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Guilford Press

Cognitive Behavior Therapy New Titles and Key Backlist 2005/06

Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy PAUL GILBERT, Ed.
What is compassion, how does it affect the quality of our lives and how can we develop compassion for ourselves and others?
Humans are capable of extreme cruelty but also considerable compassion. Often neglected in Western psychology, this book looks at how compassion may have evolved, and is linked to various capacities such as sympathy, empathy, forgiveness and warmth. Exploring the effects of early life experiences with families and peers, this book outlines how developing compassion for self and others can be key to helping people change, recover and develop ways of living that increase well-being. Focusing on the multi-dimensional nature of compassion, international contributors: explore integrative evolutionary, social constructivist, cognitive and Buddhist approaches to compassion consider how and why cruelty can flourish when our capacities for compassion are turned off, especially in particular environments focus on how therapists bring compassion into their therapeutic relationship, and examine its healing effects describe how to help patients develop inner warmth and compassion to help alleviate psychological problems

Full Contr ib utors:

Nicholas Allen Tony Bates Jack W. Berry Hans-Werner Bierhoff Paul Gilbert Omri Gillath Ann Hackmann Chris Irons Wendy Knight Robert L. Leahy Deborah Lee Mario Mikulincer Kenneth Mullen Rebecca Murray Lynn E. O'Connor Ringu Tulku Rinpoche Connie Sharp Phillip R. Shaver Sheila Wang Eunice Yi

Compassion provides detailed outlines of interventions that are of particular value to psychotherapists and counsellors interested in developing compassion as a therapeutic focus in their work. It is also of value to social scientists interested in prosocial behaviour, and those seeking links between Buddhist and Western psychology.
Contents: Part I: Conceptualisations and Research. Gilbert, Introduction and Outline. Gilbert, Compassion and Cruelty: A Biopsychosocial Approach. Wang, A Conceptual Framework for Intergrating Research Related to the Physiology of Compassion and the Wisdom of Buddhist Teachings. Gillath, Shaver, Mikulincer, An Attachment-theoretical Approach to Compassion and Altruism. Bierhoff, The Psychology of Compassion and Prosocial Behaviour. Worthington, Jr, O'Connor, Berry, Sharp, Murray, Yi, Compassion and Forgiveness: Implications for Psychotherapy. Part II: Compassion and Use in Psychotherapy. Leahy, A Social-Cognitive Model of Validation. Rinpoche, Mullen, The Buddhist Use of Compassionate Imagery in Mind Healing. Allen, Knight, Mindfulness, Compassion for Self, and Compassion for Others: Implications for Understanding the Psychopathology and Treatment of Depression. Gilbert, Irons, Focused Therapies and Compassionate Mind Training for Shame and Self-Attacking. Lee, The Perfect Nurturer: A Model to Develop a Compassionate Mind Within the Context of Cognitive Therapy. Hackman, Compassionate Imagery in the Treatment of Early Memories in Axis I Anxiety Disorders. Bates, The Expression of Compassion in Group Cognitive Therapy.

New Titles and Key Backlist ................2 Mindfulness ..........................................7 Psychological Disorders ....................8 Children and Adolescents ................14 Eating Disorders ................................17 Addictions ..........................................18 Psychopathology ..............................19 Robert L. Leahy ..................................20

1-58391-982-1 January 2005 408pp. 60.00 hbk 1-58391-983-X January 2005 408pp. 19.99 pbk Published by Routledge

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

O t h e r t i t l e s by Pa u l G i l b e r t
Gilbert: Genes on the Couch 1-58391-102-2 2000 376pp. 35.00 hbk 1-58391-103-0 2002 376pp. 19.95 pbk Gilbert: Body Shame 1-58391-165-0 2002 320pp. 45.00 hbk 1-58391-166-9 2002 320pp. 16.99 pbk Published by Routledge

Cognitive Therapy
Basics and Beyond JUDITH S. BECK
Written in a clear, step-by-step style, this ideal teaching text makes cognitive therapy immediately accessible to students, beginning therapists, and seasoned practitioners who are not familiar with the cognitive approach. The author presents many clinical examples drawn from one patients treatment to provide a realistic and coherent demonstration of cognitive therapy in action. These examples illustrate how to conceptualize patients according to the cognitive model; plan treatment; conduct an initial session; structure therapy within and across sessions; incorporate homework; and use cognitive and behavioral techniques. Instructors will appreciate the texts emphasis on formulating cases, making decisions within therapy sessions, diagnosing problems in therapy, and using advanced techniques to modify core beliefs and underlying assumptions. Transcripts in every chapter richly illustrate the narrative, and the book includes a variety of patient worksheets. 0-89862-847-4 1995 370pp. 33.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

New Titles & Key Backlist

Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems
What to Do When the Basics Don't Work JUDITH S. BECK
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck Drawing on her vast experience with therapists and clients, Dr. Beck beautifully outlines how to identify and overcome many of the difficulties that can arise in cognitive therapy. As a consequence, therapists will be heartened and more patients will experience the benefits they hope for. Highly recommended reading. - David M. Clark, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, UK
Following on the success of the bestselling Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond, this groundbreaking book from Judith S. Beck addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accomplishing specific therapeutic tasks. While the framework presented is applicable to a range of challenging clinical situations, particular attention is given to modifying the longstanding distorted beliefs and dysfunctional behavioral strategies of people with personality disorders. Helpful appendices include a reproducible assessment tool, and the Personality Belief Questionnaire.
Contents: Identifying Problems in Treatment. Conceptualizing Patients Who Present Challenges. When a Personality Disorder Challenges Treatment. Developing and Using the Therapeutic Alliance. Therapeutic Relationship Problems: Case Examples. When Therapists Have Dysfunctional Reactions to Patients. Challenges in Setting Goals. Challenges in Structuring the Session. Challenges in Solving Problems and in Homework. Challenges in Identifying Cognitions. Challenges in Modifying Thoughts and Images. Challenges in Modifying Assumptions. Challenges in Modifying Core Beliefs.

Making CognitiveBehavioral Therapy Work
The authors provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to how to practice cognitive-behavioral therapy in the real world. Readers will benefit immensely from the books specific ideas about case conceptualization; sample patient therapist exchanges; troubleshooting tips; and guidance for continuing to develop ones professional skills and identity. An invaluable resource. - Robert L. Leahy, Department of Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell University Medical College, New York
A highly practical guide for beginning cognitive-behavioral therapists, this concise primer fills the gap between academic training and what clinicians need to know for dayto-day work with clients. Illustrated are the whats, whens, and how-tos of the entire process of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) from intake, assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning, through conducting sessions, making the most of supervision, and termination. Interwoven with an extended case example is expert guidance on confidentiality, informed consent, record keeping, and report writing, and on managing relationship issues and common problems that arise in CBT. Invaluable appendices point the reader toward additional resources, including empirically supported treatment manuals, journals, and websites.

1-59385-195-2 October 2005 324pp. 27.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Contents: Introducing Cognitive-Behavioral Process. Initial Interactions with Clients. The Process of Assessment. Conceptualizing the Case and Planning Treatment. Giving Feedback to Clients and Writing the Assessment Report. Starting the Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Process. Dealing with Initial Challenges in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. The Next Sessions: Teaching the Core Techniques. Managing Client Noncompliance in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Terminating Therapy. The Process of Supervision. Appendix A. Recommended Readings in CognitiveBehavioral Therapy. Appendix B. Suggested Journals and Websites.

practitioner. This empirically supported text presents a comprehensive guide to the administration of homework assignments, and includes a variety of models of practice and systems for evaluating client compliance and therapist competence throughout the process. A survey of vital theoretical and empirical foundations is followed by a series of nine chapters focused on specific clinical applications of homework assignments, on topics ranging from anxiety to depression and sexual problems to couples and family therapy.
Contents: Part I: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Kazantzis, Introduction and Overview. Kazantzis, LAbate, Theoretical Foundations. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, Lampropoulos, Empirical Foundations. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, Assessment of Homework Compliance. Part II: Clinical Applications. Leahy, Panic, Agoraphobia, and Generalized Anxiety. Scott, Garland, Depression. Najavits, Substance Abuse. McLeod, Nelson, Delusions and Hallucinations. Franklin, Huppert, Foa, Obsessions and Compulsions. Pachana, Sofronoff, Sexual Problems. Freeman, Fusco, Borderline Personality Traits. Hudson, Kendall, Children. Friedberg, McClure, Adolescents. Coon, Thompson, GallagherThompson, Older Adults. Dattilio, Couples. Dattilio, L'Abate, Deane, Families. Part III: Model for Practice and Conclusions. Kazantzis, MacEwan, A Guiding Model for Practice. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, LAbate, Conclusions.

1-59385-142-1 June 2005 254pp. 23.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Improving Outcomes and Preventing Relapse in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Organized around specific psychological disorders, this important work brings together leading scientistpractitioners to present strategies for maximizing the benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Described are effective ways not only to overcome frequently encountered treatment obstacles, but also to help people stay well once therapy has ended. Tightly edited chapters provide clear recommendations for adapting standard treatment protocols for tough-to-treat patients; enhancing motivation and homework compliance; dealing with common comorbidities; complementing CBT with other approaches; and targeting the factors that contribute to relapse and recurrence.
Contents: McCabe, Antony, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Roth Ledley, Heimberg, Social Anxiety Disorder. Waters, Craske, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Franklin, Riggs, Pai, ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. Feeny, Foa, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Rowa, Bieling, Segal, Depression. Lam, Mansell, Bipolar Disorder. McFarlane, Carter, Olmsted, Eating Disorders. Tarrier, Schizophrenia. Rotgers, Sharp, Alcohol Use Disorders. Whisman, McKelvie, Chatav, Couple Distress.

0-415-94773-1 September 2005 320pp. 27.00 hbk Published by Routledge

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma
This book provides a wealth of stimulating and up-to-date ideas for treating trauma and associated conditions, such as emotional dysregulation, guilt, shame, substance abuse, and revictimization. Readers can compare the formulations of leading experts in different forms of trauma therapy, and cannot fail to learn valuable techniques for working with adults, children, couples, and groups. Particularly welcome is the practical focus on managing the more complex problems of clients who have been multiply traumatized, often in childhood. - Chris R. Brewin, Subdepartment of Clinical Health Psychology, University College London, UK
Significantly revised and restructured to reflect major developments in the field, the expanded second edition of this important work is essentially a new book. The volume presents cutting-edge cognitive and behavioral applications for treating a variety of trauma-related symptoms, disorders, and special populations. Leading scientist-practitioners summarize the available treatment data and succinctly review the whys, whats, and hows of their respective approaches. Nearly all extant chapters have been completely rewritten, many with new authors, and new chapters have been added on advances in assessment, acute stress disorder, complicated grief, cognitive processing therapy, working with groups, and early intervention.
Contents: Ruzek, Follette, Introduction. Monson, Friedman, Back to the Future of Understanding Trauma: Implications for CognitiveBehavioral Therapies for Trauma. Part I: Assessment. Follette,

1-59385-197-9 October 2005 432pp. 32.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Using Homework Assignments in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
The use of homework assignments has been shown to reduce the length of therapy sessions and render the therapeutic process more cost-effective for both client and

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Naugle, Functional Analytic Clinical Assessment in Trauma Treatment. Pratt, Brief, Keane, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Recent Advances in Psychological Assessment for Adults. Part II: Interventions. Riggs, Cahill, Foa, Prolonged Exposure Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Shipherd, Street, Resick, Cognitive Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Wagner, Linehan, Applications of Dialectical Behavior Therapy to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Problems. Walser, Hayes, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Theoretical and Applied Issues. Kohlenberg, Tsai, Kohlenberg, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy and the Treatment of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Part III: Specialized Populations and Delivery Considerations. Bryant, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Acute Stress Disorder. Najavits, Seeking Safety: Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorder. Kubany, Ralston, Cognitive Therapy for Trauma-Related Guilt and Shame. Shear, Frank, Treatment of Complicated Grief: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral Methods with Other Treatment Approaches. Cloitre, Rosenberg, Sexual Revictimization: Risk Factors and Prevention. Leonard, Follette, Compton, A Principle-Based Intervention for Couples Affected by Trauma. Foy, Larson, Group Therapies for Trauma Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Deblinger, Thakkar-Kolar, Ryan, Trauma in Childhood. Ruzek, Bringing Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology to Bear on Early Intervention with Trauma Survivors: Accident, Assault, War, Disaster, Mass Violence, and Terrorism. Consent Form. Personal Experience Report. Breathing Exercises. Body Balance Exercises. Relaxation. Mindfulness Meditation. Mirror Time. Kindly Self-Control. Self-Comforting Exercise. Spiritual Skills Exercises. Human Change Processes: A Synopsis. Recommendations for Therapist Self-Care. Recommendations for Constructive Practice.

1-57230-902-4 2003 302pp. 24.95 hbk 1-59385-234-7 November 2005 302pp. 17.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain

A Step-by-Step Guide BEVERLY E. THORN
Highly practical and informative. Thorn beautifully weaves together relevant research with her extensive clinical experience to provide important insights in a how-to-do-it format. - Dennis C. Turk, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington Medical School
Grounded in state-of-the-art theory and research, this hands-on volume provides a complete cognitive-behavioral treatment program for clients suffering from chronic pain. Ten clearly organized modules for use with groups or individuals offer well-tested strategies for engaging clients, challenging distorted thoughts and beliefs about pain, and helping to build needed skills for coping and adaptation. 1-57230-979-2 2004 288pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

1-59385-247-9 February 2006 452pp. 34.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

New in Paperback!
Constructive Psychotherapy
Theory and Practice MICHAEL J. MAHONEY
Mahoneys book is not just the best available account of constructive psychotherapy, but one of the best books Ive read on psychotherapy, period. - Ken Wilber, author of Integral Psychology
An invaluable teaching text and clinical resource, this is a book about how to do psychotherapy how to apply the science of change to the complexities of helping people develop new meanings in their lives. Explaining constructivist principles and illuminating what a skilled clinician actually does in day-to-day practice, Michael J. Mahoney shows how to nurture the therapeutic relationship while implementing such creative interventions as centering techniques, problem solving, pattern work, meditation and embodiment exercises, drama and dream work, and spiritual exploration. Appendices feature reproducible client forms, handouts, and other useful materials.
Contents: Constructivism: A Brief Introduction. Constructive Psychotherapy: An Overview of Practice. Constructive Assessment. Basic Centering Techniques. Problem Solving: Basic Behavioral and Cognitive Techniques. Pattern Work. Basic Process Work: Meditation and Embodiment. Drama, Fantasy, Dream Work, and Stream of Consciousness. Self-Relationship and Spiritual Skills. The Experience of Change. Being Human and a Therapist. Appendices: Constructivism: History and Current Relevance.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients

This book provides a framework for affirmative, empirically supported Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Guidelines for competent assessment and treatment are integrated with practical descriptions of widely used CBT applications. In addition to presenting powerful treatment tools for depression, anxiety, and other problems encountered by gay and straight clients alike, the book offers clear-cut guidance on helping individuals and couples cope with the stresses of sexual minority status. Rich case illustrations bring to life the diversity of lesbian and gay communities, highlighting commonalities as well as differences among the issues that clients bring to therapy. Appendices include resources and sample client and therapist forms. 1-57230-954-7 2004 268pp. 26.95 hbk Published by Guilford Press

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life
A New Perspective on Old Age JASON HEPPLE LAURA SUTTON, Eds.
Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Later Life explores the specialist skills required when working with older people, covering: the delayed effects of early trauma
narcissism and the re-emergence of borderline traits and dissociative states the emergence of treatment resistant depression and anxiety the use of the Cognitive Analytic Therapy model to challenge the child centred paradigm of psychoanalytic theory.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

A Guide for the Practising Clinician GREGORIS SIMOS

New introduction by Aaron T. Beck

This book captures the essence of good Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which is the skilful blending of guiding theory, focused techniques and clinical flexibility. The clarity and relevance of this book make it must have for those who wish to be effective cognitive behaviour therapists. - Paul Salkovskis, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK
Although Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has a well elaborated theoretical background and documented standard therapeutic process, new specific theoretical formulations and genuine techniques seem to continually appear. These new treatment developments in CBT constitute the heart of this book.
Contents: Beck, Introduction. The Cognitive Treatment of Depression. Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Suicidal Behaviour. Cognitive Therapy of Bipolar Disorder. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Panic Disorder. Psychosocial Treatment for OCD. Combining Cognitive and Behavioural Treatments. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Eating Disorders. Schema Focused Therapy for Personality Disorders. Letting It Go: Using Cognitive Therapy to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder. CognitiveBehavioural Techniques with Couples and Families. CognitiveBehavioural Therapy with Children and Adolescents.

Contents: Hepple, Sutton, Introduction. Part I: Ageing, Ageism and CAT: The Theoretical and Sociological Context of Psychotherapy with Older People. Hepple, Introduction to Part I. Sutton, Leiman, The Development of the Dialogic Self in Cognitive Analytic Therapy: A Fresh Approach on Ageing. Hepple, Ageism in Psychotherapy and Beyond. Dunn, Why do so Few Become Elders? Loates, Individual CAT with Older People: Clinical Examples. Part II: The Developmental Conditions of Later Life from a CAT Perspective. Hepple (with Narcissus myth as abridged by Dunn), Introduction to Part II. Ennis, King Lear: The Mirror Cracked. Loates, The Case of Michael. Robbins, Sutton, A Coming Together of CBT and CAT: Sequential Diagrammatic Reformulation of the Long Term Effects of Complex and Distant Trauma. Hepple, Borderline Traits and Dissociated States in Later Life. Sutton, Cultures of Care in Severe Depression and Dementia.

1-58391-145-6 2004 248pp. 45.00 hbk 1-58391-146-4 2004 248pp. 16.99 pbk Published by Routledge

1-58391-104-9 2002 352pp. 45.00 pbk 1-58391-105-7 2002 352pp. 18.99 hbk Published by Routledge

Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia

Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies RICHARD G. HEIMBERG ROBERT E. BECKER
The best treatment manual Ive ever read. The manual is replete with clinical examples that will be useful to the individual or group therapist working with people with social phobia. It may be used either in a set format for a structured program or to provide the background for flexible application in individual cases. - Dianne L. Chambless, University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill, USA
This volume presents the first published manual for Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for social phobia (CBGT), an empirically supported treatment approach that has been applied in clinical and research settings for over 20 years. 1-57230-770-6 2002 316pp. 30.50 hbk Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Series Published by Guilford Press

Case Studies in Couple and Family Therapy

Systemic and Cognitive Perspectives FRANK M. DATTILIO
A masterful presentation by the specialists integrating their unique approaches with cognitive therapy. A must for anyone dealing with couples or families. - Aaron T. Beck
This volume features case presentations by many of the most distinguished practitioners of couple and family therapy, bringing to life the full spectrum of contemporary approaches in the field. Selected to illuminate the process and goals of each approach and to allow readers to listen in on highly skilled therapists at work, these exemplary cases serve together as a uniquely practical clinical resource for therapists and students. 1-57230-696-3 2001 486pp. 20.50 pbk

Guilford Family Therapy Series Published by Guilford Press

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Handbook of CognitiveBehavioral Therapies
Second Edition KEITH S. DOBSON, Ed.
This important volume surveys the range of the major cognitive behavioral therapies to date. Its depth and breadth are impressive and help the reader sort out the similarities and differences in conceptualization and treatment among these therapies. - Judith S. Beck, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research
Contents: Part I: Conceptual Issues. Dobson, Doois, Historical and Philosophical Bases of the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies. Blankstein, Segal, Cognitive Assessment: Issues and Methods. Persons, Davidson, Cognitive-Behavioral Case Formulation. Ingram, Siegle, Cognition and Clinical Science: From Revolution to Evolution. Beutler, Harwood, Caldwell, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy Integration. Part II: The Therapies. Rokke, Rehm, Self-management Therapies. DZurilla, Nezu, Probem-solving Therapies. Braswell, Kendall, CognitiveBehavioral Therapy with Youth. Dryden, Ellis, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. DeRubeis, Tang, Beck, Cognitive Therapy. Neimeyer, Raskin, Views of Constructivism in Psychotherapy.

Frontiers of Cognitive Therapy

The State of the Art and Beyond PAUL M. SALKOVSKIS, Ed.
Bringing together cognitive therapy clinicians, researchers, and theoreticians, this volume integrates the latest findings on the conceptualization and treatment of a range of psychological and psychiatric problems. From depression and anxiety, to eating disorders, hypochondriasis, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, panic, personality disorders, sexual problems, social phobia, and substance abuse, authors discuss the needs of individual patients and structuring effective interventions. Factors such as therapist competency, the therapeutic relationship and empathy are systematially examined. Chapters also consider the specific needs of populations such as children and adolescents and the mentally ill.
Contents: A.T. Beck, A Theory of Modes, Personality and Psychopathology. Teasdale, Integrating Clinical Insight with Cognitive Science. Salkovskis, The Cognitive Approach to Anxiety. Clark, Steer, Empirical Status of the Cognitive Model of Anxiety and Depression. Williams, Memory Processes in Psychotherapy. Weissenburger, Rush, Biology and Cognitions in Depression. Burns, Auerbach, Therapeutic Empathy in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. J.S. Beck, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. McGinn, Young, Schema-focused Therapy. Wright, In-patient Cognitive Therapy. Weishaar, Cognitive Risk Factors in Suicide. Blackburn, Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression. Padesky, Developing Cognitive Therapist Competency. Hollon et al, Cognitive Therapy in the Treatment and Prevention of Depression. Clark, Panic Disorder. Chambless, Hope, Cognitive Approaches to the Psychopathology and Treatment of Social Phobia. Vitousek, the Current Status of Cognitive-Behavioural Models of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Sbrocco, Barlow, Conceptualizing the Cognitive Component of Sexual Arousal. Moorey, Cognitive Therapy in Adverse Life Circumstances. Liese, Franz, Treating Substance Use Disorders with Cognitive Therapy. Kendall, Warman, Emotional Disorders In Youth. Salkovskis, Epilogue Cognitive Therapy and Aaron T. Beck.

1-57230-601-7 2000 456pp. 40.00 hbk 1-57230-863-X 2000 456pp. 20.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention

Now in its revised and expanded second edition, this comprehensive text brings together leading cognitivebehavioral practitioners to describe effective interventions for a broad range of crisis situations.
Contents: Freeman, Dattilio, Introduction. Part I: Treatment of Clinical Problems. Freeman, Fusco, Treating High Arousal Patients. Dattilio, Kendall, Panic Disorder. Reinecke, Suicide and Depression. Ramsay, Newman, Substance Abuse. Muran, DiGiuseppe, Rape. Heflin, Deblinger, Fisher, Child Sexual Abuse. DeVries, Gallager-Thompson, Assessment and Crisis Intervention with Older Adults. Part II: Special Topics. Hibbard, Gordon, Kothera, Traumatic Brain Injury. Abueg, Woods, Watson, Disaster Trauma. Castro- Blanco, Youth Crisis in the Schools. Epstein, Schlesinger, Couples in Crisis. Dattilio, Families in Crisis. Hamberger, Holtzworth Munroe, Partner Violence. Granvold, Divorce. Harbert, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. DiTomasso, Martin, Kvnat, Medical Patients in Crisis. Miller, Traumatized Psychotherapists. VandeCreek, Knapp, Legal and Ethical Issues.

1-57230-112-0 1997 25.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

k ey b a ck l i s t t i t l e s
Toner et al.: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Brain-Gut Connection 1-57230-135-X 2000 25.95 hbk Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Series Published by Guilford Press Kroese et al.: Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for People with Learning Disabilities 0-415-12750-5 1997 208pp. 60.00 hbk 0-415-12751-3 1997 208pp. 18.99 pbk Baucom/ Epstein: Cognitive Behavioral Marital Therapy 0-87630-558-3 1999 50.95 hbk Sheldon: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: Research, Practice and Philosophy 0-415-09374-0 1995 21.99 pbk Published by Routledge

1-57230-579-7 2000 465pp. 40.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Mindfulness Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
One of the best books yet on mindfulness and psychotherapy. Well informed, clinically sound, thoughtful, practical, and provocative. - Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
Responding to growing interest among psychotherapists of all theoretical orientations, this practical book provides a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness and its contemporary clinical applications. The authors, who have been practicing both mindfulness and psychotherapy for decades, present a range of clear-cut procedures for practicing mindfulness techniques and teaching them to patients experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other problems. Also addressed are ways that mindfulness practices can increase acceptance and empathy in the therapeutic relationship. The book reviews the philosophical underpinnings of mindfulness and presents compelling empirical findings.
Contents: Part I: The Meaning of Mindfulness. Germer, Mindfulness: What Is It? What Does It Matter? Siegel, Fulton, Buddhist and Western Psychology: Seeking Common Ground. Part II: The Therapy Relationship. Fulton, Mindfulness as Clinical Training. Morgan, Morgan, Cultivating Attention and Empathy. Surrey, Relational Psychotherapy, Relational Mindfulness. Part III: Clinical Applications. Germer, Teaching Mindfulness in Therapy. Morgan, Depression: Turning toward Life. Germer, Anxiety Disorders: Befriending Fear. Siegel, Psychophysiological Disorders: Embracing Pain. Goodman, Working with Children: Beginner's Mind. Lazar, Mindfulness Research. Part IV: Past and Promise. Olendzki, Roots of Mindfulness. Styron, Positive Psychology: Awakening to the Fullness of Life. Appendices.

pioneering editors and contributors who thoroughly describe the whats, hows, and whys of their respective approaches, the book provides the first comprehensive exploration of an increasingly influential movement in contemporary psychotherapy.
Contents: Hayes, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the New Behavior Therapies. Robins, Linehan, Schmidt, Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Synthesizing Radical Acceptance with Skillful Means. Segal, Teasdale, Williams, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Theoretical Rationale and Empirical Status. Orsillo, Roemer, Lerner, Tull, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and CognitiveBehavioral Therapy: Comparisons, Contrasts, and Application to Anxiety. Kohlenberg, Kanter, Bolling, Wexner, Parker, Tsai, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Acceptance. Wilson, Murrell, Values Work in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Setting a Course for Behavioral Treatment. Martell, Addis, Dimidjian, Finding the Action in Behavioral Activation: The Search for Empirically Supported Interventions and Mechanisms of Change. Fruzzetti, Iverson, Mindfulness, Acceptance, Validation, and Individual Psychopathology in Couples, Follette, Palm, Hall, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Trauma. Borkovec, Sharpless, Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Bringing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy into the Valued Present. Wilson, Acceptance and Change in the Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Evolution of Manual-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Marlatt, Witkiewitz, Dillworth, Bowen, Parks, Macpherson, Lonczak, Larimer, Simpson, Blume, Crutcher, Vipassana Meditation as a Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders. Christensen, Sevier, Simpson, Gattis, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Change in Couple Therapy.

1-59385-066-2 2004 325pp. 30.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression

A New Approach to Preventing Relapse ZINDEL V. SEGAL J. MARK G. WILLIAMS JOHN D. TEASDALE
A very valuable resource for clinicians and for treatment development researchers. The guidelines for teaching mindfulness are very solid. The transcripts of therapist-client interactions, verbatim instructions to give clients, sample handouts and forms, and clinical wisdom on how to teach skillfully are all superb... A wonderful initiation for the therapist who has not been introduced to mindfulness, and a book that will enhance the skills of the experienced practitioner. - Marsha M. Linehan
This book presents an innovative eight-session program designed to prevent relapse in clients who have recovered from depression. Integrating cognitive therapy principles and practice into a mindfulness framework, the approach has been proven effective in controlled clinical research. The authors demonstrate how to teach clients to make a simple but radical shift in their relationship to the thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations that contribute to depressive relapse. This shift can help prevent sadness from spiraling out of control. Written in a highly readable, accessible style, the

1-59385-139-1 May 2005 333pp. 27.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Mindfulness and Acceptance

Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition STEVEN C. HAYES VICTORIA FOLLETTE MARSHA M. LINEHAN, Eds.
This important volume addresses a new set of behavior therapies developed over the last decade that emphasize such nontraditional themes as mindfulness, acceptance, relationship, values, spirituality, focusing on the present moment, and emotional deepening. Offering powerful ways of working with people suffering from difficult clinical issues and challenges, these innovative applications are attracting growing attention from clinicians and researchers alike. From

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book describes the theoretical basis for the approach and details each of the structured group sessions. It offers practical information on how to duplicate the program, including session curricula, samples of participant handouts, and numerous case examples and session transcripts. 1-57230-706-4 2002 351pp. 30.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations
This is the first book to describe a viable CBT approach to command hallucinations. It is a must buy for all those on PSI courses and those who work in forensic settings. - Douglas Turkington, University of Newcastle
Command hallucinations are a particularly distressing and sometimes dangerous type of hallucination about which relatively little is known and for which no evidenced based treatment currently exists. In A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations the development of a new and innovative evidenced based cognitive therapy is presented in a practical format ideal for the busy practitioner. This new approach is based on over a decades research on the role of voice hearers beliefs about the power and omnipotence of their voices and how this drives distress and acting on voices. The therapy protocol is presented in clear steps from formulation to intervention. The body of the book describes its application in eight cases illustrating the breadth of its application, including complex cases. The authors also present their interpretation of what their findings tell us about what works and doesnt work, and suggestions for future developments. 1-58391-785-3 January 2006 160pp. 24.99 hbk Published by Routledge

Psychological Disorders

Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia
Theory and Practice TIL WYKES CLARE REEDER
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia describes the background and development of this new psychological therapy and demonstrates how it provides the first structured help to overcome the thinking problems associated with schizophrenia.
In three sections, the book covers the theoretical and empirical underpinning of cognitive remediation therapy and explores its application. Part I, The development of therapy, provides the historical context and theoretical background to the therapy and emphasizes the value of rehabilitating cognitive deficits. In Part II, improving cognitive processes, the process and effects of changing cognition are examined. Finally, in Part III, the process of therapy, the authors provide a clinical guide to the delivery of cognitive remediation therapy and use case examples to support its efficacy.
Contents: Part I: The Development of Therapy. The Historical Context of Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia. An Overview of Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia. Explaining Cognitive Dysfunction. Why Rehabilitate Cognitive Deficits. Part II: Improving Cognitive Processes. Changing Cognition in the Laboratory. Changing Cognition in Clinical Settings. What is the Effect of Cognitive Change? Part III: The Process of Therapy. A Theoretical Model for Cognitive Remediation Therapy. The Content and Process of Therapy. Assessment and Formulation. CRT in Action: Case Studies. Cognitive Remediation Therapy in the Future.

Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia
This book will give a shot in the arm to clinicians interested in working with psychotic patients. - From the Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Drawing on the authors decades of influential work in the field, this highly practical volume presents an evidencebased cognitive therapy approach for clients with schizophrenia. Guidelines are provided for collaborative assessment and case formulation that enable the clinician to build a strong therapeutic relationship, establish reasonable goals, and tailor treatment to each clients needs. Described in thorough, step-by-step detail are effective techniques for

1-58391-970-8 June 2005 328pp. 55.00 hbk 1-58391-971-6 June 2005 328pp. 19.99 pbk Published by Routledge

k ey b a ck l i s t t i t l e s
Slade/Haddock: Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders 0-415-10289-8 1995 304pp. 50.00 hbk 0-415-10290-1 1995 304pp. 19.99 pbk Sperry: Handbook of Diagnosis & Treatment of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders, 2nd Edition 0-415-93569-5 2003 256pp. 29.95 hbk Published by Routledge

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working with delusional beliefs, voices, visions, thought disorders, and negative symptoms; integrating cognitive therapy with other forms of treatment; reducing the risk of relapse; and helping clients stay motivated and engaged. Grounded in the latest research on schizophrenia and its treatment, this state-of-the-art treatment guide includes reproducible client handouts and assessment tools. 1-59385-104-9 January 2005 212pp. 25.00 hbk
Brabban, Turkington, The Search for Meaning: Detecting Congruence between Life Events, Underlying Schema and Psychotic Symptoms. Part II: Specific Cognitive Therapies for Psychotic Symptoms. Tarrier, The Use of Coping Strategies and Self-regulation in the Treatment of Psychosis. Birchwood, Meaden, Trower, Gilbert, Shame, Humiliation and Entrapment in Psychosis: A Social Rank Theory Approach to Cognitive Intervention with Voices and Delusions. Morrison, Cognitive Therapy for Drugresistant Auditory Hallucinations: A Case Example. Williams, Anxiety, Associated Psychological Sensations and Delusional Catastrophic Misinterpretation: Variations on a Theme? Freeman, Garety, Cognitive Therapy for an Individual with a Long Standing Persecutory Delusion: Incorporating Emotional Processes into a Multi-factoral Perspective on Delusional Beliefs. Kinderman, Benn, Attributional Therapy: A Case of Paranoia and Hallucinations. Part III: New Developments in Cognitive Therapies for Psychoses. French, Morrison, Walford, Knight, Bentall, Cognitive Therapy for Preventing Transition to Psychosis in High Risk Individuals: A Single Case Study. Scott, Cognitive Therapy for Clients with Bipolar Disorder. Haddock, Barrowclough, Moring, Tarrier, Lewis, Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Patients with Co-existing Psychosis and Substance Use Problems. Randall, Wood, Day, Bentall, Rogers, Healy, Enhancing Appropriate Adherence with Neuroleptic Medication: Two Contrasting Approaches.

Treatment Manuals for Real World Clinicians Series Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis

Erudite and well written, this book is a general how-to use cognitive therapy techniques with people diagnosed as psychotic... this texts emphasis on the C rather than B aspect of CBT and its diagrammatic use of formulations set it apart. - Guy Holmes, Mental Health Today, June 2004 Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis provides clinicians with a comprehensive cognitive model that can be applied to all patients with schizophrenia and related disorders in order to aid the development of a formulation that will incorporate all relevant factors. It illustrates the process of assessment, formulation and intervention and highlights potential difficulties arising from work with patients and how they can be overcome.
1-58391-810-8 2003 288pp. 28.99 hbk Published by Routledge

1-58391-205-3 2001 328pp. 35.00 hbk 1-58391-206-1 2002 328pp. 17.99 pbk Published by Routledge

Schema Therapy
Designed to bring about lasting change in clients with personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies. This book, written by the models developer and two of its leading practitioners, is the first major text for clinicians wishing to learn and use this popular integrative approach. Provided in one comprehensive volume are an authoritative conceptual overview and stepby-step guidelines for assessment and treatment. Clinicians learn innovative ways to rapidly conceptualize challenging cases; explore the clients childhood history; identify and modify self-defeating behavioral patterns; use imagery and other experiential techniques in treatment; and maximize the power of the therapeutic relationship. Including detailed protocols for treating borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, the book is illustrated with numerous clinical examples. 1-57230-838-9 2003 470pp. 33.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis

It is original and fresh with a very wide range of authors who are acknowledged leaders in the field. - David Kingdon, University of Southampton, UK
This book is a unique volume in which leading clinicians and researchers in the field of cognitive therapy for psychosis illustrate their individual approaches to the understanding of the difficulties faced by people with psychosis and how this informs intervention.
Contents: Morrison, Preface. Part I: Cognitive Therapy Basics. Beck, Successful Outpatient Psychotherapy of a Chronic Schizophrenic with a Delusion Based on Borrowed Guilt: A 1952 Case Study. Beck, Successful Outpatient Psychotherapy of a Chronic Schizophrenic with a Delusion Based on Borrowed Guilt: A 50-year Retrospective. Renton, Cognitive Therapy for Paranoia. Dunn, Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis: Emphasising Engagement.

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD
This authoritative, highly readable book reviews current cognitivebehavioral models of OCD and delineates an innovative approach to assessment and treatment. From leading scientist-practitioner David A. Clark, the book first elaborates on and refines existing theories of obsessions and compulsions, with a focus on the maladaptive appraisals and beliefs underlying different types of symptomatology. Building on this expanded account of obsessional phenomena and drawing on the latest CBT theory and research the second half of the book spells out the nuts and bolts of clinical intervention. Specific strategies are set forth for identifying client needs, developing a cognitivebehavioral case formulation, implementing a range of carefully planned interventions, and troubleshooting potential difficulties. Illustrated with extensive clinical material, the volume is practical and user-friendly. Invaluable appendices feature over a dozen reproducible rating scales, homework tasks, and client handouts. 1-57230-963-6 2004 314pp. 26.95 hbk Published by Guilford Press
Personality Disorders. Wiegel, Wincze, Dysfunction. Savard, Morin, Insomnia. Barlow, Sexual

1-57230-703-X 2001 589pp. 48.50 hbk 1-59385-013-1 2004 589pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders

A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual Third Edition DAVID H. BARLOW, Ed.
Now in a revised and updated third edition, this classic text provides detailed, practical guidelines for treating the most commonly encountered adult disorders. The latest advances in evidence-based practice are reflected in chapters from an expert array of scientist practitioners. The third edition features new chapters on bipolar disorder, cocaine dependence, and interpersonal psychotherapy for depression, as well as broader coverage of alcohol use disorders and sexual dysfunction.
Contents: Craske, Barlow, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Resick, Calhoun, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Turk, Heimberg, Hope, Social Anxiety Disorder. Brown, OLeary, Barlow, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Foa, Franklin, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Young, Weinberger, Beck, Cognitive Therapy for Depression. Gillies, Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Wilson, Pike, Eating Disorders. McCrady, Alcohol Use Disorders. Higgins, Budney, Sigmon, Cocaine Dependence. Linehan, Cochran, Kehrer, Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. Miklowitz, Bipolar Disorder. Bach, Wincze, Barlow, Sexual Dysfunction. Wheeler, Christensen, Jacobson, Couple Distress.

Handbook of Assessment and Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders

This comprehensive reference and text provides detailed guidelines for conducting multimodal assessments of individuals suffering from frequently encountered psychological disorders. The contributors, leading scientist practitioners, address the growing need for assessment approaches that are brief, easy to implement, and psychometrically sound. Tools and techniques considered include structured and semistructured interviews, self-report measures, psychophysiological measures, observational techniques, and more. Of crucial importance, the book also demonstrates how assessment results can effectively be used in planning evidence-based interventions and monitoring the outcome of treatment.
Contents: Part I: Screening for Psychological Disorders. Summerfeldt, Antony, Structured and Semi-structured Diagnostic Interviews. Bufka, Crawford, Levitt, Brief Screening Assessments for Managed Care and Primary Care. Part II: Approaches for Specific Psychological Problems. Baker, Patterson, Barlow, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. McCabe, Antony, Specific and Social Phobia. Campbell, Brown, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Taylor, Thordarson, Schting, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Litz, Miller, Ruef, McTeague, Exposure to Trauma in Adults. Dozois, Dobson, Depression. Craighead, Obesity and Eating Disorders. Snyder, Abbott, Couple Distress. Pratt, Mueser, Schizophrenia. Tucker, Vuchinich, Murphy, Substance Use Disorders. Widiger,

1-57230-611-4 2001 650pp. 48.95 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders

DENISE D. DAVIS, Eds. This landmark work was the first to present a cognitive framework for understanding and treating personality disorders. Now Aaron T. Beck and his distinguished team of co-authors present an extensively rewritten and updated second edition, integrating over a decades worth of tremendous advances in theory and practice.
Contents: Part I: History, Theory, and Research. Overview of Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. Theory of Personality Disorders. Assessment of Personality Disorders. General Principles and Specialized Techniques. The Cognitive Therapy Relationship with Personality Disordered Patients. Part II: Clinical


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Applications. Paranoid Personality Disorder. Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders. Antisocial Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder. Histrionic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Dependent Personality Disorder. Avoidant Personality Disorder. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder. Synthesis and Prospects for the Future. Contents: Introduction. The Nature of Anxiety. Influences on Anxiety. Theories of Anxiety. Specific Phobias and the Conditioning Theory of Fear. Panic and Anxiety. Agoraphobia. Obsessions and Compulsions. Social Anxiety. Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

1-57230-856-7 2003 412pp. 35.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

1-84169-515-7 2004 224pp. 40.00 hbk 1-84169-516-5 2004 224pp. 14.95 pbk Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Series Published by Psychology Press

Anxiety and Its Disorders

The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic Second Edition DAVID H. BARLOW, Ed.
A lucidly written, learned treatise of panoramic scope, [this] is the most comprehensive book ever written on the topic of anxiety disorders. It will be essential reading for students, researchers, and clinicians in the field of mental health for many years to come. - American Journal of Psychiatry
Contents: The Experience of Anxiety: Shadow of Intelligence or Specter of Death? Fear, Anxiety, and Theories of Emotion. The Nature of Anxious Apprehension. The Phenomenon of Panic. Provoking Panic in the Laboratory. Biological Aspects of Anxiety and Panic. True Alarms, False Alarms, and Learned (Conditioned) Anxiety: The Origins of Panic and Phobia. The Origins of Anxious Apprehension, Anxiety Disorders, and Related Emotional Disorders: Triple Vulnerabilities. Brown, Barlow, Classification of Anxiety Disorders. White, Barlow, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Antony, Barlow, Specific Phobias. Keane, Barlow, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Hofmann, Barlow, Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder). Roemer, Orsillo, Barlow, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Steketee, Barlow, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Treating Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Strategies, Tools, and Techniques JAYNE L. RYGH WILLIAM C. SANDERSON
This is a valuable treatment guide for clinicians. It provides a good theoretical rationale for developing and utilizing the techniques that are most important. The clear and practical writing is wonderful and the large format will be a great help for using the patient forms. - Robert L. Leahy, Weill-Cornell University Medical College
This highly practical manual provides evidence based tools and techniques for assessing and treating clients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Proven cognitivebehavioral interventions are described in rich, step-by-step detail, together with illustrative case examples. With an emphasis on both accountability and flexibility, the clinician is guided to select from available options, weave them into individualized treatment plans, and troubleshoot problems that may arise. For those clients who do not respond well to CBT alone, the book also offers a chapter on cutting-edge supplementary interventions that have shown promise in preliminary clinical trials. Special features include a wealth of reproducible materials over twenty-five client handouts and forms, assessment tools, and more presented in a convenient large-size format. 1-59385-039-5 2004 210pp. 21.50 pbk Published by Guilford Press

1-57230-430-8 2001 704pp. 57.50 hbk 1-59385-028-X 2004 704pp. 31.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Second Edition S. RACHMAN
This book is a pleasure to read and provides an up-to-date summary of the psychological research on anxiety and its disorders through the eyes of one of the most influential psychological theorists in this area. The book is written at almost an introductory level, which makes it particularly concise and easy to read. - David H. Barlow, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University
Anxiety is a complex phenomenon and a central feature of many psychological problems. This thoroughly revised edition of Anxiety has been updated to include the latest advances in the understanding and treatment of this most prominent and pervasive emotion.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Advances in Research and Practice RICHARD G. HEIMBERG CYNTHIA L. TURK DOUGLAS S. MENNIN, Eds.
This comprehensive, empirically based volume brings together leading authorities to review the breadth of current knowledge on the phenomenology, etiology, pathological mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment of GAD. Provided are psychological and neurobiological models of the disorder that combine cutting-edge research and clinical expertise. Assessment strategies are detailed and promising intervention approaches described in depth, including

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cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, psychodynamic, and pharmacological therapies. Also covered are special issues in the treatment of GAD in children, adolescents, and older adults.
Contents: Part I: Generalized Anxiety Disorder in the Clinic and in the Community. Mennin, Heimberg, Turk, Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Features. Kessler, Walters, Wittchen, Epidemiology. Hudson, Rapee, From Anxious Temperament to Disorder: An Etiological Model. Part II: Theoretical and Empirical Approaches. Borkovec, Alcaine, Behar, Avoidance Theory of Worry. MacLeod, Rutherford, Information-Processing Approaches: Assessing the Selective Functioning of Attention, Interpretation, and Retrieval. Dugas, Buhr, Ladouceur, The Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty in Etiology and Maintenance. Wells, A Cognitive Model of GAD: Metacognitions and Pathological Worry. Sinha, Mohlman, Gorman, Neurobiology. Part III: Assessment and Treatment. Turk, Heimberg, Mennin, Assessment. Gould, Safren, Washington, Otto, A MetaAnalytic Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments. Leahy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. P. Crits-Christoph, Connolly Gibbons, K. Crits-Christoph, Supportive-Expressive Psychodynamic Therapy. Newman, Castonguay, Borkovec, Molnar, Integrative Psychotherapy. Lydiard, Monnier, Pharmacological Treatment. Part IV: Special Populations. Albano, Hack, Children and Adolescents. Beck, Averill, Older Adults.

will help put many health anxiety sufferers on the road to wellness and peace of mind. - Murray B. Stein, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego
In Its Not All in Your Head, health psychologists Drs. Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor encourage readers to consider whether excessive worry may be their greatest cause for concern. This straightforward and effective selfhelp program teaches sufferers how the physical side effects of anxiety like muscle tension, nausea, or a quickened heart rate may compound their sense that something is wrong. For anyone whose personal life or career has been disrupted by health anxiety and for their caring yet frustrated loved ones this compassionate, nonjudgmental, and practical book may be just what the doctor ordered. 1-59385-146-4 September 2005 212pp. 25.00 hbk 1-57230-993-8 September 2005 212pp. 11.99 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Treating Health Anxiety

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach STEVEN TAYLOR GORDON J.G. ASMUNDSON
Grounded in current theory and treatment research, this highly practical book presents a comprehensive framework for assessing and treating health anxiety, including full-blown and milder (subclinical) forms of hypochondriasis. The current state of knowledge about these prevalent and costly problems is reviewed, and assessment methods and empirically supported treatments described. Clear, step-by-step recommendations are provided for engaging patients or clients, implementing carefully planned cognitive and behavioural interventions, and troubleshooting potential pitfalls. 1-57230-998-9 2004 298pp.26.95 hbk Published by Guilford Press

1-57230-972-5 2004 436pp. 42.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

k ey b a ck l i s t t i t l e s
Resick: Stress and Trauma 1-84169-190-9 2000 216pp. 14.95 pbk Published by Psychology Press Rapee/Barlow: Chronic Anxiety 0-89862-771-0 1991 28.50 hbk Van der Kolk: Traumatic Stress 1-57230-457-X 1999 25.00 pbk Both Titles Published by Guilford Press

Steven Taylor & Gordon J.G. Asmundson

Read and Recommend!

Its Not All in Your Head
How Worrying about Your Health Could Be Making You Sick and What You Can Do about It GORDON J. G. ASMUNDSON STEVEN TAYLOR
Asmundson and Taylor, two very accomplished researchers, have turned their considerable clinical and writing skills to a much-neglected topic. Full of useful scientific information, engaging anecdotes, solid advice, and no small measure of humor, Its Not All in Your Head

Treating Suicidal Behavior

An Effective, Time-Limited Approach M. DAVID RUDD THOMAS E. JOINER M. HASAN RAJAB
This important book presents a short-term cognitive-behavioral treatment model that will be perused with interest by all contemporary suicidologists. The authors are exemplary scientists-practitioners within the field of psychology. They have produced a noteworthy, clinically useful contribution. - Edwin S. Shneidman, Professor of Thanatology Emeritus, University of California, USA This manual provides an empirically supported approach to treating suicidality that is specifically tailored to today's


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managed care environment. Structured yet flexible, the model is fully compatible with current best practice standards. The authors establish the empirical and theoretical foundations for time-limited treatment and describe the specific tasks involved in assessment and intervention. The book then details effective ways to conduct a rapid case conceptulization and outpatient risk assessment, determine and implement individualized treatment targets and monitor treatment outcomes. Outlines are clear-cut intervention techniques that focus on symptom management, restructuring the patient's suicidal belief system, and building such key skills as interpersonal assertiveness, distress tolerance, and problems solving. 1-57230-614-9 2001 274pp. 30.00 hbk 1-59385-100-6 2004 274pp. 17.95 pbk Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Series Published by Guilford Press Restructured to be even more useful to real-world clinicians, the revised and expanded second edition of this practical guide offers proven strategies for improving the long-term outcomes and quality of life of individuals with bipolar disorder. Extensive case illustrations bring to life the complexities of helping clients adhere to medication treatments, recognize the early warning signs of manic and depressive episodes, build coping skills, and manage specific symptoms. Replacing the original volume's 20session protocol (now included in the Appendix) is a new, more flexible assessment and treatment framework that shows how to tailor interventions to each client's needs and level of experience with the illness. The second edition also features current treatment data, information on new medications, and new strategies for preventing relapse and addressing common comorbid conditions.
Contents: Introduction to the Second Edition. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder: An Overview. Medication Treatments for Bipolar Disorder. Enhancing Adherence. Compliance Contracts. Early Detection to Prevent Relapse. Management of Behavioral Symptoms: Trigger Control and Increasing Positives. Management of Behavioral Symptoms: Controlling Negatives. Management of Cognitive Symptoms: Content Changes. Management of Cognitive Symptoms: Process Changes. Stress Management. Addressing Problems in Interpersonal Communication. Putting Together a Treatment Program. Appendix: Protocol for 20 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Sessions.

Taking Charge of Anger

How to Resolve Conflict, Sustain Relationships, and Express Yourself without Losing Control W. ROBERT NAY
Angry people often get into trouble with spouses and kids, bosses and colleagues, friends and strangers and putting a lid on it is easier said than done. Yet this powerful, often destructive emotion can be tamed with the effective six-step program presented in this book. Anger expert Dr Robert Nay, who has conducted popular trainings and workshops nationwide on his proven approach, combines innovative self-discovery tools and targeted exercises for understanding and managing the five unproductive faces of anger, from passive aggression to allout rage. Quizzes, worksheets, and practice tips help readers assess when and why their anger becomes a problem, switch gears before it escalates out of control, and channel anger in more productive ways. Beyond just learning textbook strategies, readers gain skills to make anger control second nature in stressful, hot-button situations. 1-57230-927-X 2004 246pp. 26.95 hbk 1-57230-680-7 2004 246pp. 13.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

1-59385-168-5 July 2005 324pp. 30.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

New in Paperback!
Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
This comprehensive presentation on all aspects of bipolar disorder is certainly a landmark. Authorities in each of the domains provide detailed descriptions of diagnostic and assessment issues, ways to integrate psychosocial and pharmacological treatments, and approaches to such specific problem areas as noncompliance and suicidality. This volume is a 'must read' for all professionals charged with diagnosing and/or treating patients with bipolar disorder. - Aaron T. Beck, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
From leading scientist-practitioners, this volume presents a range of effective psychosocial approaches for enhancing medication adherence and improving long-term outcomes in adults and children with bipolar illness. Authors review the conceptual and empirical bases of their respective modalities including cognitive, family-focused, group, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapies and provide clear descriptions of therapeutic procedures. Offering a framework for clinical understanding, and yet packed with readily applicable insights and tools, this is a state-of-thescience resource for students and practitioners.

New Edition!
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
"The second edition of this definitive work is even more useful than its predecessor. Focusing on techniques for patients at different stages of their illness and acceptance, this is a 'must' for all clinicians treating bipolar disorder. - Robert Morton Post, Biological Psychiatry Branch, National Institute of Mental Health

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Contents: Part I: Overview of Bipolar Disorder. Johnson, Defining Bipolar Disorder. Hammen, Cohen, Psychosocial Functioning. Altman, Differential Diagnosis and Assessment of Adult Bipolar Disorder. Youngstrom, Findling, Feeny, Assessment of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Johnson, Meyer, Psychosocial Predictors of Symptoms. Part II: Therapy and Treatment Issues. Goldberg, The Changing Landscape of Psychopharmacology. Leahy, Cognitive Therapy. Frank, Swartz, Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy. Miklowitz, Family Therapy. Bauer, Supporting Collaborative Practice Management: The Life Goals Program. Scott, Treatment Outcome Studies. Part III: Special Issues in Treatment. Ramirez Basco, Merlock, McDonald, Treatment Compliance. Newman, Suicidality. Lefley, Vogel-Scibilia, Consumer Advocacy and Self-Help: Interface with Professionals. Leahy, Conclusions. Appendix 1. Altman Self-Rating Scale for Mania (ASRM). Appendix 2. Mood Chart. Appendix 3. Evaluation of Suicidal Risk. Appendix 4. Recommended Books for Consumers and their Families. Appendix 5. Outline of Collaborative Disease Management Strategies.

Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

Representing a comprehensive, integrated approach to therapy, this is the first volume to provide strategies proven effective in controlled treatment trials. All clinicians know how difficult it is to work with borderline personality disorders. In this work, Marsha M. Linehan not only provides specific guidelines that creatively combine the best elements of behavioral, personality, psychoanalytic, strategic and other commonly employed modalities, but helps the therapist survive the process. 0-89862-183-6 1993 558pp. 42.50 hbk

1-57230-924-5 2003 30.95 hbk 1-59385-230-4 November 2005 17.99 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders Series Published by Guilford Press

D e p r e s s i o n : R e l a t e d Ti t l e s

Yapko: Treating Depression with Hypnosis: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral and Strategic Approaches 1-58391-304-1 2001 216pp. 16.99 pbk Published by Routledge

Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder

Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders MARSHA M. LINEHAN
This session-by-session treatment manual demonstrates how clinicians can teach patients four essential psychosocial skills: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance. Published in a large (8 1/2 x 11) comb-bound format for easy reference, the book includes useful, clear-cut handouts that may be readily photocopied (permission included with purchase). 0-89862-034-1 1993 180pp. 24.50 pbk Published by Guilford Press

New Edition!
Rosenthal: Winter Blues, Revised Edition 1-59385-214-2 25.00 hbk 1-59385-116-2 11.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Rowe: Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison, 3rd Edition 1-58391-286-X 2003 344pp. 9.99 pbk Published by Routledge

McCullough, Jr: Published by Guilford Press

Skills Training Manual for Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Depression 1-57230-691-2 2001 188pp. 23.00 pbk Treatment for Chronic Depression 1-57230-527-4 2003 326pp. 33.00 hbk 1-57230-965-2 2003 326pp. 19.95 pbk Patients Manual for CBASP 1-57230-814-1 2002 40pp. 8.95 wire-bound

Children & Adolescents

Child and Adolescent Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures Third Edition PHILIP C. KENDALL, Eds.
An absolutely stellar book. The contributors include leaders in child therapy who provide sophisticated views of both clinical domains and treatment and address a range of spheres, including cognition, affect, behavior, and social functioning... This book is one of very few that integrate research and theory with clinical examples and treatment excerpts. As such, it fills a crucial

M a rs h a M . L i n e h a n V i d e o s
Treating Borderline Personality Disorder
0-89862-840-7 1996 35.00 Video Cassette This new video program provides an accessible means of teaching clinicians about Dr. Linehan's effective treatment program called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).

Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

0-89862-567-X 1996 35.00 Video Cassette Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most treatment-resistant psychological conditions therapists encounter.


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void in the literature for training mental health professionals. - Alan E. Kazdin, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine
Revised and expanded with six entirely new chapters, the third edition of this authoritative volume presents effective cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating the most frequently encountered child and adolescent disorders. Leading scientist-practitioners have contributed fully updated chapters on aggression, anger, ADHD, depression, anxiety disorders, and developmental issues specific to working with adolescents. New chapters cover ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder, eating disorders, reactions to disasters, sexual abuse, suicidality, and psychotherapy process issues.
Contents: Part I: Guiding Theory. Kendall, Guiding Theory for Therapy with Children and Adolescents. Part II: Externalizing Disorders. Lochman, Powell, Whidby, FitzGerald, Aggressive Children: Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment and Treatment. Hinshaw, Treatment for Children and Adolescents with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Nelson III, Finch Jr., Ghee, Anger Management with Children and Adolescents: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Part III: Internalizing Disorders. Stark, Hargrave, Sander, Custer, Schnoebelen, Simpson, Molnar, Treatment of Childhood Depression: The ACTION Treatment Program. Spirito, EspositoSmythers, Addressing Adolescent Suicidal Behavior: CognitiveBehavioral Strategies. Kendall, Suveg, Treating Anxiety Disorders in Youth. Part IV: Special Populations. Piacentini, March, Franklin, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Wilfley, Passi, Cooperberg, Stein, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth with Eating Disorders and Obesity. La Greca, Silverman, Treating Children and Adolescents Affected by Disasters and Terrorism. Deblinger, Behl, Glickman, Treating Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse. Part V: Special Topics. Holmbeck, OMahar, Abad, Colder, Updegrove, CognitiveBehavioral Therapy with Adolescents: Guides from Developmental Psychology. Shirk, Karver, Process Issues in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Youth. Ollendick, King, Chorpita, Empirically Supported Treatments for Children and Adolescents.

school psychologists, guidance counselors, pupil personnel support staff, school social workers, clinical psychologists.
Contents: Part I. Overview of CBT with Children and Adolescents. CBT Case Conceptualization in the Schools. Issues of Culture and Ethnicity. Part II. Selective Mutism. Anxiety Disorders. Depression. Personality disorders. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Substance abuse. Eating Disorders. Aggression and Conduct Issues in Youth. Peer Aggression and Bullying. School Refusal. Developmental Disabilities. High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Underachieving Gifted Students. Health Problems. GLBT Issues. Suicide and Trauma Response. Part III. School Consultation. Parent Consultation. Working with Families and Family Systems. Issues for the Future.

0-415-95039-2 January 2006 528pp. 30.00 hbk Published by Routledge

New in Paperback!
Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger
A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention JIM LARSON JOHN E. LOCHMAN
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum Every schools comprehensive safety plan should include a component devoted to anger management. Simply put, such a component would be incomplete without the use of this invaluable resource. There is no better volume on anger intervention with schoolchildren. - Michael Furlong, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
A complete, readily applicable guide for school-based professionals, this book presents an empirically supported group intervention for 8- to 12-year-olds with anger and aggression problems. The Anger Coping Program has been demonstrated effective in reducing teacher- and parentdirected aggression and enhancing students classroom behavior, social competence, and academic achievement. In one volume, the authors provide a session-by-session cognitive-behavioral treatment manual, a clear rationale for the program, and instructions for implementation.
Contents: Meichenbaum, Foreword. The Development of Aggression. The Empirical Foundation for a Developmental Model of Aggressive Childrens Social-Cognitive and Emotional Difficulties. Getting Started with the Anger Coping Program: The Collaborative Roles of Group Leaders and Teachers in Selection and Treatment. Expanding Generalization: Obtaining the Support of Parents, Administrators, and Community Agencies. Preparing for the First Meeting: Procedures to Implement and Pitfalls to Avoid. Outcome Research Results for the Anger Coping Program and the Coping Power Program. The Anger Coping Program Manual. Frequently Asked Questions. Case Example. Afterword. Appendix A-J: Teacher Handouts, Child Self-Report Forms, and Parent Letters.

1-59385-113-8 February 2006 520pp. 45.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Also by Philip C. Kendall:

Kendall: Childhood Disorders 0-86377-608-6 2000 24.95 hbk 0-86377-609-4 2000 14.95 pbk Braswell/Kendall: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Impulsive Children 0-89862-013-9 1993 25.50 hbk

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Educational Settings
This text applies Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to use in school settings, presenting the first comprehensive integration of theory with specific interventions strategies and techniques designed for work in school. An essential reference text for mental health professionals working closely with school officials, it is also useful as a resource for

1-57230-728-5 2002 185pp. 23.00 hbk 1-59385-161-8 March 2005 190pp. 17.50 pbk Guilford School Practitioner Series Published by Guilford Press

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Second Edition TRACY L. MORRIS JOHN S. MARCH, Eds.
Theres a reason this book is in its second edition! The first volume, and now the second, contains impressive, scholarly reviews of the various foundations, assessments, and treatments for anxiety disorders in youth. - Philip C. Kendall, Department of Psychology, Temple University
Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, this landmark work brings together leading experts to comprehensively examine all aspects of childhood-onset anxiety disorders. The volume presents the major theoretical perspectives currently informing research and clinical practice, reviews key issues in assessment and diagnosis, and marshals the latest findings on each disorder and its treatment.
Contents: Part I: Foundations. Vasa, Pine, Neurobiology. HirshfeldBecker, Biederman, Rosenbaum, Behavioural Inhibition. Morris, Social Development. Eley, Gregory, Behavioural Genetics. Grego, Morris, Assessment. Part II: Disorders. Flannery-Schroeder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Beidel, Morris, Turner, Social Phobia. Silverman, Dick-Niederhauser, Separation Anxiety Disorder. Ollendick, Birmaher, Mattis, Panic Disorder. March, Franklin, Leonard, Foa, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. McKnight, Compton, March, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. King, Muris, Ollendick, Specific Phobias. Freeman, Garcia, Miller, Dow, Leonard, Selective Mutism. Part III: Treatment. DEramo, Francis, Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapy. Stein, Seedat, Pharmacotherapy. Compton, McKnight, March, Combining Medication and Psychosocial Treatments: An Evidence-based Medicine Approach. Barrett, Turner, Prevention Strategies.

complementary sessions with children and parents alone, using a variety of strengths-based, developmentally informed strategies. The paperback edition features a new preface in which the author reflects on the continuing evolution of her approach. 0-89862-007-4 1994 31.00 hbk 1-59385-072-7 2004 320pp. 17.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents

A Casebook for Clinical Practice Second Edition MARK A. REINECKE FRANK M. DATTILIO ARTHUR FREEMAN, Eds.
This informative, scholarly work is both developmentally sensitive and clinically valuable. It marries a powerful theoretical foundation with eminently practical and down-to-earth clinical strategies. I highly recommend it. - Steven D. Hollon, Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University
Contents: Reinecke, Dattilio, Freeman, What Makes for an Effective Treatment? Anastopoulos, Gerrard, Facilitating Understanding and Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pardini, Lochman, Treatments for Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Patterson, OConnell, Recovery Maintenance and Relapse Prevention with Chemically Dependent Adolescents. Curry, Reinecke, Modular Therapy for Adolescents with Major Depression. Albano, Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder. Franklin, Rynn, Foa, March, Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Shirk, Burwell, Harter, Strategies for Low Self-esteem in Adolescents. Heflin, Deblinger, Treatment of a Sexually Abused Adolescent with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Bowers, Evans, LeGrange, Andersen, Treatment of Adolescent Eating Disorders. Bradley-Klug, Shapiro, Treatment of Academic Skills Problems. Epstein, Schlesinger, Treatment of Family Problems. Knell, Ruma, Play Therapy with a Sexually Abused Child. Beebe, Risi, Treatment of Adolescents and Young Adults with High-functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome. DuBois, The Quadripartite Model Revisited: Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children and Adolescents. Freeman, Rigby, Personality Disorders among Children and Adolescents: Is It an Unlikely Diagnosis?

1-57230-981-4 2004 395pp. 38.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Treating Troubled Children and Their Families

[A] masterly contribution in integration, with provocative and groundbreaking implications for contemporary family therapy. - AFTA Newsletter
Integrating systemic, psychodynamic, and cognitivebehavioral perspectives, this acclaimed book presents an innovative framework for therapeutic work. Ellen Wachtel shows how parents and children all too often get entangled in patterns that cause grief to both generations, and demonstrates how to help bring about change with a combination of family-focused and child focused interventions. Vivid case examples illustrate creative ways to engage young children in family sessions and conduct

1-57230-853-2 2003 458pp. 34.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Clinical Practice of Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents

Graduate students and therapists in training will devour every page to learn how and when to use both standard and innovative


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Cognitive Behavior Therapy

cognitive therapy interventions... This book is leaping to the top of my list of recommendations. - Christine A. Padesky
This lively, practical book offers a complete guide to doing cognitive therapy with children and adolescents. Within a clear theoretical framework, the authors describe how to adapt cognitive therapy principles and procedures to the unique needs of distressed children and their parents. 1-57230-723-4 2002 346pp. 31.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Eating Disorders

New in Paperback!
Eating Disorders and Obesity
A Comprehensive Handbook Second Edition

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents

A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Manual JOHN S. MARCH KAREN MULLE
This practical manual presents a cognitive-behavioural treatment program that has been proven effective in eliminating or alleviating OCD symptoms in children across a broad range of ages and aptitudes. Building on their title, How I Ran OCD Off My Land, the authors provide a empirically grounded guide to assessment, treatment planning, and skills-based intervention. 1-57230-242-9 1998 31.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press


In the weeks [this book] has been in my office I have used it more than any other text... It provides the reader, novice or expert, with instant informed opinion and points them to additional, more detailed sources to continue investigation. - British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this unique handbook presents virtually all that is currently known about eating disorders and obesity in one authoritative and readily accessible volume. From leading international authorities, 112 concise chapters encapsulate the latest information on all pertinent topics, from biological, psychological, and social processes associated with risk, to clinical methods for measurement and intervention. Updated throughout to reflect recent developments in theory, research, and practice, the second edition has been reorganized to highlight areas of overlap and encourage communication between the two fields. Among the array of new topics covered are molecular genetics, the role of leptin in regulating body weight, binge eating disorder, obesity and social discrimination, and the use of self-help books and the internet in the treatment of eating disorders.
For full edited contents please see www.eatingdisordersarena.com

Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents

This volume provides a uniquely practical overview of evidence-based treatments for social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and youth.
For full edited contents, please see www.camharena.com

1-57230-688-2 2001 623pp. 50.50 hbk 1-59385-236-3 August 2005 633pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity

This volume presents the first cognitive-behavioral treatment manual for obesity. Currently being evaluated in controlled clinical research at Oxford University, the approach is grounded in a strong theoretical framework and incorporates strategies with proven effectiveness for treating related problems, such as binge eating. The authors provide an overall plan and detailed clinical guidelines to help individuals lose weight, increase activity levels, and address concerns about body shape and size. Responding to one of the greatest challenges in obesity management, the manual emphasizes the development of skills for controlling weight over the long term. Numerous case vignettes are included to

1-57230-683-1 2003 476pp. 37.50 hbk Published by Guilford Press

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illustrate the clinical implementation of the treatment, and an appendix includes over 20 patient handouts, ready to photocopy and use. 1-57230-888-5 2003 232pp. 30.00 hbk 1-59385-092-1 2004 232pp. 19.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press

Weight Wisdom
Affirmations to Free You from Food and Body Concerns KATHLEEN BURNS KINGSBURY MARY ELLEN WILLIAMS
This text offers a unique collection of daily affirmations that focus on the irrational beliefs, thoughts, and fears behind eating disordered behaviour. 0-415-94434-1 2003 176pp. 10.99 pbk Published by Routledge

Handbook of Obesity Treatment

The contemporary successor to the editors earlier Obesity: Theory and Therapy, this comprehensive handbook guides mental health, medical, and allied health professionals through the process of planning and delivering individualized treatment services for those seeking help for obesity.
Contents: Part I. Prevalence, Consequences, and Etiology of Obesity. Field, Barnoya, Colditz, Epidemiology and Health and Economic Consequences of Obesity. Chua, Jr., Leibel, Body Weight Regulation: Neural, Endocrine, and Autocrine Mechanisms. Tataranni, Ravussin, Energy Metabolism and Obesity. Price, Genetics and Common Obesities: Background, Current Status, Strategies, and Future Prospects. Horgen, Brownell, Confronting the Toxic Environment: Environmental Public Health Actions in a World Crisis. Stunkard, Binge-eating Disorder and Night-eating Syndrome. Part II. Health Consequences of Weight Reduction. Gregg, Williamson, The Relationship of Intentional Weight Loss to Disease Incidence and Mortality. Wadden, Womble, Stunkard, Anderson, Psychosocial Consequences of Obesity and Weight Loss. Part III. Assessment of the Obese Adult. Atkinson, Medical Evaluation of the Obese Patient. Wadden, Phelan, Behavioral Assessment of the Obese Patient. Part IV. Treatment of Adult Obesity. Wadden, Osei, The Treatment of Obesity: An Overview. Melanson, Dwyer, Popular Diets for Treatment of Overweight and Obesity. Blair, Leermakers, Exercise and Weight Management. Wing, Behavioral Weight Control. Bray, Drug Treatment of Obesity. Latifi, Kellum, De Maria, Sugerman, Surgical Treatment of Obesity. Perri, Corsica, Improving the Maintenance of Weight Lost in Behavioral Treatment of Obesity. Part V. Treatment of Adult Obesity: Additional Approaches and Resources. Aronne, Treatment of Obesity in the Primary Care Setting. Womble, Wang, Wadden, Commercial and Self-help Weight Loss Programs. Kumanyika, Obesity Treatment in Minorities. Sarwer, Thompson, Obesity and Body Image Disturbance. Cooper, Fairburn, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity. Johnson, Obesity, Weight Management, and Self-esteem. Foster, McGuckin, Nondieting Approaches: Principles, Practices, and Evidence. Part VI. Childhood Obesity and Obesity Prevention. Berkowitz, Stunkard, Development of Childhood Obesity. Goldfield, Raynor, Epstein, Treatment of Pediatric Obesity. Schmitz, Jeffery, Prevention of Obesity.

Addictions Treating Substance Abuse

The revised and expanded second edition of this widely used clinical resource and text captures the breadth of current knowledge about substance abuse and its treatment. For each of the major contemporary treatment approaches, a chapter on basic assumptions and theories is followed by a chapter bringing clinical applications to life. Expert contributors provide coverage of 12-step, psychodynamic, cognitivebehavioral, marital/family, and motivational approaches, augmented by new chapters on contingency management.
Contents: Introduction. Wallace, Theory of 12-Step Oriented Treatment. Nowinski, Facilitating 12-Step Recovery from Substance Abuse and Addiction. Leeds, Morgenstern, Psychoanalytic Theories of Substance Abuse. Keller, Exploration in the Service of Relapse Prevention: A Psychoanalytic Contribution to Substance Abuse Treatment. McCrady, Epstein, Sell, Theoretical Bases of Family Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment. FalsStewart, OFarrell, Birchler, Family Therapy Techniques. Rotgers, Cognitive Behavioral Theories of Substance Abuse. Morgan, Behavioral Treatment Techniques for Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders. Vuchinich, Tucker, Behavioral Economic Concepts in the Analysis of Substance Abuse. Budney, Sigmon, Higgins, Contingency Management in the Substance Abuse Treatment Clinic. Walters, Rotgers, Saunders, Wilkinson, Towers, Motivation and Addictive Behaviors: Theoretical Perspectives. Moyers, Waldorf, Motivational Interviewing: Destination, Direction, and Means. Carroll, Integrating Psychotherapy and Pharmacology in Substance Abuse Treatment. Rubin, Integration of Theory, Research and Practice: A Clinicians Perspective.

1-57230-722-6 2002 624pp. 50.50 hbk 1-59385-094-8 2004 624pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press

1-57230-897-4 2003 377pp. 34.50 hbk

Guilford Substance Abuse Series Published by Guilford Press


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Cognitive Therapy of Substance Abuse
I will refer to and recommend this book as a bountiful clinical guide... Bolstered by outcome data, this wise and hopeful book will greatly advance integration of cognitive therapy into addiction treatment programs. - Contemporary Psychology
Cognitive therapy offers a well-documented and costeffective psychosocial treatment model for working with substance abuse disorders. Comprehensive and accessible, this volume clearly details the cognitive model of substance abuse, the specifics of case formulation, management of the therapeutic relationship, and the structure of the therapy sessions. It discusses how to educate patients in the treatment model and procedures and manage their cravings and urges for drugs and alcohol. Specific cognitive and behavioral strategies and techniques are described in detail, as is the management of acute crises and chronic problems in patients lives. Methods for understanding and working with such patients who present concomitant problems of depression, anxiety, low frustration tolerance, anger, and personality disorders are spelled out in detail. Also addressed are such significant issues as the prevention and management of relapse. 1-57230-659-9 2001 354pp. 19.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press
Monnier, Resnick, Intrusive Thoughts in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Wenzlaff, Seeking Solace but Finding Despair: The Persistence of Intrusive Thoughts in Depression. Harvey, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in Insomnia. Wells, Worry, Intrusive Thoughts, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The Metacognitive Theory and Treatment. Clark, O'Connor, Thinking Is Believing: Ego-Dystonic Intrusive Thoughts in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Morrison, Psychosis and the Phenomenon of Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts. Marshall, Langton, Unwanted Thoughts and Fantasies Experienced by Sexual Offenders: Their Nature, Persistence, and Treatment. Purdon, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: Present Status and Future Directions.

1-59385-083-2 2004 255pp. 25.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press

Special Issue of Memory, Volume 12, Issue 4

Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology

This Special Issue of Memory, Mental Imagery and Memory in Psychopathology, edited by Emily A. Holmes and Ann Hackmann, presents a novel series of papers investigating emotional, intrusive mental imagery across a wide range of psychological disorders. The topics include post-traumatic stress disorder, other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social phobia, as well as psychosis, bipolar disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and depression. The roles of imagery in symptom maintenance and in psychological treatment are explored.
For a full list of contents visit www.psychologyarena.com

Psychopathology Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders

Theory, Research, and Treatment DAVID A. CLARK, Ed.
Advancing our understanding of the cognitive underpinnings of psychopathology, this is the first volume to focus on the role of unwanted intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses in a variety of psychological disorders. Leading experts explore the nature and causes of cognitive intrusions, examining how they become so persistent and distressing for certain individuals. Compelling findings are presented on the contribution of these phenomena to the etiology and maintenance of such diverse problems as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and sexual offense. Highlighting important questions for future research, each chapter also discusses practical implications for assessment and treatment. Clearly organized and tightly edited, this book will inform the work of researchers, students, and clinicians alike.
Contents: Clark, Rhyno, Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts in Nonclinical Individuals: Implications for Clinical Disorders. Falsetti,

1-84169-967-5 2004 160pp. 35.00 pbk Published by Psychology Press

A a r o n T. B e c k backlist books and cassettes

Alford/Beck: The Integrative Power of Cognitive Therapy

A broad-ranging, sophisticated, and fascinating text. The authors tackle some of the most difficult issues in cognitive therapy head on...A veritable treasure trove. - David M.Clark
1-57230-396-4 1998 180pp. 17.50 pbk Published by Guilford Press Beck/Rush/Shaw/Emery: Cognitive Therapy of Depression

Provides a model for future therapy books on how to combine clinical description, literary sensitivity, and objective assessment. - Donald Meichenbaum, Contemporary Psychology
0-89862-919-5 1987 425pp. 21.95 pbk Cassette: 0-89862-837-7 1988 9.95 Published by Guilford Press Scott/Williams/Beck: Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice 0-415-06242-X 1991 272pp. 18.99 pbk Published by Routledge

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy ROBERT L. LEAHY

Contemporary Cognitive Therapy
Theory, Research, and Practice ROBERT L. LEAHY, Ed.
This superb volume brings together many of the worlds leading cognitive therapists. The breadth of coverage is impressive... I highly recommend this cutting-edge book for both novice and experienced therapists from all theoretical perspectives. - Allison G. Harvey, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK
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A Practitioners Guide ROBERT L. LEAHY
An indispensable clinical companion, this book is packed with useful tools and interventions that will expand the repertoire of novice and experienced cognitive therapists. Detailed are the full variety of evidence based techniques that can be brought to bear on specific client problems and therapeutic challenges. Therapists will rediscover or learn for the first time a wealth of effective ways to identify and challenge thoughts and core beliefs; modify patterns of worry, self-criticism, and approval-seeking; evaluate personal schemas; intervene in emotional processes; and activate new experiences for the client. 1-57230-905-9 2003 348pp. 27.50 pbk

Roadblocks in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Change ROBERT L. LEAHY, Ed.
Helping the clinician understand and manage frequently encountered obstacles in treatment, including, but not limited to, resistance, this volume brings together leading contributors representing a range of cognitive-behavioral perspectives. Each research-based chapter addresses a specific kind of roadblock, exploring how and why it arises and suggesting effective, practical solutions. 1-57230-920-2 2003 365pp. 35.00 hbk

Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

This is a landmark contribution to the growing literature on cognitive therapy for mental disorders. It is reader-friendly and deals with complex issues in a clear, understandable fashion... just the answer for clinicians working in managed care settings as well as in private practice. - Aaron T. Beck
This one-of-a-kind resource provides the busy practitioner with empirically supported treatments for seven frequently encountered disorders: major depression, generalized anxiety, panic and agoraphobia, PTSD, social phobia, specific phobia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. Serving as ready-to-use treatment packages, chapters describe basic CognitiveBehavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques and how to tailor them to each disorder.
1-57230-514-2 2000 320pp. 43.50 pbk and CD-ROM The Clinicians Toolbox Series All Titles Published by Guilford Press

Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy

A superb book that outlines clinical strategies for the detection and amelioration of the barriers, or resistances, to engagement in cognitive therapy in order to reach those patients who are otherwise unlikely to fully benefit from standardized interventions. - Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
1-57230-936-9 2003 309pp. 17.50 pbk

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