Coca-Cola Redefi Ni NG I Ts Purpose (Case-Study)
Coca-Cola Redefi Ni NG I Ts Purpose (Case-Study)
Coca-Cola Redefi Ni NG I Ts Purpose (Case-Study)
COCA-C OLA is worlds le ading soft drink com pany which was dealing with declining earning rate since 2003. COCA-C OLA achie d annual growth in its e ve arnings of shareholders 15-20% till 1991-97. Till 2004 target was reduced to 3-4% as situation became worst. There were basically 4 reasonsresponsible for low growth rate. 1 low growth in the market 2 way that Coca-Cola earns its profits 3 unsuccessful in introducing new products 4 Reluctanceof Company to make profitable equations in future. C cola e oca arning growth obje s faile due to low capability ctive d of new product development. Pe had sm r m t share in m countie but succe psi alle arke ost s ssful in achieving targets after new product development. Coca- cola introduce che coke but this wasnt succe d rry ssful for longer. C cola atte pte to re oca m d place the classic coke and m som ade e changes in it, which was lately protested.
I t focuse m on m ting its m brand coke than to bring d ore arke ain new product line. This is why its earnings growth objective reluctantly failed.
Q.2 Do you think that coca colas strategy with bottling companies is proper?
C cola not only se its products in m ts but works oca lls arke around the world with local bottling companies. It also owns some bottling companies. I t de d to own sm bottling com cide all panie n se the to lage s ll m r bottling markets at higher price By this they could show there sales into profits. But the couldnt re y alize this cannot continue longe as the r y have to give their share of profit to bottlers. For this re ason it re d its earnings growth obje duce ctive for the latest period.
Q.3 what do you suggest should be coca colas earning objective should be, and why?
The are 4 m re ain proble s which re m stricts C oca-C olas e arning objective. The first problem is the low growth in the market. The second problem is the way that Coca-Cola earns its profits. The third re ason for doubt about the earnings growth obje ctive relates to the successful introduction of new products The fourth proble is the re m luctance of the com pany to m ake acquisitions that might enhance earnings growth.
SUGGESTIONS Firstly it should set smaller targets depending upon the market situation of different countries. I t should ke p variable cost lowe which helps it, growth in e r, smaller countries. C cola should bring ne product line fre ntly to outcom oca w que e its competitors, n sustain market demand. I t should m anage the supply chain consistently to avoid disputes with suppliers n share profit with bottling companies.
Marke share rise only whe the are change in com t s n re s panys working strategy. As a re com sult pany should m equations ake which hells company in Entering into ne m ts as we as incre market share in w arke ll ase soft drink market. I t is one of the large soft drink companies so to sustain its st growth n m aturity le l it has to com up with ne m ting ve e w arke strategies.