Surinder Synopsis
Surinder Synopsis
Surinder Synopsis
A Project to be submitted by 1) Anil Sharma 2) Surinder Rana 3) Ajay kalia (Roll. No. 3014) (Roll. No. 3022) (Roll .No. 3065)
Project Guide
Er. Sunil Kumar
Surinder Rana Ajay Kalia Anil Sharma
Contact number
89881 62708 97362 03650 94598 26683
Mail ID
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Roll no.
3022 3065 3014
Technical details:MS Word:- Profile of the new entrants(all students) can be kept in files of the individuals. MS Excel:- Can be used to take record of the fees ,admission fee, hostel charges and other charges etc. to remain update with the total collection and missing receipts due from the individuals.
E-mail:All records can be kept safe through mail IDs. and management can
easily remain in contact of students wards. Innovation and usefulness:- Maintaining student information in the organized way is very useful, some features are:Once data is organized it helps in time saving. Information access on computers is very easy, if it is organized. Information on computers can be saved for several years. Organized data reduces chances of any discrepancy.
Current status of development:Student personal information such as name, roll no., gender and address is maintained in one table. Fee status is maintained in another table. At last student result is maintained of every semester with date of declaration. Role of team members:1. Analysis of requirements. 2. System design. Scope and objectives :1. To provide a proper registration channel/ system to the students. 2. To maintain all the amounts of the students in digital form from enrollment upto the end of study. 3. This student information system project will serve as a useful approach to database dialog box to update, add , advanced search options for the authorized person. It serves as a helpful approach for the users. It reduces the time taken by the user to add, update, delete, view & search the information. .
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