TCode & Table Data
TCode & Table Data
TCode & Table Data
Series /SAPAPO/AC06 Temporary Quantity Assignments /SAPAPO/AC07 Exclusive Lock Records /SAPAPO/AC08 Generate Safety Stock Requirement /SAPAPO/AC42 Display Product Allocation Situation /SAPAPO/ADVM Macro Workbench /SAPAPO/AHTS1 Start-up of Action Handler /SAPAPO/AMON1 Alert Monitor /SAPAPO/AMONMSG Settings 'Automatic Sending' /SAPAPO/AMONMSG_SEND Sending Alerts /SAPAPO/AMON_REORG Delete Database Alerts /SAPAPO/AMON_SETTING Alert Monitor Settings /SAPAPO/ATP2PPDS ATP -> PP/DS Conv. in Background /SAPAPO/ATPC00 Global Settings /SAPAPO/ATPC01 ATP Group /SAPAPO/ATPC02 Business Event /SAPAPO/ATPC03 Maintain Categories /SAPAPO/ATPC04_05 Maintain ATP Check Control /SAPAPO/ATPC06 Maintain Check Mode /SAPAPO/ATPC07 Maintain Check Mode /SAPAPO/ATPC08 Maintain Requirements Profile /SAPAPO/ATPCH01 Maintain ATP Characteristic View /SAPAPO/ATPCLOG_DEL ATP: Delete C Log Files /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_AREA Maintain Plng Area Assignments /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_CHECK Check Prod. Allocations Customizing /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_CUBE Maintain InfoCube Assignment /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_GENER Generate Objects /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_GRP Maintain Product Allocation Group /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_LST Maintain Seq. of Prod. Alloc.Proced. /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_OBJ Maintain Product Allocations Object /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_PRO Maintain Product Alloc. Procedure /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_RESET Reset Time Stamp /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_TSTMP APO: Generation Status, Transfer /SAPAPO/ATPLOG Activate ATP Application Log /SAPAPO/ATPLOG_DEL ATP: Delete Application Log /SAPAPO/ATPLOG_DSP ATP: Display Application Log /SAPAPO/ATPQ_ALERT APO: Product Allocations, Shortage /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKCHAR Check Characteristics Combinations /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKCUST Product Alloc. Assgmt, Sales Order /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKUSG Check Product Allocation Assignment /SAPAPO/ATPQ_COLLECT Generate Coll. Prod. Alloc. Charact. /SAPAPO/ATPQ_KCGRP_U Product Allocations: Update Assgmt /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_C Copy Characteristics Combinations /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_K Copy Characteristics Combination /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_R Product Allocations from Plan. Area /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_W Product Allocations in Plan. Area /SAPAPO/ATPTUBE_DISP Display Parameter Buffers /SAPAPO/ATREE_DSP ATP: Display ATP Tree Structures /SAPAPO/BLRG01 Generation of Reqmnts from Blocks /SAPAPO/BOP ATP: Batch Backorder Processing
/SAPAPO/BOPI Backorder Processing (Interactive) /SAPAPO/BOP_COMPARE Backorder Processing: Comparison /SAPAPO/BOP_DELETE Delete Backorder Processing /SAPAPO/BOP_MONITOR Monitor Backorder Processing /SAPAPO/BOP_RESULT Backorder Processing Results /SAPAPO/BOP_RUNTIME Backorder Processing: Runtimes /SAPAPO/BOP_UPDATE Backorder Processing: Update /SAPAPO/BOP_VS ATP: Backorder Processing for VS /SAPAPO/BOP_WORKLIST ATP, BOP: Worklist /SAPAPO/BP1 Send Transaction Data /SAPAPO/BP2 Delete Transaction Data /SAPAPO/C3 Display Application Log /SAPAPO/C4 Maintenance of global parameters /SAPAPO/C41 Activate/Deactivate Login /SAPAPO/C5 Send Planning Results to OLTP /SAPAPO/C6 Delete Application Log /SAPAPO/C7 Find Entries /SAPAPO/CALENDAR Calendar /SAPAPO/CC Core Interface Cockpit /SAPAPO/CCR CIF_DELTAREPORT3 /SAPAPO/CCRR CIF Compare/Reconcile Reorganization /SAPAPO/CDPS0 DPS Variable View /SAPAPO/CDPS1 DPS View 1 /SAPAPO/CDPS2 DPS View 2 /SAPAPO/CDPS3 DPS View 3 /SAPAPO/CDPSB0 Production Planning Run /SAPAPO/CDPSB1 Prod. Planning Run in the Background /SAPAPO/CDPSC6 Customizing: Setup Group Maintenance /SAPAPO/CDPSC7 Maintenance of Setup Matrices /SAPAPO/CDPSS0 Simulation Version /SAPAPO/CDPS_REPT Evaluations /SAPAPO/CDPS_SETUP List Output for Setup Matrix /SAPAPO/CLPIPCAL Collaborative Promotion Planning /SAPAPO/CLPISDP Collab. Supply and Demand Planning /SAPAPO/CLPITPL Collaborative Transport. Planning /SAPAPO/CLPRPDEL CLP: Delete RFQs /SAPAPO/CLPRPIN Incoming RFQ Processes /SAPAPO/CLPRPOUT Outgoing RFQ Processes /SAPAPO/CLPRPSTART CLP: Publish RFQs /SAPAPO/CLP_PBPULL Read Time Series /SAPAPO/CLP_PBPUSH Send Time Series /SAPAPO/CLP_SETTINGS Collaboration Partners /SAPAPO/CMDS_DEFCNF Maintain Default Confirm. Profiles /SAPAPO/CMDS_DEFCNTR Maintain Default Control Profiles /SAPAPO/CMDS_DEL Delete Releases and Confirmations /SAPAPO/CMDS_SCO1 Maintain Sales Scheduling Agreements /SAPAPO/CMDS_SCO2 Delete Sales Scheduling Agreements /SAPAPO/CMDS_SCO4 Manage Fiscal Year /SAPAPO/CMDS_STPD Define Sold-To Party Determination /SAPAPO/CMDS_STPSR Define Inbound Release Processing /SAPAPO/COMP_VARIANT Comparison of Product Variants /SAPAPO/CONSCHK Model Consistency Check /SAPAPO/CONSPRF Model Consistency Check: Profile /SAPAPO/CONSSHOW Read log from database /SAPAPO/CPP CIF Postprocessing /SAPAPO/CPP1 CIF Postprocessing: Multiple Call
/SAPAPO/CPP2 Display CIF Postprocessing Records /SAPAPO/CPPA CIF Error Handling: Alert /SAPAPO/CPPR Reorg. CIF Postprocessing Records /SAPAPO/CQ SCM Queue Manager /SAPAPO/CQINW qRFC Monitoring for Inbound Queues /SAPAPO/CSNP Costs Maintenance: SNP /SAPAPO/CSPRF Maintain TSP Profile /SAPAPO/CTM Capable-to-Match: Main Screen /SAPAPO/CTM01 CTM: Consistency Check /SAPAPO/CTM02 CTM: Stock Limits /SAPAPO/CTM10 CTM: Distribute Receipt Objects /SAPAPO/CTMAPLOG CTM Logs /SAPAPO/CTMB Execute CTM in Background /SAPAPO/CTMCUST CTM: Global Customizing /SAPAPO/CTMMSEL Selection of CTM Master Data /SAPAPO/CTMORDSEL CTM: Maintain Order Selection /SAPAPO/CTMSCPR Profile Maint. Supply Categorization /SAPAPO/CTMSSTRAT Define CTM Search Strategy /SAPAPO/CTMTP Transport CTM Profile /SAPAPO/CTMTSTR Define CTM Time Stream /SAPAPO/CTMVIEWER CTM: Call Viewer /SAPAPO/CTRP Costs Maintenance - Vehicle Sched. /SAPAPO/CULL_RTO_DEL Delete Production Data Structure /SAPAPO/CURTO_GEN_DP Generate DP PDS /SAPAPO/CURTO_SIMU Display Production Data Structures /SAPAPO/CW qRFC Monitoring /SAPAPO/DFCT Maintain Distribution Function /SAPAPO/DISPLAY_CONF Display of DelSched and Confirmation /SAPAPO/DMP1 Display Consumption Situation /SAPAPO/DMP2 Generate Planned Independent Reqmts /SAPAPO/DM_PEGCHECK Consistency Check Pegging Areas /SAPAPO/DPC3 Change Overview /SAPAPO/DPLSPLIT Deployment Stk Transfer Prioritizatn /SAPAPO/GEN_CHK_PDS Generate iPPE Check PDS /SAPAPO/GEN_PDS Generation of iPPE PDS /SAPAPO/INCMD_MODEL Model Assignment /SAPAPO/IPM01 integrated profile management /SAPAPO/LCOUT Release from SNP -> DP /SAPAPO/LOC3 Master Data: Locations /SAPAPO/LOCTZCALC Calculate transport zone coordinates /SAPAPO/LOC_CD_READ Change Documents for Location /SAPAPO/LOC_DEL_LOG Location: Delete Application Log /SAPAPO/LOC_DISP_LOG Location: Display Application Log /SAPAPO/MASSGEOCODE Location: Mass-Geocoding /SAPAPO/MAT1 Product /SAPAPO/MC62 Maintain Characteristic Values /SAPAPO/MC77 Change Selection /SAPAPO/MC7A Location Split /SAPAPO/MC7B Product Split /SAPAPO/MC8D Mass Processing: Create Planning /SAPAPO/MC8E Mass Processing: Change Planning /SAPAPO/MC8F Delete Planning Job /SAPAPO/MC8G Schedule Mass Processing /SAPAPO/MC8I Mass Processing: Check Planning /SAPAPO/MC8J Copy Mass Processing Jobs /SAPAPO/MC8K Logs
/SAPAPO/MC8S Transfer Profiles /SAPAPO/MC8T Activity /SAPAPO/MC8U Transfer Profile /SAPAPO/MC8V Calculate Proportional Factors /SAPAPO/MC90 Release to Supply Network Planning /SAPAPO/MC96B Maintain Forecast Profile /SAPAPO/MCPSELDEL Delete selections /SAPAPO/MD74 Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts /SAPAPO/MNTPROF01 Maintain Display Profile /SAPAPO/MP31 Maintain Promotion Attribute Types /SAPAPO/MP32 Maintain Cannibalization Group /SAPAPO/MP33 Maintain Promotion Key Figures /SAPAPO/MP34 Supply & Demand Planner: Init.Screen /SAPAPO/MP40 Maintain Promotion Bases /SAPAPO/MP41A Maintain Settings for Report /SAPAPO/MP41B Promotion Reports /SAPAPO/MP42 Promotion Management /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN S&DP Administration /SAPAPO/MSDP_FCST1 Lifecycle Settings /SAPAPO/MSDP_FCST2 Assign Forecast Profiles /SAPAPO/MSDP_SB Safety Stock Calculation /SAPAPO/MSP01 Maint. and Service Planning Board /SAPAPO/MSP_CYCMAINT Cycle Maintenance /SAPAPO/MSP_ESIM MSP Easy Simulation /SAPAPO/MSP_MOBJ Maintenance of one Maint. Object /SAPAPO/MSP_PERFPROF Maintenance of Performance Profile /SAPAPO/MTL01 Maintenance Task List /SAPAPO/MVM Model/Planning version /SAPAPO/OM03 Test Program for liveCache and LCA /SAPAPO/OM04 Display of Current LCA Version /SAPAPO/OM11 Log /SAPAPO/OM12 Delete Log /SAPAPO/OM13 Analyze liveCache and LCA Objects /SAPAPO/OM16 Data Viewer /SAPAPO/OM17 Data Reconciliation /SAPAPO/OM25 Daily Reorganization of APO /SAPAPO/OO_PPM_CONV Maint. Mode Comb. for PPM Conversion /SAPAPO/OPT03 Optimizer User Display /SAPAPO/OPT09 Optimization Version Display /SAPAPO/OPT11 Log display /SAPAPO/OPT12 Opt. server process overview /SAPAPO/OPT_PRIOPROF SNP Opt.: Priority Profile /SAPAPO/OPT_STOP Terminate Optimization Runs /SAPAPO/PCMT Production Campaign /SAPAPO/PDSLOG Log of PDS Generation /SAPAPO/PEG1 Pegging Overview /SAPAPO/PMON Plan Monitor /SAPAPO/PMONDEF Definition: Key figure schema /SAPAPO/POM1 Planned Order Management /SAPAPO/POV1 Product Overview Transaction /SAPAPO/PPC1 Backflush Entry /SAPAPO/PPC2 Display Backflush /SAPAPO/PPE iPPE Workbench Professional /SAPAPO/PPELUI iPPE Workbench Express /SAPAPO/PPFSCO Output of Confirmations /SAPAPO/PPL1 Production List
/SAPAPO/PPM_CONV Conversion of PP/DS PPMs to SNP PPMs /SAPAPO/PPM_CONV_310 Report for Generating SNP PPMs /SAPAPO/PPM_CONV_LOG Log of SNP-PPM generation /SAPAPO/PPM_DEL Mass Deletion of Plans and PPMs /SAPAPO/PPT1 Product Planning Table /SAPAPO/PROD_CD_READ Change Documents for Produkt /SAPAPO/PSTRUCONS Plng Obj. Struct. Consistency Check /SAPAPO/PWBSCH1 Create SA Release(s) /SAPAPO/PWBSCH2 Release Output /SAPAPO/PWBSCH3 Process Sched. Agreement Releases /SAPAPO/PWBSCH4 Enter Confirmation /SAPAPO/PWBSRC1 Ext. Procure. Rltnshps Maintenance /SAPAPO/PWBSRC2 Delete External Proc. Relationships /SAPAPO/RBA04 Integrated Rule Maintenance /SAPAPO/RBAC01 Maintain Rule Strategy Determination /SAPAPO/RELHSHOW Hierarchy Maintenance /SAPAPO/REL_TO_OLTP Direct Release InfoProvider to R/3 /SAPAPO/REL_TO_SNP Direct Release InfoProvider to SNP /SAPAPO/REORG_WUL Reorg. of Where-Used-Lists in LC /SAPAPO/RES01 Change Resources /SAPAPO/RET2 Restrictions Maint.- Create & Change /SAPAPO/RET_EVAL Restriction Evaluation /SAPAPO/RET_RP Restrictions & Reservation Planning /SAPAPO/RLCDEL Delete Orders from Livecache /SAPAPO/RLGCOPY Realignment /SAPAPO/RRP1 Requirements View /SAPAPO/RRP2 Process Order /SAPAPO/RRP3 Product View /SAPAPO/RRP4 Receipts view /SAPAPO/RRP7 Mass Conversion of Orders /SAPAPO/RRP8 ATP Check for REM Planned Orders /SAPAPO/RRPEVAL Log for Last Planning Run /SAPAPO/RRPLOG1 Display Logs /SAPAPO/RRPLOG2 Delete Logs /SAPAPO/RRP_ATP2PPDS ATP Tree Structure Conversion /SAPAPO/RRP_NETCH Planning File Entries /SAPAPO/RRP_SNP2PPDS Conversion SNP -> PP/DS /SAPAPO/RSP_CONSIS Cons. Check RSC + Per.-Slot Creation /SAPAPO/RSP_DBORSHOW Display Configuration for Orders /SAPAPO/RSP_DCR Releasing Daily Packages /SAPAPO/RSP_DICP Daily Package Creation /SAPAPO/RSP_D_DEL Delete Delta Records /SAPAPO/RSP_EXPLAIN Explanation Facility /SAPAPO/RSP_G1 Planning Table /SAPAPO/RSP_INFO Information Center RP /SAPAPO/RSP_LC01 Initialize Time Series /SAPAPO/RSP_LC03 Update Time Series /SAPAPO/RSP_LC04 Restore Time Series /SAPAPO/RSP_MCSC Manuf.Compl. Proposed Orders f.Stock /SAPAPO/RSP_P1 Copy Orders /SAPAPO/RSP_P2 Start Medium-Term Planning /SAPAPO/RSP_P3 Reset Result of Medium-term Planning /SAPAPO/RSP_RD_SIMU Simulation of Restriction Explosion /SAPAPO/RSP_RSC Rescheduling /SAPAPO/RTO_ORD_COMP Compare PP/DS PDS (R/3) /SAPAPO/SCC02 Supply Chain Cockpit
/SAPAPO/SCC03 PPM Maintenance /SAPAPO/SCC07 Supply Chain Engineer /SAPAPO/SCC_TL1 Transportation Lanes /SAPAPO/SCC_TL2 Mass Creation of Transport Rltnships /SAPAPO/SCC_TQ1 Quota Arrangements /SAPAPO/SCC_USR_PROF SCC Cockpit User Settings /SAPAPO/SCE_USR_PROF SCC Engineer User Settings /SAPAPO/SCHED_TEST Simul. Transp. & Shipment Scheduling /SAPAPO/SDP8B Define Planning Book /SAPAPO/SDP94 Supply & Demand Planner: Init.Screen /SAPAPO/SDPALPR Assign Planners to Alert Profiles /SAPAPO/SDPPLBK Assign User to Planning Book /SAPAPO/SDPT SD Sched. Agrmt. Prod.Planning Table /SAPAPO/SDPUSET SDP User Settings /SAPAPO/SDRQCR21 Correction Report /sapapo/sdrqcr21 /SAPAPO/SEQ1 Interactive Sequencing /SAPAPO/SEQ2 Model Mix Planning Run /SAPAPO/SNP01 SNP Run /SAPAPO/SNP02 Deployment /SAPAPO/SNP03 Call Deployment Optimizer /SAPAPO/SNP04 Transport Load Builder /SAPAPO/SNP05 Capacity leveling /SAPAPO/SNP06 Hierarchical Planning Disaggregation /SAPAPO/SNP103 Maintain TLB Profile /SAPAPO/SNP113 SNP: Maintain Costs /SAPAPO/SNP2PPDS SNP -> PP/DS Conv. in Background /SAPAPO/SNP94 SNP: Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SNPAPLOG Application Logs /SAPAPO/SNPDRP DRP: Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SNPFCST Release SNP Forecast /SAPAPO/SNPLLC Low-Level Code Determination /SAPAPO/SNPOP Call Up SNP Optimizer /SAPAPO/SNPOPLOG SNP Optimizer Log Data /SAPAPO/SNPSA Sched. Agreemt: Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SNPSOP SOP: Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SNPSRC Call: Sourcing of Forecast in SNP /SAPAPO/SNPTLB TLB: Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SNPVMI SNP: Interactive Planning with VMI /SAPAPO/SUPCAT CTM Supply Category Maintenance /SAPAPO/TI01 Evaluation of Production Tracking /SAPAPO/TLBPRF TLB Profile Maintenance /SAPAPO/TR30 Maintain DP/SNP Time Buckets Profile /SAPAPO/TR32 Periodicities for Planning Area /SAPAPO/TR_CD_QUOTA Change Docs for Quota Arrangements /SAPAPO/TR_CD_TLANE Change Docs for Transportation Lanes /SAPAPO/TR_DELTRPR Deletion of Prod.-Spec. Trnsp. Lane /SAPAPO/TR_IGS_BPSEL Scheduling of GIS Preselection /SAPAPO/TR_IGS_BUTRM Update of GIS Data /SAPAPO/TR_IGS_RPSEL Reorganization of GIS Preselection /SAPAPO/TSCONS Time Ser. Network Consistency Check /SAPAPO/TSCOPY Copy/Version Management /SAPAPO/TSCUBE Load Planning Area Version /SAPAPO/TSKEYFMAIN Mass Maint. for Time Series Key Fig. /SAPAPO/TSLCREORG Check LC Time Series Master Data /SAPAPO/TSPSTRU Toolbox for Planning Object Struct. /SAPAPO/TTC1 Schedule Maintenance
/SAPAPO/TTV1 Maintain Validity Area /SAPAPO/TTW1 Itinerary Maintenance /SAPAPO/VERCOP Copy Version /SAPAPO/VERDELLD Delete a planning version /SAPAPO/VERMER Merge Planning Versions (SNP) /SAPAPO/VERMRM Merge Versions: Messages /SAPAPO/VS01 VS Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/VS05 Schedule optimization run /SAPAPO/VS10 Transportation Service Provider Sel. /SAPAPO/VS11 TPVS: Define Delivery/Pickup Windows /SAPAPO/VS12 TP/VS: Define Compatibilities /SAPAPO/VS50 Orders for Delivery Generation /SAPAPO/VS501 Schedule Delivery Generation /SAPAPO/VS51 Change Plan. Shipments to Shipments /SAPAPO/VS511 Transfer Planned Shipments to OLTP /SAPAPO/VS52 Check Release of Planned Shipments /SAPAPO/VS521 Check Release of Planned Shipments /SAPAPO/VS53 Deleting deliveries /SAPAPO/VS531 Delete Deliveries /SAPAPO/VS54 Deleting Shipments /SAPAPO/VS541 Delete Shipments /SAPAPO/VS551 Release Shipments in the Background /SAPAPO/VS60 Monitor for OLTP Publication /SAPAPO/VS70 Apply Split Rules /SAPAPO/VS71 Determine Split Rules /SAPAPO/VS72 Maintain Access Sequence for Splits /SAPAPO/VS73 Maintain Split Rules /SAPAPO/VSHIST Display the Change History /SAPCND/AO01 Conditions: V_T681F for O RB /SAPCND/AO03 Create condition table /SAPCND/AO04 Change condition table /SAPCND/AO05 Display condition table /SAPCND/AO06 Condition Type: Rules-Based ATP /SAPCND/AO07 Access: Maintain (Rules-Based ATP) /SAPCND/AO08 Conditions: Procedure for O RB /SAPCND/AO11 Create Rule Determination /SAPCND/AO12 Change Rule Determination /SAPCND/AO13 Display Rule Determination /SAPCND/AO14 Copy Rule Determination /SAPCND/AU11 Create Scheduling Step /SAPCND/AU12 Change Scheduling Step /SAPCND/AU13 Display Scheduling Step /SAPCND/AU14 Copy Scheduling Step /SCMB/ODM_CHECK ODM: Check Customizing /SCMB/ODM_DATA_CHECK ODM: Check Data Consistency AHTGL01 Action and Parameter Maintenance AHTGL02 Definition of Action Points BAPI BAPI Explorer CL02 Classes CL20N Object Assignments CL22N Assign Class to Superior Classes CL24N Class Assignments CT04 Characteristics LC10 liveCache Assistant LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench MASSD Mass Maintenance
MDEM Orders with Explosion Errors MDMD Matrix for Product/Location MDRPM Control Data for RPM Products OPPE13 User Assgmt: iPPE WB Professional OPPELUI02 User Assignment: iPPE WB Express PPECHK iPPE Consistency Check (Prod. Vers.) PPEHDR01 Create a Production Version PPEHDR02 Change a Production Version PPEHDR03 Display a Production Version RPMBAL Line Balancing for Demand Program RPMCALL Explosion for RPM RPMEVAL Evaluations RPMLOG RPM Log RPMPERF Display Performance Data RPMPLF Planning Flags for Planning Matrices RPM_DATEVECTORS_REOR Reorganize Table of Periods in LC RPM_DATEVECTOR_COMPU Calculate Table of Periods f. Res. RPM_OM_DATEVECTOR_SH Display Table of Periods from LC RPM_RESOURCE_TSTREAM Display Resource Time Stream RSKC Maintaining the Permittd Extra Chars RSPC Process Chain Maintenance RSSM Authorizations for Reporting RZ20 CCMS Monitoring SLG2 Application Log: Delete logs SM37 Overview of job selection SMQ1 qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) SMQ2 qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) S_AP5_28000002 S_AP8_94000074 S_AP8_94000284 S_AP9_75000079 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC0 S_AP9_75000085 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC8 S_AP9_75000086 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC5 S_AP9_75000087 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC4 S_AP9_75000088 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC3 S_AP9_75000089 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC2 S_AP9_75000090 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_CDPSC1 S_AP9_75000095 IMG Activity: APO_SNP_SNP112 S_AP9_75000101 IMG Activity: APO_SNP_SNP107 S_AP9_75000102 IMG Activity: APO_SNP_SNP105 S_AP9_75000130 IMG Activity: APO_ALLG_TRANS S_AP9_75000138 IMG Activity: APO_ALLG_CAL S_AP9_75000141 IMG Activity: APO_PPS_ROUNDPRF S_AP9_75000142 IMG Activity: APO_DEMPL_BEDARF S_AP9_75000146 IMG Activity: APO_DEMPL_WORK S_AP9_75000169 Call the IMG Activity S_AP9_75000183 S_AP9_75000184 S_AP9_75000202 S_AP9_75000203 S_AP9_75000206 S_AP9_75000212 S_AP9_75000249 S_AP9_86000053 S_AP9_86000062 IMG Activity: APO_SNP_SNP120 S_AP9_86000161
Tables: Tables where SALES ORDER Data is stored in APO In addition to the requirements in SAP liveCache, the SD order tables are also included in the comparison with SAP R/3. Data is stored in these tables that is required for SAP APO functions from the area of Global ATP, such as the check against product allocations and backorder processing. Both the existence and the consistency of the stored data is checked, based on the most important fields, as well as on the connection between main item(s) and subitem(s) in the following tables: /sapapo/posmapn (mapping the item) /sapapo/ordadm_h (order header) /sapapo/ordadm_i (order item) /sapapo/schedlin (order schedule line) /sapapo/obref (object reference) /sapapo/sdfield (SD order/delivery: Item additional data, also called 'field catalog') /sapapo/ciflooku (CIF lookup table) The following inconsistencies can arise: r3obj : R/3 object of item in table /sapapo/posmapn atpcat: ATP category of item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i chmod: Check mode of item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i pstyv: Item category of item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i from_time: Schedule line date in table /sapapo/schedlin to_time: Schedule line date in table /sapapo/schedlin uepos: Assignment of higher-level (main) item (Mapping in table /sapapo/posmapn and entry table in /sapapo/sdfield) wmeng: Requested quantity in table /sapapo/schedlin edatu: Requested delivery date in table /sapapo/schedlin obref: Object reference between order and delivery item in table /sapapo/obref matnr (MainItem)/matnrMItem: Product of main item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i werks (MainItem)/werksMItem: Plant of main item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i lgort (MainItem)/lgortMItem: Storage location of main item in table /sapapo/ordadm_i Account assignment (MainItem)/accMItem: The account assignment of the main item, that is, the pegging area from table /sapapo/ordadm_i does not correspond to the account assignment in SAP R/3 (vbap-sobkz, vbap-vbeln and vbap-posnr) ************************************************ Important Tables in R/3 Table Remarks QTVB Product Allocation: Allocation used by Customer Order* Use this table to find allocation assignment by Sales Order
************************************************ Important Tables in APO Table Remarks /SAPAPO/TBQTVB ATP: Parameter Buffer, Product Allocation Assignment /SAPAPO/PAGZE001 PAG-Z001 Product Allocations: Characteristic Value* This table is generated when a Product Allocation Group is defined. Use it to convert the GUID into a CVC. /SAPAPO/MATKEY Product Master* Use it to convert Material GUID into a material number. /SAPAPO/MATLOC Location product Master* Use it to see valid material plant combinations
(GUIDs) in APO. /SAPAPO/MATMAP Mapping Table for Products* Use it to see mapping of material numbers in R/3, APO and GUID /SAPAPO/LOC Locations* Use it to convert Location GUID into a Location number. /SAPAPO/QTTAB Product Allocations: Schedule Line /SAPAPO/SDQTVB SD Order: Product Allocation Assignment* Use it to see detailed allocation assignment by Sales Order /SAPAPO/POSMAPN Order Items Mapping Table*Use to get GUID for Sales Orders /sapapo/treqires- All the confirmed qty and confirmed timestamp for order transaction GUID CDHDR, CDPOS- Broader- All changes /sapapo/DMCP R-Delete N-Create C-Change