2008 Control

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[6] 8. The O.L.T.F.

of a system is

Ex/EE/T/31D/17/2008 B. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PART I EXAMINATION, 2008 ( 1st Semester ) CONTROL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Time : Three hours ( 50 marks for each part ) Use a separate Answer-Script for each part PART - I Answer any three questions. Two marks reserved for neat and well organised answer 1. a) In a servo system the friction torque is 68 106 Nm/rad/ sec at the motor shaft. The inertia is 1 36 106 Kg m2 at the motor shaft. The motor torque is 0. 027 Nm/100 volts and the error element produces 1 Volt/degree error. The damping is to be 0. 25 of the critical value. Find the gain of the amplifier and the natural frequency of oscillation of the system. What is the steady state error at a constant input speed of 20 RPM ? The load is connected through a reduction gear of 100. The feedback is taken from the load shaft. Full Marks : 100

GH(s) =

K s[(s + 1)2 + 4 ]

Obtain the complete root locus plot, make necessary calculations and indicate on the plot all the important points.

ii) use root locus plot to determine the range of K > 0 for which system is stable. 9. 14+2

a) Use the block diagram reduction technique to find out the overall gain of the system shown in Fig. 9(a). b) Draw the equivalent signal flow graph and hence find the overall gain of the same system shown in Fig. 9(a) 8+8

Fig. 9(a) 10. Write short notes on any two of the following : i) Routh-Hurwitz criterion 2.

b) Explain what do you mean by Electrical Zero of the synchro transmitter. 12+4

a) What information is contained in the specification : Position Error Constant = 1000 ?

ii) Principle of Argument iii) Signal Flow Graph 8+8

b) Explain the principle of operation of A.C. Drag Cup Tachogenerator.


[ Turn over

[2] c) Consider the servomechanism shown in Fig.1. Determine the value of K and K so that the maximum overshoot in h unit step response is 25% and the peak time is 2 sec. 4+4+8 6.

[5] PART - II Answer any three questions Answer of a question in one place will be preferred Two marks reserved for neat and well organised answer a) A unity feedback system is shown in Fig 6(a). Deermine the stability of the system by Routh-Hurwitz criterion.

Fig 6(a) Fig. 1 3. The block diagram of a servomechanism is shown in Fig. 2 with the appropriate parameters. KS = 60 Volts/radian KA = 20 Volts/Volts KM = 30 106 Nm/Volt J = 10 106 Kg m2 F = 161 10 6 Nm/rad/sec. a = Gear ratio 1 : 30 h = Gear ratio 1 : 20 i) 7. Also determine the pole locations w.r. to the jw axis. b) The characteristic equation of a system is
s 4 + Ks3 + 5s2 + 4s + 4 = 0

Determine the range of K(>0) such that the system is stable. The O.L.T.F. of a system is GH(s) = 100 s(s + 2)(s + 3) 8+8

Determine the stability of the system.

ii) Determine the phase crossover frequency of the system. 14+2 [ Turn over

[4] a unit ramp input equals 0. 1 and the closed loop poles will be located at (1 j1) . Find the values of K, and in order to meet the specification. 8+8


Fig. 2 a) With the feedback loop open, calculate the steady-state load
o speed corresponding to an input displacement of 1 .

b) Find the value of the system (as shown in Fig. 2) damping ratio. c) Determine the amount of total error rate damping needed to Fig. 3 5. The open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system (unity feedback) is G(s) = K s(1 + 0 1s)(1 +0 01s) 4. make the damping ratio 0. 7 while meeting the specification that the steady-state error as seen at the synchro is not to exceed 2o for an input velocity of 2 rad/sec. d) Compute the natural frequency of the system with error rate damping. 4+4+6+2

Design a suitable compensating network for the following specifications a) Phase Margin 35o b) The steady-state error in output must be less than 2% of the final velocity. 16

a) Find out the position, velocity and acceleration error constants and corresponding steady state errors for the unity feedback control system having the open-loop transfer function G(s) = 50 (1 + 0 1s)(1 + 2s)

b) The unity feedback system of Fig 3 is to be designed to meet the following requirements. The steady-state error for [ Turn over

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