14 Book Reviews
14 Book Reviews
14 Book Reviews
a few chapters are devoid of typographical mistakes which in some case have resulted in factual errors. Nealson and Stahl state that freshwater environments typically contain 100 to 250 mM of sulfate while marine systems contain micromolar amounts (just the opposite is true). Bazylinski and Moskowitz have inadvertently created a new subgroup of Proteobacteria. The volume I received also included an insert correcting a figure in chapter 11, earlier versions did not. Suffice it to say reediting would greatly enhance the utility of this text. Despite its shortcomings, it is a good primer for the novice and an important volume for the seasoned veteran. John F. Stolz Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Book Reviews
excellent reference to advanced graduate students and researchers. It is worthy the review of old literature (i.e. before 1980). We have come to a point where we too easily forget what had been done in the past and, repeatedly, in writing our papers we reiterate arguments that were posted many years before. I truly recommend the reading of these pages to anyone starting to work in open ocean planktonic bacteria. I myself learned a lot. The central part of the book is concerned with the availability of energy to microbes and the responses of bacteria to the normal state of most environments: oligotrophy, lack of enough nutrients for sustained growth. Thus, the authors sentence starvation-survival is the normal physiological state of most bacteria. After an introductory concepts chapter, where words like dormancy, copiotrophs, eutrophs, saprophytes, zymogenous, oligocarbophiles... are discussed, Morita deals with survival of bacteria, and the availability of organic matter for growth with a strong focus on discussing methods. At this point Morita believes that most of the bacterial activity and production measurements in oceanic waters are too high due to filtration, bottle and priming effects. An overview of bacterial size and degree of activity is followed by a group by group analysis of literature concerning starvation which will be of particular interest to researchers working on pathogen survival and dynamics in alien media. This part is followed by the, to me quite more interesting, discussion of physiology of starvation and survival and the molecular genetics of starvation and survival (a chapter authored by Paul Blum from the University of Nebraska) and the description of the processes making the starved cell more resistant to stress. Two final chapters are particularly interesting for what they mean in ecological and evolutionary terms. Schrader et al. (also from the University of Nebraska) discuss phage dynamics as related to bacterial starvation. If this is the common bacterial physiological state in many environments, bacteriophages should have become adapted to such situation and the authors discuss in that framework the lysogeny/lytic growth choice, and the possibility of phages adapted to many hosts. In the final chapter, Morita asks whether bacteria in nature require energy for maintenance, a central problem for understanding the survival of bacteria in energy-devoid environments. The author differentiates this maintenance energy to the endogenous metabolism that prepares the cell for starvation but lets the question still open. Summing it up, Moritas book will become mandatory for libraries serving microbiologists and for bookshelves of microbial ecologists worried with the role of bacteria in nature. Josep M. Gasol Institut de Cincies del Mar, CSIC, Barcelona
Mycoplasma Protocols
ROGER MILES, ROBIN NICHOLAS (eds) 1998. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey. 330 pp. Precio $79.50. ISBN: 0-89603-525-5 Durante la ltima dcada los micoplasmas han ido adquiriendo cada vez mayor protagonismo. Sin duda, ha contribuido a ello la determinacin de su papel en diversas enfermedades, tanto en humanos como en animales. Las afecciones que producen son principalmente respiratorias, crnicas o urogenitales. En el sector ganadero son responsables de importantes prdidas econmicas. Aunque todava no se conoce la verdadera naturaleza de los micoplasmas, ya que son microorganismos de muy difcil manipulacin, los avances en las tcnicas de laboratorio han contribuido a una mayor comprensin de su biologa. La coleccin Methods in Molecular Biology, a la cual pertenece este volumen, comprende una amplia serie de ttulos que, desde hace algunos aos, trata de recoger y actualizar las aportaciones ms recientes en tcnicas y mtodos moleculares en los diferentes campos de la biologa, la medicina, etc. Tal como se deduce de los ttulos de los diferentes volmenes Plant Gene Transfer and Expresion Protocols, PCR Sequencing Protocols, Antibacterial Peptide Protocols, In vitro Mutagenesis Protocols, son esencialmente pautas para el trabajo de laboratorio en cada uno de los temas. Mycoplasma Protocols ofrece una coleccin de tcnicas tiles para la deteccin, aislamiento, identificacin y caracterizacin de estos microorganismos, con especial nfasis en los que presentan mayor importancia en clnica y veterinaria. El contenido del libro se distribuye en 33 captulos, en forma de contribuciones de diferentes expertos en cada materia. Desde la introduccin general se trata de ofrecer la definicin y la explicacin de una entidad como el micoplasma y su significacin en clnica humana y veterinaria. El resto de captulos da una explicacin detallada de las diferentes tcnicas moleculares que se pueden emplear, anlisis enzimticos, de extraccin de DNA, caracterizacin de los micoplasmas por PCR, entre otras. La bibliografa al final de cada captulo es realmente exhaustiva, con todo lo cual se obtiene una perspectiva amplia y general de los mtodos de manipulacin gentica de micoplasmas con fines tanto bsicos como aplicados. Marta Montolio Universidad de Barcelona