Lab 1: Android Development Environment: EE5415 Mobile Applications Design and Development
Lab 1: Android Development Environment: EE5415 Mobile Applications Design and Development
Lab 1: Android Development Environment: EE5415 Mobile Applications Design and Development
I. Introduction:
The aim of this lab is to learn the fundamentals of developing Android applications, from software installation to project creation on MS Windows-7 machines. You will setup your Android development environment and go through the Hello World app creation and run it on the Android Virtual Device (AVD).
II. Objectives
Setup the Android Development Environment Create a Hello World Android Application Understand the various parts of an Android Project Use the Android Emulator
3.1. Installation of JDK (Java Development Kit) Go to and download JDK 6. Install it into your computer. 3.2. Installation of Android SDK Go to and download Android SDK package. Unpack it to a convenient location of the hard drive - Remember the full path of this location, we will refer to it as <android_sdk_dir> for the rest of the lab. Add the path of the <android_sdk_dir>/tools directory to your system PATH 1. Right-click My Computer. 2. Click Properties. 3. Click the Advanced tab. 4. Click the Environment Variables button. 5. Double Click Path under System Variables. 6. Add ;<android_sdk_dir>/tools to the end of the Variable Values text field. Test your installation by running adb from the command line. If you did everything right, you should get a long list of help instructions. 3.3. Installation of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers Go to and download Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo). Unpack and then install it. 3.4. Adding Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin for Eclipse Start Eclipse and adding an additional Eclipse plugin in order to use the Android plugin with following steps: Click Help -> Install New Software. Click Add... button. Enter a name for the site into the Name field. Enter into the Location field. Click the OK button. Click the checkbox next to Developer Tools. Click the Next button. Accept the terms, click Finish. Restart Eclipse. Point Eclipse to <android_sdk_dir>: o Click the menu Window -> Preferences.
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Click Android from the Hierarchy view on the left hand side. Enter <android_sdk_dir> into the SDK Location field. Click the Apply button. Click the OK button.
3.5. Create an AVD In this lab, you will run your application in the Android Emulator. Before you can launch the emulator, you must create an Android Virtual Device (AVD). An AVD defines the system image and device settings used by the emulator. Please note that this lab assumes you are building applications for Android 2.2 platform (Froyo, API level 8). Android applications are forward compatible. That means an application built against API level 8 can run on Android 2.2 platform and further releases. If you compile the project in your own computer, you should make sure you have the correct SDK version installed. To create an AVD: In Eclipse, choose Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager. Select Virtual Devices in the left panel. Click New. The Create New AVD dialog appears. Type the name of the AVD, such as "Froyo 2.2 HVGA". Choose a target. The target is the platform you want to run on the emulator, for example Android SDK 2.2. You can ignore the rest of the fields for now. Click Create AVD. Now your environment is ready for development. When you are working in our laboratory, the computers may already configured properly and installed the software you need. You may also want to set up the same development environment in your own computer using these procedures.
Create Activity This is the name for the class stub that will be generated by the plugin. This will be a subclass of Android's Activity class. An Activity is simply a class that can run and do work. It can create a UI if it chooses, but it doesn't need to. As the checkbox suggests, this is optional, but an Activity is almost always used as the basis for an application. Min SDK Version - This value specifies the minimum API Level required by your application. Your Android project is now ready. It should be visible in the Package Explorer on the left. Open the file, located inside HelloAndroid > src > com.example.helloandroid. It should look like this:
package com.example.helloandroid; import; import android.os.Bundle;
public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); } }
Notice that the class is based on the Activity class. An Activity is a single application entity that is used to perform actions. An application may have many separate activities, but the user interacts with them one at a time. The onCreate() method will be called by the Android system when your Activity starts it is where you should perform all initialization and UI setup. An activity is not required to have a user interface, but usually will. Now let's modify some code!
4.2 Construct the UI Programmatically Take a look at the revised code below and then make the same changes to your HelloAndroid class. The bold items are lines that have been added.
package com.example.helloandroid;
public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Hello, Android by hand"); setContentView(tv); } }
Tip: There are some useful Eclipse shortcuts that you may use very often: Ctrl-Shift-O Automatically identify missing packages based on your code and add them for you. Ctrl-Shift-F Automatically format your code nicely (i.e. spacing and indentation). Ctrl-Shift-S Save! An Android user interface is composed of hierarchies of objects called Views. A View is a drawable object used as an element in your UI layout, such as a button, image, or (in this case) a text label. Each of these objects is a subclass of the View class and the subclass that handles text is TextView. In this change, you create a TextView with the class constructor, which accepts an Android Context instance as its parameter. A Context is a handle to the system; it provides services like resolving resources, obtaining access to databases and preferences, and so on. The Activity class inherits from Context, and because your HelloAndroid class is a subclass of Activity, it is also a Context. So, you can pass this
as your Context reference to the TextView. Next, you define the text content with setText(). Finally, you pass the TextView to setContentView() in order to display it as the content for the Activity UI. If your Activity doesn't call this method, then no UI is present and the system will display a blank screen. There it is "Hello, World" in Android! The next step, of course, is to see it running. 4.3 Run the Application The Eclipse plugin makes it easy to run your applications: Select Run > Run. Select "Android Application".
The Eclipse plugin automatically creates a new run configuration for your project and then launches the Android Emulator. Depending on your environment, the Android emulator might take several minutes to boot fully, so please be patient. When the emulator is booted, the Eclipse plugin installs your application and launches the default Activity. You should now see something like this: The "Hello! Android!!" you see in the grey bar is actually the application title. The Eclipse plugin creates this automatically (the string is defined in the res/values/strings.xml file and referenced by your AndroidManifest.xml file). The text below the title is the actual text that you have created in the TextView object.
4.4 Upgrade the UI to an XML Layout The "Hello World" example you just completed uses what is called a "programmatic" user interface (UI) layout. This means that you constructed and built your application's UI directly in source code. If you've done much UI programming, you're probably familiar with how brittle that approach can sometimes be: small changes in layout can result in big source-code headaches. It's also easy to forget to properly connect Views together, which can result in errors in your layout and wasted time debugging your code. That's why Android provides an alternate UI construction model: XML-based layout files. The easiest way to explain this concept is to show an example. Here's an XML layout file that is identical in behavior to the programmatically-constructed example. Open the main.xml file, located inside HelloAndroid > res > layout > main.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TextView xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/textview" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:text="@string/hello"/>
The general structure of an Android XML layout file is simple: it's a tree of XML elements, wherein each node is the name of a View class (this example, however, is just one View element). You can use the name of any class that extends View as an element in your XML layouts, including custom View classes you define in your own code. This structure makes it easy to quickly build up UIs, using a more simple structure and syntax than you would use in a programmatic layout. This model is inspired by the web development model, wherein you can separate the presentation of your application (its UI) from the application logic used to fetch and fill in data. In the above XML example, there's just one View element: the TextView, which has five XML attributes. Here's a summary of what they mean: xmlns:android - This is an XML namespace declaration that tells the Android tools that you are going to refer to common attributes defined in the Android namespace. The outermost tag in every Android layout file must have this attribute. android:id - This attribute assigns a unique identifier to the TextView element.
You can use the assigned ID to reference this View from your source code or from other XML resource declarations. android:layout_width - This attribute defines how much of the available width on the screen this View should consume. In this case, it's the only View so you want it to take up the entire screen, which is what a value of "fill_parent" means. android:layout_height - This is just like android:layout_width, except that it refers to available screen height. android:text - This sets the text that the TextView should display. In this example, you use a string resource instead of a hard-coded string value. The hello string is defined in the res/values/strings.xml file. This is the recommended practice for inserting strings to your application, because it makes the localization of your application to other languages graceful, without need to hard-code changes to the layout file. These XML layout files belong in the res/layout/ directory of your project. The "res" is short for "resources" and the directory contains all the non-code assets that your application requires. In addition to layout files, resources also include assets such as images, sounds, and localized strings. The Eclipse plugin automatically creates one of these layout files for you: main.xml. In the "Hello World" application you just completed, this file was ignored and you created a layout programmatically. This was meant to teach you more about the Android framework, but you should almost always define your layout in an XML file instead of in your code. The following procedures will instruct you how to change your existing application to use an XML layout. In the Eclipse Package Explorer, expand the /res/layout/ folder and open main.xml (once opened, you might need to click the "main.xml" tab at the bottom of the window to see the XML source). Replace the contents with the XML layout just defined above. Inside the res/values/ folder, open strings.xml. This is where you should save all default text strings for your user interface. If you're using Eclipse, then ADT will have started you with two strings, hello and app_name. Revise hello to something else. Perhaps "Hello, Android! I am a string resource!" The entire file should now look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <string name="hello">Hello, Android - by XML layout</string> <string name="app_name">Hello Android</string> </resources>
Now open and modify your HelloAndroid class to use the XML layout. Edit the file to look like this:
package com.example.helloandroid;
public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); } }
When you make this change, type it by hand to try the code-completion feature. As you begin typing "R.layout.main" the plugin will offer you suggestions. You'll find that it helps in a lot of situations. Instead of passing setContentView() a View object, you give it a reference to the layout resource. The resource is identified as R.layout.main, which is actually a compiled object representation of the layout defined in /res/layout/main.xml. The Eclipse plugin automatically creates this reference for you inside the project's class. Now re-run your application because you've created a launch configuration, all you need to do is click the green arrow icon to run, or select Run > Run History > Android Activity. Other than the change to the TextView string, the application looks the
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same. After all, the point was to show that the two different layout approaches produce identical results.
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represents the icon that Android will use for your application once it is installed.) o layout: This folder will hold xml layout files that the application can use to construct user interfaces. You will learn more about this later, but using a layout resource file is the preferred way to layout out your UI. (It already contians a file called main.xml which defines the user interface for your '' Activity class. Double clicking on this file will open up the Android UI Editor that you can use to help generate the xml layout files.) o values: This folder will hold files that contain value type resources, such as string and integer constants. (It already contains a file called strings.xml. Double clicking on this file will open up the Android Resource Editor. Notice that there are two strings in there already, one of which is named 'app_name'. If you select this value, on the right hand side of the editor you should see the Application Name you entered in the project creation wizard. You can use this editor to add new resources to your application.) gen: This folder will contain Java files that get auto-generated by ADT. Notice that it already contains one file called "". o Is a special static class that is used for referencing the data contained in your resource files. If you open this file you will see a number of static inner classes for each of the resource types, as well as static constant integers within them. Notice that the names of the member variables are the same as the names of the values in your resource files. Each value in a resource file is associated with an integer ID, and that ID is stored in a member variable of the same name, within a static class named after its data type. assets: This folder is for asset files, which are quite similar to resources. The main difference being that anything stored in the 'assets' folder has to be accessed in the classic 'file' manipulation style. For instance, you would have to use the AssetManager class to open the file, read in a stream of bytes, and process the data. You will not be using assets quite as extensively as you will be using resources. AndroidManifest.xml: Every project has a file with this exact name in the root directory. It contains all the information about the application that Android will need to run it: o Package name used to identify the application
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o List of Activities, Services, Broadcast Recievers, and Content Provider classes and all of their necessary information, including permissions. o System Permissions the application must define in order to make use of various system resources, like GPS. o Application defined permissions that other applications must have in order to interact with this application. o Application profiling information. o Libraries and API levels that the application will use. default.propeties: Ths file contains all of the project settings, such as the build target you chose in the project creation wizard. If you open the file up, you should see 'target=4', which is your build target. You should never edit this file manually. If you wish to edit the project properties, do so by right-clicking the project in the 'Package Explorer' panel, and selecting 'Properties'.
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This change simply introduces a NullPointerException into your code. If you run your application again, you'll eventually see this:
When Eclipse pauses at a break point, Eclipse has shifted around some sub-windows and introduced new ones. This orientation is called the Debug perspective, and this is the ideal perspective to use when debugging. The perspective you were seeing before debugging is the Java perspective. When stepping through your code, use F6 to step to the next line, F5 to step into a function call, and F8 to resume execution.
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