Weld Repair Procedure Tapis Rev.A
Weld Repair Procedure Tapis Rev.A
Weld Repair Procedure Tapis Rev.A
No: MYTZ-TW-VPWLD-790003
Rev.No:A Rev.Date:14/02/2012
Transwater API Sdn. Bhd. Confidential & Proprietary
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Doc.No: MYTZ-TW-VPWLD-790003
Rev.No:A Rev.Date:14/02/2012
The purpose of this procedure develop is to ensure that weld repair are done in prescribed manner and acceptable to project specification, code and standard applied for Tapis EOR Rejuvenation project. 2.0 SCOPE This procedure covers the weld repair of steel structural and piping welds during the fabrication of GuE and TaF NAG Condensate Allocation Metering Skid for Tapis EOR Rejuvenation Project. 3.0 REFERENCES ASME B31.3 AWS D1.1 MPDS 03-19-02 MPDS 29-03-02 4.0 DEFINITIONS PROJECT CLIENT CONTRACTOR SUB-CONTRACTOR NDT 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Any weld area does not meet the requirement for Visual inspection, Liquid Penetrant testing, Magnetic particle testing, Radiographic Testing or Ultrasonic Testing shall be repaired. The defective area may be ground or excavated down to sound metal as required. 5.2 Liquid Penetrant testing or Magnetic particle testing shall be used to confirm that the defective area are totally remove before re-welding take place. The welder use for repair shall be qualified and approve by CLIENT. WPS use for repair should be the same WPS use at the first instance unless otherwise specified. 5.3 After the repair has been completed the area shall be tested using the same method of inspection and same NDT procedure used to locate the defective area in the first instance. 5.4 Two repair attempts shall be allowed in any one defective area. The joint shall be cut and preparing as new joint after two attempt repair was conducted. Tapis EOR and Rejuvenation Project Exxon Mobil Exploration & Production (M) Inc. (EMEPMI) Transwater API Sdn. Bhd. (TASB) Piping Fabricator Non Destructive Testing Process Piping Structural Welding Code-Steel Upstream Piping Fabrication, Erection, Inspection, Testing, and Cleaning Upstream Process Piping Welding and Inspection
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Doc.No: MYTZ-TW-VPWLD-790003
Rev.No:A Rev.Date:14/02/2012
SUB-CONTRACTOR will be responsible for weld repair execution and monitoring by CONTRACTOR to ensure it accordance this weld repair procedure and meet applicable project specification, code and standard. 7.0 RECORDS Any documentation generated during repair welding shall be form part of the record and shall compile in appropriate section.
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