Salt. Issue One
Salt. Issue One
Salt. Issue One
N YOU -2008
A 7
NADI e 200
CA urce Guid
fall/winter 07/08
amanda falk ............................3
darian kovacs .........................7
event calendar.......................12
reflections ............................14
$1.50 cdn
connect, refresh, e x p a n d
Canadian Youth Workers Conference: November 29 - December 2
Because of the immense growth in YFC Greater Vancouver, Evangelical 2006 TRAA Artist of the Year. They came
Canadian youth ministry work over Missionary Church, Brethren in Christ, for laughs provided by comedians
the last six years, canadafire and Youth Mennonite Bretheren Conference, Leland Klassen and Panic Squad, and
Specialties partnered to host the first Salvation Army of Canada, North worship led by Starfield and Matt Maher.
Canadian Youth Workers Conference American Baptist, Southern Baptist “I go to a Youth Specialties
in Vancouver. Convention of Canada and the Roman Youth Worker Convention because
Hundreds of youth workers from Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver. I need a ‘time-out to refresh my soul,
all across the country were gathering The purpose of the conference was my thinking on youth ministry,
November 29-December 2 to take in to remind youth workers why they love and to connect with other like-minded
more than 45 workshops and six general what they do. It was a time of training, youth people whose heart and passion
sessions at Vancouver’s Sheraton teaching, worship and connection is young people,” says John Wilkinson,
Wall Centre. calculated to leave hundreds executive director of Youth Unlimited.
More than 22 denominations encouraged and renewed. “Having their expertise and resources
and para-church organizations were Attendees came to hear from Andy come to Canada bodes well for anyone
involved. They incude: The Presbyterian Harrington, Brett Ullman, Chap Clark, who wants all the good things of
Church in Canada, Apostolic Youth Mark Buchanan, Phil Cann and others. a YS Convention but with a Canadian
Ministries International, CBM Youth, They came to listen to uplifting vocal understanding and focus.”
Christian and Missionary Alliance, stylings of Thousand Foot Krutch,
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, Canadian singer-songwriter Anna Visit
Nazarene Youth Ministry International, Vandas, and Nathan Tasker, Australia’s for more information.
salt. editor
Christina Crook
contributing writers
Darian Kovacs Custom published by ChristianWeek.
Ryan Sato For advertising opportunities, please contact:
Kathy Stock ChristianWeek
Box 725, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2K3
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by ryan sato
It’s time to let the proverbial “cat out of the “better good” Youth ministries church, then you have a key ingredient for
bag” about something I’m gleaning from youth are places of: attracting the younger generation. Instead of
workers and younger leaders in our denomina- Mentorship: We need to mentor and thinking you have to entertain, think of ways
tion and beyond. Maybe it’s not such a big be mentored. In the midst of this you can simply interact with the younger
secret, because the “godfather” of youth mentorship there is a place where generation and allow them to find places
ministry, Mike Yaconelli, already spoke young leaders are identified and nurtured. where they can connect, be heard and engage
prophetically on this topic several years ago Community: We need to live lives that are in the mission of God.
before his death in late 2003. genuine, teachable and vulnerable. If you’re part of a bigger church and already
Mike put it this way: “Youth group is good, We are a messy community that embraces have a youth worker in your midst, consider
but there’s a better good…It’s called church.” the joys and sorrows of life. a five-year plan of unleashing this leader
As I look at the lay of the land I see growing Spiritual formation and direction: We need to plant a church with the younger generation
numbers of passionate and gifted young to learn to practise spiritual disciplines and at the end of her/his five-year tenure. Often the
leaders in our midst. The best way to keep to posture our lives in ways that enable us relationships cultivated over a five-year period
this generation connected to our churches, to encounter and listen to God. create a healthy and fertile context where
I believe, is to find ways for them to be the “Glocal” justice and compassion: “Glocal” is the leader can then plant a church with young
Church. Having them connect to youth ministry the integration of local and global. We should adults and support staff who have worked
programs is nice, but it tends to create con- desire to be followers of Jesus who are with these students during that period of time.
sumerism (i.e. an “entertain me” attitude) as concerned about social justice issues 2) Reflect on whether the traditional approach
opposed to a participationism (an attitude in the local and global community. to youth ministry is working in your context.
where the participants realize that the Church Passionate church connections: We need Are you seeing your students in junior and
won’t exist without them). to connect to a church that joyfully provides senior high school stay connected to their faith
It’s interesting to see that some places for youth and young adults to dream, and church after graduation? If yes, then
of the leading thinkers in youth ministry are lead and to share their gifts and passions. celebrate that healthy transition! If not, take
writing books that (in my estimation) are really some time to have a conversation with these
applicable to the future of the Church. With titles students and hear what might help them
like Deep Ministry in a Shallow World, by Kara “Youth group is good, better transition into young adult life.
Powell and Chap Clark, Practicing Passion: but there’s a better good… 3) Acknowledge that you are in a “we ain’t
Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church, broke, so don’t fix us” stage. That’s marvelous!
by Kenda Creasy Dean, Contemplative Youth
It’s called church.” Perhaps your role is to simply stay faithful
Ministry, by Mark Yaconelli and A New Kind to what you are doing and to share your story
of Youth Ministry, by Chris Folmsbee, it seems So what? How might we move ahead in the with others who need to hear it.
clear that this is not just a message for youth light of these reflections? I would like to 4) Plant churches where the younger genera-
groups in North America. suggest four options. tion is a natural part of the body. Allow the
As I have reflected on “better good” youth 1) Shift the approach to youth ministry in your younger people to lead, to be involved in
ministries I have noted the following essential church. If you have a small church, stop looking decision-making, to serve and be a part of the
characteristics. Perhaps you have others you for the magic answer in “If only we could hire core of people who do the “work of the saints.”
might add to the list. a youth pastor!” If you have people in your l cont’d page 7
unity alive among british columbia youth
by christina crook
My hope is that youth workers Stephanie Teerling, 15, found Peace Portal Alliance Church.
will continue to press forward in about ONE through her youth group. Here teens gained more practical
re-imagining youth ministry. “Events like ONE are important skills and resources for reaching out
If we are going to capture the hearts, because they give us the chance in their high schools. Inspired through
minds and passions of our younger to share ideas with each other and a variety of speakers and worship
generation, then let’s seek ways hear about the good things going on leaders, the teens were commis-
that we can empower, bless in each other’s schools and that’s sioned as campus missionaries.
and resource them as they live out encouraging,” says the North Surrey For those who missed ONE
their destinies as the people of God High School student. or the campusfire conference,
in our churches and in our nation.
Darian Kovacs is a huge
fan of rugby, soy ice
cream treats and
gardening. He lives
in Cloverdale, B.C.
with his wife Liz
and baby Caedmon.
name: Brett Ullman modern media. His messages, healing. The site has already received more
digs: Ajax, Ontario “” and “The Wounding than 3,000 visitors.
age: 36 Embrace,” are woven together with dozens Here’s a sample from the web site. “So, you
online: of slides, video clips, interviews, and music. cut or, maybe you starve yourself. Maybe you’re
In conversation, Ullman is like a mini- even into substance abuse. I bet you feel
Self-injury is a topic tornado—full of energy and passion. He speaks alone. But how is this possible when nearly
few are brave enough with courage and conviction on sensitive issues. one in 10 North American teens struggle with
to tackle. But Cana- “I grew up burning CDs,” he comments in self-injury? How can all these people be alone?
dian Brett Ullman, a phone interview from the back of a speeding Today, thousands of young people, under
a former high school cab. “It was a good step at the time, purging confident and often scared, are seeking release
teacher, is taking on my life of ungodly influences, but I want to from their personal struggles in ways many
the challenge. challenge people to think about what we adults would prefer not to contemplate and,
Founder and consume in a more meaningful way—the sadly, ignore. You probably have friends who
director of Worlds Apart, effects of media on sexuality, the impact of cut, friends who are bulimic and you know
Ullman’s speaking social networking websites on real relation- self-injury is a serious problem in teen culture
history spans more than ship, how we turn to violence, cutting and today. Let’s Talk.”
10 years, reaching suicide, drugs, alcohol and promiscuity to deal Ullman speaks in a language teens under-
more than 125,000 with our brokenness.” stand. “Frankly,” he says “you’re never going
young people across Ullman asks questions and examines what to have God ask you in heaven, ‘What’s playing
North America. particular images are trying to sell us. “World- in your iPod?’ He wants to know what’s
It’s an impressive number considering Ullman’s view shapes your values and your values shape in your heart.”
has only been speaking fulltime for one year. your actions,” he says. Ullman believes change Ullman’s ministry, Worlds Apart, is named
He retired from his full-time teaching career must begin with challenging and reshaping after the old Jars of Clay song. His personal
in 2006 and has quickly become one of young people’s worldviews, and that means conviction is that Christians are to live in
Canada’s most in-demand school assembly learning to consume and live in a different way. a way that is “worlds apart” from the rest
and conference speakers. At the 2007 campusfire training event, of our culture.
Self-injury—whether cutting, anorexia, Ullman spoke out of Dallas Willard’s classic The mission of Worlds Apart is “to educate
bingeing, or drug abuse—is an epidemic The Spirit of Disciplines. He shared about and inspire youth to critically reflect on how we
among today’s teens, as evident in movies, mastering the disciplines of solitude and interact and are impacted by media culture in
song lyrics and countless music videos. silence, prayer, fasting and study. He talked our daily lives, habits, relationships and intrap-
Ullman examines the current influences about worship being what we do with our ersonal experiences.”
of modern culture and the many reasons young whole lives—sexually, ethically, emotionally,
people hurt themselves. He strives to empower physically—in all areas of life. He admonished Ullman is husband to Dawn, and father
struggling individuals to overcome the barriers students to be prepared to engage with culture of Bennett and Zoë. He and his family make
to positive self-growth. and to respond in holiness. their home in Ajax, Ontario and attend Carruthers
Ullman’s messages challenge individuals— Three months ago Ullman launched Creek Community Church.
youth and parents alike—to carefully examine, a website where kids can
the many ways we respond and interact with share their stories of brokenness and finding
NEW GENERATION makes debut
in prime minister’s office
by kathy stock
New Generation is a non-denomina-
tional, Christian student organization
whose mandate is to make the gospel
available to every student, every year.
During their “On the Road Tour
2006” they spoke to a group at North
Edmonton Christian Fellowship where
a number of students joined up. One of
those students, Cheryl Lynn McLaughlin,
got her sister, Crystal, and another girl,
Kabrie, involved as well.
They took the mandate to pray and
do Christian outreach very seriously,
but there was one small problem.
They were from a Christian school in Fort
Saskatchewan, and they felt God calling
them to do something a little different.
Having read in I Timothy 2 that
God calls us to pray for the people
in authority, they felt convicted to pray
together once a week and wrote out
this prayer.
“Heavenly Father, God of all wisdom
and power, we humbly come before
You to pray as You have instructed us MP Ken Epp, Crystal McLaughlin, Elaine Bailey, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Kaybrie Haaf,
in Your Holy Scriptures, for all who are Cheryl Lynn McLaughlin and Eleen Wideman.
in authority. We pray that they would
find in the Bible and through prayer, was in between trips, but that he would We at New Generation Canada Student
their source of strength and wisdom. see what he could do. Association are so proud
“We pray that they would remember He became their hero of the day of these girls for taking the mandate
that they are accountable to God Almighty when he pulled it off. They would have to pray and reach out so seriously and
for the tasks they perform and the a private audience with Mr. Harper with such dedication. There are many
decisions they make. We pray that they in his office! other groups doing amazing things for
would be able to resist those who may This young group of girls and their their schools and for their country right
pressure them to go against their teacher escorts Elaine Bailey and Ellen now all over Western Canada. A group
onscience and would have the strength Wideman spent 10 minutes with the in Quesnel is currently making
and courage to do what is right. prime minister, reading the prayer over preparations to hand out 1,700 Bibles
“We pray that by your guidance they him, presenting it to him, and getting to every student in the city’s two
would seek to preserve the blessings their picture taken by the official secondary schools.
of freedom and opportunity for the gen- photographer. Mr. Harper was visibly
erations to come. We pray that they moved and in a sober tone said,
would seek to bring back honour and “We need more of that here.”
respect, honesty and trust to the They also spent time with Stockwell
positions of power they hold. Day’s wife, Val, at the National House
“We pray finally that they would seek of Prayer and presented her with a gift
to be an example of good character for every one of the wives of the
and moral integrity to the fathers, Parliamentary Spouses Association
mothers, sons and daughters of this that conveyed a message of their love
great nation, Canada. May the God and support in prayer.
of peace be with you all. Amen.” Since this happened in June,
They spoke with their MP, Ken Epp, the girls have also framed a prayer
in the spring and told him that they for Alberta’s new premier and presented
would love to do a field trip to Ottawa it to his wife in his office. Quickly respond-
in the summer and visit the National
House of Prayer. They had another lofty
aspiration on their list too…to present
the prime minister with a framed copy
ing to the girls’ support, he wrote a letter
to thank and assure them it would be
hung in a special place of honour
in his office where he would read it
Kathy and her husband Ryan live in Calgary
with their two adorable little girls (2.5 and
9 months.) They are the founders of
New Generation Canada.
of this prayer. Epp said this would be every morning.
extremely difficult as Stephen Harper
2-4 Engage2008 / Calgary, AB
25-27 Missions Fest Vancouver / Vancouver, BC
25-27 Break Forth / Edmonton, AB
8-9 BC Student Forum / Vancouver, BC
22-24 Youth Quake / Caronport, SK
25 Today's Teens / Toronto, ON
29-2 Rush / Kelowna, BC
8 CORE / Vancouver, BC
25-26 Excalibur
26 CORE / Calgary, AB
10-12 Willow Creek NOVA Conference / Toronto, ON
3 CORE / Toronto, ON
Avalanche / Kelowna, BC
Historymaker / Chilliwack, BC
YC Alberta / Edmonton, AB
by christina crook
Confession: Today I feel discouraged. rampant among my generation, it all to encourage him to pursue the light
And it wasn’t because I got stuck waiting feels too overwhelming. and flee from the darkness, to seek
in the rain for my bus this morning. And in this place I am tempted to purity and reject lust, to turn from
That was inconsequential because numb out and sip an americano and surf selfishness and follow Jesus' example
it affected my flesh, not my spirit. the net while I wait for my next meeting. of total sacrifice.
No, what got me discouraged today But you know what? This young guy And today could matter. In fact,
was picking up the Metro newspaper I am meeting, a 20-something masters it could be remarkable.
with the wickedly sleek MTV ad on the student at UBC, has the potential to be “There is nothing that can not
front page that read: “Our ad was one of the world’s great reformers. happen today,” said Mark Twain.
considered ‘too racy’ for the front cover. He could break the mold, change the Suddenly the world feels
So check it out on the next page.” world. He could shine the light of Christ a bit brighter.
I flipped the page to find a full-page so brightly that the world around him
ad featuring two girls making out. could be transformed. Christina is a Vancouver-based writer and
The heading: “Sex. More sex. Drama.” Through our conversation on this associate with the Canada Student Forums.
Things like that make me want to cry, drizzly nondescript afternoon, he could She is currently working on her first book:
and honestly, make me feel defeated. be inspired to choose a different path. In the Company of Beautiful People.
Facing this big city, facing my own He could choose to live in God’s Read her musings online at
disillusionment and the deception upside-down kingdom. I might be able