Challan Form

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Punjab Gramin Bank

Application Fee For Recruitment of Officer Scale I, II, III & Office Assistant in PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK Account No. :85012100058408 (B.O. Kapurthala) Branch Name . Candidates Name : Mr./Mrs./Kum.
Category* :SC/ST/PWD/EXS- postage+ISO Ch- 100/- (for post code 01,02,03,04) OBC/GEN Appl. Fee, Postage & ISO Ch. - 500/- (for post code 01,02,03,04 )

Punjab Gramin Bank

Application Fee For Recruitment of Officer signed Scale I, II, III & Office Asstt. in PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK Photo


Account No. : 85012100058408 (B.O. Kapurthala) Branch Name . Candidates Name : Mr./Mrs./Kum.
Category* : :SC/ST/PWD/EXS- postage+ISO Ch- 100/- (for post code 01,02,03,04) OBC/GEN Appl. Fee, Postage & ISO Ch. - 500/- (for post code 01,02,03,04 )

Date of Birth : Banks Branch Name: Branch Code No.#: (Sol I.D.) Transaction I.D.No. #: (4-10 Digits) Deposit Date :
Post Applied for (Please Tick in appropriate Box) Officer Scale-III Officer Scale-II Officer Scale-I Office Assistant

Date of Birth : Banks Branch Name: Branch Code No.#: (Sol I.D.) Transaction I.D.No. #: (4-10 Digits) Deposit Date
Officer Scale-II

Officer Scale-I Office Assistant

Post Applied for (Please Tick in appropriate Box) Officer Scale-III

Application Fee/Postage/ISO Charges ` (Rupees in words.only)

Application Fee/Postage/ISO Charges ` (Rupees in words.only) Signature of Depositor Address :. Phone/Mob.No Authorized Signatory Stamp

Signature of Depositor Address :. Phone/Mob.No

Authorized Signatory Stamp

*Tick whichever is applicable. # Fee receiving branch is advised to write the Transaction I.D. No. and Branch Code no.(Sol I.D.) above invariably.

*Tick whichever is applicable. # Fee receiving branch is advised to write the Transaction I.D. No. and Branch Code no.(Sol I.D.) above invariably.
This part of the Challan will be required to be submitted by the candidate at the time of written test along with a photograph, otherwise the candidate will not be allowed to appear at the examination




Punjab National Bank

Application Fee For Recruitment of Officer ScaleI, II, III& Office Assistant in PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK Account No. :0258002100039666 ( B.O.Jalandhar Road, Kapurthala) Branch Name . Candidates Name : Mr./Mrs./Kum.
Category* SC/ST/PWD/EXS- postage+ISO Ch- 100/- (for post code 01,02,03,04) OBC/GEN Appl. Fee, Postage & ISO Charges.- 500/- (for post code 01,02,03,04 )

Punjab National Bank

Application Fee For Recruitment of Officer ScaleI, II, III & Office Assistant in PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK

Self signed Photo

A/cNo. : 0258002100039666 ( B.O.Jalandhar Rd, Kapurthala) Branch Name . Candidates Name : Mr./Mrs./Kum.
Category* SC/ST/PWD/EXS- postage+ISO Ch- 100/- (for post code 01,02,03,04) OBC/GEN Appl. Fee, Postage & ISO Ch. 500/- (for post code 01,02,03,04 )

Date of Birth : Banks Branch Name: Branch Code No.#: (Sol I.D.) Transaction I.D.No. #: (4-10 Digits) Deposit Date
Officer Scale-II

Date of Birth : Banks Branch Name: Branch Code No.#: (Sol I.D.) Transaction I.D.No. #: (4-10 Digits) Deposit Date
Officer Scale-II

Officer Scale-I Office Assistant

Officer Scale-I Office Assistant

Post Applied for (Please Tick in appropriate Box) Officer Scale-III

Post Applied for (Please Tick in appropriate Box) Officer Scale-III

Application Fee/Postage/ISO Charges (Rupees in words.only)

Application Fee/Postage/ISO Charges. (Rupees in words.only) Signature of Depositor Authorized Signatory Address :. Stamp Phone/Mob.No *Tick whichever is applicable. # Fee receiving branch is advised to write the Transaction I.D. No. and Branch Code no.(Sol I.D.) above invariably.
This part of the Challan will be required to be submitted by the candidate at the time of written test along with a photograph, otherwise the candidate will not be allowed to appear at the examination

Signature of Depositor Address :. Phone/Mob.No

Authorized Signatory Stamp

*Tick whichever is applicable. # Fee receiving branch is advised to write the Transaction I.D. No. and Branch Code no.(Sol I.D.) above invariably.

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