OTHSC Newsletter, Issue 1, April 2012
OTHSC Newsletter, Issue 1, April 2012
OTHSC Newsletter, Issue 1, April 2012
One Tree Hill Soccer Club PO Box 275, One Tree Hill SA 5114
Chairperson: 0434545373
Calendar of Events
Poker Night TBA Quiz Night TBA One Tree Hill Family Fun Day McGilp Oval, One Tree Hill
SPONSORS in 2011
Blacksmith's Inn Rendition Homes Top Corner Sports Avanti Plus Salisbury
Volounteers -Fundraising Committee -Line Markers -Managers -Linespersons (Courses Available) -Ground Marshalls -Anzac Day Family Fun Day
Boot Box Children keep growing too quickly and boots become too small. Dont throw them out. We have a Boot Box where old soccer boots are recycled. If you have an old pair of soccer boots, please drop them into the OTHSC Boot Box at the clubrooms. If you need a pair of soccer boots, you may be able to pick up the right size from the Boot Box for a gold coin donation. Website Visit our website at http://www.othsc.websyte.com.au/ this website will be constantly updated with results and league tables from Elizabeth & Districts Junior Soccer Association and SAASL. A wealth of other information will be available from this website, like fundraising, training times, special stories, and general information. We are now on Facebook go to the fan page and LIKE, we already have 60 fans. A lot of information will be placed on this page.
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Registered Teams
Teams registered, their Coach and the training times are:
Under 6 Under 6 Under 8 Under 8 Under 9
Dan Prouse Gavin Jones Chad Ownsworth Dave Lou Acella
Training Time
Wed 5-6 pm Wed 5-6 pm Wed 5-6 pm Wed 5-6 pm Wed 5-6:30 pm
Under 10 Under 12 Under 17 Seniors As Seniors Bs
Brittany Perrie Simon & Fiona Flack Rees McNair Lou Acella Dave Haddington
Training Time
Tues/Thurs 6-7:30pm Wed 5-6pm (TFN) Tues/Thurs 5:30-7pm Tues/Thurs 7pm Tues/Thurs 7pm
Your Committee
No club can run without a committee. This year we would like to welcome our newest additions and welcome back last years committee members. The committee members are also volunteers that need your support and that can be provided through helping out in the canteen, helping to distribute raffle books, working bees and supporting club events. The following committee members are: Ray OConnor Chris Haskard Sonia Magor Tamra Chapman Narelle & Ian Hancock Chairperson Secretary Registrar Fundraising Canteen Manager 0423029626 0422588689 0413452993 0414911321 0413943286 Simon Lane Vice Chairperson Kelli & Nigel Staker Treasurers Garry Walsh Coaches Co-ordinator Nancie Perrie Fundraising Jules Loller Fundraising 0439689969 0409872351 0419606746 0421047264
Game Times
Under 6 Under 8 Under 9
Saturday 12 noon Saturday 10 am Saturday 9 am
Under 10 Under 12 Under 17
Saturday 10am Sat 12:15 pm Sunday 10:30am
Seniors Bs Seniors As
Sat 1pm Sat 3pm
Raising funds for the continued operation of the club is high on the committees agenda for this year. We have a Fund Raising subcommittee that is in need of your ideas and assistance. If you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to put them forward. We have started off with 3 fundraising efforts this year already, please support these following initiatives. Entertainment Book: Approximately $15,000 in savings per book. For $65 is great value. Every book sold $13 comes back to OTHSC. Peoples Choice Credit Union Community Lottery: All money raised from this comes directly back to the club. Cancer Council Sunscreen is available from the fundraising committee or the canteen. Proceeds go directly back to the club.
Our canteen is a main fundraiser. This year Narelle will take over the reins to ensure we continue the great tradition. We still have a great reputation for our egg and bacon rolls. Volunteers in the canteen will be given clear directions and guidelines on how to handle your enquiries. We again need your support to staff the canteen on a roster basis. Please see your Team Manager who will arrange.
Business Corner
Along with volunteers our club could not run without the generous support of our sponsors. We encourage you to use our sponsors for the products and services that they provide. Blacksmiths Inn Top Corner Sports Rendition Homes Black Top Road, One Tree Hill. 1/544 Lower North East Road, Campbelltown. 503 Lower North East Road, (08) 8280 7666 (08) 8365 5544 (08) 8415 7000
RW & NJ OConnor 0434545373 For all you internet, landline, and mobile phone services, including guaranteed savings on your gas and electricity bills ring Raymond to find a product that will suit you. 10% of commissions go back to the club.
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