Vegetarian Project
Vegetarian Project
Vegetarian Project
Prepared By
Names Ali Raza Kazmi Sana Razzaq Imran Khan Umar Daraz
It is a happiness to convey our gratitude to them all in our humble acknowledgment. In the first place we would like to record our gratitude and heartily thankful to the instructor Mr. Basit Afzal, whose encouragement, guidance and support from preliminary to the final level enabled us to expand an understanding of the subject. Above all and the most needed, he provided us unflinching encouragement and support in various ways. We gratefully acknowledge Mr. Basit Afzal for his advice, supervisor, and crucial contribution, which made him a backbone of this project. His involvement with his originality has triggered and nourished our intellectual maturity that will benefit us, for a long time to come.
Executive Summary
The following marketing plan is the idea of To Be Vegetarian for Pakistani People. For this idea, our NGO namely VIGOR is doing a campaign. This idea if proved to successful funding will be provided by UNO which will be used for welfare of society as a whole. We will try to serve all over the Pakistan including both villagers and citizens as well as people of all age and income group according to the strategy fit for them. Furthermore, we conducted Environmental, Social, Religious and Cultural Analysis through which we came to know that how badly health and lives of people are affected by eating meat as a major part of their food as well as what will be the consequences which we will have to face as a result of this promotion of this idea in Pakistan. We also tried to resolve 2 major hurdles for our plan that is Religion is not in our favor and Culture is also not in our favor. We made SWOT Analysis of this plan and then came to know about our strengths and weaknesses also about opportunities and threats. Then we designed our Marketing Strategy accordingly serving each demographic sector separately. Main emphasis of which was on promotion. If we talk about Marketing Mix Strategy, here being an idea we just used 2 Ps Product and Promotion no need for placement and price. No distribution channels are required. We used promotion aggressively by using both the methods of both Above the Line & Below the Line method and tried to cover each and every aspect of Promotion. Also we tried to have a Contingency Plan in case if we were unable to achieve our goals.
Table of Contents
Topic Page # Current Market Situation......................................................................................................................5 Market Needs........................................................................................................................................5 Situation Analysis.................................................................................................................................6 Problem Opportunities..........................................................................................................................6 Target Market.......................................................................................................................................8 Segmentation........................................................................................................................................9 SWOT Analysis..................................................................................................................................10 Environmental Analysis.....................................................................................................................11 Social Analysis...................................................................................................................................12 Goals & Objectives.............................................................................................................................14 Analysis with respect to Religious Aspect.........................................................................................18 Marketing Strategy.............................................................................................................................19 Promotion............................................................................................................................................23 Above the Line...................................................................................................................................24 Below the Line....................................................................................................................................32 Total Promotional Expenses...............................................................................................................36 Review & Control...............................................................................................................................37 Contingency Plan................................................................................................................................37
Here we will find out that following Factors count for major cardiac and blood pressure related disease rates in Pakistan mostly that are related to our diet.
1. Health
To look active smart and having good figure is right of everyone but is difficult to achieve and maintain. Nowadays, we hardly hear of anyone dying peacefully due to old age anymore. It is almost as if people have come to believe that diseases come naturally with aging. But that is far from being the truth. It is never a "natural" process that these diseases will hit us. We are almost totally responsible for them ourselves. This is especially the case for heart disease and stroke. Though there are many contributive factors to the occurrence of these diseases, such as smoking, the most significant risk factors are still diet and nutrition. Cancer, heart disease and stroke are the top three major killer of Pakistanis. Together, they account for more than 50% of our total deaths. When a country becomes more affluent and consumption of meat and dairy products increases, so do the rates of cancer, heart disease and stroke. This trend can be observed all over the world. Evidences have shown that atherosclerosis has its roots in dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, which are found in high content in red meat, eggs and dairy products.
2. Nutrition:
1. Nutritional benefits of plant foods Plant Foods are the ONLY source of Fibers and Complex Carbohydrates! In fact, many plant foods are loaded with fibers. Besides that, many plant foods are rich in foliate which protect against heart diseases by lowering the homocysteine in the blood. Plant foods also contain plenty of antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, which protects your body cells from damage by free radicals. They are also the only source of photochemical, which protect our health in many ways. As such, a vegan diet is a most natural and effective way to protect against many diseases such as cancer, heart diseases and stroke. Whats more, all plant foods contain absolutely zero cholesterol, and almost all contain insignificant amount of saturated fats. 2. Harmfulness of animal products Animal Products are the ONLY source of Dietary Cholesterol! Besides high cholesterol, they also contain high content of saturated fats, harmful excessive meat-proteins and high levels of toxicities due to pesticides and antibiotics. In fact, meat contains approximately 14 times more pesticides than do plant foods! And dairy and meat products have been found to be responsible for over 95% of the populations intake of DDT! This is because livestock are often fed with grains that contain high levels of pesticides. Some of them are even fed with unwanted parts of other animals, which may lead to the occurrence and spread of many diseases such as the mad-cow and the bird-flu virus. For the livestock to survive in the harsh factory farming conditions, they are often injected with many chemicals and antibiotics to promote unnatural growth. All these will be passed to us when we eat their meat. Most importantly, animal products supply NO fibers or complex carbohydrates at all.
3. Pollution:
1. The meat industry is one of the greatest polluter of our waters. 2. Animals raised for food produce 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population (Senate Agricultural Committee, 1997). 3. Livestock agriculture accounts for almost 40% of nitrogen and 35% of phosphorous that pollute waters. 4. Methane-emitting livestock contribute massively to the 'Greenhouse Effect' and global warming, accounting for 15 to 20% of global methane emissions.
Situation Analysis:
1. Customer
Our target customer is Pakistani People which belongs to all age groups. Also belong to different gender and Economic Background so we will have to design our idea in such way that we can cover all types of customers demographically.
2. Company
Keeping in view health miseries of Pakistani People we decided to open an NGO which we will perform an act of social work for welfare of people. Basic idea behind that was to enhance health of people by convincing them slightly move towards vegetarian habits. The name of our company is VIGOR and we have decided to run a campaign to promote our idea among Pakistani people.
Mission Statement:
We want to provide healthy life style to Pakistani People by modifying their eating habits.
3. Competitor
If we talk about Competitors then there is no direct competition but indirectly we can say that Competition is there. First of all meat loving nature of most of Pakistani is a great hurdle to compete with then our religion and culture to some extent.
4. Context
Keeping in mind variance of all demographics, we will try to make a marketing plan which will be flexible in all respects. It will provide an opportunity for all age and Income groups to get equal benefits.
4. Problem Opportunities:
1. Culture is against
Since we have to implement this idea in Pakistan where meat eaters are in majority and meat eating is considered as symbol of status. People consider meat eating as part of being rich and also all dishes offered at parties and other functions are considered to be of meat in most of the cases. Not even the host but also guest will prefer to go in parties where major part of menu is of meat dishes. So it is a greater problem for our idea.
2. Religion is against
Islam is the religion which allows to eat all HALAL eatables including meat. Even though Eid-UlAzha one of the major festival is Islam has a greater link with slaughterness of animals which can cow, goat or camels etc. so people like to eat meat at higher rate with greater relish. Followers of Islam, or Muslims, have the freedom of choice to be vegetarian for medical reasons or if they do not personally like the taste of meat. However, the choice to become vegetarian for nonmedical reasons can sometimes be controversial. Vegetarianism has been practiced by some influential Muslims including the Iraqi theologian, female mystic and In January 1996, The International Vegetarian Union announced the formation of the Muslim Vegetarian/Vegan Society. However, if we talk about people of Pakistan, they will not prefer eating vegetables in restaurants, in parties or at weekends. For them all species of Taste are included in dishes having meat as major part of their diet.
5. Target Market:
Our Target Market is whole Pakistani Population including people living in both Urban and Village areas. Since major population of our country is in cities so we will start our promotion plan in Big Cities of Pakistan, such as Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and other cities then with the passage of time when we will think that people have started absorbing our plan than we will apply the same promotional campaign for villagers by attracting them through the TV Channels which they mostly watch or by the Newspaper or other kind of Media which is available over there. So we have yet not divided our Target Market geographically but instead divided it on the basis of Demographics.
1. Children:
Since Children are at their growing stage they need more minerals, vitamins calcium and other necessary nutrients as compared to Middle Age people and Young People. So specifically its better for children to be Semi-Vegetarian at their Earlier stage and gradually they may move on to Vegan at their mature age stage. Experts say it is often actually safer, the ADA goes on to advise that parents should pay particular attention that their child is getting enough calcium and iron. Research has proved that Vegan children, or those children who consume no animal products at all, including dairy and eggs, may need additional B and D vitamins and zinc. This is the reason that we have arranged our Marketing Plan in the shape that for children there is Flexible (Non- Vegetarian) Diet Option. Most experts agree that when raising vegetarian children, the key is finding a health care provider who supports your veggie beliefs, who will help monitor your childs growth and development.
2. Teenagers:
Since Teenagers are at the boom of their life they are quite energetic and they need calcium for making their bones strong but fats included in White Meat and Egg Yolk are not as much useful for them so for Teenagers specifically its better to be Lacto Vegetarian so that extra fats may not affect them in the way that their hormonal balance will not be disturbed and ultimately cause them into skin disease like pimples or acnes.
Eat a variety of foods from five of the six major food groups (fruits; vegetables; breads and cereals; milk and cheeses; poultry, fish, and dry beans) to obtain all the nutrients needed for good health. Avoid foods high in cholesterol. Limit total fat intake to less than 30% of your calories and keep intake of saturated fats to less than 10%. Limit the use of salt and sodium compounds. Increase your calcium intake, especially women. Avoid too much sugar. Drink at least eight (8 ounce) glasses of water daily.
The guidelines cannot guarantee health and well-being as health depends on many things, including heredity, lifestyle, personality traits, mental health and attitudes, and environment, in addition to one's meals. Food alone cannot make you healthy, but good eating habits based on moderation and variety can keep you healthy and even improve your health. Experts from Health Agencies agree that following these guidelines and eating well-balanced meals support:
Adequate energy to carry out daily tasks. Good mental health and mental abilities. Resistance to disease. Recovery from illness, accident, or surgery. Medication effectiveness. Better management of chronic health problems to improve quality of life, mobility, and independence.
Good Advertising Skills Good Relationships Morally & Ethically Strong Idea Social Welfare Modernism Strong Medical Evidence Skilled & Professional Team
Lack of Religious Support Lack of Govt. Support Lack of Cultural Support Lack of Consumer Support
Good Health Provider To eradicate Environmental Pollution More land for Cultivation Betterment of Farmers To provide long & happy life to people
Any political intervention related to Jamat-E-Islami can create problem for promotion. Fatwas can be issued against NGO Meat Market will at lose Scarcity of Vegetable with limited land to irrigate it People involved in milk & Meat corruption can take any serious action.
2. Consumer Behavior:
Consumer Behavior is the way customers will react in respond to your product and in this case idea.
To be vegetarian is an idea which is not easily digestible to Pakistani people so consumer behavior in this respect is more towards negative side. Most of the people will go against this idea a little will agree but in start no one will follow it completely so we must design our marketing strategy in this way that we can attract all of them in one way or other. Like for slowly acceptors we will have idea of Semi Vegetarian or Lacto Vegetarian depending upon their taste.
9. Technological Analysis:
No Technological effect
Fur Wool Wildlife Aquariums and zoos Pets or companion animals Cosmetic testing on animals Use of animals in entertainment Medical experiments on animals
The majority of animals killed unnecessarily are often forgotten - these are the animals raised for food.
4. Protection to Animals
"As custodians of the planet it is our responsibility to deal with all species with kindness, love and compassion. That these animals suffer through human cruelty is beyond understanding. Please help to stop this madness. Richard Gere "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian. We feel better about ourselves and better about the animals, knowing we're not contributing to their pain."Paul and Linda McCartney. It may not be the intention of most humans to be cruel to animals; nevertheless, our habits and demands have created an industry that inevitably imposes immense misery and suffering on the myriad of farm animals.
Like us humans, they have the same capacity for pain, fear, feelings and love. Chickens Chickens are categorized into egg-laying hens and broiler chickens (raised for meat), and they all suffer from different acts of cruelty, depending on profit maximization. Chickens are categorized into egg-laying hens and broiler chickens (raised for meat), and they all suffer from different acts of cruelty, depending on profit maximisation. Fish The gills of a fish rely on water pressure to absorb oxygen. Without water the fish suffocates. Fishes suffer just as much as other animals when they are confined or killed. Just because they do not have vocal cords to screamor cry, and they do not have facial expressions to show pain, it does not mean they suffer less. When a fish is hooked, it experiences for the first time in its life its entire body weight exerted at its mouth. Due to the sensitive and complex nerve system, it experiences excruciating pain. There is also the shock of being forced into an alien environment where it cannot breathe. Beef: Basically it is also divided in to 2 phases first of all cows are made a source of milk production for yeast, cheese and yogurt and even or milk itself. On the other hand some cows are used as source of meat and are sold out in market.
These practices violate the Prophets (PBUH) teachings to cause no pain to an animal before she is slaughtered. In addition, Muhammad (PBUH) forbade the cutting off of tails and other mutilations, as well as branding animals on the face (which is still practiced by some ranchers). In transport, animals raised for food are typically denied food and water, are given no protection from the elements, and can often languish for days while waiting to be slaughtered. Many chickens have their wings broken during transport and many animals suffocate in the transport trucks. The Prophet (PBUH) said that one should not keep an animal waiting to be slaughtered, and Hazrat Umar (the second caliph) once flogged a man who refused to give a sheep water before she was slaughtered.
Humans are omnivores, based on the human ability to digest meat as well as plant foods. Arguments have been made that humans are more anatomically similar to herbivores, with long intestinal tracts and blunt teeth, unlike other omnivores and carnivores. Nutritional experts believe that early hominids evolved into eating meat as a result of huge climatic changes that took place three to four million years ago, when forests and jungles dried up and became open grasslands and opened hunting and scavenging opportunities.
Personal Health:
1. High fat plus cholesterol. Animal foods are higher in fat than most plant foods, particularly saturated fats. Plants do not contain cholesterol. 2. Vitamin deficient. Except for the b-complex, meat is largely deficient in vitamins. 3. Pathogenic Microorganisms. There are a host of bacteria and viruses, some quite dangerous, that are common to animals. When I eat meat, I eat the organisms in the meat. Microorganisms are present in plant foods too, but their number and danger to human health is by no means comparable to that of those in meat. 4. Shelf life differential. Plant foods last longer than animal foods. Try this experiment: Leave out a head of lettuce and a pound of hamburger for 1 day, which will make you sick? 5. Heart Disease. Meat eating increases the risk of heart disease, this country's #1 killer. The correlation is an epidemiological fact. 6. Cancer prevention. Of all the natural cancer prevention substances found: vitamin C, B-17, hydroquionenes, beta carotene, NDGA, - none has been found to be animal derived. Yet most meats, when cooked, produce an array of benzenes and other carcinogenic compounds. Cancer is infinitely easier to prevent than cure. Soybeans contain protease
inhibitor, a powerful anticancer compound. You won't find it in useful quantities in animal based food. 7. Disease Inducing. The correlation between meat consumption and a wide range of degenerative diseases is well founded and includes..... 8. Osteoporosis 9. Kidney Stones and Gallstones 10. Diabetes 11. Multiple Sclerosis 12. Arthritis 13. Gum disease 14. Acne. Aggravated by animal food. 15. Obesity. Studies confirm that vegetarians tend to be thinner than meat eaters. Obesity is considered by doctors to be a disease within itself. 16. Longevity. To increase ones risk of getting degenerative disease means decreasing ones chance to live a naturally long healthy life. Peoples with large centenarian populations maintain lifestyles that are relatively meat free. 2. Easier to Digest Eating meat is more difficult for the body to digest. Meat stays in the stomach for longer and is more time consuming to digest. Switching to a vegetarian diet will see a noticeable improvement in ease of digestion. By eating only vegetarian foods a person will feel less lethargic after eating a meal.
Protein intake in vegetarian diets is only slightly lower than in meat diets and can meet daily requirements for any person, including athletes and bodybuilders. Studies at Harvard University as well as other studies conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various European countries, have confirmed that vegetarian diets provide sufficient protein intake as long as a variety of plant sources are available and consumed Proteins are composed of amino acids, and a common concern with protein acquired from vegetable sources is an adequate intake of the essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized by the human body. While dairy and egg products provide complete sources for lacto-ovo vegetarians, the only vegetable sources with significant amounts of all eight types of essential amino acids are lupin, soy, hempseed, chia seed, amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa. However, the essential amino acids can also be obtained by eating a variety of complementary plant sources that, in combination, provide all eight essential amino acids (e.g. brown rice and beans, or hummus and whole wheat pita, though protein combining in the same meal is not necessary). A varied intake of such sources can be adequate, a 1994 study found. SOURCES OF PROTEIN: beans, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, tempeh, chickpeas, peas... Many common foods, such as whole grain bread, greens, potatoes, and corn, quickly add to protein intake.
Vegetarian diets typically contain similar levels of iron to non-vegetarian diets, but this has lower bioavailability than iron from meat sources, and its absorption can sometimes be inhibited by other dietary constituents. Vegetarian foods rich in iron include black beans, cashews, hempseed, kidney beans, lentils, oatmeal, raisins, black-eyed peas, soybeans, many breakfast cereals, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, tomato juice, tempeh, molasses, thyme, and whole-wheat bread. The related vegan diets can often be higher in iron than vegetarian diets, because dairy products are low in iron. Iron stores often tend to be lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians, and a few small studies report higher rates of iron deficiency. Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron. SOURCES OF IRON: dried fruits, baked potatoes, mushrooms, cashews, dried beans, spinach, chard, tofu, tempeh, bulgur, and iron-fortified foods (such as cereals, instant oatmeal, and veggie "meats") are all good sources of iron. To increase the amount of iron absorbed at a meal, eat a food containing vitamin C, such as citrus fruit or juices, tomatoes, or broccoli. Using iron cookware also adds to iron intake.
Vitamin B12
Plants are not generally significant sources of vitamin B12. However, lacto-ovo vegetarians can obtain B12 from dairy products and eggs, and vegans can obtain it from fortified foods and dietary supplements. Since the human body preserves B12 and reuses it without destroying the substance, clinical evidence of B12 deficiency is uncommon. The body can preserve stores of the vitamin for up to 30 years without needing its supplies to be replenished. There are supplements which do not contain animal products. Vegetarians who are not vegan can also obtain vitamin B12 from dairy products and eggs.
Fatty acids
Plant-based, or vegetarian, sources of Omega 3 fatty acids include soy, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, canola oil, kiwifruit and especially hempseed, chia seed, flaxseed, echium seed and purslane. Purslane contains more Omega 3 than any other known leafy green. Plant foods can provide alphalinolenic acid but not the long-chain n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are found in low levels in eggs and dairy products. Vegetarians, and particularly vegans, have lower levels of EPA and DHA than meat-eaters.
Calcium intake in vegetarians is similar to non-vegetarians. Some impaired bone mineralisation has been found among vegans who do not consume enough leafy greens, which are sources of abundant calcium. However, this is not found in lacto-ovo vegetarians. Some sources of calcium include turnip and spinach. SOURCES OF CALCIUM: Good sources include broccoli, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, tofu prepared with calcium, low-fat dairy products, fortified soymilk, and fortified orange juice.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D levels do not appear to be lower in vegetarians (although studies have shown that much of the general population is deficient). Vitamin D needs can be met via the human body's own generation upon sufficient and sensible UV sun exposure. Products including milk, soy milk and cereal grains may be fortified to provide a good source of Vitamin D and mushrooms provide over 2700 IU per serving (approx. 3 oz or 1/2 cup) of vitamin D2, if exposed to just 5 minutes of UV light after being harvested,for those who do not get adequate sun exposure and/or food sources, Vitamin D supplementation may be necessary.
Personal Finances
1. Health care costs. Being healthier on a vegetarian diet means spending less on health care. 2. Food costs. Vegetarian foods tend to cost less than meat based items.
Research has proved that "vegetarians had a 24% lower mortality from ischemic heart disease than non vegetarians, but no associations of a vegetarian diet with other major causes of death were established.
Research has also proved that those people who have meat as a major part of their diet are normally of short temperament are more aggressive can less bear to opposing arguments and are major cause of violence in society.
Marketing Strategy:
Since Idea of to be vegetarian is new to Pakistani and they have less liking for it so in order to convince our public we will have to adopt aggressive promotion strategy.
Aggressive Advertisement:
In order to convince people to accept this idea, we first of all have to show the benefits of this idea through advertisement by utilizing all the advertising channels so that this idea will affix to their mind and they will try to adopt it slowly. We will use Bill Boards so that people can view it while going to their offices, schools and colleges etc. We can make commercials on it which will run while the most watching television program is running on TV. We can throw catalogue and brochures freely to people home also we can launch a website of our own to have complete information about this idea for people.
Here our Product is infact an idea. So For Idea in above diagram we will use only some points: 1. Feature 2. Variety 3. Quality
Features of Vegetarianism:
A vegetarian diet is a meal plan that contains little or no animal products. Types of vegetarian diets include:
Vegan: Diet consists of only foods of plant origin. Lacto-vegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods plus some or all dairy products. Lacto-ovovegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods, dairy products, and eggs. Semi- or partial vegetarian: Diet consists of plant foods and may include chicken or fish, dairy products, and eggs. It does not include red meat.
Variety of Vegetarianism:
Types of Vegetarian:
Type of vegetarian diet Foods that you do consume Foods that are not consumed Meat Poultry Fish Milk Eggs Cheese Honey *Also avoid: leather, fur, silk, wool, soaps and cosmetics derived from animal product Meat Poultry Fish Eggs
Plant-based foods Milk Milk products Cheese ,Yogurt Plant-based foods Milk Milk products ,Cheese ,Yogurt Eggs Plant-based foods Occasionally consume or consume in limited quantity any or all of the following:
Lacto-ovo vegetarian
Since Pakistani Public is Meat Lover so specifically we will try to make them SemiVegetarian initially and then with the passage of time Vegans (Vegetarian). Because in beginning it will be difficult for everyone to suddenly change their eating habits and quit meat from their diet over the night so a gradual change will be acceptable to all. Here we can categorize the attributes of our idea as having different Non-Vegetarian eating stuff starting from Semi Vegetarian like along with vegetables, fruits it will have White Meat and other dairy products. Semi-vegetarianism is a term used to describe diets that are not vegetarian, but include less meat than typical diets. The term has no precise or widely accepted definition, but is generally defined as the avoidance of red meat or generally following a vegetarian diet, but eating white meat occasionally. The term is sometimes used interchangeably with "flexitarianism. In semi vegetarianism, you reduce the amount of meat and unhealthy food you eat, but the major part of your diet becomes vegetarian. You have to exercise your willpower to forget old unhealthy habits . You avoid the red meat like beef, pork etc. more severely, but can continue to eat some amount of white meat like fish, chicken, lobsters and other sea foods. There are many reasons why someone might want to turn to semi vegetarian diet.
Quality of Vegetarianism:
So what are the reasons why people become semi vegetarians? 1. Weight Loss- Everybody wants to remain healthy and have a slim and nice body. But due to our bad eating habits, this dream of many people stays just a dream. Many studies are showing that it can really help if people reduce their meat consumption and add a sizable amount of vegetarian food items in their daily menu. 2. Health Conditions -Going vegetarian can dramatically and positively affect our health, and can also help in losing weight for those looking to remove the excess fat from their bodies. Many people with health conditions want to give up on the non vegetarian diet and start a healthier lifestyle to prevent diseases in the future. A semi vegetarian diet is perfect for them. 3. Vegetarian Newbie -A semi vegetarian diet is extremely helpful to those who have been a meat eater their entire life and want to turn to vegetarianism. It is a good start to give up on meat while still consuming some amount of white meat to satisfy that craving for meat. 4. Against Animal Cruelty -Those that are against animal cruelty and environmental depletion turn to vegetarianism to be a part of the solution. Converting into semi vegetarianism is a good start, but their ultimate goal should be becoming a lacto ovo vegetarian or vegan. You should remember that even if you are determined to include the healthy habits in your life, it can be hard to get rid them in a matter of some weeks, some people are good at breaking old habits quicker than others. Old habits die hard, and they have to be killed slowly but effectively. As many
studies have clearly shown to people that eating more healthy can improve a persons current health, the concept of going semi vegetarian is becoming more and more popular with each growing day. But this habit of semi vegetarianism has to be slowly included in our lives through some simple steps. Steps for Starting Vegetarian Life Style: These are simple steps to start the vegetarian lifestyle:1) Don't place junk food items in your kitchen or your refrigerator. As they say, "out of sight mean out of mind", the most effective way to stop eating the meat is by not keeping much of it at your home. 2) When you go shopping items, try to spend as much time in the vegetarian and healthier food sections as you can. Also, you should avoid going to the restaurants and parties where non vegetarian foods are the specialties. Try to keep yourself away from meat, and you can very well succeed in your goal. 3) Try to make new and tastier vegetarian dishes from the available vegetables to keep your interest in the vegetarian and a healthy diet. There are many tasty vegetarian dishes from foreign cuisines such as Indian, Chinese, Mexican and Spanish etc. 4) If you are planning to go a vegetarian diet, be sure to include some protein rich supplementary foods as vegetables contain much less proteins than the meat food items. You can add milk, soybean, pulses, and beans; you can also go for some protein supplements like whey protein available in the market. Nothing is important than good and healthy life. 5) Do keep consulting your physician or dietician when you go to follow a semi vegetarian diet as he can guide you to the best possible way of getting the full benefits of going vegetarian. It has proved from observation that to be complete vegetarian is more useful for health then being semi vegetarian because the nutrition which we get from white meat can also be obtained from other non-vegetarian sources but the amount of bad fat which will lead to obesity in long run may be more harmful.
Vegan is the strictest sub-category of vegetarians. Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products. Some even go as far as not consuming honey and yeast. Apart from veganism being a way of living, it covers the philosophical grounds as well. Vegan diet, also known as pure and complete vegetarian diet, strictly stays away from the usage of animals for food, clothes, and other functions. Also, dairy and egg products with processed foods such as gelatin is also excluded from the diet. Any type of raw vegan diet will consist of unprocessed vegan food(s) which then are heated above 115 F before consumption. The most common influences for becoming a vegan are health, ethical, moral, environmental, spiritual and religious values, along with animals rights and welfare issues. Read more on vegan food pyramid.
Benefits of Vegetarianism:
Helps lower blood cholesterol Less risk of heart diseases, strokes, and attacks Longer lifespan as compared to those who consume meat products Helps lose weight Less likely to get diabetes, gall bladder and gallstones issues. It is launched here as an innovative idea. Here basically people are more divergent in case
Idea Strategy:
of their taste preference and nutrition preference so its better to diversify our idea with respect to customer satisfaction and nutrientional benefits. We will have to convey this idea by proper advertisement by keeping in mind following 3 things: Ideas adequate demand The satisfaction of key financial criteria Its compatibility with consumer standards Our competitor
2. Promotion: Promotion is main part of our idea and it will play vital role. As we are just promoting and creating awareness about an idea so it is obvious we require promotion. But we require aggressive promotion as the idea is not going to get acceptance from society easily. As we are not going to sell any product, therefore we need consistency in our promotional campaign and the success or fruits will appear in the long run. We have divided the countrys major cities in three zones. In Zone A, we have Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. After rapid promotional activity in the Zone A and getting feed back from people we will move forward to other zones. We can change our strategy in other zones depending on the feed back gathered from Zone A. Our promotional strategy will be as follows; ATL (Above the Line) BTL (Below the Line)
BRAND AMBASSADOR of our campaign. Shahid Khan Afridi will be our ambassador and will support our campaign with other top most favorite personalities voluntarily.
The Television advertisement will run on famous channels having high viewership in order to reach to maximum people. Following budget should be allocated for different channels;
TV advertisement Cost Schedule Famous Channels
Cost (RS.) per Spot 7,000 5,000 4,800 4,600 5,000 3,000 1,200
No. Of Spots (Mont h) 300 300 100 150 250 350 700
Geo Network ARY Network Express 24/7 Hum TV PTV City 42 All Local Cable Networks
0,000 1,50 0,000 4 80,000 6 90,000 1,25 0,000 1,05 0,000 8 40,000
7,910, 000
1.2- Billboards: Different areas of each city will be used for advertisement through billboards. For example in Lahore we will cover Gulberg, The Mall, Cavalery Ground. These areas considered as posh areas and thousands of people visited or walk through form there. In short Gulberg is the hub of Lahore. Following are the locations available with respective rates;
Bill-Board 1
Bill-Board 2
Billboards: Monthly Expenditures Locations / Sites Cavalry Chowk (FTCF Chandmari Chowk,Sahmi Road to Firdous Market) Mall Road (Mian Mir Bridge) Kalma Chowk (FTCF Feroz Pur Road to Barkat Market)
20ft x 60ft 20ft x 60ft 20ft x 60ft
635, 000
Bill-Board 3
1.3 Streamers: Different streamers will be hanged with the poles of busy and famous
roads in order to give a glance to people. Following streamers will be used through out the campaign in different cities time to time.
Streamers Cost
510, 000
The role of magazines and newspapers can never be denied in promotion of any product, service or idea. Although electronic media is very strong but importance of print media is still there. We have classified news paper and magazine reader into Six categories. High Class Community Niche , AD Gallery Middle Class Community... Sunday Magazine Hotel ling Community Royal Palm Monthly Circular Educational CommunityOld Ravi an Monthly Circular
Business Community.The DAWN, The Nation Working Community.Daily Jung (Urdu)
As we linked each class with respective magazine and newspaper, here are the rates and material for ads.
Magazines Ads: Cost Schedule Monthly Magazine Cost s (RS. ) Sunday Magazine Niche AD Gallary Cheff Special Circulars of Royal Palm Old Ravians Magazines
No. Total Of Cost Issu (RS.) es 1000 Papers: News 4 0 40,000 Cost Schedule 7000 Monthly 2 14,000 New Cost 5000 Papers 2 (RS.) 10,000 per Ad 1000 1 0 10,000 The Dawn 5000 1 0 The Nation 6000 0 Jung (urdu) 3500 1 0-
No . Of Ad s 4 4
Total 74,0 00
5 80,00 0
Annexure (C & D)
(An opening show with prominent personalities and govt. official under complete media coverage & press release)
Vigor Doris
Vigor Mugs
3,332, 000
1,799,000 RS. 2,100,000 Rs. 1,500,000 Rs. 3,332,000 Rs. 7,910,000 Rs. 16,641,000 RS.
Contingency Plan:
Since in our marketing plan we have tried to convince people for being vegetarian because it has nutritional and health benefits which are most appealing reason for it if again people will not get this idea then we will try to convince people by providing them food recepies which are tasty and have less cost then meat dishes.