Eshelby 1959
Eshelby 1959
Eshelby 1959
Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 252, No. 1271 (Oct. 27, 1959), pp. 561-569 Published by: The Royal Society Stable URL: Accessed: 13/01/2009 22:43
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The results of an earlier paper are extended. The elastic field outside an inclusion or inhomogeneity is treated in greater detail. For a general inclusion the harmonic potential of a certain surface distribution may be used in place of the biharmonic potential used previously. The elastic field outside an ellipsoidal inclusion or inhomogeneity may be expressed entirely in terms of the harmonic potential of a solid ellipsoid. The solution gives incidentally the velocity field about an ellipsoid which is deforming homogeneously in a viscous fluid. An expression given previously for the strain energy of an ellipsoidal region which has undergone a shear transformation is generalized to the case where the region has elastic constants different from those of its surroundings. The Appendix outlines a general method of calculating biharmonic potentials. 1. INTRODUCTION
In a previous paper (Eshelby I957; to be referred to as I) a method was given for finding the stresses set up in an elastic solid when a region within it (the 'inclusion') undergoes a change of form which would be a uniform homogeneous deformation if the surrounding material were absent. It was also shown that the results for the inclusion can be used to find how a uniform stress is disturbed by the presence of an ellipsoidal cavity, or more generally an ellipsoidal region whose elastic constants differ from those of the remaining material. It was emphasized in I that the elastic field inside the inclusion can be calculated without having to find the field outside the inclusion, and that a good deal of information can be derived from a knowledge of the internal field alone. Consequently the question of determining the field outside the inclusion or inhomogeneity was only briefly touched on. In the present paper the external problem is considered in more detail. We first show (?2) that the biharmonic potential introduced in I in discussing the general inclusion may be replaced by the harmonic potential of a certain surface distribution. In ? 3 the displacement due to an ellipsoidal inclusion is given in a form which involves only the harmonic potential of a solid ellipsoid, and it is reduced to a form suitable for numerical calculation of the stress. The Appendix describes a general method for calculating biharmonic potentials; an explicit expression is obtained for the ellipsoid. It will be convenient to note here some errors in I. A shortcoming in the notation on p. 379 is corrected in ? 2 of the present paper. On p. 380, last line, for pjk read p'Z. The arithmetic (though not the principle) is incorrect in the second paragraph of p. 392. On the same page, sixth line from the bottom, for Vy read V/y.
In I the following problem was solved. An inclusion bounded by a surface S in an infinite homogeneous and isotropic elastic medium undergoes a change of r 561 ] 36-2
J. D. Eshelby
form which in the absence of the surrounding material would be an arbitrary homogeneous strain e:i to find the elastic state inside and outside S. is It was shown that the resulting displacement uVC the same as that produced by a layer of body-force spread over S of amount pj nj dS on each surface element dS, where pli is the stress derived from ej. by Hooke's law. The displacement produced at r by a point-force Fi at r' is
Ui = Uij j,
where Hence
u<(r) = fdSp
(This corrects a deficiency of notation in (I, 2.5) and (I, 2.6).) On substituting (2-1) in (2.2) and converting the surface integrals to volume integrals we have
1 j u/ 16r(1
- ,Pik
ijk -
T 1p
-Pik 0,P
(2 3)
Jv=rv ,
where the integrals are taken over the volume V enclosed by S. The harmonic potential 0 and the biharmonic potential frhave the following properties: -{87T insideS, V23f =q20; V4f = 2V20q outside S. (2.5) o -8* outside S.
The quantities 0, 0,i', fir, ,f
j, ,ik
where ni is the outward normal to S. The Appendix gives one method of reducing the determination of Vfto a problem in ordinary potential theory. Alternatively, u/ can be expressed in terms of <qand an additional harmonic function in the following way. Equation (2-3) can be rewritten in terms of a harmonic vector B and a harmonic scalar fi (Papkovich-Neuber): ug = Bi a =Biwith
4(1 -o ),m
0,k j,k).
(2 8) (29)
The determinationof fi can be reducedto a standardproblemin the theory of the ordinary harmonic potential. The normal derivative of /? in the neighbourhoodof the interface S is
/~jfTn =
,m ,m (jmn
f^,jkn)m nmPj/47Tl.
pTxjnlk/u .
Since f/ falls to zero far from the inclusion (2-9) implies that 18 is the potential of a layer of attracting matter distributed with surface density -pjkxjnk/47rtztover the interface.
Udu abc Uo
) (3-2) (3.3)
+ u) - y2/(b2 + u) - z2/(c2 +
For an external point A in the greatest root of U(u) = 0 and for an internal point A=0. A similar expression for /r is derived in the Appendix (equation (A 1)). This completes the formal solution of the inclusion problem. However, to reach a point where numerical calculation is possible it is more convenient to find the derivatives of ?/ directly in terms of <0. Consider the function
f = x10,2,12
which figures as the coefficient of pT in (2.9). It is harmonic inside and outside the inclusion, falls to zero at infinity and according to (2.7) there is a discontinuity
familiar in the hydrodynamic theory of the rotating ellipsoid, is harmonic and falls to zero at infinity. The discontinuity in its normal derivative across S is
47rxjn2(1 - b2/a2)
J. D. Eshelby
and so b2xln2 = a2x2n. Hence the harmonic functions f and ga2/(a2-b2) are identical, since they behave similarly at infinity and have the same discontinuity in their normal derivative. Thus
and so
, 12 =
a2 X- l a (x0,2-x 0,1)
a2 b2
_b 2
,1 +
_ a2 X1,2-
23= 2_
i _c2 3+ a2
The requirement that (fi) i),k be equal to (, ik), leads to the identity (b2-C2) X 0, 23+ (C2- a2)X2 31+ (a2- b2)X3,12 = which may be verified independently. If we were to try to find r, Il by treating the function x101 - r,ll in the same way as f we should have to construct a harmonic function whose normal derivative has a discontinuity 4Trxlnl, and this is rather laborious (cf. Dyson I89I). But in fact there is no need to determine b 11x,f 22 and , 33 since the third derivatives which appear in (2.3) can all be made to depend on the four quantities 0, r,12, fr23, f 31. If i, j, k are not all equal we have, trivially, , 112 = (, 12), 1 and so forth, while if i, j, k are all equal we can use
= 2,1-
(r, 13),3
and the two similar relations which are obtained by differentiating V2ki = 20. In this way we find from (2 8) C -e872
1? flr2(1a -ae2+bb)x2
e(a 2 (C2X(l,
eT + (e + eT)} 5 1-4(1-o)
(e ,2 +ef,
3) +
wAhere i
(C2X 0, 3- a3
1). ,
The expressions for u and uc follow by cyclic permutation of (1, 2, 3) and (a, b, c). The harmonic potential can be written in the form 0 =
+ ]E
+ b E(O,k) +
(c2 +A),
a > b > c,
k = (a2-b2)i/(a2-c2)i,
k' = (b2_2)i/(a2
and F, E are elliptic integrals of modulus k and argument 0 = sin-1 (I/A). The differentiations required to find uC, eC or pc can be carried out with the help of the relations
aF1a = - li/ABC, E/la -= B/A C,
A/lay= 2y/Bh,
A/z = 2z/Ch,
It is evident from (3-1) that A may be treated as a constant in forming the first derivatives of q4. Finally A has to be put equal to the greatest (in fact positive) root of = 0, A3-LA2+MA-N (3.5) where L - r22,
2a2 + r2R2,
ba2 b2 c2 1
r2 = + y2 + z2.
a + b2+ c2,
The field outside a homogeneous transformed inclusion is found by substituting the appropriate el in (3.4). The external perturbing field of an inhomogeneous ellipsoid is found by inserting the ei' of the 'equivalent inclusion', calculated from the unperturbed field eAjby solving (I, 4.3, 4-4). It is possible to treat in the same way the case where the inhomogeneous ellipsoid has elastic constants, ck, say, which are anisotropic. It is only necessary to replace (I, 4-3, 4-4) by the six equations
i +kl(e '+e-
+ eA - eT) ij + 2L(/
+ ej-
and solve them for eT. It may seem pointless to solve the problem for an anisotropic inhomogeneity when we cannot deal with an anisotropic matrix. However, the result has been used by KrSner (1958) in discussing the elastic constants of anisotropic aggregates (cf. also Hershey I954). There is another problem which can be solved in terms of an equivalent inclusion. This is the case of an ellipsoidal region which undergoes a transformation strain, eT* say, and which in addition has elastic constants (which need not be isotropic) different from those of the matrix. From the present point of view it is irrelevant whether the difference in elastic constants existed originally or developed during or after the transformation. For brevity we shall refer to this inclusion as E* and use E to denote our standard inclusion which has the same elastic constants as the matrix and has undergone a transformation strain eJ. We suppose that before transformation E and E* are of identical form. After transformation E can be replaced by E*, with continuity of displacement and stress, provided that E* when constrained to have the same final form as E develops the same stresses as E. This requires that the conditions = e t) e%)= (-(el (4.2) pi, A(eC- eT) j + 2ca(e
J. D. Eshelby
with the notation of I, ? 2. Here e. specifies the final form of E or E*, and eT or eT* is the part of ec which produces no stress. If we replace eckby SklmneT (cf. I, 3-6) (4-1) becomes a set of equations from which el. can be determined when eT* and Cjkl are prescribed. The elastic field outside the inclusion is given by (3-4) with these values of eJ; the stress inside is, of course, given by (4.2) or (4.3) directly. The elastic energy in the matrix is given by (I, 2.20), while the energy in the inclusion is given by (I, 2-19) with ej replaced by eT*. Consequently the total elastic energy is Eel. = 2-Vplij e-7. ij'
When only the non-diagonal components of eiT*are involved the solution of (4-3) is for ei or e%. simple. We may, for example, generalize a result in I (p. 391) which has been used in discussing the formation of martensite (Christian 1958, I959; Kaufman I959). Let an ellipsoidal region with elastic constants a*, K* in a matrix with constants #a, K undergo a shear transformation in which el'* is the only nonvanishing component. Then we have Eel -2y* and
where *V(eT*)2
(4-4) 1 -y y 7
and y is the accommodation coefficient defined by (I, 5-2). For good accommodation (small y) Eei is fairly insensitive to the relative values of/ t and a*, though (4-5) is not. In fact if */,a increases from ?-to 2 the ratio (4-5) increases by a factor 4, but (4-4) only by a factor (1 + y)/(1 - y). The value of orto be used in calculating y is that for the matrix. The expressions (4-4) and (4-5) are independent of K*, as they must be, since the inclusion is in pure shear. To deal with the case where eT*, eT*, eT* are not zero we should have to solve a set of simultaneous equations. Robinson (195I) has given an extensive discussion of the case where eT* is a pure dilatation. If the inclusion is entirely rigid (c*kl -> ce) we must have, according to (4-1),
eij * e0 -S_Ik e7T = eT*; Sijklekl
that is, the constrained strain ec. is equal to the transformation strain eJ, or, in engineering language, there is no spring-back. In other words, the problem becomes that of finding the elastic field outside an ellipsoidal surface on which the displacement is required to take the value
ui = (ei.+ iC)x. (4.7)
This is not a completely arbitrary linear function of the xi, since if ec is prescribed, eT may be found from (4-6) and wc. is then fixed by (I, 3-19). The origin of this connexion lies in the fact that there is no net couple acting on the rigid inclusion E*,
since there was none on the inclusion E which it replaced. To obtain an arbitrary we we should have somehow to apply a suitable external couple to the rigid inclusion. Edwardes (I893) has discussed the elastic field about an embedded ellipsoid which is given an arbitrary small rotation in this way without change of form. Daniele ( 19 i) has solved the combined problem of determining the elastic field outside an ellipsoidal surface which is subject to the linear displacement (4 7) with independent ei/ and Zwi. It was pointed out in I (p. 387) that the elastic solution of the problem of a rigid ellipsoidal inclusion perturbing a uniform stress could be adapted to give the solution of a related problem in slow viscous motion. We can use the results for a rigid transformed inclusion in the same way to solve the following problem. An ellipsoid in a fluid of viscosity a is undergoing a steady homogeneous change of form specified by the rate-of-strain tensor eg*, that is, its semi-axes are changing length at the rate d = el*, ... and the angles between them are altering at the rate Oab = 2e*, ...; to find the velocity of the fluid. Solve (4-6) for e , putting or = - in the relations (I, 3-7) which define the Sijk Insert these values of eg in (3.4) and put - = 1. Then u/ is the velocity required. Several authors (see Robinson (I95I) and the references he gives) have solved problems concerning ellipsoidal inclusions and inhomogeneities by using ellipsoidal co-ordinates. It is perhaps worth comparing this approach with the method outlined in I and the present paper. It is clear that in order to set up the problem and solve it formally there is no need to introduce ellipsoidal co-ordinates. If our object is merely to find the stresses immediately outside the ellipsoid we calculate the from b/a and c/a by consulting a table of elliptic integrals or Osborn's (i945) Sijkl curves. The el' are either given or have to be calculated by solving the set of simultaneous equations (4-1) or (4-2) when eAjor eT* are the initial data. The e~. for an internal point are then calculated from the eT and Sijkl and the stress or strain immediately outside the ellipsoid follows from (I, 2-13). The elastic energy, interaction energy and the remote field also follow from (I, 2-21, 3-22, 4-10, 2-18) without trouble. If the calculation is to stop at this point the use of ellipsoidal co-ordinates seems to offer no advantages. In order to find the elastic field at an arbitrary external point we have to insert the appropriate eg in (3-4) and carry out several tedious but straightforward differentiations. Finally (3 5) must be solved for A. This equation reduces to a quadratic if the point of interest lies on one of the co-ordinate planes. (It is also a quadratic for arbitrary x, y, z if the ellipsoid is a spheroid.) Again, if we are only interested in points on, say, the x-axis we have simply A = x2- a2. If the field at a general point is really required we may use the tables given by Emde (I 940) or by Jahnke & Emde (i943) where, in effect, A/L is tabulated as a function of M/L2 and N/L3. Alternatively, if it is merely required to survey the stresses around the ellipsoid it may be sufficient to pick a triplet of values for x, y, A, calculate the corresponding z from U(A) = 0 (equation (3-2)) and repeat the process for other choices of x, y, A. It has to be admitted that, except in the simplest cases, a calculation of the external field is laborious. The real value of having a solution for the ellipsoid with three unequal axes lies rather in the fact that it furnishes a number of useful quantities (for example, elastic and interaction energies, the interior and remote fields,
J. D. Eshelby
the stresses at the inner surface of the matrix) without much effort even in the general case, and that from it can be obtained the solutions of a number of more specialized problems. The use of ellipsoidal co-ordinates does not really simplify the calculation of the external field. If we have already available a three-dimensional ellipsoidal coordinate network (constructed for the appropriate value of k) we may locate points relative to the ellipsoid without having to solve a cubic equation. If not, it is necessary to carry out the equivalent of finding all three roots of (3-5) in order to obtain the ellipsoidal co-ordinates of a point whose Cartesian co-ordinates are specified. The stresses are somewhat complicated expressions involving elliptic functions of the ellipsoidal co-ordinates. They appear in the analysis referred to local rectangular axes parallel to the curvilinear co-ordinate lines at the point under consideration. There does not seem to be any special advantage in this orientation of axes except perhaps at the surface of the ellipsoid, and there, as we have seen, a much simpler treatment is adequate.
If into the integrand of the expression for f (equation (2.4)) we introduce a factor unity in the form
1 (xi-x) (xi-x)
r2- 2xi
Ir-r +
?, d
The integrals are the harmonic potentials of solids bounded by S and having variable densities p(r) = xi, p(r) - r2. Ferrers (1877) and Dyson (I891) have shown how to calculate the harmonic potential of a solid ellipsoid whose density is proportional to a polynominal in x, y, z. (There is a factor 2 missing from Ferrers's expression (p. 10) for the potential of a density distribution proportional to x). From their results we obtain
= 7abcS
( ^)-~
At first sight it seems as if the first term could be removed by a trivial integration. Unfortunately, although the contribution from the lower limit is zero, that from the upper limit is infinite. In fact the two terms in the integrand of (A 1) behave for large u like lu-~ and - 1u- respectively, so that they must be taken together to secure convergence. We can, however, treat the integral arising from the first term as an infinite constant independent of x, y, z in the following sense. Let us put formallyoo U du + const. = - T7abc (A2) and differentiate with respect to xi, ignoring the undefined contribution from the variation of the upper limit. (The lower limit gives no contribution, since U = 0 there.) The result is the correct expression for ,i. Dirichlet (1839) has given an expression for the potential of a solid ellipsoid when the law of attraction is the p-th
Elastic field outside an ellipsoidal inclusion 569 power,valid only for 2 < p < 3. If we put p = 0 (the biharmonic case)we obtain has the divergentintegral(A2). Hadamard(i923) given a methodfor extracting a 'finite part' froma certaintype of divergent integral.Appliedto the integralon the rightof (A2)it givesprecisely 1). (A
REFERENCES Christian, J. W. 1958 Acta Metall. 6, 379. Christian, J. W. 1959 Acta Metall. 7, 218. Daniele, E. I911 Nuovo Cim. [6], 1, 211. Dirichlet, G. L. i839 Verh. K. Preuss Akad. Wiss. p. 18 (Werke, 1, 383). Dyson, F. W. I891 Quart. J. Pure Appl. lMath. 25, 259. Edwardes, D. I893 Quart. J. Pure Appl. Math. 26, 270. Emde, F. 1940 Tables of elementaryfunctions. Leipzig: Teubner. Eshelby, J. D. I957 Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 241, 376. Ferrers, N. M. I877 Quart. J. Pure Appl. Math. 14, 1. Hadamard, J. I923 Lectures on Cauchy's problem, p. 133. New Haven: Yale University Press. Hershey, A. V. 1954 J. Appl. Mech. 21, 1. Jahnke, E. & Emde, F. I943 Tables of functions. New York: Dover Publications.
Kaufman, L. 1959 Acta Metall. 7, 216. Krbner, E. I958 Z. Phys. 151, 504. Osborn, J. A. 1945 Phys. Rev. 67, 351.