamorphosis of A. millepora larvae.

The experiments in this study were used to determine the toxicity of Corexit 9527 alone on the corals, A. surculosa and P.

damicornis. Further research is needed to determine the toxic effects of dispersed oil on these and other coral species through

their life history stages. Armed with such data, environmental managers in this part of the world can better make informed

decisions on whether to use this oil dispersant for oil spill clean up purposes.

Please feel free to contact me for more details.


Document ID:

Robert H. Richmond, Ph.D.

Research Professor

Kewalo Marine Laboratory

University of Hawaii at Manoa

41 Ahui Street

Honolulu, Hawaii 9681 3

Phone: B6 Privacy
Fax: B6 Privacy

E-mail: [email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Troy Baker < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 8:34:1 4 PM EDT

To: Christopher Plaisted < [email protected]>, Katherine Pease < [email protected]>, Craig R O'Connor

< Craig.R.O'[email protected]>, Rob Ricker < [email protected]>, Amy Merten < [email protected]>, Tony Penn

< [email protected]>, Robert Haddad < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Jessica White

< [email protected]>, Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Jill Bodnar < [email protected]>, Norman Meade

< [email protected]>, Anthony Dvarskas < [email protected]>, George Graettinger

< [email protected]>, Brian Hostetter < [email protected]>, Whitley Saumweber

< [email protected]>, Marie Bundy < [email protected]>, Kristopher Benson < [email protected]>,

Kate Clark < [email protected]>, Robert A Taylor < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>, Lisa Dipinto < [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Kevin Kirsch

< [email protected]>, Ian J Zelo < [email protected]>, MaryElliott Rolle < [email protected]>, Benjamin Shorr

< [email protected]>, Branden S Blum < [email protected]>, Simeon Hahn < [email protected]>, Tom

Brosnan < [email protected]>, Jay Field < [email protected]>, Todd Goeks < [email protected]>, George

Graettinger < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, John Cubit < [email protected]>

Subject: Reminder about Protocols for Incident Email Correspondence

Out of Scope

Document ID:

Out of Scope

Document ID:


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy




J oh n C u bi t , Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or, Sou t h w e s t Re g i on

N O A A A s s es sm e nt a nd Re s t ora t i on Di vi si on, Su i t e 4 470

50 1 W . O ce a n Bl v d .

Long Be a ch , C A 9 08 02

J oh n. C u bi t @noaa . g ov

t e l 5 62 9 8 0- 4 08 1; fa x 5 62 9 8 0 - 4 08 4

C e l l ph one ( for u rg e nt m a t t e rs a nd t ra v el cont a ct ) 5 62 8 10- 4 9 4 9

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill Allison>

Date: May 1 8, 201 0 7:26:00 PM EDT

To: Ed Blume B6 Privacy>

Cc: coral-list coral-list < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Fwd: Gulf Oil Spill, dispersants

This newsletter just arrived a few minutes ago. It cites a number of

publications relevant to your inquiry.

On Mon, May 1 7, 201 0 at 2:47 PM, Ed Blume

B6 Privacy> wrote:

Several posters described experiments to determine the impact of oil on

coral. Has one done (or does anyone know of) research on the ingredients


Corexit, as described by BIll Allison?

*Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:*

*- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


*- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


*- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


Ed Blume

Madison, WI

On Sun, May 1 6, 201 0 at 9:52 AM, Bill Allison <[email protected]

Document ID:


A number of list members have suggested that the dispersants could be

problematic and should be investigated. It is ironic and alarming that


dispersants inimical to life are being used in unprecedented quantities


make the problem go away, that is, to make it invisible &

coincidentally(?), to make the largely unknown causal chain of


harm much harder to trace. We now have visible oil + invisible oil +

~2,000,000 liters of toxic dispersants in the Gulf, and the meter is


running - apparently an order of magnitude faster than announced some



Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:

- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


*BIODEGRADABLE - sounds good BUT: it means that microrganisms break it


consuming oxygen in the process. Propylene glycol which I suppose is the

carrier and main component, is said to have a very high BOD. Add to this


BOD created by the decomposition of creatures large & small killed by oil


dispersants, and that of microbes feeding on the oil itself. There is

speculation about whether the resultant emulsion will sink or float and


expectation that the whole mess will disperse and be diluted, so becoming

even more invisible. Recall that many species of marine larvae travel in


near-surface few millimeters of the sea. Depending on the timing of


events and dispersal, might this have a negative impact on larval

recruitment across a spectrum of marine life?

On the positive side (Im kidding), Corexit is made in USA, the stock of


producer has appreciated, & the costs the whole clean-up bundle will be

added to GNP (Im not kidding). Is that an insane system or what?



Say what some poets will, Nature is not so much her own ever-sweet

interpreter as the mere supplier of that cunning alphabet, whereby

Document ID:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 9, 201 0 1 0:50:1 0 AM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle -

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Cheryl Woodley

< [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, Stephen Blair < [email protected]>,

[email protected]

Subject: Attn: Coral Group - dispersant lit

Forwarded info for coral groups attached.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: < [email protected]>

Date: Wed, May 1 9, 201 0 at 6:43 AM

Subject: Please forward to coral group

To: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Someone in the coral group had a question about this in yesterday's call. Thanks Joe Schittone.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "Joe.Schittone" < [email protected]>

To: "Bill.Goodwin" < [email protected]>

Date: Wed, 1 9 May 201 0 06:58:58 -0400

Subject: Re: DWHNRDA Shallow Water Coral TWG conference call 5-1 8-1 0

Someone (don't remember who) asked about fish yesterday. Single best paper re fish attached.

Bill.Goodwin wrote:

Thanks Joe. Really does look like spaghetti.

Joe.Schittone wrote:

Bill, spaghetti plot of loop current drifters; from RSMAS.


Bill.Goodwin wrote:

Thanks Joe. Amen to that. I just read this report the other day. You're right. may be some hard decisions.


Joe.Schittone wrote:

Bill, saw BillP's email to group. Hope there's no doubt about dispersants! Only hard choice is if mangroves. Best review

Joe.Schittone wrote:

Bill, this may be of use as early-warning indicator; shows detection of stress by PCR, rather than await physiologic


Bill.Goodwin wrote:

:-( We'll miss you. I will keep you posted.


Joe.Schittone wrote:

Document ID:

Joe.Schittone wrote:

Bill, won't be able to make it. If as an outcome of call, you need any literature search, just write me.

Bill.Goodwin wrote:

Hi folks.

For those that haven't heard, the Coral TWG (Technical Working Group) has been subdivided into Deep and

Shallow Water Coral subgroups. If you are receiving this message it is because you are on the Shallow Water

Coral subgroup. If that needs to change, please let me know.

Our first SWC subgroup call is scheduled for Monday, 5-1 7-1 0 @ 1 :30 CST /2:30 EST. Since we are somewhat

behind the 8-ball in terms of developing a work plan (relative to the other TWG's that have been at this for a while

now), I think we should convene every day this week and then see how we stand by the end of the week. We'll

take notes at each meeting and send them out to the subgroup members each day.

We have not been issued an "official" conference call # yet, but we will use this one until further notice:

Dial in:
1Pass Code:

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Talk to you Monday.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bi l l G ood w i n

Sa nc t u a ry Re s ou rc e s M a nag e r

Fl ori d a Ke y s N a t i ona l M ari ne S a nc t u a ry ( U ppe r Re g i on)

P. O. Box 108 3

Ke y La rg o, FL 3 3 0 37

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
(cel l )

bi l l . g ood w i n@noa a . g ov


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bi l l G ood w i n

S a nc t u a ry Re s ou rc e s M a na g e r

Fl ori d a Key s N at i onal M a ri ne S anct u ary ( Uppe r Re g i on)

P. O . Box 10 8 3

Ke y La rg o, FL 3 3 03 7

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
( ce l l )

bi l l . g ood w i n@noa a . g ov


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bi l l G ood w i n

S a nct u a ry Re s ou rce s M a na g e r

Fl ori d a Ke y s N at i onal M a ri ne Sa nct u a ry ( U ppe r Re g i on)

P. O . Box 10 8 3

Ke y La rg o, FL 3 3 0 3 7

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
( ce l l )

bi l l . g ood w i n@noa a . g ov

Document ID:


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Bi l l G ood w i n

S a nc t u a ry Re sou rc e s M a na g er

Fl ori d a Ke y s N a t i ona l M a ri ne S anc t u a ry ( U ppe r Re g i on)

P. O. Box 108 3

Ke y Larg o, FL 33 0 3 7

B6 Privacy

( c el l )

bi l l . g ood w i n@noaa . g ov

B6 Privacy


Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 59 (2004) 300308

Oil dispersant increases PAH uptake by sh exposed to crude oil


Shahunthala D. Ramachandran,

Peter V. Hodson,

Colin W. Khan,

and Ken Lee

School ofEnvironmental Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ont. , Canada K7L 3N6

Department ofFisheries and Oceans, Bedf

ord Institute ofOceanography, Centre f
or Of
shore Oil and Gas Environmental Research, Halif
ax, NS,

Canada B2Y4A2

Received 14 May 2003; received in revised form 12 August 2003; accepted 25 August 2003


The use of oil dispersants is a controversial countermeasure in the effort to minimize the impact of oil spills. The risk of ecological

effects will depend on whether oil dispersion increases or decreases the exposure of aquatic species to the toxic components of oil. To

evaluate whether sh would be exposed to more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in dispersed oil relative to equivalent

amounts of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF), measurements were made of CYP1A induction in trout exposed to the

dispersant (Corexit 9500), WAFs, and the chemically enhanced WAF (dispersant; CEWAF) of three crude oils. The crude oils

comprised the higher viscosity Mesa and Terra Nova and the less viscous Scotian Light. Total petroleum hydrocarbon and PAH

concentrations in the test media were determined to relate the observed CYP1A induction in trout to dissolved fractions of the crude

oil. CYP1A induction was 6- to 1100-fold higher in CEWAF treatments than in WAF treatments, with Terra Nova having the

greatest increase, followed by Mesa and Scotian Light. Mesa had the highest induction potential with the lowest EC50
values for

both WAF and CEWAF. The dispersant Corexit was not an inducer and it did not appear to affect the permeability of the gill

surface to known inducers such as b-napthoavone. These experiments suggest that the use of oil dispersants will increase the

exposure of sh to hydrocarbons in crude oil.

r 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Crude oils; Dispersant Corexit EC9500; CYP1A; EROD activity; Water-accommodated fraction

1. Introduction

Dispersants have been in use in oil spill clean-up since

the 1950s. Chemical dispersion of oil in spill contingency

exercises was not favored due to the toxicity of the early

dispersant formulations to aquatic organisms. Labora-

tory studies of their observed toxicity (Linden, 1974;

Hartwick et al., 1982; Carr and Linden, 1984) were

further validated by eld reports (Smith, 1968) from the

Torrey Canyon and more recently the Sea Empress oil

spills for which dispersants were used (Lewis and

Document ID:

et al., 2001), but in general less is known about the

combined effects of oil and dispersants (Linden, 1975;

Cohen et al., 2001; Gagnon and Holdway, 2000).

Aquatic organisms are unlikely to be exposed to

dispersant alone but instead to both dispersant and oil

in combination, which may either exacerbate or mitigate

toxic effects (Getter and Baca, 1984).

Dispersants are essentially surfactants comprising

anionic and nonionic molecules in xed ratios that

render both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties to

the dispersant. Their purpose is to orient at the oil

spills for which dispersants were used (Lewis and

Aurand, 1997). However, many effective and less toxic

dispersants have since been developed.

Risks to aquatic organisms from chemical dispersion

could arise from exposure to the dispersant as well as to

the dispersed oil. Much research has been conducted on

the toxicity of dispersants (Nelson-Smith, 1977; Singer

et al., 1993; Law, 1995; Carr and Linden, 1984; Cotou

Corresponding author. Fax: +1- B6 Privacy .

E-mail address: [email protected] (P.V. Hodson).

the dispersant. Their purpose is to orient at the oil

water interface and lower interfacial tension, thus

facilitating the formation of small (o100 mm) mixed

oilsurfactant micelles (Canevari, 1978). These oil

emulsion droplets are driven into the water column

forming a plume, thus breaking up the slick. The

observed increased toxicity of dispersed (chemically or

mechanically) oil has been attributed to particle size in

dispersion (Bobra et al., 1989) and to aromatic

hydrocarbon content (Anderson et al., 1974). The

primary route of hydrocarbon uptake is via the gills

0147-6513/$ - see front matter r 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.


Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 9, 201 0 1 0:54:51 AM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle -

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Cheryl Woodley

< [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, Stephen Blair < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: Dispersant expert

Forwarded information for Coral groups is attached.

Patricia - please let me know if you'd like these attachments posted to the group's FTP site folder.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Cortelyou-Hamilton, Patricia < [email protected]>

Date: Wed, May 1 9, 201 0 at 7:36 AM

Subject: FW: Dispersant expert

To: "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

Please send this to all members of the coral group.

Trish Cortelyou-Hamilton


U.S. Department of the Interior

Office of the Regional Solicitor

75 Spring Street, S.W., Room 304

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

B6 Privacy
ext. 229

B6 Privacy
Email: [email protected]


From: Michael J Hooper [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 1 8, 201 0 1 1 :29 AM

To: Cortelyou-Hamilton, Patricia

Subject: RE: Dispersant expert

Refer to USGS

Document ID:

Refer to USGS

Hope this helps.


From: "Cortelyou-Hamilton, Patricia" < [email protected]>

To: "Hooper, Michael J" < [email protected]>

Date: 05/1 8/201 0 06:22 AM

RE: Dispersant expert

Refer to DOI
B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

From: Michael J Hooper [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 1 7, 201 0 9:37 PM

To: Carlucci, John

Cc: Horner, Amy; McKinley, Charles; Deal, Harriet; Toussaint, Lisa; Cortelyou-Hamilton, Patricia; Finger, Susan E

Subject: Dispersant expert

Refer to USGS

Document ID:

University of California, Davis

4245 Meyer Hall

B6 Privacy

Email: [email protected]

lab web site:


Mike Hooper

USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center

4200 E New Haven Rd

Columbia, MO 65201

[email protected]

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy



References 2.pdf (207 KB)

Toxicology 1.pdf (471 KB)


CoralOilDisppdf (93.8 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ed Blume B6 Privacy>

Date: May 1 9, 201 0 1 0:37:1 4 AM EDT

To: Bill Allison B6 Privacy>

Cc: coral-list coral-list < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Fwd: Gulf Oil Spill, dispersants

Thanks for the references, Bill.

As of this morning, NOAA reports that over 590,000 gallons of dispersants

have been spread in the gulf.

Ed Blume

Madison, WI

On Tue, May 1 8, 201 0 at 6:26 PM, Bill Allison < [email protected]>wrote:

This newsletter just arrived a few minutes ago. It cites a number of

publications relevant to your inquiry.

On Mon, May 1 7, 201 0 at 2:47 PM, Ed Blume < [email protected]> wrote:

Document ID:

Several posters described experiments to determine the impact of oil on

coral. Has one done (or does anyone know of) research on the ingredients


Corexit, as described by BIll Allison?

*Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:*

*- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


*- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium &


*- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


Ed Blume

Madison, WI

B6 Privacy
On Sun, May 1 6, 201 0 at 9:52 AM, Bill Allison


A number of list members have suggested that the dispersants could be

problematic and should be investigated. It is ironic and alarming that


dispersants inimical to life are being used in unprecedented quantities


make the problem go away, that is, to make it invisible &

coincidentally(?), to make the largely unknown causal chain of


harm much harder to trace. We now have visible oil + invisible oil +

~2,000,000 liters of toxic dispersants in the Gulf, and the meter is


running - apparently an order of magnitude faster than announced some



Although the formula of Corexit, the main dispersant being used is

proprietary, an online search identified some important ingredients as:

- 2-butoxyethanol: organic solvent, toxic, said to kill most arthropods,


- sulfonic acid esters: common in many household products such as


& in sulfa drugs (anti-biologics) - toxic (add detergent to an aquarium



- propylene glycol: an alcohol used in many household products, readily


*BIODEGRADABLE - sounds good BUT: it means that microrganisms break it


consuming oxygen in the process. Propylene glycol which I suppose is the

carrier and main component, is said to have a very high BOD. Add to this


BOD created by the decomposition of creatures large & small killed by

oil &

dispersants, and that of microbes feeding on the oil itself. There is

speculation about whether the resultant emulsion will sink or float and


Document ID:


expectation that the whole mess will disperse and be diluted, so


even more invisible. Recall that many species of marine larvae travel in


near-surface few millimeters of the sea. Depending on the timing of


events and dispersal, might this have a negative impact on larval

recruitment across a spectrum of marine life?

On the positive side (Im kidding), Corexit is made in USA, the stock of


producer has appreciated, & the costs the whole clean-up bundle will be

added to GNP (Im not kidding). Is that an insane system or what?



Say what some poets will, Nature is not so much her own ever-sweet

interpreter as the mere supplier of that cunning alphabet, whereby


and combining as he pleases, each man reads his own peculiar lesson

according to his own peculiar mind and mood. (Herman Melville, 1 852)


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]



"reality leaves a lot to the imagination..." John Lennon


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Eugene Shinn < [email protected]>

Date: May 1 9, 201 0 9:34:55 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: [Coral-List] Corexit oil dispersant and corals

Dear Bob, Its important to know what kind of oil was used for the

dispersant experiment. Processed oil such as that often spilled by

ships and tankers is more toxic than crude oil. If processed oiil was

used in these experiments then the results have little application to

the problem we face in the Gulf. There is one another damaging

ingredient in dispersants that has not been mentioned. excess it can cause big problems. Gene


Document ID:

March-May 201 0


This issue, Id like to touch on some global reef-related updates and share a little bad news tempered with some good news.

Well start with the bad news. Despite the best efforts of supporters and sponsors, proposals to list red and pink corals, as well as


several shark species and Atlantic bluefin tuna, were all rejected during the voting process at the 1 5

Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Conference of the Parties (CoP) in March. While each proposal

earned a simple majority of votes, none of them met the two-thirds majority requirement that is part of the CoP operating

principles. This disappointing resolution means that none of these species have gained increased protection against the threats

posed by current international trade. See the Special Feature section for more details.

Despite the disappointing outcomes of CoP 1 5, a large step was made towards conserving the Chagos Archipelago, the largest

coral atoll in the world. These 55 islands are a British Indian Ocean Territory and form a nearly pristine archipelago in the middle

of the Indian Ocean. On April 1 , British Foreign Secretary, David Milliband, designated the Chagos Archipelago as the largest

marine protected are in the world. The fully protected marine reserve contains 21 0,000 square miles (544,000 square kilometers),

an area twice the size of the United Kingdom. All extractive activities, such as industrial fishing and deep sea mining, are

prohibited. To learn more, read the British Foreign & Commonwealth Offices press release or visit the Chagos Conservation


In the hot news department, we all are closely monitoring the events in the Gulf of Mexico. Our thoughts go out to our Gulf

partners during this potentially disastrous environmental event.



Oil Spills and Corals. In response to recent concerned interest about oil spill impacts on corals and coral reefs, NOAA has put

together a fact sheet of general information on coral values, impacts to coral from oil and dispersants, modes of potential

exposure, response strategies, and data from some past oil spill events. This information has been provided by multiple NOAA

sources and primarily pulls from Oil Spills in Coral Reefs: Planning and Response Considerations, a 2001 report summarizing

relevant research for spill response decision makers. The information appears on the Coral Reef Conservation Programs Web

site as a Featured Story. While no impacts to corals have yet been reported, the information now presented online addresses

concerns and questions directed to NOAA in recent weeks as the Deepwater Horizon spill persists. To see the latest on specific

response actions and impacts from this oil spill, click here .


CITES Vote Falls Short for Corals and Sharks. The 1 5

Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) met in Doha, Qatar from March 1 3-25. While there were several

marine species proposals submitted this year (the family Coralliidae, five shark species, and Atlantic bluefin tuna), unfortunately,

none of the proposals were accepted. Below is a summary of the US-sponsored proposals and their outcomes.

Red and Pink Corals For the second time, the 1 75 nations participating in CITES failed to gather enough votes to implement

increased protections for red and pink corals. No countries currently have comprehensive management plans for these coral

species and a CITES listing would have encouraged nations to develop these plans. In 2007 at the 1 4th CoP, the US had

proposed listing Corallium species under Appendix-II. The proposal was initially adopted but then reopened for debate during the

plenary session and narrowly defeated. This year, the US and Sweden (on behalf of the European Union) together submitted a

proposal to provide greater protection to all species of the genera Corallium and Paracorallium (approximately 31 described

species and several undescribed species) by listing them under CITES Appendix-II. Had it been successful, the proposal would

have limited trade of red and pink coral to legally and sustainably harvested coral and coral products. Although the proposal

received a simple majority of votes, it did not receive the two-thirds majority needed for adoption (64 votes in support, 59 votes in

opposition, and 1 0 abstentions).

Jewelry and carved artwork made from red and pink coral have a prominent place in Mediterranean and other cultures. Found

mainly in the seas of the Mediterranean and Pacific, these corals have been harvested for centuries; however with the

development of technologies like SCUBA and remotely operated vehicles, coral beds that had previously been inaccessible are

now being exploited at a faster rate than their populations can sustain. Increasing evidence is also showing that all corals,

including Coralliidae, are vulnerable to the effects of climate change and warming ocean temperatures appear to be having a

Document ID:

detrimental effect. These corals have many qualities that make them particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. They are slow -

growing, have long life spans, they are attached to the seafloor and are not mobile, and they take many years to reach

reproductive maturity. Studies have shown that trade is having an adverse impact on red and pink corals' ability to maintain

healthy populations and to reproduce. Since the 1 980s, red and pink coral gardens have decreased in size, structure, and overall

number of polyps by more than 60-70 percent.

Hammerhead and Oceanic Whitetip Sharks The US and Palau introduced two proposals to list several species of hammerhead

sharks and the oceanic whitetip shark under Appendix II of CITES to ensure that the international trade of these highly threatened

species is legal and sustainable.

The three sharks included in the first US/Palau proposal were the scalloped hammerhead, great hammerhead, and smooth

hammerhead. The US had amended this proposal to remove the sandbar shark and dusky shark. Although the proposal gained a

simple majority, it did not receive the two-thirds majority needed for adoption (75 votes in favor, 45 votes in opposition, and 1 4

abstentions). Since the vote was close, a decision was made by the US to reintroduce the hammerhead proposal for another

vote. Once again, the proposal garnered a simple majority but failed to acquire the two-thirds majority needed for adoption (76

votes in favor, 53 votes in opposition, and 1 4 abstentions). The second proposal submitted by the United States and cosponsored

by Palau was for the listing of the oceanic whitetip shark. The US amended this proposal to delay implementation for 24 months.

Although the proposal received a simple majority, it also did not receive the two-thirds majority required for adoption (75 votes in

favor, 51 votes in opposition, and 1 6 abstentions).

US Coral Triangle Initiative Launched. Recognized as the global center of marine biological diversity, the Coral Triangle is a

of ocean and coastal waters in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.

geographic area encompassing almost 6 million km

Within the Exclusive Economic Zones of six nations Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor Leste, and

the Solomon Islands (CT6) the region is home to some 363 million people, one -third of whom are directly dependent on coastal

and marine resources for their livelihoods. The Coral Triangle is at immediate risk from a range of factors, including:

unsustainable fishing, land-based sources of pollution, and climate change. To ensure long-term food security and to safeguard

the regions extraordinary marine and coastal resources, in August 2007, Indonesian President Yudhoyono proposed the creation

of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI), a multilateral partnership among CT6 countries.

Twenty-one heads of state, including President Bush, welcomed the Initiative at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)


Summit in September 2007. The CTI was officially launched in December 2007 during the 1 3

Conference of the Parties to the

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Bali. Reaching a major milestone in May 2009, the CTIs six heads of state

signed the declaration launching the CTI and endorsed the Regional Plan of Action for the CTI.

The US Agency for International Development and the US Department of State are supporting the CTI with a $40 million, five-year

program implemented by NOAA, a consortium of nongovernmental organizations, and a Program Integrator. Collectively, this

team is called the United States Coral Triangle Initiative Support Team (US CTI). NOAA, as one of the key partners in the US

Coral Triangle Initiative Support Program, serves as the US government agency providing technical assistance, and scientific and

management capacity to the six Coral Triangle countries. The CRCP coordinates NOAAs involvement in the US CTI. NOAA

activities include technical support and capacity building in: marine protected areas (MPA); climate change adaptation; and

ecosystem approaches to fisheries management (including illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries (IUU), highly migratory

fisheries observer programs, and live reef food fish trade). In example, NOAA will be training national level experts on coastal

climate adaptation planning, enhancing management capacity of municipal level MPA managers, and the training of trainers to

institutionalize training and curriculum. NOAA is also cooperating closely with the International Monitoring, Control and

Surveillance Network, as well as other domestic and international partners, to develop regional activities to address IUU fishing in

the CT region. NOAA will provide assistance to Indonesia in developing its early action plan for Climate Change Adaptation and

develop capacity on tools to implement the early action plan.

February 201 0 marked a significant milestone in the US CTI, when, after nearly two years of planning, the Consolidated Work

Plan for the US CTI Support Program was finalized, marking the official launch of the program.


Applications Requested to Fill Immediate Opening for a Coral Reef Management Fellow in Florida. I.M. Systems Group, a

contractor to NOAAs CRCP, is seeking an individual to serve as a Coral Reef Management Fellow for Florida's Department of

Environmental Protection as part of the Coral Reef Management Fellowship Program . The Fellowship position, which is based in

Miami, Florida, will begin as soon as the selected candidate is available, and will end in January 201 2. To apply, click here and

follow the instructions outlined in the posted statement of work. The statement of work also includes an overview of the goals,

duties, and qualifications for the position. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

CHOW 201 0: Clean Energy and a Healthy Ocean: Navigating the Future. As the premier ocean-focused conference held

annually in Washington, DC, Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) brings together Members of Congress and Congressional staff;

Document ID:

federal, state and local government institutions; and experts from industry, academia, and the nonprofit community in an effort to

shape marine policy discussions and incite lively conversation about current ocean and coastal issues. Held in conjunction with

World Oceans Day and anchored by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundations annual Leadership Awards Dinner, CHOW

provides ocean policy professionals with unique opportunities to advance marine policy goals and interact with peers in the

nations capital.

CHOW 201 0 will focus on the intersection between ocean and energy issues, including the oceans diverse abilities to supply

energy through current and emerging technologies and the myriad ways in which energy production and consumption affect the

ocean. Click the link above to see the agenda and additional information.

Keep the Sea Free of Marine Debris Childrens Art Contest. Between Earth Day and June 1 , NOAAs Marine Debris Program

is running an art contest for students currently in Grades K-8. Titled Keep the Sea Free of Marine Debris, the contest asks

children to illustrate how marine debris affects them and what they are doing about it. For more details, instructions, and entry

form, click here . Winning artwork will be featured on the Marine Debris Program Website, newsletter, and in a 201 1


Petition to List Bumphead Parrotfish Under the ESA. On April 2, NOAAs National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

announced a positive 90-day finding for a petition from WildEarth Guardians to list Bumphead Parrotfish as Threatened or

Endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The petitioner also requested that critical habitat be designated for this

species concurrent with listing under the ESA. The petition asserts that overfishing is a significant threat to the bumphead

parrotfish and that this species is declining across its range and is nearly eliminated from many areas. The petition also asserts

that degradation of its coral habitat through coral bleaching and ocean acidification is a threat to this species, as coral is its

primary food source.

The positive 90-day finding means that the petition listed enough substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that

the petitioned actions may be warranted for NOAA to initiate a comprehensive status review of the best available scientific and

commercial information for the species. Subsequently, a call for additional scientific and commercial information on the species

was requested by May 3. NMFS has one year to complete the review and deliver a final finding for Bumphead Parrotfish. It

should be noted that because the full status review is more comprehensive than the 90-day review, the may be warranted finding

in April does not guarantee that the species will be listed under the ESA. For full details, download the Federal Register Notice

(Vol. 75, No. 63, pp 1 671 31 671 6, pdf 60 kb).

New Coral Ecosystem Data RSS Feed. NOAAs Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS) is the repository for all data and

products generated by the CRCP. In response to multiple requests from data providers and site users, CoRIS has made

metadata records and publications recently posted in its catalogs more easily discoverable on the CoRIS Website. CoRIS has

developed and launched a Coral Ecosystem Data Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed. The RSS feed is a dynamic listing of the

50 most recently updated metadata records in the CoRIS repository. It is updated daily and is the first of three RSS feeds CoRIS

will be developing. Visitors to the CoRIS Website can subscribe to the Coral Ecosystem Data RSS feed or simply view the listing.

The feed is also accessible from the CoRIS homepage. User feedback is welcomed. Please send all questions and comments to

[email protected].

Launch of New Website Provides Access to Global Socioeconomic Information. The Global Socioeconomic Monitoring

Initiative for Coastal Management (SocMon) works through regional and local partners to facilitate community-based

socioeconomic monitoring. Household and community-level data are collected to inform a particular populations dependence on

coral reef resources and their perceptions of resource conditions, threats to marine and coastal resources, and support for marine

management strategies such as marine protected areas. To date, over 60 assessments have been completed in 30 countries; the

majority of these reports have been funded through the NOAA International Coral Reef Conservation Grants. SocMon fills a

critical need by advancing a global and regional understanding of human interactions with, and dependence upon, coastal

resources. This information can be used by coastal managers to modify their activities to achieve more effective management.

SocMon is coordinated and primarily funded through NOAA. On March 31 , SocMon launched a redesigned Website that is hosted

by ReefBase. One major improvement found on the new site is the inclusion of access to the new SocMon database. The

database has access to all of the SocMon site reports completed to date. The database is searchable by location, author,

monitoring purpose, and other fields. The redesigned site also includes interactive maps depicting work done at specific sites

around the world and improved access to SocMon data, publications, and images.


NOAA Celebrates Earth Week at Coral Restoration Sites. In

celebration of Earth Week, NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOS

Assistant Administrator (acting) David Kennedy and others visited the

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to highlight coral reef restoration

projects that are employing local people.

Document ID:

NOAA also celebrated at eight of the 50 coastal and habitat restoration

projects funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of

2009, including two coral reef restoration projects:

Threatened Coral Reef Recovery and Restoration, Florida Keys. NOAA

was able to quickly hire people collect, rear, and ultimately transplant

genetically diverse nursery-grown coral fragments to help replenish 34

degraded reefs in eight distinct areas of coral reefs in the Florida Keys and

the US Virgin Islands

Maunalua Bay Reef Restoration Project, Maunalua Bay, Hawai` i. Mudweed

is smothering shallow reef flats, killing off coral and native seagrass

meadows. The effort will restore coral reefs through manual removal of

invasive alien algae from 22 acres of nearshore waters

Recovery Act efforts are helping to jump-start the nation's economy by

supporting thousands of jobs as well as restore fish and wildlife habitat

that people often take for granted. Not only do reefs play a critical role as

habitat, they are also an integral part the economy. Reef-related

expenditures generate billions of dollars in sales in U.S. coral reef regions

annually. Learn more by reading the feature stories on the NOAA and

CRCP Websites.

CRCP Educational Tools Shared During National Educators

Conference. The CRCP participated in the Climate Change symposium

at the National Science Teacher Association's (NSTA) 201 0 national

conference in Philadelphia, PA from March 1 7-1 9. The half-day

symposium brought together experts in climate change and education from

various NOAA programs and the University of Texas. The CRCP

sponsored nearly 80 educators in attendance by covering their symposium

registration fee. The symposium covered global climate change; sea level

rise; and bleaching and ocean acidification and coral reefs. A separate

stand-alone presentation on corals and climate change was also well

attended, with over 50 educators. NOAA had one of the most heavily

trafficked booths at the conference, with many NOAA Teacher at Sea

alumni present to talk to fellow educators. CRCP products were also

present at the booth, including a coral ecosystem food web poster, coral educational CD, and the debut of the new Project WET

"Discover Coral Reefs" activity booklet. In addition, NOAA Administrator and former university professor, Dr. Lubchenco, gave a

plenary presentation that included several demonstrations related to teaching ocean science.


Cruise Assesses MPA Effectiveness in Restoring Seven Fish Species. The NOAA Fisheries Panama City Laboratory

conducted a CRCP-funded cruise aboard the M/VSpree to several marine protected areas (MPAs) off the coasts of Florida and

South Carolina from May 2-1 0. The goals of the cruise were to determine the presence and abundance (if present) of the seven

reef fish species for which the MPAs were established to protect and to inform the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council of

any changes in the fish assemblages over the past year. This mission is part of a project to characterize the resources of the

South Atlantic Bight (SAB) closed areas and monitor the performance of the MPAs pre- and post-closure. Results from the cruise

will help determine how effective the MPAs are in protecting the seven fish species. This project is also documenting the

proliferation, spread, and ecosystem dynamics of invasive lionfish in the South Atlantic Bight.

Due to the water depths involved, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington was

used to survey known and suspected areas of high relief habitat. Fifteen ROV dives were planned and seventeen were

completed. Two collaborators from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution / Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration,

Research & Technology also participated to assist with invertebrate identification and collect data for a separate NOAA-

sponsored mesophotic coral project. Detailed analyses of the surveys and data on fish assemblages will follow in the months

ahead. Other notable information collected include the observation of recreational fishing in some of the closed areas and data

suggesting that invasive lionfish abundance is less than in previous years.

Mapping of BUIS Shows Shallow-water Topography for Ecosystem Management. A cross-agency team of scientists from

Document ID:

NOAAs Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment, in cooperation with the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, and the National

Park Service (NPS), collected acoustic imagery describing the depth and physical properties of shallow -water habitats in Buck

Island Reef National Monument (BUIS). These images were collected using a multibeam sound navigation and ranging sensor

well suited for mapping marine environments between 5 and 75 m in depth. Mapping conducted on this mission fills in a critical

of imagery collected will be combined with

information gap about the topography of BUISs shallow -water areas. The 20 km

previously collected imagery to create a seamless habitat map of the entire marine protected area. This final habitat map will be

used by local NPS managers as a baseline for resource assessments, as a guide for present and future biological monitoring

efforts, and as a tool to support spatially-explicit ecosystem management decisions.

Coral Reef Fish-Habitat Modeling to Support Fisheries and Ecosystem Management. A successful

interagency workshop was held on May 4th at the University of Miamis (UM) Rosenstiel School of

Marine and Atmospheric Science to showcase the capabilities of the CRCP-funded Reef Visual Census

Program (RVC), a reef fish monitoring program that supports fisheries management. The joint UM and

NOAA program collects primarily fisheries data, along with some habitat data; it has already been adopted

by the National Park Service in Florida.

The objectives of the workshop were to bring together management clients with scientists to discuss new

reef fish-habitat utilization modeling capabilities, management implications and applications of these new

modeling capabilities, and specific scientific products that would best fulfill management needs.

Participants included seventeen scientists and mangers from Federal, State, and local organizations,

including representatives from NOAA, NPS, the state of Florida, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. The workshop focused on management of Floridas coral

reef resources, but included broader applications to the US Caribbean and Pacific. This workshop provided

a direct line of communication between scientists and managers, allowing communication of the

capabilities and products of the RVC from scientists to managers, and feedback regarding specific

management needs from managers to scientists.

Deep-sea Coral Cruise to Inform Fisheries Management. From April 8-1 4, researchers aboard the NOAA Ship Pisces

explored deep-sea coral habitats off the southeastern United States, including on the continental slope east of Gray's Reef

National Marine Sanctuary, in depths from 200-600 meters (650-2000 feet). The rugged bottom topography and the coral

mounds in this region are attractive for deep-sea reef fish like wreckfish and blackbelly rosefish. In addition, large barrelfish and

red bream shelter in the rugged bottom and coral mounds, and are thought to forage up in the water column at night. Wreckfish

support an important and well-managed fishery off the coast of Georgia and South Carolina, and small amounts of barrelfish, red

bream, blackbelly rosefish and other species are incidentally caught and landed in the wreckfish and other deepwater fisheries.

In addition to the wreckfish fishery, the continental slope off the southeastern US is a trap fishery for golden crab and a trawl

fishery for royal red shrimp. These fishing gears have potential to damage the fragile coral habitat where fish, crabs, shrimp and

other animals live. In order to better manage the fisheries and their habitat for sustainable catches, more scientific information is

needed regarding where the corals are found and how the harvested animals are associated with those corals.

The results of the research expedition, which employed the ME-70 fishery acoustic system to map fish distribution and

abundance, combined with similar historical and future efforts, will result in mapping of high density coral areas and allowable

fishing zones that minimize impacts on the habitat in which many important fish species live. Researchers also collected sediment

samples and coral fragments with a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV). These samples will be used to evaluate man-made

contaminants in these deep coral areas and to test a new isotopic aging technique. In spite of marginal weather conditions and

uncommonly high currents, numerous ROV dives were made which provided approximately 1 5 hours of high resolution video

imagery and over four gigabytes of still imagery. For ship photos and crew blogs please visit the missions Website.

Researchers from two NOAA Fisheries Science Centers, NOAAs Ocean Service , NOAAs Office of National Marine Sanctuaries,

the University of Alabama, and the College of Charleston participated in this cruise, sponsored by NOAA's Deep Sea Coral

Program. This project was greatly aided by the participation of a deep ROV team from the Southwest Fishery Science Center in

La Jolla, CA.

Seafloor Mapping Mission in the USVI.

Scientists from NOAAs National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

(NCCOS) and partners completed a seafloor mapping mission off the southern coasts of St. Thomas and St. John in the US Virgin

Islands (USVI). The scientists discovered an unexpectedly vast area of high coral cover southwest of St. Thomas, and several

schools of relatively rare groupers and snappers at spawning aggregation sites at the shelf edge. The team also spotted roughly

26 derelict fishing traps on the seafloor, as well as coral formations entangled by marine debris.

Document ID:

During the 20-day mission, March 1 8-April 6, aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster, the team used various SONAR technologies

and a remotely operated vehicle to better understand the physical characteristics of the seafloor, locate and explore important

seafloor habitats, and study fish populations and distributions at suspected spawning aggregation sites. The data collected will

paint a much clearer picture of the USVIs underwater habitats and the animals and plants inhabiting them. Local scientists and

managers in the USVI can then use these data sets to make informed ecosystem-based management decisions to protect,

conserve, and sustainably manage these marine resources. This expedition marks the seventh year of the project and included

several outreach events attended by local students, partners and political representatives. The mission was led by NCCOS with

support from the CRCP and the Caribbean Fishery Management Council. For more details, see the mission overview and daily


Reef Connectivity Cruise in the USVI. On March 1 5, the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Centers (SEFSC) Early Life

History Team completed the first leg of this years US Virgin Islands (USVI) reef fish connectivity cruise, extended to include the

coral reef ledges/banks around St. Croix and the south coast of USVI ecosystem. The results of the cruise will help explain how

circulation patterns in the area affect local and regional transport as well as retention of ecologically and economically important

reef fish species.

The team deployed several satellite-tracked drifters to follow the paths of circulation patterns. The team also completed dive

operations to deploy substrate-mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers in the passages to the east of St. Thomas, between

Vieques and Culebra, and between Culebra and St. Thomas to help determine long-term regional flow/transport patterns.

This year the circulation of the area was dominated by a southward flow from the Atlantic into the Caribbean, resulting in atypical

flow patterns and easterly currents around St. Croix and south of St Thomas. By contrast, in previous years average circulation

was from east to west, then to the northeast through Virgin Passage into the Atlantic. The data collected by the team will help

determine whether this is a typical flow pattern for this time of year or simply variance in the average flow. However, early

analysis appears to indicate that the net result is transport to the east away from the Buck Island marine protected area toward

Saba Bank, a local fishing area for the Leeward Islands. In addition, there appears to be a weak gyre formed between St Thomas

and St. Croix which may provide for larval reef fish retention.

This fisheries oceanography research cruise was a NOAA collaboration between NOAA Fisheries SEFSC and the Office of

Oceanic and Atmospheric Researchs Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. Students from the University of the

Virgin Islands (UVI) and the University of Miami participated as well as a researcher from UVI.

USVI Law Enforcement Training. On March 9-1 0, NOAA Fisheries Caribbean Field Office conducted training workshops

with officers from the US Virgin Islands (USVI) Department of Planning and Natural Resources Division of Environmental

Enforcement. A NOAA Office of Law Enforcement agent trained USVI officers in evidence collection techniques and Caribbean

Field Office staff provided participants with information regarding identification of listed species, managed fishery species, and

marine habitats. The training is part of a project funded by the CRCP to create a guide for USVI law enforcement officers entitled:

Regulations & Biology of Marine Ecosystems in U.S. Virgin Islands: A guide for law enforcement officers. The purpose of this type

of training and the guide is to promote the conservation of coastal and marine resources by informing law enforcement officials

about the biology and importance of these resources and the reason laws and regulations exist for their protection. Such

educational tools for law enforcement help them more effectively complete their duties and assist them in educating the public

about regulations during their outreach or intervention activities.

Reef Fish Spawning Aggregation Research in the Florida Keys. Field work was conducted during the first week of March in

support of the reef fish spawning aggregation project in the Florida Keys. NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center researchers,

in close coordination with researchers and managers from NOAA Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, the Florida

Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are continuing work in the Keys

focusing on reef fish aggregation sites. The purpose of the research is twofold: to characterize potential similarities in aggregation

site geomorphological characteristics, with a goal of identifying geomorphological signatures that could be used to identify other

potential aggregation sites; and to determine the extent to which fish are currently utilizing these sites. Some of these sites were

reported by commercial fishers to have been fished out decades ago.

Mapping work, completed in previous years at upper Keys sites, is underway at sites off Key West. Surveys utilizing split-beam

acoustics and scuba divers in 2009 indicated positive signs of aggregating snapper species at several upper Keys sites, and

winter surveys are in progress at several upper Keys sites to assess potential grouper utilization. Acoustic and diver surveys for

the lower Keys sites are planned for this summer.


Coral Ecosystem Conditions in American Samoa from 201 0 ASRAMP Observations. The 201 0 Coral Reef Ecosystem

Division Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP) cruise to American Samoa and the Pacific Remote Islands Areas

Document ID:

provide valuable updates on the conditions of Central Pacific coral reef ecosystems. In late February and March the cruise visited

all islands of American Samoa and South Bank. At Rose Atoll, the lasting effects of a 1 993 shipwreck can still be seen in the coral

reef ecosystem, with up to 50 percent less coralline algae than in other parts of the atoll and only 1 percent coral cover in the

immediate area of the wreck, despite the removal of major portions of the rusting vessel by the US Fish and Wildlife Service .

However, overall there were no immediately obvious changes at Rose this year compared to previous RAMP surveys in 2008.

At the request of local agencies, South Bank, a popular fishing area 37 miles south of Tutuila, was mapped using the NOAA Ship

Hi`ialakais. multibeam sonar systems; the resulting maps show that South Bank is a sunken coral atoll surrounded by a

submerged barrier reef. These maps also enabled divers to conduct Rapid Ecological Assessment and towed -diver surveys,

resulting in observations of a scoured rubble surface with low coral cover.

At Tau Island, RAMP divers revisited some of the worlds largest ancient Porites coral formationsone measures 7 m in height

and 41 m in circumference! Along the north side of Tau Island there has been a dramatic increase in the same invasive tunicate

that was recorded at in high levels at Swains Island during the 2008 RAMP cruise. Upon returning to Swains, surveys revealed

that the tunicate is no longer present in invasive amounts and the benthic cover has changed to crustose coralline algae. At a site

on northeast Tau, two survey teams recorded the presence of a 6 ft Giant Grouper. On northwest Tutuila, divers reported a rare

sighting of a 4ft-long Whitespotted Guitarfish.

This cruise marked the fifth biennial RAMP surveys to provide an on-going overview of coral reef ecosystem conditions in

American Samoa and included six weeks of work in the territory. On-going monitoring of coral reef ecosystems provides a

continuous record of how coral ecosystems change over time and how they respond to various stressors and changing

environmental conditions.

Post -Tsunami Report on Coral Ecosystem Conditions in American Samoa. On September 29, 2009 a devastating tsunami

struck American Samoa and neighboring islands. The deadly waves killed more than 1 70 people, caused severe property

damage, and swept villages out to sea. In addition, they deposited a great deal of debris on the reefs in the territory; marine debris

can cause damage to reefs as it is moved around by waves and currents. In December 2009, as part of a marine debris project ,

NOAAs Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) marine debris personnel participated in post-tsunami surveys in the waters

around the island of Tutuila, helping to remove 8000 lbs. of debris from the coral reefs, and identifying 253 additional targets for

later marine debris removal.

The 201 0 Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP) cruise to American Samoa provided an opportunity to observe any

continued impacts to the territorys coral reefs five months after the tsunami. Towed divers specifically noted any evidence of

coral reef damage caused by the tsunami during their surveys at 40-60ft depth around several of the territorys islands. The

condition of the reefs around Tutuila was observed to be good with little evidence of tsunami impacts; coral damage in surveyed

areas appeared minor overall. Some evidence of damage was seen on all sides of the island; however, localized areas of

damage were most often observed just offshore of the villages on the southwest, west, and northwest coasts. Localized areas of

coral damage consisting of overturned Acropora tables and broken/scattered plating colonies were noted, including one instance

of a large Porites colony that had been toppled by tsunami waves but was still alive. No noticeable damage attributable to the

tsunami was recorded by the benthic towed -divers around the other islands of the territory visited during this cruise.

This cruise marked the fifth biennial RAMP surveys to provide an on-going overview of coral reef ecosystem conditions in

American Samoa and included six weeks of work in the territory. On-going monitoring of coral reef ecosystems provides a

continuous record of how coral ecosystems change over time and how they respond to stressors, such as tsunami-related


201 0 RAMP Cruise Results from PRIMNM. On April 24, a CRCP-funded Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) monitoring

cruise aboard the NOAA Ship Hi`ialakai returned to Honolulu from its last cruise legconducting Reef Assessment and

Monitoring Program (RAMP) surveys in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM). Biennial RAMP

cruises have monitored conditions in this region since 2000.

Formal data analysis will begin shortly and will further clarify these early reports, but preliminary outcomes include observations of

dominant coral species and overall hard coral cover on each island and comparisons of various populations with previous RAMP

surveys. For instance, on Jarvis island, hard coral dominated the reefscape and shark populations appear to have returned to

normal since the 2008 cruise, but macroinvertebrate counts were lower than normal. Low -level coral bleaching was observed at

Palmyra Atoll and macroinvertebrates were nearly absent from survey results. Kingman Reef had a dramatic increase in

cyanobacteria near a shipwreck but continues to harbor the highest concentration of giant clams observed in any of the Pacific

regions surveyed by CRED.

Monitoring of coral reef ecosystems in the islands and banks of the PRIMNMwhich are some of the last near-pristine,

unpopulated coral reefs in the worldprovides a baseline metric for ecosystem function. These remote areas are almost ideal

laboratories to study the effects of global threats on coral reef ecosystems, such as climate change and ocean acidification,

because they lack the numerous local anthropogenic impacts found in coral ecosystems closer to human populations.

Document ID:

Mariana Mission Provides Maps and Fisheries Information. During a 30-day cruise around Guam and the Commonwealth of

the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), the NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette completed mapping and deployed four different types of

instruments to monitor fish abundance and composition around six banks and islands. A video overview is available here . Three

popular fishing banks south of Guam, Galvez Bank, a small bank to the south of Galvez, and 1 1 -Mile Reef, were completely

mapped using a pole-mounted multibeam sonar provided by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED). Following

mapping, two types of baited camera stationsCREDs BotCam and Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS) from

the University of Guam and University of Western Australiaa towed camera system, and a SeaBed autonomous underwater

vehicle (AUV) were tested to compare non-extractive methods for fish observations. During this cruise, AUV capabilities were

enhanced by adding the capability to transmit data to the surface during deployment.

Operations then moved to Rota, CNMI, where the ship mapped in 40-300 m depths to add to previous multibeam coverage;

additional BRUVS and AUV operations were also completed. After a mid -cruise stop in Saipan, mapping of Farallon de Medinilla

was completed and revealed the previously unknown extent of this large underwater feature that is of interest to CNMI fisheries

management agencies. During the final segment of the cruise, BRUVs and towed camera operations were conducted on the

extensive banks west of Saipan. BRUVS data from 1 23 deployments at Galvez Bank, Rota, and West Saipan will be used by

researchers from the University of Guam and University of Western Australia to compare fish populations and habitats in these

three areas. Towed camera operations west of Saipan confirmed the existence of a rare and protected coral, Euphyllia

paraancora, in that area. Education and outreach activities were conducted in Saipan and Guam and a NOAA Teacher at Sea

participated in the cruise.

The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, in response to requests from management agencies in Guam and CNMI made

during the 2008 Pacific Coral Reef CREIOS workshop, initiated a series of four fisheries cruises in the western Pacific in 201 0.

Data from these cruises enhance the valuable on-going data set from biennial CRCP Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program

(RAMP) cruises. Fisheries-related issues have been identified as one of the three major threats to coral reef ecosystems.

Creating maps of important fisheries banks and islands and collection of fisheries data using non-extractive methods aids

jurisdictional managers in making important fisheries decisions.


MPA Capacity Building and Mesoamerican Reef Connectivity Workshop. An international workshop was held from May 1 7-

1 9 in Chetumal, Mexico at the El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR) campus. This workshop promoted a better understanding

of the bio-physical connectivity along the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) and its potential role in ecosystem-scale management of

associated protected areas. An exchange of experiences and ideas between management and scientific personnel at the

workshop will be used to identify long-term common goals of the participating organizations. Resource managers, scientists, and

other stakeholders from Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the US were invited to participate in this regional workshop;

many of the invitees work with/in prioritized marine protected areas in the MAR.

Goals of the workshop included enhancing regional capacity by creating a MAR Connectivity Coalition of managers and scientists;

providing a mechanism for on-going communications/ collaborations between participants, setting ecosystem-scale connectivity

research priorities and identifying the priority regional connectivity goals; and identifying data sources that can be shared. A

summary report will be provided to participants after the conclusion of the workshop.

CRW Participates in Australian Research Expedition. As a part of continuing collaborations between NOAA's Coral Reef

Watch (CRW) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in the southern Great Barrier Reef, NOAA staff participated in

a research expedition in March 201 0. The field study deployed oceanic drifters in the vicinity of Heron Island to monitor currents.

Drifters were fitted with GPS trackers that communicate position via satellite SMS approximately every 1 0 minutes. The fieldwork

was greatly hindered by a series of inclement weather conditions; however, subsequent to the expedition, the deployment of

drifters was continued in late April 201 0. This work is part of the ongoing collaboration between NOAA, AIMS and other Australian

partners to study links between climate change and coral health, and is part of the Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System

within the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System.

CRW Hosts International Workshop on Reef Remote Sensing. NOAA Coral Reef Watch, in collaboration with the University

of Queensland Centre for Marine Studies, hosted an international workshop entitled "Satellite monitoring of coral reef vulnerability

in a changing climage." Held in the Lamington National Park near Brisbane, Australia, from February 1 5-1 8, the workshop

reviewed current satellite and ground -based coral reef environmental monitoring capabilities. It also reviewed the current coral

reef management and science needs, from the perspective of environmental satellite data. Via a series of invited talks and group

discussions, the workshop then investigated possible solutions to meet the identified needs, such as development of tools to

monitor water quality, reef use, oil slicks, and others.

Thirty-four participants from the US, Mexico, and Australia attended. The participants, most of whom are world leaders in their

respective fields, included a mixture of coral reef managers and scientists from relevant fields such as satellite remote sensing,

Document ID:

coral physiology, coral reef monitoring, oceanography, computer learning and informatics, and database management.

The workshop noted the importance of CRWs suite of satellite products to the management and science of coral bleaching.

CRWs continued partnerships with Australian scientists and government agencies in coral reef research and protection have

already leveraged Australian funds to help promote these collaborations that will ultimately help make our domestic activities more

efficient. This workshop will help NOAA develop coral reef remote sensing products and use international expertise to improve our

understanding and management of coral reef resources.


Recent emphasis on the conservation of deep-sea corals and the associated new legislation have elevated awareness to the

presence of these unique deep-ocean habitats. Deep-sea corals have been the focus of dozens of large-scale expeditions, but

comparatively little attention has been given to deep-sea sponge fauna.

The first dedicated collections of deep-water (> 50 m) sponges from the central Aleutian Islands revealed a rich fauna including 28

novel species and geographical range extensions for 53 others. Based on these collections and the published literature we now

confirm the presence of 1 21 species (or subspecies) of deep-water sponges in the Aleutian Islands. Clearly the deep-water

sponge fauna of the Aleutian Islands is extraordinarily rich and largely understudied. Submersible observations revealed that

sponges, rather than deep-sea corals, are the dominant feature shaping benthic habitats in the region and that they provide

important refuge habitat for many species of fish and invertebrates including juvenile rockfish and king crabs. Examination of

video footage collected along 1 27 km of the seafloor further indicate that there are likely hundreds of species, still uncollected from

the region, that are unknown to science. Furthermore, sponges are extremely fragile and high rates of fishery bycatch clearly

indicate a strong interaction between existing fisheries and sponge habitat.

Bycatch in fisheries and fisheries independent surveys can be a major source of information on the location of the sponge fauna

but current monitoring programs are greatly hampered by the inability of deck personnel to identify bycatch. Help is on the way. A

Guide to the Deep-water Sponges of the Aleutian Island Archipelago by Robert Stone, Helmut Lehnert, and Henry Reiswig is

scheduled for publication sometime this summer. The main purpose of the guide is to provide fisheries observers and scientists

with the information necessary to adequately identify sponge fauna so that areas of high abundance can be mapped and the

locations of indicator species of vulnerable marine ecosystems can be determined. The guide is also designed for use by

scientists making observations of the fauna in situ with submersibles including remotely operated vehicles and autonomous

underwater vehicles.

The guide will be published as a NOAA Professional Paper and contains detailed species descriptions with photographs for more

than 1 1 0 sponges found in Alaskan waters. NOAAs Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program is providing funding for

publication of the guide.


Product Name
C-CAP Land Cover Data,



This data set consists of land cover derived from high resolution

imagery and was analyzed according to the Coastal Change Analysis

Program (C-CAP) protocol to determine land cover. These datasets

utilized Quickbird multispectral scenes. All scenes were processed to

detect C-CAP land cover features.

Sample Link:

C-CAP Land Cover Data,

This data set consists of land cover derived from high resolution

American Samoa

imagery and was analyzed according to the Coastal Change Analysis

Program (C-CAP) protocol to determine land cover. These datasets

utilized IKONOS and Quickbird multispectral scenes. All scenes were

processed to detect C-CAP land cover features.

Sample Link:

Synoptic Bi-monthly and

Synoptic sampling including water column profiles and collected surface

Storm Response Water

water samples was conducted on a bi-monthly basis throughout the

Quality Sampling in

rainy season (October-May) and on a monthly basis in the dry season

Document ID:

Southern Kaneohe Bay, HI

(June-September) at nine locations in southern Kaneohe Bay in support

November 2007 - April 2009

of the Coral Reef Instrumented Monitoring Platform (CRIMP) program.

(NODC Accession

Another dozen or so ancillary stations were also monitored selectively.


This is the second set of data provided to NODC. The first set

encompasses 2005 - October 2007 and is stored in NODC Accession

0060061 .

Sample Link: .html

US Environmental

The survey sampled 49 stations on the islands of Tutuila, Aunu'u Ofu,

Protection Agency National

Olosega, Ta'u during April and August, 2004. The water quality

Coastal Assessment for

measurements data set contains two types of data: hydrologic profile

American Samoa 2004:

water quality information resulting from in-field observations of physical

water quality, sediment

data and water quality information resulting from laboratory examination

grain, and chemistry data

of water quality samples for nutrient analyses. The sediment chemistry

(NODC Accession

data set reports the contaminant name and its associated measured


concentration, date site was visited, and the group that collected the

data. The sediment grain size data set contains sediment grain analyses

information resulting from laboratory examination of samples collected at

sites visited during probability surveys.

Sample Link:

Benthic Habitat Mapping off

Benthic habitats of the shallow-water and moderate-depth marine

St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands

environment in and around the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National

National Park and Virgin

Monument were mapped using a combination of semi-automated

Islands Reef National

classification and visual interpretation of remotely sensed imagery and

Monument project.

acoustic imagery. The objective of this effort, conducted by NOAA's

Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment - Biogeography Branch

in partnership with the U.S. National Park Service (NPS), was to provide

spatially-explicit information on the habitat types, biological cover and

live coral cover of the shallow-water and moderate-depth area south of

St. John.

Sample Link:

2005 Oahu/Maui LiDAR

LiDAR data are remotely sensed high-resolution elevation data

Mapping Project

collected by an airborne collection platform. These data were collected

over a portion of Maui and Oahu, Hawaii with a Leica ALS-40 Aerial

Lidar Sensor. Multiple returns were recorded for each pulse in addition

to an intensity value.

Sample Link:

2003 Oahu Coastline LiDAR

LiDAR data are remotely sensed high-resolution elevation data

Mapping Project

collected by an airborne collection platform. These data were collected

over a 1 00 meter swath of the Oahu, Hawaii coastline with a Leica ALS-

40 Aerial Lidar Sensor. Multiple returns were recorded for each pulse in

addition to an intensity value.

Sample Link:

CRED Towed -Diver Benthic

Towboard surveys are a good method for obtaining a general

Characterization Surveys

description of large reef areas, assessing the status of low-density

populations of large-bodied reef fish, large-scale disturbances (e.g.,

bleaching), general distribution and abundance patterns of macro-

invertebrates (e.g., COT, giant clams), and for assessing trends in these

populations and metrics. The benthic diver records percent cover of

coral and macroalgae, estimates benthic habitat type and complexity,

Document ID:

and censuses a suite of benthic macroinvertebrates including Crown of

Thorns sea stars and sea urchins. The benthic towboard is equipped

with a downward-facing digital still camera which images the benthos at

1 5 second intervals. These images are analyzed for percent cover of

coral, algae, and other benthic components.

Sample Link:

CRED Towed -Diver Fish

Towboard surveys are a good method for obtaining a general

Biomass Surveys

description of large reef areas, assessing the status of low-density

populations of large-bodied reef fish, large-scale disturbances (e.g.,

bleaching), general distribution and abundance patterns of macro-

invertebrates (e.g., COT, giant clams), and for assessing trends in these

populations and metrics. The fish diver records, to the lowest possible

taxon, all large-bodied reef fishes (>50cmTL) seen within 5m either side

and 1 0m in front of the towboard. Length of each individual is estimated

to the nearest cm. The fish towboard is also outfitted with a forward -

facing digital video camera to record the survey swath.

Sample Link:

Impervious Surfaces, Island

This is a final impervious surface layer ready for distribution through

of Saipan, Commonwealth
NOAA CSC. The data set is an inventory of impervious surfaces for

of the Northern Mariana

Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands for the year


2005. Impervious surfaces include manmade features such as building

rooftops, parking lots and roads consisting of asphalt, concrete and/or

compacted dirt. This data set utilized Quickbird multispectral scenes

which were processed to detect impervious features on the

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Sample Link:

C-CAP Land Cover, Jobos

This data set consists of land cover derived from high resolution

Bay, Commonwealth of

imagery and was analyzed according to the Coastal Change Analysis

Puerto Rico 2007

Program (C-CAP) protocol to determine land cover. This data set

utilized 31 ADS40 digital orthophotos. The imagery was flown between

November 2006 and March 2007. There are no cloud obscured areas

within the base imagery. The scene was processed to detect C-CAP

land cover features within the Jobos Bay watershed located on the

southeastern coast of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Sample Link:


US Reef Jurisdictions Articulate Priority Reef Management Goals and Objectives. In May, the CRCP released seven

strategic planning documents. These seven documents respectively articulate a set of strategic coral reef management priorities

developed in consensus by the coral reef managers in each of the seven US coral reef jurisdictions. The CRCP provided support

to the jurisdictions to coordinate with the broader management community in each place to determine strategic goals and

objectives. NOAA will use these documents in conjunction with its 20102015 Coral Reef Conservation Program National Goals

and Objectives to direct its investment in each jurisdiction through grants, cooperative agreements and internal funding. NOAA will

also make the document available to other potential funders, such as non-governmental organizations and federal partners, and

encourage leveraging and new or expanded partnerships to achieve common coral reef conservation goals.

This priority setting process stems from an external review of the CRCP conducted in 2007 to independently assess how

effectively the program has met its goals. The review included recommendations for future improvements. In response to the

review, the CRCP developed a Roadmap for the Future, laying out new principles and priorities. A key part of this Roadmap

includes facilitating the development of management priorities for each of the US state and territorial coral reef jurisdictions and

Document ID:

conducting capacity assessments to help achieve these priorities.

The next step in the process is to complete a capacity needs assessment in each jurisdiction. These assessments will help

identify where gaps may exist in a jurisdiction's ability to achieve its management priorities. Outcomes from the capacity

assessments will also be used to inform future funding decisions. A capacity assessment will be conducted for one jurisdiction by

the end of fiscal year (FY) 201 0. The remaining assessments will be conducted in FY201 1 .

CRCP Delivers Report on 2007-2009 Activities. On April 1 2, 201 0, the CRCP delivered the Implementation of the National

Coral Reef Action Strategy: Report on NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program Activities from 2007 to 2009 to Congress. It is the

third of the biennial progress reports to Congress required by the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000. The report provides

summaries and examples of the activities conducted by the CRCP and its extramural partners between 2007 and 2009 to

implement the thirteen goals addressed in the National Coral Reef Action Strategy. The report also describes the Program's

reorganization to focus its efforts to understand and address the three major threats to reefs; impacts from climate change,

fishing, and land-based sources of pollution. During the period covered by this report, the CRCP operated pursuant to thirteen

program goals organized under two themes: Understanding Coral Reef Ecosystems and Reducing the Adverse Impacts of Human

Activities. The report presents activities undertaken for each of these goals, including mapping, assessment, monitoring,

partnerships, socioeconomic research, and restoration, among others. It also includes summaries of some major reports produced

by, or in partnership with, the CRCP during this time period as well as the outcomes of an external review and subsequent shifting

of focus for the Program.

NOAA Delivers Deep-sea Coral Report to Congress. On March 3, NOAA delivered to key members of Congress a report on

the Implementation of the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program 2008-2009. The report, prepared in consultation

with the Regional Fishery Management Councils, summarizes activities initiated with fiscal year 2009 Deep Sea Coral Research

and Technology Program funding. It also presents a brief synopsis of additional conservation actions that have taken place since

the first Report to Congress was submitted in 2008.

Proceedings from Second International Workshop on Red Coral Science Released. The family Coralliidae, consisting of the

genera Corallium and Paracorallium and commonly known as pink and red corals, contains the most valuable and rarest taxa of

precious corals in commerce. Seven species in this family have been intensively fished for use in jewelry, amulets, art objects,

and homeopathic medicines. In March, NOAA released a new technical memorandum, Proceedings of the International

Workshop on Red Coral Science, Management, and Trade: Lessons from the Mediterranean. Hosted by the Italian Ministry of

Agriculture and Ministry of Environment and the CRCP in September of 2009, the second international red coral workshop

provided an opportunity to discuss the best available science on the natural history of Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum

L.) and how it is managed throughout the region and utilized around the world. Attendees included scientists, managers,

representatives of the coral fishery and manufacturing industries, policy makers, and environmental organizations from Europe,

Africa, Asia, and North America.

Bare AY, Grimshaw KL, Rooney RR, Sabater MG, Fenner D, Carroll B (201 0) Mesophotic communities of the insular shelf at

Tutuila, American Samoa. Coral Reefs 29 (March 8). doi:1 0.1 007/s00338-01 0 -0600-y.

Kenyon JC, Wilkinson CB, Aeby GS (2010) Community structure of hermatypic corals at Midway Atoll in

the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: a legacy of human disturbance. Atoll Research Bulletin 581: 1-26.

Locker SD, Armstrong RA, Battista TA, Rooney JJ, Sherman C, Zawada DG (201 0) Geomorphology of mesophotic coral

ecosystems: current perspectives on morphology, distribution, and mapping strategies. Coral Reefs 29 (March 30).

doi:1 0.1 007/s00338-01 0 -061 3-6.

Rooney J, Donham E, Montgomery A, Spalding H, Parrish F, Boland R, Fenner D, Gove J, and Vetter O (201 0) Mesophotic coral

ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Coral Reefs 29 (February 27). doi:1 0.1 007/s00338-01 0 -0596-3.

Vroom, PS and Braun, CL. 201 0. Benthic Composition of a Healthy Subtropical Reef: Baseline Species-Level Cover, with an

Emphasis on Algae, in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. published on-line in PLoS One, March 201 0, Vol. 5, Issue 3, e9733.

March-May Idendum.doc

Lauren_Chhay.vcf (0.3 KB)

Document ID:

501 W. Ocean Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90802

[email protected]

tel 562 980-4081 ; fax 562 980-4084


John Cubit, Ph.D.

Regional Resource Coordinator, Southwest Region

NOAA Assessment and Restoration Division, Suite 4470

501 W. Ocean Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90802

[email protected]

tel 562 980-4081 ; fax 562 980-4084

Cell phone (for urgent matters and travel contact) 562 81 0-4949

Begin forwarded message:

From: Carys Mitchelmore B6 Privacy>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 2:30:1 9 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

Reply-To: [email protected]


I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

(I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

section on corals!).

In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).

I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

find this information?

Best wishes,



Carys Mitchelmore

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

PO Box 38

(1 Williams Street)


MD 20688


Document ID:



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

B6 Privacy
From: Douglas Fenner
Date: May 20, 201 0 4:26:40 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] A plea to stay on topic

I was thinking we should get back on topic too.

Anybody care to speculate whether dispersant and dispersed oil may get

caught in the loop current along with the floating oil (becoming tar balls)

and be on it's way to Florida, and if it gets there will it whiz by the Keys

and reefs without stopping or will it be so diluted that it can't affect

corals? (I sure don't know)

On the other hand, the messages reporting bleaching in Thailand and the

Maldives are exactly why the question of how to reduce CO2 emissions is so

important for the future of coral reefs. If we don't get it under control,

we can kiss reefs as we know them goodby in 20-30 years or less (and say

hello to algae beds). As someone said, 'We are the first generation to see

the beauty of living coral reefs with our own eyes, it would be a tragedy if

we also were the last.'


----- Original Message -----

B6 Privacy
From: "Lescinsky, Halard L"
To: < [email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, May 1 9, 201 0 8:54 AM

Subject: [Coral-List] A plea to stay on topic


Can we please use the moderator's authority to keep the discussion on

topic.. Energy futures, global warming and much of what has been coming

across lately really is pretty far removed from coral reefs. I'd love to

keep my inbox a little smaller. --- Hal Lescinsky


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 9:08:22 AM EDT

To: Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Court test of biomarkers?


Thanks for putting this together. They are having another call today at 2:30EST that hopefully you can be on. I unfortunately got

pulled away from the call the other day only to find out that I will be coordinating and managing the overall restoration planning

team for this incident for the next 3-6 months. I am going to still try to be on the calls but will not be as much of the driving force

Document ID:

Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

Hollings Marine Laboratory

331 Fort Johnson Rd

Charleston, SC 2941 2

843.762.8862 Phone

843.762.8737 Fax

[email protected]


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office


B6 Privacy


Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.

Coral Health and Disease Program


Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

Hollings Marine Laboratory

331 Fort Johnson Rd

Charleston, SC 2941 2

843.762.8862 Phone

843.762.8737 Fax

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: vassil zlatarski < B6 Privacy>

Date: May 20, 201 0 9:32:1 7 AM EDT

To: Coral-List < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

Dear Coral-Listers,

The effect of the oil dispersant Corexit is ominously hinted by its name (coral+exit).

Do we have the necessary information about the effect of all used dispersants to human body, especially to divers, working in

waters treated with oil dispersants?



1 31 Fales Rd., Bristol, RI 02809, USA; tel.: +1 - B6 Privacy

--- On Thu, 5/20/1 0, Carys Mitchelmore < [email protected]> wrote:

From: Carys Mitchelmore < [email protected]>

Document ID:

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

To: [email protected]

Date: Thursday, May 20, 201 0, 1 2:30 AM


I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

(I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

section on corals!).

In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).

I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

find this information?

Best wishes,



Carys Mitchelmore

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

PO Box 38

(1 Williams Street)


MD 20688



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill Allison

B6 Privacy>

Date: May 20, 201 0 9:51 :04 AM EDT

To: [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

Insofar as accurate assessment of the magnitude and nature of oil masses

adrift in the Gulf have consequences for coral reef systems this, abstracted

from todays NY Times (link at end) seems relevant:

Rick Steiner, a marine biologist and a veteran of the 1 989 Exxon

Document ID:

Rick Steiner, a marine biologist and a veteran of the 1 989 Exxon

Valdez< 989/index.html?inline=nyt-


.... said the likelihood of extensive undersea plumes of oil

droplets should have been anticipated from the moment the spill began, given

that such an effect from deepwater blowouts had been predicted in the

scientific literature for more than a decade, and confirmed in a test off

the coast of Norway. An extensive sampling program to map and characterize

those plumes should have been put in place from the first days of the spill,

he said.

Ian MacDonald of Florida State


an oceanographer who was among the first to question the official estimate

of 21 0,000 gallons a day, said he had come to the conclusion that the oil

company was bent on obstructing any accurate calculation. They want to hide

the body, he said.

Scientists have long theorized that a shallow spill and a spill in the deep

ocean this one is a mile down would behave quite differently. A 2003

report by the National Research


that the oil in a deepwater blowout could break into fine

droplets, forming plumes of oil mixed with water that would not quickly rise

to the surface.

That prediction appeared to be confirmed Saturday when the researchers

aboard the Pelican reported that they had detected immense plumes that they

believed were made of oil particles. The results were not final, and came as

a surprise to the government. They raise a major concern, that sea life in

concentrated areas could be exposed to a heavy load of toxic materials as

the plumes drift through the sea. 0/05/20/science/earth/20noaa.html?hp

Also check this weeks Nature for two articles on the topic.



On Thu, May 20, 201 0 at 1 2:30 AM, Carys Mitchelmore <[email protected]>wrote:


I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

(I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

section on corals!).

In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).

I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

Document ID:

find this information?

Best wishes,



Carys Mitchelmore

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

PO Box 38

(1 Williams Street)


MD 20688



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]



"reality leaves a lot to the imagination..." John Lennon


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 1 :56:1 0 AM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle -

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, Stephen

Blair < [email protected]>

Subject: Attn: DWH Coral Group

Coral Group:

See message below, forwarded from John Cubit.


Insofar as accurate assessment of the magnitude and nature of oil masses

adrift in the Gulf have consequences for coral reef systems this, abstracted

from todays NY Times (link at end) seems relevant:

Rick Steiner, a marine biologist and a veteran of the 1 989 Exxon

Valdez< 989/index.html?inline=nyt-


Document ID:


.... said the likelihood of extensive undersea plumes of oil

droplets should have been anticipated from the moment the spill began, given

that such an effect from deepwater blowouts had been predicted in the

scientific literature for more than a decade, and confirmed in a test off

the coast of Norway. An extensive sampling program to map and characterize

those plumes should have been put in place from the first days of the spill,

he said.

Ian MacDonald of Florida State


an oceanographer who was among the first to question the official estimate

of 21 0,000 gallons a day, said he had come to the conclusion that the oil

company was bent on obstructing any accurate calculation. They want to hide

the body, he said.

Scientists have long theorized that a shallow spill and a spill in the deep

ocean this one is a mile down would behave quite differently. A 2003

report by the National Research


that the oil in a deepwater blowout could break into fine

droplets, forming plumes of oil mixed with water that would not quickly rise

to the surface.

That prediction appeared to be confirmed Saturday when the researchers

aboard the Pelican reported that they had detected immense plumes that they

believed were made of oil particles. The results were not final, and came as

a surprise to the government. They raise a major concern, that sea life in

concentrated areas could be exposed to a heavy load of toxic materials as

the plumes drift through the sea. 0/05/20/science/earth/20noaa.html?hp

Also check this weeks Nature for two articles on the topic.



On Thu, May 20, 201 0 at 1 2:30 AM, Carys Mitchelmore < [email protected]>wrote:

> Hi,


> I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

> some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

> happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

> (I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

> section on corals!).


> In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

> the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

> specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

> at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

> toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

> ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

> simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

> and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

> worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).


> I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

> about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

> find this information?


Document ID:

> Best wishes,

> Carys


> --

> Carys Mitchelmore

> Associate Professor

> University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

> Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

> PO Box 38

> (1 Williams Street)

> Solomons

> MD 20688



> _______________________________________________

> Coral-List mailing list

> [email protected]





"reality leaves a lot to the imagination..." John Lennon


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: "John.Cubit" < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 :37:05 PM EDT

To: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Cheryl

Woodley < [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, Stephen Blair < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Attn: DWH Coral Group

Reply-To: [email protected]


Unfortunately DWHNRDA did not include the header to the message. It is from the Coral-List server, not me.

It is an FYI in case you are not subscribed to Coral-List.


DWHNRDA wrote:

Coral Group:

See message below, forwarded from John Cubit.


Document ID:

Insofar as accurate assessment of the magnitude and nature of oil masses

adrift in the Gulf have consequences for coral reef systems this, abstracted

from todays NY Times (link at end) seems relevant:

Rick Steiner, a marine biologist and a veteran of the 1 989 Exxon

Valdez< 989/index.html?inline=nyt-


.... said the likelihood of extensive undersea plumes of oil

droplets should have been anticipated from the moment the spill began, given

that such an effect from deepwater blowouts had been predicted in the

scientific literature for more than a decade, and confirmed in a test off

the coast of Norway. An extensive sampling program to map and characterize

those plumes should have been put in place from the first days of the spill,

he said.

Ian MacDonald of Florida State


an oceanographer who was among the first to question the official estimate

of 21 0,000 gallons a day, said he had come to the conclusion that the oil

company was bent on obstructing any accurate calculation. They want to hide

the body, he said.

Scientists have long theorized that a shallow spill and a spill in the deep

ocean this one is a mile down would behave quite differently. A 2003

report by the National Research


that the oil in a deepwater blowout could break into fine

droplets, forming plumes of oil mixed with water that would not quickly rise

to the surface.

That prediction appeared to be confirmed Saturday when the researchers

aboard the Pelican reported that they had detected immense plumes that they

believed were made of oil particles. The results were not final, and came as

a surprise to the government. They raise a major concern, that sea life in

concentrated areas could be exposed to a heavy load of toxic materials as

the plumes drift through the sea. 0/05/20/science/earth/20noaa.html?hp

Also check this weeks Nature for two articles on the topic.



On Thu, May 20, 201 0 at 1 2:30 AM, Carys Mitchelmore < [email protected]>wrote:

> Hi,


> I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

> some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

> happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

> (I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

> section on corals!).


> In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

> the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

> specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

> at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

> toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

> ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

> simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

Document ID:

> and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

> worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).


> I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

> about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

> find this information?


> Best wishes,

> Carys


> --

> Carys Mitchelmore

> Associate Professor

> University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

> Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

> PO Box 38

> (1 Williams Street)

> Solomons

> MD 20688



> _______________________________________________

> Coral-List mailing list

> [email protected]





"reality leaves a lot to the imagination..." John Lennon


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


J oh n C u bi t , Ph. D.

Re g i ona l Re s ou rc e C oord i na t or, Sou t h w e s t Re g i on

N O A A A s s es sm e nt a nd Re s t ora t i on Di vi si on, Su i t e 4 470

50 1 W . O ce a n Bl v d .

Long Be a ch , C A 9 08 02

J oh n. C u bi t @noaa . g ov

t e l 5 62 9 8 0- 4 08 1; fa x 5 62 9 8 0 - 4 08 4

C e l l ph one ( for u rg e nt m a t t e rs a nd t ra v el cont a ct ) 5 62 8 10- 4 9 4 9

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 2:56:31 PM EDT

To: Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>, Mike Buchman < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: Attn: DWH Coral Group

Begin forwarded message:

From: "John.Cubit" < [email protected]>

Document ID:

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 :37:05 PM EDT

To: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], karen_battle [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner < [email protected]>, Stephen

Blair < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Attn: DWH Coral Group

Reply-To: [email protected]


Unfortunately DWHNRDA did not include the header to the message. It is from the Coral-List server, not me.

It is an FYI in case you are not subscribed to Coral-List.


DWHNRDA wrote:

Coral Group:

See message below, forwarded from John Cubit.


Insofar as accurate assessment of the magnitude and nature of oil masses

adrift in the Gulf have consequences for coral reef systems this, abstracted

from todays NY Times (link at end) seems relevant:

Rick Steiner, a marine biologist and a veteran of the 1 989 Exxon

Valdez< 989/index.html?inline=nyt-


.... said the likelihood of extensive undersea plumes of oil

droplets should have been anticipated from the moment the spill began, given

that such an effect from deepwater blowouts had been predicted in the

scientific literature for more than a decade, and confirmed in a test off

the coast of Norway. An extensive sampling program to map and characterize

those plumes should have been put in place from the first days of the spill,

he said.

Ian MacDonald of Florida State



an oceanographer who was among the first to question the official estimate

of 21 0,000 gallons a day, said he had come to the conclusion that the oil

company was bent on obstructing any accurate calculation. They want to hide

the body, he said.

Scientists have long theorized that a shallow spill and a spill in the deep

ocean this one is a mile down would behave quite differently. A 2003

report by the National Research


that the oil in a deepwater blowout could break into fine

droplets, forming plumes of oil mixed with water that would not quickly rise

to the surface.

That prediction appeared to be confirmed Saturday when the researchers

aboard the Pelican reported that they had detected immense plumes that they

Document ID:

aboard the Pelican reported that they had detected immense plumes that they

believed were made of oil particles. The results were not final, and came as

a surprise to the government. They raise a major concern, that sea life in

concentrated areas could be exposed to a heavy load of toxic materials as

the plumes drift through the sea. 0/05/20/science/earth/20noaa.html?hp

Also check this weeks Nature for two articles on the topic.



On Thu, May 20, 201 0 at 1 2:30 AM, Carys Mitchelmore < [email protected]>wrote:

> Hi,


> I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

> some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

> happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

> (I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

> section on corals!).


> In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

> the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

> specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

> at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

> toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

> ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

> simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

> and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

> worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).


> I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

> about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

> find this information?


> Best wishes,

> Carys


> --

> Carys Mitchelmore

> Associate Professor

> University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

> Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

> PO Box 38

> (1 Williams Street)

> Solomons

> MD 20688



> _______________________________________________

> Coral-List mailing list

> [email protected]





"reality leaves a lot to the imagination..." John Lennon

Document ID:


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


J oh n C u bi t , Ph . D.

Re g i ona l Res ou rce C oord i nat or, S ou t h w e st Re g i on

N O A A A s se s sm e nt a nd Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on, S u i t e 4 4 70

5 0 1 W . Oc e an Bl vd .

Long Be a c h , C A 9 0 8 02

J oh n. C u bi t @noa a . g ov

t e l 5 62 9 8 0- 4 0 8 1; fa x 5 62 9 8 0- 40 8 4

C e l l ph one ( for u rg e nt m a t t e rs a nd t ra v e l c ont ac t ) 562 8 10 - 4 9 4 9


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

727-551 -571 6 Office

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ed Blume < B6 Privacy>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 :47:04 PM EDT

To: vassil zlatarski < B6 Privacy>

Cc: Coral-List < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

From a scientific point of view, which is harder on coral -- spilled oil or

Corexit? If Corexit is worse, wouldn't it be appropriate for someone(s) in

the scientific community to say so? Wouldn't it bring science to bear on a

public concern?

Ed Blume

Madison, WI

On Thu, May 20, 201 0 at 8:32 AM, vassil zlatarski <[email protected]>wrote:

Dear Coral-Listers,

The effect of the oil dispersant Corexit is ominously hinted by its name


Do we have the necessary information about the effect of all used

dispersants to human body, especially to divers, working in waters treated

with oil dispersants?


Document ID:


1 31 Fales Rd., Bristol, RI 02809, USA; tel.: +1 -

B6 Privacy

--- On Thu, 5/20/1 0, Carys Mitchelmore <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Carys Mitchelmore <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

To: [email protected]

Date: Thursday, May 20, 201 0, 1 2:30 AM


I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

(I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

section on corals!).

In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).

I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

find this information?

Best wishes,



Carys Mitchelmore

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

PO Box 38

(1 Williams Street)


MD 20688



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Evans < B6 Privacy>

Date: May 20, 201 0 2:44:29 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals (Carys Mitchelmore)

Any idea how the hard -bottom communities are fairing on the offshore platform legs in the region of the leak off Louisiana,

Mississippi, and Alabama? ... The ones that are likely being bathed currently in the surface slick of oil and dispersant... Would

that knowledge have any application to understanding the effect of this oil-dispersant mixture on the more tropical reef

communities or maybe not...? Maybe those rigs out there don't have the same communities that they do further west off Texas...

Just a thought...


David J. Evans

<<<Knock at the door: 'Have you heard the good news!' ....

SD: 'Yeah! ... There's Cookies!!!' ...

-It's all a matter of perspective->>>

by anonymous


From: "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

To: [email protected]

Sent: Thu, May 20, 201 0 1 0:07:1 4 AM

Subject: Coral-List Digest, Vol 21 , Issue 27

Message: 6

Date: Thu, 20 May 201 0 00:30:1 9 -0400

From: "Carys Mitchelmore" < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Corexit 9500 and corals

To: [email protected]

Message-ID: < 201 0052000301 9.1 [email protected]>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 ; DelSp="Yes";



I havn't been following very many of the threads lately. But I see

some people are asking about dispersant toxicity to corals. I would be

happy to provide my 2 pennies worth on dispersants to corals generally

(I co-wrote the NRC dispersant effect book in 2005 and wrote the

section on corals!).

In addition I carried out a 2 year study (yet to be published although

the interim reports are available from the funding agency; CRRC UNH)

specifically on Corexit 9500 on the soft coral Xenia. Bottom line is

at levels that may be environmentally relevant they were acutely

toxic, they stopped pulsing (nearly instantly), they lost algae,

ulcerated (not sure in which order) and with time (or higher doses)

simply dissolved. Short-time low dose exposures showed delayed effects

and much reduced growth after one month in recovery. Dispersed oil was

worse (affected by the dissolved and droplet phases).

I'd be happy to help with any questions. I would also like to ask

Document ID:

about the hydrous oxide stated to be in the dispersant? How did you

find this information?

Best wishes,



Carys Mitchelmore

Associate Professor

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

PO Box 38

(1 Williams Street)


MD 20688


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

End of Coral-List Digest, Vol 21 , Issue 27



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 5:27:58 PM EDT

To: Greg Baker < [email protected]>

Cc: Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Laurie

Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>, James Payne < [email protected]>,

Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted < [email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from various

academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels preparing to go

back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe that the Weatherbird

is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is scheduled to head to sea next

Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant, and

water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this sampling.

Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who could be

deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the names of folks who

will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and activity.

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Document ID:

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to sea

for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't know

how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a call

in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call my cell or

send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ri c ker, Ph. D.

Re g i ona l M a na g e r, SW Re g i on

A s s es sm e nt & Re s t ora t i on Di v i si on

Offi c e of Re s ponse a nd Re s t orat i on,

777 S onom a A v e, Su i t e 2 19 A

Sa nt a Rosa , C A
9 5 40 4

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

E rob. ri c ke r@noaa . g ov


Begin forwarded message:

From: Nasseer Idrisi B6 [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 4:35:1 9 PM EDT

To: Steve Mussman < B6 Priv...>, "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] A Plea To Stay On Topic


I have to agree with Steve Mussman. How is discussion of the BP blowout 'not

on topic' with regards to coral and coral reef research and interest? It

seems (my own opinion) that this disaster may cause damaging effects

throughout the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and other regions of the Atlantic

before all is done. Just as ocean acidification (caused by oil after its

burnt) is an important topic to coral research, crude oil (before its burnt)

and dispersant mixtures should be of concern. Coupled to higher than average

SST in the tropical Atlantic, the BP blowout may lead to an environmental

loss greater than was seen in 2005 in the Caribbean. These stressors should

be collectively discussed and debated.


On 5/20/1 0 3:54 PM, "Steve Mussman" <B6 Priva...> wrote:

Hi Julian,

Your perspective is well supported. The fact that there seems

to be

a spontaneous increase in the number of postings related to energy


climate change and the BP oil blowout should be viewed as a


development, not something worthy of constraint. I would ask how


issues could not be conceived as directly relating to coral reef

Document ID:


Are scientists so narrowly focused on their specific research fields


they fail to see the bigger picture ?

If the dynamics of the current

disaster doesnt energize listers to

reexamine our overall energy mix along

with the related issue of climate change,

nothing will. More and more people

are urging scientists to take advantage of

their high standing among public

figures to advocate for much needed change..

We certainly can not leave it to

political figures who are highly influenced

by institutionalized special

interests to lead the way.

We may not be able to instantaneously shift the

course to our energy future,

but we have to move to change the current

trajectory before it is too late.

Just yesterday, the National Academy of

Sciences issued its strongest warning

to date, stating that the U.S. should

act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

and develop a national strategy to

adapt to the inevitable impacts of climate change.

( 9201 0)

If we dont act soon, coral reef scientists may leave behind only a legacy of

missed opportunities.

And to Glenn MC Diver, this is not a Save the

Reefs" statement.

No one is preventing you from remaining free to form your







al-List mailing


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Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

B6 Privacy
From: Magnus Johnson <

Date: May 20, 201 0 4:35:46 PM EDT

To: "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

Subject: [Coral-List] ***SPAM*** Re: A Plea To Stay On Topic

I've only just joined this list but I was hoping to learn something about

the biology and ecology of tropical marine systems, for which there are few

Document ID:

the biology and ecology of tropical marine systems, for which there are few

fora that get beyond "coffee table book" or (often naive) environmentalist

discussions. I do not deny that these things are important but there are

many many places where these things are discussed and I nowadays find myself

filtering them out in order to get at more interesting nerdy-science posts.

How different dispersants affect coral, bleaching records in various parts

of the world, impacts of climate change on reef systems are interesting and

valid topics. Energy policy is interesting but, to me should be discussed


In order to solve problems in the environment there is a need for more

information on the nitty gritty physiological and ecological details

relating to reefs. Most ecologists/marine biologists are not narrowly

focussed and are concerned about the world around them but there is room in

the tool box for arenas where we can discuss/contemplate/learn about

important details in isolation. I hoped this was one of them.

Cheers, Magnus


Dr Magnus Johnson

Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences

University of Hull


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Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

B6 Privacy
From: Andrew Negri

Date: May 20, 201 0 5:56:25 PM EDT

To: "[email protected]" < [email protected]>

Subject: [Coral-List] Corexit 9527

Good morning from the Great Barrier Reef,

Here Corexit 9527 was recently used to disperse a slick resulting from the grounding of the coal carrier Shen Neng 1 on a coral


We also published a paper on the effects of Corexit 9527 - in this case the effects on coral fertilization and larval settlement in


Negri AP, Heyward AJ (2000) Inhibition of fertilization and larval metamorphosis of the coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1 834)

by petroleum products. Marine Pollution Bulletin 41 :420-427



<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><

Andrew Negri

Senior Research Scientist

Australian Institute of Marine Science

PMB No. 3 Townsville MC QLD 481 0 Australia

Document ID:

[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

Negri CV< 000001 39> Publication


Phone: (07) 4753 4322

Fax: (07) 4772 5852

B6 Privacy
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><



The information contained in this communication is for the use of the

individual or entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain

information which is the subject of legal privilege and/or copyright.

If you have received this communication in error, please notify the

sender by return email and delete the transmission, together with any

attachments, from your system. Thank you.



Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:20:28 PM EDT

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if we

make a decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would only need one berth because ships crew could

provide the other needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night if that would help limit impact on other


Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels preparing

to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe that the

Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is scheduled to head

to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant, and

water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who

could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the names of

folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and activity.

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

Document ID:

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to sea

for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't know

how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call my

cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ri c ke r, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l M ana g e r, SW Re g i on

A s se s sm e nt & Re st ora t i on Di v i s i on

O ffi c e of Re spons e a nd Re st ora t i on,

777 S onom a A v e , S u i t e 2 19 A

S a nt a Ros a , C A
9 5 4 0 4

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

E rob. ri c ke r@noa a . g ov


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:28:1 9 PM EDT

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

Also we ran down all the traps last week to access the spill zone for the last cruise. It takes a number of steps that need to be well

coordinated but is otherwise possible and BP/source control was very supportive.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels preparing

to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe that the

Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is scheduled to head

to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant, and

water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who

Document ID:

could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the names of

folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and activity.

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to sea

for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't know

how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call my

cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ri c ke r, Ph . D.

Re g i ona l M ana g e r, SW Re g i on

A s se s sm e nt & Re st ora t i on Di v i s i on

O ffi c e of Re spons e a nd Re st ora t i on,

777 S onom a A v e , S u i t e 2 19 A

S a nt a Ros a , C A
9 5 4 0 4

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

E rob. ri c ke r@noa a . g ov


Begin forwarded message:

From: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:31 :27 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

Thanks Tom. I will ask for one berth for this SIPPER position. Would you also want to deploy on the Weatherbird... or is there

only one SIPPER instrument?


Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if

we make a decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would only need one berth because ships crew could

provide the other needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night if that would help limit impact on other


Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


Document ID:

I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels

preparing to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe

that the Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is

scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another

NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some

who could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the

names of folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and


2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to

sea for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't

know how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call

my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
E [email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Document ID:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:35:53 PM EDT

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

Only one SIPPER and the PI is still demobing data from from last cruise so couldn't make a Saturday departure but Tuesday

would work. GG is also a better ship.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 6:31 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:

Thanks Tom. I will ask for one berth for this SIPPER position. Would you also want to deploy on the Weatherbird... or is there

only one SIPPER instrument?


Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if

we make a decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would only need one berth because ships crew

could provide the other needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night if that would help limit impact

on other operations.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels

preparing to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe

that the Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is

scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another

NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some

who could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the

names of folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and


2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples

he needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim

and Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might

involve a person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the

number of individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting

folks out to sea for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't

know how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on

a call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just

Document ID:

call my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

E [email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Greg Baker < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:40:1 1 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises CALL AT 4PM Pacific, 7PM Eastern (20 minutes)

For all who can, please jump on the following conf line to discuss at 4PM Pacific:

B6 Privacy


B6 Privacy

Greg Baker

Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if

we make a decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would only need one berth because ships crew could

provide the other needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night if that would help limit impact on other


Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected] < mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels

preparing to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe

that the /Weatherbird /is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's /Gordon Gunter/ (a 68 m long vessel) is

Document ID:

that the /Weatherbird /is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's /Gordon Gunter/ (a 68 m long vessel) is

scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There is also the /Jack Fitz/, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another

NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some

who could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the

names of folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and


2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to

sea for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't

know how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call

my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected] < mailto:[email protected]>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:40:51 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

I raised the access issue as one of the main priorities for us on the Gordon Gunter. Because we have support for this cruise at

the highest NOAA levels, I know that this request is going through to the Response operations as a high priority.


Tom Moore wrote:

Also we ran down all the traps last week to access the spill zone for the last cruise. It takes a number of steps that need to be

well coordinated but is otherwise possible and BP/source control was very supportive.

Document ID:

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels

preparing to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I believe

that the Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel) is

scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for another

NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some

who could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the

names of folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for staffing and


2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the samples he

needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a

person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what equipment and the number of

individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also have needs for getting folks out to

sea for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't

know how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just call

my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Document ID:

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
E [email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 6:51 :53 PM EDT

To: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Cc: Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Chris Reddy < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn

< [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: URGENT: fielding teams for upcoming cruises

Cool -- we'll go with that as one part of our request. You don't need to be on the call that GB is setting up if that is all you will be

requesting, but you are welcome to join.


Tom Moore wrote:

Only one SIPPER and the PI is still demobing data from from last cruise so couldn't make a Saturday departure but Tuesday

would work. GG is also a better ship.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 6:31 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:

Thanks Tom. I will ask for one berth for this SIPPER position. Would you also want to deploy on the Weatherbird... or is there

only one SIPPER instrument?


Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment

if we make a decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would only need one berth because ships crew

could provide the other needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night if that would help limit impact

on other operations.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from

various academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels

preparing to go back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect samples and data for NRDA. I

believe that the Weatherbird is supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a 68 m long vessel)

is scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart for

another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the


1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil, dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do

this sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER,

some who could be deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on each vessel. I'd like Greg to

compile the names of folks who will go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the operation plans for

staffing and activity.

Document ID:

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the

samples he needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these types of samples are the same as previously

identified by Jim and Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and equipment for analyzing droplet

size, which might involve a person to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to determine what

equipment and the number of individuals who we'd like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also

have needs for getting folks out to sea for collecting more plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements


3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't

know how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the response activity, but we can discuss this on the


Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible. Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be

on a call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed --

just call my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy
E [email protected]

Begin forwarded message:

From: [email protected]

Date: May 20, 201 0 8:1 5:33 PM EDT

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Document ID:

To: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>

Cc: Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott Stout < [email protected]>, Daniel

Hahn < [email protected]>, Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Technicians available from Woods Hole

Hi All

Three people, all who have taken the 8 hr course, are available from Cape Cod

and willing to fly asap.

Catherine Carmichael--good organic geochemistry skills, sea

time and little knowledge of sampling at sea. Would be a solid assistant.

Bob Nelson and Sean Sylva---solid organic geochemistry technicians, both have

been at sea for at least a year total, with a little training could handle

sampling operations on any platform.


Chris Reddy

Quoting Rob Ricker < [email protected]>:

Cool -- we'll go with that as one part of our request. You don't need

to be on the call that GB is setting up if that is all you will be

requesting, but you are welcome to join.


Tom Moore wrote:

Only one SIPPER and the PI is still demobing data from from last

cruise so couldn't make a Saturday departure but Tuesday would work.

GG is also a better ship.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 6:31 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:

Thanks Tom. I will ask for one berth for this SIPPER position.

Would you also want to deploy on the Weatherbird... or is there only

one SIPPER instrument?


Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack

Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if we make a

decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would

only need one berth because ships crew could provide the other

needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night

if that would help limit impact on other operations.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and

NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from various

academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of

Document ID:

upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels preparing to go

back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect

samples and data for NRDA. I believe that the Weatherbird is

supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a

68 m long vessel) is scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There

is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart

for another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on

this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the following:

1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil,

dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy

and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab

members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who could be

deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on

each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the names of folks who will

go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the

operation plans for staffing and activity.

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to

collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the

samples he needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these

types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and

equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a person

to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to

determine what equipment and the number of individuals who we'd

like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also

have needs for getting folks out to sea for collecting more

plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and

the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't know

how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the

response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible.

Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water

efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just

call my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

E [email protected]

Document ID:


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

E [email protected]


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Laurie Sullivan < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 8:41 :22 PM EDT

To: [email protected]

Cc: Rob Ricker < [email protected]>, Tom Moore < [email protected]>, Greg Baker < [email protected]>, Scott

Stout < [email protected]>, Daniel Hahn < [email protected]>, Deborah French McCay < [email protected]>,

James Payne <[email protected]>, Christopher Plaisted <[email protected]>, Stephanie Willis

< [email protected]>

Subject: Re: Technicians available from Woods Hole

This should have the safety requirements for this incident. You need to sign the NOAA safety plan. I think the directions are in

the NOAA Safety Documentation Requirements attachemnt

[email protected] wrote:

Hi All

Three people, all who have taken the 8 hr course, are available from Cape Cod

and willing to fly asap.

Catherine Carmichael--good organic geochemistry skills, sea

time and little knowledge of sampling at sea. Would be a solid assistant.

Bob Nelson and Sean Sylva---solid organic geochemistry technicians, both have

been at sea for at least a year total, with a little training could handle

sampling operations on any platform.


Chris Reddy

Document ID:

Quoting Rob Ricker < [email protected]>:

Cool -- we'll go with that as one part of our request. You don't need

to be on the call that GB is setting up if that is all you will be

requesting, but you are welcome to join.


Tom Moore wrote:

Only one SIPPER and the PI is still demobing data from from last

cruise so couldn't make a Saturday departure but Tuesday would work.

GG is also a better ship.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 6:31 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:

Thanks Tom. I will ask for one berth for this SIPPER position.

Would you also want to deploy on the Weatherbird... or is there only

one SIPPER instrument?


Tom Moore wrote:

We had been looking to redeploy SIPPER on the next round of the Jack

Fitz but could make the Gordon Gunter deployment if we make a

decsion today/tomorrow. If we went off the Gordon Gunter we would

only need one berth because ships crew could provide the other

needed support. Also all SIPPER deployments could be done at night

if that would help limit impact on other operations.

Sent from my wireless...

On May 20, 201 0, at 5:27 PM, Rob Ricker < [email protected]> wrote:


I just got off a call with various individuals throughout NMFS and

NOS and the University of South Florida (and others from various

academic institutions) for planning sampling on a couple of

upcoming cruises. In short, there are two vessels preparing to go

back to sea, and we can put NRDA teams on each vessel to collect

samples and data for NRDA. I believe that the Weatherbird is

supposed to head back out this weekend, and NOAA's Gordon Gunter (a

68 m long vessel) is scheduled to head to sea next Tuesday. There

is also the Jack Fitz, which I understand is scheduled to depart

for another NRDA cruise tomorrow.

I would like you, Greg, to schedule a call with all of us listed on

this email as soon as possible so that we can discuss the following:

1 ) Establish a dedicated team for collecting the source oil,

dispersant, and various stages of weathered oil, oil+dispersant,

and water and tarball samples. I've spoken with both Chris Reddy

and Scott Stout to identify who we could assign to do this

sampling. Scott is short on staff, but Chris has three of his lab

members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who could be

Document ID:

members who are up to date with 8hr HAZWOPPER, some who could be

deployed as early as tomorrow. We need to decide who will go on

each vessel. I'd like Greg to compile the names of folks who will

go into the field and make sure that Troy and Ian are are of the

operation plans for staffing and activity.

2) Identify the types of samples and data that we'd like to

collect on these cruises. Scott is working up a list of the

samples he needs for the environmental forensics, and many of these

types of samples are the same as previously identified by Jim and

Debbie for the modeling input. Debbie is organizing personnel and

equipment for analyzing droplet size, which might involve a person

to use microscopy techniques of use a coulter counter. We need to

determine what equipment and the number of individuals who we'd

like to get on the vessels. I understand that Dan and Tom may also

have needs for getting folks out to sea for collecting more

plankton data... again -- I need to know your requirements today.

3) The Gordon Gunter is likely to get access to the hot zone and

the Weatherbird is likely to work farther afield. We don't know

how close we'll be able to get to the well head because of all the

response activity, but we can discuss this on the call.

Please try to make yourselves available as soon as possible.

Thanks Greg for your help setting up this call. I have to be on a

call in 1 0 minutes with EPA re. coordination of their on-water

efforts with ours. I'll jump off the EPA call if needed -- just

call my cell or send me an email, which I'll be monitoring.


P.S. Laurie, I know that you are shifting over to


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

777 Sonoma Ave, Suite 21 9A

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy
E [email protected]


Rob Ricker, Ph.D.

Regional Manager, SW Region

Assessment & Restoration Division

Office of Response and Restoration, NOAA

Document ID:

Office of Response & Restoration / Assessment & Restoration Division

LSU Sea Grant Building, Room 1 24B

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

B6 Privacy
(office) B6 Privacy

B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: Cheryl Brodnax < [email protected]>

Date: May 21 , 201 0 1 1 :22:22 AM EDT

To: "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>,

"'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>

Subject: Fw: Long term fate and transport (incl. fractionating) of subsurface oil from GoM Deepwater Horizon leak

Interesting chain

From: Robert Jacobsen <[email protected]>

To: Schexnayder, Mark A. <[email protected]>

Cc: Jerome Zeringue <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>;

[email protected] <[email protected]>; Todd Davison <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Coreil,

Paul D. <[email protected]>; Chuck Wilson <[email protected]>; Thomas, Glenn <[email protected]>; Cheryl Brodnax

<[email protected]>; Robert Twilley <[email protected]>; Mullen, Stephen R. <[email protected]>; Wolcott, Maurice C.

<[email protected]>; Leonard Bahr <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Steve Mathies

<[email protected]>; Natalie Snider <[email protected] >; Natalie Snider < [email protected] >; [email protected] <[email protected] >;

[email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Paul Kemp < [email protected]>

Sent: Fri May 21 11:14:06 2010

Subject: Long term fate and transport (incl. fractionating) of subsurface oil from GoM Deepwater Horizon leak


The discussion you forwarded me (below) on plume fractionation is an interesting attempt at a very important analysis.

Developing a reasonable notion of the volume of oil, it's potential re-distribution in the water column, and it's transport and fate--is JOB 1 for the

ecosystem response community. This is TEXTBOOK environmental protection--taught in undergraduate environmental classes for two decades and

undestood by any professional. "The man" on fate and transport is Dr. Louis Thibodeaux at the LSU Department of Chemical Engineering. He authored

the classic "Environmental Chemodynamics" and has taught the course for decades. On April 30th, one day after BP increased the leak estimate rate

from 1,000 to 5,000 BBL/day the Wall Street Journal reported that some scientists were indicating the rate could be much higher. We have lost much

valuable time in addressing this issue.

Consider this: If BP stopped the leak tomorrow it is still likely that we will have millions of BBLS of oil in the subsurface GoM. At an average

concentration of 1% (oil in water), each 1 million BBLs of "dispersed" plume is the equivalent of a toxic oil soup 20 square miles 1 foot deep. In actuality,

there will be multiple plumes, at varying specific gravities and depths, with varying concentrations and thicknesses, fractionating in the subsurface for

MONTHS to come! If substantial plugging of the leak does not occur for many more weeks, it is likely that there will be tens of millions of BBLS of

subsurface oil.

The ecosystem response community needs to get a handle on what we're dealing with ASAP and formulate reasonable "end points." We may well learn

over this summer that we will have to aim for some modest level of Delta-Wide restoration 3-5 years (it may be 10 years) down the road.

Our most significant tool may well be MASSIVE DIVERSIONS of Mississippi River water into Breton Sound and Barataria/Terrebonne Bays next spring

and for many springs to come.

Your idea about using the Bohemia Spillway will likely become critical!


From: Schexnayder, Mark A. [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:30 AM

To: Robert Jacobsen

Subject: Fwd: noladishu posts on oil complexity w/ chemical engineer info

Plume composition discussion

Mark Schexnayder

Coastal Advisor

LSU AgCenter/La. Sea Grant

Document ID:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Picou, Stephen" < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 0:07:25 AM CDT

To: "Schexnayder, Mark A." < [email protected]>

Subject: noladishu posts on oil complexity w/chemical engineer info

More scary but informative information about exactly what this stuff is and could be.


B6 Privacy
From: B6 Privacy">

Date: Wed, 1 9 May 201 0 1 8:1 4:59

To: NOLA Bloggers<[email protected]>

Subject: [Bloggers] Re: Fwd: Fwd: Oil on your beach? Help us document it

That's complicated. Chemical composition can change over time. Wells

can heavy-up and sour-up. Also, there's a ChemE at The Oil Drum

that's suggested that, in a nut shell, the oil is becoming

fractionated as it leaves the leak. Between hydrostatic pressure

gradients, Corexit treatment, and multiple grades of oil, there may

actually be three chemically distinct plumes of oil leaving the

wellhead all flowing in different, 3-dimensional ways.

It's possible that chemical analysis of the surface oil is leading

them to discount the heavier fractions coming from the same well.

OTOH, the article references "bilge water" as a possible source.

Bilges contain refined oil (lube oil, etc.) that is chemically quite

unique compared to raw crude. For example, Lube Oil doesn't flouresce

(sp?) under UV light. If you dig around on these guys website

( ), you can learn a little more.

They make the overboard analyzers that the Coast Guard, et. al.

requires to be on every offshore platform's produced water leg.

In the end, this could be the same oil from a heavier fraction, or it

could be from a different source, possibly refined oil from a ship's

lube oil system.

Here's the post from The Oil Drum:


I think I can explain the fractionation of the oil from the Deepwater

Horizon spill. This is different from an ordinary blow-out in that the

methane remains supercritical all the way up the drill hole to the

blow-out preventer (BOP) the way the well is discharging now. Since

the hydrocarbon reservoir that was penetrated has a high methane

content, and is at very high pressure (~1 5000 psi), I am pretty sure

that within the reservoir the oil + gas are miscible; a "supercritical

solution." There is not a separate oil layer & gas layer until

pressure is reduced. My hypothesis can explain three subsurface oil


1 . A preliminary phase separation occurs between the heaviest oil

components (asphaltenes) and the rest of the crude oil, which remains

in a methane-based supercritical solution, as the crude rises the

1 8000 feet from the reservoir to the bottom of the BOP. Gravitational

pressure drop depends on average density of the solution, which I

guess to be ~.6 g/cc; a pressure reduction on the order of 6000 psi

Document ID:

can be anticipated, and a corresponding temperature reduction and

volume increase corresponding to adiabatic expansion. The heaviest

fraction is hypothesized to have already phase separated from the

crude oil prior to reaching the BOP, and this phase forms the deepest

oil plume, floating within 40 feet of the sea floor. (In rising from

the reservoir, most of the pressure drop is due to gravitational

lifting, as the flow is too slow for much viscous dissipation. The

flow may be fast enough to sweep the phase separated asphaltenes up

the pipe, if the velocity is greater than the sedimentation velocity

of the asphaltene droplets.)

2. A very large pressure drop occurs in passing through the partially

sealed BOP. When the solution goes through the flow restriction at the

BOP, its pressure goes from ~9000 psi to near 2250 psi, causing a

phase separation in which the natural gas based phase goes subcritical

in less than a second. Even after the expansion, the two phase flow is

still very hot, high enough for the methane phase to remain a good

solvent for the light oil fractions. (The expansion should be close to

an isothermal expansion, differing only from isothermal due to the

Joule effect, and due to condensation of a liquid phase; I expect a

small increase in temperature going through the BOP orifice.) As

pressure and density are reduced, the supercritical methane phase

decomposes into two phases, a primarily heavy oil liquid phase,

saturated with methane (I expect this to be a viscous liquid, specific

gravity ~.8; still containing quite a bit of dissolved methane), and:

3. A subcritical dense gas phase solution containing most of the

gasoline and light oil fractions, and some heavy oil. This dense gas

phase also forms downstream of the BOP orifice. This dense gas phase

contains most of the methane. After this exits the pipe and mixes with

sea water, the methane separates out as this solution cools, leading

to the lowest density, lowest viscosity, fastest rising oil plume.

This fraction, the light oil/gasoline plume could have a density as

low as ~.75 g/cc) and would rise quickly; perhaps this is the only

plume to reach the surface so far.

4. A fourth subsea plume of methane hydrate is formed as the natural

gas separates from the light oil/gas phase as it cools and expands

(after exiting the riser pipe). Most of the methane forms hydrates and

slowly settles to the ocean floor (methane hydrate at this depth has

density of 1 .04 g/cc, so it sinks).

This scenario can explain four distinct plumes emanating from the

leaking Deep Horizon well head. Most of the 3-phase hydrocarbon

mixture vents out of the riser about a mile away from the BOP, while

something like 1 5% of the hydrocarbon flow exits from a kink just

above the BOP. After the three hydrocarbon phases mix with sea water,

the fourth phase (methane hydrate) forms. The asphaltenes, which form

the densest phase and the lowest plume, may take years to reach the

surface, by which time they may well have mixed with the Atlantic deep

waters via the circulation around Florida.

What is happening at the Deep Horizon oil spill is sort of a doomsday

scenario, which can only happen this way because of the unique

stepwise pressure reduction as the oil exits the reservoir. Because

the oil has been fractionated, it is not rising as a single phase, as

has been the case in all previous oil spills. If my hypothesis is

correct, most of the oil is contained in two separate plumes that have

not yet reached the ocean surface...God help us.

There are testable predictions that come out of this theory:

1 ) If there are three oil plumes as I suggest, and the oil that has

Document ID:

1 ) If there are three oil plumes as I suggest, and the oil that has

made it to the surface so far is from the "lightest" (lowest molecular

weight, lowest boiling point range). The tarballs that are forming now

will be the residue of the light fraction, after evaporation of

volatiles, and should be depleted of asphaltenes compared to the oil

samples obtained by BP before they attempted to kill the well.

2) Similarly, there should be asphaltene content differences between

each of the plume samples collected by the Pelican Research vessel

( such that asphaltene

content is highest for the deepest samples.


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" [email protected]" <NolaEngineer1 [email protected]> May 1 9 07:51 PM -0700 ^

More ChemE nerdiness:



Just getting back online; not up on latest posts. Yesterday Alan

verified that the submerged oil looks red. I just looked at the

Greenpeace photos posted today showing reddish light colored oil clots

(not really as firm as tarballs). I suspect these are reflective

(white tone) due to entrained sea water droplets in the oil (the same

reason that mayonnaise is white: both are "water in oil" emulsions, I

think). Would someone please check that for me? If I am correct, if

you heat these clots up, boil away the water, they should look like

red oil; "maltenes" is one term applicable. If as I predict, this fits

with my hypothesis posted in detail yesterday (http:// #comment-625641 )that fractionation of the

oil is occurring on or below the seafloor. The reddish snotty stuff in

the Greenpeace photos is the middle cut, the portion that drops out of

solution as the supercritical solution goes subcritical as it goes

from ~9000 psi in front of the orifice (BOP leak) to about 2250 psi

just down stream of there. This oil is colored because it has very low

content of asphaltenes (which are very black), I think because the

asphaltenes phase separated from the supercritical mixture (methane/

ethane/.../oil/) as the crude oil rose 1 8000 feet from the reservoir

to the BOP.

I note the following news from NOAA yesterday:

Document ID:

>6. Samples of water from the underwater "plumes" have been taken by the Pelican research ship. These samples

have been divided and sent to testing centers, but no results are yet available.

I predict that individual droplets will tend to fall in one of three

categories, asphaltenes, maltenes, or light hydrocarbons. The plumes

may contain particles of two different kinds, however; for example,

large asphaltene droplets at 1 .00 specific gravity could rise faster

than emulsified small droplet size maltenes at specific gravity 0.85

(e.g.). I expect there are likely to be five apparent plumes, two of

which are created by overlap areas of two plumes: going from the

bottom to the top: asphaltene; asphaltene + maltene; maltene; maltene

+ light hydrocarbons; light hydrocarbons. I think these are the five

plume layers detected by the Pelican.

[If samples sit around a while the light hyrocarbon phase may dissolve

back into the maltene phase (a fairly slow process because this occurs

via either brownian motion or else hexane-like molecules dissolving

into water then dissolving into the maltene droplets).]

Each phase will be slightly contaminated with the other phase, but the

composition of individual droplets will be distinctly one of the

phases (unless two or more droplets have merged to form a given

droplet), with light hydrocarbons fraction floating fastest, and

asphaltenes rising slowest (if all droplets were the same size, but of

course they are not).

I also predict that eventually the asphaltene layer will reach the

surface. The high asphaltene content phase will be reminiscent of

"stillbottoms" sort of material. It may well have a softening

temperature high enough that it will almost be like sand when it

reaches the surface. I do not believe this material (asphaltenes) will

be nearly as dangerous to sea life as the oil; mainly because these

are likely solids at sea water temperature (and if we are lucky, stay

solid in hot sun on the beach). I don't think asphaltenes will wet out

feathers or gills, whereas the emulsified oil might. Asphaltenes are

widely distributed in nature. They are found in all sedimentary rocks,

and occasionally deposits of pure asphaltenes are formed (e.g.,




Steve Picou

Area Housing Agent

LSU AgCenter Crescent Region

504-838-1170 - office

B6 Privacy

- cell

[email protected]


Document ID:




Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tom Moore < [email protected]>

Date: May 21 , 201 0 1 1 :52:59 AM EDT

To: Debbie French McCay < [email protected]>

Subject: Fwd: Long term fate and transport (incl. fractionating) of subsurface oil from GoM Deepwater Horizon leak


Begin forwarded message:

From: Cheryl Brodnax < [email protected]>

Date: May 21 , 201 0 1 1 :22:22 AM EDT

To: "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>,

"'[email protected]'" < [email protected]>

Subject: Fw: Long term fate and transport (incl. fractionating) of subsurface oil from GoM Deepwater Horizon leak

Interesting chain

From: Robert Jacobsen <[email protected]>

To: Schexnayder, Mark A. <[email protected]>

Cc: Jerome Zeringue <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected] >; [email protected] <[email protected]>;

[email protected] <[email protected]>; Todd Davison <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Coreil,

Paul D. <[email protected]>; Chuck Wilson <[email protected]>; Thomas, Glenn <[email protected]>; Cheryl Brodnax

<[email protected]>; Robert Twilley <[email protected]>; Mullen, Stephen R. < [email protected]>; Wolcott, Maurice C.

<[email protected]>; Leonard Bahr <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Steve Mathies

<[email protected] >; Natalie Snider <[email protected] >; Natalie Snider < [email protected] >; [email protected] <[email protected] >;

[email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Paul Kemp < [email protected]>

Sent: Fri May 21 11:14:06 2010

Subject: Long term fate and transport (incl. fractionating) of subsurface oil from GoM Deepwater Horizon leak


The discussion you forwarded me (below) on plume fractionation is an interesting attempt at a very important analysis.

Developing a reasonable notion of the volume of oil, it's potential re-distribution in the water column, and it's transport and fate--is JOB 1 for the

ecosystem response community. This is TEXTBOOK environmental protection--taught in undergraduate environmental classes for two decades and

undestood by any professional. "The man" on fate and transport is Dr. Louis Thibodeaux at the LSU Department of Chemical Engineering. He

authored the classic "Environmental Chemodynamics" and has taught the course for decades. On April 30th, one day after BP increased the leak

estimate rate from 1,000 to 5,000 BBL/day the Wall Street Journal reported that some scientists were indicating the rate could be much higher. We

have lost much valuable time in addressing this issue.

Consider this: If BP stopped the leak tomorrow it is still likely that we will have millions of BBLS of oil in the subsurface GoM. At an average

concentration of 1 % (oil in water), each 1 million BBLs of "dispersed" plume is the equivalent of a toxic oil soup 20 square miles 1 foot deep. In

actuality, there will be multiple plumes, at varying specific gravities and depths, with varying concentrations and thicknesses, fractionating in the

subsurface for MONTHS to come! If substantial plugging of the leak does not occur for many more weeks, it is likely that there will be tens of millions

of BBLS of subsurface oil.

The ecosystem response community needs to get a handle on what we're dealing with ASAP and formulate reasonable "end points." We may well

learn over this summer that we will have to aim for some modest level of Delta-Wide restoration 3-5 years (it may be 10 years) down the road.

Document ID:

Our most significant tool may well be MASSIVE DIVERSIONS of Mississippi River water into Breton Sound and Barataria/Terrebonne Bays next spring

and for many springs to come.

Your idea about using the Bohemia Spillway will likely become critical!


From: Schexnayder, Mark A. [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:30 AM

To: Robert Jacobsen

Subject: Fwd: noladishu posts on oil complexity w/ chemical engineer info

Plume composition discussion

Mark Schexnayder

Coastal Advisor

LSU AgCenter/La. Sea Grant

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Picou, Stephen" < [email protected]>

Date: May 20, 201 0 1 0:07:25 AM CDT

To: "Schexnayder, Mark A." < [email protected]>

Subject: noladishu posts on oil complexity w/chemical engineer info

More scary but informative information about exactly what this stuff is and could be.


B6 Privacy
Date: Wed, 1 9 May 201 0 1 8:1 4:59

To: NOLA Bloggers<[email protected]>

Subject: [Bloggers] Re: Fwd: Fwd: Oil on your beach? Help us document it

That's complicated. Chemical composition can change over time. Wells

can heavy-up and sour-up. Also, there's a ChemE at The Oil Drum

that's suggested that, in a nut shell, the oil is becoming

fractionated as it leaves the leak. Between hydrostatic pressure

gradients, Corexit treatment, and multiple grades of oil, there may

actually be three chemically distinct plumes of oil leaving the

wellhead all flowing in different, 3-dimensional ways.

It's possible that chemical analysis of the surface oil is leading

them to discount the heavier fractions coming from the same well.

OTOH, the article references "bilge water" as a possible source.

Bilges contain refined oil (lube oil, etc.) that is chemically quite

unique compared to raw crude. For example, Lube Oil doesn't flouresce

(sp?) under UV light. If you dig around on these guys website

( ), you can learn a little more.

They make the overboard analyzers that the Coast Guard, et. al.

requires to be on every offshore platform's produced water leg.

In the end, this could be the same oil from a heavier fraction, or it

could be from a different source, possibly refined oil from a ship's

lube oil system.

Document ID:

Here's the post from The Oil Drum:


I think I can explain the fractionation of the oil from the Deepwater

Horizon spill. This is different from an ordinary blow-out in that the

methane remains supercritical all the way up the drill hole to the

blow-out preventer (BOP) the way the well is discharging now. Since

the hydrocarbon reservoir that was penetrated has a high methane

content, and is at very high pressure (~1 5000 psi), I am pretty sure

that within the reservoir the oil + gas are miscible; a "supercritical

solution." There is not a separate oil layer & gas layer until

pressure is reduced. My hypothesis can explain three subsurface oil


1 . A preliminary phase separation occurs between the heaviest oil

components (asphaltenes) and the rest of the crude oil, which remains

in a methane-based supercritical solution, as the crude rises the

1 8000 feet from the reservoir to the bottom of the BOP. Gravitational

pressure drop depends on average density of the solution, which I

guess to be ~.6 g/cc; a pressure reduction on the order of 6000 psi

can be anticipated, and a corresponding temperature reduction and

volume increase corresponding to adiabatic expansion. The heaviest

fraction is hypothesized to have already phase separated from the

crude oil prior to reaching the BOP, and this phase forms the deepest

oil plume, floating within 40 feet of the sea floor. (In rising from

the reservoir, most of the pressure drop is due to gravitational

lifting, as the flow is too slow for much viscous dissipation. The

flow may be fast enough to sweep the phase separated asphaltenes up

the pipe, if the velocity is greater than the sedimentation velocity

of the asphaltene droplets.)

2. A very large pressure drop occurs in passing through the partially

sealed BOP. When the solution goes through the flow restriction at the

BOP, its pressure goes from ~9000 psi to near 2250 psi, causing a

phase separation in which the natural gas based phase goes subcritical

in less than a second. Even after the expansion, the two phase flow is

still very hot, high enough for the methane phase to remain a good

solvent for the light oil fractions. (The expansion should be close to

an isothermal expansion, differing only from isothermal due to the

Joule effect, and due to condensation of a liquid phase; I expect a

small increase in temperature going through the BOP orifice.) As

pressure and density are reduced, the supercritical methane phase

decomposes into two phases, a primarily heavy oil liquid phase,

saturated with methane (I expect this to be a viscous liquid, specific

gravity ~.8; still containing quite a bit of dissolved methane), and:

3. A subcritical dense gas phase solution containing most of the

gasoline and light oil fractions, and some heavy oil. This dense gas

phase also forms downstream of the BOP orifice. This dense gas phase

contains most of the methane. After this exits the pipe and mixes with

sea water, the methane separates out as this solution cools, leading

to the lowest density, lowest viscosity, fastest rising oil plume.

This fraction, the light oil/gasoline plume could have a density as

low as ~.75 g/cc) and would rise quickly; perhaps this is the only

plume to reach the surface so far.

4. A fourth subsea plume of methane hydrate is formed as the natural

gas separates from the light oil/gas phase as it cools and expands

(after exiting the riser pipe). Most of the methane forms hydrates and

slowly settles to the ocean floor (methane hydrate at this depth has

density of 1 .04 g/cc, so it sinks).

This scenario can explain four distinct plumes emanating from the

Document ID:

This scenario can explain four distinct plumes emanating from the

leaking Deep Horizon well head. Most of the 3-phase hydrocarbon

mixture vents out of the riser about a mile away from the BOP, while

something like 1 5% of the hydrocarbon flow exits from a kink just

above the BOP. After the three hydrocarbon phases mix with sea water,

the fourth phase (methane hydrate) forms. The asphaltenes, which form

the densest phase and the lowest plume, may take years to reach the

surface, by which time they may well have mixed with the Atlantic deep

waters via the circulation around Florida.

What is happening at the Deep Horizon oil spill is sort of a doomsday

scenario, which can only happen this way because of the unique

stepwise pressure reduction as the oil exits the reservoir. Because

the oil has been fractionated, it is not rising as a single phase, as

has been the case in all previous oil spills. If my hypothesis is

correct, most of the oil is contained in two separate plumes that have

not yet reached the ocean surface...God help us.

There are testable predictions that come out of this theory:

1 ) If there are three oil plumes as I suggest, and the oil that has

made it to the surface so far is from the "lightest" (lowest molecular

weight, lowest boiling point range). The tarballs that are forming now

will be the residue of the light fraction, after evaporation of

volatiles, and should be depleted of asphaltenes compared to the oil

samples obtained by BP before they attempted to kill the well.

2) Similarly, there should be asphaltene content differences between

each of the plume samples collected by the Pelican Research vessel

( such that asphaltene

content is highest for the deepest samples.


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" [email protected]" <NolaEngineer1 [email protected]> May 1 9 07:51 PM -0700 ^

More ChemE nerdiness:



Just getting back online; not up on latest posts. Yesterday Alan

verified that the submerged oil looks red. I just looked at the

Greenpeace photos posted today showing reddish light colored oil clots

Document ID:

(not really as firm as tarballs). I suspect these are reflective

(white tone) due to entrained sea water droplets in the oil (the same

reason that mayonnaise is white: both are "water in oil" emulsions, I

think). Would someone please check that for me? If I am correct, if

you heat these clots up, boil away the water, they should look like

red oil; "maltenes" is one term applicable. If as I predict, this fits

with my hypothesis posted in detail yesterday (http:// #comment-625641 )that fractionation of the

oil is occurring on or below the seafloor. The reddish snotty stuff in

the Greenpeace photos is the middle cut, the portion that drops out of

solution as the supercritical solution goes subcritical as it goes

from ~9000 psi in front of the orifice (BOP leak) to about 2250 psi

just down stream of there. This oil is colored because it has very low

content of asphaltenes (which are very black), I think because the

asphaltenes phase separated from the supercritical mixture (methane/

ethane/.../oil/) as the crude oil rose 1 8000 feet from the reservoir

to the BOP.

I note the following news from NOAA yesterday:

>6. Samples of water from the underwater "plumes" have been taken by the Pelican research ship. These samples

have been divided and sent to testing centers, but no results are yet available.

I predict that individual droplets will tend to fall in one of three

categories, asphaltenes, maltenes, or light hydrocarbons. The plumes

may contain particles of two different kinds, however; for example,

large asphaltene droplets at 1 .00 specific gravity could rise faster

than emulsified small droplet size maltenes at specific gravity 0.85

(e.g.). I expect there are likely to be five apparent plumes, two of

which are created by overlap areas of two plumes: going from the

bottom to the top: asphaltene; asphaltene + maltene; maltene; maltene

+ light hydrocarbons; light hydrocarbons. I think these are the five

plume layers detected by the Pelican.

[If samples sit around a while the light hyrocarbon phase may dissolve

back into the maltene phase (a fairly slow process because this occurs

via either brownian motion or else hexane-like molecules dissolving

into water then dissolving into the maltene droplets).]

Each phase will be slightly contaminated with the other phase, but the

composition of individual droplets will be distinctly one of the

phases (unless two or more droplets have merged to form a given

droplet), with light hydrocarbons fraction floating fastest, and

asphaltenes rising slowest (if all droplets were the same size, but of

course they are not).

I also predict that eventually the asphaltene layer will reach the

surface. The high asphaltene content phase will be reminiscent of

"stillbottoms" sort of material. It may well have a softening

temperature high enough that it will almost be like sand when it

reaches the surface. I do not believe this material (asphaltenes) will

be nearly as dangerous to sea life as the oil; mainly because these

are likely solids at sea water temperature (and if we are lucky, stay

solid in hot sun on the beach). I don't think asphaltenes will wet out

feathers or gills, whereas the emulsified oil might. Asphaltenes are

widely distributed in nature. They are found in all sedimentary rocks,

and occasionally deposits of pure asphaltenes are formed (e.g.,




Document ID:

Steve Picou

Area Housing Agent

LSU AgCenter Crescent Region

504-838-1170 - office

B6 Privacy

- cell

[email protected]





Please consider the environment before printing this email.


Tom Moore

NOAA Restoration Center

263 1 3th Ave South

St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

-571 6 Office

B6 Privacy
B6 Privacy

Begin forwarded message:

From: DWHNRDA < [email protected]>

Date: May 24, 201 0 3:1 1 :1 1 PM EDT

To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], karen_battle [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

Document ID:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], Cheryl Woodley < [email protected]>, Ilsa Kuffner

< [email protected]>, Stephen Blair < [email protected]>

Subject: Shallow water coral - papers and cellular physiological responses

Hi Shallow water coral group,

Please find attached several papers that have incorporated cellular physiological parameters in either coral or other organisms'

health assessment, that may be of interest. Sorry for being slow getting these to the group, I have been mobilizing my staff for the

Keys and will be traveling there today.

Best Regards



Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D.

Coral Health and Disease Program


Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

Hollings Marine Laboratory

331 Fort Johnson Rd

Charleston, SC 2941 2

843.762.8862 Phone

B6 Privacy

[email protected]

Marine Poll B.pdf (284 KB)

MEPS 2007 3pdf (515 KB)

Ecotox 2010.pdf (526 KB)

Chapter 10 y.pdf (1.6 MB)

valdez paperpdf (76.2 KB)

Kyowa Violet.pdf (410 KB)

Oil eects o.pdf (208 KB)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steve LeGore < B6 Priv...>

Date: May 28, 201 0 3:50:1 3 PM EDT

To: vassil zlatarski < B6 Privacy>, Coral-List <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: [Coral-List] Oil dispersants's effect on human health

Reply-To: Steve LeGore B6 [email protected]>


These links will likely not provide the complete information you are seeking, but perhaps they will help. .PDF_1 .pdf

Document ID: .PDF_1 .pdf


-----Original Message-----

From: vassil zlatarski < B6 Privacy [email protected]>

Sent: May 28, 201 0 5:30 AM

To: Coral-List <[email protected]>

Subject: [Coral-List] Oil dispersants's effect on human health

Dear Coral-Listers,

What do we know about the effect of oil dispersants on human health and is the existing knowledge adequate for protection of

human body? The question is actual for everybody working in waters treated with oil dispersant, especially for divers. Sorry for

asking again, but no reply. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


1 31 Fales Rd., Bristol, RI 02809, USA; tel.:


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Steve LeGore, Ph.D.

LeGore Environmental Associates, Inc.

2804 Gulf Drive N.

Holmes Beach, Florida 3421 7 USA

Tel: 941 /778-4650

Fax: 941 /778-4761

Cell: B6 Privacy

GMT + 4 hrs


Coral-List mailing list

[email protected]

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Ref. No. [UMCES]CBL 08-095

Alliance for Coastal Technologies Indexing No. ACT-08-01




Seward, Alaska

April 8-10, 2008

Funded byNOAA through the Alliance f

or Coastal Technologies (ACT)

with support f
rom the Oil Spill RecoveryInstitute (OSRI)

Document ID:

Document ID:

An ACT Workshop Report

A Workshop of Developers, Deliverers, and Users of Technologies for

Monitoring Coastal Environments:

Hydrocarbon Sensors for Oil Spill Prevention and Response

Seward, Alaska

April 8-10, 2008

Sponsored by the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) and NOAAs Center for Coastal Ocean Research in the National Ocean Ser-

vice and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI).

Hosted byACT Partner Organizations, University of Alaska Fairbanks and the Alaska SeaLife Center.

ACT is committed to develop an active partnership of technology developers, deliverers, and users within regional, state, and federal

environmental management communities to establish a testbed for demonstrating, evaluating, and verifying innovative technologies in

monitoring sensors, platforms, and software for use in coastal habitats.

Document ID:

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . i

Table of ConTenTs

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................1

Alliance for Coastal Technologies ..................................................................................................2

Hydrocarbon Sensors for Oil Spill Preventionand Response Workshop Goals .............................3

Organization of the Workshop ........................................................................................................3

Hydrocarbon Sensor Background ...................................................................................................5

Resource Manager Needs ................................................................................................................7

Developmental Challenges Toward Oil Spill Prevention and Response .........................................9

Vision and Future Developments ..................................................................................................11

Workshop Recommendations .......................................................................................................12



Appendix A. Workshop Participants ........................................................................................... A-i

Appendix B: Hydrocarbon Sensors for Oil Spill Preventionand Response Workshop \

Participants ............................................................................................................................ B-i

Appendix C: Current In-Situ andLaboratory Hydrocarbon Sensors Currently Used .................. C-i

Appendix D: Remote Sensing Sensors and Their Qualitative Assessments................................ D-i

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 1

exeCuTive summary

During April 8th-10th, 2008, the Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) partner institutions,

University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Oil Spill Recov-

ery Institute (OSRI) hosted a workshop entitled: Hydrocarbon Sensors for Oil Spill Prevention

and Response in Seward, Alaska. The main focus was to bring together 29 workshop participants

representing resource managers, scientists, and technology developers together to discuss cur-

rent and future hydrocarbon in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors as they apply to oil spill pre-

vention and response.

Hydrocarbons and their derivatives still remain one of the most important energy sources in the

world. To effectively manage these energy sources, proper protocol must be implemented to en-

sure the prevention and response to oil spills, as there are signicant economic and environmental

costs when oil spills occur. Hydrocarbon sensors provide the means to detect and monitor oil

spills before, during, and after they occur. Capitalizing on the properties of oils, developers have

designed in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors that absorb or reect the electromagnetic energy

at different spectral bands.

Workshop participants identied current hydrocarbon sensors (in-situ, laboratory, and remote sen-

sors) and their overall performance. To achieve the most comprehensive understanding of oil spills,

multiple sensors will be needed to gather oil spill extent, location, movement, thickness, condition,

and classication. No single hydrocarbon sensor has the capability to collect all this information.

Participants, therefore, suggested the development of means to combine sensor equipment to ef-

fectively and rapidly establish spill response.

As the exploration of oil continues in polar latitudes, sensor equipment must be developed to with-

stand harsh, arctic climates, be able to detect oil under ice, and reduce the need for ground teams

because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for the

United States (U.S.) to adopt a multi-agency cooperation for oil spill response, as the majority of

issues surrounding oil spill response focuses not on the hydrocarbon sensors but on an effective

contingency plan adopted by all agencies. It was recommended that the U.S. could model contin-

gency planning based on other nations, such as Germany and Norway.

Workshop participants were asked to make recommendations at the conclusion of the workshop

and are summarized below without prioritization:

Outreach materials must be delivered to funding sources and Congressional delegates re-

garding the importance of oil spill prevention and response and the development of proper

sensors to achieve effective response.

Develop protocols for training resource managers as new sensors become available.

Develop or adopt standard instrument specications and testing protocols to assist manu-

facturers in further developing new sensor technologies.

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As oil exploration continues in polar latitudes, more research and development should be

allocated to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection in or under


Develop a standard GIS data management protocol to be implemented so that data can

feed directly into the Maritime Domain Awareness or Dynamic Decision Support System


Resource managers proposed that hydrocarbon sensors undergo performance standards to

ensure global compliancy. It was recommended that ACT, working with various develop-

ers/manufacturers, test the ability to measure hydrocarbons on water and under ice using

both in-situ and remote sensing technologies.

Resource managers and technology developers should revisit funding sources and explore

novel approaches towards obtaining necessary support.

allianCe for CoasTal TeChnologies

The Alliance for Coastal Technologies is a NOAA-funded partnership of research institutions, re-

source managers, and private sector companies dedicated to fostering the development and adop-

tion of effective and reliable sensors and platforms. ACT is committed to providing the information

required to select the most appropriate tools for studying and monitoring coastal environments.

Program priorities include transitioning emerging technologies to operational use rapidly and ef-

fectively; maintaining a dialogue among technology users, developers, and providers; identifying

technology needs and novel technologies; documenting technology performance and potential;

and providing the Integrated Ocean Observing Sys-

tem (IOOS) with information required for the deploy-

ACT is organized to ensure geographic

and sector involvement:

ment of reliable and cost-effective networks.

To accomplish these goals, ACT provides these ser-

- Headquarters is located at the UMCES

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solo-

vices to the community:

mons, MD.

Third-party testbed for quantitatively evalu-

ating the performance of new and existing

- Board of Directors includes Partner In-

coastal technologies in the laboratory and un-

stitutions, a Stakeholders Council, and

NOAA/CSC representatives to establish

der diverse environmental conditions.

Capacity building through technology-spe-

cic workshops that review the current state

of instrumentation, build consensus on future

directions, and enhance communications be-

tween users and developers.

ACT foci and program vision.

- There are currently eight ACT Partner

Institutions around the country with coast-

al technology expertise that represent a

broad range of environmental conditions

for testing.

Information clearinghouse through a search-

able online database of environmental tech-

- The ACT Stakeholder Council is com-

nologies and community discussion boards.

prised of resource managers and industry

representatives who ensure that ACT fo-

cuses on service-oriented activities.

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The ACT workshops are designed to aid resource managers, coastal scientists, and private sector

companies by identifying and discussing the current status, standardization, potential advance-

ments, and obstacles in the development and use of new sensors and sensor platforms for moni-

toring, studying, and predicting the state of coastal waters. The workshops goal is to help build

consensus on the steps needed to develop and adopt useful tools, while facilitating critical com-

munication among the various groups of technology developers, manufacturers, and users.

ACT Workshop Reports are summaries of the discussions that take place between participants dur-

ing the workshops. The reports also emphasize advantages and limitations of current technologies

while making recommendations for both ACT and the broader community on the steps needed for

technology advancement in the particular topic area. Workshop organizers draft the individual

reports with input from workshop participants.

ACT is committed to exploring the application of new technologies for monitoring coastal eco-

system and studying environmental stressors that are increasingly prevalent worldwide. For more

information, please visit

hydroCarbon sensors for oil spill prevenTion

and response Workshop goals

Planning for the ACT Workshop on hydrocarbon sensors was undertaken with the following objec-

tives in mind:

to identify and summarize current hydrocarbon sensors in the in-situ, laboratory, and re-

mote sensing elds pertaining specically to oil spill prevention and response;

to elucidate the strengths and limitations of each type of hydrocarbon sensor;

to discuss the expected resource manager needs from hydrocarbon sensor technology and

scientists to ensure proper management, funding, and action;

to determine future hydrocarbon sensor technology that would enhance oil spill detection

and response;

to make recommendations and priorities for ACT and the broader community to pursue.

organizaTion of The Workshop

The two-day workshop was co-sponsored by ACT and OSRI and hosted by ASLC and UAF as

ACT partner institutes. The workshop was organized by Dr. Shannon Atkinson (UAF) and Dr.

Scott Pegau (OSRI). A stakeholder committee was assigned, which included Dr. Buzz Martin, Ms.

Chelsea Donovan, and Dr. Guy Meadows. Dr. Robert Shuchman was later assigned to the commit-

tee to replace Dr. Meadows.

On the rst evening, workshop participants convened for a reception and dinner in the Alaska

SeaLife Centers Underwater Viewing area. Dr. Shannon Atkinson delivered the workshops open-

ing remarks, along with a brief introduction about ACT and its mission. Discussing the importance

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of under ice hydrocarbon detection using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) techniques was the

topic of the workshops keynote address presented by Mr. Lee Majors of Alaska Clean Seas.

The workshop commenced the following day with an introduction by Dr. Scott Pegau (OSRI) and

a series of presentations delivered by the stakeholder committee members. These presentations

included: 1) A summary by Ms. Chelsea Donovan of the most recent and available hydrocarbon

technologies; 2) Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) as discussed by

Dr. Buzz Martin; and 3) The future of hydrocarbon technologies by Dr. Robert Shuchman. Work-

shop participants were then classied according to user group (technology developer, scientist, or

resource manager) for the morning and afternoon breakout sessions.

Prior to the workshop, participants were given breakout session questions that served as the frame-

work for discussion. Breakout sessions were pre-assigned based upon two categories of hydrocar-

bon technologies. The rst morning session focused on in-situand laboratory technologies, and the

afternoon session concentrated on remote sensing technology. To maintain discussion consistency,

the same breakout session questions were administered for both morning and afternoon sessions.

Workshop participants were randomly assigned to three designated conference rooms at ASLC. To

foster open and unique dialogue among workshop participants, user groups were integrated within

each conference room. A stakeholder committee member served as moderator in each of the des-

ignated conference rooms. Following both breakout sessions, each group reported their ndings in

a plenary session.

Breakout Session Questions (Morning and Afternoon Sessions)

In-Situ, Laboratory, and Remote SensingTechnologies

What hydrocarbon sensors are currently available?

What do the sensors measure, and what does this information mean?

What are their limitations and strengths?

What do resource managers need from hydrocarbon sensors?

What are the expected future needs?

What needs to be done to ensure new sensors are accepted by the resource management


What are the challenges from a development standpoint to design hydrocarbon technolo-


Are there other approaches and/or technologies that are worth pursuing?

On the nal day, workshop participants met for a third breakout session discussing the future of

hydrocarbon technologies as they relate to oil spill prevention and response. Breakout session

questions for this particular session were distributed prior to the workshop and served as the frame-

work for discussion. Stakeholder committee members led a panel discussion with all workshop

participants present. During this session, participants were also asked to discuss recommendations

and priorities for ACT to pursue.

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Breakout Session Questions (Final Session)

Vision and Future Developments

What areas of research and development are most needed?

What actions are needed within the next year?

What actions are needed within the next 3 years?

How might we achieve the needed actions?

hydroCarbon sensor baCkground

Hydrocarbon derivatives have remained one of the worlds most important energy sources since

the 19th century. They have helped establish global economies, drive industrialization, and fuel

transportation and heating needs to even the most remote regions on the planet. The global de-

pendence for hydrocarbons, a non-renewable resource, has triggered a growing demand that has

entrenched itself within political, socio-economic, and environmental arenas. As a result, techno-

logical advancements in areas of exploration, extraction, monitoring, detection, and renement

must meet this global demand while also reducing potential environmental consequences.

Whether extracting crude oil, rening the product, or transporting hydrocarbon derivatives, there

is an inherent risk that oil spills will happen and continue to occur. Oil spills may occur in many

environments, as oil exploration and development can be found both terrestrially and aquatically.

These environments include the nearshore, offshore, under snow and sea-ice, on land, estuarine,

and riparian habitats. Additionally, hydrocarbon derivatives are often transported overseas making

long trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacic journeys over ecologically sensitive areas. Oil spill incidents

surrounding oil tankers, however, occur at relatively low frequencies when compared to annual

global oil spills. Worldwide, fuels account for 48% of the total oil spilled into the sea worldwide,

while crude oil spills account for 29% of the total (Brekke and Solberg, 2005). Most oil spills are

diesel and hydraulics, which are aromatic hydrocarbon compounds that generally do not sink in

the water column.

Discharged oil on water is classied as an oil spill, slick, or sheen in descending order of magni-

tude. As time passes and with increased wave and wind action, oil spills will disperse and gradually

degrade. Heavier oils such as crude oil, for example, persist in the environment much longer than

lighter oils that typically evaporate. Though not as toxic as lighter oils, crude oil has far greater

environmental consequences associated with it, as it can directly and indirectly impact multiple

trophic levels such as phytoplankton, benthic invertebrates, sh, marine mammals, and sea birds.

Federal, State, and industry standards of prevention and response have shown signicant improve-

ments over the past 20 years stemming largely from incidents surrounding the 1989 Exxon Valdez

Oil Spill. In 1990, Congress passed legislation in the form of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA

90) to improve oil spill prevention and response. The OPA expanded federal funding and resources

to facilitate oil spill response, established new requirements for national and industry contingency

plans, imposed stricter penalties for improper oil discharge, and maintained State authority to es-

tablish law governing oil spill and response (EPA 1990).

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An equallyimportant aspect to spill response, aside from prevention, is the mechanism(s) by which

hydrocarbons are detected at the onset of a spill. There are a suite of hydrocarbon sensors designed

to accommodate in-situ, in-vitro, and remote sensing methods of oil spill detection. However, no

single, current hydrocarbon sensor has the capability of providing all the information required for

oil spill contingency planning (Jha et al., 2008). As a result, resource managers and scientists must

depend upon multiple technologies to arrive at sound, effective management.

Hydrocarbon detection in water has remained largely unchanged since the 1970s despite the ad-

vancements of different sensor technologies. Sensors are continuing to detect electromagnetic en-

ergy absorbed, reected, and uoresced across different wavelength spectrums or utilizing mass

spectrometry to ngerprint oil. Depending upon the sensor used, one can detect the absorption,

reectance, and uorescence by hydrocarbons at different wavelengths within the electromagnetic

spectrum. Remote sensing has shown vast improvements since thermal, visible, and aerial scan-

ning and photographysystems were used at the start of the 1970s (Jha et al. 2008). Yet these remote

scanning systems still utilize some of the same principles of detecting oil in water. Electromagnetic

absorption and emission remain as one of the most effective ways to determine the presence of oil

either remotely or in-situ.

For the purpose of this workshop, participants were asked to focus their efforts upon hydrocarbon

sensors that provide immediate, rapid response for sea-ice, snow, and water-related oil spills; es-

tuarine, nearshore, offshore, and riparian environments were considered water-related. Land-based

oil spills were not addressed in this particular workshop, as response and contingency planning

differs from that of under ice and water-related oil spills. Additionally, because the term hydro-

carbon encompasses multiple compounds and derivatives making its denition complex, partici-

pants dened hydrocarbon for this particular workshop as both crude and rened oil products.

Hydrocarbon sensor discussions, therefore, were not compound-specic, but rather addressed hy-

drocarbons in the broad contextual sense.

It should be noted that there was general consensus among all workshop participants that in order

to determine the most effective hydrocarbon technologies for oil spill prevention and response,

there was no endorsement of any specic instrument or developer.

Current Hydrocarbon Sensor Technologies:

In-Situ, Laboratory, Remote Sensing

In-Situ and LaboratorySensors

In-situ sensors were dened as any sensor that makes direct contact with the oil or the media that

the oil is in. Laboratory sensors and only in-situ sensors that were classied as rapidly deploy-

able were listed in Table 1. Much of the hydrocarbon sensor technology revolves around oils

electromagnetic absorption and emission of energy through different wavelengths within the elec-

tromagnetic spectrum. These include the visible, infrared, ultraviolet, radio wave, and microwave

wavelengths. Listed are general types of hydrocarbon sensors and, therefore, have no specic

endorsements, evaluation, or quantitative comparison. Cost was an exclusionary factor for either

strength or weakness considerations, as cost can be subjective and relative.

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Remote SensingTechnology

Remote hydrocarbon sensors were dened as sensors that are not in direct contact with oil or media

that the oil is in. These technologies included airborne and satellite-based remote sensors. Another

classication that participants used was near and far range forms of indirect measurement.

Remote sensing technology enables rst response units to continuously track and stay on the oil for

proper containment. Additionally, with the exception of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), remote

sensing can be recorded in real-timeSAR has this capability but is costly. Listed in Table 2 are

general types of hydrocarbon remote sensors and, therefore, have no specic endorsements, evalu-

ation, or quantitative comparison. Cost was an exclusionary factor for either strength or weakness

considerations, as cost can be subjective and relative. Jha et al. (2008) also provides a good review

on current remote sensing technologies for oil spill disaster management

resourCe manager needs

To properly assess the extent and magnitude of oil spills, there is a suite of criteria needed for

resource managers to obtain and monitor before, during, and after the spill has occurred. Synthe-

sizing these data, however, proves challenging, as information is being compiled from both in-situ

and remote sensing hydrocarbon sensors. To date, there is no composite hydrocarbon sensor that

accommodates multiple, continuous, real-time data for resource managers to use. Rather, they

must draw from multiple hydrocarbon sensor technologies to arrive at proper contingency plan-

ning. Workshop participants discussed the most important resource manager needs for proper oil

spill response (i.e., burning, dispersants, etc.). Their criteria are listed below and include sensor

data requirements and specications:


Sensors must be able to detect the presence and/or absence of oil in areas where there are potential

oil discharges. In addition, resource managers want to detect the amount of oil that is not only at

the surface but is mixed in the water column. Many in-situ and remote hydrocarbon sensors detect

wavelengths of electromagnetic energy either absorbed or reected by oil in the infrared, visible,

microwave, and ultra-violet spectrums. Limitations arise, however, when penetrating fog or con-

ducting night observationsconcerns that are especially important to resource managers located

in northern latitudes.


Sensor technologies must be able to determine the location of the oil spill. This is perhaps the

single most important data point for resource managers to acquire. Response techniques may differ

depending upon the location of the spill (i.e., nearshore, offshore, riparian, under ice, etc.).

Spatial Extent and Thickness

Knowing the discharge area alone can vastly underestimate the extent of the oil spill as 90% of the

oil is generally found within 10% of the spill area. Combining both area and thickness will deter-

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mine the best available technologies for response in different locations. Understanding these volu-

metric constraints also yields a better approximation of the quantity of oil dischargedanother

data point essential for resource managers. It was recommended that repeated thickness measure-

ments be obtained due to the dynamic and uid nature of oil on water.


Viscosity describes the overall uidity of a particular substance. Heavier oils are more viscous

(i.e., less uid) than lighter hydrocarbons, such as methanol, acetone, and benzene; and thus re-

quire more time and surface wave action to breakdown and disperse. Knowing the viscosity of the

discharged oil will determine the appropriate response mechanisms to be deployed.

Movement and TrackingOver Time

Discharged oil on water is a uid, dynamic substance that responds to environmental and oceano-

graphic change. Resource managers must be able to track the movements of oil on water and un-

der iceespecially in either populated or ecologically sensitive nearshore habitatsin real-time


State ofthe Oil

Oil is made up of many complex hydrocarbon chemicals. Each chemical compound responds dif-

ferently to the environment and degrades at various rates. Sunlight, microbes, and wave action, for

example, can all profoundly impact oil composition over time. Oil degradation or weathering

is the process from which oil loses its resemblance to a state of unspilled oil. It is important for

resource managers to continuously know the state of spilled oil as it weathers or if there is chance

for recovery.

ID Classication (Oil Fingerprinting)

Using forensic techniques, resource managers and scientists have the ability to determine the

source of oil spills in the natural environment. Hydrocarbons have specic chemical signatures

or ngerprints that reveal its specic chemical origins and geological processes it has undergone.

Crude and rened oils, therefore, have their own unique ngerprint. Not only does this provide a

framework for issuing proper contingency plans because it identies what type of oil is present,

but it also aids in legal ramications when determining perpetrators of oil spills.

Sensor requirements

The aforementioned criteria discuss the variables in-situ and remote sensors must be equipped

with in order to properly respond to oil spills. How sensors are packaged, however, is yet another

set of criteria that workshop participants discussed. The SMART protocol provided much of the

context on how sensors should be packaged (Appendix B).

Remote sensing and in-situ hydrocarbon technologies must collect data in real-time format and be

accessible to rst responders and resource managers. The overall consensus was to have inexpen-

sive, portable, and rugged units that can be deployed by rst responders. These units must be rap-

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idly deployable and extremely reliable such that they can be switched on after inactivity for many

years. Hydrocarbon sensor technologists should also begin exploring the combination of multiple

sensors on one platform. Because multiple users will operate these sensors, they need to be simple,

have sufcient operating instructions, and be operational for up to 6 hours.

With respect to remote sensing systems, they must provide good coverage, discern extent and

thickness of oil, and be able to collect data at night and through fog conditions. It was also sug-

gested that these instruments be linked via GIS and have a web-based interface to remotely access

data. Remote sensors require more robustness, being eld deployable, display a 3D image, and

possess stronger resolution capabilities. Reducing the amount of false positives in oil spill detec-

tion was another key component to making remote sensing more applicable.

User FriendlyInstrumentation and Interpretation

Different users, such as rst responders, resource managers, and scientists, utilize hydrocarbon

sensors to effectively prevent, detect, and manage oil spills. Vitally important is the ability for

these users to understand how to use the equipment and, secondly, interpret the data the sensors are

collecting. With the advent of more sophisticated remote sensing equipment, resource managers

have urged the implementation of training tools to instruct the use of them, the capabilities of this

equipment, and the interpretation of results.

Data Integration

Resource managers utilize multiple hydrocarbon sensors to determine the most effective and nec-

essary response and contingency plans. Participants discussed the need for in-situ technologies and

remote sensing capabilities to be integrated, such that managers have a single interface from which

to view data. Suggestions for such integration included georeferencing and entering this informa-

tion into a real-time Geographic Information System (GIS) interface that could later feed into the

national plan to achieve Maritime Domain Awareness. Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) has

been dened as, the effective understanding of anything associated with the global maritime

domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment of the United States,

(DHS, 2005). Another integration tool beginning to emerge is the use of Dynamic Decision Sup-

port Systems (DDSS) to identify, classify, and remediate oil spills. Dynamic Decision Support

Systems utilize a new generation of smart autonomous in-situ sensing buoys, remote sensors,

and background GIS layers describing biological and oceanographic parameters (Shuchman and

Meadows, 2008).

developmenTal Challenges ToWard oil spill prevenTion and response

Workshop participants identied two types of challenges that have prohibited quick, effective oil

spill response: sensor technology issues and execution challenges. Both are addressed within the

broad context of developmental challenges to oil spill response.

Workshop participants emphasized that the difculties with oil spill response was not the tech-

nological means of gathering information. Remote and in-situ sensors have been performing to

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their abilities, but scientists and resource managers would like to begin seeing the development of

integrated sensors that can perform multiple variable testing. To accomplish this task, however,

developers noted that to integrate sensors would require immense startup costs and would not

become a portable, rugged, repeatable, and easy-to-use option for many years. The Slick Sleuth

sensor, for example, has multiple sensors and linked with a GIS interface, but the equipment is still

in the research stages and not ready for quick oil spill response. The instrument is still far too large

for rst response units. Real-time GIS integration was another sensor challenge in the U.S. that

has impeded the full potential of quick response. The general complaint was that, without a GIS

interface, by the time the data processing is done, the data are no longer relevant.

Current sensor technology provides an overload of data that proves difcult for rst responders

and resource managers to synthesize into means of quick response. To develop sensors that are

more user-friendly would require a longer research and development stage. Climate and location

also play an important role in the developmental stages of sensors and can pose serious limitations

in extreme environments. Power, calibration, sensitivity, and biofouling are other problematic con-

cerns, especially with portable in-situ hydrocarbon sensors.

Oil spill response challenges at the broad management level in the U.S. include insufcient fund-

ing, multi-agencyresponsibility, environmental legislation, and federal aviation protocols. To com-

bine sensor technologies with integrated GIS interfaces would be incredibly expensive to develop

for such a small market of users. Funding for oil spill response continues to be one of the largest

challenge for proper oil spill response in the U.S. Funding for oil spill prevention and response

has remained largely in the form of prevention. The oil spill response industry is not a driver of

technology development. Federal agencies must realize the real cost of responding to an oil spill

before sound funding is allocated to effective technology and subsequent response. To date, the

U.S. has not maintained a consistent approach towards oil spill response. This is due in large part

because of multi-agency responsibility and accountability at the State and Federal levels for oil

spill response. Too many agencies are involved within the U.S. to make quick, effective decisions.

There is no common approach to response adopted in the U.S. Cohesion among agencies could

be modeled after foreign countries, such as Germany and Norway, where standardized protocols

have been adopted in the form of the Bonn Agreement. Foreign strike teams employ aircrafts that

are not used only for spills but for surveillance as well and are equipped with hydrocarbon sensors,

such as Side Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) and Infared/Ultraviolet (IR/UV) remote sensors,

all integrated with GIS interfaces. Perhaps due to multi-agency complications or the size of the

U.S. coastline, the regional availability of sensors is limited, and no effective means of capitalizing

on existing air patrols for oil spill detection and monitoring has occurred. Additional setbacks arise

when new technology is to be equipped on xed wing or non-xed wing aircraft. Supplemental

Type Certicates (STC) must be led and approved, which may take 3-4 weeks. This delay may

impede proper contingency planning should a spill occur within that time period. The fractured

approach to spill response means that no group is able to afford the more expensive technologies.

It also slows the incorporation of new technologies that require trained users.

Environmental legislation has also impeded the ability for the U.S. to conduct sufcient and ad-

equate tests of new technologies in the eld. Foreign countries have less stringent legislation sur-

rounding the testing of sensor equipment in oiled waters. Due to the Clean Water Act (CWA)

and OPA 90, scientists cannot intentionally spill oil in U.S. waters to test the efcacy of new oil

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detection technology. In other countries, however, abilities to do such testing have been more suc-


vision and fuTure developmenTs

In a round table discussion, workshop participants discussed the future of hydrocarbon sensors as

they relate to oil spill response. Participants also sought the opportunity to discuss programmatic

objectives that may also contribute to the improvement of oil spill detection and response. The

original premise was to discuss foreseeable action within one year and three years, respectively.

As discussion unfolded, it was apparent that most development ideas would require signicant

research and development that would exceed the one-year criteria.

As oil exploration continues in the polar latitudes, the need for hydrocarbon sensors to detect oil

under ice will become increasingly important. Hydrocarbon sensors in this harsh environment

must be rugged, portable, and have low false alarm rates. Remote monitoring devices should cover

greater area and volume and, in the future, replace eld-based crews after proper ground-truthing

has been conducted. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has begun to show promise in the Arctic,

but further research and development is needed to make this into a functional remote monitoring


One of the key areas participants concentrated their discussion was the development of various

platforms for hydrocarbon sensors. These included both stationary and mobile platforms for in-situ

monitoring and detection. Existing U.S. Coast Guard buoys and channel markers were deemed a

viable stationary platform that could have in-situ uorometry devices attached to them, but these

units would have to be mass produced at a relatively low cost. It was suggested that these sensor

platforms could be concentrated around large harbors that are equipped with unmanned aerial

vehicles (UAVs) deployable via satellite or aircraft uplink, albeit at substantial cost. In-situ mass

spectrometers detecting oil thickness need to improve their range of detection to include centime-

ters to nanometers.

Mobile platform discussion included the attachment of hydrocarbon sensors on large ocean-going

vessels, the development of autonomous underwater vehicles equipped with hydrocarbon sensors,

and nanotechnology that would allow sensors to be deployed within the oil slick to track move-

ments. University of Michigan has been developing several autonomous vehicles, such as the

BathyBoat, Flying Fish, and the Automated Lagrangian Water Quality Assessment System that

could have hydrocarbon sensors attached with GPS interfaces built in. Helikites have also been de-

veloped that are either helium driven or pulled behind a vessel. Difculties in autonomous vehicles

arise in polar latitudes, however, as their reliability is reduced because of the extreme operating

conditions. The application of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) should be explored

further in polar latitudes, as they provide an opportunity to explore under the sea ice. ROVs could

be manned with various hydrocarbon sensors that measure extent and thickness.

Tracking the movements of oil could be accomplished using sensors that either oat on the oils

surface or be imbedded within the oil. Multiple sensors of this nature could be deployed quickly

and effectively and reduce the need for continuous monitoring of oil spill movements. The Argo-

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sphere drifter developed by Norwegians has the capability to oat and stay with oil slicks track-

ing movements and thickness. The other option would be to develop nano-sensors that could be

imbedded within the oil. These could potentially have a Radio-frequency (RF) tag, such as a RF

cavity resonator with an oleophilic sensor. The ability to track and monitor oil mineral aggregates

(OMA) was also discussed. To accomplish this, participants recognized the need to have eld

based epiuorescence monitors that detect small droplets of oil possibly in the surf zone and deter-

mine if the aggregate is efciently absorbing the oil.

Future sensor development focused primarily on remote sensing capabilities, but there were some

novel approaches to in-situ technology. In-situ bioavailability and underwater in-situ techniques

utilizing different marine species, such as lter-feeding mussels or phytoplankton, may serve as

means for oil spill detection. Improvements in beach probing were also suggested as this is one

of the primary methods of detecting oil along shorelines. Flow cytometry that determines oil spill

size and ow has now become an in-situmethod of detection, but further research is needed in this

application. Time delay uorescence is another method of detection that may help tease apart dif-

ferent components within the oil compounds. There was also a recommendation to manufacture a

sensor suitcase that would have the necessary sensors to implement proper oil spill contingency

planning. This suitcase model would be rapidly deployable, rugged, and have the robustness to

withstand years of non-use. Resource managers and scientists also recommended that in-situ sen-

sors be equipped with an adapter that GPS devices could be plugged into. Remote sensor develop-

ment included the testing of GPR, Lidar scattering sensors, laser uorescence technology, Nuclear

Magnetic Resonance (NMR), SAR, Radar SAR II, and interferometric and polarimetric technolo-


Warranting further discussion during the Vision and Development Breakout Session was having an

integrated approach towards oil spill detection and response. This was discussed at the program-

matic level of multi-agency cooperation within the U.S. and the development of hydrocarbon sen-

sor combinations. Federal and State agencies should begin piggybacking on existing surveillance

and patrol missions to monitor oil spills as foreign countries such as Germany have implemented.

Accessibility to data sets should also be integrated within Federal and State agencies forming

multi-user oil reference libraries. First response strike teams assessing proper oil spill response

should also be formally trained in the operation and use of existing and future hydrocarbon tech-


Workshop reCommendaTions

Resonating throughout the workshop was the immediate and long-term need to integrate in-situ,

laboratory, and remote hydrocarbon sensors in the U.S. There are many different sensors and man-

ufacturers that ultimately measure similar variables pertaining to hydrocarbon discharge, but lack-

ing is an effective method to bring all this information together. This issue is further compounded

due to the fact that there are multiple agencies involved with detecting oil spill discharge within

U.S. waterways. During the nal breakout session, workshop participants devised other key rec-

ommendations for ACT and the broader community to implement that addressed both short-term

and long-term objectives. These recommendations are bulleted below:

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .13

Outreach Initiatives:

It is recommended that ACT and workshop organizers distribute either the Executive

Summary or Workshop Proceedings to national and international oil spill conferences,

such as the International Oil Spill Conference. Additionally reports should be provided

to Congressional delegates, The US. Arctic Commission, the Regional Citizens Advi-

sory Councils (Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet and the Arctic Council for Emer-

gency Preparation, Prevention, and Response (EPPR).

Further dialogue between resource managers, scientists, and developers need to take

place to nd the most effective means to develop composite sensors integrated with

georeferencing or GIS interfaces.

As new in-situ and remote sensing technologies come available, a consistent approach

to use of spill sensors for training resource managers and rst responders on the use and

interpretation of the data collected must be administered.

Submit proceedings to appropriate funding sources, such as Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Trustee Council (EVOSTC) and OSRI.

As oil exploration continues in polar latitudes, more research and development should be

conducted to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection in or under

ice. Stemming from developments, such as GPR, it would be ideal to develop a remote

system that could be performed without signicant ground-truthing. Putting personnel on

sea ice can be dangerous and is often not the quickest way to respond. Technologies that

would measure dynamic ice conditions, be helicopter-based, and cover large areas are at

least three years from deployment and would most likely include either GPR or NMR.

It is recommended that a standard GIS data management protocol be implemented that can

feed directly into the Maritime Domain Awareness or DDSS. Further development should

also be explored into making these data management portals internet accessible, (web-

based) such that rst responders and resource managers can enter and manipulate data in

real-time. This would also reduce the amount of personnel required to be onsite.

Currently, there is no common approach to oil spill response in the U.S. Perhaps the U.S.

can draw from protocols issued by the Bonn Protocol.

Resource managers proposed that hydrocarbon sensors undergo performance standards to

ensure global compliancy. This would also allow for hydrocarbon sensor technologies to

be evaluated and compared for different response scenarios and deployment locations. To

obtain a level of standardization, the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) or

ACT could test hydrocarbon technologies. Although methods of data collection may vary

depending upon which in-situ or remote sensing equipment is used, ACT may be able to

undergo broad in-situ and remote sensing evaluations. Expanding upon this recommenda-

tion may include the certication of new sensor technologies by a lab, possibly ACT or

Ohmsett, the National Oil Spill Response Test Facility, in an underwriting capacity. NOTE

Ohmsett will test and evaluate equipment and sensors but will not certify equipment or sen-

sors. They only certify the test data and results provided to their customers.

One of the rst efforts towards standardization would be to adopt protocols that have al-

ready been administered, such as by the Europeans or by SMART in 2006.

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .14

It was recommended that ACT, working with different developers/manufacturers, evaluate

the ability to measure hydrocarbons on water and under ice using both in-situ and remote

sensing technologies. It is important to examin how these sensors perform under these


Develop in-situ tracking devices such as drifters, buoys, and helicopter-deployed grabbers

that sample oil to help identify and track oil discharge movements. Discussion also sur-

rounded the improvements of uorescent dyes that are passive and can bind directly to the

oil. All of these help identify where sensors should be targeted, although they are techni-

cally not sensors themselves.

Resource managers and developers should revisit funding sources and explore novel ap-

proaches towards obtaining necessary monies. Suggestions included writing grants to the

Ofce of Technologys Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program and Small

Business TechnologyTransfer (STTR) Program. Another novel approach would be to make

the polluters pay for either new technologies or the integration of existing technologies.

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .15


ACT, ASLC, UAF, and OSRI would like to thank everyone who attended this workshop for their

enthusiastic participation. A special thanks goes to the workshop planning committee: Dr Shan-

non Atkinson (UAF/ASLC), Dr. Scott Pegau (OSRI), Mr. Brendan Smith, and Ms. Angie Steeves;

the stakeholder committee comprised of Dr. Buzz Martin, Dr. Robert Shuchman, and Chelsea

Donovan; and ACT Executive Director Dr. Mario Tamburri. In addition, we would like to thank

Mr. Lee Majors of Alaska Clean Seas for his outstanding keynote speech. The successful logistical

organization of this workshop is credited to Mr. Brendan Smith, Ms. Angie Steeves, and Ms. Jilian

Chapman of ASLC and UAF. The workshop was supported by the Alliance for Coastal Technolo-

gies, a NOAA-sponsored program, and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute.


Brekke, C. and A. Solberg. 2005. Oil spill detection by satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing

of the Environment 95: 1-13.

Chase, C. R. and S. V. Bibber. 2006. Utilization of automated oil spill detection technology for

clean water compliance and spill discharge prevention. Freshwater Spills Symposium (FSS).

Portland, Oregon. 15 pgs.

Department of Homeland Security. 2005. National plan to achieve maritime domain awareness for

the national strategy for maritime security. 28 pgs.

Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. Oil Pollution Act. 66 pgs.

Jha, M. N., Levy, J., and Y. Gao. 2008. Advances in remote sensing for oil spill disaster manage-

ment: State-of-the-art sensors technology for oil spill surveillance. Sensor 8: 236-255.

Shuchman, R. A., and G. A. Meadows. 2008. Future Hydrocarbon Technologies. Hydrocarbon

Sensors for Oil Spill Response Workshop. Presentation.

Document ID:

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . A-i

appendix a. Workshop parTiCipanTs

Chris Chase

InterOcean Systems 4241 Ponderosa Avenue, Suite A

San Diego, CA 92123-6501 858-565-8400

[email protected]

Chelsea Donovan

Turner Designs 845 W. Maude Avenue Sunnyvale, CA

94085 877-316-8049 ext. 148

[email protected]

Ruediger Heuermann

TriOs Werftweg 15 26135 Oldenburg Germany +49 (0)

441 48598-0

[email protected]

Jacob Inbar

GE Analytical Instruments PO BOX 434 HERZLIA B

46103, Israel Tel Aviv 011 972-54-4585-344

[email protected]

Greg Eaton

Applied Microsystems 2071 Malaview Ave.W. Sidney,

BC, Canada V8L 5X6 250-656-771 ext. 210

[email protected]

Nils Robbe

Optimare Sensorsysteme Am Luneort 15a 27572

Bremerhaven Germany +49 471 48361-0

[email protected]

Andy Sterling

GE Analytical Instruments 6060 Spine Road Boulder,

CO 80301 303-513-2874

[email protected]

Mike Twardowski

WET Labs, Inc. 165 Knuass Drive Narragansett, RI

02882 401-783-1787

[email protected]

Theo Hengsterman

Optimare Sensorsysteme Am Luneort 15a 27572

Bremerhaven Germany +49 471 48361-0

[email protected]

Andrea Zappe

Chelsea Representative Prairie Ocean Technologies PO

Box 78 West Hawk Lake Manitoba, Canada R0E 2H0


[email protected]

Document ID:

Bill Tink

Leak Detection Services Come Monday Leak Detection

Services 7721 Pinemont Drive Houston, TX 77040 713

580 9700

[email protected]

Mark Devries

United States Coast Guard Sector Anchorage (17-

33280) 510 L Street- Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99501-

1946 907-271-6700

[email protected]

Kurt Hansen

United States Coast Guard Research and Development

1082 Shennecossett Road, Groton, CT 06340-6096


[email protected]

Buzz Martin

Texas General Land Office

Oil Spill Prevention and Response

1700 North Congress Avenue

Austin, TX 78701-1495

[email protected]

Joe Mullin

Minerals Management Service Engineering and Re-

search Branch 381 Elden Street MS-4021 Herndon, VA

20170-4817 703-787-1556

[email protected]

Tim Nedwed

ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company

P.O. Box 2189 Houston, TX 77252 713-431-6923

[email protected]

John Engles

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation

(ADEC) Division of Spill Prevention and Response

P.O. Box 1709 Valdez, AK 99686 907-835-4698

[email protected]

Steven Vinnie Catalano

Director of Operations Cook Inlet Regional Citizen

Advisory Council (Cook Inlet RCAC) 910 Highland

Ave. Kenai, AK 99611

(907) 283-7222

[email protected]

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. A-ii

appendix a. lisT of aTTendees (ConTinued)

John Whitney

NOAA Coastal Response Research 510 L St. Petersen

Tower Bldg, Ste.100 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-271-


[email protected]

Scott Miles

Louisiana State University School of the Coast and

Environment 1002-Q Energy, Coast & Environment

Building Baton Rouge, LA 70803 225-578-4295

[email protected]

Lee Majors

Alaska Clean Seas 4720 Business Park Blvd. Ste G42

Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-659-6202

[email protected]

Judd Muskat

California Department of Fish and Game 1700 K Street,

Suite 250 Sacramento, CA 95811 916-324-3411

[email protected]

907-424-5800 ext. 222

Walt Parker

Arctic Council EPPR (Emergency Preparation, Preven-

tion and Response) 907-333-5189

[email protected]

Jim Rosenberg

Alyeska Pipeline

P.O. Box 196660 Anchorage, AK, 99519 907-834-6939

[email protected]

Karl Booksh

University of Delaware 2 Lammot Dupont Laboratory

Newark, DE 19716 302-831-2561

[email protected]

Patrick Lambert

Environment Canada Emergencies Science and Tech-

nology 335 River Road Ottawa (Gloucester), Ontario

Canada K1A 0H3 613-991-1110

[email protected]

Document ID:

Scott Pegau

Oil Spill Recovery Institute

P.O. Box 705 Cordova, AK 99574

[email protected]

Robert Shuchman

Michigan Tech. Research Institute 3600 Green Court,

Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 734-913-6860

[email protected]

Bob Petit

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation

(ADEC) Division of Spill Prevention and Response 410

WilloughbyAve., Ste 303

P.O. Box 111800 Juneau, AK 99811-1801 907-262-

5210 x236

[email protected]

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . B-i

appendix b: hydroCarbon sensors for oil spill prevenTion

and response Workshop parTiCipanTs

Document ID:

Document ID:

Detects dissolved carbon in air and has the

potential to detect volatiles.

May detect presence of oil compounds

Performance degrades in cold weather; have to be

Saftey, field rugged, well accepted, easy

and some oil identification with

aromatically detected; battery life in cold

to use, portable.

calibration charts.

climates; analysis range is ppm.

Particle Size Analyzer

Oil droplet size; relative abundance of

Determines the distribution of sizes in a sample

particles as surface size; concentration

Not rugged or field-tested. Available

of particulate material using modern, static

Strong lab acceptance.

and the ability to differentiate between


light scattering instruments.


Different sensors that detect the aborption of

oil through different wavelengths within the

Detects presence/absence of oil; can
Contact sensors good for leak detection;
Not as rugged; calibration is user specific; misses

Toxic UV & IR Absorption

electromagnetic spectrum, specifically UV and

follow thickness of oil.

groundwater capabilities.

some compounds (i.e. alcohols); low resolution.

IR frequencies.

Easy to use: easy detection system with

Detects presence/absence and

Cannot detect with a high oil flow; 6ft seas or

will detect presence up to 25mm thick;

Radiofrequency Absorption

Electromagnetic absorption within the

abundance of oil; thickness up to

more and unit loses quality; depth limitations

and Detection

radiowave wavelength part of the spectrum.

good in ports; have solar panels attached


(cannot see underneath oil greater than 8 inches)

providing good battery life.

Some ROVs and AUVs are only equipped with

More of a sensor platform but Remotely

Imaging Sensors (Optical,

Detects presence/absence; aerial extent;

optical tools and thereby do not have quantitative

Operated Vehicles (ROVs) or Autonomous

Relatively abundant; can be used under

Thermal) equipped on

thickness via color scale method of

evaluations; need expertise in interpreting

Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) may be equipped

sea ice; easy to use.

ROVs or AUVs)

detection; quantity; recoverability.

information in sea ice condictions as few

with different electromagnetic sensors.

indiviuals have visually observed under sea ice.

Total Organic Vapor


Table 1: Current In-Situ and laboratory hydrocarbon sensors currently used by resource managers and scientists. Qualitative assessments of their performance is provided.
Hydrocarbon Sensor Type
Information Provided

Calibration issues because there are multiple

Detect the presence of oil by excitation and the

Rugged, easy to use, no sample prep time

compounds in the water column emitting energy;

measurement of light absorbed vs. emitted. For

Detects presence/absence of oil, oil

required, portable and in-line analyzers

back scattering and potential false positves; you

this instrument, oils typically absorb light in

classification or oil fingerprinting, and


most commonly used and available

have to know what is in the water column before

the ultraviolet spectrum (300 and 400nm), and

concentration; analysis range is low

thereby increasing consistent evaluations;

sampling for oil; cannot identify specific

emit light in the visible spectrum (450 to


single and multiband detectors.

hydrocarbons such as aliphatic vs. aromatic

650nm range; (Chase and Bibber, 2006).


Laboratory technique that utilizes the

Evaluates the condition of the oil such

Precise measurement method with no

Fourier Transform Infrared

absorption and emittance of electromagnetic
as the degree of oxidation, nitration,

external calibration, rapid screening,

Non-portable and mainly a laboratory tool.

(FTIR) Spectrometer

wavelengths (similar to fluorometer) in the

and soot content, presence/absence, oil

increased sensitivity.

fingerprinting, concentration.

infrared spectrum.

Provides a very esoteric number because turbidity

Measures how much light is diffracted from

May show the prescence or absence of
May be a primary tool to detect oil but

Turbidity Meters

can be subjective; cannot differentiate between oil

particulates in the water column.


their applications are severely limited.

and other particulate matter.

Easy to use; classify oil; field portable;

Measures the mass to charge ratio of charged

Determines relative concentrations of

Difficulty to interpret; extensive training is

rugged; underwater sampling

Mass Spectrometers

particles which generates a mass spectrum

oil compounds; presence/absence; oil

required; analysis range is ppb; high resolution

capabilities; underwater and in air;

representing the masses of sample components.




Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. C-i

appendix C: CurrenT in-siTu and

laboraTory hydroCarbon sensors CurrenTly used

Document ID:

Airborne platform.

Course oil classification;

Has to be operated in low altitudes;

distinguish between natural oil,

cannot detect through fog and cloud
Airborne; laser acoustic

Oil classification; thickness of 0.1-

biogenic oil, mineral oils, etc.;

cover; limited to sea state; can only
sensors are available but

Illuminates the ocean surface with a UV laser oil

20!m; if a scanning device is

does not need a specialized

detect oil spill on the surface water

only in developmental stages

absorbs and emits electromagnetic energy in the

attached, one can determine aerial

aircraft; day and night monitoring;

(i.e. must obtain an oil sample to
but have similar capabilities

form of visible light.

extent and volume; detects

transect of points instead of

calculate thickness); thermal

as laser fluorosensors; near


sampling; potential for submerged

acclimation of oil; needs proper



ground truthing .

Same as above.

Cannot detect oil if in calm seas (i.e.

cannot detect calm inside of calm);

All-weather; exptreme far range;

sea state limitations (between 0.5-7
Airborne and satellite

May potentially show the

high resolution; big picture; day

on the Beaufort scale); potential for
platform common radar

presence/absence of oil; location

and night monitoring; can detect

false positives (i.e. wave or algal
method of detection; far

and extent of oil spill.

through clouds, rain and fog.

blooms, biogenic substances); no

range capability.

thickness detection; needs proper

ground truthing.

Can search for ships; day and

Nighttime observations can be

Thermal infrared detection method that measures

May potentially show the

night monitoring; common

Forward Looking Infrared Radar

different heat signatures by evaluating the
presence/absence of oil; location of

slightly ambiguous; false positives;

method of detection; can detect

brightness temperature of the ocean's surface.

oil spill; oil extent; relative

unable to detect emulsions in water;


through light fog; works on oil

Brightness temperature is a function of emissivity.


needs proper ground truthing.

covered snow/ice.

Laser Fluorosensors which

include Light Detection and

Ranging (LIDAR) sensors

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)

Side Looking Aerial Radar


Cannot detect oil if in calm seas (i.e.

Detects electromagnetic energy that is reflected by

cannot detect calm inside of calm);

All-weather; far range (40km

sea state limitations (between 0.5-7

capillary microwave waves on the ocean and

radius); processing time; high

May potentially show the

Airborne platform; most

on the Beaufort scale); potential for

measures the backscatter from the ocean's surface.

presence/absence of oil; location

resolution; big picture; day and

common radar method of

Oil dampens the amphitude of the capillary waves

false positives (i.e. wave or algal

and extent of oil spill.

night monitoring; can detect


hence, these sensors detect the calming of the

blooms, biogenic substances); no

through clouds, rain and fog.

ocean's surface.

thickness detection; needs proper

ground truthing.

Table 2: Current remote sensing hydrocarbon sensors currently used by resource managers and scientists. Qualitative assessments of their performance is provided.
Hydrocarbon Sensor

Information Provided

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. D-i

appendix d: remoTe sensing sensors and Their QualiTaTive assessmenTs

Document ID:

Ship or helicopter.

Airborne; near range.

Limited field of view as only strong

Utilizes a camera equipped with filters that block

To help keep the response unit on

as the searchlight; use in a restricted

out parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and

Detects presence/absence of oil.

the oil for proper containment;
area not necessarily open ocean;

proper illumination either visible or UV to record

simple; low-tech; real-time.

meant only for use on a ship or

the emissivity of material.


All weather; day/night

observations; passes through

Sea state limitations (white caps will

Passive imaging sensor that detects the emission of

Detects presence/absence of oil;
clouds; absolute thickness (50!m-
give microwave signatures but oil

oil at the microwave wavelength in the

distribution; thickness; aerial

3mm); instantaneous information
spill will have likely dispersed at that

electromagnetic spectrum.

extent; volume.

delivered in real-time; very

sea state); dedicated aircraft; low

powerful; can calculate oil

spatial resolution; low availability.


UV Camera Illuminated

Radio microwave Imaging


Measures the material's ability to absorb and

radiate energy at the ultraviolet and infrared


Airborne platform.

UV/IR Scanner

Ability to see very thin when it

Weather conditions such as fog or

comes to thickness; can determine

cloud cover; limited thickness; prone

different sources of oil; combining

to false positives; night observations

Oil extent; location;

presence/absence of oil; relative in

both UV/IR methods of detection
limited; not a true oil detector; need


to negate false positives; day/night

proper ground truthing; passive

observations; easily available;

system utilizing the sun as the UV

proven; rugged; good under snow.


Cannot detect oil through cloud cover

With night vision goggles can

Distribution of oil; detects

Visually detects the presence of oil in the visible

or fog; some false positives but w/

Airborne; most common

Aerial Video and Photography

absence/presence of oil; rough

detect during night; easy to use;

electromagnetic spectrum through observations of

training can reduce this; limited

method of detection; relative

(includes night vision)

thickness estimates based by color

quick response to assemble and

color change.

thickness info as color scheme is a


get information; readily available.


subjective method of determination

Table 2: Current remote sensing hydrocarbon sensors currently used by resource managers and scientists. Qualitative assessments of their performance is provided.

Hydrocarbon Sensor

Information Provided

Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . D-ii

appendix d: remoTe sensing sensors and Their QualiTaTive assessmenTs


Document ID:

Requires ground team to operate unit

Airborne (future

Geophysical method that uses radar pulses in the

Detect presence/absence of oil; oil
Possible calculation of oil volume;
above ice; not an airborne or satellite

technology); towed system

10 m microwave frequency of the electromagnetic

extent; possible thickness; location;
tested fairly well in Arctic
method yet; helicopter cannot detect

on belly of helicopter; near

spectrum to image the subsurface.

detects oil under ice.


under snow; needs proper ground



Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Rather than exciting electrons of particles into a

Future applications for

Laboratory based unit; not portable

hydrocarbon sensing; In

higher energy state as in other hydrocarbon

Detect presence/absence of oil;

Potentially good detection method

but has the potential to become a

experimental testing phase

techniques, NMR excites the nucleus in its

possible thickness; classification.

under snow/ice.

remote sensing device.

magnetic field using electromagnetic radiation .

of development.

Based on theory and adapted for oil

spill response; originally intended for

the measurement of currents;

High Frequency (HF)

Measures wave state and surface current velocity

May potentially detect the

Commercially available is

Shore based 24/7 operation; all

Radar/Coastal Dynamics Radar

fields near the coast by analyzing the doppler of
presence/absence of oil; possibly

potential for false positives; need

potential issue.



reflected radio waves.


proper ground truthing; need good

line of sight; weather limitations;

requires multiple base stations.

Hyperspectral Imaging

Difficult data interpretation; have to

Covers large areas; good

resolution; able to discriminate

be able to acquire the imagery; sun
Airborne platform; still in

Passive scanning system that collects emitted

Detects presence/absence of oil;

radiation over the continuous spectrum, visiable

between sheens and thick oil;

angle, cloud cover limitations;

the research and

distribution; oil extent; location;

potential for false positives; need

development stage; satellite

and near infared sample at very high spectral

aircraft can go under clouds,


resolution too coarse.


potential for submerged oil

proper ground truthing; need good



Difficult data interpretation; have to

be able to acquire the imagery; sun

Airborne and satellite; most

Covers large areas; good

Passive scanning system that collects emitted

Detects presence/absence of oil;

resolution; able to discriminate

angle, cloud cover limitations;

commonly used scanning

Multispectral Scanning Systems

radiation over a variety of different wavelengths at

distribution; oil extent; location.

between sheens and thick oil;
potential for false positives; need
system; optical near and far

several discreet spectral band.


aircraft can go under clouds.

proper ground truthing; need good


Ground Penetrating Radar


Table 2: Current remote sensing hydrocarbon sensors currently used by resource managers and scientists. Qualitative assessments of their performance is provided.

Hydrocarbon Sensor

Information Provided


Hydrocarbon Sensors f
or Oil Spill Response . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . D-iii

appendix d: remoTe sensing sensors and Their QualiTaTive assessmenTs


Ref. No. [UMCES]CBL 08-095

Copies may be obtained from:

ACT Headquarters

c/o University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory

Post Ofce Box 38

Solomons, Maryland 20688-0038

Email: [email protected]

Document ID:

Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 5571-5574

Short and Long Term Toxicity of

Crude Oil and Oil Dispersants to

Two Representative Coral Species

, ,


S H AI S H AF I R , *


Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National

Institute ofOceanography, Tel Shikmona, P.O. Box 8030,

Haifa 31080, Israel, and FacultyofAgriculture, Food and

Environmental QualitySciences, The Hebrew Universityof

Jerusalem, P.O.Box 12, Rehovot 76100, Israel

Oil dispersants, the tool of choice for treating oil spills in

tropical marine environments, is potentially harmful to marine

life, including reef corals. In a previous study, we found

thatdispersed oil and oil dispersants are harmful to softand

hard coral species at early life stages. In this broader

study, we employed a nubbin assay on more than 10 000

coral fragments to evaluate the short- and long-term

impacts of dispersed oil fractions (DOFs) from six commercial

dispersants, the dispersants and water-soluble-fractions

(WSFs) of Egyptian crude oil, on two Indo Pacific branching

coral species, Stylophora pistillata and Pocillopora

damicornis. Survivorship and growth of nubbins were

recorded for up to 50 days following a single, short (24 h)

exposure to toxicants in various concentrations. Manu-

facturer-recommended dispersant concentrations proved

to be highly toxic and resulted in mortality for all nubbins.

The dispersed oil and the dispersants were significantly

more toxic than crude oil WSFs. As corals are particularly

susceptible to oil detergents and dispersed oil, the

results of these assays rules outthe use of any oil dispersant

in coral reefs and in their vicinity. The ecotoxicological

impacts of the various dispersants on the corals could be

rated on a scale from the least to the most harmful

agent, as follows: Slickgone > Petrotech > Inipol )

Biorieco > Emulgal > Dispolen.

likelyto reach shore (6) . Dispersed oil is subjected to natural

forces such as waves and currents that promote dissolution

of oil droplets. Use of dispersants for treating oil spills is

governed bylocal and national regulations determining, for

instance, distance from shore and depth at which treatment

is allowed (7). However, since most oil-tanker accidents occur

near the shore, it is essential to evaluate the impacts of oil

dispersants on organisms that live on the seabed (8), including

sea grass populations and coral reefs.

Most information on ecotoxicological impacts of dis-

persants comes from studies on North American dispersants

of the Corexit family (9) . Information on other dispersants

(e.g., European manufactured dispersants) is limited and their

effects on corals is deficient (4).

Recent studies on possible toxicity of environmentally

improved third generation oil dispersants revealed that even

these improved chemicals could harm marine biota, in

general, and reef corals, in particular. For example, Negri

and Heyward (1) found that oil-dispersed Corexit 9527

inhibits fertilization of mature eggs and the metamorphosis

of Acropora millepora larvae. Harmful effects of improved

chemicals were also reported by Epstein et al. (10) in their

studyon impacts offive-third-generation dispersants (Inipol

IP-90, Petrotech PTI-25, Bioreico R-93, Biosolve and Emulgal

C-100) on planula larvae ofa stonycoral (Stylophora pistillata)

and a soft coral (Heteroxenia fuscesense). The last-mentioned

authors found that, compared to the toxicityof dissolved oil

fractions, dispersed oil causes a dramatic increase in toxicity

to larvae of both species.

In this study, we employed the nubbin bioassay (11) to

examine the effect of dispersants, oil, and dispersed oil on

mature coral colonies of two branching scleractinian corals.

We examined the long-term impacts (for up to 50 days) after

a single, short (24 h) administration of toxicant.

Materials and Methods

Colonies of Stylophora pistillata and Pocillopora damicornis

were collected from shallow waters (4-6 m depth) in Eilat,

Red Sea, and transported, immersed in seawater within

insulated containers, to the National Institute of Oceanog-

raphy, Haifa where theywere maintained under conditions

previously described in ref 12. To include a wide species-

variability, each set of assays was performed on nubbins

taken from three different genotypes per species (all nubbins

from a single colonywere geneticallyidentical, an outcome

that reduces variation within and among tests).

, ap-

Nubbins (average surface area 31.1 ( 9.7 mm



It is estimated that 40% of global crude oil transport is

conducted offshore with much of the traffic, taking place in

colonies using an electricians wire-cutter and immediately

tropical, coral reef-rich areas (1, 2). This heavymaritime traffic

immersed in seawater to minimize stress. The exposed

ofcrude oils and their products is prone to accidents, resulting

skeletal surfaces of the freshlycut nubbins were dried with

in major or minor spillages. Although the number of major

paper towels and glued with a drop of cyanoacrylate glue

oil spills has decreased in the past decade it is still, by far,

(Super Glue 3, Loctite, Ireland) onto dry glass slides, five

the most serious threat to the marine environment (3, 4). Of

nubbins per glass (13).

Astock solution ofwater-soluble fractions (WSFs; 10) from

the three major ways for treating marine oil spills (chemicals,

ptian crude oil was prepared byadding 5 mL of crude oil

mechanical containment booms, skimmers and sorbents,

biological-biodegrading microorganisms), chemicals, mainly

to 995 mL offiltered seawater (1:200 ratio). Then, the mixture

oil dispersants (5), are probablythe most commonly used.

was shaken for 24 h at 80 rpm after which onlythe soluble

Dispersants are chemicals that contain surfactants and/or

fraction was collected in a separating funnel. The dispersed

solvent compounds that break down floating oil into small

oil fractions (DOF) stock solution was prepared according to

droplets within the water-column, which makes the spill less

the manufacturers recommendations, usually1:10 dispers-

ant:oil volume ratio. For this purpose, we added 0.5 mL of

the tested dispersant to the crude-oil-seawater mixture and

* Corresponding author phone: 972-4-8565275; fax: 972-4-

followed the above preparation methodology. The dispersant

8511911; e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected].

stock solution was prepared byadding 0.5 mL of the tested

National Institute of Oceanography.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

dispersant (1:2000 ratio) to 995.5 mL of filtered seawater.

10.1021/es0704582 CCC: $37.00

Published on Web 06/26/2007

Document ID:


American Chemical Society



TABLE 1. Average Survivorship of S. Pistillata and P. Damicornis Nubbins One Week after Administration (24 h) of Nine

Graded Solutions of Crude Oil WSP and Dispersed Oil Fractions (DOF)


1 00%




Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone


92% ( 4%

92% ( 4%

94% ( 3%

95% ( 3%
88% ( 12%


( 2%
( 0%

P. damicornis Egyptian WSF

DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone


74% ( 13%

72% ( 5%

71% ( 9%

68% ( 3%
97% ( 2%


( 52%
( 48%


S. pistillata

1 0%

( 4%
( 57%
( 3%
( 3%

( 27%
( 28%
( 3%
( 11%





93% ( 4%
98% ( 6%
91% ( %
80% ( 28%

93% ( 4%
96% ( 3%
98% ( 7%
99% ( 2%
97% ( 6%

98% ( 6%
99% ( 1%
95% ( 5%



98% ( 6%

96% ( 3%


92% ( 11%

97% ( 6%

73% ( 16%
96% ( 7%
98% ( 2%
95% ( 6%
60% ( 8%
95% ( 9%

78% ( 8%
98% ( 2%
93% ( 6%
67% ( 10%
92% ( 6%

71% ( 12%
97% ( 5%
97% ( 6%
92% ( 11%
85% ( 5%
93% ( 3%

85% ( 5%

97% ( 5%


95% ( 6%

83% ( 7%

98% ( 3%

93% ( 6%

TABLE 2. Average Survivorship of S. Pistillata Nubbins, One Week after Administration (24 h) of Nine Graded Solutions from

Each Tested Dispersant

















3% 6%
2% ( 3%
73% ( 28%
83% ( 23%
82% ( 28%

98% ( 3%
92% ( 14%
73% ( 26%
71% ( 39%

93% ( 3%
98% ( 3%
80% ( 29%
97% ( 3%

98% ( 3%
98% ( 3%
97% ( 2%
64% ( 37%
98% ( 3%


98% ( 3%

94% ( 5%

98% ( 3%

79% ( 33%


Six dispersants were tested: Emulgal C-100 (Amgal

Chemicals, Israel) , Dispolen 36S (SEPPIC), Inipol 90 (CECA

S.A. France), Petrotech PTI-25 (Petrotech Emergency), Slick-

gone NS (Dasic Int. Ltd. UK), Bioreico R-93 (Reico France) .

The dispersants stock solutions were considered to be at

100% concentration. In the experiment with crude oil WSFs,

nubbins were introduced into seawater with six different

concentrations of crude oil WSF: 100, 75, 50, 25, 10, and as

a control, 0% as control. Nine concentrations were tested in

both the dispersants and DOFs experiments: 100, 75, 50, 25,

10, 5, 1, 0.5, and as a control, 0%.

The above assays were performed on short- (7 days) and

long-term (50 days) acute responses to oil WSFs and dispersed

oil fractions. The dispersants impacts were tested only in

short-term assays. In each experiment, 60 nubbins (20 from

each genotype; 10 800 nubbins total) were subjected during

a 24 h period to different toxicant concentrations. The

nubbins were then washed carefullyfor several minutes under

freshlyfiltered seawater and placed in new aquaria supplied

with flowing filtered seawater. Survivorship was monitored

dailyduring the first week of the experiment, and it was then

monitored weekly. Horizontal tissue growth on the glass slide

was evaluated weekly.

For grading the relative toxicityof the tested dispersants

to corals, the results (see below) of each experiment (a) were

divided bythe control values ofthat experiment (b) and then

multiplied bythe concentration ofthe administrated toxicant

(DOF, WSF, dispersant; c). The sum value (e) ofall treatments

of each dispersant (e ) (a/b)xc) was divided by the value

of the most toxic dispersant in that experiment (f), providing

a grade (g) for dispersant toxicity(g) e/f). Average quality

of dispersant toxicity (q) was calculated from both coral

species (Stylophora, Pocillopora) . The relative toxicity (RT)

ofa specific dispersant was established as the average values

from the survivorship after 7 days (q, 7), survivorship after

50 days (q, 50), and percentages of nubbins that developed

horizontal tissues on the substrates (q, tissue), combining

short- and long-term toxicity results.


Two timeframes (short and extended post treatment period)

assays were applied to evaluate various ecotoxicological


Document ID:

impacts that developed following 24 h exposure to toxicants.

The short time assays examined the survivorship of the

nubbins up to a week after exposure to various WSF and

DOF concentrations. Most results (dead vs alive) were

detectable as earlyas the end of the 24 h treatments, but in

several treatments, dead tissue lingered on the coral skeleton

for a few more days, making it difficult to determine the

status of the nubbins. Therefore, the endpoint of the short-

term experiments was confirmed within 7 days after ad-

minstering the toxicant.

None ofthe crude oil WSF concentrations had anyimpact

on the survivorship of either Stylophora pistillata or Pocil-

lopora damicornis nubbins (p > 0.05 ANOVA one-way;

Table 1). However, all 100% (stock solution) dispersed oil

DOFs (the recommended concentrations by the manufac-

turers, 1:10) , as well as the 75 and 50% (1:20) concentrations

of all dispersant-oil combinations, the 25% concentrations

of all dispersant-oil combinations (except Slickgone), and

the Dispolen DOF 10% concentration, caused 100% mortality

to nubbins ofboth coral species. Bioreico, Emulgal and Inipol

10% DWSPs showed significant mortality only in P. dami-

cornis nubbins with 38, 29, and 35% survivorship respectively,

compared to 97, 95, and 83% of the controls (p < 0.05 t test;

Table 1).

Acontrol experiment on the affect of dispersants alone

was preformed on Stylophora pistillata nubbins. As with the

DOF solutions, all 100% (stock solution; 0.05%) of the

dispersants, as well as 75, 50, and 25% concentrations of all

dispersant solutions resulted in 100% nubbins mortality.

Furthermore, Dispolen 10% concentration caused 100%

mortality to the nubbins, and Emulgal and Biorieco 10%

concentrations caused 98 and 97% mortality, respectively.

On the other hand, The results of the Inipol, Slickgone, and

Petrotech 10% concentrations showed high survivorship rates

(73, 82, and 83%, respectively; Table 2).

In the expanded experiments, nubbins were maricultured

for 50 days following acute exposure to the WSFs and DOFs

concentrations. Within this period, the cultured nubbins did

not show any delayed mortality effects (Table 3). Most

nubbins that had survived the first week continued to live.

Three weeks after toxicant administrations, nubbins attached

onto glass slides started to grow flat horizontal tissues and

TABLE 3. Average Survivorship of S. Pistillata and P. Damicornis Nubbins 50 days after Administration (24 h) of Nine Graded

Solutions of Crude Oil WSP and Dispersed Oil Fractions (DOF)


S. pistillata

P. damicornis








Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone


76% ( 30%

82% ( 15%

77% ( 27%

75% ( 5%
83% ( 11%


( 5%
( 11%

Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone


41% ( 41%

23% ( 24%

36% ( 36%

31% ( 24%
80% ( 16%


( 40%
( 40%

( 6%
( 51%
( 20%
( 20%

( 12%
( 26%
( 8%
( 7%





( 14%
( 36%
( 20%
( 9%
( 4%
( 45%
( 8%


( 11%
( 36%
( 21%
( 3%
( 4%
( 27%
( 18%


( 15%
( 2%
( 22%
( 5%
( 2%
( 42%
( 25%


( 8%

( 10%

( 23%

( 2%

( 7%

( 28%

( 19%


( 38%
( 41%
( 23%
( 14%
( 24%
( 13%
( 11%


( 41%
( 20%
( 8%
( 33%
( 18%
( 8%
( 6%


( 37%
( 16%
( 13%
( 33%
( 11%
( 5%
( 8%


( 44%

( 12%

( 15%

( 27%

( 3%

( 8%

( 14%

TABLE 4. Percentages of Nubbins (of Total Surviving) That Developed, after 50 Days, Horizontal Tissue on the Substrate (NA, Not

Available, All Nubbins Died)



S. pistillata

P. damicornis



Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone



Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone


( 2%
( 11%





( 22%
( 23%
( 4%
( 13%


( 4%
( 14%
( 40%
( 4%
( 18%
( 21%
( 18%


( 4%
( 19%
( 45%
( 15%
( 3%
( 17%
( 18%

71% ( 36%
53% ( 32%
64% ( 18%
81% ( 10%
25% ( 11%
80% ( 17%


64% ( 15%

45% ( 41%

91% ( 10%

77% ( 7%

59% ( 34%

60% ( 29%

65% ( 24%
36% ( 11%
5% ( 11%
39% ( 34%
64% ( 21%


( 12%
( 17%
( 14%
( 26%
( 48%
( 11%
( 17%


( 9%
( 16%
( 8%
( 18%
( 49%
( 24%
( 11%



skeletons on the slides as recorded earlier (11). Nubbins that

started to spread on substrates were monitored and pho-

tographed digitally, as described in ref11. After 50 days, most

surviving nubbins grew horizontal tissues but some showed

delayed effects in two parameters: percentage of nubbins

that developed horizontal tissue and onset for initial tissue


None of the crude oil WSFs had any impact on lateral

growth of either Stylophora pistillata or Pocillopora dami-

cornis nubbins (p > 0.05, one-way ANOVA; Table 4). Since

S. pistillata and P. damicornis nubbins exposed to 10%

Dipolen WSF solution had not survived after one week, they

were not taken into consideration in the growing long-term

assay. However, at least, some of the experiments with

dispersant administration revealed significant impacts on

lateral growth. S. pistillata nubbins exposed to Biorieco and

Inipol at 10% DOF concentration exhibited long-term effect

ofsuppressed growth. Under the influence ofthese materials,

only 11 and 26%, respectively, of the surviving nubbins

developed horizontal tissues after 50 days from toxin

exposure, compared to the 64 and 77%, respectively, of the

control (p < 0.05 t test; Table 4). P. damicornis nubbins

exposed to Emulgal 10% DWSP failed to grow horizontal

tissues. P. damicornis nubbins exposed to Emulgal 5 and 1%

DOFs showed suppressed development: 13 and 31%, com-

pared to 82% of the control (p < 0.05 t test; Table 4).

Furthermore, Biorieco 10 and 5% DOF caused three- and

two-week delays in S. pistillata nubbins horizontal tissues

development. Dispolen 5% DOF caused a one-week delay,

and Inipol 10 and 5% DOF caused one- and two-week delays,

respectively (Table 5). Biorieco 10%, Dispolen 5%, and

Emulgal 5% DOF caused delays to growth of P. damicornis

nubbins horizontal tissues by one week, and Inipol 10%

( 11%
( 8%
( 10%
( 3%
( 33%
( 15%
( 7%

( 8%

( 21%

( 4%

( 17%

( 25%

( 18%

( 9%

TABLE 5. Weeks Delay in Beginning of Horizontal Tissue

Growth (NA) Not Available, All Nubbins Died; NT, No

Horizontal Growth Developed)








S. pistillata


Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Slickgone





P. damicornis

Egyptian WSF
DOF Biorieco
DOF Dispolen
DOF Emulgal
DOF Inipol
DOF Petrotech
DOF Silckgone





DOF caused a two-week delay (Table 5).


Oil dispersants play an important role in environmental

technologies aiming to enhance the dissolving of oil in the

water column by converting oil spills into chemically

dispersed droplets. Potential ecotoxicological effects of this

change must be taken into consideration because benthic

organisms that initiallyare not affected byoil maybe exposed

to the harmful impacts of dispersants (9, 10) . The fragile

coral reefs, and, particularly their building blocks, the

scleractinan corals, need extra care when dealing with the

devastating agents of oil and oil dispersants.


Document ID:

In conclusion, corals are particularly susceptible to oil

detergents and dispersed oil. Consequently, decision-making

authorities should carefully consider these results when

evaluating possible use of oil dispersants as a mitigation tool

against oil pollution near coral reef areas. The results of the

present and earlier studies (10, 11) implythat the use of any

oil dispersant in coral reefs and its vicinityshould be avoided.

Chemical dispersants should be considered only in emer-

gencies, when oil slicks are shore-bound and threatens to

smother the reef flats.


FIGURE 1. Relative toxicity (RT) of the six tested dispersants on

corals (calculated form the results presented in Tables 1, 3-5).

DOF, dispersed oil fractions.

As reported earlier (10), the results of this study have

reconfirmed the increased toxicity of dispersed oil when

compared to untreated oil (but there is no synergistic

detrimental impacts from the dispersant and oil together) .

Even when dealing with improved formulas, often described

as environmentallyfriendlydispersants (4) , the high toxicity

effects of all six approved-to-use oil dispersants on corals,

strengthen the general recommendation to ban oil dispers-

ants from the vicinityof coral reefs, if possible (when the oil

slick is not stranded on the reef flat). Earlier (10), we found

that both dispersed oil and oil dispersants are harmful to

early stages of soft and hard coral species by reducing

settlement and survivorship rates and byaltering morphology

and behavior of planulae and spats. Dispersed oil revealed

synergistic detrimental impacts (10) . In the present study,

we gained knowledge on ecotoxicological impacts to corals

byemploying the nubbin assay(11), on thousands of coral

fragments taken from two coral branching species. Evaluating

the ecotoxicological impacts on coral nubbins during short

and long periods (up to 50 days after toxicant administration),

allowed us to observe the effects on the whole organism by

monitoring survivorship and the physiological parameter of

tissue growth on the substrate.

The results of the six dispersants examined here have

revealed that the manufacturers recommended usage ratio

of 1:10 dispersant:oil inflicts significant harm on coral

colonies. Epstein et al.(10) rated the dispersants theytested,

from the least to the most toxic compound, as follows:

Petrotech < Bio-solve < Emulgal < Bioreico ) Inipol. By

consolidating the parameters tested in the present studyon

both coral species into one common scale, the relative toxicity

(RT) value, we found that out of the six tested dispersants,

Slickgone is the least toxic dispersant to corals and Dispolen

is the most toxic (Figure 1) . Rating the RT values of the tested

dispersants resulted in the following order: Slickgone <

Petrotech < Inipol ) Biorieco < Emulgal < Dispolen

(Figure 1). It is interesting to note that the four dispersants

employed here and by Epstein et al. (10) were ranked, in

both experiments, bythe same toxicityhierarchy(Petrotech

< Inipol ) Biorieco < Emulgal). Ofthe two new oil dispersants

used here, one (Slickgone) emerged as the least toxic to corals,

whereas the second (Dispolen) was found to be the most

toxic to corals.


Document ID:

This study was supported by the BARD (IS 3319-02 R) and

by a grant from the Israeli Ministry of the Environment.

Thanks are due to Balachsan O., Berkovich N., Botechiano

J., Mizrachi E., and Shitrit D. for helping in different stages

of the research.

Literature Cited

(1) Negri, A. P.; Heyward, A. J. Inhibition of fertilization and larval

metamorphosis of the coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg,

1834) bypetroleum products oil contamination along oil tanker

routes off the United Arab Emirates (The Arabian Gulf and the

Gulf of Oman). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2000, 7, 420-427.

(2) Prince, R. C.; Lessard, R. R.; Clark, J. R. Bioremediation ofmarine

oil spills. Oil Gas Sci. Technol. 2003, 58, 463-468.

(3) Heubeck, M.; Camphuysen, K. C. J.; Bao, R.; Humple, D.;

Sandoval Rey, A. S.; Cadiou, B.; Brager, S.; Thomas, T. Assessing

the impact ofmajor oil spills on seabird populations. Mar. Pollut.

Bull. 2003, 46, 900-902.

(4) NAS. Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects; National

Academy of Sciences: Washington, DC, 2005.

(5) Walker, A. H.; Kucklick, J. H.; Michel, J. Effectiveness and

environmental considerations for non-dispersant chemical

countermeasures. Pure Appl. Chem. 1999, 17, 67-81.

(6) Fiocco, R. J.; Lewis, A. Oil spill dispersants. Pure Appl. Chem.

1999, 71, 27-42.

(7) Mearns, A.; Watauayashi, G.; Lankford, J. Dispersing oil near

shore in the California current region. CalCOFl Rep. 2001, 42.

(8) McMahon, A. C.; Labelle, R. P. Update ofcomparative occurrence

rates for offshore oil spills. SpillSci. Technol. Bull. 2000, 6, 303-


(9) Singer, M. M.; George, S.; Jacobson, S.; Lee, I.; Weetman, L. L.;

Tjeerdema, R. S.; Sowby, M. L. Comparison of acute aquatic

effects of the oil dispersant Corexit 9500 with those of other

Corexit series dispersants. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety1996, 35,


(10) Epstein, N.; Bak, R. P. M.; Rinkevich, B. Toxicityof3rd generation

dispersants and dispersed Egyptian crude oil on Red Sea

coral larvae. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2000, 40, 497-503.

(11) Shafir, S.; Van-Rijn, J.; Rinkevich, B. The use of coral nubbins

in coral reef ecotoxicologytesting Biomol. Eng. 2003, 20, 401-


(12) Shafir, S.; Van-Rijn, J.; Rinkevich, B. Nubbins of coral colonies:

Anovel approach for the development of inland broodstocks.

Aquarium Sci. Conserv. 2001, 3, 183-190.

(13) Shafir, S.; Van Rijn, J.; Rinkevich, B. Coral nubbins as source

material for coral biological research: a prospectus. Aquaculture

2006, 259, 444-448.

Received for review February 22, 2007. Revised manuscript

received May20, 2007. Accepted May22, 2007.


Canadian Smart Team Update to Smart Team Coordinator

May 9

Searched for oil at location 29 40 17 / 088 54 34 but none was found. Spotter plane

provided possible oil location at 1 pm but we had already confirmed no oil at this


Deployed LISST in data logger mode over side of Grand Bay. Data was collected in

heavily sediment laden water near channel entrance to test the system in data logger


AST Smart system was booted up. Had password login difficulty. Problem was the num

lock key was on and this prevented login with correct password entry. Once booted early

comms problems were encountered. Re-boots eventually corrected problems. No oil was

encountered so no C3 data was recorded.

The shift -> m key was also not functioning on the AST Smart tough book.

May 10

Possible oil locations were provided by NOAA over flight information. Traveled towards

the Chandeleur Islands.

Observed small pieces of emulsion (thumb sizes to palm sized only) surrounded by

extensive areas of sheen. Particle coverage was slight and not consistent. Some areas had

less than 10 pieces in a 5m x 5m area whiles others contained a few dozen in the same

water surface area.

Oil locations:

29 37.852 / 088 57.445

29 40.041 / 088 54.034

29 10.600 / 089 00.205

Photos of oil below.

Document ID:

Thumb-sized pieces of emulsion

Document ID:

This was one of the higher concentrations of emulsion pieces encountered.

Sheen from emulsion bits.

Instruments powered up and tested.

LISST system was deployed in data logger over side of vessel. Determined that we

needed to hold the LISST out from vessel side with outrigger.

The AST Smart system encountered problems with communications in Terminal Mode.

Multiple system re-boots did not solve the problem. Back-up plan was to log C3 data

separately through standard C3 software, log positioning through GPS software and

merge data after capture. No oil was encountered so no C3 data was recorded.

May 11

Grand Bay broke a shaft while just exiting the dock. This was fortunate timing for us as

we able to transfer equipment to the RW Armstrong and still carry out the days


Document ID:

Searched for oil at 29 / 089. Oil was not found at this location but large mats of floating

seaweed with a very similar color to the emulsified oil were. A false positive sight of oil

had obviously been recorded. Recommend passing on to spotter personnel that if large

areas of sheen are not seen with apparent heavy patches of oil that ground-truthing or a

closer look be taken to ensure a positive sighting.

Photos of seaweed below:

Document ID:

No oil was encountered on this day as closest oil found by spotter aircraft was out of our

range for the day.

Document ID:

LISST system was deployed in data logger mode from outrigger. Transit speed must be

about 1 knot or less to prevent LISST form planning in water.

AST smart system powered up and functioned properly without the problems that we had

encountered on earlier days.

May 12

Traveled on a trajectory direct to the spill site from South Pass. Oil was expected to be

present about 32 miles from South Pass exit based on previous days trajectory modeling

but was not found until about 5 miles from the spill site. A consistent rainbow sheen was

encountered about 3 miles from the spill site at 28 45.282 / 088 24.649. As we

approached the spill site significant quantities of rag emulsion was seen in the water

mixed in the upper meter or so by wave action.

Rag emulsion in upper water layer near spill site.

Once the spill site was reached a stretch of thick oil between the many vessels operating

in the area was selected for the dispersant tests and spraying was started. All spray

nozzles clogged on first spray attempt. Nozzles were removed and cleared.

Document ID:

JD 2000 was used in first spray run. It was sprayed with a vessel speed of approximately

2 knots for a total of 21 min 50 sec. Sprayed for 10 min between 28 44.460 / 088 21.963

and 28 44.256 / 088 21.632 vessel turned and sprayed back to start position parallel to

initial pass. Inner port side nozzle clogged shortly into spray run and two other nozzles

(one on starboard and one on port) were partially blocked. Some caf au lait dispersion

evident but dispersion did not seem as dramatic as previous Sea Brat test (Tom

Coolbaughs obs.)

Photos of JD 2000 test follow.

JD 2000 Application Starboard Side

Document ID:

JD2000 Early Dispersant Effect

LISST was deployed in real time mode so oil drop size distribution could be monitored

during sampling. After 300 data points were captured (645 seconds or about 10 minutes

of data) the communications link to the LISST failed and data capture was lost. There

was no evidence of small drop dispersion in the recorded data but this data only covered a

small portion of the instrumentation run.

The C3 was successfully deployed and data was captured as transects were conducted

tracking back and forth across the path of dispersant application. Elevated oil readings

were obtained but these might be misleading as there was a considerable amount of rag

emulsion submerged below the surface throughout the test area that could be the cause of

elevated readings rather than the presence of dispersed oil.

By the time we were finished the instrument run for the JD 2000 spray test time was not

available to complete a full test of another dispersant. A quick spray with Dispersit SPC

1000 was conducted and only visual observations of its effectiveness were made.

Dispersant was sprayed from one side of the RW Armstrong as a nozzle was lost from the

port spray arm and time was not available to effect the repair.

The Dispersit SPC 1000 application was completed in a zone of relatively thin oil so

visuals were not optimal. There was evidence of small drop dispersion (caf au lait)

during the application. We did not return to observe any long term effect.

Document ID:

Photos of Dispersit SPC 1000 follow.

Dispersit SPC 1000 Early Dispersant Effect

If time and priorities permit additional testing of both of these dispersants on the fresh oil

is recommended so quantitative data (oil drop size and oil fluorescence) can be collected

to validate visual observations.

Having said this it appears that both dispersants tested on this day exhibited some level of

effectiveness on the fresh crude oil.

Of the three tested on fresh oil to date, Sea Brat appeared to be the most effective

followed by Dispersit SPC 1000 and JD 2000. This is supported primarily by visual

observation only as adequate in-water data has yet to be collected.

Document ID:

Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

EDP Sciences, IFREMER, IRD 2005

DOI: 10.1051/alr:2005028




Human-induced physical disturbances and their indicators

on coral reef habitats: A multi-scale approach



, Mehdi Adjeroud

, Serge Andrfout

, Yves-Marie Bozec

, Jocelyne Ferraris

Pascale Chabanet

Jose-Antonio Garca-Charton
and Muriel Schrimm

IRD, UR CoRUs, BP A5, 98848 Nouma Cedex, Nouvelle-Caldonie, France

Universit de La Runion, ECOMAR, BP 7151, 97715 St-Denis Cedex 9, La Runion, France

EPHE, Universit de Perpignan, Laboratoire de Biologie marine et Malacologie, UMR 8046 CNRS, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France

IRD, UR-CoRUs, Agrocampus Rennes, Dpartement halieutique UPR MESH CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Dep. Ecologa e Hidrologa, Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain

Received 22 June 2004; Accepted 27 June 2005

Abstract This article aims to review 1) the major and most frequent human-induced physical disturbances and their

consequences on coral reef habitats using a multi-scale approach, and 2) the scale-related indicators and conceptual

aspects used to detect and measure the eects of these physical impacts. By physical disturbances, we mean direct per-

turbations that lead to the destruction/erosion of the carbonate framework. Human-induced direct physical disturbances

are numerous from coastal development, tourism, harvesting, accidents and nuclear/weapon testing. Since methods for

monitoring and measuring indicators are generally scale-implicit, coral reefs are rst presented according to dierent

ecological-spatial scales of organization, from colony to region (colony, reefscape, reef zone, whole reef, island and

region). In this way, it is easier to link a couple {habitat, disturbance} to their potential indicators and to the descrip-

tors they target. Three classes of descriptors, related to the response of the living component of coral reef ecosystem,

are considered here: stony coral, reef shes and the human uses. A synthesis of the dierent options for coral habitat

assessments is proposed. We sort them according to their objectives (monitor, initial status or improvement of knowl-

edge), their specicities (identication or not of a specic disturbances) and their scale of investigation (small, meso-

or large scales). Usually, the majority of the indicators of human-induced disturbances are non-specic. They reveal

that something is happening but not the actual causality and can only detect dierences across time or space. A major

weakness lies in the diculty in deconvoluting the signals from a conjunction of stressors occurring at dierent scales.

As such, a hierarchical concept of disturbances in coral reefs would be the next logical step to enhance our capabilities

in monitoring and forecasting coral reefs status.

Key words: Coral reef /Physical disturbances /Habitat /Human-induced disturbances /Indicator

Rsum Indicateurs des perturbations physiques et anthropiques de lhabitat corallien : une approche multi

spatiale. Cet article a pour but dexaminer travers une approche multi-spatiale 1) les principales et les plus frquentes

perturbations physiques sur lhabitat corallien et leurs consquences, 2) les indicateurs de ces perturbations et les as-

pects conceptuels utiliss pour dtecter et mesurer les eets de ces impacts. Seules, les dgradations physiques ayant

un impact direct sur la destruction et lrosion de la trame carbonate du rcif corallien sont considres. Ce type

dimpact, frquent en milieu corallien, peut tre gnr par lurbanisation du littoral, les activits touristiques (plon-

ge sous-marine), la rcolte dorganismes (pitinement, pche la dynamite), les essais nuclaires ou des accidents

(chouage de navires). Les mthodes dchantillonnage et les indicateurs utiliss pour le suivi des rcifs tant relis

lchelle dobservation, les rcifs coralliens sont abords dans un premier temps en fonction de ces direntes chelles

spatiales (colonie, paysage, partie du rcif, rcif en entier, le, rgion). De cette manire, il est plus facile de relier le

tandem {habitat, perturbation} aux potentiels indicateurs et descripteurs cibls. Trois classes de descripteurs relies

la composante vivante de lcosystme rcifal sont considres : les coraux constructeurs de rcif, les poissons rcifaux

(Chaetodontidae) et lhomme travers lutilisation quil fait de lcosystme. Une synthse des direntes options pour

valuer ltat du rcif corallien est propose. Elles ont t slectionnes en fonction des objectifs (suivi, tat initial ou

amlioration des connaissances), de leurs spcicits (identicateur ou non de la perturbation) et lchelle dinvesti-

gation (petite, moyenne ou large). La majorit des indicateurs dune perturbation anthropique nest pas spcique

un type de perturbation. Ils rvlent que quelque chose sest pass, mais pas spciquement la cause actuelle de la

perturbation ; ils ne peuvent donc que dtecter des dirences au cours du temps ou de lespace. Un des obstacles pour

dtecter spciquement une perturbation rside dans la dicult de dissocier les signaux dun ensemble de stress qui

se rpercutent direntes chelles spatiales. Ainsi, une approche conceptuelle hirarchique de perturbations en milieu

corallien serait la prochaine tape franchir pour amliorer nos connaissances an de mieux suivre ltat des rcifs

coralliens et anticiper leurs dgradations.

Corresponding author: chabanet@noumea. ird. nc

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or

Document ID:


P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

1 Introduction

Coral reefs are characterized by their high species diversity

and high gross productivity, among the highest of Earths ma-

rine or terrestrial ecosystems (Connell 1978; Ray 1988). Coral

reefs, frequently associated with seagrass beds and mangrove

forests on tropical shorelines, supply vast numbers of people

with goods and services such as seafood, recreational possi-

bilities, and coastal protection providing signicant aesthetic,

cultural and economical benets for many tropical countries

(Done et al. 1996; Constanza et al. 1997; Berg et al. 1998).

Scleractinians (stony corals) are the main contributor of the

reef framework since coral polyps secrete a carbonate skele-

ton at an average of 5 kg calcium carbonate per square meter

(Kinsey 1985). The high calcication rates of these organisms

are possible due to a symbiotic association with microscopic

unicellular algae, the zooxanthellae that facilitate the growth

and secretion of the calcium carbonate skeleton (Goreau 1959;

Smith 1985; Gattuso et al. 1993, 1999). Crustose coralline al-

gae, foraminifera and molluscs may also contribute signi-

cantly to the carbonate budget of a reef, which itself results

from the accretion of the carbonate material at a geologi-

cal scale. However, various agents balance continuously the

calcication process through chemical, physical or biologi-

cal erosion. As a result of a variety of environmental forcing

and the duality between coral growth and carbonate dissolu-

tion/destruction, reefs provide a variety of three-dimensional

complex habitats and niches for a variety of sh, molluscs,

crustaceans and other reef-dwelling animals. The diversity of

niches and habitats partially explain the diversity and structure

of living community that exist on many coral reefs worldwide

(Veron 1986; Done 1992).

Usually, ecologists consider as disturbances the factors that

prevent calcication or enhance destruction/erosion of the car-

bonate framework. These disturbances play an important role

in shaping continuously coral reef communities and their ar-

chitecture (Connell 1978; Grigg 1983; Brown and Howard

1985; Hughes 1989; Grigg and Dollar 1990; Done 1992;

Connell et al. 1997; Hughes and Connell 1999). Disturbances

can be natural (e.g., ingestion by parrotsh of large amounts

of coral rock, Bruggeman 1994; Peyrot-Claussade et al. 1995;

sponges and echinoids grazing, Hutchings 1986) or induced by

human activities.

Man-induced physical disturbances are numerous, includ-

ing over-harvesting of reef organisms (Grigg 1984; Wells and

Alcala 1987), coral mining (White 1987; Brown and Dunne

1988), destructive shing methods (Carpenter and Alcala

1977; Alcala and Gomezn 1987; Gomez et al. 1987; McManus

et al. 1997; Salvat et al. 2002; Erdmann 2000; Jackson et al.

2001; Fox et al. 2005) or uncontrolled land reclamation for

tourism and coastal development (Tilmant 1987; Allison 1996;

Hawkins and Roberts 1997; Guzman et al. 2003). The eects

of these disturbances can be detected at dierent scales. These

disturbances have direct consequences on stony corals rang-

ing from colony to reef zone. With the expansion of human

population on coastlines, and deforestation or intensive agri-

culture on the upstream watersheds, the increase in nutrient

delivery (Marszaleck 1981a; Bell 1992; Naim et al. 2000),

sediment and pollutant loads (Pastorok and Bilyard 1985) can

have signicant consequences at whole reef scale or even

Document ID:

regional scale. Finally, activities occurring very far from the

reefs may have consequences at a global scale. Indeed, green-

house warming and global change are the usual suspects to ex-

plain more frequent occurrences of coral bleaching events, and

may potentially increase hurricane frequencies and strengths

(Knutson et al. 1998; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Kleypas et al.

2001). Human impacts and increased fragmentation of coral

reef habitat have undermined reef resilience, making them

much more susceptible to current and future climate change

(Hughes et al. 2003). Being able to specically identify the

consequences of human actions on reef communities would be

a valuable tool in terms of management. Unfortunately, it is

not always easy to nd the right key, or indicator, that will de-

code without ambiguity the signal of a human-induced stress

on coral reefs.

This article aims to review:

the major and most frequent human-induced physical dis-

turbances and their consequences on coral reef habitats

considering dierent levels of ecological organisation as-

sociated with various spatial scales (colony scale to region

scale), and

the scale-related indicators and conceptual aspects to de-

tect and to measure the eects of these physical distur-

bances. By physical disturbances, we mean all events that

lead to destruction/erosion of the carbonate framework of

a colony, community or entire reef.

Within the limit of this article, we do not consider either

man-induced non-physical disturbances such as chemical pol-

lution, eutrophication, or thermal stress, nor non-human, natu-

ral, physical-perturbations, such as hurricanes, coral-bleaching

events, or outbreaks of predators. Furthermore we will not

address indirect perturbations such as global human induced

greenhouse warming. Only direct perturbations will be specif-

ically identied here.

2 Multi-scale habitat in coral reef


The habitat of an organism can be intuitively dened as

the place where it lives, and which provides food, shelter and

living space to the organism. More formally, a habitat can be

dened as a spatially-bounded area, with a subset of physical

and biotic conditions, within which the density of interacting

individuals, and at least one of the parameters of population

growth, is dierent than in adjacent subsets (Morris 2003).

Then, habitat must be dened by the species and populations of

interest, and in a manner that reects underlying processes op-

erating at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. Coral habi-

tats can be classied according to an ecological function (e.g.,

nursery grounds) and/or according to a spatial or structural

pattern (e.g., the distribution of living and non-living com-

ponents). These approaches are not mutually exclusive, since

function and structure are intimately linked at all levels of bio-

logical organization. A particular organism can occupy dier-

ent habitats at dierent stages of its life and according to its

activity (growth, foraging, sheltering and reproduction). This

vision is compatible with a hierarchical, multi-scale presenta-

tion of reef habitats. For example, a colony is a habitat, but

P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

it is also submitted to a specic hydroclimate, which control

a region. Since methods for monitoring and measuring indi-

cators are generally scale-implicit, we propose a presentation

by ecological-spatial scales (Fig. 1). This presentation makes

easier to link directly a couple {habitat, disturbance} with its

potential indicators (Sect. 4). Such a hierarchical decomposi-

tion is appropriate for complex systems (ONeill et al. 1989;

ONeill 2001).

2.1 Level 1 : Individual coral colony, community

and reefscape

The level of habitat can be referred as a small-scale level:

1 to 10 m spatial unit. It corresponds to what most coral reef

ecologists refer to when they use the concept of habitat. In-

dividual coral colonies create a microcosm that oers shelter

and food for various species. The success of coral recruitment

depends upon a variety of environmental factors (temperature,

light, sedimentation, salinity, nutrient regime, wave action and

type of substrate). The spatial aggregation of coral colonies

within a mono- or multi-specic community forms a reefs-

cape, which can be dened as an architectural unit. Within

this unit of typically a width of a few tens of meters, habi-

tats can be diverse, oering living space for various inhabi-

tants (molluscs, crustaceans, shes, algae, corals, etc.), which

are involved in a complex webof ecological interactions.

2.2 Level 2: Reef zone, whole reef

We refer to this level of organization as the meso-scale

level. Spatially, it typically ranges from few tens of meters to

few kilometres. Depending on depth and hydrodynamic condi-

tions, reefscape may change quickly or gradually within a reef

zone and within the whole reef (Veron 1986). A complex

reef may have several reef zones (fringing reef, barrier reef,

reef at, lagoon, patches, outer slope, channel, etc.), each of

them potentially presenting several reefscapes. Conversely, a

simple reef may have only a couple of reef zones and few reef-

scapes. Reef zones are large, yet, as a whole, they are under the

inuence of the same type of environmental or human forcing

and will reect the inuence of perturbations in a relatively

unimodal way. Thus reef zones are frequently considered as

management units in integrated coastal management or moni-

toring programs.

2.3 Level 3: Island, region

We refer to this level of organization as the large-scale

level. Spatially, it typically ranges from few hundreds of me-

ters to hundred of kilometres. It embodies reef complexes,

islands, archipelagos and groups of archipelagos belonging

to the same unit in terms of biogeography or hydroclimate.

Noteworthy at this scale is that interactions between the reef

systems and other ecosystems (land, ocean) are implicit. A

biogeography region can also be considered as one scale

of habitat, since coral distribution and diversity depend on

the environmental factors that trigger coral spawning, on the

ocean-circulation patterns that physically control the disper-

sal of passive larvae and, ultimately, evolutionary processes

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(Veron 2000; Achituv and Dubinsky 1990). This scale is rele-

vant here because it is often considered for management pur-

poses. For instance, network of protected areas or conserva-

tion actions are dened within an island, a reef tract, or an

archipelago under the same jurisdiction.

3 Human disturbance categories

and their effects on coral habitats

The major anthropogenic disturbances aect the physi-

cal structure of coral habitats at each organisational level

(Table 1). Here, a disturbance is an event that alters the phys-

ical environment and/or limits the availability of essential re-

sources (e.g., available substrate) (Pickett and White 1985).

This inventory may not be completely exhaustive, but it high-

lights the major perturbations that have been documented in

coral reefs. Furthermore, it is not straightforward to discrimi-

nate the relative contributions of natural or man-induced per-

turbations to the resulting community structure (Grigg and

Dollar 1990; Hatcher et al. 1989) since cascading or convo-

luted eects are common at various time-scales (Quinn and

Dunham 1983; Karlson and Hurd 1993; Adjeroud 1997). This

convolution of processes explains why management decisions

and actions are not a simple endeavor (Fig. 2).

Coastal development, tourist activities, harvesting pres-

sure, accidents and nuclear/weapon testing are the main stres-

sors (Table 1). The increase of human populations on coastal

areas promotes constructions and land reclamation for air-

ports, roads, ports, marinas, houses and hotels. This does not

only sacrice reef zones (meso-scale disturbance), but often

requires the extraction of coral boulders (small-scale distur-

bance) in areas that lack alternative building material (e.g.,

Brown and Howard 1985; Salvat 1987; White 1987). Land

reclamation is not limited to modern or developing space-

limited countries. Traditional way of life of the Kuna Yala

Indians in San Blas archipelago (Panama), and limited space

on inhabited islands also result in extensive coral mining

and reef at lling (Guzman et al. 2003). At small-scale

(colony), tourists eager to enjoy coral reefs can have signicant

eects by trampling, anchoring, snorkelling, diving or boat

groundings (Tilmant 1987; Hawkins and Roberts 1992; Clarke

et al. 1993; Allison 1996; Jameson et al. 1999; Tratalos and

Austin 2001; Zakai and Chadwick-Furman 2002). At small-

scale (colony or community), harvesting using destructive sh-

ing methods, such as dynamite or cyanide shing, muro-

ami (driving of sh into large nets attached to the reef) and

traps, have a high negative impact (Alcala and Gomez 1987;

Eldredge 1987; Gomez and Alcala 1987; Munro et al. 1987;

Randall 1987; Johannes and Riepen 1995). Such practices are

prohibited in some countries (e.g., Philippines) but laws are

not always enforced (Alcala and Gomez 1987). Bombing for

military training had a great impact on the reef framework, for

instance in Los Vieques Islands (oshore Puerto-Rico). Acci-

dents, which include ship grounding, had a harmful eect on

coral reef habitat from colony scale to reef zone (Dollar and

Grigg 1981; Hatcher 1984; Hudson and Goodwin 2001). Fi-

nally, nuclear testing performed on South Pacic atolls (e.g.

Mururoa, Bikini) had signicant impacts at meso-scale level


P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

Fig. 1. Multi-scale presentation of coral reef habitats. For each spatial scale (on the right), the spatial pattern (in bold), the ecological function

(in italic) and the representative scale are mentioned. Pictures illustrating the small and meso-scales present some related human-induced

physical disturbances. Namely, coral colony debris due to anchoring, shermen walking on a branching coral dominated lagoon reefscape in La

Reunion Island, crater generated by atmospheric nuclear blast on the inner slope of the rim of Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands) and land lling of

a patch reef at using coral colonies from the forereef of the same reef in San Blas island (Panama). Island-scale is illustrated by Tahiti island

where coastal barrier reefs and fringing reefs are dominant. Region scale is illustrated by the Coral Sea basin which is rimed by the major reef

systems of the western Pacic (in orange, incl. New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Salomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and the Great Barrier Reef of

Australia. Map source: Reefbase).

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Table 1. Characteristics of the major anthropogenic perturbations that aect the physical structure of the habitat by mechanical destruction of stony corals. See Figure 1 for explanation of

the spatial scales. Rs: reversible in the short term (years), Rl: reversible in the long term (decades), I: irreversible. 1: punctual, 2: punctual to chronic, 3: chronic. *: speculative factor, as no

case-study was reported.

P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

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P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

Fig. 2. Cascading causes of coral reef physical degradation. As an example of this domino eect, nuclear weapons tests done 40 years ago

have themselves directly damage the physical foundation of pinnacles or atoll rims, but they are also the initial factor that makes now possible

the lucrative wreck-diving activities in nuclear lagoons such as Bikini, which itself promote shing for feeding local and tourist populations

and tourist facilities development, which itself enhance the risks of accidents.

on the structure of several sections of the rims and large pin-

nacles. In Mururoa atoll (French Polynesia), cracks appeared

in lagoon bommies and the southern rim collapsed due to the

explosion shock wave (Bouchez and Lecomte 1995). In Bikini

atoll (Marshall Islands), the rst aerial explosions created huge

craters along the atolls rim (Fig. 1).

The human disturbances listed above have various eects

that dier in their mode of action, their spatial scale, their in-

tensity and their duration. The same exact disturbance may

have a dierent eect (or perturbation) depending on the mo-

ment it strikes the reef and where. For example, dredging and

Document ID:

terrigenous inputs, which have important impacts on fring-

ing reef communities of high islands, have generally a neg-

ligible impact on the outer slope of high islands and atolls

(Salvat et al. 1979; Augustin et al. 1997; Adjeroud et al. 2002;

Fabricius 2005). In contrast, diving, ship grounding and nu-

clear blast testing may aect lagoonal as well as outer reef

slope coral communities. Despite their negative eects, some

modes of perturbation may eectively create a new coral habi-

tat. This aspect is particularly important for the management

and rehabilitation of disturbed areas (Salvat et al. 2002). In

general, the eects of disturbances depend on the temporal and

P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

spatial reference scales under consideration, their frequency,

the ecological history of the site (e.g., chronology of the pre-

vious perturbations), the structure (growth forms, etc.) of the

impacted communities, the geomorphology and depth of the

reef zone, the confounding inuence of any other physical

or biotic stresses (Connell 1978; Hughes 1989; Grigg and

Dollar 1990; Karlson and Hurd 1993; Meesters and Bak 1993;

Hughes 1994; Bak and Nieuland 1995; Connell et al. 1997).

These perturbations may have short-term or immediate

direct consequences, as well as long-term and indirect ef-

fects mostly at small and meso-scales. Most of the perturba-

tions, compiled in Table 1, aect coral habitats at these two

scales. We have not identied a direct human-induced phys-

ical perturbation that is specic to the large-scale level. It is

only through repetition or generalisation of small-scale distur-

bances, throughout a region or an island, that human induced

physical perturbations become large-scale level disturbance.

Otherwise, there are several examples of meso-scale level dis-

turbances that have second-order large-scale inuences. For

instance, the dredging of a pass in an atoll is a reef-zone phys-

ical disturbance, but the resulting modication of the water

exchanges between lagoon and ocean may have signicant

consequences on the equilibrium of the whole island. Several

anthropogenic disturbances may look relatively minor com-

pared to natural disturbances, such as cyclones or submarine

earthquakes (Hatcher et al. 1989). However, human impacts,

when combined with natural disturbances, may signicantly

aect the recovery process of a reef, particularly since they are

often chronic rather than infrequent (Connell et al. 1997).

Some of the disturbances are well documented (e.g., de-

structive shing practices), whereas other were rarely studied

(e.g., bombing or nuclear blasts testing) (Table 1). In gen-

eral, physical disturbances result in a reduction in the three

dimensional structural complexity of the reefs, reducing the

availability of shelters for associated organisms (Aroson and

Swanson 1997). Physical destruction may not necessarily kill

coral colonies entirely. However, even partial mortality and

weakening may favour pathogens infestation and reduce the

reproductive potential of individuals (Hunte and Wittenberg

1992; Ward and Harrison 2000; Hall 2001; Nugues and

Roberts 2003). Even if coral colonies are not directly dam-

aged, the sediment and rubbles produced by human activities

may cover and bury the coral community in place (smother-

ing eect). Discharge of solid wastes and oil spill may also

cover, totally or partially, the coral colonies in place. There

is no real evidence that oil oating above the corals causes

noticeable damage, but one may assume that corals living near

the surface can be coated by oil and consequently impacted

in their physical structure. For further explanations on the per-

turbations and their eects, we have listed the most relevant


It is often dicult to estimate the duration of the eects

associated to a particular perturbation. In fact, several per-

turbations, such as trampling, collecting, destructive shing

practices or bombing have eects that may be infrequent or

chronic. However, other perturbations, such as dredging and

beach construction operation, are often chronic, whereas ship

grounding can be considered as infrequent perturbations. The

impacted coral communities may be irreversibly damaged, or

Document ID:


may recover partially or totally. The resilience (i.e., capacity

to recover) of the coral community depends on the character-

istics (intensity and duration) of the perturbation and on the

initial community or colony structure (Connell et al. 1997). It

depends also on functional processes (such as herbivory), and

the functional overlap (or redundancy) of multiple species in

an ecosystem (Nystrm et al. 2000; Nystrm and Folke 2001;

Belwood et al. 2004), on the availability and abundance of lo-

cal larvae, and on the connectivity with other reef habitats and

larval supply (Obura 2005). The concept of spatial resilience

is dierentiated from that of ecological resilience by recent au-

thors (Nystrm and Folke 2001; Bengtsson et al. 2003), most

important in terms of the spatial scale over which it is applied.

Ecological resilience generally applies to properties within the

spatial boundaries of an ecosystem. In coral reef studies, this

is generally considered to extend up to tens and sometimes

hundred kilometres (Obura 2005). Spatial resilience extends

beyond this to include large scale functions and processes be-

yond boundaries of an ecosystem unit. For a coral reef, this

would include the processes of connectivity to other reefs by

currents and larval dispersal, large-scale oceanographic phe-

nomena such as upwelling in adjacent system and other fea-

tures that may occur over hundreds to thousands of kilometres

(Obura 2005). Furthermore, chronic and low level perturba-

tions may cause more damage to the reefs in the long term than

discrete and highly destructive events, because the former do

not allow sucient time for recovery (Davis 1977; Dustan and

Halas 1987; Tilmant 1987). Nevertheless, dredging, coastal

reclamation, beach construction operation, and coastal instal-

lations generally imply that impacted communities have few

chances to return to their initial state (i.e. irreversible impacts)

(Table 1). For other discrete and weak perturbations, such as

collecting, mooring and boating, or snorkelling and diving, im-

pacted communities may return rapidly (years) to their initial

structure. For larger scars, due to large ship grounding for in-

stance, recovery time may be higher (decades). In some case,

the extent of the disturbances may not prevent communities

to return to their initial structure. For destructive shing prac-

tices, small-scale impacts (e.g., individual blasts) do not al-

ter signicantly the community structure, whereas generali-

sation of these impacts at larger scale (e.g., several densely

spaced blasts over large portions of a reef) may eventually al-

ter the community structure and the environment, and thereby

greatly reduce the potential and rate of recovery (McManus

et al. 1997; Riegl and Luke 1998).

Some perturbations may create a new coral habitat

(Table 1). For example, dredging, coastal reclamation, sewage

discharge and coastal defence installations, or oshore

drilling may create a new substrate that can be colonized

by corals, thus forming a habitat for other reef species.

Trampling, displacement of coral boulders, boating/mooring,

snorkelling/diving, ship grounding, destructive shing prac-

tices, discharge of solid wastes, and nuclear blasts testing may

form accumulation of dead and live coral rubbles, which may

provide habitat for certain sh species (Riegl and Luke 1998).

In contrast, beach construction operations, terrigenous inputs,

collecting, and oil spill have never been associated with the

creation of new habitats. Historical trajectories of reef degra-

dation extending back thousands of years, provide a powerful


P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

tool to explain global patterns and causes of ecosystem col-

lapse, as well to predict future ecosystem states, through an

understanding of the sequence of species and habitat loss

(Pando et al. 2003).

4 The measure of physical disturbances

on coral reef habitats

4.1 Scale-dependent indicators of disturbance

effects on coral reef habitat structure

The most usual indicators are related to habitat and/or to

physical disturbance of habitat (Table 2). Indicator variables

are listed according to the spatial scale of the descriptor they

are expected to capture. We focus on the three most common

categories of descriptors:

the stonycoral itself;

reefshes represented by Chaetodontidae among which

many species are coral feeders and dependent of the coral

reef habitat, and

the human uses which could have an impact on coral reef

habitats. Various variables are proposed as indicators to

evaluate the impact of disturbance on these descriptors.

We also indicate the methods generally used to obtain data

on these variables (see English et al. 1994 for details on

the classical methods used to monitor coral reefs), and the

sampling unit of the method.

At colony scale (stony corals descriptors), the reproduc-

tive output (number of planulae per tissue volume) could de-

crease after repeated breakage (Rinkevich and Loya 1989;

Van Veghel and Bak 1994; Rinkevich 1995). This decrease

of spawning rate could be followed by a decrease in recruit-

ment rate (number of new corals settling per substratum unit)

(Richmond 1997; Zakaet al. 2000). Recruitment intensity it-

self may be a useful measure to check if physically damaged

reefs are in a way of recovery or not (Kojis and Quinn 2001).

To date, the possibility of using other aspects of coral biol-

ogy as indicators of environmental stress has seldom been ex-

plored. Noteworthy are measurements of coral tissue abrasion

(damaged tissue that exposed the underlying intact coral skele-

ton, according to Riegl and Velmirov 1991; Hawkins et al.

1999; Zakai and Chadwick-Furman 2002) or partial mortal-

ity in massive corals (percentage of dead surface area per

colony according to Brown and Howard 1985; Nugues and

Roberts 2003). Nugues and Roberts (2003) proposed the 50%-

threshold in dead coral tissue per colony as a simple stress indi-

cator. Such variables may provide a rapid and eective means

of detecting sediment stress on coral reefs, for example after

dredging operations.

At reefscape or reef zone scale (corresponding to com-

munity/assemblage at ecological level), live coral cover and

colony number are widely used in coral reef monitoring pro-

grams to assess coral reef health (e.g., Global Coral Reef

Monitoring Program, Reef Check). The ratio of standing

dead coral cover to total cover of both live and dead corals

(Gomez et al. 1994) or linear quotes of live coral cover

(>75%: excellent, 5075%: good, 2550%: fair, <25%: poor)

(Gomez and Yap 1988) are also used. Their use as indicators

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of reef condition in snapshot survey is based on the assump-

tion that healthy reefs should have high coral cover and coral

density (Gomez and Yap 1988; Aronson et al. 1994). However,

this assumption could be erroneous in some cases (Thomason

and Roberts 1992). Moreover, sites with very high percentage

of live coral cover are frequently composed of large mono-

specic stands of corals, with low coral diversity and spa-

tial complexity (Roberts and Ormond 1987). Nevertheless, in

some cases, the percentage of live branching corals or branch-

ing associated to live tabular corals has been used to charac-

terise habitat complexity (Chabanet et al. 1997; Lewis 1998).

Percentage of live coral cover could be used with other in-

dices such as conservation classes that more accurately pre-

dict habitat complexity (Edinger and Risk 2000). Conservation

value are estimated using r-K-S (ruderal/competitor/stress-

tolerators) ternary diagrams based upon the relative abundance

of standardized coral morphology categories: Acropora corals

as disturbance-adapted ruderals (r), branching non-Acropora

corals and foliose corals as competition-adapted (K) and mas-

sive and submassive corals as stress-tolerators (S ). Then, reefs

are classied from class 1 (S > 60%) to class 4 (% r, K, S

approximately equal). Other authors also estimated habitat

complexity from coral morphological diversity (Roberts and

Ormond 1987). Indexes of structural complexity or rugosity

(ratio contour tape lengtht on stretched tape lengtht) have been

also suggested (Risk 1972; Luckhurst and Luckhurst 1978;

Dahl 1988). Williams and Polunin (2000) estimated the struc-

tural complexity of the substratum on a 6 point-scale (0: no

vertical relief to 5: exceptionally complex with high coral

cover and numerous caves and over-hangs). Related also to

colony scale, breakage variables could be used as an indi-

cator of diving pressure in the form of broken coral rubble

(Hawkins and Roberts 1994, 1997) or loose fragments adjacent

to branching colonies (Zakai and Chadwick-Furman 2002).

At whole reef scale (corresponding to ecosystem at eco-

logical level), clear-cut zonation patterns in a form of serial

change in community structure with an increase of water

depth are long-established features of shallow water com-

munities. Undisturbed situations provide clear sequences of

community changes along transects, while the sequences ap-

pear disrupted after dredging operations (Clarke et al. 1993).

Following this example, Clarke et al. (1993) proposed an in-

dex (Index of Multivariate Seriation) that measures the degree

to which a coral community compares relative to a linear se-

quence. Furthermore, attributes such as Reef Quality Index

(quality not acceptable if hard coral cover < 30%, recently

broken coral >5%, recently dead coral > 3% and coral rubble

cover > 5% according to Jameson 1998) or Coral Damage

Index (quality not acceptable if broken coral colonies 4%,

coral rubble cover 3% according to Jameson et al. 1999,

2001) could be used globally to gauge the severity and extent

of physical damages, and focus managers on areas that need

dive site management programs (e.g. mooring buoys).

Using sh communities descriptors, Chaetodontidae (but-

terysh) have been proposed as indicator of coral reef vital-

ity (e.g. Reese 1981; Sano et al. 1984; hman et al. 1998).

The underlying simple hypothesis is that since some feed

on corals, if corals decline, then populations of corallivo-

rous butterysh should also decline or change their feeding

Table 2. Descriptors (stony corals, butterysh and human uses), indicators of the impact of physical disturbances related to spatial scale (and ecological function in italic). The major

references, the sampling size and the protocols usually used to obtain data of the descriptor attribute are also mentioned. LIT: Line Intercept Transect, PIT: Point Intercept Transect,

RST*: Remote Sensus Techniques in development. Ref: same ref. than for abundance except the ones in italic.

P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

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P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

behaviour. However, in some cases, the actual correlation was

low (Roberts and Ormond 1987; Fowler 1990). Nevertheless,

species richness and abundance of chaetodontids have often

been included into monitoring programs since volunteers with-

out specic experience can easily conduct surveys on these

easy-to-identify populations (Hodgson 1999; Conand et al.

2000; Crosby and Reese 1996).

The human uses of coral reef ecosystems is represented

here by recreational scuba diving activities which is an impor-

tant and growing component of the tourism market (Moberg

and Folke 1999). The diver preferences for certain reef at-

tributes were classied by Williams and Polunin (2000). These

authors rank 14 attributes (e.g. reef structure, big sh, va-

riety of shes, variety of corals, coral cover, unusual

sh, sponges, etc.) on a scale from 0 (not at all important)

to 5 (most preferred). Furthermore, some authors used the con-

cept of diver carrying capacity which is the number of dives

per site and per year that a reef can tolerate without becoming

signicantly degraded (Dixon et al. 1993; Chadwick-Furman

1996; Hawkins and Roberts 1997). Hawkins and Roberts

(1997) suggests that reefs in the Red Sea and Caribbean

can sustainably support around 50006000 dives per site per

year, but that greater levels of use cause a rapid rise in diver


Most of the variables measure disturbance eects on scale

ranging from individual to community (Table 2). There is a

paucity of indicator variables measuring habitat attributes at

large spatial scale. These variables are less common because

of the cost linked with this kind of studies and the dicul-

ties to carry them out. Using remote sensing techniques, envi-

ronmental impacts could be easier to measure at larger scales.

For instance, remote sensing observations provide unambigu-

ous measurement of changes in shorelines and alteration of

reef zones due to land reclamation, dredging or waste disposal

(e.g. the so-called trash island in Male atoll, Maldives). Sev-

eral of these techniques are still largely exploratory and have

not been validated on a sucient number of case studies. Nev-

ertheless, we mention key reports that clearly oer interesting

perspectives in measuring synoptically coral mortality, using

airborne hyperspectral data (Mumby et al. 2001), reef rugos-

ity using LIDAR, i.e. airborne laser (Brock et al. 2004), habitat

diversity and patchiness using high resolution satellite imagery

(Andrfout et al. 2003), and changes in habitat structure us-

ing time-series of images (Palandro et al. 2003). In addition,

at colony-scale, in situ optical techniques now investigate the

possibility to diagnose early a perturbation using changes in

the reectance or uorescence of the colonies. Changes in op-

tical measurement reveal changes in pigmentation potentially

linked to a stress (Yamano et al. 2003). Finally, current re-

search also assesses the variability of colony-scale reectance

according to their morphology (Joyce and Phinn 2002).

4.2 Strategy and criteria for assessing and monitoring

coral reef habitat

Managers have to consider various options when conceiv-

ing an assessment of a coral habitat. Our goal is not to propose

an exhaustive guideline on indicator selection, but to provide

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references and underline key concepts as sequentially pre-

sented (Fig. 3).

It is common sense to state that selection of the most appro-

priate bioindicators for a particular assessment or monitoring

program depends on the objectives of that program (Dale and

Beyeler 2001). We identied three broad categories of objec-

tives (Fig. 3):

To monitor trends in habitat conditions across time, in

order to measure whether specic management actions

improved habitats conditions, or whether the habitat has

reached a level of disturbance for which some type of ac-

tions are required (Objective O1). The monitoring can be

specically designed to address one pre-identied distur-

bance, or can target a wide spectrum of disturbances.

To make a single assessment of the initial status of the envi-

ronment (Objective O2). This status describes habitat con-

ditions after a perturbation has been identied (e.g. ship

grounding), or draws an initial picture of habitat condi-

tions before some type of planed disturbances occur (e.g.

dredging). This objective can be a prelude to objective O1


To improve knowledge and use of existing indicators or

test new indicators (Objective O3).

This methodological objective is generally designed to im-

prove the cost-eectiveness of currently applied methods.

It aims to test experimentally some hypothesis or it tries to

identify hypotheses that will be tested afterwards.

In addition, a management plan can be designed speci-

cally to address one type of disturbance (Hypothesis H1), but

some organisations have launched general monitoring plan at

large scale for an entire region without a specic disturbance in

mind (Hypothesis H2). The objectives will have to be carefully

considered within these broad limits.

A variety of indicators with dierent generic properties

need to be considered (Jope 2001). Stressor indicators mea-

sure the stressor itself (e.g., sediments in the water column

after a dredging operation). The drawback is that there is no

indication of consequences on the habitat themselves. Expo-

sure indicators measure the amount of stressor to which the

habitat is exposed (e.g., number of reef-walkers in a tourist

area). These could be used as a diagnostic indicator as they are

specic to the stressor. Response indicators measure changes

occurring on the habitats (e.g., coral cover); however they do

not necessarily identify the cause of the changes. The speci-

city of a response indicator is a key criterion. Response indi-

cators can be specic and have a threshold or gradual response

to a specic type of disturbance. Non-specic indicators will

reveal that something is happening but not the causality. How-

ever, a range of non-specic indicators may be better than one

specic indicator to draw the status of habitats at dierent

scales. Most of the variables or attributes are response indica-

tors (Table 2) as they measure changes occurring in the system

(Jope 2001). They provide a better indication of ecological at-

tribute conditions (habitat component), than ecological eects

due to a specic disturbance. For example, by the time census

methods have detected broken corals, these corals have already

suered damage and further eorts must focus on preventing

more damage and death. Conversely, diver carrying capac-

ity may be considered as exposure indicator as it measures

P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)


Fig. 3. Framework of sampling design for assessing indicators (e.g. coral reef habitat).

the amount of stressor to which the system is exposed. If

4.3 A hierarchical concept of disturbance in coral

specic to the stressor, this indicator may be considered as

reefs in perspectives

a diagnostic indicator. Non-diagnostic indicators may reect

Using a multi-scale approach allows to present the various

changes (Rapport et al. 1985; Jope 2001), but not specically

indicators of (physical) disturbances in a logical suite. How-

to one of the disturbances (Table 1).

ever, there is still a lack of explicit relationship between the ob-

To complete this general classication of indicators, other

served physical impacts on reefs and what these impacts means

properties such as sensitivity (the capacity to reveal gradations

in terms of alteration of the biological processes occurring on

in response to stress) are of interest (Jameson 1998). This an-

the reef. Another framework focussing on ecosystem functions

ticipatory quality species whether the indicator can provide

and integrating the notions of disturbance, levels of organisa-

early-warning signal (useful in case of monitoring trends in

tion, scale, and indicators of perturbations could be a next log-

environmental conditions over the time), or is retrospective,

ical step. Pickett et al. (1989) have proposed such a conceptual

providing evidence of ecosystem change after the change has

framework. By organising each ecological question within a

so-called hierarchical model, they distinguish among entities

occurred (Rapport et al. 1985).

(the object of interest, susceptible of being disturbed), function

The scale of work is one of the main considerations. Scale

(set of interactions among entities), and structure (resulting

in this context depends directly on the objectives and the

complex of interacting entities). Though conceptually inter-

hypotheses which depend on the considered specic distur-

esting and theoretically better suited to analyse multi-stressor

bance. Willingness to draw a general picture of coral habi-

eects throughout dierent ranges of scales and functions,

tats (Objective O2) without specic disturbances in mind

the design and selection of indicators remain quite problem-

(Hypothesis H2) will imply that a wide range of scale needs

atic. It is denitely recommended that scientists try to visual-

to be addressed. For instance, reefscape (or community) to re-

ize the integration of methods within such conceptual frame-

gions can be studied by multiplying the numbers of regional

works (Hallock et al. 2004). However, the amount of indicators

sites where community measurements will be performed. Un-

practical for managers remains limited, but new developments

fortunately, no single indicator is applicable directly across

still occur. For instance, recent advances in molecular biol-

all spatial scales of concern (Dale and Beyeler 2001). There-

ogy should aid in the accurate diagnostic of coral condition by

fore, combining indicators at dierent levels of the biologi-

visualizing coral stress using Molecular Biomarker System

cal organisation represents an optimal strategy, because these

(MBS) or gene expression. For the rst step, MBS was use

measures serve dierent purposes, from individual to commu-

to assess the physiological status of coral challenged under

nities (Hallock et al. 2004). Measures on colony potentially

heat stress, using specic cellular and molecular parameters

provide the earliest warning of possible deterioration while

(Downs et al. 2000). However, transplantation experiments

measures on community give a better indication of the ecolog-

must be conducted to examine how stressors in natural popu-

ical importance and magnitude of the disturbances and their

lations induce gene expression and to determine whether these

consequences on communities including humans (Rapport

potential diagnostic indicators are eective and specic.

et al. 1985; Underwood and Peterson 1988). Indicator selec-

tion depends on several additional criteria: the intrinsic quality

5 Conclusion

of the measure itself (depending of the sampling techniques

Indicators are essential tools for monitoring the state of

and of the choice of the variable) and the eectiveness that

the coastal environment. They can inform managers and policy

gather sampling strategy and the statistical analysis.

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P. Chabanet et al.: Aquat. Living Resour. 18, 215230 (2005)

makers of the eectiveness of strategies in achieving sustain-

ability and need to be based on rigorous scientic, social and

economic research. However, the suite of options for man-

agers is limited. This review shows that the majority of the

indicators of human-induced physical disturbances are non-

specic. They can be categorized in few categories based on

their properties, but they cant solve all problems. We followed

a multi-scale discussion which eventually shows the dicul-

ties for the managers and scientists to have a continuum of an-

swers and indicators across space and time. Tools are needed

to identify and rank coral responses to multiple stressors and

to determinate which stressors having the greatest eects. The-

oretically, a hierarchical scheme could be a logical new inte-

grating scheme since they target functions across scales, but

similar models are still in their infancy in the case of coral

reef ecosystems. On a practical standpoint, managers and pol-

icymakers still need to understand the eects of man-induced

disturbances, be able to properly assess these damages, and de-

velop subsequent restoration and conservation eorts on reefs

under their stewardship.

Acknowledgements. This review paper was initiated after a workshop

on bio-indicators (Nouma, 2002) funded by the French Programme

National dEnvironnement Ctier.


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NOAA Web Update May 4, 2010


Situation Tuesday 04 May As the weather became better throughout the day,

skimming, boom placement, aerial application of dispersants, imaging of the oil plume, in

situ burning and observation overflights all took place in an effort to handle the oil

leaking from the Deepwater Horizon Incident.

Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) cut off a section at the end of the riser pipe, which

used to lead from the well to the rig, and capped it with a valve. While this stopped one

of the three leaks, oil continues to enter the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of approximately

5000 barrels (210,000 gallons) per day. Testing of a new technique that involves injecting

dispersants at the oils source - 5000 below the surface - will require further monitoring

to tell whether the sub-sea dispersants are having an effect and further analysis to ensure

effects in the water column are not worse than those from oil. If successful, the technique

could reduce or prevent an oil plume from forming at the surface. Drilling of a relief or

cut-off well got further, but will take several months to stop the flow. The first collection

dome, a large cofferdam-like structure that collects oil at the sea floor and funnels it for

collection at the surface, was deployed today. These containment chambers have never

been tried this deep - 5000 - and will take about a week to be fully rigged and functional.

Hundreds of thousands of feet of boom have been deployed to contain the spill, with

hundreds of thousands more staged and ready to be deployed.

NOAA efforts have included: modeling the trajectory and extent of the oil, getting pre-

impact samples surveys and baseline measurements, planning for open water and

shoreline remediation, supporting the Unified Command as it analyzes new techniques

for handling the spill and starting Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA).

Decreasing wind and sea state should allow the full spectrum of surface

operations until the weekend. NOAAs National Weather Service has created a

special forecast for the incident area which you can access here:

NOAA has 3 aircraft on-scene: a King Air specially equipped for

photogrammetry and 2 Twin Otter aircraft one for marine mammal observations

The Coast Guard is using forecasts and graphics of oil movement prepared by

NOAAs Emergency Response Division (ERD) and Marine Charting Division to

keep mariners out of oil areas by depicting them on electronic charts.

NOAA restricted fishing in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico directly

adjacent to the area closures enacted by Louisiana. The closure, which will be in

effect for at least 10 days, is to protect consumers and the seafood industry.

NOAA fisheries representatives will be meeting with fishermen this week to

assist them. Further details can be found here:

Document ID:

A Quick Explanation of NRDA for Deep and Shallow Water Corals

Injured by the Deepwater Horizon Incident

John Cubit, NOAA/ARD

19 May 2010

Draft Not for citation. Please send comments/changes to [email protected]


BP is responsible for restoring to baseline the corals and other natural resources "injured" by the

Deepwater Horizon incident. We calculate the required amount of coral restoration based on the

quantified losses of corals. We use the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process to

do the quantification of coral loss caused by the incident. If a study cannot produce the answer

of how many corals and/or coral services were lost because of the Deepwater Horizon incident, it

will have little utility in our NRDA process.

"Quantification" of coral loss and "cause" of the loss are highlighted here to emphasize their

critical importance in NRDAs that are defensible in scientific peer-reviews, heavy-duty

negotiations, and litigation. Stop. Recognize that merely detecting an effect on corals is not the

same as quantified loss of corals and/or coral services in an NRDA. In designing an NRDA,

continuously ask the question, "How much coral restoration and what kinds of restoration will

this NRDA demonstrate as being needed?" If the NRDA does not inventory the total numbers,

sizes, and species of coral colonies lost, or coral services lost, how can you defensibly

demonstrate to peer reviewers, BP, or a court what kinds and scales of restoration BP is

responsible for providing?

What is "injury"? In the case of the coral resources, "injury" in the Deepwater Horizon is

incident includes any losses of the coral colonies themselves, or loss of any services or

ecological functions provided by the corals, including acute mortality, reduced long-term

survivorship, reduced growth, diminished reproductive output, harmed viewing value for divers,


What is "baseline" in NRDA? For NRDA, "baseline" is defined as the condition of the

resource that would have existed if the incident in question had not occurred. Contrary to what

you may have heard, NRDA baseline is not necessarily a flat line and is not necessarily the

average condition of the resources before the incident.

Understanding NRDA baseline is particularly important for coral populations in the Gulf

and Caribbean, where large-scale and rapid changes in baseline have been documented in certain

locations. In some locations, certain corals are going extinct, meaning baseline is declining. In

some locations, Florida corals are impacted by cold water and hot water events, causing

fluctuations in baseline. Where successful coral restoration projects or habitat protection

projects are underway, baseline for corals may be increasing. Developing a rational baseline for

specific locations is part of the NRDA process.

DWH NRDA Overview for Corals p. 1

Document ID:

What qualifies as "incident-caused" injury? "Causes" in this case include any aspect of the

Deepwater Horizon incident that produces coral injury, including the physical smothering and/or

chemical toxicity of the discharged oil, toxicity of dispersants, mechanical impacts of clean-up

equipment, scraping of corals by oil sorbent or containment booms, trampling by clean-up crews,

groundings of response boats, etc.

Conducting NRDAs for corals potentially impacted by the Deepwater Horizon


This is a summary conducting NRDAs for corals in this case. Note that use of exposure

gradients or impact vs control comparisons are essential to separate injuries caused by the

Deepwater Horizon incident from injuries caused by other factors.

Resource losses. A NRDA procedure for corals will quantify the loss of corals and/or coral

services and determine the cause(s) of the loss(es). This is generally accomplished (1) by

comparing amounts of coral loss over a spatial gradient of exposure to oil/dispersants, or (2)

comparing amounts of loss between oiled impact and non-oiled reference sites. Such

comparisons can be made more powerful (logically and statistically) by including before-and-

after data for the conditions of the corals at both the impact and reference sites. ("BACI"

[before-after-control-impact] survey designs and statistical analyses are well developed for

impact assessments.) This use of spatial gradients and reference sites ("controls") is a way of

eliminating the impacts of potential confounding factors, such as cold- and hot-water events in

the Keys, which are present over the gradient and present at the reference sites as well.

Causation. In this case, determination of oil and/or dispersants as being direct causal factors for

claimed coral injury requires evidence that the corals were exposed to these substances coming

from the Deepwater Horizon incident. This can be done by tracking the oil/dispersant from the

Deepwater Horizon to the injury site and/or documenting the presence of unique Deepwater

Horizon oil at the injury site (e.g., by "finger-printing" samples of oil in sediments, water, or

tissue samples from biota at the site). Contrary to assertions from some toxicologists, the

oil/dispersants do not have to be dissolved in the water to have toxic effects on the corals. For

example, corals can ingest undissolved oil from the water column or undissolved oil that is in or

on ingested food. In other words, water samples are not required to document exposure of biota

to oil at a site.

Injuries attributed to clean-up actions also need to be quantified and compared with

reference sites. For example, physical injury to corals caused by booms, tow-lines, small boats,

trampling, etc., can be documented by photographing these activities combined with photos or

other surveys of freshly abraded and broken corals at these same locations. (Use GPS markers,

landmarks, and photo scales where possible.) Similar surveys for to quantify similarly injured

corals need to be repeated at reference sites to rule out the impacts of storms, floating debris, and

other factors that could cause the same kind of injury to corals.

DWH NRDA Overview for Corals p. 2

Document ID:

Sampling layouts and other design aspects for field quantification of coral injury

Sampling designs must provide scientifically defensible data to represent the area of claimed

injury. This issue is too detailed for this summary document. If this topic is outside your

expertise, work with a good quantitative ecologist and statistician to develop your scientifically

and statistically defensible NRDA survey procedure. Some of your choices in this regard may be

directed by the need to match your new data with pre-incident data for your assessment sites.

The contractor IEc has provided a statistician to advise the Trustees on these matters.

The Bottom Line: Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA) and restoration


NRDAs frequently use HEA (or Resource Equivalency Analysis) as the accounting method to

sum up the losses of natural resources and to convert these losses into scaling for restoration

projects. In contrast to other resource accounting methods, HEA includes duration of loss. For

example, loss of a 50 year old Acropora palmata colony will represent a much greater loss of

coral-formed habitat than the loss of an equivalent area of one-year old A. palmata. For this

reason, NOAA NRDAs for corals now measure the abundance of corals by using counts of coral

colonies by species and size categories, instead of the older measure of areal coverage (which

measures all corals as if they were flat crusts).

Work with your NRDA professional to ensure that the data you collect will work as inputs for


DWH NRDA Overview for Corals p. 3

Document ID:

NOAA Web Update May 2, 2010


Situation Sunday 02 May Today NOAA restricted fishing in federal waters of the

Gulf of Mexico threatened by the BP oil spill - from the mouth of the Mississippi to

Pensacola Bay (***click here for map***). The closure, which will be in effect for at

least 10 days, is to protect consumers and the seafood industry. Secretary of Commerce

Gary Locke said, We stand with America's fisherman, their families and businesses in

impacted coastal communities during this very challenging time. Fishing is vital to our

economy and our quality of life and we will work tirelessly protect to it". NOAA is part

of the Department of Commerce. Support came from Harlon Pearce, Chairman,

Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board and Ewell Smith, Executive Director,

Louisiana Seafood Board who said, We Support NOAAs precautionary closure of the

affected area so that the American consumer has confidence that the seafood they eat is

safe. It is also very important to underscore the fact that this closure is only the affected

area of the Gulf of Mexico, not the entire Gulf. The state waters of Louisiana west of the

Mississippi River are still open and the seafood coming from that area is safe. Further

details can be found here:

The state of Louisiana has already closed vulnerable fisheries in state waters within 3

miles of the coast. NOAA is closing areas directly adjacent to the area closures enacted

by Louisiana, and is working with state governors to evaluate the need to declare a

fisheries disaster, which would facilitate federal aid to fishermen. NOAA fisheries

representatives will be meeting with fishermen this week to assist them, and BP will be

hiring fishermen to help clean up and deploy boom in the Gulf of Mexico.

President Obama was on-scene today getting a first-hand look at the spill, which is still

leaking at a rate of approximately 5000 barrels (210,000 gallons) per day from three

damaged sections of piping on the sea floor. Engineers are working to inject dispersants

at the oils source - 5000 below the surface. If successful, it could reduce or prevent an

oil plume from forming at the surface. Drilling of a relief or cut-off well started today,

but it will take several months to stop the flow. Work also continues on a collection dome

at the sea floor; this technique has never been tried at 5000. Very high winds and rough

seas curtailed surface operations, such as skimming and applying dispersant by aircraft.

Hundreds of thousands of feet of boom have been deployed to contain the spill, with

hundreds of thousands more staged and ready to be deployed.

NOAA efforts have included: modeling the trajectory and extent of the oil, getting pre-

impact samples surveys and baseline measurements, planning for open water and

shoreline remediation, supporting the Unified Command as it analyzes new techniques

for handling the spill and starting Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA).

NOAAs National Weather Service displayed radar data at central command

today so the command could see where thunderstorm activity was moving and

receive warnings immediately.

A forecast decrease in winds should allow the full spectrum of surface

Document ID:

operations starting tomorrow.

NOAAs Emergency Response Division (ERD) creates the oil trajectories that

response planners rely on.

The Coast Guard is using forecasts and graphics of oil movement prepared by

NOAAs Emergency Response Division (ERD) and Marine Charting Division to

keep mariners out of oil areas by depicting them on electronic charts.

NOAAs Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) completed additional

baseline sampling in Gulf Islands National Seashore in conjunction with NOAA

Restoration Center, National Park Service and Florida Department of

Environmental Protection staff.

Natural resource economists from ARD also drafted plans to systematically

survey recreational users along the Gulf Coast about their use of areas affected

by the spill.

To report oil on land, or for general Community and Volunteer Information, please

call 1-866-448-5816.

To report oiled or injured wildlife, please call 1-800-557-1401.

BP is asking fishermen for their assistance in cleaning up the oil spill. BP is calling

this the Vessel of Opportunities Program and through it, BP is looking to contract

shrimp boats, oyster boats and other vessels for hire to deploy boom in the Gulf of

Mexico. Fishermen should call 425-745-8017 about this program.

NOAA Roles: NOAA is a vital part of the massive response effort on the Deepwater

Horizon incident. Many personnel are on scene and many more are engaged remotely,

as follows:

Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)

Scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard and Unified Command

Emergency Response Division (ERD)

Predict where the oil is going and its effects

Overflight observations and mapping

Identify resources at risk

Predict fate (chemical changes) of oil

Recommend appropriate clean-up methods

Manage data and information

Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD)

Plan for assessment of injuries to natural resources

Coordinate with state and federal trustees

Implement sampling plans

National Weather Service

Incident weather forecasts including marine and aviation

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

Experimental imagery for spill trajectory forecasts

Document ID:

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Issues related to marine mammals, sea turtles, and fishery resources

Management of Fishery Closures

Public Affairs support to the Joint Information Center

Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO)

USCG Liaison to the DCO Incident Support Team USCG Headquarters

National Ocean Service

Oceanographic modeling support

Public Affairs support to Joint Information Center

Document ID:

NOAA Web Update May 2, 2010


Situation Sunday 02 May Today NOAA restricted fishing in federal waters of the

Gulf of Mexico threatened by the BP oil spill - from the mouth of the Mississippi to

Pensacola Bay (***click here for map***). The closure, which will be in effect for at

least 10 days, is to protect consumers and the seafood industry. Secretary of Commerce

Gary Locke said, We stand with America's fisherman, their families and businesses in

impacted coastal communities during this very challenging time. Fishing is vital to our

economy and our quality of life and we will work tirelessly protect to it". NOAA is part

of the Department of Commerce. Support came from Harlon Pearce, Chairman,

Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board and Ewell Smith, Executive Director,

Louisiana Seafood Board who said, We Support NOAAs precautionary closure of the

affected area so that the American consumer has confidence that the seafood they eat is

safe. It is also very important to underscore the fact that this closure is only the affected

area of the Gulf of Mexico, not the entire Gulf. The state waters of Louisiana west of the

Mississippi River are still open and the seafood coming from that area is safe. Further

details can be found here:

The state of Louisiana has already closed vulnerable fisheries in state waters within 3

miles of the coast. NOAA is closing areas directly adjacent to the area closures enacted

by Louisiana, and is working with state governors to evaluate the need to declare a

fisheries disaster, which would facilitate federal aid to fishermen. NOAA fisheries

representatives will be meeting with fishermen this week to assist them, and BP will be

hiring fishermen to help clean up and deploy boom in the Gulf of Mexico.

President Obama was on-scene today getting a first-hand look at the spill, which is still

leaking at a rate of approximately 5000 barrels (210,000 gallons) per day from three

damaged sections of piping on the sea floor. Engineers are working to inject dispersants

at the oils source - 5000 below the surface. If successful, it could reduce or prevent an

oil plume from forming at the surface. Drilling of a relief or cut-off well started today,

but it will take several months to stop the flow. Work also continues on a collection dome

at the sea floor; this technique has never been tried at 5000. Very high winds and rough

seas curtailed surface operations, such as skimming and applying dispersant by aircraft.

Hundreds of thousands of feet of boom have been deployed to contain the spill, with

hundreds of thousands more staged and ready to be deployed.

NOAA efforts have included: modeling the trajectory and extent of the oil, getting pre-

impact samples surveys and baseline measurements, planning for open water and

shoreline remediation, supporting the Unified Command as it analyzes new techniques

for handling the spill and starting Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA).

NOAAs National Weather Service displayed radar data at central command

today so the command could see where thunderstorm activity was moving and

receive warnings immediately.

A forecast decrease in winds should allow the full spectrum of surface

Document ID:

operations starting tomorrow.

NOAAs Emergency Response Division (ERD) creates the oil trajectories that

response planners rely on.

The Coast Guard is using forecasts and graphics of oil movement prepared by

NOAAs Emergency Response Division (ERD) and Marine Charting Division to

keep mariners out of oil areas by depicting them on electronic charts.

NOAAs Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) completed additional

baseline sampling in Gulf Islands National Seashore in conjunction with NOAA

Restoration Center, National Park Service and Florida Department of

Environmental Protection staff.

Natural resource economists from ARD also drafted plans to systematically

survey recreational users along the Gulf Coast about their use of areas affected

by the spill.

To report oil on land, or for general Community and Volunteer Information, please

call 1-866-448-5816.

To report oiled or injured wildlife, please call 1-800-557-1401.

BP is asking fishermen for their assistance in cleaning up the oil spill. BP is calling

this the Vessel of Opportunities Program and through it, BP is looking to contract

shrimp boats, oyster boats and other vessels for hire to deploy boom in the Gulf of

Mexico. Fishermen should call 425-745-8017 about this program.

NOAA Roles: NOAA is a vital part of the massive response effort on the Deepwater

Horizon incident. Many personnel are on scene and many more are engaged remotely,

as follows:

Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R)

Scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard and Unified Command

Emergency Response Division (ERD)

Predict where the oil is going and its effects

Overflight observations and mapping

Identify resources at risk

Predict fate (chemical changes) of oil

Recommend appropriate clean-up methods

Manage data and information

Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD)

Plan for assessment of injuries to natural resources

Coordinate with state and federal trustees

Implement sampling plans

National Weather Service

Incident weather forecasts including marine and aviation

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

Experimental imagery for spill trajectory forecasts

Document ID:

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

Issues related to marine mammals, sea turtles, and fishery resources

Management of Fishery Closures

Public Affairs support to the Joint Information Center

Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO)

USCG Liaison to the DCO Incident Support Team USCG Headquarters

National Ocean Service

Oceanographic modeling support

Public Affairs support to Joint Information Center

Document ID:

Autopsy of an Oil Spill

Author(s): Linda Garmon

Source: Science News, Vol. 118, No. 17 (Oct. 25, 1980), pp. 267-270

Published by: Society for Science & the Public

Stable URL:

Accessed: 10/05/2010 11:24

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Document ID:



R esearchers hope that data

gathered from the ongoing, de-

tailed analysis ofthe Ixtoc Ioilwell

blow out w ill m inim ize the im pact

of future oilspills




N early three m onths had passed since

the last observed tar b all w ashed onto

Padre Island beaches north of Port M ans-

field,T ex.M ore than a year had passed

the first oiled bird, a blue-faced

booby,w as found a nd brought to the is-

land's cleaning station. "M uch m edia a t-

tention w as given to the firstoiled bird,"a

U .S. C oast G uard on-scene


w rote in the official activity report.

B ut this day's activity w ould pass w ith

barely a notice. It w as O ct. 1,1980,and

C aptain G erald H inson had decided to

term inate the U SC G clean-up efforts in re-

sponse to Ixtoc I,the M exican oilw ellthat

nearly 16 m onths b efore h ad blow n out in

the B ay of C am peche, spilling 140 m illion

gallons of oilinto the G ulf of M exico (SN :


For the U SC G response team ,Ixtoc I is

over.ButIxtoc has left behind a legacy that

is very m uch a live in both the scientific

and political arenas of the U nited S tates

and M exico."T he Ixtoc Iis im portant... as

a case study for researchers, policy m ak-

ers and response team s," says R ichard S.

G olob, director of the C enter for S hort-

L ived Phenom ena

in C am bridge, M ass.

"T he incident has m ajor im plications for

open-ocean spill response, blow out pre-

vention technology, international pollu-

tion dam age com pensation,scientific spill

research and outer c ontinental shelf de-

velopm ent [for oila nd gas exploration]."

R esearchers are just now piecing together

the com plex Ixtoc I puzzle in an effort to

address such issues.

T he first piece to that puzzle

w as

m olded by the events leading up to the

June 3,1979,b low out of the Ixtoc 1,a P et-

roleos M exicanos (PE M E X ) exploratory

w ellabout 50 m iles offshore from C iudad

delC arm en.B y June,Ixtoc was drilling at a

depth of about 1 1,800 feet b elow the sea-

floor w ith a b it screw ed to the b ottom of

drill collars (a thick-w alled pipe) sus-

pended from the drilling rig b y the d rill

pipe (a thin-w alled pipe). D rilling fluid,

com m only know n as " drilling m ud," was

being pum ped from surface m ud tanks

dow n the inside of the d rillpipe,continu-

ing dow n the d rillcollars and out through

the b it.T he m ud then flow ed up the an-

nulus -
the a rea b etw een the outside of

the pipes a nd the inside of the casing, or

hole -
and returned to the surface m ud


C irculating drilling m ud-com posed


w ater,clay and certain chem icals-lubri-

cates the drillbit,carries rock cuttings out

of the hole a nd provides a colum n of fluid

A section of T exan shore h it by Ixtoc oil.

in the hole, the w eight of w hich counter-

balances potential pressure form ations.

T he day before Ixtoc blew ,the drillbithita

pocket, or r egion of soft strata, and the

valuable circulation w as lost.T his m eant

that rather than returning to the surface,

the drilling fluid w as escaping into frac-


tures in the rock atthe bottom of the hole.

PE M E X officials decided to rem ove the bit,

run the d rill pipe back into the h ole a nd

pum p m aterials dow n this open-ended





ll pipe in an effort to seal off the frac-

U ,

tures causing


the loss of circulation.

D uring this pipe-rem oval operation,

though, drilling m ud suddenly began to

flow ,w ith rapidly increasing p ressure and

speed,u p both the annulus and the inside

of the d rillpipe.N orm ally,this dangerous

flow can be stopped by activating the

shear ram s of the blow out preventer (B O P)

to sever and sealoff the drillpipe.B ut the

Ixtoc pipe
rem oval

brought the d rillcollars in line w ith the

B O P at the tim e of the m ud flow .T he B O P

ram s sim ply w ere not designed to sever

the thick steelw alls of the drillcollars, so

the flow continued.

E ventually,the m udflow w as follow ed

by a gush of oil and gas at an ever-

increasing rate. T he oil and gas fum es

exploded on contact w ith the operating

pum p m otors, a fire broke out and the

drilling tow er collapsed, causing dam age

to u nderlying w ellstructures.

T hus began the largest oilspill in w orld

history.W ithin one w eek,Ixtoc I had lost

m ore oil than the D ecem ber 1976 A rgo

M erchantspillof 7.6 m illion gallons off the

M assachusetts coast; by late July,Ixtoc

surpassed the 68 m illion gallons of oilthat

the tanker A m oco C adiz spilled off B rit-

tany,France,in M arch of 1978.

Ixtoc's record-breaking gush gave sci-

entists the opportunity to brush up on

oil-spill behavior.W hen oilis released into

the environm ent, itis w eathered by one of

five processes: evaporation into the at-

m osphere,
into the w ater,

em ulsification (form ation of an oil-and-

w ater
em ulsion

m ousse"), degradation
m icroor-

ganism s or photochem ical oxidation by

and atm ospheric
T o

study this w eathering phenom enon,


team of N ational
O ceanic
and A tm o-

spheric A dm inistration scientists boarded

the N O A A ship R esearcher and sam pled

ocean w ater,oil, bottom sedim ents and

organism s w ithin a few hundred feet ofthe

burning w ell. T he N O A A team then sam -

pled the oil during its long journey north

tow ard the T exas coast

to study how

w eathering w ould affect the G ulf-w ater

distribution of the various hydrocarbon

com ponents in the Ixtoc oil.

T he resultofthat voyage is a "significant

contribution" to the understanding of oil


Document ID:

O il spill

N ature of


stranding o
f a tanker

L ocation

B rittany coast,PO R T SA L L G ulf of M exico (M exico)

19024.5' N -92012.6'W



6/3/79 to 3/20/80

D ate

C rudeoils


blow out (drilling well)

"A rabian

L ight"


L ight" (about1:1)

Q uantities



600,000 t.

223,000 t.

D ensity

R & DM
A rom atics

T he table (center) sum m arizes

rai R esins&
som e
of the differences betw een
A sphaltens









the oilspills resulting from the

E pp

w reckage of the A m oco C adiz


45 ppm

(right) and the blow out of the

V anadium

Ixtoc I w ell (left). M ichelMarchand elal.CIR E S,Boulder,


C ol

behavior,says D onald A tw ood, chief sci-

entist onboard the R esearcher.T he ship's

team discovered, for exam ple,that photo-

chem ical oxidation plays a key role in

transform ing oil droplets into m ousse.

Prior to the Ixtoc expedition,scientists be-

lieved that m ousse form s as soon as oil

enters the w ater. T he N O A A study indi-

cates,how ever,thatm ousse d oes not form

until the oil is three to 15 nauticalm iles

from the w ell and that its form ation is

driven largely b y photo-oxidation. "Sun-

light d rastically altered the oil," A tw ood

says. "It caused the hydrocarbon to lose

som e carbon atom s and take up som e

oxygen atom s, so that the oil becam e

chem ically m ore like soap and could

em ulsify." Photo-oxidation also appeared

to a lter the toxicity of the oil,m aking it

m ore toxic in som e cases and less in


O ther R esearcher findings include the

observation thatthe oil-"eating" microbial

populations w ithin about 25 m iles of the

w ell head rapidly increased in size and

that these m icrobes, like sunlight, pro-

m ote m ousse form ation. In addition,the

N O A A researchers found that the m icro-

bial degradation of oil w as lim ited by the

am ount of n utrients -
particularly nitro-

gen and phosphates -in

the w ater.

B ut the finest feather in R esearcher's

cap m ay represent the w ork of Paul D .

B oehm a nd D avid L .Fiest of E nergy R e-

sources C o.Inc.A t the recent A m erican

C hem ical Society m eeting in L as V egas,

N ev.,these researchers presented their

prelim inary,though nonetheless signifi-

cant,findings based on the series of w ater

sam ples taken aboard the R esearcher as it

m oved along the axis of Ixtoc's surface

slick: a m ap contouring the subsurface

concentrations of petroleum .T his oilspill

m ap,the firstof its kind,indicates the con-

of petroleum
at particular

ocean depths and at specific distances

from the Ixtoc blow out. Such an avant

garde oil spill characterization is im por-

tant b ecause "the fate of com ponents of

55 ppm


biological im pact of these pollutants,"

B oehm and Fiest explain.T he researchers

attribute their success to the u se of syn-

chronous scan spectrofluorom etry -


analytical device that identifies the com -

ponent concentrations in a sam ple b y the

tell-tale fluorescence em issions after ex-

posure to u ltraviolet light.



B L O W O U T (k.)














R l1



R 7 P 13

R lO

C oncentration contours of Ixtoc oil.

T he contour m ap study w as one of 12

presentations at the A C S m eeting included

in a special oilspill sym posium . Several

other of those presentations

looked at

m ethods of "fingerprinting," o
r identifying

the source of an oil pollutant.C rude oil is

an extrem ely com plex m ixture of hydro-

carbon com pounds m ade up predom i-

nately of h ydrogen and carbon but a lso

containing traces of sulfur,nitrogen and

oxygen.A lloils are com posed of the sam e

types of hydrocarbon com pounds and dif-

fer only in often-subtle com ponent quan-

tities.F urther blurring the picture of pol-

lutant origin is the fact that m arine oilcan

com e from several different sources: In

addition to oilspills,routine tanker traffic,

naturalseepage and land r unoffs d um p

petroleum into the ocean.

A nd therein lies a m ajor challenge for oil

[is] closely
spilla nalyzers. T o draw an a ccurate pic-


Document ID:

ture of the fate of runaw ay oil,researchers

first m ust b e a ble to confirm that the oil

slicks they a re tracing in the ocean cur-

rents,the tar balls they are observing on

shores or the petroleum concentrations

they are extracting from m arine organ-

ism s are from the suspected source.D ur-

ing the A C S oilspillsym posium , I.R.D e-

L eon and colleagues

of the C enter for

B io-O rganic Studies in N ew O rleans,L a.,

that the azaarene (nitrogen-

containing arom atics,or ringed hydrocar-

bons) content in oilsam ples " m ay serve as

useful passive tags for tracing p etroleum

in the m arine environm ent."

A nalyzing oil for its azaarene content

seem ed particularly appropriate for C am -

peche B ay:W hile these com pounds gen-

erally are present in oil in very sm all

am ounts,they are found at slightly higher

concentrations in Ixtoc oil.A zaarene con-

tent also is of interest b ecause certain of

these com pounds are know n carcinogens.

A rom atic hydrocarbons, such as the

azaarenes, usually are found to b e m ore

toxic than the non-ringed,or aliphatic,hy-

drocarbons of oil. R esearchers at the

Patuxent W ildlife R esearch

C enter in

L aurel,M d.,recently lent further credence

to this canon ofpetroleum toxicity in their

studies of the effects of oilon the h atcha-

bility ofaquatic bird eggs.Sm allquantities

ofoilapplied to the eggs ofaquatic birds in

the laboratory caused em bryo m ortality.

For exam ple, as little a s 5 m icroliters of

crude oil applied to the shell surface on

the eighth day of incubation


hatching of m allard eggs by as m uch as 90

percent. B ut w hen the shellsurfaces w ere

coated w ith as m uch a s 50 m icroliters of

an aliphatic-only m ixture, em bryos did

not d ie.

T he results of studies of the effect of oil

ingestion on the physiological condition

and survivalofbirds w ere m ore encourag-

ing. T he P atuxent researchers w ere par-

ticularly interested in determ ining how

tw o endangered species -
the peregrine

falcon a nd the w hooping crane -

w ould

fare w hen Ixtoc oilreached their coastal

E W S,V O L .118

habitats and covered their food supplies.

U nderthe direction ofL ucille F.Stickel,the

Patuxent bird w atchers studied the effect

of oil ingestion on endangered species

surrogates -
kestrels for the falcons a nd

sandhillcranes for the w hooping cranes.

A lthough data
collected from these

studies still are prelim inary, it appears

that adult b irds could survive spilllevels

of petroleum hydrocarbons in their d iet

w hen not otherw ise stressed.

B ut the finaltest never cam e. B y the

tim e the first cranes a rrived about a year

ago at their w intering areas in the A ransas

N ational W ildlife R efuge north of Port

A ransas,T ex.,the current flow along the

T exascoast h ad reversed,carrying the oil

south. N o oil reached the



M oreover,prior to the current reversal,

only about 20 T exas coast birds w ere

Studies show that the toxicity of the oil,

know n to have died as a result of d irect

rather than blocking of the shells "breath-


ing" pores,is w hat kills em bryo m allards.

T he im pact of the Ixtoc spillon other

w ildlife, such as turtles and fish,is still

researchers, that sim ulates the trajectory

being evaluated. T urtle authorities first

of pollutants in the ocean.T he spilltrajec-

sensed trouble for the endangered A tlan-

tory m odel, based on studies of previous

tic R idley sea turtles this sum m er w hen

spills,predicted that the Ixtoc oilprobably

scientists fed their latest d ata on G ulfcur-

w ould affect the M exican coast betw een

rents and oil patch locations into a com -

T am pico and L ow er L aguna M adre in July,

puter m odel,developed by N O A A and U SC G

threatening the R idley sea turtles that

ST A G EN O .1

O .2

3 1r2r 1


retary table

(drill flrl


! ,



w ater


m warIne


drill pipe

w ater

w ater








M ariee


i;- 1 Z

f Ieer


Shortly after the pipe-rem oval

.operation had situated the

thicker-w alled drillcollars in line

w ith the B O P stack (Stage 1),dril-

ling m ud began to flow up the

annulus and also out ofthe inside


appres. Ir-



l to




O C T O B E R 25,1980

Document ID:

fire broke out (Stage 3). U n-

derlying support structures col-

lapsed (Stage 4), and the floating

rig w as pulled offlocation

(Stage 5).



I 1



and gas follow ed the m ud flow ,

& cellars


of the drilling pipe (Stage 2). O il









draw ings of the Ixtoc I w ell

7he ct
the chain of events that oc-

curred in the B ay of C am peche

from J une 3 to July 12,1979.






location at

drill kit






D rikhre

D rikbre

aw ay.





w ater









L I.P.


-4 .

sea |Ilr


,4 01u

drillC ellar


draw w erks


breed along a stretch of beach near R an-

cho N uevo, M exico.

T he R idley eggs

usually begin hatching in m id-June a nd

turtles continue to em erge until m id-

A ugust. T he hatchlings then sw im w est

and north in the G ulfw aters for about tw o

m onths. E xperts,fearing that these y oung

turtles m ight ingest the Ixtoc oil during

their prem iere sw im , organized a turtle

airlift that carried about 9,000 turtles to a

patch of sargassum less than 2 5 k ilom e-

ters offshore.

W hether the turtle airliftsaved the R id-

ley population from fataloil spillencoun-

ters rem ains to be seen. A ccording to U .S.

Fish and W ildlifeofficials,if the population

of adults next spring is few er than 1,500-

w hich w ould be the low est recorded popu-

lation in recent years -

then turtle a u-

thorities probably could assum e that a t

least the adults m et w ith the oilslick.Itw ill

take a bout eight years, how ever, before

the im pact of the Ixtoc b low out on this

year's hatchlings can be evaluated;at that

tim e,the hatchlings w illhave m atured and

returned hom e to R ancho N uevo.

A s w ith the R idley hatchlings,the over-

allenvironm ental im pact ofIxtoc w illtake

years to evaluate. Still,som e researchers

already say the G ulf of M exico seem s b ack



to norm al. "Ifyou go to the beaches of

South Padre Island today,"said A C S oilspill

sym posium participant E dw ard B . O ver-

ton, "you'llfind good sw im m ing and good

fishing." A lthough it looks like "the end of

the w orld" on the beaches during an oil

spill, "T he environm ent springs back,"

says O verton of the C enter for Bio-O rganic

Studies. "In som e people's m inds, it's as

though w e create a sterile area after w e've

had a spill. T his is n ot the case."

O ther researchers do not share O ver-

ton'soptim ism .Som e believe, forexam ple,

thatthe 37 tar m ats,or areas of buried oil,

in the subtidal region offthe coast of Texas

m ay present a continuing p ollution prob-

lem . T hese
m ats
m easure

about 60 m eters long and 6 m eters w ide.

In addition, "Scientists still have not

been able to account for the bulk of the 140

m illion gallons of oilthat spilled from the

Ixtoc I and that, according to N O A A , had

covered up to 10 percent of the surface

area of the G ulf of M exico in the fallof

1979,"G olob reported at the A C S m eeting.

G olob says
that PE M E X unsuccessfully

used a variety of cleanup techniques, in-

cluding skim m ers, dispersants and the

Som brero oil collection device -

a 3 00-

ton octagonal steel cone sim ilar in shape

to a M exican hat-to
recover the spilled

oil. E ven though local storm s and hur-

ricanes w ere in partto blam e for the over-

allfailure of these techniques, G olob says,

"Ifthe M exicans -
w ith equipm ent from

the best m anufacturers and expertise from

the finest spillexperts w orldw ide -w ere

not able to d ealw ith the Ixtoc Ispill,then


problem s


raise questions about the adequacy of

equipm ent
and technology

m eet the dem ands of any m assive open-

ocean spill, w hether from a w ellb low out

or a tanker stranding."

G olob says Ixtoc I analyzers should a d-

dress not only those issues concerning

blow out prevention

and cleanup tech-

nologies, but also the politicalq uestions,

such as com pensation for dam ages from a

transboundary incident.

T hese issues w ere discussed last D e-

cem ber during the Senate hearing on the

M ussel-bound m onitors

C am peche oilspill.The hearings w ere par-

ticularly tim ely because in just 13 days the

U .S.D epartm ent of Interior intended to

hold the first lease sale for m arine oiland

gas activities on G eorges B ank -an area

off the N ew E ngland coast considered to

be the w orld's m ost productive fishing

ground a nd thought to contain only 3.4

percent of the oiland 4.4 percent ofthe gas

recoverable from the O uter C ontinental

Shelf.W hen the sale p roceeded as sched-

uled, follow ing the D ec. 11, 1979,lease

sale of a sim ilarly controversial tract off

the coast of A laska,groups that oppose

rapid developm ent of offshore drilling

feared that Ixtoc already had left the polit-

icalarena -
m onths b efore the w ellw as


O verton,though,says that w hile an in-

crease in ocean drilling,and therefore fu-

ture accidental inputs of fossil fuels in the

m arine environm ent, is inevitable, "W e

learned from the A m oco C adiz spill,w e are

learning from the Ixtoc I spilland w e w ill

learn from future spills.T his is an ongoing

study .... W e have not forgotten Ixtoc." E


--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Si

W here the ocean m eets the shore is a dynam ic environm ent

.highly susceptible to society's discards -

fossil fuels, trace

m etals,
and radionuclides.
R e-





L H pN


searchers recognizing the increasing threat to this precious

environm ent have organized "M usselW atch," asystem atic and


continuing program for m onitoring coastal contam inants.









M ussel W atch is a strategy of using bivalves -m ussels,


_R "




ters and clam s-as

vigilantes ofm arine pollutants.The program


B .

involves periodically analyzing tissues of bivalves from specific

M ussel W atch stations to identify areas of elevated contam ina-



tion a nd to provide baseline data from w hich future hot spots

can be identified.A s a routine part of the program ,for exam ple,

oyster sam ples w ere taken from the shores of PortA ransas,T ex.,

before the Ixtoc Iexploratory w ell blew out in June of 1979 and


A P~~A

began spew ing oilinto the G ulf of M exico.W ith this pre-lxtoc

~~~~~~~~~~~~~A tU A S

baseline data in hand, m ussel w atchers on the T exas coast

recently began analyses of post-lxtoc oyster sam ples for fossil

fuelcom pounds to aid in gauging the spill's im pact.

Ifelevated concentrations of fossil fuel com pounds are dis-

covered in these sam ples, how ever,m ussel w atchers m ust con-

sider all possible

sources of contam ination. T he N ational

A cadem y of Sciences estim ates that 6.11 m illion m etric tons of


~~~~A t U .S.M ussel W atch stations re-

petroleum enter the w orldw ide m arine environm ent each year

searchers find that bivalves sub-

from sources such as naturalseeps (.6 m illion m etric tons per

jected topollutants are less suscep-

year), industrial and m unicipal w astes (.6), river runoff (1.6),

tible to parasites (left) and can

U __

urban runoff (.3) and offshore production and tanker traffic

and celltrans-


(2.21). O iled oysters can flag a problem but not its origin.

form ations (C to S above).

A nother lim itation of the M ussel W atch program is the fact

that m any different variables -bivalve

size, sex,reproductive
in the M editerranean,w hich is close to the one you see on the

state and physiological condition, for exam ple-m ay

W est Coast."T he sim ilarity betw een species helps to standardize

the levels of pollutants accum ulated by m ussels.S uch observa-

the program .

tions h ave stim ulated w ork in the developm ent of an "artificial

E valuating the m erit of a global M ussel W atch program w as

m ussel," such as one m ade w ith polyurethane foam "tissues."

one concern of the recent N A S-sponsored InternationalM ussel

T hese synthetic, pollutant-concentrating tissues w ould n ot b e

W atch W orkshop in B arcelona, Spain. N ow ,a second M ussel

influenced by nature's variables.

W atch conference is in the w orks,and organizers hope to hold it

D espite the lim itations,bivalves could easily be globalpollut-

in Southeast A sia to encourage inputfrom T hird W orldcountries

ant barom eters, says M usselW atch participant John W Far-

there. Farrington says this region could benefit from M ussel

rington,because they are com posed of "cosm opolitan species."

W atch not only because the program offers a relatively sim ple

E xplainsFarrington,ofW oods H ole O ceanographic Institution in

and inexpensive screen, or first-step,analysis for pollutants,but

M assachusetts, "M ussels and oysters have cousins w orldw ide;

also because "a w hole chunk of the w orld's population is living

the m ussel you see on the E ast C oast is close to the one you see

on the coast there."



w 3


Document ID:

SC IE N C E NE W S,VO L .118

V IE ET M ILIEU - LIFE A ND ENV IRONM ENT, 2007, 57 (1/2) : 91-107








L aboratoire de B iologie M arine, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, EA CN R S -EPHE 8046, R cifs coralliens,

Univ ersit de Perpignan, A v enue de V illeneuv e, 66 860 Perpignan, France

L aboratoire Ecologie, S y stm atique, Ev olution, B at. 362, Univ ersit de Paris-S ud, 91 405 Orsay , France

*Correspondence: bsalv at@ univ -perp.f r







A B S T R A C T. This paper reviews the current state of knowledge of the effects that oil pollu-

tion has on scleractinian corals. Areview of results obtained in laboratory as well as in field con-

ditions are given and suitable m anagem ent tools are discussed. Studies m ade in the 1970s and

1980s presented conflicting results regarding the im pacts of oil on coral physiology, but later

results confirm ed the detrim ental effect of oil on corals. The w orlds coral reefs are severely

threatened by an array of factors, one of which is oil pollution. More laboratory and field work

w ith current oils and dispersants is urgently needed in order to update our know ledge in this

field and reduce impacts in case of a major oil spill on coral reefs.


that an im portant fraction of the 6 m illions of tonnes of

oil per year spilled into the w orlds oceans (C apone &

Coral reefs are the most diverse and complex commu-

Bauer 1992) is released into reef ecosystems (Ramade &

nities in the marine environment. Hermatypic corals play

R o c h e 2 0 0 6 ). T h e d istrib u tio n o f o il p o llu tio n in th e

a key role in forming the structure of coral reefs and pro-

w orld's oceans is show n in F ig. 1. T he polycyclic aro-

viding substrate and shelter for a wide variety of org a n-

m atic hydrocarbons, w hich are perm anent com ponents

ism s. A cute dam age to corals m ay result in a collapse of

of crude oil and are also generated in incom plete com -

this complex community.

bustions, rank am ong the m ost dangerous contam inants

C oral reefs are seriously threatened by hum an activi-

tie s in m o st p a rts o f th e w o rld . G lo b a lly , 2 0 % o f th e

d u e to th e ir a c u te a n d lo n g -te rm to x ic ity (R a m a d e &

Roche 2006).

w o r l d s coral reefs have been effectively destroyed and

O il extraction has caused incidences of severe pollu-

show no immediate prospects of recovery, approximately

tio n . In 1 9 6 6 , 4 0 0 0 0 t o f o il le a k e d o u t o f a b ro k e n

40% of the 16% that were seriously damaged in the 1998

pipeline off California. The worst pipeline accident hap-

bleaching event are either recovering well or have recov-

pened in 1979 at the Ixtoc I pipeline offshore the Mexican

e re d . It is p re d ic te d th a t 2 4 % o f th e w o rld s re e fs a re

c o a s t a n d o v e r 5 0 0 0 0 0 t o f o il w a s s p ille d (R a m a d e

under imminent risk of collapse through human pressures

2000). Five out of six of the worlds worst pipeline disas-

and a further 26% are under a long-term threat of collapse

ters have occurred in the Caribbean region (OSIR 1999).

( Wilkinson 2004). T his decline is due to increasing

T ransportation w ith ballast w ater release and tanker

hum an pressures; poor land m anagem ent releasing m ore

accidents are the second category of oil pollution. O ver

sed im ent, n u trien ts an d o th er p o llu tan ts th at stress th e

o n e b illio n to n n es o f o il is tran sp o rted an n u ally in th e

reefs; over-fishing w ith destructive fishing m ethods;

w o r l d s oceans. It is estimated that 0.1-0.3% (about 1-3

coral diseases and coral predators such as the crow n-of-

m illion t) of this oil is released into the oceans in ballast

thorns starfish and the predicted increases in ocean tem -

water (Ramade 2000).

peratures as a result of global climate change. Reef health

T h e m a jo rity o f b ig s p ills (> 7 0 0 to n n es) b etw een

varies betw een oceans and is the m ost critical in South-

1974-2005 w ere caused by tanker groundings (34.4% )

East Asia (Salvat 2005).

and collisions (28.3%) (ITOPF 2006). The average quan-

tity of oil spilled into the oceans during the 1990s w as

S ources of oil pollution in the oceans

less than a third (11 40000 t) of that witnessed during the

1 97 0s (31 4 20 0 0 t) (IT O P F 20 06 ). B etw een 1 99 9 and

The principal causes of oil pollution in the oceans are

2004 there has been less than 50000 t of oil spilt per year.

a) extraction of oil, b) transportation w ith ballast w ater

It is n o tab le, h o w ev er, th at a few v ery larg e sp ills are

release and tanker accidents and c) war-related incidents

responsible for a high percentage of the oil spilt (ITO P F

(R am ade 2000). A t a global scale, it has been estim ated


Document ID:



Fig. 1. Distribution of oil pollution in the oceans (Ramade 1995, p. 286 after BP, op. cit.).

Fig. 2. Major routes of oil transportation (Ramade 1995, p. 246 in OCDE, op. cit. p. 84).

No major oil pollution accidents on coral reefs have

m us crude) off Panam a in 1986 (Jackson et al. 1989).

taken place recently, but the location of coral reefs in

This was the largest recorded spill into a sheltered coastal

near-shore waters means that there is a potential danger to

habitat in the tropical Americas.

corals from tanker accidents, refinery operations, oil

The Straits of M alacca and the South China Sea are

exploration and production (IPIECA 1992). The biggest

nowadays considered as the area with the highest risk of

accidental spills in tropical seas (offshore) occurred in

tanker accidents (ITOPF 2006 pers comm). There is also

1972 in the Gulf of Oman (115000 t), in 1979 off To b a g o

a high risk for oil spillage in the Arabian Gulf which con-

( 2 87000 t), and in 1992 off M ozam bique (72000 t).

stitutes the busiest oil transport route in the world,

Smaller incidents have been recorded in 1968 from Pana-

through which more than half of the worlds oil passes

m a (2856 t of M arine D iesel and B unker-C ), in 1970

(Fucik et al. 1 9 8 1 ) (Fig. 2). South and Central A m e r i c a

from the Seychelles (20000 t of fuel), in 1970 from Saudi

and the Caribbean stand as the second largest potential

Arabia (14280 t of Arabian Light Crude Oil) (Loya &

producers of oil in the world after Saudi Arabia (OSIR

R inkevich 1980) and about 7784 t of m edium -w eight

1999). In the Red Sea, poor environmental standards in

crude oil (70% Venezuelan crude and 30% Mexican Isth-

the Egyptian oil fields of the Gulf of Suez, and deballast-

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:



- 1

Table I. Concentration of some PAH in the sediments from the Australian Great Barrier Reef (in

d . w.) (after Haynes & John-

son 2000).

ing by ships in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of A d e n

and later through sedimentation of the un-degraded com-

(Gupta & Kureishy 1981) are major factors contributing

ponents from this oil that has been incorporated into fae-

to oil pollution.

ces and dead organisms (Farrington 1989).

Acts of war are responsible for the worst oil spills in

the world. In 1983, Iraqian airforces destroyed the

Im pacts of oil pollution on corals

Nowruz oil well platforms in the war between Iran and

Iraq, and a total of 1 m illion t of hydrocarbons w ere

T he im pact of oil on coral ecosystem s depends on

released into the ocean (Ramade 2000). During the Gulf

many varying physical, chemical and biological factors

W ar (1991) the largest oil spill ever recorded (about

that influence spilled oil and tend to make each incident a

8 568 0 0 -11 42400 t) was released into the marine envi-

unique ecological problem.

ronment of the northern Gulf (e.g. Price 1998). The total

Oil is a complex mixture of several thousand diff e r e n t

leakage of oil into the marine environment was estimated

m olecular com pounds, som e of them can cause acute

to be about 1599 36000 t (Sadiq & McCain 1993), which

and/or long-term toxicity. A number of toxic molecules

was 42 times as extensive as the Exxon Valdez spill in

occur in the volatile fraction of oil, hence ecological dam-

Alaska in 1989 (Saenger 1994).

age can be lower when a spill takes place far off - s h o r e ,

since the oil has time to loose a significant part of its toxic

W ays of oil contamination in coral reef habitats

components before it reaches coastal waters. However,

the most hazardous oil components are included in the

A fter an oil spill, oil com ponents dispersed in the

heavy fractions, namely the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydro-

water column can contaminate a reef in three diff e r e n t

carbons (PAH) as well as various sulphur and nitrogen

w ays. Firstly, the surface oil at the air-w ater interface

organic derivatives of high molecular weight.

floats over the reefs and subsequently contaminates the

PAHs can occur chronically in coral reef systems

intertidal scleractinian corals as they become exposed to

(Haynes & Johnson 2000), due to tanker wreckage, de-

air at low tide. Secondly, wave action can disperse oil as

ballasting, and the deposition of atmospheric pollutants in

droplets w ithin the w ater colum n. These droplets w ill

r a i n w a t e r. Investigations have shown evidence of signifi-

sooner or later com e into contact w ith corals. In som e

cant PAH contamination in the sediments of the A u s-

cases, these droplets can sink into deeper waters as they

tralian Great Barrier Reef (Table I).

become combined with particles. Weathered oil can also

Interacting factors w hich determ ine the nature and

sink in this w ay and com e into contact w ith corals at

extent of the biological consequences of each spillage

greater depths (NOAA2003). When dispersants are used,

include: the type of oil, dosage, physical environmental

they m ay have a detrim ental effect on corals as they

factors, prevailing weather conditions, nature of the biota,

strongly increase the incorporation of oil into the water

seasonal factors, prior exposure of the area to oil, pres-

colum n and subsequently the potential of contact with

ence of other pollutants and type of rem edial action

corals. T h i r d l y, and far worse, is the long-term contami-

(Straughan 1972). The recognition of a large range of

nation due to oil incorporated into bottom sediments. This

stress responses shown by corals is complicated by the

h as a h eav y im p act o n b en th ic b io ta w ith th e cy clic

wide range of oils, oil fractions, and bioassay methodolo-

release of toxic components of the oil from the sediment,

gies used in laboratory studies to date. C onsequently,

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:



Table II. Range of property values for the lightest fraction of oils, light crude oils, medium oils with high and low pour points, and

heavy oils. Examples for each group are given in parenthesis (Cormack 1999, reproduced by ITOPF and ETC Spills Te c h n o l o g y


identification of trends or patterns of acute and sublethal

Papers describing chronic pollution in the field (e.g.

responses of corals exposed to oil is difficult (Fucik et al.

Rinkevich & Loya 1977), as well as short-term laborato-

1981). A summary of different types of oils is given in

ry-based investigations (e.g. Harrison et al. 1990, Mercu-

Table II.

rio et al. 2004, Negri & Heyward 2000) have established

Although oil pollution in the marine environment has

been regarded as a major environmental hazard for sever-

that oil pollution m ay cause significant dam age to reef


al decades, little is known about the mechanisms in which

The aim of this review article is to summarize scientif-

crude oil affects natural marine populations and commu-

ic findings of the impacts of oil on corals both in the field

nities (Kushmaro et al. 1997). Most of the published sci-

and in the laboratory, and to suggest suitable management

entific papers date from the 1970s and 1980s. A r e v i e w

tools for oil spills on coral reefs.

article on the effects of oil pollution on corals was m ade

in 1984 by Loya & Rinkevich.

1. Field observations of oil im pacts

These earlier papers have presented contradictory

results. Johannes et al. (1972) concluded that som e reef

Field observations offer the best opportunity to under-

building corals m ay be seriously dam aged if coated with

stand the effects of oil spills, but they have been uncom -

oil when exposed to air at low tide, whereas Shinn (1972),

m on in coral reef habitats. H ere w e give an overview of

stated that it would seem safe to conclude that crude oil

the m ost im portant field studies. T able III s u m m a r i z e s

sp ills d o n o t p o se a sig n ific a n t th re a t to A tla n tic re e f

these studies.

corals. However, Shinns (1972) conclusions were based

on a qualitative study, without really measuring the rate of

In situ experiment at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall

re-colonization and without having any data on the coral


com m unity structure prior to the study. Spooner (1970)

reported no damaging effects to corals in a site chronically

Johannes et al. (1972) used Santa Maria crude oil in an

polluted by oil. It seems, however, that short-term, inciden-

in situ experiment at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands.

tal or scattered observations may result in misleading con-

Twenty-two species of corals were transplanted and

clusions and Stirling (1977) argued that ecological phe-

placed on two floating frames where a proportion of the

nomena, such as those caused by oil spills in tropical seas,

corals was exposed to air. Oil was poured into the water

can be interpreted only when the physiological ecology and

around but not over the corals on one frame, producing an

population dynam ics of the fauna in relation to stability,

oil layer averaging 0.6 mm thickness. Oil adhered with

recruitment and mortality are adequately understood.

greatest affinity to branching corals of the genera

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Table III. Summary of principal studies made on the effects of oil on corals in a natural environment.

A c ro p o r a and Po c i l l o p o r a and was visible on the corals

spp. The plots measured 2 m by 2 m, located over approx-

after four weeks of observation. However, most of the oil

imately 1-m depth at low tide, and anchored in place.

disappeared w ithin 1 day after colony subm ersion in

The intention of this treatment was to simulate condi-

clean water in corals with large and fleshy polyps and

tions of a typical Arabian Gulf oil spill and not to over-

abundant mucus, such as Fu n g i a and S y mphy l l i a. Ac o m-

whelm the corals with extraordinary and catastrophic

p lete b reak d o w n o f so ft tissu e w as seen o n areas w h ere

stresses. As such, oil was added to test plots to produce a

oil adhered to the coral. It was concluded that floating oil

slick of 0.25 mm in thickness, in the 24-h oil-only treat-

may kill coral tissue if it adheres to corals when they are

ment, and 0.10 mm thick in the 120 h-experiment. Wa t e r

exposed to air.

concentrations of hydrocarbons were measured by

infrared methods, and no water column elevations were

detected in the oil-only plots. The oil-only plots were visu-

Field experiment in the Arabian Gulf

ally inspected at the end of the 24-h and 120-h exposures,

LeGore et al. (1989) tested responses of corals to dis-

and they appeared normal. These areas were monitored for

persed oil under realistic spill conditions on Jurayd

one year, and no extraordinary changes occurred relative

Island, off the coast of Saudi Arabia. The design included

to the un-oiled plots (seasonal changes in degree of

exposure to Arabian Light crude oil with and without dis-

bleaching, however, were noted across all monitored

persants over periods of 24 h and 120 h. Study plots were

plots). While dispersed oil appeared to delay the recovery

established over existing coral reefs that were comprised

from seasonal bleaching, this was not observed in the oil-

mostly of A c ro p o r a spp. (more than 95%), with scattered

only plots. Growth rates, expressed as skeletal extension

colonies of Pl at y g y r a spp., Go n i o p o r a spp., and Po r i t e s

along branch axes, showed no correlation to treatment in

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the 24-h exposure. There was some indication that growth

(1993), the size of gonads is a more sensitive measure of

rates were depressed with 120-h exposure, but LeGore e t

long-term (m ore than 3 yrs in this study) sub-lethal

a l . (1989) cautioned that these were not definitive. In sum-

e ffe c ts o f o il o n re p ro d u c tio n , th a n is th e n u m b e r o f

m a r y, after one year of monitoring, the corals showed no

gonads or proportion of fertile colonies. G uzm n et al.

visible effects after exposure to surface oil for 24 hours

(1993) found that there had been virtually no recruitment

and for 120 hours. The authors concluded that healthy reef

of m ost form erly dom inant coral species, and that sub-

corals can tolerate brief (1 to 5-day) exposures to floating

lethal effects on vital processes (regeneration, grow th,

oil with no observable effect. They did note the potential

reproduction, and recruitm ent) are likely to persist for

for seasonal susceptibility to exposure in this region in the

decades. This has been reported before from other areas

wintertime when low water temperatures stress corals.

b y o th er au th o rs (L o y a & R in k ev ich 1 9 8 0 , B ak 1 9 8 7 ,

E akin et al. 1993). The causes of these effects are com -

plex, but the 2 m ost im portant factors are re-oiling and

Oil spill in Panama

sedimentation from adjacent mangroves. Estimated mini-

Jackson et al. (1989) observed extensive m ortality of

mum times for recovery of the reef after the Panamanian

subtidal reef corals and infauna of seagrass beds after an

oil spill in 1986 were 10-20 years on the assumption that

oil spill off the Panamanian coast in 1986. This spill con-

no other events w ould further depress coral populations

sisted of about 7784 t of m edium -w eight crude oil (70%

(Brown 1997).

V enezuelan, 30% M exican Isthm us crude oil). D am age

caused by the accident was most extensive at the seaward

The Gulf War,Arabian Gulf

border of the reef, where the oil accumulated at low tide.

M ost of the scleractinian corals still alive in depths less

The G ulf W ar in 1991 resulted in the largest oil spill

th a n 3 m s h o w e d s ig n s o f re c e n t s tre s s . T h e s e s ig n s

ever recorded in history (about 8568 0 0 -11 42400 t) (e.g.

included bleaching or sw elling of tissues, conspicuous

Price 1998). The type of oil spilled in the incident has not

production of mucus, recently dead areas devoid of coral

been indicated.

tissue, and globules of oil. The most common sessile ani-

Given the quantity of spilled oil, the recorded impacts

m als before the spill w ere zoanthids (Z oanthus sociatus

to the environm ent w ere surprisingly low . D ow ning and

and Pa l y t h o a sp p .), h y d ro co rals ( M i l l e p o r a spp.), and

Roberts (1993) observed som e coral m ortalities of a few

scleractinian corals (Po r i t e s spp.). At the seaward border

species (A c ro p o r a spp., Po r i t e s spp. and Pl at y g y r a s p p . )

o f th e ree f fla t, p o p u la tio n s o f a ll th ese a n im als w ere

in K uw ait affecting different reefs in different w ays, but

severely reduced, and only Z oanthus sociatus h a d

thought it w as unlikely that oil released during the w ar

returned to typical abundance after 18 months. Total coral

w as the only cause of the decline. O n the basis of video

cover decreased by 76% at depths between 0.5-3 m and

recordings made along transects between 1992 and 1994,

by 56% between depths of 3-6 m on the heavily oiled reef

V ogt (1995) concluded that live coral cover had signifi-

3 months after the accident. Average size of coral

cantly increased and that corals offshore from Saudi A r a-

colonies (all species) and species diversity also decreased

bia had survived the largest spill on record rem arkably

significantly in relation to oiling (Guzmn et al. 1 9 9 1 ) .

unscathed. These findings were in accordance with other

C o v er o f th e larg e b ran ch in g co ral A c ropora palm ata

resu lts (e.g . P rice 19 9 8 ). It m u st b e n o tified th at o th er

decreased the m ost after the accident. T his result lends

en v iro n m en tal im p acts fro m th e w ar, su ch as red u ced

further support to the claim that branching corals are most

water temperature and lowered ambient light from oil fire

sensitive to human disturbance (Brown & Howard,1985).

sm ok e, m ay h av e o b scured th e actual effects o f o il on

Frequency and size of recent injuries on m assive corals

coral (Vogt 1995).

increased with level of oiling, particularly for S i d e r as t re a

siderea (Guzmn et al. 1991).

Providing a single index as a snapshot of the health

o f a n e n v iro n m e n ta l sy ste m , w h ic h a lso c a p tu re s th e

Guzmn & Holst (1993) studied the effects of chronic

dynam ics of the different ecosystem s im pacted, rem ains

o il-se d im e n t p o llu tio n (ty p e o f o il n o t in d ic a te d , b u t

elusive, like in the Gulf War case. Additional diff i c u l t i e s

exp ected to b e th e sam e as in th e o il sp ill in 1 9 8 6 , i.e.

in clu de in co m p lete tim e-series, th e p o ssib ility o f m is-

70% Venezuelan crude and 30% Mexican Isthmus crude)

judgm ents about species abundance and m ortality from

on the reproduction on S i d e r a s t rea sidere a 5 years after

incomplete sampling, and the likelihood of synergism and

the Panam anian oil spill in 1986. Coral fecundity (num -

antagonism betw een w ar-related effects, background

ber of gonads/polyp and gonad size) was m easured from

impacts, and natural stresses (Price 1998).

h e a l t h y - l o o k i n g coral colonies, and coral colonies

T he G ulf environm ent has m any peculiarities w hich

sh o w in g recen t in ju ries o r p artial m o rtality (b leach ed

c o u ld h a v e a ffe c te d th e fa te o f th e o il. B e in g a se m i-

areas), during the peak of reproductive activity at heavily

closed w aterw ay linked to the Indian O cean by the nar-

o ile d a n d u n -o ile d re e fs o v e r a p e rio d o f 1 5 m o n th s.

row Strait of Hormuz, the turnover time for waters of the

Gonad size (area) was larger at un-oiled reefs for most of

A rabian G ulf has been estim ated to 3.5 years. A s a con-

the sam pling period. A ccording to G uzm n & H olst

sequence of this slow turnover tim e and its dim ensions,

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

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extremely adverse and long-lasting effects were expect-

T he grounding resulted in the spillage of 379 tonnes of

ed from this spill, raising considerable international con-

diesel fuel, 1895 litres of lubricating oil, and 1125 kg of

cern. Oil pollution self-purification processes are consid-

am m onia onto the reef. T he vessel eventually broke up

erably enhanced in the A rabian G ulf com pared else-

b efo re a salv ag e o p eratio n co u ld tak e p lace an d in six

w here. T he G ulf environm ent has been subjected to

w eeks, all the content of the ship w as released onto the

hydrocarbon pollution for thousands of years through

su rro u n d in g c o ral re efs. S u b stan tia l in ju rie s fro m th e

natural oil seeps originating in the seabed. T h e r e f o r e ,

physical impact of the vessel and the contaminant releas-

there is an assemblage of m icro-organism s, that are

es w ere detected (M aragos 1994). The m ost w idespread

adapted and acclimatised to oil pollution. The exception-

and severe injuries to the atoll w ere from the release of

ally high ambient temperature (reaching up to 35C dur-

diesel fuel. Amassive die-off of coralline algae and many

ing sum m er) accelerates the evaporation of light toxic

reef-dw elling invertebrates w as observed after the

fractions and some intermediate products of biodegrada-

release, blue-green algae bloom s w ere recorded w here

tion and photo-oxidation (light-induced breakdown). T h e

th ey are ty p ically n o t fo u n d , an d th e stru ctu re o f alg al

rate of photo-oxidation in the G ulf is extrem ely high

communities had shifted substantially. Green et al. (1997)

compared to data reported from other parts of the world

stated that four years after the grounding, the aff e c t e d

(Saenger 1994).

areas rem ained visibly im pacted particularly w ith

Chronic oil pollution in Aruba, Caribbean Sea

tion of the affected areas by native biota has been deemed

respect to cover of coralline algae. N atural re-coloniza-

by the preferred restoration alternative. It has been esti-

Bak (1987) & Eakin et al. (1993) showed clear evi-

m ated that the im pacted area of Rose Atoll reef will take

dence of chronic oil pollution (between 1923 and 1985)

several m ore years or perhaps decades to recover (Green

near a refinery in Aruba. Most of the oil processed was

et al. 1997).

heavy crude from Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. However,

the dispersant Corexit had been used in clean up activities

TROPICS Experiment, Panama

since 1975 (Bak 1987). The spatial structure of the reef

had deteriorated, living coral cover was low and there

The 1984-1994 Tropical Oil Pollution Investigation in

were less juveniles in front and up to at least 9 km down-

C o astal S y stem s (T R O P IC S ) effo rt, sp o n so red b y th e

current of the refinery (Bak 1987). According to Eakin e t

A m erican Petroleum Institute, exposed a w hole ecosys-

al. (1993), M ontastrea annularis had slowed growth rates

tem (comprised of mangrove, seagrasses, and coral) to oil

in areas most affected by the refinery. A c ropora palm ata

a n d c h e m ic a lly d isp e rse d o il, in tw o se p a ra te b o o m -

w as the m ost affected species (B ak 1987), M . annularis

enclosed areas (NOAA2001).

and A garicia agaricites were absent directly downcurrent

T he oiled site w as treated w ith 953 litres of Prudhoe

of the refinery. It appeared that the gap in the distribution

B ay crude oil released onto a boom ed area of the w ater

of A . agaricites was more extensive than that of M . annu -

surface and allowed to remain for about two days. Ti d e s

l ar i s. D iploria strigosa was exceedingly dominant in the

and winds distributed the oil over the study area. After the

gap created by the absence of M . an n u laris and A .

exposure period free-floating oil w as rem oved w ith sor-

ag ar i c i t e s (Bak 1987). It was also suggested by laborato-

bents. Chemical and biological monitoring continued for

ry experim ents (D odge et al. 1985) that Di p l o r i a spp. is

tw o years. C hem ical m onitoring, conducted hourly for

possibly a hardier species w ith respect to oil pollution.

th e first 2 4 h o u rs, co n firm ed th at sed im en ts an d b io ta

According to Eakin et al. (1993), coral recruitment at the

w ere ex p osed to rising an d then rap id ly declin in g dis-

highly im pacted sites show ed hope for recovery if these

persed and undispersed oil. For coral reefs, detailed tran-

environments are protected from renewed perturbation.

sects w ere conducted to m easure abundance of epibiota

living on the reef surface. Four measurements were taken:

to tal o rg an ism s, to tal an im als, co rals, an d to tal p lan ts.

Chronic oil pollution in Eilat, Red Sea

Growth rates of four coral species (Porites porites, A gari -

Rinkevich & Loya (1977) studied the reproduction of

S ty lophora pistillata in a chronically oil-polluted area and

cia tenuif olia, M ontastrea annularis, and A c ropora cerv i -

c o r n i s) were also measured. The only statistically signifi-

a pollution free area in the northern G ulf of Eilat. In the

cant effect docum ented over the first 20 m onths at the

clean area, 75.5% of 98 colonies studied contained

oiled site w as a decrease in coral cover. N o significant

gonads in their polyps, w hile in the polluted area, only

changes in grow th rates of the four targeted corals w ere

44.6% of 103 colonies contained gonads.

noted (B allou et al. 1987). Ten years later, neither coral

Vessel grounding at Rose Atoll, American Samoa

1995). T he authors contrasted the finding of no im pact

cover nor coral growth showed oil im pacts (Dodge et al.

fro m o ilin g a lo n e to th at d e sc rib e d b y G u zm n e t al.

In O ctober 1993, a Taiw anese fishing vessel ran

(1991) at B aha Las M inas, w here significant effects of

aground on the rem ote R ose A toll in A m erican Sam oa.

oil alone were found in several of the sam e species stud-

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ied at TROPICS. Dodge et al. (1995) implied that these

Histopathological effects

d i fferences may have been due to the size of the spill at

Baha Las Minas and continued chronic exposure from

Peters et al. (1981) exposed the C aribbean coral

M anicina areolata to No. 2 fuel oil (Chevron/Pascagoula,

oil trapped in the sediments.

Ward et al. (2003) returned to the site in 2001 and

g r a v i t y, API = 33-39) for three months (dosage 10 ml

2002 and found that there were still visible traces of the

- 1

m i n

). T he expected concentrations w ere 0.1 ppm and

oil added in 1994 in the non-dispersed site sediments. The

0 . 5 p p m . A ltho u g h co rals rem ain ed aliv e, ev id en ce o f

authors confirmed that the effects were more serious to

pathological responses w ere found w hich included

the mangroves than to seagrass areas and corals: man-

impaired development of reproductive tissues, degenera-

grove trees showed morphological prop-root deforma-

tion and loss of sym biotic zooxanthellae, and atrophy of

tions. The coral cover had increased from a pre-treatment

mucous secretory cells and muscle bundles. Corals exam-

value of 33.5% to 67.5% in 2001.

ined after tw o, four and six w eeks after the start of the

2. Laboratory studies on oil impacts

secretory cell activity. This was indicated by a prolifera-

experim ent show ed an ex ten siv e in crease in m ucous

tion of m ucous secretory cells as w ell as an increase in

Many laboratory studies exist on the impacts of oil on

size of these cells in the epidermis and mesenteries. Many

corals. Extrapolating these results to real-life oil spill

cells had increased to such an extent that their cell w alls

scenarios is complicated by the various exposures to dif-

w ere broken and huge vacuoles w ere form ed. M any

ferent types of oil. B ecause only a fraction of the oil

m ucous secretory cells w ere also noted in the tips of the

mixes directly into the water, actual toxicity levels can

mesenterial filaments, where they are not usually present.

be assum ed to be m uch low er than reported in m any

Zooxanthellae w ere not only lost from the gastroderm is,

studies. During actual oil spills, oil is most concentrated

but also from the mesenteries.

at the very beginning of a spill and concentrations rapid-

Harrison et al. (1990) observed a dramatic decrease in

ly decline. W hen trying to estimate real-life exposures,

zooxanthellae concentrations and a thinning of the tissue

it is im portant to carefully evaluate the m ethods used

of A c ropora form osa branches after 24 h of exposure to

when extrapolating results from laboratory studies

water accommodated fractions (W AF) of marine fuel oil.

( N O A A2001). Table IV summarizes the effects of oil on

T h e re s p o n s e o f th e c o ra l w a s s im ila r in b o th 5 a n d

corals in laboratory studies and the associated refer-

10 ppm treatments.

Reimer (1975) observed tissue rupture and flaking off

e n c e s .

of tissue especially at the edges of the Pocillopora dam i -

c o r n i s co lo n ies after 1 8 , 5 5 , 7 6 an d 2 1 0 h ex p o su re to


Marine Diesel and Bunker-C oils. A massive extrusion of

Several studies suggest that exposure to hydrocarbons

zooxanthellae w as observed in P. dam icornis w h e n

a ffects coral grow th especially by decreasing calcium

exposed to M arine D iesel. This led to bleaching, w hich

d ep o sitio n in to th e p o ly p s ex o sk eleto n (D o d g e e t al.

occurred within 5-13 days of exposure to oil, and it affect-

1984). Guzmn et al. (1994) found an overall slow-down

e d m o stly th e lo w er sid e o f th e co lo n ie s. Po c i l l o p o r a

o f c o ra l g ro w th a fte r th e B a h ia L a s M in a s o il sp ill in

d a m i c o r n i s sh o w ed tissu e d e ath so o n er th a n a ll o th er


species investigated, it was affected more by longer expo-

Table IV. Summary of the principal responses of corals to oil in laboratory.

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sures than by shorter ones and is more susceptible to tis-

long residue and Lagom ar short residue. Sm all drops of

sue dam age and bleaching by M arine D iesel than by

these oils were introduced in the grastrovascular cavity of


the corals. T he viscosity of these oils increased in this

Zooxanthellae expulsion was also observed in colonies

sequence at the tem perature of the experim ents (26 to

of A c ropora formosa exposed to hydrocarbon compo-

28C ) (B ak & E lgershuizen 1976). N o evidence of

nents originated from lubricating oils. A decrease of the

adsorption of oil to living coral tissue was found: if drops

maximum quantic photosynthetic efficiency (F

/ F

m )

were introduced into the gastrovascular cavity they were

- 1

occurred at concentrations ranging from 150 g.l

a n d

invariably extruded through the stom odaeum . W hen oil

drops arrived on the peristome they were removed by cil-

over (Mercurio et al. 2004).

iary currents and by tentacular and polypal m ovem ents

Chemoreception, feeding response and behaviour

(Bak & Elgershuizen 1976).

The reaction of corals to sediment is intimately linked

Crude-oil products may interfere with chemically

to the specific morphology of the coral colonies aff e c t e d .

m ediated behaviors by blocking the taste receptors of

L o n g , m ean d ro id valley s are m o re ad v antag eo u s th an

marine organisms or by mimicking natural stimuli and

short, reticulate valleys. Calical morphology also aff e c t s

thus eliciting false responses (Blumer et al. 1971).

the mobility of polyps. A garicia agaricites is an example

Cohen et al. (1977) exposed the soft coral Heterox enia

of a species depending on strong ciliary currents for sedi-

f us c e s c e ns to different concentrations of Iranian crude oil

ment rejection. A c ropora palm ata and Porites astero i d e s

- 1

in static bioassays (1-30 ml

). The initial effect of crude

are, w ithout help of w ave action or currents, unable to

oil (even in the low est concentration) w as a reduction in

remove particles of any size (Bak & Elgershuizen 1976).

pulsation rate to less than 50% of the rate in u ntreated

- 1

colonies. At concentrations of 10 ml

and greater, pulsa-

Mucus expulsion and coral reef food-web

tion stopped almost completely within 72 h. After 17 days

of recovery, the pulsation rate of treated colonies was 20-

M ucus secretion by reef corals as a protective m echa-

30% low er and less regular than in control colonies. In

nism in response to external perturbations is well known.

large tanks (1500 l, 1-2 m deep) with a continuous flow of

Johannes e t al. (1972) found that corals w ith large and

seaw ater (oil concentration of 10 m l-1), a sim ilar reduc-

fleshy polyps with abundant mucus cleaned themselves in

tion in pulsation rate was recorded.

1 day after colony submersion in clean water. Harrison e t

Som e scleractinian and zoantharian corals have been

a l . (1990) observed massive amounts of mucus discharg-

reported to respond to crude-oil pollution by mouth open-

ing from branches of A c ropora formosa when exposed to

in g (R e im e r 1 9 7 5 , L o y a & R in k e v ic h 1 9 7 9 ). R e im e r

5 and 10 ppm of marine fuel oil.

(1975) described abnormal feeding reactions in four scle-

U nder norm al conditions, m ucus loss m ay be a m ajor

ractinian corals (Pocillopora dam icornis, Pav ona gigan -

pathw ay of energy loss. T hus, 40% of the prim ary pro-

tea, Psam m ocora stellata and Porites furc a t a) elicited by

duction of a species of A c ro p o r a is rapidly lost as mucus

Marine Diesel and Bunker-C oils floating over the surface

(L o y a & R in k ev ich 1 9 8 0 ). In stressed co rals th is lo ss

water covering the corals. P. dam icornis was treated with

m ight constitute an enorm ous energy drain, which could

1 m l of M arine D iesel in a 250-m l finger bow l and w as

lead to a deterioration in general coral health.

shown to exhibit exaggerated mouth opening which last-

Knap et al. (1982) m easured the uptake and the depu-

e d u p to 1 7 d a y s. C o n tro l c o lo n ie s k e p t th e ir m o u th s

ration of (9-14C) phenanthrene (Solbakken et al. 1979) in

closed throughout 20 d of observation. M outh opening

individual colonies of the brain coral D ip lo ria strig o sa.

responses in Pav ona gigantea, Psam m ocora stellata a n d

A fte r 1 0 d a y s, a 4 0 0 0 tim e s h ig h e r c o n c e n tra tio n o f

Po r i t e s sp. w ere sustained for m uch longer periods than

phenanthrene was found in the tissue than in the mucus. It

normal after exposure to Marine Diesel.

w as concluded that the uptake of (9-14C ) phenanthrene

by D . strig o sa is sim ilar to th at o f o th er in v erteb rates

(Palm ork & Solbakken 1980, 1981). The very low con-

Oil-sediment rejection patterns in corals

centration of radioactivity in the mucus after 10 days may

The sediment rejection behaviour pattern of corals dis-

be due to a very high turnover rate of mucus by the coral

p lays m ax im u m an d m inim um rates d epen d en t o n th e

or may be due to the chemical nature of the mucus (Duck-

size and density of the oil-sediment particles. Viscosity of

low & M itchell 1979), and its inability to sorp petroleum

the oil determ ines the size of the oil-sedim ent particles

hydrocarbons to any great extent. Knap et al. (1982) stat-

(Bak & Elgershuizen 1976).

ed that the slow depuration rates exhibited by D i p l o r i a

D i fferent rejection patterns of sand-oil com binations

s t r i g o s a indicate that these organism s m ay prove to be

b y v ario u s co ral sp ecies w ere tested b y B ak & E lg er-

u se fu l b io -in d ic ato rs o f m arin e p o llu tio n in cid e n ts in

sh u iz en (1 9 7 6 ). T h e o il u se d in th e ex p e rim en t w as a

coral reef areas.

combination of Nigerian, Forcados and Tia Juana Pesado

Particulate m ucus has been shown to be consum ed by

crude oils (see T able I for details), as w ell as Forcados

a large variety of coral-reef organism s (Johannes 1967,

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

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Knudsen 1967, Benson & Muscatine 1974, Richman e t

- 1

of lubri-

M ercurio et al. (2004) stated that 150 m gL

a l . 1975, L ew is 1978). A lthough there is no conclusive

cating oil generated a 64% decrease in the fecundity of

evidence of possible transfer of oil derivatives through

gam etes of A c ropora micro p h t a l m a in comparison to the

the reef food chain, w hich originates from coral m ucus,


this remains one possible route, as demonstrated in other

o rganisms, such as clams (Stainken 1975). Another way

Larval metamorphosis and recruitment

is th ro u g h d irect feed in g o n co ral tissu e, w h ich m ig h t

contain accumulated hydrocarbons.

Field documentation (Loya 1976) combined with labo-

ratory experim ents (R inkevich & L oya 1979) recorded

that chronic oil pollution inhibits successful settlement of

Effects of bacteria

coral planulae.

The relationship between mucus production and bacte-

According to Rinkevich & Loya (1979), the shedding

rial grow th w as studied on colonies of Pl a t y g y r a s p p . ,

of larvae in S . pistillata is im m ediate in the presence of

w hich w as exposed to crude oil (oil type not specified)

low concentrations of the water soluble fraction of Iranian

(M itchell & C het 1975). It w as concluded that crude oil

crude oil, during day or night. Most larvae are prematurely

alone fails to kill coral at concentrations of 100 ppm but

released (planulae without com plete m esenteries or with

the role of the bacteria which developed under such stress

2-4 pairs of com plete m esenteries). The chances of sur-

con d ition s w as d em o n strated . T h ree g rou p s of m icro -

vival of such planulae are very low, due to the high preda-

o rganisms w ere suggested to be responsible for the

tion pressure existing in the reef from a w ide variety of

observed coral death: predatory bacteria, De s u l f o v i b r i o

o rganisms. Chia (1973) demonstrated that species speci-

and B eggiatoa.

f i c i t y, in terms of survival of the larvae in oil-polluted

A significant increase in m ucus-bacteria populations

w a t e r, may be related to size; larger larvae are expected to

and a significantly higher diversity of bacterial types in

survive longer because they are more robust. Larval extru-

clean coral-m ucus than in oil-exposed m ucus w ere indi-

- 1

sion due to sublethal concentrations of crude oil (10 ml l

cated by D ucklow (1977) and D ucklow & M itchell

was also reported in the soft coral H e t e roxenia fuscescens


after 72 h of exposure (Cohen et al. 1977). Since planulae

After the oil spill in Panama in 1986, bleached areas on

extrusion occurs during an oil spill, chances of survival

corals w ere surrounded by a black halo characteristic of

and successful larval settlement are very low. Gametes of

bacterial infection (A ntonius 1981). G arrett & D ucklow

most spawning species tend to rise to the surface just after

(1 9 7 5 ) su g g e ste d th a t n a tu ra lly o c c u rrin g d ise a se s in

spawning (Harrison et al. 1984) where they are more like-

co rals, e.g . th e b lack b an d d isease (B B D ), m ay resu lt

ly to encounter oil, and their larvae spend one to several

from stress conditions such as oil pollution. R ecent evi-

weeks in the plankton before attaining competence to set-

dence of the human impact on the occurrence of BBD has

tle (F ad lallah 1 9 8 3 , Jack so n 1 9 8 6 ). B ro o d in g sp ecies

b ee n su g g este d b y L ittler & L ittle r (1 9 9 6 ) an d F ria z-

release planulae throughout the year (Guzmn 1991). Seri-

Lopez et al. (2002).

ous im pacts on coral recruitm ent would therefore follow

in the case of a simultaneous spill and coral spawning.

N egri & H eyw ard (2000) reported the effects of the


w ater accom m odated fraction (W A F) of crude oil, (spe-

Rinkevich & Loya (1979) investigated the sub-lethal,

detrimental effects of Iranian crude oil on S ty lophora pis -

cific gravity of 0.93 (19.4 A PI), kinem atic viscosity of

128 cSt at 23C, pour point -39C and flash point 87.0C)

t i l l at a in a long-term laboratory experim ent. The experi-

and production form ation w ater (PFW ) on fertilization

ment consisted of four 1500-l capacity tanks with contin-

and larval metamorphosis of A cropora m illepora.A t 20%

uous flow of sea water; every week 2 of these tanks were

v / v, PFW fertilization w as inhibited by 25% . T his con-

- l

polluted by Iranian crude oil (3m l

sea w ater) for 24 h.

- l

centration was equivalent to 0.0721 mg l

of total hydro-

L a rge and mature colonies of S . p istillata w ere cut into

carbons (T H C ). In contrast, larval m etam orphosis w as

halves, at the beginning of the reproductive period; one

m ore sensitive to this effluent, with 98% m etam orphosis

h alf w as p laced in a p olluted tan k , th e o ther in a clean

inhibited at the sam e concentration. C rude oil W A F did

tank. After 2 months, a significant decrease in the number

not inhibit fertilization of gam etes until dispersant w as

of fem ale gonads per polyp w as recorded in 75% of the


polluted halves. This experiment showed that chronic oil


0.0824 mg l


pollution damages the reproductive system of scleractini-

C rude



m etam orphosis


K ushm aro et al. (1997) used T PA ( 1 2 - t e t r a - d e c a n o y l -

an corals, a fact that had already been shown in the field

phorbol-13-acetate) to induce metamorphosis of planulae

by the same authors (Rinkevich & Loya 1977).

of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens. In the absence of

Harrison (1994) observed total sterilization of gametes

crude oil (obtained from Haifa refineries, Israel, density:

of A c ropora tenuis occurring at a concentration of 0.002

0.8497 g/ml), T PA induced m etam orphosis in 97% of



of heavy fuel oil.

these planulae. Only 50% of the planulae grown in exper-

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:


imental vessels with crude oil at a concentration of


Possible clean-up methods for coral reefs

0 . 1 p p m co v erin g th e b o tto m an d w alls o f th e v essels

underw ent m etam orphosis w hen triggered by T PA . O f

B oom s and sk im m ers

those planulae exposed to 100 ppm of the pollutant only

The first stage of an effective response is to deploy a

3% metamorphosed after being induced by T PA. In addi-

boom to limit further spreading and concentrate the oil for

tio n , after m etam o rp h o sis th ere w as an in crease in th e

reco v ery (IT O P F 2 0 0 6 ). B o o m s an d sk im m ers can b e

n u m b er o f d efo rm ed p rim ary p o ly p s co m p ared to th e

used in relatively calm w aters near reefs or in lagoons,

control. T he deform ed polyps w ere elongated and had

but certain types of boom s need to be lim ited to deeper

short non pinnate tentacles. Planulae also settled less fre-

waters (greater than 3 m) to avoid direct physical impacts

quently on the oil-covered surfaces. T hus, on the reef,

to the corals.

even in the presence of low concentrations of crude oil, a

decrease in both viability and successful settlem ent of

coral planulae might occur following an oil spill.

S orbents and v acuum pum ping

Sorbents and vacuum pum ping are techniques w hich

could be used in lagoons. Vacuum pumping may be used

to re m o v e th ic k e r o il la y e rs a n d o il p o c k e ts, b u t c a re


should be taken to avoid breaking coral heads.

A ccording to Ram ade & Roche (2006), the high lipid

content of coral polyps increases their ability to retain

h y d ro carb o n s (an d m o re b ro ad ly any lipo p h ilic p o llu -

tants). Researchers have found that petroleum hydrocar-

L ow -pressure flushing

T his technique is an effective w ay of aiding natural

removal, but care must be taken when treating reefs.

b o n s are d ep o sited in to th e calcareo u s ex o sk eleto n o f

co rals, w h ich in tro d u ces th e p o ssib ility o f u sin g co ral

skeletons as historical records of hydrocarbon contamina-

tion in an area. Field studies in Baha Las Minas indicated

N atural cleansing

This is the best m ethod in m any cases if there is high

wave action on fringing reefs.

that corals took up hydrocarbons from the water column,

as opposed to sediments (Burns & Knap 1989). Readman

A gents and nutrients

et al. (1996) analysed sections of the m assive coral

Several m ethods currently in the developm ental stage

Po rite s lu te a from the G ulf coast of K uw ait and S audi

appear to be potentially suitable for use in coral areas and

Arabia and found clear evidence of the Gulf W ar oil spill

other m arine environm ents likely to be sensitive to oil.

recorded in the skeletons of these corals.

A m ong these are agents that have been developed that,

when added to oil, gel in a semisolid form that can then be

3. O il spill m anagem ent techniques on coral reefs

recovered. Research is also being carried out to use nutri-

ents (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorous) in accelerating the

Unless otherwise stated, the following chapter is based

bacterial biodegradation of oil. A cco rd in g to ITO P F

on the inform ation found in the Field guide for oil spill

(2006), the use of nutrients has not so far been dem on-

response in tropical waters published by the Internation-

strated to be beneficial for large-scale restoration pro-

a l M a ritim e O rg a n isa tio n (IM O ) (1 9 9 7 ) a n d th e O il

jects. B iorem ediation products should be applied w ith

spills in coral reefs: Planning and R esponse C onsidera-

care and the methods used must be specifically tailored to

tions published by National Oceanographic and A t m o-

the environm ent and pollutant at each contam inated site

spheric Administration (NOAA) (2001).

because they might encourage the growth of alien species

(ITOPF 2006).


B acterial biodegradation

The goal of spill response in coral areas is the same as

in a n y o th e r h a b ita t to m in im ize d am ag e cau sed b y

O il


m icrobes


w idely


throughout the w orlds coastal areas and are m ore abun-

accidents and any associated spillage. Choosing response

dant in coastlines adjacent to chronically polluted waters

methods carefully, with an understanding of the sensitivi-

such as those receiving industrial discharges and untreat-

ties of the reef environment, will minimize any additional

ed sew age. S o m e co m m ercially av ailab le p ro d u cts d o

impacts incurred from the cleanup. Variables such as type

com bine oil-degrading m icrobes collected from assorted

and amount of oil spilled, geology of the shoreline, rate of

areas of the world with nutrient supplements. Their appli-

water flow, weather, and availability of equipment for sal-

cation at a spill site can result in the introduction of alien

vage will determine which options can be considered dur-

species resulting in concerns about their potential impact.

ing a response. Problem s that have to be solved are the

However, in most cases it is likely that introduced species

possible rem oteness of the site, lack of adequate equip-

will not com pete effectively with those species naturally

m ent, the difficulty of navigation in shallow w aters, and

occurring. Although bioremediation may improve the rate

storage and disposal of collected oil.

of degradation of floating slicks the process is still too

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:



slow to prevent the vast majority of the oil reaching the

Lewis (1971) reported detrimental effects to the feed-

shoreline. One problem is that some of the more complex

ing response and tactile stimuli of four Caribbean corals,

components of the oil may remain partially or totally un-

due to Corexit. Of the four species tested (Porites porites,

degraded (NOAA2001).

M adracis


Fav ia

f ragum


A g ar i c i a

agari c i t e s), M. asperu l a exhibited the greatest ill eff e c t s .

In situ burning

F eed in g activ ity d ecreased m ark ed ly u p o n ad d itio n s o f

To date, there have been no intentional large-scale i n

1 0 0 p p m o f C o re x it, a n d a t 5 0 0 p p m a ll b u t 5 % o f th e

situ burns in coral reef habitats, neither has there been any

colonies appeared m oribund w hen com pared to controls.

studies of this technique in coral regions. Results from the

A ll species w ere m ore affected by the dispersant than by

Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment (NOBE) indi-

the crude oil (General Crude Oil Co. of Barbados). T h i s

cate that crude oil burn residue has a low inherent toxicity

was also concluded in the case of the soft coral He t e ro x e -

to test organisms, and incurred no additional toxicity over

nia f uscescens (Eisler 1975). Cook & Knap (1985)

unburned oil (Blenkinsopp et al. 1997). Extrapolation of

observed a photosynthesis reduction of 85 % in Di p l o r i a

these results to tropical areas and coral reefs should be

s t ri gos a after an eight-hour exposure to a mixture of A r a-

done cautiously, however. The physical impacts of con-

bian crude oil (19 ppm) and of the oil dispersant Corexit

tact (such as fouling or smothering) may be a concern,

1289 (1 ppm).

since the burn residue may sink. There would be no harm

Negri & Heyward (2000) exposed corals to the disper-

to corals caused by the temperature rise because it only

sant Corexit 9527 and found that it inhibited fertilization

takes place in the first few centimeters of water.

as well as larval metamorphosis of A c ropora millepora.

But it was more toxic when combined with the crude oil.

Dispersed oil was slightly more toxic to fertilization than


The use of dispersants should be restricted to deep

dispersant alone, suggesting toxicity to that event may be

w a t e r, away from the shore and away from environmen-

additive. The m inim um concentration of dispersed oil

tally fragile habitats. The use of dispersants should not be

- 1

w hich inhibited fertilization w as 0.0325 m g l

T H C .

undertaken if the risk caused to the environment by dis-

A lthough crude oil and dispersant inhibited larval m eta-

persed oil is higher than the risk caused by the oil itself.

morphosis individually, this toxicity was magnified when

The decision about using a dispersant has to be m ade

larvae w ere exposed to com binations of both. C rude oil

quickly so that the oil does not have the time to reach the

- 1

inhibited metamorphosis at 0.0325 mg l

THC when dis-

shore (Merlin 2005).

persed in 10% v/v (dispersant/oil).

The use of dispersants is not recommended on coral

E ffects of the dispersant Shell LTX on the Caribbean

reefs because they are likely to increase hydrocarbon con-

coral M ad racis m irabilis w ere studied (Elgershuizen &

centration in the w ater colum n thereby increasing the

D e K ruijf 1976). T he Shell dispersant L T X , applied on

exposure of corals to oil and because of their deleterious

the surface of the coral exposed to air w as not toxic by

environmental impacts discussed in the following chapter.

itself, but mixed with seawater the toxicity increased 3-6-

fold compared to the dispersant itself. The dispersant was

added in a ratio of 1:10 (dispersant : oil). The increase in

4. Effects of dispersants

toxicity is probably caused by the increase in num ber of

Most of the research on the effects of dispersants on

o il d ro p lets an d th e refo re, a n in cre ase in co n tac t a re a

corals has been done in the laboratory. All these results

b etw een w ater, o il an d d isp ersan t. E lgershu izen & D e

conclude that chem ical dispersants are toxic to corals.

K ruijf (1976) concluded that in the case of a m ajor oil

Table V summarizes these findings.

spill, reefs are more endangered by clean-up with chemi-

In Panama in 1986, the dispersant Corexit 9527 was

both observed and reported to have been applied mostly

cal detergents than by the oil itself and the use of mechan-

ical removal of the oil is preferred.

o ffshore, and always > 2-3 km away from the heavily

H arrison et al. (1990) observed a delayed stress

oiled reef (Guzmn et al. 1991). Refinery officials report-

response am ong branches of A c ropora form osa e x p o s e d

ed spraying from aircraft of over 21000 litres of the dis-

to dispersant BPA-B. Tissues began to lose zooxanthellae

persant (Guzmn et al. 1991). It was used too late and at

during the experiment and continued to deteriorate over

concentrations too low relative to the volume of spilled

subsequent weeks resulting in death of som e branches

oil to be effective (Cormack 1983), and may have mixed

after 1-2 months. The authors recommend not to use this

directly into the w ater colum n soon after spraying, or

dispersant in the vicinity of coral reefs until its toxicity is

accumulated on top of the floating oil. Corexit has also

more thoroughly investigated.

been described as toxic to reef corals by other authors

Harrison (1994) reported inhibition of fertilization of

(Ballou et al. 1989, Thorhaug et al. 1989), or not toxic at

the coral A c ropora tenuis by fuel oil and the dispersant

concentrations up to 50 ppm (Knap et al. 1985). Ballou et

Ardrox 6120, noting that the dispersant was more toxic

al. (1989) stated that dispersants (Corexit) had less effects

towards fertilisation than the water accommodated frac-

on mangroves than on corals.

tion of fuel oil.

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

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TableV. Summary of effects of dispersants on corals

Epstein et al. (2000) carried out a laboratory study on

d atio n fractio n s (W A F ) treatm en ts cau sed larv al m o r-

the survival of the planulae of S ty lophora pistillata a n d


H e t e roxenia fuscescens from the Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea.

behaviour and rapid tissue degeneration. The dispersant

Five third-generation oil dispersants, said to be environ-

Petrotech PTI-25 w as show n to be the least toxic of the

deform ations,



norm al

sw im m ing

mentally friendly (Inipol IP-90, Petrotech PTI-25, Biore-

p ro d u cts, b u t E p stein e t al. (2 0 0 0 ) d o n o t su p p o rt th e

ic o R -9 3 , B io so lv e a n d E m u lg a l C -1 0 0 ) w e re te ste d .

application of dispersants in the vicinity of coral reefs.

C oncentrations ranging from 0.5 to 500 ppm of disper-

Ward et al. (2003) concluded that the TROPICS long-

sant com pounds w ere m ixed in 1/10 ratio with an Egyp-

term study clearly show ed the trade-off betw een using

tian crude oil. A strong decrease of survival and settle-

dispersants and not using them : efficient dispersant use

m ent rate of planulae w as observed for dispersant expo-

sav es th e m an g ro v es, b u t is h arm fu l in sh allo w w ater

sure ranging from 50 ppm and over, w hile m etam orpho-

w h ere d isp ersants are in co n tact w ith th e corals. T h e

sis rate w as affected (6 0 % to 8 4 % few er th an co n tro l

results in this study point out the trade-offs in habitat sur-

depending on the considered com pound) at concentra-

vival that different management decisions could make to

tion as low as 0.5 ppm. Dispersants and water accommo-

inter-tidal and sub-tidal habitats (IPIECA1992).

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:



shallow water where they were in contact with corals.


The most suitable clean-up method on shallow fring-

It has been stated that coral reefs are currently the most

ing reefs and reefs with high energy is considered to be

threatened ecosystem of the planet (W ilkinson 2004,

natural clean-up. In order to act rapidly and effectively in

Ramade 2005, Salvat 2005). Widespread occurrences of

case of an oil spill, thorough contingency plans are need-

total coral colony mortality, partial mortality, population

ed in coral reef countries. This is a challenging task con-

decline, and apparent decreases in coral recruitment have

sidering that the majority of them are Third World coun-

been reported on many reefs (Pandolfi et al. 2003). Since

tries with limited infrastructure and resources at their dis-

corals are among the most important organisms in tropi-


cal reef communities, both by providing habitat for other

So far, there has been no major oil pollution incidents

o rganisms and by entering in the overall metabolism of

on the w orlds coral reefs, but chronic pollution from

the reef community, any change in their physiology, how-

small day-to-day spills in coastal waters is large in total

ever subtle, will probably cause a very dramatic change in

volume (Guzmn 1991). Sublethal effects from this

the overall ecology of the reef (Reimer 1975). Oil pollu-

chronic pollution are extensive and may be more impor-

tion is one threat in the long list of threats to coral reefs.

tant in the long-term than initial mortality (Loya &

O ur literature review concerning oil spills on coral

Rinkevich 1980, Southward 1982).

reefs reveals that the majority of the research has been

The most extensively documented case study on the

conducted in the 1970s and 1980s. Very little research

im pacts of oil pollution on corals is that of B aha las

on this subject has been done after 1990 and an almost

M inas, Panam a, follow ing the oil spill in 1986. T h e

negligible amount after 1995. Results of the earlier stud-

TROPICS experiment, also in Panama, has so far been

ies were often contradictory. The discrepancies in these

the most extensive field study of the impacts of oil and

research findings result from the different types of corals,

dispersants on several biological habitats. A s a result

oils and dispersants studied; the wide range of exposure

from this spill, an enormous amount of oil was locked in

times, environmental conditions, and dosage concentra-

the mangrove sediments and chronic pollution due to the

tions used; the methods used to measure stress; and the

original oil spill is likely to last for many years. However,

length of time corals were monitored for recovery. Most

the chemical composition and toxicity of the oil is likely

of the research has been done in the Caribbean and in the

to have changed considerably over time, so that chronic

Red Sea. Different types of corals and corals from diff e r-

e ffects may be less than were observed after the oil spill

en t reg io n s h av e b een fo u n d to v ary g reatly in th eir

(Guzmn et al. 1991). Although petroleum released to the

response to oils and dispersants. It is therefore difficult to

sea in tropical environments generally suffers rapid

apply the results of these studies to predict the effects of

degradation, petroleum contaminants reaching intertidal

oil spills and dispersant clean-up operations in the Indo-

sediments may exhibit long-term persistence (Corredor et

Pacific (Harrison et al. 1990).

al . 1990). Loya & Rinkevich (1977) pointed out the need

Confusing results, the lack of new research, and the

for base-line biological studies in regions w ith a high

wide array of oils and dispersants available on the market

probability of future subjection to oil pollution. This will

call for a need to do further research on thresholds of

lead to better evaluation and quantification of long-term

damage of these new products to coral physiology.

e ffects of hydrocarbons on animal and plant communi-

Research conducted in field conditions is important,

ties. Various features of the life history of species com-

because the extrapolation to natural populations from lab-

posing such communities should be quantified and when

oratory-based physiological data or small-scale, short-

possible, coupled with controlled experiments in the labo-

term perturbations have proven to be dangerous.


All efforts should be made in order to prepare the best

The responses of organisms to an oil spill, or any other

clean-up methods for the reef environment in case of an

major disturbance will depend on the conditions in which

oil spill. Studies confirm the toxicity of dispersants to

they normally live (e.g. Woodley et al. 1981). Moreover,

corals and their use is not recommended (e.g. Harrison

the suite of organisms able to survive under conditions of

et al. 1990). D uring the last few years, earlier genera-

chronic pollution, and their resistance to further stress, is

tions of oil dispersants were replaced by newly devel-

typically different from that in similar unpolluted habitats

oped, environmentally friendly third generation com-

(Southward 1982, Bak 1987). The exposure to chronic oil

pounds which were claimed to be less toxic. However,

pollution of corals in the Arabian Gulf area may therefore

as Epstein et al. (2000) point out, these new products

explain the lack of impacts on corals observed after the

have serious negative impacts on coral larvae behaviour

w o r l d s biggest oil spill resulting from the Gulf Wa r.

and recruitment. Ward et al. (2003) point out following

Observations in the Gulf indicate that coral communities

the TROPICS experiment case in Panama that the use of

exist at their ecological limits with respect to low temper-

dispersants is often a trade-off betw een the im pact on

ature (Coles & Fadlallah 1990) and high salinities (Coles

corals and mangroves. In this particular case, eff i c i e n t

& Jokiel 1991), a fact that further increases the stress tol-

dispersant use saved the mangroves, but was harmful in

erance of corals in this region.

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:


According to Ramade & Roche (2006), a number of

unsolved questions are still pending in the field of ecotox-

icology of coral reefs. An effective monitoring program

and standardised analytical processes for assessing the

exposure of scleractinian corals to xeniobiotics should be

put into place. There have been very few studies on accu-

mulation and biomagnification processes in the coral reef

trophic web and these studies should be undertaken as

soon as possible. Coral planulae, amphipods, larval stages

of crustaceans and echinoderms could be used for assess-

ing the toxicity of different pollutants. These young life

stages have been proven to be very useful in monitoring

pollution because of their high sensitivity to pollutants.

Studies on biomarkers in coral reefs have been rare and

should be equally put into place (Ramade & Roche 2006).

When considering the possible risks of an oil pollution

accident on a coral reef, the life cycle of the corals on site

is crucial. D etrim ental effects w ould follow if a spill

occurs during an annual coral spawning event, but also if

it occurs during the subsequent 1-3 week period during

which most larval metamorphosis and recruitment occurs

(Harrison et al. 1984).

The estim ated reef recovery tim e of 10-20 years in

Panam a in 1986 w as based on the assum ption that no

other event would further depress coral populations

(Brown 1997). In the light of the current health of corals

worldwide and the array of problems facing this ecosys-

tem (e.g. Pandolfi et al. 2003), a m ajor oil spill m ight

mean a point of no return for corals. The risk of oil pollu-

tion should therefore be taken seriously.

A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S .- W e are very grateful for M Flavells


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t h

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Capone DG, Bauer JE 1992. Microbial processes in coastal pol-

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Chia FS 1973. Killing of m arine larvae by Diesel oil. M ar Poll

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Cohen Y, Nissenbaum A, Eisler R 1977. Effects of Iranian crude

oil on the Red Sea Octocoral H e t e roxenia fuscescens. Envi -

ron Poll 12: 173-186.

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R eceiv ed June 19, 2006

A ccepted October 26, 2006

V ie Milieu, 2007, 57 (1/2)

Document ID:

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Ixtoc I: A Case Study of the World's Largest Oil Spill

Author(s): Arne Jernelv and Olof Lindn

Source: Ambio, Vol. 10, No. 6, The Caribbean (1981), pp. 299-306

Published by: Allen Press on behalf of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Stable URL:

Accessed: 10/05/2010 10:56

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Document ID:


o r ld 'sL a r g e st Oil


O n June3, 1979,the IxtocIexploratoryw ellin the B ayof C am peche,

blew out.Itw as finallycapped on M arch23, 1980,290 dayslater,butduring

thattim e475 000 m etrictonsofoilw ere spilled into the w atersof the G ulfof

M exico.T hefullextentof the dam age is stillunknow n.

O n D ecem ber10,1978,Petr6leosM exica-

nos (PE M E X )started to drillthe Ixtoc I

exploratoryw ellatlongitude92?13'W and

latitude 19'24'N , about 80 kilom eters

north-w estof C iudad del C arm en in the

B ahiade C am peche(Figure1).T he w ater

depth atthe site is about50 m .T hedrilling

continued through the firstpartof 1979

and by the end of M ay a depth of 3600

m etershad been reached.E arlyon June2

ata depth of 3615 m eters,the w ellstarted

to loose drilling m ud; circulation w as

totallylostabout3625m eters.Severalun-

successfulattem ptsw ere m ade to regain

circulation, but as the w ell appeared

stable,it w as decided to seal itby w ith-

draw ingthe drillpipe and insertinga plug

in the em pty space.O n June3,duringthe

attem ptsto seal the w ell, the extrem ely

high pressure (about350 kg/cm 2)caused

m ud to flow up the drillpipe and onto the

platform .A t3:30am the w ellblew outand

caughtfire.T he explosion and fire des-

troyed the platform ,w hich sank to the

bottom and dam aged the stack and w ell

casing.T hisallow ed the oiland gasto m ix

w ith w ater close to the sea floor,begin-

ning the largestm arineoilspillin the his-

tory of oilexploration.

Initially the spill w as estim ated to be

about4500m etrictonsperday.H ow ever,

by the beginningof A ugustthe w ell had

lost over 225000 m etric tons-m ore


than had been lost in any previous acci-

dentinvolving offshore drillingor trans-

portation.W hen the w ellw as finally cap-

ped on M arch23,1980-290 daysafterthe

blow -out-a totalof about475000 m etric

tons of oil had been lost, according to

PE M E X estim ates(1).

A M B IO , 1981

Document ID:

Figure1.L ocation of the Ixtoc Iblow out in the G ulfof M exico.

C orpusC hristi




C oM atasoC h



L aPsca,


T am pC o?_


M oaleB rs

L guagane



& am pico



L aguna de
ueboV oioac


n a e a




C oatZ acoalC F


ra4 lllT h






B a T a

~^iR LF

~ ~~~
~ ~ ~&
~C oa



0cC ida

C a

A sof


Figures2a and b.T he blow out as seen from a helicopter.W ind and current

carried the oil in a north w esterly direction.T he rig in the foreground (left

above) is a reliefdrilling platform .2b on opposite page is a close-up of 2a.

A llphotos: O lofL inden.

Figure 3. A thick layer of "chocolate m ousse"

close to the blow out.

T he oil thatw as lost during the blow -

out polluted a considerable partof the

offshore region in the G ulfof M exico as

w ell as m uch of the coastalzone, w hich

consists prim arilyof sandy beaches and

barrierislands often enclosing extensive

shallow lagoons. A num ber of studies

w ere intitiated to assess the extentof the

dam age.O ne of these w as set up by the

U nited N ations E nvironm ent Program

(U N E P) at the requestof the M exican

governm ent.A sum m aryofthe resultsof

thatstudy (2),w hich focussed m ainly on

the acute im pactof the spill,is reported




T heoilfrom Ixtoc Ireached the ocean ata

depth of 51 m and w as injected into the

w aterinitiallyata pressureof 350 kg/cm 2.


Document ID:

A M B IO V O L 10 N O . 6


I< f-


Figure 4. B oom s and skim m ers

in operation.
In the

can be seen

platform .

T he oil w as saturated w ith gas and conse-

quently hit the surface as a three-phase

em ulsion, w ater droplets and gas bubbles

in oil, w ith a w ater content of about 50

percent. D ue to the high pressure atw hich

the em ulsion
w as
form ed the droplets

w ere sm all. M ost of the gas w as burned as

it em erged but only a very sm all fraction

of the em ulsified oil w as actually burned

(Figure 2 a, b).

T he oil w as of a lighttype. T hus, a high

proportion consisted of straight-chain and

cyclic hydrocarbons w ith less than sixteen

carbon atom s, both com paratively


tile and w ater-soluble.

D uring the first

part of the blow -out,

the em ulsified oil

form ed a surface layer 1-4 cm -thick, 0.7-5

km w ide and about60 km long (see Figure


T he initial form ation of an em ulsion re-

sulted in the oil from the blow -out having

A M B IO , 1981

Document ID:



less contactsurface w ith the atm osphere

w ell.H ow everPE M E X estim atesthatab-
early O ctober. T he theoreticalpick-up

and m ore contactsurfacew ith the ocean

out50 percentof the spilled oilburned at
capacityofthe equipm entused w as about

20 percentofthe totaloutflow ,buta num -

w ater, com pared w ith oil discharged on

the w ellsite (3).

M echanicalrecovery in the Ixtoc zone

ber of obstacles m eantthatonly 4-5 per-

the w ater surface.T hus, considering its

chem icalcom position,a largerpartofthe

rem oved 10000 m etric tons, about4-5
cent of the oil w as actually recovered.

Ixtoc oilw as dissolved in the w aterand a

percent(3).E vaporation,judgingby data
O ne m ajorproblem w as the w eather.A t

sm allerpartevaporated to the atm osphere

in the literatureand experim entsw ith the
w ave heightshigherthan 3 to 4 m etersthe

actual oil w hich took into account its

equipm entw asnotoperableatall;and the

w hen com pared to other spills.

A s the lighterfractionsof the oil w ere

physical and chem ical characteristics,
w ind speed duringthe falland w inter in

lostthrough evaporationand dissolution,

could have rem oved 45-70 percent.T he

frequentlycaused w ave heights

w as likely to resultin
higherthan that.A notherm ajorproblem

and as the gas bubblesleftthe em ulsion,

initialem ulsification

the rem aining part gradually becam e

an actualfigurein the very low partofthat
w as thatitw as notconsideredfeasible to

operatethe system atnight.A thirdlim ita-

heavier.A s m ore and m orew aterw as in-


corporated in the em ulsion,it gradually

T he fraction thatw entinto solution in
tion w as the difficulty of rearranging


changed from w aterdropletsem ulsifiedin

sea w aterw as generallyconsidered sm all.
bargesand boom s as w inds and currents

oilto oildropletsem ulsified in w ater.O w -

Itseem slikely thatless than 100ppm w as
changed.T his caused partof the oil to

ing to their surface stickiness, the oil

actually dissolved and thereforethe total
driftpasteach side ofthe boom configura-

tions.A nd finally,the oil-collectingequip-

droplets accum ulated particles from the

am ountis insignificantin this context.

w ater and thus gradually increased in

A gain takingdata in the literatureas a
m entused broke dow n on a num berof

density.M icro-organism sattached them -

basis,itis thoughtthatbiologicaldegrada-

selves to the dropletsand zooplanktonfil-

tion, together w ith photochem ical and
In order to protectthe lagoons from

ter-feeders consum ed both the droplets

chem ical breakdow n during the acute
being contam inatedby oil, boom s w ere

and the m icroorganism s,incorporating

phaseofthe spill,w ould accountfor 10-15
placed acrossm ostof the inletsalong the

the oil residues in faecalpellets thatin-

percentof the oil.

coast.B ecauseofthe w ay the boom sw ere

creased the sinkingrate of the oil.A s the

T he oil on M exican beaches thatthe
deployed, how ever, they w ere seldom

droplets increased in density, they gra-

authorsobserved in early Septem berw as
effective (Figure 5). Frequently the cur-

dually sank through the w ater colum n.In

calculated to be about6000 m etric tons.
rentpassingthroughthe inlets eitherrup-

the G ulfofM exico thereis a stratification

M ostofithad landed duringthe preceding
tured the boom sor pressed them underor

in the w aterm assdue to tem peratureand/

four or five days.B ased on reportsfrom
over the w ater.A s a boom is norm allyan

or salinity. T his stratification is partly

variousgroupsand individuals,five tim es
effective barrieronly atvelocities below

caused by the influx of fresh w ater via

thatfigure is thoughtto representa fair
0.7 knotsatrightanglesto the boom skirt,

riversand lagoons.T here are indications

estim ate of w hathad landed on M exican
the only w ay to use boom sin m ostof the

thatpartsofthe Ixtoc Ioilsank in droplets


inlets w ould have been as deflectors

through the less dense surfacew ater and

Investigations along the T exas coast
placed at a com parativelynarrow angle

tem porarilyaccum ulated and floated on

show thatapproxim ately4000 m etrictons
againstthedriftingdirection.A nd the con-

the strataw ith higherdensity.E ventually

of oilor less than 1 percentw as deposited
fined oil w ould have needed to be re-

the oil increased in density and sank

there(4).T he restofthe oil,about120000
covered using pum psor skim m ers,w ith-

through the denser w ater strata.If the

m etrictons or 25 percent,sank to the bot-
outtoo m uch delay.T hisw as notdone.

stratificationw as broken up due to w ave

tom ofthe G ulf.

O n
large-scale dispersant

action orchangesin tem perature,oilfloat-

spraying com m enced using specialized

ing on the sub-surfacelayer could again

fixed-w ingaircraft.T he dispersantsw ere

reach the surface.

T H E C L E A N -U P

initially sprayed in a zone 10 to 25 m iles

W hen it reached a beach, the oil w as

off the coast, but later, during the fall,

eitherdeposited there,or m adeto sink in


dispersantsw erealso sprayedclose to the

the shallow w ater,w eighed dow n by the

O perationsto com batthe oil w ithin the
beaches,near the m outhsof the lagunas,

particulatem atterin the zone w here the

Ixtoc I area w ere conducted from several
and aroundthe w ellsite.From late O cto-

w aves broke.T he oil on the beach w as

auxiliary ships and barges.For confine-
ber dispersantspraying from boats gra-

exposed to sunlightthatraised its tem per-

m ent of the oil, high sea boom s w ere
duallyreplaced sprayingfrom aeroplanes.

ature and intensified w eathering. It

anchoredin fixed positionsattachedto the
T he exactquantityof dispersantused in

form ed tarlike balls or cakes w ith little

barges(Figure4).For recovery of the oil,
the clean-up is not know n. H ow ever,


skim m ers and absorbentdevices w ere

according to inform ation received by

used (see Figure4).

PE M E X (3), at least 9000 m etric tons

T he recovery operationsstarted in the

w ere used. O f this, atleast 6750 m etric


late partof June and w ere cancelled in

tons w ere C orexit products (5). T his

From the startof the blow -outon June 3,

1979,to the finalcapping on M arch 23,

1980,a totalof about475000 m etrictons

of oilw as lost(1).V ariousattem ptsw ere

T able 2. Fate of the Ixtoc I oil during the acute

m adeto stop the blow -out,and they grad-


ually reduced the flow -rate of oil (T able


B ased on data from the Ixtoc I case,

analogiesw ith other oil spills and data in

the literature,an attem pthas been m ade

to estim atethe fate of the oilfrom Ixtoc I

(T able 2). T he em ulsification brought

dow n the am ountof oilthatw as burnedat

the w ell site. T he authorsestim ate that

only a very sm allfraction ofthe oil,prob-

ably less than 1 percent,w as actuallydis-

posed of w hen the gas w as burned atthe


Document ID:

M etric

T ons

T able 1. O ilreleased from Ixtoc I.


D aily

(m etric


3 June-12 A ugust

4 400

1 500
13A ugust-15 N ovem ber
16 N ovem ber-30 N ovem ber 600
1 D ecem ber-5 M arch
6 M arch-14 M arch


SO U R C E :R eference2.

T otal

accum u-



300 000

438 000

447 000

475 500

476 000

B urnedatw ellsite

M echanicallyrem oved at

w ell site

E vaporatedto the atm os-


D egraded biologically and

(photo)chem ically

L anded on M exican beaches

L anded on T exas beaches

Sank to the bottom

5 000

23 000


238 000


< 1


57 000

29 000

4 000


SO U R C E :

R ef.2.

A M B IO V O L 10 N O . 6




Figure5.A ttem pts to preventthe oilfrom entering the lagunas using boom s

often failed because of strong currents.

m eans thatthe use of dispersantduring

the Ixtoc Iblow -outw as one ofthe largest

in history.

A bout 30000 m etric tons, or about6

percentof the oilfrom Ixtoc I, landed on

the M exican beaches of the G ulf(7).N o

clean-up atallw as carried outover large

areas.H ere, the oil w as left for natural

degradation.H ow ever in som e areas a

type of clean-up techniquew as used that

involved covering the contam inatedsand

w ith clean sand;bulldozersdug a trench

som e 1.0 to 1.5 m etersdeep and the oily

sand w as then shovelled into the trench

and buried.



In late June,aboutthree w eeks after the

Ixtoc I blow -out,an unsuccessfulcapping

attem ptw asm ade.T he so-called blow -out

preventer,w hich consists of valves situ-

ated on the w ell pipe over the sea floor,

w as closed. T he valves w ere situated

under the rupturedpartof the pipe and

had notbeen dam aged by the blow -out.

H ow ever, the capping failed due to the

high pressurein the w ell,w hich caused oil

and gas to leak outside the w ell casing

below the blow -outpreventer.

Several attem pts w ere m ade to de-

crease the flow of oilfrom the w ellusing

largenum bersofsteeland lead ballsw ith

A M B IO ,

Document ID:

a w eightof 1-2 kilogram seach.T he balls

cem ber. H ow ever, it w as necessary to

w ereforced into the w ellhead butthe high

com plete the other reliefw ell before the

pressureof the leakingoiland gas ejected

pressure w as relieved. T he Ixtoc IA

them .H ow ever,using this m ethod a sub-

reached the Ixtoc I form ation in the

stantialreduction of the oil and gas flow

second w eek of February.O n M arch 23

w as obtained in the m iddle of A ugust

the pressureof the m ud thatw as pum ped

w hen the flow rate decreased from 10000

through the relief w ells and into the

m etrictons per day to about4000 m etric

form ation finally reduced the flow of oil

tons per day,accordingto PE M E X (4).

and gas to zero through the Ixtoc I w ell

N ext a funnel-shapedoil collection de-

head.A fter this w as done, the w ell w as

vice a "som brero",w as placed over the

sealed w ith severalcem entplugs.

w ellin anotherattem ptto reducethe flow

of oil. T he Som brerow eighed about310

tons in the air,w as 12 m etersw ide and 6


m eters high. It w as positioned w ith its


w ide end dow n above the w ellhead in the

m iddle of O ctober.T he oil and gas con-

O ffshore

tained under it w as pum ped through a

T he continentalshelf,extendingfrom the

flexible hose at the top to a platform .

w ide C am peche B ank in the east to the

H ow ever due to logistic problem satthe

narrow erbutlongershelfin the w estand

platform ,only a m inorpartof the oilthat

north,is flatand covered by fairlyuniform

could be recovered via the Som brerow as

sedim ents.T hese bottom areasform high-

actually disposed of. In the early partof

ly favorableenvironm entsfordiversespe-

D ecem berrough seas dam aged thedevice

cies of dem ersalfish, shrim ps,m olluscs,

and itw as rem oved from the w ellsite.

crabsand otherinvertebrates.

T he m easure that finally capped the

L ittlestudy hasbeen devoted to the fish

w ellon M arch23 w asthe pum pingofm ud

populationsbut it is believed thatthey

into the reliefw ells Ixtoc IA and IB .T he

have a com m ercialpotential(biom ass> 8

drillingof these reliefw ells w as started in

kg/hectare).H ow ever,atpresentthey are

the m iddleof Juneand the m iddleof July

notbeing exploited to a very greatextent.

respectively. T he first to be com pleted

T he shrim p populations on the con-

w asthe Ixtoc IB .A link betw een the relief

tinentalshelf are large and com m ercially

w ell and Ixtoc I w as established in D e-

very im portant,especially on the C am -


Figure 6. T he crab populations

along several hundred km s of

coastline w ere alm ost totally

w iped out by the lxtoc I oil.

peche B ank and in the area of T am pico.

T he three m ajor species are the pink

shrim p, Penaeus
duorarum ,
the w hite

shrim p,Penaeus setiferus, and the brow n

shrim p,Penaeus aztecus.

T he total biom ass of shrim p on the

C am peche B ank w as m easured in one

area near the Ixtoc I w ell atabout4 kg/

hectare. O f this, the w hite and pink

shrim pcom prisedapproxim ately37.5per-

centeach,w hile the pink shrim pm adeup

the rem aining25pecent,though in fishery

statisticsthe latteraccountfor 80-90 per-

centofthe catch on the bank.Since 1964,

the actualcatch has been close to 15000

m etrictons per year.

L ess is know n aboutthe shrim p stocks

in the area of T am pico,butthe present

catch (1979/80)has been roughly calcu-

lated by Pesca,the M exican D epartm ent

of Fisheries,at6000 m etrictons per year.

H erethe m ainspeciesis Penaeus aztecus.

T he pelagicecology ofthe G ulfof M ex-

ico is m arkedby high prim aryproductiv-

ity caused by nutrientinputfrom a num -

ber of largeriversdischargingintoit,and

by upw ellingthatoccurs in a num berof

places.Prim aryproduction

nearV eracruz

hasbeen m easured atas high as 5 g C /M 2/

day.Pelagicfish stocks are thoughtto be

considerable, although only a few are

fished com m ercially:bonito, m ackerel,

sardineand otherclupeids.

C oastalC oral R eefs

T herearetw o clustersofcoralreefsalong

the w estern G ulfof M exico,one situated

north and eastof T uxpan,and the other

eastof V eracruz.T he T uxpan reefs form

the m ostnortherlycluster of reefs in the

w estern partof the G ulfand are situated

som e 10-20 km from the coast.

T heT uxpanreefsgenerallyhavea sem i-

lunarshape,w ith their m ajoraxes orien-

tated north-south. M axim um develop-

m entof the reefs occurs in the south-east

sections,suggestinga strong influenceby

Figure 7. L arge and


plankton bloom s occurredafterthe

blow outboth off-shore and close

to the beaches.



Document ID:

A M B IO V O L 10 N O . 6

the dom inantcurrentsfrom the south-east

poorly sorted calcareous sedim ents and
about1800 km 2 and tw o openingsto the

sea. B row n and w hite shrim p from the

and by the periodic destructivecyclones

shells.T hey arefrequentlyinterrupted

from the north. T he reefs rise from a

rocky headlandsand are m uch narrow er
C am pecheB ank spend the early partof

depth ofsom e 25 m to notm orethan 1.5 m

than the barrierbeaches.Prom inentsand
theirlife cycle in thislagoon andjuveniles

and som e have sandy bays rising above

dunesare also absent.T he fauna of these
are fished com m ercially.T here are large

populationsofthe oyster,C rassostreavir-

the w ater level. T he average tides are

beachesis also poorly developed.

approxim ately0.5 m and the m axim um

H um an activity on the beaches varies
ginica and the clam ,R angia cuneata, and

1.0 m .T he V eracruzreefs have m ore or

w ith the natureof the beach and its prox-
both are exploited for com m ercialpur-

less the sam e configurationas those near

im ity to tow ns and fishing areas.A long
poses.Itis clearthatthe lagoon is ofgreat

T uxpan butoccur in tw o distinctbarrier

the w estern shore,the barrierbeachesare
im portanceto the shrim p stocks of the

form ationsaw ay from the coast:an inner

used extensively forrecreationnearm ajor
C am pecheB ank and has a high potential

populationcenters(eg V eracruz,T uxpan,

for furtherfishery developm ent.

and an outer.

T he structure of the reefs is roughly

T am pico). H ow ever, aw ay from these
T he L agunade T am iahuahasan areaof

sim ilarto thatfound throughoutthe trop-

centers, the beaches are generally de-
about700 km 2w ith one openingto the sea

icalA tlantic,and the com m unitiesassoci-

serted,exceptfor som e fishingactivity.
atits southernm ostpoint(B arrade V illar-

rea).ItharborsdensepopulationsofC ras-

ated w ith them are the sam e. E rnesto

sostrea virginica, of w hich, according to

C havez has described the com m unities

the Pesca authorities,25000-30000 m et-

occurring at L obos reef, located 65 km

R ockyshores

north-eastof T uxpan (6).U sually associ-

R ocky shoresare notvery com m on along
ric tons are harvested annually by 3000

ated w ith the reefs are seagrass beds

the G ulfof M exico and are found chiefly
oysterfisherm en.T hislagoon is the m ajor

w hich harborextrem ely rich and produc-

in the area south ofC am pechew herethey
producerof oysters in M exico and m ay

tive com m unities on the leew ard side,

are form ed from raised reefs and are ex-
also be its m ostproductive.In additionto

protected against the open sea. T hese

posed to the open sea.T hefaunaand flora
oysters, juvenile w hite shrim p and tw o

seagrassbeds,dom inatedby T halassiaor

ofthese rocky headlandsarenotvery rich
species ofM ugilarefished.

turtlegrass,actas nurseriesfor com m er-

because of the high solar heatburdens.
T he L aguna M adreis a large com plex

cially im portantspecies offish and crusta-

T hey are dom inatedby sm allgastropods
system of inlets, enclosed or sem i-en-

ceans. For exam ple, the pink shrim p

and encrusting algae. Subtidally,the di-
closed lagoons, tidalflats, m arshes and

islands. Its total area is estim ated at

duorarum ), the
shrim p
versity increasesgreatly.

approxim ately3200 km 2.Productivity is

(Palem ouetes
the spiny lobster,

high and oysters and shrim pare fished by

the m ud crab (N eopanope

sp), and m ol-

m orethan a thousandfisherm en from vil-

luscs such as L ucina spp and C hione spp,

M angroves

M angroveforests occur along the coast

lages and tow ns scattered around the la-

aboundin thisarea.

from the tow n of C am pecheto north of

goon.B ird life in the L agunaM adreseem s

C elestun.T hey arecom prisedofthe com -

the m ostabundantof allthe lagoons,and


m on w estern
A tlantic species,
R hi-
severalw aterbirds(especially terns,gulls

T he G ulfofM exico hastw o characteristic

zophora m angle
(red), A vicennia
and the endangered brow n pelican)nest

types of sandy beaches. T he firsttype

(black), L aguncularia
racem osa (w hite)
and feed w ithin the system .

along the entirew estern shore,are gener-

and C onocarous
T he

ally long and w ide stretchesofbeach com -

m angrovescover a w ide zone inland from

posed of fine- to m edium -grainedsedi-

the w ater's edge (up to 30 km )and show
R ivers

m ents of m ixed calcareousorigin.T hese

the characteristic zonation pattern of
In additionto the L agunas,w hich tend to

are exposed to the open sea and are

these species. T here is very little hum an
be estuarine,thereare severalreasonably

poundedby heavy w aves.T herearew ide,

penetration into these m angrove forests
large riversthatdischargedirectly to the

active surfzonesand gently slopingsw ash

and thusitis suspected thatthe standsare
sea and have estuarine conditions near

zones. T he fauna of these sandy beaches

m ature and free from any destruction.
theirm ouths.

is fairly constantin species com position

A lthoughthe m angrove'sfauna could not
T he interrelationships betw een the

buthighly variablein num bers.T he char-

be carefullyobserved,itis safe to assum e
differentoffshoreand coastalecosystem s

acteristicspeciesis the beach clam D onax

thattheirprim aryand secondary produc-
are very im portant,as can be seen,espe-

that m akes its burrow above the sw ash

tivity is very high indeed and thatm igrat-
cially for freshw ater run-offand lagoon

zone butis active in both the sw ash and

ing fauna,such as shrim pand finfish,use
hydrology,nutrientcondition and produc-

surf zones, especially during the night.

itas feeding groundsfor partof their life
tivity in the L agunade T erm inos.Sim ilar-

ly, freshw aterrun-offdirectly by the riv-

O therspecies w ere presentduringthe in-


ers and through the lagoons affects sur-

vestigationsbutonly D onax occurred in

face sea currentsand productivityin the

num bers
(approxim ately

C am peche area and plays an im portant

10000/M 2 near R io B ravo). It is w ell

C oastallagoons

know n thatthe K em p R idly turtle,w hich

T he entireM exican coastfrom C arm ento
role in determ iningshrim p (and possibly

m ay be on the vergeofextinction,hasone
R io B ravo is punctuatedby a num berof
som e fish)m igratorypatterns.In addition

ofitsfew rem ainingnestingsites alongthe

coastallagoonsof w hich the three largest
the dependence of the com m erciallyim -

barrierbeachatR anchoN uevo nearT am -

and m ost im portantare the L aguna de
portantbrow n and w hite shrim p,atdiffe-

pico. In 1979,approxim ately10000 baby

T erm inos (C arm en), the
L aguna de
rent stages of their life cycles, on the

turtles w ere rem oved from their nests

T am iahua(betw een T uxpanand T am pico)
m arine and lagoonal system s is w ell

nearthe high-tidem ark by conservation-

and the L agunaM adre(betw een T am pico
know n and dem onstratethe integratedna-

ists and transportedto the open sea to

and M atam oros).T hese lagoonsare char-
tureof these coastalecosystem s.

avoid the possibility of contam inationby

acterizedby tW o features:each hasone or

m ore corridorsto the sea through a nar-




T he second m ajor sand beach type

row openingacrossthe barrierbeach,and
he Ixtoc I blow -


occurs along shorter stretches of the

coastline,especially in the area betw een

m etersatm ost).In som e there are exten-
out acutely affected the species and

C iudad delC arm enand C am peche.H ere

sive intertidalm ud and sand flats and all
ecosystem s in the C am peche B ay area

throughits chem icaltoxicity (in the vicin-

the beachestend to be shorter,m orecus-

arebiologicallyvery productive.

T he L agunade T erm inoshas an areaof

ity of the w ell) and through its physical

pate, partly sheltered and com posed of

A M B IO , 1981

Document ID:


properties (stickiness) in a larger area

offshore and along the coast. T horough

studiesof the long-term biologicaleffects

of the spillhave either notbeen carried

outin M exican w aters,or the results of

such studies are notyet available.A re-

cently published studyofthe spill(8)does

notprovide any answ ersto this question

either.T hereforew e w illdiscuss som e of

the effects the spill could theoretically

have caused and give exam ples of direct

observationsof effects m ade by the au-

thorsin the field.

T he com m ercially im portantspecies

and ecosystem s affected by the chem ical

toxicity ofthe oilw ere m ainlythe offshore

shrim p and fish populations. Shrim p

spaw ning in C am peche B ay m ay have

been particularlyaffected.T he pink and

brow n
shrim ps (Penaeus
duorarum , P

im portant
spaw ning

grounds south and east of Ixtoc I. T he

the larvae,are

eggs,and m oreparticularly

know n to be sensitiveto petroleum hydro-

carbons.W hen w ind and currentpatterns

changed in O ctober,the oil slick m oved

south and south-east,thereby increasing

the threatto these stagesand possibly also

to juveniles and adults. L aboratory ex-

perim entsexposing larvae and adults of

other crustaceans,including shrim p,to

crude oil show that the acute toxicity

levels are in the rangeof0.1-10 ppm total

oil. If w e assum e that0.1 ppm w as the

acute toxic concentration (Ixtoc I oil is

particularlyrich in the highly toxic, low

boilingarom aticfraction);a m ixingdepth

of25 m ;a five-daypersistencyofthetoxic

oil fractionsin the w ater solution;and a

required concentration of 0.1 ppm to

cause dam age to shrim ps,as w ell as to

planktonor otherpelagicorganism s;then

an area of 15000 km 2can be regardedas

poisoned by the Ixtoc I oil. T his is equal

to 2.5 percentof the M exican partof the

G ulf.

T he am ountof oilthatreached the bot-

tom sedim entsof the G ulfis estim ated to

be ofthe orderof 120000 m etrictons (see

T able 2).O ffshore,this oilw as m ostly in

the form of sm all droplets, w ith larger

aggregatessom etim esform ingnearerthe

shore.T heaverageconcentration overthe

entireareaw ould have been below 1 g/m 2,

w hich is not considered high enough to

cause substantialdam age to the benthic

ecosystem .T he shrim ps'habitofburrow -

ing in sedim ents and consum ing them

could have resulted in the uptake of pet-

roleum hydrocarbonsand tainting of the

shrim ps.

T here w as a lot of concern aboutthe

dam agethe oilm ightcause to the ecology

of the shallow coastal lagoons. A s it

turned out how ever, very little oil w as

actually spread into the lagoons. It w as

prevented m ainlyby the w aterflow ingout

of them ;a flow thatw as increased by the

unusuallyheavy rainsduringthis particu-

larw inter.

Itis clear thatthe oilhad a drasticim -


Document ID:

pacton the littoralcrab and on the m ol-

affected the figuresfor landingsoffish in

lusc faunaofthe beachesw hich w ere con-

M exican harbors,and therefore conclu-

tam inated.T he populationsof crabs,eg

sive judgem entsbased on statisticsalone

the ghost crab O cypode quadrata, w ere

cannotbe m ade.T he actualextentof the

alm osttotally elim inatedover a w ide area

dam agecaused by the w orld'sbiggestoil

(Figure6). T he crab populationson cor-

spillhas yetto be determ ined.

al islands along the coast w ere also re-

duced to only a few percentof norm al

about nine m onths after the spill. T he

abundantbeachclam s (D onax)as w ellas

R eferences and N otes

otherm olluscsofthe sand beachesdid not

1.A ccording to Petroleos M exicanos (PE M E X ) offi-

cial daily flow rate estim ates, the total am ount of

exhibitany drasticm ortalityfollow ingthe

oil lost from Ixtoc I w as about476 000 m etric tons.


In severalplaces in the V eracruzarea,

such as on the coral island Isla V erde,

dense m atsof green algae w ere observed

covering hard substrates such as corals

and rock form ationsabout10m onthsafter

the blow -out.It seem s likely thatthese

effects w ere caused by repeated exposure

to the oil, but it is still questionable

w hetherthey resulted from effects on the

(m ainly gastropods)

w hetherthe sensitivebalancebetw een the

algae and the coralpolypes had been dis-

rupted in som e w ay. In the off-shore re-

gion there have been indications of an

adverse im pacton the base of the m arine

food-chains. U nusually large plankton

bloom s have been observed in the con-

tam inated areas,possibly indicatingeut-

rophicationeffects or thatthe zoo-plank-

ton com m unitiesm ighthave been dam -

aged (Figure 7). T his w ould very likely

affectthe exploitablepopulationsof fish

and shellfish.

Such large plankton bloom s w ere

observed north and w est of T am pico in

Septem ber 1979 and w ere very frequent

on and around the C am pecheB ank in the

beginningof 1980.

Fishingw as banned or restrictedby the

M exican authoritiesin several severely

contam inated areas north and south of

T am picoin Septem ber.Fish and octopus

catchesreportedlydropped by 50-70 per-

centfrom the 1978 levels off PortM ans-

field and PortIsabel,T exas, and off the

M exican coastfrom the U S bordersouth

to L a Pesca (9).T he overallstatisticsfor

landingfiguresfor 1979and 1980indicate

thatno decreasein the am ountoffish and

shellfish landed in
M exican harbors

occurred,com pared to figures for 1979

(10). H ow ever the fishery statistics are

nota reliableindicatorof dam ageto the

fish populations.Shifts in landingplaces

by individualboats,w hich are im possible

to see in the statistics,m ay have drastic

effectson the landingfigures,and changes

in foreign nations' fishery concessions

w ould distortthe figureson totalcatches.

For exam ple, M exico excluded foreign

fishing over her shrim pfishinggroundsin

1979.A nother shortcom ing is that new

species, previously not included in the

statistics,m ay affectthe totalfigures.For

instance,octopus landingsw ere included

in the catch figuresforthe firsttim e in the

years follow ing the blow -out.T here are

indications that all these factors have

T he figures are quoted eg in O il Spill Intelligence

R eport, M arch 28, 1980. H ow ever, after the final

capping of the w ell, another figure (430 000 m etric

tons) w as released by PE M E X as the total am ount

of lost oil.

2. T his reportis based on the findings of a m ission to

M exico by the U nited N ations E nvironm ent Pro-

gram (U N E P)
w ith the co-operation
of FA O ,

IM C O and IU C N . T he m ission had the follow ing

com position: A Jernelov (M ission leader, U N E P),

R E ngdahl (IM C O ), 0
L ind6n (FA O ), C R ees

(U N E P) and B W ade (IU C N ). T he view s express-

ed in this report are not necessarily

shared by

U N E P or the other U N agencies, nor by any of the

governm ents involved.

3. Ing G arcia-L ara, Jefe de la oficina de Proteccion

A m biental, PE M E X , private com m unication.

4. E R G undlach, K J Finkelstein,
and J L Sadd.

Im pact and persistence of Ixtoc I oil on the south

T exas coast. In Proceedings of the 1981 O il Spill

C onference,
A m erican Petroleum

W ashington D C , 1981,p 477-485.

5. Inform ation given by G L indblom in connection

w ith the presentation of his paper at the 1981 O il

Spill C onference in A tlanta, G eorgia, M arch 2-5,


6. D r E rnesto C havez, Jefe de D epartam ento de

E cologia, E scuela N acional de C iencias B iol6gi-

cas, Instituto Polit6cnico N acional, M exico C ity.

7. In early N ovem ber, a covering of oil betw een 15

and 30 cm deep w as reported from the w estern

shore of the Y ucatan from C iudad del C arm en to

Progresso. T he reportw as m ade by the U S C oast

G uard (O il Spill Intelligence R eport, N ovem ber

16, 1979).

8. Inform e de los trabajos realizados para el control

del Pozo Ixtoc I el com bate del derram e de pet-

i determ inasi6n
sus efectos
sobre el

am biente m arino. Program a C oordinado de E stu-

dios E cological a la Sonda de C am peche 1980.

9. O ilSpill Intelligence R eport, January 4, 1980.

10.D r C arranza-Frazer, D irector G eneral del Institu-

to N acional de Pesca, private com m unication.

O lofL inden,Ph D in Z oologicalE colo-

gy from the U niversity of Stockholm ,

is responsible for the m arine biology

and oil pollution research program s

at the Sw edish W ater and A ir Pollu-

tion R esearch Institute (IV L ).H e is

consultant to the
U nited N ations

agencies FA O and U N E P on environ-

m entalim pactof oiland heavy m etal

pollution.H is address: Sw edish W a-

ter and A ir Pollution R esearch Insti-

tute (IV L ),U tovagen 5,S-371 37 K arl-

skrona,Sw eden.

Professor A rne Jernelov w as born

in 1941 and received his Ph D atthe

U niversity of Stockholm in 1966.H e

cam e to the Sw edish W ater and A ir

Pollution R esearch Institute (IV L )in

1967, w here
he becam e its chief

biologist. For a couple of years he

w as a senior scientist at W H O in

C openhagen. In 1975 he returned to

IV L to becom e its director of re-

search. H is address: IV L ,B ox 21060,

S-100 31 Stockholm ,Sw eden.

A M B IO V O L 10 N O . 6


MC-252 Incident


4/29/201 0

Final Issued for Use

Geir Karlsen


Final Issued for Comments

Geir Karlsen



Document Status

Houston Incident


Houston Incident







Document ID:


Sector ID



Discipline ID

















G. Karlsen

April 24, 201 0

Initial draft.

K. Mouton

April 25,201 0


G. Karlsen

April 27, 2010

Comments incorporated.

G. Karlsen

April 28, 201 0

Comments incorporated, issued for use.

Clarified and added comment to Section 1.3: Clarified section and

added comment Source Control SIMOPS Director covers an area

of appr. 1 ,000-m from site. Added Sections 6.9 on Aviation and

Section 6.1 0 on Helicopter Refueling. Added section 1 .8 (HazID of

operating in contaminated waters and added HazID documents.

Updated contact details and general cleanup of doc. Added doc.

number from Doc. Control.

G. Karlsen

April 29, 201 0

Removed 1 000-m radius circle from map Fig. 9 and updated with

debris field.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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Note: No need for USCG Houma Ops. to sign off as per conversation USCG Commander Mark Shepard

and Geir Karlsen on April 29, 201 0.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7

SIMOPS Plan Objectives................................................................................... 7

What Does Success Look Like?........................................................................ 7

The SIMOPS Team ........................................................................................... 8

1 .3.1
Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility.................................................. 9

1 .3.2
Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility ........... 9

1 .3.3
Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility . 9

1 .3.4
Vessel Representative (VPIC) .................................................................... 9

1 .3.5
SIMOPS Interface Team (Member) ......................................................... 1 0

Management of Change (MoC)....................................................................... 1 0

HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment........................ 1 2

2 Field Communications and Emergencies........................................................... 13

Crisis Management ......................................................................................... 1 3

Severe Weather Contingency Plan ................................................................. 1 3

Emergency Evacuation Plan............................................................................ 1 3

Incident Notification ........................................................................................ 1 3

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call ....................................................................... 1 4

SIMOPS Communication Guideline ................................................................ 1 5

Field Communications .................................................................................... 1 6

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 1 6 ...................................................... 1 6

Radio........................................................................................................ 1 7

Emergency Communications................................................................... 1 7

3 Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing........................... 18

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders .............................. 1 8

Safe Distance.................................................................................................. 1 8

Echo Sounder Turnoff ..................................................................................... 1 8

Acoustic Frequency Coordination ................................................................... 1 9

Coordination of Acoustic Activities .......................................................... 1 9

Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications............................................................ 1 9

Acoustic Field Operations ........................................................................ 1 9

Fan Beam........................................................................................................ 20

RADius Position Reference System................................................................ 21

SIMOPS Events .................................................................................................... 23

SIMOPS Events .............................................................................................. 23

Emergencies during SIMOPS Events ............................................................. 24

SIMOPS Approval ........................................................................................... 24

5 Dropped Objects Prevention ............................................................................... 25

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 25

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels ................................................ 25

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Houston Incident Commander

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Area Vessel Control and Aviation....................................................................... 26

Surface Conditions .......................................................................................... 26

Sheen and Plume..................................................................................... 26

Marine Debris .......................................................................................... 26

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident ................................................................... 26

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident............................. 26

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 27

Staging Area ............................................................................................ 27

Standby Area ........................................................................................... 28

Source Control Vessels ................................................................................... 28

Oil Spill Response Vessels.............................................................................. 28

Hailing Channels VHF 1 5 and VHF 1 6 ............................................................. 28

Working Channels ........................................................................................... 28

GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice........................................................................ 29

Aviation ........................................................................................................... 29

Helicopter Fueling ........................................................................................... 29

References ............................................................................................................ 48

BP ............................................................................................................ 48

Transocean (TOI)...................................................................................... 48

Other References ........................................................................................... 48

BP ............................................................................................................ 48

Appendix A:
Contact Details MC-252 Incident.................................................... 49


Figure 1 : SIMOPS Communications Plan ....................................................................... 8

Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process ....................................................... 1 1

Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart .............................................................................. 1 4

Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures ...................................................... 27

Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone....................... 30

Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map ............................................................. 32

Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise/DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones...... 34

Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map .................................................. 36

Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids ...................................... 38

Figure 1 0: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital................. 40

Figure 11 : HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations ......................... 42

Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues ............................ 44

Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume........................................... 46

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Table 1 : HazID Action Items......................................................................................... 1 2

Table 2: Conference Call Center.................................................................................... 1 5

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels ..................................................................... 1 6

Table 4: Fan Beam Height ............................................................................................. 20

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems..................................................... 21

Table 6: MC-252 Acoustic Allocation Summary ............................................................ 22

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist .......................................................... 23

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Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Plan Objectives

The goal of the MC-252 Incident Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Plan is safe and efficient execution

of the SIMOPS between all marine and aviation assets deployed in support of the spill and source control

operations. The majority of the assets are provided or sourced by:

Transocean Offshore Inc.

Development Driller III (DD III) semisubmersible

Discoverer Enterprise (DEN) drillship

BP Logistics and Aviation (PHI, Chouest, Tidewater, VIH Cougar, Graham Gulf)

Marine Spill Response Corp (MSRC)

National Response Corp (NRC)

Aker Marine

Subsea 7

Airborne Services Inc (ASI)


The plan seeks to:

Inform members of the unified command involved in SIMOPS for the MC-252 Incident of the principles

required for conducting simultaneous operations.

Identify the SIMOPS hierarchy for the major scopes of work between Spill Recovery, Well Control

operations and drilling of relief wells.

Outline high-level procedural steps complimented by the detailed processes, procedures and plans (3P)

issued by the respective groups. The 3Ps are issued and reviewed in conjunction with Hazard

Identification (HazID) assessments or planning meetings just prior to the SIMOPS event.

Concurrent operations onboard the assets described above are NOT covered or included in the SIMOPS

Plan unless these activities affect other MC-252 Incident operations.

What Does Success Look Like?

Success is defined as zero SIMOPS clashes, zero SIMOPS impact to schedules and zero SIMOPS

incidents. Getting to zero is only possible by strict discipline in the part of all stakeholders to adhere to

the elements of the plan.

Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the execution of SIMOPS events.
SIMOPS Director resides in Houston.


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Spill SIMOPS events. Position resides onboard Louisiana Responder.

Offshore Source Vessel Control SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Source Vessel Control SIMOPS events. Position resides offshore onboard the DD III or the

Discoverer Enterprise. The Branch Director generally controls the areas inside the rigs 500-m zone and

an area of appr. 1 ,000-m from the Macondo site. See Figure 8, page 35.

BP Logistics - Overall responsibility for providing air support to the project. Group resides in Houston.

Offshore Spill Operations Air command - Overall responsibility for coordinating and scheduling all

aircrafts including fixed wing, crew change helicopters, dispersant deployments, over flights, recons and

spotter planes. Position resides in Houma.

Vessel Person in Charge (VPIC) Is the BP Vessel Rep. onboard. Can also be the OIM or the Well Site

Leader. The VPIC is responsible for all Health, Safety, Security and Spill (HSSE) incidents. All incidents

will be reported using the Notification scheme contained within the plan.

Note: Any person involved in a SIMOPS event has the authority and obligation to discontinue

and shut down the SIMOPS event in the case of safety or operational concerns.

Figure 1: SIMOPS Communications Plan

SIMOPS events will be coordinated through daily SIMOPS call as per Section 2.5, page 1 4.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility

Chair the daily SIMOPS call (see Section 2.5, page 1 4).

Be the overall coordinator of SIMOPS activities at MC-252 Incident.

Ensure SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Identify need of SIMOPS HazIDs and SIMOPS reviews prior to a SIMOPS event.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks from upcoming SIMOPS events.

Liaison with leadership team on SIMOPS issues, scheduling and technical conflicts.

Identify critical path and determine which operation has priority.

Assess risks of single and multiple operations and SIMOPS events.

Facilitate resolutions of any SIMOPS conflicts with the teams.

Coordinate SIMOPS issues between the Discoverer Enterprise, DD III, Marine Activities and


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the spill clean up


Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the vessels in the cleanup fleet.

Ensure spill cleanup SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Work with vessel Captain on all SIMOPS and HSSE.

Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the fleet of source


Area of responsibility is in the Macondo well area and the debris field out to appr. 1,000-m

from site.

Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the source vessels.

Ensure vessel activities comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Vessel Representative (VPIC)

Source control vessels and possibly some of the spill cleanup vessels will have a vessel rep. onboard.

The vessel rep. responsibility is to:

Implement specific programs concerning ROV, salvage, search and clean-up.

Ensure HSSE and safety guidelines are followed onboard the vessel and in vessel ops.

Provide guidance for the specific operation.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Work with vessel OIM or Captain on SIMOPS issues.

Call-in on the daily SIMOPS call.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Interface Team (Member)

Assigned for each area of operations, such as well operations, ROV operations, spill clean-up, AUV and

2D Seismic surveying, Salvage and Recovery operations. The position resides onshore. Responsibilities


Implement specific installation and construction programs.

Arrange SIMOPS review meetings and HazIDs.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Establish communication plan between their SIMOPS supervisory personnel.

Assist the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Director in implementing the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS


Provide progress report to the MC-252 SIMOPS Director.

Management of Change (MoC)

The MoC process is used in conjunction with changes to procedures and the SIMOPS schedule.

Temporary and permanent changes are managed to ensure that health, safety, and spill risks remain at

acceptable levels. The plan intends to exceed BPs Operations Management system (OMS),

expectations, regulatory requirements and local needs.

Figure 2, page 1 1 shows the SIMOPS MoC procedure for changes in the MC-252 Incident program.

The GoM MoC process uses BizFlow found at the BP Intranet site:

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process

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HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment

A HazID was held April 28, 201 0 to assess the risks of the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III being

exposed to hydrocarbons either from a sheen or from a plume of oil. The HazID followed Trans Oceans

internal HazID the previous day.

There were no show stoppers identified during either HazID. The Operation Teams of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III were tasked with the assembly of an emergency disconnect plan should the

direction of the plume change towards the rigs or should there be a catastrophic change to the volume of

released hydrocarbons.

The HazID action items are found in Table 1 below.

Table 1: HazID Action Items





Develop a decision matrix for various scenarios

Rig Operations
of increased oil flow that could impact the drill


George Gray

Include in IAP that source control immediately

communicates any flow changes to the

SIMOPS Director

Troy Endicott

Prior to ops.

Develop a model to predict plume location

based on subsea currents. Consider the

impact of rapidly increasing flow rate.

Troy Endicott

Determine the location and density of oil/water

Troy Endicott
emulsion /mousse floating below the surface.

Convey IMT air monitoring and safety plan to

Joe Neumeyer
the vessels.

Other Operations
Send 500 meter zone to branch directors.

Troy Endicott

Due Date

Communicate to the IMT the drill rigs request

to maintain a minimum of one mile distance for

dispersant application or in situ burning.

Troy Endicott

Prior to ops.

Prior to ops.

Prior to ops.

The risk ranking and HazID results are found in Figure 1 1 , page 41 , Figure 12, page 43 and Figure 1 3,

page 45.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Field Communications and Emergencies

Crisis Management

The Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Development (GoM DWD) Emergency Response Plan Guidelines are

initiated should any emergency occur during a SIMOPS event. The SIMOPS event will be terminated or

postponed until the emergency is cleared.

Any emergency onboard the Discoverer Enterprise, the DD III or associated vessels will be reported

immediately to the other vessels and the Offshore SIMOPS Branch Director to ensure necessary

precautions can be taken.

Severe Weather Contingency Plan

See GoM IMS Vol. III Severe Weather Contingency Plan (see References in Section 7, page 48).

The Crisis Center at WL-4 handles the management of severe weather planning and field evacuation


Emergency Evacuation Plan

See GoM DWD Emergency Evacuation Plan (see References in Section 7, page 48).

Incident Notification

The Incident Notification Chart shown in Figure 3, page 1 4 is the main routing of incident notifications on

the project.

It is recognized, however, that the MC-252 Incident operation is complex and that there is a possibility of

incidents being reported through different channels.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call

The SIMOPS Director chairs the daily SIMOPS conference call.

The following calls in to the SIMOPS call:

Each MC-252 Incident ROV and construction vessel

The lead spill clean-up vessel.

Houma IC.

Houston IC.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM and Well Site Leader (WSL) or designees.

BP vessel rep. and PIC on vessel(s) performing SIMOPS in the MC-252 Incident field.

Impact Weather and Horizon Marine (only if met-ocean conditions dictate).

Shore-based personnel as required

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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Work boats and fast boats are not required to participate.

The purpose of the daily SIMOPS conference call is to:

Provide daily SIMOPS support to all MC-252 Incident groups.

Get the latest met-ocean updates (Impact Weather and Horizon Marine to participate on an as-


Ensure all activity centers are fully aware of ongoing and upcoming field activities and SIMOPS


Review SIMOPS schedule issues.

Ensure activities from outside operators (such as pipe-lay and seismic operations) are flagged.

Review VHF and acoustics communication needs and clashing issues.

Ensure the SIMOPS events are planned and executed according to the program with no impact to

HSSE and minimum impact to other operations.

Table 2 below shows the details of the conference call center.

Participants call the Toll-free or the Toll numbers and then the Pass-code to get into the conference call.

Table 2: Conference Call Center

Dial-In Numbers

and Pass Codes

Toll-Free number from inside USA:

1 -866-634-1 11 0

Participant pass code:

925-727-01 45

Each operation issues a daily SIMOPS report to the SIMOPS Director that is reviewed prior to the

SIMOPS call. The report is a short synopsis of last 24-hours and the coming 24-hours utilizing Incident

Action Plan (IAP).

The SIMOPS call agenda is:

Met-ocean update (wind, waves and currents).

Sheen, plume and marine debris update.

Vessel Summary

Discoverer Enterprise Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

DD III Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

ROV vessels Current operations, special issues, Q&A.

Construction and intervention vessels Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity,

special issues, Q&A.

Barge and tugs Update on current operations and next 24-hrs.

Spill clean-up vessels Area of operation, sheen and plume update.

SIMOPS issues, communications and VHF use, scheduling, conflicts and concerns.

SIMOPS Communication Guideline

Well-planned and established communications are keys to the successful execution of the MC-252

Incident SIMOPS. The SIMOPS Branch Directors must communicate with the respective Vessel Reps. /

OIMs / Captains prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity and during the SIMOPS event as conditions


Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

Field Communications

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

Vessels approaching the field will use Channels 15 or channel 16 to call up the Discoverer

Enterprise or the DD III Bridge. Channel selection, following the initial hailing is agreed upon

with the respective installation.

Channel 1 5 and channel 16 are always monitored by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

See Table 3, page 1 6.

Once the appropriate MC-252 Incident facility (Discoverer Enterprise or DD III) is hailed, the

channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Table 3. The table is a guideline and lists the

agreed MC-252 Incident VHF channels. It is anticipated that radio noise and high usage may

require selection of other channels at times.

The fleet of Source Control and Oil Spill Response vessels will work through the Onshore

SIMOPS Director to establish field radio procedures and agree on channel selections.

Radio use and frequency selection will be part of the daily SIMOPS call.

Table 3 below shows the VHF hailing and the working channels for the MC-252 Incident field.

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels





Enterprise ROV




Hailing general




Bridge to Bridge



Bridge to boat

10, 11, 12


Port crane

10, 11, 12


Starboard crane

10, 11, 12


Crane to boat

10, 11, 12

Port: 67, Stb. 68

Bulk and liq.


8, 15

72, 88


Enterprise Bridge

to maintenance

Spare channels

No radio




6, 69, 71, 73


2, 5, 9




72, 88


6, 69, 71, 73
3, 6, 9, 13


3, 6, 9,


Source control vessels and environmental cleanup vessels are

hailed on ch. 15 and ch. 16

Updated April 27, 2010

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Houston Incident Commander

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Vessels and aircraft, under contract to BP, are equipped with BP radios in addition to the

contractors communication equipment.

Operators of vessels involved in SIMOPS activities must agree upon primary and secondary radio

communication frequencies prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity.

Note: Conduct radio check and confirm operability prior to start of any SIMOPS event.

Emergency Communications

For emergency response communication procedures and contact information, reference the

GoM DWD Emergency Response Plan (see Section 7, page 48).

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Houston Incident Commander

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Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing

The Acoustic Frequency Management Plan is summarized in Table 6, page 22 and in Figure 1 0, page 39.

Please note the following:

Horizon DP array transponders have been recovered and are not featured in the plan.

It is essential that all vessels with dual head HiPAP systems configure the system to

track all transponders from a single head (all transponders tracked from the same head).

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders

The Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) onboard the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are

responsible for the management and safe use of the acoustic frequencies at MC-252 Incident.

No acoustics will be turned on or off without the concurrence of the DPO onboard the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III DPO will manage the acoustics in the MC-

252 Incident field. There will be no enabling or disabling of acoustic channels

without the DPOs concurrence.


Do not change allocated channels without the concurrence of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III DPO. The main requirement of the Acoustic Management

Plan is to prevent frequency clashing and risk interference or loss of acoustic

position referencing for the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Note that any noise issues degrading the acoustic position reference system MUST be reported to the

OIM and the Well Site Leader. Under no circumstances should the acoustic system be disabled because

of degraded signal to noise ratio. Disabling the acoustic system would bring the rig from a DP Class II to

a DP Class I DP operation. Note: TOI approval contingent on: acoustic system may be taken out of solution

if degraded.

Safe Distance

The Frequency Management Plan assumes there is no safe distance where acoustics will not interfere,

especially with the short distance between vessels. The plan produced a set of compatible channel

allocations and guidelines that will allow each vessel to operate freely without concern as to the effect on

other vessels nearby.

Echo Sounder Turnoff

Any vessels entering the MC-252 Incident area must turn off the echo sounders within 5-nm of arriving in

the MC-252 Incident field. This is to ensure echo sounders do not create noise in the water column and

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interfere acoustically with any of the vessels using acoustic communications. Do not turn on echo

sounders until the vessel is outside this 5-nm limit.

Compliance with the echo sounder turnoff while in the MC-252 Incident field is



It is the responsibility of each MC-252 Incident group contracting vessels, the Logistics Group and the

Fourchon Base to notify and inform the MC-252 Incident vessels of the Echo Sounder turnoff


Acoustic Frequency Coordination

Coordination of Acoustic Activities

All information, regarding the coordination of the MC-252 Incident Acoustic Frequency

Management Plan, is directed to the respective rigs Team Leader.

Jonathan Davis with BP, Dave Ross with UTEC Survey, together with Kongsberg and Sonardyne,

will assist in troubleshooting frequency clashes and interferences (see phone list for contact


Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications

Source vessels will work in close proximity to the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III. These vessels

must follow the Frequency Management Plan and the acoustic guidelines before enabling acoustic


Acoustic Field Operations

For acoustic operations at MC-252 Incident, vessels will inform the DEN and the DD III Bridge of

arrival in the field. The following must take place prior to commencement of acoustic operations:

Confirm field arrival and departure.

Confirm all frequencies in use by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III as per Table 6,

page 22.

Confirm pre-approved acoustic channel allocations for the upcoming operation.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III of minimum proximity requirements between


Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO when channels are enabled and disabled.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO of source vessel channel selections.

Be prepared to immediately disable acoustic channels in case of degradation of the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III acoustic position reference systems.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III to advise vessel of any acoustic position reference system

response and degradation from the added acoustics in the water column.

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Houston Incident Commander

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No vessel shall deploy transponders without first contacting the DEN and the

DD III DPO and receiving confirmation as to channels in use. The DEN and the


DD III and any vessels using acoustics will be in continuous communications

concerning acoustic noise and frequency clashing.

Fan Beam

Fan Beam is a position reference system used while vessels are in proximity. Workboats and supply

boats, as well as vessels carrying out subsea construction, utilize Fan Beam. The systems maximum

range is 2,000-m with an accuracy of +1 0 cm during optimum conditions. The system uses a laser beam

and is, therefore, weather sensitive. The practical range for Fan Beam is in the range of 200-m to 400-m.

The key to a successful operation of the Fan Beam position reference system is to ensure the system is

maintained, fully operational and in Green status and that the Fan Beam is set up according to the

manufacturers specifications.

Particular attention is required to the system setup. The gating parameters must be set correctly to

ensure the intended target is followed. This may have been a problem in the past. There are known

instances where the laser beam has locked onto a moving object onboard the adjacent vessel. The

moving object may have been someone in coveralls with reflective tape.

Note: Any vessel working the MC-252 Incident area and using Fan Beam as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed to be used near the DEN, the


The Fan Beam User Guide v. 4.1 is listed as a reference in this document. The user, however, shall

always check with the manufacturer to ensure the correct and latest version of the user guide is utilized

for setting up the Fan Beam systems on the particular vessel.

The MC-252 Incident vessels have their Fan Beam laser units installed at different heights. Adjustments

may be required in the height of the prisms installed on the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to

conform to vessel requirements.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III OIM should determine correct prism height and location based

on communications with the respective user of Fan Beam systems. Table 4, page 20 lists the Fan Beam

height for some vessels which may be used at MC-252 Incident.

Table 4: Fan Beam Height

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Schlumberger DeepSTIM II
Technip Deep Blue

Fan Beam Height

Ideal Reflector Height

above Sea Level

Above Sea Level


1 02-ft.




The reflector height is

determined by the

application and distance

between vessels and is

generally set at Fan

Beam height -0 +17-ft.

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Houston Incident Commander

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There is a wide variation in Fan Beam installation heights between vessels. The Fan Beam prisms,

installed on the DEN and the DD III, will require elevation and position changes, depending on which

vessel is utilizing the system. Adjusting the height will improve the system performance and reduce Fan

Beam positioning errors.

Table 5 below lists the MC-252 Incident vessels using Position Reference systems.

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Discoverer Enterprise
Source control vessels

Available Position

Reference System

DGPS, Acoustics

(Sonardyne digital)

DGPS, Acoustics (HiPAP)

DGPS, Fan Beam and

RADius. Acoustics for

tracking and surveying

Spill clean-up vessels


DP Class II+

DP Class II+

DP Class I and II

Some vessels may not have

been assessed for DP class

Not assessed for DP class

RADius Position Reference System

The RADius position reference system measures relative distance between two adjacent vessels using

the Doppler principle. The adjacent vessel is equipped with RADius transponder(s). The system has a

range of approximately 1,1 00-m and is not affected by activities onboard the adjacent vessel. A

transponder system consisting of a small box is installed onboard the host vessel (i.e., Discoverer

Enterprise and DD III). The system requires a 1 20-volt power source. Range accuracy is 0.25-m.

Note: Any vessel, working the MC-252 Incident area and using RADius as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed used near the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

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Table 6: MC-252 Acoustic Allocation Summary



ROV System


b31 DP

b14 Tracking


b32 DP

b28 Tracking


b35 DP

b34 Tracking


b48 Tracking


b37 DP


b73 DP

b54 Tracking

b76 DP LIC

b68 Tracking



b74 Tracking


Discoverer Enterprise DP array: Sonardyne wideband Family 14, CIS. Ch.


1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413


b27 Emergency AUV


b24 CRANE 1



b26 DP 1
b38 MILL 36







b64 CRANE 2


b78 MILL 37

b21 Tracking


b25 Tracking

b86 DP 2

b41 Tracking

b16 Tracking

OI 3



The acoustic allocations

for all construction

b45 Tracking

b23 Tracking

b61 Tracking

b36 Tracking

b65 Tracking

b43 Tracking

b81 Tracking

b56 Tracking

b85 Tracking

vessels are found in

Figure 10, page 34,

Figure 11, page 35 and

Figure 12, page 35.

It is imperative that the

b63 Tracking

plan is adhered to and

b83 Tracking

that there are no

Wideband Family 12 (see below)

changes without

Address 1201, CIS 1




Address 1202, CIS 2

ROV 1 Cage

The DD III ROV channels

Address 1203, CIS 3


may be utilized bby

Address 1204, CIS 7

ROV 2 Cage

others if not required by

Wideband Family 15 (see below)


the DD III operation.

Address 1512, CIS 4


Address 1513, CIS 5

ROV Backup

Address 1514, CIS 6


CIC = Common Interrogation Signal

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Houston Incident Commander

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The SIMOPS plan contains multiple events and interfaces between the Discoverer Enterprise at relief

well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Anticipated SIMOPS events are:

Discoverer Enterprise operating at relief well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Source control vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion


Source control vessel activity alongside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Spill clean-up vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones.

Pumping vessel alongside Discoverer Enterprise or DD III.

Salvage operations.

Barge and tug boats.


In-situ burns (requires separate risk assessment and approval).

Note: There is no requirement to develop a separate SIMOPS procedure for any of the MC-252

SIMOPS events. Detailed project operating procedures specifically developed in

conjunction with and referring to the MC-252 SIMOPS plan are required.

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist

Vessel within 500-m of

Discoverer Enterprise

and DD III.

Well Site Leader

Fan Beam prism


Degradation in station-

keeping ability of


SIMOPS with other ops.


Prepare DEN and DD III

most favorable heading.

Ensure communications

to vessel are as planned.

To be informed and approve



In close proximity to,

alongside or equipment

To be informed.

hooked up to DEN/DD





Approve through Permit

Ensure communications

to Work (PTW) process.

to vessel are as planned.

To be informed of met-

To be informed of met-ocean

ocean conditions and

Communicate with vessel

conditions and any heading

any heading change of

in SIMOPS on all DP

change of DEN/DD III and

DEN/DD III and vessel in


vessel in SIMOPS.


To determine correct

To be informed of station-

height based on vessel

Ensure fully operational.

keeping readiness.


Vessel Captain together with DEN/DD III

To decide on further action

DPO to assess and decide on action according to

together with OIM.

WSOC. Note: TOI strike out. Approval contingent on

DPO making decision according to WSOC.

To be informed.
To approve.
Requirements as above.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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Emergencies during SIMOPS Events

Emergencies onboard one of the vessels involved in SIMOPS impact the ability to proceed with SIMOPS.

The SIMOPS planning should specifically address emergencies during SIMOPS events, mitigations and

restrictions associated with such emergencies.

Use the following guidelines to shut down or postpone the SIMOPS event, which may reduce the ability

of personnel to respond effectively to an emergency:

Sheen, plume or surface debris that could impact the SIMOPS event.

Any condition the OIM, Captain or the BP Well Site Leader determines to exist or develop and which

would compromise safety of crews, equipment or vessels during the SIMOPS execution.

Any event where acoustics communications are interfering with station-keeping of any vessel.

Any fire requires vessels to suspend activities except those required to handle the event.

Any hull emergency requires vessels to suspend activities except those that are required to handle

the event.

Any loss of firewater pumps requires vessel to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any loss of communication requires vessels to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any met-ocean event that could jeopardize station-keeping or operations during the SIMOPS event.

Any event that takes a vessel out of readiness condition such as power, cooling and fuel systems,

power management system, position reference systems and DP system.

4.3 SIMOPS Approval

The complexity of the SIMOPS activity determines the level of approval required for the work plan. Use

the following procedure as a guideline:

The SIMOPS Director has the overall responsibility for determining SIMOPS priorities and give

necessary approvals following review with Branch Directors and Air Command.

The SIMOPS Branch Directors approve SIMOPS events within their fleet after review with the

SIMOPS Director and the respective vessels.

The vessel OIM /Captain approves SIMOPS events associated with the respective vessel.

The BP Well Site Leader, with input from the respective OIMs and Branch Directors determine the

level of authority required to approve a safe work plan for a more complex activity inside the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m zones.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Dropped Objects Prevention

Drilling Vessels

Any dropped object is to be reported through regular channels. There are no infrastructure concerns at

the respective well sites. There are a number of pipelines and wellheads in the area, so dropped object

prevention must have the same focus as when working in any of BPs fields.

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels

Any dropped object must be reported as per the Incident Notification Chart. The Discoverer Enterprise

and the DD III Bridges should be notified as well on any dropped object incident.

Vessels inside the MC-252 Incident field MUST promptly report a dropped


object incident to the DEN and the DD III Bridge.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Area Vessel Control and Aviation

The key to vessel control is through good communications. The daily SIMOPS call is the main venue to

inform of upcoming vessel activities and requirements.

Surface Conditions

Marine debris and hydrocarbons will to a large extent determine activities at MC-252 Incident. An

assessment is being made on DEN and DD III operability while being exposed to a surface sheen or the

plume. Daily updates on sheen and plume developments together with marine debris updates are

provided to ensure appropriate marine decisions can be made.

Sheen and Plume

It is likely that the DEN and the DD III will be exposed to a sheen or the plume. This depends on

met-ocean conditions and the volume of hydrocarbon (HC) being released. The DEN and the

DD III bridges will stay in communications with the Spill clean-up vessels and be notified of any

changes in weather patterns that may result in HC reaching the well sites.

Marine Debris

Discovery of marine debris will be broadcasted to the fleet by the first observer. Recovery will

be handled by the appropriate team as required.

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident

Surface and marine debris conditions determine how vessels arrive at the MC-252 Incident site. A

Marine Debris Exclusion Zone map in Figure 7, page 33.

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident

Vessel arrival and departure will follow the procedures set up in Figure 4, page 27. The number of

vessels on DP and connected to the seabed either trough drilling risers or ROVs requires careful planning

of vessel movements.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures

MC 252 Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures




Supply Boats

and Fast Boats


Discoverer Enterprise

There is a 20-nm, 4,000-ft. vessel and aircraft exclusion zone around the site. Vessels and aircrafts need

permission to enter. Contact respective Branch Director 20-nm and 5-nm out

Contact Offshore Spill

Operations SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa

Sub-C or onboard DD III

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa


VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact DD III and DEN

Bridge for permission

to enter 500-m zone

VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 1 6

Vessels receive advisory on extent of sheen and plume.

Vessels receive advisory on waypoints to site if required.

Vessels receive permission to enter site.

Oil Spill Response Vessels: Execute manual mode check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

Source Vessels: Execute DP check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

DD III and Discoverer Enterprise enter site.

Vessels preparing to depart:

Contact respective SIMOPS Branch Director and receive advisory on sheen, plume and waypoints as


VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 16

Updated April 27, 201 0

Entry inside 500-m exclusion zones of drilling rigs and source vessels

requires the approval of the respective Captain or OIM.

Oil Spill



Drilling Vessels

The DD III and the DEN are arriving from the SW and will move on to location from the standby and

staging area once receiving approval through the Team Leader.

Staging Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Staging and Standby area in MC 339 as

shown in Figure 5, page 30. Preparations to start operations may be carried out at this location

until approval is received for moving to the well location or the standby area to the south of the

well location (see next section).

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Houston Incident Commander

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Standby Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Standby area from the Staging area

where operations will commence. The Standby areas are located 3,000-ft. to the south of the

relief well locations RxC and RxD as seen in Figure 7, page 33. Conductor and tubulars may be

deployed at this point.

The Standby areas are approximately half distance between the well centers and the ENI pipeline

to the south (see Figure 7, page 34).

Source Control Vessels

Source vessels will be directed through the Incident management Command and are not expected to

interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to any extent.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry into any of

these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval.

Please note that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any

passage between the two rigs will, therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM


Oil Spill Response Vessels

Oil spill response vessels will be directed through the Incident Management Command via the SIMOPS

Branch Director and are not expected to interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III unless the

plume direction changes to the south.

It is essential that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are notified of any clean-up vessel

activity in the vicinity of the well operations and especially inside the rigs 500-m exclusion zones.

Note: The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry

into any of these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval. Please note that

the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any passage between the two rigs will,

therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM approval.

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

All vessels approaching the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III will use VHF channels 15 and channel

1 6 to call up the Discoverer Enterprise or the DD III Bridge.

Working Channels

Once the targeted rig or vessel is hailed, the channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Section

2.7, page 1 6.

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Houston Incident Commander

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6.8 GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice

Any vessel entering the 500-m exclusion zone of any MC-252 Incident vessel shall comply with the

requirements in the 500-m Zone Practice. The document is issued by the BP Marine Vessel Operations


The nature of the MC-252 Incident operation, however, requires flexibility in how vessels interact. It is

anticipated that the Captains on the Source Control vessels and the Spill clean-up vessels review

proximity requirements between vessels and have an agreement in place concerning procedures and


Entry into the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones, however, takes place according to the

500-m Zone Practice.

Critical vessel repairs and maintenance shall be performed either before or

after the SIMOPS event. No critical vessel repairs will be performed during

the SIMOPS event or inside the DD III or the Discoverer Enterprise 500-m zone

(see details in the 500-m Zone Practice). A critical repair is defined as repair

that could lead to single point failure and loss of station or vessel integrity.


The air command in Houma is an integrated part of the SIMOPS plan. The following types of air activities

are expected:

1 .
Helicopter crew flights to drilling rigs and source control vessels.

Spotter planes and fixed wing surveillance

Areal spray of dispersants (four aircrafts in one dispersant sortie, four to five sorties per day).

Over-flights of fixed wing and helicopters.

Drone surveillance.

Press and media.

The MC252 area has a restricted airspace (TFR Temporary flight restriction) of 20-nm from site up to a

4,000-ft. elevation. Flights inside this zone are controlled by the USCG cutter Harriet Lane on site. The

air command in Houma plans all flights to the site and reports through the SIMOPS Director as shown in

Figure 1 , page 8.

6.10 Helicopter Fueling

Helicopter fueling operations will mainly take place onshore. The aviation group will arrange emergency

fueling onboard offshore facilities if needed. It is emphasized, however, that using the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III as fueling stations for non rig flights reduces the efficiency of the drilling

operations because of shut-down of cranes and deck activities.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone

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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

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Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map

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Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise/DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones

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Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map

Note: The Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Coordinator controls the debris field and an area within appr. 1,000-m of the MC 252 no. 1 well site.

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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

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Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids

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Figure 10: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital

1. Discoverer Enterprise DP Array is now operating with Sonardyne MK5 Wideband COMPATTs. The array is setup for Family 14 ; C00.

LBL arrays installed at Thunder Horse must avoid allocating this family to remain clash free with the Discoverer Enterprise.












































CH #





























































DP 1





















































































































































































































DP 2




























































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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

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Figure 11: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations

The results of the TOI








Actions / Mitigation Measures

No additional mitigations

internal HAZID were








Post -Mitigate


Oil Sheen

Hazard Scenario














Pre -Mitigation






Note; the rig vessel master will

have a conversation with the


reviewed and accepted

source vessels in field on their

by the team. Included

experience working the area with

as a separate logsheet.

an oil sheen.

Note: Vessels need a plan to

flush ballast tanks prior to incident

demobilization to remove any oily

water in ballast tanks.


Plume of concentrated
Flow increases to a


Subsea visual, real



Develop a decision matrix for various

oil comes up right

catastrophic rate. A

time, monitoring of the

scenarios of increased oil flow that

under the rig.

potential cause,

well site area (three

could impact the drill rig.

among others, could

vessels with multiple

be failure of BOP

ROV's). Existing TOI


emergency procedures.



George Gray

Include in IAP that source control


Troy Endicott

immediately communicates any flow

changes to the SIMOPS Director

Develop a model to predict plume

Troy Endicott

Note: The rig response is partially

location based on subsea currents.

based on having knowledge of

Consider the impact of rapidly

expected plume location.

increasing flow rate.

Emulsion /

Determine the location and density


Troy Endicott

of oil/water emulsion / mousse

Note: The rig response is partially

based on having knowledge of

floating below the surface.

expected location of any


Convey IMT air monitoring and

Joe Neumeyer

safety plan to the vessels.

Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Security Classification:
Project Confidential

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4/30/201 0


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Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues

Historically loop currents move


Send 500 meter zone to




















SIMOPS Plan is guidance



well sites

Post -Mitigate





Hazard Scenario





Moving to relief
No unique hazards


Pre -Mitigation






document for green light to

move in.

AUV survey to confirm no

interferences at the relief well


Seasonably favorable winds

Met ocean

and currents should keep slick

away from rigs.

away from relief well drill

locations. Loop currents are

monitored daily.


Existing hurricane plans.

Source Control

Lose ROV and view of

Three vessels with ROV's are




Acoustic conflict

SIMOPS plan defines

Troy Endicott

resolution process.

Vessels in 500

Spill response vessels

SIMOPS plan includes 500

meter zone

moving into the rig 500

meter zone requirement.

Troy Endicott

branch directors.

Note: The spill response vessels

may be less familiar with the 500

meter zone

meter zone practice. It is also in the


Dead vessel

Vessel in the area has


Potential vessel

SIMOPS plan includes 500




meter zone requirement.

NGO's, media

Vessel security plans, JIC (joint

information center) to support


Oil washes on deck of

supply boat going to the rig.

Supply boats avoid transit

through oil slick if possible.

They are offloaded on the lee

side of the rig and have

existing cleaning procedures.

Note: the supply vessels have

decon procedures for leaving

the area.


Rigs would have little if any


exposure. Airspace is

managed outside the rigs.

Troy Endicott

Communicate to the IMT

the drill rigs request to

maintain a minimum of

one mile distance for

dispersant application or

in situ burning.

Burning is not planned to be

In situ burn

done close to the rigs.

Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Security Classification:
Project Confidential

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4/30/201 0


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Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume


Node 1 : DDIII & DEN operating on Macondo (MC 252)

Property Damage



Loss of

Additional Safeguards


Property Damage

Residual Risk






Risk Ranking

Loss of

Preventive Controls


Mitigating Controls

Operating rig with oil

sheen present.

Oily water sucked up into

thruster chiller units.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

going into power reduction


DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Can isolate 1 aft

and 1 fwd while being

serviced depending on the


DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in heat

exchangers (thruster motor,

main engines, rig air

compressor, thruster

steering, thruster lube oil,

AC units)

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

potential engine shutdown.

DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Has 2 SW

cooled Heat Exchangers for

Main Engines. 1 as spare,

and 1 as backup.

DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in drawworks

cooling unit.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

Drawworks cooler unit


DDIII: 3 individual heat

exchangers for Drill Floor

equipment. Can take 1

offline to clean.

DEN: Has 2 for DWX

cooling. Can monitor and

service while 1 offline.






Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Security Classification:
Project Confidential

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7 References

7.1.1 BP

MC-252 Incident Offshore Coordination SIMOPS Guidelines

7.1.2 Transocean (TOI)

See TOI DEN and DD III HSE Plans


TOI Operations Manual

TOI Floating Operations Manual HQS-OPS-004, Section 4, Subsection 1 1 : DP Operations

Guidelines Close Proximity Operations.

DEN DP Capability Plots

Development Driller III DP Capability Plots

Other References


GoM MC-252 Incident Management of Change Plan

BP GoM TOI HSE Management System Bridging Document

Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Document Number: 1440-85-OP-PR-0005

GoM Safe Practices Manual (SPM) GoM Incident Notification, Reporting and Investigation

Procedure. Document Number: CD # UPS-US-SW-GOM-HSE-DOC-001 15-2

GoM IMS Vol II Regional Oil Spill Plan

GoM IMS Vol III Severe Weather Contingency Plan

GoM Contract Aircraft Guidelines

GoM Diving Procedures

GoM Operational Guidelines for Offshore Support Vessels

GoM DEN Operations Manual

500-m Zone Practice BP Marine

VOI Vessel Operating Instructions BP Marine

Fan Beam User Manual v. 4.1

DMAC (Diving Medical Advisory Council) dated 1 979

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

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(if applicable):


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Page 48 of 55


Appendix A:

Contact Details MC-252 Incident





Emergencies and Regulatory


General Medical


81 66 Main Str.


US Coast Guard

(985) 873-41 41


(985) 873-41 50


(504) 589-6225

(985) 380-5320

Houston Crisis
(281) 366-0286 O

(713) 208-6173 C



(800) 321-8642

Hour Number
(630) 961-6200

MMS Houma

(985) 853-5884 O

(985) 879-2738 F


(985) 688-6050 C

(504) 736-2814 O

MMS Pipeline
(504) 736-2408 F


(504) 452-3562 C


(281 ) 366-6843 O


(71 3) 702-7673 C

[email protected]

Sr. Regulatory & Advocacy


SIMOPS Director

Endicott, troy

(281 ) 366-7687 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 409-0061 C

Deputy Marine Authority

Oil Spill Response Command

Smith, Stephen
(866) 21 5-4586

(OBrian Group)
(866) 292-1326

[email protected]

[email protected]



(31 8) 471 -1763

[email protected]



Bridge / DPO

Radio room


BP Clerk /


BP Subsea


(71 3) 587-5531

71 3-232-8245 ext.

2008 or 2007

(71 3) 232-8245

(281 ) 366-4504 or

(281 ) 366-4506

(281 ) 366-451 5

(281 ) 366-4536

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sat Telephone Bridge (voice): 0-1 1-870-353-830-


Sat Telephone Radio Room (voice): 0-1 1 -870-353-


Iridium Sat Phone: 1 -480-768-2500

code 881 5-4147-9794

Radio Frequency Ch 1 2 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.650

Oil Spill Response On-Scene

SIMOPS Coordinator

(onboard Louisiana

Responder 866-292-1 326)

Source Control Vessel Command

Source Control

TOI Discoverer Enterprise

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 49 of 55






Port and Stb.


(71 3) 232-8245

ext. 2229

Radio Frequency Ch 1 6 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.800

VHF (MHz) 1 23.050

Call Sign

DD III Well Site


Radio Rm.

DD III Inmar Sat



BP Dispatcher


832-587-6871 Dial

0 for operator

01 1 870


x-203 and x-204


71 3-336-821 5

71 3-336-8229

71 3-336-8201

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mil1 [email protected]

TOI Development Driller III

BP Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Houston Leadership

Gray, George

(281 )
(71 3)
Halvorson Dory,
(281 )

(71 3)
Jacobsen Plutt,
(281 )

Stoltz, Dan
(281 )
(71 3)

366-0659 O

376-1099 C

366-2626 O

206-5339 C

366-5932 O

685-2017 C

366-3424 O

805-9972 C

[email protected]

DD III Team Leader

[email protected]

Drilling Engineer DEN

[email protected]

Drilling Engineer DD III

[email protected]

DEN Team Leader

TOI Rig Support

Brekke, Jim

(281 ) 925-6676 O
[email protected]

(281) 961 -1368 C

(832) 587-8863 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 409-8217 C

Blue, Mike

Hess, Adam
King, Paul


Sims, Chuck

Walker, Stephen

(832)-587-8851 O

(71 3)-204-1 837 C

(832) 587-8573 O

(71 3) 540-6332 C

(281 ) 925-6433 O

(71 3) 205-9474 M

(71 3) 782-4703 H

(281 ) 925-6581 O

(281 ) 925-6583 F

(832) 922-2633 C

(832) 587-8770 O

(281) 450-7266 C

Manager Marine Technology

Rig Manager Performance


Rig Manager Performance


Rig Manager, Performance

Discoverer Enterprise

Rig Manager DD III

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Manager DP and


[email protected]

Marine and DP

Superintendent NAM

Logistics Boats and Helicopters Houston

Hollier, Jamie

(281 ) 366-0277 O

[email protected]

GoM Shelf Marine

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

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(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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John Rougeau

Reeves, Harold


Verret, Brian

Russell, Virgil

Huston, John

(281 ) 366-7946 F

(281) 703-0203 C

(281)-366-5042 O

(71 3)-201 -3081 C

(281)-366-4323 O

(71 3)-907-3739 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382- 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-5795 O

(71 3) 962-5927 C



[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Deepwater Marine


Subsea Ops & Intervention


Aviation Coordinator

Aviation Team Lead

GoM Logistics and Materials

Management Manager

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing address Fourchon Base:

Fourchon Base Address:

BP /C-Port 1

1 06 9th st. Lot #1

Golden Meadow, La. 70357

PH # 337-735-5708

Logistics Coordinator

Fourchon Base

Base Supervisor



Dartez, Bradley




Shore base





Air Logistics
PHI (Houma)

(337) 735-5708 O

(337) 735-5701 O

(985)-396-2927 C

337-735-5726 O

(281) 705-2372 C

(337) 735-5702 O

(337) 735-5715 O

(337)-735-5703 O

337-735-5714 O

985-396-2467 C

337-735-5712 O

985 868 1 705

Mailing Address:

PHI Heliport

3622 Thunderbird Rd

Houma, LA 70363

Ph.: (337) 735-5351

BP Marine

Fuller, Dan
Nichols, Scott
Polk, Daniel

(281 ) 366-631 3 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 397-4343 C

(281 ) 366-481 5 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 826-3426 C

(281 ) 366-0538

[email protected]
(71 3) 825-2657

Marine Operations Lead

Marine Operations


Marine Operations Lead

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 51 of 55







Source Control Vessels


71 3-744-5929

[email protected]

Intervention - 3
71 3-744-5920

832-461 -8266

[email protected]

Client Office


owner office

Boa Deep C

[email protected]

client office


owner office




[email protected]


985-61 2-2304


Skandi Neptune +47 5618 1180 /

[email protected]

1 1 81

+44 7894 1 73973

225-289-61 12
[email protected]
Miss Ginger
Data Van: (337)

[email protected]


[email protected]

Bridge: (337)


IP Phone: 337-


5701 (Geophysical


5704 (Bridge)

Bridge (Sat


(866) 21 5-61 99

Captain Cell in


(985) 677-2582

Spill Cleanup Vessels

Joe Griffin




985-61 2-241 7

985-61 2-2346


985-61 2-2348

254-240-1 951

985-61 2-2341
01 1 -881-651-


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 52 of 55




Kobe Chouest



Amy Chouest



Celena Chouest

Fast Cajun

Fast Sailor
Pat Tillman

Gulf Princess


985-61 2-231 9
863-833-581 7

985-61 2-2326


985-61 2-2335


985-61 2-2337

Bridge 985-61 2-


ROV 985-61 2-


985-61 2-2344

985-61 2-2322
01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2354

985-61 2-2306

985-61 2-2355

01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2357




[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

985-61 2-2406






337-593-551 4

[email protected]



George L.


(71 3) 468-1536 O

(281) 914-9629 C

[email protected]

[email protected]


John Roscoe-


(71 3) 785-0788 o
[email protected]

(713) 677-4838 c

Telephone system Edison


C&C Technologies Surveying

Survey advisor

DOF Surveying

ADCP profiling system


Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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(if applicable):


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Page 53 of 55






Edison Chouest Offshore

Edison Chouest




Michael Burke

(71 3)
(71 3)


Larry Prewitt

Parker, Anthony



Ken Richter

337-237-1300 O

337-268-31 30 Dir

337 962- 01 08 C

337-237-1 300


71 3-346-3656 O

71 3-305-4409 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Tony Butler

Dale Tompkins

Albert Parker

David Sheetz

Lee Willmore

Mark Van Dyke

985-395-5247 O

985-395-8501 O


985-397-1 732 C

985-395-8519 F

985-395-1 105 wk

985-518-3274 C


after hours

71 3-422-5953

(71 3) 329-4271 O

(832) 444-8885 C

832-467-7734 O

71 3-430-6268 C

(281 ) 366-4271 O

(71 3) 447-6407 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Driver, David B.

(281 )
(281 )
(281 )
(71 3)

601-4444 O

601 -4346 P

677-1703 C

691 -7514 C

395-4448 O

251 -6326 F

798-7880 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sr. Operations Manager

Operations Coordinator

Fugro Surveying

Manager Lafayette surface


Supervisor Marine


Survey USBL


ROV Ops. Manager

DTS Ops. Mgr.

ROV Sup. Marianas

Sr. Supervisor

Project Manager-Tooling

DW Technical Solutions

Team Lead OI1

Project Support



366-2699 O
[email protected]
366-7941 F

661 -21 83 C

366-8792 O
[email protected]

213-3505 C

Met-ocean Specialist

D&C Operations Manager

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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Page 54 of 55



Haaland, Kurt

Hafle, Mark
Hughes, John

Karlsen, Geir

Mouton, Keith


Neumeyer, Joe
Rayburn, Dean
Dave Rich
Russell, Virgil
Sanders, Robert
Sims, David


Verret, Brian

(281 ) 366-5085 O

(281 ) 366-7557 F

(281) 705-3237 C

(281 ) 366-4237 O

(281) 687-8216 C

(281 ) 249-7678 O

(71 3) 480-01 48 C

(281) 646-9956 H

(281 ) 366-4880 O

(71 3) 855-7369 C

(936) 273-9257 H

(281 ) 366-4303 O

(281) 703-9589 C

(281 ) 249-1678 O

(281) 467-5257 C

(281 ) 366-3082 O

(281) 546-4918 C

(281 ) 366-1 245 O

(71 3) 208-61 69 C

(281 ) 366-3676 O

(281 785 3676

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-4488 O

(71 3) 301 -6514 C

(281 ) 366-0360 O

(71 3) 304-5600 C

(281 ) 366-5871 O

(281 ) 387-7509 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C



[email protected]

Manager fiber optics project

[email protected]

Senior Drilling Engineer

[email protected]

Well Systems Lead

[email protected]

MC-252 Incident SIMOPS

[email protected]
[email protected]



Subsea Lead

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Advisor

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Team Leader

[email protected]

Wells Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Team Lead

[email protected]

Team Leader DD III

[email protected]

Wells Ops. Manager

[email protected]

Drilling Engineering Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Coordinator

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Tulsa Control Center

contacts all facilities during

an emergency.

Pipeline Control Center

Tulsa Control


(91 8) 660-4451

Updated April 28, 2010

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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(if applicable):


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Page 55 of 55


MC-252 Incident


4/29/201 0

Final issued for Use

Geir Karlsen


Final Issued for Comments

Geir Karlsen



Document Status

Houston Incident


Houston Incident







Document ID:


Sector ID



Discipline ID

















G. Karlsen

April 24, 201 0

Initial draft.

K. Mouton

April 25,201 0


G. Karlsen

April 27, 2010

Comments incorporated.

G. Karlsen

April 28, 201 0

Comments incorporated, issued for use.

Clarified and added comment to Section 1.3: Clarified section and

added comment Source Control SIMOPS Director covers an area

of appr. 1 ,000-m from site. Added Sections 6.9 on Aviation and

Section 6.1 0 on Helicopter Refueling. Added section 1 .8 (HazID of

operating in contaminated waters and added HazID documents.

Updated contact details and general cleanup of doc. Added doc.

number from Doc. Control.

G. Karlsen

April 29, 201 0

Removed 1 000-m radius circle from map Fig. 9 and updated with

debris field.

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

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(if applicable):


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Page 2 of 46




Reviewer (s)

Authorizer (s)




Geir Karlsen

BP Marine Assurance Rep

BP Geohazards Rep (AUV,HR2D)
BP (IMT) Spill Operations
BP Wells Rep
BP (IMT) Safety Officer
BP (IMT) Source Control Operations
IC Houston
IC On-scene Houma
USCG Houston
USCG On-scene Houma

BP Discoverer Enterprise Lead

BP GoM Marine Authority
Transocean Incident Commander
BP Incident Commander
BP On-Scene Commander


Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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(if applicable):


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Page 3 of 46



Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7

SIMOPS Plan Objectives................................................................................... 7

What Does Success Look Like?........................................................................ 7

The SIMOPS Team ........................................................................................... 8

1 .3.1
Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility.................................................. 9

1 .3.2
Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility ........... 9

1 .3.3
Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility . 9

1 .3.4
Vessel Representative (VPIC) .................................................................... 9

1 .3.5
SIMOPS Interface Team (Member) ......................................................... 1 0

Management of Change (MoC)....................................................................... 1 0

HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment........................ 1 2

2 Field Communications and Emergencies........................................................... 13

Crisis Management ......................................................................................... 1 3

Severe Weather Contingency Plan ................................................................. 1 3

Emergency Evacuation Plan............................................................................ 1 3

Incident Notification ........................................................................................ 1 3

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call ....................................................................... 1 4

SIMOPS Communication Guideline ................................................................ 1 5

Field Communications .................................................................................... 1 6

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 1 6 ...................................................... 1 6

Radio........................................................................................................ 1 7

Emergency Communications ................................................................... 1 7

3 Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing........................... 18

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders .............................. 1 8

Safe Distance.................................................................................................. 1 8

Echo Sounder Turnoff ..................................................................................... 1 8

Acoustic Frequency Coordination ................................................................... 1 9

Coordination of Acoustic Activities .......................................................... 1 9

Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications............................................................ 1 9

Acoustic Field Operations ........................................................................ 1 9

Fan Beam........................................................................................................ 20

RADius Position Reference System................................................................ 21

SIMOPS Events .................................................................................................... 23

SIMOPS Events .............................................................................................. 23

Emergencies during SIMOPS Events ............................................................. 24

SIMOPS Approval ........................................................................................... 24

5 Dropped Objects Prevention ............................................................................... 25

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 25

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels ................................................ 25

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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(if applicable):


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Page 4 of 46


Area Vessel Control and Aviation....................................................................... 26

Surface Conditions .......................................................................................... 26

Sheen and Plume..................................................................................... 26

Marine Debris .......................................................................................... 26

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident ................................................................... 26

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident............................. 26

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 27

Staging Area ............................................................................................ 27

Standby Area ........................................................................................... 28

Source Control Vessels ................................................................................... 28

Oil Spill Response Vessels.............................................................................. 28

Hailing Channels VHF 1 5 and VHF 1 6 ............................................................. 28

Working Channels ........................................................................................... 28

GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice........................................................................ 29

Aviation ........................................................................................................... 29

Helicopter Fueling ........................................................................................... 29

References ............................................................................................................ 39

BP ............................................................................................................ 39

Transocean (TOI)...................................................................................... 39

Other References ........................................................................................... 39

BP ............................................................................................................ 39

Appendix A:
Contact Details MC-252 Incident.................................................... 40


Figure 1 : SIMOPS Communications Plan ....................................................................... 8

Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process ....................................................... 1 1

Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart .............................................................................. 1 4

Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures ...................................................... 27

Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone....................... 30

Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map ............................................................. 31

Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise / DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones.... 32

Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map .................................................. 33

Note: The Offshore Source Control SIMOPS Coordinator controls the debris field and

an area within appr. 1 ,000-m of the Macondo well site. ............................................... 33

Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids ...................................... 34

Figure 1 0: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital................. 35

Figure 11 : HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations ......................... 36

Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues ............................ 37

Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume........................................... 38

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Houston Incident Commander

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Table 1 : HazID Action Items ......................................................................................... 1 2

Table 2: Conference Call Center.................................................................................... 1 5

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels ..................................................................... 1 6

Table 4: Fan Beam Height ............................................................................................. 20

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems..................................................... 21

Table 6: MC 252 Acoustic Allocation Summary ............................................................ 22

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist .......................................................... 23

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SIMOPS Plan Objectives

The goal of the MC-252 Incident Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Plan is safe and efficient execution

of the SIMOPS between all marine and aviation assets deployed in support of the spill and source control

operations. The majority of the assets are provided or sourced by:

Transocean Offshore Inc.

Development Driller III (DD III) semisubmersible

Discoverer Enterprise (DEN) drillship

BP Logistics and Aviation (PHI, Chouest, Tidewater, VIH Cougar, Graham Gulf)

Marine Spill Response Corp (MSRC)

National Response Corp (NRC)

Aker Marine

Subsea 7

Airborne Services Inc (ASI)


The plan seeks to:

Inform members of the unified command involved in SIMOPS for the MC-252 Incident of the principles

required for conducting simultaneous operations.

Identify the SIMOPS hierarchy for the major scopes of work between Spill Recovery, Well Control

operations and drilling of relief wells.

Outline high-level procedural steps complimented by the detailed processes, procedures and plans (3P)

issued by the respective groups. The 3Ps are issued and reviewed in conjunction with Hazard

Identification (HazID) assessments or planning meetings just prior to the SIMOPS event.

Concurrent operations onboard the assets described above are NOT covered or included in the SIMOPS

Plan unless these activities affect other MC-252 Incident operations.

What Does Success Look Like?

Success is defined as zero SIMOPS clashes, zero SIMOPS impact to schedules and zero SIMOPS

incidents. Getting to zero is only possible by strict discipline in the part of all stakeholders to adhere to

the elements of the plan.

Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

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Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the execution of SIMOPS events.
SIMOPS Director resides in Houston.


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Spill SIMOPS events. Position resides onboard Louisiana Responder.

Offshore Source Vessel Control SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Source Vessel Control SIMOPS events. Position resides offshore onboard the DD III or the

Discoverer Enterprise. The Branch Director generally controls the areas inside the rigs 500-m zone and

an area of appr. 1 ,000-m from the Macondo site. See Figure 8, page 33.

BP Logistics - Overall responsibility for providing air support to the project. Group resides in Houston.

Offshore Spill Operations Air command - Overall responsibility for coordinating and scheduling all

aircrafts including fixed wing, crew change helicopters, dispersant deployments, over flights, recons and

spotter planes. Position resides in Houma.

Vessel Person in Charge (VPIC) Is the BP Vessel Rep. onboard. Can also be the OIM or the Well Site

Leader. The VPIC is responsible for all Health, Safety, Security and Spill (HSSE) incidents. All incidents

will be reported using the Notification scheme contained within the plan.

Note: Any person involved in a SIMOPS event has the authority and obligation to discontinue

and shut down the SIMOPS event in the case of safety or operational concerns.

Figure 1: SIMOPS Communications Plan

SIMOPS events will be coordinated through daily SIMOPS call as per Section 2.5, page 1 4.

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Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility

Chair the daily SIMOPS call (see Section 2.5, page 1 4).

Be the overall coordinator of SIMOPS activities at MC-252 Incident.

Ensure SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Identify need of SIMOPS HazIDs and SIMOPS reviews prior to a SIMOPS event.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks from upcoming SIMOPS events.

Liaison with leadership team on SIMOPS issues, scheduling and technical conflicts.

Identify critical path and determine which operation has priority.

Assess risks of single and multiple operations and SIMOPS events.

Facilitate resolutions of any SIMOPS conflicts with the teams.

Coordinate SIMOPS issues between the Discoverer Enterprise, DD III, Marine Activities and


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the spill clean up


Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the vessels in the cleanup fleet.

Ensure spill cleanup SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Work with vessel Captain on all SIMOPS and HSSE.

Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the fleet of source


Area of responsibility is in the Macondo well area and the debris field out to appr. 1,000-m

from site.

Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the source vessels.

Ensure vessel activities comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Vessel Representative (VPIC)

Source control vessels and possibly some of the spill cleanup vessels will have a vessel rep. onboard.

The vessel rep. responsibility is to:

Implement specific programs concerning ROV, salvage, search and clean-up.

Ensure HSSE and safety guidelines are followed onboard the vessel and in vessel ops.

Provide guidance for the specific operation.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Work with vessel OIM or Captain on SIMOPS issues.

Call-in on the daily SIMOPS call.

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Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Interface Team (Member)

Assigned for each area of operations, such as well operations, ROV operations, spill clean-up, AUV and

2D Seismic surveying, Salvage and Recovery operations. The position resides onshore. Responsibilities


Implement specific installation and construction programs.

Arrange SIMOPS review meetings and HazIDs.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Establish communication plan between their SIMOPS supervisory personnel.

Assist the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Director in implementing the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS


Provide progress report to the MC-252 SIMOPS Director.

Management of Change (MoC)

The MoC process is used in conjunction with changes to procedures and the SIMOPS schedule.

Temporary and permanent changes are managed to ensure that health, safety, and spill risks remain at

acceptable levels. The plan intends to exceed BPs Operations Management system (OMS),

expectations, regulatory requirements and local needs.

Figure 2, page 1 1 shows the SIMOPS MoC procedure for changes in the MC-252 Incident program.

The GoM MoC process uses BizFlow found at the BP Intranet site:

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Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process

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HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment

A HazID was held April 28, 201 0 to assess the risks of the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III being

exposed to hydrocarbons either from a sheen or from a plume of oil. The HazID followed Trans Oceans

internal HazID the previous day.

There were no show stoppers identified during either HazID. The Operation Teams of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III were tasked with the assembly of an emergency disconnect plan should the

direction of the plume change towards the rigs or should there be a catastrophic change to the volume of

released hydrocarbons.

The HazID action items are found in Table 1 below.

Table 1: HazID Action Items





Develop a decision matrix for various scenarios

of increased oil flow that could impact the drill




George Gray

Include in IAP that source control immediately

communicates any flow changes to the

SIMOPS Director

Troy Endicott

Prior to


Develop a model to predict plume location

based on subsea currents. Consider the

impact of rapidly increasing flow rate.

Troy Endicott

Determine the location and density of oil/water

emulsion / mousse floating below the surface.

Troy Endicott

Rig Operations

Convey IMT air monitoring and safety plan to

the vessels.

Joe Neumeyer

Other Operations

Prior to


Send 500 meter zone to branch directors.

Troy Endicott

Communicate to the IMT the drill rigs request to

maintain a minimum of one mile distance for

dispersant application or in situ burning.

Troy Endicott

Prior to


Prior to


The risk ranking and HazID results are found in Figure 1 1, page 36, Figure 12, page 37 and Figure 1 3,

page 38.

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Field Communications and Emergencies

Crisis Management

The Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Development (GoM DWD) Emergency Response Plan Guidelines are

initiated should any emergency occur during a SIMOPS event. The SIMOPS event will be terminated or

postponed until the emergency is cleared.

Any emergency onboard the Discoverer Enterprise, the DD III or associated vessels will be reported

immediately to the other vessels and the Offshore SIMOPS Branch Director to ensure necessary

precautions can be taken.

Severe Weather Contingency Plan

See GoM IMS Vol. III Severe Weather Contingency Plan (see References in Section 7, page 39).

The Crisis Center at WL-4 handles the management of severe weather planning and field evacuation


Emergency Evacuation Plan

See GoM DWD Emergency Evacuation Plan (see References in Section 7, page 39).

Incident Notification

The Incident Notification Chart shown in Figure 3, page 1 4 is the main routing of incident notifications on

the project.

It is recognized, however, that the MC-252 Incident operation is complex and that there is a possibility of

incidents being reported through different channels.

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Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call

The SIMOPS Director chairs the daily SIMOPS conference call.

The following calls in to the SIMOPS call:

Each MC-252 Incident ROV and construction vessel

The lead spill clean-up vessel.

Houma IC.

Houston IC.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM and Well Site Leader (WSL) or designees.

BP vessel rep. and PIC on vessel(s) performing SIMOPS in the MC-252 Incident field.

Impact Weather and Horizon Marine (only if met-ocean conditions dictate).

Shore-based personnel as required

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Work boats and fast boats are not required to participate.

The purpose of the daily SIMOPS conference call is to:

Provide daily SIMOPS support to all MC-252 Incident groups.

Get the latest met-ocean updates (Impact Weather and Horizon Marine to participate on an as-


Ensure all activity centers are fully aware of ongoing and upcoming field activities and SIMOPS


Review SIMOPS schedule issues.

Ensure activities from outside operators (such as pipe-lay and seismic operations) are flagged.

Review VHF and acoustics communication needs and clashing issues.

Ensure the SIMOPS events are planned and executed according to the program with no impact to

HSSE and minimum impact to other operations.

Table 2 below shows the details of the conference call center.

Participants call the Toll-free or the Toll numbers and then the Pass-code to get into the conference call.

Table 2: Conference Call Center

Dial-In Numbers

and Pass Codes

Toll-Free number from inside USA:

1 -866-634-1 11 0

Participant pass code:

925-727-01 45

Each operation issues a daily SIMOPS report to the SIMOPS Director that is reviewed prior to the

SIMOPS call. The report is a short synopsis of last 24-hours and the coming 24-hours utilizing Incident

Action Plan (IAP).

The SIMOPS call agenda is:

Met-ocean update (wind, waves and currents).

Sheen, plume and marine debris update.

Vessel Summary

Discoverer Enterprise Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

DD III Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

ROV vessels Current operations, special issues, Q&A.

Construction and intervention vessels Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity,

special issues, Q&A.

Barge and tugs Update on current operations and next 24-hrs.

Spill clean-up vessels Area of operation, sheen and plume update.

SIMOPS issues, communications and VHF use, scheduling, conflicts and concerns.

SIMOPS Communication Guideline

Well-planned and established communications are keys to the successful execution of the MC-252

Incident SIMOPS. The SIMOPS Branch Directors must communicate with the respective Vessel Reps. /

OIMs / Captains prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity and during the SIMOPS event as conditions


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Houston Incident Commander

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Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

Field Communications

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

Vessels approaching the field will use Channels 15 or channel 16 to call up the Discoverer

Enterprise or the DD III Bridge. Channel selection, following the initial hailing is agreed upon

with the respective installation.

Channel 1 5 and channel 16 are always monitored by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

See Table 3, page 1 6.

Once the appropriate MC-252 Incident facility (Discoverer Enterprise or DD III) is hailed, the

channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Table 3. The table is a guideline and lists the

agreed MC-252 Incident VHF channels. It is anticipated that radio noise and high usage may

require selection of other channels at times.

The fleet of Source Control and Oil Spill Response vessels will work through the Onshore

SIMOPS Director to establish field radio procedures and agree on channel selections.

Radio use and frequency selection will be part of the daily SIMOPS call.

Table 3 below shows the VHF hailing and the working channels for the MC-252 Incident field.

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels





Enterprise ROV




Hailing general




Bridge to Bridge



Bridge to boat

10, 11, 12


Port crane

10, 11, 12


Starboard crane

10, 11, 12


Crane to boat

10, 11, 12

Port: 67, Stb. 68

Bulk and liq.


8, 15

72, 88


Enterprise Bridge

to maintenance

Spare channels

No radio




6, 69, 71, 73


2, 5, 9




72, 88


6, 69, 71, 73
3, 6, 9, 13


3, 6, 9,


Source control vessels and environmental cleanup vessels are

hailed on ch. 15 and ch. 16

Updated April 27, 2010

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Vessels and aircraft, under contract to BP, are equipped with BP radios in addition to the

contractors communication equipment.

Operators of vessels involved in SIMOPS activities must agree upon primary and secondary radio

communication frequencies prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity.

Note: Conduct radio check and confirm operability prior to start of any SIMOPS event.

Emergency Communications

For emergency response communication procedures and contact information, reference the

GoM DWD Emergency Response Plan (see Section 7, page 39).

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Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing

The Acoustic Frequency Management Plan is summarized in Table 6, page 22 and in Figure 1 0, page 35.

Please note the following:

Horizon DP array transponders have been recovered and are not featured in the plan.

It is essential that all vessels with dual head HiPAP systems configure the system to

track all transponders from a single head (all transponders tracked from the same head).

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders

The Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) onboard the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are

responsible for the management and safe use of the acoustic frequencies at MC-252 Incident.

No acoustics will be turned on or off without the concurrence of the DPO onboard the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III DPO will manage the acoustics in the MC-

252 Incident field. There will be no enabling or disabling of acoustic channels

without the DPOs concurrence.


Do not change allocated channels without the concurrence of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III DPO. The main requirement of the Acoustic Management

Plan is to prevent frequency clashing and risk interference or loss of acoustic

position referencing for the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Note that any noise issues degrading the acoustic position reference system MUST be reported to the

OIM and the Well Site Leader. Under no circumstance should the acoustic system be disabled because

of degraded signal to noise ratio. Disabling the acoustic system would bring the rig from a DP Class II to

a DP Class I DP operation.

Safe Distance

The Frequency Management Plan assumes there is no safe distance where acoustics will not interfere,

especially with the short distance between vessels. The plan produced a set of compatible channel

allocations and guidelines that will allow each vessel to operate freely without concern as to the effect on

other vessels nearby.

Echo Sounder Turnoff

Any vessels entering the MC-252 Incident area must turn off the echo sounders within 5-nm of arriving in

the MC-252 Incident field. This is to ensure echo sounders do not create noise in the water column and

interfere acoustically with any of the vessels using acoustic communications. Do not turn on echo

sounders until the vessel is outside this 5-nm limit.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Compliance with the echo sounder turnoff while in the MC-252 Incident field is



It is the responsibility of each MC-252 Incident group contracting vessels, the Logistics Group and the

Fourchon Base to notify and inform the MC-252 Incident vessels of the Echo Sounder turnoff


Acoustic Frequency Coordination

Coordination of Acoustic Activities

All information, regarding the coordination of the MC-252 Incident Acoustic Frequency

Management Plan, is directed to the respective rigs Team Leader.

Jonathan Davis with BP, Dave Ross with UTEC Survey, together with Kongsberg and Sonardyne,

will assist in troubleshooting frequency clashes and interferences (see phone list for contact


Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications

Source vessels will work in close proximity to the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III. These vessels

must follow the Frequency Management Plan and the acoustic guidelines before enabling acoustic


Acoustic Field Operations

For acoustic operations at MC-252 Incident, vessels will inform the DEN and the DD III Bridge of

arrival in the field. The following must take place prior to commencement of acoustic operations:

Confirm field arrival and departure.

Confirm all frequencies in use by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III as per Table 6,

page 22.

Confirm pre-approved acoustic channel allocations for the upcoming operation.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III of minimum proximity requirements between


Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO when channels are enabled and disabled.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO of source vessel channel selections.

Be prepared to immediately disable acoustic channels in case of degradation of the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III acoustic position reference systems.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III to advise vessel of any acoustic position reference system

response and degradation from the added acoustics in the water column.

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Houston Incident Commander

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No vessel shall deploy transponders without first contacting the DEN and the

DD III DPO and receiving confirmation as to channels in use. The DEN and the


DD III and any vessels using acoustics will be in continuous communications

concerning acoustic noise and frequency clashing.

Fan Beam

Fan Beam is a position reference system used while vessels are in proximity. Workboats and supply

boats, as well as vessels carrying out subsea construction, utilize Fan Beam. The systems maximum

range is 2,000-m with an accuracy of +1 0 cm during optimum conditions. The system uses a laser beam

and is, therefore, weather sensitive. The practical range for Fan Beam is in the range of 200-m to 400-m.

The key to a successful operation of the Fan Beam position reference system is to ensure the system is

maintained, fully operational and in Green status and that the Fan Beam is set up according to the

manufacturers specifications.

Particular attention is required to the system setup. The gating parameters must be set correctly to

ensure the intended target is followed. This may have been a problem in the past. There are known

instances where the laser beam has locked onto a moving object onboard the adjacent vessel. The

moving object may have been someone in coveralls with reflective tape.

Note: Any vessel working the MC-252 Incident area and using Fan Beam as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed to be used near the DEN, the


The Fan Beam User Guide v. 4.1 is listed as a reference in this document. The user, however, shall

always check with the manufacturer to ensure the correct and latest version of the user guide is utilized

for setting up the Fan Beam systems on the particular vessel.

The MC-252 Incident vessels have their Fan Beam laser units installed at different heights. Adjustments

may be required in the height of the prisms installed on the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to

conform to vessel requirements.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III OIM should determine correct prism height and location based

on communications with the respective user of Fan Beam systems. Table 4, page 20 lists the Fan Beam

height for some vessels which may be used at MC-252 Incident.

Table 4: Fan Beam Height

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Schlumberger DeepSTIM II
Technip Deep Blue

Fan Beam Height

Ideal Reflector Height

above Sea Level

Above Sea Level


1 02-ft.




The reflector height is

determined by the

application and distance

between vessels and is

generally set at Fan

Beam height -0 +17-ft.

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Houston Incident Commander

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There is a wide variation in Fan Beam installation heights between vessels. The Fan Beam prisms,

installed on the DEN and the DD III, will require elevation and position changes, depending on which

vessel is utilizing the system. Adjusting the height will improve the system performance and reduce Fan

Beam positioning errors.

Table 5 below lists the MC-252 Incident vessels using Position Reference systems.

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Discoverer Enterprise
Source control vessels

Available Position

Reference System

DGPS, Acoustics

(Sonardyne digital)

DGPS, Acoustics (HiPAP)

DGPS, Fan Beam and

RADius. Acoustics for

tracking and surveying

Spill clean-up vessels


DP Class II+

DP Class II+

DP Class I and II

Some vessels may not have

been assessed for DP class

Not assessed for DP class

RADius Position Reference System

The RADius position reference system measures relative distance between two adjacent vessels using

the Doppler principle. The adjacent vessel is equipped with RADius transponder(s). The system has a

range of approximately 1,1 00-m and is not affected by activities onboard the adjacent vessel. A

transponder system consisting of a small box is installed onboard the host vessel (i.e., Discoverer

Enterprise and DD III). The system requires a 1 20-volt power source. Range accuracy is 0.25-m.

Note: Any vessel, working the MC-252 Incident area and using RADius as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed used near the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Table 6: MC 252 Acoustic Allocation Summary



ROV System


b31 DP

b14 Tracking


b32 DP

b28 Tracking


b35 DP

b34 Tracking


b48 Tracking


b73 DP

b54 Tracking

b76 DP LIC

b68 Tracking



b74 Tracking


b37 DP


Discoverer Enterprise DP array: Sonardyne wideband Family 14, CIS. Ch.


1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413


b27 Emergency AUV


b24 CRANE 1



b26 DP 1
b38 MILL 36







b64 CRANE 2


b78 MILL 37

b21 Tracking


b25 Tracking

b86 DP 2

b41 Tracking

b16 Tracking

OI 3



The acoustic allocations

for all construction

b45 Tracking

b23 Tracking

b61 Tracking

b36 Tracking

b65 Tracking

b43 Tracking

b81 Tracking

b56 Tracking

b85 Tracking

vessels are found in

Figure 10, page 34,

Figure 11, page 35 and

Figure 12, page 35.

b63 Tracking

It is imperative that the

b83 Tracking

plan is adhered to and

that there are no

Wideband Family 12 (see below)

changes without

Address 1201, CIS 1




Address 1202, CIS 2

ROV 1 Cage

The DD III ROV channels

Address 1203, CIS 3


may be utilized bby

Address 1204, CIS 7

ROV 2 Cage

others if not required by

Wideband Family 15 (see below)


the DD III operation.

Address 1512, CIS 4


Address 1513, CIS 5

ROV Backup

Address 1514, CIS 6


CIC = Common Interrogation Signal

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Houston Incident Commander

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The SIMOPS plan contains multiple events and interfaces between the Discoverer Enterprise at relief

well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Anticipated SIMOPS events are:

Discoverer Enterprise operating at relief well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Source control vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion


Source control vessel activity alongside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Spill clean-up vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones.

Pumping vessel alongside Discoverer Enterprise or DD III.

Salvage operations.

Barge and tug boats.


In-situ burns (requires separate risk assessment and approval).

Note: There is no requirement to develop a separate SIMOPS procedure for any of the MC-252

SIMOPS events. Detailed project operating procedures specifically developed in

conjunction with and referring to the MC-252 SIMOPS plan are required.

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist


Well Site Leader



Prepare DEN and DD III

most favorable heading.

Ensure communications

to vessel are as planned.

Vessel within 500-m

To be informed and approve


of DEN and DD III.


In close proximity to,

alongside or

To be informed.

equipment hooked

up to DEN/DD III.



Fan Beam prism


Approve through Permit

Ensure communications

to Work (PTW) process.

to vessel are as planned.

To be informed of met-

To be informed of met-ocean

ocean conditions and

Communicate with vessel

conditions and any heading

any heading change of

in SIMOPS on all DP

change of DEN/DD III and

DEN/DD III and vessel in


vessel in SIMOPS.


To determine correct

To be informed of station-

height based on vessel

Ensure fully operational.

keeping readiness.


Vessel Captain together with DEN/DD III OIM and

To decide on further action

DPO to assess and decide on action according to

together with OIM.


Degradation in


ability of vessel(s).

SIMOPS with other

To be informed.

To approve.

Requirements as above.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Emergencies during SIMOPS Events

Emergencies onboard one of the vessels involved in SIMOPS impact the ability to proceed with SIMOPS.

The SIMOPS planning should specifically address emergencies during SIMOPS events, mitigations and

restrictions associated with such emergencies.

Use the following guidelines to shut down or postpone the SIMOPS event, which may reduce the ability

of personnel to respond effectively to an emergency:

Sheen, plume or surface debris that could impact the SIMOPS event.

Any condition the OIM, Captain or the BP Well Site Leader determines to exist or develop and which

would compromise safety of crews, equipment or vessels during the SIMOPS execution.

Any event where acoustics communications are interfering with station-keeping of any vessel.

Any fire requires vessels to suspend activities except those required to handle the event.

Any hull emergency requires vessels to suspend activities except those that are required to handle

the event.

Any loss of firewater pumps requires vessel to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any loss of communication requires vessels to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any met-ocean event that could jeopardize station-keeping or operations during the SIMOPS event.

Any event that takes a vessel out of readiness condition such as power, cooling and fuel systems,

power management system, position reference systems and DP system.

4.3 SIMOPS Approval

The complexity of the SIMOPS activity determines the level of approval required for the work plan. Use

the following procedure as a guideline:

The SIMOPS Director has the overall responsibility for determining SIMOPS priorities and give

necessary approvals following review with Branch Directors and Air Command.

The SIMOPS Branch Directors approve SIMOPS events within their fleet after review with the

SIMOPS Director and the respective vessels.

The vessel OIM /Captain approves SIMOPS events associated with the respective vessel.

The BP Well Site Leader, with input from the respective OIMs and Branch Directors determine the

level of authority required to approve a safe work plan for a more complex activity inside the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m zones.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Dropped Objects Prevention

Drilling Vessels

Any dropped object is to be reported through regular channels. There are no infrastructure concerns at

the respective well sites. There are a number of pipelines and wellheads in the area, so dropped object

prevention must have the same focus as when working in any of BPs fields.

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels

Any dropped object must be reported as per the Incident Notification Chart. The Discoverer Enterprise

and the DD III Bridges should be notified as well on any dropped object incident.

Vessels inside the MC-252 Incident field MUST promptly report a dropped


object incident to the DEN and the DD III Bridge.

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Area Vessel Control and Aviation

The key to vessel control is through good communications. The daily SIMOPS call is the main venue to

inform of upcoming vessel activities and requirements.

Surface Conditions

Marine debris and hydrocarbons will to a large extent determine activities at MC-252 Incident. An

assessment is being made on DEN and DD III operability while being exposed to a surface sheen or the

plume. Daily updates on sheen and plume developments together with marine debris updates are

provided to ensure appropriate marine decisions can be made.

Sheen and Plume

It is likely that the DEN and the DD III will be exposed to a sheen or the plume. This depends on

met-ocean conditions and the volume of hydrocarbon (HC) being released. The DEN and the

DD III bridges will stay in communications with the Spill clean-up vessels and be notified of any

changes in weather patterns that may result in HC reaching the well sites.

Marine Debris

Discovery of marine debris will be broadcasted to the fleet by the first observer. Recovery will

be handled by the appropriate team as required.

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident

Surface and marine debris conditions determine how vessels arrive at the MC-252 Incident site. A

Marine Debris Exclusion Zone map in Figure 7, page 32.

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident

Vessel arrival and departure will follow the procedures set up in Figure 4, page 27. The number of

vessels on DP and connected to the seabed either trough drilling risers or ROVs requires careful planning

of vessel movements.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures

MC 252 Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures




Supply Boats

and Fast Boats


Discoverer Enterprise

There is a 20-nm, 4,000-ft. vessel and aircraft exclusion zone around the site. Vessels and aircrafts need

permission to enter. Contact respective Branch Director 20-nm and 5-nm out

Contact Offshore Spill

Operations SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa

Sub-C or onboard DD III

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa


VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact DD III and DEN

Bridge for permission

to enter 500-m zone

VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 1 6

Vessels receive advisory on extent of sheen and plume.

Vessels receive advisory on waypoints to site if required.

Vessels receive permission to enter site.

Oil Spill Response Vessels: Execute manual mode check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

Source Vessels: Execute DP check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

DD III and Discoverer Enterprise enter site.

Vessels preparing to depart:

Contact respective SIMOPS Branch Director and receive advisory on sheen, plume and waypoints as


VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 16

Updated April 27, 201 0

Entry inside 500-m exclusion zones of drilling rigs and source vessels

requires the approval of the respective Captain or OIM.

Oil Spill



Drilling Vessels

The DD III and the DEN are arriving from the SW and will move on to location from the standby and

staging area once receiving approval through the Team Leader.

Staging Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Staging and Standby area in MC 339 as

shown in Figure 5, page 30. Preparations to start operations may be carried out at this location

until approval is received for moving to the well location or the standby area to the south of the

well location (see next section).

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Houston Incident Commander

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Standby Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Standby area from the Staging area

where operations will commence. The Standby areas are located 3,000-ft. to the south of the

relief well locations RxC and RxD as seen in Figure 7, page 32. Conductor and tubulars may be

deployed at this point.

The Standby areas are approximately half distance between the well centers and the ENI pipeline

to the south (see Figure 7, page 32).

Source Control Vessels

Source vessels will be directed through the Incident management Command and are not expected to

interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to any extent.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry into any of

these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval.

Please note that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any

passage between the two rigs will, therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM


Oil Spill Response Vessels

Oil spill response vessels will be directed through the Incident Management Command via the SIMOPS

Branch Director and are not expected to interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III unless the

plume direction changes to the south.

It is essential that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are notified of any clean-up vessel

activity in the vicinity of the well operations and especially inside the rigs 500-m exclusion zones.

Note: The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry

into any of these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval. Please note that

the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any passage between the two rigs will,

therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM approval.

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

All vessels approaching the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III will use VHF channels 15 and channel

1 6 to call up the Discoverer Enterprise or the DD III Bridge.

Working Channels

Once the targeted rig or vessel is hailed, the channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Section

2.7, page 1 6.

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Houston Incident Commander

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6.8 GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice

Any vessel entering the 500-m exclusion zone of any MC-252 Incident vessel shall comply with the

requirements in the 500-m Zone Practice. The document is issued by the BP Marine Vessel Operations


The nature of the MC-252 Incident operation, however, requires flexibility in how vessels interact. It is

anticipated that the Captains on the Source Control vessels and the Spill clean-up vessels review

proximity requirements between vessels and have an agreement in place concerning procedures and


Entry into the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones, however, takes place according to the

500-m Zone Practice.

Critical vessel repairs and maintenance shall be performed either before or

after the SIMOPS event. No critical repairs will be performed during the

SIMOPS event (see details in the 500-m Zone Practice). A critical repair is

defined as repair that could lead to single point failure and loss of station or

vessel integrity.


The air command in Houma is an integrated part of the SIMOPS plan. The following types of air activities

are expected:

1 .
Helicopter crew flights to drilling rigs and source control vessels.

Spotter planes and fixed wing surveillance

Areal spray of dispersants (four aircrafts in one dispersant sortie, four to five sorties per day).

Over-flights of fixed wing and helicopters.

Drone surveillance.

Press and media.

The MC252 area has a restricted airspace (TFR Temporary flight restriction) of 20-nm from site up to a

4,000-ft. elevation. Flights inside this zone are controlled by the USCG cutter Harriet Lane on site. The

air command in Houma plans all flights to the site and reports through the SIMOPS Director as shown in

Figure 1 , page 8.

6.10 Helicopter Fueling

Helicopter fueling operations will mainly take place onshore. The aviation group will arrange emergency

fueling onboard offshore facilities if needed. It is emphasized, however, that using the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III as fueling stations for non rig flights reduces the efficiency of the drilling

operations because of shut-down of cranes and deck activities.

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Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone

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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

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Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map

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Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise / DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones

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Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map

Note: The Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Coordinator controls the debris field and an area within appr. 1,000-m of the MC 252 no. 1 well site.

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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

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Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids

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Figure 10: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital

1. Discoverer Enterprise DP Array is now operating with Sonardyne MK5 Wideband COMPATTs. The array is setup for Family 14 ; C00.

LBL arrays installed at Thunder Horse must avoid allocating this family to remain clash free with the Discoverer Enterprise.












































CH #





































































DP 1

















































































































































































































DP 2





























































Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 11: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations

The results of the TOI








Actions / Mitigation Measures

No additional mitigations

internal HAZID were










Post -Mitigate


Oil Sheen

Hazard Scenario







Pre -Mitigation










Note; the rig vessel master will

have a conversation with the


reviewed and accepted

source vessels in field on their

by the team. Included

experience working the area with

as a separate logsheet.

an oil sheen.

Note: Vessels need a plan to

flush ballast tanks prior to incident

demobilization to remove any oily

water in ballast tanks.


Plume of concentrated
Flow increases to a


Subsea visual, real



Develop a decision matrix for various

oil comes up right

catastrophic rate. A

time, monitoring of the

scenarios of increased oil flow that

under the rig.

potential cause,

well site area (three

could impact the drill rig.

among others, could

vessels with multiple

be failure of BOP

ROV's). Existing TOI


emergency procedures.



George Gray

Include in IAP that source control


Troy Endicott

immediately communicates any flow

changes to the SIMOPS Director

Develop a model to predict plume

Troy Endicott

Note: The rig response is partially

location based on subsea currents.

based on having knowledge of

Consider the impact of rapidly

expected plume location.

increasing flow rate.

Emulsion /

Determine the location and density


Troy Endicott

of oil/water emulsion / mousse

Note: The rig response is partially

based on having knowledge of

floating below the surface.

expected location of any


Convey IMT air monitoring and

Joe Neumeyer

safety plan to the vessels.

Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues

Historically loop currents move




















SIMOPS Plan is guidance



well sites

Post -Mitigate





Hazard Scenario



Moving to relief
No unique hazards




Pre -Mitigation






document for green light to

move in.

AUV survey to confirm no

interferences at the relief well


Seasonably favorable winds

Met ocean

and currents should keep slick

away from rigs.

away from relief well drill

locations. Loop currents are

monitored daily.


Existing hurricane plans.

Source Control

Lose ROV and view of

Three vessels with ROV's are




Acoustic conflict

SIMOPS plan defines

Vessels in 500

Spill response vessels

SIMOPS plan includes 500

meter zone

moving into the rig 500

meter zone requirement.

Send 500 meter zone to


Troy Endicott

resolution process.

Troy Endicott

branch directors.

Note: The spill response vessels

may be less familiar with the 500

meter zone

meter zone practice. It is also in the


Dead vessel

Vessel in the area has


Potential vessel




SIMOPS plan includes 500

meter zone requirement.

Vessel security plans, JIC (joint

NGO's, media

information center) to support


Oil washes on deck of

Supply boats avoid transit

supply boat going to the rig.

through oil slick if possible.

They are offloaded on the lee

side of the rig and have

existing cleaning procedures.

Note: the supply vessels have

decon procedures for leaving

the area.


Rigs would have little if any


exposure. Airspace is

managed outside the rigs.

Troy Endicott

Communicate to the IMT

the drill rigs request to

maintain a minimum of

one mile distance for

dispersant application or

in situ burning.

Burning is not planned to be

In situ burn

done close to the rigs.

Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume


Node 1 : DDIII & DEN operating on Macondo (MC 252)

Property Damage




Additional Safeguards

Loss of

Residual Risk


Property Damage




Risk Ranking

Loss of


Preventive Controls


Mitigating Controls

Operating rig with oil

sheen present.

Oily water sucked up into

thruster chiller units.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

going into power reduction


DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Can isolate 1 aft

and 1 fwd while being

serviced depending on the


DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in heat

exchangers (thruster motor,

main engines, rig air

compressor, thruster

steering, thruster lube oil,

AC units)

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

potential engine shutdown.

DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Has 2 SW

cooled Heat Exchangers for

Main Engines. 1 as spare,

and 1 as backup.

DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in drawworks

cooling unit.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

Drawworks cooler unit


DDIII: 3 individual heat

exchangers for Drill Floor

equipment. Can take 1

offline to clean.

DEN: Has 2 for DWX

cooling. Can monitor and

service while 1 offline.






Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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7 References

7.1.1 BP

MC-252 Incident Offshore Coordination SIMOPS Guidelines

7.1.2 Transocean (TOI)

See TOI DEN and DD III HSE Plans


TOI Operations Manual

TOI Floating Operations Manual HQS-OPS-004, Section 4, Subsection 1 1 : DP Operations

Guidelines Close Proximity Operations.

DEN DP Capability Plots

Development Driller III DP Capability Plots

Other References


GoM MC-252 Incident Management of Change Plan

BP GoM TOI HSE Management System Bridging Document

Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Document Number: 1440-85-OP-PR-0005

GoM Safe Practices Manual (SPM) GoM Incident Notification, Reporting and Investigation

Procedure. Document Number: CD # UPS-US-SW-GOM-HSE-DOC-001 15-2

GoM IMS Vol II Regional Oil Spill Plan

GoM IMS Vol III Severe Weather Contingency Plan

GoM Contract Aircraft Guidelines

GoM Diving Procedures

GoM Operational Guidelines for Offshore Support Vessels

GoM DEN Operations Manual

500-m Zone Practice BP Marine

VOI Vessel Operating Instructions BP Marine

Fan Beam User Manual v. 4.1

DMAC (Diving Medical Advisory Council) dated 1 979

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Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

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Appendix A:

Contact Details MC-252 Incident





Emergencies and Regulatory


General Medical


81 66 Main Str.


US Coast Guard

(985) 873-41 41


(985) 873-41 50


(504) 589-6225

(985) 380-5320

Houston Crisis
(281) 366-0286 O

(713) 208-6173 C



(800) 321-8642

Hour Number
(630) 961-6200

MMS Houma

(985) 853-5884 O

(985) 879-2738 F


(985) 688-6050 C

(504) 736-2814 O

MMS Pipeline
(504) 736-2408 F


(504) 452-3562 C


(281 ) 366-6843 O


(71 3) 702-7673 C

[email protected]

Sr. Regulatory & Advocacy


SIMOPS Director

Endicott, troy

(281 ) 366-7687 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 409-0061 C

Deputy Marine Authority

Oil Spill Response Command

Smith, Stephen
(866) 21 5-4586

(OBrian Group)
(866) 292-1326

[email protected]

[email protected]



(31 8) 471 -1763

[email protected]



Bridge / DPO

Radio room


BP Clerk /


BP Subsea


(71 3) 587-5531

71 3-232-8245 ext.

2008 or 2007

(71 3) 232-8245

(281 ) 366-4504 or

(281 ) 366-4506

(281 ) 366-451 5

(281 ) 366-4536

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sat Telephone Bridge (voice): 0-1 1-870-353-830-


Sat Telephone Radio Room (voice): 0-1 1 -870-353-


Iridium Sat Phone: 1 -480-768-2500

code 881 5-4147-9794

Radio Frequency Ch 1 2 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.650

Oil Spill Response On-Scene

SIMOPS Coordinator

(onboard Louisiana

Responder 866-292-1 326)

Source Control Vessel Command

Source Control

TOI Discoverer Enterprise

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Houston Incident Commander

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Port and Stb.


(71 3) 232-8245

ext. 2229

Radio Frequency Ch 1 6 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.800

VHF (MHz) 1 23.050

Call Sign

DD III Well Site


(Craig Wright,

Earnest Tate,

Wayne Purvis,

Dwight Nunley,

Tim Speirs)

Radio Rm.

DD III Inmar Sat



BP Dispatcher


832-587-6871 Dial

0 for operator

01 1 870


x-203 and x-204


71 3-336-821 5

71 3-336-8229

71 3-336-8201

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mil1 [email protected]

TOI Development Driller III

BP Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Houston Leadership

Gray, George

(281 )
(71 3)
Halvorson Dory,
(281 )

(71 3)
Jacobsen Plutt,
(281 )

Stoltz, Dan
(281 )
(71 3)

366-0659 O

376-1099 C

366-2626 O

206-5339 C

366-5932 O

685-2017 C

366-3424 O

805-9972 C

[email protected]

DD III Team Leader

[email protected]

Drilling Engineer DEN

[email protected]

Operations Drilling Engineer


DEN Team Leader

[email protected]

TOI Rig Support

Brekke, Jim
Blue, Mike
Hess, Adam
King, Paul


Sims, Chuck

Walker, Stephen

(281 ) 925-6676 O

(281) 961 -1368 C

(832) 587-8863 O

(71 3) 409-8217 C

(832)-587-8851 O

(71 3)-204-1 837 C

(832) 587-8573 O

(71 3) 540-6332 C

(281 ) 925-6433 O

(71 3) 205-9474 M

(71 3) 782-4703 H

(281 ) 925-6581 O

(281 ) 925-6583 F

(832) 922-2633 C

(832) 587-8770 O

(281) 450-7266 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

Manager Marine Technology

[email protected]

Rig Manager Performance

Asst. Rig Manager DD III

[email protected]

Rig Manager, Performance -

Discoverer Enterprise

TOI DD III Rig Manager

[email protected]

Manager DP and


[email protected]

Marine and DP

Superintendent NAM

Logistics Boats and Helicopters Houston

Hollier, Jamie

(281 ) 366-0277 O

[email protected]

GoM Shelf Marine

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John Rougeau

Reeves, Harold


Verret, Brian

Russell, Virgil

Huston, John

(281 ) 366-7946 F

(281) 703-0203 C

(281)-366-5042 O

(71 3)-201 -3081 C

(281)-366-4323 O

(71 3)-907-3739 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382- 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-5795 O

(71 3) 962-5927 C



[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Deepwater Marine


Subsea Ops & Intervention


Aviation Coordinator

Aviation Team Lead

GoM Logistics and Materials

Management Manager

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing address Fourchon Base:

Fourchon Base Address:

BP /C-Port 1

1 06 9th st. Lot #1

Golden Meadow, La. 70357

PH # 337-735-5708

Logistics Coordinator

Fourchon Base

Base Supervisor



Dartez, Bradley




Shore base





Air Logistics
PHI (Houma)

(337) 735-5708 O

(337) 735-5701 O

(985)-396-2927 C

337-735-5726 O

(281) 705-2372 C

(337) 735-5702 O

(337) 735-5715 O

(337)-735-5703 O

337-735-5714 O

985-396-2467 C

337-735-5712 O

985 868 1 705

Mailing Address:

PHI Heliport

3622 Thunderbird Rd

Houma, LA 70363

Ph.: (337) 735-5351

BP Marine

Fuller, Dan
Nichols, Scott
Polk, Daniel

(281 )
(71 3)
(281 )
(71 3)
(281 )
(71 3)

366-631 3 O
[email protected]
397-4343 C

366-481 5 O
[email protected]
826-3426 C


[email protected]

Marine Operations Lead

Marine Operations


Marine Operations Lead

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(if applicable):


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Page 42 of 46







Source Control Vessels


71 3-744-5929

[email protected]

Intervention - 3
71 3-744-5920

832-461 -8266

[email protected]

Client Office


owner office

Boa Deep C

[email protected]

client office


owner office




[email protected]


985-61 2-2304


Skandi Neptune +47 5618 1180 /

[email protected]

1 1 81

+44 7894 1 73973

225-289-61 12
[email protected]
Miss Ginger
Data Van: (337)

[email protected]


[email protected]

Bridge: (337)


IP Phone: 337-


5701 (Geophysical


5704 (Bridge)

Bridge (Sat


(866) 21 5-61 99

Captain Cell in


(985) 677-2582

Spill Cleanup Vessels

Joe Griffin




985-61 2-241 7

985-61 2-2346


985-61 2-2348

254-240-1 951

985-61 2-2341
01 1 -881-651-


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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(if applicable):


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Page 43 of 46




Kobe Chouest



Amy Chouest



Celena Chouest

Fast Cajun

Fast Sailor
Pat Tillman

Gulf Princess


985-61 2-231 9
863-833-581 7

985-61 2-2326


985-61 2-2335


985-61 2-2337

Bridge 985-61 2-


ROV 985-61 2-


985-61 2-2344

985-61 2-2322
01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2354

985-61 2-2306

985-61 2-2355

01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2357




[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

985-61 2-2406






337-593-551 4

[email protected]



George L.


(71 3) 468-1536 O

(281) 914-9629 C

[email protected]

[email protected]


John Roscoe-


(71 3) 785-0788 o
[email protected]

(713) 677-4838 c

Telephone system Edison


C&C Technologies Surveying

Survey advisor

DOF Surveying

ADCP profiling system


Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

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Edison Chouest Offshore

Edison Chouest




Michael Burke

(71 3)
(71 3)


Larry Prewitt

Parker, Anthony



Ken Richter

337-237-1300 O

337-268-31 30 Dir

337 962- 01 08 C

337-237-1 300


71 3-346-3656 O

71 3-305-4409 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Tony Butler

Dale Tompkins

Albert Parker

David Sheetz

Lee Willmore

Mark Van Dyke

985-395-5247 O

985-395-8501 O


985-397-1 732 C

985-395-8519 F

985-395-1 105 wk

985-518-3274 C


after hours

71 3-422-5953

(71 3) 329-4271 O

(832) 444-8885 C

832-467-7734 O

71 3-430-6268 C

(281 ) 366-4271 O

(71 3) 447-6407 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Driver, David B.

(281 )
(281 )
(281 )
(71 3)

601-4444 O

601 -4346 P

677-1703 C

691 -7514 C

395-4448 O

251 -6326 F

798-7880 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sr. Operations Manager

Operations Coordinator

Fugro Surveying

Manager Lafayette surface


Supervisor Marine


Survey USBL


ROV Ops. Manager

DTS Ops. Mgr.

ROV Sup. Marianas

Sr. Supervisor

Project Manager-Tooling

DW Technical Solutions

Team Lead OI1

Project Support



366-2699 O
[email protected]
366-7941 F

661 -21 83 C

366-8792 O
[email protected]

213-3505 C

Met-ocean Specialist

D&C Operations Manager

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Page 45 of 46



Haaland, Kurt

Hafle, Mark
Hughes, John

Karlsen, Geir

Mouton, Keith


Neumeyer, Joe
Rayburn, Dean
Dave Rich
Russell, Virgil
Sanders, Robert
Sims, David


Verret, Brian

(281 ) 366-5085 O

(281 ) 366-7557 F

(281) 705-3237 C

(281 ) 366-4237 O

(281) 687-8216 C

(281 ) 249-7678 O

(71 3) 480-01 48 C

(281) 646-9956 H

(281 ) 366-4880 O

(71 3) 855-7369 C

(936) 273-9257 H

(281 ) 366-4303 O

(281) 703-9589 C

(281 ) 249-1678 O

(281) 467-5257 C

(281 ) 366-3082 O

(281) 546-4918 C

(281 ) 366-1 245 O

(71 3) 208-61 69 C

(281 ) 366-3676 O

(281 785 3676

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-4488 O

(71 3) 301 -6514 C

(281 ) 366-0360 O

(71 3) 304-5600 C

(281 ) 366-5871 O

(281 ) 387-7509 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C



[email protected]

Manager fiber optics project

[email protected]

Senior Drilling Engineer

[email protected]

Well Systems Lead

[email protected]

MC-252 Incident SIMOPS

[email protected]
[email protected]



Subsea Lead

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Advisor

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Team Leader

[email protected]

Wells Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Team Lead

[email protected]

Team Leader DD III

[email protected]

Wells Ops. Manager

[email protected]

Drilling Engineering Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Coordinator

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Tulsa Control Center

contacts all facilities during

an emergency.

Pipeline Control Center

Tulsa Control


(91 8) 660-4451

Updated April 28, 2010

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Page 46 of 46

NMFS Activities in Support of DEEPWATER HORIZON Oil Spill Response

April 26, 2010

Last night we had a conference call between NMFS and NOS/OR&R to coordinate

NMFS subject matter experts advising through OR&R to USCG for impacts due to large

scale dispersant application operations. Participants included;

Gary Shigenaka
Ed Levine

OR&R Seattle

OR&R On Scene

Michael Gallagher


Bonnie Ponwith

NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center Director

Theo Brainerd

NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center Deputy

Lance Garrison


Sheryan Epperly


Keith Mullin

NMFS SEFSC, Pascagoula Lab

Teri Rowles

NMFS HQ, Office of Protected Resources

Bob Hoffman

NMFS Southeast Region, St. Pete

NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center is rounding up their qualified marine mammal

spotters with current aircraft safety credentials to man the spotter aircraft that accompany

the dispersant application operations. The spotters will advise on the presence of marine

mammals and turtles while actively spraying dispersant. NMFS spotters should be flying

by late today or Tuesday.

Bonnie Ponwith suggested that NMFS archival marine mammal surveys for the affected

area at this time of year are not adequate to accurately assess numbers and species being

impacted by the spill. She recommends that we perform a 2 3 day synoptic aerial

survey of the affected area. NMFS personnel are presently drafting flightlines for such a

survey. NOAAs Aircraft Operations Center (AOC) has been contacted about

availability of a twin otter aircraft for the effort. If AOC cannot provide a suitable

aircraft in the next few days, NMFS will seek a charter aircraft with funding through the

responsible party.

Teri Rowles is coordinating efforts of the NMFS Gulf Marine Mammal Stranding

Network with the work of the Unified Commands Wildlife Branch to be sure affected

animals receive proper care and are accounted for NRDA purposes.

Since this appears to likely be a long term response which may involve fishery closures

next to areas with open fisheries, NMFS Office of Seafood Inspection will be reaching

out to states and local seafood processors to make sure the scope of their inspection

services are understood and utilized as needed.

Document ID:


Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 59 (2004) 300308

Oil dispersant increases PAH uptake by sh exposed to crude oil


Shahunthala D. Ramachandran,

Peter V. Hodson,

Colin W. Khan,

and Ken Lee

School ofEnvironmental Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ont. , Canada K7L 3N6

Department ofFisheries and Oceans, Bedf

ord Institute ofOceanography, Centre f
or Of
shore Oil and Gas Environmental Research, Halif
ax, NS,

Canada B2Y4A2

Received 14 May 2003; received in revised form 12 August 2003; accepted 25 August 2003


The use of oil dispersants is a controversial countermeasure in the effort to minimize the impact of oil spills. The risk of ecological

effects will depend on whether oil dispersion increases or decreases the exposure of aquatic species to the toxic components of oil. To

evaluate whether sh would be exposed to more polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in dispersed oil relative to equivalent

amounts of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF), measurements were made of CYP1A induction in trout exposed to the

dispersant (Corexit 9500), WAFs, and the chemically enhanced WAF (dispersant; CEWAF) of three crude oils. The crude oils

comprised the higher viscosity Mesa and Terra Nova and the less viscous Scotian Light. Total petroleum hydrocarbon and PAH

concentrations in the test media were determined to relate the observed CYP1A induction in trout to dissolved fractions of the crude

oil. CYP1A induction was 6- to 1100-fold higher in CEWAF treatments than in WAF treatments, with Terra Nova having the

greatest increase, followed by Mesa and Scotian Light. Mesa had the highest induction potential with the lowest EC50
values for

both WAF and CEWAF. The dispersant Corexit was not an inducer and it did not appear to affect the permeability of the gill

surface to known inducers such as b-napthoavone. These experiments suggest that the use of oil dispersants will increase the

exposure of sh to hydrocarbons in crude oil.

r 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Keywords: Crude oils; Dispersant Corexit EC9500; CYP1A; EROD activity; Water-accommodated fraction

1. Introduction

Dispersants have been in use in oil spill clean-up since

the 1950s. Chemical dispersion of oil in spill contingency

exercises was not favored due to the toxicity of the early

dispersant formulations to aquatic organisms. Labora-

tory studies of their observed toxicity (Linden, 1974;

Hartwick et al., 1982; Carr and Linden, 1984) were

further validated by eld reports (Smith, 1968) from the

Torrey Canyon and more recently the Sea Empress oil

spills for which dispersants were used (Lewis and

Aurand, 1997). However, many effective and less toxic

dispersants have since been developed.

Risks to aquatic organisms from chemical dispersion

could arise from exposure to the dispersant as well as to

the dispersed oil. Much research has been conducted on

the toxicity of dispersants (Nelson-Smith, 1977; Singer

et al., 1993; Law, 1995; Carr and Linden, 1984; Cotou

Corresponding author. Fax: +1.

E-mail address: [email protected] (P.V. Hodson).

0147-6513/$ - see front matter r 2003 Published by Elsevier Inc.


Document ID:

et al., 2001), but in general less is known about the

combined effects of oil and dispersants (Linden, 1975;

Cohen et al., 2001; Gagnon and Holdway, 2000).

Aquatic organisms are unlikely to be exposed to

dispersant alone but instead to both dispersant and oil

in combination, which may either exacerbate or mitigate

toxic effects (Getter and Baca, 1984).

Dispersants are essentially surfactants comprising

anionic and nonionic molecules in xed ratios that

render both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties to

the dispersant. Their purpose is to orient at the oil

water interface and lower interfacial tension, thus

facilitating the formation of small (o100 mm) mixed

oilsurfactant micelles (Canevari, 1978). These oil

emulsion droplets are driven into the water column

forming a plume, thus breaking up the slick. The

observed increased toxicity of dispersed (chemically or

mechanically) oil has been attributed to particle size in

dispersion (Bobra et al., 1989) and to aromatic

hydrocarbon content (Anderson et al., 1974). The

primary route of hydrocarbon uptake is via the gills


S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308

(Thomas and Rice, 1981); thus, the dissolved fraction

would be the most available form to animals.

The majority of studies of the toxicity of oil and oil

dispersant treatments concerns their impacts on inverte-

brate species, presumably because they are relatively

sessile compared to sh. However, recent studies of the

impacts of oil from the Exxon Valdez spill on embryonic

and larval stages of salmon and herring demonstrated

both exposure and chronic toxicity in situ. The

coincidence of spawning and oil deposition in spawning

shoals resulted in CYP1A induction, blue sac disease of

larvae, and recruitment failure, and effects were

associated with exposure to the polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbon (PAH) fractions (Carls et al., 1999). The

risk to sh from oil and oildispersant treatments can be

assessed in terms of exposure to PAH, and changes in

exposure after the use of dispersants. PAH exposure can

be estimated by a standardized laboratory bioassay of

CYP1A induction in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncor-

hynchus mykiss (Hodson et al., 1996).

Dispersant effectiveness is usually inuenced by a

number of factors, which include sea energy, tempera-

ture, salinity, and the nature of the crude oil itself.

Crude oils are a complex matrix of organic compounds,

which, upon spilling, evaporate or dissolve and disperse

into the water column. Light oils are known to have a

higher proportion of volatile aromatics, some of which

dissolve more readily (Volkmann et al., 1994). Dis-

persant effectiveness on these oils is less noticeable than

in medium and heavy crude oils that comprise a higher

proportion of longer and branched carbon chains with

reduced solubility.

The objective of this study was to determine the

effects of the dispersant Corexit 9500 on the exposure

and toxicity to sh of hydrocarbons from three kinds of

crude oil of varying viscosities. Fish were exposed to the

water-accommodated fraction (WAF) and chemically

enhanced (dispersed) WAF (CEWAF) of the oils. The

hepatic CYP1A activity in juvenile rainbow trout

exposed to WAF and CEWAF was used to measure

the changes in exposure to dissolved and dispersed PAH

created by the use of dispersant. Lethality was used as

an index of toxicity. Total petroleum hydrocarbon

(TPH) and PAH concentrations in the test solutions

were also measured as an index of actual exposure


2. Materials and methods

2. 1. Experimental design

Tests (48 h) were conducted to assess the effects of

Corexit on the extent of hydrocarbon uptake, which was

indicated by CYP1A induction in sh exposed to

mixtures of WAF and CEWAF. Test conditions were

Document ID:


determined by preliminary assays to evaluate the

lethality and CYP1A induction potential of Corexit

alone, and the duration of the tests required to produce

maximal CYP1A activity.

2. 2. Crude oil and dispersant

Three kinds of weathered crude oil of varying

viscosities were tested (1) Mesa sour crude (viscosity of

42.3 cP), (2) Terra Nova crude (viscosity of 50.1 cP), and

(3) Scotian Light crude (viscosity of 3.76 cP) at 21


Mesa oil was weathered by evaporation (sparging with

air for 130 h) to simulate the loss (approximately 14%)

of volatile components at sea shortly after a spill

(Hodson et al., 2002). The Terra Nova and Scotian

Light crude oils were not weathered. Dispersant-type

Corexit EC9500 was used for dispersing the oils. Corexit

9500 is a hydrocarbon-based reformulation of water-

based Corexit 9527 and is meant to be used on higher

viscosity oils and emulsions. The acute aquatic toxicity

of Corexit 9500 was reported to be not much different

from that of Corexit 9527and Corexit 9554 (Singer et al.,


2. 3. Fish stock

Juvenile rainbow trout (810 weeks of age) were

obtained from a trout farm (Rainbow Springs, Tha-

mesford, ON, Canada) and acclimatized for at least 1

week in dechlorinated water (1215

C) prior to the

bioassays. During acclimation, the trout were fed daily

with a commercial sh food (Martins Feed Mills, ON,

Canada) daily at a rate of 3% body weight per day. Feed

was withheld 48 h prior to bioassay and throughout the

exposure period.

2. 4. Exposure experiments

2. 4. 1. Preparation ofWAF and CEWAF

The WAF was prepared fresh daily by the stirring of

crude oil with dechlorinated municipal water at a ratio

of 1:9 in sealed containers with minimum head space for

18 h at 18

C. The vortex was adjusted to no more than a

third of the height of the mixture from the oilwater

interface (Singer et al., 2000). This particular ratio of oil

to water has been reported as the optimum to maximize

the TPH content of the water column (Gagnon and

Holdway, 2000). The mixture was allowed to settle for

1 h for the separation of the water and oil phases, and

the water phase was drained off for testing via a tap at

the bottom of the tank.

CEWAF was made by mixing oil and water in the

same ratio as that for WAF and by stirring for the same

duration. The dispersant Corexit 9500 was added with a

Pasteur pipette to the surface of the oilwater mixture at

the recommended ratio of 1:20 dispersant:oil (Gilbert,


S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308


1996) and allowed to stir for an additional hour. The

resulting solution contained droplets of dispersed oil,

and was allowed to settle for another hour before the

cloudy emulsion layer at the bottom was drained.

fraction (pmol/min/mg Pr). EROD values were normal-

ized to water controls. The mineral oil exposures

provided a baseline induction.

2. 6. Analysis ofhydrocarbons

2. 4. 2. Exposure group

For each oil treatment, groups of ve sh were

exposed to a series of WAF and CEWAF concentra-

tions in 10 L of water. Waterborne b-napthoavone

(10 mg/L in 10 L), a known CYP1A inducer, served as a

positive control while Corexit EC9500, mineral oil, and

dechlorinated municipal water were used as negative

controls. All solutions were renewed every 24 h.

Exposure concentrations causing CYP1A induction

and lethality were determined from range-nder tests.

Solution concentrations ranged from 0.0001 to 0.56% of

WAF or CEWAF (v/v) for Mesa, 0.00010.10% of

WAF or CEWAF (v/v) for Terra Nova; and 0.001

1.0% of WAF or CEWAF (v/v) for Scotian Light. The

exposure duration was xed at 48 h because preliminary

tests showed that 48 and 96 h of exposure caused

comparable CYP1A induction. At the end of each 48 h

test, exposed sh were sacriced and their livers

removed for the CYP1A assay. Physicochemical factors

(temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity)

were measured daily in each experiment. The concentra-

tion of ammonia was measured at the end of each test.

Test conditions are presented in Table 1.

2. 5. EROD assay

CYP1A activity (ethoxyresorun-o-deethylase, or

EROD, activity) was assessed by a uorometric method

that measures the rate of deethylation of ethoxyresor-

un (Hodson et al., 1996, modied by Fragoso et al.,

1998). Livers were homogenized in HEPES/KCl buffer

at pH 7.4 and centrifuged at 9000g for 20 min at 4

C to

isolate the microsomes (S9 fraction), which were quick-

frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 86

C until

assayed. The rate of resorun production was measured

using a microplate spectrouorometer at excitation and

emission wavelengths of 530 and 586 nm, respectively.

The values were normalized against crude protein

concentrations assayed by the Bio-Rad Protein Kit

and measured on a microplate spectrophotometer at

600 nm. All assays were performed in triplicate. EROD

activity was expressed as picomoles of resorun

produced per minute per milligram protein in the S9

Water samples of 250 and 300 mL were taken during

the daily renewal for TPH and PAH analysis, respec-

tively. Samples for PAH extraction were spiked with

1.0 mL of surrogate standard comprising nine PAHs

prior to solvent extraction. Samples for TPH analysis

were extracted in three 50-mL lots of hexane, while

those for PAH were extracted in three 20-mL lots of

AR-grade dichloromethane and dried by ltration

through sodium sulfate. The extract was concentrated

by roto-evaporation and further reduced to 1.0 mL by

drying with compressed nitrogen. TPHs were analyzed

by gas chromatography, and concentrations in three

boiling point fractions, C10C16, C 16C34, and C34

C50, were calculated from calibration curves derived for

the C10, C16, and C34 hydrocarbons. The analytical

method used was an adaptation of a Canadian Council

of Ministers of the Environment Tier 1 Method

(CCME, 2000).

Dichloromethane extracts for PAH analysis were sent

to the Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental

Research (COOGERCREPGE), Bedford Institute of

Oceanography (Nova Scotia, Canada), for analysis by

gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Garcia-Blanco

et al., 2001).

2. 7. Statistical analysis and LC50


Statistical analyses were performed using SigmaStat

software. For each oil, EROD activity values were log

transformed to achieve a normal distribution, as

demonstrated by the KolmogorovSmirnov normality

test and the Levene median equal variance test. One-way

analysis of variance with treatment as a factor was

applied to detect differences among treatments (control,

WAF, and CEWAF). The post hoc Bonferroni multiple

comparison test was used to identify treatment concen-

trations that were signicantly different from each

another. Median effects concentrations (EC50

as percen-

tage of maximum EROD activity) for the WAF and

CEWAF exposures of each oil were calculated from

induction curves using Graph PadPrism software to t

a linear regression.

Table 1

Test conditions for juvenile trout 48-h static bioassays with daily renewal

Fish weight (g)


Temperature (


Conductivity (mS/cm)

Dissolved oxygen (% saturated)

Total ammonia (ppm)







n  2 days  three oils  14 buckets; mean7SD.

Document ID:


S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308

3. Results

3. 1. Toxicity ofCorexit EC9500, WAF, and CEWAF

The 96-h LC50

of Corexit EC9500 was estimated to be

between 100 and 1000 mg/L. There was no increase in

EROD activity at dispersant concentrations ranging

from 1.0 to 10,000 mg/L even though there was lethality

at the higher concentrations. In terms of toxicity,

Scotian Light was the most toxic, as 1% (v/v) CEWAF

was lethal. CEWAF treatments for both Mesa and

Terra Nova were lethal at 10% (v/v). There was no

mortality in all WAF treatments up to 100% (v/v).

3. 2. EROD activityin sh exposed to WAF and CEWAF

EROD activity in trout exposed to all three crude oils

increased in response to CEWAF exposure at concen-

trations of 0.0001 (v/v) to 0.32% (v/v) (Fig. 1). Scotian

Light concentrations above 0.32% were lethal. Fish in

both WAF and CEWAF treatments showed up to a







EROD Activity (pmol/mg/min)


Mineral Oil









60-fold higher EROD activity than sh exposed to

mineral oil and water controls (Po0:05; Bonferroni

pair-wise comparison). In both the WAF and CEWAF

treatments for all three oils, EROD activity increased in

response to increasing exposure concentrations up to

0.1% (v/v). Further increases in concentration (40.1%)

for CEWAF treatments resulted in decreased activity.

The exposureresponse curve for Mesa crude oil was

derived from three separate tests, with the second and

third added at successively lower exposure concentra-

tions to dene the EC50, as indicated in Fig. 1. There

was very good concordance in EROD activity for

overlapping concentrations among the three tests.

The consistent shift of the CEWAF induction curves

to the left of that of WAF for Mesa and Terra Nova

reects exposure to higher hydrocarbon concentrations

for CEWAF concentrations for a given percentage v/v.

In the case of Scotian Light, the curves overlapped, but

EROD activity values were signicantly higher for

CEWAF treatments than for WAF treatments.

values (Table 2) for both WAF and CEWAF of

the three oils showed the following rank order of

induction potency: Mesa CEWAF4Terra Nova CE-

WAF4Scotian Light CEWAF4Mesa WAF4Scotian

Light WAF4Terra Nova WAF. PAH concentrations

(estimated from the PAH data in Table 3) correspond-

ing to the EC50

were between 0.60 and 2.00 mg/L for

both treatments from all three oils. The difference in

induction potential calculated from the ratio of EC50

CEWAF was greatest for Terra Nova

(1090  ), followed by Mesa (110  ) and Scotian Light

(6  ). Scotian Light was more easily dissolved and

dispersed than the other two oils and was also the most

toxic (0.32% v/v CEWAF; Fig. 1).



3. 3. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons



Mineral Oil










Scotian Light










Percent V/V

Fig. 1. EROD activity (pmol/min/mg protein) in trout exposed to a

range of WAF or CEWAF concentrations from crude oils or to one

concentration of mineral oil or 10 mg/L b-napthoavone (BNF). Error

bars, 95% condence limits.

Document ID:

The PAHs shown in Table 3 were detectable in WAF

or CEWAF of Mesa, Terra Nova, and Scotian Light.

However, only three, methyluorene, dimethyldiben-

zothiophene, and methylphenanthrene, were common

and detectable among most of the exposure solutions.

More PAH compounds were detected in the higher

CEWAF concentrations, such as 0.32 and 0.56% (v/v)

of Mesa and Scotian Light crude oils, but the

concentrations were all below 2.5 mg/L (Table 3;

instrument detection limit of 50 ng/L).

PAH measurements of both WAF and CEWAF test

solutions for the three kinds of oil are shown in Fig. 2.

Increasing concentrations of some PAHs (methylphe-

nanthrene, dimethyldibenzothiophene, and methyluor-

ene) were observed at the higher concentrations (0.032,

0.056, and 0.10%) (v/v) in CEWAF from Mesa crude

oil. Concentrations of methylphenanthrene were 24

times higher in CEWAF compared to WAF, while

dimethyldibenzothiophene was 510 times higher.



S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308

Table 2

values for CYP1A induction (EROD activity) in trout exposed to WAF or CEWAF of three oils

Types of crude oil

Terra Nova
Scotian Light



Induction potential

% (v/v)

PAH concentration

% (v/v)

PAH concentration










values were calculated from a GraphPad Prism using percentage EROD activity values (maximum EROD activity of 100%). PAH

concentrations (mg/L) were the sum of estimated PAH concentrations (see Table 3) corresponding to the EC50s for WAF or CEWAF (% v/v).

In Terra Nova crude oil exposures, concentrations of

acenapthylene increased in CEWAF and WAF treat-

ments of 0.1% and 1.0% (v/v), respectively, with

concentrations in CEWAF being double those of

WAF at 0.1% (v/v). The concentrations of other

detected PAHs in CEWAF treatments of o0.1% were

equal to those in the more concentrated WAF treat-

ments (Fig. 2). For Scotian Light, the concentrations for

dimethyldibenzothiophene were 10 times higher in the

CEWAF than in the WAF treatments. The PAHs that

were most concentrated in oil were most concentrated in


3. 4. Total petroleum hydrocarbons

Concentrations of TPH for the less concentrated

CEWAF and for all WAF treatments were below a

detection limit of 10 mg/L. Scotian Light CEWAF

treatments of 0.18, 0.32, and 0.56 (v/v) had TPH

concentrations of 30, 83, and 266 mg/L, respectively,

while Terra Nova CEWAF mixtures of 0.10% and

0.32% (v/v) had TPH concentrations of 34 and 53 mg/L


4. Discussion

4. 1. EROD activityin sh exposed to WAF and CEWAF

EROD activity was a reliable and repeatable measure

of exposure to hydrocarbons from crude oil. The

exposure response curves for all three oils clearly

denoted a greater EROD response to CEWAF than to

WAF. PAHs responsible for CYP1A induction were

presumably at higher concentrations in CEWAF treat-

ments than in WAF treatments. CYP1A induction was

observed at very low concentrations of dispersed oil (as

little as 0.0001% (v/v)), up to 1100  less than in

nondispersed oil, suggesting that sh exposed to

dispersed oil are at greater risk of hydrocarbon toxicity.

Similar observations of higher EROD activity in sh

exposed to CEWAF versus WAF have been reported

(Gagnon and Holdway, 2000; Cohen et al., 2001).

Document ID:

EROD activity decreased at the highest concentra-

tions of CEWAF for all three oils, presumably arising

from liver damage (Gagnon and Holdway, 2000). The

values conrmed the higher induction potential of

CEWAF compared to WAF. Mesa oil had the lowest

for both WAF and CEWAF, suggesting the

presence of either high-potency CYP1A inducers or

inducers at higher concentrations. This was further

apparent in the higher number of PAHs detected in

Mesa oil and the correspondingly higher total PAH


The ratio of WAF EC50

(for each

oil) indicates the extent of dissolution of PAH with

dispersion. Terra Nova, being the most viscous, had the

highest ratio, followed by Mesa and Scotian Light.

Thus, Corexit 9500 seems effective for its intended use

on higher viscosity oils.

PAH concentrations at the EC50

estimated for all

three oils show comparable values for WAF and

CEWAF over a narrow range (Table 2), thus lending

weight to the reliability and accuracy of EC50


The nding is consistent with the assumption that PAHs

are primarily responsible for CYP1A induction in sh.

Mesa had the lowest EC50

(i.e., greatest toxicity),

conrming the presence of strong inducers.

There were no confounding factors from hydrocar-

bons present in Corexit EC9500, as it caused no

discernable increase in the EROD activity of exposed

trout. There was, however, some toxic response at

higher concentrations. LC50

values for Corexit EC9500

were similar to reported LC50

values for Corexit 9527

(Gagnon and Holdway, 2000).

EROD activity in the negative controls (water and

mineral oil) was minimal and equivalent to background

levels previously observed for trout (Fragoso et al.,

1998). Corexit EC9500 had no effect on the permeability

of gill surfaces, because EROD activity did not increase

when sh were exposed to b-napthoavone in the

presence of varying concentrations of dispersant (data

not reported). The robustness of the EROD assay for

measuring exposure was further illustrated by the tight

overlap of three separate induction curves derived from

three tests of Mesa crude oil (Fig. 1).


S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308


Table 3

PAH concentrations (mg/L) detected in WAF and CEWAF treatments for three crude oils


Mesa WAF % (v/v)

Mesa CEWAF % (v/v)





































































Scotian Light WAF % (v/v)

Scotian Light CEWAF %(v/v)







Terra Nova WAF % (v/v)

Terra Nova CEWAF % (v/v)
bdl, below detection limit.

Document ID:
























































S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308


determined by the solubility of each compound, the rate

of partitioning into solution across the oilwater inter-

face, and the size of the surface area available for

partitioning, as determined by droplet size.




4. 3. Total petroleum hydrocarbon

Concentration of PAH (ng/ml)






Terra Nova









Scotian Light




Percent v/v

Fig. 2. Sum of polycyclic hydrocarbon concentrations detected in the

WAF and CEWAF test solutions.

4. 2. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Dispersing oil markedly increased hydrocarbon con-

centrations in test solutions based on measured con-

centrations of PAH. More napthalenes were detected in

CEWAF than in WAF from Mesa crude oil. Fucik

(1994) found hydrocarbon concentrations in dispersed

Central Gulf oil four to ve times higher than WAF

with napthalenes as the dominant fraction. Cohen and

Nugegoda (2000) also reported that dispersed oil WAF

(CEWAF) had the highest concentration of TPHs

compared to crude oil WAF. The increase in hydro-

carbons could be due to the presence of oil droplets in

emulsion or increased dissolution of hydrocarbons from

the surfaces of the numerous droplets (surface area

effects). One must realized that in WAF, hydrocarbon

concentrations are determined by the solubilities of the

various compounds. Conversely, CEWAF concentra-

tions are primarily inuenced by the presence of bulk oil

droplets. This is largely due to the emulsifying action of

the dispersant that drives the oilsurfactant micelles into

solution. Therefore, the amount of PAH in solution is

Document ID:

For TPH, most of the concentrations were below

detection limits (3 mg/L). The more concentrated solu-

tions of CEWAF from Scotian Light crude oil (0.32 and

0.56% v/v) had TPH concentrations of 60 and 266 mg/L,

respectively, which are comparable to observations of

200 mg/L for the 0.5% (v/v) CEWAF of Bass Strait

Crude Oil (Cohen et al., 2001).

Most TPH concentrations were above the detection

limit, but because of higher blank values, they were not

quantied. Despite this, an exposureresponse relation-

ship of EROD activity with hydrocarbon concentration

was observed for C16 in WAF of Terra Nova and C10

and C16 in CEWAF of Scotian Light. A correlation

coefcient (Pearson r value) of 0.952 was calculated

between EROD activity and the C10 TPH fraction of

the CEWAF treatment of Scotian Light crude. Dis-

persant effectiveness is a major controlling factor in the

bioavailability of hydrocarbons. The higher ratio of

hydrocarbons in CEWAF versus WAF for Scotian

Light compared to Terra Nova is an indication that

lighter oils would disperse more effectively as bulk oil

droplets than heavier ones (Fingas, 1995). However, the

EROD response of sh in this experiment suggests that

Corexit EC9500 solubilizes PAH more effectively from

heavier oils than from light oils.

While the preparation of WAF and CEWAF was

carried out as prescribed in the literature, there may

have been some conditions that were overlooked.

Factors relevant to this study include the manner and

order in which the dispersant was added. When

dispersant was added to the oil layer surface and then

vortexed, the likelihood of sufcient dispersant contact

was reduced; oil can be stranded on the vessel walls

because of herding at initial dispersion (Singer et al.,

2000). This would have been especially signicant in the

case of the less viscous Scotian Light. A second factor of

relevance is the preparation of the test concentrations.

Test treatments should be derived from a range of oil

loadings and not serial dilutions, because partitioning of

compounds into the aqueous phase is not directly

correlated to the oil:water ratio (Girling et al., 1994).

The following conclusions can be drawn from this

study. Dispersing crude oil increased the bioavailability

of PAHs to sh, as reected by greater CYP1A

induction in the livers of sh exposed to CEWAF

versus WAF treatments. Second, the action of the

dispersant was inuenced by the viscosity of the crude

oils. Terra Nova, which had the highest viscosity value,

had the biggest difference in induction for CEWAF and


S. D. Ramachandran et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Saf

ety 59 (2004) 300308

WAF treatments. Scotian Light had the lowest viscosity

value and showed the smallest difference in induction

values, while Mesa was intermediate.

While it was difcult to detect most of the PAHs and

petroleum hydrocarbons at the lower doses of WAF and

CEWAF by sensitive analytical techniques such as gas

chromatography/mass spectrometry, the EROD assay

proved to be much more reliable and sensitive for

detecting effects at low concentrations (o0.0032% v/v).

In an ecological context, this study revealed an

increase in exposure of sh to hydrocarbons with

dispersion for all three oils. Consequently, the risk of

PAH toxicity to pelagic species of sh, especially to

sensitive life stages such as eggs and larvae, is enhanced

by chemical dispersion. The effectiveness of Corexit

EC9500 was most pronounced on Terra Nova oil, while

Mesa oil had the greatest induction potential. Disper-

sing these oils would cause sublethal exposures to PAH,

with Mesa potentially having a greater sublethal effect.

Scotian Light was the most toxic by virtue of its higher

solubility and reached a lethal concentration limit

during dispersion.


The authors thank the staff at Analytical Services

Unit, Queens University, and COOGERCREPGE at

the Bedford Institute of Oceanography for their

technical support. We also thank Barbara Sobota,

Heather Orr, and Vivien Dayeh for their assistance

and contribution. We wish to extend our gratitude to

Gary Wohlgeschaffen for his prompt response to queries

and requests. The research was funded by a contract

from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Halifax,

Nova Scotia, Canada.


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pp. 509695.

General Coral Reef Facts

Healthy coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse and economically valuable

ecosystems on earth, providing valuable and vital ecosystem services.

Coral ecosystems are a source of food for millions; protect coastlines from storms and erosion;

provide habitat, spawning and nursery grounds for economically important fish species; provide

jobs and income to local economies from fishing, recreation, and tourism; are a source of new

medicines, and are hotspots of marine biodiversity. They also are of great cultural importance in

many regions around the world, particularly Polynesia

Based on current estimates, shallow water coral reefs occupy approximately 284,300 square

kilometers (110,000 square miles) of the sea floor. If all of the world's shallow water coral reefs

were placed side-by-side, they would occupy an area a bit larger than the state of Texas.

The total area of coral reefs represents less than 0.015 percent of the ocean. Yet coral reefs

harbor more than one quarter of the ocean's biodiversity. No other ecosystem occupies such a

limited area with more life forms.

Reefs are often compared to rainforests, which are the only other ecosystem that can boast

anywhere near the amount of biodiversity found on a reef. Coral reefs are sometimes called

rainforests of the seas.

Oil spills and coral reefs

NOAA has produced two summary documents on corals and oil spills:

a guide for planning and incident response


and a synthesis of previous research on oil effects to corals


In 2005, NOAA conducted an exercise to test emergency response to a simulated oil spill in the

Florida Keys (

Impacts of oil spills to coral reefs are difficult to predict because each spill presents a unique set

of physical, chemical, and biological conditions. How corals are exposed to oiland the

composition of the oil at the time of impactbears directly on how serious the impact will be.

There are three primary modes of exposure for coral reefs in oil spills:

Direct oil contact is possible when surface oil is deposited on intertidal corals that live

near the surface of the water and become exposed with the tides.

Rough seas and a light, soluble oil can combine to mix the oil into the water below the

surface, where it can impact corals. Corals are exposed to less oil beneath the water

surface, but the lighter oil components that mix easily are often the most toxic.

Document ID:

Subsurface oiling can occur when heavy oils weather, or mix with sediment material.

This increases the density of the oil to the point where it may actually sink, potentially

smothering corals.

Oil Spill Response Strategies for Coral Reefs

Booms are sometimes used to control the movement of oil at the water surface. This should be

done carefully in coral reef areas, as boom anchors can physically impact corals, especially when

booms are moved around by waves.

Dispersants act like detergents, breaking an oil slick into droplets that mix into the water column,

where they dilute and eventually biodegrade. Dispersants work best on light oils, and are less

effective on oil that has been extensively weathered or in areas of low water movement.

Dispersants offer a trade-off of oil effects in the water versus at the shoreline. The use of

dispersants over shallow submerged reefs is generally not recommended, but the potential

impacts to the reef should be weighed against impacts that might occur to birds, mammals,

turtles, and sensitive shoreline resources (such as mangroves) where it is extremely difficult to

clean the oil.

Effects of oil and dispersants on coral reefs

Laboratory, field studies, and actual oil spill events often appear to show contradictory results for

effects of oil and dispersants on coral reefs.

The old notion that coral reefs do not suffer acute toxicity effect from oil floating over them is

probably incorrect. Direct contact with spilled oil can lead to coral death, but depends on coral

species, growth form, life stage, and type/duration of oil exposure.

Longer exposure to lower levels of oil may kill corals, as well as shorter exposure to higher

concentrations. Death may not be immediate, but rather take place long after the exposure has


Instead of acute mortality, it is more likely that oil effects occur in sublethal forms, such as

reduced photosynthesis, growth, or reproduction. Early developmental forms (like coral larvae)

are particularly sensitive to toxic effects, and oil slicks can significantly reduce larval

development and viability.

Coral communities may recover more rapidly from oil exposure alone than from mechanical

damage. Recovery of coral reefs after oil exposure, however, may depend partly on the recovery

of associated communities (e.g. nursery or foraging habitats, such as mangroves and seagrasses)

that may be more seriously affected than the reef itself. Recovery time depends on the type and

intensity of the disturbance and can range from several years to decades.

Past Oil Spills Impacts to Coral Reef Ecosystems

One extensively studied spill occurred at Bahia Las Minas, Panama in April, 1986. An estimated

60,000-100,000 barrels of medium weight crude oil spilled into the waters of the bay, causing

widespread lethal and sub-lethal effects to coral.

Document ID:

In contrast, in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf Spill in January 1991, the largest oil spill in history, an

estimated 6.3 million barrels of oil were released. Given the magnitude of this release and the

coral reef impacts noted at other tropical spills, there were dire expectations of severe impacts to

reefs in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. However, to date, the extent of coral reef damage directly

attributable to the Gulf Spill has been remarkably minor.

What you can do

NOAAs comprehensive efforts in response to the Deepwater Horizon event can be found at Because oil is a hazardous material, volunteer

opportunities are limited for unaffiliated, untrained volunteers. To report oiled shorelines or

request volunteer information, please call 281-366-5511 or 866-448-5816.

Document ID:

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 31813187, 2006

 2006 SETAC

Printed in the USA

0730-7268/06 $12.00  .00





Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA

Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, P.O. Box 92, Clifford, Virginia 24533, USA

Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Pacic Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii, 41 Ahui Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 98613, USA

 Department of Comparative Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Broadway Research Building,

Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA

( Received 4 September 2005; Accepted 28 June 2006)

AbstractPetroleum contamination from oil spills is a continuing threat to our oceans fragile ecosystems. Herein, we explored

the effects of the water-soluble fraction of crude oil on a stony coral, Pocillopora damicornis (Linneaeus 1758). We developed

methods for exposing corals to various concentrations of crude oil and for assessing the potential molecular responses of the corals.

Corals were exposed to water-accommodated fraction solutions, and appropriate cellular biomarkers were quantied. When compared

to the healthy control specimens, exposed corals exhibited shifts in biomarker concentrations that were indicative of a shift from

homeostasis. Signicant changes were seen in cytochrome P450 1-class, cytochrome P450 2-class, glutathione-S-transferase-pi, and

cnidarian multixenobiotic resistance protein-1 biomarkers, which are involved the cellular response to, and manipulation and excretion

of, toxic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. A shift in biomarkers necessary for porphyrin production (e.g.,

protoporphyrinogen oxidase IX and ferrochelatase) and porphyrin destruction (e.g., heme oxygenase-1 and invertebrate neuroglobin

homologue) illustrates only one of the cellular protective mechanisms. The response to oxidative stress was evaluated through

measurements of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-1 and DNA glycosylase MutY homologue-1 concentrations. Likewise, changes

in heat shock protein 70 and small heat shock proteins indicated an adjustment in the cellular production of proteins. Finally, the

results of this laboratory study were nearly identical to what we observed previously among corals of a different species, Porites

lobata, exposed to an oil spill in the eld after the grounding of the Merchant Vessel Kyowa Violet.


Oil spill



Cellular diagnostics


The expanding human interaction with the ocean environ-

ment has greatly affected the oceans fragile ecosystems [1,2].

Specically, petroleum contamination has beenand contin-

ues to bea serious threat. Petroleum products, such as the

petrochemicals used to make plastics and synthetic bers and

the oil and gas used for heat, energy, and fuel, are intimately

involved with todays society. Despite the practical necessities,

increased transport of petrochemicals over the worlds oceans

has the potential to affect our environment severely. In fact,

oil spills are inevitable [3]. Although rapid action usually is

taken either during or soon after spills to cleanse oil contam-

ination on the water surface, water-soluble components of the

oil remain fractionated within the water column or may be

sequestered in sediments. This water-accommodated fraction

(WAF) allows the contaminants to remain after the supercial

cleaning activities and, thereby, causes a potential disruption

in the homeostasis of any marine organisms it contacts.

It is well documented that petroleum products can affect

aquatic organisms at different levels of organization. Studies

of marine shes, following environmental or laboratory ex-

posure to petroleum products or by-products (e.g., polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs]), have provided strong evi-

dence linking pollution to increases in the number of structural

anomalies [4,5], developmental complications [6,7], behav-

ioral changes [8,9], and diseases [10,11]. The time to appear-

ance of these anomalies can range from several days to months

after the initial exposure. However, cellular responses to pol-

lutants are immediate and can indicate changes in the organ-

isms cellular homeostasis.

The exposure of coral reef ecosystems to crude petroleum

and, particularly, intermediate fuel oil (IFO) grade 180, a com-

mon grade of marine fuel used in tanker transport, is of interest

following the grounding of the Merchant Vessel Kyowa Violet

in December 2002, during which approximately 55,000 to

80,000 gallons spilled into the coral reef ecosystem off Colonia

Harbor, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Our recent as-

sessment of the corals affected by the spill suggested that the

sublethal effects of this fuel-oil spill adversely affected coral

reef health [12]. The present study was the logical extension

of our previous in situ study and focused on whether the water-

soluble fraction of marine fuel oil can cause a rapid shift in

homeostasis of a widely distributed and well-studied coral fol-

lowing a controlled laboratory exposure. Specically, we de-

veloped a methodology to expose corals to various concen-

trations of the water-soluble components of IFO 180 marine

fuel oil, the same compounds that have been implicated in the

Kyowa Violet spill. We utilized this approach to compare and

contrast the response of exposed and reference specimens of

the reef-building coral, Pocillopora damicornis .


Maintenance ofcorals

* To whom correspondence may be addressed ([email protected]).

The current address of G. K. Ostrander is University of Hawaii, 2500

Campus Road, Hawaii Hall 211, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus 1758) colonies were ob-

tained from Aquatic Aquaculture (Mardela Springs, MD,


Document ID:


Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25, 2006

USA). Corals were maintained in 209-L aquaria at 26C and

a salinity of 38 ppt created with Instant Ocean Sea Salt mix

(Aquarium Systems, Mentor, OH, USA) and deionized water.

The closed aquarium system was illuminated by a Coralife

metal 175-W halide bulb (Energy Savers Unlimited, Lafayette,

CA, USA) on a 10:14-h light:dark photoperiod. Water changes

of 10 L were made twice weekly with newly mixed seawater.

l of Reef Success Vita Vitamins (Red Sea,

In addition, 700

Tel Aviv, Israel), 700 l of Reef Success Iodine (Red Sea),

and 700 l of Reef Success Coral Trace (Red Sea) were added

to the tanks protein skimmer with each water change. The

corals were fed 5 ml of PhytoPlex (Kent Marine, GA, USA)

once every other day.

Once the coral colonies were acclimatized to the laboratory

setting for two weeks, 1- to 2-cm pieces were clipped from a

single coral colony and glued individually to glass microscope

slides using Instant Krazy Glue (Elmers, Columbus, OH,

USA), which caused no deleterious effect to the coral (results

not shown). The slides were returned to the aquaria, and the

corals left to stabilize for two weeks before exposure. The

experiment used a total of 16 coral fragments (i.e., four slides

per exposure concentration).

Water-accommodated fraction

The WAF was generated using IFO 180 marine fuel oil

samples, which were a generous donation from ExxonMobil

Marine Fuels (New York, NY, USA) and Oil Testing Services

(Lafayette, NJ, USA). Instant Ocean Sea Salt mix was com-

bined with distilled water to create the 38-ppm salt water.

Various concentrations of WAF were made separately using

the variable-loading method instead of diluting a higher con-

centration solution [13,14]. One liter of salt water was added

to 1-L, Teon-coated containers (Savillex, Minnetonka, MN,

USA). Appropriate quantities of crude oil (0.25, 1, and 4 g)

were weighed and added to each container along with the salt

water. The solutions were mixed with a 4-cm, Teon-coated

stirbar on a magnetic stirrer for 24 h at ambient temperature.

Additional solutions were prepared for each WAF concentra-

tion to allow water changes during the exposure period. Un-

altered salt water was used as a control.

L. Rougee et al.

Fig. 1. Exposure of corals. Four slides, each containing an individual

coral piece, were placed at the bottom of each of the exposure chamber.

The slides were arranged in a square pattern as depicted. Corals were

incubated with exposure solutions at 26 C with constant aeration.

sample powder was placed in a locking, 1.8-ml microcentrifuge

tube along with 1,400 l of a denaturing buffer consisting of 2%

sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 50 mM Tris(hydroxymethyl)

aminomethane (pH 7.8), 15 mM dithiothreitol, 10 mM ethy-

lenediaminetetra-acetate, 3% (w/v) polyvinylpolypyrrolidone,

0.005 mM salicylic acid, 0.001% dimethyl sulfoxide, 0.01 mM

4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl uoride, 0.04 mM bestatin,

0.001 mM E-64, 2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl uoride, 2 mM

benzamide, 5 M amino-caproic acid, and 1 g/100 l of

pepstatin A. Samples were then vortexed for 15 s, heated at

93C for 6 min with occasional additional vortexing, and in-

cubated at 25C for 10 min. Samples were centrifuged (13,500

g for 810 min), and the middle-phase supernatant was as-

pirated and placed in a new Eppendorf tube [16] and subjected

to a protein concentration assay according to the method de-

scribed by Ghosh et al. [17].


One-liter glass beakers served as dosing chambers for the

corals. The beakers were placed in heated water baths to main-

tain water temperature at 26C, and glass Pasteur capillary

pipettes were connected to individual aquarium air pumps and

placed in each dosing chamber for aeration and water circu-

lation. Four slides, each containing an individual coral piece,

were placed at the bottom of each of the beakers. The slides

were arranged in a square formation, as shown in Figure 1.

Before addition of each WAF solution to the beaker, the so-

lutions were poured into a separatory funnel to isolate the

fraction of crude oil that did not dissolve in the seawater [14].

The coral samples were exposed to the various WAF concen-

trations for a 24-h period, with water changes performed every

8 h to avoid ammonia and nitrate accumulation for all exposed

and reference groups [15].

One-dimensional SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

(PAGE) and Western blot analysis were used to optimize the

separation of target proteins and to validate the use of specic

antibodies with P. damicornis protein extracts [18]. Total sol-

uble protein (1540 g) from three randomly prepared samples

from the same coral colony was loaded onto a 12.5% SDS-

PAGE preparative gel. A Tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (neu-

tral pH) concentration of 0.001 M was added to the gels [19].

All gels were blotted onto polyvinylidene uoride membranes

using a wet-transfer system [20,21]. The membranes were

blocked in 5% nonfat dry milk and assayed with a primary

antibody for 1 h. The blots were then washed in Tris-buffered

saline four times and incubated in a horseradish peroxidase

conjugated secondary antibody solution for 1 h at a 1:30,000

titer (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Westport, PA,

USA). Blots were washed again four times in Tris-buffered

saline and developed using a Western Lightning Plus (New

England Nuclear, Shelton, CT, USA) luminol/hydrogen per-

oxidebased chemiluminescent solution and documented using

a Genegnome luminescent documentation system (Syngene,

Frederick, MD, USA). To ensure a minimum of nonspecic

cross-reactivity, blots were developed for at least 3 min. Cal-

ibration of a quantitative standard showed that 0.05 attomole

of target protein could be detected at this level of sensitivity

(results not shown).

Sample preparation

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay experiments

Samples were assayed as described previously [12,16]. Af-

ter the 24-h exposure, each of the individual coral pieces was

frozen and then ground to a ne powder in liquid nitrogen

using a mortar and pestle. Approximately 0.5 g of the ground

Once validated, antibodies and samples were optimized for

the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using 384-well mi-

croplates in an 8  6  4 factorial design [17,22] and assayed

using a Beckman Coulter Biomek 2000 Laboratory Automa-


Document ID:

Response of coral to laboratory oil exposure

Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25, 2006


Table 1. Biomarker expression

Cellular parameter


Protein Metabolic Condition

Hsp70 (cnidarian)

0.077  0.019A

sHsp (cnidarian)


Oxidative Damage and Response

Cu/ZnSOD (cnidarian)

0.003  0.001A


0.004  0.001A

Porphyrin Metabolism

Protopophyrinogen oxidase IX

0.029  0.004A

Ferrochelatase (cnidarian)

0.030  0.004A

Neuroglobin (invertebrate)

2.348  0.342A

Heme oxygenase-1

0.036  0.016A

Xenobiotic Response

CYP P450 1-class

0.002  0.001A

CYP P450 2-class

0.074  0.010A

CYP P450 6-class

0.056  0.011A

GST (cnidarian)

0.0015  0.0006A

MXR-1 (cnidarian)

0.006  0.003A

0.25 g/L

1 g/L

4 g/L

0.201  0.039B

0.048  0.015B

0.253  0.055BC

0.117  0.046B

0.286  0.054C

0.113  0.034B

0.007  0.001A

0.009  0.003B

0.022  0.011B

0.013  0.003B

0.007  0.001A

0.013  0.003B


































Treatment means with different uppercase letters differed signicantly at   0.05 using the three different posthoc tests described in Materials

and Methods. All units, except where noted, are expressed as femol target analyte/ng total soluble protein. Values are presented as the mean

 standard error (n  4). BDL  below detection limit; Cu/ZnSOD  copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-1; CYP  cytochrome; GST 

glutathione-S-transferese; Hsp70  heat shock protein 70; MutY  DNA glycosylase MutY homologue; MXR-1  multixenobiotic resistance

protein-1; sHsp  small heat shock proteins.

tion Workstation (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). Algal (i.e.,

dinoagellate) and host extracts (cnidarian) were assayed using

the following antibodies (with accompanying catalog numbers)

from Envirtue Biotechnologies (Winchester, VA, USA): Algal

antiglutathione peroxidase (AB-1484), algal antimanganese

superoxide dismutase (AB-1501), algal anticopper/zinc su-

peroxide dismutase (AB-CZ1546), algal antiglutathione-S-

transferase (AB-1491), algal antiheat shock protein 60 (AB-

1506), antichloroplast small heat shock protein (AB-1), cni-

darian antiheat shock protein 60 (AB-1508), cnidarian anti

heat shock protein 70 (AB-Hsp70-1517), cnidarian antiheat

shock protein 90 (AB-Hsp90-1685), cnidarian antimanganese

superoxide dismutase (AB-1976), cnidarian anticopper/zinc

superoxide dismutase (AB-SOD-1516), cnidarian antigluta-

thione peroxidase (AB-GPX-1433), cnidarian antismall heat

shock protein (AB-H105), cnidarian antiferrochelatase (AB-

FC-1939), cnidarian anticytochrome P450 6-class homologue

(AB-C6-2), cnidarian anti-metallothionein (AB-MM-10843),

cnidarian antiheme oxygenase-1 (AB-HO-1944), anti-ubiq-

uitin (AB-U100), and antimultixenobiotic resistance protein

(ABC family of proteins). All samples were assayed in trip-

licate with intraindividual variation of less than 8% for the

entire 384-well microplate (Table 1), and in addition, an eight-

point calibration curve using a calibrant relevant to each an-

tibody was plated in sextupilicate for each plate (results not

shown). Based on data from our eld study [12] and what we

were able to detect with the antibodies listed above, we elected

to focus our efforts on those biomarkers most likely to exhibit

a response in this laboratory study.


Cellular biomarkers serve as diagnostic tools to indicate

variations in the physiological condition of an organism in

response to environmental change. This is achieved by quan-

tifying changes in the cellular and molecular processes of the

cells. In the present study, certain biomarkers were grouped

together for analysis. Each category encompasses biomarkers

involved in a cellular process that would be expected to vary

in response to specic types of stressors. The four diagnostic

Document ID:

groups and incorporated biomarkers included Xenobiotic Re-

sponse (cnidarian cytochrome P450 1-class [CYP P450 1-

class], cnidarian cytochrome P450 2-class [CYP P450 2-class],

cnidarian cytochrome P450 6-class [CYP P450 6-class], glu-

tathione-S-transferase [GST-pi], and cnidarian multixenobiotic

resistance protein-1 [MXR-1]), Porphyrin Metabolism (pro-

toporphyrinogen oxidase IX [PPO], cnidarian ferrochelatase

[FC], invertebrate neuroglobin homologue [globin], and heme

oxygenase-1 [HO-1]), Oxidative Damage and Response (cop-

per/zinc superoxide dismutase-1 [Cu/ZnSOD] and DNA gly-

cosylase MutY homologue [MutY]), and Protein Metabolic

Condition (heat shock protein 70 [Hsp70] and cnidarian small

heat shock proteins [sHsp]).

Statistical analysis

Normality of the data was tested using the Kolmogorov

Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction, and equality of var-

iance was veried using the Levene median test. A one-way

analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used if the data were found

to be normally distributed and homogeneous. However, if the

data did not meet the requirements for homogeneity of vari-

ances for the one-way ANOVA, the KruskalWallis one-way

ANOVA on ranks was used to compensate. The TukeyKramer

honestly signicant difference method or the Dunns post hoc

test was used when signicant differences between the treat-

ment means were found, depending on the variances [23,24].

Statistical signicance was dened as p 0.05.

We used canonical correlation analysis (CCA) as a heuristic

tool to illustrate how biomarkers could be used to discriminate

among populations. The CCA is a method of eigen analysis

that reveals the basic relationship between two matricesin

our case, those of four exposures and the biomarker data. The

CCA provided an objective statistical tool for determining if

exposures were different from one another using sets of cell-

ular biomarkers indicative of a cellular process and, if so,

which biomarkers contributed to those differences. This anal-

ysis required combining data from all four exposures into one

matrix, which we did by expressing biomarker response in a

given population as a proportion of their mean levels.


Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25, 2006


Signicant changes were seen in CYP P450 1-class, CYP

P450 2-class, GST-pi, and MXR-1, all of which are involved

in the cellular response, manipulation, and excretion of toxi-

cants. Likewise, we observed changes in the expression of

biomarkers involved in porphyrin production (e.g., PPO and

FC) and porphyrin destruction (e.g., HO-1 and globin), which

are necessary for cell protection. The corals responses to ox-

idative stress and damage were evaluated through alterations

in Cu/ZnSOD and MutY concentrations, and changes in Hsp70

and sHsp indicated an adjustment in the cells production of

proteins. Finally, the present results are consistent with pre-

liminary results from our earlier trials at these exposure levels.

Xenobiotic response

Although CYP P450 1-class expression was elevated for

all the exposure levels (Table 1), signicant differences be-

tween the control and the WAF concentrations were seen only

in the 1 and 4 g/L treatments. Levels in the 0.25 g/L exposure

were not signicantly increased. In contrast, the dose responses

for CYP P450 2-class showed a signicant decrease in ex-

pression from the control at exposures of 0.25 and 4 g/L, but

not for the 1 g/L (0.052  0.015 fmol/ng total soluble protein)

exposure (Table 1). No difference from the control was ob-

served among any of the CYP P450 6-class exposures (Table 1).

The expression of GST-pi increased signicantly for all

exposures in a nearly identical manner. The MXR-1 expression

was signicantly higher than that in the control for all the

exposures. Among the exposures, a twofold increase was ob-

served between 0.25 g/L and the two higher exposures of 1

and 4 g/L.

Porphyrin metabolism

Protoporphyrinogen oxidase IX expression among control

specimens was not signicantly different from that in corals

in the 1 and 4 g/L exposures. However, expression in the 0.25

g/L exposure was signicantly higher than that observed in

all other exposures (Table 1). Conversely, FC expression was

signicantly elevated in the 1 and 4 g/L exposures, but not in

the 0.25 g/L treatment. Likewise, globin was signicantly in-

creased in the 1 and 4 g/L exposures, but not in the 0.25 g/L

exposure (Table 1). Heme oxygenase-1 expression, despite the

apparent increase between the control and 0.25 g/L exposure,

was not signicantly different among treatments. However,

levels in corals from the 1 and 4 g/L exposures were signi-

cantly increased compared to those of the control corals and

to each other (Table 1).

Oxidative damage and response

Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase-1 control expression was

not signicantly different from corals in the 0.25 and 4 g/L

exposures. However, the 1 g/L treatment samples showed a

signicant elevation from the control and the other exposures.

The MutY expression was signicantly increased from the

control in all exposures (Table 1).

Protein metabolic condition

The Hsp70 expression was signicantly elevated for all

exposures compared to the control coral specimens. Moreover,

a statistically signicant increase was further noted at con-

centrations higher than 0.25 g/L. Despite a signicant differ-

ence from the control, the 1 g/L exposure did not differ from

Document ID:

L. Rougee et al.

the 0.25 and 4 g/L exposures. The sHsp expression revealed

a signicant increase in all exposures (Table 1).


Exposure to petroleum mixtures may result in a number of

pathologies, ranging from anemia (interference in heme me-

tabolism and function) to degeneration of cilia in gastrodermal

cells in both mammals and cnidarians [25]. These pathologies

arise as a result of mechanistic toxicities occurring on the

biochemical and subcellular levels. Examining biomarkers that

reect the performance of these biochemical and subcellular

processes can generate a dose-dependent prole of the types

of stressors affecting the organism and facilitate a deeper com-

prehension of the nature of the toxicological mechanisms as-

sociated with a petroleum exposure. A serial concentration-

exposure experimental design, as reported herein, allowed us

to test for the occurrence of a doseresponse behavior of the

organism to the toxicant and demonstrated the occurrence of

an emergent response to increasing concentrations (e.g., ac-

cumulation of protoporphyrin at low-concentration exposure

and hemolytic anemia at higher-concentration exposure) [26].

Furthermore, understanding how key metabolic and cellular

responses are affected by a serial exposure to IFO 180 marine

fuel also may support a more accurate prediction of how high-

er-order physiological processes may behave.

Xenobiotic response

When any noxious pollutants or xenobiotics enter a cell

and its compartments, the cell initiates the process of biotrans-

formation to avoid injury. This biological process is composed

of three sequential steps or phases, involving specic proteins.

Phase-1 responses include enzymatic reactions that alter

the xenobiotics through addition or exposure of polar groups,

such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, thiol, and amino, on the toxicant.

This is a necessary step for the phase-2 proteins to interact

with the altered xenobiotics. Reactions such as oxidation, re-

duction, and hydrolysis are used for the polar group tags [27

29]. Phase-3 enzymes allow the xenobiotics to be exported out

of the cell. However, it is possible, depending on the reaction,

that an even more toxic metabolite is formed [29]. Our study

focused predominantly on the superfamily of cytochrome

P450s, which are mainly associated with oxidative and hy-

drolytic processes during phase 1 [28].

Cytochrome P450s are heme-containing monooxygenases.

In many species, most members of this superfamily are in-

volved in the metabolism of xenobiotics; however, a limited

number of cytochrome P450s are associated with biosynthetic

pathways of steroid and bile acid production [30,31]. In the

present study, we focused on specic families of cytochrome

P450s, namely the CYP P450 1-, 2-, and 6-classes. These

particular classes were chosen because of their metabolic in-

teraction with specic kinds of molecules. Cytochrome P450

1-class associates with PAHs [31], whereas CYP P450 2-class

interacts with a wide range of steroids and xenobiotic sub-

stances [32] and CYP P450 6-class with pesticides containing

chlorinated side chains [32,33].

Canonical correlation analysis indicated signicant changes

in the response to the WAF exposure (Fig. 2). For the cyto-

chrome P450s, these changes were found in the responses of

CYP P450 1- and 2-class comparisons (Fig. 2A). In the CYP

P450 1-class, this response suggests that the corals were re-

acting to the PAH as well as to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,

and xylene, all of which are components of the IFO 180. It

Response of coral to laboratory oil exposure

Fig. 2. Xenobiotic response and porphyrin metabolism biomarkers.

Original variates were biomarker levels expressed as a percentage of

the control value in each treatment. Circles show the 95% condence

intervals around the distribution centroid of each stressor. Biplot rays

radiating from the grand mean show the directions of the original

biomarker responses in canonical space. Overlapping centroids in-

dicates that those populations are not signicantly different from one

another; nonoverlapping centroids indicate a statistically signicant

difference (p 0.05). (A) Canonical centroid plot of Xenobiotic

Response biomarkers (see Materials and Methods ). (B) Canonical

centroid plot of Porphyrin Metabolism biomarkers (see Materials and

Methods). CYP  cytochrome; FC  cnidarian ferrochelatase; GST

 glutathione-S-transferase; MXR  multixenobiotic resistance pro-

tein 1; PPO  protoporphyrinogen oxidase IX.

also was observed that a signicant toxicity response was gen-

erated above the 1 g/L level. However, no doseresponse effect

was noticed as the WAF concentrations increased (Table 1).

The response levels could be related to the amount of WAF

Document ID:

Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25, 2006


of the fuel oil in the solution. In the 0.25 g/L solution, the

concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons would be less than

that found in preparations at the higher concentrations. It may

be that CYP P450 1-class is a good indicator of the levels of

aromatic hydrocarbon compounds in the environment. There

also is a possibility that the cell becomes saturated in the

process of producing CYP P450 1-class regardless of an in-

crease in PAH exposure. The CYP P450 2-class levels were

decreased for all doses tested (Table 1). This decrease in ex-

pression could correspond to a shift in subcellular response

systems to compensate for the increase in the CYP P450 1-

class elevation. Some fuel oil compounds in IFO 180 also

could have adverse effects on the ability of cells to produce

CYP P450 2-class enzymes, causing the observed decrease.

No change in expression was seen for the CYP P450 6-class.

This was expected, because the exposure to IFO 180 fuel oil

lacks the chlorinated compounds that would elicit a response.

The new polar metabolites from phase 1 are a threat to the

cell, because they can interact with or become embedded in

the membrane. To prevent this, in phase 2, the metabolites are

conjugated with endogenous substrates, such as glutathione,

sulfates, acetates, and glucuronides [34]. The reactions of this

phase cause the compounds to become more water soluble

and, thus, capable of being excreted from the cell [35,36]. Of

particular interest is the enzyme family of glutathione-S-trans-

ferases, which has been associated with the detoxication pro-

cess in aerobic animals. The phase-2 enzyme, glutathione-S-

transferase, primarily catalyzes the conjugation of electrophilic

compounds, such as PAHs, with the thiol group of glutathione

[35]. This reaction decreases the reactivity of the compounds

with other molecules in the cell [37]. We focused on one of

the four main classes of glutathione-S-transferase, GST-pi,

which has been described in cnidarians [25]. Activity of GST-

pi in our experiment was signicantly elevated in response to

exposure to the WAF, revealing activation of the detoxication


The third and nal phase is the elimination of the altered

metabolites. Depending on the end product, several different

pathways exist. Compounds can be transported to the lysosome

for degradation, sequestered in lysosome-like structures for

containment, or ultimately, excreted from the cell [38,39]. Spe-

cic proteins, which help in the transport of xenobiotics out

of the cell, are adenosine triphosphatebinding cassette trans-

porters. One such phase-3 enzyme is MXR-1, which is used

to export glutathione-conjugated compounds out of the cell

[38]. An increase in the CYP P450 1-class (phase-1) as well

as the GST-pi (phase-2) enzymes leads to an increase in the

expression of MXR-1, as was observed. Although no dose

response effect was observed, the signicant difference in the

highest doses of the WAF (1 and 4 g/L) is in agreement with

the responses seen in CYP P450 1-class.

Porphyrin metabolism

Is there a signicant shift in porphyrin metabolism and

catabolism as a result of increasing concentrations of IFO 180

WAF? Canonical correlation analysis indicated that the 0.25

g/L of IFO 180 WAF treatment did not cause a signicant

shift in porphyrin metabolism, but higher concentrations of

IFO 180 WAF did (Fig. 2B). Porphyrins are heterocyclic mol-

ecules consisting of four pyrrole rings joined by methane

bridges. Depending on the porphyrin, different substituents can

be found on the ring. The biomarkers assessed included en-

zymes responsible for the synthesis of porphyrins or their deg-


Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25, 2006

radation. We focused on the nal two steps of the porphyrin-

synthesis pathway. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase IX is involved

with the penultimate step of porphyrin production, and FC

catalyzes the nal step. In the penultimate step of porphyrin

synthesis, coproporphyrinogen III is oxidized into protopor-

phyrin IX [40]. The nal step is the insertion of iron into the

porphyrin ring by FC to form a hemin [41]. An increase in

protein levels of PPO and FC would be indicative of an in-

creased demand in porphyrin anabolism, or it could result as

a compensatory reaction of inhibited activities of PPO and FC

enzymes. An increase in globin concentrations indicates either

an increased demand for cellular oxygen, or it reects increas-

ing inhibitory activity of globin by petroleum components.

The behavior of the protein levels of HO-1 in response to IFO

180 WAF exposure is similar to the behavior seen in other

studies of HO-1 and petroleum exposure, suggesting an in-

creased demand in heme degradation, most likely as a result

of iron/porphyrin dissociation via PAH interactions [42].

Oxidative damage and response

Reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide radical anions

and hydroxyl radicals, can stress an organism and cause cell-

ular damage. Cells respond to this stress by releasing anti-

oxidants to suppress these oxygen species [43]. Copper/zinc

superoxide dismutase-1 is an antioxidant enzyme that protects

the cell by catalyzing superoxides into hydrogen peroxide,

which is then scavenged by further antioxidant pathways for

further disposal [44]. In the present study, we observed a sig-

nicant elevation of Cu/ZnSOD in the 1 g/L exposure con-

centration, whereas corals in the other exposures only exhib-

ited a slight increase that was not statistically signicant. The

most reasonable explanation is that the cells became saturated

at higher doses, which in turn inhibited the Cu/ZnSOD mech-


Reactive oxygen species also can cause damage at the sub-

cellular level, producing lesions on the DNA. For example,

MutY is involved in the base excision repair pathway of cells,

and it is responsible for repairing oxidative damage to DNA

[45]. The signicant elevation that we observed among all the

exposures could be indicative that DNA repair is occurring.

Protein metabolic condition

Protein production and turnover is a vital part of cellular

homeostasis. Under normal conditions, when proteins leave

the ribosome, they are bound by chaperones that help to ensure

that the protein correctly folds into the native form. The chap-

erones also bind to misfolded or denatured proteins and prevent

them from aggregating and causing cell damage. However,

under stress conditions, the number of denatured proteins in-

creases. In response, the cell up-regulates the genes that ex-

press the chaperones and are indicative of protein metabolic

stress. Heat shock protein 70 is a cytosolic chaperone that

binds to denatured proteins [46]. Small heat shock proteins

are intrinsic chaperones, which are vital to protein confor-

mation. The Hsp70 exhibited a signicant doseresponse effect

as the IFO 180 WAF concentrations increased. Likewise, sHsp

expression was signicantly elevated in corals at all doses

tested. However, no differences in expression among the in-

creasing WAF concentrations were observed. Although this

can signify that the coral samples were, indeed, stressed in

their exposure to the WAF solutions and that a shift from

Document ID:

L. Rougee et al.

metabolic homeostasis had occurred, both heat shock protein

biomarkers are indicative of a general, nonspecic stress re-

sponse that may be caused by other environmental factors.

Although not unexpected, the present results bear a re-

markable similarity to those of our previous study of an oil

spill on a coral reef in Yap [12]. In that study, we collected

coral samples (Porites lobata ) approximately 75 d after the

spill, and we assayed a suite of biomarkers, including many

of those investigated during the present study. Among bio-

markers of xenobiotics response, we noted that all the bio-

markers that were elevated in the present study (e.g., CYP 450

1-class, CYP 450 2-class, MXR-1, and GST-pi) also were el-

evated in corals collected at Yap approximately 75 d after the

oil spill. We also noted that CYP 450 6-class was not elevated

in our present study, and the results were equivocal in the

corals collected from the impacted site at Yap. The CYP 450

6-class levels were not signicantly different from those ex-

pressed by corals at one of the reference sites. Again, this is

not surprising, in that CYP 450 6-class interacts with the chlo-

rinated side chains of pesticides [32,33]. It was expected that

the level of expression of the various biomarkers (e.g., CYP

450 1-class) would vary between our eld [12] and laboratory

studies. Such differences likely result from interspecic var-

iation, duration of exposure, laboratory versus environmental

conditions, and so on. Finally, the narrow range of biomarkers

examined in the present study was informed by the results

from the eld study and was adequate to demonstrate the im-

pact of oil on corals under laboratory conditions.

Likewise, PPO levels did not differ signicantly from con-

trol samples in our laboratory study, and the levels were not

elevated among impacted corals in Yap when compared to

corals collected from two reference sites. However, levels of

FC and HO-1 were signicantly elevated in exposed corals in

both studies. Thus, porphyrin metabolism appears to be af-

fected in a similar manner in both situations.

Our comparative evaluation of oxidative damage and re-

sponse exhibited a remarkable similarity to our observation of

xenobiotic response. In fact, MutY was elevated in both lab-

oratory-exposed corals and in situexposed corals. However,

levels of Cu/ZnSOD produced somewhat ambiguous results

in the laboratory, because control samples did not differ sig-

nicantly in corals from high and low exposure concentrations

but did differ signicantly from the intermediate exposure lev-

el. In the eld study, we observed similar ambiguity, because

the elevations observed in the exposed corals only differed

signicantly from one of the two reference sites utilized. The

low number of samples and inherent variability of the data

likely limited our ability to detect signicant differences.

Finally, levels of two key protein chaperones, Hsp70 and

sHsp, were elevated in both exposure situations compared to

levels in the control/reference corals. Again, these results also

demonstrate a remarkable similarity between independent lab-

oratory and eld studies.

These results clearly demonstrate the utility of this approach

across the two coral species. Specically, it is of considerable

signicance that almost without exception, we observed a par-

allel response in two different species of corals to laboratory

and in situ oil exposures for a variety of biomarkers, the ob-

vious implication being that biomarkers and, in particular,

suites of biomarkers have the potential to accurately predict

toxic insults in coral reef ecosystems.

Response of coral to laboratory oil exposure

AcknowledgementResearch support was provided by a National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration grant NA04NOS4260204

and EnVirtue Biotechnologies. The authors also gratefully acknowl-

edge the anonymous reviewers for their comments in improving the

manuscript. The work presented herein represent partial completion

of the requirements for a Masters Degree in the Department of Biology

at the Johns Hopkins University for Luc Rougee.


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



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Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Document ID:

Field Plan for Water-Column Profiling to Measure Dissolved-Phase Aromatic Hydrocarbons

and Free Oil Droplets as a Function of Depth and Location Relative to the Subsurface Oil Release

May 3, 2010 (Revised May 5, 2010)

Prepared by: James R. Payne, Ph.D. (PECI, for NOAA)

Reviewed by W. Barry Gillespie, Jr., Ph.D. (ENTRIX, for BP)


Use data collected during this cruise to calibrate 3-dimensional modeling of subsurface oil

plume structure, fate (dissolution behavior), and transport, by:

Measuring discrete, free-oil droplet concentrations at multiple depths 2 Km up-current

from the release site and at three locations (2, 4, and 8 km) down-current, or further as

needed to collect water samples beyond the apparent leading edge of the plume based

on updated and most accurate information at the time of sampling), and

Measuring dissolved phase (BTEX and water-soluble lower-molecular-weight PAH

(naphthalenes and phenanthrenes/anthracenes) at the same stations (nominally 2 Km

up-current and 2, 4, and 8 Km down-current).

In subsequent cruise(s), use the same approach to obtain data on the effects of in situ

dispersant injection on water quality and exposure issues. If possible, this effort will be

combined with the proposed sampling associated with response monitoring undertaken for the

testing of dispersant injected at depth.


All operations will be completed from a CSA International, Inc. (a Continental Shelf Associates

company) chartered 180 ft vessel capable of working in the oiled zone (all personnel PB Safety

or HAZWOPER trained). The vessel is capable of dynamic positioning and will remain in the area

overnight to facilitate operations (reducing transit time from port), but due to safety and cost

considerations, sampling operations will not be undertaken after dark.

Vessels will not operate closer than approximately 2 km of the release site, and a BP industrial

hygienist will be present to ensure that OHSA-permitted exposures to benzene and other

volatile hydrocarbons will not be exceeded. If levels are observed to spike above regulated

levels, sampling operations will be safely terminated and the vessel will be repositioned further

from the release point before sampling is resumed.

Document ID:

Upon arrival at the station locations up-current of the release site, a series of continuous

Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts will be completed to determine the water column

structure (vertical profile) for selection of water-sampling depths.

4. Water samples will be collected at four depths (near bottom, just below the thermocline, mid

mixed-layer (between thermocline and surface), and just below water surface, (a total of 4

samples at 4 stations = 16 total)


A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) for collecting the near-bottom samples with a 4-5 L

Go Flow Bottle and

A conventional hydrowire with six 5 L Go Flow Bottles and pressure controlled trip

mechanisms (certified to 0.05% of specified sampling depth) to collect water samples

just below the surface, in the middle of the upper mixed layer, and just below the

thermocline (see separate QA Plan for NRDA Chemistry Cruise).

Split or duplicate samples will be collected on 50% of the samples (VOAs (x2), dissolved-

phase, and filtered oil) as specified in the QA Plan for NRDA Chemistry Cruise. These will

be transferred to Entirx/BP under full chain-of-custody at the conclusion of the sampling

effort. With these duplicates the total number of samples will be 24 plus associated

trip, field, and equipment blanks as specified in Table 1 and the QA Plan.

As available, occasional grab samples of surface oil/mousse will be collected with a jar

or bucket from the sampling vessel. This will assess surface oil weathering behavior as a

function of distance from the release point.

Immediately after sample retrieval a Portable Large Volume Water Sampling System (PLVWSS)

(Payne et al., 1999; see separate PLVWSS Sampling Protocol and Water Sample Handling

Procedures) will be employed on the research vessel to separate the particulate/oil phase

trapped on 0.7 m glass fiber filter and capture the dissolved phase (filtrate) in 3.8 L (1 gal)

I-Chem Certified Clean amber glass jugs.

If available, a series of telemetry-equipped Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) will be deployed 24 hours

before the cruise to provide near-real time data on currents in the area to further guide sample station selection

and positioning.

It would be ideal if we could increase sampling frequency in known biologically active layers where impacts to

plankton, turtles, fish, and mammals might be. If time and supplies permit, this will be attempted by increasing

sampling intensity in the upper 40 feet of water or an appropriate depth based on previous data sets. This will be

facilitated by an in situ fluorometer (with telemetry back to the sampling vessel) placed on the hydrowire just

below the Go Flow Bottle.

Document ID:

The PLVWSS requires ~3.5 L of sample (for enhanced detection limits above the usual 1 L sample

size, see Water Sample Handling Procedures), so before filter processing the bulk of the sample,

duplicate 40 mL aliquots will be drained from the Go Flow bottle directly into VOA vials for

analysis of BTEX and other alkylated benzenes. Then, after the majority of the rest of the

sample is processed through the PLVWSS, the remaining 4-500 mL will be saved unfiltered for

microscopic (or other) enumeration of droplet sizes and number density.

Maintaining complete Chain-of-Custody, freeze the filter containing the finite oil droplets and

refrigerate the water sample on the research vessel.

Upon returning to port, transfer the NRDA samples under complete chain-of-custody to Alpha

Analytical Laboratories in Mansfield, MA and the BP/Entirx duplicate/splits to B&B Laboratories

[or if needed, to another lab similarly selected by the trustees and the responsible party (BP

represented by ENTRIX)] for analyses of alkylated PAH by Selected Ion Monitoring and Volatile

Organic Analytes (VOA) by purge and trap GC/MS.


All operations will be completed on the M/V Green Provider (180 ft) operated by Coastal Marine

Logistics out of Golden Meadow, LA (see attached document for . This vessel has been chartered by CSA

International, Inc. The ROV is a Super Mohawk 10,000 fsw rated ROV with twin manipulators, and a

tether management system. It is based in Morgan City, LA and is available at this time.

The cruise is planned for Thursday and Friday (May 6 and 7, 2010).

Safety Plan:

A separate operations and safety plan has been prepared for review and approval before any planned


Estimated Total Costs for Equipment and Ship time:

M/V Green Provider ~$24K per day (assuming 12 hr/day operations)

ROV ~$14K per day (assuming 12 hr/day operations)

The sampling activities are currently planned for daylight operations only. Additional boat personnel

(crew and captain/pilot) would be required for 24 hr/day operations and this would increase the daily

costs by ~$4-5K. ROV operation costs would also significantly increase for 24 hr/day operations. We will

remain on station at night, but sampling activities will be curtailed with only a skeleton crew manning

the vessel for safety.

Payne, J.R., T.J. Reilly, and D.P. French, Fabrication of a Portable Large-volume Water

Sampling System to Support Oil Spill NRDA Efforts, in Proceedings ofthe 1999 Oil Spill Conference,

American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., pp. 1179-1184, 1999.

Document ID:

Document ID:



05/05/1 0

PLVWSS Specifications, Sampling Protocols, and Power Requirements








Cruise Box
Vacuum pump, in-line charcoal filter and water trap,
24 W x 21 D x


vacuum gauge, support rack for 1 gallon amber-

19 H

glass bottles, Teflon

stopper and suction tubing


filter holder,

Cruise Box
14.2 cm stainless steel Millipore

23 W x 23 D x

No. 2

tubing, Teflon
solvent squirt bottles for

21 H

equipment rinsing, Pall-Gelman Sciences 14.2 cm

glass fiber filters, electrical extension cord, stainless

steel forceps and spatula for filter manipulation


110 volts AC

(from ships AC

outlet or portable




1) Place the Tygon

sampling tubing attached to the upper side of the filtration unit into the

water (for near-surface samples if direct suction sampling is desired) or attach to the

sampling port of the Go Flow Bottle used to collect samples at depth.

stopper firmly

2) Plug in the vacuum pump (there is no on/off switch), and hold the Teflon

in the neck of the sample bottle. DO NOT FORCE THE STOPPER COMPLETELY


O-ring on the stopper is intended to make the seal

with the upper lip of the sample bottle. Forcing the stopper into the neck of the bottle

may cause the bottle to break, and it will certainly make it difficult to remove the stopper

at the termination of sampling operations.

3) Press the Viton

O-ring on the stopper onto the top lip of the amber-glass bottle until a

vacuum reading of 20 to 24 inches of Hg is obtained on the vacuum gauge attached to the

pump. If the stopper starts to get sucked into the sample bottle, gently pull it out part way

while still maintaining 20 to 24 inches of vacuum. Hold the stopper in place until water

can be observed bubbling about 3 to 4 inches from the top of the amber glass bottle. This

entire process may take from 5 to 7 minutes.

Document ID:

4) At this point, carefully watch the upper water level to ensure that the bottle does not

become completely filled. Also, watch the vacuum tubing running from the Teflon

stopper to the in-line charcoal filter and water trap to see signs of water droplets starting

to be drawn across into the trap. Stop collecting the sample when the water level is about

2 to 3 inches from the top of the 1-gallon bottle or when frequent water droplets are

observed going over into the in-line trap.

5) To stop sampling, simply pull up on the Teflon

stopper to break the vacuum seal with

the sample bottle. DO NOT TURN OFF THE VACUUM PUMP FIRST. This can

damage the vacuum pump, and cause back diffusion of materials trapped in the in-line

water trap back into the sample.

6) After the seal with the sample bottle is broken and the vacuum pressure has dropped back

to ambient, unplug the vacuum pump.

7) Disconnect the Teflon

stopper from the transfer tubing coming from the bottom of the

filtration unit and wrap both ends of the tubes from the two-holed Teflon

stopper with aluminum foil. Place the original cap from the amber-glass bottle back on

the bottle to seal it. Leave the sample in the pump box for safe storage until all other

sampling operations are secure.

8) Drain any excess water from the tube running from the bottom of the filtration unit before

filter housing. This will prevent any of the filtered material

opening the Millipore

(SPM, sand, and free oil droplets) from being washed off the filter when the unit is

opened. After all the water has drained from the bottom of the filtration unit, cap the

tubing with aluminum foil and wrap the tubing around the legs for temporary storage.

filtration unit and carefully remove the outer -inch circle of the

9) Open the Millipore

glass-fiber filter from the perforated blue support base. Discard the outer edge of the

filter. Using the stainless steel forceps and spatula provided with the PLVWSS, carefully

fold the filter (while still on the blue support base) in half (and then in half again) to make

a quarter-pie shape and then one more time making an eighth of a pie wedge. This entire

operation should be done with the filter still resting on the perforated blue support base.

10) Place the folded filter wedge into a 125 mL Certified-Clean I-Chem bottle, seal and label

it. The filters may be stored on ice or frozen in the field, if dry ice is available. Store


11) If another water sample is to be collected right away, place another glass-fiber filter into

the Millipore

filtration unit, return the filtration unit to the cruise box/container, and

proceed to the next station.

Finally, put the filtered water sample in the 1-gallor amber glass jug in a refrigerator (4

C) or

cooler with frozen Blue Ice packs for storage before transfer to the analytical laboratory.

Alternatively, the dissolved-phase water sample may be preserved by acidification (pH < 2

with HCl) or poisoned with 50 to 100 mL of methylene chloride. Because of air-freight

shipping considerations, preservation with refrigeration and shipment with Blue Ice is

preferred, particularly if next-day air delivery to the laboratory is available.

Contact James R. Payne at PECI for questions or additional information

[email protected] personal informati... ; cell personal inform...

Document ID:

Water Sampling Protocols in Support of the NRDA Cruise







Sample Volume
Reporting Limit




5)*&"%5)*'%/0120 $-.-















   1 3 7      &  5-(=







 %     & '  %  






Document ID:


















 Volatile hydrocarbons&E!!%E!#%!789'3





 Total hydrocarbons&*2'%!











 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons&5)*'#%











Document ID:







 D   # $





Contact James R. Payne at PECI for questions or additional information

[email protected]

personal informati...


Document ID:

; cell

personal inform...

Data Quality Assurance Plan for NRDA Water Column Chemistry Cruise


This document provides general guidance for field sampling data quality assurance for the collection of

NRDA field samples for planned sampling cruise on May 6 and May 7, 2010 to assist in the validation of

3-dimensional modeling of subsurface plume structure aboard the M/V Green Provider,

The current sampling plan involves sampling 4 depths at 4 stations for BTEX, THC, PAHs and free oil

droplet size. Sampling requirements as outlined for basic sampling to address field program objectives

for adequate description of locations are presented in Table 1. This sampling scheme is derived from

the Field Plan and Sampling Protocol documents.

Table 1: Required Analytical Samples for 3-dimensional modeling data support

Sample Type
Oil Droplet distribution

Volume Needed
40 mL
1 gallon
10 mL

Minimum # of samples per location

2 per depth

10 per sample depth

In addition to basic site description, additional sampling requirements for data verification and

validation, as well as equipment and procedural validation are required. These samples and the

suggested frequency are described below.

Laboratory Notebook

All errata and observations that do not have a logical spot on the Chain of Custody form shall be

documented in a bound lab notebook with numbered pages. Additional notation shall be written in

black or blue ink. Entry errors shall be crossed out with a single line, initialed, and dated.

Blank Samples

Laboratory Grade de-ionized (DI) water in certified clean glass containers will be provided by Pace

Laboratories. 5 DI water samples shall be collected, where practical, using the laboratory provided

water, according to the described methodology for BTEX and THC/PAH analyses (including filtration) at

each sample location. These samples shall be handled and stored in accordance with the accepted

methodology for each sample type. At stations where two DI samples are collected, one shall be

collected before Go-Flo bottle sample collection, and one shall be collected after the last seawater

sample is collected.

Guided by fluorescence measurements from the upwind site (which is presumed to be representative of

seawater not impacted by oil) the depth of minimum fluorescence will be used for the collection of a

volume of background seawater. This seawater will be stored in sealed amber glass jars. Background

sample blank collection shall be done in the same manner as outlined for DI sample blanks above.

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Storage Procedure Monitoring

Aqueous samples shall be refrigerated to 4 C (+/- 0.5 C). DO NOT FREEZE. Refrigeration temperature

shall be recorded when samples are stored, and periodically monitored and recorded to ensure proper

refrigeration. A thermometer will be available to remain with the aqueous samples in storage for

monitoring purposes.

Filter samples shall be frozen for storage. Storage temperature shall be kept at 0 C or below.

Refrigeration temperature shall be recorded when samples are stored, and periodically monitored and

recorded to ensure proper refrigeration. A thermometer will be available to remain with the filter

samples in storage for monitoring purposes.

Methods for sample replicates/splits

To accomplish sample splits, two methods can be employed during the cruise. Method One will be

simultaneous deployment of two 5 L Go-Flo bottles which will be closed at the same depth in order to

collect sample water as similar as practical. Method Two involves deploying a single 10 L Go-Flo bottle

and collecting samples in series from the same bottle upon retrieval. Method One will be the preferred

method. Method choice must be documented on the Chain of Custody form as Replicate (Method One)

or Split (Method Two).

Sampling Equipment Monitoring

All tubing and shall be visually inspected before sampling. Sampling tubing shall be changed when

contamination is visually obvious. Tubing changes shall be documented in a separate laboratory

notebook (date, time, location).

Sample Depth Determination and Verification

Where practical, sample depths shall be chosen to best elucidate modeling data needs. For all samples

except ROV collected samples (where depth is distance from the bottom (is fixed by the tethering

equipment apparatus), depths must be preset and the depth selections recorded. Verification of

triggering sequence of the CTD shall be made and documented in order to verify samples were collected

as expected. Go-Flo bottles shall be numbered and numbers documented with sample station and on

Chain of Custody forms. Any malfunction of the triggering of the Go-Flo bottle operation shall be


General Sampling Plan for Shipboard Execution

Plan, by station and depth, to ensure the acquisition of sufficient samples, replicates, DI blanks, and

seawater blanks.

Station 1 is designated as the collection point for additional background seawater samples. A 10 L Go-

Flo bottle shall be used to collect seawater which will be stored in the refrigerator between uses.

Additional seawater shall be collected after rosette deployment as needed.


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Mid Depth
Mixed Layer

Table 2: Sampling Schedule for NRDA Cruise May 2010

Entrix Rep
DI Blank
Seawater Background
Entrix Dupe/Split
DI Blank

Seawater Background

Entrix Dupe/Split
DI Blank

Seawater Background
Entrix Dupe/Split
DI Blank
Seawater Background
NRDA Samples
BP/Entrix Samples
DI Water Blank Samples
Seawater Background Samples

Station 1

Station 2













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Station 3



Station 4












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In general, all sampling equipment uses the same type of marine hardware to attach to the appropriate

lifting device. Periodically, all connections (e.g., cabling, shackles, pins, swivels, etc.) should be

inspected to ensure the integrity of all points along the sampling assembly. The placement of the survey

equipment on the deck will be discussed with the captain to assure safety and structural concerns are

addressed. Welders attaching equipment to the vessel need to be certified in the operation of the welding

and cutting equipment as well as using the appropriate materials to secure the equipment to the vessel.

Tag lines will be attached to all equipment when it is being placed on or removed from the vessel.

Concern: Lifting equipment onto vessel.

Precaution(s): Lift with legs, back straight, good footing, and avoid twisting. Get help if load is too heavy.

Avoid pushing, pulling, or prying while working aloft. Approved hard hats and safety boots/shoes with toe

protection should be worn while working on the fantail.

Concern: Slippery deck.

Precaution(s): Guard rails; shoes, boots with sufficient anti-skid soles to minimize potential for slippage;

employees to wear personal floatation device (PFD) while on the work deck at sea and if transfers are


Concern: Installation of equipment.

Precaution(s): Secure all equipment in case of rough seas. In the case of installation of navigational

antenna and cables, two people will be on hand at all times for this part of the mobilization and will inform

vessel captain of antenna installation and positioning and have the radar unit switched off (antennae

should not be moving).

Concern: Loose containers.

Precaution(s): Secure all shipping containers to ensure they cannot break loose and cause physical

harm during rough sea condition.

Concern: Confined space.

Precaution(s): Keep clean and ventilated. Check for proper lighting. Conform to vessel permit to work

and confined space entry requirements

Concern: Lock out/tag out procedures (faulty equipment).

Precaution(s): Unplug equipment before doing repair and tag it as such. Reactivate the system only

through an established and published procedure that ensures each person has removed his own lock and

tag first.

Concern: Installation of first aid kit.

Precaution(s): Ensure all personnel are aware of the location of the first aid kit on the vessel.

Concern: Location of fire extinguishers.

Precaution(s): Ensure all personnel are aware of the location of the fire extinguishers on the vessel.



A sampling device is least secure while suspended in the air during the transitional period between the

deck of a vessel and the surface of the water; a pitching and/or rolling deck during rough weather will

aggravate this situation. Care must be taken to ensure that sufficient restraining, or tag lines or other

devices are in place to meet these conditions. Because of the increased potential for damage or injury,

all personnel on deck and in the wheelhouse must be notified before a sampling device leaves the deck

during deployment or breaks the surface upon retrieval. If the winch operator is remotely located from the

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scene of operations, a clear system of signals must be established between the lead deck person and the

winch operator, usually via hand signals or electronic communication.

OSHA requires that hard hats be worn when working beneath suspended equipment, or when the

potential of injury to the head exists due to lateral impact. All crew members should have a suitable level

of seamanship skills, based upon their level of responsibility. Listed below are some of the items related

to seamanship and gear-handling that, when overlooked, have been known to cause serious accidents on

board ship.

A capstan is potentially more dangerous than a winch drum, as the wraps are not enclosed and could

instantly slip off the end if not handled properly.

If a hydraulic hose fails, winches can free-wheel, and load-bearing rams can collapse under a load

unless backed up with balance-check valves.

Different kinds of line and wire rope have different characteristics, which may not be suitable for all

applications (e.g., nylon is 25 percent stronger than polypropylene, but it is much more elastic and

can be lethal if parted under a strain; polypropylene will float, making it less susceptible to propeller


An eye splice over a thimble will only cause a 5 percent reduction in line strength, but a knot

(depending on type) can reduce the strength in a line by as much as 55 percent due to unequal strain

on the fibers (a line will usually break under a strain at that point where it is forced to bend).

Theoretically, the longer a line under a strain, the weaker it is when compared against its rated

breaking strength (the chances are statistically greater of encountering a section weaker than the last

as line length increases).

The recommended working load-to-breaking strain for wire rope and line is typically 1 to 5. If the load

ever exceeds 75 percent of the breaking strength, permanent damage could result, which can lead to

unexpected breakage.

Topside operations may be more dangerous on larger ships than smaller vessels because it is harder

to keep track of safety concerns when activities are spread over a larger area of deck.

Crew members should always stand clear of slack or looped line lying on deck to avoid entanglement.

A sudden strain on slack line can entrap arms and legs; personnel may be severely injured or carried


In the event the sediment grab or winch wire becomes entangled in an object on the bottom, in the ships

propellers, or as a result of a malfunction in the winch or a-frame, the personnel on the bridge will be

notified immediately.

The Operations Manager conducting sampling operations will confer with the ships master and will direct

the survey team members and vessel personnel in order that the situation is safely resolved.

Inclement weather may introduce additional hazards. Heavy equipment can be much more difficult to

manage, and footing may become unsure due to slippery decks and/or increased vessel motion, and the

risk of falling overboard may increase. Some state agencies requires that all railings be a minimum of

36 inches in height, and OSHA requires that an approved life vest be donned when working over the

water or if there is an increased risk of falling overboard. A safety line will be secured across the opening

from which the survey equipment will be deployed and retrieved. Vessel accommodations should be able

to provide relief to crew members in case of cold or heat stress.

The vessels Captain is responsible for determining the relative safety due to inclement weather on all

operations. If necessary, survey operations will be suspended. The Captain will decide whether to stay

on station or transit to port until weather conditions improve. If operations are suspended the Operations

Manager will direct the movement and securing of equipment and materials until sampling resumes.

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Concern: Chemicals.

Precaution(s): Familiarization with use and handling of chemicals to be used on project. Splash-proof

goggles, organic vapor masks, and protective gloves will be used when handling chemicals. Chemicals

will only be used in well-ventilated areas.

Concern: Acids, bases, and other hazardous chemicals.

Precaution(s): Briefing and MSDS sheets regarding all hazardous chemicals. Use of rubber gloves

when handling dangerous chemicals such as water quality fixatives. Availability of first aid kits, eye wash

kits, and spill kits. Prior to applicable activities, the Site Safety Coordinator will remind survey team

members of the location of first aid kits, eye wash kits, and spill kits.

Precautions should be taken when handling hazardous materials during sampling and sample

processing. Gloves and safety glasses should be worn as needed.

Concern: Man overboard.

Precaution(s): Single (one) employee is not allowed on rear deck of the vessel alone two men or more

are required on deck during at-sea operations. All employees are to wear PFDs while on deck of the



Winch and Davit Operations and Safety Procedures

CSA will be utilizing the services of Coastal Marine Logistics (CML) who will provide the vessel M/V

Green Provider to facilitate the sampling effort. An a-frame/davit was constructed to serve as the

deployment/retrieval system for the rosette water sampler. The a-frame/davit is welded to the gunwale

and deck and exceeds any loads anticipated for the field survey tasks. The winch will be the CSA

deepwater electro-hydraulic unit manufactured by Sea-Mac.

CSA and CML are responsible for training field personnel in the safe working procedures of the

equipment being utilized for this project. Under the terms of the contract, CSA and CML will provide

competent personnel to carry out the work. As such CSA and CML will address the a-frame, davit, and

winch systems which include electro-hydraulic winches and hydraulic power units (HPU). The purpose of

this document is to outline a systematic approach to mobilization, training, and standards which will

optimize safety and program efficiency.

Systems safety and operational planning and implementation are a two-tier function:



Pre-cruise planning will address the specific operational requirements associated with the equipment.

It is the responsibility of the Operations Manager to ensure that all requirements relative to

mobilization, operation, and maintenance are implemented through in-house planning and discussion.

On-board, prior to the actual operation, it is the Operations Managers responsibility to coordinate

mobilization, training, and operational procedures with the ships Captain and crew, CSA Technicians,

Project Scientist, and Operations group. This is to ensure that all individuals involved clearly

understand what is required of them and that all equipment is appropriate and have been inspected.

The following points will be addressed during the Pre-mobilization Safety Briefing and Operations


Read all warning tag information and become familiar with all controls before operating winch.

Never attempt to clean, oil, or perform any maintenance on a machine with the engine or prime mover

running, unless instructed to do so.

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Never operate winch controls unless you are properly positioned at the operators station and you are

sure personnel are clear of the work area.

Assure that personnel who are responsible for hand signals are clearly visible and that the signals to

be used are thoroughly understood by everyone.

Ground personnel should stay in view of the operator and clear of winch drum. Do not allow ground

personnel near winch line under tension. A safe distance of at least 1-1/2 times the length of the

unspooled cable should be maintained.

Inspect rigging and winch at the beginning of each work shift. Defects should be corrected


Keep equipment in good operating condition.

Match winch line speeds to job conditions.

Do not exceed the maximum pressure, PSI (kPa), or flow, GPM (LPM), stated in the winch

specifications for hydraulically driven winches.

Leather gloves should be used when handling winch cable.

Never attempt to handle winch cable when the hook end is not free. Keep all parts of body and

clothing clear of cable rollers, cable entry area of fairleads and the winch drum.

When winding winch cable on the winch drum, never attempt to maintain tension by allowing winch

cable to slip through hands. Always use "hand-over-hand" techniques, being careful to keep hands

and clothing away from winch drum and fairlead rollers.

Never use winch cable with broken strands. Replace winch cable.

Do not weld on any part of the winch.

Use recommended hydraulic oil and gear lubricant.

Install guarding to prevent personnel from getting any part of body or clothing caught at a point where

the cable is wrapped onto the drum or drawn through guide rollers.

Install switches or valves which will shut off power to the winch in locations where they can be

reached by anyone entangled in the cable before being drawn into the winch or any "pinch-point."

"Deadman" controls, which automatically shut off power to the winch whenever the operator leaves

his station, should be installed whenever practical.

Never allow anyone to stand under a suspended load.

Avoid sudden "shock" loads or attempting to "jerk" load free. This type of operation may cause heavy

loads in excess of rated capacity, which may result in failure of cable and winch.

It is imperative that the person operating the unit follow directions while maintaining situational

awareness for the task at hand.

Never put your hands into, around, or near the spool or rollers when operating.

Serious injury can occur!



At the completion of all planned survey tasks there can exist the opportunity for injury due to survey team

members and ships crew rushing demobilization efforts. When these demobilization procedures are

performed too quickly the risk of an accident is increased.


Concern: Personnel anxious to disembark vessel.

Precaution(s): Must use cautious, methodical procedures.

Concern: Loose trash/debris.

Precaution(s): All trash/debris will be stored and removed.

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Concern: Transferring equipment/personnel from vessel to dock. Dropped objects

Precaution(s): PFDs required (see also slippery deck hazard).


Concern: Personnel anxious to disembark.

Precaution(s): Must use cautious, methodical procedures.

Concern: Loose trash/debris.

Precaution(s): All trash/debris will be stored and removed.

Concern: Safe disposal of trash, hazardous chemicals, fixatives, etc.

Precaution(s): Careful identification, marking, disposal, packing, and transport (if required) of hazardous

materials. Proper neutralization of chemicals will be completed if required.

Concern: Leakage of sample preservatives (mostly formaldehyde).

Precautions: Briefing on safe handling of formaldehyde and other possible fixatives. Double bagging of

fixed samples, eyewash capabilities, flushing of neutralization of skin contact.


Emergency Program

The vessel master has a direct responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of all persons on board

and for dealing with the immediate response to emergencies. In the event of an emergency CSA will

provide emergency response management in cooperation with the vessels captain to insure the health,

safety, and welfare of all persons on board. The Site Safety Coordinator will work along side the captain

in the event of a medical emergency.

In the event of injury or illness to personnel, CSA have responsibility for the evacuation of any person on

board from the vessel to the nearest port or heliport, depending upon the nature and severity of injuries.

From there CSA have responsibility to transfer their own and subcontractor personnel to hospital for

treatment. ENTRIX has responsibility for the transfer, hospitalization and ongoing welfare of their own

personnel. CSA and their subcontractors have full responsibility for the response to and management of

all emergencies arising onboard or involving the vessel.

CSA will mobilize an AED and First Aid Kit for the survey. All CSA personnel are trained in the proper

use of an AED and First Aid administration.


Personnel on Board (POB)/Next of Kin (NOK)

A POB/NOK list for the vessel shall be issued prior to departure from the harbor and will be updated

should personnel change out, which is not currently planned. Copies of the vessel POB/NOK lists will be

transmitted to CSA and ENTRIX offices. All parties will undertake to keep the NOK information


In the event of an emergency, CSA where necessary shall liaise with the relevant authorities and provide


a verified POB list. The onshore response personnel of CSA (and 3

party contractors if necessary), will

be responsible for providing support to relatives of CSA personnel and subcontractors on board during an

emergency. The ENTRIX response team would take this responsibility for ENTRIX vessel personnel.

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Prior to vessel mobilization medical evacuation support services were researched in south Louisiana. A

hospital and helicopter service, identified prior to mobilization, will be contacted in the event of an



Overall Strategy

An emergency is defined as an unplanned event, or situation, which poses an actual or potential threat to

the safety or integrity of:

Life and limb or health of personnel on board the vessel

The environment or,

The reputation of CSA or ENTRIX

An emergency can be further defined as any event, incident or situation, which poses a continuing threat

and requires the mobilization of assistance or support from sources external to the affected party.

Both offshore and onshore emergency response actions will be clear, co-coordinated and will be based

on the agreed arrangements listed in this document.

CSA emergency response team will take the lead role in responding to all emergencies.

Local services will respond in an emergency to provide support to CSA. Depending upon the nature and

scale of the emergency, the CSA shore support may also respond.

In event of an emergency, a number of CSA personnel will remain on call for the duration of the ENTRIX

contract. CSA will have a team on standby in Florida to provide support, consisting of the CSA HSE

Manager, an Operations Manager, and other support personnel as required.


The vessel captain and the CSA Site Safety Coordinator in cooperation with the ENTRIX HSE field

representative will insure Muster, Fire, MOB, loss of power, and Communication drills will be run before

beginning field tasks. The Fire drill will include pressure to and discharge of the fire hoses.


Post Event Incident Reporting

Formal written reports will be prepared by CSA after an emergency has been resolved. A report need not

be final, but may be an interim or preliminary document. A report should not only identify the sequence of

events and causes of the incident, but also the adequacy of the response and corrective actions.


Emergency Response

Responsibilities during an emergency include the following:

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Offshore Response

Vessel Master-M/V Green Provider


Safety of all persons on board the vessel

Overall control of the vessel Emergency Response Team

On-scene commander

Liaison with other vessels if in the survey area

Obtaining medical advice as required


Controlling emergency and safeguarding personnel

Notify the relevant authorities, if necessary

Notify CSA On-Duty Operations

Notify the ENTRIX representative on the vessel

Calling onshore medical authorities

ENTRIX HSE Representative


Providing assistance to the Vessel Master as requested

Initial notification of ENTRIX HSE Manager


Call duty person as above and inform them of nature of emergency and onshore

assistance if required.

Local Onshore Response

CSA Project Manager


Primacy for supporting the vessel and coordinating the onshore emergency

response in accordance with CSA Emergency Response procedures.


Coordination of emergency response via the existing CSA emergency response

organisation and arrangements, including provision of logistical support

Notification of and Liaison with external agencies including Medical Support

Notification and regular updating of ENTRIX representative.

Informing CSA personnel and subcontractor NOK of injuries etc.

Arranging medivacs to shore in response to injuries, illness or other incidents on

board for all POB.

Arranging reception and transfer to hospital for any injured CSA or subcontractor




The health, safety and welfare of ENTRIX personnel involved in any emergency,

once they have returned to shore.

The reputation and standing of ENTRIX


Mobilize to ENTRIX offices in response to call out from ENTRIX Survey Rep.

Keep updated of events via CSA emergency personnel

Make arrangements to meet and greet any injured or affected ENTRIX personnel in

port or heliport as required

Arrange transfer and hospitalization of injured ENTRIX personnel as required

Arrange for medivacs as required for ENTRIX personnel

Ensure notification of NOK for any affected ENTRIX personnel.

Seek support on preparation and issue of media statements as required, in

conjunction with CSA.

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Emergency Response Organization

The response organization for the baseline environmental survey is shown in Figure 2 below. Call out

and communication routes are also shown in this figure.

Figure 2. Emergency Response Organization Flowchart

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Medivac Plan

Should a medical emergency require the immediate evacuation of a person or persons from the survey

vessel, the vessel should immediately head toward the nearest shore facility. The Coast Guard should be

contacted immediately on VHF channel 16. The Coast Guard air station is located approximately 13

miles south of New Orleans in Belle Chasse, La

Any applicable client transport coordinators or helicopter dispatchers should be contacted by either

satellite phone or cellular telephone for assistance with the emergency. They will arrange helicopter

evacuation of the injured person(s) from the platform or shore facility to the nearest emergency medical

facility. If medical treatment is needed for a non-life threatening situation, the vessel should head to the

nearest shore facility from which the injured person(s) can then travel to the nearest medical facility to

obtain necessary medical treatment.

The arrangements listed in this document shall apply to the Emergency Response Procedures for the

period that the vessel is contracted for the purpose of completing the survey.

Emergency contact numbers for communications during emergency situations are provided below.

Vessel Emergency Contact Numbers

Vessel-M/V Green Provider


Satellite Phone

Vessel Call Sign

Thomas Tunstall, Coastal Marine



personal information

CSA Emergency Contact Numbers


Satellite Phone-OnBoard Vessel

Fred Ayer, CSA Project Manager

Gordon Stevens, CSA Operations

Lynwood Powell, HSE Manager

+1 881-631-614-566


personal information



personal information



personal information



personal information



personal information



personal information


ENTRIX Emergency Contact Numbers


Ryan Holem, HSE Manager

Document ID:


personal information

(Direct Office)


personal information



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CSA personnel are all properly trained in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Training

allows CSA personnel to give immediate and temporary care to a victim of an accident or sudden illness

until a physician can be obtained. This effective first aid consists of common sense, training, and

knowledge of the following:

Procedures for treating bleeding;

Procedures for heart attack victims;

Procedures for choking victims;

Procedures for treating victims of burns;

Procedures for treating electric shock victims;

Procedures for treating victims of exposure to chemicals;

Procedures for treating victims of inhalation of toxic gas or smoke;

Procedures for treating shock victims;

Procedures for treating victims of heat exhaustion;

Procedures for treating victims of heat stroke;

Procedures for treating victims of frostbite;

Procedures for treating victims of hyperthermia; and

Procedures for treating victims of skin poisoning or swallowed poisons.

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CSA is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace. In recognition of the dangers to our employees

and the company of drug abuse in the workplace, and pursuant to the provisions of the U.S. Drug-Free

Workplace Act of 1988 and Federal Acquisition Regulation 23.504, all employees are subject to the


Unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using a controlled substance is

prohibited in the workplace.

Any employee who unlawfully manufactures, distributes, dispenses, possesses or uses a controlled

substance in the workplace will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.

All employees, as a condition of continued employment, must abide by the statement and are

required to notify the company of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the

workplace no later than five days after such conviction.

This Drug-Free Workplace Statement does not amend, limit, restrict, modify or otherwise alter any

other company rules, regulations, procedures or policies.

CSA employees tested for substance abuse must meet the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

standards for drug and alcohol testing to be able to work as CSA's representatives on designated

projects. The medical forms may be made available for the client's inspection with prior approval from the


DOT regulations require screening for the following drugs (known as the NIDA 5 Panel):





PCP; and


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The following outlines CSA policy pertaining to the issuance and use of certain personal protective

equipment (PPE) that will be issued by CSA. Each employee will be responsible for ensuring his PPE is

kept clean and in good working condition.

Protective gear for sampling personnel should include the following:

a hard hat;

steel-toe shoe/boots;

equipment handling and chemical-resistant gloves (e.g., leather or Nitrile);

safety glasses/goggles;

respiratory protection;

rain gear (if necessary);

coldwater survival gear (if necessary); and

hearing protection (if safe noise levels are exceeded).

In addition to the above PPE personnel deploying and retrieving equipment over the side of the vessel will

be required to wear a safety harness and utilize a retractable lifeline securely connected to a point on the


It is important to note that the ships captain has the ultimate responsibility and authority to immediately

override the authority of all other on board personnel, especially where the general welfare of crew and

vessel are concerned.

During the dockside mobilization, the Site Safety Coordinator will conduct an inventory of the

safety-related equipment and materials and provide a report to the Project Scientist and Operation

Manager of their status, location, and availability.

Hard Hats. Each employee will be expected to wear a hard hat at all times when working out on deck.

These safety hats will meet the specifications contained in American National Standards Institute,

Z89.1-1969, Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection.

Steel-toed Shoes/Boots. Steel-toed shoes or boots will be required while outside of office area or on any

work site, e.g., work deck.

Gloves Work and Chemical. Work gloves will be provided for handling of equipment and supplies to

reduce the potential of hand injuries. Nitrile, rubber, gloves will be provided for the handling of all

chemicals and solvents.

Safety Glasses/Goggles. All employees will be issued and must wear approved safety glasses with side

shields at all times while in the work area. Those employees who wear prescription glasses will wear

safety glasses over their glasses. This also applies to those employees who wear contact lenses.

All employees will be issued and expected to wear 1) approved impact-type goggles with side shields

when engaging in any activity that involves hazards to the unprotected eye from chipped or flying

particles; and 2) approved splash proof goggles when they are handling hazardous chemical liquids,

powders, or vapors as well as when they are in the vicinity of these chemicals.

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Employees who wear prescription glasses will wear goggles over their glasses. This also applies to

employees who wear contact lenses; these employees must make it apparent that they do wear contact


Respiratory masks

Protective respiratory mask will be provided to all employees. Any employee handling chemicals or

solvents is required to wear a respiratory mask in addition to gloves and goggles.

Protective Outerwear

An outerwear capable of protecting the employee from oily products will be worn during all sampling

operations. A Tyvek or suitable alternative is required.

Rain gear

Rain gear is not provided for most offshore surveys. It is the responsibility of the employee to provide

adequate protection when working outside of the confines of the vessel.

Cold water survival gear

Cold water survival gear will not be necessary for this survey due to the time of year and the location of

the survey area.

Hearing protection

Hearing protection is mandatory in all designated high noise areas. Ear plugs and ear muffs will be


During operations which require special equipment and outerwear, the previously mentioned mandatory

equipment and requirements pertaining to the equipment may be voided or amended.

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All employees will wear the appropriate hearing protection provided by CSA while in a high noise area

(85 decibels [dBA] or above for an 8-hour time period). A sign will be posted in high noise areas.

The Site Safety Coordinator will ensure any employees working in a high noise area are wearing hearing


CSA also urges its employees to use common sense in a "noisy environment." If it is necessary to shout

to communicate, an area is considered a high noise area whether or not signs are posted.

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All personnel working or riding on the deck of a boat or barge, or when transferring between vessels or

onto a platform, must wear a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)-approved PFD with reflector tape strips. There

will be one PFD for each employee. On-board personnel should familiarize themselves with the ship's

man overboard procedures and the vessel's life saving equipment location.

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Throw a ring buoy overboard as close to the person as possible.

Notify the personnel on the bridge immediately; bridge records vessel position.

Post a lookout to keep the person overboard in sight.

Maneuver the vessel to pick up the person in the water.

Crew member wearing a PFD attaches a safety line and stands by to jump into the water to assist the

person overboard if necessary.

If person is not immediately located, notify Coast Guard and other vessels in the area by radio


Continue search until released by the Coast Guard.



Review rules posted on vessel prior to vessel leaving dock.

Take instructions from vessel's captain and proceed to pre-assigned station on the vessel.



Review rules posted on vessel prior to vessel leaving dock.

When alarm sounds proceed to pre-assigned station on the vessel.

Vessels captain will instruct survey team members.

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All employees must become familiar with the use and operation of survival gear and emergency

instructions posted on the vessel.

In case of vessel evacuation:



Put on a PFD and remove your safety hat.

Do not dive into the water but jump in feet first.

If swimming in rough water, turn your back to the wind or waves. Keep your head out of water and

use a breast stroke.

If there is an oil or fuel fire on the water, swim UNDER the water. Before surfacing, use your hands to

splash a breathing hole above your head. Close your eyes before surfacing, take a breath, and then

resubmerge (feet first).

If there is oil and/or debris on the water surface, keep your head up and out of the water. Push the

oil/debris away from you as you swim. Protect eyes, nose, and mouth.

If swimming in cold water, conserve body heat, and help to prevent hypothermia by minimizing


Do not swim to rescuers let them come to you.


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CSA will insure the following equipment is aboard the vessel:

Fire extinguishers;


Safety Harnesses;

Retractable lifelines;

Ear protectors;

Hard hats;

Safety glasses;

Safety shoes;

Organic vapor masks; and

Protective gloves.

The above equipment shall be inspected daily prior to use for wear and tear and so noted by the

designated CSA safety person in his Project Log. During daily inspections, emphasis will be put on

equipment security (i.e., safely secured for rough seas), and equipment maintenance.

The safety person will be knowledgeable with U.S. 29 CFR 1926 (Subparts E, F, I, J, K, L, N, and O):

Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment; Fire Protection and Prevention; Tools (Hand/Power);

Welding and Cutting; Electrical; Ladders and Scaffolding; Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and

Conveyors; Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations.

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All installation and maintenance of electrical equipment must comply with the pertinent provisions of the

national electrical code. All electrical work will be performed by competent personnel who are familiar

with code requirements and qualified for the class of work to be performed. All applicable electrical wire,

apparatus, and equipment will be of a type approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual

Engineering Corp., or any other nationally recognized testing laboratory.



The best qualified available employee will be appointed to be the electrical job supervisor. That person

will have total responsibility for the electrical work.

Each job should be thoroughly planned, making sure that adequate and proper equipment and sufficient

personnel are available to perform the job safely. No job is to be rushed to completion at the expense of


A special safety meeting will be conducted before starting a job to brief all workers involved to make sure

all questions are answered and that no confusion exists among the workers.

All possible circuits in the vicinity of the work area should be de-energized and secured in this condition

by grounding, locking, and tagging. If it is not possible to de-energize all circuits, use barriers, rubber

goods, or any other protective equipment necessary to make the work area safe. Danger signs will be

displayed in appropriate locations and on associated equipment as required to afford maximum personnel


Complete attention should be devoted to the job at hand. Preoccupation or day-dreaming cannot be

tolerated while working with electrical equipment.

Even low voltage (e.g., 32 volts AC) as well as many battery-powered systems are hazardous and require

proper precautions.

All unsafe electrical equipment should be de-energized immediately and tagged "unsafe for use." This

action and also notification of inoperable or damaged electrical tools, appliances, etc., should be reported

to the immediate supervisor at once. Unqualified persons should not attempt to repair such equipment.

Under no circumstances should the hand or finger be used to test for voltage in a circuit. Only proper and

safe test instruments should be used.

In case of an accident or an electrical fire, all power should be cut off immediately. Emergency switches

are generally installed at convenient locations to stop electrical machinery. Know where these switches

are. Use only fire extinguishers which have been approved for use on an electrical fire. Foamite or other

conductive fluids, including water, must not be used on an electrical fire under any circumstances.

Electrical work of any kind will not be performed if an electrical storm is in progress in the immediate


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Adverse conditions such as darkness, poor weather, isolation, or any abnormal situations may make

working alone unduly hazardous. These occasions should be identified by established management

guidelines from which the employee can carefully assess the task to be performed and determine

whatever assistance might be necessary to perform the job safely. All electrical conductors and

equipment will be approved and meet the standards in 29 CFR Subpart K covering the electrical

equipment and work practices for this project (copy follows).

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All personnel involved on a project should be aware of all possible polluting situations and take steps to

prevent such occurrences.

CSA Operations Managers will insure the MARPOL rules and regulations are posted on the vessel and

are followed by all members of the survey team.

Should a spill occur, the following will be available:

Absorbent pads for use on local spills on vessel and, if necessary, small discharges into the water;

Absorbent booms for installation around drums and apparatus that could cause a spill on vessel;

Should portable generators/winches be used that involve fueling, a catchment tray will be provided to

prevent gasoline/oil or other fluids from being spilled;

Shore personnel to locate suitable disposal container close to dock for trash removal from vessel; and

Trash bags and ties for general trash storage will be provided on vessel.

In case of large spills, the vessel is to cease operations, stay in the area and call in to the local client

base, local Coast Guard, or other appropriate regulatory agency.




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Any CSA employees that have been with the company less than six months will be identified as

"Short-Term Employees" to all personnel including the client or its agent prior to start-up and mobilization

of project.

Short-term employees will be given a job-specific orientation prior to the general job safety meeting

dealing with the client's site safety expectations and procedures and hands-on training by CSA for

upcoming job assignments.

Short-term employees will expect to be given special supervision during their 90-day probationary period

with the orientation reinforced at the end of their first week's employment with CSA and at the end of their

first month's employment. The employee will then be evaluated by their supervisor monthly for the next

three months. It is implied here and to be understood by the short-term employee that he will be teamed

with an experienced employee whenever possible. Under no circumstances will two short-term

employees be teamed on a job without approval.

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Hazards Analysis/Risk Assessment

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Lifting accidents,

dropped equipment

Injuries, damage to or

loss of


Trips, falls, injuries,

Boarding/loading boats
damage to or loss of


Navigation and

positioning control

Wrong locations, work

delays, impact to work



Safeguard(s)/Control Measure(s)

Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to






Designated boarding/ loading

areas and procedures, first aid,

clear work procedures


Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to






Confirm accuracy of

coordinates through

backup GPS





Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to






Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to






Review during HSE






Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to






Review during HSE





Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to





Obtain latest nautical charts, set

up and check CSA vessel GPS

navigation during mobilization,

prepare pre-plots, provide

accurate locations, provide

coordinates in a digital exchange



PFDs, work deck rules, safety

chain, MOB procedures

Adequate drinking water

Heat exhaustion and

available, sunscreen, light

overheating, exposure,

clothing, clear decks, designated

dehydration, minor

work areas and clear work


procedures, first aid

Document ID:


General health and

safety (offshore/on




Loss of personnel


Refueling on land or in port only,

adequate capacity for full-day


Adequate shade, adequate

drinking water available,

sunscreen, light clothing,

Exposure, dehydration,


minor injury

clear/designated work areas,

clear work procedures, work


Collisions, damage to

Road/driving accidents
vehicles or equipment,



Lifting procedures, lift plan,

worker awareness,

qualified/experienced personnel

Man overboard (MOB)

General health and

safety (onshore)

Risk Rank


Pinching injury,

Worker training, established

of sample collection

impact/crushing injury,
procedures, work gloves, HSE


entanglement, MOB



Spillage of fuels, oils,

degradation, regulatory

fines, damage to

and lubricants


Risk Matrix



Use of licensed and experienced

drivers, safe driving at posted

speeds, seatbelts



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borne pathogens

Unsafe weather/sea

state conditions


Debilitating illness,

impacts to productivity

Damage to vessels


Safeguard(s)/Control Measure(s)


Worker training, HSE briefing,

emergency response plan


Weather forecast reviews,

continuous monitoring of local

weather, ongoing


delay/cancel/abort weather


Injuries, MOB, damage

Check for secure deck and

Rough sea conditions

to or loss of

equipment/materials before


getting underway, use of PFDs

Risk Matrix



Review during HSE





Conduct continuous

monitoring of weather

while on site, morning

forecast reviews and

postpone mobilization if

predicted to exceed






Cross check for clear

deck prior to getting






Ensure valid vessel

inspections, pre-day

vessel checklists





Review procedures and

PPE requirements in

toolbox meeting prior to

activity; install safety line

across stern





Risk Rank





Rigorous vessel maintenance

and inspection, standby vessel,

float plan, established



Clear decks, designated work

areas, clear work procedures,

emergency response plan

Damage to seabed



obstructions, contact

damage to boats/

with bottom, grounding

equipment, injuries


Review of nautical charts,

mapping of navigation hazards,

experienced boat operators


Review transit route for

obstructions, shallow





Other vessel/traffic




Deck watch


Review of shipping

patterns, contact any

vessels in vicinity




Medical emergencies


worker), limited timely



Lack of/late medical

attention leading to

medical complications,

possibly disablement/



Emergency procedures for

worker extraction, established

communications to shore,

standby vessel, local emergency

support, emergency response

plan, emergency oxygen on-

board, comprehensive first aid



Prior arrangements with

Port/ambulance, advice to

Navy and/or Coast Guard;

post-emergency contact

infomation readily

available on all







Inadequate response to



Conduct weekly drills, HSE

inspection to review emergency



Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to





Vessel mechanical

failure or damage

Loss of vessel, vessel

adrift, stranded divers

Unsafe deck

conditions (e.g., wet,


Slips, trips, falls, MOB,

damage to equipment

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Loss of consciousness,

Confined Space Entry

fatality, impact to work


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Safeguard(s)/Control Measure(s)

Real-time air monitoring, forced

air ventilation, full body harness,

rescue tri-pod

Risk Matrix


Risk Rank



Review procedures in

toolbox meeting prior to



Site Safety





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MSDS for Project chemicals

Project Chemicals:


Isopropyl Alcohol


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Chemical family: Detergent.

Manufacturer: Alconox, Inc.

30 Glenn St.

Suite 309

White Plains, NY 10603.

Manufacturer emergency
personal information .

phone number:
personal information

(outside of the United States).

Supplier: Same
as manufacturer.

Product name: Liquinox




Ingredient Name




















contact, eye contact, inhalation and ingestion.

Route of entry: Skin

Effects of acute


Eye contact: May

cause irritation.

Skin contact: Prolonged

and repeated contact may cause irritation.

Inhalation: May
cause headache and nausea.

Ingestion: May cause vomiting and diarrhea.

cause gastric distress.

Effects of chronic

effects of acute exposure.



Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing.

Wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Seek medical attention if irritation persists.

Eye contact: Check for and remove contact lenses.

Flush eyes with clear, running water for 15 minutes while holding

eyelids open: if irritation persists, consult a physician.

Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air.

If irritation persists, seek medical attention.


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Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting, seek medical attention.

Dilute with two glasses of water.

give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.


Flammability: Not


Conditions of



Extinguishing media: Carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam.


Water fog.

Special procedures: Self-contained breathing apparatus required.

Firefighters should wear the usual protective gear.

water spray to cool fire exposed containers.





Flash point (C),



Lower flammability



limit (% vol):

Upper flammability



limit (% vol):

Explosion Data

Sensitivity to static




Sensitivity to mechanical




Hazardous combustion

Oxides of carbon (COx).



Rate of burning: Not


Explosive power: Containers

may rupture if exposed to heat or fire.


Leak/Spill: Contain the spill.

Prevent entry into drains, sewers, and other waterways.

Wear appropriate protective equipment.

Small amounts may be flushed to sewer with water.

Soak up with an absorbent material.

Place in appropriate container for disposal.

Notify the appropriate authorities as required.


Handling procedures and

Protect against physical damage.


Avoid breathing vapors/mists.

Wear personal protective equipment appropriate to task.

Wash thoroughly after handling.

Keep out of reach of children.

Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.

Avoid extreme temperatures.

contaminated clothing prior to reuse.

Storage requirements: Store away from incompatible materials.

containers closed when not in use.


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Precautionary Measures


Wear appropriate gloves.

Respiratory/Type: None
required under normal use.


Safety glasses recommended.

Footw ear/Type: Safety

shoes per local regulations.

Clothing/Type: As

required to prevent skin contact.

Other/Type: Eye wash facility should be in close proximity.

shower should be in close proximity.


Local exhaust at points of emission.

requirem ents:

Exposure lim it of



m aterial:


Physical state: Liquid.

Appearance & odor: Odourless.


Odor threshold (ppm ): Not


Vapour pressure
@ 20C (68F).



Vapour density (air=1): >1

Volatiles (% )

By volum e: Not


Evaporation rate



(butyl acetate = 1):

Boiling point (C): 100


Freezing point (C): Not


pH: 8.5

Specific gravity @ 20 C: (water = 1).


Solubility in water (% ): Com


Coefficient of w ater\oil




VOC: None

Chem ical fam ily: Detergent.


Chem ical stability: Product

is stable under normal handling and storage conditions.

Conditions of instability: Extreme temperatures.


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not occur.



Strong acids.


Strong oxidizing agents.


hazardous combustion products.

decomposition products:


LD50 of product, species


5000 mg/kg rat oral.

& route:

LC50 of product, species



& route:

Sensitization to product: Not


Carcinogenic effects: Not

listed as a carcinogen.

Reproductive effects: Not


Teratogenicity: Not


Mutagenicity: Not


Synergistic materials: Not



Environmental toxicity: No

data at this time.

Environmental fate: No

data at this time.


Waste disposal: In

accordance with local and federal regulations.




Special shipping





Canadian Regulatory


WHMIS classification:
Not controlled.

DSL status: Not


USA Regulatory

Inform ation

SARA hazard catagories

Immediate (Acute) Health Hazard: No.

sections 311/312:
Delayed (Chronic) Health Hazard: No.

Fire Hazard: No.

Sudden Release of Pressure: No.

Reactive: No.

SARA Section 313: None

TSCA inventory: All components of this product are listed on the TSCA inventory.


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Health Hazard: 1

Flammability: 0

Reactivity: 0


Health Hazard: 1

Flammability: 0

Physical hazard: 0



Supplier MSDS date: 2006/07/14

Data prepared by: Global Safety Management

3340 Peachtree Road, #1800

Atlanta, GA 30326

Phone: personal information


personal information


[email protected].

General note: This material safety data sheet was prepared from information

obtained from various sources, including product suppliers and


Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety.


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Material Safety Data Sheet

Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: Isopropyl Alcohol, 70%

Contact Information:, Inc.

14025 Smith Rd.

Houston, Texas 77396

Catalog Codes: SLI1669

CAS#: Mixture.

RTECS: Not applicable.

US Sales: 1- personal information

International Sales: 1- personal information

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Isopropyl alcohol; Water

Order Online:

CI#: Not available.

CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:

1- personal information

Synonym: 2-Propanol, 70%; Isoprpanol, 70%; Isopropyl

Rubbing Alcohol

International CHEMTREC, call: 1- personal information

Chemical Name: Not applicable.

For non-emergency assistance, call: 1- personal information

Chemical Formula: Not applicable.

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients




% by Weight

Isopropyl alcohol






Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Isopropyl alcohol: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 5045 mg/kg [Rat]. 3600 mg/kg [Mouse]. 6410

mg/kg [Rabbit]. DERMAL (LD50): Acute: 12800 mg/kg [Rabbit].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, . Slightly hazardous in case of

skin contact (sensitizer, permeator). Non-corrosive for skin. Non-corrosive to the eyes. Non-corrosive for lungs.

Potential Chronic Health Effects:

CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH, 3 (Not classifiable

for human.) by IARC [Isopropyl alcohol].



DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Development toxin [POSSIBLE]

[Isopropyl alcohol].

p. 1

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The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, skin, central nervous system (CNS).

Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:

Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at

least 15 minutes. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact:

In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Remove

contaminated clothing and shoes. Cold water may be used.Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes

before reuse. Get medical attention.

Serious Skin Contact:

Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek medical



If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get

medical attention if symptoms appear.

Serious Inhalation:

Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or

waistband. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth

resuscitation. Seek medical attention.


Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an

unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if

symptoms appear.

Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: Flammable.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: The lowest known value is 399C (750.2F) (Isopropyl alcohol).

Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 18.3C (64.9F) - 24 deg. C (75 deg. F)

Flammable Limits: The greatest known range is LOWER: 2% UPPER: 12.7% (Isopropyl alcohol)

Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2).

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:

Highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat.

Flammable in presence of oxidizing materials.

Non-flammable in presence of shocks

Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:

Slightly explosive in presence of open flames and sparks, of heat.

Non-explosive in presence of shocks.

Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:

Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water.

SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder.

LARGE FIRE: Use alcohol foam, water spray or fog.

p. 2

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Special Remarks on Fire Hazards:

Vapor may travel considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. CAUTION: MAY BURN WITH


Hydrogen peroxide sharply reduces the autoignition temperature of Isopropyl alcohol.

After a delay, Isopropyl alcohol ignites on contact with dioxgenyl tetrafluorborate, chromium trioxide, and

potassium tert-butoxide. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and fumes. (Isopropyl alcohol)

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards:

Secondary alcohols are readily autooxidized in contact with oxygen or air, forming ketones and hydrogen peroxide.

It can become potentially explosive.

It reacts with oxygen to form dangerously unstable peroxides which can concentrate and explode during distillation

or evaporation. The presence of 2-butanone increases the reaction rate for peroxide formation.

Explosive in the form of vapor when exposed to heat or flame. May form explosive mixtures with air.

Isopropyl alcohol + phosgene forms isopropyl chloroformate and hydrogen chloride.

In the presence of iron salts, thermal decompositon can occur, whicn in some cases can become explosive.

A homogeneous mixture of concentrated peroxides + isopropyl alcohol are capable of detonation by shock or heat.

Barium perchlorate + isopropyl alcohol gives the highly explosive alkyl perchlorates.

It forms explosive mixtures with trinitormethane and hydrogen peroxide.

It produces a violent explosive reaction when heated with aluminum isopropoxide + crotonaldehyde.

Mixtures of isopropyl alcohol + nitroform are explosive.

(Isopropyl alcohol)

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill:

Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal


Large Spill:

Flammable liquid.

Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth,

sand or other non-combustible material. Do not touch spilled material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or

confined areas; dike if needed. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV.

Check TLV on the MSDS and with local authorities.

Section 7: Handling and Storage


Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not

ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient

ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the

container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing agents,



Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly

closed and sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:

Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their

respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the

work-station location.

Personal Protection:

Safety glasses. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves


p. 3

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Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:

Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used

to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist

BEFORE handling this product.

Exposure Limits:

Isopropyl alcohol

TWA: 983 STEL: 1230 (mg/m3) [Australia]

TWA: 200 STEL: 400 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1999]

TWA: 980 STEL: 1225 (mg/m3) from NIOSH

TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) from NIOSH

TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) [United Kingdom (UK)]

TWA: 999 STEL: 1259 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)]

TWA: 400 STEL: 500 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]

TWA: 980 STEL: 1225 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States]Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical state and appearance: Liquid.

Odor: Alcohol like.

Taste: Not available.

Molecular Weight: Not applicable.

Color: Clear Colorless.

pH (1% soln/water): Neutral.

Boiling Point: The lowest known value is 82.5C (180.5F) (Isopropyl alcohol). Weighted average: 87.75C (189.9F)

Melting Point: May start to solidify at -88.5C (-127.3F) based on data for: Isopropyl alcohol.

Critical Temperature: The lowest known value is 235C (455F) (Isopropyl alcohol).

Specific Gravity: Weighted average: 0.84 (Water = 1)

Vapor Pressure: The highest known value is 4.4 kPa (@ 20C) (Isopropyl alcohol). Weighted average: 3.77 kPa (@ 20C)

Vapor Density: The highest known value is 2.07 (Air = 1) (Isopropyl alcohol). Weighted average: 1.63 (Air = 1)

Volatility: Not available.

Odor Threshold: The highest known value is 22 ppm (Isopropyl alcohol)

Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: The product is equally soluble in oil and water.

Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, methanol, diethyl ether, n-octanol, acetone.

Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water, hot water, methanol, diethyl ether, n-octanol, acetone.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.

p. 4

Document ID:

Conditions of Instability: Heat, flame, ignition sources, incompatible materials

Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis.

Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

Special Remarks on Reactivity:

Reacts violently with hydrogen + palladium combination, nitroform, oleum, COCl2, aluminum triisopropoxide,


Incompatible with acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide, isocyanates, acids, alkaline earth, alkali metals, caustics,

amines, crotonaldehyde, phosgene, ammonia.

Isopropyl alcohol reacts with metallic aluminum at high temperatures.

Isopropyl alcohol attacks some plastics, rubber, and coatings.

Vigorous reaction with sodium dichromate + sulfuric acid. (Isopropyl alcohol)

Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.

Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation.

Toxicity to Animals:

Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 5143 mg/kg (Mouse) (Calculated value for the mixture).

Acute dermal toxicity (LD50): 18286 mg/kg (Rabbit) (Calculated value for the mixture).

Chronic Effects on Humans:

CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH, 3 (Not classifiable

for human.) by IARC [Isopropyl alcohol].

DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Development toxin [POSSIBLE]

[Isopropyl alcohol].

Contains material which may cause damage to the following organs: kidneys, liver, skin, central nervous system


Other Toxic Effects on Humans:

Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation.

Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer, permeator).

Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans:

M a y c a u s e a d v e r s e r e p r o d u c t i v e / t e r a t o g e n i c e f f e c t s ( f e r t i l i t y , f e t o x i c i t y , d e v e l o p m e

n t a l

abnormalities(developmental toxin)) based on animal studies.

Detected in maternal milk in human. (Isopropyl alcohol)

Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:

Acute Potential Health Effects:

Skin: May cause mild skin irritation, and sensitization.

Eyes: Can cause eye irritation.

Inhalation: Breathing in small amounts of this material during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful

effects. However, breathing large amounts may be harmful and may affect the respiratory system and mucous

membranes (irritation), behavior and brain (Central nervous system depression - headache, dizziness,

drowsiness, stupor, incoordination, unconciousness, coma and possible death), peripheral nerve and senstation,

blood, urinary system, and liver.

Ingestion: Swallowing small amouts during normal handling is not likely to cause harmful effects. Swallowing

large amounts may be harmful. Swallowing large amounts may cause gastrointestinal tract irritation with nausea,

vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain. It also may affect the urinary system, cardiovascular system, sense

p. 5

Document ID:

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.

BOD5 and COD: Not available.

Products of Biodegradation:

Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may


Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic.

Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental

control regulations.

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 3: Flammable liquid.

Identification: : Isopropanol, solution (Isopropyl alcohol) UNNA: 1219 PG: II

Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations:

Connecticut hazardous material survey.: Isopropyl alcohol

Illinois toxic substances disclosure to employee act: Isopropyl alcohol

Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Isopropyl alcohol

Pennsylvania RTK: Isopropyl alcohol

Florida: Isopropyl alcohol

Minnesota: Isopropyl alcohol

Massachusetts RTK: Isopropyl alcohol

New Jersey: Isopropyl alcohol

New Jersey spill list: Isopropyl alcohol

TSCA 8(b) inventory: Isopropyl alcohol; Water

TSCA 4(a) final testing order: Isopropyl alcohol

TSCA 8(a) IUR: Isopropyl alcohol

TSCA 8(d) H and S data reporting: Isopropyl alcohol: Effective date: 12/15/86 Sunset Date: 12/15/96

TSCA 12(b) one time export: Isopropyl alcohol

SARA 313 toxic chemical notification and release reporting: Isopropyl alcohol 70%

Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

Other Classifications:

WHMIS (Canada):

CLASS B-2: Flammable liquid with a flash point lower than 37.8C (100F).

CLASS D-2B: Material causing other toxic effects (TOXIC).


R11- Highly flammable.

R36- Irritating to eyes.

p. 6

Document ID:

S2- Keep out of the reach of children.

S46- If swallowed, seek medical advice

immediately and show this container or label.

HMIS (U.S.A.):

Health Hazard: 2

Fire Hazard: 3

Reactivity: 0

Personal Protection: E

National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):

Health: 1

Flammability: 3

Reactivity: 0

Specific hazard:

Protective Equipment:

Gloves (impervious).

Lab coat.

Dust respirator. Be sure to use an

approved/certified respirator or

equivalent. Wear appropriate respirator

when ventilation is inadequate.

Safety glasses.

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.

Created: 10/09/2005 05:53 PM

Last Updated: 11/06/2008 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we

make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we

assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the

information for their particular purposes. In no event shall be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any

third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even

if has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

p. 7

Document ID:

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods



MSDS Name: Hexane

MSDS Preparation Date: 06/19/2009

Synonyms or Generic ID: n-Hexane, Hexyl-hydride, Dipropyl, normal-Hexane, Hex.

PIN (UN#/ NA#): UN1208

Company Identification:

Microbial ID

125 Sandy Drive

Newark Delaware 19711

For Information, call: personal information , personal information

For Domestic CHEMTREC assistance, call: personal information

For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: personal information












50 ppm

Flammable, mild

(contains a


mixture of


State: Liquid

Appearance: colorless

Odor: Gasoline Like

Boiling Point (C): 62-69C

pH: not available

Specific Gravity: 0.678

760mm HG

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 151mm Hg @ 25C

Vapor Density (AIR=1): 2.97

Solubility in Water: insoluble


Appearance: clear, colorless.

DANGER! Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Vapor may cause flash fire. Breathing vapors may

cause drowsiness and dizziness. Causes eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. May be harmful if

absorbed through the skin. Aspiration hazard if swallowed. Can enter lungs and cause damage. Possible

risk of impaired fertility. Long-term exposure may cause damage to the nervous system of the extremities

(the hands, arms, legs and feet). Dangerous for the environment.

Target Organs: Central nervous system, respiratory system, eyes, skin, peripheral nervous system, testes.

Potential Health Effects

Eye: Causes mild eye irritation.

Skin: Prolonged and/or repeated contact may cause defatting of the skin and dermatitis. Causes irritation

with burning pain, itching, and redness. Absorbed through the skin. There have been no reports of skin

sensitization in people occupationally exposed to n-hexane. Skin sensitization was not observed in a

maximization test using 25 volunteers.

Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Aspiration of material

into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis, which may be fatal. May cause central nervous system


Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract irritation. Exposure produces central nervous system depression.

Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. n-Hexane vapor concentrations can become so high that oxygen

is displaced, especially in confined spaces.

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods


Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and dermatitis. Prolonged or repeated

exposure may cause adverse reproductive effects. Chronic exposure may cause visual disturbances.

Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms include:

muscular weakness, paresthesia, numbing of the hands, feet, legs and arms, unsteadiness, and difficulty in

walking and standing. Repeated exposure may cause nervous system abnormalities with muscle weakness

and damage, motor incoordination, and sensation disturbances. Chronic exposure produces peripheral



Eyes: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical


Skin: In case of contact, flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get

medical aid if irritation develops and persists. Wash clothing before reuse.

Ingestion: Potential for aspiration if swallowed. Get medical aid immediately. Do not induce vomiting

unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If

vomiting occurs naturally, have victim lean forward.

Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is

difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid.

Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively. For ingestion, the stomach should be

intubated, aspirated, and lavaged with a slurry of activated charcoal--protect the airway from aspiration of

gastric contents. Monitor arterial blood gases in cases of severe aspiration.


General Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand,

MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic

gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed

containers cool. May accumulate static electrical charges, and may cause ignition of its own vapors.

Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Vapor may cause flash fire. Vapors are heavier than air and may

travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Vapors can spread along the ground and collect in low or

confined areas. This liquid floats on water and may travel to a source of ignition and spread fire.

Extinguishing Media: Use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or appropriate foam. Solid streams of water may

be ineffective and spread material. Water may be ineffective because it will not cool material below its

flash point.

Flash Point: -7.6 to -15C

Autoignition Temperature: 225 deg C ( 437.00F)

Explosion Limits, Lower:1.2 vol %

Upper: 7.7 vol %

NFPA Rating: (estimated) Health: 1; Flammability: 3; Instability: 0


General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8.

Spills/Leaks: Large spills may be neutralized with dilute alkaline solutions of soda ash, or lime. Avoid

runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Clean up spills immediately, observing

precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Remove all sources of ignition. Provide ventilation. Do

not get water inside containers. A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Absorb spill using

an absorbent, non-combustible material such as earth, sand or vermiculite.

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods



Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Ground

and bond containers when transferring material. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty

containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Take precautionary

measures against static discharges. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Do not pressurize, cut, weld,

braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose empty containers to heat, sparks or open flames. Use only with

adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor or mist.

Storage: Keep away from heat and flame. Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a tightly closed

container. Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from

incompatible substances.


Engineering Controls: Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash

facility and a safety shower. Use adequate general or local explosion-proof ventilation to keep airborne

levels to acceptable levels.

Exposure limits:

Chemical Name




Hexane (contains a

50 ppm TWA; Skin-

50 ppm TWA; 180

500 ppm TWA; 1800

mixture of isomers)

potential significant

mg/m3 TWA 1100 ppm

mg/m3 TWA

contribution to overall


exposure by the

cutaneous route

OSHA Vacated PELs: Hexane (contains a mixture of isomers): 50 ppm TWA; 180 mg/m3 TWA

Personal Protective Equipment

Eyes: Wear chemical splash goggles.

Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.

Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure.

Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2

requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant

respiratory use.

Other Protective Equipment: Make eye bath and emergency shower available.


Physical State: Liquid

Appearance: Clear colorless

Odor: Gasoline-like

pH: Not available.

Vapor Pressure: 151 mm Hg @ 25C

Vapor Density: 2.97(Air = 1)

Evaporation Rate: Not available.

Viscosity: 0.31 mPas 20C

Boiling Point: 62 - 69C @ 760 mmHg

Freezing/Melting Point:-95 C

Decomposition Temperature: Not available.

Solubility: Insoluble.

Specific Gravity/Density:0.678

Molecular Formula:C6H14

Molecular Weight:86.18

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods



Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures.

Conditions to Avoid: Ignition sources, excess heat, electrical sparks, confined spaces.

Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents.

Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.


CAS# 110-54-3: MN9275000


CAS# 110-54-3:

Draize test, rabbit, eye: 10 mg Mild;

Inhalation, mouse: LC50 = 150000 mg/m3/2H;

Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 48000 ppm/4H;

Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 627000 mg/m3/3M;

Oral, rat: LD50 = 25 gm/kg;


CAS# 110-54-3: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65.

Epidemiology: Occupational polyneuropathy has resulted from hexane exposures as low as 500 ppm, but

the minimum levels of n-hexane that are neurotoxic in humans haven't been established. Nearly continuous

exposure of animals at 250 ppm has caused neurotoxic effects.

Teratogenicity: No evidence of teratogenicity or embryotoxicity in anmial studies with hexane.

Fetotoxicity has been observed in the presence of maternal toxicity.

Reproductive Effects: Severe testicular damage has been observed in rats exposed to hexane at

concentrations which have produced other significant toxicity. Although subneurotoxic doses of its

principle toxic metabolite, 2,5-hexanedione, can induce progressive testiculartoxicity in rats, there have

been no reports of human sterility or other reproductive toxicity associated with n-hexane exposures.

Mutagenicity: Positive results (chromosomal damage in the bone marrow cells) obtained for rats exposed

by inhalation to n-hexane.

Neurotoxicity: n-Hexane is a mild irritant and CNS depressant in acute exposure, but its principal effects

are damage to the sensory and motor peripheral nerves, particularly in chronic exposure.


Ecotoxicity: No data available. Estimated BCF values = 2.24 and 2.89. These values suggest that hexane

will show low bioconcentration in aquatic organisms. Estimated Koc value = 4.11. This product will show

slight soil mobility and is expected to rapidly volatilize from moist surface soils.

Environmental: Terrestrial: Volatilization and adsorption are expected to be the most important fate

processes. Aquatic: Photolysis or hydrolysis are not expected to be important. Atmospheric: Expected to

exist entirely in the vapor phase in ambient air, expected half life 2.8 days. Expected to biodegrade but not


Physical: No information available.

Other: No information available.

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods



Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical is classified as a hazardous waste.

US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally,

waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure complete and accurate


RCRA P-Series: None listed.

RCRA U-Series: None listed.


Proper Shipping Name: Hexanes

Hazard Class: 3

UN Number: UN1208

Packing Group: II

Flash Point: -22




CAS# 110-54-3 is listed on the TSCA inventory.

Health & Safety Reporting List

None of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List.

Chemical Test Rules

None of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule.

Section 12b

None of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b.

TSCA Significant New Use Rule

None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA.

CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQs

CAS# 110-54-3: 5000 lb final RQ; 2270 kg final RQ.

SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances

None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ.

SARA Codes

CAS # 110-54-3: immediate, delayed, fire.

Section 313

This material contains Hexane (contains a mixture of (CAS# 110-54-3, 100%),which is subject to the

reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARA Title III and 40 CFR Parts 261.3

Clean Air Act:

CAS# 110-54-3 is listed as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP).

This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors.

This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors.

Clean Water Act:

None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA.

None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA.

None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA.


None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA.


CAS# 110-54-3 can be found on the following state right to know lists: New Jersey, Pennsylvania,

Minnesota, Massachusetts.

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane

Material Safety Data Sheet

Instant FAME/Instant Anaerobe Methods


California Prop 65

California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed.

European/International Regulations

European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives

Hazard Symbols:


Risk Phrases:

R 11 Highly flammable.

R 38 Irritating to skin.

R 48/20 Harmful : danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation.

R 62 Possible risk of impaired fertility.

R 51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

R 65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

R 67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

Safety Phrases:

S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking.

S 29 Do not empty into drains.

S 33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges.

S 36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.

S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place.

S 61 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions /safety data sheets.

S 62 If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or


WGK (Water Danger/Protection)

CAS# 110-54-3: 1

Canada - DSL/NDSL

CAS# 110-54-3 is listed on Canada's DSL List.

Canada - WHMIS

This product has a WHMIS classification of B2, D2B.

This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products

Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations.

Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List

CAS# 110-54-3 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List.

SECTION 16 Other Information

This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 and contains

information believed to be accurate and complete at the date of preparation. The statements contained

herein are offered for informational purposes only. MIDI Inc. believes them to be accurate but does not

purport to be all-inclusive. The above-stated product is intended for use only by persons having the

necessary technical skills and facilities for handling the product at their discretion and risk. Since

conditions and manner of use are outside our control, we (MIDI Inc.) make no warranty of merchantability

or any such warranty, express or implied with respect to information and we assume no liability resulting

from the above product or its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine suitability of

information and product for their particular purposes.

Microbial ID Chemicals

Document ID:

MSDS Hexane


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


41 of 56



Pre-Mobilization Safety Briefing

HSE Indoctrination Record

Job Safety Hazard Analysis

Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment Acknowledgement

Daily Safety Meeting

Incident/Accident Notification

Next of Kin Information

Daily Survey Report

Management of Change Order

Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


42 of 56



A PMSB will be conducted by the CSA Site Safety Coordinator

The following is a summary of items to be discussed:

1) Description of project and goals

Sediment & Water collection, hydrographic profiler casts, ADCP, ROV Ops

2) Communications key to acquiring goals

Accident prevention - safe and healthy environment

3) Team members, assignments, and shifts

CSA, ENTRIX, and M/V Green Provider crew

4) Coordination with boat driver/vessels crew

Efficient procedures

Emergencies - medical, fire, man overboard (MOB), abandon ship

5) Designation of person in charge on deck

Shift leader

6) Complexity of the operations

Mobilization, Field, Demobilization

Collection Processes

7) Pre-operation checks

Vessel preparation

Location of vessel safety equipment

8) Safety equipment




9) Hazards

Vessel operations

Sampling operations

Vessel and equipment: slips, trips, falls, bumps, pinching;

10) Limitations of personnel and equipment

Lifting, rigging, and safe working loads

Personal protective equipment

11) Environmental conditions

Wind, sea state, etc.

The PMSB/HSE induction for all personnel involved with the field activities will be conducted prior to

vessel mobilization. Daily briefings will be conducted for survey personnel. All vessel crew members will

be briefed on the operation of all primary and support equipment and primary sampling equipment

(especially the winch, blocks, cable, and A-frame) prior to mobilization. It is the responsibility of the survey

team members to ensure that proper rigging and lifting procedures are used. The vessels Masters will

be responsible for conducting the following drills: MOB, fire, abandon ship, and medical emergency.

These drills will be conducted once before the survey begins and weekly thereafter.

Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


43 of 56







I have received indoctrination and training for following:

Company safety policies of CSA, ENTRIX, and CML safety requirements, and the names

of persons assigned to safety supervision duties.

Requirements and my individual responsibilities for accident prevention, maintaining a

safe and healthy work environment, preventing damage to property, and protecting safety

of others.

Provisions for medical facilities and procedures for reporting or correcting unsafe

conditions and practices, and reporting accidents.

Job hazards and means used to control or eliminate those hazards, including applicable

"Job Safety Analyses (JSA)" (major activity, locations, hazards, controls).

Accident Reporting - Both my individual and my Supervisor's responsibilities for reporting

all accidents, even minor.

Sanitation - Water, toilet facilities.

Medical Facilities - Location of nearest medical emergency facilities, emergency phone

numbers, first-aid kits and material data safety sheets.

Emergency Plans man overboard, fire, medical, severe weather, spill response, and

other emergency procedures.

Personal protective equipment.

10. Daily housekeeping requirements.

11. Fire prevention.

12. Policy on use of ropes, slings, and chains.

Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


44 of 56

13. Hazards of floor and wall openings.

14. Hearing protection.

15. Requirements when working around hot substances.

16. Precautions with welding, cutting, and grounding of machinery.

17. Temporary electrical requirements.

18. Proper use of hand tools and power tools.

19. Proper precautions with compressed gas cylinders.

20. Requirements for ramps, runways, platforms, and scaffolds.

21. Clear access and ladder safety.

22. Material handling, storage, and disposal.

23. Hazardous materials.

24. If I am injured I (do) (do not) want the following person notified:



Signature: __________________________ Date _______________

Safety Officer Signature: _______________________

Date _______________

Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


45 of 56




JSHA No.____





Doing Job:


Sequence of Basic Job Steps






Required /Recommended
Analysis by:

Personal Protective


Reviewed by:

Approved by:

Potential Hazards


Recommended Action

or Procedure


Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


46 of 56



My supervisor has reviewed this hazard analysis with me, and I understand the hazards and

required precautionary actions. I will follow the requirements of this hazard analysis or notify my

supervisor if I am unable to do so. I understand that there are Environmental, Safety, and Health

professionals on staff if I need further assistance or clarification.

Name (please print)



Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


47 of 56







Print Name

Sign Name

SUBJECT(S) DISCUSSED: Potential Safety Hazards and Resolutions

Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


48 of 56

INCIDENT/ACCIDENT NOTIFICATION FORM Directions for filling out form

Email within 24 hrs to Lynwood Powell, CSA Stuart Office [email protected]

Originators Reference No:


Date of Incident:

Number assigned by project/asset as in its incident


Exact Location:

Location of the incident/Project Group

Name of Person(s) involved:

Employing Company:
Type of Incident:

Injured party, any other people involved

Injured party and all people involved

LTI, Near Miss, RWC, Medical Treatment, etc.

Initial Potential Consequence:


Description of


Assign initial potential consequence as per The Risk Assessment

Where, when, what, how, who, operation in progress at

the time (only factual)

Provide details of the incident including:


order of events,

Personnel involved their position, company, etc.

their role in the incident,

any relevant information available at the time of reporting

medical/emergency response details

any other important information

Immediate Action:
Immediate remedial action and actions to prevent

reoccurrence or escalation

In this section provide only immediate remedial actions (corrective) and actions TO PREVENT REOCCURRENCE.

Do not include medical response into this section

Remedial Actions:

Provide long term remedial actions (if identified at the stage of reporting). For the incidents requiring further

investigation do not include remedial actions. Those will have to be reported as a part of a final investigation report



Document ID:




Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


49 of 56

CSA International, Inc.


E-mail/Fax within 24 hrs to Lynwood Powell, CSA Stuart Office [email protected]

Originators Reference No:

Date of Incident:

Project/Asset Group:

Exact Location:


Client/Employing Company:

Type of Incident:

Initial Potential Consequence:

Description of Incident:

Where, when, what, how, who, and the operation in progress at the time (only factual).

Immediate Action:

Immediate remedial action and actions to prevent reoccurrence or escalation.

Remedial Actions:



Document ID:




Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


50 of 56

CSA International, Inc.





Bruce Graham

Joey Graham


personal information

Frank Johnson

Beth Johnson


personal information

Tony Wadley

Pauline Wadley


personal information

Terry Stevens

Sue Stevens


personal information

Document ID:



Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

Page No:
Project HSE Plan


51 of 56



Job Number:

Water Column Profiling Survey
GOM; MC Block 252


Weather Report

M/V Green



Client Rep:
Current location:
Satellite Phone #:
Onboard Email:

Wind speed/dir:
Wave height:






Document ID:


Document No.:
GOM Block MC252

Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

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Daily Survey Report (Contd)



Total Stations:
# Complete:
% Complete:

Total Stations:

# Complete:
% Complete:









previous total

Standby Weather
Standby Other
Standby in Port
Standby Client

Vessel Downtime
Maintenance Time

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Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

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Project HSE Plan


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Daily Survey Report (Contd)











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Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

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Project HSE Plan


54 of 56


Daily Survey Report (Contd)



Number of Fatalities

Number of Lost Time Injuries

Number of Restricted Work Injuries

Number of Medial Treatment Injuries

Number of First Aid Injuries

Number of Fires and Explosions

Number Incidents involving Equipment Damage

Number of Near Misses

Number of Spills (to sea or land)

Number of Security Incidents

Number of hazard reports /STOP cards or safety observations

Number of incidents involving stakeholder complaints

Amount of waste generated, categorized by type. (monthly only)

Amount of fuel oil / diesel used

At the completion of the survey a report on injury absences and details of ongoing HSE

Programs/Initiatives will be completed.

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Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

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Project HSE Plan


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Management of Change Order





Project Change

Reason for Change

Approved by:

CSA Project Manager


Client Representative


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Environmental Impact Assessment Services

Acquisition and Analysis of Environmental Baseline Data

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Project HSE Plan


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects

Toxicological Effects of Dispersants

and Dispersed Oil

ne of the most difficult decisions that oil spill responders and

natural resources managers face during a spill is evaluating the

environmental trade-offs associated with dispersant use. The ob-

jective of dispersant use is to transfer oil from the water surface into the

water column. When applied before spills reach the coastline, dispersants

will potentially decrease exposure for surface dwelling organisms (e.g.,

seabirds) and intertidal species (e.g., mangroves, salt marshes), while in-

creasing it for water-column (e.g., fish) and benthic species (e.g., corals,

oysters). Decisions should be made regarding the impact to the ecosystem

as a whole, and this often represents a trade-off among different habitats

and species that will be dictated by a full range of ecological, social, and

economic values associated with the potentially affected resources. Com-

paring the possible ecological consequences and toxicological impacts of

these trade-offs is difficult. First, each oil spill represents a unique situa-

tion and second, it is often difficult to extrapolate from published research

data into field predictions, especially regarding the possibility of long-

term, sublethal toxicological impacts to resident species (Box 5-1 provides

definitions for most the common terms used in discussions of toxicologi-

cal effects).

Historically, the use of dispersants in the United States has been re-

stricted primarily to deepwater (>10 m), offshore spills. In addition, the

focus and the recommendations of the 1989 NRC report on oil dispersants

were based on expected impacts of dispersants and dispersed oil during

open ocean spills (NRC, 1989). As the potential use of dispersants is ex-

panded into nearshore, estuarine, and perhaps even freshwater systems,


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



BOX 5-1

Common Toxicological Terms Related to

Dispersant Toxicity Testing

ExposureContact with a chemical by swallowing, breathing, or direct

contact (such as through the skin or eyes). Exposure may be either acute or


AcuteAn intense event occurring over a short time, usually a few min-

utes or hours. An acute exposure can result in short-term or long-term

health effects. An acute effect happens within a short time after exposure.

Acute toxicity to aquatic organisms can be estimated from relatively short

exposures (i.e., 24, 48, or 96 hr) with death as the typical endpoint.

ChronicOccurring over a long period of time, generally several weeks,

months or years. Chronic exposures occur over an extended period of time

or over a significant fraction of a lifetime. Chronic toxicity to aquatic or-

ganisms can be estimated from partial life-cycle tests of relatively short

duration (i.e., 7 days).

SublethalBelow the concentration that directly causes death. Exposure

to sublethal concentrations of a material may produce less obvious effects

on behavior, biochemical and/or physiological function (i.e., growth and

reproduction), and histology of organisms.

Delayed EffectsEffects or responses that occur some extended time after


Static ExposuresExposures for aquatic toxicity tests in which the test or-

ganisms are exposed to the same test solution for the duration of the test

(static non-renewal) or to a fresh solution of the same concentration or

sample at prescribed intervals such as every 24 hr (static renewal). The

concentration of the test material may change during the test due to bio-

the trade-offs become even more complex. For example, the protection of

sensitive habitats, such as tropical coral reefs and mangroves, is a priority

in oil spill response decisions. Many studies have shown that oil, floating

above subtidal reefs, has no adverse effects on the coral; however, if al-

lowed to reach the shoreline, the oil may have long-term impacts to a

nearby mangrove system. In addition, oil may persist in the mangrove

system creating a chronic source of oil pollution in the adjacent coral reefs.

The trade-off would be to consider the use of dispersants. Application of

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



logical uptake, volatilization, adherence to the test vessel, chemical degra-

dation, etc.

Flow-Through ExposuresSample to be tested is pumped continuously

into a dilutor system and then to the test vessels. This method is used to

control sample concentration throughout the duration of the test.

Spiked ExposuresSpiked Declining (SD) Exposures: Concentration of dis-

persant sample is highest at start and then declines to non-detectable levels

after 68 hr using a flow-through exposures protocol developed by Chemi-

cal Response to Oil Spills Environmental Research Forum (CROSERF) par-



pLethal Concentration: The toxicant concentration that would cause

death in a given percent (p) of the test population. For example, the LC

50 is

the concentration that would cause death in 50 percent of the population.

The lower the LC, the greater the toxicity.


pEffective Concentration: A point estimate of the toxicant concentra-

tion that would cause an observable adverse effect on a quantal (all or

nothing) response in a given percent (p) of the population.


pInhibition Concentration: A point estimate of the toxicant concentra-

tion that would cause a given percent (p) reduction in a non-quantal bio-

logical measurement such as reproduction or growth.

NOECNo-Observed-Effect-Concentration: The highest concentration of

toxicant to which organisms are exposed in a full or partial (short-term) life-

cycle test that causes no observable adverse effects on the test organisms

(i.e., the highest concentration of toxicant at which the values for the ob-

served responses are not statistically different from the control).

SOURCES: Singer et al., 1 991 ; Rand, 1 995; Grothe et al., 1 996; EPA,

2002a,b, 2005; New York Department of Health, 2005.

dispersant would result in dispersion of the oil in the water column and

so provide some degree of protection to the mangroves; however, the reef

system would now have to endure the consequences of an increase in

dispersed oil in the water column (see section on coral reefs later in this

chapter). Therefore, for oil spill responders to decide upon appropriate

response strategies, it is important that decisions are based on sound sci-

entific data. Ecological factors that go into this decision include: expected

sensitivity of exposed resources, proportion of the resource that would be

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



affected, and recovery rates (Pond et al., 2000). There is a tremendous

need to reduce the uncertainty associated with each of these decision


This chapter reviews recent laboratory, mesocosm, and field studies

on the toxicological effects of dispersants and dispersed oil, particularly

those published since the 1989 NRC report on oil dispersants (NRC, 1989).

The intention is first to summarize the current state of understanding re-

garding the biological effects of dispersants and dispersed oil, and second

to make recommendations for additional studies that will help fill critical

data gaps in the knowledge and understanding of the behavior and inter-

action of dispersed oil and the biotic components of ecosystems. The fol-

lowing discussion is limited primarily to studies of the toxicological effects

on individual organisms, as opposed to populations or communities. This

narrower scope reflects the current state of science in ecotoxicology (see

Box 5-2). Although the research and management communities recognize

the importance of considering higher order ecological effects, not enough

is known to extrapolate from toxicity tests to population or community-

level impactsan issue that concerns all applications of ecotoxicology.

Consequently, the explicit consideration of these impacts, and formula-

tion of research to address them, is beyond the scope of this report on the

application of ecotoxicological principles to oil spill research.

Due to implementation of several of the recommendations made in

1989 (NRC, 1989), particularly the standardization of toxicity testing meth-

ods and information garnered from long-term monitoring of field studies,

some general conclusions about the toxicity of dispersants and dispersed

oil can be reached. However, there are still areas of uncertainty that will

take on greater importance as the use of dispersants is considered in shal-

low water systems. Specifically, there is insufficient understanding of the

fate of dispersed oil in aquatic systems, particularly interactions with sedi-

ment particles and subsequent effects on biotic components of exposed

ecosystems. In addition, the relative importance of different routes of ex-

posure, that is, the uptake and associated toxicity of oil in the dissolved

phase versus dispersed oil droplets versus particulate-associated phase,

is poorly understood and not explicitly considered in exposure models.

Photoenhanced toxicity has the potential to increase the impact foot-

print of dispersed oil in aquatic organisms, but has only recently received

consideration in the assessment of risk associated with spilled oil. One of

the widely held assumptions is that chemical dispersion of oil will dra-

matically reduce the impact to seabirds and aquatic mammals. However,

few studies have been conducted since 1989 to validate this assumption.

Finally, more work is needed to assess the long-term environmental ef-

fects of dispersed oil through monitoring and analysis of spills on which

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



BOX 5-2

Assessing Population and Community-Level Impacts:

A Central Issue in Ecotoxicology

The decision of whether or not to use chemical dispersants in aquatic

systems involves evaluation of the trade-offs between potential impacts on

various natural resources. Toxicity tests are one of the primary tools that

are used to predict these impacts. Much of the toxicological literature fo-

cuses on the effects of dispersed oil on individual organisms, because this

is the level of biological organization that is most readily studied. Of far

greater significanceand of far greater complexity as wellare the effects

of dispersed oil on populations and communities of organisms. How to

make meaningful predictions about toxicological effects on populations or

communities is a problem that is not unique to the assessment of the im-

pacts of an oil spill, but rather is a central question in the field of eco-

toxicology. How does the loss or impairment of one or more individual

organisms impact a population? How does damage to single or multiple

populations impact a community? In the case of dispersed oil, numerous

ecological factors may affect the impacts to, and recovery of, these higher

levels of biological organization, including the proportion of the resource

affected (which in turn involves an understanding of the toxicological sen-

sitivity of organisms as well as the behavior, habits, and habitats that will

affect the probability of a species being exposed to oil), birth and death

rates of the affected species, the current status of the population (e.g., en-

dangered or common species), life stages that are present, and time of year

(e.g., nesting or spawning season, seasonal migration).

Population and community models are tools that show promise in

enhancing our understanding of the toxicological impacts to these higher

levels of biological organization. Despite recent efforts to advance these

approaches (SETAC, 2003), there is no scientific consensus on this issue.

Consequently, the majority of ecological risk assessments of environmental

chemicals are still based on species-specific tests of toxicological effects on

individual organisms. Until population and community-level approaches

are more widely accepted and utilized in ecotoxicology, evaluations re-

garding the impacts of oil spills will remain largely based on qualitative

assessments and best professional judgment. However, progress has been

made in our understanding of the long-term effects of oil spills on biologi-

cal communities. The NRC (2003) report on Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates

and Effects provides a good summary of some of the long-term studies that

have been conducted after oil spills, especially those assessing effects on

benthic communities and seabirds. For the moment, these types of studies

represent the best chance of improving our understanding of the effects of

spilled and dispersed oil on biological populations and communities.


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



dispersants have been used. Interestingly, several of these data gaps were

also identified in 1989 (NRC, 1989).



Toxicity Tests

Much that is currently known about the toxicity and biological effects

of dispersants and dispersed oil has been derived from bench-scale acute

toxicity tests. These tests typically consist of exposing a single species to

varying dilutions of dispersant or dispersed oil preparations under care-

fully controlled laboratory conditions. Factors that influence such tests


choice of test organism and life stage

condition of oil (fresh versus weathered)

method of preparing test solutions

exposure conditions

choice of response parameters

Commonly used test organisms include fish, mollusks, arthropods,

annelids, and algae. The choice of test organism is dictated by a combina-

tion of factors including potential risk, comparative sensitivity, suitability

of the species to the testing conditions, and relative ecological and eco-

nomic significance. An additional consideration is the specific life stage to

be tested, because larvae and adults may respond to exposure in signifi-

cantly different ways.

The method of preparing test solutions is particularly important in

the case of dispersed oil testing. Water and oil are not easily miscible, so

factors such as mixing energy and loading method can readily affect the

relative concentrations of oil components to which test organisms are ex-

posed. Dispersants can also separate and form films on water unless test

solutions are properly prepared and mixed.

Exposure conditions in toxicity tests for dispersants and dispersed oil

vary with the choice of test chamber (e.g., open or closed), the exposure

model (e.g., static or flow-through, spiked or continuous), route of expo-

sure (e.g., water or food), test duration, and other factors such as tempera-

ture, salinity, and buffering capacity. The choice of test duration alone can

significantly overestimate or underestimate toxicity depending on the ac-

tual oil spill situation being simulated.

The choice of response parameters measured in a test can be signifi-

cant as well. Current generation dispersants appear to cause toxicity

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



through disruptive effects on membrane integrity and a generalized nar-

cosis mechanism (NRC, 1989). Dispersed oil, on the other hand, exerts a

toxic effect through multiple pathways including narcosis, more specific

receptor-mediated pathways associated with elevated dissolved phase

exposures, and possibly by additional pathways such as smothering by

dispersed oil droplets. The presence of receptor-mediated pathways sug-

gests that relatively short-term toxicity tests with death as the primary or

sole endpoint may not be sufficient to adequately assess the potential risks

of dispersed oil. Short-term tests are also incapable of addressing poten-

tial delayed effects due to metabolism of oil constituents, bioaccumulation,

or possible photoenhanced toxicity.

Although much of the literature on the toxicity of dispersants and

dispersed oil is based on typical static exposures of 4896 hr duration,

such tests have been criticized as potentially overestimating the toxicity

of oil and dispersed oil in actual spill scenarios (NRC, 1989; George-Ares,

et al., 1999). In response to these concerns, a university-industry-govern-

ment working group, the Chemical Response to Oil Spills Environmental

Research Forum (CROSERF), was organized to coordinate and dissemi-

nate research on oil spill dispersant use. CROSERF developed toxicity test

protocols involving spiked exposures of shorter durations and standard-

ized preparations of water accommodated fractions (WAF) of oil and

chemically enhanced water accommodated fractions of dispersed oil

(CEWAF) (Singer et al., 1991, 1993, 1994a,b, 1995, 2000, 2001a,b; Clark et

al., 2001; Rhoton et al., 2001). For clarity, the term CEWAF will only be

used in this chapter when referring to a dispersed oil water accommo-

dated fraction that is prepared using the CROSERF protocols. Chemi-

cally dispersed oil will be used to describe non-CROSERF preparation

methods. The CROSERF test methods are summarized in Table 5-1.

The main focus of CROSERF was to standardize methods (i.e., prepa-

ration and quantification of fractions and exposure protocols) to allow for

greater comparability of toxicological data. In this regard, CROSERF was

quite successful. Significant toxicological information was generated us-

ing these protocols that successfully addressed the relative toxicity of

different dispersants and oil, as well as the relative sensitivity of test


Refinements to the CROSERF protocols may be warranted for future

toxicity testing of dispersants and dispersed oil, either to address specific

concerns with the current test procedures (as highlighted below) or to

provide greater site-specificity for risk assessment purposes (e.g., dispers-

ant use in nearshore areas). For example, several refinements to the

CROSERF procedures have been proposed to adapt the test to subarctic

conditions, including changes in WAF preparation, exposure and light

regimes, analytical chemistry, and use of subarctic test organisms (Barron

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-1 CROSERF Toxicity Test Specifications


CROSERF Procedure

WAF and CEWAF Preparation


Local seawater recommended; minimal 0.45 m filtration


Fresh and artificially weathered

Oil loading

Variable loading (0.0125 g of oil per liter of water); serial

dilution not recommended


120 L carboys or aspirator bottles as appropriate for

amount of solution required

Head space

2025% by volume

Mixing energy/duration

Original: 1824 h at low mixing energy (approximately 200

rpm with no vortex) and no settling time for WAF, and

moderate mixing energy (2025% vortex) with 36 h settling

d: WAF and CEWAF both

time for CEWAF; Modified

prepared with moderate mixing energy and settling

Mixing conditions

Sealed in dark at test temperatures

Analytical chemistry

TPH and <C

10 volatile hydrocarbons required, other

analyses optional; TPH, alkanes measured by GC/FID;

VOCs and PAHs measured by GC/MS

Dispersant (dispersant:oil)

Primarily Corexit 9500 and/or 9527 (1:10); occasionally

Corexit 9554 and others

Dispersant concentration


Test Procedures

Test design

Five treatments plus control, each with three replicates

Test concentrations

Exposure concentrations derived from a series of

geometrically progressing oil loading rates; for toxicity

comparisons, total hydrocarbon content (THC: TPH plus


10 volatile hydrocarbons) recommended as concentration


Exposure regime

48 or 96 h tests in sealed vessels; static-renewal exposures

for duration of test, aeration discouraged; flow-through

spiked exposures with concentrations decreasing to non-

detectable levels in <8 h

Test maintenance

Renew solutions at unspecified intervals for static renewal

tests, removing dead organisms; dead organisms not

removed in flow-through exposures; feeding as specified

for test species, with food amount adjusted for loss of test


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-1 Continued


CROSERF Procedure

Species/life stage

Temperate aquatic species/early life stages

Temperature; salinity

Temperatures appropriate to species; salinity full-strength


Light regime

Laboratory lighting (fluorescent)

Toxicity endpoint

Lethality assessed daily for length of test; sublethal

endpoints assessed as appropriate for test organism


Not measured

SOURCE: Singer et al. (1991); Singer et al. (2000); Clark et al. (2001), Rhoton et al. (2001),

Singer et al. (2001a).

bModified ASTM Method D-86 (1990 modification); oil topped by distillation to 200 C

roughly simulating 1 day at sea (Daling et al. 1990; Singer et al., 2001b).

cWAF=Water accommodated fraction; CEWAF=Chemically enhaced WAF, or chemically

dispersed oil; stir bar size 12 in as appropriate.

dClark et al. (2001) modification of standard CROSERF mixing energy protocol for physi-

cally dispersed oil (WAF) using 2025% vortex, followed by 6 h settling time.

eTPH: total petroleum hydrocarbons; alkanes: >10 carbon alkanes; VOC: volatile organic

compounds (<10 carbon alkanes and MAHs); PAHs: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; GC:

gas chromatography; FID: flame ionization detection; MS: mass spectrometry

and Kaaihue, 2003). However, the potential benefits of altering test pro-

tocols from the CROSERF procedures should be carefully weighed against

the implications for potential loss of data comparability and reproducibil-


Some factors to consider in possible refinements to the current CRO-

SERF test protocols for future testing efforts include:

procedures for making dilutions to be tested

exposure regimes, including test chambers

methods for quantifying petroleum exposure

chemical measurements

response parameters

potential photoenhanced toxicity

Two alternate methods for preparing WAF and CEWAF fractions

have been suggested, discussed at great length, and remain the subject of

scientific debate (see Singer et al., 2000; 2001a; Barron and Kaaihue, 2003)

The CROSERF protocols recommend preparation of toxicity test solutions

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



by variable loading using a series of decreasing concentrations of applied

oil and dispersant (Figure 5-1). Other researchers (for example see Barron

and Kaaihue, 2003) have proposed the use of a single oil:water loading

rate and the preparation of test solutions using various dilutions of the

stock preparation. The decision of which method to use may depend ulti-

mately on the specific scientific question being addressed. Singer et al.

(2001a) argue for the variable loading method because they believe it is

more field relevant since spilled oil slicks tend to be dynamic, continu-

Variable Loading

Variable ratio

of toxic components




Variable Dilution

Same ratio

of toxic components




FIGURE 5-1 Comparison of variable loading and variable dilution methods of

preparing toxicity test solutions.

SOURCE: Barron and Kaaihue, 2003; courtesy of Elsevier.

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



ally changing in size, shape, and thickness. Consequently, these tests ad-

dress the question: At what oil to water loading ratio is WAF (CEWAF)

toxic? Barron and Kaaihue (2003) advocate a variable dilution method

for preparing a WAF for testing dispersant that standardizes the oil:water

ratio and provides a consistent chemical concentration in a test-series for

each oil-dispersant combination (Figure 5-1). This approach answers the

question: At what dilution is a given oil:water ratio of WAF (CEWAF)

toxic? Because it has not been conclusively demonstrated that either

method more accurately simulates the temporal dilution of dispersed oil

under actual spill conditions, we do not endorse one method over the

other. As noted below, there are drawbacks to both approaches.

In the variable loading method, the dispersant:oil ratios do not change

and, therefore, each test preparation will have different amounts of oil

and dispersant relative to the volume of water in the test chamber. As a

result mixing energies change as loading rate (Singer et al., 2000), poten-

tially affecting droplet size or coalescence. The drawback of the variable

dilution method has been described as the production of the equal ratio of

each specific PAH across the dilution range (Barron and Kaaihue, 2003).

WAF and CEWAF produce significant proportions of oil in the droplet

phase, such that increasing dilution may differentially affect the partition-

ing of the PAH into the aqueous phase. In addition, Barron and Kaaihue

(2003) have argued that the variable dilution approach provides econo-

mies in analytical costs by reducing the need to analyze the composition

of every tested concentration. However, if chemical analyses were limited

to stock solutions, inaccuracies may occur due to differential partitioning

in the test dilutions, adsorption of compounds onto test chambers, or loss

to the gaseous phase.

The interpretation of the results of toxicity tests can be significantly

affected by the method of WAF and CEWAF preparation because of the

variable solubilities of the many components in oil. For example, the vari-

able loading method yields different mixtures of petroleum hydrocarbons

at different loading rates (see Figure 5-1). The problems that arise between

the two methods are due to the fact that often both methods report their

data in the same form (i.e., in ppm of some overall metric, such as TPH or

tPAH). Therefore, the elimination of any fractional characteristics can lead

to a misunderstanding of what that concentration actually represents. For

example, LC

50 data derived from tPAH or TPH alone may result in under-

or overestimation of toxicity depending on test preparation method used.

Hence, more complete characterizations of chemical analytes are needed.

Another issue with the CROSERF protocols concerns the mixing ener-

gies involved in the process of preparing test solutions. The various

CROSERF protocols employ equal mixing energies for the production of

CEWAF, but differ in the approaches for the production of WAF. For ex-

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



ample, initial CROSERF protocols (e.g., Singer et al., 2000) used slow mix-

ing (200 rpm) with no vortex for WAF and a vortex of 2025 percent for

CEWAF preparations. Additional modifications of the method were made

(e.g., Clark et al., 2001) so that CEWAF and WAF were prepared using

equal mixing energies and a 2025 percent vortex. Unless a clear rationale

can be provided for doing otherwise, it is recommended that equal mix-

ing energies for both WAF and CEWAF be considered for standardization


A potential issue with the exposure regimes of the CROSERF test is

the use of airtight test chambers for flow-through tests. Volatiles, although

highly toxic, tend to evaporate very rapidly from spilled oil (NRC, 2003)

but are retained in the CROSERF test with unweathered oil because of the

sealed nature of the test chamber. The advantage of this approach is that it

attempts to standardize the exposure regime, but the drawback is that it

may result in an overestimation of toxicity. In most instances, the applica-

tion of dispersant during an oil spill will happen at least several hours

after the initiation of the spill, such that substantial weathering of spilled

oil will have occurred (see modeling results in Appendix E). In order to

better reflect actual exposure scenarios, open chambers could be consid-

ered for use with unweathered oil. Alternatively, tests with closed cham-

bers could be conducted with weathered oil. The choice of experimental

protocol will depend on the purpose of the experiment (e.g., standardiza-

tion or site-specific assessment). Similarly, the temporal exposure regimes

of the CROSERF test may not provide an appropriate simulation for some

spill situations. For instance, spiked, flow-through exposures in the rec-

ommended CROSERF test protocols have oil concentrations decreasing

by half about every 2 hr with nondetectable concentrations being reached

at about 8 hr. This exposure regime may be a relatively accurate approxi-

mation of the exposure situation for the majority of offshore spills in tem-

perate climes. However other temperate zone oil spills (French-McCay,

1998), especially subarctic spills (Neff and Burns, 1996; Short and Harris,

1996), may cause much longer periods of elevated PAH, compounds that

contribute significantly to the toxicity of chemically and physically dis-

persed oil. Furthermore, future potential uses of dispersants in either

semi-enclosed inshore waters or freshwater situations could conceivably

result in much longer exposure durations than originally envisioned by

the CROSERF working group. Thus, the CROSERF spiked protocol may

reflect the typical offshore, open-water spill conditions relatively accu-

rately, but longer test durations may yield exposure scenarios that more

realistically recreate certain spill conditions. Spiked exposure data yield

significantly lower toxicity values than standard constant exposure tests

of longer duration (Figure 5-2; also, Clark et al., 2001; Fuller and Bonner,

2001). Consequently, the use of CROSERF spiked exposure data in risk

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



FIGURE 5-2 Comparison of the LC

50s for continuous versus spiked exposure re-

gimes using chemically enhanced water accommodated fraction (CEWAF) of dif-

ferent oils. Continuous exposures were 96 hours in duration, except for tests with

oyster larvae that were 48 hours. Spiked tests represented an 8-hour declining

exposure. Species were exposed to fresh Forties crude oil and Corexit 9500, except

for topsmelt, which were exposed to fresh Prudhoe Bay crude oil, and kelp mysid,

which were exposed to fresh Kuwait crude oil and Corexit 9527. LC

50s for spiked

exposures were based on the initial total petroleum hydrocarbon concentration of

the CEWAF.

SOURCE: Data are from Clark et al. (2001) and Singer et al. (2001b).

assessment should be evaluated in the context of the specific spill sce-

narios under consideration.

Additionally, the literature calls for better exposure quantification in

testing protocols, moving away from nominal doses and simple estimates

of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) to the measurement of specific toxi-

cants in the exposure media, both dissolved and suspended (NRC, 1989;

Singer et al., 2000; Shigenaka, 2001; Barron and Kaaihue, 2003). The

CROSERF protocol recommends the measurement of TPH and volatile

organic compound (VOC) concentrations in test mixtures, as well as anal-

ysis of each PAH in some instances. In comparison with many of the pre-

vious studies that reported only nominal concentrations of petroleum

products in the test mixtures, the CROSERF protocols were a major im-

provement. However, future studies should clearly specify at what point

during the toxicity test chemical analyses were performed and explain

how these measurements were used to calculate the toxicological end-

points. In addition, other methods of quantifying exposure deserve fur-

ther consideration, including the potential use of toxic units to summarize

the toxicity of the various active components of dispersed oil prepara-

tions (see discussion under Mode of Action). The primary impediment to

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



applying the toxic unit approach is that not all of the toxic components of

petroleum are well-characterized. However, when this issue is better re-

solved, the toxic unit approach holds considerable promise for more accu-

rately relating exposure and toxicity.

Photoenhanced toxicity is another factor that has not been adequately

considered in dispersant and dispersed oil toxicity testing under either

CROSERF or non-CROSERF protocols. The toxicity of oil dispersed in

water has been shown in some studies to be many times higher in the

presence of the ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, yet to date only a single

study has examined the photoenhanced toxicity of chemically dispersed

oil (Barron et al., 2004). Photoenhanced toxicity as it relates to the effects

of dispersed oil is discussed later in the chapter.


Laboratory experimentation, field trials, and monitoring of spills of

opportunity have supplied much of what is currently known of the po-

tential toxicological consequences of oil spills and oil spill response mea-

sures. Laboratory experiments cannot adequately address the scale or

complexity of actual spills. Field studies to better simulate actual oil spill

conditions are restricted by high costs, difficulties in replicating experi-

ments, and regulatory restrictions. Mesocosm-scale tests have been pro-

posed as a way to bridge the gap between laboratory and field studies for

testing purposes (Coelho et al., 1999). However, mesocosms have been

employed in only a limited number of such studies to date.

The Shoreline Environmental Research Facility (SERF; formerly

Coastal Oil Spill Simulation System) in Corpus Christi, Texas discussed in

Chapter 3 was used in a series of oil spill experiments to examine bio-

accumulation (Coelho et al., 1999) and in-situ toxicological responses of

various coastal organisms, including fish and various invertebrate species

(Lessard et al., 1999; Bragin et al., 1999). Also, laboratory tests were used

to evaluate the toxicity of test sediments from these experiments (Fuller et

al., 1999). More recently, Ohwada et al. (2003) employed a small-scale

mesocosm facility in Japan to examine the fate of soluble fractions of oil

and measure their effect on several marine coastal microorganisms, in-

cluding bacteria, viruses, and heterotrophic nano-flagellates.

The SERF tests indicate both the potential and the limitations of

mesocosms in helping explain and predict the ecological effects of oil spill

response measures. However, such studies are not as readily controlled

as laboratory experiments nor are they as realistic as spill-of-opportunity

studies. Additional mesoscale investigations of toxicological responses to

oil spill response measures are therefore considered a lower priority for

future funding compared to targeted laboratory experimentation and

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



spill-of-opportunity studies. However, if mesocosm studies are conducted

for other dispersant-related purposes, consideration should be given to

the addition of carefully designed studies that examine the effects of dis-

persants or dispersed oil on organisms or groups of organisms that can-

not be readily studied in laboratory-scale tests.


Early dispersant formulations (prior to 1970) were essentially solvent-

based degreasing agents adapted from other uses. These early dispers-

ants proved to be highly toxic to aquatic organisms, as seen following

treatment of the Torrey Canyon spill, resulting in an unfavorable public

impression of dispersant use that persists today. Concerns about dispers-

ant use after the Torrey Canyon spill were summarized in the previous

NRC dispersant review as toxicity of the products themselves, and con-

cern that effective dispersant use would make oil constituents more

bioavailable enhancing their toxicity (NRC, 1989). However, the previous

NRC report concluded that the acute lethal toxicity of chemically dis-

persed oil is primarily associated not with the current generation of dis-

persants but with the dispersed oil and dissolved oil constituents fol-

lowing dispersion (NRC, 1989). There has been little evidence in the

intervening years to support a different conclusion.

Dispersants in use today are much less toxic than early generation

dispersants, with acute toxicity values (measured in standard 96 h LC


tests) typically in the range of approximately 190500 mg/L (Fingas,

2002a) as compared with dispersed oil values in the typical range of 2050

mg/L. An abundant literature exists on the toxicity of the Corexit dispers-

ants currently approved for use in the United States (Tables 5-2 and 5-3;

George-Ares and Clark, 2000). Numerous studies have found current dis-

persants to be significantly less toxic than oil or dispersed oil in direct

comparisons (Figure 5-3; also Adams et al., 1999; Mitchell and Holdaway,

2000; Clark et al., 2001; Fingas, 2002a), although a few studies have re-

ported greater dispersant toxicity compared with oil or dispersed oil tox-

icity (Gulec et al., 1997). Sensitivity to dispersants and dispersed oil can

vary significantly by species and life stage. Embryonic and larval stages

appear to be more sensitive than adults to both dispersants and dispersed

oil (Clark et al., 2001), with LC

50 s for both oyster and fish larvae reported

to be as low as 3 mg/L for dispersant alone and about 1 mg/L for dis-

persed oil. However, some studies report higher larval toxicity values (i.e.,

lower sensitivity) for both dispersant and dispersed oil that are closer to

the adult values (Coutou et al., 2001). Variable sensitivity of early life

stages to dispersants could be related to species-dependent variability in

egg permeability (Georges-Ares and Clark, 2000).

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-2 Aquatic Toxicity of Corexit 9527 (Adapted from George-

Ares and Clark, 2000)

Common Name






Green Hydra
Green Hydra

Hydra viridissima
Hydra viridissima





Artemia sp.
Artemia salina
Gnorimospaeroma oregonensis
Anonyx laticoxae
Anonyx nugax
Boeckosimus sp.
Boeckosimus edwardsi
Onisimus litoralis
Gammarus oceanicus
Allorchestes compressa
Pseudocalanus minutus
Pseudocalanus minutus
Palaemonetes pugio
Palaemonetes pugio
Palaemon serenus
Macrobrachium rosenbergii

































50 Hatching

Penaeus monodon
Penaeus vannemai
Penaeus setiferus
Mysidopsis bahia










Gulf mysid
Gulf mysid
Kelp forest mysid, F

Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia
Holmesimysis costata








Kelp forest mysid, F

Kelp forest mysid, F
Kelp forest mysid, F
Kelp forest mysid
Blue crab (larvae), F

Holmesimysis costata
Holmesimysis costata
Holmesimysis costata
Holmesimysis costata
Callinectes sapidus













Scallop, F
Scallop, F
Scallop, F
Red abalone (embryos)
Red abalone (embryos)

Argopecten irradians
Argopecten irradians
Argopecten irradians
Haliotis rufescens
Haliotis rufescens













Brine shrimp
Brine shrimp
Isopod, F
Amphipod, F
Amphipod, F
Amphipod, F
Amphipod, F
Amphipod, F
Amphipod, (juvenile), F
Amphipod, F
Copepod, F
Copepod, F
Grass shrimp, F
Grass shrimp, F
Ghost shrimp
Giant freshwater prawn

White shrimp (postlarvae), F
Gulf mysid

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects









Mitchell and Holdaway (2000)

Mitchell and Holdaway (2000)

640 (27C)
840 (17C)
49.4 f


Wells et al. (1982)

Briceno et al. (1992)

Duval et al. (1982)

Foy (1982)

Foy (1982)

Foy (1982)

Foy (1982)

Foy (1982)

Foy (1982)

Gulec et al. (1997)

Wells et al. (1982)

Wells et al. (1982)

National Research Council (1989)

National Research Council (1989)

Gulec and Holdaway (2000)

Law (1995)

d 1934










Fucik et al. (1995)

Fucik et al. (1995)

Fucik et al. (1995)

Briceno et al. (1992); George-Ares et al. (1999); Exxon Biomedical

Sciences (1993a); Pace and Clark (1993)

Inchcape Testing Services (1995); Clark et al. 2001

Pace et al. (1995); Clark et al. (2001)

Pace and Clark (1993); Exxon Biomedical Sciences (1993b,c); Clark

et al. 2001

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

Singer et al. (1990, 1991)

Singer et al. (1991)

Coelho and Aurand (1996)

Fucik et al. (1995)

200 (20C)
1800 (10C)
2500 (2C)





Ordsie and Garofalo (1981)

Ordsie and Garofalo (1981)

Ordsie and Garofalo (1981)

Singer et al. (1990, 1991)

Singer et al. (1991)




2.4 d



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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-2 Continued





Clam, F
Pacific oyster (embryos)
Pacific oyster (embryos)
Marine sand snail, F

Protothaca stamiea
Crassostrea gigas
Crassostrea gigas
Polinices conicus












Oryzias latipes




Rainbow trout
Spot (embryos)
Spot (embryo-larval), F
Top smelt (larvae)
Top smelt (larvae)
Fourhorn sculpin, F
Inland silverside (larvae)

Oncorhynchus mykiss
Leiostomus xanthurus
Leiostomus xanthurus
Atherinops affinis
Atherinops affinis
Myoxocephalus quadricornis
Fundulus heteroclitus
Menidia beryllina


















Inland silverside (larvae)

Inland silverside (embryos)
Red drum (embryo-larval), F
Sheepshead minnow
Atlantic menhaden
(embryo-larval), F

Australian bass (larvae)

Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Sciaenops ocellatus
Cyprinodon variegatus
Brevoortia tyrannus












Macquaria novemaculeata





Turtlegrass, F

Thalassia tesudimum





Giant kelp (zoospores), F

Giant kelp (zoospores), F
Giant kelp (zoospores), F
Brown alga

Macrocystis pyrifera
Macrocystis pyrifera
Macrocystis pyrifera
Phyllospora comosa










Vibrio fisheri







field collected.

spiked, declining exposure (107 min half-life).

: concentrations causing effect in 50% of organisms; LC
: concentration causing

mortality in 50% of organisms; IC

50 : concentration causing inhibition in 50% of organisms;

NOEC: no effect concentration.

dMeasured values.

eListed as Gulec et al., 1994 in George-Ares and Clark (2000).

Updated entries not provided in George-Ares and Clark (2000).


Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects






ca. 100




Hartwick et al. (1982)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

Gulec et al. (1997)


400 freshwater






d 14.657

George-Ares and Clark (2000)



Wells and Doe (1976)

Slade (1982)

Fucik et al. (1995)

Singer et al (1990, 1991)

Singer et al. (1991)

Foy (1982)

Briceno et al. (1992)

Briceno et al. (1992); Fucik et al. (1995); Pace and Clark (1993);

Inchcape Testing Services (1995); Exxon Biomedical Sciences

(1993d); Clark et al. (2001)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

Fucik et al. (1995)

Fucik et al. (1995)

Briceno et al. (1992)

Fucik et al. (1995)


Gulec and Holdaway (2000)


Baca and Getter (1984)










Singer et al. (1990, 1991)

Singer et al. (1991)

Singer et al. (1991)

Burridge and Shir (1995)


George-Ares et al. (1999); Exxon Biomedical Sciences (1992)

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Document ID:


Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-3 Aquatic Toxicity of Corexit 9500 (adapted from George-

Ares and Clark, 2000)

Common Name






Green Hydra
Green Hydra

Hydra viridissima
Hydra viridissima






Amphipod, F
Brine shrimp
White shrimp, F
Ghost shrimp
Gulf mysid
Gulf mysid

Allorchestes compressa
Artemia salina
Palaemonetes varians
Palaemon serenus
Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia














Gulf mysid

Mysidopsis bahia




Copepod (adult)
Kelp forest mysid, F
Kelp forest mysid, F
Prawn (larval), F
Tanner crab (larvae), F
Tanner crab (larvae), F

Eurytemora affinis
Holmesimysis costata
Holmesimysis costata
Penaeus monodon
Chionoecetes bairdi
Chionoecetes bairdi














Marine sand snail, F

Red abalone (embryos)
Red abalone (embryos)
Red abalone (embryos)

Polinices conicus
Haliotis rufescens
Haliotis rufescens
Haliotis rufescens









Barramundi (juvenile)
Turbot (yolk-sac larvae)
Turbot (yolk-sac larvae)
Rainbow trout
Sheepshead minnow (larvae)
Sheepshead minnow (larvae)
Mozambique tilapia
Zebra danio
Inland silverside (larvae)

Lates calcarifer
Scophthalmus maximus
Scophthalmus maximus
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Fundulus heteroclitus
Cyprinodon variegatus
Cyprinodon variegatus
Sarotherodon mozambicus
Brachydanio rerio
Menidia beryllina






















Inland silverside (larvae)

Menidia beryllina




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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects









Mitchell and Holdaway (2000)

Mitchell and Holdaway (2000)




31.4 d,f











41.4 d






Gulec et al. (1997)

George-Ares and Clark (2000)

Beaupoil and Nedelec (1994)

Gulec and Holdaway (2000)

Inchcape Testing Services (1995)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Fuller and Bonner (2001)

; Clark et al.


; Rhoton et al. (2001)

Coehlo and Aurand (1997); Fuller and Bonner (2001)

; Clark et al.


; Rhoton et al. (2001)

Wright and Coehlo (1996)

Singer et al (1996)

Singer et al. (1996)

Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute (1998)

Rhoton et al. (2001)

Rhoton et al. (2001)








Gulec et al. (1997)

Aquatic Testing Laboratories (1994)

Singer et al. (1996)

Singer et al. (1996)








25.285.4 d,f

Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute (1998)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

George-Ares and Clark (2000); Clark et al. (2001)

George-Ares and Clark (2000)

George-Ares and Clark (2000)

Fuller and Bonner (2001)

Fuller and Bonner (2001)

George-Ares and Clark (2000)

George-Ares and Clark (2000)

Inchcape Testing Services (1995); Fuller and Bonner (2001)

; Rhoton

et al., 2001

Fuller and Bonner (2001)

; Rhoton et al. (2001)








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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-3 Continued





Hardy heads (juvenile), F

Australian bass (larvae)

Atherinosoma microstoma
Macquaria novemaculeata







Brown alga (zygotes), F

Skeletonema costatum
Phyllospora comosa








Vibrio fisheri







field collected.

spiked, declining exposure (107 min half-life).

: concentrations causing effect in 50% of test organisms; LC
: concentration causing

mortality in 50% of test organisms; NOEC: no effect concentration.

dMeasured values.

eListed as Gulec et al 1994 in George-Ares and Clark (2000).

Updated entries not provided in George-Ares and Clark (2000).



LC50 (ppm)
































C. gigas

H. costata

(oyster embryo)
(kelp mysid)

C. varigatus

M. bahia

S. maximus


(gulf mysid)

(turbot larvae)



S. ocellatus



M. berylina




FIGURE 5-3 Comparison of the LC

50s derived from spiked exposures of water

accommodated fractions (WAF), chemically enhanced water accommodated frac-

tion (CEWAF), and dispersants using either fresh crude oil (Kuwait, Forties,

Prudhoe Bay, and Venezuela), weathered-crude oil (Arabian medium) or fresh

Medium Fuel Oil, and Corexit 9500 or Corexit 9527. LC

50s were based on initial

concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons.

SOURCE: Data are from Clark et al. (2001); Fuller and Bonner (2001); and Wetzel

and Van Fleet (2001).

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects







Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute (1998)

Gulec and Holdaway (2000)


Norwegian Institute for Water Research (1994)

Burridge and Shir (1995)


104 d,f


Fuller and Bonner (2001)


In addition to acute toxicity, dispersants may have more subtle effects

that influence organism health. Dispersant has been reported to signifi-

cantly affect the uptake, but not necessarily bioaccumulation, of oil con-

stituents (Wolfe et al., 1998a,b,c; 1999a,b; 2001). In addition, dispersants

have been reported to have toxic effects on microbial processes that could

potentially interfere with oil decomposition (Varadaraj et al., 1995), but

this effect may be offset by other factors that appear to promote oil bio-

degradation (Swannell and Daniel, 1999). For further discussion on the

effect of dispersants and dispersed oil on microbial processes, see section

on Microbial Communities (found later in this chapter) and Chapter 4.


Oils are a complex mixture of literally thousands of compounds of

varying volatility, water solubility, and toxicity. The purpose of chemical

dispersants is to facilitate the movement of oil into the water column. The

result is a complex, multi-phase mixture composed of dissolved dispers-

ant, dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons, oil/dispersant droplets, and bulk,

undispersed oil. Consequently, aquatic organisms are potentially exposed

to many toxicants with different modes of action and through different

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



routes of exposure. Toxicity of dispersed oil in the environment will de-

pend on many factors, including the effectiveness of the dispersion, mix-

ing energy, type of oil, the degree of weathering, type of dispersant, tem-

perature, salinity, duration of exposure, and degree of light penetration

into the water column. There is a wealth of information on the biological

effects, particularly acute toxicity, associated with exposure to different

types of oil (summarized in NRC, 2003). Rather than review these find-

ings, the purpose here is to focus on the issues that are pertinent to under-

standing the bioavailability and toxicity of chemically dispersed oil.

Route of Exposure

Acute toxicity of oil is the result of a number of interacting chemical,

physical, and physiological factors. Thus, toxicity is highly dependent on

the conditions of constantly changing exposure. Adverse effects resulting

from dispersed oil can be a result of: (1) dissolved materials (e.g., aromatic

petroleum hydrocarbons, or dispersant), (2) physical effects due to con-

tact with oil droplets, (3) enhanced uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons

through oil/organism interactions, or (4) a combination of these factors

(Singer et al., 1998). In general, bioavailability and toxicity of individual

hydrocarbons are related to their solubility in water because dissolved

hydrocarbons diffuse across the gills, skin, and other exposed membranes

of aquatic organisms. The compounds of most concern are the low-

molecular-weight alkanes and monocyclic, polycyclic, and heterocyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (Lewis and Aurand, 1997). The monocyclic aro-

matic hydrocarbons (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzenes, and xylenes)

and low-molecular-weight alkanes are soluble and toxic to aquatic organ-

isms, but these compounds are also very volatile, typically vaporizing

rapidly (see Figures 4-2, 4-5, and 4-6 in Chapter 4). As the oil weathers, the

concentrations of PAH in the oil plume (including the parent compounds

and alkyl substituted homologues) will become relatively enriched com-

pared to the low-molecular-weight alkanes and monocyclic aromatics con-

tributing more to the longer-term toxicity of oil. Because substantial

weathering of oil may occur before dispersant is applied (typically at least

several hours after the spill), the consequent enrichment of PAH may be

particularly important for evaluating the potential toxicity of dispersed

oil. Although PAH may drive the toxicity of oil in many instances, some

studies have found stronger relationships between TPH concentrations

and toxicity than between PAH and toxicity. For example, Barron et al.

(1999) conducted studies on the effects of WAF from three different weath-

ered oils on the mysid shrimp, Mysidopsis bahia. The median lethal con-

centrations for the three oils were within a factor of two when expressed

as TPH (range from 0.88 to 1.5 mg/L TPH), but differed by nearly a factor

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



of five when expressed as total PAH (range from 2.2 to 9.2 /L). Similarly,

Clark et al. (2001) found a significant association with TPH, but not PAH

or volatiles, in experiments comparing the toxicity of dispersed and un-

treated oil to early life stages of several marine organisms. McGrath et al.

(2003) evaluated the toxicity of various types of gasoline in WAF prepara-

tions using an alga, a fish, and a daphnid, and found that both aromatic

and aliphatic hydrocarbons contributed to toxicity, with the relative im-

portance of the fractions dependent on the type of gasoline. Furthermore,

other components of oil, for example the heterocyclic aromatics, also may

be contributing to toxicity (Barron et al., 1999). Some of these fractions are

not typically measured in laboratory or field studies, but may be toxico-

logically important depending on the type of oil and amount of weather-

ing. Another confounding factor in determining the cause of toxicity is

that chemical analyses typically measure concentrations in whole samples

that include hydrocarbons in the dissolved, colloidal, and particulate

phases while the bioavailability of these phases may differ (Fuller et al.,

1999). As highlighted below, distinguishing among these phases is impor-

tant for understanding the fate and effects of dispersed oil.

Oil droplets can physically affect exposed organisms, for example by

smothering through the physical coating of gills and other body surfaces.

For some organisms, dispersed oil droplets may also be an important

route of exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons, through either oil droplet/

gill interactions or ingestion of oil droplets. Ramachandran et al. (2004)

exposed juvenile rainbow trout to chemically dispersed oil and WAF us-

1 to

ing Corexit 9500 and Mesa crude oil and then used epifluorescence

microscopically observe PAH uptake in the fish gills. Uptake of PAH from

WAF was manifested as an even background of fluorescence on the fish

gill with occasional bright spots. Gills of fish exposed to chemically dis-

persed oil showed localized focal fluorescence (i.e., bright spots), suggest-

ing oil droplets on the gill surface. The authors hypothesized that oil drop-

lets on the fish gill could facilitate uptake of dissolved hydrocarbons.

If dispersion is effective, oil droplets generally range in size from <3

to 80 m (Franklin and Lloyd, 1986; Lunel, 1993, 1995b). The particle-size

distribution of dispersed oil overlaps with the preferred size range of food

ingested by many suspension-feeding organisms. For example, common

zooplankton, such as copepods, feed on particles in the range of 5 to 60

m, often switching their preferred particle size depending on the size

distribution of available particles (Valiela, 1984). Similarly, benthic and

1 Method

of fluorescence microscopy in which the excitatory light is transmitted through

the objective onto the specimen rather than through the specimen; only reflected excitatory

light needs to be filtered out rather than transmitted light, which would be of much higher


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



epibenthic suspension feeders such as oysters, amphipods, and polycha-

etes are also known to select particles in size ranges that overlap with

dispersed oil droplets, similar to the sizes of some common phytoplank-

ton cells such as Isochrysis galbana (48 m), Chaetocerus spp. (1517 m),

and Skeletonema spp. (2025 m).

The importance of PAH uptake via ingestion of particulate-bound

PAH is well known (e.g., Menon and Menon, 1999; Lee, 1992). For ex-

ample, during the New Carissa oil spill near Coos Bay, Oregon, Payne and

Driskell (2003) collected dissolved and oil droplet/suspended particulate

material (SPM) phase water samples of physically dispersed oil and com-

pared the PAH profiles with those of tissue samples from mussels (a sus-

pension feeder) and Dungeness crabs (an omnivore). The results sug-

gested that mussels accumulated PAH from both the dissolved and the oil

droplet/SPM phases, with the latter predominating, while crabs accumu-

lated PAH primarily from the dissolved phase (Figure 5-4). In addition,

body burdens of mussels were approximately 500 times greater than those

of crabs, indicating the relative importance of these routes of exposure.

Estimating the relative contribution of oil droplets versus particulate-

bound oil to total oil exposure is problematic due to the difficulty in dis-

tinguishing uptake of these two phases. For physically dispersed oil, in-

teractions with SPM can be very important in the ultimate fate and

transport of bulk oil through the formation of oil/SPM agglomerates (see

discussion in Chapter 4). Although a limited amount of work has been

conducted on the interactions between chemically dispersed oil and SPM,

more data are clearly needed to better understand and model the fate and

effects of dispersed oil, particularly in shallow water systems with high

suspended solids. The limited information available suggests that fairly

high oil and SPM concentrations are required before chemically dispersed

oil interacts with SPM, and that chemically dispersed oil has a much lower

tendency to form SPM agglomerates compared to physically dispersed oil.

Aquatic organisms may also be exposed to oil due to contamination

of their food. Wolfe et al. (1998a) evaluated the bioavailability and trophic

transfer of PAH from dispersed (Corexit 9527) and untreated Prudhoe

Bay crude oil in a simple marine food chain: from phytoplankton, Iso-

14 C] naphthalene as

chrysis galbana, to a rotifer, Branhionus plicatilis. Using [

a model PAH, direct aqueous exposure was compared to dietary expo-

sure by allowing the rotifers to feed on algae that had been pre-exposed to

either WAF or chemically dispersed oil. Results indicated that approxi-

mately 20 to 45 percent of uptake was due to dietary exposure, but there

was no difference in uptake via the diet between WAF and chemically

dispersed oil. Information related to trophic transfer of contaminants is

relevant to evaluating the risk of oil exposure, because models based solely

on dissolved concentrations may substantially underestimate exposure.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



In general, there is insufficient understanding of the fate of dispersed

oil in aquatic systems, including interactions with sediment particles and

biotic components of ecosystems. In order to better understand the fate

and effects of dispersed oil, studies should be conducted to estimate the

relative contribution to toxicity of dissolved-, colloidal-, and particulate-

phase oil (including an evaluation of oil droplets versus oil/SPM ag-

glomerates) in representative species. Chemical characterization should

accompany these tests, including analysis of dissolved and particulate oil

concentrations and bioaccumulation. The ability of decisionmakers to es-

timate the impacts of dispersants on aquatic organisms would be en-

hanced through greater understanding of these variables used in deci-

sion-making tools such as fate and effects models and risk rankings.

Mode of Action

Many oil constituents, most notably the PAH and monoaromatics, are

Type I narcotics (DiToro et al., 2000). Narcosis is defined as a reversible

state of arrested activity of protoplasmic structures (Bradbury et al., 1989)

and is thought to be the primary mechanism of acute toxicity of oil. Often

the terms narcotic and anesthetic are used interchangeably. Type I

narcotics are non-polar organic chemicals with a similar mode of action,

i.e., narcosis, such that toxicological effects are additive. On the other

hand, Type II narcotics, also called polar narcotics, have a different mode

of action than the Type I narcotics, and tend to be more toxic. Examples of

polar narcotics include nitrogen heterocycles (DiToro et al., 2000). Hence,

in oil the heterocyclic aromatics may act as Type II narcotics.

Regardless of their Type I or Type II classification, all organic chemi-

cals in a field mixture contribute to toxicity by narcosis (Deneer et al.,

1988); therefore, mixtures of organic chemicals, such as found during an

oil spill, would be expected to exhibit additive toxicity over a range of

composition ratios (van Wezel et al., 1996). Toxic unit models have been

applied to estimate the acute toxicity of PAH and other oil components

(Swartz et al., 1995; DiToro et al., 2000; French-McCay, 2002). A toxic unit

is the ratio of the measured concentration of a chemical and the corre-

sponding effective concentration in the same medium. Assuming toxicity

is additive, the toxic unit value for individual constituents can be summed

to estimate acute toxicity of the mixture. DiToro et al. (2000) and French-

McCay (2002) incorporated the critical body residue (i.e., lethal body bur-

den) concept into the narcosis toxic unit model. The assumption for this

toxicological model, known as the narcosis target lipid model (McGrath

et al., 2004), is that mortality occurs when the concentration of narcotic

chemicals in the target lipid reaches a threshold concentration. The acute

toxicity threshold is assumed to be species specific.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects






















































































































FIGURE 5-4 PAH histograms for: (A) mixed M/V New Carissa source oil blend

(ET-2) collected from the beach adjacent to the vessel on 2/11/99; (B) dissolved-

and (C) oil droplet-phase samples collected in the surf zone with the portable

large volume water sampling system (PLVWSS) on 2/12/99; (D) mussels collected

from the outside north jetty entrance to Coos Bay on 2/14/99; and (E) Dungeness

crab collected inside Coos Bay midway up the main channel on 2/19/99. The

diamonds connected by the horizontal line represent the sample-specific method

detection limits. Note: Also provided is a complete list of analytes and abbrevia-

tions, in order, presented in Figure 5-4.


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SOURCE: Data from Payne and Driskell, 2003; courtesy of the American Petro-

leum Institute.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



The accuracy of toxic unit models is typically based on three as-

sumptions: (1) all the constituents contributing to toxicity are known and

measured; (2) effects concentrations of the constituents are known; and

(3) chemical equilibrium exists between the organism and the exposure

media (but see French-McCay, 2002). Clearly, under dispersed oil sce-

narios, whether in the laboratory or the field, these assumptions are not

apt to be met. Nonetheless, the narcosis model may provide a better esti-

mate of the potential acute effects of oil or dispersed oil than existing mea-

sures that rely on determining relationships between toxicity and mix-

tures of total volatiles, PAH, and/or TPH.

One advantage of the narcosis target lipid model is that it can and has

been incorporated into oil fate models to allow estimation of toxicity to

aquatic organisms (e.g., French-McCay, 2002, 2004; McGrath et al., 2003).

For example, French-McCay (2002) developed an oil toxicity and expo-

sure model, OilToxEx, as a submodel of the Spill Impact Model Applica-

tion Program (SIMAP). In this model, oil toxicity is predicted by applying

the narcosis target lipid model to the predicted concentrations of dissolved

aromatic constituents of spilled oil. In a wide range of laboratory expo-

sures with WAF, French-McCay (2002) found good agreement between

the narcosis target lipid model predicted LC

50 s and measured LC

50 s.

McGrath et al. (2003) used the narcosis target lipid model to estimate labo-

ratory toxicity of different gasoline blends. Their model estimated the fate

and effects of hydrocarbon blocks, rather than tracking individual hy-

drocarbon components (e.g., individual aromatics). The hydrocarbon

blocks represented pseudo-components with similar physical chemical

properties (usually boiling point as reflected by distillate cut ranges; see

Chapter 4). Their analysis indicated that reliable toxicity predictions could

be achieved by modeling the fate and toxicity of the hydrocarbon blocks.

The utility of this approach is being further explored to predict the fate

and effects of spilled oil by incorporation into current models (e.g., GNU

Network Object Model Environment) for use in pre-spill planning as well

as real-time spill modeling. Nevertheless, more work needs to be done to

link the additive compound-specific toxicity data with the component con-

centrations and mixtures within each hydrocarbon block or pseudo-


It should be noted that narcosis may not account for all the toxic ef-

fects due to exposure to oil or dispersed oil, particularly sublethal or long-

term effects. Barron et al. (2004) evaluated the ability of four mechanism-

based toxicity models, including narcosis, to predict chronic toxicity of oil

to early life stage fish. They found that the narcosis model underpredicted

the observed toxicity and appeared to be mechanistically inconsistent with

many of the observed effects of early life stage toxicity in PAH-exposed

embryos, including edema, deformities, and cardiovascular dysfunction.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Hence, in these chronic (16 to 35 days) exposures, narcosis appeared not

to be the primary mode of action. In conclusion, narcosis models have

utility in predicting acute mortality due to exposure to dispersed oil, but

may underestimate toxicity in cases where petroleum compounds with

non-narcotic modes of action are important components (e.g., alkyl phen-

anthrenes, heterocyclic aromatics) and where sublethal or delayed effects

are manifested (Barron et al., 1999, 2004).

Photoenhanced Toxicity

A number of laboratory studies have indicated that toxicity due to

PAH increases significantly (from 12 to 50,000 times) in exposures con-

ducted under ultraviolet light, compared to exposures under the more

typical conditions of fluorescent lights (e.g., Landrum et al., 1987; Ankley

et al., 1994; Boese et al., 1997; Pelletier et al., 1997). This phenomenon,

known as photoenhanced toxicity or phototoxicity, occurs through two

mechanisms: photomodification and photosensitization (Neff, 2002; Fig-

ure 5-5). Both mechanisms result from the absorption of ultraviolet (UV)

radiation by the conjugated double bonds of PAH, exciting them to the

triplet state. With photomodification, the excited PAH molecule leads to

the formation of highly reactive free radicals that oxidize to form prod-

ucts that are often more toxic than the parent PAH. As described earlier in

Chapter 4, photomodification of PAH produces a wide variety of oxygen-

ated products, including quinones, peroxides, and ketones, all of which

are more water soluble than the parent PAH (Neff, 2002). Photosensitiza-

tion occurs when the excited PAH transfers the energy to dissolved oxy-

gen, forming reactive oxygen species. Because of the short-half life of these

photoproducts in water, these reactions are only important when prod-

ucts bioaccumulate in the tissues of aquatic organisms (Newsted and

Giesy, 1987) and attack cell membranes, bind DNA, or generate second-

ary radicals. Hence, photosensitization, the primary mechanism of photo-

enhanced toxicity, causes impacts that differ from the narcosis effects typi-

cally associated with PAH toxicity.

Photoenhanced toxicity has only recently received consideration in

the assessment of risk associated with spilled oil (Pelletier et al., 1997; Ho

et al., 1999; Barron and Kaaihue, 2001; Duesterloh et al., 2002; Barron et

al., 2004). This phenomenon has the potential to increase toxicity under

spill scenarios where the opportunity for UV exposure is greatest, e.g., oil

stranded on the shoreline, in a surface slick, or in shallow water. Because

dispersants generally increase the water-column concentrations of dis-

solved and particulate petroleum hydrocarbons (including the photo-

active compounds) relative to undispersed oil, photoenhanced toxicity of

some PAH is an important consideration for evaluating toxicity associ-

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



FIGURE 5-5 Mechanisms of photoenhanced toxicity.

SOURCE: Barron, 2000; courtesy of the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens

Advisory Council.

ated with water-column exposure to dispersed oil (Barron and Kaaihue,

2001; Barron et al., 2004). Photoenhanced toxicity also has implications for

the toxicological testing of spilled and dispersed oil. For example, Dues-

terloh et al. (2002) found that the toxicity of weathered Alaska North Slope

crude oil for two calanoid copepod species was dramatically increased

upon exposure of the copepods to natural sunlight. In this experiment,

Calanus marhallae and Metridia okhotensis were exposed for 24 hr to low

levels of oil in seawater and then exposed to different levels of natural

sunlight for 3.8 to 8.2 hr. Toxicity to the copepods increased by up to 80

percent after exposure to UV in sunlight. Similarly, Pelletier et al. (1997)

investigated phototoxicity in larvae and juveniles of the bivalve, Mulinia

lateralis, and juvenile mysid shrimp, Mysidopsis bahia, exposed to WAF of

several different petroleum products (No. 2 fuel oil, Arabian Light crude,

Prudhoe Bay crude, No. 6 fuel oil). Large increases in toxicity (from 2 to

100-fold) in UV light exposures were seen in tests with Arabian Light

crude, Prudhoe Bay crude, and No. 6 fuel oil, with the predominant in-

creases found in heavier crudes corresponding to increases in the amount

of higher-molecular-weight phototoxic PAH. In contrast, No. 2 fuel oil

was highly toxic under both fluorescent and UV light. Finally, Barron et al.

(2004) investigated the photoenhanced toxicity of weathered Alaska North

Slope crude with and without dispersant (Corexit 9527) to eggs and larvae

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



of the Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi. Brief exposure to sunlight (~ 2.5 hr per

day for 2 days) increased toxicity from 1.5 to 48-fold over control lighting.

In addition, the toxicity of chemically dispersed oil was similar to oil alone

in the control treatment, but was significantly more toxic than oil alone in

the treatments exposed to sunlight. Accumulation of even small amounts

of PAH may make translucent organisms susceptible to toxicological

effects if these animals are subsequently exposed to sunlight in the upper

part of the water column. Organisms most susceptible to photoenhanced

toxicity include translucent pelagic larvae and epibenthic or benthic

organisms living in shallow water areas. This phenomenon may not be

important for organisms that are opaque (e.g., adult fish, crabs) or avoid

sunlight through vertical migration below the photic zone (Valiela, 1984).

Current dispersed oil testing protocols do not typically include expo-

sure to natural sunlight as a factor in evaluating toxicity; thus they may

underestimate toxicity for some species, and hence underestimate the

footprint of toxicological effects on aquatic organisms in the field. Ad-

ditional toxicological studies are needed to incorporate phototoxicity into

effects models, including the identification of phototoxic compounds.

Models can be used to overlay this information with expected species dis-

tribution in the water column to estimate potential impacts.

Toxicity ofChemically Versus Physically Dispersed Oil

A review of the recent literature (since the publication of the 1989

NRC report on oil dispersants) reveals no consensus in the evaluation of

the relative toxicities of chemically dispersed and physically dispersed oil

(Clark et al., 2001; Singer et al., 1998; Fingas, 2002a; Fucik et al,. 1994).

Some of the inconsistency can be attributed to studies that have drawn

conclusions about relative toxicity based on comparing nominal loading

rates of oil and dispersant, not on measured concentrations of dissolved

hydrocarbons (e.g., Epstein et al., 2000; Adams et al., 1999; Bhattacharyya

et al., 2003; Gulec et al., 1997). Loading rate data are useful for comparing

the toxicity of different oils when dispersed, different dispersants with

the same oil, or sensitivity comparisons among species. However, this

approach has limited utility in evaluating the relative toxicity of chemi-

cally dispersed versus untreated oil based on exposure to oil in the water

column. The degree to which a dispersant facilitates dissolution of petro-

leum hydrocarbons into the water column will influence the resulting

degree of toxicity observed. Many studies have found that the concentra-

tions of PAH are higher in the chemically dispersed oil than in WAF for

equal loading of oil. This is likely due to partitioning kinetics between the

dispersed oil droplets and water. That is, the increased number of oil drop-

lets and smaller droplet diameters increase the surface area to volume

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



ratio such that more of the hydrocarbon components enter the dissolved

phase. Consequently, it is essential to measure actual exposure concentra-

tions to evaluate whether the bioavailability and toxicity of dispersed oil

is greater than what would be expected based on the amount of oil in the

water column.

Clark et al. (2001) tested three types of crude oil (Kuwait, weathered

Kuwait, and Forties) and two dispersants (Corexit 9500 and 9527) in con-

tinuous and short-term spiked exposures using the early life stages of sev-

eral marine species. They found that physically dispersed oil appears less

toxic than chemically dispersed oil when LC

50 is expressed as the nominal

loading concentration (Figure 5-6), but when effects are based on the

amount of oil measured in water (i.e., TPH), dose-response relationships

are similar between chemically and physically dispersed oil.

Similarly, Ramachandran et al. (2004) measured induction of CYP1A

(the liver enzyme ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase or EROD) in rainbow

trout to WAF and chemically dispersed oil (using Corexit 9500) made from

three types of crude oil. They found that EROD activity was as much as

1,100 times higher in chemically dispersed oil treatments compared to

WAF when results were expressed on percent (v/v) basis; however, when

expressed as measured PAH concentrations, there was little difference

between the EC

50 values for EROD activity.

In contrast, Singer et al. (1998) concluded that the relative toxicity of

CEWAF versus WAF was dependent on the test species, exposure time,

and endpoint evaluated. In a series of tests, they evaluated the acute ef-

fects of untreated and dispersant-treated (Corexit 9527) Prudhoe Bay

crude oil on early life stages of three Pacific marine species: red abalone,

Haliotis rufescens, kelp forest mysid shrimp, Holmesimysis costata, and

topsmelt, Atherinops affinis. Experiments were conducted using CROSERF

spiked exposure protocols, including standard preparation of WAF and

CEWAF. In addition to the standard toxicity test endpoints, Singer et al.

(1998) evaluated initial narcosis in the exposures with H. costata and A.

affinis by making behavioral observations during the first 67 hr of expo-

sure and tallying the number of inactive and active animals. Narcosis was

defined as those animals initially affected, but that recovered to an active

state later in the exposure. Results are summarized in Table 5-4 (taken

from Singer et al., 1998) and expressed as EC

50 or LC

50 values based on

total hydrocarbon content (THC

(C7-C30) ) measured at the beginning of the

exposures. In tests with H. rufescens and H. costata, significant effects were

seen in the CEWAF exposures at total hydrocarbon concentrations (THC)

two to three times lower than in WAF tests (Table 5-4). In contrast, effects

on mortality of the topsmelt, A. affinis, and initial narcosis were more

severe in WAF exposures. Singer et al. (1998) suggest that a likely expla-

nation for these results is compositional differences in dissolved petro-

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects












H. costata

M. bahia

S. maximus

M. beryllina













H. costata

M. bahia

S. maxiumus

M. beryllina*

FIGURE 5-6 Comparison of expressing toxicity in terms of measured lethal con-

centrations (LC) of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) or lethal loading (LL)

concentrations based on nominal oil added values. Tests were constant 96-hour

static-renewal tests with Kuwait oil and Corexit 9527 for the mysids (Holmesimysis

costata and Mysidopsis bahia) and silversides (Menidia beryllina). Exposures of turbot

(Scophthalmus maximus) were 48 hour exposures with Forties crude oil and Corexit

9500. Data expressed as LL imply that CEWAF is more toxic than WAF, but when

expressed as measured TPH, toxicities are roughly equivalent.* The LL

50 for M.

beryllina exposed to WAF was 5,020 mg/L, but was not displayed for scaling pur-


SOURCE: Data are from Clark et al., 2001.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-4 Results of Spiked Exposure Toxicity Tests Using Prudhoe

Bay Crude Oil Alone and Combined with Corexit 9527 (O:D ratio = 10:1)

from Singer et al., 1998 (Results are expressed as the EC or LC

50 in

mg/L of THC




Test 1

Test 2

Test 3

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3


Larval abnormality








96-h mortality
Initial narcosis









96-h mortality
Initial narcosis









to be above the highest test concentration.

leum hydrocarbons between CEWAF and WAF due to differences in mixing

energy and loading rates used to prepare the exposure media. For example,

WAF solutions were found to have a larger proportion of volatiles (96

percent) as compared to the CEWAF (67 percent). They conclude that dif-

ferent fractions of oil may drive toxicity in different types of solutions.

Consequently, reporting toxicity based on only a few of the oil compo-

nents may make comparisons across studies difficult (see Figure 5-6).

A similar conclusion was drawn by Fucik et al. (1994) in a series of

tests comparing the toxicity of chemically dispersed oil, dispersant (Cor-

exit 9527), and WAF to a variety of fish and invertebrate species and life

stages from the Gulf of Mexico. Fucik et al. (1994) reported that the toxic-

ity of dispersed oil was proportionately less than WAF when results were

compared using a Toxicity Index (TI) applied to the measured TPH data.

The TI expresses toxicity as a function of concentration and duration of

exposure (e.g., ppm-h). Experiments included both static renewal and

flow-through exposures in open containers that allowed significant vola-

tilization of the petroleum constituents. To explain this result, Fucik et al.

(1994) speculated that volatilization from dispersed oil was enhanced

compared to WAF. Therefore, concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethyl-

benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were higher in WAF, potentially enhancing

toxicity in these exposures. Alternatively, they suggested that oil droplets

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



or emulsions in the chemically dispersed oil may have lower bioavail-

ability than the dissolved hydrocarbons. This explanation seems unlikely

given recent studies suggesting that oil droplets may enhance uptake of

petroleum hydrocarbons (Payne and Driskell, 2003; Ramachandran et al.,


In conclusion, there is no compelling evidence that the toxicity of

chemically dispersed oil is enhanced over physically dispersed oil if com-

parisons are based on measured concentrations of petroleum hydrocar-

bons in the water column. This conclusion is further discussed in the sec-

tion on toxicological effects of dispersed oil on water column organisms.

A similar conclusion was reached in the NRC (1989) review of oil dispers-

ants. CROSERF testing protocols recommend analyzing total hydrocar-

bon content (composed of total petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile hy-

drocarbons) at a minimum, but also suggest in-depth investigations

include the analysis of PAH (Singer et al., 2000; Table 5-5). The studies

reviewed above clearly indicated that measuring fractional components

of aqueous oil (e.g., TPH, total PAH, total volatiles) may not give the reso-

lution necessary to adequately interpret toxicity test data. Consequently,

it is recommended that chemical analyses in conjunction with toxicity tests

should routinely include dissolved- and oil droplet-phase analyses of the

full suite of parent and alkyl-substituted PAH and heterocyclics as well as

the n-alkanes that typically comprise the THC. In addition, application of

additive toxicity models for PAH and other petroleum constituents may

facilitate the interpretation of toxicity test results.

Although acute toxicity studies do not indicate differences in the le-

thal or sublethal responses of organisms exposed to chemically dispersed

or untreated oil, some studies have suggested that the bioaccumulation

kinetics of PAH from dispersed oil may differ from those for undispersed

oil. In a series of experiments, Wolfe et al. (1998a,b,c; 1999a; 2001) have

investigated the bioavailability of naphthalene and phenanthrene in

chemically dispersed oil versus WAF, including an assessment of uptake

and depuration kinetics, to address the question of whether dispersants

alter bioavailability of compounds. The premise of these experiments was

that the bioavailability of dispersed oil may be enhanced due to interac-

tions between dispersant, oil, and biological membranes, possibly as a

result of dispersant-mediated changes in membrane permeability, osmo-

regulation, or other cellular mechanisms. Several experiments examined

bioaccumulation of naphthalene as a model PAH by the microalga Iso-

chrysis galbana. Naphthalene was selected because it has negligible dis-

persant facilitated solubility such that changes in bioavailability could be

examined in the absence of differences in dissolved-phase concentrations

between dispersed and untreated oil. In these experiments, algal cells were

exposed to laboratory preparations of either WAF of Prudhoe Bay crude

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-5 Recommended Target Analyte List for PAH from Singer et

al. (2000)


C-1 naphthalenes

C-2 naphthalenes

C-3 naphthalenes

C-4 naphthalenes



C-1 fluorenes

C-2 flurorenes

C-3 fluorenes


C-1 dibenzothiophenes

C-2 dibenzothiophenes

C-3 dibenzothiophenes

C-4 dibenzothiophenes


C-1 phenanthrenes

C-2 phenanthrenes

C-3 phenanthrenes

C-4 phenanthrenes



C-1 pyrenes

C-2 pyrenes

C-3 pyrenes

C-4 pyrenes



C-1 chrysenes

C-2 chrysenes

C-3 chrysenes

C-4 chrysenes









oil (PBCO) or dispersed oil mixture of PBCO and Corexit 9527 spiked

14 C] naphthalene. Results suggest that dispersants enhanced the

with [U-

initial uptake of naphthalene by microalgae under a variety of tempera-

ture and salinity conditions. However, there were no differences in bio-

accumulation as indicated by similarity in bioaccumulation factors be-

tween dispersed oil and WAF, suggesting that depuration rates were also

enhanced. Wolfe et al. (1998a,b,c; 1999a,b; 2001) extended these experi-

ments to a model food chain, including I. galbana, the rotifer Brachionus

plicatilis, and larval topsmelt, Atherinops affinis. Direct aqueous exposures

to phenanthrene and naphthalene were compared with aqueous plus di-

etary exposures. Depuration of phenanthrene by rotifers decreased sig-

nificantly following dispersed oil exposures, while uptake and depura-

tion of naphthalene by larval topsmelt significantly increased in both

aqueous and dietary exposures to dispersed oil. These detailed and el-

egant experiments have enhanced our understanding of the bioaccumu-

lation kinetics of dispersed oil PAH. These studies should be expanded to

include other organisms and PAH. In addition, this model food chain

could also be used to answer questions related to the importance of PAH

uptake via the dissolved versus oil droplet phases.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects




In the sections that follow, the recent (post-1989) literature on the toxi-

cological effects of chemically dispersed oil is reviewed by habitat type. A

detailed review on dispersant toxicity studies pre-1989 was provided in

NRC (1989). Besides avoiding duplication, for the most part these earlier

studies are not included because many were based on comparisons using

the older dispersant formulations and limited by the use of nominal expo-

sures. Studies from freshwater systems are included where possible. It is

noted, however, that the amount of literature concerned with dispersants

and chemically dispersed oil effects on freshwater organisms is sparse,

most likely a function of the fact that the most common U.S. dispersants,

Corexit 9500 and 9527, have low efficacy in freshwater. Furthermore, the

use of dispersants in freshwater is assumed to be unlikely because the

increase in water-column burden of hydrocarbons would preclude their

use in freshwater systems that provide a source of drinking water.

Water-Column Organisms

This section reviews the literature pertaining to dispersed oil effects

on water column organisms, including larval stages of benthic organisms

(Tables 5-6, 5-7, and 5-8). The review was limited by many studies that are

still based on comparisons of nominal concentrations, despite the recom-

mendation made in NRC (1989) that future studies include chemical

analyses of the exposure media. One common technique is to measure

TPH (and /or VOC and PAH) in the stock solutions and infer TPH levels

upon serial dilutions of these solutions. While this is an improvement over

the use of purely nominal values, it still limits the interpretation of the

results unless some minimal and random sampling of test exposures pro-

vides confirmation that expected concentrations approximate measured

concentrations. It is extremely important to provide an estimate of expo-

sure based on measured concentrations when conducting toxicity tests.

In general, studies that concluded that chemically dispersed oil was

more toxic were based on nominal loading of oil, not measured concen-

trations. For example, Clark et al. (2001) using three types of oil (variable

loadings), two dispersants (Corexit 9500 and 9527), continuous and short-

term spiked exposures, and early life stages of several marine organisms

in 46 and 96 hr tests found that physically dispersed oil appears less toxic

than chemically dispersed oil when LC

50s were expressed as nominal load-

ing concentrations (see earlier in Chapter 5). When toxicity effects were

based on measured TPH, no difference between chemically and physi-

cally dispersed oil was observed using continuous exposures. In an expo-

sure study using freshwater fish, Pollino and Holdaway (2002b) con-

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-6 Acute Effects of Chemically Dispersed Oil in Comparison to

Physically Dispersed Oil in Water-Column Organisms (studies since




Type of Exposure


Oil (D:O ratio)


Kuwait (1:10)

Corexit 9527 48


Kuwait (1:10)
Forties crude

Forties crude

Medium fuel
oil (1:10)

Medium fuel
oil (1:10)

BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 48
Corexit 9500 48



Corexit 9500 48


Corexit 9527 48


Corexit 9527 48


Corexit 9527 24


BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 48


Balanus amphitrite
Balanus amphitrite

Diesel oil (1:10)





Balanus amphitrite

Diesel oil (1:10)



Balanus amphitrite

Diesel oil (1:10)



Palaemon serenus
(ghost shrimp)
Palaemon serenus

BSC (1:10)





Corexit 9500


BSC (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96

Palaemon elegans
Allorchestes compressa
Allorchestes compressa

Middle East
Crude Oil
BSC (1:10)


Corexit 9527 96

static (50% daily


static (50% daily



BSC (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

(1) Marine studies:


Crassostrea gigas
(Pacific oyster)

Crassostrea gigas
Crassostrea gigas
Crassostrea gigas
Crassostrea gigas
Crassostrea gigas
Octopus pallidus

Octopus pallidus


Diesel oil (1:10)

Mysidopsis bahia
Kuwait (1:10)
(gulf mysid shrimp)

Mysidopsis bahia
Kuwait (1:10)
Mysidopsis bahia
Kuwait (W)

Corexit 9527 96

static (60% daily


static (60% daily



Corexit 9527 96
Corexit 9527 96



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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects




Oil Treatment
Effect Conc.

50) mg/L

Dispersed Oil

Effect Conc.





larval mortality



Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

larval mortality
larval mortality



Initial TPH
Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

Clark et al., 2001

larval mortality



Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

larval mortality



Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

larval mortality



Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001






Average TPH
over 24 hr
Average TPH
over 24 hr

Long and Holdaway,


Long and Holdaway,


larval mortality



Wu et al., 1997

larval mortality



larval mortality



larval mortality














Initial nominal




Initial nominal




Initial nominal

Gulec and Holdaway,


Gulec and Holdaway,


Unsal, 1991




Initial nominal

Gulec et al., 1997




Initial nominal

Gulec et al., 1997




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH
Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

Clark et al., 2001

Wu et al., 1997

Wu et al., 1997

Wu et al., 1997


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-6 Continued


Type of Exposure



Oil (D:O ratio)


Mysidopsis bahia

Corexit 9527 96


Corexit 9500 96


Corexit 9500 96


Mysidopsis bahia

Kuwait (W)

Forties crude

Forties crude

AMC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Mysidopsis bahia

AMC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia

ANS (1:10)
ANS (1:10)
VCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96

Mysidopsis bahia

VCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

static (75% daily

renewal), sealed



static (90% daily

renewal), sealed


Mysidopsis bahia

PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Mysidopsis bahia

VCO (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia

KCO (1:10)
KCO (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96
Corexit 9527 96

Mysidopsis bahia
Mysidopsis bahia

Holmesimysis costata
Kuwait (1:10)
(kelp mysid shrimp)

Holmesimysis costata
Kuwait (1:10)
Holmesimysis costata
PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96


static daily renewal,



Corexit 9527 96
Corexit 9527 96



PCBO (1:10)

costata (kelp forest




Corexit 9500 96


Corexit 9500 96


BSC (1:29)

Corexit 9527 96


BSC (1:29)

Corexit 9500 96


ANS (1:25)

Corexit 9527 24



Hydra viridissima
(green hydra)

Hydra viridissima


Clupea pallasi
(Pacific herring)

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects




Oil Treatment
Effect Conc.

50) mg/L

Dispersed Oil

Effect Conc.








Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

larval mortality



Initial TPH

larval mortality



Initial TPH

larval mortality
larval mortality
larval mortality



Initial THC
Initial THC
Average TPH

larval mortality



Average TPH

larval mortality



Average TPH

larval mortality



Average TPH




Initial TPH
Initial TPH

Fuller and Bonner,


Fuller and Bonner,


Rhoton et al., 2001

Rhoton et al., 2001

Wetzel and van Fleet,


Wetzel and van Fleet,


Wetzel and van Fleet,


Wetzel and van Fleet,


Pace et al., 1995

Pace et al., 1995




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001


early-life stage



Initial TPH

Initial THC

Clark et al., 2001

Singer et al., 1998



Initial THC

Singer et al., 2001

early-life stage



Initial THC

Singer et al., 2001






Initial stock
Initial stock

Mitchell and Holdaway,


Mitchell and Holdaway,


larval mortality



Initial tPAH

Barron et al., 2004


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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-6 Continued


Oil (D:O ratio)



Type of Exposure





Cyprinodon variegatus No. 2 fuel oil

(sheepshead minnow) (1:1 to 1:10)

Cyprinodon variegatus AMC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Cyprinodon variegatus

AMC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

Atherinops affinis

Atherinops affinis

PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96

static (75% daily

renewal), sealed


PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Atherinops affinis


Kuwait (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Corexit 9527 48


Kuwait (1:10)

Corexit 9527 48


Forties (1:10)

Corexit 9500 48


Forties (1:10)

Corexit 9500 48


Kuwait (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96


Corexit 9527 96
Corexit 9527 96



Corexit 9527 96


Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina

Kuwait (1:10)
Kuwait (W)

Kuwait (W)

Forties (1:10)
Forties (1:10)
PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96




Menidia beryllina

ALC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Menidia beryllina

ALC (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

Menidia beryllina

Corexit 9500 96

Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina


ANS (1:10)
ANS (1:10)
PBCO (1:10)
PBCO (1:10)
VCO (1:10)

static (75% daily

renewal), sealed


Corexit 9500
Corexit 9500
Corexit 9500
Corexit 9500
Corexit 9500

Menidia beryllina

VCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96





static (90% daily

renewal), sealed


Menidia beryllina

PBCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


maxiumus (turbot)




Menidia beryllina
(Inland silveride)

Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina


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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects




Oil Treatment
Effect Conc.

50) mg/L

Dispersed Oil

Effect Conc.





larval mortality


~ 80165

larval mortality



larval mortality




early life stage


early life stage





Adams et al., 1999

initial mg/L

Initial TPH
Fuller and Bonner,


Initial TPH
Fuller and Bonner,


Initial THC
Singer et al., 1998



Initial THC

Singer et al., 2001



Initial THC

Singer et al., 2001


Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH
Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

Clark et al., 2001




Initial TPH

Clark et al., 2001

early life stage

larval mortality



Initial TPH
Initial TPH
Initial THC

Clark et al., 2001

Clark et al., 2001

Singer et al., 2001



Initial TPH

larval mortality



Initial TPH

early life stage


larval mortality
larval mortality
larval mortality
larval mortality
larval mortality



Initial THC

Fuller and Bonner,


Fuller and Bonner,


Singer et al., 2001



Initial THC
Initial THC
Initial THC
Initial THC
Average TPH

larval mortality



Average TPH

larval mortality



Average TPH

Rhoton et al., 2001

Rhoton et al., 2001

Rhoton et al., 2001

Rhoton et al., 2001

Wetzel and van Fleet,


Wetzel and van Fleet,


Wetzel and van Fleet,



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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-6 Continued


Type of Exposure



Oil (D:O ratio)


Menidia beryllina

VCO (W) (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96


Menidia beryllina
Menidia beryllina
Sciaenops ocellatus
(Red drum)

(Australian bass)


ANS (W) (1:10)

ANS (W) (1:10)
VCO (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96
Corexit 9500 96




BSC (1:10)

Corexit 9500 96

static (50% daily


BSC (1:10)

Corexit 9527 96

BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 96

static (50% daily


static daily renewal

BSC (1:29)

Corexit 9527 96


BSC (1:29)

Corexit 9500 96


Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)



Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9500 24

static, daily renewal

Corexit 9500 48

static, daily renewal

Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9500 72

static, daily renewal

Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9500 96

static, daily renewal

Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 48

static, daily renewal

Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 72

static, daily renewal

Melanotaenia fluviatilis BSC (1:50)

Corexit 9527 96

static, daily renewal

(2) Freshwater studies:


Hydra viridissima
(green hydra)

Hydra viridissima



concentrations refer to the quantity of dispersant:diesal mixture.

of stock solution.

cTHC, total hydrocarbon content of C

to C

dDepending on dispersant concentration from 1:1 to 1:10 dispersant to oil ratio.

eEffects concentrations based on initial chemical quantiations (measured or nominal).


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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Oil Treatment
Effect Conc.

50) mg/L

Dispersed Oil

Effect Conc.





larval mortality



Average TPH

larval mortality
larval mortality
larval mortality



Initial THC
Initial THC
Average TPH

larval mortality



Initial nominal

larval mortality



Initial nominal



Wetzel and van Fleet,


Rhoton et al., 2001

Rhoton et al., 2001

Wetzel and van Fleet,


Gulec and Holdaway,


Initial TPH on

Gulec and Holdaway,


Cohen and Nugegoda,


Initial stock
Initial stock

Mitchell and Holdaway,


Mitchell and Holdaway,










Initial stock

Pollino and Holdaway,















Initial stock
Initial stock
Initial stock
Initial stock
Initial stock
Initial stock

Pollino and Holdaway,


Pollino and Holdaway,


Pollino and Holdaway,


Pollino and Holdaway,


Pollino and Holdaway,


Pollino and Holdaway,


NOTE: THC, summation of total hydrocarbon content C

6 to C

36; (W), weathered; ANS,

Alaska North Slope crude oil; PBCO, Prudhoe Bay crude oil; BSC, Bass Strait crude oil; ALC,

Arabian light crude; VCO, Venezuelan medium crude oil.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-7 Sublethal Effects of Chemically Dispersed Oil in

Comparison to Physically Dispersed Oil in Water-Column Organisms

(studies since 1989)




(D:O ratio)


Type of




(1) Marine studies:


Holmesimysis Adult
costata (kelp



9527 (1:10)




































9527 (1:10)





(variable) 9527 (1:10)






static. Daily

renewal (for


egg studies)



(red abalone)





Clupea pallasi embryos/


9257 (1:25)

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects








Oil Effect Concentration







Initial THC

Singer et al.,










Wu et al., 1997





Wu et al., 1997





Wu et al., 1997

> 33.58


Initial THC

Singer et al.,




Initial THC

Singer et al.,




Initial tPAH

No oil alone comparison.

Wu et al., 1997

1 m filtering of WAF/DO.
Barron et al.,

Similar toxicity WAF & DO in


control and UVA treatments

but DO more toxic in sunlight.


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-7 Continued




(D:O ratio)


Type of




Clupea pallasi Embryos/



9257 (1:25)

static. Daily

renewal (for


egg studies)


Clupea pallasi Embryos/



9257 (1:25)

static. Daily

renewal (for


egg studies)




9527 (1:30)


Cytochrome C

flowoxidase (CCO)


(2% of stock





9527 (1:30)





(2% of stock





9527 (1:30)





(2% of stock





No. 2
Fuel Oil

7664 (1:40)
and 9527





Salmo salar



9527 (1:50)

(1% of stock

Serum sorbitol



indicator of

liver damage)

144 (plus
29 days

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects







Oil Effect Concentration








Initial tPAH

1 m filtering of WAF/DO.
Barron et al.,

Similar toxicity WAF & DO in


control and UVA treatments

but DO more toxic in sunlight.



Initial tPAH

1 m filtering of WAF/DO.
Barron et al.,

Similar toxicity WAF & DO in


control and UVA treatments

but DO more toxic in sunlight.



Initial TPH
on stocks

Stimulated activity if DO cf
WAF in gills; in livers
stimulated in both WAF and


concentrations >5x higher cf.


Cohen et al.,




Initial TPH
on stocks

LDH activity higher in DO

concentrations >5x higher cf.


Cohen et al.,




Initial TPH
on stocks

Oxygen consumption higher in

concentrations >5x higher cf.


Cohen et al.,




Initial THC
on stocks

WAF effect only at 100% stock


solution; WAF 7664 effects at

and Whiting,

1% stock and WAF 9527 at 10%. 1995



Initial TPH

No change with any treatment.

Gagnon and




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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-7 Continued

Type of




(D:O ratio)



9527 (1:50)

144 (plus
29 days




(1% of stock


No. 2
Fuel oil

(1:1 to


168 (ELS)



Scenedesmus NA

No. 2
Fuel oil

DP 105



Variety of

growth and











9500 (1:10)


Daily static



activity (AP),







8 to 24


Heat-shock 60




Salmo salar



024 h old




Coscinasterias Adult




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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects







Oil Effect Concentration








Initial TPH

Induction of EROD by 2 days in Gagnon and

WAF and DO WAFinduction Holdaway,

levels higher and more


persistent in DO WAF.





50 s reported as nominal
mixed (oil and/or dispersant)
mg/L values. Oil/dispersant

mixtures equal or more toxic

than oil alone.

Adams et al.,





No clear difference between O

and DO mixes. Nominal

Zachleder and

Tukaj, 1993




No differnce between WAF or


Wolfe et al.,




Initial PAH

tPAH in stocks WAF 1.8mg/L


and dispersed oil 3.5 mg/L. AP et al., 2003

no differences. P450 decreased

in dispersed oil cf control or

WAF. WAF and dispersed oil

impacted behavior.




8 h significant elevations in
HSP60 in WAF, only elevated
in DO exposures in unfed



et al., 2002


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-7 Continued




(D:O ratio)


Type of




(2) Freshwater studies:






9527 (1:29)




growth rate





9500 (1:29)




growth rate

Salmar salmar Juvenile



9500 (1:20)


static daily

EROD activity



Salmar salmar Juvenile


9500 (1:20)


static daily

EROD activity



Salmar salmar Juvenile


9500 (1:20)


static daily

EROD activity



Melanotaenia Adult




9500 (1:50)


50% daily


EROD activity

Melanotaenia Adult


9500 (1:50)


50% daily




Melanotaenia Adult


9500 (1:50)


50% daily


LDH activity


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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects







Oil Effect Concentration








Initial stock

Mitchell and




Initial stock

Mitchell and





Initial TPH
and PAH

CYP1A induction x106 in

CEWAF (if expressed as
% v/v ratio)


et al., 2004



Initial TPH
and PAH

CYP1A induction x1116 in

CEWAF (if expressed as
% v/v ratio)


et al., 2004



Initial TPH
and PAH

CYP1A induction x6 in CEWAF

(if expressed as % v/v ratio)


et al., 2004



Initial (daily

Higher activity cf controls in

males at 0.8, 2.6, & 7.8 mg/L
TPH WAF and in males and
females at 14.5 mg/L TPH


Pollino and





Initial (daily

Higher activity cf controls at

2.6 & 7.8 mg/L TPH WAF and
1.4 & 14.5 mg/L TPH DCWAF.

Pollino and





Initial (daily

Higher activity cf controls at

7.8 mg/L TPH WAF and
14.5 mg/L TPH DCWAF.

Pollino and




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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-7 Continued




(D:O ratio)


Type of




Melanotaenia Adult


9500 (1:50)


50% daily




GSI and


Melanotaenia Adult


9500 (1:50)


50% daily



% hatch and

larval lengths

aFollowed by UV exposures and assessment of combined effects of PAH accumulation

and UV exposure.

bRepresents mg/l value of oil and/or dispersant mixture.

cEffects concentrations based on initial chemical quantiations (measured or nominal).

TABLE 5-8 Dispersed Oil Effects on Water Column OrganismsField




rainbow trout,
and microtox)

D: Corexit 9550
(1:10 D/O ratio)
Details: Fen lake plots,
monitored 29 days
before exposure and 30
days post-exposure
Response: plankton
counts, metabolic rate,
aqueous microbial
counts, bioassays
(Daphnia, rainbow trout,
and microtox)



Concentrations Results
in field); TPH
in lab

Bioassays no
toxicity for O or
DO plots



et al.,


No change in

phyto- or zoo-

plankton density,

planktonic biomass,

metabolic rates,

or microbial

populations with

O or DO plots

NOTE: O, oil; D, dispersant; DO, chemically dispersed oil; NWC, Norman Wells Crude Oil.

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects







Oil Effect Concentration








Initial (daily

No significant differences
between WAF or DC WAF.



Initial (daily

No significant differences
Pollino and

betweenWAF or DC WAF

(high variability), although DC 2002a

WAF exposure caused cessation

in egg production at 14.5 mg/L.

Pollino and



NOTE: ANS, Alaska North Slope Crude Oil; BSC, Bass Strait Crude Oil; PBCO, Prudhoe Bay

Crude Oil; (W), weathered.

cluded that 96-hr LC

50s for WAF and chemically dispersed oil were similar

for both first- and second-generation fish based on measured TPH con-

centrations. It should be noted that a complex preparation of the chemi-

cally dispersed oil using Corexit 9527 and 9500 was used. The chemically

dispersed oil was prepared by mixing oil and water for 24 hr, removing

crude oil from the top, and then applying the dispersant to this oil. The

chemically dispersed oil was then prepared by adding 1 mL of this mix-

ture to 1L of WAF.

Singer et al. (1998) evaluated the acute effects of untreated and dis-

persant-treated (Corexit 9527) Prudhoe Bay crude oil on early life stages

of three Pacific marine species: the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, a kelp

forest mysid shrimp, Holmesimysis costata, and the topsmelt, Atherinops

affinis and concluded that CEWAF versus WAF toxicity was dependent

upon test species and exposure time (also see earlier in Chapter 5). Results

were expressed as measured THC concentrations and it was observed that

WAF was more toxic at early time points (<1 hr), but in tests with H.

rufescens and H. costata significant effects were seen in the CEWAF expo-

sures at THC concentrations two to three times lower than in WAF tests

(Table 5-4). Cohen and Nugegoda (2000) exposed fish to Bass Straight

crude oil and Corexit 9527 and found that the chemically dispersed oil

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



was more toxic than WAF, based on a comparison of measured TPH val-

ues. As noted previously (see earlier section in this chapter on toxicity of

chemically versus physically dispersed oil), these results are likely due to

compositional differences in dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons in chemi-

cally dispersed oil compared to WAF and argue for more detailed chemi-

cal evaluations of exposure. Other studies that indicate an enhanced acute

toxicity from dispersed oil on a variety of marine and freshwater organ-

isms are listed in Table 5-6, but are not discussed because they employed

nominal exposures.

Since the NRC (1989) recommendation for increased investigations of

chronic and sublethal effects of dispersed oil, many studies have been

undertaken (sublethal studies summarized in Table 5-7). Many endpoints

including molecular targets through behavioral responses have been as-

sessed in a variety of species from phytoplankton to various early life

stages of common nearshore benthic and water-column species. Again,

several of these studies report nominal exposures (e.g., all of the phy-

toplankton reports, which demonstrate no effect of chemically dispersed

oil versus WAF), although the majority of studies do evaluate at least TPH.

Ramachandran et al. (2003) measured induction of hepatic CYP1A in ju-

venile rainbow trout in WAF and chemically dispersed oil (using Corexit

9500) using three types of crude oil. They found that CYP1A expression

(measured as EROD activity) was as much as 1,100 times higher in the

CEWAF exposures compared with WAF when results were expressed on

a percent (v/v) basis; however, when expressed as measured PAH con-

centrations there was little difference between the EC

50 values for EROD

activity. Similarly, Cohen et al. (2001a,b) using juvenile fish exposed to

Bass Straight crude oil and Corexit 9527 found that chemically dispersed

oil increased the response in many of the biochemical indicators exam-

ined (e.g., cytochrome C oxidase). Barron et al. (2004) demonstrated that

CEWAF and WAF toxicity were similar in exposed fish eggs and larvae.

Other studies have demonstrated mixed responses (depending on metrics

chosen) or decreased effects of chemically dispersed oil compared to WAF

in both marine and freshwater species (e.g., Pollino and Holdaway, 2003;

Gagnon and Holdaway, 2000; Wheelock et al., 2002; Georgiades et al.,


Intertidal and Subtidal Habitats

These habitats include benthic invertebrates and plants inhabiting

subtidal and intertidal areas in both hard and soft-bottom environments,

as well as intertidal wetlands. Under most deepwater spill scenarios (>10

m), use of dispersants is thought to present minimal risk to benthic

subtidal communities because water-column concentrations of petroleum

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



hydrocarbon will be sufficiently dilute (McAuliffe et al., 1981; Mackay

and Wells, 1983). In shallow-water systems, these organisms are more

likely to be exposed to and affected by dispersed rather than floating oil.

Consequently, increased impacts on subtidal benthic resources may be

one of the environmental trade-offs of using dispersants. Intertidal areas,

such as salt marshes and mangroves, are often considered sensitive areas

because they serve as habitat for many adult, juvenile, and larval organ-

isms. Hence, if valuable resources exist in the intertidal area, dispersing

oil before it reaches this habitat may be preferable. In terms of short-term

effects, an extensive evaluation of the relative acute sensitivities of benthic

and water-column species to a variety of chemicals, including PAH, sug-

gests that the toxicity of dispersed oil to benthic organisms would be simi-

lar to that on water-column organisms (DiToro et al., 1991). However, this

evaluation does not consider the potential for long-term exposure to oil

that may occur as a result of the persistence of oil in sediments, particu-

larly in low-energy areas with minimal flushing. Thus, in order to ad-

equately evaluate the potential effects on subtidal and intertidal temper-

ate communities in shallow water systems, the persistence and behavior

of dispersed oil versus untreated oil in benthic sediments and on the

shoreline should be assessed. Field studies conducted in the 1980s still

constitute much of what is known about these fate and effects processes

and are summarized below.

In 1981, a field study in Long Cove, Searsport, Maine compared the

fate and effects of dispersed and undispersed crude oil on nearshore tem-

perate habitats (Gilfillan et al., 1986). The cove was divided into three

areas: a control, dispersed oil (using Corexit 9527), and untreated oil. The

spill of 250 gallons of untreated oil was released during high tide in water

approximately 1.5 to 2.0 m deep. The oil was allowed to coat the beach

and after two tidal cycles, oil was cleansed from the beach using conven-

tional methods. The dispersed oil (10:1, O:D) was mixed and released into

approximately 2.5 to 3.0 m. The deepest samples were taken near the

center of the cove, in approximately 18 m depth. The treated oil quickly

dispersed into the water column, reaching concentrations of 1520 ppm

near the bottom. However, this short-term exposure appeared to have

little effect on the benthic community in this treatment. On the other hand,

significant amounts of oil remained in the intertidal sediments exposed to

untreated oil, but not in sediments exposed to the dispersed oil. In addi-

tion, hydrocarbons were found in clams and mussels near the untreated

oil site, but were not detected in similar species collected at the dispersed

oil site. Finally, effects on infaunal benthic communities were found in the

untreated oil site but not in the area exposed to dispersed oil. Researchers

attributed these differences to the greater persistence of undispersed oil

in the intertidal sediments.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Similar results were seen in the Baffin Island Oil Spill Project (BIOS)

initiated in 1980 (Blackall and Sergy, 1981). This large-scale field project

consisted of four bays, two of which received either 94 barrels of un-

treated, partly weathered crude oil released on the surface or an under-

water release of oil and dispersant (10:1). The untreated oil caused no

immediate effects on benthic organisms, but some intertidal amphipods

and larval fish were affected by physical coating. Oil concentrations in the

top 1 m of water ranged from 0.01 to 2.8 ppm. In the dispersed oil treat-

ment, concentrations of oil on the bottom (approximately 10 m) ranged

from approximately 50 ppm to a high of 167 ppm. Benthic organisms ap-

peared stressed in this treatment, most likely due to narcotic effects. How-

ever, systematic monitoring of benthic populations demonstrated that

exposure to dispersed oil did not cause large-scale mortality. After one

year, there was no statistical difference in benthic community composi-

tion between the dispersed oil treatment and the control bays. As in the

Searsport study, the persistence of dispersed oil in subtidal sediments was

much less (approaching background after 1 year) than at the untreated oil

site. However, in this study there was no attempt to recover oil from the

untreated oil site; hence, amounts of residual oil were likely higher than

would have occurred had some recovery been attempted.

Michel and Henry (1997) evaluated PAH uptake and depuration by

oysters after use of dispersants on a shallow water oil spill in El Salvador

(see Box 5-3). Because the PAH levels dropped to nearly background

within three weeks after application of dispersant, the authors concluded

that the subtidal sediments in the spill site did not contain residual oil and

therefore did not constitute a continuing source of oil to coastal resources.

Studies in which the sediments were a major reservoir for spilled oil have

reported elevated levels of PAH in oysters for months to years after the

spill (Neff and Haensly, 1982; Blumer et al., 1970). Because most of the oil

in the El Salvador spill was dispersed there was no opportunity to com-

pare uptake and depuration of dispersed oil versus untreated oil. Thus, it

was not possible to determine if the use of dispersants increased the

amount of oil that reached benthic habitats. However, a qualitative com-

parison of PAH measurements in oysters collected during other oil spills

where dispersants were not applied, does not suggest any dramatic dif-

ference in uptake (Michel and Henry, 1997). The SERF in Corpus Christi,

Texas, was used in a series of mesocosm experiments to evaluate the eco-

logical effects of shorelines impacted by oil and chemically dispersed oil

(Coelho et al., 1999; Fuller et al., 1999; Bragin et al., 1999). Simulated

beaches were constructed in experimental wave tanks (described in detail

in Chapter 3) with fine sand. Treatments included artificially weathered

Arabian medium crude oil, oil premixed with Corexit 9500, and controls.

Six liters of oil or oil-dispersant mixture were poured onto the surface of

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



the tanks. After an initial mixing period of one hour, fresh sea water was

circulated continuously through the wave tanks to simulate tides with a

12-hour period. A variety of organisms (fiddler crabs, polychaete worms,

amphipods, fish, and oysters) were exposed in situ in the wave-tank

mesocosms or ex-situ in laboratory toxicity tests. In the oil-only treatment,

the TPH concentrations in water peaked at 15,360 g/L at 6 hr and then

declined to a concentration of 2,948 g/L at 24 hr (Coelho et al., 1999). The

resulting total PAH concentrations in fish (Cyprinodon variegatus) and oys-

ters (Crassostrea virginica) in the wave tanks at 24 hr were 8,420 and 8,590

g/g, respectively. In the dispersed oil treatment, the TPH concentrations

in water peaked at one hour at 48,580 g/L and declined to 5,258 g/L

after 24 hr. The total PAH concentrations in fish and oysters were 18,440

and 3,550 g/g, respectively after 24 hr. The similarity in PAH concentra-

tions in oysters under the two treatments may be related to the oil-only

exposure being limited to certain phases of the tidal cycle. As has been

documented in field studies, sediment concentrations of TPH in the dis-

persed oil treatments were very low compared to the oil-only treatment, a

consequence of the untreated oil becoming trapped in the mesocosm wave

tank (Coelho et al., 1999). Interpretation of toxicological evaluations was

confounded, in some instances, by unacceptable control mortality. How-

ever, in general, results suggested comparable toxicity of chemically and

physically dispersed oil in these mesocosm experiments (Fuller et al., 1999;

Bragin et al., 1999).

In general, the available information from field and mesocosm stud-

ies seems to indicate that dispersants will reduce the persistence of oil in

subtidal and intertidal sediments compared to untreated oil. Conse-

quently, there may be a trade-off between short-term acute effects due to

increased concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the water column

countered by the reduction in long-term chronic exposure to petroleum

hydrocarbons from stranded oil. However, this conclusion is based on

limited information, and the interactions between dispersed oil and sedi-

ments are still poorly understood. For example, Ho et al. (1999) found that

toxicity of sediments in the vicinity of the North Cape spill (a spill that had

incredibly high physical dispersion of home heating oil) lasted for more

than 6 months in some areas. Sediments in this study were fine grained,

unlike those in the SERF mesocosms that were sandy. Consequently, a

focused series of experiments should be conducted to quantify the final

fate of chemically dispersed oil droplets compared to undispersed oil, in-

cluding an evaluation of the interaction with a broader range of sediment


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



BOX 5-3

Case Study: Acajutla, El Salvador

Spilled Oil Type/Volume/Conditions. An estimated 400 1 00 barrels of a

blended crude oil called Venezuela Recon was released about 1 km off-

shore at the mooring buoy off the Refineria de Acajutla, El Salvador on 23

June 1 994. Venezuela Recon is a 50:50 blend of a heavy Venezuelan crude

and light, intermediate products such as naphtha and gas oil. It appeared

much like a black diesel. Properties were: API gravity of 34.9; viscosity of

4.38 cSt; and pour point of 1 5C. It would be readily dispersible.

Physical and Biological Setting. The spill affected open, exposed coastline

consisting of rocky shores and sand beaches. Water depths were 46 m

over mixed sand and rock bottom. Winds were high during the spill, but

calm during dispersant applications over the next few days. There are in-

shore fisheries both for finfish (by boat) and for benthic oysters attached to

rock outcrops (by free diving).

Dispersant Application. Thirty barrels of Corexit 9527 were applied over a

3-day period, for an application rate of 1 :1 3. Applications followed guide-

lines in the facilitys oil spill contingency plan. Dispersant was first applied

on 2 4 June within 1 21 5 hr after the spill by fixed wing aircraft and

workboats. Some Corexit 7664 was applied from shore to oil in the surf

zone. Small nearshore slicks were treated with Corexit 9527 sprayed by

workboats for two more days. On the morning of 27 June, no visible slicks

were reported.


One of the widely held assumptions concerning the use of dispers-

ants is that chemically dispersion of oil will dramatically reduce the im-

pacts to seabirds and aquatic mammals, primarily by reducing their expo-

sure to petroleum hydrocarbons (e.g., French-McCay, 2004). Evaluating

the validity of this assumption is critical because it is often a key factor in

the decision on whether or not to use dispersants on a particular spill.

Unfortunately, little is known about the effects of dispersed oil on wild-

life, especially aquatic mammals. Oil can affect wildlife through a combi-

nation of effects: toxicity due to ingestion of oil or contaminated prey;

inhalation of petroleum vapors; and loss of thermoregulatory capacity due

to physical oiling of feathers and fur. In addition, adults that become oiled

may transfer oil from their plumage to their more sensitive eggs or

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Monitoring Results. Effectiveness: Monitors conducting visual observations

during overflights reported that the application was highly effective. The

small amount of oil that stranded onshore was removed manually. Effects:

Because of concern over potential impacts of the spill and dispersant use

on fisheries, a monitoring plan was developed. Fishermen were queried to

determine if they had encountered any oil on their nets or catch or any

dead organisms. No encounters were reported. Commercial fishermen were

hired to free-dive for oysters at four locations (included two background

locations). Whole oysters (including the gut) were analyzed for PAH to

fingerprint the oil and monitor for the presence and bioavailability of oil to

benthic resources at 7, 28, 1 85, and 280 days post-spill (though there was

another small spill reported just prior to the 1 85 day sampling event).

Two samples of oysters from the area where the oil was dispersed in

46 m of water contained total PAH of 1 47 and 1 64 ppm, dry weight,

compared to background levels less than 1 .0 ppm. The PAH patterns indi-

cated that the oil in the oysters was slightly weathered whole oil. Since the

oysters had been exposed to clean water for at least five days, it is likely

that they were already depurating the oil and the oil measured represents a

body burden rather than oil in the digestive glands. Four weeks post-spill,

PAH levels in oysters from these areas decreased by 9498 percent. Half-

lives for 2- and 3-ringed PAH were calculated to range from 2.8 to 4.7

days, and 4- to 6-ringed PAH ranged from 3.7 to 30 days. These values

were similar to results of laboratory studies. These studies showed that

dispersed oil did reach benthic communities when dispersed in 46 m of

water in open-water conditions. Uptake by oysters was rapid, and depura-

tion was complete within 28 days.

SOURCE: Summary based on Michel and Henry (1 997).

hatchlingsrefined oil is highly toxic to avian embryos. The limited avail-

able information suggests comparable toxicity of dispersed and untreated

oil to seabirds and mammals. A literature review by Peakall et al. (1987)

concluded that, from the toxicological perspective, the effects of oil and

chemically dispersed oil on seabirds were similar, based on sublethal re-

sponses at the biochemical and physiological level. Similarly, studies on

the effects of oil on the hatching success of bird eggs (summarized in NRC,

1989) also indicated that toxicities of oil and dispersed oil were similar.

Hence, the main concern for the impacts of dispersed oil and dispers-

ants is in the physical loss of insulative properties of the feathers and fur

of wildlife when coated with oil, which in turn can lead to hypothermia,

stress, starvation, and ultimately death of the animal. The effect of exter-

nal oiling on the thermal insulation of plumage has been shown to be

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



dependent on the amount of water that is absorbed into the plumage as a

function of the amount of oil exposure. Peakall et al. (1987) derived a math-

ematical model to estimate the amount of dispersed oil to which seabirds

would be exposed. The risk of exposure to oil is dependent on the behav-

ioral characteristics of birds. Because the purpose of dispersants is to drive

oil into the water column, only those activities that cause seabirds to sub-

merge, such as feeding, would lead to an increased exposure to oil. Based

on their modeling analysis, Peakall et al. (1987) concluded that there is no

significant exposure of birds to oil in the water column, rather, the highest

exposure occurs when the bird dives or returns to the water-oil surface.

They concluded that the assumption that dispersing oil benefits seabirds

depends on the efficiency of the dispersion. However, several later evalu-

ations have challenged this assumption, asserting that exposure to even

small amounts of organic petroleum compounds and surfactants may re-

sult in adverse effects to birds and potentially bird populations (Jenssen,

1994; Briggs et al., 1996; Stephenson, 1997).

The waterproof properties of feathers and their value as thermal insu-

lators are due to their composition and their structure. The keratin of

feathers is inherently water repellant. In addition, the lattice structure and

contour of feathers promote the shedding of water droplets from the sur-

face of the feather (Stephenson, 1997). Thus, it is reasonable to predict that

any factors that compromise the integrity of the plumage, such as expo-

sure to oil or dispersants, will affect thermoregulation and result in a

physiological cost to the animal. Similar effects would be expected in

aquatic mammals, such as otters, that rely on water-repellant fur to main-

tain normal thermal regulation (Jenssen, 1994).

As noted previously, very few studies have evaluated the effects of

dispersed oil on thermoregulation. Lambert et al. (1982) compared meta-

bolic rates of mallards exposed to Prudhoe Bay crude oil and Corexit 9527.

They found higher metabolic rates in birds exposed to dispersant, pre-

sumably due to increased energy expended to maintain a normal body

temperature. Jenssen and Ekker (1991) reported that a much smaller vol-

ume of chemically treated oil compared to crude oil was required to cause

significant effects on plumage insulation and thermoregulation in eiders.

Because dispersants are surface active agents that reduce water surface

tension, they may also increase the wettability of bird feathers and hence

disrupt their insulation properties (Stephenson, 1997). Stephenson and

Andrews (1997) concluded that adult bird feathers could be wetted when

the surface tension of water is reduced below a certain threshold. In addi-

tion, Stephenson (1997) indicates that a multitude of surface-active or-

ganic contaminants, including petroleum compounds and detergents,

may have detrimental effects on aquatic birds due to alterations in water

surface tension. Application of chemical dispersants during an oil spill

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



may lower the amount of oil to which a bird or aquatic mammal is ex-

posed while at the same time increasing the potential loss of the insulative

properties of feathers or fur through reduction of surface tension at the

feather/fur-water interface. Clearly, more studies are needed to address

the uncertainties associated with the impacts of dispersants and dispersed

oil on wildlife. A similar conclusion was also reached by NRC (1989), and

very few studies have been conducted since that initial recommendation.

Microbial Communities

During the decision-making process an important factor to be consid-

ered is whether degradation of the spilled oil will be enhanced or inhib-

ited using dispersants, thereby affecting the ultimate fate of the oil. As

discussed in Chapter 4, there is no conclusive evidence demonstrating

either the enhancement or the inhibition of microbial biodegradation

when dispersants are used. Studies specifically addressing the toxic effects

of dispersants or dispersed oil on microorganisms are limited and effects

are often inferred from inhibited rates of oil biodegradation (see Chapter

4 and Table 5-9). To determine toxic effects to bacterial populations as a

result of dispersant use, consideration should be given as to the transport

mechanism involved for oil uptake by the particular species under study.

Transport mechanisms include uptake from the dissolved phase or via a

direct contact mechanism. Addition of dispersants can alter the con-

centration of dissolved phase hydrocarbons and interfere with normal

bacteria-oil droplet attachment mechanisms (Zhang and Miller, 1994) as

discussed in Chapter 4. These changes could result in enhanced or de-

creased exposure of the bacteria to particular hydrocarbons, which may

be either advantageous or detrimental (toxic) to the microbe. There are

few studies that directly examine routes of exposure and toxicity to


Inhibition of biodegradation rates may be caused by a variety of fac-

tors, including toxicity, though it could also result from the fact that the

dispersant may substitute for the oil as the carbon source. However, it is

also possible that an increased concentration of dispersed oil (or dispers-

ant) could cause temporary toxic effects to natural microbial populations.

Studies of biodegradation rates that report changes in bacterial growth

(numbers) or uptake of glucose as indicators of toxic effects should be

interpreted with caution. Many other factors could be limiting, such as

nutrients and other growth factors. Extrapolating data from laboratory

tests is difficult because hydrocarbon degradation rates are often several

orders of magnitude higher compared with in-situ rates. Conversely, any

toxic or inhibitory effects are also likely to be magnified in the laboratory

setting (NRC, 1989).

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Studies addressing specific toxicity issues in microbial communities

are very limited, with the majority being an indirect observation from

biodegradation studies using enhanced or inhibited growth of microbial

populations. For example, Linden et al. (1987), in a microcosm system

aimed at modeling the littoral ecosystem of the Baltic Sea, demonstrated

elevated numbers of water-borne heterotrophic bacteria after 30 hr in dis-

persed oil treatments relative to oil alone. After 7 days post-exposure, the

differences between treatments were not significant. This study indicates

no toxic effect to the microbial population as a whole with the use of dis-

persants; however, growth as measured by bacterial counts may mask

selective toxicity to some bacterial strains concordant with elevations in

numbers of tolerant or specific hydrocarbon degrading strains. It should

be noted that a 100-fold increase of C

16-specific organisms was observed

after 30 hr in the dispersant-oil treatment compared with oil alone (Lin-

den et al., 1987). A similar elevation in bacterial numbers in response to

chemical (Corexit 9500) versus physical dispersion was observed by

MacNaughton et al. (2003), again measured by total bacterial counts. Some

dispersant studies have demonstrated that when microbial processes are

inhibited, rates of oil decomposition decline (see Chapter 4; NRC, 1989;

Mulyono et al., 1994; Varadaraj et al., 1995).

Although there are a few studies specifically on microbial toxicity,

none examined natural marine microbial populations. George et al. (2001)

indirectly addressed the toxicity of oil and oil plus dispersant treatments

to microbes by determining effects on the intestinal flora of rats and the

mutagenic potential of these mixtures using an assay on bacteria (see be-

low). The reasoning behind this study was to determine the adverse health

effects of cleanup options on marine mammals. It was hypothesized that

even low levels of oil (with or without dispersant) may cause toxic effects

following ingestion due to the alteration in gastrointestinal tract meta-

bolic processes. The rat was used as a model organism to determine if co-

administration of Corexit 9527 enhanced oil toxicity or mutagenicity. The

study demonstrated that oil exposure reduced several cecal microflora

populations (see Table 5-9 and 5-10), and Corexit alone reduced the lac-

tose-fermenting enterobacteria Conversely, the oil plus dispersant treat-

ment increased the lactose fermenting group with no changes in other

bacterial populations. It should be noted that these data were derived from

only three rats. In test treatments, the authors found that both dispersants

(Corexit 9500 and 9527) were mutagenic in various strains of Salmonella

typhimurium (employed for the Ames histidine reversion bioassay), using

dilutions up to 1:1,000, but weathered Nigerian crude oil was not mu-

tagenic. No data were available for the dispersed oil mixture. A similar

study also found Corexit 9527 alone to be toxic in the Microtox assay with

an EC

20 of 1 ppm (Poremba and Gunkel, 1990). Although both studies

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



demonstrated the toxic effects of dispersant, dispersed oil was not investi-

gated. Because these studies examined a single laboratory species exposed

to relatively high levels of dispersant, the potential effects on natural

mixed, marine bacterial populations cannot be assessed.

There are a multitude of implications regarding the effects of dispers-

ant and dispersed oil on microbial communities. A lack of toxicity is often

inferred in studies that show increases in numbers of bacteria. However,

this may not accurately reflect the entire microbial community because

elevations in some bacterial (tolerant) species may mask the inhibition

(toxicity) of other types. A lack of inhibition observed at the community

levels does not necessarily indicate the absence of toxicity. Elevated num-

bers of bacteria may also reflect an indirect enhancement if dispersant or

dispersed oil is toxic to bacteriovores (Lee et al., 1985). The removal of the

bacterial grazers would also cause elevated bacterial counts, although

these would probably be temporary. Alterations in bacterial species com-

position may have severe consequences for the ecosystem as a whole. In

addition, elevated numbers of bacteria may result in toxic effects to other

forms of life. For example, elevated bacterial numbers may deplete oxy-

gen levels in benthic substrates, resulting in indirect toxic effects to organ-

isms inhabiting this environment. Additionally, some microbial pathways

may lead to transformation of the oil into more toxic byproducts. The

impact of dispersants and/or dispersed oil on gut microflora, particularly

in relation to ingestion by marine mammals, has been discussed above.

Because of their importance in aquatic systems, targeted toxicity studies

should be conducted to address the effects of dispersant and dispersed oil

on the composition and metabolic activities of mixed microbial popula-

tions representing marine (or estuarine/freshwater) communities.

Coral Reefs

Compared with other test species, data on the effects of dispersants

and/or chemically dispersed oil and comparisons with physically dis-

persed oil on coral species are even more limited. The majority of research

was conducted in the 1970s and 1980s, and these studies (field and labora-

tory based) have been adequately discussed and summarized in NRC

(1989). Many of the early studies were conducted by researchers at the

Bermuda Biological Station (e.g., Cook and Knap, 1983; Dodge et al., 1984,

1995; Knap, 1987; Knap et al., 1983, 1985; Wyers, 1985; Wyers et al., 1986)

who conducted an extensive series of laboratory and field based studies

on the effects of dispersants (e.g., Corexit 9527 and BP1100WD) and dis-

persed oil (Arabian light crude) on the brain coral Diploria strigosa. These

studies were based on 6 to 24 hr exposures followed by recovery in clean

seawater. They found no significant differences between the oil and the

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-9 Detail of Studies Addressing Effects of Dispersant/

Dispersed Oil on Microbial Populations

Microbial sps./Community

Dispersant/Oil (D:O ratio)

Metrics Used

Indigenous mixed microbial


D; Corexit 8666, Gamlen Sea

Clean, GH Woods degreaser,
Formula 11470, Sugee 2
O; Arabian Crude (1:1)

Bacterial no. (growth; drop-

plate method).

Species diversity.

D; Corexit 8666, Shell oil

herder #3, Smith oil herder

O; Crude oil


2 evolution

Arthrobacter simplex
Candida tropicalis

D; ONGC-1, ONGC-2,

O; Saudi Arabian Crude,

Bombay high crude (1:5)

Growth (turbidity)

Indigenous mixed bacterial


D; IB 2/80, IB 1/80,
Bacterial no. (spread plate

IB 11/80, IB 12/80, IB 13/80, method)

BP 1100WD, BP 1100

O; Saudi Arabian Crude (1:1)

Mixed population

D; Corexit 9500
O; Forties crude (W),

ANS (W) (1:10)

Bacterial no.

Mixed culture of oil

degrading bacteria

D; 15 FW dispersants
O; Newman-wells
(D:O various)

Bacterial no.s


2 evolution

Photobacterium phosphoreum

D; E09, DK50, DK 160

O; Ekofisk crude ( W)

Microtox assay (loss of

bacterial bioluminescence

indicates toxicity)

Rat intestinal bacterial

mixed population
Salmonella typhimimurium
(mutagenicity study)

D; Corexit 9527, Corexit 9500

O; Weathered Bonnie light
Nigerian crude oil

Bacterial no.s

Species diversity

Bacterial enzymes


Natural flora (from pond)

D; Corexit 9550
O; Forties North Sea (1:10)

No. heterotrophic bacteria,

plus 4 specific-species


Acinetobacter calcoaceticus,
Photobacterium phosphoreum
and Serratia marioruba
P.phosphoreum (microtox test)

D; Finasol OSR-5, Corexit

9527 (plus biosurfactants
and other synthetic

O; none

Bacterial no.s

Bacterial bioluminescense

(microtox test)

Natural flora (enclosed


D; Corexit 9527
O; Prudhoe Bay Crude
Oil (1:10)
(No oil alone test)

Heterotrophic bacterial

production (thymidine


Direct counts (epifluor.


Bacterial biomass (electron


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects





Increased no.s with D alone Elevated no.s in DO c.f. O alone

Changes in species diversity with DO (genus level).


& Stewart, 1974

Increased CO

2 evolution in DO c.f. O

D non-toxic (growth).
Increased growth DO c.f. O alone

Bhosle &

Mavinkurve, 1984

Only D toxic was IB 2/80.

No difference in growth with D c.f. DO.
O alone toxic.

Bhosle & Row,


Bacterial no.s increase with DO c.f. O (forties).

ANS study, DO bacterial no.s initial elevation (quick colonization),

no difference c.f. O alone at later time-points


Changes in no.s and species diversity is D dependent, some toxic,

others no-effect or increase growth

b Foght

Decreased toxicity of DO c.f. O.

High levels of D toxic.


Treatment changes in bacterial enzyme activities.

Oil reduction of microflora in 3 populations;

D alone 1 reduction and DO slight elevation (1 population)

Species composition changes. D toxic to S. typhimum (O alone not).

George et al., 2001

30 hr-increase bacterial no.s in DO c.f. O; no differences at 7 days


16-organisms 100x in DO c.f. O, other species same

Linden et al., 1987

No inhibition of growth, some elevated.


20 Corexit and Finasol at 1mg/L


Elevated bacterial production by D and highest in DO test.

Toxicity to bacteriovors

Lee et al., 1985

et al., 2003

et al., 1987




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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-9 Continued

Microbial sps./Community

Dispersant/Oil (D:O ratio)

Metrics Used

Soil bacteria; mixed

microbial population

D; Corexit 9550
O; Arabian crude,
Louisiana crude (1:5)

Gross metabolic capacity


2 , CH

4 )

Pond natural bacterial

Salmonella typhimimurium
(mutagenicity study)
Spirillum volutans
(toxicity test)

D; Corexit 9527
O; Fresh Norman Wells

General biomass

(microscope enumeration

and ATP levels),

heterotrophic plate count,


NOTE: ANS, Alaskan North Slope crude oil; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; D, dispersant;

DO, chemically dispersed oil; FW, freshwater; MPN, most probable numbers; O, oil; W,



study with indirect toxicity observations.


TABLE 5-10 Cecal microflora Effects Following 5 Weeks of Nigerian

Crude Oil and Corexit 9527 Treatment of F344 Rats

Microflora Population
Lactose-fermenting enterobacteria
Lactose-nonfermenting enterobacteria
Total anaerobic count
Obligately anaerobic Gram-negative




MacConkey +
Blood agar





Oil +

















aMale Fischer 344 rats were gavaged for 5 weeks with Nigerian crude oil (1:20) with and

without Corexit 9527 (1:50). The cecum was removed from each animal, homogenized under


2, and diluted and plated anaerobically on selective media for enumeration. Results are

an average from three rats.

bSignificant at p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA.

SOURCE: modified from George et al., 2001.

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects





No inhibition, some elevations (temporary)

e Nyman,

No toxicity/mutagenicity of O or DO, slight short-term effects, i.e.,

O decreased no.s but DO elevated no.s (7 days)

Dutka & Kwan,





Microtox toxicity test bacteria.

eSoil study.


dispersed oil treatments using an array of biometrics including tentacle

extension, mucus production, pigmentation loss, tissue swelling, and skel-

etal growth. Any stress effects were transient and recovery occurred

within one week post-exposure. However, they did note reduced photo-

synthesis of the zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae) within the coral resulting

from 8 hr exposure to 19 ppm dispersed oil, whereas this was not appar-

ent in treatments with either oil or dispersant alone. Carbon fixation and

lipid synthesis recovered to normal levels within 24 hr.

One of the more robust and extensive studies on early life stages of

corals was undertaken by Negri and Heyward (2000). They exposed

Acropora millepora eggs and sperm to WAF (heavy crude oil) and chemi-

cally dispersed oil (using Corexit 9527; dispersant to oil ratio at1:100 and

1:10) or dispersant alone for 4 hr and assessed fertilization rates. They

found no inhibition of fertilization at >0.165 ppm THC in WAF exposures

(>10 percent dilution of stock WAF) but significant inhibition for expo-

sure to dispersed oil (1:10 DOR) at 0.0325 ppm (equal to a 1 percent dilu-

tion). Exposure concentrations were estimates based on measured con-

centrations of THC in the stock solutions used to make the dilutions.

Dispersants alone resulted in significant inhibition (final dilution of 0.1

percent), although at a lower magnitude than dispersed oil at the same

dispersant concentrations. Although fertilization in this species appeared

to be relatively insensitive to naturally dispersed oil droplets, crude oil

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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



and dispersant alone inhibited larval metamorphosis, with the greatest

inhibition observed when larvae were exposed to chemically dispersed

oil. Metamorphosis was inhibited at 0.0824 ppm THC and 0.0325 ppm

THC for crude oil and chemically dispersed oil (1:10 DOR), respectively.

The authors concluded that there may be additive toxicity of dispersants

and oil and recommended that the timing of spawning events be consid-

ered in management decisions on dispersant use in coralline environ-

ments. However, as noted previously, without evaluation of specific

chemical constituents in the various exposures regimes, conclusions re-

garding relative toxicity of chemically dispersed versus physically dis-

persed oil are tenuous.

A study by Epstein et al. (2000) investigated the toxicity of five third-

generation dispersants to early life stages of coral. Planula larvae of stony

coral (Stylophora pistillata) and soft coral (Heteroxenia fuscesense) were ex-

posed to varying concentrations of WAF, chemically dispersed oil (1:10,

DOR), and dispersants alone (0.5500 ppm) using short-term (296 hr)

bioassays. WAF treatments resulted in a concentration-dependent reduction

in planulae settlement, but no mortality. All the tested dispersants also

decreased settlement rates, even at the lowest tested concentrations (0.5

ppm). In addition, larval survival at 50 and 500 ppm after 96 hr was com-

pletely or significantly reduced in most of the dispersants tested. Chemi-

cally dispersed oil exposures resulted in a dramatic increase in acute tox-

icity to both coral species larvae. In addition, the authors reported that

dispersants and dispersed oil treatments caused larval morphological de-

formations, loss of normal swimming behavior, and rapid tissue degen-

eration. Interpretations of physically versus chemically dispersed oil tox-

icities in this study are hampered by the use of nominal exposures.

A recent study investigating the effects of dispersant and dispersed

oil by Shafir et al. (2003) using coral nubbins of the hard coral Stylophora

pistillata exposed to water-soluble fractions (WSF), dispersant, and chemi-

cally dispersed oil for 24 hr (static exposures) followed by recovery for

long-term assessments in clean seawater. No mortality was observed at

any of the WSF concentrations, but extensive mortality was observed with

dispersant alone (at 24 hr all doses including 1 percent stock dilution)

with a delayed enhanced mortality occurring at the 0.1 percent concentra-

tion after 6 days. Survivorship of chemically dispersed oil exposed corals

was similar to that described for dispersant alone.

The Tropical Oil Pollution Investigations in Coastal Systems (TROP-

ICS) field experiments are particularly useful in evaluating the impacts

and trade-offs of dispersants and dispersed oil on corals, seagrasses, and

mangroves (Ballou et al., 1987, 1989; Dodge et al., 1995). In these field

experiments in Panama, corals were exposed to oil and chemically dis-

persed oil for relatively short periods (15 days) followed by extensive

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



monitoring for 110 years post-exposure (see Box 5-4). Sites were moni-

tored repeatedly in the first two years, and at two later dates (ten years

final). At the untreated oil site no significant impacts to corals were ob-

served at any of the time points (Dodge et al., 1995). At the dispersed oil

site, corals were exposed to higher concentrations of oil (i.e., 24 hr aver-

ages of 5.1 ppm vs. 0.14 ppm at the untreated oil site). Significant impacts

to the coral reef were observed and at two-years post-exposure these in-

cluded reduced coral coverage and reduced growth in two hard coral spe-

cies (Agaricia tennuifolia and Porites porites) with no reduction in two other

species (Montastrea annularis and Acropora cervicornis). However, at the 10

year monitoring time point, recovery was complete and comparable to

pre-spill conditions and conditions at the control site (Dodge et al., 1995).

Another field experiment using two oil exposure regimes was con-

ducted in the Arabian Gulf by LeGore et al. (1983, 1989). Exposures con-

sisted of oil alone (Arabian light crude), dispersant alone (Corexit 9527),

and oil/dispersant mixtures with analysis of water chemistry. The two

series of experiments consisted of a 24 hr or 5 day (120 hr) exposure pe-

riod. The authors concluded that coral growth appeared to be unaffected

by exposure to the toxicants, although some Acropora sp. exposed to the

dispersed oil for 5 days did exhibit delayed, but minor effects, that became

apparent only during the relatively cold and stressful winter season.

Corals are particularly susceptible to PAH dissolved in seawater or

adsorbed to particles because the layer of tissue covering the coral skel-

eton is thin (approximately 100 m; Peters et al., 1997). Also, coral tissue is

rich in lipids (high lipid/protein ratios), facilitating the direct uptake and

bioaccumulation of lipophilic chemicals, including PAH found in oil (Pe-

ters et al., 1981). Indeed, it has been observed that oil is quickly and readily

bioaccumulated in coral tissues and is slow to depurate, possibly reflect-

ing inefficient contaminant metabolism or lack of detoxification pathways

(see Shigenaka, 2001). Long residence times of PAH were indicated by

high PAH concentrations found in oiled corals (up to 50 mg hydrocarbon

1 ) from Panama as long as 5 months after the original spill (Burns

g lipid

and Knap, 1989). A laboratory study by Kennedy et al. (1992) demon-

strated a linear uptake rate of benzo(a)pyrene in corals and their zooxan-

thellae. Accumulated levels were slowly eliminated with 3865 percent of

the accumulated benzo(a)pyrene remaining after 144 hr depuration (re-

covery) in clean seawater (Kennedy et al., 1992). This rapid uptake and

slow depuration may be of particular relevance to oil toxicity mechanisms

in corals. Many studies have shown that a brief exposure to oil may not

result in immediate death to coral species (acute oil toxicity), but induces

mortality over an extended period of time (delayed effects) (see Shigenaka,

2001 for a summary). On a similar theme, Fucik et al. (1984) suggested

that acute toxicity is probably not a good indicator of oil impact, stating

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



that it is much more likely that adverse effects to coral species would be

manifested at sublethal levels.

One relatively unstudied hypothesis that could explain delayed ef-

fects is that most of the toxicity is derived from exposure to the UV radia-

tion in sunlight (see earlier section on Phototoxicity in this chapter). This

phenomenon may be of particular relevance in explaining the high toxic-

ity of accumulated oil in corals, species that are slow to depurate PAH.

BOX 5-4

Case Study: TROPICS, Panama

Spilled Oil Type/Volume/Conditions. In 1 984, a field oil experiment called

the Tropical Oil Pollution Investigations in Coastal Systems (TROPICS) was

conducted in Panama. The objective of the TROPICS experiment was to

evaluate the relative impacts of oil and dispersed oil on mangroves, sea-

grasses, and corals. Exposure concentrations were targeted to be as high as

50 ppm, in a worst-case scenario, with dispersants applied to oil directly

over corals.

Physical and Biological Setting. Sheltered shallow area near Bocas del

Toro, Panama (Figures 5-7 and 5-8). Mature mangroves with extensive

seagrass beds (water depth average about 40 cm), and coral reefs (water

depth average 60 cm).

Oil and Dispersed Oil Application. The oil, or dispersed oil, was applied

inside boomed areas 30 m wide and 30 m deep, extending across all three

habitats. The pre-mixed dispersed oil (4.5 barrels) was released over a 24-

hour period so that the dispersed oil concentrations would stay elevated

over the exposure period. The untreated whole oil (6 barrels) was released

2 . After one

in two periods over the 24 hr, at an application rate of 1 liter/m

more day, the remaining floating oil was removed with sorbents.

Monitoring Results. Water Column Monitoring: Oil concentrations at each

treatment site (oil or dispersed oil) were monitored continuously for 24 hr

using a field fluorometer that was calibrated to convert fluorescence into

the concentration of physically and chemically dispersed oil. Discrete and

unfiltered water samples were collected for chemical analysis by gas chro-

matography (GC). In comparing the oil concentrations in the water as mea-

sured by both approaches, the field fluorometer readings were 3 times

higher that the GC concentration for samples from the dispersed oil site,

and they were 1 7 times higher than the samples from the undispersed oil

site. Therefore, the oil concentrations as measured in the discrete water

samples by GC were used to calculate the oil exposures because these

results are more quantitative.

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



Not only are corals in high-light environments, they are translucent and

seek high intensity light environments (by regulating pigments or alter-

ing their position with respect to the sun) to foster the symbiotic relation-

ship with photosynthetic algae.

An additional stress for corals may be attributed to the physical toxic-

ity of oil droplets. It has been observed that oil droplets adhere to the

surface of the coral, which results in a complete breakdown of the under-

FIGURE 5-7 Case study: (TROPICS, Panama) Map of TROPICS study

sites near Bocas del Toro, Panama.

SOURCE: Ward et al., 2003; courtesy of the American Petroleum Insti-


Effects: The sites were monitored five times in the first two years and

once in 1 994, ten years later. At the oil-only site, the corals were exposed

to a 24-hour average of 0.1 4 ppm and a 48-hour average of 0.1 4 ppm. No

significant impacts to corals were observed during any monitoring period.

At the dispersed oil site, the corals were exposed to a 24-hour average

of 5.1 ppm (with a 1 hr maximum of 1 4.8 ppm) and 1 .6 ppm at 48 hr. The

average exposure over the 48-hour period was 3.4 ppm. At these expo-

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



FIGURE 5-8 Case study: (TROPICS, Panama) Aerial view of whole oil

and dispersed oil sites.

SOURCE: Coastal Science Associates, Southern Affiliate, Incorporated.

sures, there were significant impacts to the shallow coral reef communities.

Impacts observed at two years post-exposure included: reduced coverage

by the major categories of all organisms (30 percent), hard corals (1 0 per-

cent), all animals (30 percent), and plants (1 0 percent); reduced growth of

the two most important hard coral species (Agaricia tennuifolia and Porites

porites) but not two others (Montastrea annularis and Acropora cervicornis);

and mortality of binding sponges. Studies conducted ten years post-expo-

sure showed full recovery of coral coverage to levels equal those present

pre-spill at the dispersed site and equal to conditions at the non-oiled con-

trol site.

Dispersed oil concentrations over the shallower seagrass (Thalassia

testudinum) habitat were five times higher than over the coral habitat, av-

lying tissues (Johannes, 1975). Again this phenomenon may be of direct

relevance in interpreting physically versus chemically dispersed oil tox-

icities. NRC (1989) stated that the smaller droplets in chemically dispersed

oil did not adhere to the corals, in contrast to the larger, physically dis-

persed oil droplets, some of which were found on coral a few weeks after

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



eraging 22 ppm over 24 hr with a maximum of 70 ppm as measured in

discrete water samples analyzed by GC. Even at these high exposures (the

maximum likely oil concentrations), no negative effects were observed for

plant survival, growth rates, or leaf blade area at the dispersed oil treatment

site compared to the non-oiled reference site.

Untreated, whole oil caused significant impacts to mangrove habitats

with high levels of defoliation and 1 7 percent mortality of adult mangroves

after 2 years. After 1 0 years, mangrove mortality increased to 46 percent

and some subsidence of the sediment surface was observed at the oiled

site. After 1 8 years, the oiled site started to show some recovery as new

trees replaced the dead trees (Figure 5-9; Ward et al., 2003). This field

experiment clearly demonstrates the trade-offs associated with dispersant

use in shallow tropical settings.









R (# Trees)

R (#Seedlings)

O (# Trees)

O (#Seedlings)

D (# Trees)

D (#Seedlings)

FIGURE 5-9 Results of 18 years of monitoring impacts to mangroves in

Panama as part of TROPICS. Histograms reflect mangrove tree or seed-

ling population counts (19842001) from whole oil (Site O) and dispersed

oil (Site D) compared to a reference site (Site R). SOURCE: Ward et al.,

2003; courtesy of the American Petroleum Institute.

SOURCE: Summary compiled from Ballou et al. (1 987), Dodge et al. (1 995),

and Ward et al. (2003).

exposure to oil. In addition, a common stress response to oil pollution that

has repeatedly been observed in coral species is the excessive production

of mucus (see Shigenaka, 2001). This protective response can reduce the

bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants by binding them in this lipid-

rich mucus matrix that is ultimately sloughed off (or eaten by grazing

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



fish) the surface of the coral, so protecting the underlying tissues. It is

unclear whether chemically dispersed droplets or physically dispersed

droplets or accumulation of dissolved components could alter this response.

The excessive production of mucus takes energy away from normal cellu-

lar processes potentially reducing the overall health and fitness of the

coral. In the case of chronic oil pollution events, such as continued leach-

ing from mangrove sediments, excess mucus production could ultimately

lead to coral death.

In conclusion, recent studies of coral larvae clearly demonstrate im-

pacts of dispersants and dispersed oil on corals and, because of their life

history and habitat characteristics, these species may be especially sus-

ceptible (Table 5-11). Consequently, decisions concerning dispersant use

should take coral toxicity studies into consideration. In addition, labora-

tory studies are needed to estimate the relative contribution of dissolved-

and particulate-phase oil to toxicity in representative coral species. Be-

cause corals typically experience high levels of natural sunlight, these tox-

icity tests should include an evaluation of delayed effects and photo-

enhanced toxicity.


Few reports have been published that address the use of dispersants

in treating oil spills close to mangroves. Early work by Getter and Ballou

(1985) used an experimental spill at a site in Panama and concluded that

dispersant use reduced the overall impact of oil on mangroves. This was a

long-term project (10 years), but lacked replication of study sites (Dodge

et al., 1995). In order to investigate the types of oil spill responses that

might reduce the impact of oil spills and to address the need for more

relevant information on the effects of oil spills on mangroves, Duke, Burns

and co-workers carried out a number of field trials to assess the benefits of

two remediation strategies for mangrove forests (see Burns et al., 1999;

Duke and Burns, 1999; Duke et al., 1998a,b,c, 1999, 2000). These experi-

ments were aimed at bridging the gap between surveys of real spill inci-

dents (e.g., Volkman et al., 1994; Duke et al., 1997, 1998c) and those ob-

tained from seedling laboratory experiments (Lai and Lim, 1984; Wardrup,

1987; Duke et al., 1998a). Field experiments, named the Gladstone trials,

investigated the effects of different oils and remediation strategies on

mangroves over both short and long-term time scales (19951998) utiliz-

ing a variety of replicated trials. One study compared the effects of dis-

persant (Corexit 9527) or bioremediation (aeration plus nutrients) strate-

gies on a controlled spill using pre-weathered (24 hr) Gippsland light

crude oil. It should be noted that the dispersant Corexit 9527 was pre-

mixed and weathered with the oil mixture before application. There were

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



no differences observed between oil alone and dispersed oil treatments

on resident fauna. Death of mangrove trees, however, was significantly

lower in the plots treated with dispersant, similar to data previously ob-

tained from laboratory and field studies (Duke et al., 1998a,c; Duke and

Burns, 1999). With oil alone, long-term impacts on the fauna and little

sign of recovery of trees led the authors to conclude that dispersion of

spilled oil before it reaches mangroves should be considered for reducing

the long-term impact of oil on mangrove habitat. It was interesting to note

that the use of Corexit 9527 resulted in no difference in the amount of oil

absorbed by the sediments, the penetration of oil to depth, or the weather-

ing patterns of the oil over time.



As discussed in Chapter 2, the ultimate decision regarding the use of

dispersants in spill response generally rests upon answering the question

as to whether use of dispersants will reduce the overall impact (Figure 2-

4 in Chapter 2) by reducing the effects on some specific and sensitive spe-

cies or habitat, without causing unacceptable harm to another specific and

sensitive species or habitat. This decision represents a trade-off that will

be dictated by a range of ecological, social, and economic values associ-

ated with the potentially affected resources. When spills occur offshore,

where the potential magnitude and duration of impacts on organisms in

the water column or seafloor can be assumed to be minimal, a decision to

use dispersant can be made with information that is generally available.

As the capability to deploy dispersants offshore increases, however, the

capability to use dispersants in nearshore and shallower water settings

will also increase. At the present time, the current understanding of the

risk of dispersant use to shallow water or benthic species during a given

spill is typically not adequate to allow rapid and confident decision-

making. Several factors contribute to this uncertainty.

The rate of processes controlling the ultimate fate of dispersed oil is

poorly understood. Of particular concern is the fate of dispersed oil in

areas with high suspended solids and areas of low flushing rates. There is

insufficient information to determine how chemically dispersed oil inter-

acts with suspended sediments, as well as biotic components of aquatic

systems, both short- and long-term, compared to naturally dispersed oil.

Relevant state and federal agencies, industry, and appropriate interna-

tional partners should develop and implement a focused series of ex-

periments to quantify the weathering rates and final fate of chemically

dispersed oil droplets compared to undispersed oil. Results from these

experiments could be integrated with results from biological exposures

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



TABLE 5-11 Toxicity Studies of Chemically Dispersed Oil (or Dispersant

Alone) to Coral Species in Laboratory and Field Studies (since 1988)


Oil (D:O ratio)



Coral reef (primarily

Porites porites and
Agaricia tennuifolia)

PBCO (1:20)

24 hr continuous release

nonionic glycol


Acropora spp. (growth),

variety of corals visually

Arabian light
crude (1:20)

Corexit 9527

24 hr and 120 hr exposures

plus 1 year recovery.

Growth assessed.

Acropora palmata,
Montastrea annularis,
Porites porites

Oil (W) not

detailed (1:10)

12 D including
Corexit 9527,
Corexit 9550,
Finasol OSR7

DO and O, 610 hr, 2 week

recovery and delayed

assessments in clean SW.

Larvae of Stylophora
pistillata and
Heteroxenia fuscescense

crude (1:10)

Inipol IP-90,
Petrotech PTI-25,
Bioreico R-93,

Emulgal C-100

WSF (of O), DO WAF and

D (5500 ppm). 296 hr,


Acropora millepora
(eggs and larvae)

Heavy crude
oil (1:10/100)

Corexit 9527

WAF, DO and D alone.

Exposures; 4 hr fertilization

assays (FA), 24 hr larval

metamorphosis assay (LM);


Stylophora pistillata

crude (1:10)

Emulgal C-100

WSF (of O), D and DO

WAF. 24 hr, static with

recovery in clean SW.

NOTE: D, dispersant; DO, chemically dispersed oil; D:O, dispersant:oil ratio; HC, Hydrocarbon

concentration (ppb); O, oil; PBCO, Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil; SW, seawater; TPH, total petro-

leum hydrocarbons; WAF, water-accommodated fraction; WSF, water soluble fraction.

comparing uptake of dissolved, colloidal, and particulate oil to provide a

comprehensive model of the fate of dispersed oil in aquatic systems.

There is insufficient understanding of the actual concentrations and

temporal/spatial distributions and behavior of chemically dispersed oil

from field settings (from either controlled experiments or actual spills).

Data from field studies (both with and without dispersants) are needed to

validate models, provide real-world data to improve knowledge of oil

fate and effects, and fulfill other information needs. Relevant state and

federal agencies, industry, and appropriate international partners

should develop and implement steps to ensure that future wave-tank or

spill-of-opportunity studies (or during the Natural Resource Damage

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects





DO decrease in coral covercomplete

elimination of A. tennuifolia.

aBallou et al.,

Continuous field

measurement of TPH

and C

1 -C

10 hydrocarbons

Delayed sublethal impacts in all plots

(bleaching); DO 120 hr exposure plots
recovery less. No difference in growth rates.

HC concentrations

measured over time

(to 120 hr)


Mortality was D dependent.

Nominal exposures


et al., 1989

Varied with exposurefrom unsuccessful

larval settlement to death. D toxic, DO WAF
more toxic cf. WSF (and D alone).

Nominal exposures
(dilutions of stocks)

Epstein et al.,


FA; WAF no effect. DO slight more toxic

c.f. D alone. LM; DO more toxic cf. WAF,
D toxic but at higher levels cf. [D] in DO.

Measured THC mg/L

Negri and

in stocks. Nominal


calculated for dilutions.

No death in WSF. D alone (1% or >) very toxic

within 24 hr, delayed death (day 6) at 0.1%.
DO WAF similar to D alone.

Nominal exposures
(dilutions of stocks)



et al.,


Shafir et al.,



Assessment investigations of oil spills that are not treated with dispers-

ants) implement a field program to measure both dissolved-phase PAH

and particulate/oil-droplet phase PAH concentrations for comparison

to PAH thresholds measured in toxicity tests and predicted by computer

models for oil spill fate and behavior. Accomplishing this will require

the development and implementation of detailed plans (including prepo-

sition of sufficient equipment and human resources) for rapid deploy-

ment of a well-designed monitoring plan for actual dispersant applica-

tions in the United States. The RRT Region 6 Spill of Opportunity

Monitoring Plan for dispersant application in the Gulf of Mexico should

be finalized and implemented at the appropriate time. In addition, con-

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



sideration should be given to long-term monitoring of sensitive habitats

and species (e.g., mangroves, corals, sea grasses) after dispersant applica-

tion to assess chronic effects and long-term recovery. These data will be

valuable in validating the assumptions associated with environmental

trade-offs of using dispersants.

One of the widely held assumptions concerning the use of dispers-

ants is that chemical dispersion of oil will dramatically reduce the impacts

of oil to seabirds and aquatic mammals, primarily by reducing their expo-

sure to petroleum hydrocarbons. Evaluating the validity of this assump-

tion is critical, because it is often a key factor in the decision on whether or

not to use dispersants on a particular spill (e.g., in the ecological risk as-

sessment workshop analyses). In addition, populations of waterfowl and

some aquatic mammals may be higher in nearshore and estuarine areas;

therefore, validating this assumption becomes even more important. Un-

fortunately, there is very little available information on the effects of dis-

persed oil on wildlife, especially aquatic mammals. Of additional concern

is the effect of dispersed oil and dispersants on the waterproof properties

of feathers and their role as thermal insulators. One of the recommenda-

tions of the NRC (1989) report was that studies be undertaken to assess

the ability of fur and feathers to maintain the water-repellency critical

for thermal insulation under dispersed oil exposure conditions compa-

rable to those expected in the field. This recommendation is reaffirmed

because of the importance of this assumption in evaluating the environ-

mental trade-offs associated with the use of oil dispersants in nearshore

and estuarine systems and because it has not been adequately addressed.

The primary assumption for models predicting acute toxicity of physi-

cally and chemically dispersed oil is additive effects of dissolved-phase

aromatic hydrocarbons. However, the possibility of photoenhanced toxic-

ity and particulate/oil droplet phase exposure is generally not consid-

ered. A number of laboratory studies have indicated toxicity due to PAH

increases significantly (from 12 to 50,000 times) for sensitive species in

exposures conducted under ultraviolet light (representative of natural

sunlight), compared to those conducted under the more traditional labo-

ratory conditions of fluorescent lights. In addition, the toxicity tests typi-

cally do not consider delayed acute or sublethal effects. Consequently,

current testing protocols may significantly underestimate toxicity for

some species. For example, corals appear to be particularly sensitive to

dispersants and dispersed oil due to the potential for photoenhanced tox-

icity and delayed effects. Similarly, toxicological effects due to increased

exposure to oil from smothering, ingestion, or enhanced uptake are not

explicitly considered in exposure models. Better understanding of these

variables will decrease the uncertainty associated with predicting ecologi-

cal effects of dispersed oil. Relevant state and federal agencies, industry,

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Document ID:

Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects



and appropriate international partners should develop and implement

a series of focused toxicity studies to: (1) provide data that can be used

to parameterize models to predict photoenhanced toxicity; (2) estimate

the relative contribution of dissolved and particulate oil phases to tox-

icity with representative species, including sensitive species and life

stages; and (3) expand toxicity tests to include an evaluation of delayed

effects. Detailed chemical analyses should accompany these tests, includ-

ing characterization of dissolved and particulate oil composition and con-

centrations, as well as bioaccumulation. By refining our understanding of

these variables, and incorporating them into decision-making tools, such

as fate and effects models and risk rankings, the ability of decisionmakers

to estimate the impacts of dispersants on aquatic organisms will be


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Understanding Oil Spill Dispersants: Efficacy and Effects

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Document ID:

NOAA representatives to the fisheries and water/chemistry technical working groups

have been actively discussing the potential of the SIPPER (Shadowed Image Particle

Profiling and Evaluation Recorder) system, used in conjunction with standard SEAMAP

sampling, as a means of assessing characteristics of the rising oil plume and several

categories of injury to the offshore system. Technical concerns regarding the capability

of this combined sampling platform appear to have been resolved to the satisfaction of

NOAA representatives to these technical groups, and NOAA technical representatives are

seeking co-Trustee and management authority to proceed cooperatively with the RP and

its representatives to develop a formal cruise plan, QA/QC plan, and data/sample

handling plan for deployment of this integrated sampling approach within the next couple

of days.

SIPPER is an in-situ suspended particle imaging system capable of collecting high

resolution information on the distribution of zooplankton, phytoplankton, larval fish and

detritus, and can provide data on oil droplet size distribution in the surface portion of the

rising plume. It uses a high speed line scan camera to continuously image a 100 cm

sampling area as it moves through the water. This portable system is mounted on a small

532 towed body that contains a conductivity, temperature and depth probe, a

chlorophyll fluorometer, turbidity sensor and a transmissometer. Given the logistical

constraints of sampling large areas using nets (i.e., SEAMAP protocols), and the large

spatial variability in 3d (as well as variation on a daily cycle, as some species vertically

migrate in and out of the surface layer on a daily basis), the SIPPER technology allows

comprehensive sampling in space (horizontally and vertically), which can be ground-

truthed with the SEAMAP samples. Image analysis of plankton has been developed over

some 20 yrs now and is used in many plankton studies (as documented in the peer-

reviewed literature). The continuous sampling makes the SIPPER uniquely efficient.

Thus, with the SIPPER we can greatly expand the data set obtained by the nets. The

system is towed through the water at speeds between 1-4 knots and can sample down to

depths of 350 m. A comprehensive analysis software package is then used to extract, size,

classify and manage the image and environmental data.

NOAA technical staff anticipate that this sampling regime will resolve questions

regarding oil droplet size and contribute significantly to understanding water column

injury. This will support calculations of dissolution rate (a function of droplet size) and

so toxicity of the plume.

Depending on the assumptions made about release rate and the rise rate of the oil, the

dimensions of the rising toxic plume are the order of 2km

to 15 km
near the water

surface. Thus, a water column injury from deepwater to surface in a cylinder defined by

a circle of this area and a height of the entire water column (1600m could be on the order

. The exposed volume will be replaced continually with new water

of 3 24 billion m

(with newly exposed biota) as the currents flow past the release site. If dispersants are

added at the source of the leak, the plume at depth will be larger and more toxic.

Floating oil will also entrain into the water when winds exceed 12 kts, and some toxicity

likely exists in the surface mixed layer. This will be enhanced by the dispersant

Document ID:

applications, to the extent these are effective. However, as the oil weathers, the (acutely)

toxic components will evaporate off the surface and so there is less chance of this water

column injury with distance from the source.

The combined sampling should help quantify neuston exposures to toxicity from the

release. This includes many species of fish eggs and larvae, decapod larvae, and other

invertebrates. Not only would neuston be exposed to the oil on the surface (and

entraining with wave action), but any PAH exposure there would be enhanced by

phototoxicity (UV light, which is high at this latitude near the water surface). NOAA can

model the concentrations of exposure and dose (assuming a spill rate and droplet size

distribution), and so toxicity. However, densities of biota are required to quantify the

injury. The most exposed biota are then: neuston, ichthyoplankton, and pelagic fishes

occupying the surface mixed layer. The NMFS SEAMAP cruises have sampled neuston

and ichthyoplankton in the area of concern only since 2008. Also, these plankton have

highly variable densities over time and space. NOAA does not have data that can

identify on surface pelagic fish densities, or any of the decapod larvae in the pelagic area


Taking neuston and ichthyoplankton samples using SEAMAP protocols in 2010 May will

be very important. If the spill continues into June and July, the species distributions and

densities of those groups will change considerably. Thus, monthly sampling is indicated

and important.

NOAA also has not identified any density data for fish or invertebrates in mid or deep

water depths. As much of the rising toxic plume volume is in deep water, we will need to

address this with sampling and/or other sources of information not yet identified. NOAA

continues to research available data available for model inputs. NMFS SEFC notes that

sperm whales use the spill area in spring to feed on giant squid at depth. This should be

considered, particularly if a large amount of dispersant is injected at the leak such that

much of the oil is dispersed at depth.

Pending management and RP approval, Trustees will coordinate with RP technical

representatives to initiate an initial 10-day deployment beginning 5-4 or 5-5 from ST.

Petersburg, FL. The three primary objectives of this deployment will be to better

characterize NMFS statistical zones 8 & 9; undertake targeted sampling the area

southeast of the wellhead (upstream water that will move through the plume); and to

sample the plume itself, pending authorization from appropriate officials to enter the area

with sampling equipment.

Document ID:


MC-252 Incident


4/29/201 0

Final Issued for Use

Geir Karlsen


Final Issued for Comments

Geir Karlsen



Document Status

Houston Incident


Houston Incident







Document ID:


Sector ID



Discipline ID

















G. Karlsen

April 24, 201 0

Initial draft.

K. Mouton

April 25,201 0


G. Karlsen

April 27, 2010

Comments incorporated.

G. Karlsen

April 28, 201 0

Comments incorporated, issued for use.

Clarified and added comment to Section 1.3: Clarified section and

added comment Source Control SIMOPS Director covers an area

of appr. 1 ,000-m from site. Added Sections 6.9 on Aviation and

Section 6.1 0 on Helicopter Refueling. Added section 1 .8 (HazID of

operating in contaminated waters and added HazID documents.

Updated contact details and general cleanup of doc. Added doc.

number from Doc. Control.

G. Karlsen

April 29, 201 0

Removed 1 000-m radius circle from map Fig. 9 and updated with

debris field.

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Introduction ............................................................................................................ 7

SIMOPS Plan Objectives................................................................................... 7

What Does Success Look Like?........................................................................ 7

The SIMOPS Team ........................................................................................... 8

1 .3.1
Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility.................................................. 9

1 .3.2
Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility ........... 9

1 .3.3
Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility . 9

1 .3.4
Vessel Representative (VPIC) .................................................................... 9

1 .3.5
SIMOPS Interface Team (Member) ......................................................... 1 0

Management of Change (MoC)....................................................................... 1 0

HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment........................ 1 2

2 Field Communications and Emergencies........................................................... 13

Crisis Management ......................................................................................... 1 3

Severe Weather Contingency Plan ................................................................. 1 3

Emergency Evacuation Plan............................................................................ 1 3

Incident Notification ........................................................................................ 1 3

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call ....................................................................... 1 4

SIMOPS Communication Guideline ................................................................ 1 5

Field Communications .................................................................................... 1 6

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 1 6 ...................................................... 1 6

Radio........................................................................................................ 1 7

Emergency Communications................................................................... 1 7

3 Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing........................... 18

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders .............................. 1 8

Safe Distance.................................................................................................. 1 8

Echo Sounder Turnoff ..................................................................................... 1 8

Acoustic Frequency Coordination ................................................................... 1 9

Coordination of Acoustic Activities .......................................................... 1 9

Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications............................................................ 1 9

Acoustic Field Operations ........................................................................ 1 9

Fan Beam........................................................................................................ 20

RADius Position Reference System................................................................ 21

SIMOPS Events .................................................................................................... 23

SIMOPS Events .............................................................................................. 23

Emergencies during SIMOPS Events ............................................................. 24

SIMOPS Approval ........................................................................................... 24

5 Dropped Objects Prevention ............................................................................... 25

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 25

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels ................................................ 25

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Area Vessel Control and Aviation....................................................................... 26

Surface Conditions .......................................................................................... 26

Sheen and Plume..................................................................................... 26

Marine Debris .......................................................................................... 26

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident ................................................................... 26

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident............................. 26

Drilling Vessels................................................................................................ 27

Staging Area ............................................................................................ 27

Standby Area ........................................................................................... 28

Source Control Vessels ................................................................................... 28

Oil Spill Response Vessels.............................................................................. 28

Hailing Channels VHF 1 5 and VHF 1 6 ............................................................. 28

Working Channels ........................................................................................... 28

GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice........................................................................ 29

Aviation ........................................................................................................... 29

Helicopter Fueling ........................................................................................... 29

References ............................................................................................................ 48

BP ............................................................................................................ 48

Transocean (TOI)...................................................................................... 48

Other References ........................................................................................... 48

BP ............................................................................................................ 48

Appendix A:
Contact Details MC-252 Incident.................................................... 49


Figure 1 : SIMOPS Communications Plan ....................................................................... 8

Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process ....................................................... 1 1

Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart .............................................................................. 1 4

Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures ...................................................... 27

Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone....................... 30

Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map ............................................................. 32

Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise/DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones...... 34

Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map .................................................. 36

Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids ...................................... 38

Figure 1 0: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital................. 40

Figure 11 : HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations ......................... 42

Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues ............................ 44

Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume........................................... 46

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Table 1 : HazID Action Items......................................................................................... 1 2

Table 2: Conference Call Center.................................................................................... 1 5

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels ..................................................................... 1 6

Table 4: Fan Beam Height ............................................................................................. 20

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems..................................................... 21

Table 6: MC-252 Acoustic Allocation Summary ............................................................ 22

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist .......................................................... 23

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SIMOPS Plan Objectives

The goal of the MC-252 Incident Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) Plan is safe and efficient execution

of the SIMOPS between all marine and aviation assets deployed in support of the spill and source control

operations. The majority of the assets are provided or sourced by:

Transocean Offshore Inc.

Development Driller III (DD III) semisubmersible

Discoverer Enterprise (DEN) drillship

BP Logistics and Aviation (PHI, Chouest, Tidewater, VIH Cougar, Graham Gulf)

Marine Spill Response Corp (MSRC)

National Response Corp (NRC)

Aker Marine

Subsea 7

Airborne Services Inc (ASI)


The plan seeks to:

Inform members of the unified command involved in SIMOPS for the MC-252 Incident of the principles

required for conducting simultaneous operations.

Identify the SIMOPS hierarchy for the major scopes of work between Spill Recovery, Well Control

operations and drilling of relief wells.

Outline high-level procedural steps complimented by the detailed processes, procedures and plans (3P)

issued by the respective groups. The 3Ps are issued and reviewed in conjunction with Hazard

Identification (HazID) assessments or planning meetings just prior to the SIMOPS event.

Concurrent operations onboard the assets described above are NOT covered or included in the SIMOPS

Plan unless these activities affect other MC-252 Incident operations.

What Does Success Look Like?

Success is defined as zero SIMOPS clashes, zero SIMOPS impact to schedules and zero SIMOPS

incidents. Getting to zero is only possible by strict discipline in the part of all stakeholders to adhere to

the elements of the plan.

Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

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SIMOPS Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the execution of SIMOPS events.
SIMOPS Director resides in Houston.


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Spill SIMOPS events. Position resides onboard Louisiana Responder.

Offshore Source Vessel Control SIMOPS Branch Director - Overall responsibility for coordinating the

execution of Source Vessel Control SIMOPS events. Position resides offshore onboard the DD III or the

Discoverer Enterprise. The Branch Director generally controls the areas inside the rigs 500-m zone and

an area of appr. 1 ,000-m from the Macondo site. See Figure 8, page 35.

BP Logistics - Overall responsibility for providing air support to the project. Group resides in Houston.

Offshore Spill Operations Air command - Overall responsibility for coordinating and scheduling all

aircrafts including fixed wing, crew change helicopters, dispersant deployments, over flights, recons and

spotter planes. Position resides in Houma.

Vessel Person in Charge (VPIC) Is the BP Vessel Rep. onboard. Can also be the OIM or the Well Site

Leader. The VPIC is responsible for all Health, Safety, Security and Spill (HSSE) incidents. All incidents

will be reported using the Notification scheme contained within the plan.

Note: Any person involved in a SIMOPS event has the authority and obligation to discontinue

and shut down the SIMOPS event in the case of safety or operational concerns.

Figure 1: SIMOPS Communications Plan

SIMOPS events will be coordinated through daily SIMOPS call as per Section 2.5, page 1 4.

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Onshore SIMOPS Director Responsibility

Chair the daily SIMOPS call (see Section 2.5, page 1 4).

Be the overall coordinator of SIMOPS activities at MC-252 Incident.

Ensure SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Identify need of SIMOPS HazIDs and SIMOPS reviews prior to a SIMOPS event.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks from upcoming SIMOPS events.

Liaison with leadership team on SIMOPS issues, scheduling and technical conflicts.

Identify critical path and determine which operation has priority.

Assess risks of single and multiple operations and SIMOPS events.

Facilitate resolutions of any SIMOPS conflicts with the teams.

Coordinate SIMOPS issues between the Discoverer Enterprise, DD III, Marine Activities and


Offshore Spill Operations SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the spill clean up


Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the vessels in the cleanup fleet.

Ensure spill cleanup SIMOPS events comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Work with vessel Captain on all SIMOPS and HSSE.

Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Branch Director Responsibility

Be the overall coordinator of the execution of SIMOPS activities in the fleet of source


Area of responsibility is in the Macondo well area and the debris field out to appr. 1,000-m

from site.

Direct vessels as per the daily operating plan.

Identify resource needs.

Liaison with the source vessels.

Ensure vessel activities comply with HSSE guidelines.

Assess potential schedule impact and associated risks and convey to the SIMOPS Director.

Vessel Representative (VPIC)

Source control vessels and possibly some of the spill cleanup vessels will have a vessel rep. onboard.

The vessel rep. responsibility is to:

Implement specific programs concerning ROV, salvage, search and clean-up.

Ensure HSSE and safety guidelines are followed onboard the vessel and in vessel ops.

Provide guidance for the specific operation.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Work with vessel OIM or Captain on SIMOPS issues.

Call-in on the daily SIMOPS call.

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Houston Incident Commander

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SIMOPS Interface Team (Member)

Assigned for each area of operations, such as well operations, ROV operations, spill clean-up, AUV and

2D Seismic surveying, Salvage and Recovery operations. The position resides onshore. Responsibilities


Implement specific installation and construction programs.

Arrange SIMOPS review meetings and HazIDs.

Comply with operating procedures and applicable MC-252 Incident SIMOPS requirements.

Establish communication plan between their SIMOPS supervisory personnel.

Assist the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Director in implementing the MC-252 Incident SIMOPS


Provide progress report to the MC-252 SIMOPS Director.

Management of Change (MoC)

The MoC process is used in conjunction with changes to procedures and the SIMOPS schedule.

Temporary and permanent changes are managed to ensure that health, safety, and spill risks remain at

acceptable levels. The plan intends to exceed BPs Operations Management system (OMS),

expectations, regulatory requirements and local needs.

Figure 2, page 1 1 shows the SIMOPS MoC procedure for changes in the MC-252 Incident program.

The GoM MoC process uses BizFlow found at the BP Intranet site:

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Figure 2: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS MOC Process

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HazID Assessing Operations in a Contaminated Environment

A HazID was held April 28, 201 0 to assess the risks of the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III being

exposed to hydrocarbons either from a sheen or from a plume of oil. The HazID followed Trans Oceans

internal HazID the previous day.

There were no show stoppers identified during either HazID. The Operation Teams of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III were tasked with the assembly of an emergency disconnect plan should the

direction of the plume change towards the rigs or should there be a catastrophic change to the volume of

released hydrocarbons.

The HazID action items are found in Table 1 below.

Table 1: HazID Action Items





Develop a decision matrix for various scenarios

Rig Operations
of increased oil flow that could impact the drill


George Gray

Include in IAP that source control immediately

communicates any flow changes to the

SIMOPS Director

Troy Endicott

Prior to ops.

Develop a model to predict plume location

based on subsea currents. Consider the

impact of rapidly increasing flow rate.

Troy Endicott

Determine the location and density of oil/water

Troy Endicott
emulsion /mousse floating below the surface.

Convey IMT air monitoring and safety plan to

Joe Neumeyer
the vessels.

Other Operations
Send 500 meter zone to branch directors.

Troy Endicott

Due Date

Communicate to the IMT the drill rigs request

to maintain a minimum of one mile distance for

dispersant application or in situ burning.

Troy Endicott

Prior to ops.

Prior to ops.

Prior to ops.

The risk ranking and HazID results are found in Figure 1 1 , page 41 , Figure 12, page 43 and Figure 1 3,

page 45.

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Field Communications and Emergencies

Crisis Management

The Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Development (GoM DWD) Emergency Response Plan Guidelines are

initiated should any emergency occur during a SIMOPS event. The SIMOPS event will be terminated or

postponed until the emergency is cleared.

Any emergency onboard the Discoverer Enterprise, the DD III or associated vessels will be reported

immediately to the other vessels and the Offshore SIMOPS Branch Director to ensure necessary

precautions can be taken.

Severe Weather Contingency Plan

See GoM IMS Vol. III Severe Weather Contingency Plan (see References in Section 7, page 48).

The Crisis Center at WL-4 handles the management of severe weather planning and field evacuation


Emergency Evacuation Plan

See GoM DWD Emergency Evacuation Plan (see References in Section 7, page 48).

Incident Notification

The Incident Notification Chart shown in Figure 3, page 1 4 is the main routing of incident notifications on

the project.

It is recognized, however, that the MC-252 Incident operation is complex and that there is a possibility of

incidents being reported through different channels.

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Figure 3: Incident Notification Chart

Daily SIMOPS Conference Call

The SIMOPS Director chairs the daily SIMOPS conference call.

The following calls in to the SIMOPS call:

Each MC-252 Incident ROV and construction vessel

The lead spill clean-up vessel.

Houma IC.

Houston IC.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM and Well Site Leader (WSL) or designees.

BP vessel rep. and PIC on vessel(s) performing SIMOPS in the MC-252 Incident field.

Impact Weather and Horizon Marine (only if met-ocean conditions dictate).

Shore-based personnel as required

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Work boats and fast boats are not required to participate.

The purpose of the daily SIMOPS conference call is to:

Provide daily SIMOPS support to all MC-252 Incident groups.

Get the latest met-ocean updates (Impact Weather and Horizon Marine to participate on an as-


Ensure all activity centers are fully aware of ongoing and upcoming field activities and SIMOPS


Review SIMOPS schedule issues.

Ensure activities from outside operators (such as pipe-lay and seismic operations) are flagged.

Review VHF and acoustics communication needs and clashing issues.

Ensure the SIMOPS events are planned and executed according to the program with no impact to

HSSE and minimum impact to other operations.

Table 2 below shows the details of the conference call center.

Participants call the Toll-free or the Toll numbers and then the Pass-code to get into the conference call.

Table 2: Conference Call Center

Dial-In Numbers

and Pass Codes

Toll-Free number from inside USA:

1 -866-634-1 11 0

Participant pass code:

925-727-01 45

Each operation issues a daily SIMOPS report to the SIMOPS Director that is reviewed prior to the

SIMOPS call. The report is a short synopsis of last 24-hours and the coming 24-hours utilizing Incident

Action Plan (IAP).

The SIMOPS call agenda is:

Met-ocean update (wind, waves and currents).

Sheen, plume and marine debris update.

Vessel Summary

Discoverer Enterprise Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

DD III Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity, special issues, Q&A.

ROV vessels Current operations, special issues, Q&A.

Construction and intervention vessels Current operations, SIMOPS events, next activity,

special issues, Q&A.

Barge and tugs Update on current operations and next 24-hrs.

Spill clean-up vessels Area of operation, sheen and plume update.

SIMOPS issues, communications and VHF use, scheduling, conflicts and concerns.

SIMOPS Communication Guideline

Well-planned and established communications are keys to the successful execution of the MC-252

Incident SIMOPS. The SIMOPS Branch Directors must communicate with the respective Vessel Reps. /

OIMs / Captains prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity and during the SIMOPS event as conditions


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Remember: Good SIMOPS is all in the communications.

Field Communications

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

Vessels approaching the field will use Channels 15 or channel 16 to call up the Discoverer

Enterprise or the DD III Bridge. Channel selection, following the initial hailing is agreed upon

with the respective installation.

Channel 1 5 and channel 16 are always monitored by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

See Table 3, page 1 6.

Once the appropriate MC-252 Incident facility (Discoverer Enterprise or DD III) is hailed, the

channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Table 3. The table is a guideline and lists the

agreed MC-252 Incident VHF channels. It is anticipated that radio noise and high usage may

require selection of other channels at times.

The fleet of Source Control and Oil Spill Response vessels will work through the Onshore

SIMOPS Director to establish field radio procedures and agree on channel selections.

Radio use and frequency selection will be part of the daily SIMOPS call.

Table 3 below shows the VHF hailing and the working channels for the MC-252 Incident field.

Table 3: VHF and UHF Working Channels





Enterprise ROV




Hailing general




Bridge to Bridge



Bridge to boat

10, 11, 12


Port crane

10, 11, 12


Starboard crane

10, 11, 12


Crane to boat

10, 11, 12

Port: 67, Stb. 68

Bulk and liq.


8, 15

72, 88


Enterprise Bridge

to maintenance

Spare channels

No radio




6, 69, 71, 73


2, 5, 9




72, 88


6, 69, 71, 73
3, 6, 9, 13


3, 6, 9,


Source control vessels and environmental cleanup vessels are

hailed on ch. 15 and ch. 16

Updated April 27, 2010

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Vessels and aircraft, under contract to BP, are equipped with BP radios in addition to the

contractors communication equipment.

Operators of vessels involved in SIMOPS activities must agree upon primary and secondary radio

communication frequencies prior to the start of any SIMOPS activity.

Note: Conduct radio check and confirm operability prior to start of any SIMOPS event.

Emergency Communications

For emergency response communication procedures and contact information, reference the

GoM DWD Emergency Response Plan (see Section 7, page 48).

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Acoustic Frequency Management and Position Referencing

The Acoustic Frequency Management Plan is summarized in Table 6, page 22 and in Figure 1 0, page 39.

Please note the following:

Horizon DP array transponders have been recovered and are not featured in the plan.

It is essential that all vessels with dual head HiPAP systems configure the system to

track all transponders from a single head (all transponders tracked from the same head).

Enabling and Disabling of Transponders and Responders

The Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) onboard the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are

responsible for the management and safe use of the acoustic frequencies at MC-252 Incident.

No acoustics will be turned on or off without the concurrence of the DPO onboard the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III DPO will manage the acoustics in the MC-

252 Incident field. There will be no enabling or disabling of acoustic channels

without the DPOs concurrence.


Do not change allocated channels without the concurrence of the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III DPO. The main requirement of the Acoustic Management

Plan is to prevent frequency clashing and risk interference or loss of acoustic

position referencing for the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Note that any noise issues degrading the acoustic position reference system MUST be reported to the

OIM and the Well Site Leader. Under no circumstances should the acoustic system be disabled because

of degraded signal to noise ratio. Disabling the acoustic system would bring the rig from a DP Class II to

a DP Class I DP operation. Note: TOI approval contingent on: acoustic system may be taken out of solution

if degraded.

Safe Distance

The Frequency Management Plan assumes there is no safe distance where acoustics will not interfere,

especially with the short distance between vessels. The plan produced a set of compatible channel

allocations and guidelines that will allow each vessel to operate freely without concern as to the effect on

other vessels nearby.

Echo Sounder Turnoff

Any vessels entering the MC-252 Incident area must turn off the echo sounders within 5-nm of arriving in

the MC-252 Incident field. This is to ensure echo sounders do not create noise in the water column and

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interfere acoustically with any of the vessels using acoustic communications. Do not turn on echo

sounders until the vessel is outside this 5-nm limit.

Compliance with the echo sounder turnoff while in the MC-252 Incident field is



It is the responsibility of each MC-252 Incident group contracting vessels, the Logistics Group and the

Fourchon Base to notify and inform the MC-252 Incident vessels of the Echo Sounder turnoff


Acoustic Frequency Coordination

Coordination of Acoustic Activities

All information, regarding the coordination of the MC-252 Incident Acoustic Frequency

Management Plan, is directed to the respective rigs Team Leader.

Jonathan Davis with BP, Dave Ross with UTEC Survey, together with Kongsberg and Sonardyne,

will assist in troubleshooting frequency clashes and interferences (see phone list for contact


Acoustic Equipment Use Notifications

Source vessels will work in close proximity to the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III. These vessels

must follow the Frequency Management Plan and the acoustic guidelines before enabling acoustic


Acoustic Field Operations

For acoustic operations at MC-252 Incident, vessels will inform the DEN and the DD III Bridge of

arrival in the field. The following must take place prior to commencement of acoustic operations:

Confirm field arrival and departure.

Confirm all frequencies in use by the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III as per Table 6,

page 22.

Confirm pre-approved acoustic channel allocations for the upcoming operation.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III of minimum proximity requirements between


Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO when channels are enabled and disabled.

Advise the Discoverer Enterprise and DD III DPO of source vessel channel selections.

Be prepared to immediately disable acoustic channels in case of degradation of the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III acoustic position reference systems.

Discoverer Enterprise and DD III to advise vessel of any acoustic position reference system

response and degradation from the added acoustics in the water column.

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Houston Incident Commander

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No vessel shall deploy transponders without first contacting the DEN and the

DD III DPO and receiving confirmation as to channels in use. The DEN and the


DD III and any vessels using acoustics will be in continuous communications

concerning acoustic noise and frequency clashing.

Fan Beam

Fan Beam is a position reference system used while vessels are in proximity. Workboats and supply

boats, as well as vessels carrying out subsea construction, utilize Fan Beam. The systems maximum

range is 2,000-m with an accuracy of +1 0 cm during optimum conditions. The system uses a laser beam

and is, therefore, weather sensitive. The practical range for Fan Beam is in the range of 200-m to 400-m.

The key to a successful operation of the Fan Beam position reference system is to ensure the system is

maintained, fully operational and in Green status and that the Fan Beam is set up according to the

manufacturers specifications.

Particular attention is required to the system setup. The gating parameters must be set correctly to

ensure the intended target is followed. This may have been a problem in the past. There are known

instances where the laser beam has locked onto a moving object onboard the adjacent vessel. The

moving object may have been someone in coveralls with reflective tape.

Note: Any vessel working the MC-252 Incident area and using Fan Beam as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed to be used near the DEN, the


The Fan Beam User Guide v. 4.1 is listed as a reference in this document. The user, however, shall

always check with the manufacturer to ensure the correct and latest version of the user guide is utilized

for setting up the Fan Beam systems on the particular vessel.

The MC-252 Incident vessels have their Fan Beam laser units installed at different heights. Adjustments

may be required in the height of the prisms installed on the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to

conform to vessel requirements.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III OIM should determine correct prism height and location based

on communications with the respective user of Fan Beam systems. Table 4, page 20 lists the Fan Beam

height for some vessels which may be used at MC-252 Incident.

Table 4: Fan Beam Height

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Schlumberger DeepSTIM II
Technip Deep Blue

Fan Beam Height

Ideal Reflector Height

above Sea Level

Above Sea Level


1 02-ft.




The reflector height is

determined by the

application and distance

between vessels and is

generally set at Fan

Beam height -0 +17-ft.

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There is a wide variation in Fan Beam installation heights between vessels. The Fan Beam prisms,

installed on the DEN and the DD III, will require elevation and position changes, depending on which

vessel is utilizing the system. Adjusting the height will improve the system performance and reduce Fan

Beam positioning errors.

Table 5 below lists the MC-252 Incident vessels using Position Reference systems.

Table 5: Vessels using Position Reference Systems

MC-252 Incident Vessels

Discoverer Enterprise
Source control vessels

Available Position

Reference System

DGPS, Acoustics

(Sonardyne digital)

DGPS, Acoustics (HiPAP)

DGPS, Fan Beam and

RADius. Acoustics for

tracking and surveying

Spill clean-up vessels


DP Class II+

DP Class II+

DP Class I and II

Some vessels may not have

been assessed for DP class

Not assessed for DP class

RADius Position Reference System

The RADius position reference system measures relative distance between two adjacent vessels using

the Doppler principle. The adjacent vessel is equipped with RADius transponder(s). The system has a

range of approximately 1,1 00-m and is not affected by activities onboard the adjacent vessel. A

transponder system consisting of a small box is installed onboard the host vessel (i.e., Discoverer

Enterprise and DD III). The system requires a 1 20-volt power source. Range accuracy is 0.25-m.

Note: Any vessel, working the MC-252 Incident area and using RADius as a relative position

reference system, must confirm that the system is operational according to

manufacturers specifications before the system is allowed used near the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III.

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Table 6: MC-252 Acoustic Allocation Summary



ROV System


b31 DP

b14 Tracking


b32 DP

b28 Tracking


b35 DP

b34 Tracking


b48 Tracking


b37 DP


b73 DP

b54 Tracking

b76 DP LIC

b68 Tracking



b74 Tracking


Discoverer Enterprise DP array: Sonardyne wideband Family 14, CIS. Ch.


1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413


b27 Emergency AUV


b24 CRANE 1



b26 DP 1
b38 MILL 36







b64 CRANE 2


b78 MILL 37

b21 Tracking


b25 Tracking

b86 DP 2

b41 Tracking

b16 Tracking

OI 3



The acoustic allocations

for all construction

b45 Tracking

b23 Tracking

b61 Tracking

b36 Tracking

b65 Tracking

b43 Tracking

b81 Tracking

b56 Tracking

b85 Tracking

vessels are found in

Figure 10, page 34,

Figure 11, page 35 and

Figure 12, page 35.

It is imperative that the

b63 Tracking

plan is adhered to and

b83 Tracking

that there are no

Wideband Family 12 (see below)

changes without

Address 1201, CIS 1




Address 1202, CIS 2

ROV 1 Cage

The DD III ROV channels

Address 1203, CIS 3


may be utilized bby

Address 1204, CIS 7

ROV 2 Cage

others if not required by

Wideband Family 15 (see below)


the DD III operation.

Address 1512, CIS 4


Address 1513, CIS 5

ROV Backup

Address 1514, CIS 6


CIC = Common Interrogation Signal

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The SIMOPS plan contains multiple events and interfaces between the Discoverer Enterprise at relief

well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Anticipated SIMOPS events are:

Discoverer Enterprise operating at relief well location RxC and DD III at relief well location RxD.

Source control vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion


Source control vessel activity alongside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III.

Spill clean-up vessel activity inside the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones.

Pumping vessel alongside Discoverer Enterprise or DD III.

Salvage operations.

Barge and tug boats.


In-situ burns (requires separate risk assessment and approval).

Note: There is no requirement to develop a separate SIMOPS procedure for any of the MC-252

SIMOPS events. Detailed project operating procedures specifically developed in

conjunction with and referring to the MC-252 SIMOPS plan are required.

Table 7: SIMOPS Preplanning General Checklist

Vessel within 500-m of

Discoverer Enterprise

and DD III.

Well Site Leader

Fan Beam prism


Degradation in station-

keeping ability of


SIMOPS with other ops.


Prepare DEN and DD III

most favorable heading.

Ensure communications

to vessel are as planned.

To be informed and approve



In close proximity to,

alongside or equipment

To be informed.

hooked up to DEN/DD





Approve through Permit

Ensure communications

to Work (PTW) process.

to vessel are as planned.

To be informed of met-

To be informed of met-ocean

ocean conditions and

Communicate with vessel

conditions and any heading

any heading change of

in SIMOPS on all DP

change of DEN/DD III and

DEN/DD III and vessel in


vessel in SIMOPS.


To determine correct

To be informed of station-

height based on vessel

Ensure fully operational.

keeping readiness.


Vessel Captain together with DEN/DD III

To decide on further action

DPO to assess and decide on action according to

together with OIM.

WSOC. Note: TOI strike out. Approval contingent on

DPO making decision according to WSOC.

To be informed.
To approve.
Requirements as above.

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Emergencies during SIMOPS Events

Emergencies onboard one of the vessels involved in SIMOPS impact the ability to proceed with SIMOPS.

The SIMOPS planning should specifically address emergencies during SIMOPS events, mitigations and

restrictions associated with such emergencies.

Use the following guidelines to shut down or postpone the SIMOPS event, which may reduce the ability

of personnel to respond effectively to an emergency:

Sheen, plume or surface debris that could impact the SIMOPS event.

Any condition the OIM, Captain or the BP Well Site Leader determines to exist or develop and which

would compromise safety of crews, equipment or vessels during the SIMOPS execution.

Any event where acoustics communications are interfering with station-keeping of any vessel.

Any fire requires vessels to suspend activities except those required to handle the event.

Any hull emergency requires vessels to suspend activities except those that are required to handle

the event.

Any loss of firewater pumps requires vessel to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any loss of communication requires vessels to suspend all activities at a secure point.

Any met-ocean event that could jeopardize station-keeping or operations during the SIMOPS event.

Any event that takes a vessel out of readiness condition such as power, cooling and fuel systems,

power management system, position reference systems and DP system.

4.3 SIMOPS Approval

The complexity of the SIMOPS activity determines the level of approval required for the work plan. Use

the following procedure as a guideline:

The SIMOPS Director has the overall responsibility for determining SIMOPS priorities and give

necessary approvals following review with Branch Directors and Air Command.

The SIMOPS Branch Directors approve SIMOPS events within their fleet after review with the

SIMOPS Director and the respective vessels.

The vessel OIM /Captain approves SIMOPS events associated with the respective vessel.

The BP Well Site Leader, with input from the respective OIMs and Branch Directors determine the

level of authority required to approve a safe work plan for a more complex activity inside the

Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m zones.

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Dropped Objects Prevention

Drilling Vessels

Any dropped object is to be reported through regular channels. There are no infrastructure concerns at

the respective well sites. There are a number of pipelines and wellheads in the area, so dropped object

prevention must have the same focus as when working in any of BPs fields.

Source Vessels and Marine Clean-up Vessels

Any dropped object must be reported as per the Incident Notification Chart. The Discoverer Enterprise

and the DD III Bridges should be notified as well on any dropped object incident.

Vessels inside the MC-252 Incident field MUST promptly report a dropped


object incident to the DEN and the DD III Bridge.

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Area Vessel Control and Aviation

The key to vessel control is through good communications. The daily SIMOPS call is the main venue to

inform of upcoming vessel activities and requirements.

Surface Conditions

Marine debris and hydrocarbons will to a large extent determine activities at MC-252 Incident. An

assessment is being made on DEN and DD III operability while being exposed to a surface sheen or the

plume. Daily updates on sheen and plume developments together with marine debris updates are

provided to ensure appropriate marine decisions can be made.

Sheen and Plume

It is likely that the DEN and the DD III will be exposed to a sheen or the plume. This depends on

met-ocean conditions and the volume of hydrocarbon (HC) being released. The DEN and the

DD III bridges will stay in communications with the Spill clean-up vessels and be notified of any

changes in weather patterns that may result in HC reaching the well sites.

Marine Debris

Discovery of marine debris will be broadcasted to the fleet by the first observer. Recovery will

be handled by the appropriate team as required.

Vessel Arrival at MC-252 Incident

Surface and marine debris conditions determine how vessels arrive at the MC-252 Incident site. A

Marine Debris Exclusion Zone map in Figure 7, page 33.

Arrival and Departure Procedures at MC-252 Incident

Vessel arrival and departure will follow the procedures set up in Figure 4, page 27. The number of

vessels on DP and connected to the seabed either trough drilling risers or ROVs requires careful planning

of vessel movements.

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Figure 4: Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures

MC 252 Vessel Arrival and Departure Procedures




Supply Boats

and Fast Boats


Discoverer Enterprise

There is a 20-nm, 4,000-ft. vessel and aircraft exclusion zone around the site. Vessels and aircrafts need

permission to enter. Contact respective Branch Director 20-nm and 5-nm out

Contact Offshore Spill

Operations SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control SIMOPS

Branch Director

VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa

Sub-C or onboard DD III

Contact Offshore

Source Control


Director onboard Boa


VHF Ch. 1 5 or Ch. 1 6

Contact DD III and DEN

Bridge for permission

to enter 500-m zone

VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 1 6

Vessels receive advisory on extent of sheen and plume.

Vessels receive advisory on waypoints to site if required.

Vessels receive permission to enter site.

Oil Spill Response Vessels: Execute manual mode check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

Source Vessels: Execute DP check list in BP 500-m Zone Practice prior to site entry.

DD III and Discoverer Enterprise enter site.

Vessels preparing to depart:

Contact respective SIMOPS Branch Director and receive advisory on sheen, plume and waypoints as


VHF Ch. 15 or Ch. 16

Updated April 27, 201 0

Entry inside 500-m exclusion zones of drilling rigs and source vessels

requires the approval of the respective Captain or OIM.

Oil Spill



Drilling Vessels

The DD III and the DEN are arriving from the SW and will move on to location from the standby and

staging area once receiving approval through the Team Leader.

Staging Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Staging and Standby area in MC 339 as

shown in Figure 5, page 30. Preparations to start operations may be carried out at this location

until approval is received for moving to the well location or the standby area to the south of the

well location (see next section).

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Standby Area

The DD III and the Discoverer Enterprise will move to the Standby area from the Staging area

where operations will commence. The Standby areas are located 3,000-ft. to the south of the

relief well locations RxC and RxD as seen in Figure 7, page 33. Conductor and tubulars may be

deployed at this point.

The Standby areas are approximately half distance between the well centers and the ENI pipeline

to the south (see Figure 7, page 34).

Source Control Vessels

Source vessels will be directed through the Incident management Command and are not expected to

interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III to any extent.

The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry into any of

these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval.

Please note that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any

passage between the two rigs will, therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM


Oil Spill Response Vessels

Oil spill response vessels will be directed through the Incident Management Command via the SIMOPS

Branch Director and are not expected to interact with the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III unless the

plume direction changes to the south.

It is essential that the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III are notified of any clean-up vessel

activity in the vicinity of the well operations and especially inside the rigs 500-m exclusion zones.

Note: The Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones will be adhered to. Entry

into any of these zones requires Discoverer Enterprise or DD III OIM approval. Please note that

the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones overlap. Any passage between the two rigs will,

therefore, require Discoverer Enterprise and DD III OIM approval.

Hailing Channels VHF 15 and VHF 16

All vessels approaching the Discoverer Enterprise and the DD III will use VHF channels 15 and channel

1 6 to call up the Discoverer Enterprise or the DD III Bridge.

Working Channels

Once the targeted rig or vessel is hailed, the channel is switched to an agreed frequency as per Section

2.7, page 1 6.

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6.8 GoM 500-Meter Zone Practice

Any vessel entering the 500-m exclusion zone of any MC-252 Incident vessel shall comply with the

requirements in the 500-m Zone Practice. The document is issued by the BP Marine Vessel Operations


The nature of the MC-252 Incident operation, however, requires flexibility in how vessels interact. It is

anticipated that the Captains on the Source Control vessels and the Spill clean-up vessels review

proximity requirements between vessels and have an agreement in place concerning procedures and


Entry into the DEN and the DD III 500-m exclusion zones, however, takes place according to the

500-m Zone Practice.

Critical vessel repairs and maintenance shall be performed either before or

after the SIMOPS event. No critical vessel repairs will be performed during

the SIMOPS event or inside the DD III or the Discoverer Enterprise 500-m zone

(see details in the 500-m Zone Practice). A critical repair is defined as repair

that could lead to single point failure and loss of station or vessel integrity.


The air command in Houma is an integrated part of the SIMOPS plan. The following types of air activities

are expected:

1 .
Helicopter crew flights to drilling rigs and source control vessels.

Spotter planes and fixed wing surveillance

Areal spray of dispersants (four aircrafts in one dispersant sortie, four to five sorties per day).

Over-flights of fixed wing and helicopters.

Drone surveillance.

Press and media.

The MC252 area has a restricted airspace (TFR Temporary flight restriction) of 20-nm from site up to a

4,000-ft. elevation. Flights inside this zone are controlled by the USCG cutter Harriet Lane on site. The

air command in Houma plans all flights to the site and reports through the SIMOPS Director as shown in

Figure 1 , page 8.

6.10 Helicopter Fueling

Helicopter fueling operations will mainly take place onshore. The aviation group will arrange emergency

fueling onboard offshore facilities if needed. It is emphasized, however, that using the Discoverer

Enterprise and the DD III as fueling stations for non rig flights reduces the efficiency of the drilling

operations because of shut-down of cranes and deck activities.

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Figure 5: MC-252 Incident Regional Chart With 20-nm Restricted Zone

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Figure 6: MC-252 Incident Marine Debris Map

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Figure 7: Marine Debris and Discoverer Enterprise/DD III 500-m Exclusion Zones

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Figure 8: 500-m Vessel Exclusion Zone Detailed Map

Note: The Offshore Vessel Source Control SIMOPS Coordinator controls the debris field and an area within appr. 1,000-m of the MC 252 no. 1 well site.

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Figure 9: Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Transponder Grids

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Figure 10: Field Frequency Management Plan HiPAP vs. Sonardyne Digital

1. Discoverer Enterprise DP Array is now operating with Sonardyne MK5 Wideband COMPATTs. The array is setup for Family 14 ; C00.

LBL arrays installed at Thunder Horse must avoid allocating this family to remain clash free with the Discoverer Enterprise.












































CH #





























































DP 1





















































































































































































































DP 2




























































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Figure 11: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Rig Operations

The results of the TOI








Actions / Mitigation Measures

No additional mitigations

internal HAZID were








Post -Mitigate


Oil Sheen

Hazard Scenario














Pre -Mitigation






Note; the rig vessel master will

have a conversation with the


reviewed and accepted

source vessels in field on their

by the team. Included

experience working the area with

as a separate logsheet.

an oil sheen.

Note: Vessels need a plan to

flush ballast tanks prior to incident

demobilization to remove any oily

water in ballast tanks.


Plume of concentrated
Flow increases to a


Subsea visual, real



Develop a decision matrix for various

oil comes up right

catastrophic rate. A

time, monitoring of the

scenarios of increased oil flow that

under the rig.

potential cause,

well site area (three

could impact the drill rig.

among others, could

vessels with multiple

be failure of BOP

ROV's). Existing TOI


emergency procedures.



George Gray

Include in IAP that source control


Troy Endicott

immediately communicates any flow

changes to the SIMOPS Director

Develop a model to predict plume

Troy Endicott

Note: The rig response is partially

location based on subsea currents.

based on having knowledge of

Consider the impact of rapidly

expected plume location.

increasing flow rate.

Emulsion /

Determine the location and density


Troy Endicott

of oil/water emulsion / mousse

Note: The rig response is partially

based on having knowledge of

floating below the surface.

expected location of any


Convey IMT air monitoring and

Joe Neumeyer

safety plan to the vessels.

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Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 12: HazID Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume Other Issues

Historically loop currents move


Send 500 meter zone to




















SIMOPS Plan is guidance



well sites

Post -Mitigate





Hazard Scenario





Moving to relief
No unique hazards


Pre -Mitigation






document for green light to

move in.

AUV survey to confirm no

interferences at the relief well


Seasonably favorable winds

Met ocean

and currents should keep slick

away from rigs.

away from relief well drill

locations. Loop currents are

monitored daily.


Existing hurricane plans.

Source Control

Lose ROV and view of

Three vessels with ROV's are




Acoustic conflict

SIMOPS plan defines

Troy Endicott

resolution process.

Vessels in 500

Spill response vessels

SIMOPS plan includes 500

meter zone

moving into the rig 500

meter zone requirement.

Troy Endicott

branch directors.

Note: The spill response vessels

may be less familiar with the 500

meter zone

meter zone practice. It is also in the


Dead vessel

Vessel in the area has


Potential vessel

SIMOPS plan includes 500




meter zone requirement.

NGO's, media

Vessel security plans, JIC (joint

information center) to support


Oil washes on deck of

supply boat going to the rig.

Supply boats avoid transit

through oil slick if possible.

They are offloaded on the lee

side of the rig and have

existing cleaning procedures.

Note: the supply vessels have

decon procedures for leaving

the area.


Rigs would have little if any


exposure. Airspace is

managed outside the rigs.

Troy Endicott

Communicate to the IMT

the drill rigs request to

maintain a minimum of

one mile distance for

dispersant application or

in situ burning.

Burning is not planned to be

In situ burn

done close to the rigs.

Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

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Figure 13: HazID Log Rig Exposure to Oil Sheen or Plume


Node 1 : DDIII & DEN operating on Macondo (MC 252)

Property Damage



Loss of

Additional Safeguards


Property Damage

Residual Risk






Risk Ranking

Loss of

Preventive Controls


Mitigating Controls

Operating rig with oil

sheen present.

Oily water sucked up into

thruster chiller units.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

going into power reduction


DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Can isolate 1 aft

and 1 fwd while being

serviced depending on the


DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in heat

exchangers (thruster motor,

main engines, rig air

compressor, thruster

steering, thruster lube oil,

AC units)

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

DEN: Overheating and

potential engine shutdown.

DDIII: Minimal exposure.

DEN: Continuously

monitored. Has 2 SW

cooled Heat Exchangers for

Main Engines. 1 as spare,

and 1 as backup.

DDIII: Continous

monitoring. 2 independent

loops w/ 3 heat exchangers

each. Can put ones

needing to be serviced on

standby. Can monitor

pressure & temperature

differential via VMS. Can

acid wash offline heat







Oily water in drawworks

cooling unit.

Ballast down as low as

reasonably practicable.

DDIII: Ballast down to

Operating draft prior to

moving onto MC 252. Take

samples through strainers

during rounds.

Drawworks cooler unit


DDIII: 3 individual heat

exchangers for Drill Floor

equipment. Can take 1

offline to clean.

DEN: Has 2 for DWX

cooling. Can monitor and

service while 1 offline.






Title of Document:
Macondo Relief Well SIMOPS Plan

Authority: Houston Incident Commander

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7 References

7.1.1 BP

MC-252 Incident Offshore Coordination SIMOPS Guidelines

7.1.2 Transocean (TOI)

See TOI DEN and DD III HSE Plans


TOI Operations Manual

TOI Floating Operations Manual HQS-OPS-004, Section 4, Subsection 1 1 : DP Operations

Guidelines Close Proximity Operations.

DEN DP Capability Plots

Development Driller III DP Capability Plots

Other References


GoM MC-252 Incident Management of Change Plan

BP GoM TOI HSE Management System Bridging Document

Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Document Number: 1440-85-OP-PR-0005

GoM Safe Practices Manual (SPM) GoM Incident Notification, Reporting and Investigation

Procedure. Document Number: CD # UPS-US-SW-GOM-HSE-DOC-001 15-2

GoM IMS Vol II Regional Oil Spill Plan

GoM IMS Vol III Severe Weather Contingency Plan

GoM Contract Aircraft Guidelines

GoM Diving Procedures

GoM Operational Guidelines for Offshore Support Vessels

GoM DEN Operations Manual

500-m Zone Practice BP Marine

VOI Vessel Operating Instructions BP Marine

Fan Beam User Manual v. 4.1

DMAC (Diving Medical Advisory Council) dated 1 979

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4/30/201 0


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Appendix A:

Contact Details MC-252 Incident





Emergencies and Regulatory


General Medical


81 66 Main Str.


US Coast Guard

(985) 873-41 41


(985) 873-41 50


(504) 589-6225

(985) 380-5320

Houston Crisis
(281) 366-0286 O

(713) 208-6173 C



(800) 321-8642

Hour Number
(630) 961-6200

MMS Houma

(985) 853-5884 O

(985) 879-2738 F


(985) 688-6050 C

(504) 736-2814 O

MMS Pipeline
(504) 736-2408 F


(504) 452-3562 C


(281 ) 366-6843 O


(71 3) 702-7673 C

[email protected]

Sr. Regulatory & Advocacy


SIMOPS Director

Endicott, troy

(281 ) 366-7687 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 409-0061 C

Deputy Marine Authority

Oil Spill Response Command

Smith, Stephen
(866) 21 5-4586

(OBrian Group)
(866) 292-1326

[email protected]

[email protected]



(31 8) 471 -1763

[email protected]



Bridge / DPO

Radio room


BP Clerk /


BP Subsea


(71 3) 587-5531

71 3-232-8245 ext.

2008 or 2007

(71 3) 232-8245

(281 ) 366-4504 or

(281 ) 366-4506

(281 ) 366-451 5

(281 ) 366-4536

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sat Telephone Bridge (voice): 0-1 1-870-353-830-


Sat Telephone Radio Room (voice): 0-1 1 -870-353-


Iridium Sat Phone: 1 -480-768-2500

code 881 5-4147-9794

Radio Frequency Ch 1 2 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.650

Oil Spill Response On-Scene

SIMOPS Coordinator

(onboard Louisiana

Responder 866-292-1 326)

Source Control Vessel Command

Source Control

TOI Discoverer Enterprise

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Document ID:




Page 49 of 55






Port and Stb.


(71 3) 232-8245

ext. 2229

Radio Frequency Ch 1 6 VHF (MHz) - 1 56.800

VHF (MHz) 1 23.050

Call Sign

DD III Well Site


Radio Rm.

DD III Inmar Sat



BP Dispatcher


832-587-6871 Dial

0 for operator

01 1 870


x-203 and x-204


71 3-336-821 5

71 3-336-8229

71 3-336-8201

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mil1 [email protected]

TOI Development Driller III

BP Discoverer Enterprise and DD III Houston Leadership

Gray, George

(281 )
(71 3)
Halvorson Dory,
(281 )

(71 3)
Jacobsen Plutt,
(281 )

Stoltz, Dan
(281 )
(71 3)

366-0659 O

376-1099 C

366-2626 O

206-5339 C

366-5932 O

685-2017 C

366-3424 O

805-9972 C

[email protected]

DD III Team Leader

[email protected]

Drilling Engineer DEN

[email protected]

Drilling Engineer DD III

[email protected]

DEN Team Leader

TOI Rig Support

Brekke, Jim

(281 ) 925-6676 O
[email protected]

(281) 961 -1368 C

(832) 587-8863 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 409-8217 C

Blue, Mike

Hess, Adam
King, Paul


Sims, Chuck

Walker, Stephen

(832)-587-8851 O

(71 3)-204-1 837 C

(832) 587-8573 O

(71 3) 540-6332 C

(281 ) 925-6433 O

(71 3) 205-9474 M

(71 3) 782-4703 H

(281 ) 925-6581 O

(281 ) 925-6583 F

(832) 922-2633 C

(832) 587-8770 O

(281) 450-7266 C

Manager Marine Technology

Rig Manager Performance


Rig Manager Performance


Rig Manager, Performance

Discoverer Enterprise

Rig Manager DD III

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Manager DP and


[email protected]

Marine and DP

Superintendent NAM

Logistics Boats and Helicopters Houston

Hollier, Jamie

(281 ) 366-0277 O

[email protected]

GoM Shelf Marine

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 50 of 55




John Rougeau

Reeves, Harold


Verret, Brian

Russell, Virgil

Huston, John

(281 ) 366-7946 F

(281) 703-0203 C

(281)-366-5042 O

(71 3)-201 -3081 C

(281)-366-4323 O

(71 3)-907-3739 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382- 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-5795 O

(71 3) 962-5927 C



[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Deepwater Marine


Subsea Ops & Intervention


Aviation Coordinator

Aviation Team Lead

GoM Logistics and Materials

Management Manager

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing address Fourchon Base:

Fourchon Base Address:

BP /C-Port 1

1 06 9th st. Lot #1

Golden Meadow, La. 70357

PH # 337-735-5708

Logistics Coordinator

Fourchon Base

Base Supervisor



Dartez, Bradley




Shore base





Air Logistics
PHI (Houma)

(337) 735-5708 O

(337) 735-5701 O

(985)-396-2927 C

337-735-5726 O

(281) 705-2372 C

(337) 735-5702 O

(337) 735-5715 O

(337)-735-5703 O

337-735-5714 O

985-396-2467 C

337-735-5712 O

985 868 1 705

Mailing Address:

PHI Heliport

3622 Thunderbird Rd

Houma, LA 70363

Ph.: (337) 735-5351

BP Marine

Fuller, Dan
Nichols, Scott
Polk, Daniel

(281 ) 366-631 3 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 397-4343 C

(281 ) 366-481 5 O
[email protected]
(71 3) 826-3426 C

(281 ) 366-0538

[email protected]
(71 3) 825-2657

Marine Operations Lead

Marine Operations


Marine Operations Lead

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


Warning: Check DW Docs revision to ensure you are using the correct revision.

Document ID:




Page 51 of 55







Source Control Vessels


71 3-744-5929

[email protected]

Intervention - 3
71 3-744-5920

832-461 -8266

[email protected]

Client Office


owner office

Boa Deep C

[email protected]

client office


owner office




[email protected]


985-61 2-2304


Skandi Neptune +47 5618 1180 /

[email protected]

1 1 81

+44 7894 1 73973

225-289-61 12
[email protected]
Miss Ginger
Data Van: (337)

[email protected]


[email protected]

Bridge: (337)


IP Phone: 337-


5701 (Geophysical


5704 (Bridge)

Bridge (Sat


(866) 21 5-61 99

Captain Cell in


(985) 677-2582

Spill Cleanup Vessels

Joe Griffin




985-61 2-241 7

985-61 2-2346


985-61 2-2348

254-240-1 951

985-61 2-2341
01 1 -881-651-


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Document ID:




Page 52 of 55




Kobe Chouest



Amy Chouest



Celena Chouest

Fast Cajun

Fast Sailor
Pat Tillman

Gulf Princess


985-61 2-231 9
863-833-581 7

985-61 2-2326


985-61 2-2335


985-61 2-2337

Bridge 985-61 2-


ROV 985-61 2-


985-61 2-2344

985-61 2-2322
01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2354

985-61 2-2306

985-61 2-2355

01 1 -881-651-


985-61 2-2357




[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

985-61 2-2406






337-593-551 4

[email protected]



George L.


(71 3) 468-1536 O

(281) 914-9629 C

[email protected]

[email protected]


John Roscoe-


(71 3) 785-0788 o
[email protected]

(713) 677-4838 c

Telephone system Edison


C&C Technologies Surveying

Survey advisor

DOF Surveying

ADCP profiling system


Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

Next Review Date

(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 53 of 55






Edison Chouest Offshore

Edison Chouest




Michael Burke

(71 3)
(71 3)


Larry Prewitt

Parker, Anthony



Ken Richter

337-237-1300 O

337-268-31 30 Dir

337 962- 01 08 C

337-237-1 300


71 3-346-3656 O

71 3-305-4409 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Tony Butler

Dale Tompkins

Albert Parker

David Sheetz

Lee Willmore

Mark Van Dyke

985-395-5247 O

985-395-8501 O


985-397-1 732 C

985-395-8519 F

985-395-1 105 wk

985-518-3274 C


after hours

71 3-422-5953

(71 3) 329-4271 O

(832) 444-8885 C

832-467-7734 O

71 3-430-6268 C

(281 ) 366-4271 O

(71 3) 447-6407 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Driver, David B.

(281 )
(281 )
(281 )
(71 3)

601-4444 O

601 -4346 P

677-1703 C

691 -7514 C

395-4448 O

251 -6326 F

798-7880 C

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sr. Operations Manager

Operations Coordinator

Fugro Surveying

Manager Lafayette surface


Supervisor Marine


Survey USBL


ROV Ops. Manager

DTS Ops. Mgr.

ROV Sup. Marianas

Sr. Supervisor

Project Manager-Tooling

DW Technical Solutions

Team Lead OI1

Project Support



366-2699 O
[email protected]
366-7941 F

661 -21 83 C

366-8792 O
[email protected]

213-3505 C

Met-ocean Specialist

D&C Operations Manager

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

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(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 54 of 55



Haaland, Kurt

Hafle, Mark
Hughes, John

Karlsen, Geir

Mouton, Keith


Neumeyer, Joe
Rayburn, Dean
Dave Rich
Russell, Virgil
Sanders, Robert
Sims, David


Verret, Brian

(281 ) 366-5085 O

(281 ) 366-7557 F

(281) 705-3237 C

(281 ) 366-4237 O

(281) 687-8216 C

(281 ) 249-7678 O

(71 3) 480-01 48 C

(281) 646-9956 H

(281 ) 366-4880 O

(71 3) 855-7369 C

(936) 273-9257 H

(281 ) 366-4303 O

(281) 703-9589 C

(281 ) 249-1678 O

(281) 467-5257 C

(281 ) 366-3082 O

(281) 546-4918 C

(281 ) 366-1 245 O

(71 3) 208-61 69 C

(281 ) 366-3676 O

(281 785 3676

(281 ) 366-0571 O

(281 ) 382 371 9 C

(281 ) 366-4488 O

(71 3) 301 -6514 C

(281 ) 366-0360 O

(71 3) 304-5600 C

(281 ) 366-5871 O

(281 ) 387-7509 C

(337) 735-5441 O

(337) 578-2425 C



[email protected]

Manager fiber optics project

[email protected]

Senior Drilling Engineer

[email protected]

Well Systems Lead

[email protected]

MC-252 Incident SIMOPS

[email protected]
[email protected]



Subsea Lead

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Advisor

[email protected]

D&C HSSE Team Leader

[email protected]

Wells Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Team Lead

[email protected]

Team Leader DD III

[email protected]

Wells Ops. Manager

[email protected]

Drilling Engineering Manager

[email protected]

Aviation Coordinator

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Tulsa Control Center

contacts all facilities during

an emergency.

Pipeline Control Center

Tulsa Control


(91 8) 660-4451

Updated April 28, 2010

Title of Document: MC-252 Incident SIMOPS Plan

Houston Incident Commander

Geir Karlsen

Retention Code:

Document Number:

Issue Date:

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(if applicable):


Project Confidential


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Page 55 of 55

SMART Tier 1 overflight report for 26Apr10

Prepared by Jim Jeansonne, NOAA, observer. The second observer was Jeremy Oneal, USCG PAC.

Departed Houma at 1016, arrived in oil dispersant area around 1100. Two dispersant aircraft had been

dispersing prior to our arrival and were still spraying. This area was around N28-44.743, W88-08.190.

The oil being sprayed was long windrows of emulsified oil (bright orange) and we observed some

effectiveness as evidenced by the tan clouds of dispersed oil forming in the path of the spraying. Images

11, 12, 28, 29, 32 and 34 were taken in this area.

After refueling at a platform (BP Marlin, VK915 at N29-06.475, W87-56.572) about 45 mile to the NE, we

then monitored spraying around the source. Aircraft were spraying areas of dark brown oil (fresh oil

surfacing) 80-100% coverage. Again, we observed clouds of tan dispersed oil forming in 15-30 minutes

after being sprayed. Images 54, 55, 57, 63, 64, 77 and 80 were taken in this area.

Photos and flight track are available and linked, and will be loaded into R-L.

Our altitude for both areas during observation was mostly between 500-1000

Although we all (pilots and observers) looked for marine mammals in all areas flown, none were


We departed the source area for Houma at 1338, arriving at Houma at 1445.

Document ID:

Using EK60 to assess acoustic abundance of marine organisms in the water column

We propose to study the distribution and abundance of marine organisms in the water column

as part of the damage assessments that are being conducted in the Gulf of Mexico to assess the

negative effects of the Deepwater BP Oil Spill.

This study will help to determine the distribution of acoustic backscatter relative to the

footprint of the oil spill and to evaluate the potential effects of the use of dispersants as this get

mixed in the upper water column.

We will measure acoustic signals (to estimate biomass of krill-like and forage fish-like

organisms). We will integrate this information with other measures of physical oceanographic

parameters (ocean conditions, nutrients), measures phytoplankton standing stock (to calibrate

fluorescence measurements), sample the overall zooplankton community (to identify indicator

species), and counts of marine bird and mammal community.

1) Krill-like biomass and net sampling

We will use acoustic methods to obtain vertical and horizontal distributions and net sampling

to confirm the identity, size classes and sexual maturity of krill located acoustically. Acoustic

techniques are recognized as a tool for the detection and quantification of euphausiids (Cockrane

et al. 1991, Coyle et al. 1992, Coyle and Cooney 1993). Though a featured component of the

U.S. Antarctic program (, this technique has received criticism, especially when

used without net sampling. Therefore, our approach is to combine acoustic and net sampling

procedures. We will sample the distribution of euphausiids using a multi-beam hull-mounted

SIMRAD EK-60 Echosounder, equipped with 38, 120 and 200 kHz transducers. The

echosounder will be calibrated twice-yearly using standard sphere procedures (Johannesson and

Mitson 1983, Traynor and Ehrenberg, 1990). GPS-tagged raw EK-60 ping data will be logged to

disk for post-cruise analysis.

) measured at multiple frequencies will be used to

Differences in volume backscattering ( Sv

classify acoustic targets. To eliminate noise from the data (e..g, non-biological echos from the

bottom and/or bubbles), we will exclude acoustic backscatter at a threshold of -81 dB (Cockrane

et al. 1991, Coyle et al. 1992, Coyle and Cooney 1993, Croll et al. 1998). Sound scattering by

euphausiids (size 10-30 mm) produces Rayleigh scattering at 38 kHz, causing little backscatter,

whilst these animals reflect and produce high acoustic backscatter at 120 and 200 kHz (Fiedler et

between multiple frequencies, along with visual inspection of the

al. 1998). The difference in Sv

scattering layers and targeted net tows, can be used to distinguish euphausiids from other


0 .



scatterers. We will begin with the relationship [

] used by Fiedler




et al. (1998) to define euphausiid scattering layers, and then work to further refine the

relationship to animals in the study area through our net-sampling efforts (see below).

Euphausiid abundance will be averaged over the depth range and horizontal intervals of interest

for analysis and plotting.

We will estimate euphausiid biomass along survey transects using methods for acoustic

biomass estimation from Hewitt et al. (2002) and Demer and Conti (2005). Echograms will be

gridded and integrated in regions identified as krill using Echoview software (Sonardata Pty.

Document ID:

Ltd.). Time-varying noise will be subtracted, and the resulting backscatter will be multiplied

with a target strength (TS) model in order to derive euphausiid biomass. The most detailed

euphausiid TS models incorporate probabilities to describe length-weight relationships, average

body angle, and other species-specific attributes (Demer and Conti 2005). Many of these

parameters have not yet been determined for our study species. Therefore, as part of this project

we will develop a TS model; we will build upon the results of Green et al. (1988, 1989), and will

model TS using data from our Tucker trawls (see below). Providing that a comparison of

volume scattering and TS (net) data indicate little net avoidance, we will estimate biomass

directly from by linear regression, using volume backscatter and species-specific biomass from

net samples as parameters (Pieper 1979, 1983),

A net-sampling effort will be critical for (i) ground-truthing acoustic signatures of apparent

krill, (ii) deriving krill age/size structure and body measurements for TS and biomass equations,

and (iii) description of the zooplankton community in general. We will sample euphausiids and

other zooplankton using a 1-m

Tucker trawl equipped with three 333-m mesh nets; we will

tow at 2.5 knots. A messenger-release mechanism will allow us to target specific layers, while

to be converted to euphausiid biomass, net sampling needs

being guided by acoustics. For

to be controlled well enough to precisely match net catches to observed backscatter in targeted

patches or layers of high backscatter (Fiedler et al. 1998). To ensure that the net and acoustic

data sets are matched as accurately as possible in space and time, GPS position and time data

from the ship's navigation system will be written to each acoustic and net sampling data record.

There will be a depth profiler attached to the frame of the net to track the position of the net

relative to the acoustics, and General Oceanics digital flowmeters will measure the volume of

seawater sampled. Net samples will be collected at the shelf break in each oceanographic line

and in areas where high acoustic backscatter is recorded. Day and night time net sampling may

reveal different patterns in krill due to vertical migration; we will target acoustic layers during

the day. Large gelatinous zooplankton will be removed from the samples and discarded. The

rest of the material will be preserved in 10% formalin and stored until processing. Processing

will involve two procedures, one to sort euphausiids and one to process the entire sample for the

analysis of community structure. Euphausiid material will be sub-sampled, then sorted,

identified, counted, and weighed; length will be measured. Euphausiids will be classified

following Kathman et al. (1986).

2) Forage fish-like biomass

We will use hydroacoustic surveys to estimate forage fish biomass (Watkins & Brierley 1996,

Horne & Clay 1998). Fish avoids nets making it difficult to determine the composition of

acoustic biomass with net sampling especially during the day time. Therefore, descriptions of

the local fish community and size and composition of fish captured during the Rockfish Cruise

(NMFS) will be used to determine appropriate target strengths. Iinformation on local bird diets

suggest fish have acoustic signals greater than 60 dB (decibels) (Vlietstra 2005, Morejohn et al.

1978, Caillet et al. 1979, Ainley et al. 1981, 1996, Croll 1989, H. Nevins unpubl. data). As most

euphausiids have low target strengths (TS < 70 dB animal1 at 120 kHz frequency) relative to

fish and squid (TS > 55 dB animal 1), removing backscatter below 60 dB should exclud most

plankton, leaving acoustic biomass pertaining to fish with swim bladders (Vlietstra 2005, Pieper

1979, Vaughan & Recksiek 1979, Barange et al. 1996, Misund & Beltestad 1996, Brierley et al.

1998, McGehee et al. 1998, Kawabata 1999, Coyle & Pinchuk 2002).

Document ID:

3) Physical oceanography

We will collect continuous underway data and vertical profiles at stations to determine

horizontal and vertical gradients in water properties and flow. Continuous underway data on

near surface temperature, salinity, and fluorescence will be sampled using a Sea-Bird Electronics

SBE21 SEACAT thermosalinograph and a WET Labs fluorometer installed in the sea-chest of

the ship. Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) vertical profiles will be sampled by deploying

a Sea-Bird Electronics SBE 19Plus SEACAT Profiler equipped with a WET Labs WETStar

fluorometer to 200-m (or within 10-m of the seafloor if the seafloor is less than 200-m) at

predetermined locations along oceanographic lines (Fig. 1). We will use SBE Data Processing

Software from Sea-Bird Electronics Inc., Bellevue, Washington to process and bin downcast data

to 1-m depth intervals.

Further, ongoing analysis of oceanographic data from a major NOAA-funded study (WEST)

will be combined to obtain a mechanistic understanding of oceanographic structures for which

krill exhibit affinities: (i) the upwelling plume extending south from Pt Arena; (ii) a shear zone

where upwelling flow separates from the coast near Pt Reyes; and (iii) wake, cones, and other

sub-surface flow features associated with Cordell seamount and adjacent canyons. Surface HF-

radar data from WEST will be used to determine pathways along which surface waters are

advected from Pt Arena/Reyes upwelling centers to Cordell Bank/Farallon Archipelago, and a

combination of survey and satellite data will be used to assess phytoplankton food content south

of Cordell Bank.

4) Marine bird and mammal community

We will use standardized strip and line transect survey methods to determine the distribution

and abundance of marine birds and mammals. Marine bird and mammal distribution, densities,

and behavior will be recorded along transects. Counts of birds and mammals will be made from

the flying bridge of the ship while underway at ~10 knots. Birds will be counted continuously in

a 100-m arc from directly ahead of the vessel to 90 off the side with the best visibility (least

glare). Mammals will be counted continuously by scanning to the horizon directly ahead of the

vessel to 90 off both sides; distances to mammals will be estimated using range-finding

binoculars. A continuous count of flying seabirds (as opposed to a snap shot method) may

overestimate densities of birds in the region (van Franeker 1994), but provides an estimate of

flux through the region (Hunt et al. 1994). Flying birds may also have recently been feeding.

Therefore, we will use the continuous method. Seabird behaviors will be recorded as flying

(with flight direction), sitting on the water, and feeding. For our analyses of predator-prey

distributions, we will focus on birds actively foraging and/or sitting on the water. We define

feeding birds as those observed plunging at sharp angles into the water, or involved in pursuit-

diving from the surface. For the purpose of this analysis, we will assume that birds sitting on the

water have recently fed in the vicinity. Although euphausiids exhibit diel migration, daytime

surveys have been used to detect euphausiid seabird spatial associations in the Bering Sea

(Hunt et al. 1996) and elsewhere in the California Current (Ainley et al. 2005).


Ainley DG, Anderson DW, Kelly PR (1981) Feeding ecology of marine cormorants in

southwestern North America. Condor 83:120131

Document ID:

Ainley DG, Spear LB, Allen SG, Ribic CA (1996) Temporal and spatial patterns in the diet of

the common murre in California waters. Condor 98:691705

Ainley DG, Spear LB, Tynan CT, Barth JA, Pierce SD, Ford RG, Cowles TJ (2005) Physical and

biological variables affecting seabird distributions during the upwelling season of the

northern California Current. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography


Barange M, Hampton I, Soule M (1996) Empirical determination of in situ target strengths of

three loosely aggregated pelagic fish species. ICES J Mar Sci 53:225232

Brierley AS, Ward P, Watkins JL, Goss C (1998) Acoustic discrimination of Southern Ocean

zooplankton. Deep-Sea Res II 45:11551173

Cailliet GM, Karpov KA, Ambrose DA (1979) Pelagic assemblages as determined from purse

seine and large midwater trawl catches in Monterey Bay and their affinities with the market

squid, Loligo opalescens. CalCOFI Rep 20: 2130

Cockrane, NA, Sameoto, D, Herman, AW, Neilson, J (1991) Multiple-frequency acoustic

backscattering and zooplankton aggregations in the inner Scotian shelf basins. Can. J. Fish.

Aquat. Sci., 48: 340-355

Coyle, KO, Cooney, RT (1993) Water column sound scattering and hydrography around the

Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 13: 803-827

Coyle, KO, Hunt, GL, Jr., Decker, MB, Weingartner, TJ (1992) Murre foraging, epibenthic

sound scattering and tidal advection over a shoal near St. George Island, Bering Sea. Mar.

Ecol. Prog. Ser. 83: 1-14

Croll DA (1989) Determinants of the diet and distribution of the common murre (Uria aalge) in

Monterey Bay, California. MSc thesis, California State University, Fresno, CA

Croll DA, Marinovic B, Benson S, Chavez FP, Black N, Ternullo R, Tershy BR (2005) From

wind to whales: trophic links in a coastal upwelling system. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 289:117130

Demer DA, Conti SG (2005) New target-strength model indicates more krill in the Southern

Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62:25-32 Dorman JG, Bollens SM, Slaughter AM

(2005) Population biology of euphausiids off northern California and effects of short time-

scale wind events on Euphausia pacifica. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 288:183198

Fiedler PC, Reilly SB, Hewitt RP, Demer D, Philbrick VA, Smith S, Armstrong W, Croll DA,

Tershy BR, Mate BR (1998) Blue whale habitat and prey in the California Channel Islands.

Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 45:1781-1801

Greene, CH, Wiebe, PH, Burczynski, J, Yougbluth, MJ (1988) Acoustic detection of high-

density krill demersal layers in the submarine canyons off Georges Bank. Science 241:359-


Greene, CH, Wiebe, PH, Burczynski, J. (1989) Analyzing zooplankton size distribution using

high-frequency sound. Limnol. Oceanogr. 34:163-178

Hewitt, RP, Watkins, JL, Naganobu, M, Tshernyshkov, AS, Brierley, AS, Demer, DA,

Kasatkina, S, Takao, Y, Goss, C, Malyshko, A, Brandon, MA, Kawaguchi, S, Siegel, V,

Trathan, PN, Emery, JH, Everson, I, Miller, DGM (2002). Setting a precautionary catch limit

for Antarctic krill. Oceanogr., 15, 2633

Horne J, Clay CS (1998) Sonar systems and aquatic organisms: matching equipment and model

parameters. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 55:12961306

Hunt GL, Jr., Coyle KO, Hoffman S, Decker MB, Flint EN (1996) Foraging ecology of short-

tailed shearwaters near the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 141:1-11

Document ID:

Hunt, GL, Jr., Croxall, JP, Trathan, PN (1994) Marine Ornithology in the southern Drake

Passage and Bransfield Strait during the BIOMASS Programme. Pp. 231-245 in S.Z. El-

Sayed, ed. Southern Ocean Ecology: The BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge U. Press.

Johannesson, KA, Mitson, RB (1983) Fisheries acoustics: a practical manual for aquatic biomass

estimation. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. 240:249

Kathman, RD, Austin, WC, Saltman, JC, Fulton, JD (1986) Identification manual to the

Mysidacea and Euphausiacea of the northeast Pacific. Dept. Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa,

411 p.

Kawabata A (1999) Measurement of the target strength of Japanese flying squid, Todarodes

pacificus Steenstrup. Bull Tohoku Nat Fish Res Inst 61:2940

McGegee DE, ODriscoll RL, Traykovski LV (1998) Effects of orientation on acoustic scattering

from Antarctic krill at 120 kHz. Deep-Sea Res II 45:12731294

Misund OA, Beltestad AK (1996) Target-strength estimates of schooling herring and mackerel

using the comparison methods. ICES J Mar Sci 53:281284

Morejohn GV, Harvey JT, Kransnow LT (1978) The importance of Loligo opalescens in the

food web of marine vertebrates in Monterey Bay, California. In: Recksiek CW, Frey HW

(eds) Biological, oceanographic, and acoustic aspects of the market squid, Loligo opalescens

Berry. Calif Dep Fish Game Game Bull 169:67185

Pieper, RE (1979) Euphausiid distribution and biomass determined acoustically at 102 kHz.

Deep-Sea Res. 26/6A: 687-702

Pieper, RE (1983) Quantitative estimates of euphausiid biomass determined by high-frequency

acoustics. Biological Oceanography, 2: 133-149

Traynor, JJ, Ehrenberg, JE (1990) Fish and standard-sphere target-strength measurements

obtained with a dual-beam and split-beam echo-sounding system. Tapp. P.-v. Reun. Cons.

int. Explor. Mer. 189: 325-335

Van Franeker, JA (1994) A comparison of methods for counting seabirds at sea in the Southern

Ocean. J. Field Ornithol. 65: 96-108

Vaughan DL, Recksiek CW (1979) Detection of market squid, Loligo opalescens, with echo

sounders. CalCOFI Rep 20: 4050

Vlietstra, LS (2005) Spatial associations between seabirds and prey: effects of large-scale prey

abundance on small scale seabird distribution. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 291: 275287

Watkins JL, Brierley AS (1996) A post-processing technique to remove background noise from

echo integration data. ICES J Mar Sci 53:339344

Document ID:

Subject: Re: MC252 - ERD Talk on Subsurface - redeux - TODAY at 1600 central

From: Ian Zelo

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 14:31:20 -0500

To: Ian Zelo

CC: Alyce Fritz , Amy Merten , Anthony Dvarskas , Benjamin Shorr , Branden S Blum , Brendan

Bray , Brian Hostetter , Charlene Andrade , Cheryl Brodnax , Chris Doley , Christopher Plaisted ,

Courtney Groeneveld , Craig R O'Connor , Dan Rutz , Daniel Hahn , Daphne Macfarlan , David

Witting , Dolores Toscano , Gabrielle Dorr , Gail E Siani , George Graettinger , Greg Baker ,

Gwendolyn McCarthy , Jack Terrill , James G Turek , Jay Field , Jean Cowan , Jeff Shenot , Jennifer

Boyce , Jessica White , Jessica Winter , Jill Bodnar , Joe Inslee , John Cubit , John Iliff , John Kern ,

John Rapp , Kate Barfield , Kate Clark , Katherine Pease , Ken Finkelstein , Kevin Kirsch mich ,

Kristopher Benson , Laurie Lee , Laurie Sullivan , Leslie Craig , Linda B Burlington , Lisa Dipinto ,

Lisa Pelstring , Lisa Rosman , Lynne Barre , Marguerite Matera , Marie Bundy , Marjorie Sams , Marla

Steinhoff , Marti McGuire , Mary Baker , MaryElliott Rolle , Michael Greer , Michel Gielazyn , Michele

Jacobi , Nancy A Berube , Nancy Beckvar , Natalie C-Manning , Norman Meade , Peter Knight ,

Rebecca Hoff , Reyhan Mehran , Rob Ricker , Robert A Taylor , Robert Haddad , Robert Neely , Robert

Wolotira , Scott Hecht , Sean Meehan , Sheila O'Brien , Simeon Hahn , Stephanie Willis , Terri Lewis ,

Todd Goeks , Tom Brosnan , Tom Dillon , Tom Moore , Tony Penn , Tracy Minick , Troy Baker ,

Whitley Saumweber , John Whitney

Folks, Sorry for the delay but here is the information on the talk this afternoon.



There was a request for a repeat of the subsurface oil discussion from last week. We are going to do that

today at 1600 CDT. We will be using the following webex and conference call numbers. I am not sure

who all was requesting the repeat, please forward if appropriate.



- Passcode

B6 Privacy


Meeting Date: 081110

Meeting Time: 4:00 PM CENTRAL TIME

Instant Net Conference Details:


Meeting Number:


Meeting Passcode:

Meeting Host:


Join Instructions for Instant Net Conference:

1. Join the meeting now:

2. Enter the required fields.

3. Indicate that you have read the Privacy Policy.

4. Click on Proceed.

Note: When you click on the weblink the seattle screen will show up. If you haven't used webinar before

Document ID:

and would like to make sure your system can access it, the webinar it will be activated at 1530 CDT.

Discussion will be at 1600 CDT.

On 8/10/2010 10:43 AM, Ian Zelo wrote:


I will bring this up again on the call tonight but I wanted to get the word out a little earlier

so that people had time to adapt their schedules etc. The story in a nutshell is that ERD put

on a short (<1 hour) presentation about deep sea releases and dispersant etc. It was very

informative and there were a number of people who were interested in hearing it.

I have talked to Bob Pavia and it looks like we are on for Tomorrow at 1600 Central. We'll

get call in / webinar info out.

Hope you all can make it.


John Whitney / Bob - can you get this out to the ERD side of the house for those who

missed it before?



Ian Zelo

Oil Spill Coordinator

NOAA - Assessment and Restoration Division

7600 Sand Point Way NE

Seattle, WA


(cell - Emergencies Only)


[email protected]



Document ID:

Fri, 14 May 2010 23:05:08 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 14, 2010

Slide Pack 5-14-10.ZIP

In addition to todays update (below) you will find attached a slide deck which highlights the subsurface

options currently being considered and deployed.

Please let me know if you have questions.

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/14/2010 3:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and keep the public informed.


17,444 personnel responding as part of the Command, plus volunteers.

Training expanded, more than 10,000 volunteers trained this week.

Riser insertion tool ready for placement into the end of the leaking riser pipe.

Relief well at 9,000 feet running riser to continue drilling.

2 new claims offices open in Florida and 1 in Louisiana.

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts. 4 vessels

and 9 Remote-Operated Vehicles continue subsea work on the following operations:

Document ID:

1. Riser Insertion Tube A tool has been fabricated and lowered to the sea floor. One end will be

attached to the riser and drill pipe which run to the Transocean Enterprise, on the surface. The

other end will be inserted into the ruptured riser pipe that is the primary source of the leak. All

necessary equipment is on location and engineers plan to move them into place Friday night.

2. Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is being readied to

be placed over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-

freeze in order to mitigate the formation of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been done at this water depth. Significant

technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be successful.

3. Top Kill Activities

Equipment has been fabricated and moved to location near the blowout

preventer in order to work on killing the well from the top. Manifold and bypass lines are in place to

provide access to valves on the BOP. A junk shot of shredded fibrous material will be injected

into the BOP through these lines. The objective is for the material to travel up the BOP and clog

the flow of the well at the pinch point. Once the pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement will

be pumped down the well to kill it. This procedure is ongoing.

4. Drilling relief wells Transocean Development Driller III spudded the first relief well on Sunday,

May 2 in a water depth of roughly 5,000 feet. This relief well is one-half mile from the Macondo well

and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below sea level. As

of today, the well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. Casing was run and cemented to

that depth. The BOP is tested and riser is being run so drilling can continue, sometime this

weekend. It is estimated the total drilling process will take at least 90 days. Once that is

accomplished, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well. A second relief

well has been permitted and the Transocean Development Driller II is on location with drilling

expected to begin on May 16.

5. Dispersant injection at the sea floor BP has conducted a third round of injecting dispersant

directly at the leak site on the sea floor using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Dispersant acts

by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily through natural processes

before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs show encouraging results. The

Environmental Protection Agency and other state and federal agencies, operating as part of the

National Response Team, have approved additional subsea application subject to ongoing


Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 559 specialty response vessels are deployed, including tugs, barges and

Document ID:

recovery boats. 30 of the boats are Oil Spill Response Vessels that are designed to separate the oil from

water. Approximately 151,391 barrels of oil-water mix (6.35 million gallons) have been recovered and

treated, a reported increase of nearly 50,000 barrels since Wednesday.

Surface Dispersant 517,577 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by aircraft.

The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works like soap by separating the oil into small droplets

that can be more easily broken down by natural processes. An additional 258,000 gallons are available

for deployment. The Unified Command has three teams of vessels in place to apply dispersant on the

surface, weather permitting.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command has teams in place prepared to continue in-situ

burning,depending on the weather. The in-situ burning is conducted on the surface using special fire-

boom that collects surface hydrocarbons which are then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama have each

received a $25 million block grant. The grants were offered by BP to help local agencies upfront to

implement the States approved Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a

worst case spill and are designed to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The

money will enable local businesses to immediately support clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is

supplemental to BPs private claims process, which remains unchanged

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection More than 1,600,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier

boom have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. BP is working to procure an

additional 3,500,000 feet of boom. Boom is now in place to protect nearly all Tier 1 shoreline in each of

the four states, and teams are now working on Tier 2 areas.

Vessels of Opportunity Program

Nearly 3,200 applications have been approved and

approximately 1,150 vessels are active an increase of 450 since Wednesday. Participating vessels are

being organized into 25-boat task force teams to help with a variety of clean-up activities, including

transporting supplies, performing wildlife rescue, and towing and deploying booms. To qualify for the

program, operators need to meet several key requirements, including attending a four-hour hazardous

waste training session, passing a dockside examination by the U.S. Coast Guard, and meeting crewing

requirements based on the size of the vessel provided. The contact number for people interested in

registering for the program is (281) 366-5511. Information about training can be found on the incident

website at under volunteers. For additional information about

training call (866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across the Gulf where

people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with volunteer

opportunities. Training ramped up significantly this week, with sessions held at multiple locations across

Document ID:

the Gulf. As of today, more than 15,000 volunteers have been trained in five different training modules

that range from safety for beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and

vessel operation for laying boom. This is an increase of more than 10,000 for the week. Information

about training can be found on the incident website at under

v o lu n te e rs .

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command is currently holding twice-daily

teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to ensure

that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on Command activities and to ask questions.

Additionally, BP has deployed local government affairs specialists to respond directly to local


Wildlife Activities 2 additional reports of impacted wildlife. Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located

in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 12 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 10,500 claims have been filed and 2,200 of

them have been paid--doubling the amount of claims paid since Wednesday. The contact number for

claims is (800) 440-0858. Claims office locations are listed below.

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

Amelia Staging Area

Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

Document ID:

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Bringing in additional adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.

Continued work with parish presidents and opening new community outreach centers. Helping

communities deal with increased traffic due to media and governmental interest.

Working with Catholic Charities to assist with immediate community needs of food and clothing.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Community outreach centers are now in all three coastal counties.

Document ID:

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working through Vessels of Opportunity


No oil has been reported in Mississippi state waters.

Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area

Bayou LaBatre Claims Office

290 N. Wintzell Avenue

Bayou LaBatre, AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims.

Working with Governors office and non profit organizations to coordinate volunteers and identify

volunteer opportunities.

Collected tarballs on Dauphin Island -- analyzing source.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area





5668 Gulf



Unit B-9


Document ID:


FL 32563

Pensacola Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Holding townhall meetings with vessel owners and coordinating training for Vessels of Opportunity


Working with counties to engage volunteers in additional beach clean ups.

Engaged eight Gulf coast counties with outreach coordinators, government affairs specialists, and

training providers.

Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(866) 448-5816

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

(281) 366-5511

with response

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to [email protected]

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Joint Information Center Media and governmental inquiries

(800) 440-0858

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578


Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 07:07:02 -0400

Andrew Winer <[email protected]>

Subject: 2:30pm NGO Outreach Call

"[email protected]" <[email protected]>,"[email protected]"

<[email protected]>


These are notes from the weekly 2:30 pm NGO status call sponsored by CEQ. Doug Helton

represented NOAA and did a fantastic job.

Caren Madsen will be working on identifying a NOAA representative who can participate on

this call. There were over 100 individuals on this call.

Andy W iner

Director of External Affairs


(202) 482-4640

2:30 p.m. NGO call:


Greg Nelson, W HO

Amy Salzman, CEQ

Doug Helton, Incident Operations Coordinator, Ocean Service Office of Response and

Restoration, NOAA

Lisa Garcia, Senior Advisor to EPA Administrator on Environmental Justice


Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or the input parameters

to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

Bob Irvin, Defenders of W ildlife asked about the dredging situation in Mississippi and further

information about the barrier island plan, including any plans for public comment and review by Fish and

W ildlife Service

Document ID:

Greg Nelson: Application has been submitted to Army Corps and is in the review process right now.

o Need Follow-up re: public comment. Attached is a letter from Defenders' President Rodger

Schlickeisen to the President regarding his supplemental budget request.

David Underhill, Mobile Sierra Club asked about the possibility of a supertanker/ large suction

pump to remove the oil from the surface of the water. Are the dispersants making it more difficult? Are

there pockets of oil underwater?

NOAA: The oil at sea is very thin and they cannot use a vacuum.

Chris Mann, Pew asked about an accurate estimate on the leak flow. Even though the video was

just released, we now know that BP had the video for a while

NOAA: Nothing would be different in our response.

Monica Gardhert, Equity Inclusion Campaign asked about the legislative package, one stop

assistance, case management, money from the state governments, and if there will be federal oversight.

Greg answered. Need Follow-up re: money from state governments?

Sarah Chasis, NRDC asked about studies re: impacts of the spill in the water column and on marine

life. Is there an action plan that can be reviewed by the public?

Greg answered: the process has started and the process will include public comment period.

o EPA: has enhanced monitoring of dispersants posted on website- FDA also monitoring health of

consuming fish. NMFS also monitoring seafood safety

John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oil moving

onto coast and how to prepare for response.

Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

Sean Saville, National Audubon Society is working on the ground transport system; volunteered to

help FWS, BP, and state agencies- Is there increased capacity to expand volunteer services to other

coastal states (outside tri-state facilities). Mentioned challenges with putting volunteers to work. They

have 20,000 volunteers on their website.

DOI (Ray Rivera) will follow up re: volunteer opportunities

NOAA (Caren Madsen) agreed to receive emails re: training and volunteerism

From: Susan Harvey [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:40 AM

To: Harold Curran (NSB); Andy Mack (NSB); Eleanor Huffines; Marilyn Heiman; Peter Van Tuyn

Document ID:

Cc: Ben Greene (NSB); Tom Lohman (NSB)

Subject: GOM Spill Recovery Estimates

Importance: High

We are getting very little detail on recovery estimates or the input parameters to compute them

from Unified Command.

I wanted to alert you to a few issues in case you have access to the right folks to improve the

data reporting.

A few days ago I submitted a request to Unified Command via their suggestion web page asking

them to provide more information on a few specific parameters, but I havent seen any

improvement yet.

I did listen to the UC Update yesterday; they reported the recovery volumes were being

questioned and the USCG was being tasked with an oil spill recovery budget estimate Maybe

improvements are coming? Hard to tell yet.


The data on in-situ burning is extremely sparse. The Unified Command Operational Update

Summary for each days recovery and tools in place does not address ISB at all. There is no

listing for the amount of ISB boom, ISB equipment, and ISB crews deployed. There is no

information on the number of burns or removal rate.

The only way I can find out what has happened on ISB removal is to listen to the video press

release updates, and every 3-4 days there is a brief mention.

Unified Command did post a ISB fact sheet a few days ago but it is unreadable. We have tried

opening it on multiple computers with the same result. Situ Burning in Oil Spill Respons


Document ID:

The last burn data shows 13,000 bbls removed which still puts removal efficiency at 10-11%.

There is no data or information provided to support this estimate.

We really need more information on:


the number of burns,


locations of burns,


burn rate efficiency,

amount of accelerant used on burn (how much more pollution is added to start and sustain

the burn), and

where burns have been successfully attempted and where they have been unable to sustain

a burn.

This information is really critical to us for Arctic work. As you know industry currently

estimates 90%+ burn removal. Actual field data from the GOM spill is showing 10-11% (if

accurate) and the Macondo well oil at 35 API should burn much better than a number of our

offshore crude oils that have lower API gravities (except Northstar that is higher).

Mechanical Recovery :

Unified Command is reporting the combined oily-water mix at 5 million gallons this morning,

but they are not providing any data on the percentage of oil in the emulsion.

Getting an accurate amount of oil in the mixture is a simple matter of grabbing some emulsion

samples and spinning them out in a centrifuge. We really need that number to estimate a more

accurate oil recovery number. I have yet to see any reporting on that.

Eventually, they will run the oily water recovered mixture through and oil water separator to

recover the oil and they can get a % oil number from that process. No data on that yet either.

Document ID:

For very rough calculations I have been assuming 40% oil content, but that is probably too

conservative. It could be as low as 20%. This will swing the mechanical recovery estimate from

20-40%. So it would be very useful to get better data on this.

Unified Command is also showing that they are essentially picking up 5000 barrels of oily water

each day (keeping up with the spill rate). This seems very high, and there isnt enough detail to

support this pickup rate. Hopefully this new USCG oil recovery budget they are working on

will provide better detail.

Total Spill Rate:

Of course the denominator in all the recovery calculations is based on a 5000 bopd leak rate

assumption. If that is incorrect then that will also reduce all the recovery numbers. I did read that

scientists are examining this number more carefully, so hopefully we will be getting better data

on this.

For every 1000 bopd increase in oil spill volume the mechanical recovery rates drop by 3-7%.

And the ISB removal drops by 2% for every 1000 bopd increase in oil spill volume.

For example if the oil spill rate is actually 8,000 bopd (not 5,000 bopd) then mechanical recovery

drops to 12-25% and ISB removal to 7%.

Susan Harvey

Harvey Consulting, LLC

PO Box 771026

Eagle River, Alaska 99577

(907) 694-7994 Phone

Document ID:

(907) 694-7995 Fax

(907) 854-8998 Cell

[email protected]

Document ID:

AT&T TeleConference Services

Special Services Center

800 932-1100 E-mail: [email protected]

Conference Participant List
















202 456-7436










In order to expedite the assembly of your call, some names may have been spelled phonetically.

Please feel free to contact us at 1-800-932-1100 if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance.

Thank you for using AT&T Executive TeleConference Service.

Page 2

Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 09:48:25 -0400

Beth Dieveney <[email protected]>

Subject: May 15 NOAA Deepwater Horizon Call Actions

Deepwater <[email protected]>

BISCO Town Hall Meeting 5-13-10.docx

Port Sulfer Community Meeting on 5-13-10.doc

NGO Call 5-14-10.doc

NIC DC Org Chart12May.xlsx

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Other Attachments

report from BISCO community meeting (5/13)

report from Port Sulfer community meeting (5/13)

report from weekly NGO call (5/14)

NIC structure diagram

Action Items

ADML Landry request 30-day ship time, use of the Gordon Gunther for dispersant

modeling, paperwork is being processed. Assess what asset is needed as the Gordon

Gunther is currently being used for larvae sampling and impacts of oil on larvae

(particularly blue-fin).

Identify what other NOAA/academic assets has that are comparable and go through


Connect with Unified Area Command to determine needs and how needs could be

met by other NOAA /academic assets (W esterholm)

Overview of sampling that is not being done, broad issues related to understanding where

the oil is and what its impact is (all assets, not exclusive to NOAA assets) Requested to

send this to the NIC (Murawski and team)

Report on marine mammals and turtles be clearer regarding how many are deceased due

to oil and what is not known; share a total each day (ORR/ICC reports)

NOAA requested to create daily chart showing mortality in relation to: #of total dead

turtles, # sent for necropsies, # necropsies completed, and # dead due to oil.

DOI asked to do the same for birds

Assess capacity to conduct work needed request to review this and if more people are

needed (marine mammal stranding, necropsy processing, seafood safety testing, etc)

NMFS to develop timeline of seafood safety testing in advance of Monday Meeting/call at

W H.

Ensure routine updates on 0800 calls on key issues NOAA is working on

Ensure clear lines of communication and updates between NOAA and NIC, etc.

(Dieveney/W esterholm)

Follow-up call regarding engaging NOAA more effectively in NIC process (Lubchenco,

Document ID:

Spring, Sarri)

Reconstruct process of how NOAA has been engaged with developing/communicating

release rate (ORR Seattle)

Contact sheet for where to refer constituents to for key information (Dieveney/Winer)

Strategies to communicate our issues, particularly NMFS closures to public (Sutter/Winer)

Assign lead technical expert for LA barrier island issue (Yozell)

Check in on monitoring plan regarding use of sub-sea dispersants (Westerholm/Henry)

Develop product for what our NERR and NM Sanctuary sites are seeing (NOS)

Follow-up on release of chemical contents of dispersants for seafood safety testing needs


Updates of Interest

Information on the Loop current to the NIC through the Environmental Assessment Work-

Group need to push back on this, NOAA needs a higher level presence of this

ACOE and fill-in on barrier islands will be referred to legal committee on NRT to ensure

all Federal agency issues are considered; going to legal due to the question of if this is

really a response issue

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10

(currently, this list is incomplete but will be updated on a daily basis)



Coral reefs & oil

Marine mammals and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the Gulf of Mexico

Seafood safety

Impact of crude oil on seafood

Natural Resources Damage Assessment

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

Oil weathering/types

Loop current

Mussel Watch

NOS activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Document ID:

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact


(cleared factsheets)

Deepwater Horizon JIC


NOAA ICC Sitreps - sitreps.html

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)


David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17

Connie Barclay / 202-441-2398.


Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15

/ 202-657-9816.

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/7/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) - Robert

Steve Lehman (617-877-2806) - Robert

Jordan Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma

John Tarpley (206-526-6338) - Houma

Mary Gill (206-849-9953) - Mobile

Ruth Yender (206-89-9926) - Mobile

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Pete

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Beth Dieveney

NOAA Program Coordination Office

Office of the Under Secretary

14th & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20230

phone: 202 482 1281


240 328 4812


202 482 4116

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated 5/13/10


MAY, 13, 2010 DULOUC, LA

Principal Attendee: David Kennedy

Representatives from various Federal and State agencies, BP representative, as well

as Local leaders.

Attendees: approximately 100 125 people




SCAT Team lead

EPA, senior advisor to Lisa Jackson

EPA Assistant Secretary of Solid Waste / Emergency Response

ATSDR / CDC - toxicologist


BP Representative

Terrebonne Parrish President






Lack clear understanding of the situation / potential impacts


PROCESS / CLAIMS: want BP rep in the community to be on hand for

processing of claims, general explanations and updates. People feel they were

not being communicated with.

ECONOMIC IMPACT: Community fears BP will fulfill fiduciary

HEALTH IMPACT: Information on what the short and long term health

EDUCATION / INFORMATION: Want information not just posted on the

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Vessels of Opportunity. Not enough


effects are going to be.

web not everyone has access to the internet.

boom available to utilize private vessels




Printed and delivered to the community as well as online.

Information for students / educators


Updates / Centrally located, up to date

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated 5/13/10



Operational Vessels / Human use


Dispersants provide information >what is it? What is it used for?

What are the long term effects?


Would like to have people on the ground / need to know what is going on,

when can they fish, for how long, want people to get information from,

not have to use the telephone / internet.




When oil is displaced, it has been proved by two colleges to cause cancer

what effect is this going to have on the environment in the future years. As

dispersant is being used, require monitoring for impacts. Tar can be

irritating dispersant / application no concern to people on shore


As a community dont need feel good speeches want an outlined, long term

plan of what BP is going to do (applause) sickness?

partial payment

not enough info.


Want a long term plan, want to know whats going to happen to the


vessels of opportunities employment $1,000 / day for use of boats > have


claims available > get up to $5,000 not limited to one claim. BP we

want to do right by this community. Fed agencies will assure this will

never happen again. Community some people dont have two weeks. Need

immediate assistance.


Do you know where the dispersant are in the deep water?


Are they going to be moving inland with the tides?


Need to know whats underwater


Need to know how our fisherman are going to know, if they are being


Need to know what the health effects are dermal contact, what they are


Want test results posted publicly.


BP needs to focus on shutting the faucet off.

where is the dispersant?

exposed to dispersants.


more of a statement / request

than question.


Feds needs to be taking care of the people.


What is the name of the dispersant?


Is there an expiration date for the dispersant?


Can you guarantee us you are going to pay us?


We've heard you can file a $5,000 claim once you sign it, you cant get

more money. Is this true? BP, has been asked to set up a claim center

should be accommodated BP rep looking into it


What is the dispersant called? Corexit results of testing EPA are the

results available?

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated 5/13/10


State Legislation being held up? BP holding up in baton rouge state


Oysters does bp or epa have a way of testing to see if there is any mercury

legislature BP will only pay 72%

DNA test or some other type of testing? DK noted food safety report

coming out


Our nation benefits in and from our communities but we bear the brunt of

it through land loss issues, seafood industry, what can we as a community

do and what can we expect to be done economically, socially, and

environmentally to mitigate?????


Getting mixed information how do you inform teachers and students

about the oil spill?

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated: 5-14-10

Port Sulfer Community Meeting on 5-13-10

Principal Attendee: Mary Glackin


* Fear of the unknown

* Frustration

* Anxiety

Anger and distrust primarily aimed at BP but included the Federal Agencies, i.e., EPA, USCG, and OSHA. I

have to state while in the Port Sulphur and Boothville-Venice community, NOAA was clearly appreciated

and we were personally thanked and welcomed by individuals for the effort and products, e.g., the

Situation Status Map and folks on the ground.

The fear and anxiety was focused on (1) The long-term health effects of the dispersants, both to marine

life and the community. Local commercial fishermen were comparing the EXXON VALDEZ incident with

the current situation citing Alaskan sources claiming the permanent loss of the herring runs due to the

use of dispersants (citing a neurotoxin threat) during the VALDEZ cleanup; (2) The President of the

Plaquemines Parish Oystermen's Association compared the use of dispersants and the potential of

unknown long-term effects to the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, which the US government assured

was not toxic. This is a critical community issue that needs to be addressed; (3) The air quality was

repeatedly voiced as a major concern to children and those individuals affected with asthma and other

related respiratory ailments. Air quality was a major issue with the Louisiana Bucket

Brigade a 501(c)(3) environmental health and justice organization working with communities that

neighbor the state's oil refineries and chemical plants.(; EPA needs to

articulate a consistent message and define the "standards" used for air quality to allay the communities



Issues are related to BP claims and programs to put fishermen to work. (1) The BP process is not

working and immediate compensation is needed for the commercial fishermen. The system of

classification re who can file a claim does not guarantee those applying are truly commercial, i.e.,

suggestions of improprieties- commercial vice recreational making claims. The $5K limit on expedited

compensation claims is not enough to pay monthly bills during the peak of their season. The "Vessels of

Opportunity" BP program is not working. It was intimated the preference locally, is to hire out charter

boats (used by recreational fishermen) for BP hosted activities rather than the artisanal vessels; (3) the

community attorneys are asking for graduated compensation claims for workers based on their roles,

e.g., vessel owner, deckhands, processors etc for a period of at least 6 months.


There was great concern expressed over the loss of the cultural heritage associated with artisanal fishing

and literally, cultural genocide- the generational impact on the ability to make a living on the water and

the contamination of marine life for generations to come.

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated: 5-14-10


The Internet and URL addresses are not enough. More printed material and handouts would be of great

use to the affected communities.

Attached is a copy of the NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheet (NEWIS) for an example template

that could be modified to identify activities, POCs, and the appropriate agencies associated with

response related to the DW HORIZON spill event.


How can NOAA verify BP environmental reports? What can NOAA do get an accurate measurement of

the flow rate of the leaks. Community participants cited news articles from the academic community

indicating the flow rate may be 5 times greater than reported causing distrust of the BP and federal

numbers. Participants also cited EPA data indicating elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide. Can NOAA give

an estimate on the total number of gallons at the bottom of the Gulf, and water column estimates?

How many miles offshore is the extent of the spill? How many miles of the coastline have been

affected? And, lastly consistent, understandable communications to the public coordinated through the

federal activities involved.

Document ID:

For Official Use Only

Last Updated: 5/14/10

Friday, May 14 2:30 p.m. NGO call:

Greg Nelson, WHO


Amy Salzman, CEQ

Doug Helton, Incident Operations Coordinator, Ocean Service Office of

Response and Restoration, NOAA

Lisa Garcia, Senior Advisor to EPA Administrator on Environmental Justice


Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or the input parameters

to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

Bob Irvin, Defenders of Wildlife asked about the dredging situation in Mississippi and further

information about the barrier island plan, including any plans for public comment and review by

Fish and Wildlife Service

o Greg Nelson: Application has been submitted to Army Corps and is in the review

process right now.

o Need Follow-up re: public comment. Attached is a letter from Defenders'

President Rodger Schlickeisen to the President regarding his supplemental

budget request.

David Underhill, Mobile Sierra Club asked about the possibility of a supertanker/ large suction

pump to remove the oil from the surface of the water. Are the dispersants making it more difficult?

Are there pockets of oil underwater?

o NOAA: The oil at sea is very thin and they cannot use a vacuum.

Chris Mann, Pew asked about an accurate estimate on the leak flow. Even though the video was

just released, we now know that BP had the video for a while

o NOAA: Nothing would be different in our response.

Monica Gardhert, Equity Inclusion Campaign asked about the legislative package, one stop

assistance, case management, money from the state governments, and if there will be federal


o Greg answered. Need Follow-up re: money from state governments?

Sarah Chasis, NRDC asked about studies re: impacts of the spill in the water column and on marine

life. Is there an action plan that can be reviewed by the public?

o Greg answered: the process has started and the process will include public comment


o EPA: has enhanced monitoring of dispersants posted on website- FDA also

monitoring health of consuming fish. NMFS also monitoring seafood safety

John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oil moving

onto coast and how to prepare for response.

o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

Sean Saville, National Audubon Society is working on the ground transport system; volunteered to

help FWS, BP, and state agencies- Is there increased capacity to expand volunteer services to other

coastal states (outside tri-state facilities). Mentioned challenges with putting volunteers to work.

They have 20,000 volunteers on their website.

o DOI (Ray Rivera) will follow up re: volunteer opportunities

o NOAA (Caren Madsen) agreed to receive emails re: training and volunteerism

Document ID:

S 1



ADM Allen

Deputy NIC

RDML Neffenger


Interagency Strategic P ans



Capt Wh te

Capt Haynes

Capt Beeson

Capt Gautier

Room 3104

Room 3604

NIC Coord staff

Mr Grawe

CDR Rooke

External Affairs



CDR Argu n

CDR White

Press Ass't





Room 3500

Strategic Resources

P anner



Interagency Situation

LCDR Hutley

Scott Lundgren

CDR LaGuardia

CDR Penoyer


P anner

Strateg c Comms


LCDR Merchant

LCDR O'Ne ll

CDR Offutt

LT Embry

CWO Brown



Situation Leader Unit


Info Mgr

David Moore

LT Rooke


P anner


LT Hynes

LCDR Wheatley




CDR Emerick



CDR Bruen


Terry Dybvik

Chris Ja karn


& Adm n



F oretine

Adv sors

YN1 Heinzl

Bob Pond

LCDR Messenger


Interagency & Intergovernmental Affairs

Ms Jul ette Kayyem

Deputy Intergovernmental

Deputy Intergency

CDR Tob asz


Mark Mjoness

Jim Knoy




David Moore

Document ID:

Ralph Lopez

Mark Mi ler

CDR W ngrove

CDR Gelzer


Lee Foresman



Rich Buckingham

Brenda Styer Gee


RM 3208



Denise Matthews



Scott Lundgren


Sat, 15 May 2010 10:46:45 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: Fwd: 9:05 a.m. Pre-Brief Call on Sunday

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected]

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected]


Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 10:41:29 -0400

"McGrath, Shaun L." <[email protected]>

Subject: 9:05 a.m. Pre-Brief Call on Sunday

"McGrath, Shaun L." <[email protected]>,"Belton, Linda"

<[email protected]>,Monica Medina <[email protected]>,

[email protected],"Tennyson, Stephanie L"

<[email protected]>,[email protected], Lori_Faeth

<[email protected]>,"Kayyem, Juliette" <[email protected]>,"Murk, David CDR"

<[email protected]>


Daft agenda for the call tomorrow is below. Please let me know if there are any changes.

Sunday, May 16 Call with Governors

9:05 a.m. pre-brief; 9:15 Governors




[Guest Pin:


Please lim it participation in the pre-conf erence to speak ers and essential staf f .


Opening remarks (Valerie Jarrett)

Observations and Trajectory Monica Medina, NOAA

NOAA will provide the latest observations and trajectories

Situation and Leak Stabilization Update Adm Landry

o Latest information from National Incident Command, including current status of efforts to

stabilize the leaks.

O perations R eport Adm Landry, UAC

Document ID:

Response Plans and Boom

o Landry riser insertion tube is the big event for today. Jindal asked about its effectiveness.

Answer is 100% for the large leak. (the small leak will be treated by dispersant). Action item:

report on success of insertion.Subsea dispersant EPA reported that dispersant had been

authorized for application with strict protocols. Landry reported that they will begin application

today. Action item: report out on the success of the application. Ongoing testing of the dilution

effect and the environmental impact.

o Landry gave cleanup report: crews working on Port Fouchon; Whiskey Island; had trouble

getting to Chaneleur. 90 vessels in MS; 64 in AL. Boom positioned; 75,000 feet in LA

yesterday to close the gap in need.

o Riley asked about the cleanup and the importance of being sensitive to the public need to

show we are open for business. He suggested that the cleanup crew take off the HazMat suits on

the beaches. Landry said will try to get the crews out earlier before the tourists start arriving.

Riley urged more boom in Marlin County (sp?)

Jindal urged more boom Westward Terrebonne; St. Marys; Labouche (sp?)

Wildlife Impacts Eileen Sobeck, FWS

Fisheries Closures Monica Medina, NOAA

o Monica said NOAA is working on a seafood safety statement that they will share with the

Governors. They hope to release it soon.

Open discussion and Q&A with Governors and state officials

Next call 9:15 a.m. EDT (8:15 CDT) Monday, May 17, 2010

Document ID:

Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 10:55:05 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: Notes from Governor's Call Saturday May 15

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

Dredging process TPs.docx

Notes from Governor's Call: Saturday May 15

Moderator: Cecelia Munoz- WH Intergovernmental Affairs

Governors: Riley, Jindal

Admiral Landry riser insertion tube is the big event for

today. Governor Jindal asked about its effectiveness.

Answer is 100% for the large leak. (the small leak will be

treated by dispersant). Action item: report on success of


Subsea dispersant EPA Administrator Jackson reported

that dispersant had been authorized for application with strict

protocols. Adm. Landry reported that they will begin

application today. Action item: report out on the success of

the application. Ongoing testing of the dilution effect and the

environmental impact.

Adm. Landry gave cleanup report: crews working on Port

Fouchon; Whiskey Island; had trouble getting to Chaneleur.

90 vessels in MS; 64 in AL. Boom positioned; 75,000 feet in

LA yesterday to close the gap in need.

Gov. Riley asked about the cleanup and the importance of

being sensitive to the public need to show we are open for

business. Responding to a photo he saw in this mornings

New York Times, he suggested that the cleanup crew take off

the HazMat suits on the beaches. Adm. Landry said will try to

get the crews out earlier before the tourists start arriving.

Gov. Riley urged more boom in Baldwin County.

Gov. Jindal urged more boom Westward Terrebonne; St.

M arys; Labouche (sp?)

Monica Medina said NOAA is working on a seafood safety

Document ID:

statement that they will share with the Governors.

Additional Items:

Attached are draft talking points and the process description

of the dredging approval process that was developed by the

USA COE and the NIC.

Language Translation of documents: White House Office of

Asian Affairs and the State Department (with BP) are

providing translation services of documents (press releases,

Q&A, etc.) into Vietnamese and other languages. Please

contact Miya Chen ([email protected]) or Audrey Buehring

at 202-453-5506 ([email protected]). They will

facilitate the process with State Department translators.

Document ID:

Please see below the TPs and Process developed by USACE and the NIC Interagency Group

regarding the dredging proposal in Louisiana.

High level talking points:

The dredging proposal submitted to the USACE by the State of LA is currently

undergoing expedited review for engineering and environmental feasibility in

coordination with NOAA, EPA, DOI, USDA and other affected federal, state, local and

tribal entities.

Once the proposal review is complete, the Federal On-Scene Coordinator, with advice

from the National Incident Commander and input from BP as the responsible party, will

assess the proposal's effectiveness in mitigating oil damages and decide whether to go

forward with the proposal.

The ongoing Administration-wide response organization shares the State and local

interest in a quick decision.

USACE process flow:

Permit work flow in response to Deepwater Horizon Incident

1. Pre-application meeting held ( 11 May)

2. Original permit application received by Corps District (12 May)

3. Interagency application review meeting held (12 May)


DOI(HQ), FWS, NMFS, EPA, State of Louisiana, Consultant

4. Reviewed and disseminated proposal to Federal Agencies (12 May)


Solicit comments and requested emergency consultation procedures for

endangered species(12 May)

b. Evaluate agency comments for immediate "Stoppers" ( 13 May)

i. EPA review of the site barrier Island site and borrow area (veto authority)

ii. DOI/FWS National Wildlife Refuge restrictions (restricted work)

iii. DOI/FWS Endangered Species (comments not received)

iv. DOI/MMS Borrow site prohibitions (informal comments on restrictions)


vi. State of Louisiana


Corps Engineering Review

If any comments require changes to the proposed project

Example: DOI restrictions on the placement of material or the use of equipment in

the National Wildlife Refuge proper required the revision of the application and

resubmittal to the Corps. (13 May-Jane Lyder Deputy Assistant i@ DOI)

5. Forward all comments received to applicant (State of Louisiana, 14 May) (CURRENT


6. Revised Application submittal ( expected 14 may )


Re-coordination of any outstanding comments with agencies and update

consultation for endangered species

b. Evaluate agency's revised comments for immediate "Stoppers"

Document ID:

Repeat steps 5 and 6 as needed

7. EIS needs determination

8. Coordination with CEQ on "alternative procedures" for NEPA( if required)

9. Draft Permit Decision - Corps New Orleans Project Manager ( Martin Mayer)


Permit conditions will waive or require the State to Gain any other




iii. State

10. Final Federal Agency coordination of draft permit


Permit Decision Stoppers

i. EPA Veto of the site of the barrier or borrow area

ii. EPA Elevation ( 404q)

iii. DOI/FWS Endangered Species

11. Permit Decision -Corps New Orleans District Engineer (Col. Lee)

12. Forward decision to Federal On Scene Coordinator and for approval

13. Provide to financier (BP) for acceptance

14. Applicant Gains other Authorizations as needed (may occur at any time)

15. Work may begin.

Document ID:

Notes from Governor's Call: Saturday May 15

Moderator: Cecelia Munoz- WH Intergovernmental Affairs

Governors: Riley, Jindal

Admiral Landry riser insertion tube is the big event for today.

Governor Jindal asked about its effectiveness. Answer is

100% for the large leak. (the small leak will be treated by

dispersant). Action item: report on success of insertion.

Subsea dispersant EPA Administrator Jackson reported that

dispersant had been authorized for application with strict

protocols. Adm. Landry reported that they will begin

application today. Action item: report out on the success of

the application. Ongoing testing of the dilution effect and the

environmental impact.

Adm. Landry gave cleanup report: crews working on Port

Fouchon; Whiskey Island; had trouble getting to Chaneleur.

90 vessels in MS; 64 in AL. Boom positioned; 75,000 feet in

LA yesterday to close the gap in need.

Gov. Riley asked about the cleanup and the importance of

being sensitive to the public need to show we are open for

business. Responding to a photo he saw in this mornings

New York Times, he suggested that the cleanup crew take off

the HazMat suits on the beaches. Adm. Landry said will try to

get the crews out earlier before the tourists start arriving.

Gov. Riley urged more boom in Baldwin County.

Gov. Jindal urged more boom Westward Terrebonne; St.

Marys; Labouche (sp?)

Monica Medina said NOAA is working on a seafood safety

statement that they will share with the Governors.

Additional Items:

Attached are draft talking points and the process description

of the dredging approval process that was developed by the

USA COE and the NIC.

Document ID:

Language Translation of documents: White House Office of

Asian Affairs and the State Department (with BP) are

providing translation services of documents (press releases,

Q&A, etc.) into Vietnamese and other languages. Please

contact Miya Chen ([email protected]) or Audrey Buehring

at 202-453-5506 ([email protected]). They will

facilitate the process with State Department translators.

Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 10:56:26 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: Fwd: FW: 05152010 DHR Daily External Affairs Summary

[email protected]


If you already receive this please pardon. Thanks

Document ID:

Sat, 15 May 2010 09:32:48 -0400

HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation Unit <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: 05152010 DHR Daily External Affairs Summary

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],"Zichal,

Heather" <[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], "Murk, David CDR"

<[email protected]>,"LaGuardia, Martha CDR" <[email protected]>,"Gelzer, Claudia

CDR" <[email protected]>,"Tobiasz, Tim CDR" <[email protected]>,"White, Casey

CDR" <[email protected]>,"O'Neil, Christopher LCDR" <christopher.t.o'[email protected]>,"White,

Ryan LTJG" <[email protected]>


-----Original Message-----

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:15 AM

To: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation Unit

Cc: Blossom, Kellyn; Bernstein, Jarrod; Schneider, Drew; Murk, David CDR

Subject: FW: 05152010 DHR Daily External Affairs Summary

Please forward to Interagency IGA list. Thanks!

From: Smith, Heather R [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 8:14 AM

To: Carl Kuehn - Mobile IGA; Donaldson, Jean CDR; Clinton, Jonathan; David Gray - EPA; Gail Tate ;

Glenn DaGain - BP; Heather Smith - IGA lead; Hubble, Solange; Harper, Jerald; Ensley, Kristopher LT;

Kristi Watkins - Congressional/VIP; Kreischer, Jon; Lisa Hough - BP Operations Manager; Lori Faeth -

Interior IGA; Miya Chen - Education; Murk, David CDR; Sara Tumen - DOI; Morrison, Stephanie LCDR;

McCullough, Victoria

Subject: 05152010 DHR Daily External Affairs Summary



Document ID:



As said by USCG COMDT Admiral Allen, National Incident Commander, 14May10

Whether it's one, five, 10 or 15, our mobilization of resources is far beyond that. We're always

prepared for a catastrophic event.

We have not been contained in our resources or our tactics by flow estimates. I urge us all to

remember we're operating in environment where there's no human access.

The only parameters we have are two-dimensional video presentation and any remote sensing we

can do down there.

While all that goes on, ultimately we're going to have to know the extent of the spill to natural

resources and economy.

As far as the current response we're doing a great deal to break this slick up offshore. We're

attacking it as if it were a much larger spill.


The Coast Guard and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they have authorized

BP to use dispersants underwater, at the source of the Deepwater Horizon leak. The use of the

dispersant at the source of the leak represents a novel approach to addressing the significant

environmental threat posed by the spill.

Oil spill dispersants are chemicals that attempt to break down the oil into small drops and prevent

it from reaching the surface or the U.S. shoreline. While they are not a silver bullet, dispersants are

generally less harmful than the highly toxic oil leaking from the source and they biodegrade in a much

shorter time span.

Document ID:

Preliminary testing results indicate that subsea use of the dispersant is effective at reducing the

amount of oil from reaching the surface - and can do so with the use of less dispersant than is needed

when the oil does reach the surface. This is an important step to reduce the potential for damage from oil

reaching fragile wetlands and coastal areas.

This course of action was decided upon with thorough evaluation and consideration of many

factors as well as consultation with stakeholders. Because subsea use of dispersants is a novel

approach, several tests were done to determine if the dispersant would be effective in breaking up the oil

and helping to control the leaks.

While BP pursues the use of subsea dispersants, the federal government will require regular

analysis of its effectiveness and impact on the environment, water and air quality, and human health

through a rigorous monitoring program. EPA's directive to BP, including the monitoring plan the company

must adhere to in order to ensure the protection of the environment and public health, is publicly available


The federal government will work with caution and strong oversight and reserves the right to

discontinue the use of this dispersant method if any negative impacts on the environment outweigh the



BP will attempt to install a riser insertion tube, which can capture the oil before it mixes with the

water and carry it to the drillship.

BP is also prepared to attempt to install a "top hat" dome over the main source of the leak. The "top

hat" is a smaller containment dome, designed to mitigate the formation of hydrates, which prevented the

success of the first containment dome. The "top hat" currently sits on the sea floor and remains an

alternative choice to stop the flow.

We said from the beginning that there is no silver bullet to stop this leak. We were moving forward

from the beginning under the assumption this tactic may not be successful.

BP will continue to drill the relief well to permanently stop the leak.

BP and industry partners have a team of experts from across the private sector working around the

clock in Houston with one responsibility: discover alternative solutions to permanently stop this leak.

Document ID:

DOI Secretary Ken Salazar dispatched U.S. Geological Survey Director Marcia McNutt to oversee

this process.

On May 12, at the request of the President, Secretary Salazar

and Secretary Chu traveled to Houston to participate in meetings with DOE and national lab staff, industry

officials and other engineers and scientists involved in finding solutions to cap the flow of oil and contain

the spill.

Secretary Salazar and Secretary Chu conferred at the BP Command Center in Houston with teams

of federal and industry scientists and engineers who are using cutting-edge technological resources and

innovative ideas to find solutions to containing the oil spill and protecting Gulf Coast communities.

They will continue to work hard to provide BP with alternative ideas.


As of the end of May 14, more than 1.25 million feet of containment boom has been deployed and

nearly 200,000 feet of containment boom available that will continue to be strategically deployed.

As of last night, more than 415,000 feet of sorbent boom has been deployed and more than

870,000 feet of sorbent boom available that will continue to be strategically deployed.

We continue to work to identify additional sources of boom for delivery.

The Coast Guard is aggressively overseeing BP efforts to ensure the appropriate type of boom is

available for approved deployments as dictated by this dynamic situation.

The Unified Command will continue to work with state, local and community leadership to ensure

that needs are met and that appropriate steps are taken to stop the source of the leak, mitigate the spill

and deploy the necessary resources in the Gulf.

If asked about boom shortage:

"As of last night there was more than 1.6 million feet of boom deployed and more than 1 million feet

Document ID:

available that will continue to be strategically deployed. The Unified Command is aggressively

overseeing BP efforts to ensure the appropriate type of boom is available for approved deployments as

dictated by this dynamic situation. The Coast Guard will continue to work with state, local, and community

leadership to ensure that needs are met and urge BP to take the appropriate steps to stop the source of

the leak, mitigate the spill and deploy the necessary resources in the gulf."


Total response vessels: 627

Containment Boom deployed: more than 1.25 million feet

Containment boom available: more than 270,000 feet

Sorbent boom deployed: more than 415,000 feet

Sorbent boom available: more than 870,000 feet Boom deployed: more than 1.65 million feet (regular plus

sorbent boom) Boom available: nearly 1.15 million feet (regular plus sorbent boom) Oily water recovered:

more than 6.3 million gallons Dispersant used: more than 560,000 gallons Dispersant available: more

than 260,000 gallons Overall personnel responding: nearly 17,500



Governors' teleconference - RADM Landry

Louisiana officials - U.S. Representative Melancon, State Senators Gautreaux and

Chabert, and State Representative St. Germain-will go on an overflight with CAPT Stanton


DOI Secretary Salazar will visit Robert UAC and hold press conference

with ADM Landry


Local Official's teleconference - CAPT Hanzalik


Congressional teleconference


U.S. Representative Taylor (MS) will go on an overflight


Senate Homeland Security Staff will visit Houma ICP


19,500 Facebook followers the Deepwater Horizon Response Facebook page.

Twitter has 3,953 followers.

The <> site

has over 19 million hits since it was initiated.

Document ID:

Top Topics via website:




1193 media queries; 4 fact sheets; 3 media advisories; 1 press release; 2 image

releases, 2 images uploaded.


Engagement with Government Officials

Governors' Call: Governors Jindal and Riley participated

o Monica Medina of NOAA provided an update on observations trajectory projections, and fisheries


ADM Allen provided an update on the situation and leak stabilization efforts

ADM Allen provided an update on operations

FWS Deputy Asst. Secretary Sobeck provided an update on wildlife impacts

Governor Jindal, New Orleans Mayor Landrieu, and St. Tammany Parish President Davis held a

press conference in Slidell, LA

Governor Jindal visited St. Tammany Parish and met with local, state, and BP officials to discuss

operations within the parish

Governor Jindal spoke with the USCG liaison and requested additional boom for St. Tammany

and Terrebonne parishes

New Orleans Mayor Landrieu and St. Tammany Parish President Davis visited the BP Community

Outreach Center in New Orleans

Florida Attorney General McCollum visited the St. Petersburg ICP

The Louisiana State Department of Fish and Wildlife offered vessels and personnel in support of oil

spill response operations

State of Louisiana filed a permit request with the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge areas and

build a berm in front of the Chandeleur Islands

USCG and BP briefed elected officials of Mobile and Baldwin Counties (AL) regarding shore clean-

up plans

Mobile and Baldwin County, AL mayors visited the Mobile ICP

Local Official's teleconference: CAPT Hanzalik provided an update on operations

Houma ICP Louisiana Parish Presidents' Call-report out provided on operations, including:

Tarball landfall and cleanup efforts in Whiskey Island, Trinity Island, and South Pass

Document ID:

Congressional teleconference: Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA) and staff from the offices of Senator

Landrieu, Senator Sessions (AL), Congressman Hastings (FL), the House Transportation and

Infrastructure Committee, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and the House

Appropriations Committee asked questions asked questions


Senate Homeland Security Staff visited Robert UAC

Congressman Miller (FL) and State Representative Gaetz (FL) visited USCG Station Destin

Representative Castor's (FL) DC staff visited St. Petersburg ICP

Mobile ICP sent BP requests submitted by Senator Shelby (AL) and Congressman Bonner (AL)

regarding companies seeking consideration for providing services in the response effort


Monday, May 17

Congressman Cummings (MD), Chairman of Subcommittee on Coast Guard and

Maritime Transportation briefing in New Orleans, LA


Congressman Meek (Florida) visit to Mobile ICP


Governor Riley visit to Mobile ICP


Congressman Young (FL) to visit St. Petersburg ICP

Thursday, May 20

and Houma IPC

DOI Deputy Secretary Hayes and DHS Deputy Secretary Lute visit to Robert UAC



House Natural Resources STAFFDEL

Heather Smith

Intergovernmental Affairs

Deepwater Horizon Response Unified Area Command


202-380-2339 cell

Document ID:

Document ID:





As said by USCG COMDT Admiral Allen, National Incident Commander, 14May10

Whether it's one, five, 10 or 15, our mobilization of resources is far beyond that. We're

always prepared for a catastrophic event.

We have not been contained in our resources or our tactics by flow estimates. I urge us

all to remember we're operating in environment where there's no human access.

The only parameters we have are two-dimensional video presentation and any remote

sensing we can do down there.

While all that goes on, ultimately we're going to have to know the extent of the spill to

natural resources and economy.

As far as the current response we're doing a great deal to break this slick up offshore.

We're attacking it as if it were a much larger spill.


The Coast Guard and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they

have authorized BP to use dispersants underwater, at the source of the Deepwater

Horizon leak. The use of the dispersant at the source of the leak represents a novel

approach to addressing the significant environmental threat posed by the spill.

Oil spill dispersants are chemicals that attempt to break down the oil into small

drops and prevent it from reaching the surface or the U.S. shoreline. While they are

not a silver bullet, dispersants are generally less harmful than the highly toxic oil

leaking from the source and they biodegrade in a much shorter time span.

Preliminary testing results indicate that subsea use of the dispersant is effective at

reducing the amount of oil from reaching the surface and can do so with the use of

less dispersant than is needed when the oil does reach the surface. This is an

important step to reduce the potential for damage from oil reaching fragile wetlands

and coastal areas.

This course of action was decided upon with thorough evaluation and consideration

of many factors as well as consultation with stakeholders. Because subsea use of

dispersants is a novel approach, several tests were done to determine if the

dispersant would be effective in breaking up the oil and helping to control the leaks.

Document ID:

While BP pursues the use of subsea dispersants, the federal government will require

regular analysis of its effectiveness and impact on the environment, water and air

quality, and human health through a rigorous monitoring program. EPA's directive

to BP, including the monitoring plan the company must adhere to in order to ensure

the protection of the environment and public health, is publicly available at

The federal government will work with caution and strong oversight and reserves

the right to discontinue the use of this dispersant method if any negative impacts on

the environment outweigh the benefits.


BP will attempt to install a riser insertion tube, which can capture the oil before it mixes

with the water and carry it to the drillship.

BP is also prepared to attempt to install a top hat dome over the main source of the

leak. The top hat is a smaller containment dome, designed to mitigate the formation

of hydrates, which prevented the success of the first containment dome. The top hat

currently sits on the sea floor and remains an alternative choice to stop the flow.

We said from the beginning that there is no silver bullet to stop this leak. We were

moving forward from the beginning under the assumption this tactic may not be


BP will continue to drill the relief well to permanently stop the leak.

BP and industry partners have a team of experts from across the private sector working

around the clock in Houston with one responsibility: discover alternative solutions to

permanently stop this leak.

DOI Secretary Ken Salazar dispatched U.S. Geological Survey Director Marcia McNutt

to oversee this process.

On May 12, at the request of the President, Secretary Salazar and Secretary Chu

traveled to Houston to participate in meetings with DOE and national lab staff, industry

officials and other engineers and scientists involved in finding solutions to cap the flow

of oil and contain the spill.

Secretary Salazar and Secretary Chu conferred at the BP Command Center in Houston

with teams of federal and industry scientists and engineers who are using cutting-edge

technological resources and innovative ideas to find solutions to containing the oil spill

and protecting Gulf Coast communities.

Document ID:

They will continue to work hard to provide BP with alternative ideas.


As of the end of May 14, more than 1.25 million feet of containment boom has been

deployed and nearly 200,000 feet of containment boom available that will continue to

be strategically deployed.

As of last night, more than 415,000 feet of sorbent boom has been deployed and more

than 870,000 feet of sorbent boom available that will continue to be strategically


We continue to work to identify additional sources of boom for delivery.

The Coast Guard is aggressively overseeing BP efforts to ensure the appropriate type of

boom is available for approved deployments as dictated by this dynamic situation.

The Unified Command will continue to work with state, local and community

leadership to ensure that needs are met and that appropriate steps are taken to stop the

source of the leak, mitigate the spill and deploy the necessary resources in the Gulf.

If asked about boom shortage:

"As of last night there was more than 1.6 million feet of boom deployed and more than 1

million feet available that will continue to be strategically deployed. The Unified

Command is aggressively overseeing BP efforts to ensure the appropriate type of boom is

available for approved deployments as dictated by this dynamic situation. The Coast Guard

will continue to work with state, local, and community leadership to ensure that needs are

met and urge BP to take the appropriate steps to stop the source of the leak, mitigate the

spill and deploy the necessary resources in the gulf."


Total response vessels: 627

Containment Boom deployed: more than 1.25 million feet

Containment boom available: more than 270,000 feet

Sorbent boom deployed: more than 415,000 feet

Sorbent boom available: more than 870,000 feet

Boom deployed: more than 1.65 million feet (regular plus sorbent boom)

Boom available: nearly 1.15 million feet (regular plus sorbent boom)

Oily water recovered: more than 6.3 million gallons

Dispersant used: more than 560,000 gallons

Dispersant available: more than 260,000 gallons

Overall personnel responding: nearly 17,500


Governors teleconference RADM Landry

Document ID:


Louisiana officials U.S. Representative Melancon, State Senators

Gautreaux and Chabert, and State Representative St. Germainwill go on

an overflight with CAPT Stanton


DOI Secretary Salazar will visit Robert UAC and hold press conference


Local Officials teleconference CAPT Hanzalik


Congressional teleconference


U.S. Representative Taylor (MS) will go on an overflight


Senate Homeland Security Staff will visit Houma ICP

with ADM Landry


19,500 Facebook followers the Deepwater Horizon Response Facebook page.

Twitter has 3,953 followers.

The site has over 19 million hits since it was


Top Topics via website:

o Jobs



1193 media queries; 4 fact sheets; 3 media advisories; 1 press release; 2

image releases, 2 images uploaded.


Engagement with Government Officials

Governors Call: Governors Jindal and Riley participated

o Monica Medina of NOAA provided an update on observations trajectory

projections, and fisheries closures

ADM Allen provided an update on the situation and leak stabilization efforts

ADM Allen provided an update on operations

FWS Deputy Asst. Secretary Sobeck provided an update on wildlife impacts

Governor Jindal, New Orleans Mayor Landrieu, and St. Tammany Parish President

Davis held a press conference in Slidell, LA

Governor Jindal visited St. Tammany Parish and met with local, state, and BP

Governor Jindal spoke with the USCG liaison and requested additional boom for St.

Tammany and Terrebonne parishes

New Orleans Mayor Landrieu and St. Tammany Parish President Davis visited the

BP Community Outreach Center in New Orleans

Florida Attorney General McCollum visited the St. Petersburg ICP

The Louisiana State Department of Fish and Wildlife offered vessels and personnel

in support of oil spill response operations

officials to discuss operations within the parish

Document ID:

State of Louisiana filed a permit request with the Army Corps of Engineers to

dredge areas and build a berm in front of the Chandeleur Islands

USCG and BP briefed elected officials of Mobile and Baldwin Counties (AL)

regarding shore clean-up plans

Mobile and Baldwin County, AL mayors visited the Mobile ICP

Local Officials teleconference: CAPT Hanzalik provided an update on operations

Houma ICP Louisiana Parish Presidents Callreport out provided on operations,


Tarball landfall and cleanup efforts in Whiskey Island, Trinity Island, and

South Pass

Congressional teleconference: Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA) and staff from the

offices of Senator Landrieu, Senator Sessions (AL), Congressman Hastings (FL),

the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the Senate Environment

and Public Works Committee, and the House Appropriations Committee asked

questions asked questions

Senate Homeland Security Staff visited Robert UAC

Congressman Miller (FL) and State Representative Gaetz (FL) visited USCG

Station Destin

Representative Castors (FL) DC staff visited St. Petersburg ICP

Mobile ICP sent BP requests submitted by Senator Shelby (AL) and Congressman

Bonner (AL) regarding companies seeking consideration for providing services in

the response effort


Monday, May 17

Congressman Cummings (MD), Chairman of Subcommittee on Coast Guard

and Maritime Transportation briefing in New Orleans, LA

Congressman Meek (Florida) visit to Mobile ICP

Governor Riley visit to Mobile ICP

Congressman Young (FL) to visit St. Petersburg ICP

Thursday, May 20

DOI Deputy Secretary Hayes and DHS Deputy Secretary Lute visit to

Robert UAC and Houma IPC



Document ID:

House Natural Resources STAFFDEL

If you already receive this please pardon. Thanks

Document ID:

Sun, 16 May 2010 14:11:42 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexcido Update: May 15 8 pm EDT

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update - 05/15/2010 8:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and engage the public.


17,496 personnel responding as part of the Command, plus volunteers.

Subsea dispersant application recommenced early Saturday.

14 air sorties successfully apply an additional 44,000 gallons of dispersant.

68 additional specialty response vessels at work today.

1 new claims office opens in Florida.

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts. 4 vessels

and 9 Remote-Operated Vehicles continue subsea work on the following operations:

1. Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was brought back to the surface for a refitting.

Once back on the sea floor, crews will attempt to insert the tool into the ruptured leaking riser. The

riser insertion tube is connected to a drill pipe and riser that run to the Transocean Enterprise, on

the surface. All necessary equipment is on location and engineers will move the tool back to the

sea floor as soon as refitting is complete, sometime over the weekend.

2. Top K ill A ctivities

Equipment has been fabricated and moved to location near the blowout preventer in order to work

on killing the well from the top. Manifold and bypass lines are in place to provide access to valves on the

Document ID:

BOP. A junk shot of shredded fibrous material will be injected into the BOP through these lines. The

objective is for the material to travel up the BOP and clog the flow of the well at the pinch point. Once the

pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement will be pumped down the well to kill it.

Diagnostics are ongoing. Gamma ray surveys are being conducted to help determine the status of

internal components in the blowout preventer. Valves are being prepared to connect choke and kill

lines to the manifold.

3. Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is readied to be

placed over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-

freeze in order to mitigate the formation of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been done at this water depth. Significant

technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be successful.

4. Drilling relief wells Transocean Development Driller III spudded the first relief well on Sunday,

May 2 in a water depth of roughly 5,000 feet. This relief well is one-half mile from the Macondo well

and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below sea level. As

of today, the well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. Casing was run and cemented to

that depth. The BOP is tested and riser is being run so drilling can continue, sometime this

weekend. It is estimated the total drilling process will take at least 90 days. Once that is

accomplished, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well. A second relief

well has been permitted and the Transocean Development Driller II is on location with drilling

expected to begin on May 16.

5. Dispersant injection at the sea floor After receiving approval from federal agencies, on

Saturday, recommenced application of dispersant directly at the leak site on the sea floor using

Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that

can break down more easily through natural processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing

and aerial photographs show encouraging results. The additional subsea application is subject to

ongoing testing protocols developed with the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal

and state agencies.

Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 627 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

andrecovery boats. 30 of the boats are Oil Spill Response Vessels that are designed to separate the oil

from water. Approximately 151,391 barrels of oil-water mix (6.35 million gallons) have been recovered

and treated.

Surface Dispersant 561,608 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by aircraft,

Document ID:

with an additional 44,000 applied since Thursday. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works

like soap by separating the oil into small droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural

processes. An additional 263,000 gallons are available for deployment. The Unified Command has three

teams of vessels in place to apply dispersant on the surface, weather permitting.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command has teams in place prepared to continue in-situ

burning,depending on the weather. The in-situ burning is conducted on the surface using special fire-

boom that collects surface hydrocarbons which are then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama have each

received a $25 million block grant. The grants were offered by BP to help local agencies upfront to

implement the States approved Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a

worst case spill and are designed to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The

money will enable local businesses to immediately support clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is

supplemental to BPs private claims process, which remains unchanged

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection More than 1,600,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier

boom have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. BP is working to procure an

additional 3,500,000 feet of boom. Boom is now in place or staged to protect nearly all Tier 1 shoreline

in each of the four states. Some teams are starting to work on Tier 2 areas.

3,300 applications have been approved and approximately

Vessels of Opportunity Program

1,300 vessels are active an increase of 150 since Thursday. Participating vessels are being organized

into 25-boat task force teams to help with a variety of clean-up activities, including transporting supplies,

performing wildlife rescue, and towing and deploying booms. To qualify for the program, operators need

to meet several key requirements, including attending a four-hour hazardous waste training session,

passing a dockside examination by the U.S. Coast Guard, and meeting crewing requirements based on

the size of the vessel provided. The contact number for people interested in registering for the program is

(281) 366-5511. Information about training can be found on the incident website at under volunteers. For additional information about training call

(866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across the Gulf where

people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with volunteer

opportunities. Training ramped up significantly this week, with sessions held at multiple locations across

the Gulf. As of today, more than 15,000 volunteers have been trained in five different training modules

that range from safety for beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and

vessel operation for laying boom. Information about training can be found on the incident website at under volunteers.

Document ID:

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command is currently holding twice-daily

teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to ensure

that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on Command activities and to ask questions.

Additionally, BP has deployed local government affairs specialists to respond directly to local


Wildlife Activities 6 additional reports of impacted wildlife. Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located

in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 13 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 13,000 claims have been filed and 2,500 of

them have been paid. More than $9 million has been paid out, most of which is for loss of income for

commercial fishing and loss of wages. The contact number for claims is (800) 440-0858. Claims office

locations are listed below.

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

Amelia Staging Area

Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Document ID:

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Community Outreach Centers open in 7 parishes.

Bringing in additional adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.

Meeting with large seafood processors to determine best way to work claims.

Continued work with parish presidents and opening new community outreach centers. Helping

communities deal with increased traffic due to media and governmental interest.

Working with Catholic Charities to deliver immediate community needs of food and clothing.

Some fishing areas are reopening.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Community outreach centers are now in all three coastal counties.

Document ID:

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of Opportunity


No oil has been reported in Mississippi state waters.

Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area

Bayou LaBatre Claims Office

290 N. Wintzell Avenue

Bayou LaBatre, AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Community Outreach Centers open in 2 counties.

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims.

Working with Governors office and non profit organizations to coordinate volunteers and identify

volunteer opportunities.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area

Ft. Walton Claims Office (open Satur

348 SW Miracle Strip Pkwy

Suite 13

Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

Gulf Breeze Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Document ID:

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Pensacola Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Community Outreach Centers open in 7 counties.

Holding townhall meetings with vessel owners and coordinating training for Vessels of Opportunity


Working with counties to engage volunteers in additional beach clean ups.

Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(866) 448-5816

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

(281) 366-5511

with response

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to [email protected]

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Joint Information Center Media and governmental inquiries

(800) 440-0858

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578


Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Sun, 16 May 2010 09:49:37 -0400

Beth Dieveney <[email protected]>

Subject: May 16 NOAA Deepwater Horizon Call Actions

Deepwater <[email protected]>

For Official Use Only/Not for Public Release

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Action Items

Verify how long has NOAA had access to BP video (Miller)

Follow-up on NOAA representation at NIC and if Mark Miller and Ralph Lopez need

additional support (Miller to assess with leadership)

Communication plan for loop current, ensure have same story for all constituents. Talking

points for leadership (Kenney)

Identify Loop current team of experts for media outreach: Murawski, Lubchenco

Move loop current one-pager through clearance ASAP (Murawski/Dieveney/leadership


Change loop current map: oil portion stippled to indicate that the oil is not uniform across

the spill, show loop current as a somewhat more varied flow (Haddad)

Tuesday, 2-3 meeting hosted by OMB for bi-cameral Congressional meeting to review

legislation that has been introduced who should participate on behalf of NOAA

(Spring/NMFS(Reisner)/NOS (W esterholm and Kennedy)

Formal request needed through NIC for chemical components of dispersants, assistance

from GC if needed (Miller/Lopez)

Dispersant Monitoring plan should include efficacy of dispersant on oil, and

biological/ecological impacts (Gallagher to follow-up with Henry/Lehmann)

Status of request for Gordon Gunther (Gallagher)

LA Barrier Island dredge and fill proposal (follow-up call on Monday 10 am Croom and

Doley to participate)

Hurricane outlook interactions with oil spill talking points and Tuesday 8am briefing

(NW S)

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10

(currently, this list is incomplete but will be updated on a daily basis)



Document ID:

Coral reefs & oil

Marine mammals and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the Gulf of Mexico

Seafood safety

Impact of crude oil on seafood

Natural Resources Damage Assessment

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

Oil weathering/types

Loop current

Mussel Watch

NOS activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact


Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps - sitreps.html

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)


David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17

Connie Barclay / 202-441-2398.

Rachel Wilhelm / 202-657-9816.

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/7/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) - Robert

Steve Lehman (617-877-2806) - Robert

Jordan Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma

John Tarpley (206-526-6338) - Houma

Mary Gill (206-849-9953) - Mobile

Ruth Yender (206-89-9926) - Mobile

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Pete

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Beth Dieveney

NOAA Program Coordination Office

Document ID:

Office of the Under Secretary

14th & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20230

phone: 202 482 1281


240 328 4812


202 482 4116

Document ID:

Mon, 17 May 2010 12:50:22 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 16

On Sunday, an important step was reached in containing and reducing the amount of oil being released

into the Gulf of Mexico.

Overnight the riser insertion tube tool was successfully tested and inserted into the leaking riser, capturing

some oil and gas. Although the test was temporarily halted when the tube was dislodged, we have since

re-inserted the tool and are currently processing oil and gas onboard the Discoverer Enterprise drill ship

five thousand feet above on the waters surface. The natural gas is being burned through a flare system

on the ship and the oil will be shipped to shore and processed. We will continue to optimize the

containment system over time.

Plans to stop the flow of oil in the blowout preventer continue and we hope to move forward with these

options in the next 7-10 days.

In addition, we have been authorized by the US Coast Guard and the U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency to use subsea dispersants at the source of the leak. Upon thorough evaluation, the chemical has

been found to be effective in breaking up the oil and reducing the amount of oil on the surface.

Work on the second relief well began today on the Development Driller II and progress continues to be

made on the first relief well.

Other tactics to remove oil from the water surface using booming, skimming, and controlled burn

operations are ongoing as favorable weather permits.

Incident Update :

More than 1.7 million feet of boom (barrier) has been deployed to contain the spill.

To date, the oil spill response team has recovered 6.3 million gallons of oil-water mix.

More than 656 total response vessels are being used including skimmers, tugs, barges and recovery


Approximately 19,000 personnel are responding overall.

17 staging areas are in place and ready to protect sensitive shorelines along Louisiana, Mississippi,

Alabama, and Florida coastline.

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Mon, 17 May 2010 10:49:23 -0400

Beth Dieveney <[email protected]>

Subject: May 17 NOAA Deepwater Call Actions

deepwater <[email protected]>

For Official Use Only/Not for Public Release

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Monday, May 17, 2010


Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Action Items

Develop talking points for issue of Pelican cruise and scientific statements asserted in press


Line Office assess participation in 3 technical working groups that are stood up by the

Interagency Solutions group (LO leadership - see below for details on working groups and

ORR identified technical participants)

Concerted effort to reach out to the academic community; elevate the science that is

informing the actions in a more open and transparent way; work with other agencies

through NIC process to engage/reach out to scientists. Small team to brainstorm how to

engage other agencies and academic community. (Use Interagency Coordinating

Committee for Oil Spill Research (under OPA) and UNH; involve OSTP, NIST, USGS,

Chu, Holdren). Develop proposal for review today. (Murawski/Conner, others as


Reconsider fisheries closure in light of data provided from Pelican cruise. Also conducting

random dock-side sampling to ensure seafood safety. (Oliver/Murawksi/NMFS)

Expedited review of Loop 101 and Talking Points internal by 0930

Expedited review of Long-Term Transport of Oil and Talking Points internal by 1100

Return to discussion regarding how much dispersant is too much (issue for Science


Follow-up on request for BP video (Conner to follow-up with Steve Lehmann and

determine next steps, Spring to follow-up with DHS)

Significant Issues to Note

Interagency Solutions W orking Group ADML Allen established this group to have better

access to Federal agency technical expertise. Majority of issues brought to this group are NOAA

related issues.

Today, they Establish 3 work teams

Discharge Rate technical team potential participants: Dr. Bill Lehr, OAR (Dr. Ned

Cokelet, PMEL)

Document ID:

Loop current team potential participants: Dr. Jerry Galt, Dr. Rich Patchen

(Environmental Assessment Group has also taken this issue on)

Subsea Dispersant Characteristics potential participants: Dr. CJ Beegle-Krausen, Dr.

Alan Mearns

Broader NOAA participation propose that OAR join the team of NOAA staff at the NIC; this

individual would sit at the NIC

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10

(currently, this list is incomplete but will be updated on a daily basis)



Coral reefs & oil

Marine mammals and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the Gulf of Mexico

Seafood safety

Impact of crude oil on seafood

Natural Resources Damage Assessment

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

Oil weathering/types

Loop current

Mussel Watch

NOS activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact


Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps - sitreps.html

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)


David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17

Connie Barclay / 202-441-2398.


Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15

/ 202-657-9816.

Document ID:

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/7/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert

Frank Csulak - Houma

Mary Gill (206-849-9953) - Mobile

Ruth Yender (206-89-9926) Mobile

John Whitney - Mobile

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Pete

LTJG Josh Slater Venice, LA

Mark Miller - NIC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Beth Dieveney

NOAA Program Coordination Office

Office of the Under Secretary

14th & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20230

phone: 202 482 1281


240 328 4812


202 482 4116

Document ID:

Mon, 17 May 2010 13:04:15 -0400

Justin Kenney <[email protected]>

Subject: Lubchenco statement on R/V Pelican

_NOAA HQ leadership <[email protected]>,"Deepwater Staff

([email protected])" <[email protected]>,David Kennedy

<[email protected]>,"[email protected]" <[email protected]>


In response to media reports about a NOAA-funded research cruise on the R/V Pelican, Dr. Jane

Lubchenco, NOAA administrator, issued the following statement:

"Media reports related to the research work conducted aboard the R/V Pelican included

information that was misleading, premature and, in some cases, inaccurate. Yesterday the

independent scientists clarified three important points:

1. No definitive conclusions have been reached by this research team about the composition of

the undersea layers they discovered. Characterization of these layers will require analysis of

samples and calibration of key instruments. The hypothesis that the layers consist of oil remains

to be verified.

2. W hile oxygen levels detected in the layers were somewhat below normal, they are not low

enough to be a source of concern at this time.

3. Although their initial interest in searching for subsurface oil was motivated by consideration

of subsurface use of dispersants, there is no information to connect use of dispersants to the

subsurface layers they discovered.

NOAA congratulates the Pelican scientists and crew for repurposing their previously scheduled

mission to gather information about possible impacts of the BP oil spill. W e eagerly await results

from their analyses and share with them the goal of disseminating accurate information

NOAA continues to work closely with EPA and the federal response team to monitor the

presence of oil and the use of surface and sub-surface dispersants. As we have emphasized,

dispersants are not a silver bullet. They are used to move us towards the lesser of two

environmental outcomes. Until the flow of oil is stemmed, we must take every responsible action

to reduce the im pact of the oil.

Document ID:

Justin Kenney

NOAA Director of Communications & External Affairs

Office: 202-482-6090

Cell: 202-821-6310

Email: [email protected]

Document ID:

Document ID:

Mon, 17 May 2010 16:19:03 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: Tueday pre-brief call at 9:05

[email protected], 'John Gray' <[email protected]>,'Monica Medina'

<[email protected]>,'Sally Yozell' <[email protected]>,'Amanda Hallberg Greenwell'

<[email protected]>,'Margaret Spring' <[email protected]>

'Justin kenney' <[email protected]>

Here are the notes from this mornings Governors call and the agenda for Tuesdays call.

Sally, would you be able to lead participate in this weeks calls? If not, dwh.staff,

please advise on suggested NOAA principal.

It would be great if David Kennedy or Dave W esterholm (or both) could join again to

discuss the loop current.

During WH-IGA 10:00am call, it has been suggested that because of the recent

reports on the current, that there be another briefing to the Atlantic coast Governors this


Notes and action items from todays Governors call:

Administrator Jackson discussed the recent reports by scientists of giant dispersal

plumes of subsea oil. The Administrator said we are in the process now of balancing that

academic science with real world facts. W e are tracking the scientists data closely, and trying to

verify their conclusions. It may be 1-2 weeks before we know the answers, but we are fast-

tracking our analysis. NOAA and EPA are coordinating. Action: Updates between now and

when the final analysis is completed.

Adm. Neffenger gave the regular report on the leak stabilization efforts. This will

continue to be an important update over the next few days.

Adm. Landry said weather conditions will allow burns, skimming and dispersants

application over the next few days. Action: updates on the success of these actions.

Adm. Landry discussed the crab pot/dip stick testing of sub-surface oil. Given the

weather, we should be able to conduct this testing. Action: update on the success of the

sampling efforts and the findings.

Adm. Landry mentioned that we have changed our visible imprint on the beaches, i.e.,

not using haz mat suits unless it is called for. Action: Communicate this information to Gov.


Document ID:

Adm. Landry mentioned that boom deployment has continued, including westward as

requested by Gov. Jindal. (Jindal did not raise the issue of more boom today for the first time.

Is he now satisfied?)

Loop Current Adm. Landry/NOAA discussed the loop current. Action: We need

to continue to watch this closely, and keep Governors apprised. (There is a request from

WH IGA to update the Atlantic Coast Governors )

Sobeck said wildlife crews were not able to get out much over the weekend. They

should be able to get out in the coming days. Action: continued update on their findings.

Dept. of Labor/OSHA reported on workforce issues, worker training, and translation.

Action: can we send the Governors written materials on the information presented on the call?

Tuesday, May 18 Call with Governors

9:05 a.m. pre-brief; 9:15 Governors



Please lim it participation in the pre-conference to speakers and essential staff.


Opening remarks (Valerie Jarrett)

EPA Update EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson (or Dep Admin Bob Perciasepe)

o Discussed the recent reports by scientists of giant dispersal plumes of subsea oil. The

Administrator said we are in the process now of balancing that academic science with real world

facts. We are tracking the scientists data closely, and trying to verify their conclusions. It may

be 1-2 weeks before we know the answers, but we are fast-tracking our analysis. NOAA and

EPA are coordinating. Action: Updates between now and when the final analysis is completed.

Document ID:

Observations and Trajectory- NOAA

NOAA will provide the latest observations and trajectories

o Loop Current There was a lot of discussion by Landry/NOAA about the loop current.

Action: We need to continue to watch this closely, and keep Governors apprised. (WH-IGA

would like to brief the Atlantic Coast Governors with an update this week)

Situation and Leak Stabilization Update Adm Landry and Adm Watson

o Latest information from National Incident Command, including current status of efforts to

stabilize the leaks.

Operations Report Adm Landry Landry and Adm Watson, UAC

Response Plans and Boom

o Landry said weather conditions will allow burns, skimming and dispersants application over

the next few days. Action: updates on the success.

o Landry discussed the crab pot/dip stick testing of sub-surface oil. Given the weather, we

should be able to conduct this testing. Action: update on the success of the sampling efforts and

the findings.

o Landry mentioned that we have changed our visible imprint on the beaches, i.e., not using

haz mat suits unless it is called for. Action: Communicate this information to Gov. Riley.

o Landry mentioned that boom deployment has continued, including westward as requested

by Gov. Jindal. (Jindal did not raise the issue of more boom today for the first time. Is he now


Wildlife Impacts Eileen Sobeck, FWS

o Wildlife crews were not able to get out much over the weekend. They should be able to get

out in the coming days. Action: continued update on their findings.

Fisheries Closures and Seafood Safety (if there is an update) NOAA

Open discussion and Q&A with Governors and state officials

Next call 9:15 a.m. EDT (8:15 CDT) Monday, May 18, 2010

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 14:20:02 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 17, 2010

Please let me know if you have any questions. Karen (contact details at the end)

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/17/2010 9:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and keep the public informed.


17,159 personnel responding as part of the Command, plus volunteers.

Riser Insertion Tube successfully deployed to collect oil at the primary leak.

Drilling begins on second relief well.

BP makes additional $70 million available to states to support tourism.

Subsea dispersant application resumed, 7,500 gallons injected on Sunday.

80 additional specialty response vessels at work today.

Four new claims centers open More than $11 million in claims paid.

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts. 8 Remote-

Operated Vehicles continue subsea work on the following operations:

Document ID:

1. Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was successfully placed into the leaking riser and

the tube is capturing some of the oil and gas. This remains a new technology and both its

continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain uncertain.

2. Top Kill Activities

Equipment has been fabricated and moved to location near the blowout preventer in order to work

on killing the well from the top. Manifold and bypass lines are in place to provide access to valves on the

BOP. Through these valves, engineers will attempt first to pump heavy fluids and cement directly

downhole to kill the well.

An additional option to control pressure is to inject a junk shot of shredded fibrous material into the

BOP through these lines. The material will travel up the BOP and clog the flow of the well. Once the

pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement can then be pumped down the well to kill it.

Diagnostics are ongoing. Surveys have been conducted to determine the status of internal

components and pressures inside the blowout preventer.

3. Dispersant injection at the sea floor Application of dispersant directly at the leak site on the sea

floor resumed on Sunday. 7,500 gallons were applied using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs).

The dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily

through natural processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs

show encouraging results. The additional subsea application is subject to ongoing testing protocols

developed with the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and state agencies.

4. Drilling relief wells On Sunday, Transoceans drillship,

Development Driller II, began drilling the

second relief well. Like the first relief well, this one is approximately one-half mile from the Macondo

well and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below seal

level. The first relief well was spudded by Transocean

Development Driller III on Sunday, May 2,

in a water depth of roughly 5,000 feet. This well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. It

has been cased and cemented to that depth. Testing of the BOP is continuing and drilling should

resume again within a couple of days. It is estimated the total drilling process will take at least 90

days. Once that is accomplished, and the original well has been penetrated, heavy fluids and

cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well.

5. Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is ready to be placed

over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-freeze in

order to mitigate the formation of large volumes of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been used at this water depth. Significant

technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be successful.

Document ID:

Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 720 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

andrecovery boats. 32 of the boats are Oil Spill Response Vessels that are designed to separate the oil

from water. Approximately 158,370 barrels of oil-water mix (6.65 million gallons) have been recovered

and treated.

Surface Dispersant 582,608 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by aircraft,

including an additional 20,000 applied on Sunday. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works

like soap by separating the oil into small droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural

processes. An additional 390,000 gallons are available for deployment.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command has teams in place prepared to continue in-situ burning,

depending on the weather. The in-situ burning is conducted on the surface using special fire-boom that

collects surface hydrocarbons which are then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

BP Announces $70 million in Tourism Grants to States On Monday, BP CEO Tony Hayward

announced the company will make an additional $70 million available to Gulf Coast states to promote

tourism. The company will give $25 million to Florida and $15 million each to Alabama, Mississippi and

Louisiana. The grants are in response to governors concerns that the tourism industry is being

impacted. It will be used to promote area tourism and to provide accurate information about beach

impacts. This money is in addition to the $100 million block grants for accelerated implementation of Area

Contingency Plans announced on May 4. It is also supplemental to BPs private claims process, which

remains unchanged.

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide Louisiana,

Florida, Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate implementation of the States approved

Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a worst case spill and are designed

to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The money will enable local businesses to

immediately support clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is supplemental to BPs private claims

process, which remains unchanged.

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection More than 1,700,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier

boom have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. BP is working to procure an

additional 3,500,000 feet of boom. Boom is now in place or staged to protect nearly all Tier 1 shoreline

in each of the four states. Some teams are starting to work on Tier 2 areas.

Document ID:

3,962 applications have been approved and approximately

Vessels of Opportunity Program

1,330 vessels are active and being paid. Participating vessels are being organized into 25-boat task force

teams to help with a variety of clean-up activities, including transporting supplies, performing wildlife

rescue, and towing and deploying booms. To qualify for the program, operators need to meet several key

requirements, including attending a four-hour hazardous waste training session, passing a dockside

examination by the U.S. Coast Guard, and meeting crewing requirements based on the size of the vessel

provided. The contact number for people interested in registering for the program is (281) 366-5511.

Information about training can be found on the incident website at

under volunteers. For additional information about training call (866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across the Gulf where

people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with volunteer

opportunities. Training ramped up significantly this week, with sessions held at multiple locations across

the Gulf. As of today, more than 15,000 volunteers have been trained in five different training modules

that range from safety for beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and

vessel operation for laying boom. Information about training can be found on the incident website at under volunteers.

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command continues to hold twice-daily

teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to ensure

that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on Command activities and to ask questions.

Wildlife Activities 3 additional reports of impacted wildlife were received, bringing the total to 35.

Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 14 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 15,600 claims have been filed and

approximately 2,700 of them have been paid. More than $11 million has been paid out an increase of

$2 million since Saturday most of which is for loss of income or wages in commercial fishing. The

contact number for claims is (800) 440-0858. Claims office locations are listed below.

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

St. Mary Staging Area

Amelia Staging Area

Document ID:

Belle Chasse Claims Office

Cut Off Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Community Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

New Staging Area opened at St. Mary.

New Claims Office for Lafourche Parish opened at Cut Off.

Bringing in additional adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.

Town hall meeting in Belle Chasse.

Working with Catholic Charities to deliver immediate community needs of food and clothing.

Document ID:



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Community outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of Opportunity


Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area





290 N.





AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Document ID:

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach Claims Office

24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Suite 1

Orange Beach, AL 36561

Community Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.

New Claims Office for Baldwin County opened at Orange Beach.

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims, looking at opening additional claims offices.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area

St. Joe Staging Area

St. Marks Staging Area

Ft. Walton





348 SW


Strip Pkwy

Suite 13



Beach, FL


Gulf Breeze Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Panama City Claims Office

7938 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408

Pensacola Claims Office

Document ID:

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Community Outreach Centers are now open in 7 counties.

New Staging Areas at St. Joe and St. Marks.

New Claims Office for Bay County opened at Panama City Beach.

Holding town hall meetings with vessel owners and coordinating training for Vessels of Opportunity


Working with counties to review Area Contingency Plans and identify booming and beach clean up


Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(866) 448-5816

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

(281) 366-5511

with response

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to [email protected]

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Joint Information Center Robert, LA Media and information center

(800) 440-0858

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-

Joint Information Center Mobile, AL Media and information center

(251) 445-8965

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578


Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 11:53:12 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: May 18 NOAA Deepwater Horizon Call Actions

[email protected]

task list-5-18-10.xlsx

For Official Use Only/Not for Public Release

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Tuesday, May 18, 2010; 0800

Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Additional Attachments

Task list record of actions from 0800 Daily NOAA calls as of 5/18 (this is for reference only)

Action Items

Follow-up on research platforms that could be deployed and sampling plan from all assets (Murawski

and team, report in advance of afternoon testimony)

Expert briefing for Loop Current (Kenney)

Histogram by day for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Request for talking points for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Precautionary closure of fisheries due to potential of oil in the loop current (NMFS)

Assign technical point for OMB, DOC, FDA group regarding seafood safety; Steve Wilson and Tim

Hansen can serve this role.

Need to have talking points and alert Cuba and Mexico regarding fishe

ry closure and potential of oil in loop current (Turner)

Alert W H of fishery closure change (Sarri)

Talking points on loop current, fishery closure, international, states what we are doing to address the

potential that oil is in the loop current (Murawski, Mclean, Turner to send to Kenney by 10am)

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10 (currently, this list is incomplete but will be

updated on a daily basis)


B o o m s

C oral reefs & oil

M arine m am m als and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the G ulf of M exico Seafood safety

Im pact of crude oil on seafood Natural Resources Dam age Assessm ent

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (O R&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

O il w eathering/types

Loop current

M ussel W atch

N O S activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

Document ID:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact sheets)

Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps -

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)

David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17th)

Monica Allen (NOAA Fisheries Communications) is there this week (5/15-20). Her cell # is 202/379-6693.

Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15th / 202-657-9816.NOAA Scientific Scientist

Coordination on site (as of 5/17/10) Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert, LA

LCDR Demian Bailey (206-518-1941) - Robert, LA

Ed Levine (206-849-9941) - Houma, LA

Jordon Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma, LA

Frank Csulak (732-371-1005) - Houma, LA Ruth Yender (206-849-9926) Mobile, AL

LCDR Liz Jones (206-849-9918) - Mobile, AL John Whitney (907-440-8109)- Mobile, AL Brad Benggio

(206-849-9923) - St. Petersburg, FL LTJG Josh Slater (206-462-0710) Mobile, AL Mark Miller (206-713-

0640) - NIC, Washington DC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Document ID:

litigation hold on all documenets




talking points/on-pager Impacts to marine mammals

and turtles

4/27/2010 NMFS

Fisheries report and economic statistics

4/28/2010 James

Role, Schedule document

4/29/2010 Dieveney

Email Distribution List

4/29/2010 Love

fishery closure disaster FAQs (can fishermen receive

compensation near real-time?)

4/29/2010 NMFS

Request for economic impacts to fisheries


fisheries issues white paper as relates to spill

4/29/2010 NMFS through ICC

Develop a long-term staffing plan

4/30/2010 Moore

White House White paper - OCS and OSLTF

4/30/2010 Lukens, Bavishi, Holst

Develop plan for ICC to be 24 hrs

4/30/2010 Moore

Use of Satellite Imagery

4/30/2010 Holst

oil spill impacts, hurricances, and other weather


4/30/2010 NWS

provide trajectory information to DOT

4/30/2010 ICC

List of NMAO vessels in area

4/30/2010 Taggert

Impacts to NOAA equipment (tide guages, etc)

4/30/2010 Moore

Unified Command locations

4/30/2010 Holst

Map of NOAA facilities in area

4/30/2010 Taggart

contact info to send new ideas/technologies

4/30/2010 ORR

Worst Case Scenario briefing for Deputies

5/1/2010 Conner, Helton

assessment of historical weather in Gulf

5/1/2010 NWS

Prioritized list of Congressional of overflights

5/1/2010 Gray, Bagley

policy decision -economic implications for WH

5/1/2010 Doremus

Winer to serve as POC for NGO engagement

5/1/2010 Winer

Resources at Risk and accompanying FAQs about roles

responsibiliites, and what we are actually doing

5/1/2010 NMFS

follow-up with UNH science contacts, particularly in

relation to dispersants

5/1/2010 kennedy request

one-pager biological impact from sheen and


5/2/2010 Holst

NOAA role in oil spills

5/3/2010 Holst

Turtle talking points

5/3/2010 NMFS

legal record of use of dispersant at source

5/3/2010 ORR

work force mgt explore how to engage support of

other agencies, states, etc

5/3/2010 Taggart

Contingency Plan for Gordon Gunther

5/3/2010 OMAO

Official Tasking for vessel allocation

5/4/2010 Conner

Loop Current Tps

5/4/2010 ORR Seattle

Verify NIST engaged in specimen collection

5/4/2010 ORR

Document ID:

understanding of safety of environment

5/4/2010 Broglie

Safety of staff working on the ground

5/4/2010 Nyr B

catch & release in closed area tps

5/4/2010 NMFS

recreational & commercial fishing data

5/4/2010 James, Plummer

NASA to provide high spectral imaging

5/4/2010 Glackin

Legal questions for response to Governors

5/4/2010 Schiffer, GC

LO engagement training fishermen

5/4/2010 PCO

loop current factsheet

5/5/2010 ORR Seattle

High level worst case tps

5/5/2010 Holst

worst case web-ex meeting

5/5/2010 Conner

partner with google on product


Klimavicz, Akamine

NMFS updated info available for Govs. Calls

5/6/2010 NMFS, Rapp

best case scenario

5/6/2010 Conner

Request from DOI for assistance in chain of custody,

storage procedures, laboratories that can do anaylysis,


5/6/2010 NIST/Pedro Espina

Review EPA Dispersant Q&A

5/7/2010 Holst, ORR

info on how volunteers can get involved

5/7/2010 Madsen

mechanism for small grants to academics


Briefing for Francis Beinecke, CEO NRDC

5/7/2010 Winer

industry validator list for efforts in Gulf for Adm Allen

phone call on 4/9

Document ID:

5/8/2010 Winer

Q&A on Sea Food Safety - NOAA/FDA authorities, roles,

on-ground coordination, NMFS

5/9/2010 NMFS

Assess NOAA to serve as lead for SCATs

5/9/2010 Conner

Compacted oil bricks collected at Dauphin Island, what

NOAA scientist received, what info is known

5/9/2010 Conner

NOAA all hands message on gulf

5/9/2010 Kenney

Rep. Cassidy requested info on testing/monitoring of

the impacted fisheries areas and how it is determined

what areas should be closed (or re-opened) and how

that information is relayed with the public.

5/9/2010 OLA/NMFS

analysis of "red-tide" samples

5/9/2010 ORR

NOAA Research Council oil and science coordination

across NOAA; outcome actions for team and Larry


5/9/2010 Murawski

Gov. LA request to dredge and fill for keeping oil off-


5/9/2010 Bavishi

follow-up on cooperative MOU and BP science sharing,

and ability for contract academic scientist to share data

5/10/2010 Schiffer, GC

Identify NOAA Scientist to serve as lead for our

scientific activities and liaison for the academic


5/10/2010 Kennedy/Glackin/ORR

Follow up with MS and AL regarding fisheries closure.

NMFS has call today with State Directors

5/10/2010 NMFS

subject matter expert briefings

5/10/2010 Comms with JIC

Ensure we are adequately ramping up our capacity to

analyze seafood safety issues

5/10/2010 Murawski/Thompson

Review DOS Embassy cable

5/10/2010 DWH, ORR

Document ID:

OMB request that NOAA serve as Federal lead for

Deepwater Horizon consolidated website

Sarri to follow-up with OMB,


Provide guidance to staff regarding tracking hours,

expenses, etc in relation to this event

5/11/2010 Gallagher/all staff

NOAA SSC /RRT efforts to host workshop on

dispersants, region-wide assessment, impacts, long-

term fate, etc.

5/11/2010 conner

Seafood Sampling plan details for DOC

5/11/2010 NMFS

Fisheries Disaster Declaration

Apparently the

Governor sent a letter to Sec. Locke on April 30 seeking

a disaster declaration for MS fisheries due to the leak.

They have not heard anything about their request and

asked for a status update.

5/11/2010 NMFS

Process for forwarding funding requests to Unified

Command or other leads

5/12/2010 ORR/Gallagher

Move proposals for IOOS HFR and second flight of P-3

through approval process

5/12/2010 ORR/OAR/Gallagher

Prepare request to Mary Landry regarding NOAAs

research/scientific requests, ceiling of requests, and

streamlined process for making requests

5/12/2010 ORR/Gallagher

Guidance for staff on congressional town halls,

local/regional meetings with congress


consistent messaging

5/12/2010 Gray, Bagley

Request rough estimate for number of NOAA staff in

the region, distinct from those on TDY

5/13/2010 Taggart

Follow-up today for science coordination across NOAA

and engagement/coordination with Navy

Murawksi as lead, Zdenka,others

Request for time on aircraft for NMFS enforcement

5/13/2010 Oliver/Kenul

Follow-up regarding interview scheduled for today in


Media protocol

5/13/2010 Kenney/Westerholm/Conner

work through Office of

Communications and External Affairs on all media


External constituent engagement protocol

5/13/2010 All staff


through appropriate offices: Office of Communication

and External Affairs and o Office of Legislative and

Intergovernmental Affairs

Document ID:

5/13/2010 All staff

When you meet with external groups, please send a

brief report out of the meeting and interests of the

public (all)

5/13/2010 All staff

Barrier Island fill-in follow-up today, ensure Habitat

Office is engaged; host call today with NOAA HQ and

staff ASAP today (5/13)

5/13/2010 Yozell

Request for data on normal numbers of turtle and

dolphin strandings/deaths for the longest historical


5/13/2010 NMFS

Follow-up on flow-rate estimates

5/14/2010 Murawski and team

NOAA needs to step out in a stronger way regarding

our science and examining the whole ecosystem; air

quality and water quality.


Utilize Sea Grant more effectively to serve as our

liaison for engaging with the community

McLean, Winer, Kennedy,


Engage external scientific community to validate

videos from BP

5/14/2010 Beaverson

ADML Landry request 30-day ship time, use of the

Gordon Gunther

5/15/2010 Kenul/westerholm

Overview of sampling that is not being done, broad

issues related to understanding where the oil is and

what its impact is (all assets, not exclusive to NOAA

assets) Requested to send this to the NIC

5/15/2010 Murawksi and team

Clear Daily report on status of marine mammals and


5/15/2010 ORR/ICC

Create daily chart showing mortality in relation to: #of

total dead turtles, # sent for necropsies, # necropsies

completed, and # dead due to oil.

Assess capacity to conduct work needed

5/15/2010 NMFS

request to

review this and if more people are needed

5/15/2010 NMFS/ORR

develop timeline of seafood safety testing in advance

of Monday Meeting/call at WH

5/15/2010 NMFS

Ensure routine updates on 0800 calls on key issues

NOAA is working on

5/15/2010 Dieveney/Kennedy

Ensure clear lines of communication and updates

between NOAA and NIC

5/15/2010 Dieveney/Westerholm/Miller

Reconstruct process of how NOAA has been engaged

with developing/communicating release rate

Document ID:

5/15/2010 ORR-Seattle

Contact sheet for where to refer constituents to for

key information

5/15/2010 Dieveney/Winer team

Strategies to communicate our issues, particularly

NMFS closures to public

5/15/2010 Sutter/Winer

Assign lead technical expert for LA barrier island issue

5/15/2010 Yozell

Check in on monitoring plan regarding use of sub-sea


5/15/2010 Westerholm/Henry

Develop product for what our NERR and NM Sanctuary

sites are seeing

5/15/2010 NOS

Follow-up on release of chemical contents of

dispersants for seafood safety testing needs

5/15/2010 Kennedy/Westerholm

Identify mechanism to follow-up with attendees at

community meetings

5/15/2010 McLean/Winer/Bamford/Gray

Follow-up on NOAA representation at NIC and if Mark

Miller and Ralph Lopez need additional support

5/16/2010 Miller with leadership

Communication plan for loop current, ensure have

same story for all constituents. Talking points for


5/16/2010 Kenney

Move loop current one-pager through clearance ASAP



Change loop current map: oil portion stippled to

indicate that the oil is not uniform across the spill,

show loop current as a somewhat more varied flow

5/16/2010 Haddad

Tuesday, 2-3 meeting hosted by OMB for bi-cameral

Congressional meeting to review legislation that has

been introduced

who should participate on behalf of


5/16/2010 Gray

Formal request needed through NIC for chemical

components of dispersants, assistance from GC if


5/16/2010 Tim Gallagher

Dispersant Monitoring plan should include efficacy of

dispersant on oil, and biological/ecological impacts

5/16/2010 Tim Gallagher

Hurricane outlook interactions with oil spill talking

points and Tuesday 8am briefing

5/16/2010 NWS

Develop talking points for issue of Pelican cruise and

scientific statements asserted in press

5/17/2010 Kenney/McLean

Line Office assess participation in 3 technical working

groups that are stood up by the Interagency Solutions


Document ID:

5/17/2010 LO Leadership

Develop proposal for engaging academic community

(for review today)



Reconsider fisheries closure in light of data provided

from Pelican cruise. Also conducting random dock-side

sampling to ensure seafood safety.

5/17/2010 NMFS

Expedited review of Loop 101 and Talking Points

internal by 0930

5/17/2010 HQ clearance

Expedited review of Long-Term Transport of Oil and

Talking Points

internal by 1100

5/17/2010 HQ clearance

Follow-up on research platforms that could be

deployed and sampling plan from all assets

5/18/2010 Murawski/McLean

Expert briefing for Loop Current

5/18/2010 Kenney

Histogram by day for turtle strandings

5/18/2010 NMFS

Request for talking points for turtle strandings

5/18/2010 NMFS

Precautionary closure of fisheries due to potential of

oil in the loop current

5/18/2010 NMFS

Assign technical point for OMB, DOC, FDA group

regarding seafood safety; .

5/18/2010 NMFS

Need to have talking points and alert Cuba and Mexico

regarding fishery closure and potential of oil in loop



Alert WH of fishery closure change

5/18/2010 Sarri

Talking points on loop current, fishery closure,

international, states

what we are doing to address

the potential that oil is in the loop current

Document ID:

5/18/2010 DWH Team with experts








questions from WH



Submitted through JIC process, not a NOAA product




briefing to take place on 5/18

Completed D


map is now created periodically showing all NOAA assets in the region


map is now created periodically showing all NOAA assets in the region


map is now created periodically showing all NOAA assets in the region


Have one-pager with info for use


one-pager developed and sent for clearance on 5/17



being coordinated through Unified Command


External Affairs team in place to support


cleared and posted on-line

request to engage UNH through the science summit proposal and


engaging academic scientists


complete and posted on-line




requested by GC


BP not requesting


BP not requesting


5/7 version completed and available for use internally

need follow-up

what is NIST concern?

working on IPA

Document ID:



Birnea to travel 5/10 to review situation and develop a plan



vendor AIRINC could also serve this role



info sent to John Rapp for use


completed, needs to be posted on-line



Dr. L to call google colleagues to follow up



will be built into every days tps

Experience tells me that the response would go on for 45-60 more


days, but the oil will all be beached or dispersed within about 30


Need to have final Q&A

Pedro to close loop with NOAA and DOI

On the guidance for volunteer issue, Caren and I are working with BP's

volunteer coordination program coordinators to establish a protocol

for providing information to BP about organizations that have

volunteer resources and organizations in the Gulf that are capable of

accepting volunteers. Based on my discussions, BP should be ready to

discuss these protocols by Wednesday/Thursday, and we are planning

a call with BP's volunteer coordinators and the external affairs working

group organized by CEQ. In addition, the Fish and Wildlife Service and

NOAA are working together to take the various lists of entities offering

volunteers and organizations in the Gulf seeking volunteers and create

a working document. After we determine the best way to interface

with BP, we will likely send the document to JIC and get approval to


share it with BP.

there is a mechanism in place (LA Sea Grant), for which funds if

available could always be added, other regional Sea Grants following

suit. Sea Grant should be included in the suite of granting mechanisms


engaged, but not be sole route

To follow-up with Michele Finn to identify SSC or other to brief

list sent to Justin on Sat. No known outcomes from Adm Allen phone


Document ID:


Determine that we could coordinate Federal participation on SCAT (as


of 5/10/10: 4 out of Houma; 5 out of Mobile)

analysis shows this is from Mississippi 252; likely sourced from initial




sent with notice of confirmation of AS Dr. Larry Robinson


Talking points cleared and delivered

Analysis being done 5/10 by LUMCON, should have information today

activities on-going to engage scientific community across NOAA and


external partners

call taking place on 5/12 (EPA, NOAA, DOI)

Gary Matlock - intra-agency; Murawski - interagency; Sandifer -


academic liaison


continued engagement


NMFS has call today with State Directors


Disperants, Hurricanes, Seafood Safety, etc.

NMFS text has been provided regarding fish closures and seafood


Document ID:


contact made to DOC CFO to take action to follow-up with OMB to

make a formal request of Randy Lyon,

[email protected], and ask about a possible DOC

leadership role perhaps through multi-agency coordination with SBA to

explore further what is required for physical one-stop locations.


guidance distributed on 5/12

Charlie Henry is trying to push forward with this using BP funding. He

requested that Dave Kennedy support the concept to BP while he is in

Louisiana. We should also start to support the idea in NRT calls and

in progress

discussions with EPA.

draft developed

Meeting with OMB, DOC, and FDA Monday, 5/17


FTEs in 5 regional states: 1400; within 20 miles of coastline: ~750


activities on-going


interview was canceled

Contact: Justin Kenney ([email protected]), Scott Smullen

([email protected]) and Jennifer Austin


([email protected]).

Office of Communication and External Affairs (Andy Winer:

[email protected]); Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental


Document ID:

Affairs ([email protected])


send to [email protected] and [email protected]

meeting happening in region today: rachel sweeney, pat williams to


participate on behalf of NMFS


data received by NMFS on 5/17, in process

(updated 5/14) WHOI scientists are capable of deploying instruments

on one of the working ROVs. We discussed making multiple acoustic

measurements to assess the degree of variability. This looks to be


Regional meeting with all Sea Grant Directors scheduled for Monday,


request for longer piece of video is still outstanding (5/17)

Identify what other NOAA/academic assets has that are comparable; o

Connect with Unified Area Command to determine needs and how


needs could be met by other NOAA /academic assets

Request from WH Principals meeting on 5/14 - note that if more

resources are needed we should ensure we have them

Report for daily situation report

Request from WH Principals meeting on 5/14; DoI requested to do

same for birds

Request from WH Principals meeting on 5/14 - note that if more

resources are needed we should ensure we have them


NOAA contacts at NIC: Mark Miller ([email protected]); Ralph


Document ID:

Lopez ([email protected])

Has polled team for technical expert engagement (Miles Croom, Chris

Doley, others)



Contact made to NERR and ONMS on 5/14 for follow-up


NOAA NIC contacts tracking this down today 5/14

assessing additional full-time science staff




Spring/NMFS(Reisner)/NOS (Westerholm and Kennedy)



will be given to team on 5/18


Proposal from Mark Miller: Discharge Rate technical team


participants: Dr. Bill Lehr, OAR (Dr. Ned Cokelet, PMEL); Loop current


potential participants: Dr. Jerry Galt, Dr. Rich Patchen

(Environmental Assessment Group has also taken this issue on);

Subsea Dispersant Characteristics

Beegle-Krausen, Dr. Alan Mearns

Document ID:

potential participants: Dr. CJ

draft submitted 5/17

verified that the area in which the Pelican was working is within the


closed area


JIC cleared (5/17) OMB/WH pending


Closing larger area of fishery will be announed 1300 today, in effect

1600 today

Steve Wilson and Tim Hansen can serve this role


Document ID:

press briefing on loop current conducted 5/18 at 1100.


Document ID:

Document ID:

Mussel Watch (John Christensen in NCCOS)

is sampling for chemicals in shellfish along

the coast to establish new base lines before

oil hits and will be testing during and after spil

hits shorelines. It is nation's longest continual

water quality/shellfish monitoring program.

NCCOS scientists (Rick Stumpf) on what red

tides/ algae they have IDed in Gulf.

no specific criteria they are using NOAAs 3

day traj's like us

Dispersants (5/12)

Document ID:

Deepwater Integrated Services Team led by

Tracy Wareing, DHS, and Daniel Werfel,

OMB. Leon Cammen, NOAA Sea Grant,

Document ID:

NIST: Flow Metrology Group and the POC

there is Pedro Espina

([email protected], 301-975-5444)

USCG is using contract vessel. No need for

NOAA to reallocate the Gunther (reported

on 5/17)

Document ID:

Document ID:

Document ID:

Daily briefing books

every day

NRT talking points

every day


DOC Secretary call talking poin every



NRT action items

Holst, Bavishi, Rapp

Document ID:

every day


Document ID:

For Official Use Only/Not for Public Release

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Tuesday, May 18, 2010; 0800


Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Additional Attachments

Task list record of actions from 0800 Daily NOAA calls as of 5/18 (this is for reference only)

Action Items

Follow-up on research platforms that could be deployed and sampling plan from all assets (Murawski

and team, report in advance of afternoon testimony)

Expert briefing for Loop Current (Kenney)

Histogram by day for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Request for talking points for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Precautionary closure of fisheries due to potential of oil in the loop current (NMFS)

Assign technical point for OMB, DOC, FDA group regarding seafood safety; Steve Wilson and Tim

Hansen can serve this role.

Need to have talking points and alert Cuba and Mexico regarding fishery closure and potential of oil in

loop current (Turner)

Alert W H of fishery closure change (Sarri)

Talking points on loop current, fishery closure, international, states what we are doing to address the

potential that oil is in the loop current (Murawski, Mclean, Turner to send to Kenney by 10am)

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10

(currently, this list is incomplete but will be updated on a daily basis)


B o o m s

C oral reefs & oil

M arine m am m als and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the Gulf of M exico

S eafood safety

Im pact of crude oil on seafood

Natural Resources Damage Assessment

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (O R&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

O il w eathering/types

Loop current

M ussel W atch

N O S activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact sheets)

Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps -

Document ID:

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)

David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17th)

Monica Allen (NOAA Fisheries Communications) is there this week (5/15-20). Her cell # is 202/379-6693.

Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15th / 202-657-9816.

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/17/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert, LA

LCDR Demian Bailey (206-518-1941) - Robert, LA

Ed Levine (206-849-9941) - Houma, LA

Jordon Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma, LA

Frank Csulak (732-371-1005) - Houma, LA

Ruth Yender (206-849-9926) Mobile, AL

LCDR Liz Jones (206-849-9918) - Mobile, AL

John Whitney (907-440-8109)- Mobile, AL

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Petersburg, FL

LTJG Josh Slater (206-462-0710) Mobile, AL

Mark Miller (206-713-0640) - NIC, Washington DC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 12:00:22 -0400

"Jainey.Bavishi" <[email protected]>

Subject: Notes from May 18, 11 AM NRT Call

_NOAA HQ leadership <[email protected]>,_HDQ Policy Contacts

<[email protected]>,_HDQ PCO Contacts <[email protected]>, "Sarri, Kristen"

<[email protected]>,David Kennedy <[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'"

<[email protected]>

Below are notes from the May 18, 11 AM NRT call.


National Response Team Call

May 18, 2010

11:00 AM

The next NRT meeting is May 19 at 11 AM.

Situation Status:

-Riser insertion tool is capturing about 2,000 barrels/day and has been successful for the past

24 hours. A second tool is in place in case first tool fails.

-Window of opportunity for top kill is between now and May 25. The window of opportunity is

dependent on pressure and temperatures. Still trying to get a better handle on associate risks.

-Third option for release control is stacking a second BOP.

-Four burns were conducted yesterday. The good weather window continues to continue

surface operations with more burns and aerial dispersant application today.

-Subsurface dispersant injection is pending until monitoring vessel is on scene.

-Great deal of reporting on undersea plume and interaction with loop current --- need more

focused messaging to explain what is happening subsurface and what happens to oil in loop


-Analysis of tarballs is being expedited.

-Interactions with Cuba and Caribbean are being initiated through Dept. of State.

-Proactive messaging today will be focused on managing impacts in Florida and a confident and

agreed upon position on subsurface plume. Story tomorrow will be about Cuba.

-DHS offered to help to make sure NOAA has all of the aerial capabilities it needs.


-Multiple people testifying today.

-Proactively analyzing tarballs and communicating that information (we expect results from

tarballs found in Keys in 12 hours).

-Dr. Lubchenco is on media call to address the loop current --- significant news coverage today

that oil is in loop current.

-FWS will hold a press call later today on impacts on turtles and other wildlife.


-Briefing on Hill on current legislative proposal which will include proposed changes to Oil Spill

Document ID:

Liability Trust Fund.


-Email going out to all 50 states with information on loop current.

-Plan to also address loop current issue on the county/local call later today.

Congressional Affairs:

-Getting ready for hearings today and tomorrow.

-Coordinated plan needed for CODEL visits.

Dredging Proposal:

-Army Corps is playing out permitting process for viability of berm project --- this does not

ensure funding or follow on of project implementation.

-While process is playing out, Gov. Jindal is talking to the press about the high likelihood of the

project being approved.

-BP does not consider this project a response cost.

-NIC also believes that this is not an appropriate response mechanism.

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 13:14:31 -0400

Andrew Winer <[email protected]>

Subject: NGO Letter to President

"[email protected]" <[email protected]>,"[email protected]"

<[email protected]>


From: Jeremy Symons [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:04 PM

To: Salzman, Amelia S.; [email protected]; Nelson, Gregory S.; Zichal, Heather R.

Subject: Heads Up: Letter to the President

I want to give you a heads up that a letter is being finalized in the next 24 hours to the President requesting that the

federal government take over all environmental, wildlife and safety testing and monitoring from BP, that all testing

and monitoring information be disclosed to the public, and that the federal government ensure appropriate safety

measures for fishermen volunteers.

Also, you are probably aware that fishermen in Louisiana held a press conference yesterday calling for halting the

use of dispersants. They feel the dispersants are unsafe and that they aren't being protected with appropriate gear.

W e didn't have a role in yesterday's event, but we listen closely to these local responders, and we are concerned that

insufficient public information has been provided to gauge the safety and impacts of these chemicals and dispersed


In short, we recognize that these are tough no win decisions, but we believe the data that is informing the

decisions needs to be shared with everyone. The fact that the responsible party, BP, is in the middle of these

decisions and monitoring the damage from their spill at this stage simply heightens the need for transparency.



Jeremy Symons

Senior Vice President, Conservation and Education

National W ildlife Federation

Document ID:

Mobile: (202) 306 7902

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @JeremySymons

National Wildlife Federation inspires Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 18:39:58 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: Pre-brief at 9:05 on Wed.

[email protected], 'Monica Medina' <[email protected]>,[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],'Adele Stevens' <[email protected]>,

[email protected]

Here is the information for tomorrows Governors call and pre-brief.

From: McGrath, Shaun L. [mailto:Shaun L. [email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 1:45 PM

To: McGrath, Shaun L.; Belton, Linda; Monica Medina; [email protected]; Tennyson, Stephanie L;

[email protected]; Lori Faeth; Kayyem, Juliette; Murk, David CDR

Subject: Pre brief at 9:05 on W ed.


Draft agenda for the call tomorrow is below. Please let me know if there are any changes.

Wednesday, May 19 Call with Governors

9:05 a.m. pre-brief; 9:15 Governors



Please lim it participation in the pre-conf erence to speak ers and essential staf f .



Opening remarks (Valerie Jarrett)

Observations and Trajectory Monica Medina, NOAA

NOAA will provide the latest observations and trajectories

Loop Current

Document ID:

o Jindal questioned the accuracy of the trajectories he noted that there was significantly

more oil along the shoreline than what had been projected.

o Jindal did the burning, skimming and surface dispersants application get factored into to

todays trajectory?

Situation and Leak Stabilization Update Adm Mary Landry

o Latest information from National Incident Command, including current status of efforts to

stabilize the leaks.

Operations Report Adm Mary Landry

Response Plans and Boom

Jindal what is the report from the SCAT teams?

o Watson Do not yet have the estimates of oil burned, skimmed and dispersed from

yesterday. Can we get estimate of both days for tomorrow?

o Watson did not yet have the tests back from the crab pot dip stick testing of the subsurface


o Jindal asked whether the tarballs recovered from Marsh Is. in Iberia have been tested yet to

see whether they are from the BP spill? (no) If it is related, it would be the furthest west that the

oil has travelled.

o Jindal Monica mentioned that oil has moved passed booms and gotten into the marshes.

What are the reasons for the oil getting past the boom? Failed boom; too much oil; subsea oil;

improperly placed boom? David Kennedy did not know the answer in this case, but said boom is

never a fail-safe solution.

o Jindal wants more boom moved to the West (although he acknowledged the 1000 new feet

that arrived in Terrebonne

o Jindal said he met with Col Lee of USACE yesterday to discuss barrier proposal. Col Lee

was positive about the comments received on the proposal; and the Governor said that Adm.

Landry has been supportive of the proposal. He urged us to expedite the barrier.

Wildlife Impacts Eileen Sobeck, FWS

o Wildlife crews were not able to get out much over the weekend. They should be able to get

out in the coming days. Action: continued update on their findings.

Marine Wildlife Impacts and Fisheries Closures Monica Medina, NOAA

o Monica NOAA seeing increased turtle strandings. Looking to see if there is a pattern that is

related to the oil.

Document ID:

o Monica NOAA expanded fisheries closure yesterday. NOAA is watching the loop current

issue closely. If oil moves into the loop current, there will likely be a large expansion of closed


EPA Update EPA Dep Admin Bob Perciasepe

Open discussion and Q&A with Governors and state officials

Next call 9:15 a.m. EDT (8:15 CDT) Thursday, May 20, 2010

Document ID:

Tue, 18 May 2010 18:50:09 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: 5/18/2010 Local Government Call Report

[email protected], [email protected]

Here are the notes from the local officials call at 3:00pm today

Conference Call with Local Government Officials

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3:00PM (EST)

Total Callers: 29 (includes moderators and conferees)


Coast Guard Captain James Hanzalik

Riser insertion tube into the riser gathering 2,000 barrels per day

Subsea dispersant activity continuing into this morning 8 million gallons

4 Controlled burns yesterday and today was a good burn day as well reports can be

expected tomorrow

Boom update for Gulf States

Charlie Henry, NOAA

Expectations on loop current and slick:

o Bulk of oil is north of current

o Limited amount of oil susceptible to the current

o Reviewing transport pattern, looking at 10 or more days

Document ID:


Michele Tassin, Emergency Operations Center Director, Plaquemines Parish

Question: Is satellite imagery available online?

o Lori Faeth Answer: Good information is available at

o Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama, Answer: also has useful information

Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama

Question: Do you have a further update on the research being conducted on underwater


o Charlie Henry Answer: Samples are not accurate due to the way the droplets disperse. Larger

droplets rise quickly to the surface while the smaller droplets stay below. NOAA does not view

underwater plumes as a significant threat at this time and is working to get a better projection on

deep water currents to determine short and long-term implications. This analysis will be

forthcoming in the days ahead. With regard to concerns that subsea dispersants are correlated to

underwater plume, NOAA does not see a correlation. At the time of the inquiry, there were only

a few days of subsea dispersant activity, so NOAA does not think subsea dispersant was a

significant driver.

Bill Melton, Environmental Services Director, Mobile County Public Works

Question: Following up on yesterdays question on economic impact loss for impacted areas.

o Captain Hanzalik: Also will make sure that commerce is on the phone to answer the question


Jane, SBA: Working on declarations for small business loans

Heather Smith, DHS: This info is available on

o Nandi Chhabra, WH: We will follow up with Melton individually, and also on the call


Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 00:36:38 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: 5.18.2010 noaa leadership meeting notes - recap.

[email protected],"'[email protected]'"

<[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'"

<[email protected]>,[email protected],"'[email protected]'"

<[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,Robert

Haddad <[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected]


good evening everyone,

attached is a compilation of notes from noaa leadership meetings on tuesday, may 18, 2010.

let me know if there are any modifications necessary.




TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Additional Attachments

Task list record of actions from 0800 Daily NOAA calls as of 5/18 (this is for reference only)

Action Items

Follow-up on research platforms that could be deployed and sampling plan from all assets (Murawski

and team, report in advance of afternoon testimony)

Expert briefing for Loop Current (Kenney)

Histogram by day for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Request for talking points for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Precautionary closure of fisheries due to potential of oil in the loop current (NMFS)

Assign technical point for OMB, DOC, FDA group regarding seafood safety; Steve Wilson and Tim

Hansen can serve this role.

Need to have talking points and alert Cuba and Mexico regarding fishery closure and potential of oil in

loop current (Turner)

Alert W H of fishery closure change (Sarri)

Talking points on loop current, fishery closure, international, states what we are doing to address the

potential that oil is in the loop current (Murawski, Mclean, Turner to send to Kenney by 10am)

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10 (currently, this list is incomplete but will be

updated on a daily basis)


B o o m s

C oral reefs & oil

M arine m am m als and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the G ulf of M exico Seafood safety

Im pact of crude oil on seafood Natural Resources Dam age Assessm ent

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (O R&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)

Document ID:


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

Oil weathering/types

Loop current

Mussel WatchNOS activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact sheets)

Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps -

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)

David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17th)

Monica Allen (NOAA Fisheries Communications) is there this week (5/15-20). Her cell # is 202/379-6693.

Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15th / 202-657-9816.NOAA Scientific Scientist

Coordination on site (as of 5/17/10) Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert, LA

LCDR Demian Bailey (206-518-1941) - Robert, LA

Ed Levine (206-849-9941) - Houma, LA

Jordon Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma, LA

Frank Csulak (732-371-1005) - Houma, LA Ruth Yender (206-849-9926) Mobile, AL

LCDR Liz Jones (206-849-9918) - Mobile, AL John Whitney (907-440-8109)- Mobile, AL Brad Benggio

(206-849-9923) - St. Petersburg, FL LTJG Josh Slater (206-462-0710) Mobile, AL Mark Miller (206-713-

0640) - NIC, Washington DC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.


TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010, Moderator: Valerie Jarrett

Governors: Jindal

EPA applying subsea dispersant (when monitoring ship is in place). Will switch dispersants

today based on toxicity. (Action: provide info on new dispersants and reasons)

Gov. Jindal questioned the accuracy of the trajectories he noted that there was significantly

more oil along the shoreline than what had been projected. Why is that? Monica
Gov. Jindal did

the burning, skimming and surface dispersants application get factored into to todays trajectory? (NOAA

response for tomorrow)

Gov. Jindal asked about reports from the SCAT teams

Adm. Watson Do not yet have the estimates of oil burned, skimmed and dispersed from

yesterday. Will continue those operations today. Can we get estimate of both days for tomorrow?

Adm. Watson did not yet have the tests back from the crab pot dip stick testing of the subsurface


Gov. Jindal have the tarballs recovered from Marsh Is. in Iberia get tested yet to see whether

they are from the BP spill? (no) If it is related, it would be the furthest west that the oil has travelled.

Eileen Sobeck (FWS) wildlife teams out yesterday and again today. (Report on wildlife impacts


Monica Medina NOAA seeing increased turtle strandings. Looking to see if there is a pattern that

is related to the oil.

Fish closures - NOAA expanded fisheries closure yesterday; watching the loop current issue

closely. If oil moves into the loop current, there will likely be a large expansion of closed fisheries.

(NOAA wants to maintain the safety and confidence in the seafood industry.)

Gov. Jindal Monica mentioned that oil has moved passed booms and gotten into the marshes.

What are the reasons for the oil getting past the boom? Failed boom; too much oil; subsea oil; improperly

placed boom? David Kennedy did not know the answer in this case, but said boom is never a fail-safe


Gov. Jindal wants more boom moved to the West (although he acknowledged the 1000 new feet

that arrived in Terrebonne

Document ID:

Gov Jindal said he met with Col Lee of USACE yesterday to discuss barrier proposal. Col Lee

was positive about the comments received on the proposal; and the Governor said that Adm. Landry has

been supportive of the proposal. He urged us to expedite the barrier. Do we need to manage



Situation Status:

-Riser insertion tool is capturing about 2,000 barrels/day and has been successful for the past 24 hours.

A second tool is in place in case first tool fails.

-Window of opportunity for top kill is between now and May 25. The window of opportunity is dependent

on pressure and temperatures. Still trying to get a better handle on associate risks.

-Third option for release control is stacking a second BOP.

-Four burns were conducted yesterday. The good weather window continues to continue surface

operations with more burns and aerial dispersant application today.

-Subsurface dispersant injection is pending until monitoring vessel is on scene.

-Great deal of reporting on undersea plume and interaction with loop current --- need more focused

messaging to explain what is happening subsurface and what happens to oil in loop current.

-Analysis of tarballs is being expedited.

-Interactions with Cuba and Caribbean are being initiated through Dept. of State.

-Proactive messaging today will be focused on managing impacts in Florida and a confident and agreed

upon position on subsurface plume. Story tomorrow will be about Cuba.

-DHS offered to help to make sure NOAA has all of the aerial capabilities it needs.


-Multiple people testifying today.

-Proactively analyzing tarballs and communicating that information (we expect results from tarballs found

in Keys in 12 hours).

-Dr. Lubchenco is on media call to address the loop current --- significant news coverage today that oil is

in loop current.

-FWS will hold a press call later today on impacts on turtles and other



-Briefing on Hill on current legislative proposal which will include proposed changes to Oil Spill Liability

Trust Fund.


-Email going out to all 50 states with information on loop current.

-Plan to also address loop current issue on the county/local call later today.

Congressional Affairs:

-Getting ready for hearings today and tomorrow.

-Coordinated plan needed for CODEL visits.

Dredging Proposal:

-Army Corps is playing out permitting process for viability of berm project --- this does not ensure funding

or follow on of project implementation.

-While process is playing out, Gov. Jindal is talking to the press about the high likelihood of the project

being approved.

-BP does not consider this project a response cost.

-NIC also believes that this is not an appropriate response mechanism.SUMMARY OF DOC-NOAA



Dispersant Workshop planning

Hurricane/oil talking points, briefing at tomorrows meeting

Strategies to respond to the many requests for NOAA leadership to be at meetings in the Gulf

530 pm meeting is on for today.


Document ID:

Planning by RRT/NOAA is underway for a Dispersant Workshop, to discuss the long term

impacts of applying dispersant. Intent is to have this soon, within a few days. This would include not only

government but also representatives from academia.

Discussion about the long term costs and personnel needs for testing and monitoring. NOAA is

developing a plan.

Use of subsurface dispersant is much more effective than using dispersants on the surface oil.


30-day closure rule will allow NOAA to amend closures simply by updating the maps online,

instead of having to go through formal approval processes. OMB is examining this at the moment. This

would be analogous to the online trajectory maps.

No press release would be broadcast with each closure update; just the maps. Discussions are

ongoing with FDA and NOAA on the closures relating to health impacts.


OMB has approved talking points developed in NOAA for how hurricanes would affect and be

affected by the oil spill.

Concern was raised about evacuating the thousands of people involved

in the cleanup should a hurricane move into the spill area.

Ahsha Tribble and Chris Smallcomb will brief the group tomorrow/1030am on the Hurricane

Seasonal Outlook Press Conference that Dr. Lubchenco will participate in next week.


Many requests for NOAA leadership to be at meetings in the Gulf region, both technical and

political people.

Proposal to have at least one political in the Gulf region each week. Another strategy would be to

use leadership from other DOC bureaus.

Bilingual capabilities are important for some of these meetings, where fishermen speak other

languages (e.g. Vietnamese)

Discussion about an interactive, multi-agency website providing resources and information for

A few challenges described

those impacted by the oil spill. This would be a major undertaking.

keeping coordinated with White House on talking points and press releases.


SPILL Facilitator

Chani Wiggins, Asst. Sec. of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Speakers/Agency Representatives Included:

Rear Adm. Cook, USCG Director of Prevention Policy

Walter Cruickshank, MMS Deputy Director

Doug Helton, NOAA OR&R Incident Operations Coordinator

Roy Crabtree, NMFS Regional Administrator, SE Region

Greg Siekaniec, Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, US F&W Service

Congressional Participants Included (Not all participants were announced)

Staff with House Energy and Commerce Committee

Staff with House Science and Technology Committee

Staff with Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Staff for Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-9th, FL)

Staff for Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-17th, FL)

Staff for Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-6th, LA)

Remarks from Rear Admiral Cook

- The riser insertion tool has effectively relieved some pressure on the well head and the tool is assisting

in the recovery of approximately 2,000 barrels of oil per day - There have been no changes to oil

expressions on the surface as a result of using the riser

8,000 gal. of subsurface dispersants have been applied in the last 24 hrs.

- Dispersant application is currently on hold; we are waiting for a vessel to arrive on site to monitor

dispersant application.

- Overall dispersants applied: 588,000 gal on the surface 50,000 gal subsurface

Document ID:

- 1.7 million feet of boom have been deployed overall

- 4 in-situ burns occurred yesterday - 20 tarballs washed ashore in Key West, FL yesterday. Samples of

these balls were sent off for processing to determine if their chemical signature matches that of oil in the

Deepwater Horizon spill. Results should be received in the next day or two.

- Tarballs have also been recovered in Pascagoula, MS and at other locations in the Delta region

- Tarballs are easier to recover from shore, but if they are suspended in the water column, there is the

potential for them to bypass booms- 36 wildlife impacts reported thus far

- Tally of responders associated with spill has increased to 20,000 people and 1,000 vessels - Over

15,000 total claims filed to date, BP has approved all claims submitted to date and almost 400 people at

work performing claims processing

Remarks from Walter Cruickshank

- Reiterated the effectiveness of the insertion tool, recovering on average 2,000 barrels of oil per day

- Recovery is a mix of oil and natural gas

- We are recovering an increasing in amount of natural gas

- We are continuing preparations for the top kill

- The pod is being reset and the remainder of the necessary equipment should be in place by weekend.

We should be able to begin operations early next week.

- Relief well drilling is moving forward, 85,000 ft total depth of well thus far

Remarks from Doug Helton

- The newest 72-hr trajectory indicates that the plume continues to move west to southwest from the


- We note that the oil sheen is moving toward the edge of the loop current; right now oil appears to have

entered a loop current boundary gyre.

- We cannot confirm whether or not the oil plume is entrained in the loop current itself at this point.

Aircraft flyovers scheduled in the next few days should help inform this effort.

- Oil impacts on shore have been noted in the Delta region, and approximately 2 km of oiled marshes

have been observed. The Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team has been deployed.

Remarks from Roy Crabtree

- As of 6:00pm today, NOAA Fisheries is expanding the eastern and southern boundaries of the closure

to encompass the reported actual location and projected path of the oil based on initialization data and

the 72-hour trajectory to incorporate full extent of trajectory and to address the possibility of oil entry into

the loop current. - The closure measures 45,728 sq mi (118,435 sq km), which is approximately double

the closure area that was previously in effect. - The majority of the expansion area is approximately 150

mi offshore, meaning that the pelagic longline fishery (which includes swordfish and tuna fisheries) is

likely the fishery most affected by this change.

Remarks from Greg Siekaniec

- Fish and Wildlife Service has continued response activities and monitoring surveys.

- We continue to collect reports of affected sea turtles and other wildlife through our hotline.

- Oil has thus far been observed on 4 National Wildlife Refuges.

Questions Raised by Congressional Members and Staff

How many gallons of dispersant has been released to date? How large is the stream of oil near the loop

current? What does the oil in the relief tube look like? Does the volume of flow in relief tube give any

indication of overall flow leakage rate? Can you use flow rate from relief tube to estimate flow rate out of

riser? Dr. Lubchenco mentioned in an earlier public/press statement that NOAA has been working right

from the start on this spill, but needs more assets. What assets was she referring to? Getbacks for


- Provide context and more information regarding the assets NOAA needs that Dr. Lubchenco referred to

in her earlier statement. (OLA to coordinate with NOAA Communications on where this statement may

have come up and what was said)


Need to determine the chemical composition of the dispersants so that we can definitively

know what we are testing for.

Document ID:

Need to determine what is the tipping point for calling a fisheries disaster. This should include

implications and public perception ramifications.

NOAA needs to ensure that there are adequate resources to analyze the plume to properly define

the characteristics (where is it, where is it going, extent, depth, etc.)

DOC and NOAA need to establish a protocol for expanding fisheries closures that includes

notification of OMB, preparing talking points, but is still responsive enough to stay ahead of the spill. If the

reporting deadline is noon, then the protocol has to allow for posting then. A 24-hour lag is not responsive

enough and is not acceptable.

NOAA should post maps of where fisheries sampling is taking



ADM Allen will not back the Louisiana governors proposal. BP has also determined that this is

not an appropriate response mechanism, so will not fund it.

A meeting is being held next week, hosted by the new NOAA assistant secretary to address

concerns from civilian scientists who feel left out of the spill reaction.


The group will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m


EDT 18 MAY 2010



Ensure Responsible Party (RP) is doing everything it can to stop the oil leak.

Ensure all capabilities (government, private, and commercial) and resources are being leveraged

to protect the environment and facilitate a rapid, robust cleanup effort.

Ensure every effort is being made to include and inform the local communities in support of

response operations. CURRENT SITUATION



RITT remains inserted into riser. (USCG)

Drill Rig ENTERPRISE continuing recovery of an oil and gas mixture with no water. (USCG)

Recovery rate is estimated at 2,000 barrels per day. (USCG/UAC)

RITT-2 is being constructed and will be ready for deployment to the sea floor on 19 May. (NICC)

RITT-2 will be used if current RITT fails.(NICC)


Top Hat remains on the seabed; standing-by pending effectiveness of the RITT. (USCG)

Top Kill equipment being staged; commencement of operation no sooner than 23-

25 May. (USCG)

Commencement pushed back due to ongoing preparations.


Drill Rig DDII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May; current drill depth is 253 ft below

the sea floor. (USCG)

Drill Rig DDIII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May; current drill depth remains 3,537 ft

below sea floor. (USCG)


Performing maintenance to BOP stack 18 May. (USCG)


Unconfirmed reports of oil and tar balls at the following locations: East Dauphin Island, AL; Little

Lagoon, AL; Fort Zachary State Park, Key West, FL; Panama City Beach, FL; Grand Isle, LA; Biloxi, MS;

East Ship Island, MS; Long Beach, MS; Pascagoula, MS; and West Ship Island, MS. (USCG)


All shipping channels and ports remain open in the Gulf Coast Region. (USCG)

No vessels have required cleaning or decontamination. (USCG)


Oily water mixture recovered to date: 182,251 barrels. (USCG)

Booming operations continue, weather permitting. (USCG)


Document ID:

3 surface dispersant sorties completed 17 May. (USCG)

Personnel: 20,281 (USCG/UAC)

Boom deployed: 1,782,900 ft (1,364,510 ft regular /418,390 ft sorbent) (USCG)

Dispersants deployed to date: 641,639 gallons (588,490 gallons surface/53,149 gallons subsea)


Total Vessels Assigned: 1013* (USCG/NIC)

Remotely Operated Vehicles: 12* (USCG)

Fixed-wing Aircraft: 17* (USCG/NIC)

Helicopters: 26* (USCG/NIC)

*Number does not include staged or ordered assets.


Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD 5).

Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90).

National Response Framework (NRF).

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan - 40 CFR 300.300.


Principal Federal Official: Secretary Napolitano, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Secretary Salazar: U.S. Department of the Interior.

Director Birnbaum: U.S. Minerals

Management Service (MMS).

Administrator Jackson: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

National Incident Commander: Admiral Allen, Commandant, USCG.

Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC): Rear Admiral Landry, Commander, USCG, District 8,

New Orleans, LA.

Responsible Party: British Petroleum (BP) and Transocean.FEDERAL


U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Teams (SCAT) are sampling oil and tar balls; clean up action

being taken by BPs oil spill recovery organization.



OAM continues to provide 2 aircraft to provide advisory information to spotter and tanker aircraft

conducting spray operations.


Region IV at Level IV operations (Steady-State).

Has not received any requests for Federal assistance.


TSA continues to monitor the situation for any potential impact to transportation.


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service supporting wildlife activities in LA. DEPARTMENT


2 Vessel Skimming Systems being shipped from AK; ETA 22 May.

3 civilian offshore


been contracted by DoD.

1,632 associated personnel deployed in support of spill response.

100 Title 10 personnel and 1,441 Title 32 National Guard members deployed.


USCG and EPA authorized BP to use subsea dispersants.

Continuing monitoring and

sampling of air, water and sediment.


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) established plans to visit BP

worker training staging areas in AL, FL, LA and MS.

Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry provided a draft document entitled Dispersants &

Safety in Seafood to the Food and Drug Administration for review.


Document ID:

MMS reports some success is being achieved through the use of the RITT and that a larger tool

is being constructed to siphon oil from the leaking riser.


Weather forecast:
Tuesday, 18 May: West winds 5-10 knots; seas 2 ft or less.

Wednesday, 19 May: Northeast winds 5-10 knots (am)/southeast winds 5-10 knots (pm); seas 2

ft or less.
Thursday, 20 May: Southeast winds 5-10 knots; seas 2-3 ft. CRITICAL


National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC)

Revisions to the Federal closure in the exclusive economic zone allowed reopening of some

oyster harvesting areas in Terrebonne Parish, LA. STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES

Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida communicating daily with DHS. NATIONAL OPERATIONS


Current Posture: Phase 2 Concern; Crisis Action Team activated.

The next SLB is scheduled for 1800 EDT 18 May




Coast Guard Captain James Hanzalik

Riser insertion tube into the riser - gathering 2,000 barrels per day.

Controlled burns yesterday and today was a good burn day as well - reports can be expected tomorrow.

Boom update for Gulf States

Charlie Henry, NOAA

Expectations on loop current and slick:


Bulk of oil is north of currento Limited amount of oil susceptible to the current

Reviewing transport pattern, looking at 10 or more days


Michele Tassin, Emergency Operations Center Director, Plaquemines Parish

Question: Is satellite imagery available online?

o Lori Faeth Answer: Good information is available at

o Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama, Answer:

8e&> also has useful information Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama

Question: Do you have a further update on the research being conducted on underwater plumes?

o Charlie Henry Answer: Samples are not accurate due to the way the droplets disperse. Larger

droplets rise quickly to the surface while the smaller droplets stay below. NOAA does not view

underwater plumes as a significant threat at this time and is working to get a better projection on deep

water currents to determine short and long-term implications. This analysis will be forthcoming in the

days ahead. With regard to concerns that subsea dispersants are correlated to underwater plume, NOAA

does not see a correlation. At the time of the inquiry, there were only a few days of

subsea dispersant activity, so NOAA does not think subsea dispersant was a significant driver.

Bill Melton, Environmental Services Director, Mobile County Public Works

Question: Following up on yesterday's question on economic impact loss for impacted areas. o

Captain Hanzalik: Also will make sure that commerce is on the phone to answer the question tomorrow.

Jane, SBA: Working on declarations for small business loans

Heather Smith, DHS: This info is available on

Document ID: o Nandi Chhabra, WH: We will follow up with Melton

individually, and also on the call tomorrow.

Document ID:


May 18, 2010

NOS activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach

(cleared fact sheets)

Deepwater Horizon JIC




NOAA ICC Sitreps - sitreps.html

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)

David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May


Monica Allen (NOAA Fisheries Communications) is there this week (5/15-20). Her cell

# is 202/379-6693.

Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15th / 202-657-9816.

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/17/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert, LA

LCDR Demian Bailey (206-518-1941) - Robert, LA

Ed Levine (206-849-9941) - Houma, LA

Jordon Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma, LA

Frank Csulak (732-371-1005) - Houma, LA

Ruth Yender (206-849-9926) Mobile, AL

LCDR Liz Jones (206-849-9918) - Mobile, AL

John Whitney (907-440-8109)- Mobile, AL

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Petersburg, FL

LTJG Josh Slater (206-462-0710) Mobile, AL

Mark Miller (206-713-0640) - NIC, Washington DC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.

Document ID:


May 18, 2010



Moderator: Valerie Jarrett

Governors: Jindal

EPA applying subsea dispersant (when monitoring ship is in place). Will switch

dispersants today based on toxicity. (Action: provide info on new dispersants and


Gov. Jindal questioned the accuracy of the trajectories he noted that there was

significantly more oil along the shoreline than what had been projected. Why is that?


Gov. Jindal did the burning, skimming and surface dispersants application get

factored into to todays trajectory? (NOAA response for tomorrow)

Gov. Jindal

asked about reports from the SCAT teams

Adm. Watson Do not yet have the estimates of oil burned, skimmed and dispersed

from yesterday. Will continue those operations today. Can we get estimate of both

days for tomorrow?

Adm. Watson did not yet have the tests back from the crab pot dip stick testing of

the subsurface oil.

Gov. Jindal have the tarballs recovered from Marsh Is. in Iberia get tested yet to see

whether they are from the BP spill? (no) If it is related, it would be the furthest west

that the oil has travelled.

Eileen Sobeck (FWS) wildlife teams out yesterday and again today. (Report on

wildlife impacts tomorrow?)

Monica Medina NOAA seeing increased turtle strandings. Looking to see if there is

a pattern that is related to the oil.

Fish closures - NOAA expanded fisheries closure yesterday; watching the loop

current issue closely. If oil moves into the loop current, there will likely be a large

expansion of closed fisheries. (NOAA wants to maintain the safety and confidence in

the seafood industry.)

Gov. Jindal Monica mentioned that oil has moved passed booms and gotten into

the marshes. What are the reasons for the oil getting past the boom? Failed boom; too

much oil; subsea oil; improperly placed boom? David Kennedy did not know the

answer in this case, but said boom is never a fail-safe solution.

Gov. Jindal wants more boom moved to the West (although he acknowledged the

1000 new feet that arrived in Terrebonne

Gov Jindal said he met with Col Lee of USACE yesterday to discuss barrier

proposal. Col Lee was positive about the comments received on the proposal; and the

Governor said that Adm. Landry has been supportive of the proposal. He urged us to

expedite the barrier. Do we need to manage expectations?

Document ID:


May 18, 2010


TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Situation Status:

-Riser insertion tool is capturing about 2,000 barrels/day and has been successful for

the past 24 hours. A second tool is in place in case first tool fails.

-Window of opportunity for top kill is between now and May 25. The window of

opportunity is dependent on pressure and temperatures. Still trying to get a better

handle on associate risks.

-Third option for release control is stacking a second BOP.

-Four burns were conducted yesterday. The good weather window continues to

continue surface operations with more burns and aerial dispersant application today.

-Subsurface dispersant injection is pending until monitoring vessel is on scene.

-Great deal of reporting on undersea plume and interaction with loop current --- need

more focused messaging to explain what is happening subsurface and what happens to

oil in loop current.

-Analysis of tarballs is being expedited.

-Interactions with Cuba and Caribbean are being initiated through Dept. of State.

-Proactive messaging today will be focused on managing impacts in Florida and a

confident and agreed upon position on subsurface plume. Story tomorrow will be

about Cuba.

-DHS offered to help to make sure NOAA has all of the aerial capabilities it needs.


-Multiple people testifying today.

-Proactively analyzing tarballs and communicating that information (we expect results

from tarballs found in Keys in 12 hours).

-Dr. Lubchenco is on media call to address the loop current --- significant news

coverage today that oil is in loop current.

-FWS will hold a press call later today on impacts on turtles and other wildlife.


-Briefing on Hill on current legislative proposal which will include proposed changes

to Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund.


-Email going out to all 50 states with information on loop current.

-Plan to also address loop current issue on the county/local call later today.

Congressional Affairs:

-Getting ready for hearings today and tomorrow.

-Coordinated plan needed for CODEL visits.

Dredging Proposal:

Document ID:


May 18, 2010

-Army Corps is playing out permitting process for viability of berm project --- this does

not ensure funding or follow on of project implementation.

-While process is playing out, Gov. Jindal is talking to the press about the high

likelihood of the project being approved.

-BP does not consider this project a response cost.

-NIC also believes that this is not an appropriate response mechanism.


MAY 18, 2010,


Dispersant Workshop planning

Hurricane/oil talking points, briefing at tomorrows meeting

Strategies to respond to the many requests for NOAA leadership to be at

meetings in the Gulf

530 pm meeting is on for today.



Planning by RRT/NOAA is underway for a Dispersant Workshop, to discuss the

long term impacts of applying dispersant. Intent is to have this soon, within a

few days. This would include not only government but also representatives

from academia.

Discussion about the long term costs and personnel needs for testing and

monitoring. NOAA is developing a plan.

Use of subsurface dispersant is much more effective than using dispersants on

the surface oil.


30-day closure rule will allow NOAA to amend closures simply by updating the

maps online, instead of having to go through formal approval processes. OMB

is examining this at the moment. This would be analogous to the online

trajectory maps.

No press release would be broadcast with each closure update; just the maps.

Discussions are ongoing with FDA and NOAA on the closures relating to health



Document ID:


May 18, 2010

OMB has approved talking points developed in NOAA for how hurricanes

would affect and be affected by the oil spill.

Concern was raised about evacuating the thousands of people involved in the

cleanup should a hurricane move into the spill area.

Ahsha Tribble and Chris Smallcomb will brief the group tomorrow/1030am on

the Hurricane Seasonal Outlook Press Conference that Dr. Lubchenco will

participate in next week.


Many requests for NOAA leadership to be at meetings in the Gulf region, both

technical and political people.

Proposal to have at least one political in the Gulf region each week. Another

strategy would be to use leadership from other DOC bureaus.

Bilingual capabilities are important for some of these meetings, where fishermen

speak other languages (e.g. Vietnamese)

Discussion about an interactive, multi-agency website providing resources and

information for those impacted by the oil spill. This would be a major


A few challenges described keeping coordinated with White House on talking

points and press releases.

Document ID:


May 18, 2010




Chani Wiggins, Asst. Sec. of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security


Speakers/Agency Representatives Included:

Rear Adm. Cook, USCG Director of Prevention Policy

Walter Cruickshank, MMS Deputy Director

Doug Helton, NOAA OR&R Incident Operations Coordinator

Roy Crabtree, NMFS Regional Administrator, SE Region

Greg Siekaniec, Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, US F&W Service

Congressional Participants Included (Not all participants were announced)

Staff with House Energy and Commerce Committee

Staff with House Science and Technology Committee

Staff with Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Staff for Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-9th, FL)

Staff for Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-17th, FL)

Staff for Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-6th, LA)

Remarks from Rear Admiral Cook

- The riser insertion tool has effectively relieved some pressure on the well head and the

tool is assisting in the recovery of approximately 2,000 barrels of oil per day

Document ID:


May 18, 2010

- There have been no changes to oil expressions on the surface as a result of using the


8,000 gal. of subsurface dispersants have been applied in the last 24 hrs.

- Dispersant application is currently on hold; we are waiting for a vessel to arrive on

site to monitor dispersant application.

- Overall dispersants applied: 588,000 gal on the surface 50,000 gal subsurface

- 1.7 million feet of boom have been deployed overall

- 4 in-situ burns occurred yesterday

- 20 tarballs washed ashore in Key West, FL yesterday. Samples of these balls were sent

off for processing to determine if their chemical signature matches that of oil in the

Deepwater Horizon spill. Results should be received in the next day or two.

- Tarballs have also been recovered in Pascagoula, MS and at other locations in the

Delta region

- Tarballs are easier to recover from shore, but if they are suspended in the water

column, there is the potential for them to bypass booms

- 36 wildlife impacts reported thus far

- Tally of responders associated with spill has increased to 20,000 people and 1,000


- Over 15,000 total claims filed to date, BP has approved all claims submitted to date

and almost 400 people at work performing claims processing

Remarks from Walter Cruickshank

- Reiterated the effectiveness of the insertion tool, recovering on average 2,000 barrels

of oil per day

- Recovery is a mix of oil and natural gas

- We are recovering an increasing in amount of natural gas

- We are continuing preparations for the top kill

- The pod is being reset and the remainder of the necessary equipment should be in

place by weekend. We should be able to begin operations early next week.

- Relief well drilling is moving forward, 85,000 ft total depth of well thus far

Remarks from Doug Helton

- The newest 72-hr trajectory indicates that the plume continues to move west to

southwest from the source.

- We note that the oil sheen is moving toward the edge of the loop current; right now

oil appears to have entered a loop current boundary gyre.

- We cannot confirm whether or not the oil plume is entrained in the loop current

itself at this point. Aircraft flyovers scheduled in the next few days should help inform

this effort.

- Oil impacts on shore have been noted in the Delta region, and approximately 2 km of

oiled marshes have been observed. The Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team has been


Remarks from Roy Crabtree

- As of 6:00pm today, NOAA Fisheries is expanding the eastern and southern

boundaries of the closure to encompass the reported actual location and projected path

of the oil based on initialization data and the 72-hour trajectory to incorporate full

extent of trajectory and to address the possibility of oil entry into the loop current.

- The closure measures 45,728 sq mi (118,435 sq km), which is approximately double

the closure area that was previously in effect.

Document ID:


May 18, 2010

- The majority of the expansion area is approximately 150 mi offshore, meaning that

the pelagic longline fishery (which includes swordfish and tuna fisheries) is likely the

fishery most affected by this change.

Remarks from Greg Siekaniec

- Fish and Wildlife Service has continued response activities and monitoring surveys.

- We continue to collect reports of affected sea turtles and other wildlife through our


- Oil has thus far been observed on 4 National Wildlife Refuges.

Questions Raised by Congressional Members and Staff

How many gallons of dispersant has been released to date?

How large is the stream of oil near the loop current?

What does the oil in the relief tube look like?

Does the volume of flow in relief tube give any indication of overall flow leakage rate?

Can you use flow rate from relief tube to estimate flow rate out of riser?

Dr. Lubchenco mentioned in an earlier public/press statement that NOAA has been

working right from the start on this spill, but needs more assets. What assets was she

referring to?

Getbacks for NOAA

- Provide context and more information regarding the assets NOAA needs that Dr.

Lubchenco referred to in her earlier statement. (OLA to coordinate with NOAA

Communications on where this statement may have come up and what was said)


MAY 18, 2010,


Need to determine the chemical composition of the dispersants so that we can

definitively know what we are testing for.

Need to determine what is the tipping point for calling a fisheries disaster.

This should include implications and public perception ramifications.

Document ID:


May 18, 2010

NOAA needs to ensure that there are adequate resources to analyze the plume to

properly define the characteristics (where is it, where is it going, extent, depth,


DOC and NOAA need to establish a protocol for expanding fisheries closures

that includes notification of OMB, preparing talking points, but is still

responsive enough to stay ahead of the spill. If the reporting deadline is noon,

then the protocol has to allow for posting then. A 24-hour lag is not responsive

enough and is not acceptable.

NOAA should post maps of where fisheries sampling is taking place.


ADM Allen will not back the Louisiana governors proposal. BP has also

determined that this is not an appropriate response mechanism, so will not fund


A meeting is being held next week, hosted by the new NOAA assistant secretary

to address concerns from civilian scientists who feel left out of the spill reaction.


The group will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m.



Document ID:


May 18, 2010




Ensure Responsible Party (RP) is doing everything it can to stop the oil leak.

Ensure all capabilities (government, private, and commercial) and resources are being

leveraged to protect the environment and facilitate a rapid, robust cleanup effort.

Ensure every effort is being made to include and inform the local communities in support

of response operations.




RITT remains inserted into riser. (USCG)

Drill Rig ENTERPRISE continuing recovery of an oil and gas

mixture with no water. (USCG)

Recovery rate is estimated at 2,000 barrels per day. (USCG/UAC)

RITT-2 is being constructed and will be ready for deployment

to the sea floor on 19 May. (NICC)

RITT-2 will be used if current RITT fails.(NICC)


Top Hat remains on the seabed; standing-by pending effectiveness of

the RITT. (USCG)


Top Kill equipment being staged; commencement of operation no

sooner than 23-25 May. (USCG)

Commencement pushed back due to ongoing preparations.


Drill Rig DDII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May; current

drill depth is 253 ft below the sea floor. (USCG)

Drill Rig DDIII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May;

current drill depth remains 3,537 ft below sea floor. (USCG)


Performing maintenance to BOP stack 18 May. (USCG)


Unconfirmed reports of oil and tar balls at the following locations: East

Dauphin Island, AL; Little Lagoon, AL; Fort Zachary State Park, Key West, FL;

Panama City Beach, FL; Grand Isle, LA; Biloxi, MS; East Ship Island, MS; Long

Beach, MS; Pascagoula, MS; and West Ship Island, MS. (USCG)



Document ID:


May 18, 2010

All shipping channels and ports remain open in the Gulf Coast Region. (USCG)


Oily water mixture recovered to date: 182,251 barrels. (USCG)

Booming operations continue, weather permitting. (USCG)


No vessels have required cleaning or decontamination. (USCG)

3 surface dispersant sorties completed 17 May. (USCG)


Personnel: 20,281 (USCG/UAC)

Boom deployed: 1,782,900 ft (1,364,510 ft regular /418,390 ft sorbent) (USCG)

Dispersants deployed to date: 641,639 gallons(588,490 gallons surface/53,149

gallons subsea) (USCG)

Total Vessels Assigned:1013* (USCG/NIC)

Remotely Operated Vehicles: 12* (USCG)

Fixed-wing Aircraft: 17* (USCG/NIC)

Helicopters: 26* (USCG/NIC)

*Number does not include staged or ordered assets.


Homeland Security Presidential Directive

Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90).



National Response Framework (NRF).

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan - 40 CFR



Principal Federal Official: Secretary Napolitano, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Secretary Salazar: U.S. Department of the Interior.

Director Birnbaum: U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS).

Administrator Jackson: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

National Incident Commander: Admiral Allen, Commandant, USCG.

Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC): Rear Admiral Landry, Commander, USCG,

District 8, New Orleans, LA.

Responsible Party: British Petroleum (BP) and Transocean.


U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)


Document ID:


May 18, 2010

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Teams (SCAT) are sampling oil and tar balls;

clean up action being taken by BPs oil spill recovery organization.


OAM continues to provide 2 aircraft to provide advisory information to spotter and

tanker aircraft conducting spray operations.


Region IV at Level IV operations (Steady-State).

Has not received any requests for Federal assistance.



TSA continues to monitor the situation for any potential impact to transportation.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service supporting wildlife activities in LA.


2 Vessel Skimming Systems being shipped from AK; ETA 22 May.

3 civilian offshore support vessels (OSV), OVS WES BORDELON, OSV JOHN

1,632associated personnel deployed in support of spill response.

100 Title 10 personnel and 1,441Title 32 National Guard members deployed.

COGHILL, and OSV VANGUARD have been contracted by DoD.


USCG and EPA authorized BP to use subsea dispersants.

Continuing monitoring and sampling of air, water and sediment.


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) established

plans to visit BP worker training staging areas in AL, FL, LA and MS.

Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry provided a draft document

entitled Dispersants & Safety in Seafood to the Food and Drug Administration

for review.


MMS reports some success is being achieved through the use of the RITT and that a

larger tool is being constructed to siphon oil from the leaking riser.


Weather forecast:

Tuesday, 18 May: West winds 5-10 knots; seas 2 ft or less.


Document ID:


May 18, 2010

Wednesday, 19 May: Northeast winds 5-10 knots (am)/southeast

winds 5-10 knots (pm); seas 2 ft or less.

Thursday, 20 May: Southeast winds 5-10 knots; seas 2-3 ft.


National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC)

Revisions to the Federal closure in the exclusive economic zone allowed reopening

of some oyster harvesting areas in Terrebonne Parish, LA.


Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida communicating daily with DHS.


Current Posture: Phase 2 Concern; Crisis Action Team activated.

The next SLB is scheduled for 1800 EDT 18 May


Document ID:


May 18, 2010




Coast Guard Captain James Hanzalik

Riser insertion tube into the riser - gathering 2,000

barrels per day.

Controlled burns yesterday and today was a good burn day

as well - reports can be expected tomorrow.

Boom update for Gulf States

Charlie Henry, NOAA

Expectations on loop current and slick:

o Bulk of oil is north of current

o Limited amount of oil susceptible to the current

o Reviewing transport pattern, looking at 10 or more days


Michele Tassin, Emergency Operations Center Director, Plaquemines Parish

Question: Is satellite imagery available online?

o Lori Faeth Answer: Good information is available at

o Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama, Answer:

8e&> also has useful information


Document ID:


May 18, 2010

Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama

Question: Do you have a further update on the research being conducted on

underwater plumes?

o Charlie Henry Answer: Samples are not accurate due to the way the droplets

disperse. Larger droplets rise quickly to the surface while the smaller droplets stay

below. NOAA does not view underwater plumes as a significant threat at this time and

is working to get a better projection on deep water currents to determine short and

long-term implications. This analysis will be forthcoming in the days ahead. With

regard to concerns that subsea dispersants are correlated to underwater plume, NOAA

does notsee a correlation. At the time of the inquiry, there were only a few days of

subsea dispersant activity, so NOAA does not think subsea dispersant was a significant


Bill Melton, Environmental Services Director, Mobile County Public Works

Question: Following up on yesterday's question on economic impact loss for

impacted areas.

o Captain Hanzalik: Also will make sure that commerce is on the phone to answer

the question tomorrow.

o Jane, SBA: Working on declarations for small business loans

o Heather Smith, DHS: This info is available on

o Nandi Chhabra, WH: We will follow up with Melton individually, and also on the

call tomorrow.


Document ID:

good evening everyone,

attached is a compilation of notes from noaa leadership meetings on tuesday, may 18, 2010.

let me know if there are any modifications necessary.




TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Additional Attachments

Task list record of actions from 0800 Daily NOAA calls as of 5/18 (this is for reference only)

Action Items

Follow-up on research platforms that could be deployed and sampling plan from all assets (Murawski

and team, report in advance of afternoon testimony)

Expert briefing for Loop Current (Kenney)

Histogram by day for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Request for talking points for turtle strandings (NMFS)

Precautionary closure of fisheries due to potential of oil in the loop current (NMFS)

Assign technical point for OMB, DOC, FDA group regarding seafood safety; Steve Wilson and Tim

Hansen can serve this role.

Need to have talking points and alert Cuba and Mexico regarding fishery closure and potential of oil in

loop current (Turner)

Alert W H of fishery closure change (Sarri)

Talking points on loop current, fishery closure, international, states what we are doing to address the

potential that oil is in the loop current (Murawski, Mclean, Turner to send to Kenney by 10am)

Documents cleared through WH clearance process for 5/11/10

(currently, this list is incomplete but will be updated on a daily basis)


B o o m s

C oral reefs & oil

M arine m am m als and sea turtles

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill General (Fish)

Fish stocks in the Gulf of M exico

S eafood safety

Im pact of crude oil on seafood

Natural Resources Damage Assessment

Shorelines and coastal habitats in the Gulf of Mexico

Dispersants (O R&R sheet)

Shoreline & habitats (OR&R sheet)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) (OR&R sheet)


Sheen (cleared/not posted)

O il w eathering/types

Loop current

M ussel W atch

N O S activities

Hypoxia (dead zone) & oil

Websites for more information:

OR&R Response Outreach (cleared fact sheets)

Document ID:

Deepwater Horizon JIC

(cleared factsheets)


NOAA ICC Sitreps -

Updates on Fisheries Closure

Daily updates to NOAA nautical charts:

Joint Information Center Contacts (as of 5/11/10)

David Miller / 202-329-4030 (LA) [email protected] (through Monday, May 17th)

Monica Allen (NOAA Fisheries Communications) is there this week (5/15-20). Her cell # is 202/379-6693.

Replacement: Rachel Wilhelm arrives Sat., May 15th / 202-657-9816.

NOAA Scientific Scientist Coordination on site (as of 5/17/10)

Charlie Henry (206-849-9928) Robert, LA

LCDR Demian Bailey (206-518-1941) - Robert, LA

Ed Levine (206-849-9941) - Houma, LA

Jordon Stout (206-321-3320) - Houma, LA

Frank Csulak (732-371-1005) - Houma, LA

Ruth Yender (206-849-9926) Mobile, AL

LCDR Liz Jones (206-849-9918) - Mobile, AL

John Whitney (907-440-8109)- Mobile, AL

Brad Benggio (206-849-9923) - St. Petersburg, FL

LTJG Josh Slater (206-462-0710) Mobile, AL

Mark Miller (206-713-0640) - NIC, Washington DC

Carl Jochums NOAA contractor boom expert on site.


TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010,

Moderator: Valerie Jarrett

Governors: Jindal

EPA applying subsea dispersant (when monitoring ship is in place). Will switch dispersants

today based on toxicity. (Action: provide info on new dispersants and reasons)

Gov. Jindal questioned the accuracy of the trajectories he noted that there was significantly

more oil along the shoreline than what had been projected. Why is that? Monica

Gov. Jindal did the burning, skimming and surface dispersants application get factored into to

todays trajectory? (NOAA response for tomorrow)

Gov. Jindal asked about reports from the SCAT teams

Adm. Watson Do not yet have the estimates of oil burned, skimmed and dispersed from

yesterday. Will continue those operations today. Can we get estimate of both days for tomorrow?

Adm. Watson did not yet have the tests back from the crab pot dip stick testing of the subsurface


Gov. Jindal have the tarballs recovered from Marsh Is. in Iberia get tested yet to see whether

they are from the BP spill? (no) If it is related, it would be the furthest west that the oil has travelled.

Eileen Sobeck (FWS) wildlife teams out yesterday and again today. (Report on wildlife impacts


Monica Medina NOAA seeing increased turtle strandings. Looking to see if there is a pattern that

is related to the oil.

Fish closures - NOAA expanded fisheries closure yesterday; watching the loop current issue

closely. If oil moves into the loop current, there will likely be a large expansion of closed fisheries.

(NOAA wants to maintain the safety and confidence in the seafood industry.)

Gov. Jindal Monica mentioned that oil has moved passed booms and gotten into the marshes.

What are the reasons for the oil getting past the boom? Failed boom; too much oil; subsea oil; improperly

placed boom? David Kennedy did not know the answer in this case, but said boom is never a fail-safe


Gov. Jindal wants more boom moved to the West (although he acknowledged the 1000 new feet

that arrived in Terrebonne

Document ID:

Gov Jindal said he met with Col Lee of USACE yesterday to discuss barrier proposal. Col Lee

was positive about the comments received on the proposal; and the Governor said that Adm. Landry has

been supportive of the proposal. He urged us to expedite the barrier. Do we need to manage



TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010

Situation Status:

-Riser insertion tool is capturing about 2,000 barrels/day and has been successful for the past 24 hours.

A second tool is in place in case first tool fails.

-Window of opportunity for top kill is between now and May 25. The window of opportunity is dependent

on pressure and temperatures. Still trying to get a better handle on associate risks.

-Third option for release control is stacking a second BOP.

-Four burns were conducted yesterday. The good weather window continues to continue surface

operations with more burns and aerial dispersant application today.

-Subsurface dispersant injection is pending until monitoring vessel is on scene.

-Great deal of reporting on undersea plume and interaction with loop current --- need more focused

messaging to explain what is happening subsurface and what happens to oil in loop current.

-Analysis of tarballs is being expedited.

-Interactions with Cuba and Caribbean are being initiated through Dept. of State.

-Proactive messaging today will be focused on managing impacts in Florida and a confident and agreed

upon position on subsurface plume. Story tomorrow will be about Cuba.

-DHS offered to help to make sure NOAA has all of the aerial capabilities it needs.


-Multiple people testifying today.

-Proactively analyzing tarballs and communicating that information (we expect results from tarballs found

in Keys in 12 hours).

-Dr. Lubchenco is on media call to address the loop current --- significant news coverage today that oil is

in loop current.

-FWS will hold a press call later today on impacts on turtles and other wildlife.


-Briefing on Hill on current legislative proposal which will include proposed changes to Oil Spill Liability

Trust Fund.


-Email going out to all 50 states with information on loop current.

-Plan to also address loop current issue on the county/local call later today.

Congressional Affairs:

-Getting ready for hearings today and tomorrow.

-Coordinated plan needed for CODEL visits.

Dredging Proposal:

-Army Corps is playing out permitting process for viability of berm project --- this does not ensure funding

or follow on of project implementation.

-While process is playing out, Gov. Jindal is talking to the press about the high likelihood of the project

being approved.

-BP does not consider this project a response cost.

-NIC also believes that this is not an appropriate response mechanism.


MAY 18, 2010,

Document ID:


Dispersant Workshop planning

Hurricane/oil talking points, briefing at tomorrows meeting

Strategies to respond to the many requests for NOAA leadership to be at meetings in the Gulf

530 pm meeting is on for today.



Planning by RRT/NOAA is underway for a Dispersant Workshop, to discuss the long term

impacts of applying dispersant. Intent is to have this soon, within a few days. This would include not only

government but also representatives from academia.

Discussion about the long term costs and personnel needs for testing and monitoring. NOAA is

developing a plan.

Use of subsurface dispersant is much more effective than using dispersants on the surface oil.


30-day closure rule will allow NOAA to amend closures simply by updating the maps online,

instead of having to go through formal approval processes. OMB is examining this at the moment. This

would be analogous to the online trajectory maps.

No press release would be broadcast with each closure update; just the maps.

Discussions are ongoing with FDA and NOAA on the closures relating to health impacts.


OMB has approved talking points developed in NOAA for how hurricanes would affect and be

affected by the oil spill.

Concern was raised about evacuating the thousands of people involved in the cleanup should a

hurricane move into the spill area.

Ahsha Tribble and Chris Smallcomb will brief the group tomorrow/1030am on the Hurricane

Seasonal Outlook Press Conference that Dr. Lubchenco will participate in next week.


Many requests for NOAA leadership to be at meetings in the Gulf region, both technical and

political people.

Proposal to have at least one political in the Gulf region each week. Another strategy would be to

use leadership from other DOC bureaus.

Bilingual capabilities are important for some of these meetings, where fishermen speak other

languages (e.g. Vietnamese)

Discussion about an interactive, multi-agency website providing resources and information for

those impacted by the oil spill. This would be a major undertaking.

A few challenges described keeping coordinated with White House on talking points and press





Chani Wiggins, Asst. Sec. of Legislative Affairs, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Speakers/Agency Representatives Included:

Rear Adm. Cook, USCG Director of Prevention Policy

Walter Cruickshank, MMS Deputy Director

Doug Helton, NOAA OR&R Incident Operations Coordinator

Roy Crabtree, NMFS Regional Administrator, SE Region

Greg Siekaniec, Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, US F&W Service

Congressional Participants Included (Not all participants were announced)

Staff with House Energy and Commerce Committee

Document ID:


with House Science and Technology Committee

with Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

for Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-9th, FL)

for Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-17th, FL)

for Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-6th, LA)

Remarks from Rear Admiral Cook

- The riser insertion tool has effectively relieved some pressure on the well head and the tool is assisting

in the recovery of approximately 2,000 barrels of oil per day

- There have been no changes to oil expressions on the surface as a result of using the riser

8,000 gal. of subsurface dispersants have been applied in the last 24 hrs.

- Dispersant application is currently on hold; we are waiting for a vessel to arrive on site to monitor

dispersant application.

- Overall dispersants applied: 588,000 gal on the surface 50,000 gal subsurface

- 1.7 million feet of boom have been deployed overall

- 4 in-situ burns occurred yesterday

- 20 tarballs washed ashore in Key West, FL yesterday. Samples of these balls were sent off for

processing to determine if their chemical signature matches that of oil in the Deepwater Horizon spill.

Results should be received in the next day or two.

- Tarballs have also been recovered in Pascagoula, MS and at other locations in the Delta region

- Tarballs are easier to recover from shore, but if they are suspended in the water column, there is the

potential for them to bypass booms

- 36 wildlife impacts reported thus far

- Tally of responders associated with spill has increased to 20,000 people and 1,000 vessels

- Over 15,000 total claims filed to date, BP has approved all claims submitted to date and almost 400

people at work performing claims processing

Remarks from Walter Cruickshank

- Reiterated the effectiveness of the insertion tool, recovering on average 2,000 barrels of oil per day

- Recovery is a mix of oil and natural gas

- We are recovering an increasing in amount of natural gas

- We are continuing preparations for the top kill

- The pod is being reset and the remainder of the necessary equipment should be in place by weekend.

We should be able to begin operations early next week.

- Relief well drilling is moving forward, 85,000 ft total depth of well thus far

Remarks from Doug Helton

- The newest 72-hr trajectory indicates that the plume continues to move west to southwest from the


- We note that the oil sheen is moving toward the edge of the loop current; right now oil appears to have

entered a loop current boundary gyre.

- We cannot confirm whether or not the oil plume is entrained in the loop current itself at this point.

Aircraft flyovers scheduled in the next few days should help inform this effort.

- Oil impacts on shore have been noted in the Delta region, and approximately 2 km of oiled marshes

have been observed. The Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team has been deployed.

Remarks from Roy Crabtree

- As of 6:00pm today, NOAA Fisheries is expanding the eastern and southern boundaries of the closure

to encompass the reported actual location and projected path of the oil based on initialization data and

the 72-hour trajectory to incorporate full extent of trajectory and to address the possibility of oil entry into

the loop current.

- The closure measures 45,728 sq mi (118,435 sq km), which is approximately double the closure area

that was previously in effect.

- The majority of the expansion area is approximately 150 mi offshore, meaning that the pelagic longline

fishery (which includes swordfish and tuna fisheries) is likely the fishery most affected by this change.

Remarks from Greg Siekaniec

- Fish and Wildlife Service has continued response activities and monitoring surveys.

- We continue to collect reports of affected sea turtles and other wildlife through our hotline.

Document ID:

- Oil has thus far been observed on 4 National Wildlife Refuges.

Questions Raised by Congressional Members and Staff

How many gallons of dispersant has been released to date?

How large is the stream of oil near the loop current?

What does the oil in the relief tube look like?

Does the volume of flow in relief tube give any indication of overall flow leakage rate? Can you use flow

rate from relief tube to estimate flow rate out of riser?

Dr. Lubchenco mentioned in an earlier public/press statement that NOAA has been working right from the

start on this spill, but needs more assets. What assets was she referring to?

Getbacks for NOAA

- Provide context and more information regarding the assets NOAA needs that Dr. Lubchenco referred to

in her earlier statement. (OLA to coordinate with NOAA Communications on where this statement may

have come up and what was said)


MAY 18, 2010,


Need to determine the chemical composition of the dispersants so that we can definitively know

what we are testing for.

Need to determine what is the tipping point for calling a fisheries disaster. This should include

implications and public perception ramifications.

NOAA needs to ensure that there are adequate resources to analyze the plume to properly define

the characteristics (where is it, where is it going, extent, depth, etc.)

DOC and NOAA need to establish a protocol for expanding fisheries closures that includes

notification of OMB, preparing talking points, but is still responsive enough to stay ahead of the spill. If the

reporting deadline is noon, then the protocol has to allow for posting then. A 24-hour lag is not responsive

enough and is not acceptable.

NOAA should post maps of where fisheries sampling is taking place.


ADM Allen will not back the Louisiana governors proposal. BP has also determined that this is

not an appropriate response mechanism, so will not fund it.

A meeting is being held next week, hosted by the new NOAA assistant secretary to address

concerns from civilian scientists who feel left out of the spill reaction.


The group will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m





Ensure Responsible Party (RP) is doing everything it can to stop the oil leak.

Ensure all capabilities (government, private, and commercial) and resources are being leveraged

to protect the environment and facilitate a rapid, robust cleanup effort.

Ensure every effort is being made to include and inform the local communities in support of

response operations.




RITT remains inserted into riser. (USCG)

Drill Rig ENTERPRISE continuing recovery of an oil and gas mixture with no water. (USCG)

Recovery rate is estimated at 2,000 barrels per day. (USCG/UAC)

RITT-2 is being constructed and will be ready for deployment to the sea floor on 19 May. (NICC)

Document ID:

RITT-2 will be used if current RITT fails.(NICC)


Top Hat remains on the seabed; standing-by pending effectiveness of the RITT. (USCG)


Top Kill equipment being staged; commencement of operation no sooner than 23-25 May.


Commencement pushed back due to ongoing preparations.


Drill Rig DDII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May; current drill depth is 253 ft below

the sea floor. (USCG)

Drill Rig DDIII drilling operations scheduled to resume 18 May; current drill depth remains 3,537 ft

below sea floor. (USCG)


Performing maintenance to BOP stack 18 May. (USCG)


Unconfirmed reports of oil and tar balls at the following locations: East Dauphin Island, AL; Little

Lagoon, AL; Fort Zachary State Park, Key West, FL; Panama City Beach, FL; Grand Isle, LA; Biloxi, MS;

East Ship Island, MS; Long Beach, MS; Pascagoula, MS; and West Ship Island, MS. (USCG)


All shipping channels and ports remain open in the Gulf Coast Region. (USCG)

No vessels have required cleaning or decontamination. (USCG)


Oily water mixture recovered to date: 182,251 barrels. (USCG)

Booming operations continue, weather permitting. (USCG)


3 surface dispersant sorties completed 17 May. (USCG)


Personnel: 20,281 (USCG/UAC)

Boom deployed: 1,782,900 ft (1,364,510 ft regular /418,390 ft sorbent) (USCG)

Dispersants deployed to date: 641,639 gallons (588,490 gallons surface/53,149 gallons subsea)


Total Vessels Assigned: 1013* (USCG/NIC)

Remotely Operated Vehicles: 12* (USCG)

Fixed-wing Aircraft: 17* (USCG/NIC)

Helicopters: 26* (USCG/NIC)

*Number does not include staged or ordered assets.


Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD 5).

Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90).

National Response Framework (NRF).

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan - 40 CFR 300.300.


Principal Federal Official: Secretary Napolitano, U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Secretary Salazar: U.S. Department of the Interior.

Director Birnbaum: U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS).

Administrator Jackson: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

National Incident Commander: Admiral Allen, Commandant, USCG.

Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC): Rear Admiral Landry, Commander, USCG, District 8,

New Orleans, LA.

Responsible Party: British Petroleum (BP) and Transocean.

Document ID:


U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)

Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Teams (SCAT) are sampling oil and tar balls; clean up action

being taken by BPs oil spill recovery organization.


OAM continues to provide 2 aircraft to provide advisory information to spotter and tanker aircraft

conducting spray operations.


Region IV at Level IV operations (Steady-State).

Has not received any requests for Federal assistance.


TSA continues to monitor the situation for any potential impact to transportation.


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service supporting wildlife activities in LA.


2 Vessel Skimming Systems being shipped from AK; ETA 22 May.

3 civilian offshore support vessels (OSV), OVS WES BORDELON, OSV JOHN COGHILL, and

OSV VANGUARD have been contracted by DoD.

1,632 associated personnel deployed in support of spill response.

100 Title 10 personnel and 1,441 Title 32 National Guard members deployed.


USCG and EPA authorized BP to use subsea dispersants.

Continuing monitoring and sampling of air, water and sediment.


National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) established plans to visit BP

worker training staging areas in AL, FL, LA and MS.

Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry provided a draft document entitled Dispersants &

Safety in Seafood to the Food and Drug Administration for review.


MMS reports some success is being achieved through the use of the RITT and that a larger tool

is being constructed to siphon oil from the leaking riser.


Weather forecast:

Tuesday, 18 May: West winds 5-10 knots; seas 2 ft or less.

Wednesday, 19 May: Northeast winds 5-10 knots (am)/southeast winds 5-10 knots (pm); seas 2

ft or less.

Thursday, 20 May: Southeast winds 5-10 knots; seas 2-3 ft.


National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC)

Revisions to the Federal closure in the exclusive economic zone allowed reopening of some

oyster harvesting areas in Terrebonne Parish, LA.


Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida communicating daily with DHS.


Current Posture: Phase 2 Concern; Crisis Action Team activated.

Document ID:

The next SLB is scheduled for 1800 EDT 18 May




Coast Guard Captain James Hanzalik

Riser insertion tube into the riser - gathering 2,000

barrels per day.

Controlled burns yesterday and today was a good burn day

as well - reports can be expected tomorrow.

Boom update for Gulf States

Charlie Henry, NOAA

Expectations on loop current and slick:


Bulk of oil is north of current

Limited amount of oil susceptible to the current

Reviewing transport pattern, looking at 10 or more days


Michele Tassin, Emergency Operations Center Director, Plaquemines Parish

Question: Is satellite imagery available online?

o Lori Faeth Answer: Good information is available at

o Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama, Answer:

8e&> also has useful information

Dan Dealy, Mobile, Alabama

Question: Do you have a further update on the research being conducted on underwater plumes?

o Charlie Henry Answer: Samples are not accurate due to the way the droplets disperse. Larger

droplets rise quickly to the surface while the smaller droplets stay below. NOAA does not view

underwater plumes as a significant threat at this time and is working to get a better projection on deep

water currents to determine short and long-term implications. This analysis will be forthcoming in the

days ahead. With regard to concerns that subsea dispersants are correlated to underwater plume, NOAA

does not see a correlation. At the time of the inquiry, there were only a few days of

subsea dispersant activity, so NOAA does not think subsea dispersant was a significant driver.

Bill Melton, Environmental Services Director, Mobile County Public Works

Question: Following up on yesterday's question on economic impact loss for impacted areas.

o Captain Hanzalik: Also will make sure that commerce is on the phone to answer the question


Jane, SBA: Working on declarations for small business loans

o Heather Smith, DHS: This info is available on

Nandi Chhabra, WH: We will follow up with Melton individually, and also on the call tomorrow.

Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 12:46:43 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP GUlf of Mexico Update: May 18, 2010

[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],Andrea Bleistein

<[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],"Boots, Michael J."

<[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], "Jourdane, Jonathan"

<[email protected]>,[email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],"Modi, Kalpen S." <[email protected]>,

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected],

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected]

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update


BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in

the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and inform the public.


20,281 personnel responding as part of the Unified Command, plus volunteers. An

increase of more than 3,000 since Sunday.

Subsea dispersant application continues, 8,000 gallons injected on Monday.

Document ID:

230 additional specialty response vessels at work today.

1,000,000 gallons of oily water recovered and treated since yesterday.

Three new claims centers open

More than $12 million in claims paid.

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental

impacts through multiple strategies:

1. Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was successfully placed into the

leaking riser on Monday, and the tube is capturing some of the oil and gas. Crews on

the surface are working to optimize recovery rates. This remains a new technology and

both its continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain


2. Dispersant injection at the sea floor Dispersant was applied directly at the leak

site on Sunday and again on Monday night. Roughly 15,500 gallons were applied

during the two periods using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The dispersant acts

by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily through natural

processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs show

encouraging results. Additional subsea applications are subject to ongoing testing

protocols developed with the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and

state agencies.

3. Top Kill Activities

Equipment is on location near the blowout preventer (BOP) to begin work on killing

the well from the top. Manifold and bypass lines are in place to connect to valves on the

BOP. Through these valves, engineers will attempt first to pump heavy fluids and

cement directly downhole to kill the well.

An additional option to control pressure is to inject a junk shot of shredded fibrous

material into the BOP through these lines. The material will travel up the BOP and clog

the flow of the well. Once the pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement can be

Document ID:

pumped down the well to kill it.

Diagnostics are ongoing. Gamma ray surveys have been conducted to determine

the status of internal components and pressures inside the blowout preventer.

4. Drilling relief wells

On Sunday, Transoceans drillship,

Development Driller II,

began drilling the second relief well. Like the first relief well, this one is approximately

one-half mile from the Macondo well and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at

approximately 18,000 feet below seal level. The first relief well was spudded by

Transocean Development Driller III on Sunday, May 2, in a water depth of roughly 5,000

feet. This well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. It has been cased and

cemented to that depth. Testing of the BOP is continuing and drilling should begin

again within a couple of days. It is estimated the total drilling process will take at least

90 days. Once that is accomplished, and the original well has been penetrated, heavy

fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well.

5. Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is

readied to be placed over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports

that can accommodate anti-freeze in order to mitigate the formation of large volumes

of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been used at this water depth.

Significant technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be


Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 950 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including

tugs, barges and recovery boats. 46 of the boats are skimmers, designed to separate

oil from water. Approximately 182,251 barrels of oil-water mix (7.65 million gallons)

have been recovered and treated.

Surface Dispersant 588,416 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the

surface by aircraft. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works like soap by

separating the oil into small droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural

Document ID:

processes. An additional 308,000 gallons are available for deployment.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command conducted four in-situ burns on Monday.

The in-situ burning occurs on the surface using special fire-boom that collects surface

hydrocarbons which are then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

BP Announces $70 million in Tourism Grants to States On Monday, BP CEO

Tony Hayward announced the company will make an additional $70 million available to

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to promote tourism. This money is in

addition to the $100 million in block grants for accelerated implementation of Area

Contingency Plans announced on May 4. It is also supplemental to BPs private claims

process, which remains unchanged.

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide

Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate

implementation of the States approved Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency

Plans address removal of a worst case spill and are designed to mitigate or prevent a

substantial threat to sensitive areas. The money will enable local businesses to

immediately support clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is supplemental to BPs

private claims process, which remains unchanged.

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection 1,800,000 feet of both sorbent and

barrier boom have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. An

additional 1,150,000 feet of boom is being directed to staging areas.

Vessels of Opportunity Program
4,581 contracts have been approved and

1,339 vessels are active and getting paid. Participating vessels are being organized

into 25-boat task force teams to help with a variety of clean-up activities, including

transporting supplies, performing wildlife rescue, and towing and deploying booms. To

qualify for the program, operators need to meet several key requirements, including

attending a four-hour hazardous waste training session, passing a dockside

examination by the U.S. Coast Guard, and meeting crewing requirements based on the

size of the vessel provided. 54 training sessions have been held across the four states.

Document ID:

The contact number for people interested in registering for the program is (281) 366-

5511 and information about training can be found on the incident website at under volunteers. For additional information

about training call (866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers

across the Gulf where people can go for more information, to find out about the spill,

and to connect with volunteer opportunities. Training ramped up significantly this week,

with sessions held at multiple locations across the Gulf. As of today, more than 15,000

volunteers have been trained in five different training modules that range from safety for

beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and vessel

operation for laying boom. Information about training can be found on the incident

website at under volunteers.

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command continues to hold twice-

daily teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama

and Florida to ensure that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on

Command activities and to ask questions.

Wildlife Activities 1 additional report of impacted wildlife was received, bringing

the total to 36. Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 17 claims offices to help claimants through

the process. Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 17,000 claims

have been filed and approximately 3,400 of them have been paid, an increase of 700

since Monday. Approximately $12 million has been paid out. Most of the claims are for

loss of income or wages in commercial fishing, shrimping and oyster harvest, and

associated processing facilities. The contact number for claims is (800) 440-0858.

Claims office locations are listed below.

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach




Unified Area Command


Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache

Community Outreach Center, Staging

Grand Isle

Staging Area

Port Fourchon

Document ID:

Community Outreach Cen

Staging Area


Staging Area

Shell Beach

Staging Area

Staging Area

St. Mary

Staging Area


Staging Area

Belle Chasse

Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Cut Off

Claims Office

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle

Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358


Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404


Claims Office

Plaza Caillou Shopping Center

814 Grand Caillou Road

Suite 2 & 3

Houma, LA 70363

Pointe A La Hache

Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard

Document ID:

Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085


Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Community Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

New Claims Office for Terrebonne Parish opened at Houma.

Continuing to add adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to

ensure that Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.

Working with the State to coordinate food stamp programs.

Working with Catholic Charities to deliver immediate community needs of food and




Community Outreach Center, Staging


Community Outreach Center, Staging Area


Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian

Staging Area

Bay St. Louis

Claims Office

1171 Highway


Bay St. Louis,

MS 39520


Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532


Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Document ID:

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Community outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.

New Claims Office for Hancock County opened in Bay St. Louis.

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of

Opportunity deployment.

Alabama Sites:


Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Staging Area

Orange Beach

Staging Area

Staging Area





290 N.








Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach


24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Suite 1

Document ID:


Orange Beach, AL 36561

Community Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.

New Claims Office for Baldwin County opened at Orange Beach.

Volunteer update includes 59 miles of beach cleaned up.

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims, looking at opening

additional claims offices.

Working with Vessels of Opportunity volunteers on training, and repaired deployed

booms at three sites that were damaged by storm.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg

Incident Command Post

Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City
St. Joe

Staging Area

Staging Area

St. Marks
Ft. Walton

Staging Area

Claims Office

348 SW Miracle Strip Pkwy

Suite 13

Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

Gulf Breeze

Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Panama City

Claims Office

7938 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408


Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Document ID:

Pensacola, FL 32507

Port St. Joe

Claims Office

106 Trade Circle

Suite A

Port St. Joe, FL 32456

Community Outreach Centers are now open in 7 counties.

New Claims Office for Gulf County opened at Port St. Joe.

Volunteer update includes 130 miles of beach cleaned up.

Holding town hall meetings with vessel owners and coordinating training for Vessels

of Opportunity volunteers.

Working with counties to review Area Contingency Plans and identify booming and

beach clean up priorities.

Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach

(866) 448-5816

or shoreline or other environment or community impacts and

access the Rapid Response Team


to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife (866) 557-1401


to request volunteer information

(866) 448-5816

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or

(281) 366-5511

submit information on alternative response technology, services,

products or suggestions

Vessels of Opportunity
to assist with response

to report and register boats available

(281) 366-5511

Training for questions about training requirements, times and

(866) 905-4492 or (866)

locations, and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit

email suggestions to horizonresponse@piersystemcom

(281) 366-3123

Investor Relations

(800) 440-0858

Joint Information Center

Robert, LA

Media and information

(985) 902-5231 or (985)


Joint Information Center


Mobile, AL

Media and information

(251) 445-8965

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

Document ID:

BP Family

and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578

Twitter: Oil Spill 2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 10:18:37 -0400

John Rapp <[email protected]>

Subject: Interagency Seafood Safety Call - Notes

"Sarri, Kristen" <[email protected]>

_HQ Deep Water Horizon Staff <[email protected]>,Monica Medina

<[email protected]>


Here are a few points on what was discussed after you left the meeting. Please let me know if

you have any questions.


Baseline data:

Discussion focused on what efforts have been or are being used to collect baseline

information. NOAAs Mussel W atch Program, vessel sampling by Federal and State

agencies, and data collected post Katrina are among the efforts are being used. NMFS will

send a paper that includes toxicity levels measured post Katrina to interested members on

the call.


NOAA will be looking for dispersants in testing. EPA was asked to provide the chemical

makeup of the dispersant as FDA and NOAA indicated that this is necessary for testing.

Samples of the dispersant have been sent to NOAA labs.

Future sampling:

W ater sampling both on the surface and the subsurface should be used to inform fishing


NOAA is conducting waters samples as are the States

Toxicity levels:

There will be a call today to discuss toxicity levels and appropriate contaminant exposures

levels. OMB will set up this call. A time has not be set.

Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 10:32:46 -0400

[email protected]

Subject: Dispersant make-up

[email protected]

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Per your voice mail on a phone call to discuss the makeup of

dispersants, I recommend that Steve Murawski be on the call. I also

understand that Robert Haddad of OR&R should be included

([email protected]).


Document ID:


Per your voice mail on a phone call to discuss the makeup of

dispersants, I recommend that Steve Murawski be on the call. I also

understand that Robert Haddad of OR&R should be included

([email protected]).


Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 11:21:37 -0400

Jason Rolfe <[email protected]>

Subject: NIC Request

_HQ Deep Water Horizon Staff <[email protected]>,Dave Westerholm

<[email protected]>,William Conner <[email protected]>,Roger L Parsons

<[email protected]>,Robert Pavia <[email protected]>, Charlie Henry

<[email protected]>,Demian Bailey <[email protected]>

Mark W Miller <[email protected]>, [email protected],ICC Deputy

<[email protected]>

Mark Miller and I just met with CAPT Scott Beeson, NIC Situation Unit Chief of Staff. He's

concerned that there is a large number of academic science vessels operating in the Gulf

attempting to gather information on the existance/location of subsurface oil. The number of

research vessels offering assistance will likely increase and as we understood it, their activities

could impact response actions.

CAPT Beeson thought that Area Command might benefit from a single NOAA "Surface

Platform Czar" who works with all vessels including these academic vessels to ensure their

activities are known, the cruise results and data are made available to Unified Command/NOAA

in a coordinated way; parallel position to NOAA CAPT Michelle Finn (Air Czar).

Charlie and Demian, we know you have been looking at this. Any luck in identifying

someone? Can we here at the NIC help to find an appropriate NOAA person to help coordinate

academic science vessels? Roger Parsons is on board as NIC Chief of Staff.

Second request - CAPT Beeson suggested that the NIC, NOAA and Coast Guard would benefit

from a senior NOAA scientist who could be the single senior Science point of contact to the

NIC. The issue was that there were some very complex issues that we are being pressed on that

involves multiple agencies as well as varied academic connections - subsurface oil, loop current,

dispersants, and This person would need to be conversant in NOAA science assets as well as

broad agency and academic experience . He also requested that this person brief ADM Allen

within the next day or so. W e can work with CAPT Beeson on specific issues to be discussed.

Can the folks on this email at HCHB consider this single POC for NOAA science?

Document ID:

Wed, 19 May 2010 18:09:55 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: Atlantic Coast Governor's Call

[email protected], 'John Gray' <[email protected]>,'Monica Medina'

<[email protected]>,"'Jacqueline J. Rousseau'"

<[email protected]>,[email protected], "'Robert.Haddad'"

<[email protected]>,[email protected], [email protected]

"'Ramos, William'" <[email protected]>


Agency Representatives:

Adm. Watson- NIC

Monica Medina and Bob Haddad- NOAA

John Perciasepe-EPA


Crist- Florida

Sanford- South Carolina

Perdue North Carolina


Adm. W atson: gave the NIC situation and leak stabilization report

Monica Medina gave an update on the oils potential into the loop current

EPA Deputy Administrator Perciasepe gave a report on dispersants and toxicity


Governor Crist: wanted clarification when there would be actual sighting on the Florida coast.

Answer: In 8-10 days.

Document ID:

Lisa Capone- Massachusetts Office of Energy (?)

Question: Do we expect the oil in New England?

Answer: No

Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources representative

Question: Wanted to know why we cant get a handle on how much oil is in the actual flow

from the well?

Answer: -

Linda D. Belton

NOAA Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Phone: (202) 482-5447

Cell: (202) 302-7148

Fax: (202) 482-4960

email: [email protected]

Document ID:

Thu, 20 May 2010 13:59:17 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 19

Apologies for late arrival of this update for Wednesday, May 19.

Please let us know if you have questions.

Brian Miller and Chad Calvert

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/19/2010 9:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and inform the public.


19,403 personnel responding as part of the Unified Command, plus volunteers.

Subsea dispersant application continues, 5,250 gallons injected on Tuesday.

218,000 gallons of oily water recovered and treated.

New claims center opened in Florida.

$4 million in additional claims paid since Monday.

Document ID:

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts through

multiple strategies:

Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was successfully placed into the leaking riser on

Monday, and the tube is capturing approximately 3,000 barrels of oil per day. Crews on the surface are

working to optimize recovery rates. This remains a new technology and both its continued operation and

its effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain uncertain.

2. Dispersant injection at the sea floor Dispersant application at the main leak continued on

Tuesday with 5,250 gallons injected into the flow using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The

dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily through natural

processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs show encouraging

results. Additional subsea applications are subject to ongoing testing protocols developed with the

Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and state agencies.


Top Kill Activities

Equipment is on location near the blowout preventer (BOP) to work on killing the well from the top.

Manifold and bypass lines are connected to valves on the BOP. Through these valves, engineers will

attempt first to pump heavy fluids and cement directly downhole to kill the well.

The control yellow pod was deployed and riser connectors are on location and prepared for


An additional option to control pressure is to inject a junk shot of shredded fibrous material into the

BOP through these lines. The material will travel up the BOP and clog the flow of the well. Once the

pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped down the well to kill it.

Diagnostics are ongoing. Gamma ray surveys have been completed to determine the status of

internal components and pressures inside the blowout preventer.

4. Drilling relief wells On Sunday, Transoceans drillship,

Development Driller II, began drilling the

second relief well. Like the first relief well, this one is approximately one-half mile from the Macondo well

and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below seal level. The first

relief well was spudded by Transocean

Development Driller III on Sunday, May 2, in a water depth of

roughly 5,000 feet. This well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. It has been cased and

cemented to that depth. Testing of the BOP is continuing and drilling should begin again within a couple

of days. It is estimated the total drilling process will take at least 90 days. Once that is accomplished,

and the original well has been penetrated, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the


Document ID:


Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is readied to be

placed over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-

freeze in order to mitigate the formation of large volumes of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been used at this water depth. Significant

technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be successful.

Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 932 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

andrecovery boats. 46 of the boats are skimmers, designed to separate oil from water. Approximately

187,476 barrels of oil-water mix (7.87 million gallons) have been recovered and treated.

Surface Dispersant 600,716 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by aircraft,

an increase of 11,709 gallons since Monday. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works like

soap by separating the oil into small droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural processes.

An additional 320,000 gallons are available for deployment.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command conducted 5 additional in-situ burns on Tuesday. The in-

situ burning occurs on the surface using special fire-boom that collects surface hydrocarbons which are

then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

BP Announces $70 million in Tourism Grants to States On Monday, BP CEO Tony Hayward

announced the company will make an additional $70 million available to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama

and Florida to promote tourism. This money is in addition to the $100 million in block grants for

accelerated implementation of Area Contingency Plans announced on May 4. It is also supplemental to

BPs private claims process, which remains unchanged

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide Louisiana,

Florida, Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate implementation of the States approved

Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a worst case spill and are designed

to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The money will enable local businesses to

immediately support clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is supplemental to BPs private claims

Document ID:

process, which remains unchanged.

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection 1,925,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier boom

have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. An additional 1,150,000 feet of boom is

being directed to staging areas.

4,581 contracts have been approved and 1,339 vessels are

Vessels of Opportunity Program

active and getting paid. Participating vessels are being organized into 25-boat task force teams to help

with a variety of clean-up activities, including transporting supplies, performing wildlife rescue, and towing

and deploying booms. To qualify for the program, operators need to meet several key requirements,

including attending a four-hour hazardous waste training session, passing a dockside examination by the

U.S. Coast Guard, and meeting crewing requirements based on the size of the vessel provided. 54

training sessions have been held across the four states. The contact number for people interested in

registering for the program is (281) 366-5511 and information about training can be found on the incident

website at under volunteers. For additional information about

training call (866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across the Gulf where

people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with volunteer

opportunities. Training ramped up significantly this week, with sessions held at multiple locations across

the Gulf. As of today, 13,339 volunteers have been trained in five different training modules that range

from safety for beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and vessel

operation for laying boom. Information about training can be found on the incident website at under volunteers.

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command continues to hold twice-daily

teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to ensure

that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on Command activities and to ask questions.

Wildlife Activities 2 additional reports of impacted wildlife were received, bringing the total to 38.

Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 18 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 19,000 claims have been filed and

approximately $16 million has been paid out, an increase of $4 million since Monday. Most of the claims

are for loss of income or wages in commercial fishing, shrimping and oyster harvest, and associated

processing facilities. Note: No person asserting a claim or receiving payment for interim benefits will be

asked or required to sign a release or waive any rights to assert additional claims, to file an individual

legal action, or to participate in other legal actions associated with the Deepwater Horizon incident. The

contact number for claims is (800) 440-0858. In person claims can be filed at office locations listed

below. Claims can also be filed online at:

Document ID:

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

St. Mary Staging Area

Amelia Staging


Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Cut Off Claims Office

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Houma Claims Office

Plaza Caillou Shopping Center

814 Grand Caillou Road

Suite 2 & 3

Houma, LA 70363

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

Document ID:

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Community Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

Continuing to add adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.

Working with the State to coordinate food stamp programs.

Working with Catholic Charities to deliver immediate community needs of food and clothing.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Bay St. Louis

Claims Office

1171 Highway 90

Bay St. Louis, MS


Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Document ID:

Community outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.

Volunteer update includes 37 miles of beach cleaned up.

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of Opportunity


Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area





290 N.





AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach Claims Office

24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Suite 1

Orange Beach, AL 36561

Community Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.

Volunteer update includes 59 miles of beach cleaned up.

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims, looking at opening additional claims offices.

Document ID:

Working with Vessels of Opportunity volunteers on training, and repaired deployed booms at three

sites that were damaged by storm.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area

St. Joe Staging Area

St. Marks Staging Area

Apalachicola Claims Office


194 14


Suite 105

Apalachicola, FL 32320

Ft. Walton



348 SW


Strip Pkwy

Suite 13



Beach, FL


Gulf Breeze Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Panama City Claims Office

7938 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408

Pensacola Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Port St. Joe Claims Office

106 Trade Circle

Document ID:

Suite A

Port St. Joe, FL 32456

Community Outreach Centers are now open in 7 counties.

New Claims Office for Franklin County opened at Apalachicola.

Volunteer update includes 130 miles of beach cleaned up.

Holding town hall meetings with vessel owners and coordinating training for Vessels of Opportunity


Working with counties to review Area Contingency Plans and identify booming and beach clean up


Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

(866) 448-5816

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

with response

(281) 366-5511

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to horizonresponse@piersystemcom

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Claims by phone

(800) 440-0858


Joint Information Center Robert, LA Media and information center

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-

Joint Information Center Mobile, AL Media and information center

(251) 445-8965

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578

Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Document ID:


Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Thu, 20 May 2010 19:15:21 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: Pre-brief at 9:05 on Friday

[email protected], 'John Gray' <[email protected]>,[email protected],

[email protected], [email protected]

As noted, John Gray has again agreed to do the calls in the morning. Again, it is requested if Dave

W esterholm, or one of his staff, could talk about the loop current.

Beth, I will let you know tomorrow who will do the calls Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

From: McGrath, Shaun L. [mailto:Shaun L. [email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:26 PM

To: McGrath, Shaun L.; Belton, Linda; Monica Medina; [email protected]; Tennyson, Stephanie L;

[email protected]; Lori Faeth; Kayyem, Juliette; Murk, David CDR

Subject: Pre brief at 9:05 on Friday


Draft agenda for the call tomorrow is below. Please let me know if there are any changes.

Friday, May 21 Call with Governors

9:05 a.m. pre-brief; 9:15 Governors




Please lim it participation in the pre-conf erence to speak ers and essential staf f .


Opening remarks (Valerie Jarrett)

Document ID:

Observations and Trajectory John Gray, NOAA

NOAA will provide the latest observations and trajectories

Loop Current

o Barbour how close does the loop current get to the Gulf Coast? (have we sent out pictures

of the loop current trajectories?)

Jindal what is the form of the oil as it moves West? How far inland will it move?

Situation and Leak Stabilization Update RADM Peter Neffenger, NIC

o Latest information from National Incident Command, including current status of efforts to

stabilize the leaks.

Operations Report RADM Mary Landry, UAC

Response Plans and Boom

o Jindal have we confirmed the oil in Marsh Is. is BP? (Landry we will get you that


Jindal pay particularly close attention to Terrebonne and Timbalier Bay

o Jindal Again urged approval of the barrier. Neffenger said that Adm Allen is trying to

schedule a call with him today. (We need to circulate the latest talking points, and be prepared

on messaging after that conversation.)

EPA Update EPA Dep Admin BobPerciasepe

Barbour If data is showing that the current dispersant is effective, why are we changing it?

Wildlife Impacts Eileen Sobeck, FWS

Marine Wildlife Impacts and Fisheries Closures John Gray, NOAA

Document ID:

Open discussion and Q&A with Governors and state officials

Next call 9:15 a.m. EDT (8:15 CDT) Saturday, May 22, 2010

Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 13:33:42 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update

BP issued the following press release this morning regarding live feed of the riser leak source. I also

attach last nights update.

Please let me know if you have questions, Karen.

BP Press Release

May 21, 2010


Today BP launched a live webcam of the riser flow. The webcam can be viewed at

BP has been providing a live feed to government entities over the last two weeks including the US

Department of the Interior, US Coast Guard, Minerals Management Service (MMS) through the Unified

Area Command center in Louisiana as well as to BP and industry scientists and engineers involved in

the effort to stop the spill.

BP continues its work to collect oil by the riser insertion tube tool (RITT) containment system. Once on

the drillship Discoverer Enterprise, the oil is then being stored and gas is being flared. The RITT remains

a new technology and both its continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas

remain uncertain.

BP has, and will continue, to support the governments work to determine the rate of flow from the well.

Since the Deepwater Horizon accident, the flow rate estimate has been established by the Unified

Command. Throughout the process, BP has made it a priority to quickly and consistently provide the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Coast Guard with requested

information for the joint command structure to make as accurate an assessment as possible of the rate of


The rate of flow from the riser is determined in a number of ways and by a number of variables. For

instance, while the original riser was 19.5 inches in diameter prior to the Deepwater Horizon accident,

damage sustained during the accident distorted the diameter at the end of the pipe by about 30 per cent.

In addition, a drill pipe currently trapped inside the riser has reduced the flow area by an additional 10 per

cent. Thus, some third party estimates of flow, which assume a 19.5 inch diameter, are inaccurate. As

well, there is natural gas in the riser. Data on the hydrocarbons recovered to date suggests that the

proportion of gas in the plume exiting the riser is, on average, approximately 50 percent.

To provide further specificity on the flow rate, the US government has created a Flow Rate Technical

Team (FRTT) to develop a more precise estimate. The FRTT includes the US Coast Guard, NOAA, MMS,

Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Geological Survey. The FRTT is mandated to produce a report

by close of business on Saturday, May 22.

To support this, BP is in the process of providing FRTT with all requested information, including diagrams

and schematics showing release points, amounts of oil and gas currently being collected on the

Discoverer Enterprise, and subsea video of the oil release point.


Document ID:

BP Press Office London: +44 20 7496 4076

BP Press office, US: +1 281 366 0265

Unified Command Joint Information Center:+1 985-902-5231


Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/20/2010 8:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and inform the public.


24,759 personnel responding as part of the Unified Command, plus volunteers, an increase of more

than 5,000 since Tuesday.

Riser Insertion Tube continues to capture oil and natural gas from the primary leak.

50 additional specialty cleanup vessels were deployed on Thursday.

Subsea dispersant application continued, 3,463 gallons injected Wednesday.

497,000 gallons of oily water recovered and treated since Tuesday.

$4 million in additional claims paid on Wednesday.

Offshore Sea Floor

Document ID:

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts through

multiple strategies:

Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was successfully placed into the leaking riser on

Monday, and is consistency capturing oil and natural gas. Crews on the surface continue to work to

optimize recovery rates. This remains a new technology and both its continued operation and its

effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain uncertain.

2. Dispersant injection at the sea floor Dispersant application at the main leak continued on

Tuesday with 3,463 gallons injected into the flow using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The

dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily through natural

processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs show encouraging

results. Additional subsea applications are subject to ongoing testing protocols developed with the

Environmental Protection Agency and other federal and state agencies.


Top Kill Activities

Equipment is on location near the blowout preventer (BOP) to work on killing the well from the top.

Manifold and bypass lines are connected to valves on the BOP. Through these valves, engineers will

attempt first to pump heavy fluids and cement directly downhole to kill the well.

The control yellow pod was deployed and riser connectors are on location and being connected.

Engineers will pressure test the system and are prepared to make a first attempt to top kill the well

sometime this weekend.

An additional option to control pressure is to inject a junk shot of shredded fibrous material into the

BOP through these lines. The material will travel up the BOP and clog the flow of the well. Once the

pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped down the well to kill it.

Diagnostics are ongoing. Gamma ray surveys have been completed to determine the status of

internal components and pressures inside the blowout preventer.

4. Drilling relief wells On Sunday, Transoceans drillship,

Development Driller II, began drilling the

second relief well. Like the first relief well, this one is approximately one-half mile from the Macondo well

and will attempt to intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below seal level. The first

relief well was spudded by Transocean

Development Driller III on Sunday, May 2, in a water depth of

roughly 5,000 feet. This well has been drilled to 9,000 feet below sea level. It has been cased and

cemented to that depth. Testing of the BOP is complete and drilling began again on Thursday. It is

estimated the total drilling process will take at least 90 days. Once that is accomplished, and the original

well has been penetrated, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well.


Containment Recovery System

A containment dome, called a top hat, has been deployed to the sea floor and is readied to be

Document ID:

placed over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-

freeze in order to mitigate the formation of large volumes of frozen hydrates.

It is important to note that this technology has never been used at this water depth. Significant

technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be successful.

Offshore Surface Spill Response

Cleanup Vessels 988 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

andrecovery boats. 54 of the boats are skimmers, designed to separate oil from water. Approximately

199,325 barrels of oil-water mix (8.37 million gallons) have been recovered and treated, an increase of

nearly 500,000 gallons.

Surface Dispersant 604,066 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by aircraft,

an increase of 3,350 gallons since Tuesday. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works like

soap by separating the oil into small droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural processes.

An additional 346,000 gallons are available for deployment. BP is working with the EPA to identify

alternative effective dispersants for deployment.

In-Situ Burning The Unified Command conducted an additional 6 in-situ burns on Wednesday.

The in-situ burning occurs on the surface using special fire-boom that collects surface hydrocarbons

which are then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

BP Provides $70 million in Tourism Grants to States On Monday, BP made $70 million

available to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to promote tourism. This money is in addition to

the $100 million in block grants for accelerated implementation of Area Contingency Plans announced on

May 4. It is also supplemental to BPs private claims process, which remains unchanged

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide Louisiana,

Florida, Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate implementation of the States approved

Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a worst case spill and are designed

to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The money is supporting businesses in

clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is supplemental to BPs private claims process, which remains


Document ID:

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection 1,925,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier boom

have been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas. An additional 1,150,000 feet of boom is

being directed to staging areas.

Vessels of Opportunity Program

Nearly 5,000 contracts have been approved and 1,340

vessels are active and getting paid.

Volunteers and Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across the Gulf where

people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with volunteer

opportunities. Volunteers are being trained in five different modules that range from safety for beach

clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and vessel operation for laying boom.

Information about training can be found on the incident website at

under volunteers.

Informing Community Leaders The Unified Command continues to hold twice-daily

teleconferences with mayors and community leaders across Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to ensure

that elected officials have an opportunity to be updated on Command activities and to ask questions.

Wildlife Activities 13 additional reports of impacted wildlife were received, bringing the total to

51. One turtle has been recovered and cleaned that was affected by oil. Wildlife rehabilitation sites are

located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 18 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 20,000 claims have been filed and more than

9,000 paid, totalling approximately $20 million, an increase of $4 million since Tuesday. Most of the

claims are for loss of income or wages in commercial fishing, shrimping and oyster harvest, and

associated processing facilities. Note: No person asserting a claim or receiving payment for interim

benefits will be asked or required to sign a release or waive any rights to assert additional claims, to file

an individual legal action, or to participate in other legal actions associated with the Deepwater Horizon

incident. The contact number for claims is (800) 440-0858. In person claims can be filed at office

locations listed below. Claims can also be filed online at:

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Document ID:

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

St. Mary Staging Area

Amelia Staging


Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Cut Off Claims Office

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Houma Claims Office

Plaza Caillou Shopping Center

814 Grand Caillou Road

Suite 2 & 3

Houma, LA 70363

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

Document ID:

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038

Community Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

Continuing to add adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Bay St. Louis

Claims Office

1171 Highway 90

Bay St. Louis, MS


Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563

Community outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.

Volunteer update includes 37 miles of beach cleaned up.

Continuing to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of Opportunity


Opened a new community outreach office in Gulfport to serve Harrison County.

Document ID:


Theodore Staging Area


Command Post,

Community Outreach

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area






290 N.





AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach Claims Office

24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Suite 1

Orange Beach, AL 36561

Community Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.

Volunteer update includes 59 miles of beach cleaned up.

Staffing claims centers with adjusters to process claims, looking at opening additional claims offices.

New training for shoreline protection organized in Mobile and Robertsdale.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area

St. Joe Staging Area

St. Marks Staging Area

Apalachicola Claims Office

Document ID:



194 14

Suite 105

Apalachicola, FL 32320

Ft. Walton



348 SW


Strip Pkwy

Suite 13



Beach, FL


Gulf Breeze Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Panama City Claims Office

7938 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408

Pensacola Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Port St. Joe Claims Office

106 Trade Circle

Suite A

Port St. Joe, FL 32456

Community Outreach Centers are now open in 7 counties.

New Claims Office for Franklin County opened at Apalachicola.

Volunteer update includes 130 miles of beach cleaned up.

Document ID:

Working with counties to review Area Contingency Plans and identify booming and beach clean up


Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

(866) 448-5816

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

with response

(281) 366-5511

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to horizonresponse@piersystemcom

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Claims by phone

(800) 440-0858


Joint Information Center Robert, LA Media and information center

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-


Joint Information Center Mobile, AL Media and information center

(251) 445-8965

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578

Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

Document ID:

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 11:12:46 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: Notes from Governors Call May 21

[email protected], 'John Gray' <[email protected]>,[email protected],

[email protected],'Monica Medina' <[email protected]>,'Amanda Hallberg'

<[email protected]>,'Margaret Spring' <[email protected]>,

[email protected],"'Jacqueline J. Rousseau'" <[email protected]>,'John Oliver'

<[email protected]>

Moderator: Valerie Jarrett

Governors: Jindal

David Westerholm mentioned that the crab traps were neg on subsurface oil. (Action

item: are these results available to give to the Governors and local officials?)

Gov. Jindal asked about how far we can expect the oil to move west. Westerholm said

that currents are keeping it east of Atchafalya and do not see anything to keep it further

west that will depend on the winds.

Adm. Neffenger top kill commences on May 25; will take 2-3 days.

Adm. Neffenger also reported on the establishment of a team to determine the flow rate.

W ill be an independent, peer-reviewed study to determine following:

Actual daily flow

Looking at plume and where it goes

Total volume released

o Total reservoir capacity (long-term implications how long can this flow if not capped?) this

is important for claims

W e will let Govs know as soon as we have the findings.

Adm. Landry we will keep Gov apprised of the impacts of oil on shoreline we can

expect (when, where and type of oil) based on our trajectories

Adm. Landry we put pressure on BP to increase the focus on Terrebonne; Landry

hopefully we will see today whether we are successful in mitigating the oils movement into the


Adm. Landry employing more fishermen. Said Gov would hopefully see that today on

his flight. Said to let us know if not seeing it.

Document ID:

Gov. Jindal what is flow out ofinsertion tube 2200 or 5000 barrels per day. When will

there be a better quantification of much is actually being released? There is a mixture of

liquefied gas and oil.

Gov. Jindal are we changing subsea dispersant? EPA continuing to monitor dispersant


Gov. Jindal thanks for talking to BP. We need more boom and also someone there to

release the boom already stockpiled

Linda D. Belton

NOAA Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Phone: (202) 482-5447

Cell: (202) 302-7148

Fax: (202) 482-4960

email: [email protected]

Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 14:33:16 -0400

John Rapp <[email protected]>

Subject: Bullets on the Gunter cruise

Justin Kenney <[email protected]>,Scott Smullen <[email protected]>,Jennifer

Austin <[email protected]>

Jessica Kondel <[email protected]>,Samuel Rauch <[email protected]>,

John Oliver <[email protected]>,Eric Schwaab <[email protected]>,'Steve Murawski'

<[email protected]>,Jenni Wallace <[email protected]>,Brian Pawlak

<[email protected]>,Lauren B Lugo <[email protected]>,Rebecca Chiampi

<[email protected]>,Gloria Thompson <[email protected]>,_HQ Deep Water

Horizon Staff <[email protected]>,Christopher Meaney <[email protected]>

Justin, Scott, and Jen:

Talking points on the Gunter and W eatherbird cruises were requested on this mornings 8am call.

The points below have been cleared by Steve Murawski (NMFS) and are ready for your review

and clearance (should you feel that's necessary).

Knowledge of the extent and density of subsurface plumes is vital to NOAAs response

activities including development of fishery closures, rescue of marine wildlife, and

protection of human health.

The R/V Gordon Gunter and R/V W eatherbird II will embark on a cruise to map the 3

structure of the plume of sub surface

oil and dispersants. Scientists on the

vessels will also characterize the rates and directions of flows including the possibility of

entrainment into the Loop Current.

An additional component of the cruises is the sampling of sub surface


communities. This information will help NOAA and its partners understand the potential

impacts of sub surface

oil and dispersants on affected ecosystems.

The R/V Gordon Gunter and R/V W eatherbird II will embark on a 7-day proof-of-concept

study. Should the technology prove effective, the effort could be expanded to more vessels

and for increased durations.

There is great interest in verifying the hypothesis that layers of oil, or plumes, exist at

depth in the Gulf of Mexico. Should they be present, more questions about the nature and

extent of the layers exist. This partnership among federal, academic and industry employs

several technologies to address these questions.


Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 15:22:12 -0400

Linda belton <[email protected]>

Subject: FW: Pre-brief at 9:05 on Saturday

[email protected], 'John Gray' <[email protected]>,[email protected],

[email protected],'Monica Medina' <[email protected]>,'Margaret Spring'

<[email protected]>

"'Jacqueline J. Rousseau'" <[email protected]>,[email protected], 'John

Oliver' <[email protected]>,[email protected]

Beth, John Gray will do the Governors calls on Saturday and Sunday; with David Kennedy.

I believe Monica will be back on Monday. Monica please let me know if this is not correct.

You will notice that fishery closure and wildlife impacts report have been removed from the

agenda; we do not have to report on this unless there is a significant change or request.

From: McGrath, Shaun L. [mailto:Shaun L. [email protected]]

Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 12:27 PM

To: McGrath, Shaun L.; Belton, Linda; Monica Medina; [email protected]; Tennyson, Stephanie L;

[email protected]; Lori Faeth; Kayyem, Juliette; Murk, David CDR

Subject: Pre brief at 9:05 on Saturday


Draft agenda for the call tomorrow is below. Please let me know if there are any changes.

Saturday, May 22 Call with Governors

9:05 a.m. pre-brief; 9:15 Governors




[Guest Pin:


Please lim it participation in the pre-conf erence to speak ers and essential staf f .

Document ID:


Opening remarks (Valerie Jarrett)


Observations and Trajectory John Gray and David Kennedy, NOAA

NOAA will provide the latest observations and trajectories

Loop Current

o David Westerholm mentioned that the crab traps were neg on subsurface oil. We need a

report out on the findings from all of the crab trap tests.

Jindal asked about how far we can expect the oil to move West.

Situation and Leak Stabilization Update RADM Peter Neffenger, NIC

o Latest information from National Incident Command, including current status of efforts to

stabilize the leaks.

Neffenger top kill commences on May 25; will take 2-3 days

o Neffenger have established a team to determine the flow rate. Will be an independent, peer-

reviewed study to determine actual daily flow, plume movement, total volume, and total

reservoir capacity. We will let Govs know as soon as we have the findings.

Jindal what is flow out of insertion tube 2200 or 5000 barrels per day

o Jindal Urged decision on the barrier proposal. Mentioned that he will talk to Adm Allen at

10:00 today (NOTE: that is the wrong time)

Operations Report RADM Mary Landry, UAC

Response Plans and Boom

o Landry we will keep Gov apprised of the impacts he can expect (when, where and type of

oil) based on our trajectories

Landry we put pressure on BP to increase the focus on Terrebonne. We will see today

Document ID:

whether BP follows.

o Landry hopefully we will see today whether we are successful in mitigating the oils

movement into the marshes

o Landry employing more fisherman. Said Gov would hopefully see that today on his flight.

Said to let us know if not seeing it.

o Jindal thanks for talking to BP. We need more boom and also someone there to release the

boom already stockpiled

EPA Update EPA Dep Admin BobPerciasepe

Jindal are we changing subsea dispersant?

Open discussion and Q&A with Governors and state officials

Next call 9:15 a.m. EDT (8:15 CDT) Sunday, May 23, 2010

Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 16:40:29 -0400

David Holst <[email protected]>

Subject: DOC meeting

Jainey Bavishi <[email protected]>, John Rapp <[email protected]>

Jainey and John,

Some items to mention at the DOC Coordination meeting. Not sure if you were on the Science

summit call today, but below are some highlights.

Flow Rate

Flow Rate Technical Group received new ROV video from BP Thursday evening. The

videos are specific to April 30, May 1, May 2. These videos will be used by the Plume

Analysis Team to produce a revised estimate of flow rate. They are planning to have a

flow rate by this weekend (maybe early next week).

The collection rate of 5,000 barrels reported yesterday was an instantaneous rate, not a per

day output. A constant (per day) collection rate of 2,200 barrels is considered to be more


Science Summit

Gabriele has put together a paper that describes this. Key points:

will take place in two weeks in LA;

COL and UH will organize it;

W ill consist of the smaller dispersants workshop followed by the larger one-day

science summit the following day;

1/2 day of fed presentations on current status and science, followed by 1/2 day of

breakouts focused on specific issues

Dr. L will be discussing with principals this weekend. Likely announced next week.

Justin is working the communication side.

Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 17:50:13 -0400

John Rapp <[email protected]>

Subject: [Fwd: Bullets on the Gunter cruise]

"Reich, Jay" <[email protected]>, "Sarri, Kristen" <[email protected]>

Margaret Spring <[email protected]>,Monica Medina <[email protected]>,

Sally Yozell <[email protected]>,_HQ Deep Water Horizon Staff <[email protected]>


Per your request during the DOC/NOAA Coordination meeting, I'm sending you information for

Secretary Locke's situational awareness regarding the Gunter and W eatherbird cruises. This

information has not been cleared by the W hite House and is only meant for internal use.


-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Bullets on the Gunter cruise

Date:Fri, 21 May 2010 14:33:16 -0400

From:John Rapp <[email protected]>

To:Justin Kenney <[email protected]>,

Scott Smullen <[email protected]>,

Jennifer Austin <[email protected]>

CC:Jessica Kondel <[email protected]>,

Samuel Rauch <[email protected]>,

John Oliver <[email protected]>, Eric

Schwaab <[email protected]>, 'Steve

Murawski' <[email protected]>, Jenni

W allace <Jenni.W [email protected]>, Brian

Pawlak <[email protected]>, Lauren B

Lugo <[email protected]>, Rebecca

Chiampi <[email protected]>,

Gloria Thompson

<[email protected]>, HQ Deep

W ater Horizon Staff <[email protected]>,

Christopher Meaney

<[email protected]>

Justin, Scott, and Jen:

Talking points on the Gunter and W eatherbird cruises were requested on this mornings 8am call.

The points below have been cleared by Steve Murawski (NMFS) and are ready for your review

and clearance (should you feel that's necessary).

Knowledge of the extent and density of subsurface plumes is vital to NOAAs response

activities including development of fishery closures, rescue of marine wildlife, and

protection of human health.

The R/V Gordon Gunter and R/V W eatherbird II will embark on a cruise to map the 3

structure of the plume of sub surface

oil and dispersants. Scientists on the

Document ID:

vessels will also characterize the rates and directions of flows including the possibility of

entrainment into the Loop Current.

An additional component of the cruises is the sampling of sub surface


communities. This information will help NOAA and its partners understand the potential

impacts of sub surface

oil and dispersants on affected ecosystems.

The R/V Gordon Gunter and R/V Weatherbird II will embark on a 7-day proof-of-concept

study. Should the technology prove effective, the effort could be expanded to more vessels

and for increased durations.

There is great interest in verifying the hypothesis that layers of oil, or plumes, exist at

depth in the Gulf of Mexico. Should they be present, more questions about the nature and

extent of the layers exist. This partnership among federal, academic and industry employs

several technologies to address these questions.


Document ID:

Fri, 21 May 2010 18:31:34 -0400

"Jainey.Bavishi" <[email protected]>

Subject: Fishermen getting sick from dispersants

"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'"

<[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>

Scott and Jen,

At the DOC Coordination Meeting today, Jen Costanza mentioned that she saw a headline on

CNN that read "Fishermen getting sick from dispersants." She was wondering if we had

received any press inquiries on this. Could you let me know so that I can get back to her?



Document ID:

Sat, 22 May 2010 01:39:33 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 21, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/21/2010 5:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and inform the public.



personnel responding as part of the Unified Command, plus volunteers.

100 additional

specialty cleanup vessels deployed, 1,085 vessels active.


dispersant application is ongoing, 14,210 gallons injected Thursday.


gallons of additional oily water recovered and treated on Thursday.


million in additional claims paid on Thursday.


of relief wells continues.

Live video

link from the ROV monitoring the damaged riser internet/globalbp/globalbp uk english/homepage/STA

GING/local assets/bp homepage/html/rov stream.html

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts through

multiple strategies:

Document ID:

1. Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool was successfully placed into the leaking riser on

Monday. Over the last twenty-four hours it collected approximately 2,200 barrels of oil and 15 million

standard cubic feet of natural gas. Crews on the surface continue to work to optimize recovery rates.

This remains a new technology and both its continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing the oil

and gas remain uncertain.

2. Dispersant injection at the sea floor Dispersant application at the main leak continued on

Thursday with 14,210 gallons injected into the flow using Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The

dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that can break down more easily through natural

processes before it reaches the surface. Sonar testing and aerial photographs show encouraging



Top Kill Activities

The manifold

and bypass lines are connected to valves on the blowout preventer (BOP).

Through these valves, engineers will attempt first to pump heavy fluids and cement directly downhole to

kill the well.

The control

yellow pod was deployed and riser connectors are on location and being

connected. Engineers will pressure test the system and are prepared to make a first attempt to top kill

the well sometime in the next few days.

An additional

option to control pressure is to inject a junk shot of shredded fibrous material into

the BOP through these lines. The material will travel up the BOP and clog the flow of the well. Once the

pressure is controlled, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped down the well to kill it.


Drilling relief wells Drilling of both relief wells is proceeding.

The first

relief well (work being performed by the Development Driller III) is at approximately

10,000 feet below sea level.

The second

relief well (work being performed by Development Driller II) is at approximately 6,800

feet below sea level.


are situated approximately one-half mile from the Macondo well and will attempt to

intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below seal level. It is estimated the total

drilling process for each well will take at least 90 days. Once that is accomplished, and the original well

has been penetrated, heavy fluids and cement can be pumped downhole to kill the well.


Containment Recovery System

A containment

dome, called a top hat, is deployed on the sea floor and readied to be placed

over the main leak, if needed. It is designed with injection ports that can accommodate anti-freeze in

order to mitigate the formation of large volumes of frozen hydrates. This technology has never been

used at this water depth. Significant technical and operational challenges must be overcome for it to be

Document ID:


Offshore Surface Spill Response


Vessels 1,085 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

and recovery boats. 56 of the boats are skimmers, designed to separate oil from water.


On Thursday, approximately 13,600 barrels (571,000 gallons) of oil-water mix were

recovered. To date, approximately 213,000 barrels of oil-water mix (8.95 million gallons) have been

recovered and treated.


Dispersant 604,066 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the surface by

aircraft. The dispersant is a biodegradable chemical that works like soap by separating the oil into small

droplets that can be more easily broken down by natural processes. An additional 348,000 gallons are

available for deployment. BP is working with the Environmental Protection Agency to identify alternative

effective dispersants for deployment.


Burning The Unified Command conducted an additional 6 in-situ burns on Thursday.

The in-situ burning occurs on the surface using special fire-boom that collects surface hydrocarbons

which are then burned off. Note: approximately 23,000 barrels of oil were burned on Wednesday.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection No new locations for oil ashore reported in the last

24 hours. A total of 2,030,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier boom have been deployed or staged to

protect sensitive coastal areas. This is an increase of 100,000 feet since Wednesday.

Wildlife Activities No additional reports of impacted wildlife were received in the past 24 hours.

Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 18 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 21,540 claims have been filed and nearly $25

million has been paid, an increase of $5 million since Wednesday. Most of the claims are for loss of

income or wages in commercial fishing, shrimping and oyster harvest, and associated processing

facilities. Note: No person asserting a claim or receiving payment for interim benefits will be asked or

required to sign a release or waive any rights to assert additional claims, to file an individual legal action,

or to participate in other legal actions associated with the Deepwater Horizon incident. The contact

number for claims is (800) 440-0858. In person claims can be filed at office locations listed below.

Claims can also be filed online at:

Document ID:

BP Provides $70 million in Tourism Grants to States On Monday, BP CEO Tony Hayward

made $70 million available to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to promote tourism. This

money is in addition to the $100 million in block grants for accelerated implementation of Area

Contingency Plans announced on May 4. It is also supplemental to BPs private claims process, which

remains unchanged.

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide Louisiana,

Florida, Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate implementation of the States approved

Area Contingency Plans. The Contingency Plans address removal of a worst case spill and are designed

to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat to sensitive areas. The money is supporting businesses in

clean-up and recovery efforts. The grant is supplemental to BPs private claims process, which remains



of Opportunity Program

Nearly 5,000 contracts have been approved and 1,100

vessels are currently active.

To qualify for the program, operators need to meet several key requirements, including attending a four-

hour hazardous waste training session, passing a dockside examination by the U.S. Coast Guard, and

meeting crewing requirements based on the size of the vessel provided. The contact number for people

interested in registering for the program is (281) 366-5511 and information about training can be found on

the incident website at under volunteers. For additional

information about training call (866) 905-4492.

Volunteers and

Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across

the Gulf where people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with

volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are being trained in five different modules that range from safety for

beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and vessel operation for laying

boom. As of Thursday, 13,514 individual training modules had been completed. Information about

training can be found on the incident website at

v o lu n te e rs . under

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Document ID:

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

St. Mary Staging Area

Amelia Staging


Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Cut Off Claims Office

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Houma Claims Office

Plaza Caillou Shopping Center

814 Grand Caillou Road

Suite 2 & 3

Houma, LA 70363

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

Document ID:

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038


Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

BP donated

$1 million and is working with Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank in

St. Bernard, Plaquemines and Orleans Parishes to deliver humanitarian assistance.


to add adjusters to help process claims and working with translators to ensure that

Vietnamese and Spanish speaking communities are served.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Bay St. Louis

Claims Office

1171 Highway 90

Bay St. Louis, MS


Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563


outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.


update includes 37 miles of beach cleaned up.


to coordinate training for vessel operators and working on Vessels of Opportunity


Document ID:

Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area





290 N.





AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach Claims Office

24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Suite 1

Orange Beach, AL 36561


Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.


update includes 59 miles of beach cleaned up.


claims centers with adjusters to process claims, looking at opening additional claims


Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

Document ID:

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Mon, 24 May 2010 10:28:20 -0400

Beth Dieveney <[email protected]>

Subject: May 24 NOAA Deepwater Horizon Call Actions

Deepwater <[email protected]>

For Official Use Only/Not for Public Release

NOAA Daily DeepWater Horizon Call

Monday, May 24, 2010; 0800


Call Guidelines:

Place your phone on mute at all times unless you are speaking

Do not place your phone on hold

Action Items

Engage oil spill community and hurricane community to familiarize on data, processes,

communication strategies so that if hurricanes occur in the gulf, we can have a coordinated

message and approach; include EPA in conversations and follow-up actions (NW S, ORR)

Consider deploying ORR staff to sit in the NHC to support FEMA on the ground (ORR)

Do a briefing for meteorologists on the ground in the coastal states that are prepared with

information and talking points regarding oil spill and hurricanes (ORR, NW S)

Identify what our hurricane response plan is in light of a hurricane, both Unified Command

and NOAA assets (W esterholm/ICC)

Follow-up for 3pm Oil Spill 101 W H Press Briefing (Kenney/ORR)

Dispersant workshop provide information on plans, who is invited, etc. for outreach to

public and federal agencies, etc. (Gray/Kenney)

Follow-up on EPA water quality monitoring plan (Rolfe at NIC/W esterholm), potentially

item to be raised at a Principal call.

Follow-up meeting among science players to ensure tight coordination across NOAA

(Kennedy, team)

Succinct email for where we are on making data public and where that data will be housed


Rolling out seafood safety results this week, ensure is well coordinated (NMFS)

Beth Dieveney

NOAA Program Coordination Office

Office of the Under Secretary

14th & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20230

phone: 202 482 1281


240 328 4812


202 482 4116

Document ID:

Mon, 24 May 2010 19:00:45 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update: May 24, 2010

Attached you will find three items:


BP Press Release: Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response

2. BP Press Release: BP Pledges $500 million for Independent Research into Impact of Oil Spill on

Marine Environment


Communications regarding dispersant use in the Gulf of Mexico

Please let me know if you have questions. Karen


Press Release

May 24, 2010


BP today provided an update on developments in the response to the MC252 oil well incident in the Gulf

of Mexico.

Subsea Source Control and Containment

Subsea efforts continue to focus on progressing options to stop the flow of oil from the well through

interventions via the blow out preventer (BOP) and to collect the flow of oil from the leak points. These

Document ID:

efforts are being carried out in conjunction with governmental authorities and other industry experts.

Plans continue to develop a so called top kill operation where heavy drilling fluids are injected into the

well to stem the flow of oil and gas and ultimately kill the well. Successfully killing the well may be

followed by cement to seal the well. Most of the equipment is on site and preparations continue for this

operation, with a view to deployment in a few days.

This is a complex operation requiring sophisticated diagnostic work and precise execution. As a result, it

involves significant uncertainties and it is not possible to assure its success or to put a definite timescale

on its deployment.

Drilling of the first relief well, which began on May 2 continues as does drilling of a second relief well,

begun on May 16. Each of these wells is estimated to take some three months to complete from the

commencement of drilling.

Work goes on to optimize the oil and gas collected from the damaged riser through the riser insertion tube

tool (RITT). The collection rate continues to vary, primarily due to the flow parameters and physical

characteristics within the riser.


In the period from May 17

to May 23rd, the daily oil rate collected by the RITT has ranged from 1,360

barrels of oil per day (b/d) to 3,000 b/d, and the daily gas rate has ranged from 4 million cubic feet per day

(MMCFD) to 17 MMCFD.

In the same period, the average daily rate of oil and gas collected by the RITT containment system at the

end of the leaking riser has been 2,010 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 10 MMCFD of gas. The oil is

being stored and gas is being flared on the drillship Discoverer Enterprise, on the surface 5,000 feet


The RITT remains a new technology and both its continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing

the oil and gas remain uncertain.

The US Government has appointed a flow rate technical team (FRTT) to determine the well flow rate. The

FRTT includes the US Coast Guard, NOAA, MMS, Department of Energy and the US Geological Survey.

BP will continue to promptly provide all information necessary to make as accurate an assessment as

possible of the rate of flow.

Document ID:

Surface Spill Response and Containment

Work continues to collect and disperse oil that has reached the surface of the sea. Over 1,100 vessels

are involved in the response effort, including skimmers, tugs, barges and recovery vessels.

Intensive operations to skim oil from the surface of the water have now recovered, in total, some 243,000

barrels (10.2 million gallons) of oily liquid. The total length of boom deployed as part of efforts to prevent

oil reaching the coast is now nearly 2.5 million feet, including over 730,000 feet of sorbent boom.

In total, over 22,000 personnel from BP, other companies and government agencies are currently

involved in the response to this incident. So far 23,000 claims have been filed and 9,000 have already

been paid.

The cost of the response to date amounts to about $760 million, including the cost of the spill response,

containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid and federal costs. It is too early to

quantify other potential costs and liabilities associated with the incident.


Press Release

May 24, 2010



BP today announced a commitment of up to $500 million to an open research program studying the

impact of the Deepwater Horizon incident, and its associated response, on the marine and shoreline

environment of the Gulf of Mexico.

BP has made a commitment to doing everything we can to lessen the impact of this tragic incident on the

people and environment of the Gulf Coast. We must make every effort to understand that impact. This will

Document ID:

be a key part of the process of restoration, and for improving the industry response capability for the

future. There is an urgent need to ensure that the scientific community has access to the samples and the

raw data it needs to begin this work, said Tony Hayward, BPs chief executive.

The key questions to be addressed by this 10-year research program reflect discussions with the US

government and academic scientists in Washington DC last week. BP will fund research to examine

topics including:

Where are the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant going under the action of ocean currents?

How do oil, the dispersed oil and the dispersant behave on the seabed, in the water column, on the

surface, and on the shoreline?

What are the impacts of the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant on the biota of the seabed, the

water column, the surface, and the shoreline?

How do accidental releases of oil compare to natural seepage from the seabed?

What is the impact of dispersant on the oil? Does it help or hinder biodegradation?

How will the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant interact with tropical storms, and will this

interaction impact the seabed, the water column and the shoreline?

What can be done to improve technology:

- To detect oil, dispersed oil, and dispersant on the seabed, in the water column, and on the surface?

- For remediating the impact of oil accidently released to the ocean?

BP already has ongoing marine research programs in the Gulf of Mexico. Building on these, BP will

appoint an independent advisory panel to construct the long term research program. Where appropriate,

the studies may be coordinated with the ongoing natural resources damages assessment. The program

will engage some of the best marine biologists and oceanographers in the world. More immediately, a

baseline of information for the long term research program is needed. A first grant to Louisiana State

University will help kick start this work.

LSU has a significant amount of experience in dealing with the oil and gas industry and deep knowledge

pertaining to the Gulf of Mexico across numerous topical disciplines. The first part of the program is about

obtaining and analyzing samples and assessing immediate impacts. Other areas of importance will

emerge as researchers become engaged and the potential impacts from the spill are better understood,

said Professor Christopher dElia, Dean of the School of the Coast and Environment.

Subsequent awards will be controlled by the independent advisory board.

Document ID:

Notes to editors:

BP has

collaborating with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography since 2004 in a

program aimed at gaining a better understanding of the environment and hazards in oceans, including

marine electromagnetic research. The focus of oceanography efforts has been loop currents in the Gulf

of Mexico.

In 2008,

as part of the Deepwater Environmental Long-term Observatory System (DELOS), BP

installed the worlds first system designed to monitor deep-sea marine life. DELOS is supported by Texas

A&M in Galveston, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,

University of Aberdeen, National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and the University of Glasgow.


Dispersant Use in the Gulf of Mexico

BP, in conjunction with the Unified Command, has been utilizing two types of dispersant for both air-

based and subsea applications, Corexit 9500 and Corexit 9527. Nearly 705,000 gallons of dispersant

have been applied on the surface, and 116,000 gallons have been applied directly to the subsea location

of the primary leak. Dispersants are a chemical used to break up oil into small droplets that can be

broken down and degraded more easily through natural processes.

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) directed BP to identify one or more pre-approved

dispersant products that are available in sufficient quantities, are as effective at dispersing oil as the

Corexit products, and have generally lower toxicity levels. BP completed that review and sent a letter to

EPA on Thursday, which can be found here:

In brief, the alternative approved dispersants were either not available in sufficient quantities, or contained

certain detergents that may degrade into compounds known as endocrine disruptors that have been

linked to potential human health risks by some authorities. BP continues to work closely with EPA and

the Coast Guard to monitor the effect of dispersants on the environment.

On Saturday, the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command issued a press release on the subject, which can

found at the following link:

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Mon, 24 May 2010 14:24:13 -0400

Beth Dieveney <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Oil Dispersants

_NOAA HQ leadership <[email protected]>,David Kennedy

<[email protected]>,Dave Westerholm <[email protected]>,Craig McLean

<[email protected]>, Judy Gray <[email protected]>,Eric Schwaab

<[email protected]>, 'John Oliver' <[email protected]>,Brian T Pawlak

<[email protected]>,Steve Murawski <[email protected]>,_HQ Deep Water Horizon

Staff <[email protected]>



Attached is a partial list of ingredients for both corexit products. The list is a combined list for both Corexit

9500 and Corexit 9527. At this point, a detailed formula will not be available from EPA until May 29th, and

that list would be subject to CBI rules. We are working on getting the detailed list to you faster and without

the CBI limitation.

Please forward to those in NOAA that needs this data.






Beth Dieveney

NOAA Program Coordination Office

Office of the Under Secretary

14th & Constitution Ave., NW, Room 5811

Washington, DC 20230

phone: 202-482-1281

cell: 240-328-4812

fax: 202-482-4116

Document ID:

The following list of chemicals has been developed for distribution by EPA.






Chemical Name (TSCA Inventory)


Ethanol, 2-butoxy-

Butanedioic acid, 2-sulfo-, 1,4-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1)


Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate


Sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs.


Sorbitan, tri-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs


2-Propanol, 1-(2-butoxy-1-methylethoxy)-


Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light

Document ID:

Tue, 25 May 2010 12:34:23 +0100

"St John, Karen" <[email protected]>

Subject: BP Gulf of Mexico Update May 24, 2010

Attached you will find two items:


Press release regarding BPs ongoing review of potential causes of the Deepwater Horizon incident


T odays update

Please let me know if you have questions.

Press Release

BP Briefs Government on Initial Perspectives of Deepwater Horizon Investigation

Focus is on Seven Control Mechanisms

Release Date: 24 May 2010

BP announced today that its internal investigation team began sharing initial perspectives of its review of

the causes of the tragic Deepwater Horizon fire and oil spill. The investigation is a fact-finding effort that

has not reached final conclusions, but has identified various issues for further inquiry. BP has shared

these early perspectives with the Department of the Interior and will do so with all official regulatory

inquiries into the accident as requested.

This is an internal investigation. There is extensive further work to do including further interviews, and

in addition full forensic examinations of the Blow Out Preventer (BOP), the wellhead, and the rig itself - all

of which are still currently on the sea bed. The internal investigation was launched on April 21, 2010 and

is being conducted by BPs Head of Group Safety and Operations. He has an independent reporting line

to the Group Chief Executive.

The investigation teams work thus far shows that this accident was brought about by the failure of a

number of processes, systems and equipment. There were multiple control mechanisms procedures

and equipmentin place that should have prevented this accident or reduced the impact of the spill: the

investigation is focused on the following seven mechanisms.

1. The cement that seals the reservoir from the well;

2. The casing system, which seals the well bore;

3. The pressure tests to confirm the well is sealed;

4. The execution of procedures to detect and control hydrocarbons in the well, including the use of the


5. The BOP Emergency Disconnect System, which can be activated by pushing a button at multiple

locations on the rig;

6. The automatic closure of the BOP after its connection is lost with the rig; and

7. Features in the BOP to allow Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) to close the BOP and thereby seal

the well at the seabed after a blow out.

I understand people want a simple answer about why this happened and who is to blame. The honest

truth is that this is a complex accident, caused by an unprecedented combination of failures, said Chief

Executive Tony Hayward. A number of companies are involved, including BP, and it is simply too early

and not up to us to say who is at fault.

Document ID:

This is a basic summary of the facts as gathered by the investigation team to date. A lot remains

unknown, but we hope that the briefings will help the governments inquiries. This was a tragic accident

and we need to understand the causes of it to try to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again.

For further information:

BP Gulf of Mexico response:


BP Press Office London +44 20 7496 4076

BP Press office, US: +1 281 366 0265

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Update

05/24/2010 8:00pm EDT

BP is working as part of the Unified Command to accomplish three main objectives in the Gulf of Mexico:


On the Sea Floor to stop the flow of oil through various strategies;


On the Surface to minimize impacts of the spill; and


Onshore to protect the shoreline and inform the public.



personnel responding as part of the Unified Command, plus volunteers.


vessels deployed, including 80 skimmers.


gallons of additional oily water recovered and treated on Sunday.


from EPA allows subsea dispersant application to continue.

$28 million

in total claims paid to date.

Offshore Sea Floor

BPs priority is to reduce and stop the flow of oil subsea and minimize environmental impacts through

multiple strategies:

Document ID:

1. Riser Insertion Tube The riser insertion tool is now capturing an average of approximately 2,000

barrels of oil per day. This remains a new technology and both its continued operation and its

effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain uncertain.

2. Dispersant injection on the sea floor Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

determined that subsea application of the currently-used dispersant could continue. EPA also announced

it would conduct additional toxicity tests of available dispersant types and continue working to identify

alternatives. Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) injected approximately 14,400 gallons of dispersant

today at main riser leak source. Dispersant acts by separating the oil into small droplets that can break

down more easily through natural processes before it reaches the surface. Successful application of

dispersant on the sea floor can dramatically reduce the need for dispersant use on the surface.


Top Kill activities

The top

kill system which consists of system includes bypass lines, valves, and a manifold is

currently being pressure tested.


and safety reviews will continue through tomorrow.


are completed, engineers expect to begin pumping heavy fluids and/or fibrous

materials directly through the blowout preventer in an attempt to kill the well.


Drilling relief wells

The first

relief well (work being performed by the Development Driller III) is at approximately

11,100 feet below sea level. This well was spudded on May 2.

The second

relief well (work being performed by Development Driller II) is at approximately 8,600

feet below sea level. Drilling began on May 16.


are situated approximately one-half mile from the Macondo well and will attempt to

intercept the existing wellbore at approximately 18,000 feet below seal level. It is estimated the total

drilling process for each well will take at least 90 days

5. Containment Recovery System A containment dome, called a top hat, is deployed on the sea

floor and readied to be placed over the main leak, if needed.

Offshore Surface Spill Response


Vessels 1,167 specialty response vessels are now deployed, including tugs, barges

and recovery boats.

Document ID:


Vessels 80 of the cleanup boats are skimmers, designed to separate oil from

water. Approximately 258,000 barrels of oil-water mix (10.84 million gallons) have been recovered and

treated, an increase of more than 1 million gallons since Friday.


Dispersant More than 705,000 gallons of dispersant have been applied on the

surface by aircraft. BP is working with the EPA to identify alternative effective dispersants for



Burning The Unified Command conducted an additional 8 in-situ burns on Sunday. In-

situ burning occurs on the surface using special fire-boom that collects surface hydrocarbons which are

then burned off.

Onshore - Shoreline Protection and Community Outreach

Oil Containment and Shoreline Protection 2,750,000 feet of both sorbent and barrier boom have

been deployed or staged to protect sensitive coastal areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and

Florida. Nearly 1.5 million feet of barrier boom is on order.

Claims for Damages - BP has opened 18 claims offices to help claimants through the process.

Vietnamese and Spanish translators are in some offices. 23,500 claims have been filed and 9,000 claims

paid totalling $28 million. Most of the claims are for loss of income or wages in commercial fishing,

shrimping, oyster harvesting, and associated activities. The contact number for claims is (800) 440-

0858. In person claims can be filed at office locations listed below. Claims can also be filed online at:

$500 million

for a ten-year research program to study impacts of the Deepwater Horizon

incident, and its associated response, on the marine and shoreline environment of the Gulf of Mexico.

BP Provides $70 million in Tourism Grants to States BP has made $70 million available to

Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to promote tourism.

$25 Million Block Grants to 4 States On May 4, BP announced it would provide Louisiana, Florida,

Mississippi and Alabama $25 million each to accelerate implementation of the States approved Area

Contingency Plans.


of Opportunity Program

Nearly 5,000 contracts have been approved and 1,100

vessels are currently active. Community Outreach Centers are working with the contractors to ensure

Document ID:

they have the appropriate training.

Volunteers and

Training BP has opened 22 Community Outreach Centers across

the Gulf where people can go for more information, to find out about the spill, and to connect with

volunteer opportunities. Volunteers are being trained in five different modules that range from safety for

beach clean-up, to wildlife monitoring, handling of hazardous materials and vessel operation for laying

boom. As of today, 14,628 individual training modules had been completed. Information about training

can be found on the incident website at under volunteers.


Activities 21 additional reports of impacted wildlife were received in the past 24 hours,

bringing the total number to 132. Wildlife rehabilitation sites are located in Venice, LA and Mobile, AL.

Summary of Regional Operations and Outreach

Robert Unified Area Command



Houma Incident Command Post

Pointe A La Hache Community Outreach Center

Venice Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Grand Isle Staging Area

Port Fourchon Staging Area

Cocodrie Staging Area

Shell Beach Staging Area

Slidell Staging Area

St. Mary Staging Area

Amelia Staging


Belle Chasse Claims Office

2766 Belle Chasse Hwy

Belle Chasse, LA 70037

Cut Off Claims Office

Tarpon Heights Shopping Center

Unit 2

16263 E. Main Street

Cut Off, LA 70345

Grand Isle Claims Office

3811 LA 1

Document ID:

Grand Isle, LA 70358

Hammond Claims Office

Worley Operations Center

303 Timber Creek

Hammond, LA 70404

Houma Claims Office

Plaza Caillou Shopping Center

814 Grand Caillou Road

Suite 2 & 3

Houma, LA 70363

Pointe A La Hache Claims Office

1553 Hwy 15

Pointe A La Hache, LA

St. Bernard Claims Office

1345 Bayou Rd

Saint Bernard, LA 70085

Venice Claims Office

41093 Hwy LA 23

Boothville, LA 70038


Outreach Centers now open in 8 parishes.

BP donated

$1 million and is working with Catholic Charities and Second Harvest Food Bank in

St. Bernard, Plaquemines and Orleans Parishes to deliver humanitarian assistance.



Pascagoula Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Biloxi Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Waveland Community Outreach Center

Pass Christian Staging Area

Bay St. Louis

Claims Office

1171 Highway 90

Document ID:

Bay St. Louis, MS


Biloxi Claims Office

920 Cedar Lake Rd, Suite K

Biloxi, MS 39532

Pascagoula Claims Office

5912 Old Mobile Hwy

Suite 4

Pascagoula, MS 39563


outreach centers are now open in all three coastal counties.


update includes 37 miles of beach cleaned up.

Alabama Sites:

Mobile Incident Command Post, Community Outreach Center

Theodore Staging Area

Orange Beach Staging Area

Dauphin Staging Area





290 N.





AL 36509

Foley Claims Office

(Orange Beach/Gulf Shores/Bon Secour)

1506 North McKenzie Street (HWY 59),

Suite 104

Foley, AL 36535

Gulf Shores / Orange Beach Claims Office

24039 Perdido Beach Blvd

Document ID:

Suite 1

Orange Beach, AL 36561


Outreach Centers now open in 2 counties.


update includes 59 miles of beach cleaned up.

Florida Sites:

St. Petersburg Incident Command Post

Pensacola Community Outreach Center, Staging Area

Panama City Staging Area

St. Joe Staging Area

St. Marks Staging Area

Apalachicola Claims Office



194 14

Suite 105

Apalachicola, FL 32320

Ft. Walton



348 SW


Strip Pkwy

Suite 13



Beach, FL


Gulf Breeze Claims Office

5668 Gulf Breeze Pkwy

Unit B-9

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Panama City Claims Office

7938 Front Beach Road

Panama City Beach, FL 32408

Pensacola Claims Office

3960 Navy Boulevard

Document ID:

Suite 16-17

Pensacola, FL 32507

Port St. Joe Claims Office

106 Trade Circle

Suite A

Port St. Joe, FL 32456


Outreach Centers are now open in 7 counties.


update includes 130 miles of beach cleaned up.


with counties to review Area Contingency Plans and identify booming and beach clean

up priorities.

Contact Information

Environment / Community Hotline to report oil on the beach or shoreline

(866) 448-5816

or other environment or community impacts and access the Rapid Response


Wildlife to report and access care for impacted, i.e. oil wildlife

(866) 557-1401

Volunteers to request volunteer information

(866) 448-5816

Services to register as consultant, contractor, vendor, or submit

information on alternative response technology, services, products or

(281) 366-5511


Vessels of Opportunity to report and register boats available to assist

with response

(281) 366-5511

Training for questions about training requirements, times and locations,

(866) 905-4492 or (866) 647-

and to sign up\


Ideas to Submit email suggestions to horizonresponse@piersystemcom

Investor Relations

(281) 366-3123

Claims by phone

(800) 440-0858


Joint Information Center Robert, LA Media and information center

(985) 902-5231 or (985) 902-


Joint Information Center Mobile, AL Media and information center

(251) 445-8965

Transocean Hotline

(832) 587-8554

MI Swaco Hotline

(888) 318-6765

BP Family and third-party contractor hotline

(281) 366-5578

Twitter: Oil_Spill_2010

Facebook: Deepwater Horizon Response

Joint Incident Command website:

Document ID:

Karen St John

BP America

Sr. Director, Regulatory Affairs

(202) 457-6594

(202) 351-1399 (cell)

[email protected]

Document ID:

Tue, 25 May 2010 16:07:06 -0400

"Jainey.Bavishi" <[email protected]>

Subject: Briefing Paper

"Sarri, Kristen" <[email protected]>,"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>

May 25 Deepwater Horizon Update.doc


The briefing paper is attached. Let me know if there are additional

topics or information you would like to see included.



Document ID:



Tuesday, May 25, 2010


To provide brief updates on hot topics related to Deepwater Horizon response and

NOAAs continuing role.


Flow Rate:

The National Incident Commands Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) is

expected to deliver a flow rate no later than May 26.

The FRTG is already pointing to a release rate that is greater than 5,000

barrels/day, and BP concedes that the 5,000 barrels/day estimate is too low.

NOAA scientists are participating in the FRTG to develop a scientifically valid

estimate of the leak rate.

Video image quality has been an issue, and NOAA and USCG are working with

BP to secure high quality footage of the riser flow. It is anticipated that the new

footage will allow a better estimate of release rate.

Subsurface Plume:

Subsurface surveillance sampling continues off Mississippi, Alabama and Florida,

and no oil has been detected.

Multiple research cruises are underway to better characterize the fate and

distribution in the water column.

NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter will depart on Thursday, May 27 to

characterize the water column in the vicinity of the main release to inform

response and fishery closure decisions.

NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson departed Sunday to monitor the surface

NOAA Research Vessel Weatherbird has been deployed to conduct water

and deep currents distributing the oil.

sampling and depth and deploy gliders to see if sub-surface materials have

entered the loop current in dispersed but detectable quantities.

Dispersed Oil Workshop:

NOAA is sponsoring a workshop on the long-term use of dispersants, which will

be held on May 26 and 27 at Louisiana State University.

Thirty-forty people, including federal, state and academic experts, will be


Dispersants are one of several response tools, approved by the Regional Response

Team, used at this spill. To date, a large quantify of dispersants have been

applied (approximately 700,000 gallons) for the Deepwater Horizon response.

The use of dispersants pose an environmental tradeoff, as dispersing the oil in the

water column reduces the environmental risks to the shorelines.

The purpose of this meeting is to assess the overall use of dispersants, the

environmental tradeoffs, and provide recommendations to the Region 4 and 6


Document ID:

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