March 2012
March 2012
March 2012
E X P E R I E N C E m o r e
DIscover change
Dear Friends,
In the month that I have been in the States, I've had the privilege to talk about how we have seen the Lord at work through BlueSky over and over again. I am blown away by your generosity and the Lord's faithfulness to provide.
Your gifts are enabling the multinational community to hear the Gospel. We now have the funds
necessary to purchase a van, which will be used for camp this summer and for the Youth team to be at schools engaging students. Thank You! Over the past year, as the Lord has continued to grow the ministry of BlueSky, our Board and I have recognized the need for a full-time person in the States to focus on development. The ministry is growing, and we need to increase our overall fundraising and staff recruiting strategies.
I'm excited to introduce our Director of Development, LeAnn Pearson. She comes to us with a
wealth of experience in ministry, with a specific focus on growth and development. I believe she is going to be instrumental in carrying BlueSky into the future. I hope that you will take a few minutes to read how the Lord is equipping the leaders of today and impacting the leaders of tomorrow through each of our programs. On the back page you will find a list of our most urgent needs. Will you partner with us in meeting the needs? Answering Adventure's Call,
I am thrilled to be a part of the BlueSky team. My heart passion is to answer the call to disciple the nations by equipping and counseling those in influential roles. It is a privilege to answer this call through BlueSky. God asked us to establish His kingdom on earth, and through my role I pray greater resources are stewarded through BlueSky to see exponential impact, lives changed, leaders equipped, youth saved, and nations transformed. I look forward to spreading the word about BlueSkys impact, increasing our number of partners that are investing in BlueSky, and seeing BlueSky reach a whole new horizon. Adventure called...I answered! LeAnn Pearson Director of Development
Would you help us break down religious barriers by building walls of experience? We need to raise $15,000 to complete the work required to open our doors and begin impacting lives.
BlueSky has the opportunity to walk through this challenge with students. Michelle has been studying
1 John with two of her Covenant groups with junior and senior girls. As they dove into what it means to be a child of God and an heir with Him, they found special comfort in recognizing that they belong to the family of God. As we are intentional about providing a place for students to belong, it is infinitely more important for them to realize that we are called to and belong to a much greater family when we follow Christ.
Would you pray that students would find their sense of belonging in Christ?
We've registered 307 campers; our target is to register 500 by June. The leadership team has chosen Rise
Up as the theme and will be talking about what it means to Rise Up to new life in Christ with all of the campers this summer.
Many of our campers will hear the Gospel for the first time at camp, would you pray that many children would follow Christ this summer?
My children have benefited tremendously from Camp BlueSky, which combines healthy adventure with good spiritual guidance. The opportunity for them to be mentored by their group leaders is very effective. Also I know they are in safe hands! - Graham Alabaster UN Habitat, Chief of Section
Each team member is connected to BlueSky as a whole and recognizes that the work they do is changing lives. When you realize that your job is not just a
job, but an opportunity to have an impact, it changes the way you work. This is what is happening at BlueSky Adventures and it's awesome to see the Lord work in the hearts of our Kenyan colleagues in this way!
Would you pray for wisdom and favor as BlueSky Adventures seeks to impact the lives of more than 2000 individuals in 2012?