Advantages On Drug Donation
Advantages On Drug Donation
Advantages On Drug Donation
misery, donations are often regarded as the most concrete way to express solicitude and solidarity with affected people. 2)Drug donations play one of the greatest roles in the humanitarian response of the international community in which the medicines are crucial elements in alleviating the suffering of people affected by cataclysm, as having the appropriate medications at the right time to treat injured or sick people in disaster or war affected regions is essential.
DISADVANTAGES OF DRUG DONATION There are severals disadvantages in drug donations that include: 1) Drugs that are proper and selectively choose also can be troublesome for a recipient country when they are sent in excessive quantities.This is mainly due to the medical storage capacity which is often insufficient to house an enormous influx of drugs.Morever , additional storage space that had to be rented need an extra cost.Other than that,another additional space in existing health care facilities has to be sacrificed to accommodate for the extra donations of the drugs. 2) A lots of donations which arrive very quickly and are usually in short supply lead to the impossibility to sort in the normal course. So as a result, tons of useless and unsuitable medications hinder the usage and management of the useful ones. Its become worse when the proportion of inappropriate drugs is often high, which lead to problems especially in management of donations during the emergency and also in their disposal after the crisis. 3) Inappropriate supply of the drugs given for example returned drugs or expired drugs,another extra additional costs are added to the local government in order to dispose the unwanted drugs.According to the Guidelines for Safe Disposal of Unwanted Pharmaceuticals in and after Emergencies issued by WHO in 1999, pharmaceuticals are ideally disposed of by high temperature incineration. Other than that,medications may be hazardous when they contaminate with the water supplies or sources used by local communities or wildlife. So,it should be discarded by several methods.For example,if discarded insecurely in landfills, drugs may come into the hands of scavengers or children and be diverted to the market for resale to the general public.Accumulation of unused medications and delayed disposal can also lead to pilfering and black markets sales, which in turn encourage self-medication and misuse of drugs, causing serious threat for the health of a countrys population. 4) Drug donations also give a big impact especially on local economies. Many countries that have their own pharmaceutical industries supplying essential drugs on a local market will be affected especially when there is the excess influx of foreign
medications, can undermine the local industry and weaken the economy.For example,after the South Asian tsunami, the province of Aceh was given a 4 year supply of Tetracycline, 250mg and a 6 year of supply of Dextromethorphan, 15mg, as a relief effort.Normally, these medications could have been purchased from the local manufacturers, But due to the extra donation of the drugs it give adverse effect on production and usage of local drugs thus weaken the local countrys economies. 5) Another additional consequence of the immense influx of foreign medications is that the prescribing patterns of local physicians changes, which promotes the use of the more expensive, foreign brands. This change in prescribing often continues even after the donation stock ends. Drug donations to developing and disaster affected regions are thus used by pharmaceutical corporations as a means of building brand recognition to develop new markets. 6) Some of the medications were labeled in a language other than English, which is read and do not understood by most of people The other languages included Arabic, Chinese, Danish, French, Korean, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and others. Morever,about 15 percent of medications did not have generic names on the packaging.