CBT βιβλία
CBT βιβλία
CBT βιβλία
Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy PAUL GILBERT, Ed.
What is compassion, how does it affect the quality of our lives and how can we develop compassion for ourselves and others?
Humans are capable of extreme cruelty but also considerable compassion. Often neglected in Western psychology, this book looks at how compassion may have evolved, and is linked to various capacities such as sympathy, empathy, forgiveness and warmth. Exploring the effects of early life experiences with families and peers, this book outlines how developing compassion for self and others can be key to helping people change, recover and develop ways of living that increase well-being. Focusing on the multi-dimensional nature of compassion, international contributors: explore integrative evolutionary, social constructivist, cognitive and Buddhist approaches to compassion consider how and why cruelty can flourish when our capacities for compassion are turned off, especially in particular environments focus on how therapists bring compassion into their therapeutic relationship, and examine its healing effects describe how to help patients develop inner warmth and compassion to help alleviate psychological problems
Compassion provides detailed outlines of interventions that are of particular value to psychotherapists and counsellors interested in developing compassion as a therapeutic focus in their work. It is also of value to social scientists interested in prosocial behaviour, and those seeking links between Buddhist and Western psychology.
Contents: Part I: Conceptualisations and Research. Gilbert, Introduction and Outline. Gilbert, Compassion and Cruelty: A Biopsychosocial Approach. Wang, A Conceptual Framework for Intergrating Research Related to the Physiology of Compassion and the Wisdom of Buddhist Teachings. Gillath, Shaver, Mikulincer, An Attachment-theoretical Approach to Compassion and Altruism. Bierhoff, The Psychology of Compassion and Prosocial Behaviour. Worthington, Jr, O'Connor, Berry, Sharp, Murray, Yi, Compassion and Forgiveness: Implications for Psychotherapy. Part II: Compassion and Use in Psychotherapy. Leahy, A Social-Cognitive Model of Validation. Rinpoche, Mullen, The Buddhist Use of Compassionate Imagery in Mind Healing. Allen, Knight, Mindfulness, Compassion for Self, and Compassion for Others: Implications for Understanding the Psychopathology and Treatment of Depression. Gilbert, Irons, Focused Therapies and Compassionate Mind Training for Shame and Self-Attacking. Lee, The Perfect Nurturer: A Model to Develop a Compassionate Mind Within the Context of Cognitive Therapy. Hackman, Compassionate Imagery in the Treatment of Early Memories in Axis I Anxiety Disorders. Bates, The Expression of Compassion in Group Cognitive Therapy.
New Titles and Key Backlist ................2 Mindfulness ..........................................7 Psychological Disorders ....................8 Children and Adolescents ................14 Eating Disorders ................................17 Addictions ..........................................18 Psychopathology ..............................19 Robert L. Leahy ..................................20
1-58391-982-1 January 2005 408pp. 60.00 hbk 1-58391-983-X January 2005 408pp. 19.99 pbk Published by Routledge
Cognitive Therapy
Basics and Beyond JUDITH S. BECK
Written in a clear, step-by-step style, this ideal teaching text makes cognitive therapy immediately accessible to students, beginning therapists, and seasoned practitioners who are not familiar with the cognitive approach. The author presents many clinical examples drawn from one patients treatment to provide a realistic and coherent demonstration of cognitive therapy in action. These examples illustrate how to conceptualize patients according to the cognitive model; plan treatment; conduct an initial session; structure therapy within and across sessions; incorporate homework; and use cognitive and behavioral techniques. Instructors will appreciate the texts emphasis on formulating cases, making decisions within therapy sessions, diagnosing problems in therapy, and using advanced techniques to modify core beliefs and underlying assumptions. Transcripts in every chapter richly illustrate the narrative, and the book includes a variety of patient worksheets. 0-89862-847-4 1995 370pp. 33.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press
Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems
What to Do When the Basics Don't Work JUDITH S. BECK
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck Drawing on her vast experience with therapists and clients, Dr. Beck beautifully outlines how to identify and overcome many of the difficulties that can arise in cognitive therapy. As a consequence, therapists will be heartened and more patients will experience the benefits they hope for. Highly recommended reading. - David M. Clark, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London, UK
Following on the success of the bestselling Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond, this groundbreaking book from Judith S. Beck addresses what to do when a patient is not making progress in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Provided is practical, step-by-step guidance on conceptualizing and solving frequently encountered problems, whether in developing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance or in accomplishing specific therapeutic tasks. While the framework presented is applicable to a range of challenging clinical situations, particular attention is given to modifying the longstanding distorted beliefs and dysfunctional behavioral strategies of people with personality disorders. Helpful appendices include a reproducible assessment tool, and the Personality Belief Questionnaire.
Contents: Identifying Problems in Treatment. Conceptualizing Patients Who Present Challenges. When a Personality Disorder Challenges Treatment. Developing and Using the Therapeutic Alliance. Therapeutic Relationship Problems: Case Examples. When Therapists Have Dysfunctional Reactions to Patients. Challenges in Setting Goals. Challenges in Structuring the Session. Challenges in Solving Problems and in Homework. Challenges in Identifying Cognitions. Challenges in Modifying Thoughts and Images. Challenges in Modifying Assumptions. Challenges in Modifying Core Beliefs.
Making CognitiveBehavioral Therapy Work
The authors provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to how to practice cognitive-behavioral therapy in the real world. Readers will benefit immensely from the books specific ideas about case conceptualization; sample patient therapist exchanges; troubleshooting tips; and guidance for continuing to develop ones professional skills and identity. An invaluable resource. - Robert L. Leahy, Department of Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell University Medical College, New York
A highly practical guide for beginning cognitive-behavioral therapists, this concise primer fills the gap between academic training and what clinicians need to know for dayto-day work with clients. Illustrated are the whats, whens, and how-tos of the entire process of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) from intake, assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning, through conducting sessions, making the most of supervision, and termination. Interwoven with an extended case example is expert guidance on confidentiality, informed consent, record keeping, and report writing, and on managing relationship issues and common problems that arise in CBT. Invaluable appendices point the reader toward additional resources, including empirically supported treatment manuals, journals, and websites.
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practitioner. This empirically supported text presents a comprehensive guide to the administration of homework assignments, and includes a variety of models of practice and systems for evaluating client compliance and therapist competence throughout the process. A survey of vital theoretical and empirical foundations is followed by a series of nine chapters focused on specific clinical applications of homework assignments, on topics ranging from anxiety to depression and sexual problems to couples and family therapy.
Contents: Part I: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations. Kazantzis, Introduction and Overview. Kazantzis, LAbate, Theoretical Foundations. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, Lampropoulos, Empirical Foundations. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, Assessment of Homework Compliance. Part II: Clinical Applications. Leahy, Panic, Agoraphobia, and Generalized Anxiety. Scott, Garland, Depression. Najavits, Substance Abuse. McLeod, Nelson, Delusions and Hallucinations. Franklin, Huppert, Foa, Obsessions and Compulsions. Pachana, Sofronoff, Sexual Problems. Freeman, Fusco, Borderline Personality Traits. Hudson, Kendall, Children. Friedberg, McClure, Adolescents. Coon, Thompson, GallagherThompson, Older Adults. Dattilio, Couples. Dattilio, L'Abate, Deane, Families. Part III: Model for Practice and Conclusions. Kazantzis, MacEwan, A Guiding Model for Practice. Kazantzis, Deane, Ronan, LAbate, Conclusions.
Improving Outcomes and Preventing Relapse in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Organized around specific psychological disorders, this important work brings together leading scientistpractitioners to present strategies for maximizing the benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Described are effective ways not only to overcome frequently encountered treatment obstacles, but also to help people stay well once therapy has ended. Tightly edited chapters provide clear recommendations for adapting standard treatment protocols for tough-to-treat patients; enhancing motivation and homework compliance; dealing with common comorbidities; complementing CBT with other approaches; and targeting the factors that contribute to relapse and recurrence.
Contents: McCabe, Antony, Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Roth Ledley, Heimberg, Social Anxiety Disorder. Waters, Craske, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Franklin, Riggs, Pai, ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. Feeny, Foa, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Rowa, Bieling, Segal, Depression. Lam, Mansell, Bipolar Disorder. McFarlane, Carter, Olmsted, Eating Disorders. Tarrier, Schizophrenia. Rotgers, Sharp, Alcohol Use Disorders. Whisman, McKelvie, Chatav, Couple Distress.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Trauma
This book provides a wealth of stimulating and up-to-date ideas for treating trauma and associated conditions, such as emotional dysregulation, guilt, shame, substance abuse, and revictimization. Readers can compare the formulations of leading experts in different forms of trauma therapy, and cannot fail to learn valuable techniques for working with adults, children, couples, and groups. Particularly welcome is the practical focus on managing the more complex problems of clients who have been multiply traumatized, often in childhood. - Chris R. Brewin, Subdepartment of Clinical Health Psychology, University College London, UK
Significantly revised and restructured to reflect major developments in the field, the expanded second edition of this important work is essentially a new book. The volume presents cutting-edge cognitive and behavioral applications for treating a variety of trauma-related symptoms, disorders, and special populations. Leading scientist-practitioners summarize the available treatment data and succinctly review the whys, whats, and hows of their respective approaches. Nearly all extant chapters have been completely rewritten, many with new authors, and new chapters have been added on advances in assessment, acute stress disorder, complicated grief, cognitive processing therapy, working with groups, and early intervention.
Contents: Ruzek, Follette, Introduction. Monson, Friedman, Back to the Future of Understanding Trauma: Implications for CognitiveBehavioral Therapies for Trauma. Part I: Assessment. Follette,
Using Homework Assignments in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
The use of homework assignments has been shown to reduce the length of therapy sessions and render the therapeutic process more cost-effective for both client and
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1-57230-902-4 2003 302pp. 24.95 hbk 1-59385-234-7 November 2005 302pp. 17.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press
New in Paperback!
Constructive Psychotherapy
Theory and Practice MICHAEL J. MAHONEY
Mahoneys book is not just the best available account of constructive psychotherapy, but one of the best books Ive read on psychotherapy, period. - Ken Wilber, author of Integral Psychology
An invaluable teaching text and clinical resource, this is a book about how to do psychotherapy how to apply the science of change to the complexities of helping people develop new meanings in their lives. Explaining constructivist principles and illuminating what a skilled clinician actually does in day-to-day practice, Michael J. Mahoney shows how to nurture the therapeutic relationship while implementing such creative interventions as centering techniques, problem solving, pattern work, meditation and embodiment exercises, drama and dream work, and spiritual exploration. Appendices feature reproducible client forms, handouts, and other useful materials.
Contents: Constructivism: A Brief Introduction. Constructive Psychotherapy: An Overview of Practice. Constructive Assessment. Basic Centering Techniques. Problem Solving: Basic Behavioral and Cognitive Techniques. Pattern Work. Basic Process Work: Meditation and Embodiment. Drama, Fantasy, Dream Work, and Stream of Consciousness. Self-Relationship and Spiritual Skills. The Experience of Change. Being Human and a Therapist. Appendices: Constructivism: History and Current Relevance.
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Contents: Hepple, Sutton, Introduction. Part I: Ageing, Ageism and CAT: The Theoretical and Sociological Context of Psychotherapy with Older People. Hepple, Introduction to Part I. Sutton, Leiman, The Development of the Dialogic Self in Cognitive Analytic Therapy: A Fresh Approach on Ageing. Hepple, Ageism in Psychotherapy and Beyond. Dunn, Why do so Few Become Elders? Loates, Individual CAT with Older People: Clinical Examples. Part II: The Developmental Conditions of Later Life from a CAT Perspective. Hepple (with Narcissus myth as abridged by Dunn), Introduction to Part II. Ennis, King Lear: The Mirror Cracked. Loates, The Case of Michael. Robbins, Sutton, A Coming Together of CBT and CAT: Sequential Diagrammatic Reformulation of the Long Term Effects of Complex and Distant Trauma. Hepple, Borderline Traits and Dissociated States in Later Life. Sutton, Cultures of Care in Severe Depression and Dementia.
1-58391-145-6 2004 248pp. 45.00 hbk 1-58391-146-4 2004 248pp. 16.99 pbk Published by Routledge
1-58391-104-9 2002 352pp. 45.00 pbk 1-58391-105-7 2002 352pp. 18.99 hbk Published by Routledge
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1-57230-601-7 2000 456pp. 40.00 hbk 1-57230-863-X 2000 456pp. 20.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press
k ey b a ck l i s t t i t l e s
Toner et al.: Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Brain-Gut Connection 1-57230-135-X 2000 25.95 hbk Treatment Manuals for Practitioners Series Published by Guilford Press Kroese et al.: Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for People with Learning Disabilities 0-415-12750-5 1997 208pp. 60.00 hbk 0-415-12751-3 1997 208pp. 18.99 pbk Baucom/ Epstein: Cognitive Behavioral Marital Therapy 0-87630-558-3 1999 50.95 hbk Sheldon: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: Research, Practice and Philosophy 0-415-09374-0 1995 21.99 pbk Published by Routledge
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pioneering editors and contributors who thoroughly describe the whats, hows, and whys of their respective approaches, the book provides the first comprehensive exploration of an increasingly influential movement in contemporary psychotherapy.
Contents: Hayes, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the New Behavior Therapies. Robins, Linehan, Schmidt, Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Synthesizing Radical Acceptance with Skillful Means. Segal, Teasdale, Williams, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Theoretical Rationale and Empirical Status. Orsillo, Roemer, Lerner, Tull, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and CognitiveBehavioral Therapy: Comparisons, Contrasts, and Application to Anxiety. Kohlenberg, Kanter, Bolling, Wexner, Parker, Tsai, Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Acceptance. Wilson, Murrell, Values Work in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Setting a Course for Behavioral Treatment. Martell, Addis, Dimidjian, Finding the Action in Behavioral Activation: The Search for Empirically Supported Interventions and Mechanisms of Change. Fruzzetti, Iverson, Mindfulness, Acceptance, Validation, and Individual Psychopathology in Couples, Follette, Palm, Hall, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Trauma. Borkovec, Sharpless, Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Bringing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy into the Valued Present. Wilson, Acceptance and Change in the Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Evolution of Manual-based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Marlatt, Witkiewitz, Dillworth, Bowen, Parks, Macpherson, Lonczak, Larimer, Simpson, Blume, Crutcher, Vipassana Meditation as a Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders. Christensen, Sevier, Simpson, Gattis, Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Change in Couple Therapy.
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A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations
This is the first book to describe a viable CBT approach to command hallucinations. It is a must buy for all those on PSI courses and those who work in forensic settings. - Douglas Turkington, University of Newcastle
Command hallucinations are a particularly distressing and sometimes dangerous type of hallucination about which relatively little is known and for which no evidenced based treatment currently exists. In A Casebook of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Command Hallucinations the development of a new and innovative evidenced based cognitive therapy is presented in a practical format ideal for the busy practitioner. This new approach is based on over a decades research on the role of voice hearers beliefs about the power and omnipotence of their voices and how this drives distress and acting on voices. The therapy protocol is presented in clear steps from formulation to intervention. The body of the book describes its application in eight cases illustrating the breadth of its application, including complex cases. The authors also present their interpretation of what their findings tell us about what works and doesnt work, and suggestions for future developments. 1-58391-785-3 January 2006 160pp. 24.99 hbk Published by Routledge
Psychological Disorders
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia
Theory and Practice TIL WYKES CLARE REEDER
Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia describes the background and development of this new psychological therapy and demonstrates how it provides the first structured help to overcome the thinking problems associated with schizophrenia.
In three sections, the book covers the theoretical and empirical underpinning of cognitive remediation therapy and explores its application. Part I, The development of therapy, provides the historical context and theoretical background to the therapy and emphasizes the value of rehabilitating cognitive deficits. In Part II, improving cognitive processes, the process and effects of changing cognition are examined. Finally, in Part III, the process of therapy, the authors provide a clinical guide to the delivery of cognitive remediation therapy and use case examples to support its efficacy.
Contents: Part I: The Development of Therapy. The Historical Context of Cognitive Remediation Therapy for Schizophrenia. An Overview of Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia. Explaining Cognitive Dysfunction. Why Rehabilitate Cognitive Deficits. Part II: Improving Cognitive Processes. Changing Cognition in the Laboratory. Changing Cognition in Clinical Settings. What is the Effect of Cognitive Change? Part III: The Process of Therapy. A Theoretical Model for Cognitive Remediation Therapy. The Content and Process of Therapy. Assessment and Formulation. CRT in Action: Case Studies. Cognitive Remediation Therapy in the Future.
Cognitive Therapy of Schizophrenia
This book will give a shot in the arm to clinicians interested in working with psychotic patients. - From the Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Drawing on the authors decades of influential work in the field, this highly practical volume presents an evidencebased cognitive therapy approach for clients with schizophrenia. Guidelines are provided for collaborative assessment and case formulation that enable the clinician to build a strong therapeutic relationship, establish reasonable goals, and tailor treatment to each clients needs. Described in thorough, step-by-step detail are effective techniques for
1-58391-970-8 June 2005 328pp. 55.00 hbk 1-58391-971-6 June 2005 328pp. 19.99 pbk Published by Routledge
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Slade/Haddock: Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions with Psychotic Disorders 0-415-10289-8 1995 304pp. 50.00 hbk 0-415-10290-1 1995 304pp. 19.99 pbk Sperry: Handbook of Diagnosis & Treatment of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders, 2nd Edition 0-415-93569-5 2003 256pp. 29.95 hbk Published by Routledge
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Treatment Manuals for Real World Clinicians Series Published by Guilford Press
1-58391-205-3 2001 328pp. 35.00 hbk 1-58391-206-1 2002 328pp. 17.99 pbk Published by Routledge
Schema Therapy
Designed to bring about lasting change in clients with personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies. This book, written by the models developer and two of its leading practitioners, is the first major text for clinicians wishing to learn and use this popular integrative approach. Provided in one comprehensive volume are an authoritative conceptual overview and stepby-step guidelines for assessment and treatment. Clinicians learn innovative ways to rapidly conceptualize challenging cases; explore the clients childhood history; identify and modify self-defeating behavioral patterns; use imagery and other experiential techniques in treatment; and maximize the power of the therapeutic relationship. Including detailed protocols for treating borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, the book is illustrated with numerous clinical examples. 1-57230-838-9 2003 470pp. 33.00 hbk Published by Guilford Press
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1-57230-703-X 2001 589pp. 48.50 hbk 1-59385-013-1 2004 589pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press
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1-84169-515-7 2004 224pp. 40.00 hbk 1-84169-516-5 2004 224pp. 14.95 pbk Clinical Psychology: A Modular Course Series Published by Psychology Press
1-57230-430-8 2001 704pp. 57.50 hbk 1-59385-028-X 2004 704pp. 31.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press
Second Edition S. RACHMAN
This book is a pleasure to read and provides an up-to-date summary of the psychological research on anxiety and its disorders through the eyes of one of the most influential psychological theorists in this area. The book is written at almost an introductory level, which makes it particularly concise and easy to read. - David H. Barlow, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University
Anxiety is a complex phenomenon and a central feature of many psychological problems. This thoroughly revised edition of Anxiety has been updated to include the latest advances in the understanding and treatment of this most prominent and pervasive emotion.
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will help put many health anxiety sufferers on the road to wellness and peace of mind. - Murray B. Stein, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego
In Its Not All in Your Head, health psychologists Drs. Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor encourage readers to consider whether excessive worry may be their greatest cause for concern. This straightforward and effective selfhelp program teaches sufferers how the physical side effects of anxiety like muscle tension, nausea, or a quickened heart rate may compound their sense that something is wrong. For anyone whose personal life or career has been disrupted by health anxiety and for their caring yet frustrated loved ones this compassionate, nonjudgmental, and practical book may be just what the doctor ordered. 1-59385-146-4 September 2005 212pp. 25.00 hbk 1-57230-993-8 September 2005 212pp. 11.99 pbk Published by Guilford Press
k ey b a ck l i s t t i t l e s
Resick: Stress and Trauma 1-84169-190-9 2000 216pp. 14.95 pbk Published by Psychology Press Rapee/Barlow: Chronic Anxiety 0-89862-771-0 1991 28.50 hbk Van der Kolk: Traumatic Stress 1-57230-457-X 1999 25.00 pbk Both Titles Published by Guilford Press
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New in Paperback!
Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
This comprehensive presentation on all aspects of bipolar disorder is certainly a landmark. Authorities in each of the domains provide detailed descriptions of diagnostic and assessment issues, ways to integrate psychosocial and pharmacological treatments, and approaches to such specific problem areas as noncompliance and suicidality. This volume is a 'must read' for all professionals charged with diagnosing and/or treating patients with bipolar disorder. - Aaron T. Beck, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
From leading scientist-practitioners, this volume presents a range of effective psychosocial approaches for enhancing medication adherence and improving long-term outcomes in adults and children with bipolar illness. Authors review the conceptual and empirical bases of their respective modalities including cognitive, family-focused, group, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapies and provide clear descriptions of therapeutic procedures. Offering a framework for clinical understanding, and yet packed with readily applicable insights and tools, this is a state-of-thescience resource for students and practitioners.
New Edition!
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
"The second edition of this definitive work is even more useful than its predecessor. Focusing on techniques for patients at different stages of their illness and acceptance, this is a 'must' for all clinicians treating bipolar disorder. - Robert Morton Post, Biological Psychiatry Branch, National Institute of Mental Health
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1-57230-924-5 2003 30.95 hbk 1-59385-230-4 November 2005 17.99 pbk Published by Guilford Press
D e p r e s s i o n : R e l a t e d Ti t l e s
Yapko: Treating Depression with Hypnosis: Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral and Strategic Approaches 1-58391-304-1 2001 216pp. 16.99 pbk Published by Routledge
New Edition!
Rosenthal: Winter Blues, Revised Edition 1-59385-214-2 25.00 hbk 1-59385-116-2 11.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press
Rowe: Depression: The Way Out of Your Prison, 3rd Edition 1-58391-286-X 2003 344pp. 9.99 pbk Published by Routledge
M a rs h a M . L i n e h a n V i d e o s
Treating Borderline Personality Disorder
0-89862-840-7 1996 35.00 Video Cassette This new video program provides an accessible means of teaching clinicians about Dr. Linehan's effective treatment program called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
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school psychologists, guidance counselors, pupil personnel support staff, school social workers, clinical psychologists.
Contents: Part I. Overview of CBT with Children and Adolescents. CBT Case Conceptualization in the Schools. Issues of Culture and Ethnicity. Part II. Selective Mutism. Anxiety Disorders. Depression. Personality disorders. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Substance abuse. Eating Disorders. Aggression and Conduct Issues in Youth. Peer Aggression and Bullying. School Refusal. Developmental Disabilities. High Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Underachieving Gifted Students. Health Problems. GLBT Issues. Suicide and Trauma Response. Part III. School Consultation. Parent Consultation. Working with Families and Family Systems. Issues for the Future.
New in Paperback!
Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger
A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention JIM LARSON JOHN E. LOCHMAN
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum Every schools comprehensive safety plan should include a component devoted to anger management. Simply put, such a component would be incomplete without the use of this invaluable resource. There is no better volume on anger intervention with schoolchildren. - Michael Furlong, Department of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
A complete, readily applicable guide for school-based professionals, this book presents an empirically supported group intervention for 8- to 12-year-olds with anger and aggression problems. The Anger Coping Program has been demonstrated effective in reducing teacher- and parentdirected aggression and enhancing students classroom behavior, social competence, and academic achievement. In one volume, the authors provide a session-by-session cognitive-behavioral treatment manual, a clear rationale for the program, and instructions for implementation.
Contents: Meichenbaum, Foreword. The Development of Aggression. The Empirical Foundation for a Developmental Model of Aggressive Childrens Social-Cognitive and Emotional Difficulties. Getting Started with the Anger Coping Program: The Collaborative Roles of Group Leaders and Teachers in Selection and Treatment. Expanding Generalization: Obtaining the Support of Parents, Administrators, and Community Agencies. Preparing for the First Meeting: Procedures to Implement and Pitfalls to Avoid. Outcome Research Results for the Anger Coping Program and the Coping Power Program. The Anger Coping Program Manual. Frequently Asked Questions. Case Example. Afterword. Appendix A-J: Teacher Handouts, Child Self-Report Forms, and Parent Letters.
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Educational Settings
This text applies Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to use in school settings, presenting the first comprehensive integration of theory with specific interventions strategies and techniques designed for work in school. An essential reference text for mental health professionals working closely with school officials, it is also useful as a resource for
1-57230-728-5 2002 185pp. 23.00 hbk 1-59385-161-8 March 2005 190pp. 17.50 pbk Guilford School Practitioner Series Published by Guilford Press
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complementary sessions with children and parents alone, using a variety of strengths-based, developmentally informed strategies. The paperback edition features a new preface in which the author reflects on the continuing evolution of her approach. 0-89862-007-4 1994 31.00 hbk 1-59385-072-7 2004 320pp. 17.95 pbk Published by Guilford Press
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Eating Disorders
New in Paperback!
Eating Disorders and Obesity
A Comprehensive Handbook Second Edition
1-57230-688-2 2001 623pp. 50.50 hbk 1-59385-236-3 August 2005 633pp. 25.00 pbk Published by Guilford Press
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Weight Wisdom
Affirmations to Free You from Food and Body Concerns KATHLEEN BURNS KINGSBURY MARY ELLEN WILLIAMS
This text offers a unique collection of daily affirmations that focus on the irrational beliefs, thoughts, and fears behind eating disordered behaviour. 0-415-94434-1 2003 176pp. 10.99 pbk Published by Routledge
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A broad-ranging, sophisticated, and fascinating text. The authors tackle some of the most difficult issues in cognitive therapy head on...A veritable treasure trove. - David M.Clark
1-57230-396-4 1998 180pp. 17.50 pbk Published by Guilford Press Beck/Rush/Shaw/Emery: Cognitive Therapy of Depression
Provides a model for future therapy books on how to combine clinical description, literary sensitivity, and objective assessment. - Donald Meichenbaum, Contemporary Psychology
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