Eyesweb Xmi 5.3.0 - User Manual: January 16, 2012

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EyesWeb XMI 5.3.

0 User Manual

January 16, 2012

Part I Using EyesWeb

Chapter 1 EyesWeb Framework

The EyesWeb Framework is made of a set of tools: The Graphical Development Environment (2). The EyesWeb command-line tool 3. The EyesWeb Mobile Designer and Runtime applications. The EyesWeb Mobile for Python and MetaEyesWeb tools. A set of other tools: The EywQuery tool (4.1) to generate documentation for the installed blocks. The EywRegisterModule tool (4.2) to register a module (dll) for use with EyesWeb.

Chapter 2 EyesWeb Patch Development Environment

The EyesWeb Development Environment is the main editor to design patches. A simple example of the editor at work is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: The EyesWeb Development Environment.

The Environment shows the following main windows, from the left to the right: Catalog View window. Search View window. Properties window. Patch View window.

and also at the bottom of the screen, below the Patch View there are the following windows: Message View window. Navigator View window.

The Patch is the main component of an EyesWeb project. When you launch the EyesWeb application, the EyesWeb environment (GUI), starts with an empty patch the rst time you run the program; and at the subsequent launches of the program, it opens the patches that were open when EyesWeb was closed in the previous session: you have to wait EyesWeb nish loading the patches before start to work, as a progress bar is displayed telling you that the internal kernel is working, in order to prepare the environment for working correctly. You can make a patch to edit an audio or video les, to follow and capture moving subjects over image streams, to analyze low and high level features for research purposes, and much more that can be limited only by your mind. A patch is composed by several EyesWeb Blocks; each block is an EyesWeb object with a specic function. These objects can manage the data ow within the environment in a user-friendly interface. Its very easy to connect the blocks between them, and edit their parameters. Its also easy to understand how to use them, because they are grouped by type in a tree structure. For example there are video blocks in the video section, audio blocks in the audio section, numerical blocks in the concerning section, also grouped by numerical type as integer, decimal, matrices, ... also there are the converter blocks in the converters section, and so on. All blocks can accept some input data along with tuning parameters, and can elaborate them using all these data to produce an output. Input and output can be connected with other blocks throught the pins. The pins represent the communicating system to and from a specic block such they can bring data into a block as inputs pins, generate data from a block as output pins, and manage parameter pins for rening the behaviour of a block during the Run-Time phase. Every kind of data that can be processed by the dierent blocks is represented by a Datatype. Connecting the blocks with the pins you can manage the ow of these datatypes, as outputs from one block, an inputs to other blocks. The development of a patch is divided in two phases: the Design-Time phase, and the RunTime phase. The Design-Time is the phase where you organize the EyesWeb blocks into the Patch View window (with dragn drop from Catalog View - Figure 3.14) and where you can connect the blocks between them (with the blocks pins). The Run-Time is the phase in which the Patch compiled by the EyesWeb development environment is then passed to the scheduler part of the program, and then executed to produce its peculiar activity; you can see the logging of the dierent phases of the process into the Message Console - Figure 3.30. To run a Patch and start the compile phase that brings the program from the Design-Time to the Run-time phase, you must press the Start button (Figure 3.2), which also makes the initialization of the Patch.

Figure 2.2: Environment Clock.


User Commands

In this section are detailed the commands and the various tools that are provided by the EyesWeb interface.

Figure 2.3: EyesWeb Menu. At the top you have the usual command menus with which you can access all the EyesWeb tools (Figure 3.3). On le menu you have:

In the File menu there are all the commands to create a new project, to open and close an existing one, save or print it, see the recent les opened and exit from the EyesWeb application.

Figure 2.4: File Menu.

In the Edit menu you can nd the commands to undo or restore editing actions on the blocks, cut, copy, past and delete an object, select all the objects in the patch, view and manage the look and feel like alignement design features, positioning orientations, graphical rotations and z-ordering characteristics of the blocks contained in the developed patch during the Design-Time phase. You can also see the location of a block in the Catalgue View, and enable or disable a block (for details see paragraph 3.3 at Figure 3.18 and 3.19).

Figure 2.5: Edit Menu.

In the View menu you have a list of the main tool windows of EyesWeb. Here you can add or remove these tool windows (Main Toolbar, Window Toolbar, System Toolbar, Design Toolbar, Status Bar, Catalogs, Search, Properties, Message Console, Navigator, Open File Tabs) from viewing them, to customize EyesWeb interface (Figure 3.1). You can also set the zoom of the Patch View.

Figure 2.6: View Menu.

Figure 2.7: System Menu.

In the System menu you can manage a patch in the Run-Time phase with the Start, Step, Pause and Stop buttons. You can manage more patches at the same time with this commands, and you can see the time status of a patch with the Clock tool (Figure 3.2). Also you can determine which type of Run-Time mode should be used for the current patch: Design or Production in order to select for each block in the patch, which block should be scheduled and which not.

In the Tools menu you can manage the proling tool with the support of the patch clock, import or export kernel properties settings, add external tools (Figure 3.9) and you can access to EyesWeb options (Figure 3.10). Figure 2.8: Tools Menu.

Figure 2.9: External Tools. In the External Tool windows(Figure 3.9), you can add additional tools and external EyesWeb facilities. You can set their parameters such as the name of the tool, his command, the arguments, initial directory and others: you can congure additional parameters such as Autosave, Wait Program Termination and Warn Kernel Restart for each tool listed in this window.

Figure 2.10: Options. In the Option View window (Figure 3.10) you can set all the features that you need for your current EyesWeb project under development. The following detailed settings are available: General: Reload open documents. Autosave modied documents on patch start.

Save patch state in undo on patch start. Ask close conrmation when a patch is clocked. Detect patch modication outside the environment. Auto-Reload patch (when not modied inside the environment). MDI Tabbed mode. Editor: Snap Objects to grid. Show grid. Grid width. Grid height. Default object orientation (left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top). Catalog View: Categorized View (group blocks by catalog). Filters (No Filters, catalogs lter, used catalogs). Selected Filter Properties (Name, Available catalogs, Selected catalogs). Selected Catalogs are excluded (included by default). Messages: Message Level Enabling (Debug, Message, Warning, Error, Critical Error). Default Windows Color. Color... Set Default Colors. Enable message logging. Log Folder. Log Disk Quota (KB) 0 means no quota. Search: Object Name. Object Description.

Library Names. Author Name. Author Description. Company Name. Company Description. Licence. Reset Search History. Advanced: Process Priority Class (IDLE, NORMAL, HIGH, REALTIME). Default Engine Thread Priority (IDLE, LOWEST, BELOW NORMAL, NORMAL, ABOVE NORMAL, HIGHEST, TIME CRITICAL). Performance Proling. Automatically reset proling data on patch start. Catalog Classes Enabling (Kernel, External, User, select all, select none). Kernel (abort timeout, clock period, logs, others...). Device Mapping (devices). Its recommended to leave default options until you have a good familiarity with the program.


In the Window menu you can manage the EyesWeb patch windows that can be simultaneously opened. You can close one or all the windows, browse to the next or previous one, and set the way they appear in Cascade, Horizontally or Vertically appearance. In this way you can manage the look of EyesWeb interface and you can display the windows as you prefer. Figure 2.11: Window View.

In the Help menu you can automatically check for EyesWeb updates, and read the general information on the current EyesWeb version. Figure 2.12: Help Menu.

You can nd the most important of these described tools and commands in the EyesWeb tools bar (Figure 3.13).

Figure 2.13: EyesWeb Tools Bar. In the rst row of the bar (from left to right) there are the icons to create a new project or open an existing one; to save one patch or all the opened ones; to print a patch, or to cut, copy, past and remove one or more selected items; to undo or restore an operation; to increase or decrease the zoom of the blocks in the patch; to open the Options window; to close one or all the patch windows opened in EyesWeb; to navigate from a window to another one; to set the favourite way to show the patch windows (Cascade, Horizontally or Vertically); to manage the Run-Time step of a patch; to open or remove the Proling View window (Figure 3.29) from the Properties window (Chapter 3.5). In the second row of the tools bar you can nd additional options to manage the aspects of the patch.



Catalog View

In the Catalog View window the blocks can be displayed in the following two ways, accordingly to the ordering by group or by type:

Figure 2.15: Ordered by Blocks Type. Figure 2.14: Ordered by Blocks Group.

The Catalog View window (Figure 3.14 and 3.15) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where are collected all the EyesWeb blocks. The blocks are grouped by category within the Catalog View in a treeview; blocks are grouped into several categories: GUI Objects: Blocks used by the graphical user interface. Kernel: blocks that are in the core of EyesWeb. Base: blocks used to manage the basic features of EyesWeb. System: blocks for system dependent functionalities. Legacy: blocks from the previous versions of EyesWeb. Steinberg Technologies: blocks for audio processing. On the top of the Catalog View window are present the two buttons: Toggle Catalog View and Manage Filters along with the Filters Bar. With the Filters Bar you can select only a specic group of blocks (default Catalog View shows all the groups of the


blocks). With the Toggle Catalog View button on the left, you can chose between two different views of the blocks tree: ordered by group and ordered by the type of functionality. With the Manage Filters button on the right, you can open the Option Filter window, as seen in Figure 3.16, where you can: select a default lter with the Sel. button, remove a lter with the - button and add a custom lter with the + button. You can also select a lter to customize it with the arrow-buttons: remove and add a group of block by the lter.

Figure 2.16: Management of Catalog View Filters.



Search View

The Search View window (Figure 3.17) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where you can search for the blocks of the contained Catalog View window. You have to enter the name of a block in the search box and, pressing the search button, the application will display the results in the window below.

Figure 2.17: Search View.


Patch View

The Patch View window is the frame of the EyesWeb application where you can design your patches. Blocks can be moved in the Patch View window by dragging and dropping them in this window from the Catalog View window. The layout of the blocks is shown in Figure 3.18. The black rounded rectangles are the Pins, which let the blocks to be interconnected together. The left ones (inside the block border) are the input pins, which represent data incoming into the block. The right ones (outside the block border) are the output pins: they represent the result of the elaboration performed by this block. The top pins are called parameter pins, and they represent the data used to tune the elaboration of the block itself. Input pins can have at most one incoming link, trying to connect one link to an input pin which is already connected with another one, the EyesWeb GUI will show a forbidden icon, as shown in Figure 3.19.


Figure 2.18: A simple EyesWeb block.

Figure 2.19: The forbidden icon tells to the user that the connection he is trying to establish cannot be done. Blocks are connected one-another together by dragging a link from the output pin of the source block to the input pin of the destination block. It is also possible to draw a link from an output pin to a parameter pin. Not all connections are allowed: besides the constraint described above (an input pin can have at most one incoming link), there are other constraints that depend on the type of the data involved in the connection. Pins with dierent type of data, cannot be connected, unless EyesWeb is able to convert from one datatype to the other one. However, whether such conversion is possible or not, the user has not to care about it, since EyesWeb automatically shows the forbidden icon in the appropriate cases. The patch windows can be zoomed in/out by means of the appropriate menu commands (see Figure 3.20), or by means of the keyboard shortcuts + and -, which increase or decrease the zoom of a 10 perc. factor. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0 can be used to go back to the default zoom level.


Figure 2.20: The zoom commands are available in the View menu and in the Main toolbar. There are some properties to manage the look and feel of the patches during the DesignTime phase. The Locate command is used to nd out the location of the block within the Catalog View, and the Activate command is used to enable or disable a block from functioningh (Figure 3.21). You can also rotate the blocks and perform other graphical operations, like orientating and arrangement features, as shown in Figure 3.22. These features are very useful when dealing with many blocks and links.


Figure 2.21: Block options.

Figure 2.22: Block rotation options.

The links are used to connect a block with another one as shown in Figure 3.23. You can add one or more pins in each connecting, link to change the look and feel of the link itself as shown in Figure 3.24. You can also connect one output link to more input block pins, as in Figure 3.25.

Figure 2.23: Link. Figure 2.24: Create a Pin on a Link.


Figure 2.25: Connect more blocks using the same link.


Navigator View

Figure 2.26: Navigator View. The Navigator View window (Figure 3.26) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where you have a complete view of the patch. From this window you can navigate within the Patch View with the mouse, and move in the patch area if you need. From this window you cant move the blocks, but its very useful if the patch is very big and takes up a lot of space in the Patch View.



Properties View

The Property View window is the frame of the EyesWeb aplication where you can view and modify the properties of the objects selected in the Patch View. Properties can be shown in the Categorized or Alphabetic mode, according to which option button is selected in the top-left corner of this window (just under the Params tab). In the former case, the properties are grouped together according to their meaning, whereas in the latter the properties are sorted alphabetically. In any case, the properties are shown in two columns: the rst represents the name, the second represents the value. If the value is written with bold characters it can be modied, otherwise editing is forbidden. When the property has a structured value, a + sign is placed on its left, to mean that the internal details can be shown by expanding its content (clicking on the plus sign). Once the property is expanded, its sub-components can be edited as all other properties. The same values can also be edited without having to expand the property and modifying the semicolon-separated values which are shown to the right of the property name. Acting this way, besides avoiding to expand the property, has a dierent behaviour if compared to the modication of the components one at a time. If the semicolon-separated list is edited, the overall value is set via a unique command, whereas modifying the sub-components causes the intermediate values to be set. Consider the case where you have to modify the size of a matrix through a structured property with two components, named width and height. If you modify the semicolonseparated value, for instance, from 30x20 to 60x40, the matrix size is changed only once. If you expand the property and modify the width from 30 to 60 and then modify the height from 20 to 40, the matrix size is changed twice: the rst time it changes from 30x20 to 60x20, the second time it changes from 60x20 to 60x40. This dierent behaviour have to be kept into account when using the Properties View.


Figure 2.27: Block Parameters View. When you select a block you can edit its properties and features in Properties View window as in Figure 3.27. For example you can modify the general appearance of the input and output pins: in this example the options Show SyncIn and Show SyncOut are enabled, so there are two more pins in the shown block; so you can connect the blocks using these pins. Every pin represents an input, an output or a parameter data. Another important feature of the new versions of the EyesWeb application is represented by the Synchronization Pins. With synchronization pins you can force the schedule calling of a block to be executed regardless by the usual common blocks connections. To enable this feature, you have to add input and/or output the synchronization pins to the block, by setting the Yes value in the Show SyncIn and Show SyncOut parameters: new pins for SyncIn and/or SyncOut will appear on the selected block as shown in Figure 3.27, where the synchronization pins are displyed as the white pins. In order to set these pins you can chose between three options of the SyncIn Mode parameter: Exclusive, Additive or Ignore; so, during the Run-Time phase: the Exclusive option sets the block to be scheduled only when this block receives a trigger signal at its SyncIn pin; the Additive option sets the block to be scheduled also when this block receives a trigger signal at its SyncIn pin; and the Ignore option sets the block to be scheduled normally using the standard scheduling methods, ignoring the possible SincIn trigger signal received at its SyncIn pin. Also, the Run Level parameter lets the user to decide wheter or not a block should be scheduled during a Design period, or during a Production period, in order to add blocks to a patch for testing it, and to utilize them only for understanding how the patch works, and, when they are no more useful for the functioning of the patch itself, they can be excluded by the scheduling tree, simply by selecting the Production value in the System Toolbar; so the blocks that are marked for the Design mode will be scheduled


only if the Design mode is selected, and the blocks that are marked for the Production mode will be scheduled only if the Production mode is selected.

Figure 2.28: Blocks Description Window.


Each block has its own description (Figure 3.28) where are displayed the main features of the block. These features are:

For the Signature: Label of the block. Class of the block. For the Input(s): Name of the input. Datatype of the input. For the Output(s): Name of the output. Datatype of the output. For the Parameter(s): Name of the parameter. Datatype of the parameter.


Figure 2.29: Proling View. The Proling View window (Figure 3.29) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where the status of a selected block and the status of the whole patch are shown during a specic period of Run-Time phase (you can pause or stop the execution of a patch anytime with the pause and stop button). In this window are shown the scheduling time information of the objects regarding the Init(), Check(), Start(), Execute(), Stop() and Done() functions. For example the Init() objects function values reports timing infomation about the time spent during the phase in which the block switches from Design-Time to Run-Time; the Execute() objects function values reports timing information about how long the EyesWeb Kernel spends time during the blocks scheduling loop, within each blocks execution function.



Message Console

Figure 2.30: Message Console. The Message Console window (Figure 3.30) is the frame of the EyesWeb application where the messages, the error and warning notications are displayed. This frame is used either by the system kernel, and by the signgle blocks that constitute a patch, and where the user can read various information about the state of the internal data of a patch. It can also be used by the patches during the developing period, where debug information are needed to be displayed for tracing the ow of the elaborating data values. Message Console uses dierent colors to show dierent messages into its window. You can edit these colors settings from the Messages section of the Options Menu (Figure 3.31).


Chapter 3 EyesWeb command-line tool

This application executes patches from the command line or, under Windows Operating System, as a system service. The most common usage is by specing the list of patches to be executed as comman-line arguments; in such case EywConsole executes all the specied patches until the ESC key is pressed by the user on the console window. However, many command-line options are available to modify this default behaviour; as an example: execution might be automatically stopped after a user-specied amount of time, and restarted for a user-specied number of times. EywConsole --help provides the complete list of the available command-line options and their description. Since EyesWeb version, the EywConsole tool can be used as a server to run patches remotely controlled by EyesWeb Mobile.


Chapter 4 Other tools

4.1 EywQuery

This executable le let you generate documentation (mainly in LaTeX format, but other formats are supported too) for the installed EyesWeb block. This is the same tool used to generate the Reference Part (III) of this manual. EywQuery --help gives an explanation of all supported command-line options. The eyw doc template.pdf le provides an example of use of the EywQuery tool to generate the documentation of two blocks.



This executable le let you register external plugins in order to make them available for use in EyesWeb. The EywRegisterModule.exe must be used to register and unregister dll blocks, and can be run with the following command line options: dllpath1 [dllpath2 ...] indicates the dll paths /U unregisters the dll /K:kernel path species the Eyw kernel dll path /F:base path species the Eyw kernel base path /B breaks when the rst error occurs /Q operates in quiet mode /? displays this help screen


Part II EyesWeb internals


Chapter 5 EyesWeb Kernel

This Chapter is devoted to the explanation of the EyesWeb kernel. It aims at providing the user enough knowledge on the EyesWeb internal details in order to fully understand its behaviour. Since its early phases, the EyesWeb kernel has been designed to provide stability and performance. A rst consequence of this choice is the distinction between the two phases named Design Time and Run Time. Whether you are using a graphical development environment or not, the kernel always goes rst through the design-time phase, where the patch is built in the system memory but it is not executed. Whenever you decide to execute the designed patch, the kernel moves to the Run-Time phase: during the transition between the two phases many operations are performed. The patch is rst checked for correctness, then an ad-hoc structure is built in memory to maximize the performance during execution. When the structure is ready, the patch execution is started, and the kernel is said to be in Run-Time mode. At this point, the patch cannot be modied anymore, until you go back to the Design-Time mode. The only allowed operations are the modication of the values of the parameters of the blocks; moreover, changes to the topology of the patch are forbidden. Another important EyesWeb feature is that the Kernel is completely separated from the Graphical User Interace (GUI). In such a way that dierent part of the EyesWeb application can exists without being related one to each other. These feature leads primarly to the possibility to run a Patch without loading the EyesWeb GUI, in such a way that the internal kernel could be loaded, and an existent patch can be run (for example from the command prompt as described in the command line EyesWeb Console application see Chapter ??); also this feature leads to the possibility of future expansion, such as a possible porting to dierent systems.


EyesWeb Multimodal and Cross-Modal Processing

The new platform includes low-level support which enhances the capabilities of the system as a multimodal framework. Besides the basic requirement to manage several datatypes in a common environment, new characteristics have been added. The rst of such characteristics is the possibility to automatically transform datatypes of dierent, but compatible, domains. This is particularly useful when one wants to verify the eectiveness of one al-


gorithm which was originally designed and implemented for a very specic domain. As an example, a FFT block working on matrices, can be easily used to work on audio stream, as the conversion of audio buers to matrices is automatically added by the system, without the need of any explicit action on the user side. Another important feature is the possibility to design and develop block which may work of a whole family of datatypes. Where the previous version of EyesWeb could distinguish among specic block (working on a given datatype)or general purpose blocks (working on all datatypes), this new version let one to specify the characteristics of the supported datatypes. This enable the development of blocks working on homogenous set of datatypes, without the need to know them in advance, thus, it does not limit the expansibility of EyesWeb. Referring to the above FFT example, a better designed block could exploit such feature and work natively on both the audio buer and the matrix datatype, as they share some common characteristics (they both implement a common interface). This approach has the further advantage by a performance point of view, as it avoids consuming processing power for the datatype conversion. Cross-modal processing is furtherly supported by the timestamping of datatypes, which has been greatly enriched in this version of EyesWeb. Each datatype is associated with a set of timestamp which let the kernel to synchronize them according to dierent needs. For each sample, EyesWeb can obtain: a a a a a creation time. presentation time. media time. sample duration, and, nally. media duration. Creation time gives an indication of the instant that the datatype was written, thus it carries information about the time needed to process data. Presentation time are the preferred source for synchronization, as they take information about the actual time instant that the datatype represents. It is independent of the processing time: as an example a block nding the peak value in an audio buer will give, as presentation time of the output peak value, the absolute index of the peak sample in the whole stream, and this is independent of the time needed to compute such value, or the time of any previous computation. Media time represents the timestamp of the datatype relative to the original source; hence, it is also allowed to decrease during run time; this may happen, for instance, when the original source is a media le and it is rewinded during execution. Media duration represents the duration of the original stream if available: in the case of media les it may represent the duration of the le itself, whereas in the case of live sources it is usually unknown. Media duration nally represents the duration, in time, of the datatype, and it may be used to understand whether the signal is sampled at high frequencies (shot duration) or low frequencies (long duration), and to adapt the scheduling policies accordingly.



EyesWeb blocks

Blocks are probably the most important objects in EyesWeb, at least from the users point of view. Blocks represent an operation, from very simple to very complex, that can be performed on data. Blocks can also be the generators or the renderers of data; thus, blocks are the objects responsible to generate, modify, and consume data in EyesWeb. There is no restriction on the complexity of the operation, as well as no constraint is given on the type of data handled by blocks. Thus, at kernel level, blocks are simply objects which may receive data as input, and may generate data as output. Both inputs and outputs are optional: a generator block does not receive any input, and a renderer block does not produce any output. The operation can be tuned, both during the design-time phase or during the run-time phase. To perform such tuning the blocks are allowed to have parameters. As it is the case with inputs and outputs, parameters can be of any type and in any number. In many cases, the dierence between parameters and inputs is not straightforward: a block that acts on an image and it is tuned by means of a number (e.g., the threshold block), might be represented as a block acting on two input (the image and the number) at the same time. In some cases, the dierence between what is classied an input and what is classied a parameter lays on the speed at which they change their value. Although this is a reasonable distinction, it is not the only possibility to distinguish among them: in other cases the reason may be more conceptual then technical, e.g., the threshold block which works on images can be clearly described as a function from images to images, where the integer value is only a tuning parameter. There are blocks performing several dierent types of operations. There are blocks working on compressed or uncompressed images, sound, midi, numbers, matrices, and many others. Blocks are classied into libraries, however, this classication is mainly done to simplify users when searching for most appropriate operation, and there is no constraint or limitation in the interoperability of blocks coming from dierent libraries. Inputs, output, and parameters of blocks dene the signature of the block: each of this components must have a type of data associated with it. The signature of blocks can change at design-time, in response to user choices or external events. However, once the patch is in Run-Time mode, the signature cannot change anymore, until it returns in Design-Time mode.


EyesWeb datatypes

Datatypes are the objects which transport data among blocks, when the system is in RunTime mode and the patch is executed. They are responsible to store data, to provide serialization to binary of text streams, to copy instances of datatypes, and to swap the value of datatype instances in an optimized way. Storing data is the basic responsibility. It means that datatypes are responsible to allocate the memory (resources) needed to store the value of tha datatype (e,g., huge memory area for image datatypes, few bytes for integer or double datatypes, etc.). Serialization is needed when the patch is saved on a le, and the value of datatypes need to be saved too. Serialization may also occur when datatypes are sent through communication channels such as network or serial ports. Serialization may occur toward text or binary streams. When


the patch is saved to a le, serialization to text stream is needed, as the patch format is xml , which is a text format, commonly used for exchanging data by lots of commerical applications. In such cases the datatype should save its value in a human readable text string. Serialization to binary streams is needed, for instance, when the datatype is sent through the network. In such cases, the binary format is preferred for its compactness, which might preseve network bandwidth. Of course, in both cases, also unserialization is needed: this implies that the datatype must be able to get an updated value, starting from a binary or from a text stream. The EyesWeb SDK provides facilites to build text serialization basing on the binary serialization, thus developers might avoid to provide both formats. However, this facility cannot produce a human-readable text stream; thus, it is recommended that the developer provides both forms of serialization. Copying a datatype might occurs in several occasions. Copying datatypes might be explicitly requested by developers, or it might be requested by EyesWeb to keep coherent dierent datatype instances. When copying occurs, two datatype instances are involved: both datatypes are of the same type (e.g., two images) and have the same characteristics (e.g., same resolution and depth). When these constraints are not met, the destination datatype is allowed to throw an exception; if the conditions are met, the destination datatype must assume the same value of the source datatype, without altering the value of the source object. The EyesWeb SDK provides a facility to avoid implementing the copy operation; as a matter of fact, copy may be performed by serializing the source datatype on a binary or text stream, and asking the destination datatype to unserialize from the same stream. Although this method is legal and should always work, it is recommended to build the implementation of the copy operation, as it may probably be implemented in a more optimized way. Swapping datatype instances mainly occurs when trying to optimize the implementation of blocks or other EyesWeb objects. Swapping datatypes involves two datatype instances, which should exchange their values. Of course, swapping might be performed by using a temporary datatype instance and the copy operation. The EyesWeb SDK provides this basic facility. However, for many datatypes, swapping may be implemented more optimally if the datatype implementation is assumed to be known. In the case of images, for instance, swapping may be implemented by simply exchange the value of two pointers, instead of copying huge memory buers three times (which is the number of copy operations that is used by implementing swap with a temporary intermediate instance).


EyesWeb datatype converters

Datatype converters are objects which can convert from one datatype to another one. As with all other objects, they can be both in the user catalogs or in the embedded catalogs (system and kernel catalog); this means that developers, besides providing their custom datatypes, can also provide converters to guarantee interoperability of their datatypes with the existing ones. Datatype converters are automatically inserted in the patch when needed, without the need of user intervention. Furthermore, the user can also place them explicitly via some kernel blocks. This might be useful, for instance, when one wants to measure the overhead caused by the conversion, by explicitly measuring the processing time consumed by each converter.


Converters should be able to convert both the datatype value and the initialization data. When converting values, they should keep into account the initialization data of the source and destination datatypes. When converting initialization data, they should choose the more appropriate destination type, if more than one conversion is possible. When deciding which converters to implement, consider that EyesWeb is able to build conversion chains to perform complex conversion. This means that developers should not worry to provide conversion toward all (reasonable) existing datatypes, but they can focus on the main ones (e.g., system and kernel datatypes). If this strategy is respected from developers, the maximum interoperability could be reached.


EyesWeb datatype domains

Datatype domains are the objects which dene the admissible value for datatypes. They can tell whether a value is inside the domain or they can bound a value to the domain (i.e., if the value is not inside the domain it is modied to the nearest value which is inside the domain). Domains are applied to parameters only, not to input values. This is due to performance reasons, as parameters are supposed to change slowly if compared to data streams (travelling through input/outputs), thus using datatype domains to check the datatype validity does not provide an heavy burden.


EyesWeb datatype layouts

Datatype layouts are responsible of the graphical layout of datatypes, i.e., of their appearance in the EyesWeb Graphical Environment. As an example a block that needs a le name to work, will declare a parameter of type string, with a layout specifying that the string is a lename. This modies the behaviour of the graphical environment and let the user use a le open/save dialog to edit the string. Cleary, the lename case is a very simple one. Layouts can be much more complex, and can be associated to complex dialogs where the datatype is edited, for example in the case of a matrix parameter datatype.


EyesWeb devices

Devices are the EyesWeb interface toward hardware. Devices come with an enumerator, that, given a specic class of devices (which relates to a specic class of hardware) provides the list of such available devices with the system. Enumerator is also responsible to nd an unique identier for such device. Since hardware conguration is highly variable from a pc to another one, EyesWeb provides a mean to map virtual devices, which are the one used by blocks, to actual devices. Such mapping is performed automatically by EyesWeb, but it can be customized by the user via the EyesWeb control panel application.



EyesWeb clocks

EyesWeb maintains an internal clock during the execution of a patch in the Run-Time mode, and a clock is associated to each Patch that is running on the system; Each clock is reset every time the GUI switches from Design-Time mode to Run-Time mode, and begins to increase when a Patch begins its Execution; so, dierent running patches can have dierent clocks according to the moment in which each dierent patch is executed, switching from the Design-Time mode to the Run-Time mode. The time handled by EyesWeb is displayed into the green panel over the tool bar in the upper side of the EyesWeb application frame, according to the currently selected running patch.


EyesWeb Scheduling

EyesWeb scheduling mechanism is very powerful, as it takes advantage from previous experience and from the requirements emerged from the use of the previous EyesWeb versions. Its default behaviour is to work in single-clock mode, however, in the future it will be able to support working with multiple clocks for special applications. Single-clock mode means that the reference time is provided by an unique object per patch, which avoid jitters among dierent clocks. The basic principle that drives scheduling in EyesWeb is very simple: when an event occurs, explore the list of blocks in order, and activate a block if needed. Of course, there are some points that have to be claried: What is an event, and in which order the blocks will be scheduled, or when does one block need to be activated? All of these points will be furtherly discussed in the following sections. Clearly, they are not simply implementation details, as they make the above-written simple statement a powerful scheduling mechanism.


EyesWeb Initialization

The rst step in the EyesWeb Initialization procedure is done in the phase in which the application switches between Desing Time mode and Run Time mode. During this phase, important works are done, including checking the consistency of the various blocks forming the patch that is going to be run. EyesWeb rst checks for the correctness of the links between the blocks: if the output of a block becomes the input of another block, then, a check for the data-passing between the two blocks is done; if the output is of the same datatype of the input, then no conversion is needed; instead, if the input is of another datatype then a datatype convertes is needed for passing correctly the data between the two mentioned blocks. If there exists a suitable datatype converter between the datatype of the output of the rst block and the datatype of the input of the second block, then that datatype (automatic or not) converter could be collocated along the link between the two blocks: so, the conversion needed to prepare data to be used from the second block is made from that converter; embedded datatype converters are oered by EyesWeb, that implements the conversions between the main datatypes in an optimized way to avoid CPU time consuming. If the user does not insert the converter, and a suitable datatype converter does exist, then EyesWeb automatically create its instance and collocate it in order to make possible the connection between this two kind of datatype links.



The execution sequence

The simplest layout of a consistent patch is composed by a chain of blocks, in which the rst block generates an output, that is the input of the second block; then, this second block generates an output which is the input of the third block, and so on, until the last block in the chain is reached, which receives the unique output of the preceding block, and generates no output and the sequence of passing data between blocks is terminated. When instead blocks receive one or more input data from dierent blocks that are topologically subsequent to themselves, the kernel keeps particulary attention to the sequence in which data are passed through the input/output pins of each block; this is because the output of another block could not be coherent at the moment in which that block is ready to be scheduled. This kind of problem arises when a particular structure of a patch id designed, in which there could be present some looping-back datatypes that are generated as output by one subsequent block, but that are used as input by some blocks that are before in the above chain; in this case is up to the kernel to detect possible conict states in which an indecisiveness link could be reached; in that case the patch cant be run and a message is displayed to the user warning him that in this case the patch topology design must be changed in someway, in order to remove the indicated indeterminated behaviour.


Chapter 6 EyesWeb Flow Control

EyesWeb provides blocks to manage the ow of data inside a patch. This chapter describes such blocks.


For Loop

The ForLoop is a type of subpatch which iterates the execution of the block in a patch for a number of times. Its main purpose is to use standard blocks to deal with items in a collection, which otherwise could not be done unless developing custom blocks. The use of the ForLoop block is explained by referring to patch for loop.eywx which is distributed with EyesWeb and is depicted in Fig. 6.1 and 6.2.

Figure 6.1: The tutorial patch to explain the ForLoop block. The patch is quite simple: a vector is generated and a FunctionEvaluator block is applied to each item of the vector. Note that the FunctionEvaluator block does not deal with vectors, but it deals with scalar items; thus, the ForLoop in this case is the only way to apply the FunctionEvaluator block to the vector, as there is no such block which


Figure 6.2: The ForLoop subpatch used in the ForLoop block tutorial.


natively works with the vector datatype. The following is a sketch of the pseudo-algorithm implemented by the patch: Generate a new vector of size N For each i item in the vector Extract item i from the vector (note: the extracted item is a scalar number) Apply FunctionEvaluator block to such scalar item Insert the scalar result as item i of the vector The algorithm is quite straightforward, lets not analyze how it is implemented as an EyesWeb patch. The rst block on the left (see Fig. 6.3) generates a vector of oatingpoint numbers. The user can specify the values of each item in the vector by setting them in the parameters of the block. Following the generator block there are other two blocks: the MatrixGetDescription block (Fig. 6.4) and, below it, the ForLoop block (Fig. 6.5). The MatrixGetDescription block simply extract the size of the vector, i.e., the number of columns; the result is passend as a paramater to the ForLoop block, as the EndIndex. As a matter of fact, the ForLoop block can be controlled by specing the start index of the loop, the end index, and the step by which the index is increased at each iteration. Note that the loop is executed with index going from Start Index to End Index - 1 (i.e., the Start Index is included, the End Index is excluded). The ForLoop block is a subpatch, thus, double-clicking on it will open another content which represents the blocks which are iterated. The subpatch is visible in Fig. 6.2.

Figure 6.3: The Vector generator block.

Figure 6.4: The Vector generator block.

Figure 6.5: The Vector generator block. The subpatch starts with a Subpatch Input Pin, i.e., the block on the left with a vertical rectangular icon (Fig. 6.6). This block provides the input data of the block inside the


subpatch, thus, the output of this block is the same as the input of the block, i.e., the input vector. However, at each iteration loop, the output can be dierent as it will be explained later. The output of this block goes to the GetItem block (Fig. 6.7), which extract an intem from the vector. The index of the item to be extracted is provided by the ForLoopIndex block (Fig. 6.8), the one above the input pin block, which, at each loop, provides the current value of the index as output, that is, 0 on rst iteration, 1 on second iteration (assuming Step is set to one), etc. The index is passed as an argument to the GetItem block, which extract the given scalar value. The extracted value is given as input to the FunctionEvaluator block (Fig. 6.10), the FunctionEvaluator block also receives the loop index as input, as the function it computes is choosen by the user to be dependant on both the current value of the item in the vactor and the index. Of course, the user could have decided to use other inputs too (e.g., the current time, the value of item i 1 in the vector the size of the vector, etc.). Finally, the output of the FunctionEvaluator evaluator block is fed, as a parameter, to the SetItem block (Fig. 6.11) which receives the current vector as an input and changes the value of the given item. The output of the SetItem goes to the Subpatch Output Pin. From here, the resulting vector can be fed back to the input pin, which occurs on every iteration except the last one, or it can be sent to the output pin of the block, which occurs on last iteration. Note that the feedback to the input pin is not the default behaviour, you have to specify it in the input pin. in facts, the input pin block has a parameter named Feedback pin, which is set to None by default. From the dropdown combo-box you have to select the pin from which to get the feedback12 . It is noteworthy that, by means of the ForLoop block, you have the a sort of possibility to change, at runtime, the structure of the patch, which is usually not allowed in EyesWeb. In facts you may think of the content of the loop as a pattern which is repeated several times, and the number of times can change at runtime. Thus, the above loop iterated N times might be similar to the patch of Fig. 6.123 As a nal remark, lets look at the three unconntected parameter pins which are available inside the subpatch (Fig. 6.13). They have not been used in our example, but they might be useful in some cases. They represent the Start Index, the End Index, and the Step parameters. They might be used, for instance, to verify whether the current iteration is the rst one (Start Index equal to ForLoopIndex) or the last one (End Index plus one equal to ForLoopIndex).

Rationale for having the choice in the input pin instead of the output pin. Specing this in the output implies a signature of the output pin with a variable number of parameters, which is sometimes a bit more tricky to be used. 2 Rationale for not having an explicit graphical link from the output pin to the input. There are dierent reasons; rstly, the user is used to see input and output pins as starting or nal blocks; thus, an outgoing link from the output pin or an ingoing link to the inpit ping might sound a bit strange. Secondly, the feedback is vary common in the loop and adding a graphical link to represent it might add confusion to complex subpatches; since the user knows that this normally happens, the price for the additional possible confusion does not worths. 3 Just similar to that, not the same! If you use blocks that have an internal status, such as the counter block which keeps the current count internally, you have to keep in mind that the block instance is always the same. Thus, if you count the inputs, the counter is incremented at each iteration!


Figure 6.6: The subpatch input pin block.

Figure 6.7: The GetItem block.

Figure 6.8: The iteration index block.

Figure 6.9: The SetItem block.

Figure 6.10: The Function Evaluator block. Figure 6.11: The subpatch output pin block.

Figure 6.12: A sketch of the unrolling of the ForLoop subpatch.


Figure 6.13: Additional parameters are available inside the subpatch to check whether the current iteration is the rst or the last one.


Chapter 7 EyesWeb Image Processing

Many of the available EyesWeb blocks are devoted to image processing. For most of the image processing operations, the user is free to choose beside CPU-base vs. GPU-based operations . Some of the concepts of the image processing libraries are common to both the CPU-based or GPU-based approaches; such common concepts will be explained in the following sections.


Floating-point and integer coordinates

In most blocks operating on images coordinates may be expressed either as oating-point (double precision) or integer numbers. The main dierence between the two approaches is that oating-point coordinates are normalized in the range (0.0, 1.0) , whereas integer coordinates are directly interpreted as the zero-based pixel coordinates. In the oatingpoint case, normalization is perfomed indipendently on the width and height of the image: thus, (0.5, 0.5) is always a point in the center of the image, even if the image is not square. Both approaches have pro and cons. The main advantage of the normalized mode is that when the resolution of the source image is changed, the oating-point parameters of the blocks operating on images do not need to be changed; converserly, integer coordinates need to be adapted to the new image resolution. The main advantages of the integer coordinates are precision and interoperability. With precision we mean that a position expressed in integer coordinate refers exactly to one pixel of the image; in the oatingpoint case the position of the corresponding pixel cannot be deduced in a straightforward way, as rounding errors (during denormalization and conversion to integer) might aect the result. With interoperability we mean that the integer coordinates are the ones commonly used in image-processing software; thus, if you look for the position of an object in an image with a third-party software (e.g., GIMP, Microsoft Paint, etc.), you will obtain a couple of integer values.


ROI management

ROI stands for Region Of Interest, and represents a rectangular area that may be either some part of the image or the whole image. Image processing can operate on such area instead of on the whole image area. The ROI of an image is dened by the size (in pixels)


and an oset (in pixels) with respect to the top-left corner, which has coordinate (0, 0). If a ROI is applied to an image, then image processing applies only to such part of the image, instead of the whole image. The ROI is applied by means of the SetROI block. Note that in the SetROI block, as well as in all blocks which provide a ROI parameter, you can set the ROI to null; this is a sort of shortcut to specify that the ROI cover the whole image; thus, setting ROI to NULL in the case of an image of size (720, 576) is equivalent to saying that the ROI has origin (0, 0) and size (720, 576). The advantage of using the NULL ag is that you do not need to change the size, in the case that you decide to modify the size of the image on which your patch is operating. Note that a NULL ROI is dierent from an empty ROI. A NULL ROI means that operations will be applied to the whole image, whereas an empty ROI (which is specied by setting width or height to 0) means that operations will be applied to no pixels.


CPU- vs. GPU-based processing

EyesWeb oers the possibility to process images basing on CPU or GPU (Graphical Processsing Unit, i.e., the processor which is mounted on the video card). From the user point of view, the choice is done by instantiating a dierent datatype on the source block. For CPU-based processing you should instantiate the image datatype, wheres for GPU-based processing you can choose between the OpenGL datatype or the CUDA datatype. Most EyesWeb blocks which generate images as output, provide a selector to let you choose between all the available datatype installed in the system. If such selector is not available, you can use the blocks named HostToDevice and DeviceToHost (several variants are available, according to the underlying technology used, e.g., CUDA, OpenGL, etc.) to move the image between system memory (accessed by the CPU) and device memory (accessed by the GPU), and viceversa. Currently, the available choices are: Image: processing is CPU-based and most operations are implemented basing on the Intel IPP Libraries; thus, they are optimized for Intel processors (should this be renamed Intel-Image or IPP-Image?). CG-Image: processing is performed by the GPU and is based on the OpenGL library and on the CG toolkit. In theory, it should work with any recent graphic card supporting OpenGL. CUDA-Image: processing is performed by the GPU and is based on the CUDA framework by NVIDIA. This is the solution providing the maximum performance: a good gaming video card (e.g., NVIDIA CGX 2xx) may surclass a modern processor (e.g., Intel i7) with a factor of 10, and even more1 . Moreover, the same solution could take advantage of dedicated processing cards (e.g., NVIDIA Tesla cards). the implementation of other alternative might be considered in the future2
The comparison refers to commonly used EyesWeb patches, such as the one performing background subtraction 2 Some hypothesis are the following:



Datatype interfaces

The possibility to easily choose between dierent implementations of the image datatype is mainly due to one feature of EyesWeb, namely, the availability of blocks requiring specic interfaces on the input, instead of requiring specic datatypes. As an axample, the possibility to apply a convolution lter to an image, takes advantage of the IImageFilter interface; the corresponding block ImageFixedFilter does not require the input to be an image; it only requires the input to implement the interface IImageFilter. All the available implementation of the image datatype support this interface, thus, the ImageFixedFilter block can be used on all such datatypes. Moreover, thirdy-party datatypes can be used with the already existing blocks by satisfying the same requirement. Image processing is currently based on a set of general-purpose inerfaces, such as arithmetical operations, and on other interfaces which are more specic to the Image Processing domain. The general pupose interfaces are: IArithOp IMonadiArithOp IMonadiLogicalOp IScalarArithmeticOpDouble IScalarArithmeticOpInt IThresholdOpDouble IThresholdOpInt The interfaces more specic to the image processing domain are the following: IImageFilter IImageMirror IImageConversion IImageOptimizedFilter IImageResizePlacement IImageROI IMemoryBuer
AMD/Freewave-Image: processing would be CPU-based and most operations would be implemented basing on the AMD Freewave; thus, they would be optimized for AMD processors. DirectX-Image: processing would be performed by the GPU and would be based on the DirectX library (and on the language to perform operations on textures). Stream-Image: processing would be perfomed by the GPU and would be based on the ATI Stream technology, which is the ATI altenative to the NVIDIA CUDA technology.


Finally, there is a set of interfaces which are more focused on visual output, such as interfaces to draw on the image, or to present the image to the user via DirectX or OpenGL: IImageCopyToDXTexture


Background subtraction

Among the Image Processing operations, Background Subtraction techniques are of common use in many EyesWeb applications. EyesWeb provides support for many well-known techniques; moreover, other methods can be implemented by composing together simple image processing operations to build the formulas required by the specic technique. As an example, the most simple technique, which is based on subtracting a xed background image from the current image, is not directly supported. However, the blocks to build such technique are available in EyesWeb (Snapshot to store the background image, ArithOp to perform the absolute subtraction, Threshold, etc.) and some example patches are provided which implement this simple method. In the following section, we briey describe the techniques for which EyesWeb provide direct support.



PFinder uses a simple scheme where the background model is represented by a single value per each pixel. The background model is updated, for each visible pixel, with the following formula: Bt = (1 )Bt1 + It (7.1)


Part III Reference


Chapter 8 Kernel Catalog

bitmap class name catalog name catalog id class id authors Arithmetic Kernel kernel arith op Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta


Perform an arithmetic operation on dierent datatype classes. The inputs must be of the same type. Remarks This block perfoms an arithmetic operation between two (or more) datatypes. It supports any datatype which exposes the IArithOp interface (e.g., images,audio, double, int, etc.) Error and Warning Messages During Initialization Phase - Input types are dierent - Input types are of the same type but have been initialized with dierent caracteristics. - The number of inputs of the signature does not match the value specied by the parameter of the block.


Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Input 2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited This input represent

input 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype no read only *no* *no* the 1th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input 1 inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation. Output index id chosen input type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the max/min value. Has not meaning for the other options.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sum Subtract Multiply layout Divide Max Min Absolute dierence domain [ 0, 7 ) Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes. The absolute subtraction operation subtracts the operand from the current datatype if the current. The result is always written to the current datatype. Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of this block.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

BangGenerator Kernel kernel bang generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Bang generator Outputs Bang id type type id inplace id inherited id Bang Parameters BangGenerator id bang type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Bang generator (kernel catalog) Patch start id patch start type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when the patch starts. KeyPress id key press type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when a key is pressed in the main EyesWeb application. bang Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger *no* *no*


KeyRelease id key release type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when a key is released in the main EyesWeb application. Key id key type Kernel, AcceleratorKey datatype. type id kernel, acceleratorkey Species the keyboard code generating the event. It is ignored if KeyPress is set to false. System KeyPress id system-key press type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when a key is pressed even outside the main EyesWeb application. System KeyRelease id system-key release type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when a key is released even outside the main EyesWeb application. SystemKey id systemkey type Kernel, AcceleratorKey datatype. type id kernel, acceleratorkey Species the keyboard code generating the event. It is ignored if SystemKeyPress is set to false. Periodic id periodic type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang periodically. Period id type type id Period 100000)

period Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time is expressed in 100nanoseconds unit (i.e., 10milliseconds must be specied as


Phase id phase type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Phase Absolute time id absolute type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang at a specied absolute time. AbsoluteTime id absolute time instant type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Absolute time




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

BlockPlaceHolder Kernel kernel block placeholder Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Replaces one block that, for any reason, could not be instantiated.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

BoolGenerator Kernel kernel bool generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates bool values Outputs Value id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters Value id value type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Value Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false) output Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*



CompareWithValue - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CompareWithValue - double Kernel kernel comparison op double Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Compare to value (double). This block performs a comparison between the input datatype and a given double (oating point) number The block requires an input which supports the IComparisonOpDouble interface; examples of such datatypes are Int, Double, Byte, etc. The block has a double (oating point) parameter which is the scalar value involved in the operation. If the comparison operation is vericated then the output is set to 1 value, otherwise is set to 0. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input before comparing datatype.

Required interfaces Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Result of comparison operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Less Than () Less Than or Equal To (=) Equal To (=) layout Dierent From (!= or ) Greater Than () Greater Than or Equal To (=) domain [ 0, 6 ) Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype. Value id type type id Value

value Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double to compare (double)



CompareWithValue - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CompareWithValue - int Kernel kernel comparison op int Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Compare to integer value. This block performs a comparison between the input datatype and a given integer number The block requires an input which supports the IComparisonOpInt interface; examples of such datatypes are Int, Double, Byte, etc. The block has a int parameter which is the scalar value involved in the operation. If the comparison operation is vericated then the output is set to 1 value, otherwise is set to 0. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input before comparing datatype.

Required interfaces Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Result of comparison operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Less Than () Less Than or Equal To (=) Equal To (=) layout Dierent From (!= or ) Greater Than () Greater Than or Equal To (=) domain [ 0, 6 ) Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype. Value id type type id Value

scalar value Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int to compare with the input pin.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Comparison Kernel kernel comparison op Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Perform a comparison on the inputs. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This input represent the 0th operand involved in the comparison.

Required interfaces Kernel, Comparison Operations Input 2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited This input represent

input 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype no read only *no* *no* the 1th operand involved in the comparison.

Required interfaces Kernel, Comparison Operations


Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation. Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Less Than () Less Than or Equal To (=) Equal To (=) layout Dierent From (!= or ) Greater Than () Greater Than or Equal To (=) domain [ 0, 6 ] Select the type of comparison that will be performed on the input datatypes. Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of this block.



ConstantGenerator - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ConstantGenerator - double Kernel kernel double const generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates constant oating-point numbers Outputs Output Value id output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Value of the constant. Parameters Input Value id value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Input value of the constant. Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false)



ConstantGenerator - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ConstantGenerator - int Kernel kernel int const generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates constant integer numbers Outputs Output Value id output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Value of the constant. Parameters Input Value id value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Input value of the constant. Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false)




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DatetimeGenerator Kernel kernel date generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Datetime Generator Outputs Datetime id type type id inplace id inherited id Datetime Parameters Generation type id generation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Custom layout Current local time domain [ 0, 2 ) Generation type Datetime string id datetime type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Datetime string formatted YYYYMMDDThhmmss datetime Kernel, Datetime kernel, datetime *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Delay Kernel kernel delay Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Delays the input datatype of given amount of time. The time is expressed in milliseconds. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input datatype which will be delayed before being sent out. The block doesnt stop the execution of the patch during the time of delay. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output datatype (delayed) Parameters Delay id delay type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time 63

The amount of time after wich the input datatype is propagated to the output. Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the status of the block by discarding the datatypes being stored. New datatypes will be processed normally (i.e.., will be delayed)



Double matrix generator

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Double matrix generator Kernel kernel doublematrix generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates as output the matrix provided as a parameter. Outputs Matrix id type type id inplace id inherited id Matrix Parameters Matrix id value type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Continuous output output Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DoubleGenerator Kernel kernel double generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates double numbers Outputs Value id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters Value id value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Value Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false) output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ForLoop Kernel kernel for loop Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

A ForLoop let you execute the subpatch a nite number of times. The input and parameters are sampled only before starting the loop, the outputs are generated at the end of the loop. In the contained patch, the block is seen as if it was executed a single time.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ForLoopIndex Kernel kernel for loop index Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

When used inside a ForLoop subpatch, provide the index of the current iteration loop. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This output is the current index of the loop iteration




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetCurrentTime Kernel kernel get current time Alberto Massari

Gets the value of the current time from the clock Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters Time selector id selector type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Current time layout Step time domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to extract current time or step time (which is the time at which the current activation steps started) time Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetSpecialFolder Kernel kernel get special folder Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Extracts the value of some special EyesWeb folder, e.g., the folder where the kernel is installed, or the folder where the patch was saved. Outputs Folder id folder type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The queried folder Parameters Special Folder Type id folder type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: KernelFolder layout PatchFolder domain [ 0, 2 ) Species which type of folder to query. - KernelFolder: the folder where the EyesWeb kernel dll currently in use is located - PatchFolder: the folder where the currently running patch is located



Input selector

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Input selector Kernel kernel input selector Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Let one choose which inputs is copied to the unique output. It works as a multiplexer block. Remarks Inputs must be of the same type. Error and Warning Messages -DURING INITIALIZATION PHASE. -An input of the block is NULL: This is usually caused by a disconnected input or by blocks excluded from execution. -Input types are dierent: there are at least two inputs of dierent type. -Input types are of the same type but have been initialized with dierent caracteristics: inputs are set with dierent chracteristics. -The number of inputs does not match the value of the corresponding parameter. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output 0 input of the block.


Input 2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited 1 input of the block. Outputs

input 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype no read write *no* *no*

Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input 1 inherited id *no* Output of the selector. It is equal to the specied input. Parameters # inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of the block. The minimum is 1, even if this case is meaningless. At least two inputs should be used for normal operations. Active input id active input type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 2 ) Zero-based index of the active input. The selected input is propagated to the output. Activate on selector change id activate on selection change type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the block is activated when active input parameter changes value, even if the input is not changed. REMARKS Inputs must be of the same type. If not, the block stops the execution of the patch. ERROR AND WARNING MESSAGE - DURING INITIALIZATION PHASE -



Int matrix generator

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Int matrix generator Kernel kernel intmatrix generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates as output the matrix provided as a parameter. Outputs Matrix id type type id inplace id inherited id Matrix Parameters Matrix id value type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix Matrix Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Continuous output output Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

IntGenerator Kernel kernel int generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates integer numbers Outputs Value id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters Value id value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Value Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false) output Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Logical Kernel kernel logical op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Perform a logical operation on dierent datatype classes. Inputs must be the same type. Error and Warning Messages During Initialization Phase - Input types are dierent. - Input types are of the same type but have been initialized with dierent caracteristics. - Failed to complete block initialization. One of the inputs has not been connected. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.

Required interfaces Kernel, Logical Operations Input 2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited

input 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype no read only *no* *no* 75

This input represent the 1th operand involved in the operation. Required interfaces Kernel, Logical Operations Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input 1 inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation. Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: AND OR XOR layout NAND NOR NXOR domain [ 0, 6 ) Select the type of logic operation that will be performed on the input datatypes. Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of this block.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MonadicArithmetic Kernel kernel monadic arith op Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on dierent datatype classes. The dierence between this block and Arithmetic block is that this block accepts only one input otherwise Arithemtic Block accepts at least two inputs. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited Output Input value.

Required interfaces Kernel, MonadicArithOp Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sqr layout Sqrt Absolute domain [ 0, 2 ] Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MonadicLogical Kernel kernel monadic logic op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Perform a not operation on dierent datatype classes. The blobk accept only one input value. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited Output Input value

Required interfaces Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: layout Not domain [ 0, 0 ] Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatypes. At the moment the block compute only not operation.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MovingArithmetic Kernel kernel moving arith op Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation where on operand is xed and stored into the block,whereas the other is the changing input. Thus, it can be used to compute, for example, cumulative values. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input value.

Required interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation.


Queue size id queue size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This output contains the actual queue size. Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sum Subtract Multiply layout Divide Max Min Subtract absolute domain [ 0, 6 ] Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype. Window length id length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ -1, +innity ) Length of the time window. -1 means innite length. Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the internal operand to its original value Save id type type id If true

save Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool saves the current value in the patch le.



Output selector

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Output selector Kernel kernel output selector Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Let one choose which of the outputs is the active one. The other one is not active. Remarks Outputs are the same type of the input Error and Warning Messages During Initialization Phase -The number of outputs does not match the value of the corresponding parameter. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* Output 1 referred as inherited Output 2 Input of the selector. The input is propagated to the choosen output.

Outputs Output 1 id type type id inplace id inherited id 0 output of output 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* the block.


Output 2 id type type id inplace id inherited id 1 output of Parameters

output 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* the block.

# outputs id num outputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of outputs of the block. The minimum is 1, even if this case is meaningless. At least two inputs should be used for normal operations. Active output id active output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 2 ) Zero-based index of the active output. The selected output is activated.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Queue Kernel kernel queue Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Simulates a queue structure of arbitrary length. The queue has a FIFO structure (rst in / rst out). This block is dierent from the delay block because it contains Lenght parameter inputs. On the other hand delay contains just one input. Moreover queue is sample-based while delay block is time-based. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output It is propagated to the output after Lenght parameter steps.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* It is equal to the N-steps-before input.


Parameters Length id length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the length of the queue (steps after wich the input is propagated) Flush id ush type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Empties the queue



Sample Rate Limiter

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Sample Rate Limiter Kernel kernel sample rate limiter Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Limits the sample rate of a data stream removing fast adjacent datatypes. Remarks The algorithm limits sample rate by removing samples. The used method for removing samples are time dierence or undersampling input sample rate. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input datatype. This ususally has an high framerate which has to be droppen down.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output datatype. This has a limited framerate.


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Time-based layout Sample-based domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the sample-rate limitation is performed basing on time (in such case parameters clock-mode and min-period are used) or basing on the number of samples (in such case the parameter number-of-samples is used). Min period id min period type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time This param represent the minimun time that may elapse between consecutive outputs of this block. Clock mode id clock mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Creation time Presentation time layout Step time Current time domain [ 0, 4 ) Species which type of clock is used to compute the time elapsed between adjacent datatypes. Its used only if the sample rate is based on time period -Creation time: the method uses the creation time of every sample to compute the dierence time -Presentation time: the method uses presentation time to compute time dierence. -Step time: Time dierence is computed using step time of the sample. Step time is the time of beginning of execution of the patch and its the same for each block used in the application. So this clock type analyze the execution time during wich the sample is generated. -Current time: Current time is the real time of execution for each block. Its dierent for all the blocks in the patch. So time dierence is computed using this time. Number id type type id domain of samples num samples Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 1, +innity )


Species the inverse of the frequency. I.e., if this value is N, then, only 1 output is given every N input values.



ScalarArithmeticOperation - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarArithmeticOperation - double Kernel kernel scalar arith op double Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on involving the input datatype and a scalar real value (double) specied as a parameter. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* This input represent the operand involved in the operation with the scalar value.

Required interfaces Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sum Subtract Subtract inverse Multiply layout Divide Divide inverse Max Min Set value domain [ 0, 9 ) Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype. Scalar value id scalar value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the scalar value involved in the operation.



ScalarArithmeticOperation - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarArithmeticOperation - int Kernel kernel scalar arith op int Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Perform an arithmetic operation on involving the input datatype and a scalar integer value specied as a parameter. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* This input represent the operand involved in the operation with the scalar value.

Required interfaces Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sum Subtract Subtract inverse Multiply layout Divide Divide inverse Max Min Set value domain [ 0, 9 ) Select the type of operation that will be performed on the input datatype. Scalar value id scalar value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the scalar value involved in the operation.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Snapshot Kernel kernel snapshot Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Store in an internal memory the value of input after that load parameter is changed. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input stored in the internal memory.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Datatype stored in the internal memory and propagated to the output. Parameters Load id load type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Load new value of datatype in the internal memory.


Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset value of datatype in the internal memory Continuous Output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generate a new copy of snapshot datatype on every block activation




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringGenerator Kernel kernel string generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates string values Outputs Value id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters Value id value type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string A block which enables communication between the container patch and the contained subpatch Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false) output Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Subpatch Kernel kernel subpatch Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Subpatches let you group block together and see them as a single block. Its possible add input,output or parameter pins to comunicate with the blocks inside the subpatch.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SubpatchActivationPin Kernel kernel subpatch activation pin Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

The subpatch activation pin can be placed inside a subpatch to get a trigger event each time the subpatch is executed. It is particularly useful in the ForLoop subpatch to distinguish between the subpatch block activation (which occurs once per loop) and the internal loop activation) which may occur multiple times). In such cases this block triggers once per subpatch block activation, not once per loop. Note that this block has no eect if placed outside a subpatch. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This output is triggered each time the subpatch is activated





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SubpatchInputPin Kernel kernel subpatch input pin Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the contained subpatch Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters Is Inplace id is inplace type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the data ow between the subpatch adn the containing patch occurs via swap/inplace operations Auto Inherit Id id inherit id type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Id id id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string 99 output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*

The id of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch Auto Inherit Name id inherit name type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Name id name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The name of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch Auto Inherit Description id inherit description type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Description id description type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The description of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch Reset Datatype Class id reset datatype class type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatype class; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit a datatype class CatalogId id catalog id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The identier of the catalog of the datatypeclass ClassId id class id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string 100

The identier of the class of the datatypeclass Required Interfaces id required interfaces id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The list of required interfaces Auto Inherit Required For Initialization id inherit required for initialization type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the required for initialization property is inherited from the next link operation. Is Required For Initialization id is required for initialization type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block is required for initialization Auto Inherit Required For Execution id inherit required for execution type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the required for execution property is inherited from the next link operation. Is Required For Execution id is required for execution type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block is required for execution Auto Inherit Activates Subpatch id inherit activates subpatch type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the activates subpatch property is inherited from the next link operation. Activates Subpatch id activates subpatch type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Species whether the corresponding input pin of the subpatch block causes the block activation. If true the subpatch block is activated whenever the corresponding input changes Feedback id type type id pin feedback pin Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: layout None domain [ 0, 1 ) If set to something dierent than one, then the datatype value is copied from the specied subpatch output pin Feedback pin name id feedback pin name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string This parameter is internally managed by EyesWeb. It stores the name of the feedback pin in order to re-establish the correct value upon reloading the patch from le





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SubpatchOuputPin Kernel kernel subpatch output pin Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the contained subpatch Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*

Parameters Is Inplace id is inplace type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the data ow between the subpatch adn the containing patch occurs via swap/inplace operations Auto Inherit Id id inherit id type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created


Id id type type id The id

id Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Name id inherit name type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Name id name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The name of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch Auto Inherit Description id inherit description type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Description id description type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The description of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch Reset Datatype Class id reset datatype class type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatype class; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit a datatype class CatalogId id catalog id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The identier of the catalog of the datatypeclass


ClassId id class id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The identier of the class of the datatypeclass




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SubpatchParameterPin Kernel kernel subpatch parameter pin Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

A block which enables communication between the container patch and the contained subpatch Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters Auto Inherit Id id inherit id type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Id id type type id The id output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*

id Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string of corresponding pin of the subpatch block in the container patch

Auto Inherit Name id inherit name type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


If true and the name is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Parameter Name id name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the name of the parameter when exported to the container patch Auto Inherit Description id inherit description type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true and the description is empty, its value will be automatically inherited from the next link that will be created Parameter Description id description type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the description of the parameter when exported to the container patch Reset Datatype Class id reset datatype class type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger When triggered, causes the datatype class to be reset to the default value (no datatype class; i.e., generic datatype. You should unlink the block and link it again to inherit a datatype class CatalogId id catalog id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The identier of the catalog of the datatypeclass ClassId id class id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The identier of the class of the datatypeclass


Is DesignTime id is design time type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding parameter can be changed at design time Is RunTime id is run time type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding parameter can be changed at run time Is DesignTimeInitInfo id is design time init info type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding parameter init info can be changed at design time Is RunTimeInitInfo id is run time init info type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the corresponding parameter init info can be changed at run time Set parameter before initializing a patch id set params before init type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the value of the parameter is propagated to all dependant blocks before the patch is initialized




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Switch Kernel kernel switch Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Its used to connect and disconnect blocks in the patch. If the switch is open then the data ow is interrupted. Otherwise the data ow is propagated. The input data is a generic datatype so the block support scalar datatype and buer audio and t buer too. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output It is propagated to the output only if condition is true.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* It is generated only if condition is true. Parameters Condition id condition type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Species whether the channel is opened or closed, i.e., if inputs are propagated to the output or not. Toggle status id toggle type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Switch the state of the block. If its opened it close it, otherwise it open it. Open id open type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Open the switch. Close id close type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Close the switch.



ThresholdOperation - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ThresholdOperation - double Kernel kernel threshold op double Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Threshold the input value according to a given threshold value. If operation type is set to Lower and upper threshold and if lower and upper threshold have the same values, the block threshold is binary. This type of operation is often used in background subtraction operation when the algorithm need a binary (BW) image. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input value to be thresholded.

Required interfaces Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output value to be thresholded.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Lower threshold Upper threshold layout Lower and upper threshold Same lower and upper threshold domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the type of thresholding performed. Lower threshold means that all values which are less then the specied threshold are set to the specied lower value. Upper threshold means that all values which are more then the specied threshold are set to the specied upper value. If Lower and Upper is used, both operations are performed and the two thresholds may be dierent. Finally, if Same Lower and Uppper is used, then both lower and upper thresholds are applied, but using a single threshold value (Lower/Common) Lower/common threshold id lower threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the lower threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both. If operation is set to Same lower and upper threshold, then this value is used for both the lower and upper threshold, and the upper threshold value is ignored. Lower value id lower value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is under the threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both. Upper threshold id upper threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the upper threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both. Upper value id upper value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Species the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is over the threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both.



ThresholdOperation - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ThresholdOperation - int Kernel kernel threshold op int Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Threshold the input value according to a given threshold value. If operation type is set to Lower and upper threshold and if lower and upper threshold have the same values, the block threshold is binary. This type of operation is often used in background subtraction operation when the algorithm need a binary (BW) image. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input value to be thresholded.

Required interfaces Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output value to be thresholded.


Parameters Operation type id op type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Lower threshold Upper threshold layout Lower and upper threshold Same lower and upper threshold domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the type of thresholding performed. Lower threshold means that all values which are less then the specied threshold are set to the specied lower value. Upper threshold means that all values which are more then the specied threshold are set to the specied upper value. If Lower and Upper is used, both operations are performed and the two thresholds may be dierent. Finally, if Same Lower and Uppper is used, then both lower and upper thresholds are applied, but using a single threshold value (Lower/Common) Lower/common threshold id lower threshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the lower threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both. If operation is set to Same lower and upper threshold, then this value is used for both the lower and upper threshold, and the upper threshold value is ignored. Lower value id lower value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is under the threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to lower or both. Upper threshold id upper threshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the upper threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both. Upper value id upper value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int


Species the value to be assigned to the datatype when its value is over the threshold. This value is used only if Operation Type is set to upper or both.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TimeExtraction Kernel kernel extract time Alberto Massari

Extract the creation time of the input data Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The datatype whose timestamp will be extracted

Outputs Time id time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The timestamp of the input datatype


Parameters Selector id type type id selector Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Creation time Presentation time Duration layout Media time Media duration Remaining Time domain [ 0, 6 ) Selects which of the timestamps to provide as output.

Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Actual layout Raw domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to extract the actual values or the raw values




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TimeGenerator Kernel kernel time generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Generates time values Outputs Value id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters Value id value type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Value Continuous output id continuous output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the block is activated event when the selector parameter changes value, even if the input is not changed. output Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Vector Kernel kernel vector Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

A block which stores an array of datatypes. The array can be read or write with random access, i.e., without any constraint on the order in which the location are accessed. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output The input datatype, which is stored in the vector at the user-specied position

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters size id type type id domain size Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 1, +innity ) output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* datatype, which is read from the user-specied position in the vector


The size of the internal array Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger reset all internal datatypes to thei defaul values Enable Read id enable read type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether reading (i.e., copying to output) is enabled Read/Write Priority id read write priority type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: First Read, Then Write layout First Write, Then Read domain [ 0, 2 ) Species which operation is performed rst, whether the read operation or the write operation. When read and write position are the same, the order of the operations aects the result. Invalid Read Position Mode id invalid read position mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Wrap layout Ignore Bound domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the behaviour of the block when the read position is not valid Read Position id read position type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The position in the internal array of the datatype copied to the output pin


Enable Write id enable write type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether writing is enabled Invalid Write Position Mode id invalid write position mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: wrap layout ignore bound domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the behaviour of the block when the write position is not valid Write Position id write position type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Position in the internal array where the input datatype will be copied



Wait all inputs changed


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Wait all inputs changed Kernel kernel wait all inputs changed Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Wait for all inputs to be changed. When this happens, updates all outputs.Its usually used in audio application when the algorithm needs to analyze any simultaneous sensor reading (for example TDOA) Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* Output 1 referred as inherited Output 2 This input represent the 0th datatype to be waited.

Input 2 id type type id

input 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This input represent the 1th datatype to be waited.


Outputs Output 1 id type type id inplace id inherited id 0th output. Output 2 id type type id inplace id inherited id 1th output. Parameters Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of this block. Period id period type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Time interval in which inputs changing must be included. If they are not changed inside this range, they are considered unchanged. A value of zero means non constraints of time. output 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input 1 *no*

output 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input 1 *no*



Weighted sum

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Weighted sum Kernel kernel weighted sum Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Compute the wheighted sum of input datatypes. See parameter description for more informations. Inputs generic input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace generic output referred as inherited generic output datatype to sum

Required interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Outputs generic output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id generic input inherited id *no* Weighted sum of input datypes


Parameters Weights id paramWeights type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Weights applied to input datatype. The lenght of this matrix control the number of dataype to sum. Mode id type type id

paramMode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: normal dierence layout absolute dierence square dierence domain [ 0, 4 ) Select the mode of operation (the icon of this block is not updated when the patch is executed). When normal is set the datatype is used as is. When dierence or absolute dierence or square dierence is set the dierence (regular, absolute, squared) between two consecutive datatypes is used in the sum.In the next formulas W is the array of weigth, N is the number of weigths, X is the array of the last N datatypes received as input from the block, SUM is the operator for sum (greek Sigma), i is the index of the element of sum, and result is the output datatype.The formulas used are the followings : normal result = SUM( W(i) * X(i)) ; dierence result = SUM( W(i) * (X(i) - X(i-1)) ; absolute dierence result = SUM( W(i) * X(i) - X(i-1) ; square dierence result = SUM( W(i) * X(i)-X(i-1)2) . Clear id type type id When

clear Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger this bang is received, the internally queued datatype data is cleared



AcceleratorKey datatype.
AcceleratorKey datatype. Kernel kernel acceleratorkey

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent an accelerator key, i.e., a combination of keys pressed on the keyboard.


Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel bool

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). Supported interfaces Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp


Byte Kernel kernel byte

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Single byte datatype. Contains usigned values in the range from 0 to 255. Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, Comparison Operations Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble


Kernel, MonadicArithOp Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble


Date Kernel kernel date

class name catalog name catalog id class id Date

Supported interfaces Kernel, Comparison Operations


Datetime Kernel kernel datetime

class name catalog name catalog id class id DateTime

Supported interfaces Kernel, Comparison Operations


Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Double datatype (Kernel Catalog).


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, Comparison Operations Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble


Double matrix.
Double matrix. Kernel kernel double-matrix

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Matrix of double numbers. The memory layout is such row0 row1 row2 ... rowN. Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp


Font Kernel kernel font

class name catalog name catalog id class id Font



Generic datatype
Generic datatype Kernel kernel generic datatype

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A generic datatype is used as a design-time placeholder for an actual datatype which is usually specied before run-time begins. Details A generic datatype is not an actual datatype; it is used by many blocks as a placeholder when the actual datatype cannot be known at design-time (e.g., blocks that can operate on several dierent types of data). If a block declares a generic input or output, any type of data (i.e., link) can be connected to such pins. However, if a block also declares a required interface for an input, the set of linkable datatype is restricted to the one supporting such interface (e.g., all datatypes that can be multiplied by a double number).


Int datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, Comparison Operations Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt


Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble


Integer matrix.
Integer matrix. Kernel kernel int-matrix

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Matrix of integer numbers (Kernel Catalog). Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp


Labelled set
Labelled set Kernel kernel labeled set

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Set of homogeneous datatypes identied by a label Supported interfaces kernel, container



List Kernel kernel list

class name catalog name catalog id class id

List of homogeneous datatypes Supported interfaces kernel, container


RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog).

RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel rgbcolor

class name catalog name catalog id class id

RGBColor datatype Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations


String datatype (Kernel Catalog).

String datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel string

class name catalog name catalog id class id

String datatype (Kernel Catalog). Supported interfaces Kernel, Comparison Operations


StringPair Kernel kernel string pair

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Holds a pair of strings


Time datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel time

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, Comparison Operations Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpInt Kernel, ScalarComparisonOpDouble


Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).

Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). Kernel kernel trigger

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog).


Datatype converters
Any to trigger converter
Any to trigger converter Kernel kernel any-to-trigger

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts any datatype to the kernel trigger datatype.



AnyToString Converter
AnyToString Converter Kernel kernel any to string

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts any datatype to a string using the SerializeAsText method. Note that for some datatype (e.g., images) this may result in unreadible text (although all characters should be printable ones).


BoolToInteger Kernel kernel bool-to-int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Convers a boolean value to an integer number. True is mapped to one; false is mapped to zero.


Double to int converter

Double to int converter Kernel kernel double-to-int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a double to an integer number.


DoubleMatrixToIntMatrix Kernel kernel doublematrix to intmatrix

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a DoubleMatrix (i.e., a matrix containing oating point elements in double precision format) to an Integer Matrix (i.e., a matrix containing Integer elements).



DoubleToTime Kernel kernel double to time

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a oating point (double) datatype to a time datatype


Input Kernel kernel byte-to-int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a byte to an integer.


Int to double converter

Int to double converter Kernel kernel int-to-double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts an integer to a double number.


IntMatrixToDoubleMatrix Kernel kernel intmatrix to doublematrix

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts an IntegerMatrix (i.e., a matrix containing Integer elements) to a DoubleMatrix (i.e., a matrix containing oating point elements in double precision format).


IntegerToBool Kernel kernel int-to-bool

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Converts an integer number to a boolean value. Non-zero integer numbers are mapped to the boolean true, whereas a zero integer number is mapped to the boolean false.


IntegerToByte Kernel kernel int-to-byte

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts an integer to a byte. Saturate output byte in the case of overow.


TimeToDouble Kernel kernel time to double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a TIME datatype to a double datatype.


Datatype interfaces
Arithmetic Operations
Arithmetic Operations Kernel kernel arith op

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic arithmetic operations such as Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide.


Comparison Operations
Comparison Operations Kernel kernel comparison op

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison operations such as Less Than, Equal To, Greater Than, etc.



DynamicTimeSeries Kernel kernel dynamic time series

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes representing time series of variable size (i.e., the number of samples per buer can change at every execution step). Time series are multimensiona vectors of double numbers which are obtained by sampling a signal at a xed sample rate.


Logical Operations
Logical Operations Kernel kernel logic op

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic logical operations such as And, Or and Xor.


MonadicArithOp Kernel kernel monadic arith op

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting operations such as Sqrt, Sqr, Abs, Exp


MonadicLogicalOp Kernel kernel monadic logic op

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting monadic logical operations. Currently the only supported operation is Not.



ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel kernel scalar arith op double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic operations against oating point scalar numbers (Add, Multiply, Divide, etc.)


ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel kernel scalar arith op int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic operations against integer scalar numbers (Add, Multiply, Divide, etc.)


ScalarComparisonOpDouble Kernel kernel scalar comparison op double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison against oating point scalar numbers


ScalarComparisonOpInt Kernel kernel scalar comparison op int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting basic comparison against integer scalar numbers



StaticTimeSeries Kernel kernel static time series

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes representing time series of xed size. Time series are multimensiona vectors of double numbers which are obtained by sampling a signal at a xed sample rate.


ThresholdOpDouble Kernel kernel thresholdop double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting threshold operations against oating point scalar numbers (lower and upper thrsholds, etc..)


ThresholdOpInt Kernel kernel thresholdop int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Dene the interface for datatypes supporting threshold operations against integer scalar numbers (lower and upper thrsholds, etc..)


TimeSeries Kernel kernel time series

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Should use StaticTimeSeries instead of this one.



Alberto Massari
Alberto Massari Kernel kernel alby

class name catalog name catalog id class id

COmputer Science Engineer


Andrea Ricci
Andrea Ricci Kernel kernel andrea

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Andrea Ricci Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Massimiliano Peri
Massimiliano Peri Kernel kernel massy

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Massimiliano Peri Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Mirko Demurtas
Mirko Demurtas Kernel kernel mirko demurtas

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Computer Science Engineer


Paolo Coletta
Paolo Coletta Kernel kernel paolo

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Paolo Coletta Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Roberto Sagoleo
Roberto Sagoleo Kernel kernel roberto sagoleo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Computer Science Engineer


InfoMus Lab
InfoMus Lab Kernel kernel infomus

class name catalog name catalog id class id

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it


NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C. Kernel kernel numensoft

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Microsoft Certied Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support: [email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


Chapter 9 Base Catalog




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

***TypeCast Base base ConversionLegacy Mirko Demurtas

This block forces EyesWeb to convert the input to an explicit datatype by allowing the user to specify the type of the input and output pins. It can be used when you want to let the user know which is the conversion chain. Note that this block does not perform the conversion, i.e., it is not a converter. However, it forces EyesWeb to perform an implicit conversion. Anyway, even if the conversion is implicit, the user is aware of it thanks to the presence of the block in the patch. Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*


Input Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Bool Byte Integer layout Double Integer Matrix Double Matrix AudioBuer domain [ 0, 5 ] Type Output Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

*DeconcatenateMatrix Base base matrix deconcatenate Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts one or more row/column sub-matrices from an input matrix Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix from which will be deconcatenated the 1-dimensional output matrices Outputs Output 1 id output1 type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is output matrix 1


Parameters Matrix type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Integer domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the output matrices (integer or double): integer: the matrices are of integer type. double : the matrices are of double type. Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: by column layout by row domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes if to extract a row or a column sub-matrix from the input matrix: by column: extracts a sub-column-matrix from the input matrix specied by the Size parameter. by row : extracts a sub-row-matrix from the input matrix specied by the Size parameter. Number of output matrices id num outputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species how many matrices from the input matrix to be deconcatenated Deconcatenated matrix size 1 id parameter index1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) This is deconcatentate matrix size 1




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

*Motionless Base base Motionless Mirko Demurtas

This block establish if the input position is motionless Inputs X id type type id InputX Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Y

Y id type type id

InputY Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Y

Outputs Motion id type type id inplace id inherited id OutputMotionLess Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*


Motion Parameters DX id type type id domain DS DY id type type id domain DY ParameterDeltaX Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )

ParameterDeltaY Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )

Duration id ParameterDuration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Duration Active id ParameterActive type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Active




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

2dPositionDependingIncrements Base base 2DPosDepIncrements Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the displacements along x and y in a 2D space given the current position in the space and the direction of the displacement to be selected among the 8 principal directions (North, NorthEst, Est,...). Inputs id type type id IncrementDirection Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id Increments Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no* CurrentPosition Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix no read only *no* *no*


Parameters id MaxX type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id MaxY type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout Quadratic domain [ 0, 2 ) id RowVector type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool



AIFF info

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

AIFF info Base base ainfo Paolo Coletta

Reads info about an AIFF le Outputs Markers id output markers type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of markers of the le Sampling rate id output sampling rate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Sampling rate of the selected le Num channels id output num channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Number of channels of the selected le Bits per sample id output num bits per sample type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


Number of bits per sample of the selected le Num samples id output num samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Number of samples of the selected le Parameters Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=*.ai*.* Name of the AIFF le to be read Markers id type type id type markers type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Samples layout Time domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether markers are given in sample or time units




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

AIFFReader Base base aireader Paolo Coletta

Reads an AIFF le Inputs AudioClock id type type id audio clock Base, Audio clock base, audio clock required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This input is used to automatically establish the buer size to be used. In some cases it can also be used as a clock signal to activate the block Outputs Output buer id buer type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer containing a buer of xed size


Parameters Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=*.ai*.* Name of the AIFF le to be read Audio buer type id audio buer type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Dynamic layout Static domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use static or dynamic audio buers as output. Buer size mode id buer size mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: From audio clock input layout User specied domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the buer size is inherited from an auxiliary input or if it is user specied. In the case of an auxiliary input (default), that input can be used as a clock source and the index of the buer to be read is automatically computed by the block. If more exibility is needed, the index of the buer can be given as another (optional) input; in such case the additional input acts as the clock source. In the case of a user specied buer size, it is up to the user to guarantee that the activation rate is coherent with the given buer-size and sampling-rate. Buer size id buer size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the size, in samples, of the output buer


Interval generation mode id interval generation mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Use audio clock input layout Use interval input domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the index of the interval to be read is deduced by the clock source or is given by means of an external source (e.g., a counter) via an additional input. Num channels id num channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of channels of the output buer. 1 for mono, 2 for stereo, etc. Num samples per second id num samples per sec type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of samples per seconds (i.e., the sampling frequency) of the output buer. PCMSampleFormat id sample format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits unsigned 8 bits signed 16 bits unsigned 16 bits signed 24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage) layout 24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage) 24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage) 24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage) 32 bits unsigned 32 bits signed 32 bits oat domain [ 0, 11 ) Species the format of PCM samples.


Out of bounds id out of bounds type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Wrap layout Bound Ignore domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the behaviour of the block when the buer index is outside the valid range. If Wrap is given the out of bound values are put into the valid range via a modulo operation; in practice, the le is read again from the beginning if values increase over the maximum. If Bound is given, the index is put into a valid range via a saturate operation; in practice, if the input index exceeds the maximum, the last buer is countinuosly repeated. If Ignore is given, the index is ignored and a blank buer is given as output Silence on empty le id silence on invalid le type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true the output will be continuosly generated (and set to silence) when an empty or invalid le is given. Internal fade id internal fade type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true the fade in/out is performed by the reader *inside* the given markings.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

AddPointToPolyline Base base AddPointInPolyline Mirko Demurtas

This block add a point in a polyline. The shape can be drawn if type parameter is set to graphic mode. The polyline is incremental: it means that everytime a point is added, polyline has one more point. First time polyline is made of only one point. Inputs Point id type type id Input Base, Point 2D int base, point 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Point to be added in the polyline

Outputs Polyline id Output type Base, Polyline 2D int type id base, polyline 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Polyline made of points added by user.


Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Int Geometric Double layout Graphic Int Graphic Double domain [ 0, 4 ) Specied the type of polyline. Its possible choose double or int type. Moreover its possible to create just a geometric point datatype or a graphic polyline that can be drawn Reset id Reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the polyline.




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AlphaFilter Base base AlfaFilter Marzia Simonetti Paolo Coletta

This block lter the input data according to the following formula: y(k) = u(k) * alpha + y(k-1) * (1 - alpha) where: y(k) is the current output y(k-1) is the previous output u(k) is the current input alpha is an user-specied parameter. Details At the rst execuition step, or after the reset trigger is received, the following alternate formulta is used: y(k) = u(k) i.e., the rst received value is not ltered. Notes Up to rev. 3939 the lter internal memory (i.e., y(k-1)) was initialized with 0. Now it is initialized with the rst received input value Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input value to be ltered

Required interfaces Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, Arithmetic Operations


Outputs Output id Output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Filtered output Parameters Filtering coecent id AlfaFilter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Alpha coecent used in the ltering formula (see block description ) Reset id Reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the lter internal state





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ApplyTransformation3D-Double Base base apply transformation 3d double Simone Ghisio

Apply transformations according to parameters.Coordinates are calcolated using values of acaling, rotation and transformation. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, base geometric 3d double Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters ApplyRotation id param rotation type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply rotation. ApplyScaling id param scale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply scaling. ApplyTranslation id param translation type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply translation.





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ApplyTransformation3D-Int Base base apply transformation 3d int Simone Ghisio

Apply transformations according to parameters.Coordinates are calcolated using values of acaling, rotation and transformation. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, base geometric 3d int Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters ApplyRotation id param rotation type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply rotation. ApplyScaling id param scale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply scaling. ApplyTranslation id param translation type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Apply translation.





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AudioBuerArithmeticOperations Base base AudioSummer Simone Ghisio

Computes mathematical operations beetween audio buer (input 1) and double value(input 2). If the block divides the buer by zero, then output buer is set to zero. Error and Warning Messages During Execution Phase - Division by zero: if double value is zero and the operation is a division. Its not an error because the output buer is set to zero. Inputs Input Audio Buer id type type id input sound buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the audio buer that must be elaborate

Const id type type id

input value Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the constant value of the operation


Outputs Output Audio Buer id output sound buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Audio buer after math operation Parameters Type id type type id Type of operation Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Sum Buer sub const layout Const sub Buer Mul Div domain [ 0, 4 ] Type of math operation. The block sum, subtract, multiply or divide the audio buer to a double value. If RevSub in selected then the audio buer is subtracted form the double value




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AudioFeatures Base base audio feature Alberto Massari

Extract a feature of the audio signal (peak, RMS, energy...) Inputs Audio input stream id type type id input audio stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the audio stream where the features are extracted.

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output value id output value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The value of the feature being extracted Sample index id output samplendx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


For some features, this is the index of the sample that corresponds to the feature being extracted Parameters Channel id channel type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Channel to be monitored. This block only works on a single channel, thus, even if the input is a multichannel audio, only this channel is monitored. Channel indices are 0-based. Feature id type type id

feature Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Volume Energy layout Positive peak value and index Negative peak value and index Absolute peak value and index domain [ 0, 5 ) The feature to be extracted from the audio signal




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AudioGenerator Base base GeneratorBuerAudio Mirko Demurtas

Generate an Audio Sound Buer Inputs Clock id type type id Input Clock Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Clock

Outputs Audio Buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Audio Buer


Parameters Sampling id type type id Frequency typefrequence Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 44100 48000 layout 96000 Custom domain [ 0, 4 ) Sampling Frequency

Custom sampling frequency id frequence type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Custom sampling frequency Audio buer duration id typesample type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 1s 500 ms 250 ms 125 ms layout 100 ms 25 ms 10 ms Custom Time Custom (Number samples) domain [ 0, 9 ) This parameter let you choose the duration of the audio buer, among a set of predened values. If no value t your needs, you can choose to specify a custom value (in samples or in milliseconds) Custom audio buer duration id durate type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time In the case that you chose to specify a custom buer duration (in milliseconds), this parameter ley you specify the duration in milliseconds.


Custom Number of samples in buer id samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of samples in buer Waveform type id type form type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Random Sinusoidal layout Square Constant Value domain [ 0, 4 ) Waveform type Frequency of waveform id frequence form type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Frequency of waveform Amplitude Waveform id amplitude form type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Amplitude Waveform Oset waveform id osetform type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Oset waveform Phase waveform id phase type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Phase waveform




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AudioMixer Base base mixing channel Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Mix the input sound buer and generate an output sound buer according to mixing matrix Inputs Audio Buer id type type id input audio stream Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Audio Buer

Outputs Output audio buer id output sample type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output audio buer Parameters Mixing channles matrix id matrix-mixing type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Mixing channles matrix


Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Constant layout Smoothed domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the mixing is done using the smoothing factors (UpStep, downStep) or using a constant matrix UpStep id type type id In the

up step Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double case of smoothed mode, species the maximum increasing step per sample

DownStep id down step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double In the case of smoothed mode, species the maximum decreasing step per sample




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AudioSwitch Base base audioswitch Simone Ghisio

This block copies the input audio buer on the output pin if input switch value is between minimum and maximum switching value. Remarks If the input switch is out of the range (minimum, maximum) then the output is set to zero value. It doesnt store the previous audio buer. Inputs Input Audio Buer id type type id Input Sound Bbuer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Audio Buer referred as inherited *no* Input audio buer

Switch id type type id

Switch Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The block analyzes this input and if its value is between minimum and maximum parameter the input is copied on the output pin.


Outputs Output Audio Buer id Output Sound Buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id Input Audio Buer inherited id *no* This is the output Audio Buer Parameters Minimum Value id minimum switching value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Minimum Value of the input switch to allow the copy of the input buer on the output Maximum Value id maximum switching value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Maximum Value of the input switch to allow the copy of the input buer on the output





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AudioVolumeControl Base base AudioVolumeControl Gualtiero Volpe

This block allows direct control of the master volume and the muting option in Windows Vista audio mixers. Inputs Master volume id type type id MasterVolume Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Control the master volume of audio output

Mute id type type id

Mute Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Mute or activate audio output


Parameters Search for audio devices id SearchDevice type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Search for active audio devices Audio device id AudioDevice type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Denition Audio Device) Speakers (High Denition Audio Device) layout Microphone (High Denition Audio Device) Microphone (High Denition Audio Device) The audio device on which the block operates





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AviWriter Base base opencv avi writer Mirko Demurtas

Writes the incoming images to an AVI le. You can explicitely specify the codec to be used or youll be promped for one if none is specied. Inputs Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Parameters Filename id name le type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Avi File (*.avi)*.aviAll les (*.*)*.* Name of the AVI le. If changed during patch execution the le currently being processed is closed and a new one is started. FramesPerSecond id fps type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 177

Number of frames per second of the created video stream. Note that this does not need to match the input frame rate. This is the speed at which a player will try to read the current le. FourCC id type type id

known fourcc Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Use custom FOURCC MRLE - Microsoft RLE by Microsoft layout MSVC - Microsoft Video 1 by Microsoft CRAM - Microsoft Video 1 by Microsoft CVID - Cinepak by Providenza & Boekelheide domain [ 0, 5 ) Selects a FourCC code among the known ones. Please note that the fact that a FourCC is known does not implies that it will work on your system. You need the codec for that FourCC to be installed on your system in order to use it. MRLE - Microsoft RLE by Microsoft - Run length encoded RGB format from Microsoft. Basically the same as the BI RLE formats but Michael Knapp claries: MRLE is just *nearly* the same compression as the existing 4 and 8bit RLE formats but the copy bytes-chunk always has an even byte-length. That means that an empty byte is added if the copy chunk contains an odd number of bytes MSVC - Microsoft Video 1 by Microsoft - Original codec shipped with Video For Windows. Deals with 8bpp and 16bpp images. Quality leaves a lot to be desired (IMHO). Full technical details are available http://home.pcisys.net/%7emelanson/codecs/video1.txt CRAM - Microsoft Video 1 by Microsoft - Allegedly identical to MSVC. CVID - Cinepak by Providenza & Boekelheide Custom FourCC id fourcc type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Explicitly species the FourCC. For a list of valid FourCC codes you can refer to site http://www.fourcc.org. Note that you also need the codec for the given FourCC to be installed on your system.



Background Subtraction Adaptive Histograms


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Background Subtraction Adaptive Histograms Base base bgnd sub adaptive hist Andrea Ricci

Performs backgorund subtraction using a set of adaptive histograms to model each background pixel, as described in the article A Texture-Based Method for Modeling the Background and Detecting Moving Objects, Marko Heikkila and Matti Pietikainen, IEEE Transactions, april 2006 Inputs Input id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image to perform background modeling and foreground identication. The ROI its not considered as the algorithm must work on the whole image. Outputs Output id output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image containing the foreground mask


Parameters Nb id nb type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 4, 8 ] The number of bits used in every pixel of the input image. The number of histogram bins will be 2Nb. When the block is used along with the LocalBinaryPatterns block, this parametermust be equal to the number of pixels used by the LBP operator. Rregion id r region type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 20 ] The radius of the region surrounding each pixel that is used to calculate the histograms K id k type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 10 ] The number of histograms to mantain for every pixel. Tp id tp type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The proximity threshold to apply to the histogram distances. Ab id ab type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The matching histogram update (learning) rate. Aw id aw type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The histogram weights update (learning) rate.


Tb id Tb type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The threshold on the total weight that determine how many histograms are considered as background model. White FG Mask id white fg mask type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the foreground pixels in the output mask will be white, they will be black otherwise.




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Baricenter Base base image baricenter Massimiliano Peri

Calculate the baricenter of the region of interest Inputs input id type type id Input 0 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* input

Outputs Baricenter id type type id inplace id inherited id Baricenter Area id type type id inplace id inherited id Area baricenter dbl Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double *no* *no*

area Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Parameters Geometry type id geometry-type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Floating-point geometry layout Integer geometry domain [ 0, 2 ) Geometry type





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BayerToRgb Base base Bayer2RBG Mirko Demurtas

Certain color cameras output image data in raw format, which is called Bayer format. This block converts such images, which appear as a BW image in EyesWeb, to color images Inputs Image id type type id INPUT MATRIX Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs Image id INPUT MATRIX type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image


Parameters Type Sensor CCD/CMOS id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RG GR layout BG GB domain [ 0, 4 ) Type Sensor CCD/CMOS




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BlobListRemoveIf Base base list remove if Paolo Coletta

Remove blobs from list according to a given criteria. Details The current implementation of the block is limited to work only with list of blob datatype and the extraction is based on the area of the blob Note that the items in the list are not ordered based on their area. The order is the same as the input list, which depends on the order established by the block which rst vcreated the list Notes During initialization the block may raise the following errors: Invalid contained datatype: the input list is not a list of blobs - this happens if the list does not contain blobs Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input list from which to remove items which match a given condition

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output list output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* from which to some items have been removed


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Area layout ZoneToClear ZoneToKeep domain [ 0, 3 ) Method of ltering. If its in Area mode the block compute an area based ltering method.If its in Zone to clear mode, the block keeps blobs having baricenters outside zone parameter. Otherwise if its in Zone to keep mode, the block keeps blobs havong baricenters inside zone parameter. MIN AREA id min area type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of this parameter is the minimum percetage area of the blob according to the entire image area.If the area of the blob is greather then this parameter, then the blos is insert in the output list.If the value of the parameter is 0, all blobs are inserted. MAX AREA id max area type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of this parameter is the maximum percetage area of the blob according to the entire image area.If the area of the blob is less then this parameter, then the blobs is inserted in the output list.If the value of the parameter is 1, all blobs are inserted.





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BlobSubRegions Base base BlobSubRegionsId Maurizio Mancini

This block extracts sub-regions from a given blob. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs List Blob id bloblistoutput type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of extracted blobs. Parameters Arm percentage id arm percentage type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Percentage of the silhouette used to nd arms.


Legs search oset id legssearchparameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Percentage of the vertical distance between barycenter and feet used to search legs y position. Legs oset id legsosetparameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Minimal vertical distance between barycenter and legs starting point expressed as percentage of the vertical distance between barycenter and feet. Arms min threshold id armsminthresholdparameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Minimum number of pixel identifying the ending point of each arm. Arms max threshold id armsmaxthresholdparameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Maximum number of pixel identifying the starting point of each arm. Extract head id extractheadparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the head region. Extract trunk id extracttrunkparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the trunk region. Extract right arm id extractrightarmparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the right arm region.


Extract left arm id extractleftarmparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the left arm region. Extract right leg id extractrightlegparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the right leg region. Extract left leg id extractleftlegparameter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Extract or not the left leg region.





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BlobToZone Base base mappe blob to zone Paolo Coletta Alpha (Base, Development Stage) Developer (Base, Final User Category)

This block solves the problem to bind the info, which is originally associated to blobs, to the zone where the blobs are located. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix containing the info bounded to blobs. The number of columns matches the number of input blobs. The rows have the following meaning: Row 0: Zone (zero-based index) Row 1: Mode (e.g. Normal, Solemn, Happy, Sad, Angry, Shy). The mode is mapped to a zero-based index Row 2: Active (wether there is a blob in the zone and it is moving; it is a boolean value mapper to a double number) Row 3: Chorus Level (0.0 no chorus. 1.0 chorus). Row 4: Y (in the range 0.0-1.0. If multiple blobs are in the same zone, the mean Y is computed Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id output Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*


Output matrix containing the info bounded to zones: Row 0: Mode Row 1: Active Row 2: Y Row 3: Chorus Level Parameters Num zones id num zones type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of zone available on the stage ChorusLevel0 id chorus level 0 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value to be generated when the chorus level is zero (i.e., solo) ChorusLevel1 id chorus level 1 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value to be generated when the chorus level is 1 (i.e., duet) ChorusLevel2 id chorus level 2 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value to be generated when the chorus level is 2 (i.e., trio or more)




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BlockConvolution Base base block convolution Carlo Drioli

Block Convolution Error and Warning Messages - During Initialization phase - Mono audio input required. Channel 0 will be used. - IR le opning error: error while opening the input wave le. - Audio buer size not allowed. Choose one of the following: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. Warning: Audio input and IR sampling frequency dont match. Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer


Parameters lename id type type id parameter IR lename Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=IR le (*.wav)*.wavAll les (*.*)*.* Input wave le name. When le name is specied, the format of audio buer is readed from the heqader of this le.




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BonesLine3DMaker-Double Base base BonesLine3DMaker-Double Simone Ghisio

The block creates a geometric labelled set of 3d lines starting from pairs of 3d points. Its possible to create the output starting from user points, kinect point or from AIM model points. In teh rst case the user can specify how many lines must be created and the labels. In kinect mode the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with the labels of block Kinect Extractor. In AIM mode the user must species a qam le. Aftre this the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with the labels extracted from the le. In each mode the user can modidy labels and number of bones. This block accepts geometric labelled set double 3d inputs Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d lines that connect input points according to parameters.


Parameters BonesNumber id bones number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of bones to be created. InitMode id mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: User layout Kinect AimModel domain [ 0, 3 ) Initialization of label values. DrawPoints id draw type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: AllPoints layout ConnectedPoints DontDraw domain [ 0, 3 ) It allows to draw or not points of the input geometric labelled set. If the parameter is set to AllPoints, the input labelled set is copied to teh output. If ConnectedPoints is selected, the outputcontains only points connected by bones. Otherwise point are not drawn. bone00 point00 id bone 00 point 00 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string point 00 of bone 00. bone00 point01 id bone 00 point 01 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string point 01 of bone 00.




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BonesLine3DMaker-Int Base base BonesLine3DMaker-Int Simone Ghisio

The block creates a geometric labelled set of 3d lines starting from pairs of 3d points. Its possible to create the output starting from user points, kinect point or from AIM model points. In teh rst case the user can specify how many lines must be created and the labels. In kinect mode the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with the labels of block Kinect Extractor. In AIM mode the user must species a qam le. Aftre this the block automatically creates a sequence of bones with the labels extracted from the le. In each mode the user can modidy labels and number of bones. This block accepts geometric labelled set 3d int inputs Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d lines that connect input points according to parameters.


Parameters BonesNumber id bones number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of bones to be created. InitMode id mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: User layout Kinect AimModel domain [ 0, 3 ) Initialization of label values. DrawPoints id draw type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: AllPoints layout ConnectedPoints DontDraw domain [ 0, 3 ) It allows to draw or not points of the input geometric labelled set. If the parameter is set to AllPoints, the input labelled set is copied to teh output. If ConnectedPoints is selected, the outputcontains only points connected by bones. Otherwise point are not drawn. bone00 point00 id bone 00 point 00 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string point 00 of bone 00. bone00 point01 id bone 00 point 01 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string point 01 of bone 00.




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BooleanToTrigger Base base bool to trigger Paolo Coletta

Generates a trigger according to the value of an input boolean datatype. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input boolean datatype. The block generates a trigger as output according to the value of this datatype. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output trigger datatype.


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: False to true True to false layout Any change True False domain [ 0, 5 ) Species when to generate the output trigger.

Initial state id initial state type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Indeterminate layout True False domain [ 0, 3 ) This value is used only at rst signal change detection to initialize the previous signal state.




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BouncingBall Base base bouncing ball Paolo Coletta

Computes the dynamics of a bouncing ball. As long as the input signal is slow (below a given threshold) the poisition of the ball (the output signal) tracks the input signal. If the threshold is exceeded, the ball detaches from the input signal and evolves autonomously basing on its initial speed and on the given accelleration (gravity). The ball looses a percentage of its energy when bouncing against the oor or the roof. The block works on a single dimensions, thus, since the ball is subject to gravity accelleration, you should usually feed the block with a positionalong the vertical axis. Inputs Input position id type type id input position Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input position (in meters)

Outputs Position id output position type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output absolute position (in meters)


Velocity id output velocity type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output speed in meter per second Reset id output reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Signal whether the output was reset. Resetting may occur on users request, on valid grabbing conditions, or, rarely, when numerical issue are detected. Parameters Acceleration id acceleration type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the acceleration applied to the mass (in meters/second2) Can detach id can detach type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the output can detach from the input. If yes, the output detaches when the speed exceeds the given threshold Detach velocity id detach velocity type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the velocity at which mass does not track anymore the input position and start moving independently Can grab id can grab type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the output can be grabbed by the input. If yes, the output will track the input when the position match or cross each other


Do not grab before id frames no grab type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The number of frames that must elapse from the detach time before the input can regrab the output Floor level id oor level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the level, in meters, of the oor. The ball is constrained to stay above this level and bounces on it Roof level id roof level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the level, in meters, of the roof. The ball is constrained to stay below this level and bounces on it Energy loss id energy loss type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The energy percentage that is lost at each bum Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the system to its initial conditions, which are specied by the above parameters Compute Delta T id compute delta t type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the delta T is inherited from the input datatype (presentation time) Delta T id delta t type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time The delta T (time delay of each step), in the case that it is not automatically computed





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BoundRoiInRoi Base base boundroiinroi Simone Ghisio

This block verify if the input ROI is contained in the parameter ROI. Inputs InputROI id type type id input roi Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace OutputROI referred as inherited *no* Input ROI

Outputs OutputROI id output roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id InputROI inherited id *no* Bounded ROI


Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether ROI coordinates and size are expressed as normalized oating-point (double) numbers or as integer numbers ParameterROI id parameter roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double Bounding ROI




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BoundingRect Base base image boundingrect Mirko Demurtas Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Calculate the bounding rect inner to the region of interest Inputs Image id type type id image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image

Outputs Bounding rect id bounding-rect-dbl type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Bounding rectangle


Parameters Geometry type id geometry-type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Floating-point geometry layout Integer geometry domain [ 0, 2 ) Geometry type




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

BrightnessChromaticityDistortion Base base bg brightness cromaticity distortion Paolo Coletta

Implements the background subtraction via the brightness/cromaticity distortion method,as explained in the paper A statistical approach for real-time robust background subtraction and shadow detection by T. Horprasert, D. Harwood, and L. S. Davis Inputs Input image id type type id video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image containing the full image (background + forground), or the background only (during the trainig period). Outputs Output foreground image id foreground type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output containing the foreground image only.


Shaded background id shaded background type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the image classied as background even if subject to a lower illumination with respect to the training data Highlighted background id highlighted background type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the image classied as background even if subject to a stronger illumination with respect to the training data Current training set size id training set size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Current size of the training set Parameters Working id type type id mode. working mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Training layout Running Auto domain [ 0, 3 ) In training mode the block grabs the statistics about the background. In running mode the blocks uses these statistics to distinguish between background and forground.


Status id type type id

status Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: To be trained yet layout Currently training Trained domain [ 0, 3 ) Readonly parameter to show the current status of the block.

Trainig set size id training set size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Maximum size of the training set. During the training phase the block stores in memory the images corresponding to the given size. If more images are provided as input, the oldest one are replaced with the newsest ones Detection rate id detection rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Specied the detection rate of the algorithm. The auto-computed parameters (TauCD, TauAlpha1, TauAlpha2, TauAlphaLow) are choosen such that the algorithm applied to the training set matches this detection rate. Automatic parameters selection id auto tuning type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true the auto-computed parameters for TauCD, TauAlpha1, TauAlpha2, and TauAlphaLow are used. If set to false, the user-specied values are used. Tau CD id tau cd type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Tau CD (where CD stands for Chromaticity Distortion) is the threshold of the normalized chromaticity. Pixels over this threshold are classied as foreground. Tau Alpha 1 id tau alpha 1 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 210

Tau Alpha 1 is the lower threshold of the normalized brightness. Pixels below this threshold are classied as not background (i.e., foreground or shadow). Tau Alpha 2 id tau alpha 2 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Tau Alpha 2 is the upper threshold of the normalized brightness. Pixels over this threshold are classied as not background (i.e., foreground or hightlited pixels). Tau alpha low id tau alpha low type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Lower threshold for brightness distortion. If brightness distortion is below this threshold then the pixel is assumed to be a foreground one, regardless of the chromaticity distortion. DarkColor id dark color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor This is the value of a color which is considered dark and worth applying TauAlphaLow. To automatically compute TauAlphaLow, which stems from euristic considerations, an image with such value is applied as an input. The threshold TauAlphaLow is choosen such that a given percentage of pixels are below the threshold. Dark color detection rate id dark color detection rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the detection rate to be used to compute TauAlphaLow. TauAlphaLow is choosen such that the given percentage of pixels from the dark image are classied as foreground regardless of the chromaticity distortion. Use TauCD correction id use tau cd correction type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, TauCD is linearly decreased while brightness moves from TauAlpha1 to TauAlphaLow. The result is a detection of dark foreground objects. However, the performance of shadow removal decreases. TauCD correction percentage id tau cd correction percentage type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 211

Species the amount of correction applied to TauCD. If 1.0 is specied, TauCD is decreased up to zero, otherwise, it is decreased up to the given percentage of its initial value. Folder Name id folder name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string layout Folder Species the folder where to load/save training data. This value is optional and can be used to avoid recomputing statistics when a previous setup is being reused. Load Training Data id load training data type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Loads statistics from a previous training. For this to work, the Folder Name needs to be specied. If valid data is found, the working mode is automatically set to running (unless it was Auto, in such case the mode is not changed but the block starts performing background subtraction. Save Training Data id save training data type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Save statistics from training. For this to work, the traing must have been performed. Previous les in the same folder will be overwritten with the new data. Discard Training Data id discard training data type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Discards statistics from training. Discard training data on done id discard training data on done type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether training data is discarded when the patch is initialized. By default training data is discarded in order to minimize the risk to reuse old (wrong) statistics when the patch is restarted. However, if you are sure that lighting conditions will not change, you can disable this option to speed up startup


ApplySuggestedSettings id apply suggested settings type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Applies the computed settings as the user-specied settings .




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CameraCorrection Base base camera correction Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Digital camera usually introduces signicant distortion caused by the camera and lens. These distortions cause errors in any analysis of the image. This block corrects these distortion using intrinsic camera parameters and distortion coecients. Details The intrinsic camera parameters are focal lengths fx, fy, and principal point coordinates cx, cy. The distortion is characterized by two coecients of radial distortions k1, k2 and two coecients of tangential distortions p1, p2. The undistorted coordinates xu and yu of point with coordinates (xd, yd) are computed in accordance with the following formulas: xu = xd * (1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4) + 2*p1*xd*yd + p2 * ( r2 + 2* xd2 ) yu = yd * (1 + k1*r2 + k2*r4) + 2*p1*xd*yd + p2 * ( r2 + 2* yd2 ) Here r2 = xd2 + yd2, xd = (j-cx)/fx, yd = (i-cy)/fy; i and j are row and columns numbers of the pixel. The pixel value is computed using bilinear interpolation of four nearest pixel of the source image. If undistorted coordinates are outside the image, then the destination pixel is not changed. Inputs Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image


Outputs Corrected image id output remapped type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Corrected image Parameters X Focal (fx) id X FOCAL type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Focal lengths along the x axis. Y Focal (fy) id Y FOCAL type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Focal lengths along the y axis. Principal id type type id Point Type principal point type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Floating-point layout Integer domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the principal point is expressed in integer or oaing-point normalized coordinates. Principal Point (cx, cy) id PRINC POINT type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double Coordinate of the principal point. Radial First coecient (k1) id RFC type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double First coecient of radial distortion.


Radial Second coe. (k2) id RSC type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Second coe. of radial distortion. Tangential First coecient (p1) id TFC type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double First coecient of tangential distortion. Tangential Second coe. (p2) id TSC type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Second coecient of tangential distortion. Interpolation Algorithm id interpolation algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest neighbour Linear layout Cubic Super Sample domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load. Clear Image id clear image type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool According to the setting of the block, the resulting image might not cover the whole area. If this parameter is set, the uncovered area is cleared





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CannyEdgeDetector Base base canny edge detector Simone Ghisio

The detector uses a grayscale image as an input and outputs a black-and-white image, where non-zero pixels mark detected edges. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image

Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output edge Parameters Low id type type id Lower Low Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int threshold for edges detection.


High id type type id Higher

High Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int threshold for edges detection.



Centroids Calc


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Centroids Calc Base base centroids calc Simone Ghisio Paolo Coletta

This block calculates centroids of input silhouette or of a subpart of the input silhouette. Notes The following labels are assigned to the computed centroids (some might not be computed according to the seetings of the block) head COG left shoulder left elbow left forearm left hand right shoulder right elbow right forearm right hand left knee left foot right knee right foot Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output list type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* OutputLabelledSet


Parameters Silhouette type id silhouette type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Full Body Upper Half layout Lower Half Left Half Right Half domain [ 0, 5 ) The block compute the centroids assuming that the input blob represent a human silhouette. This parameter species whether the silhouette is complete, or if it rapresent just half human body and, in this latter case, which is the part of the body Output type id output type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Integer domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of the coordinates inserted in the output labelled set Filter centroids id compute alpha type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the centroids position are lter before being inserted into the aoutput list Filter speed id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species whether the lter is slow or fast. A slow lter provides smooth coordinates but is slow to track sudden changes of such coordinates. If set to the minimum speed (0.0) the lter does not track the coordinates at all. A fast lter can track sudden changes of the coordinate, but provides rough values. If set to the maximum speed (1.0), no lter is applied


Add intermediate centroids id add computed centroids type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool In some cases the block must compute more centroids than the ones requested by the user, due to hierarchical relations among them (e.g., the hand requires the forearm, etc). If this parameter is set to true, all computed centroids are inserted into the output labelled set, even if not explicitely requested by the user COG id type type id Center

COG Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool of Gravity

Head id head type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Head centroid LeftShoulder id left shoulder type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Shoulder centroid LeftElbow id left elbow type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Elbow centroid LeftForearm id left forearm type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Forear centroid LeftHand id left hand type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Hand centroid


RightShoulder id right shoulder type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Shoulder centroid RightElbow id right elbow type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Elbow centroid RightForearm id right forearm type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Forear centroid RightHand id right hand type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Hand centroid LeftKnee id left knee type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Knee centroid LeftFoot id left foot type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Left Foot centroid RightKnee id right knee type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Knee centroid


RightFoot id right foot type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Right Foot centroid




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CentroidsToLines Base base centroids to lines Simone Ghisio

This block transforms a labelled set of point to a labelled set of lines. The block expects some specic labels in the input set, which are the ones generated by the CentroidsCalc block. Thus, this block is usually placed after the CentroidsCalc block if you want to visualize its output. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output list type Base, Graphic Labelled Set 2D double type id base, graphic labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* OutputLabelledSet


Parameters Drawing id type type id mode draw type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Central layout Hierarchical domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify wheter to use Central or Hierarchical drawing mode. In Central mode, all joints are connected to the central one, whereas in Hierarchical mode the points are connected to form a sort of human skeleton




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ChangeInterlaceMode Base base image change interlace mode Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Change the interlace mode to the input frame Inputs Input frame id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output frame referred as inherited *no* The input frame

Outputs Output frame id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input frame inherited id *no* The output frame with the changed intelace information


Parameters Interlace id mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Progressive layout First Field 1 First Field 2 domain [ 0, 2 ] Interlace mode to apply to the input frame Keep image unchanged id only mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Modify interlace mode and keep the input image unchanged



Circular Hough Transform


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Circular Hough Transform Base base circular hough transform Simone Ghisio

Find circles of a given radius in a grayscale image using the Hough transform. This block implements OpenCV HoughCircles function. Details Based on a previous implementation by: AnneMarie Burns Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image on which search circles.

Outputs OutputMatrix id output matrix type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix containing the circles center coordinates and radius


OutputImage id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image displaying the circles found by the Hough transform Parameters Method id type type id param method Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Gradient layout standard domain [ 0, 2 ) Currently, the only implemented method is CV HOUGH GRADIENT, which is basically 21HT, described in H.K. Yuen, J. Princen, J. Illingworth and J. Kittler. Comparative study of Hough Transform methods for circle nding.

Resolution id resolution type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Resolution of the accumulator used to detect centers of the circles. For example, if it is 1, the accumulator will have the same resolution as the input image, if it is 2 - accumulator will have twice smaller width and height, etc. Min Distance id min distance type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Minimum distance between centers of the detected circles. If the parameter is too small, multiple neighbor circles may be falsely detected in addition to a true one. If it is too large, some circles may be missed. Canny Threshold id canny threshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 255 ] Higher threshold of the two passed to Canny edge detector (the lower one will be twice smaller).


Accumulator threshold id accumulator threshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Accumulator threshold at the center detection stage. The smaller it is, the more false circles may be detected. Circles, corresponding to the larger accumulator values, will be returned rst. Minimum radius id minimum radius type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Minimal radius of the circles to search for. Maximum radius id maximum radius type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Maximal radius of the circles to search for. By default the maximal radius is set to max(image width, image height). Maximum returned circles id maximum circles type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Maximal number of the circles returned by the circular Hough transform. Show Intermediate Image id show image type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Show Intermediate Image




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ClockGenerator Base base ClockGenerator Mirko Demurtas

This block generate a signal clock Outputs Bang id type type id inplace id inherited id Bang Parameters Bang generator id Bang type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Bang generator (kernel catalog) Patch start id PatchStart type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang when the patch starts. Periodic id Periodic type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang periodically. BangOut Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger *no* *no*


Period id type type id Period 100000)

Period Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time is expressed in 100nanoseconds unit (i.e., 10milliseconds must be specied as

Phase id Phase type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Phase Absolute time id Absolute type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generates a bang at a specied absolute time. AbsoluteTime id AbsoluteTime type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Absolute time




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CoarseGraining Base base coarsegraining Maurizio Mancini

Computes the sample entropy of the input data. Inputs Input time series id type type id coarsegraininginput Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The time series containing the input data.

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Sample entropy id coarsegrainingoutput type Base, TemporalData type id base, temporal data inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The sample entropy of the input time series. Parameters factor id coarsegrainingfactor type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int


The number of the input samples that are used to compute each output sample.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Cochleogram Base base cochleogram Carlo Drioli

Computes the cochleogram of the input audio buer. Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output matrix id output matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix Output image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


This is the same as the matrix output, but in image format. Since the cochleogram is used to get a visual representation of the elaboration that the audio signal is undergone in the cochlea, an image is an appropriate alternative to the mathematical format. Parameters Gain id gain type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Output gain Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point.





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CollapseLabels Base base CollapseLabels Simone Ghisio

The block allows to collapse labels of a labelled set datatype input. Inputs InputLabelledSet id type type id input labeled set Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Labelled set to evaluate.

Outputs OutputString id output string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* String with alle the labels of the input





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ColorToRgb Base base ColorToRGB Mirko Demurtas

This block converts the input in RGB color. Inputs Red color id type type id InputR Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Red color

Green color id type type id

InputG Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Green color


Blue color id type type id

InputB Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Blue color

Outputs RGB Color id type type id inplace id inherited id RGB Color Parameters Input Type id InputType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RGB decimal values RGB integer values layout RGB color value HSV decimal values HSV integer values domain [ 0, 4 ] Type of the input Output Type id OutputType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RGB decimal values layout RGB integer values RGB color value domain [ 0, 2 ] Type of the output Output Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, rgbcolor *no* *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

CompareWithString Base base compare string Simone Ghisio

Extract a substring from the input string. Inputs InputString id type type id input string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input string to compare

Outputs CompareValue id output comparison type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* If string are the same, output value is 1. Otherwise is 0. Parameters

Label id compare string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string String for comaparison. (use regular expression syntax in Perl syntax: http://www.boost.org/libs/rege For example, .* pattern matches any number of characters, thus behaving similarly to the


* pattern.So if you need to nd objects with label starting with point substring, you can write (point).* nstead, if you need to nd objects with label containing point substring, you can write .*(point).*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ComposeChannels Base base compose channel Paolo Coletta Mirko Demurtas

Compose several timeseries into a single multichannel timeseries Notes The input timeseries may be multichannel too. In such cases the output timeseries is composed of the sum of all channels of all timeseries. The output range is the maximum of the ranges of the input timeseries. Inputs Input Stream 00 id type type id input audio stream 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output stream Input Stream

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Input Stream 01 id type type id

input audio stream 01 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Stream


Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output stream id output audio stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input Stream 00 inherited id *no* Output audio buer with multiple streams Parameters Number of streams id channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of input streams




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ComposeChannels Base base image compose channels Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Compose multiple Black & White images to a multichannel image Inputs Input channel 1 (R/B/Y) id input video stream 1 type Base, Image type id base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Red channel if the output image image is RGB; Blue channel if the output image is BGR; Y channel if the output image is YUV. Input channel 2 (G/G/U) id input video stream 2 type Base, Image type id base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Green channel if the output image image is RGB or BGR; U channel if the output image is YUV.


Input channel 3 (B/R/Y) id input video stream 3 type Base, Image type id base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Blue channel if the output image image is RGB; Red channel if the output image is BGR; V channel if the output image is YUV. Outputs Output id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output multichannel image. Parameters Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RGB BGR YUV HSV layout RGBA BGRA YUVA HSVA domain [ 0, 7 ] Species the color model of the output image




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ComposePCMchannels Base base compose pcm channels Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

Builds an audio buer composed of several pcm channels, by composing the input pcm audio buers. Inputs Input 0 id type type id input 0 Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 0

Input 1 id type type id

input 1 Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 1


Outputs Output id output type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output stream composed by all incoming input pcm buers Parameters Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of input audio streams. Each stream may be composed of many channels





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ComputeDistance Base base Distance Simone Ghisio

This block calculates the distance between two points in absolute or signed value Inputs Point X id type type id Input X Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* X Point Coordinates

Point Y id type type id

Input Y Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Y Point Coordinates

Outputs Distance id type type id inplace id inherited id Distance Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* 248

Distance between x and y X Axis Distance id X Distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* X axis distance between x and y Y Axis Distance id Y Distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Y axis distance between x and y Parameters Distance id type type id Type Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Signed distance layout Absolute distance domain [ 0, 2 ) Signed distance or absolute distance.




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ComputeFPS Base base compute fps Paolo Coletta

Computes the Frames Per Second of the input datatype Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input datatype whom framerate is going to be computed

Outputs FPS id type type id inplace id inherited id Computed output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* Frames Per Second


Parameters Selector id type type id selector Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Creation Time layout Presentation Time Media Time domain [ 0, 3 ) Each datatype has more than one timestamp attached to itself. This parameter species which one to use when computing FPS





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ComputeROIArea Base base Area Mirko Demurtas

This block computes the area of a given input ROI Inputs InputROI id type type id Input Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input ROI.

Outputs Area id Output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Area of Input ROI





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ComputeStatisticalInfo Base base statistical operation Simone Ghisio

Compute some features of the input timeseries. Note that the features are computed basing only on the data available in a single buer of the timeseries, i.e., the block does not have internal memory. Inputs Input Buer id type type id Input Buer Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input of which to compute extract the user-specied feature

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output value id Result type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Result of the operation


Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: maximum value of the vector minimum value of the vector layout mean of the vector standard deviation of the vector maximum absolute value of the vector domain [ 0, 4 ] Type of the operation




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ConcatenateStrings Base base concatenate strings Paolo Coletta

Concatenates an arbitrary number of strings. Inputs Input string 1 id input 1 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input string 1 wil be placed at position 1 to build the output concatenated string Input string 2 id input 2 type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input string 2 wil be placed at position 2 to build the output concatenated string Outputs Output string id output type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The concatenation of the input strings


Parameters Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of inputs





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ConcatenateStringsToMultipleLines Base base concatenate strings to multiple lines Paolo Coletta

Concatenates sequence of strings to multiple lines (page), scrolling up the strings when the given number of rows (lines) is lled. Inputs Input string id type type id input string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output substring referred as inherited *no* Input string from which a substring will be extracted.

Outputs Output substring id output string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id Input string inherited id *no* The output substring extracted from the input string. Parameters Number id type type id domain of lines rst character Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 1, +innity )


Maximum number of lines to use




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ContainerSize Base base container size Paolo Coletta

Returns the size of a container (e.g., a list, a labelled set). Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the container which size will be estracted by the block

Required interfaces kernel, container Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Size of the output Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no* input container




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Convert3Don2D-Int Base base convert 3d on 2d int Simone Ghisio

Convert 3D object into 2D object using a plane of projection correspondig with xy,xz or yz plane. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d conversion 2d Outputs Output2D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 2D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no* It has the same type of input, but in 2 dimensions.


Parameters FixedAxis id param axis 3d type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: X layout Y Z domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the orthogonal axis to the plane of projection. The variable of this axis axumes constant value 0.



Convert3Don2D Double

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Convert3Don2D Double Base base convert 3d on 2d double Simone Ghisio

Convert 3D object into 2D object using a plane of projection correspondig with xy,xz or yz plane. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d conversion 2d Outputs Output2D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 2D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no* It has the same type of input, but in 2 dimensions.


Parameters FixedAxis id param axis 3d type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: X layout Y Z domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the orthogonal axis to the plane of projection. The variable of this axis axumes constant value 0.




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ConvertAudioToPCM Base base convert to pcm Massimiliano Peri

Converts an audio buer to a static pcm audio buer Inputs Audio Buer id type type id input sound buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*

Outputs PCM Buer id type type id inplace id inherited id output pcm buer Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer *no* *no*


Parameters PCMSampleFormat id pcm type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits unsigned 8 bits signed 16 bits unsigned 16 bits signed 24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage) layout 24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage) 24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage) 24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage) 32 bits unsigned 32 bits signed 32 bits oat domain [ 0, 11 ) Species the format of each sample of the output PCM audio buer




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ConvertPCMToAudio Base base convert from pcm Massimiliano Peri

Converts an pcm audio buer to a audio buer Inputs PCM Buer id type type id input sound buer Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*

Outputs Audio Buer id type type id inplace id inherited id output pcm buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer *no* *no*




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ConvertPCMToPCM Base base convert pcm Alessandro Fausto

Converts an pcm audio buer to a pcm audio buer with another sample format. Inputs PCM Buer id type type id input pcm buer Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*

Outputs PCM Buer id type type id inplace id inherited id output pcm buer Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer *no* *no*


Parameters PCMSampleFormat id pcm type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits unsigned 8 bits signed 16 bits unsigned 16 bits signed 24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage) layout 24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage) 24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage) 24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage) 32 bits unsigned 32 bits signed 32 bits oat domain [ 0, 11 ) Species the format of each sample of the output PCM audio buer




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Counter Base base Counter Mirko Demurtas

This block counts the number of inputs Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Descrption

Outputs Output id Output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Description


Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Real domain [ 0, 2 ) Type Description

Step id Step type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Step Description Begin id type type id Begin

Begin Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Description

End id End type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Description Custom reset value id CustomReset type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double When the counter is reset, and the reset mode is set to custom value, this value is used. Start id Start type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Start Description Stop id Stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger


Stop Description Reset id Reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset Description Start mode id StartMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Auto layout Manual domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the counter automatically start counting when the patch is initialized (Auto) or whether counting must be explicitelly started via the Start command. Reset mode id ResetMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Begin layout Custom value domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the behaviour when the counter is reset. The counter can reset to the initial value (Begin) or to a custom value. Bounding mode id TypeCounter type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Unbounded counter layout Bounded counter Circular counter domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether the counter is bounded (stops counting after a given bound is reached), unbounded (counts forever) or circular (restart from the beginning after a given bound is reached).


ActivateOnSpecialEvents id ActivateOnSpecialEvents type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block activates on special events such as PatchStart, or triggering the Reset command. If true, these events causes a block activation, if false the block just activates when an input changes. Note that the events are not actually counted (e.g., on patch start a zero count is generated), however, the number of activation of the blocks will dier from the number of inputs.




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CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Base base CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group 3d objects into a geometric labelled set. The block can create geometric labelled set 3d datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This block accepts geometric int inputs Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Required interfaces base, base geometric 3d double Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


OutputLabelList id output label list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of labels of geometric labelled set 3d. Parameters InputNumber id input number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set 3d. Label Generation id label generation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Automatic layout User domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label contained in LABEL parameters. Generate new labels id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generation mode.




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CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Base base CreateGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group 3d objects into a geometric labelled set. The block can create geometric labelled set 3d datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This block accepts geometric double inputs Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Required interfaces base, base geometric 3d int Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects.


OutputLabelList id output label list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of labels of geometric labelled set 3d. Parameters InputNumber id input number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set 3d. Label Generation id label generation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Automatic layout User domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label contained in LABEL parameters. Generate new labels id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generation mode.




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CreateGeometricLabelledSetDouble Base base CreateGeometricLabelledSet-Double Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group input values into a geometric labelled set. The block can create geometric or graphic labelled set datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This block accepts geometric/graphic int inputs Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Required interfaces Base, Vertex2DDouble Outputs Output GeometricLabelledSet id output labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


OutputLabelList id output label list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of labels of geometric labelled set. Parameters InputNumber id input number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set. Input Type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric layout Graphic domain [ 0, 2 ) It denes the type of output geometric labelled set. Label Generation id label generation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Automatic layout User domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label contained in LABEL parameters. Generate new labels id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generation mode.




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CreateGeometricLabelledSetInt Base base CreateGeometricLabelledSet-Int Simone Ghisio

The block allows to group input values into a geometric labelled set. The block can create geometric or graphic labelled set datatype according to INPUT TYPE parameter. This block accepts geometric/graphic double inputs Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Required interfaces Base, Vertex2DInt Outputs Output GeometricLabelledSet id output labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D int type id base, geometric labeled set 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


OutputLabelList id output label list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of labels of geometric labelled set. Parameters InputNumber id input number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input to be grouped into a geometric labelled set. Input Type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric layout Graphic domain [ 0, 2 ) It denes the type of output geometric labelled set. Label Generation id label generation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Automatic layout User domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can generate automatically the label for each input or using the label contained in LABEL parameters. Generate new labels id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the cration of a new set of labels. It works only in Automatic Label Generation mode.




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CrossCorrelation Base base cross correlation Alberto Massari

Return an index of similarity between two buers Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Correlation id correlation index type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The correlation between the input audio signal and the reference signal


Parameters lename id type type id parameter reference lename Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=IR le (*.wav)*.wavAll les (*.*)*.* Input wave le name. When le name is specied, the format of audio buer is readed from the heqader of this le. Learning mode id learning mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If in learning mode, the input buer will be stored as reference signal





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Demultiplexer Base base Demux Mirko Demurtas

Demultiplexer Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Output000 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*

Output001 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters Num Output id NOutput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Num Output Type id type type id

TypeDemux Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Input Changing layout Time Demultiplexing Tick Demultiplexing domain [ 0, 2 ] Type

Time id type type id domain Time

TimeDemux Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )

Static id StatiDemux type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Static Tick id TickDemux type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Tick




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Distance Base base MatrixDistance Barbara Mazzarino

This block outputs a matrix distance. Outputs DistanceMatrix id OutputMatrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Distance Matrix Parameters Distance id ParamDim type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Dimension of the distance matrix




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DomainConversion Base base DomainConversion Mirko Demurtas

This block covert the domain of the input Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Integer - Double layout Double - Interger domain [ 0, 2 ) Type




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DotProduct Base base DotProduct Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the dot product of the input vectors. Inputs id type type id InX Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* id type type id InY Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*




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DoubleVectorToMatrix Base base double vector to matrix Paolo Coletta

Concatenates input vectors to build a matrix with a dimension which is xed by the user. Inputs Vector id type type id vector Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input vector

Outputs Matrix id matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix Parameters length id length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of vectors needed to build a full matrix


Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Horizontal layout Vertical domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the vectors are concatenated horizontally or vertically

Direction id direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa




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DrawBlob Base base DrawBlob Simone Ghisio

The block draws the input blob on input background image. If the input image is BGR or RGB the blob can be coloured by parameter Red Green Blue. If the input image is BW the blob appears in gray color. NOTE: since this block can be replaced by the generic Draw block. Inputs Input Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The input image used as background

Input Blob id type type id

Input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* An image containing the silhouette of the blob.


Outputs Output Image id Output Image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* The output image with background an blob in foreground Parameters Red id Red type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Level of Red color. If input image si BW its used to calcuate the gray tone Green id Green type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Level of Green color. If input image si BW its used to calcuate the gray tone Blue id Blue type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Level of Blue color. If input image si BW its used to calcuate the gray tone




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DrawFilledShape Base base draw lled shapes Paolo Coletta

Draw a lled shape (e.g., a Rectangle) on the input datatype. Works on all datatypes supporting the IDrawFilledShape interface (e.g., IMage, CudaImage) Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no*

Required interfaces base, draw lled shapes Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no*


Parameters Coordinates Type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether coordinates are expressed with integer values (absolute coordinates) or in oating-point number normalized in the range [0.0-1.0] with respect to the image size Operation Type id operation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Filled Rectangle layout Frame Rectangle domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of operation performed: FilledRect: draws a lled rectangle FrameRect: draws a frame around the given (non-lled) rectangle Color id color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Species the color of the drawn lled shape Alpha id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the level of opacity of the draw operations: 0.0: the drawing is transparent 1.0: the drawing is opaque Tickness id tickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The tickness of the line, in pixels, in the case of drawing operations involving a pen, e.g., FrameRect


Rect id rect type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double In the case that the selected drawing operation is a Filled Rectangle or a frame rectangle, this paramater species the position and size of the rectangle. If set to null, then the rectangle covers the whole image.





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DrawGraphicObject Base base DrawGraphicObject Mirko Demurtas Gualtiero Volpe

This block draws the input graphic 2D object Inputs Input image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output image referred as inherited *no* The input image on which the graphic object will be drawn.

Input graphic object id InputGraphicObject00 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The graphic object to be drawn. Required interfaces Base, Drawing


Outputs Output image id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input image inherited id *no* The output image on which the graphic object has been drawn. Parameters Number Input id nInput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number Input Quality id type type id

Quality Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: High quality layout Medium quality Low quality domain [ 0, 3 ) Quality draw

Draw Unchanged Datatypes id draw unchanged parameters type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, each time the block is activated it draws all inputs, regardless of whether they are changed or not (this is the old behaviour). If false (default behaviour), only changed datatypes are drawn.




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DrawText Base base draw text Paolo Coletta

Draw text on the input datatype. Works on all datatypes supporting the IDrawText interface (e.g., Image, CudaImage) Notes There is a similar block in EyesWeb named Title machine. The dierences with that block are: * this block does not support rotated text * this block works on several image datatypes * this block is OS independent Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no*

Required interfaces base, draw text Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no*


Parameters Text id text type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The text to be overlaid on the image Coordinates Type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether coordinates are expressed with integer values (absolute coordinates) or in oating-point number normalized in the range [0.0-1.0] with respect to the image size


Font selctor id font selector type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: ahronbd andlso angsa angsab angsai angsau angsaub angsaui angsauz angsaz aparaj aparajb aparajbi aparaji arabtype arial arialbd arialbi ariali ariblk browa browab browai browau browaub browaui browauz browaz calibri calibrib calibrii calibriz cambriab cambriai cambriaz Candara Candarab Candarai Candaraz comic comicbd consola consolab consolai 300 consolaz constan constanb constani

The list of available fonts Font id font type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The font to be used to draw the text. Currently you need to specify the name of the font, without extension. The default system folder is used. E.g.: use comic to refer to font C:\Windows\Fonts\comic.ttf Font size id font size type Base, Size 2D double type id base, size2d double The size of the font Font bold id font bold type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the font is bold Font italic id font italic type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the font is italic Font underlined id font underlined type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the font is underlined (not implemented yet) Color id color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Species the color of the drawn lled shape Alpha id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the level of opacity of the draw operations: 0.0: the drawing is transparent 1.0: the drawing is opaque


StrikeOut Tickness id strikeout tickness type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The tickness of the border of the text, in pixels. Use zero if no strikeOut is needed. Note that tickness is always expressed in oating-point coordinates, regardless of the value of the coordinates type parameter. However, the coordinates measurement unit are aboslute pixels; they are not normalized. StrikeOut Color id strike color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Species the color of the border of the text StrikeOut Alpha id strikeout alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the level of opacity of the border of the text: 0.0: the drawing is transparent 1.0: the drawing is opaque Rect id rect type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double In the case that the selected drawing operation is a Filled Rectangle or a frame rectangle, this paramater species the position and size of the rectangle. If set to null, then the rectangle covers the whole image.




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DynamicToStaticPCMAudioBuer Base base pcm dynamic to static audio buer Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

Converts a dynamic pcm audio buer to a static pcm audio buer Inputs Input id type type id input Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio dynamic buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Dynamic PCM Audio buer

Outputs Output id output type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Static PCM Audio buer Num internal samples id num internal samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size of the buer of samples currently stored in the block


Parameters Buer size mode id buer size mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: From audio clock input layout User specied domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the buer size is user specied or if is inherited from an audio clock input. In the case of a user specied buer size (default), it is up to the user to guarantee that the activation rate(use the block sync-in pin) is coherent with the given buer-size and sampling-rate.In the case of an audio clock input, that input can be used as a clock source and the number of samples of the buer is automatically computed by the block. Cross fade id do cross fade type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether cross fade is enable or abrupt switch is used Clear id type type id When

clear Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger this bang is received, the internally queued audio data is cleared

Number of samples id num samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Name of the samples of the output datatype





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Ellipse2DGenerator Base base ellipse2d generator int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional ellipse that can be drawn too. The ellipse is represented by the central point an the axis lenght. Outputs Ellipse id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ellipse layout Points Coordinates domain [ 0, 3 ) If parameter is set to point then its a point datatype (a structure that contain inside both x and y). If the value is coordinates then the parameter point is splitted into two separated coordinates x and y value Base, Ellipse 2D int base, ellipse 2d int *no* *no* ellipse.


Domain id type type id

domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Int Geometric Double layout Graphic Int Graphic Double domain [ 0, 4 ) Specied the type of output. Its possible choose double or int type. Moreover its possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn X id x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Abscissa Y id y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Ordinate X Axis id type type id X Axis Y Axis id type type id Y Axis

x axis Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int lenght

y axis Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int lenght


Matrix Trasform id mode trasform type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Matrix Rotate layout Translate Scale domain [ 0, 4 ) Matrix Trasform Matrix trasform id trasform type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix trasform





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Ellipse3DGenerator Base base ellipse 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional ellipse. The object is represented by a center and 3 sizes. Outputs OutputEllipse3D id ellipse output type Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3Double type id base, base geometric ellipse 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Ellipse 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XCoordinate id x parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of the center YCoordinate id y parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 308

Y coordinate of the center ZCoordinate id z parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of the center XAxis id type type id Lenght YAxis id type type id Lenght ZAxis id type type id Lenght

xsize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of x axis

ysize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of y axis

zsize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of z axis




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EnvelopeFollower Base base Envelope Simone Ghisio

Detect the envelope of the input buer Inputs Input Buer id type type id input buer Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Buer This is the signal buer that must be elaborated

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output Buer id output buer type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input Buer inherited id *no* This is the signal buer that has been elaborated Parameters R id R type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


R in ohm C id C type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double C in Farad




blob from list.png blob from list.png ExtractBlobFromList Base base extract blob from list Paolo Coletta

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Extract a blob from the input list according to extraction type value.Its possible extract the blob by area value, by height or width value, by its contraction indexor calculating the distance between its baricenter and a given point. Inputs input list id type type id input list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* list of blob

Outputs output blob id output blob type Base, Blob 2D type id base, blob2d inplace id *no* inherited id *no* blob extracted from the input list


Parameters extraction type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Area Height layout Width Contraction index Distance from point domain [ 0, 5 ) species the feature used by the algorithm to extract the blob min max id minmax type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Max layout Min domain [ 0, 2 ) species if the algorithm must extract the blob with greather or smaller selected features





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ExtractBlobs Base base extract blobs Mirko Demurtas

Extract connected pixels in the image and it puts toghether in a structure called blob. Its possible associate togheter pixels not connected that are distant less or equal then parameter distance. Inputs Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image form which extract blobs

Outputs List Blob id output blob list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of extracted blobs. Number Blobs id OutputCountBlobs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


Number of Blobs extracted. This value is the size of List Blob and if there arent blob in the list the size is 0 Image Blobs id OutputImgBlobs type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* A gray tone Image containing all the extracted blobs. Blobs are distint by a dierent gray level. Image Threshold id OutputImgThreshold type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The image after Threshold operation Parameters Distance id distance type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Max distance between two pixels to be in the same blob Threshold id Threshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Disabled Single Mono layout Single Range Multi Mono Multi Range domain [ 0, 5 ) Type of threshold. -Disabled: no threshold operation. If the pixel value is dierent from 0 the the pixel is processed -Single Mono: If the pixel value is more then threshold value its processed. Otherwise the pixel is not computed. -Single Range: If the pixel value is between two values of threshold then its processed. Its possible choose if the right value is contained in the range or if it must be extrenal. -Multi Mono: Its the same thing of Single Mono, but its possible specify the threshold for each channel colour. -Multi Range: The


same thing of Singke Range but with the specication of the range for each channel colour. If Multi mode is selected then its possible choose wich channel thresholding: for exxample its possible thresholding only R and G channlesor only B and R.





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ExtractBlobsIPP Base base extract blobs ipp Simone Ghisio

Extract connected pixels in the image and it puts toghether in a structure called blob. Its possible associate togheter pixels not connected that are distant less or equal then parameter distance. Inputs Image id type type id input video streaming Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image form which extract blobs

Outputs List Blob id output blob list type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of extracted blobs. Number Blobs id output num blob type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


Number of Blobs extracted. This value is the size of List Blob and if there arent blob in the list the size is 0 Parameters MinLabel id param min label type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Minimal value of the marker label MaxLabel id param max label type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( -innity, 254 ] Maximal value of the marker label Connectivity id param connectivity type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Innity norm layout L1 norm domain [ 0, 2 ) Species type of the norm to form the mask for marker propagation: Innity norm (8-connectivity) L1 norm (4-connectivity)




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ExtractChannel Base base extract channel Mirko Demurtas

Extract one or any channels from an audio stream Error and Warning Messages - DURING EXECUTION PHASE - Unsupported time series datatype: if the input buer is not an audio buer or a temporal datatype. Inputs Input stream id type type id input audio stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output channel Input stream

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output channel id output audio stream 00 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input stream inherited id *no* Output channel


Parameters Num output id channels type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Multi output channel extract Channel selected for output id channel select type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Channel selected for output




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ExtractChannel Base base image extract channel Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Extract a single channel from a multichannel image Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input multichannel image

Outputs Output image id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output singlechannel image Parameters Channel index id index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 3 ] Zero-based index of the channel to be extracted





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ExtractColorBlobs Base base extract color blobs Paolo Coletta

Extract a labeled set of blobs, basing on their color. The user species the labels of the extracted blob and, for each label, the color. The color matching is not required to be precise. Inputs InputImage id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image where colored blobs will be searched. For performance reasons it is suggested, although not required, to provide an image in HSV format. Outputs OutputBlob id output type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output blob. Note that if the image does not contain any pixel brighter than the threshold, the blob would be empty, thus, no output is given


Parameters Number of blobs id num blobs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of colored blobs to be searched Color 1 id rgb color 1 type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Color to be searched Label 1 id type type id Label

label 1 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string of the blob

Hue Threshold 1 id hue threshold 1 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The threshold on the Hue value, normalized in the range from [0.0 to 1.0]. Values with the given hue (color) plus or minus the hue threshold are assumed to have the same hue. Saturation Threshold 1 id saturation threshold 1 type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The threshold on the Saturation value, normalized in the range from [0.0 to 1.0]. Values with the given hue (color) plus or minus the saturation threshold are assumed to have the same saturation.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Base base ExractGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. Its possible to extract by label or by position. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs OutputObject id output value type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output object extracted.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: base geometric ellipse 3d double base geometric labelled set 3d double base geometric line 3d double layout base geometric point 3d double base geometric rectangle 3d double base geometric size 3d double base geometric triangle 3d double domain [ 0, 7 ) Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter. ExtractionType id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Label layout Position domain [ 0, 2 ) If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction the block veries if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter. Label id type type id Label

Label Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string searched in the input list.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ExtractFromGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Base base ExractGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Simone Ghisio

The block extract a single object from a GeometricLabelledSet of 3D objects. Its possible to extract by label or by position. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs OutputObject id output value type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output object extracted.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: base geometric ellipse 3d int base geometric labelled set 3d int base geometric line 3d int layout base geometric point 3d int base geometric rectangle 3d int base geometric size 3d int base geometric triangle 3d int domain [ 0, 7 ) Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter. ExtractionType id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Label layout Position domain [ 0, 2 ) If Label mode is selected, the extraction in performed searching the label in the geomteric labelled set. Otherwise the extraction is performed by position. Before the extraction the block veries if datatype of object is compatible with DATATYPE parameter. Label id type type id Label

Label Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string searched in the input list.





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ExtractImageField Base base ImageExtractEvenOdd Mirko Demurtas

Extract a eld (even or odd depending on an user choice) from an interlaced frame Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image


Parameters Even - Odd id param extract type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Even layout Odd domain [ 0, 2 ) Extract Even or Odd Lines




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ExtractMidiTimecode Base base extract midi timeocde Paolo Coletta

Extract the timecode from a MIDI stream of data Inputs Midi Stream id type type id midi Base, MIDI base, midi required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The midi stream from which to extract and decode the MTC (Midi Timecode) messages

Outputs Timecode id timeocde type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The timecode extracted (and decoded) from the midi stream





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ExtractSingleBlob Base base extract single blob Paolo Coletta

Extract a single blob from the input image, by assuming that every pixel over the threshold belongs to the same unique blob. This block is designed to be used when it is reasonable to assume that the input image only contains a single blob and does not contain noise. In practice it can be used when tracking a single target in a controlled environment. For more complex environment refer to block @block(base,extract blobs). Inputs InputImage id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image which will be converted to a single blob. It must be a BW image

Outputs OutputBlob id output type Base, Blob 2D type id base, blob2d inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output blob. Note that if the image does not contain any pixel brighter than the threshold, the blob would be empty, thus, no output is given


Parameters Threshold id threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The threshold to decide which pixels will belong to the output blob. All pixels brighter than the given threshold will belong to the blob




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ExtractSubBlob Base base extractsubblob Maurizio Mancini

This block extracts a sub-blob from the given blob, depending on the given ROI. Inputs Input blob id type type id extractsubblob blobinput Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input blob, the output blob is extracted from this blob.

Input ROI id type type id

extractsubblob roiinput Base, Roi 2D int base, roi2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input ROI, it is used to determine the area of the input blob to be copied into the outputblob.


Outputs Output blob id extractsubblob bloboutput type Base, Blob 2D type id base, blob2d inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output blob, it is extracted from the input blob depending on the input ROI. If the input ROI is outside the input blob ROI then no blob is extracted. Blob present id type type id inplace id inherited id If the input set to 0. Parameters ROI type id ROItype type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Int layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) The input ROI can be specied by integer or double coordinates. ROI relative to id ROIrelative type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Image layout Blob domain [ 0, 2 ) The input ROI coordinates can be relative to the image coordinate system or to the blob coordinate system.

extractsubblob blobpresentoutput Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no* ROI is inside the input blob ROI then this ag is set to 1, otherwise it is




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ExtractSubstring Base base extract substring Paolo Coletta

Extract a substring from the input string. Inputs Input string id type type id input string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output substring referred as inherited *no* Input string from which a substring will be extracted.

Outputs Output substring id output string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id Input string inherited id *no* The output substring extracted from the input string. Parameters First character id rst character type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The zero-based index of the rst character to extract.


Last character id last character type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Last character




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ExtractTimeFromDate Base base extract time from date Paolo Coletta

Extract the time eld from a date tatatype. Inputs Date id type type id time Kernel, Datetime kernel, datetime required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Date

Outputs Time id type type id inplace id inherited id Time string Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors FFTCues Inputs

FFTCues Base base t cues Carlo Drioli

Input Fft buer id type type id

input tbuer Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Fft buer

Outputs Output scalar id output scalar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output scalar Output matrix id output matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix


Magnitude id type type id inplace id inherited id In the case Phase id type type id inplace id inherited id In the case Parameters

output scalar magnitude Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* of Max, provide the magnitude of the t in the maximum

output scalar phase Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* of Max, provides the phase of the t in the maximum

cue type id FftCues cuetype scalar type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None Energy Centroid Spectral Irregularity (SPI) layout Spectral Flux (SPF) Spectral Rollo High Frequency Energy (HFE) High Frequency Content (HFC) Strongest Frequency domain [ 0, 8 ] cue type cue type id type type id (matrix) FftCues cuetype matrix Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: None Mel Filter Bank layout Mfcc Mfcc Env. Power Spec. domain [ 0, 4 ]


cue tyoe (matrix) Filterbank size id Filterbank Size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Filterbank size N. of coes id n. of Coes type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int N. of coes dB ag id dB Flag type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool dB ag mel ag id Mel Flag type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool mel ag absolute threshold (ref. to linear energy) id abs threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double absolute threshold (ref. to linear energy) perc. threshold id perc. threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double perc. threshold





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FFTDisplay Base base FFTDisplay Alberto Massari Alessandro Fausto Mirko Demurtas

This block visualizes graphically the FFT spectrum using the Windows GDI library. When the datatype frequently changes, drawing the FFT waveform generates a very high refesh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive because the miss the processing power required to both refresh the display and iteract with the user. To avoid this situation, set the Refresh mode parameter to Frequency limited or to time limited. REMARKS ERRORS Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list: LIST The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the LIST are ignored because relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block. Inputs t data id type type id t data Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The FFT buer to display

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FFTransform Base base fast fourier transform Carlo Drioli

FFT Transform Inputs Input buer id type type id input data Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output Fft buer id output tbuer type Base, Audio FFT buer type id base, audio tbuer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Fft buer


Parameters t size id type type id FftTransform tsize Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Least possible FFT 256 512 1024 layout 2048 4096 8192 16384 domain [ 0, 7 ] t size

window type id FftTransform windowtype type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None BlackmanStd Bartlett layout Hamming Hann Kaiser domain [ 0, 5 ] window type





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FIRFilter Base base FIRFilter Roberto Sagoleo

This block operates as a low-pass, high-pass or band-pass lter. Inputs Input id type type id FIRInput Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input signal

Outputs Output id FIROutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output signal Parameters Cut o frequency 1 id FIRCutO1Frequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the rst Cut o frequency


Cut o frequency 2 id FIRCutO2Frequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the second Cut o frequency Numbers of taps id FIRNumbersOfTaps type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 5, +innity ) This is the Number of taps Smoothing window type id FIRWindowType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Barlett window Blackman window layout Hamming window Hann window Rect window domain [ 0, 4 ] This is the Type of windows Filter type id FIRFilterType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Low-Pass layout High-Pass Band-Pass domain [ 0, 2 ] Type of the FIR-lter (low-pass, high-pass or band-pass ltering) Normalized taps values id FIRNormalizedTapsValues type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool This is the Normalized taps ag


Reset id type type id Resets

FIRReset Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger the FIR lter to its initial state, using the reset parameter data value.

Reset value id ResetValue type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Output reset value that is used when the reset-button is pressed. Number of reset cycles id ResetCycles type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of calls to the FIR-ltering algorithm function, used during the reset phase which is activated by pressing the reset parameter button.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FaceDetection Base base FaceDetection Simone Ghisio

OpenCV face detection method based on Haar cascade classiers. Inputs InputImage id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image to detect objects in.

Outputs OutputImage id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output binary image with white regions representing the faces or any other object for which the classiers were trained


Parameters HaarCascadeXMLFileName id HaarCascadeXMLFileName type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=All les (*.*)*.* Haar classier cascade training xml le. Those les are usually located in C:\Program Files\OpenCV\data\haarcascades ScaleFactor id ScaleFactor type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The factor by which the search window is scaled between the subsequent scans, for example, 1.1 means increasing window by 10%. MinNeighboors id MinNeighboors type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object. All the groups of a smaller number of rectangles than min neighbors-1 are rejected. If min neighbors is 0, the function does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate rectangles, which may be useful if the user wants to apply a customized grouping procedure.

Flags id Flags type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Mode of operation. Currently the only ag that may be specied is CV HAAR DO CANNY PRUNIN If it is set, the function uses Canny edge detector to reject some image regions that contain too few or too much edges and thus can not contain the searched object. The particular threshold values are tuned for face detection and in this case the pruning speeds up the processing.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FeatureHistogrambyCells Base base FeatureHistogrambyCells Maurizio Mancini

compute features histogram in each local cell Inputs video input id type type id video input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* video stream to be processed

Outputs histogram id histogram type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* feature histogram output column number id column number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* number of vertical subdivisions


row number id row number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* number of horizontal subdivisions frame number id frame number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* number of rames Parameters column number id column number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int number of vertical subdivisions row number id row number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int number of horizontal subdivisions frame number id frame number type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int number of frames feature id type type id

feature Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: speed layout direction sample index 3 domain [ 0, 3 ) select feature to compute





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FileOperation Base base le operation Simone Ghisio

Execute some oprations on les and directories. The operation is executed only when trigger parameter is pressed. For CreateDirecotry, CurrentPath, Exists, FileSize, IsDirectory, IsEmpty, Remove and RemoveAll the operation uses only SourcePath and ignored DestinationPath. For other operations the block uses DestinationPath too. Parameters OperationType id operation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: CopyFile CreateDirecotry CurrentPath Exists FileSize layout IsDirectory IsEmpty Move Remove RemoveAll Rename domain [ 0, 11 ) Operation type. CopyFile: copy a le from source to destination path. CreateDirectory: create a directory using source path name. Exists: verify if source path le or directory exists. FileSize: return the size of source path le . IsDirectory: verify if source path is a directory. IsEmpty: verify if source path directory is empty. MoveFile: move a le from source to destination path. Remove: remove source path le whithout asking conrm. RemoveAll: remove the whole content of source path (directory or le) whithout asking conrm. Rename: reame source path to destination path.


ExecuteOperation id trigger type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Execute operation SourcePath id source path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Source path DestinationPath id destination path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Destination path. Ignored in some operations.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors Filter bank Inputs Input buer id type type id

FilterBank Base base lter bank Carlo Drioli

input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer


Parameters Filter type id lter type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Custom layout Gammatone - bands: 64 Gammatone - bands: 32 domain [ 0, 3 ) Lets you select the lter type. The custome choise lets you specify the coecents of the lter in the custom lter parameter. Custom lter id custom lter type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Let you specify the coecents of the lter. The proposed coecents are from the rst built-in lter. Channel index id channel index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The lter works on a single channel of the audio buer, even if the input buer is multichannel. This parameter let the user choose which channel to use.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Base base FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Double Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset from the input geometric labelled set 3d. Inputs InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input geometric labelled set 3D. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geomteric object. Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output geometric labelled set of homogeneous 3d geometric object.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: base geometric ellipse 3d double base geometric labelled set 3d double base geometric line 3d double layout base geometric point 3d double base geometric rectangle 3d double base geometric size 3d double base geometric triangle 3d double domain [ 0, 7 ) Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set. Extraction type id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: List layout By Label domain [ 0, 2 ) Its possible to extract a subset of input, ltering by datatype or ltering by label. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Base base FilterGeometricLabelledSet3D-Int Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset from the input geometric labelled set 3d. Inputs InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input geometric labelled set 3D. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geomteric object. Outputs OutputGeometricLabelledSet3D id output labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output geometric labelled set of homogeneous 3d geometric object.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: base geometric ellipse 3d int base geometric labelled set 3d int base geometric line 3d int layout base geometric point 3d int base geometric rectangle 3d int base geometric size 3d int base geometric triangle 3d int domain [ 0, 7 ) Datatype contained in the input geometric labelled set. Extraction type id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: List layout By Label domain [ 0, 2 ) Its possible to extract a subset of input, ltering by datatype or ltering by label. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FilterGeometricLabelledSetDouble Base base FilterGeometricLabelledSet-Double Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet id input labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object. Outputs Output GeometricLabelledSet id output labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: graphic ecllipse 2d double graphic line 2d double graphic point 2d double graphic polygon 2d double graphic polyline 2d double graphic rectangle 2d double ellipse 2d double layout geometric labeled set 2d double line 2d double point 2d double polygon 2d double polyline 2d double rectangle 2d double vector 2d double domain [ 0, 14 ) Datatype contained in the input list. Extraction type id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: List layout By Label domain [ 0, 2 ) If List value is selected then the output is an homogeneous list of geometricobject. If By Label is selected then the block extracts the element of the input list by its label. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FilterGeometricLabelledSetInt Base base FilterGeometricLabelledSet-Int Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet id input labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D int type id base, geometric labeled set 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object. Outputs Output GeometricLabelledSet id output labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D int type id base, geometric labeled set 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


Parameters Datatype id ClassPAr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: graphic ecllipse 2d int graphic line 2d int graphic point 2d int graphic polygon 2d int graphic polyline 2d int graphic rectangle 2d int ellipse 2d int layout geometric labeled set 2d int line 2d int point 2d int polygon 2d int polyline 2d int rectangle 2d int vector 2d int domain [ 0, 14 ) Datatype contained in the input list. Extraction type id Extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: List layout By Label domain [ 0, 2 ) If List value is selected then the output is an homogeneous list of geometricobject. If By Label is selected then the block extracts the element of the input list by its label. Catalog id Catalog type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected catalog id from Datatype parameter. Class id Class type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Read only parameter. Its the selected class id from Datatype parameter.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FitEllipse Base base FitEllipse Paolo Coletta

Computes the ellipse tting the input points. Inputs PointMatrix id type type id FitEllipse PointMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Double matrix consisting of points of which the ellipse has to be computed (2xn, where n=6). Outputs EllipseOutput id FitEllipse EllipseOutput type Base, Ellipse 2D double type id base, ellipse 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Bounding ellipse EllipseArea id type type id inplace id inherited id Area of the

FitEllipse EllipseArea Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* ellipse.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FlipFlopD Base base FlipFlipD Alessandro Fausto

This block implement the behaviour of D-type ip op with some enhancement.The user acting on the mode parameter can select if the input value is copied into output when the clock rise (0 - 1), fall (1 - 0) or each time a dataype arrives on the clock input.The block also have an input to set the startup value and a reset input to reset the output to the startup value. REMARKS The value input and statup value input must receive the same type of datatype. The reset input act like a trigger, when a new datatype arrives the output is set to the startup value. Inputs Input value id type type id input Value Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output This is the ip op input. When the clock input change match the current mode parameter this value is copied into th output. The datatype must be the same of ip op startup value. Input startup value id type type id

input startup value Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This value is used as startup value. When the patch start or when a new datatype arrive


on the reset input this value is copied on the output. The datatype must be the same of ip op input. clock id type type id

input clock Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input clock and control when the value input is copied into the output. See the description of mode parameter for more information on clock input handling. reset id input reset type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This reset input act as a trigger and reset the output to the startup value. This input is not required to execution the block. Outputs Output id output value type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input value inherited id *no* This is the output value. This value is updated only on clock input event, reset input events or patch start event. The reset is asyncronous (do not wait the clock event).


Parameters Mode id type type id param mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: up front layout down front trigger domain [ 0, 3 ) Denes how the clock is used: up front places the image one by the other one. The image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. down front places the image one by the other one. The image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. trigger the input is stored when each clock datatype arrives (the value of the clock is not analized). Patch start id param patch start type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Reset the output value (the startup value is copied on the output pin) when the patch start. The reset is asyncronous (do not wait the clock event). Has reset id param reset type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Show or hide the reset input trigger. See the reset input pin description for more informations.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors This block Inputs Input id type type id

ForeBackGround Base base ForeBackGround Mirko Demurtas

Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Foreground id type type id inplace id inherited id Foreground foreground Base, Image base, image *no* *no* Image

Background id background type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Background Image


FrameDierence id framedierenceBW type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* FrameDierence Image Silhouette id silhouette type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Silhouette Image New id type type id inplace id inherited id New Image Old id type type id inplace id inherited id Old Image Test id type type id inplace id inherited id Test Image Remove id type type id inplace id inherited id

new Base, Image base, image *no* *no*

old Base, Image base, image *no* *no*

test Base, Image base, image *no* *no*

remove Base, Image base, image *no* *no*


Remove Image Parameters Value 0 id value0 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Threshold channel 0 Value 1 id value1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Threshold channel 1 Value 2 id value2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Threshold channel 2



Foreground Detection


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Foreground Detection Base base Foreground Detection Simone Ghisio

The block calculates foreground mask. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image

Outputs Foreground Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Foreground image Background Image id bg image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* BackGround image


Parameters Model id type type id method Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Histogram layout Gaussian domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the model used to extract foreground image. Both foreground/background segmentation algorithm processes the sequence of images and trains statistical models for foreground and background pixels for this sequence. The algorithm applies the model to each image, classies its pixels as belonging to the foreground or background of the scene, and then updates the model with the image data. - Histogram- This method applies the histogram statistical model to the input image, and sets pixels of foreground image corresponding to the background pixels of the input image to zero, and foreground pixels to non-zero value.- Gaussian - The algorithm applies the Gaussian mixture statistical model to the input image, and sets pixels of output image corresponding to the background pixels of the input image to zero, and foreground pixels - to non-zero value. ValueQuantization id value quant type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of quantization levels for pixel values ChangeQuantization id change quant type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of quantization levels for the speed of pixel value change ValueUse id value use type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of most frequent pixel value levels used for classication


Value All id value all type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of all pixel value levels monitored by the model ChangeUse id change use type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of most frequent speed levels used for classication ChangeAll id change all type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of all speed levels monitored by the model UpdBGPropId id UpdBGProp type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Speed of updating of the background probability UpdBGRefId id UpdBGRef type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Speed of updating of the reference background image NumberFrame id Frame type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of background frames for adjustment of shadows searching. Only for 3-channels images. DetectionRate id Detection type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Speed of shadows searching. Only for 3-channels images


BrightnessDistortion id distortion type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Lower bound of the normalized brightness distortion for shadows. Only for 3-channels images ShadowBG id shadow type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Flag of shadows searching. If shadowBG is 1, then pixels belonging to colored shadows are marked as background, otherwise they may be included in foreground areas. Only for 3-channels images




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FormatDateAsString Base base format date as string Paolo Coletta Massimiliano Peri

Formats a datetime to a string. Inputs Input id type type id time Kernel, Datetime kernel, datetime required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input date

Outputs Output id string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output String


Parameters Format type id format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Custom layout ISO Extended ISO domain [ 0, 3 ) Format type Format Mode id format mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Boost syntax layout EyesWeb syntax domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether the custom format string uses the boost-based syntax or the EyesWeb one

Format String id custom string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string For the boost syntax see: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/date time/date time io.html#date time.fo For the EyesWeb syntax, see FormatTimeAsString for the time part. The date part is formatted as it follows. + &[opts]Y Year + &[opts]m month (in digits) + &[opts]d day (in digits) + &M Month (English name) + &D Day (English name)




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FormatDoubleAsString Base base format double as string Paolo Coletta

Formats a double (oating-point number) as a string. Inputs Input value id type type id input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input value

Outputs String id type type id inplace id inherited id String Parameters Format id type type id string format Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Exponential layout Dotted domain [ 0, 2 ) 376 output Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*

The output string will be formatted with the selected format Precision id precision type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Precision




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FormatGenericAsString Base base format generic as string Paolo Coletta

Formats a generic datatype as a string (using the SerializeAsText method of the datatype). Inputs Generic datatype id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input can be any datatype. The only requirement is that the datatype implements the method SerializeAsText, which should be the case for any valid datatype. Outputs String id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Add init info id init info type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the serialized initialization info is added to each output string. output Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no* string which contains a textual representation of the datatype.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

FormatTimeAsString Base base format time as string Paolo Coletta

Formats a time as a string. Inputs String id type type id time Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* String

Outputs Time id type type id inplace id inherited id Time string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*


Parameters Format id type type id string format Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: hh:mm:ss.ms hh:mm:ss hh:mm ms 100 ns layout hh:mm:ss/pal frames hh:mm:ss/pal frames::subframes@100Hz hh:mm:ss/ntsc frames hh:mm:ss/ntsc frames::subframes@120Hz Custom (user specied format string) domain [ 0, 10 ) The output string will be formatted with the selected format

Custom format string id custom format string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The parameter species the time string representation, according to the given format string. If no format string is given, than the string representation of the TIME value is returned. The valid speciers for the format string are the following: + %[opts] D total number of days + %[opts] H total number of hours + %[opts] M total number of minutes + %[opts] S total number of seconds + %[opts] t total number of tenth of seconds + %[opts] h total number of hundreds of seconds + %[opts] m total number of milliseconds + %[opts] c total number of microseconds + %[opts] n total number of nanoseconds + %[opts] d total number of 100nanoseconds (DirectShow unit) + %[opts] p total number of PAL frames + %[opts] f total number of NTSC frames + %[opts][*sr] s total number of frames sampled @ [sr] Hertz. Default value for [sr] is 100 + %[opts]H remaining number of hours + %[opts]M remaining number of minutes + %[opts]S remaining number of seconds + %[opts]t remaining number of tenth of seconds + %[opts]h remaining number of hundreds of seconds + %[opts]m remaining number of milliseconds + %[opts]c remaining number of microseconds + %[opts]n remaining number of nanoseconds + %[opts]d remaining number of 100nanoseconds (DirectShow unit) + %[opts]p remaining number of PAL frames + %[opts]f remaining number of NTSC frames where valid options [opts] are: a number specifying the minimum size (in characters) of the formatted string. If the given size is not reached, the string will be zero-padded. and [sr] is the sampling rate when a standard one (PAL or NTSC) is not used. All characters in the format string which will not be recognized as options or format speciers will be copied to the output string without changes. Examples: value: 36000560000; format string: % H:%M:%S:%h; result: 1:0:0:56




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors This block Inputs Input id type type id

FrameDierence Base base FrameDierence Mirko Demurtas

Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Output id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image Parameters Number of Frame id NumFrame type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of Frame




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Gaussian Base base Gaussian Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the gaussian of the input value according to the specied parameters. Inputs id type type id Input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters id Mu type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id Sigma type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


id UseCustomAmplitude type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool id CustomAmplitude type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GeometricFeatures3D-Double Base base GeometricFeatures3D-Double Simone Ghisio

The block ealuates some geometric features of 3d objects. Each object is represented by a point and the block uses it to do the processing. Inputs InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs Baricenter3D id output point type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Tha geometric baricenter of points that represent 3d objects.


Parameters OutputType id output type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Baricenter Bounding rectangle layout Volume Velocity domain [ 0, 4 ) Output type.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GeometricFeatures3D-Int Base base GeometricFeatures3D-Int Simone Ghisio

The block ealuates some geometric features of 3d objects. Each object is represented by a point and the block uses it to do the processing. Inputs InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set of 3D object. This is a non homogeneous list of 3d geometric object. Outputs Baricenter3D id output point type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInt type id base, base geometric point 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Tha geometric baricenter of points that represent 3d objects.


Parameters OutputType id output type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Baricenter Bounding rectangle layout Volume Velocity domain [ 0, 4 ) Output type.



GetEllipse2DFeatures - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetEllipse2DFeatures - double Base base get ellipse2d features double Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks returns a selected feature of the input ellipse (e.g., coordinates of the center, length of the axes, eccentricity) Inputs Input ellipse id type type id input Base, Ellipse 2D double base, ellipse 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input ellipse.

Outputs Extracted feature id output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The current value of the extracted feature.


Parameters Feature to extract id feature to extract type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: X coordinate of the center Y coordinate of the center Length of the x axis layout Length of the y axis Eccentricity Area Rotation domain [ 0, 7 ) The feature to be extracted from the input ellipse.Its possible extract the cooridnates of the centre of the elipse, the leght of x and y axis or the eccentricity (x and y axis lenght ratio. The value is normalized between 0 and 1)



GetEllipse2DFeatures - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetEllipse2DFeatures - int Base base get ellispe2d features int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks returns the selected feature of the input ellipse (e.g., coordinates of the center, length of the axes, eccentricity) Inputs Input ellipse id type type id input Base, Ellipse 2D int base, ellipse 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input ellipse.

Outputs Extracted feature id output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The current value of the extracted feature.


Parameters Feature to extract id feature to extract type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: X coordinate of the center Y coordinate of the center Length of the x axis layout Length of the y axis Eccentricity Area Rotation domain [ 0, 7 ) The feature to be extracted from the input ellipse.Its possible extract the cooridnates of the centre of the elipse, the leght of x and y axis or the eccentricity (x and y axis lenght ratio. The value is normalized between 0 and 1)





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetEllipse3DFeatures-Double Base base ellipse features double Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D ellipse. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3Double base, base geometric ellipse 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Center id output center type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the center. Sizes id type type id inplace id inherited id Sizes of the

output size Base, BaseGeometricSize3Double base, base geometric size 3d double *no* *no* ellipse.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetEllipse3DFeatures-Int Base base ellipse features int Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D ellipse. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricEllipse3DInt base, base geometric ellipse 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Center id output center type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInt type id base, base geometric point 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the center. Sizes id type type id inplace id inherited id Sizes of the

output size Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInt base, base geometric size 3d int *no* *no* ellipse.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetImageStatistics Base base image statistics Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Provides statistics about the image, such as mean, max, stddev, etc. The processing of each statistics can be activated indipendently from the other one, in order toreduce CPU overhead. Note that all outputs are always kept, even if the computation is disabled.This is done to let user enable/disable such computations even at run-time Inputs Input id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image on which to compute statistics. Although multichannel images are accepted, statistics will be computed on one channel only. Outputs Min id type type id inplace id inherited id Computed output min Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* min value


Max id type type id inplace id inherited id Computed Mean id type type id inplace id inherited id Computed

output max Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* max value

output mean Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* mean value

Standard deviation id output stddev type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Computed standard deviation Sum id type type id inplace id inherited id Computed

output sum Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* sum

Min position id output minidx type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Position of the min value Max position id type type id inplace id inherited id

output maxidx Base, Point 2D int base, point 2d int *no* *no* 395

Position of the max value Parameters Channel index id index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 3 ] Index of the channel on which to compute statistics. Min id compute min type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute min value Max id compute max type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute max value Mean id compute mean type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute mean value Standard deviation id compute stddev type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute standard deviation Sum id compute sum type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute sum Index of Min id compute minidx type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute min value


Index of Max id compute maxidx type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Compute index of max value





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetIndexedPath Base base get indexed path Paolo Coletta

This block receives an index as input, and provides, as output the name of the corresponding le (or folder) in the lesystem. The user can specify the folder where the les are looked for, whether to recurse subfolders or not, and a pattern of the les to be taken into account. Furthermore, the user can specify the sorting criteria and the behaviour of the block when an invalid index is given. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* File index

Outputs Pathname id path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Full pathname


Number of les id number of les type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Number of les found Parameters Source Folder id path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string layout Folder Source Folder Recursive id recursive type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Recursive search Files or paths id le or path type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: File layout Path domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the block enumerates les or paths

Filename mask id mask type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename/pathname mask (use regular expression syntax in Perl syntax: http://www.boost.org/libs/re


Order by id order by type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Name layout Last Write Size domain [ 0, 3 ) Order le by name, date etc.. Sorting type id sorting type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Ascending layout Descending Random domain [ 0, 3 ) Sorting Type Refresh id refresh type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Refresh Out of bounds id out of bound type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Wrap layout Bound Ignore domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the behaviour if the index of le is negative or greater than the number of les in the seleceted folder




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetLine3DFeatures-Double Base base line features double Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D line. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricLine3Double base, base geometric line 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs PointA id output point a type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the rst point. PointB id output point b type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the second point.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetLine3DFeatures-Int Base base line features int Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D line. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricLine3DInt base, base geometric line 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs PointA id output point a type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the rst point. PointB id output point b type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the second point.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetPixel Base base GetPixel Alessandro Fausto

This block extracts from input image the color components of one pixel.The pixel is selected by its (X,Y) cartesian coordinates. Inputs image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs OutputRGB id OutputRGB type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Pixel channels (Red, green, blue) with normalized values OutputAlpha id OutputAlpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Alpha channel with normalized values


Parameters Output id type type id paramOutputMode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: RGB color and alpha value (RGB + double) layout Normalized channels values (double) Channels values (integer) domain [ 0, 3 ) Discriminate between the format of output information

Coordinates id paramPositionMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Separated integer X and Y Separated oating point X and Y layout (x,y) integer coordinate (x,y) Floating point coordinate domain [ 0, 4 ) Discriminate between dierent modes to specify the position of selected pixel.The dierence between this modes are two.The rst dierence concern the datatype used to contain this informations.The second diference is the range of coordinates. This block expect normalized values (0,1) for each coordinate when oating point coordinates are select.Otherwise it expect (0,width) for X coordinate and (0,height) for Y coordinate.The coordinate system is allways cartesian. (X,Y) id paramPosition type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double Is the coordinate of pixel (the column and row of pixel). Each component is expected in range (0,1).




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GetPoint2DCoordinates Base base get point2d coordinates Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts the coordinates (x, y) of a bidimensional point. Work with both integer or oating point points Inputs Input point id type type id input Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input bidimensional point whose coordinates will be extracted

Outputs Output X id output x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* X coordinate extracted from the input point Output Y id output y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Y coordinate extracted from the input point


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the block operates with integer coordinates or with double coordinates.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetPoint3DCoordinates-Double Base base point coordinates double Simone Ghisio

Return coordinates of 3D point. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double base, base geometric point 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Coordinate X id output coordinate x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates X. Coordinate Y id output coordinate y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates Y.


Coordinate Z id output coordinate z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates Z.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetPoint3DCoordinates-Int Base base point coordinates int Simone Ghisio

Return coordinates of 3D point. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInt base, base geometric point 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Coordinate X id output coordinate x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates X. Coordinate Y id output coordinate y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates Y.


Coordinate Z id output coordinate z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates Z.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetROI Base base image get roi Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

This block extract the coordinate of image Region Of Interest (ROI). The image ROI is a rectangular area which may be either some part of the image or the whole image. Most imaging blocks operations will only aect the ROI instead of the whole image. Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs ROI coordinates id output video roi type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinate of image region of interest (ROI).





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetRectangle3DFeatures-Double Base base rectangle features double Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D rectangle. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3Double base, base geometric rectangle 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Origin id output center type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the Origin. Sizes id type type id inplace id inherited id Sizes of the

output size Base, BaseGeometricSize3Double base, base geometric size 3d double *no* *no* rectangle.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetRectangle3DFeatures-Int Base base rectangle features int Simone Ghisio

Return some features of 3D rectangle. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3DInt base, base geometric rectangle 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs Origin id output center type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3DInt type id base, base geometric point 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Coordinates of the Origin. Sizes id type type id inplace id inherited id Sizes of the

output size Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInt base, base geometric size 3d int *no* *no* rectangle.



GetSize2DFields - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetSize2DFields - double Base base get size2d elds double Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts the elds of a bidimensional size. Work with double sizes (sizes with oating point elds) Inputs Input size id type type id input Base, Size 2D double base, size2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input bidimensional size whose leds will be extracted

Outputs Output X id output cx type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along the X axis, i.e., width Output Y id output cy type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along the Y axis, i.e., height



GetSize2DFields - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetSize2DFields - int Base base get size2d elds int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts the elds of a bidimensional size. Work with integer sizes (sizes with integer elds) Inputs Input size id type type id input Base, Size 2D int base, size2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input bidimensional size whose leds will be extracted

Outputs Output X id output cx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along the X axis, i.e., width Output Y id output cy type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along the Y axis, i.e., height




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetSize3DFields-Double Base base size elds double Simone Ghisio

Return elds of Size 3D. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricSize3Double base, base geometric size 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs XSize id output size x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along x axis. YSize id output size y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along y axis.


ZSize id output size z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along z axis.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetSize3DFields-Int Base base size elds int Simone Ghisio

Return elds of Size 3D. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInt base, base geometric size 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Outputs XSize id output size x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along x axis. YSize id output size y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along y axis.


ZSize id output size z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Size along z axis.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetTransform3DValues-Double Base base transform 3d values double Simone Ghisio

Return rotation, scaling and translation values. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double Outputs Rotation id output rotate type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The orientation of the object. In this case orientation is stored in point structure. Scale id type type id inplace id inherited id

output scale Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double base, base geometric point 3d double *no* *no* 420

The scaling of the object. In this case scaling is stored in point structure. Translate id type type id inplace id inherited id The scaling

output translate Base, BaseGeometricSize3Double base, base geometric size 3d double *no* *no* of the object. In this case transltion is stored in size structure.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetTransform3DValues-Int Base base transform 3d values int Simone Ghisio

Return rotation, scaling and translation values. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int Outputs Rotation id output rotate type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The orientation of the object. In this case orientation is stored in point structure. Scale id type type id inplace id inherited id

output scale Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double base, base geometric point 3d double *no* *no* 422

The scaling of the object. In this case scaling is stored in point structure. Translate id type type id inplace id inherited id The scaling

output translate Base, BaseGeometricSize3DInt base, base geometric size 3d int *no* *no* of the object. In this case transltion is stored in size structure.



GetVector2DCoordinates - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetVector2DCoordinates - double Base base get vector2d coordinates double Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

This blocks returns the coordinates of the input 2D vector either in a cartesian or in a polar reference system Inputs Input vector id type type id input Base, Vector 2D double base, vector 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input vecctor

Outputs First coordinate id output x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The x coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the module (in a polar reference system) Second coordinate id output y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


The y coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the angle (in a polar reference system) Parameters Output coordinates id output coordinates type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Cartesian layout Polar domain [ 0, 2 ) The coordinate reference system used to extract the vector coordinates (it may be either cartesian or polar) Get versor id get versor type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If this parameter is set to true, the (normalized) x and y components of the versor of the input vector are returned. This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are in cartesian coordinates. Angle measure unit id angle unit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Radiants layout Degrees domain [ 0, 2 ) The measure unit for the angle of the input vector (either radiants or degrees). This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are polar coordinates.



GetVector2DCoordinates - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GetVector2DCoordinates - int Base base get vector2d coordinates int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

This blocks returns the coordinates of the input 2D vector either in a cartesian or in a polar reference system Inputs Input vector id type type id input Base, Vector 2D int base, vector 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input vecctor

Outputs First coordinate id output x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The x coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the module (in a polar reference system) Second coordinate id output y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


The y coordinate (in a cartesian reference system) or the angle (in a polar reference system) Parameters Output coordinates id output coordinates type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Cartesian layout Polar domain [ 0, 2 ) The coordinate reference system used to extract the vector coordinates (it may be either cartesian or polar) Get versor id get versor type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If this parameter is set to true, the (normalized) x and y components of the versor of the input vector are returned. This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are in cartesian coordinates. Angle measure unit id angle unit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Radiants layout Degrees domain [ 0, 2 ) The measure unit for the angle of the input vector (either radiants or degrees). This parameter is enabled only if the output coordinates are polar coordinates.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GoodFeatures Base base Good Features Simone Ghisio

The block nds corners with big eigenvalues in the image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Output Geometric Labelled Set id output geometric labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of features generated by the method. Parameters Generate new points id load type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Generates new points to track


Points To Track id points to tracks type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of Points To Track Quality Level id quality level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Multiplier for the maxmin eigenvalue; species minimal accepted quality of image corners. Minimum distance id minimum distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Limit, specifying minimum possible distance between returned corners; Euclidian distance is used. Input type id input type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Image layout Image + Blob domain [ 0, 2 ) The parameter specifying the input type. If image is selected teh method assignsfeatures in the entire image. If Image + Blob is selected the method assigns points only in the silhouette area. Output type id output type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) The parameter specifying if the output is integer (pixel value) or double.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

GrayToColor Base base GrayToColor Roberto Sagoleo

Converts a gray scaled image into a colored image Inputs InputImage id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Gray scaled input image

Outputs OutputImage id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* RGB colored output image


Parameters Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RGB layout BGR domain [ 0, 1 ] Color model of the output image. FractionRed id red type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Red component of the output image FractionGreen id green type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Green component of the output image FractionBlue id blu type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Blue component of the output image





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GrayToRainbow Base base GrayToRainbow Mirko Demurtas

Color the gray image Inputs Image id type type id Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Image id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

HaarCascade Base base haarcascade Maurizio Mancini

Runs a classiers for detecting objects of a particular type. Haar classiers are commonly used to detect faces; however, other objects can be detected according to the trained data which is being used. The output is a list of rectangles each surrounding a zone were an object has been detected Inputs InputImage id type type id haarcascadeinputimage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* input

Outputs Rectangles list id haarcascadeoutputlist type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of extracted areas (list of Geometric Rectangle 2D Double).


Parameters Classier id type type id path haarcascadeclassierpath Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, layout SaveMode=false, OverwritePrompt=true Path to the XML le containing the classier data. Some classiers are provided together with the OpenCv distribution, which can be downloaded from the SourceForge website http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary Min neighbors id haarcascademinneighbors type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Minimum number (minus 1) of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object. All the groups of a smaller number of rectangles than min neighbors-1 are rejected. If min neighbors is 0, the function does not any grouping at all and returns all the detected candidate rectangles, which may be useful if the user wants to apply a customized grouping procedure. Scale Factor id haarcascadescalefactor type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The factor by which the search window is scaled between the subsequent scans, for example, 1.1 means increasing window by 10%%. Do Canny Pruning id haarcascadedocannypruning type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR DO CANNY PRUNING ag (see OpenCv doc) Scale Image id haarcascadescaleimage type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR SCALE IMAGE ag (see OpenCv doc)


Find Biggest Object id haarcascadendbiggestobject type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR FIND BIGGEST OBJECT ag (see OpenCv doc) Do Rough Search id haarcascadedoroughsearch type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enables or disables the corresponding CV HAAR DO ROUGH SEARCH ag (see OpenCv doc)




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HammingDistance Base base hamming distance Paolo Coletta

Computes the hamming distance between two images Details Hamming distance is computed by pairwise comparing the bits of two pixels, and counting the number of dierent ones. Notes For an 8-bits image, the maximum dierence is 8; since the output range in this case would be 0-255 a value of 8 is a very dark grey. This means that you should probably amplify the output or threshold it in order to visualize the result. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 0 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input image to compute the distance with the second one

Input 2 id input 1 type Base, Image type id base, image required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image to compute the distance with the rst one


Outputs Output id output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input 1 inherited id *no* Resulting image




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Histogram Base base MonodimensionalHistogram Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the running histogram of the incoming values Inputs Input values id type type id Input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input values on which the histogram is computed

Outputs Histogram id Output type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The computed histogram Parameters Minimum value id Min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The low bound of the range for the input values


Maximum value id Max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The high bound of the range for the input values Number of bins id Bins type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of bins for the histogram Output mode id Mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Raw layout Normalized In percentage domain [ 0, 3 ) The mode for representing the output histogram




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Histogram Base base image histogram Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Computes the histogram of an image Inputs Input image id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image to be analyzed. The image can be both single channel or multichannel. The settings of the block let you ignore the alpha channel, in the case that you do not need to compute its histogram. Outputs Output histogram id output hist type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The calculated input image histogram matrix. The matrix has a row for every channel of the input image, and a column for every histogram bin


Output histogram levels id output hist levels type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is a single-row matrix containing the levels used to calculate the histogram bins. The number of levels (columns) is NumBins+1 Parameters Num. bins id num bins type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of histogram bins. The number of levels is NumBins+1 Lower level id lower level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the lower level of the interval that is used to evenly distribute the histogram bins Upper level id upper level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the upper level of the interval that is used to evenly distribute the histogram bins Levels id levels type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Species the histogram levels. The n-th histogram bin is in the interval [ level(n) .. level(n+1) ) Ignore Alpha id ingore alpha type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When false, the histogram is calculated also for the alpha channel


Normalized id normalized type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When false every bin contains the number of pixels that falls in the corresponding bin interval, when true the same number is divided by the total number of pixels in the image Accumulate id accumulate type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When false the output histogram is calculated on the very last input image, when true the histogram is calculated on all the input images from the last Clear command to the last image Clear id clear type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Clear the accumulated histograms when in Accumulate mode




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HistogramDistribution Base base image probability distribution Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Computes the probability distribution of an image given a probability histogram Inputs Input image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the image for which the probability distribution of the given histogram is calculated Input histogram id type type id

input hist Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the histogram used to calculate the probability distribution of the given image


Input histogram levels id input hist levels type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Represents the histogram levels used to calculate the given histogram Outputs Output image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image where the (oating point) probabilities of every single pixel of the imput image are stored





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HistogramSimple Base base Histogram Mirko Demurtas

Calculates the histogram of the image. It operates on uniform bins of unitary size, i.e., each bin spans one color level. In an 8 bit image, where color levels span the range [0-255] there are 255 bins: [0-1], [1-2], [2-3], ..., [254-255]. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Matrix id type type id inplace id inherited id Histogram output matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* of image





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HistogramSizeBlob Base base histogram size blob Simone Ghisio

HistogramSizeBlob block performs a vertical/horizontal scan of the input blob and give an integer matrix as output. The matrix has width/height columns and 1 row. The value of each cell is the number of white pixel in the vertical/horizontal line of the blob. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs Output Histogram id output histogram type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix histogram.


Parameters Scan direction id scan direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Vertical layout Horizontal domain [ 0, 2 ) Scan Direction





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HsvToRgbFormatConverter Base base HSV to RGB Roberto Sagoleo

This block converts the H,S,V (Hue,Saturation,Value) input values into the corresponding R,G,B (Red,Green,Blue) output values. Inputs H id type type id H Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The Hue input value to be converted

S id type type id S Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The Saturation input value to be converted


V id type type id

V Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The Value input value to be converted

Outputs R id R type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The converted Red output value. G id G type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The converted Green output value. R id B type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The converted Blue output value.




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IFFTransform Base base inv fast fourier transform Carlo Drioli

Inverse FFT Transform Inputs Input Fft buer id type type id input tbuer Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Fft buer

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer



Image extremes


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Image extremes Base base image extremes Simone Ghisio

This block nd extreme pixels in the input blob and returns the coordinate of that point. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs Output Point id output point type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output point


Parameters Position id parameter position type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Top Right layout Bottom Left domain [ 0, 4 ) Position Type id type type id

parameter type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Type





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ImageAudioDisplay Base base DrawAudio Mirko Demurtas

This block displays the waveform of the input audio stream Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Background of graph image

Audio id type type id

InputData00 Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Audio Input


Outputs Output id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Graph image output Parameters Font Axis id FontAxis type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Font Axis Label id Label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Label




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ImageBlur Base base opencv image blur Alessandro Fausto

This block smooth the input image using the blur algorithm. The size of neigthbor area pixels is given as parameter and must be odd. Inputs image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace OutputImage referred as inherited *no* Image to blur

Outputs OutputImage id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id image inherited id *no* Blurred image Parameters Neighborhood id Neightborhood type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Set the size of neightbor area, must be odd.




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ImageConcatenate Base base ImageConcatenate Alessandro Fausto

Places images one by the other one to form a bigger image. REMARKS The images must have the same format (color model, pixel model, alpha channel). If the image concatenation is done horizontally the height of all input images must be the same.If the image concatenation is done vertically the width of all input images must be the same. Inputs Image1 id type type id video stream 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output This is the 1-th input image. All images must use the same color model and pixel depth.

Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Image2 id type type id

video stream 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the 2-th input image. All images must use the same color model and pixel depth.


Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of input images that the block will accept Mode id type type id video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Image1 *no* output image which contains the input images

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: horizontally layout vertically domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes how the images are placed: horizontally places the image one by the other one. The image size increases, whereas height is unchanged. vertically places the image one over the other one. The image height increases, whereas size is unchanged. Order id type type id

order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: left to right layout right to left domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes how the input is concatenated: left to right input images are concatenated starting from the left side of output image; right to left input images are concatenated starting from the right side of output image.




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ImageConversion Base base image converter Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Converts the image from one format to another. It may perform color model conversion as well as pixel format conversion Inputs Input image id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output image Input image which needs to be converted

Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Outputs Output image id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input image inherited id *no* Converted image


Parameters Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Same as input BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV RGBA BGRA YUVA HSVA ARGB ABGR AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 18 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: Same as input (Use the same color model of the input image) BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).


Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Same as input 8 bits per channel, unsigned layout 16 bits per channel, unsigned 16 bits per channel, signed 32 bits per channel, oating-point domain [ 0, 5 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Set the size to (0; 0) for using the same size of input image. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL


LetterBox Mode id letterbox mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No letterbox CenterMiddle NoneTop NoneMiddle NoneBottom LeftNone LeftTop LeftMiddle layout LeftBottom CenterNone CenterTop CenterBottom RightNone RightTop RightMiddle RightBottom domain [ 0, 16 ) Species where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in No letterbox the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to cover all available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space. This enumerator species where to place such black frame. Since the user might not know in advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each mode species how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle means that if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, and the matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image will be vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the rst referring to the horizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontal centering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assume values none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is needed on that direction, than the image is stretched to ll the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTop means that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is applied and the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.


Interpolation id interpolation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest Neighbor layout Linear Cubic domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.




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ImageFixedFilter Base base image xed lter Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Apply xed lter to input image Inputs image input id type type id input video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Image image input

Required interfaces base, image lter Base, ImageROI Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Outputs Image id type type id inplace id inherited id The image output video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype image input *no* after the ltering.


Parameters Filter id type type id lter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Prewitt Horizontal Prewitt Vertical Sobel Horizontal Sobel Vertical Roberts Down Roberts Up Laplace 3x3 Laplace 5x5 layout Gauss 3x3 Gauss 5x5 Hi pass 3x3 Hi pass 5x5 Low pass 3x3 Low pass 5x5 Sharpen Generic domain [ 0, 16 ) Filter

Kernel id lter kernel type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Kernel Divisor id divisor type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Divisor




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ImageGenerator Base base image generator Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

This block generates an image using one of the following six sources: Constant Color bars Random values with uniform distribution Random values with Gaussian distribution Jaehne Ramp Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL output video stream Base, Image base, image *no* *no* with the characteristics specied in the block


Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);


YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value). Continuous id continuous type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether the output is always generated (true) or only when the value changes (false) Color id constant color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor This color is used as main color value (RGB space model) in Constant, Jaehne and Ramp source type. Alpha id constant alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The alpha channel is lled with this value. Source type id source type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Constant Color bars Random values with uniform distribution layout Random values with Gaussian distribution Jaehne Ramp domain [ 0, 6 ) Species the type of image generated. May assume one of following values: Constant (all pixels have the same color) Color Bars (vertical bar of colors) Random values with uniform distribution (pixels have random values) Random values with Gaussian distribution (pixels have random values) Jaehne (Jaehnes test image) Ramp (gradient of color intensity starting on the upper left corner)


Seed id seed type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Seed value used to initialize the random number generator. This parameter is used in the two Random value source types. Min (uniform) id unif min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Lower bound for the range of uniform distribution. This parameter is used only in the Random value with uniform distribution source type. Max (uniform) id unif max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Upper bound for the range of uniform distribution. This parameter is used only in the Random value with uniform distribution source type. Mean id gauss mean type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Mean of gaussian distribution. This parameter is used only in the Random value with gaussian distribution source type. Standard deviation id gauss stddev type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Standard deviation of gaussian distribution. This parameter is used only in the Random value with gaussian distribution source type.


Axis id type type id

axis Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Horizontal axis layout Vertical axis Both axis domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the direction of the image intensity ramp. May be the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, or both. This parameter is used only in Ramp source type. Oset id ramp oset type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Starting value of the color intensity ramp. This parameter is used only in the Ramp source type. Slope id ramp slope type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Slope value of the color intensity ramp. This parameter is used only in the Ramp source type.




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ImageGetDescription Base base image getdescription Roberto Sagoleo

Provides as output the description of the specied characteristic (Field param) of the input image. Width - the output is the width, in pixels, of the image; Height - the output is the height, in pixels, of the image; Depth - the output is the depth of each color channel (see Depth Map); Number of channels - the output is the number of color channels of the image; Color model - the output is the color model of the image (see Color Model Map); Alpha channel - 1 if the input image has an alpha channel, 0 otherwise; Step size - the output is the size in byte of each line of the image; Depth Map: 1-single bit 8-8 bit unsigned 16-16 bit unsigned 32-32 bit oat -21474836408 bit signed -2147483632-16 bit signed -2147483616-32 bit signed Color Model Map: 0 GRAY ( Each pixel is 1 channel only. No alpha supported. ) 1 - RGB ( Each pixel is made of 3 channels: Red, Green, and Blue. Supports an optional alpha channel. ) 2 - BGR ( Each pixel is made of 3 channels: Blue, Green, and Red. Supports an optional alpha channel. ) 3 - YUV ( Each pixel is made of 3 channels named Y, U, and V. Supports an optional alpha channel. ) 4 - YUYV ( Each couple of pixel is composed of Y, U, Y, V values, thus, U and V are subsamples (factor 1/2) with respect to Y. ) 5 - UYVY ( Each couple of pixel is composed of U, Y, V, Y values, thus, U and V are subsamples (factor 1/2) with respect to Y. ) 6 - I420 ( Planar format with horizontal and vertical downsampling (factor 1/2). The plane order is Y U V. ) 7 - YV12 ( Planar format with horizontal and vertical downsampling (factor 1/2). The plane order is Y V U. ) 8 - HSV ( Each pixel is made of 3 channels: Hue, Saturation, and Value. Supports an optional alpha channel. ) Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input Image from which to get the descriptions


Outputs Field id type type id inplace id inherited id Field of the Parameters Single or id type type id multiple eld description description output mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Single Field layout Multiple Fields domain [ 0, 2 ) Get single or multiple eld description. out sing info Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no* input image

Field id type type id

single information Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Width (single) Height (single) Depth (single) layout Number of channels (single) Color model (single) Alpha channel (single) Step size (single) domain [ 0, 7 ) Field of the input image.





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ImageMatrixGraph Base base DrawTable Mirko Demurtas

This block draws the value of the matrix items on the passthrough image Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Background of graph image

Table id type type id

InputData00 Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Table Input


Outputs Output id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Graph image output Parameters Font Axis id FontAxis type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Font Axis Label id Label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Label




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ImageMedianFilter Base base image median lter Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

The block implements the non-linear median lter that is used to reduce noise in an image. Remarks The median lter considers each pixel in the image mask and looks at its nearby neighbors to decide whether or not it isrepresentative of its surroundings. It replaces it with the median of those values. The median is calculated by rst sortingall the pixel values from the surrounding neighborhood into numerical order and then replacing the pixel being considered withthe middle pixel value. (If the neighborhood under consideration contains an even number of pixels, the average of the two middle pixel values is used.) Error and Warning Messages During Initialization Phase -The mask or the anchor are invalid: if the anchor size is less then 0 or if the dimension is not even -Pixel Modelnot supported.: if the pixel model is epmFloat During Execution Phase -ippStsNullPtrErr: Indicates an error condition if pSrc or pDst pointer is NULL -ippStsSizeErr: Indicates an error condition if dstRoiSize has a eld with zero or negative value. -ippStsStepErr: Indicates an error condition if srcStep or dstStep has a zero or negative value. -ippStsMaskSizeErr: Indicates an error condition if maskSize has a eld with zero, negative, or even value. -ippStsAnchorErr: Indicates an error condition if anchor is outside the mask size.


Inputs Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image. The image model can be BW or BGR

Outputs Image id type type id inplace id inherited id The image Parameters Mask id mask type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Dimension of 2-D mask that is applied to each pixel in the input image. The mask is centered in a pixel. After this the method evaluate the covered pixel value and determines which is the median value. output video stream Base, Image base, image *no* *no* after the ltering.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ImageMerge Base base image merge Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

This block merge one images into another image. The order of the merge operation is selected through the Input 1 on Input 2 parameter, see the parameter description for more details. REMARKS The merge operation is done only in the intersection of images ROI. When the ROI of the merged image is smaller than the ROI of destination image the result is a Picture in Picture eect without scaling. ERRORS The two input images must have the same properties (color model, pixel model, alpha channel and size). Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream 1 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output image referred as inherited *no* Input image

Input image id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Input image

input video stream 2 Base, Image base, image required for execution read only *no* *no*


Outputs Output image id output video stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input image inherited id *no* Output image Parameters Input 1 on Input 2 id input1 over input2 type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool This parameter control the source image and the destination image of merge operation. When is false the second image is merged into the rst image, otherwise the rst image is merged into the second image. coordinates type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer coordinates layout Floating point coordinates domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use integer or oating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must be contained inside the boundaries of the rst input image. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the rst input image. Position id double position type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double Species the position and size of the area where the second image is embedded. Floatingpoint coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the rst input image.




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ImageMirror Base base image mirror Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Mirrors an image around the horizontal or vertical axis, or both. Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Input image referred as inherited *no* Input image

Required interfaces Base, ImageMirror Outputs Input image id output video stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input image inherited id *no* Input image


Parameters Axis id type type id axis Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Horizontal axis layout Vertical axis Both axis domain [ 0, 3 ) Type of axis. Determines which axis is used in the operation. May be the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, or both




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ImageMoments Base base image moments Simone Ghisio

This function computes all spatial and central moments of order 0 to 3 for the source blob. The seven Hu moment invariants are also computed. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs OutputMoment id output moment type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Calculated Output Moment


Parameters Parameter type id par type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Spatial moment Normalized Spatial moment layout Central moment Normalized central moment HU moment domain [ 0, 5 ) Species the moment type Algorithm used id Algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None layout Fast Accurate domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the algorithmic implementation of the function, M Ord id MOrd type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Integer power exponent dening the moment order. These arguments must satisfy the condition 0 = M Ord + N Ord = 3. N Ord id NOrd type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Integer power exponent dening the moment order. These arguments must satisfy the condition 0 = M Ord + N Ord = 3. XOset id type type id Oset

X-Oset Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int in pixels of the ROI origin (left corner) from the image origin.


YOset id type type id Oset

Y-Oset Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int in pixels of the ROI origin (top corner) from the image origin.




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ImageMorphologicOperatorOpenCV Base base opencv image morphologic Alessandro Fausto

This block apply the morphological operators provided by the openCV library on the input image. REMARKS This block do not support images using 16 bit pixel models or YV12 and I420 color models. When the number of iteration is set to zero the operator is not applied and the output image result black. Details Based on the Thesis work by: Andrea Carlini and Paolo Tortora Inputs Image id type type id video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* This is the input image.

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the video stream Base, Image base, image Image *no* output image.


Parameters Operator id type type id type operator type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Erode Dilate Open layout Close Gradient Top Hat Black Hat domain [ 0, 7 ) This parameter dene the type of morphological operation applied. May assume one of following values: erode; dilate; open; close; gradient; top hat; black hat. Structuring element shape id structuring element shape type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Rectangle layout Ellipse Cross domain [ 0, 3 ) With this parameter you can choose the shape of the structuring element which is applied to the input image. The possible shapes are: Rectangle, Ellipse and Cross. Structuring element size id structuring element size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Set the size of structuring element which is applied on the input image, vertical and horizontal size must be greater than zero. The defautl size is 3x3. Iterations id num iter type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the number of times the morphologic operator is applied to the image.




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ImageMorphologicalOperation Base base image-morphological-op Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

This block apply the image morphological operators (erode; dilate; open; close; gradient; top hat; black hat) on the input image. Generally, the erosion and dilation smooth the boundaries of objects withoutsignicantly changing their area. All operations use a pyramidal 3x3 mask. Details ERRORS Unsupported image format for Morphological operation: only Black and White color model and 8 bit or oating point pixel models are supported. The number of iteraction must be positive or equal to zero. The iteraction parameter must be positive or equal to zero. Notes When the number of iteration is set to zero the operator is not applied and the output image result black. This Ipp implementation is faster than OpenCV implementation but all operation using the erode morphologic show a band of black pixels on image borders. Inputs Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* This is the input image.


Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters Operator id type type id type op-type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Erode Dilate Open layout Close Gradient Top Hat Black Hat domain [ 0, 7 ) This parameter dene the type of morphological operation applied. May assume one of following values: erode; dilate; open; close; gradient; top hat; black hat. All operations use a pyramidal 3x3 mask. Iterations id iteractions type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the number of times the morphologic operator is applied to the image. output video stream Base, Image base, image Image *no* output image.





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ImageNormalization Base base ImageNormalization Mirko Demurtas

This block normalize an image Inputs Input id type type id Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric

Outputs Area id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Area of Geometric Parameters Type Normalization id Normalization type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Type Normalization


Type Form id Form type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Type Form Type Image id Float type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Type Image Range X id XRange type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Range X Range Y id YRange type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Range Y




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ImageRotate Base base image rotate Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta Simone Ghisio

Rotates the input shape Inputs Immagine id type type id input video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Immagine

Required interfaces Base, Rotate Outputs Immagine id type type id inplace id inherited id Immagine output video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters Angle id angle type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The angle of rotation in degrees. Center id center rotation type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double Coordinates of the center of rotation. By default coordinates are normalized. However, to preserve compatibility with an old implementation, an additional parameter is available to change this behaviour.





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ImageScalarGraph Base base DrawGraph Mirko Demurtas

This block draws the graph of the input data on the passthrough video stream Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Background of graph image

Input 1 id type type id

InputData00 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 1


Outputs Output id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Graph image output Parameters Durate id Durate type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Durate Numer of input id nInput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Numbero of input Min id Min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Min value Max id Max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Max value Font Axis id FontAxis type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Font Axis Color Font Axis id ColorFontAxis type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor 492

Color Font Axis Label id Label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Label




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ImageSetAlpha Base base ImageAddAlpha Alessandro Fausto

This block use the pixel values of one BW image to set alpha channel values of another image. REMARKS The presence of alpha channel is not required, but the input image color space must support the presence of alpha channel (RGB,BGR,YUV,HSV). The block is able to set the alpha channel only if the color space of input image can support the presence of this channel. ERRORS The color space of the image input do not support the alpha channel. Only RGB,BGR,YUV and HSV color space support the presence of alpha channel. : Input image and input alpha channel have dierent size : The alpha channel image must use BW color space : Inputs image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the image when the alpha channel is overwritten.

alphaChannel id type type id

InputAlphaChannel Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The pixel values of this image is used to set the new input image alpha channel values. The color space of this image must be BW, the size and pixel depht must be the same of


the input image Outputs OutputImage id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This image is the result of block operations. The pixels is always the same of input image, only the alpha channel dier. Parameters Invert alpha id AlphaInvert type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool All pixel values of the output image alpha channel is inverted (negated). Scale alpha id AlphaScale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool This parameter enable or disable the scaling of the alpha channel intensity.




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ImageSplit Base base Split Roberto Sagoleo

Splits an image into two halfs (horizontally or vertically) Inputs Input image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image to be split

Outputs Right/Top id output image rt type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The Right/Top output image Left/Bottom id output image lb type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The Left/Bottom output image


Parameters Splitting id type type id mode param mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Left - Right splitting layout Bottom - Top splitting domain [ 0, 1 ] The image can be split in horizzontal or vertical mode

Output type id param outs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None Right/Top output only layout Left/Bottom output only Right/Top and Left/Bottom both outputs domain [ 0, 3 ] The outputs can be: Right/Top only, Left/Bottom only or both Right/Top and Left/Bottom Splitting position id param pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( -innity, +innity ) Species the splitting start position




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ImageToMatrix Base base image to matrix Roberto Sagoleo

Converts an image to a matrix Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input Image to be converted into the output matrix

Outputs Output Matrix id output matrix type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the output Matrix converted from the input image Parameters Output type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: layout Integer domain [ 0, 1 )


Denes the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrix will be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values.





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ImageTranspose Base base image transpose Simone Ghisio

Transposes the input image using ipp method. Inputs InputStream id type type id input video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited OutputStream Input video stream

Required interfaces Base, ImageMirror Outputs OutputStream id output video stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id InputStream inherited id *no* Output video stream




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ImpulsivityIndex Base base Impulsivity Maurizio Mancini

It detects impulses in the motion feature provided as input. Inputs Sqom id type type id Sqom Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Segmented gesture Quantity of Motion

CI id type type id

CI Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Contraction Index

Outputs II id type type id inplace id inherited id II Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Impulsivity Index Maxtime id type type id inplace id inherited id Maxtime Parameters GesDur id GesDur type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Gesture duration Threshold Threshold id Threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double SQoM threshold Frames id type type id Frame

Maxtime Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*

Frames Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double rate





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IndexCompareInVector Base base IndexCompareInVector Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specic position Inputs Input id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Type id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: layout Max domain [ 0, 1 ) 503 OutputIndex Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*

Type Row Index id CompareValue type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double position in row number of the Item to extract




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IndexedDispatcher Base base indexed dispatcher Paolo Coletta

Chooses if and where do dispatch incoming data based on the index inputs (and on their history) Details This block consider the several pair of inputs (the number of pairs is userspecied) and looks at the rst items of each pair (called index). If the index from all inputs are dierent, then the payload from each input is passed straight to the output. If two (or more) indices have the same value, the output payloads for the corresponding outputs are the same. In such case the payload sent to the output for all the equal indices is the payload of the rst input with the equal index. I.e., consider the following example where pyaload is of type double and the are two inputs: Sequence for input 1 (index, payload): (0, 1.2), (0, 1.3), (0, 1.4), (0, 1.5) Sequence for input 2 (index, payload): (1, 2.2), (1, 2.3), (0, 2.4), (0, 2.5) At the third inputs, the index of input 2 becoms equal to the index for input 1, thus, the payload of output 2 will adapt to the payload of output 1. The following outputs will be obtained: Payloads on output 1: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Payloads on output 2: 2.2, 2.3, 1.4, 1.5 Inputs Index 0 id type type id index 0 Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*


Payload 0 id type type id

payload 0 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output 0

Outputs Output 0 id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters Num indices id num indices type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) ouput 0 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Payload 0 *no*





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InputsSubset Base base input subset Simone Ghisio

Concatenates an arbitrary number of strings. Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Input01 id type type id

input 01 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 01.


Input02 id type type id

input 02 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 02.

Input03 id type type id

input 03 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 03.

Input04 id type type id

input 04 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 04.

Input05 id type type id

input 05 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 05.


Outputs Output00 id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 00. Output01 id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 01. Output02 id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 02. Output03 id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 03. Parameters num inputs id input num type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int number of inputs num outputs id output num type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int output 00 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*

output 01 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*

output 02 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*

output 03 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


number of outputs subsetstring id output type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string subsetstring




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Integrator Base base timeSeriesIntegrator Alessandro Fausto

Integrates the input time series. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs output matrix id outputMatrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This matrix contains the values of input time series Parameters Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger


Clear the integral




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IppPictureInPicture Base base image pip Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

This block add a picture into another existing picture at specied position and size. The rst input image is used as canvas and the second input image is placed into the specied area position and size. The second input image is placed into a user provided rectangular area of the the rst image. Details If the input images have a dierent format the second image is converted to the image format of the rst image. If is possible use the same format for the input images because the conversion require time and memory. Error messages: Coordinates type mismatch. The Coordinates type parameter contain an invalid identier, select a correct value from the drop down list. Notes The block @blockref(base, picture in picture) might be easier to congure for most common cases. This block add support for all types of composition supported by the Intel IPP libraries Inputs Image id type type id input video stream 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* This is the image where the second image is embedded.

Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI


Image id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited This is the image to

input video stream 2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for execution read write *no* *no* embed.

Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI Outputs Output Image id output video stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Image inherited id *no* Image with Picture in Picture eect. Parameters Coordinates type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer coordinates layout Floating point coordinates domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use integer or oating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must be contained inside the boundaries of the rst input image. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the rst input image. Interpolation id interpolation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest Neighbor layout Linear Cubic domain [ 0, 3 )


Species the algorithm used to interpolate the embedded image when resize is needed. May assume one of following values: Nearest Neighbor; Linear; Cubic. A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load. mode id type type id

parameter mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: insert insert with mixing layout insert with masking insert with mixed masking domain [ 0, 4 ) mixing toghter the two images. Apply a mask to the image to insert. Use the ippComposite function to merge the two images. Composition id composition type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Over In Out layout ATOP XOR PLUS domain [ 0, 6 ) This parameter control the mode used to embed the image. Is used only when the image have the alpha channel.May assume one of following values (we denote the rst input image as A and the image to embed as B): Over (A occludes B); In (A within B. A acts as a matte for B. A shows only where B is visible.); Out (A outside B. NOT-B acts as a matte for A. A shows only where B is not visible); ATOP (Combination of (A IN B) and (B OUT A). B is both back-ground and matte for A); XOR (B Combination of (A OUT B) and (B OUT A). A and B mutually exclude each other); PLUS (Blend without precedence).


Position id double position type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double Species the position and size of the area where the second image is embedded. Floatingpoint coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the rst input image.




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IsNullROI Base base is null roi Paolo Coletta

Returns true if the input ROI is Null, false otherwise Inputs Input Roi id type type id input roi Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input Roi on which to verify the Null ag

Outputs IsNull id type type id inplace id inherited id The NULL Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) output is null Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no* ag of the input Roi


Specify whether input Roi has normalized oating-point (double) coordinates or integer coordinates





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KeyStoneCorrection Base base keystone Mirko Demurtas

Perform the keystone correction on an image Inputs Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image Input

Outputs Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Image Output Parameters Top-Left id param point1 type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int Point Top-Left


Top-Right id param point2 type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int Point Top-Right Bottom-Right id param point3 type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int Point Bottom-Right Bottom-Left id param point4 type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int Point Bottom-Left




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KinematicModel Base base kinematic model Paolo Coletta

Computes the evelution of a monodimensional kinematic model Inputs Input Acceleration id type type id input acceleration Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input acceleration applied to the kinematic model, in m/s2

Outputs Position id output position type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output absolute position (in m) Velocity id output velocity type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output speed in m/s


Reset id output reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Reset the state to its initial value. Parameters Initial Position id initial position type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the initial position of the point subject to the kinematic rules Initial Velocity id initial velocity type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the initial velocity of the point subject to the kinematic rules Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the system to its initial conditions, which are specied by the above parameters Compute Delta T id compute delta t type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the delta T is inherited from the input datatype (presentation time) Delta T id delta t type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time The delta T (time delay of each step), in the case that it is not automatically computed





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KineticEnergyIndex Base base KineticEnergyIndex Maurizio Mancini

This block computes the Kinetic Energy Index of a given labelled set of geometric 3D points. Inputs Input geometric labelled set of 3D geometric points id InputGeometricLabelledSet type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* A labelled set containing the 3D geometric points on which the block computes cinematic energy. Outputs Kinetic Energy Index id OutputKineticEnergyIndex type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The Kinetic Energy Index is the sum of the product between each input points squared speed of movement and mass.


Parameters weight coe. of head id ParameterWeight head type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with head weight coe. of neck id ParameterWeight neck type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with neck weight coe. of torso id ParameterWeight torso type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with torso weight coe. of waist id ParameterWeight waist type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with waist weight coe. of left collar id ParameterWeight left collar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left collar weight coe. of left shoulder id ParameterWeight left shoulder type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left shoulder weight coe. of left elbow id ParameterWeight left elbow type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left elbow


weight coe. of left wrist id ParameterWeight left wrist type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left wrist weight coe. of left hand id ParameterWeight left hand type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left hand weight coe. of left ngertip id ParameterWeight left ngertip type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left ngertip weight coe. of right collar id ParameterWeight right collar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right collar weight coe. of right shoulder id ParameterWeight right shoulder type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right shoulder weight coe. of right elbow id ParameterWeight right elbow type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right elbow weight coe. of right wrist id ParameterWeight right wrist type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right wrist


weight coe. of right hand id ParameterWeight right hand type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right hand weight coe. of right ngertip id ParameterWeight right ngertip type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right ngertip weight coe. of left hip id ParameterWeight left hip type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left hip weight coe. of left knee id ParameterWeight left knee type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left knee weight coe. of left ankle id ParameterWeight left ankle type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left ankle weight coe. of left foot id ParameterWeight left foot type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with left foot weight coe. of right hip id ParameterWeight right hip type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right hip


weight coe. of right knee id ParameterWeight right knee type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right knee weight coe. of right ankle id ParameterWeight right ankle type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right ankle weight coe. of right foot id ParameterWeight right foot type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double This is the relative weight of the point labelled with right foot





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KohonenMap Base base kohonenmap Maurizio Mancini

This block trains a Kohonen Map (SOM, Self Organizing Map) and, given an input vector provides both the map and the input classication as output. Inputs Input vector id type type id KohonenMapInput Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* A vector (single row matrix) consisting of the Kohonen Map input values. Matrix row length must be equal to the Kohonen Map node weights vector length. Outputs Output Kohonen map id KohonenMapOutputMap type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is a lebeled set in which every element is a 2D matrix; for the n-th matrix, the element (i,j) corresponds to the map cell (i,j) and represents the n-th weight value.


Output best id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters

matching node KohonenMapOutputPoint Base, Point 2D int base, point 2d int *no* *no* best matching map node.

Kohonen Map id KohonenMapParameterMatrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This parameter contains the Kohonen Map and cannot be edited. It allows us to easily save and load the map. Status id type type id

KohonenMapParameterStatus Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: training layout running domain [ 0, 2 ) This is the current status of the Map.

Reset id KohonenMapParameterReset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger The map is re-initialized and re-trained. Reset I-Search id KohonenMapParameterResetISearch type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger The map is re-initialized to the starting state for the I-Search demo. Rows id KohonenMapParameterRows type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The map number of columns.


Columns id KohonenMapParameterCols type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The map number of columns. Iterations id KohonenMapParameterIterations type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The numebr of iterations performed during the training phase before switching to the running phase.




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LabelledSetExtract Base base labelled set extract Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a labelled set. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input labelled set from which to extract the item.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The item extracted from the labelled set. Note that if the index (or the label) is not valid (i.e., does not refer to any item in th set), no output is given Label id output label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The label of the extracted item (useful when extracting by index)


Parameters Reference type id reference type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: By label layout By index domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the item to be extracted is referenced by index or by label. Label id type type id Label

label Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string of the item to be extracted.

Index id index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Index of the item to be extracted. Index is 0-based, thus, the maximum valid index is equale to the size of the set minus 1.




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LabelledSetExtractIf Base base labelled set extract if Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a labelled set if it matches a given condition Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input labelled set from which to extract the item if a condition is met

Outputs Tracked blob id type type id inplace id inherited id Blob label id type type id inplace id inherited id output tracked Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*

output label Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*


Parameters Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Type id type type id

type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Int layout Double domain [ 0, 2 )

Point id point double type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double




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LabelledSetFeatures Base base LabeledSetFeatures-Double Simone Ghisio

The block calculate features in a labelled set. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet id input labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input GeometricLabelledSet Outputs Output Features LabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Features LabelledSet Output Features value id output value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Features value


Parameters Output type id absolute value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Absolute value of velocity X component of velocity layout Y component of velocity X displacement Y displacement domain [ 0, 5 ) Output type Delta t type id delta time type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Presentation Time layout Custom Value domain [ 0, 2 ) Delta t type Type id type type id

type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Type




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LabelledSetInsert Base base labelled set insert Paolo Coletta

insert an item in a labelled set. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* The labelled set to which an item will be added

Item id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited The item which will Outputs

input item Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for execution read only *no* *no* be added to the labelled set

Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* The labelled set with the new item inserted


Parameters Label id label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The item will be added to the labelled set using this label




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LabelledSetMerge Base base labelled set merge Paolo Coletta

Merge items from two (or more) labelled set. To avoid label clashes, a prex can be added to each incoming item. Using dierent prexes for the dierent inputs ensures that no label collision occurs Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input labelled set # 1

Input 2 id type type id

input 2 Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input labelled set # 2


Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Merged labelled set Parameters Num labelled sets id num labelled set type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Species the number of labelled sets to be merged Prex 1 id type type id Prex Prex 2 id type type id Prex

prex 1 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string for labels of set # 1

prex 2 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string for labels of set # 2




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Line2DGenerator Base base line2d generator int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional line that can be drawn too. The line is represented by two points (x1,y1)(x2,y2) Outputs Line id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Line layout Points Coordinates domain [ 0, 3 ) If parameter is set to point then its a point datatype (a structure that contain inside both x and y). If the value is coordinates then the parameter point is splitted into two separated coordinates x and y value Base, Line 2D int base, line 2d int *no* *no* line contains both the X and Y parameters.


Domain id type type id

domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Int Geometric Double layout Graphic Int Graphic Double domain [ 0, 4 ) Specied the type of output. Its possible choose double or int type. Moreover its possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn X id x1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Abscissa Y id y1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Ordinate X id x2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Abscissa Y id y2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Ordinate


Matrix Trasform id mode trasform type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Matrix Rotate layout Translate Scale domain [ 0, 4 ) Matrix Trasform Matrix trasform id trasform type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix trasform




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Line3DGenerator Base base line 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional line, represented by 2 points. Outputs OutputLine3D id line output type Base, BaseGeometricLine3Double type id base, base geometric line 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Line 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XACoordinate id xa parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of rst point YACoordinate id ya parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Y coordinate of rst point ZACoordinate id za parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of rst point XBCoordinate id xb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of second point YBCoordinate id yb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Y coordinate of second point ZBCoordinate id zb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of second point




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LinearKalmanFilter Base base linear kalman lter Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Filters the incoming data via a linear Kalman lter Inputs Input measure vector id input measure vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input measure vector Control measure vector id input control vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Control measure vector


Outputs Output estimated vector id estimated state vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output estimated vector Output estimated measure vector id estimated measure vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output estimated measure vector Error covariance matrix id error covariance matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Error covariance matrix Gain matrix id gain matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Gain matrix Residual vector id residual vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Residual vector


Parameters System state dimension id state dimension type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) This value represents the dimension of the system state, i.e., the number of items of the vector that you want to estimate. Measure dimension id measure dimension type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the dimension of the measurement vector. It aects the dimension of the measure matrix. Control dimension id control dimension type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the dimension of the contrl vector. It aects the dimension of the control matrix. Filtering matrix id system matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Filtering matrix Measure matrix id measure matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This is the matrix describing the measurement channel. The number of rwos must be equal to the dimension of the measure, the number of columns must be equal to the dimension of the system state. Control matrix id control matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This is the matrix describing the control channel. It describes how the control vector, which is supposed to be know, aects the system state.. The control vectory input is not


mandatory, i.e., the block can work even if no control vector is available. In such case, this parameter is ignored. State noise covariance id state noise covariance matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Covariance of the noise aecting system state. Measure noise covariance id measure noise covariance matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Covariance of the noise aecting the measurement channel. Initial state estimate id initial state vector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This vector represents the initial state estimation Initial state covariance id initial state covariance matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This matrix represents the initial state error covariance




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ListAdd Base base list add Paolo Coletta

Add an item to a list. Inputs Input list id type type id input list Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output list referred as inherited *no* This is the list to which an item will be added by the block

Input item id type type id

input datatype Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the item which will be added to the list

Outputs Output list id type type id inplace id inherited id output list Kernel, List kernel, list Input list *no*


This is the list containing the added item




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ListCreate Base base list create Paolo Coletta

Create a list from a generic datatype. The generated list will contain one item only, however, other items can be added through the ListAdd block. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The item provided as input will becom the only element in the list

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The list with one item.




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ListExtract Base base list extract Paolo Coletta

Extract an item from a list according to the index parameter value. The input list is generic and the block extract any scalar datatype. The block works only if the index parameter is less then the input list size. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input list to extract the items from.

Outputs Index id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Extracted generic output value Parameters Index id type type id domain index Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )


Index of the item to be extracted. Note that items in a list are accessed in linear time. The index is zero-based, and is upper-bounded by the size of the list.




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ListPersistency Base base list persistency Paolo Coletta

Remove items from a list if they do not persist for a specied number of frames. Notes Persistency is computed basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the value of the datatypes. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* The input list to be ltered

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The ltered Parameters Min Number of Frames id min num frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* list


Species the minimum number of frames that a value must be present in the input list to be propagated to the output list. A value of 1 means that no ltering occurs.




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ListRemoveDuplicates Base base list remove duplicates Paolo Coletta

Remove duplicate items from within a single list. Notes Duplicates are checked basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the value of the datatypes. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* The input list to be ltered

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The ltered output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* list




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LoadMarkers Base base loadmarkers Alessandro Fausto Paolo Coletta

This block read the set of audio markings from le. The output is a ordered list of the marking values. This version of block do not extract the labels. Details By default the block only outputs the rst column of the le, i.e., a list of (start) times therefore a simpler le format may be accepted which just contains the rst column: 0.429569 2.438095 4.121542 Notes The block expects a le in the same format as the labels exported by Audacity, e.g.: 0.429569 1.277098 Part 1 2.438095 2.948934 Part 2 4.121542 5.851429 Part 3 All times are expressed in seconds. The following types of comment are accepted // C++ - like comment # Unix-like comment ; Dos-like comment Outputs Markers id output markers type Kernel, List type id kernel, list inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of markers of the le Formatted markers id formatted markers type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of markers formatted as a human readible string


Parameters Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Labels(*txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Name of the le to be read





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LocalBinaryPatterns Base base local binary patterns Paolo Coletta Andrea Ricci

Calculate Local Binary Patterns from a multi-level input image Inputs Input id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image to calculate Local Binary Patterns. The elements outside the ROI are not computed Outputs Output id output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image containing the Local Binary Pattern calculated for every pixel of every channel of the input image


Parameters Number of Pixels id number of pixels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 8 ] The number of pixel (and thus of binary digits) used to calculate the binary patterns Positions id positions type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix Each pixels is compared with some neighbours to compute a pattern of bits. This matrix species the coordinates of the neighbours pixels with respect to the current one Oset id oset type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The oset added to the dierence between pixel values




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Logarithm Base base Logarithm Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks computes the logarithm of the input value according to the specied base. Inputs Input value id type type id Input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input value: it must be a positive number.

Outputs Output value id Output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The computed logarithm


Parameters Base id type type id Base Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: e layout 2 10 domain [ 0, 2 ] The base for the logarithm: either e, or 2, or 10.



Lukas Kanade Tracker

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Lukas Kanade Tracker Base base Lukas Kanade Tracker Simone Ghisio

This block implements the iterative version of the Lucas-Kanade algorithms. It computes with sub-pixel accuracy new coordinates of the Points to track feature points of two images at time t and t+dt . Their initial coordinates are places in an array. Computed values of new coordinates of the feature points are stored in aniother array , that initially contains estimations of them (or hints), for example, based on the ow values for the previous image in sequence. If there are not such hints, the new points array contains the same initial coordinates as the old points array. The images are presented by a pyramidal structure. The function starts operation on the highest pyramid level (smallest image) that is specied by the max Level parameter in the centered search window. The operation for i-th feature point on the given pyramid level nishes if: new position of the point is found or if specied number of iteration maxIter is performed or if the intersection between the pyramid layer and the search window became empty. In rst two cases for non-zero levels the new position coordinates are scaled to the next pyramid level and the operation continues on the next level. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The block computes optical ow of the input image


Input Geometric Labelled Set id input geometric labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Initial list of points to track Outputs Output Geometric Labelled Set id output geometric labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of points after optical ow processing Load new labelled set id output lost points type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Request to load new labelled set because there are too many lost points Parameters Points To Track id points to tracks type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of features points to track Max Level id level type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 10 ] Pyramid level to start the operation.The function starts operation on the highest pyramid level (smallest image) that is specied by the maxLev parameter in the centered search window.If the number of level is high the algorithm is slow.


Rate id rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Ratio between neighbouring levels (1Rate=10 ). Window size id window size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Size of the square search window. Iteration Number id num iteration type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Maximum number of algorithm iterations for each pyramid level. Threshold id quality level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Threshold value. The operation for i-th feature point on the given pyramid level nishes if new position of the point is found. ( sqrt((dx2)+(dy2)) Threshold ) LostPoint id LostPoints type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Maximum number of lost points after that the block generates a request to create new features. Maximum distance. id max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Maximum distance between new and old feautures. If the dierence between new and old pointis greather then this parameter the point is lost.




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LukasKanade Base base LKTracker Simone Ghisio

The block implements sparse iterative version of Lucas-Kanade optical ow in pyramids. It calculates coordinates of the feature points on the current video frame given their coordinates on the previous frame. The function nds the coordinates with sub-pixel accuracy. - ERROR AND WARNING MESSAGE During Initialization Phase -CLKTracker::Init Error while loading input image CLKTracker::Init Error while loading input blob. -CLKTracker::Init Error while loading input list. During Execution Phase -CLKTracker::Execute An error occurred while loading the input image. -CLKTracker::Execute An error occurred while loading the input blob. -CLKTracker::Execute An error occurred while getting the input ipl image. : if the transformation of EywImage in Ipl Image fail Inputs input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image. The block will assign signicant points that will be tracked. The input image must be black and white, single channel, and have 8-bit depth. Input Image id type type id


Outputs Output List id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Input Type id Input type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Image layout Image + Blob Image + List of points domain [ 0, 3 ) Specifyng the input type. [0]Only input image, [1]Input image and blob, [2]Input image and list of points Points to track id parameter point to track type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of point to track. Its not used if Input List input is enabled Lost points id parameter lost points type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Its used to nd new features when there are too many lost features. If the user doesnt want the block to replace features, he just has to set iLost to zero. Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the algorithm Rene id rene type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool 568 output point list Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double base, geometric labeled set 2d double *no* *no* list of tracked points

Its used for subpixel accuracy renement. When its true cvFindCornerSubPix functionc of OpenCV librabry is called. Window id type type id Size Window size Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 1 3 layout 5 7 9 domain [ 0, 5 ) Half sizes of the search window

Level id Level type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 5 ] Maximal pyramid level number. If 0 , pyramids are not used (single level), if 1 , two levels are used, etc. Distance treshold id Distance tresh type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The maximum distance over which the algorithm looses the point. Quality Level id Quality Level type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Multiplier for the maxmin eigenvalue; species minimal accepted quality of image corners. Minimum Distance id Minimum distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Specifying minimum possible distance between returned corners; Euclidian distance is used



MP3 FileReader


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MP3 FileReader Base base MP3 FileReader Alberto Massari

Reads an MP3 le Outputs AudioStream id AudioStream type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The audio stream Parameters FileName id FileName type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=All les (*.*)*.* The location of the le to read


Buering id type type id

type type of buering Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: numsamples layout buertime fps domain [ 0, 3 ) It species how the block calculates the buer lenght. Its possible set the dimension according to number of samples value, buer time duration or in frame per second. Number of samples id number of samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) It species the number of samples for each buer. Usually 1764. End of le id eof type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stop layout Loop domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the behaviour when end of le is reached.





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MagicMirror Base base MagicMirror Mirko Demurtas

This block deforms the input image as if it was reected by some special kinds of mirrors. Three dierent mirror types are provided, and the percentage of deformation due to each single mirror can be specied by the user. Inputs Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs Image id input image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image Parameters Neutral id neutral type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Neutral


Diablo id diablo type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Diablo Fish id sh type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Fish Vortex id vortex type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Vortex




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MagnitudePhaseFft Base base magnitude phase t Paolo Coletta

Calculate the magnitude (or PowerSpectrum) and the phase of a Fft signal Inputs Input Fft id type type id input t Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input FFT signal from which to extract magnitude (or power spectrum) and phase

Outputs Magnitude or Power Spectrum id output module type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Magnitude or Power Spectrum (depending on a user choice) of the FFT signal. This matrix has as many rows as the number of channels of the FFT. The number of columns is equal to half of the size of the FFT. Phase id type type id inplace id inherited id

output phase Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*


Phase of the FFT signal. This matrix has as many rows as the number of channels of the FFT. The number of columns is equal to the size of the FFT. Parameters Output type id output type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Magnitude - Phase layout Power Spectrum - Phase domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the output is Magnitude and Phase or Power Spectrum and Phase. Magnitude scale id magnitude scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout Logaritmic (Db) domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the scale of the module, whether linear or logaritmic.




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MapColorToIntMatrix Base base map color to int matrix Andrea Ricci

Maps the colors in the input image into integer values in the output matrix Inputs Input id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image whose colors are to be mapped. The elements outside the ROI are not computed Outputs Matrix id output type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Integer Matrix receiving the mapped colors, one element for every pixel Parameters Default Value id default value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The value to assign to unspecied colors


Number Of Colors id number of colors type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The number of mapped colors Color 1 id color 0 type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor This color in the input image will be mapped into the corresponding value in the output matrix Value 1 id value 0 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Value that will be assigned to the matrix elements where the corresponding input image pixel has the specied color





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MapMatrixToImage Base base MatrixDisplay Gualtiero Volpe

This block displays the input mapping by mapping its entries onto the HSV color space Inputs Input matrix id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix whose entries have to mapped onto colors in the output image.

Outputs Output image id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The image whose colors correspond to the entries in the input matrix. Parameters Width id Width type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The width of the output image.


Height id Height type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The height of the output image. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV RGBA BGRA YUVA HSVA ARGB ABGR AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).


Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits per channel, unsigned 16 bits per channel, unsigned layout 16 bits per channel, signed 32 bits per channel, oating-point domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Mode id type type id

Interpolation Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest neighbor Linear layout Cubic Lanczos window domain [ 0, 4 ) Horizontal Mirror

rescale values id Scale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool This parameter enable or disable the scaling of matrix values. When is set to true the min and max parameter are used to dene the input range, otherwise this two parameters are ignored and the matrix value are copied into the image without any scaling. Min id Min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value in the input matrix.


Max id Max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value in the input matrix. Mode id type type id

Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Map on H layout Map on S Map on V domain [ 0, 3 ) Horizontal Mirror

H id H type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value for the H parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix). S id S type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value for the S parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix). V id V type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value for the V parameter (if it is not mapped from the input matrix). alpha id A type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double alpha value



Matrix Extract

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Matrix Extract Base base matrix extract Roberto Sagoleo Simone Ghisio

Extract a sub-matrix from an input matrix Inputs Input matrix id type type id input matrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix

Outputs Output matrix id output matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix


Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: double layout integer domain [ 0, 2 ) Domain of input and output matrix.

StartRow id start row type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Start index of row to extract StartColumn id start column type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Start index of column to extract RowSize id size row type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of row to extract. If its 0 nothing extract. ColumnSize id size column type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of column to extract. If its 0 nothing extract.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Matrix2TimeSeries Base base Matrix2TimeSeries Alessandro Fausto

Convert one matrix to a TimeSeries.The user can choose to generate a time series with static o dynamic lenght.The rst case is the default mode, in the second case the TimeSeries have dynamic leght but is always set to matrix lenght.A minimum and maximum threshold is applied to the input value. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Outputs output id output type Base, TemporalData type id base, temporal data inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The generated TimeSeries


Parameters Output type id Output Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Static time series layout Dynamic time series domain [ 0, 2 ) It species whether the blok generates a static time series or a dynamic time series. Mode id type type id

Output Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: By row layout By column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Denes how the matrices are converted into time series: By row generate the time series using one rows per channel. The number of samples is xed and equal to the number of columns. By column generate the time series using one columns per channel. The number of samples is xed and equal to the number of rows.Automatic generate the time series using this rules . if the number of row is greater than number of column the time series is generated using the By row mode, otherwise is used the By column mode. Nominal Frequency id Nominal Frequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype Range Min id Range Min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value that a sample can assume (if the input is less than this value, this value will be used) Range Max id Range Max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


The maximum value that a sample can assume (if the input is more than this value, this value will be used) Clip id Clip type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Specify whether the output data is clipped in the case that it excedes the specied range





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixArithmeticOperations Base base matrix operations Simone Ghisio

Execute some operations on input matrix Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the output Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* output


Parameters Matrix type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the matrix (integer or double): integer: the matrix is of integer type. double : the matrix is of double type.




bitmap Composer.png Composer.png class name catalog name catalog id class id authors MatrixComposer Base base Matrix Composer Simone Ghisio

Transform a series of double value in a matrix Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00 block double to matrix.

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the output Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no* output matrix which contains the input matrices


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: By row layout By column All items at once domain [ 0, 3 ) Denes how the matrices are composed: By row ll the matrix copying the inputs into one row per single execute. The matrix is given on output only when last row is written. By column ll the matrix copying the inputs into one column per single execute. The matrix is given on output only when last column is written.All items at once ll the matrix copying the inputs into all items (row order). The matrix is lled and given on output at each activation. rows id Rows type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the output matrix number of row. columns id Columns type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the output matrix number of column.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixConcatenate Base base matrix concatenate Paolo Coletta Roberto Sagoleo

Places matrices one by the other one to form a bigger matrix Inputs Input 1 id type type id input1 Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is input matrix 1

Input 2 id type type id

input2 Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is input matrix 2


Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters Output type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrix will be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values. Mode id type type id output Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* output matrix which contains the input matrices

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: By row layout By column domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes how the matrices are placed: by row places the matrices one by the other one. The number of columns increases, whereas the number of rows is unchanged. by column places the matrices one over the other one. The number of rows increases, whereas the number of columns is unchanged. Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of input matrices that the block will accept


Order id type type id

order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: left to right layout right to left domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes how the input is concatenated: left to right input matrices are concatenated starting from the left side of output matrix; right to left input matrices are concatenated starting from the right side of output matrix.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixExtractWithIndex Base base matrix extract with index Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts a 1-dimension matrix from an input matrix Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix from which will be extracted the 1-dimensional output matrix at the Index position Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the output Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* output 1-dimensional matrix extracted from the Index position


Parameters Matrix type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the matrix (integer or double): integer: the matrix is of integer type. double : the matrix is of double type. Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Extracts a row layout Extracts a column domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes if to extract a row or a column from the input matrix: a row : extracts a row from the input matrix at the Index position. a column: extracts a column from the input matrix at the Index position. Index id index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the position of the row/column extracted




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixGetDescription Base base matrix getdescription Roberto Sagoleo

Get descriptions from the input matrix Inputs Input Matrix id type type id input matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input Matrix from which to get the descriptions

Outputs Information (sing.) id output single information type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Information about the input matrix (sing.)


Parameters Input type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the input matrix (integer or double): integer: the input matrix should be of integer values. double : the input matrix should be of double values. single or id type type id multiple description description output mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Single layout Multiple domain [ 0, 2 ) Get single or multiple descritpion.

Information id single information type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Number of rows (sing.) layout Number of columns (sing.) Type of entry (sing.) domain [ 0, 3 ) Information about the input matrix.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixGetItem Base base GetItem Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specic position Inputs Input GetItem id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input GetItem

Outputs Output GetItem id OutputItem type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output GetItem Parameters Row Index id RowNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) position in row number of the Item to extract


Column Index id ColNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) position in column number of the Item to extract Domain id type type id

Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Domain




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixInvert Base base MatrixInvert Nguyen, Dinh Quan

This block computes the inverse of the input matrix. Inputs Input matrix id type type id In Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix

Outputs Output matrix id Out type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The inversed matrix





resc log.png resc log.png MatrixLogarithmicRescaler Base base Matrix resc log Simone Ghisio

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Compute lot of operations on the input matrix Inputs Input Matrix id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input Matrix

Centroid id type type id

Centroid Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Centroid

Outputs ciao id type type id inplace id inherited id OutMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no* 601

ciao Parameters Octave dim id OctaveDim type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of values in one octave Octave number id OctaveNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of octaves to analyse



MatrixProgress - double


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixProgress - double Base base MatrixProgressDouble Simone Ghisio

Modify a matrix according to parameter string. Inputs InputMatrix id type type id input matrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Matrix

Outputs OutputMatrix id output matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Matrix OutputBool id output bool type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Bool


Parameters string id parameter string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string string



MatrixProgress - int


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixProgress - int Base base MatrixProgressInt Simone Ghisio

Modify a matrix according to parameter string. Inputs InputMatrix id type type id input matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Matrix

Outputs OutputMatrix id output matrix type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Matrix OutputBool id output bool type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Bool


Parameters string id parameter string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string string





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixRescalerLog Base base MatrixRescalerLog Simone Ghisio

This block rescales its input matrix in log scale Inputs Input Matrix id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input Matrix

Centroid id type type id

Centroid Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Centroid


Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Octave dim id OctaveDim type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of values in one octave Octave number id OctaveNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of octaves to analyse OutMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixSetItem Base base SetItem Barbara Mazzarino

This block insert, from a matrix, an item in a specic position Inputs Input matrix id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix whose items have to be set.

Outputs Output matrix id OutputMatrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output matrix whose values have been set. Parameters Row idex id RowNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int position in row number of the Item to extract


Column index id ColNumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int position in column number of the Item to extract Type name into choice step into setitem id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 1 ] Tyep description, choice step into SetItem Value name into SetItem id Value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Value description into SetItem




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixStatDouble Base base matrix stat op double Simone Ghisio

Evaluate matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input Details The block evaluates some operations on input matrix. The block can nd the maximum or minimum value in the matrix, according with SUM OVER and OPERATION TYPE parameters. This block accepts oating point inputs (i.e., matrices with oating point items). Inputs Input Matrix id type type id matrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Matrix to be evaluated

Outputs Output Matrix id matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Evaluation of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Row id type type id inplace id inherited id Row index

row Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* of max/min/percent value in the matrix

Column id column type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Column index of max/min/percent value in the matrix Parameters Evaluate id type type id Over evaluate over Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Rows layout Columns All domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items

Operation type id operation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Max layout Min Percent domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixStatInt Base base matrix stat op int Simone Ghisio

Evaluate matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input Details The block evaluates some operations on input matrix. The block can nd the maximum or minimum value in the matrix, according with SUM OVER and OPERATION TYPE parameters. This block accepts integer inputs (i.e., matrices with integer items). Inputs Input Matrix id type type id matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Matrix to be evaluated

Outputs Output Matrix id matrix type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Evaluation of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Row id type type id inplace id inherited id Row index

row Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no* of max/min/percent value in the matrix

Column id column type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Column index of max/min/percent value in the matrix Parameters Evaluate id type type id Over evaluate over Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Rows layout Columns All domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items

Operation type id operation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Max layout Min Percent domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to evaluate items overs rows, columns, or all items




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixSumDouble Base base matrix sum double Paolo Coletta

Sum matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input Details The MatrixSum block sums the elements of an M-by-N input matrix along its rows, its columns, or over all its elements. When the Sum over parameter is set to Rows, the block sums across the elements of each row and outputs the resulting M-by-1 matrix. A length-N 1-D vector input is treated as a 1-by-N matrix When the Sum over parameter is set to Columns, the block sums down the elements of each column and outputs the resulting 1-by-N matrix. A length-M 1-D vector input is treated as a M-by-1 matrix. When the Sum over parameter is set to All, the block sums all the elements of the input together and outputs the resulting scalar. This block accepts oating point inputs (i.e., matrices with oating point items). Inputs Input Matrix id type type id matrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Matrix to be summed

Outputs Output Vector id matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The sum of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Parameters Sum Over id sum over type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Rows layout Columns All domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to sum items overs rows, columns, or all items StartIndex id begin type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start index of sum FinalIndex id end type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Final index of sum




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixSumInt Base base matrix sum int Paolo Coletta

Sum matrix elements along rows, columns, or entire input Details The MatrixSum block sums the elements of an M-by-N input matrix along its rows, its columns, or over all its elements. When the Sum over parameter is set to Rows, the block sums across the elements of each row and outputs the resulting M-by-1 matrix. A length-N 1-D vector input is treated as a 1-by-N matrix When the Sum over parameter is set to Columns, the block sums down the elements of each column and outputs the resulting 1-by-N matrix. A length-M 1-D vector input is treated as a M-by-1 matrix. When the Sum over parameter is set to All, the block sums all the elements of the input together and outputs the resulting scalar. This block accepts integer inputs (i.e., matrices with integer items). Inputs Input Matrix id type type id matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Matrix to be summed

Outputs Output Vector id matrix type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The sum of the columns/rows of the input matrix


Parameters Sum Over id sum over type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Rows layout Columns All domain [ 0, 3 ) Species whether to sum items overs rows, columns, or all items StartIndex id begin type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start index of sum FinalIndex id end type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Final index of sum



MatrixToImage - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixToImage - double Base base double matrix to image Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Converts a double matrix to an image Inputs Input matrix id type type id input video stream Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix which will be converted to a BW image

Outputs Immagine id type type id inplace id inherited id Immagine output video stream Base, Image base, image *no* *no*


Parameters Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Region Of Interest id roi type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int A rectangle in the image specifying which part of the image is the used one. Use (0;0;0;0) or (0;0;sizeX;sizeY) to mean the whole image. ROIs extending outside the image bounds will be clipped.



MatrixToImage - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixToImage - int Base base int matrix to image Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Converts an integer matrix to an image Inputs Input matrix id type type id input video stream Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix which will be converted to a BW image

Outputs Immagine id type type id inplace id inherited id Immagine output video stream Base, Image base, image *no* *no*


Parameters Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Region Of Interest id roi type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int A rectangle in the image specifying which part of the image is the used one. Use (0;0;0;0) or (0;0;sizeX;sizeY) to mean the whole image. ROIs extending outside the image bounds will be clipped.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MaxCrossCorrelation Base base max cross correlation Alberto Massari

Return the maximum index of similarity between two buers, and the oset between them Inputs Input1 buer id type type id input buer1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First buer

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Input2 buer id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Second buer

input buer2 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype no read only *no* *no*

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries


Outputs Maximum correlation index id correlation index type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The maximum correlation index found by sliding the second buer over the rst one Oset id correlation oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The oset that had to be applied to the second buer to obtain the maximum correlation index Parameters Window size id maximum lag type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This is the maximum oset that will be used when searching for the maximum correlation





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MaxInVector Base base MaxInVector Barbara Mazzarino

This block extract, from a matrix, an item in a specic position Inputs input GetItem id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input GetItem

Outputs Output GetItem id OutputIndex type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Outpu GetItem Outpu GetiItem id OutputMax type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Outpu GetItem


Parameters Row Index id ParamIndex type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int position in row number of the Item to extract




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MeanFilter Base base MeanFilter Mirko Demurtas

This block compute mean lter on image Inputs Input id type type id Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric

Outputs Area id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Area of Geometric Parameters Window Size id WindowSize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Window Size





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors categories

MedialeReader Base base media le reader Massimiliano Peri Alpha (Base, Development Stage) Developer (Base, Final User Category)

This block open audio/video les Outputs Output video id video output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output video Output Audio id audio output type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output audio Parameters Filename id media lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, layout SaveMode=false, OverwritePrompt=true


Filepath of media le. An empty lename is allowed; the corresponding video output is black, the corresponding audio output is silence Media type id media type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Audio and Video layout Video Audio domain [ 0, 3 ) Media type Get Properies from les id get properties from les type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Get Properies from les Activation mode id activation mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Polling On audio clock input layout On absolute frame position On normalized frame position On time position domain [ 0, 5 ) Activation mode: Polling: the block uses the EyesWeb clock to activate. The polling period depends on the framerate of the media le On audio clock input: the block activates according to an input clock (which is extracted from an audio signal). The output audio buer size, if audio is enabled, is related to the input clock On absolute frame position: the block activates according to an input number which is interpreted as the frame index On normalized frame position: the block activates according to an input oatin-point number which is interpreted as the normalized frame index (i.e., 0.0 is beginning of le, 1.0 is end of le) On time position: the block activates according to an input time value which is interpreted as the position in the le


Out of bound management id out of bound management type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Loop Keep last frame layout Black No output domain [ 0, 4 ) Out of bound management No audio on freeze/pause id no audio on freeze type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool No audio on freeze/pause Markings id type type id unit markings unit Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Frame layout Time domain [ 0, 2 ) Markings unit of measure

Markin id type type id

markin Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Beginning of le layout Custom domain [ 0, 2 ) Markin

Markin id type type id Markin

markin value Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int position


Markout id markout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: End of le layout Custom domain [ 0, 2 ) Markout Markout id markout value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Markout position Markout id le limits type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Markings layout Whole le domain [ 0, 2 ) Markout First markin id rst markin type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Same as markin layout Beginning of le Custom domain [ 0, 3 ) First markin First markin id rst markin value type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int First markin position (in frame units)


Enable text track id enable text track type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable text track Enable metadata id enable metadata type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable metadata Output datatype info id image data type type Kernel, StringPair type id kernel, string pair layout Output Datatype info Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 )


Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value).


Number of audio channel id num audio channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of audio channel PCMSampleFormat id sample format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits unsigned 8 bits signed 16 bits unsigned 16 bits signed 24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage) layout 24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage) 24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage) 24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage) 32 bits unsigned 32 bits signed 32 bits oat domain [ 0, 11 ) Species the format of PCM samples. Inherited from audio clock input id inherited from audio clock input type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Inherit audio sample rate and audio buer size from audio clock input Audio sampling rate id sampling rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Audio sampling rate Audio buer size id audio buer size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Audio buer size





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors categories

MedialeWriter Base base media le writer Massimiliano Peri Alpha (Base, Development Stage) Developer (Base, Final User Category)

This block writes to le the input audio/video streams Inputs Video id type type id v input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* video input stream

Required interfaces base, memory buer Input Audio id type type id

a input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input audio


Required interfaces base, pcm conversion kernel, conversion base, memory buer Parameters Filename id media lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, layout SaveMode=true, OverwritePrompt=true Filepath of media le. An empty lename is allowed; No le will be written Media type id media type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Audio and Video layout Video Audio domain [ 0, 3 ) Media type Metadata - title id title type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Title property of the le Metadata - author id author type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Author property of the le Metadata - copyright id copyright type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Copyright property of the le


Metadata - comment id comment type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Comment property of the le Metadata - album id album type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Album property of the le Metadata - track id track type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Track property of the le [ID3 tags] Metadata - genre id genre type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Genre property of the le [ID3 tags] Metadata - year id year type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Year property of the le [ID3 tags] Get Properties from les id get properties from les type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Get Properties from les Record id rec type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Start record to le Pause id pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger 637

Temporarly pause record operation Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop the recording operation and close the le Recording status id recording type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Recording layout Paused Stoppped domain [ 0, 3 ) Recording status Presets id type type id

presets Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: MPEG 1 (A/V) MPEG 2 (A/V) layout H264 IPHONE (A/V) Mp3 (A) Custom from le domain [ 0, 5 ) Presets


File format id le format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: a64 ac3 adts ai amr asf ass asf stream au avi avm2 bit caf cavsvideo crc daud dirac dnxhd dts dv eac3 m metadata lmstrip ac v framecrc framemd5 g722 g723 1 gif gxf h261 h263 h264 image2 image2pipe ipod ivf latm m4v md5 matroska matroska 639 microdvd mjpeg mlp mmf

File format


Video codec id video codec type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: a64multi - Multicolor charset for Commodore 64 a64multi5 - Multicolor charset for Commodore 64, extended with 5th color (colram) amv - amv asv1 - ASUS V1 asv2 - ASUS V2 bmp - BMP image dnxhd - VC3/DNxHD dpx - DPX image dvvideo - DV (Digital Video) v1 - FFmpeg video codec #1 vhu - Huyuv FFmpeg variant ashsv - Flash Screen Video ashsv2 - Flash Screen Video Version 2 v - Flash Video (FLV) / Sorenson Spark / Sorenson H.263 gif - GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) h261 - H.261 h263 - H.263 / H.263-1996 h263p - H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 huyuv - Huyuv / HuYUV j2k - JPEG 2000 jpegls - JPEG-LS ljpeg - Lossless JPEG mjpeg - MJPEG (Motion JPEG) mpeg1video - MPEG-1 video mpeg2video - MPEG-2 video mpeg4 - MPEG-4 part 2 msmpeg4v2 - MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 2 msmpeg4 - MPEG-4 part 2 Microsoft variant version 3 layout msvideo1 - Microsoft Video-1 pam - PAM (Portable AnyMap) image pbm - PBM (Portable BitMap) image pcx - PC Paintbrush PCX image pgm - PGM (Portable GrayMap) image pgmyuv - PGMYUV (Portable GrayMap YUV) image png - PNG image ppm - PPM (Portable PixelMap) image qtrle - QuickTime Animation (RLE) video rawvideo - raw video roqvideo - id RoQ video rv10 - RealVideo 1.0 rv20 - RealVideo 2.0 sgi - SGI image snow - Snow svq1 - Sorenson Vector Quantizer 1 / Sorenson Video 1 / SVQ1 641 targa - Truevision Targa image ti - TIFF image v210 - Uncompressed 4:2:2 10-bit wmv1 - Windows Media Video 7

Video Codec Video framerate id video framerate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Custom layout PAL 25fps NTSC 30fps domain [ 0, 3 ) Select the framerate of the video stream. If Custom is choosen, then the Framerate num/denum parameters are used to specify the framerate Video framerate num id video framerate num type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) If custom mode is used for the framerate, then the framerate is specied through the num/denum. E.g., 25 frames per second are expressed as 1 / 25, hence num(erator) is 1 Video framerate denum id video framerate denum type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) If custom mode is used for the framerate, then the framerate is specied through the num/denum. E.g., 25 frames per second are expressed as 1 / 25, hence denum(erator) is 25 Video bitrate id video bitrate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Video bitrate in bits per second Video size mode id size mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Same as input layout User specied domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the videosize is the same of the input image, or is user-specied. In the former case the Image Size parameter is ignored.


Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL LetterBox Mode id letterbox mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No letterbox CenterMiddle NoneTop NoneMiddle NoneBottom LeftNone LeftTop LeftMiddle layout LeftBottom CenterNone CenterTop CenterBottom RightNone RightTop RightMiddle RightBottom domain [ 0, 16 ) Species where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in No letterbox the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to cover all available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space. This enumerator species where to place such black frame. Since the user might not know in advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each mode species how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle means that if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, and


the matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image will be vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the rst referring to the horizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontal centering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assume values none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is needed on that direction, than the image is stretched to ll the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTop means that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is applied and the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below.


Audio codec id audio codec type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: aac - Advanced Audio Coding ac3 - ATSC A/52A (AC-3) ac3 xed - ATSC A/52A (AC-3) alac - ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) dca - dca eac3 - ATSC A/52 E-AC-3 ac - FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) g723 1 - G.723.1 mp2 - MP2 (MPEG audio layer 2) nellymoser - Nellymoser Asao real 144 - RealAudio 1.0 (14.4K) encoder sonic - Sonic sonicls - Sonic lossless vorbis - Vorbis wmav1 - Windows Media Audio 1 wmav2 - Windows Media Audio 2 pcm alaw - PCM A-law pcm f32be - PCM 32-bit oating point big-endian pcm f32le - PCM 32-bit oating point little-endian pcm f64be - PCM 64-bit oating point big-endian pcm f64le - PCM 64-bit oating point little-endian pcm mulaw - PCM mu-law pcm s8 - PCM signed 8-bit pcm s16be - PCM signed 16-bit big-endian pcm s16le - PCM signed 16-bit little-endian pcm s24be - PCM signed 24-bit big-endian pcm s24daud - PCM D-Cinema audio signed 24-bit layout pcm s24le - PCM signed 24-bit little-endian pcm s32be - PCM signed 32-bit big-endian pcm s32le - PCM signed 32-bit little-endian pcm u8 - PCM unsigned 8-bit pcm u16be - PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian pcm u16le - PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian pcm u24be - PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian pcm u24le - PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian pcm u32be - PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian pcm u32le - PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian pcm zork - PCM Zork roq dpcm - id RoQ DPCM adpcm adx - SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM g722 - G.722 ADPCM g726 - G.726 ADPCM adpcm ima qt - ADPCM IMA QuickTime adpcm ima wav - ADPCM IMA WAV 645 adpcm ms - ADPCM Microsoft adpcm swf - ADPCM Shockwave Flash adpcm yamaha - ADPCM Yamaha libgsm - libgsm GSM

Audio Codec Audio bitrate id audio bitrate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Audio bitrate in bits per second Audio samplarate id audio samplerate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Audio samplerate in samples per second Audio channels id num audio channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of audio channels Audio sample format id audio sample format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Auto 8bits unsigned 16bits signed layout 16bits signed 32bits oat 64bits oat domain [ 0, 6 ) Species the audio sample format. Use 16 bits signed for maximum compatibility; if Auto is specied, then the type is selected basing on the input format




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MemoryBuerSize Base base get memory buer size Paolo Coletta

Gets the size, in bytes, of any datatype supporting the IMEmoryBuer interface (e.g., Image, Raw Data) Inputs Input Datatype id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The generic input datatype supporting the IMemoryBuer interface

Required interfaces base, memory buer Outputs Size id type type id inplace id inherited id The size, in output Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no* bytes, of the input datatype.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MessageField Base base MessageField Marzia Simonetti

This block extracts a MIDI message eld Inputs Message Field Input Name id Input type Base, MIDI type id base, midi required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Message Field Input Name Description Outputs Message Field Output Name id Output type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Message Field Output Name Description


Parameters Choice id type type id Choice Field Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Single Field layout All Field domain [ 0, 1 ] Choice Description Field for Midi Message Field Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Status byte Bite1 layout Bite2 Channel Message Type domain [ 0, 3 ] Message Field for Midi Description

Message id type type id





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MessageFilter Base base MessageFilter Marzia Simonetti

This block lters a MIDI message Inputs Message Filter Input id Input type Base, MIDI type id base, midi required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Message Filter Input Description Outputs Message Filter Output id Output type Base, MIDI type id base, midi inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Message Filter Output Description


Parameters Message id type type id Filter Filter Mode Filter Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Filter Matching Pass Matching layout Filter All Filter Nothing domain [ 0, 3 ] Message Filter Filter Mode Description Filter Channel RT Channel/RT function Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ignore layout Use domain [ 0, 1 ] Message Filter Channel RT Description

Message id type type id

Message Filter Channel id Channel type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 15 ] Message Filter Channel Description Message id type type id Filter Message Type Message Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ignore layout Use domain [ 0, 1 ] Message Filter Message Type Description


Message id type type id

Filter Message Type Val Message Type Val Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Note O Note On Key After Touch layout Control Change Chan After Touch Pitch Bend Real Time Message domain [ 0, 6 ] Message Filter Message Type Val Description Filter Bite 1 Bite 1 Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ignore layout Use domain [ 0, 1 ] Message Filter Bite 1 Description

Message id type type id

Message Filter Bite 1 Val id Bite 1 Val type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 127 ] Message Filter Bite 1 Val Description Message id type type id Filter Bite 2 Bite 2 Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ignore layout Use domain [ 0, 1 ] Message Filter Bite 2 Description


Message Filter Bite 2 Val id Bite 2 Val type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 127 ] Message Filter Bite 2 Val Description





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MessageGenerator Base base MessageGenerator Giovanna Varni

This block allows to manually generate some midi messages. Message type must be specied, it can be choosen between: Note O, Note On, Polyphonic key pressure, Control Change, Program Change, Channel pressure, Pitch Bend and Real Time Message. Then it is possible to specify the values of the two byte messages payload. Midi channel number (between 1 and 16) for the message to be generated must also be specied so that message will aect only the specied midi channel. Channel number can also be set to ALL to aect all midi channels at the same time. Notes The block checks the midi channel number and, if the value is between 1 and 16 it creates the message for the specied channel and sends it out; if the midi channel number instead is set to ALL the block creates and sends trough the output pin sixteen midi messages, one for each midi channel. REMARKS If channel number is set to ALL the block schedules itself sixteen times. If messages payload or type change before the block is scheduled completely, it may not works properly. Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic Input


Outputs Midi message id Output type Base, MIDI type id base, midi inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output is a midi message Parameters PatchStart id PatchStart type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool PatchStart Sync id type type id

Sync Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: External Period layout Absolute Periodic Absolute domain [ 0, 3 ] Sync

Type of midi message id Message Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Note O Note On Polyphonic key pressure Control Change layout Program Change Channel pressure Pitch Bend Real Time Message domain [ 0, 6 ] This indicates the type of midi message


Number id type type id

of channel Channel Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: ALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 layout 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 domain [ 0, 16 ] 1 - 16: The message is sent to the specied channel. ALL: The message is sent to all sixteen midi channels. First byte id Byte 1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 127 ] First byte Second byte id Byte 2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 127 ] Second byte





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MinLeftRight Base base MinLeftRight Mirko Demurtas

Extract the position of the lowest extremes Inputs Input Image id type type id input matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Pos Min id type type id inplace id inherited id Pos Min output matrix Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Monostable Base base Monostable Simone Ghisio

This block realize monostable component Inputs GenericInput id type type id Input Gneric Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input that set monostable

Outputs Output id OutputMonostable type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output of monostable Parameters Time id ParameterDuration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Time of high level





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MoveAroundPoint Base base movearoundpoint Simone Ghisio

This block moves the output point on a circle builded around the input point.Output point is pushed o by given points in the space. Inputs InputPoint id type type id input point Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Point

Outputs OutputPoint id output point type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Point Parameters Radius id type type id Radius radius Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of the circle around input point.


ResetAngle id angle type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Try to reset the angle between input point and output point to a given value. (in degrees) RangeAngle id range type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Angle where block search maximum distance form points. Step id step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The algorithm searches maximum distance from given point in RangeAngle every step value degree PointsMatrix id matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix of points that pushed o output point. Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset to custom angle in degrees




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MoveImageRoi Base base move image roi Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

This block extracts the given region from the input image. The extracted image is inserted into the output image in the position provided by the user. Notes The source region can be specied by means of the SetROI block Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image The ROI of the input image is the source rectangle

Outputs OutputImage id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This image contain a copy of the image ROI placed at specied position


Parameters Reference point id Mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Center Top left layout Bottom left Top right Bottom right domain [ 0, 5 ) This parameter select what point of the rectangle is set to the coordinate provided by the user Reference point type id ReferencePositionType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Separated integer X and Y Separated oating point X and Y layout (x,y) integer coordinate (x,y) Floating point domain [ 0, 4 ) Species whether to use integer or oating-point coordinatetes and wheter to use two separated values (one for X and other for Y coordinates) or bidimensional point datatype.Integer coordinates must be contained inside the boundaries of the rst input image. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the input image. background color id BgColor type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor This color, specied in the RGB model, is used to ll the background of the output image. Set ROI id SetOutputROI type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If this parameter is enabled the ROI of the output image surround the boundaries of the moved image ROI otherwise the ROI is not set.


Reference point (X,Y) id Position type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double Horizontal and vertical position of the insertion point, normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the width and height of the input image.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Multi-ChannelThreshold Base base audio threshold Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta Alberto Massari

Detects wether the audio signal has gone over a specied threshold; provides the sample where the threshold has been exceeded Inputs Audio input stream id type type id input audio stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Audio output sample This is the audio stream where the threshold overcoming is searched for. Event if this might also be a multichannel audio stream, only one channel is analized when looking for the threshold (the channel is specied via the parameters of the block). Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Audio output sample id output sample type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Audio input stream inherited id *no* The audio sample that begins at the sample where the threshold has been crossed.


Over-threshold value id output value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Value of the rst sample that exceeded the threshold. This is the original value, even if the block is working in absolute (unsigned) mode. That is, it may also be a negative value. Sample index id output samplendx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the rst sample that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the over-threshold value output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If the threshold is not exceeded, no output is generated. Sample Channel id output sample channel type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the channel that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the over-threshold value output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If the threshold is not exceeded, no output is generated. Parameters Threshold id threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Value to be compared to each sample in the specied channel. Direction id direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Both layout Up Down domain [ 0, 3 )


Direction in which the overcoming must occur for this block to generate an output. If direction is Up then an output is generated only when the sample values is bigger or equal than the threshold and the previous sample value is less than the threshold. The Down direction mean that a sample is less or equal than the threshold and the previous one is bigger than the threshold. The Both direction occurs in both cases. Sign mode id signmode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Absolute value layout Signed value (original value) domain [ 0, 2 ) This parameter species wether the value of the sample is analyzed as it is, or if it absolute value is kept into account. Sample delay id sample oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of samples after the point where the threshold was crossed from which the output sample will be extracted. It can be a negative number. Under-threshold samples id sample oset out type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The output audio sample will contain at most N consecutive samples that are below the given threshold, after which it will be silenced; when N==0, the original audio will be reported Sample Length id sample length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) This value species the number of samples that will be extracted into the output audio buer, starting at the sample position where the threshold has been crossed. Normalize output signal id normalize sample type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Species whether the output signal will be normalized, so that its energy will be equal to 1




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MultidimensionalSpace Base base MultidimensionalSpace Gualtiero Volpe

This block handles a multidimensional space by keeping and returning the current position in it and by updating the current position on the basis of the incoming increments. Inputs id type type id InputIncrements Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* id type type id InitialPosition Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id CurrentPosition Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*


Parameters id UseInitialPos type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool id Reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger




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MultipleListsRemoveDuplicates Base base multiple lists remove duplicates Paolo Coletta

Remove items from multiple lists in order to ensure that there are no duplicates values. Notes Duplicates are checked basing on datatype equality, i.e., basing on the value of the datatypes. Inputs Input id type type id input 0 Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no*

Input id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id

input 1 Kernel, List kernel, list required for execution read write Output *no*

output 0 Kernel, List kernel, list Input *no*


Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters

output 1 Kernel, List kernel, list Input *no*

Number of lists id num lists type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) The input list to be ltered



reduction.png reduction.png NoiseReduction Base base noise reduction Alberto Massari

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Removes background noise from the audio input buer using IPP functions Inputs Input buer id type type id noisy audio Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input audio buer to be cleaned.

Outputs Output buer id clean audio type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output audio buer cleaned.




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NonParametricBackgroundSubtraction Base base background subtraction elhada Paolo Coletta

Computes the background subtraction basing on a non-parametric model Inputs input id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input full image (background + foregorund

input mask id input mask type Base, Image type id base, image required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input mask for background adaptation input background probability id input background probability type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*


Probability of the input image to fully represent the background. Provides an hint on which images to add to the background Outputs Foreground mask id output foreground mask type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Mask of the detected foreground; i.e., white pixels correspond to the position of foreground pixels Parameters Remove shadows id remove shadows type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to apply the algorithm to remove the shadows (internally uses YUV input images, thus, an YUV input is preferable) Save kernel width id save kernel width type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to save the kernel width together with the block private data. Saving kernel width may cause patches to be huge and slow to load. However, it makes the algorithm faster to startup. Save background model id save background model type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to save the background model together with the block private data. Saving the backgound model may cause patches to become *very huge* and *very slow* to load (many images have to be serialized/saved). However, it makes the algorithm immediately ready to work at startup. Compute kernel width id compute kernel width type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true, the block computes the kernel width instead of performing background subtraction. Note that the background subtraction cannot be performed if kernel width has not


been computed. Kernel width should be computed using many consecutive frames from the background. Background model window id background model window type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number of past samples that are used when selecting the actual samples composing the background model. Background model samples id background model samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the number samples that make up the background model. Normalize output id normalize output type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Normalize output probability. Alpha threshold id shadow alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Alpha threshold for shadow removal. Beta threshold id shadow beta type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Beta threshold for shadow removal. Probability threshold id probability threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Probability threshold of the background


White foreground mask id white foreground mask type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the foreground mask is white, otherwise the foreground mask is black. Reset id reset model type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the stored model. Does not work if model is not complete yet




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NoteFractionDierence Base base NFDi Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the note fraction dierence for each frequence in the input vector of frequencies with respect to a given reference frequence. It comes from a suggestion by Koen Tanghe. Inputs Frequencies id type type id Frequencies Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input frequencies

Outputs Note fraction dierence id NFDis type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The computed note fraction dierence Parameters Reference frequence id RefFreq type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The reference frequence with respect to which the note fraction dierence is computed




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OLAConvolution Base base ola convolution Carlo Drioli

OLA Convolution Inputs Input1 buer id type type id input1 buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First buer

Input2 buer id type type id

input2 buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second buer


Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer Parameters Gain parameter id OlaConv gain type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Gain parameter balance parameter id OlaConv balance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double balance parameter




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OSCClient Base base client osc Mirko Demurtas Alberto Massari

This block send data by OSC protocol Inputs Input id type type id input data 000 Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Parameters Host/IP id Host type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Host/IP Port id UDP Port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Port Address id type type id Pattern Address Pattern Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string 680

Address Pattern Number of inputs id Number of inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of data items sent in the OSC packet Type of input id type input type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double String domain [ 0, 3 ) Type of input




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OSCServer Base base server osc Mirko Demurtas Alberto Massari Paolo Coletta

This block receive data by OSC protocol Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Port id type type id Server UDP Port Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Port output data Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*

Raw Mode id raw mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool In raw mode the block sends the undecoded data to the output without decoding the OSC tags. In practice, the block gets whatever is received on the given UDP port Address Pattern id Address Pattern type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Address Pattern


Number of outputs id Number of outputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of data items received in the OSC packet Type of output id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer Double layout String Integer 64bits domain [ 0, 4 ) Type of output Limit buer size id Limit Buer Size type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block gives an upperbound to the number of internally stored items. Setting an uperbound may reduce the latency but may also cause data loss Buer size limit id Buer Size Limit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) In the case of bounded buer size, species the bound




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OccurrencyCounter Base base OccurrencyCounter Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes how many times the values contained in thesecond input occur into the rst input. Inputs Input vector id type type id InX Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input vector on which occurrences are computed

Occurrences to check id InY type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* A vector containing the numbers whose occurrences in the input vector have to be counted


Outputs Occurrences id Output type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The counted occurrences





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OpenCvBayerToRgb Base base opencv bayer to rgb Mirko Demurtas

Bayer pattern to RGB color Inputs Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs Image id input image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image Parameters Type Sensor CCD/CMOS id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Type Sensor CCD/CMOS




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OpticalFlow Base base image optical ow Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Computes the optical ow of the given video stream. Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream1 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input multichannel image

Outputs Dx id output video stream dx type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image with the horizontal component of the optical ow Dy id output video stream dy type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image with the vertical component of the optical ow


Parameters Algorithm id algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: (HS) Horn and Schunck layout (BM) Block Matching (LK) Lucas and Kanade domain [ 0, 3 ) Species which algorithm to use to compute the Optical Flow. Horn and Schunck: B.K.P. Horn and B.G. Schunck 1981, Determining optical ow. Articial Intelligence, vol 17, pp 185-203. Block Matching: Calculates the optical ow for two images by using the block matching method Lucas and Kanade: Lucas B D and Kanade T 1981, An iterative image registration technique with an application to stereo vision. Proceedings of Imaging understanding workshop, pp 121130 [BM] Template Size id template size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the template (block) used by the Block Matching [BM] algorithm. [BM] Search Area Size id search area size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the search area used by the Block Matching [BM] algorithm. If a component of the size is zero, no search is performed along that direction; otherwise, the search is performed for at most the number of specied pixels around each block. [LK] Window Size id win size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the averaging window used by the Lukas Kanade [LK] algorithm for grouping pixels


Optical Flow Mode id of type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sequential (one input) layout Stereo (two inputs) domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can compute optical ow in sequential mode, i.e., computing it between the previous image and the current one, or in Stereo mode, i.e., computing it between a pair of input images.




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PARS Base base PARS Nguyen, Dinh Quan

This block computes the partial recurrence based synchronization matrix (PARS) on the input CPR matrix. Inputs Input CPR matrix id type type id In Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input CPR matrix.

Outputs PARS matrix id Out type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output PARS matrix




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PCMAudioMixer Base base pcm mixer Paolo Coletta Alessandro Fausto

Mixes the audio channels of a pcm multichannel stream. Inputs Input id type type id input Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* PCM audio stream to be mixed

Outputs Output id output type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Mixed PCM audio stream Parameters PanPot matrix id pan pot matrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix of the panoramic potentiometer, i.e., the mixing matrix. The number of rows must be equal to the number of input channels, whereas the number of columns determines the number of output channels


Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Constant layout Smoothed domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the mixing is done using the smoothing factors (UpStep, downStep) or using a constant matrix UpStep id type type id In the

up step Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double case of smoothed mode, species the maximum increasing step per sample

DownStep id down step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double In the case of smoothed mode, species the maximum decreasing step per sample ExportMatrix id export matrix type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Not export layout Export domain [ 0, 2 ) Export panpot matrix. It allows to verify panpot matrix when mode parameter is set to smoothed.





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PDFBackgroundSubtraction Base base pdf background subtraction Paolo Coletta

Background subtraction algorithm based on the computation of a pixel-based pdf Inputs Input id type type id input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output background referred as inherited *no* Input image on which to perform background subtraction. If shadow/highlights removal has to be performedthen the image should represent the luminance channel Outputs Output background id output background type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output image which represents the probability, for each pixel, of the corresponding input pixel to be a background one


Parameters Working id type type id mode working mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Training layout Running domain [ 0, 2 )

Num bits id num bits type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 8 ] Number of signicant bits of the input image. If set to 8 alla bits of the input image are used, otherwise less signicant bits are ignored Detection rate id detection rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Shadow percentage id shadow percentage type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double




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PFinder Base base pnder Paolo Coletta

Implements the adaptive background subtraction technique described in: C.R. Wren, A. Azarbayejani, T. Darrell, and A.P. Pentland, Pnder: real-time tracking of the human body, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, pp. 780-785, July 1997 Details The PFinder alghorithm performs a simple absolute dierence plus thresholding between the input image and the current background model. However, the background model is update according to the formula: b(t) = p(t) * alpha + b(t-1) * (1-alpha) where: nb is a pixel in the background model p is a pixel in the input image alpha is a user specied constant By default, only pixels classied as background are updated; however, the Update mode parameterlet the user choose a dierent behavior. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input image stream on which to perform background subtraction

Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble Kernel, MonadicArithOp base, pixelwise comparison op


Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output foreground image stream Parameters Reset Background id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset the current background model Output Background Model id output background model type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, an output is added which export the current internal background model Output Background Variance id output background variance type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, an output is added which export the current internal background model Threshold id threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the multiplication to be applied to the stanrd deviation before being used as the distance threshold between the input image and the background model to classify a pixel as foreground or background Adaptive background model id adaptive background model type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the background model (roughly, the mean background) is continuosly adapted according to the alpha parameter. If false, the background model is static.


Adaptive background variance id adaptive background variance type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the background variance (roughly, the mean background) is continuosly adapted according to the alpha parameter. If false, the background variance is static. Update mode id update mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Blind update layout Background BackgroundAndForeground domain [ 0, 3 ) Species how the model is updated: Blind: update the entire model with the same speed (alpha) Background: only update pixels classied as background BackgroundAndForeground: update both background and forground with dierent speeds (alpha and alpha foregound) Alpha id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Costant which determines the update speed of the internal background model (0.0, no update occurs; 1.0, the internal model is replaced by the input. Alpha Foreground id alpha foreground type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Costant which determines the update speed of the internal background model for foreground pixels (0.0, no update occurs; 1.0, the internal model is replaced by the input. This value is used only if update mode is set to BackgroundAndForground; otherwise the Alpha parameter is used Minimum variance id minimum variance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value of the variance.




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PeakDetector Base base timeSeriesPeakDetector Alessandro Fausto

Detect the rst peak of input time series. The user can enable the output of various type of peak : maximum; minimum; maximum of the module of values; minimum of the module of values. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs index of maximum id outputMaxIndexes type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the index of the rst maximum found in the time series.


value of maximum id outputMaxValues type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the value of the rst maximum found in the time series. Parameters Continous signal id continous signal type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If enabled the time series is considered part of a continuos signal and the last sample of last datatype concurr to the peak detection. Otherwise the time series is considered indipendent from the previous time series, the peak is detected using only the samples of the current time series. Threashold id Threashold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The threashold used to detect a peak. The peak (minumum or maximum) is considered only if its absolute value is greather than this threashold. Format id type type id

param mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Normal layout Absolute domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the working mode of threashold level : Normal the threashold is compared with samples sample threashold; Absolute the threashold is compared with the absolute value of samples (sample threashold). Compare id param compare type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Above layout Below domain [ 0, 2 )


Denes the threashold compare type : Above each peak is valid only if above the threashold; Below each peak is valid only if below the threashold. maximum id enable max type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the position and value of the rst maximum peak found in the input time series. minimum id enable min type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the position and value of the rst maximum peak found in the input time series absolute maximum id enable abs max type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the position and value of the rst maximum peak found in the input time series absolute minimum id enable abs min type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the position and value of the rst maximum peak found in the input time series




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PictureInPicture Base base picture in picture Paolo Coletta

THIS BLOCK IS NOT IMPLEMENETED YET This block add a picture into another existing picture at specied position and size. The rst input image is used as canvas and the second input image is placed into the specied area position and size. The second input image is placed into a user provided rectangular area of the the rst image. Details If the input images have a dierent format the second image is converted to the image format of the rst image. If is possible use the same format for the input images because the conversion require time and memory. Error messages: Coordinates type mismatch. The Coordinates type parameter contain an invalid identier, select a correct value from the drop down list. Notes The block @blockref(base, image pip) does a similar work. However, it is mainly based on Intel IPP libraries, and provides to the user all features available in the underlying library. This makes that block more exible, but more complex to tune. For most cases we reccomend the use of this simpler block.




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PitchCorr Base base pitch estimate Carlo Drioli

Pitch based on autocorrelation Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output scalar id output scalar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output scalar


Parameters window size id window size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Least possible window size 256 512 1024 layout 2048 4096 8192 16384 domain [ 0, 7 ] window size window type id PitchCorr windowtype type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None BlackmanStd Bartlett layout Hamming Hann Kaiser domain [ 0, 5 ] window type min pitch id PitchCorr minpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double min pitch max pitch id PitchCorr maxpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double max pitch


lter ag id PitchCorr lterag type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool lter ag




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PixelwiseComparison Base base pixelwise comparison Paolo Coletta

Perform a pixelwise comparison of images. The result is an image where the pixels are white where the comparison between the correspond source pixels is satised, black otherwise Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* First operand of the comparison operation

Required interfaces base, pixelwise comparison op Input 2 id input 2 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second operand of the comparison operation Required interfaces base, pixelwise comparison op


Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input 1 inherited id *no* Result of the comparison operation Parameters Comparison type id comparison type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: ( ) Less than ( = ) Less than or equal to ( )) ) Equal to layout ( ) Dierent from ( ) Greater than ( = ) Greater than or equal to domain [ 0, 6 ) Species which type of comparison to perform between the two input images




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Point2DDoubleToPoint2DInt Base base point2ddouble to point2dint Paolo Coletta

Convertes a Point2DDouble datatype to a Point2DInt datatype. Coordinates of a Point2DDouble datatype are usually normalized in the range [0.0 - 1.0], thus, this block provides a size datatype as a parameter, which is used as a multiplier of the input Point before being converted to an integer Point Inputs Input Point id type type id input Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input Point in double coordinates

Outputs Output Point id output type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output Point in integer coordinates Parameters Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int


The input Point2DDouble datatype is normalized with respect to a given size (usually the size of the original image). To convert it to a ROI2DInt datatype we need to know that size, in order to denormalize it. In practice, the input value is multiplied by the size before being converted to an integer ROI




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Point2DGenerator Base base point2d generator Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional point (x,y) that can be drawn too. Outputs Point id value type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The output point contains both the X and Y coordinates. If parameter domain is set to graphic mode then the point can be drawn. Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Point layout Coordinates domain [ 0, 2 ) If parameter is set to point then its a point datatype (a structure that contain inside both x and y). If the value is coordinates then the parameter point is splitted into two separated coordinates x and y


Domain id type type id

domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Int Geometric Double layout Graphic Int Graphic Double domain [ 0, 4 ) Specied the type of output. Its possible choose double or int type. Moreover its possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn X id x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int X value Y id y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Y value Matrix Trasform id mode trasform type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Matrix Rotate layout Translate Scale domain [ 0, 4 ) Matrix Trasform Matrix trasform id trasform type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix trasform





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Point2DOperation Base base Point2DOperations Simone Ghisio

The block extract point from a geometric labelled set and calculate some features. Inputs Input GeometricLabelledSet id input labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input GeometricLabelledSet Outputs Baricenter id outputCOG type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The input points barycenter.


Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the input is a GeometricLabelledSet of integer or double geometric values Baricenter id Baricenter type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Baricenter of geometric labelled set objects. BoundigRectangle id BR type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool BoundigRectangle of geometric labelled set objects. Area id Area type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Area of the convex hull.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Point3DGenerator Base base point 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional point, represented by 3 coordinates. Outputs OutputPoint3D id point output type Base, BaseGeometricPoint3Double type id base, base geometric point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Point 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XCoordinate id x parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinates of point YCoordinate id y parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Y coordinates of point ZCoordinate id z parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinates of point




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

PointInLabelledRoiList Base base point in labelled roi list Paolo Coletta

Search for the input point in the ROIs provided as a parameter. The reference point may represent the center of the roi, or one of its vertices, according to the value of the ROI Oset parameter. See the description of parameter ROI List for more datils abount the string format Inputs Input Point id type type id input point Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Point

Outputs Output Point id output roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Point Output Label id output label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


Label of the ROI in which the point is contained; empty if the point is not inside a ROI Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized oating-point (double) numbers or as integer numbers ROI Oset id roi oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Top Left Top Center Top Right Middle Left layout Middle Center Middle Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right domain [ 0, 9 ) Specify the position of the reference point of the ROI, with respect to the ROI itself. The parameter determines the interpretation of the rst two columns of the ROIs matrix. For instance, if this parameter is set to Middle Center, then the rst two columns represent the coordinate of the center of the ROI ROI List id roi list type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string A string representing a list of labelled ROIs The string parameter containes the list of ROIs and labels in the following format: x y width height label\n x y width height label\n ... where x, y, width, and height are double or integer numbers (according to the value of parameter Type). x, y may be interpreted as the center of the roi, or the top-left corner, or another reference point of the roi according to the value of parameter ROI Oset. label is a text string, which represent an identier of this roi; does not need to be unique. If the identier contain spaces, it should be surrounded by (single or double) quotes. In any case,


the label should not contain the semicolon digit. Comment lines can be inserted by putting the # or // characters at the beginning of the line Example: 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 zone 1 0.35 0.2 0.3 0.4 zone 2 ...




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

PointInRoiList Base base point in roi list Paolo Coletta

Search for the input point in the matrix provided as a parameter. Each matrix row is interpreted as a ROI; thus, the matrix has four columns: columns 1 and 2 represent the reference point of each ROI, whereas column 3 and 4 represent the size (width and height) of the ROI. The reference point may represent the center of the roi, or one of its vertices, accrding to the value of the ROI Oset parameter Inputs Input Point id type type id input point Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Point

Outputs Output Point id output roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Point


Output Index id output index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the ROI in which the point is contained, or -1 if the point is not inside a ROI Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized oating-point (double) numbers or as integer numbers ROI Oset id roi oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Top Left Top Center Top Right Middle Left layout Middle Center Middle Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right domain [ 0, 9 ) Specify the position of the reference point of the ROI, with respect to the ROI itself. The parameter determines the interpretation of the rst two columns of the ROIs matrix. For instance, if this parameter is set to Middle Center, then the rst two columns represent the coordinate of the center of the ROI ROI List id roi list type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix A matrix representing a list of ROIs




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

PointToRoi Base base pointtoroi Simone Ghisio

This block builds a rectangular area (ROI) from a given input point. The user may specify width/height of the area and the position of the point with respect to the rectangle (e.g., top-left, center, etc.) Inputs Input Point id type type id input point Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Point

Outputs Output Point id output roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Point


Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether coordinates are expressed as normalized oating-point (double) numbers or as integer numbers ROI Oset id roi oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Top Left Top Center Top Right Middle Left layout Middle Center Middle Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right domain [ 0, 9 ) Specify the position of the input point with respect to the generated output rectangle Null ROI id null roi type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the NULL ag of the output ROI. Note that implementations of blocks may interpret a NULL ROI dierently from an empty ROI. For instance, the image datatype inteprets a NULL ROI as a ROI covering the whole images, whereas an empty ROI (width or height set to zero) actually causes all pixels to be unaected by the subsequent operations Width id type type id Width

size x Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of the generated rectangle


Height id type type id Height

size y Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of the generated rectangle





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

PointsDensityIndex Base base PointsDensityIndex Maurizio Mancini

This block computes the Density Index of a given labelled set of geometric 3D points. Inputs Input geometric labelled set of 3D geometric points id InputGeometricLabelledSet type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* A labelled set containing the 3D geometric points on which the block computes cinematic energy. Outputs Points Density Index id OutputPointsDensityIndex type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The Points Density Index represents the dispersion of a set of 3D points respect to the median point. Centroid id type type id inplace id inherited id

KohonenMapOutputCentroid Base, Point 2D int base, point 2d int *no* *no*


This is centroid of the input set of 3D geometric points. Parameters Centroid id type type id Type of Computation ParameterCentroidType Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Median layout Mean domain [ 0, 2 ) You can select how the points centroid is computed.

Distance id type type id

Type of Computation ParameterDistanceType Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Median layout Mean Max domain [ 0, 3 ) You can select how the distance between each point of the set and the centroid is computed.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

PresentationTimeStabilizer Base base RePresentation Mirko Demurtas

This block changes the presentation time of a datatype by assuming that it was generated by a periodic process with a xed sampling rate. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Frequency id frequency type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Frequency output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no*


Time id time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Time




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ProbabilisticClassier Base base probabilisticclassier Maurizio Mancini

Computes the probability of an event referring to a predened distribution of probability (guassian, sigmoid). Inputs Input data id type type id classierinput Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input value to be classied.

Outputs Output data id rarityoutput i type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output data Output data id rarityoutput ii type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output data


Parameters Number of input/output id raritynumberinputid type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 100 ] Number of input on which computing rarity. The same value is used to determine the number of output.

Parameters matrix id classiermatrixparameter type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix A matrix containg the parameters of the distributions, every line is: (type,ipped,center,stdev/steepne type: can be 0 (gaussian) or 1 (sigmoid) ipped: can be 0 (classical) or 1 (vertically ipped) center: the mean value (for the gaussian) or the horizontal oset (for the sigmoid) stdev/steepness: standard deviation of the gaussian or steepness of the sigmoid



Proximity measures Tracker

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Proximity measures Tracker Base base ProximityMeasuresTracker Simone Ghisio

The block computes trackin algorithm using the proximity (similarity) measure method.The method calculates the measure between an image and a template (another image). Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input image

Input Geometric Labelled Set id input geometric labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Initial list of points to track


Outputs Output Geometric Labelled Set id output geometric labeled set type Base, Geometric Labelled Set 2D double type id base, geometric labeled set 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* List of points after tracking processing Load new labelled set id output lost points type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Request to load new labelled set because there are too many lost points Parameters Enlargement id window search size type Base, Rectangle 2D int type id base, rectangle 2d int Enlargement of search window . Template size id template size type Base, Rectangle 2D int type id base, rectangle 2d int Size of the template window. LostPoint id LostPoints type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Maximum number of lost points after that the block generates a request to create new features. Threshold id max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Threshold


Distance id max dist type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Maximum distance Type id type type id

type of measure Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Cross Correlation layout Distance domain [ 0, 2 ) Type of measure

Update id type type id

update Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Update layout Original domain [ 0, 2 ) Update




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ProximityMeasure Base base proximity Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Proximity measure Inputs Input stream id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input stream

Template id type type id

input video stream template Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Template


Outputs Output stream id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output stream Parameters Algorithms id algo type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sqr Distance Full Norm Sqr Distance Same Norm Sqr Distance Valid Norm Cross Corr Full Norm layout Cross Corr Same Norm Cross Corr Vald Norm Cross Corr Full Norm Level Cross Corr Same Norm Level Cross Corr Vald Norm Level domain [ 0, 9 ) Algorithms




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

QuantityOfMotion Base base mhi Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Computes the quantity of motion of a silhouette Inputs Input stream id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input stream

Outputs Output stream id output mhi type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output stream Quantity of motion id output motion type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Quantity of motion


Parameters Realtime mode id realtime-mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Use presentation time (i.e., the duration parameter) to compute the length of the update history; otherwise use frame history. Duration id duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Duration Frame to keep id frame-history type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Frame to keep in the motion history. Valid only for NO realtime mode Keep color model id keep-colormodel type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the color model of the output is the same of the input. In such case a conversion is introduced because the internal computation is always performed with BW oating point images. Dierence mode id di-mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the input silhouette is subtracted from the result before providing it as the output of the block. Integration mode id integration-mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Integration mode Window id type type id Size wnd-size Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int


Currently ignored.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors Quantizer Inputs InputDouble id type type id

Quantizer Base base Quantizer Mirko Demurtas

input double Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input double number

Outputs OutputQuantized id output double type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output quantized


Parameters Mode id type type id parameter mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Step layout Range domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

Step id step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Step size




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RTAn Base base sinan rtan Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Analysis Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer


Parameters FFT Size id FftTransform tsize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Least possible FFT 256 512 1024 layout 2048 4096 8192 16384 domain [ 0, 7 ] FFT Size san2 le id type type id name san lename Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=San2 le (*.san2)*.san2All les (*.*)*.* san2 le name

n. of partials id n of partials type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 100 ] n. of partials min pitch id analysis minpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double min pitch max pitch id analysis maxpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


max pitch mode switch id mode switch type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger mode switch




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RTAn Base base sinan rtsyn Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Synthesis Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer Parameters san2 le id type type id name san2 lename Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=San2 le (*.san2)*.san2All les (*.*)*.* lename parameter

sampling rate id Sampling rate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 16000, 48000 ] sampling rate


pitch shift id pitch shift type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double pitch shift time stretch id time stretch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double time stretch start command id start playing type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger start command




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RTAnSyn Base base sinan rtansyn Carlo Drioli

RealTime sinusoidal Analysis/Synthesis Inputs Input buer id type type id input buer Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input buer

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer


Parameters FFT Size id FftTransform tsize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Least possible FFT 256 512 1024 layout 2048 4096 8192 16384 domain [ 0, 7 ] FFT Size san2 le id type type id name san lename Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=San2 le (*.san2)*.san2All les (*.*)*.* san2 le name

n. of partials id n of partials type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 100 ] n. of partials min pitch id analysis minpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double min pitch max pitch id analysis maxpitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


max pitch mode switch id mode switch type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger mode switch pitch shift id pitch shift type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double pitch shift time stretch id time stretch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double time stretch start command id start playing type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger start command




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RandomNumbersGenerator Base base RandomGenerator Gualtiero Volpe

This block generates random numbers according to the distribution specied as parameter. Inputs SyncIn id type type id SyncIn Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Sync In: a new random sample is generated each time a bang arrives in this input.

Outputs Random output id RandomOutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The newly generated random number.


Parameters Output type id OutputType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Real layout Integer domain [ 0, 2 ) The desired type of the output random number. It can be either integer or real. Distribution id Distribution type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Beta Bilateral exponential Cauchy Exponential Gaussian layout Linear Poisson Triangular Uniform Weibull The distribution to be used for generating random samples. Minimum output value id MinOutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the random output number. Maximum output value id MaxOutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the random output number.





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RarityIndex Base base rarityindex Maurizio Mancini

Computes the rarity index of several input data. Inputs Input data id type type id rarityinput i Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input data

Input data id type type id

rarityinput ii Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input data


Outputs Output data id rarityoutput i type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output data Output data id rarityoutput ii type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output data Parameters Number of input/output id raritynumberinputid type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 100 ] Number of input on which computing rarity. The same value is used to determine the number of output. Computation type id raritytypeid type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Rarity layout Contrast domain [ 0, 2 ) Type of rarity computed by the block: it could be the rarity of each input data based on the input recent history or it could be the instantaneous contrast between each input. Memory length id datamemoryid type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int It represents the number of past samples on which the block computes rarity (not used when computing contrast).


Bins width id bnlevelsid type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix This is the width of the bins used to discretize the input data (one scalar for each bin, representing its width).





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadFromFile Base base ReadFile Mirko Demurtas

This block reads multiple streams of data from les written in a proprietary EyesWeb formats. Files usually have extension .ebf. Parameters Name File id File type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Eyesweb Binary File (*.ebf)*.ebf(*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Name File Raw Mode id Raw type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Raw Mode Head id Head type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Head Play id play type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Play


Pause id pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Pause Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop Play status id status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Play layout Pause Stop domain [ 0, 3 ) Recorder Status End of le id Eof type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stop layout Pause Loop domain [ 0, 3 ) End of le Set start id start type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Set start Start time id media startime type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Start time


Seek to id goto type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Seek to Seek to time id goto time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Seek to time Set duration id endto type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Set duration Duration time id media duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Duratione time Master Mode id master type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Master Mode Index Master id index master type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Index Master Delete Old Format File id delete previous le type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When opening a le in a previous format (le with external index), the le is converted to the new format. This parameter species whether the le in the old format is deleted after being converted




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadFromFile Base base ReadFromFile Simone Ghisio

Read data contained in a existing le. The le must be a txt le created by WriteToFile block. Inputs ReadLine id type type id read line Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* When its triggered the block reads a line of a specied le.

Outputs Input00 id type type id inplace id inherited id Input 00. input 00 Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time *no* *no*


Parameters FileName id le name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* File to be readed. ReadMode id read mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Bang layout Line Time domain [ 0, 3 ) Read Mode EOFMode id eof mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Loop layout Stop domain [ 0, 2 ) End of le mode. It works only if ReadMode is set to Bang mode. To obtain loop in Line and Time mode, the user must loop the input line number or input time.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadImage Base base read image Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Read an image which full pathname is received as a string input. Replaces the ReadImagesFromFolder block. Note: a breaking change occurred between and, as the block does not process folder entries as it did before. However, such features have moved to block GetIndexedPath, thus, the combination of GetIndexedPath and ReadImage provide the same fetures as the previous ReadImagesFromFolder block. Note: the block is currently limited to jpeg images. Inputs InputPath id type type id path Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Full path to the jpeg le to be loaded.

Outputs Output image id output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output image


Original Image Size id original image size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Provides the original image size Cue Status id cue status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Provides info about the status of the CUE operation. May assume one of the following value: 0 - No cue operation in progress 1 - Cue in progress 2 - Cue completed 3 - Cue error Parameters Output datatype info id image datatype type Kernel, StringPair type id kernel, string pair layout Output Datatype info Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL


Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr);


YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value). Coordinates Type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Int layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether ROI coordinates are integer (absolute) or normalize. In normalized mode source Roi coordinates are normalized with respect to the size of the source image, whereas dest Roi coordinates are normalized with respect to the output image size Source rect id roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double Rectangular area of source image to read from le Dest roi id type type id ROI of

dest-roi Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double the output image


LetterBox Mode id letterbox mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No letterbox CenterMiddle NoneTop NoneMiddle NoneBottom LeftNone LeftTop LeftMiddle layout LeftBottom CenterNone CenterTop CenterBottom RightNone RightTop RightMiddle RightBottom domain [ 0, 16 ) Species where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in No letterbox the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to cover all available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space. This enumerator species where to place such black frame. Since the user might not know in advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each mode species how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle means that if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, and the matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image will be vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the rst referring to the horizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontal centering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assume values none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is needed on that direction, than the image is stretched to ll the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTop means that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is applied and the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below. Cache Image id cache image type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the image loaded from le is cached in local memory and reused in the case the lename does no change. This optimize the case where the same image is used many con-


secutive time; however it implies one more copy occurs when the image change. Moreover, note that the whole image is cached, not only the source rect. Image File type id image le type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Jpeg TGA BMP JNG KOALA LBM IFF MNG PBMRAW PCD PCX ICO PBM PGM PGMRAW PNG PPM PPMRAW layout RAS TIFF WBMP PSD CUT XBM XPM DDS GIF HDR FAXG3 SGI EXR J2K JP2 PFM PICT RAW Automatic domain [ 0, 37 ) 762

Species the type of the image. Specifying the image type, instead of letting the block deduce it from the image header, may reduce the time needed to load the image

Cue Image Path id cue image path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Jpeg les (*.jpg,*.jpeg)*.jpg;*.jpegPortable Network graphics les (*.png)*. Path of the next image to be probably loaded. Note that this is just an hint for the block; the actual image loaded is specied via the input pin. However, setting this lename causes the specied image to be loaded in the background. If the next requested image matches the hint, the image will be available immediately



ReadMatrixFromFile - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadMatrixFromFile - double Base base doublematrix from le Paolo Coletta

Load a matrix of double numbers from a text le. Notes The text le must contain only ASCII characters. Files with other encodings is not supported, UTF encoded les are partially supported.All line starting with // or # or ; is considered as comment.The rst line (not commented) is evaluaded as matrix size. The other lines are evaluated as matrix rows.The matrix size must be writed as number of rowxnumber of column (example 5x12) otherwise the matrix dimensions is evaluated parsing the le.Each matrix row must be writed on a single line. The matrix is writed line by line starting from the top row and reaching the bottom row.The single row line contains all numbers of related matrix row writed in text format starting from the leftmost element and reaching the rightmost element. Each element is separated using one tab or spaces. The values is writed in left to right order.The format used to store each matrix values can be using standard or scentic. The separator is not supported. the decimal separator can be . or ,. The result of 123/10 can be formatted as 12.3 or 12,3 or 12,3e0 or 1.23e1.So one identity matrix with 3x3 dimension can be writed into a le as follow: # matrix dimension (can be not specied and the size is evaluated from matrix values) 3x3 // matrix values 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ; end of matrix Outputs Output matrix id value type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix


Parameters File name id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Species the name of the le. Reload id reload type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the block to reload the matrix from le again.



ReadMatrixFromFile - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadMatrixFromFile - int Base base intmatrix from le Paolo Coletta

Load a matrix of integer numbers from a text le. Notes The text le must contain only ASCII characters. Files with other encodings is not supported, UTF encoded les are partially supported.All line starting with // or # or ; is considered as comment.The rst line (not commented) is evaluaded as matrix size. The other lines are evaluated as matrix rows.The matrix size must be writed as number of rowxnumber of column (example 5x12) otherwise the matrix dimensions is evaluated parsing the le.Each matrix row must be writed on a single line. The matrix is writed line by line starting from the top row and reaching the bottom row.The single row line contains all numbers of related matrix row writed in text format starting from the leftmost element and reaching the rightmost element. Each element is separated using one tab or spaces. The values is writed in left to right order.The format used to store each matrix values can be using standard or scentic. The separator is not supported. the decimal separator can be . or ,. The result of 123/10 can be formatted as 12.3 or 12,3 or 12,3e0 or 1.23e1.So one identity matrix with 3x3 dimension can be writed into a le as follow: # matrix dimension (can be not specied and the size is evaluated from matrix values) 3x3 // matrix values 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 ; end of matrix Outputs Output matrix id value type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix


Parameters File name id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Species the name of the le. Reload id reload type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Force the block to reload the matrix from le again.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ReadMidi Base base ReadMidi Mirko Demurtas

This block reads a midi le. It has three dierent output modalities: - Multi-channel: all the midi channels of the input le are separated and each channel has its own output line, so all the messages of a channel are sent trough out that channels dedicated output line. - Mixed-channel: only one output pin is created and all the midi messages red from the input le are sent trough out the output line without taking care of the messages channel. - Buered output: only one output line is created but, instead of sending out each single midi message, a buer is created and lled with the messages red from the input le. The midi buer is then sent trough out the output line only when it is full. The size of the output buer can be manually specied (in milliseconds) or can be automatically calculated from an external audio clock input signal depending on which synchronization mode is selected. The block has also three dierent synchronization modalities: - Internal clock: execution period is calculated from the values red from the input midi le such as the Time division value located in the le header chunk and the various Tempo values carried by the Set Tempo meta-event messages. - External audio clock: a new input pin is created and you can connect to it an external audio clock signal (such as an audio buer signal). The timing properties of the midi track (such as Tempo and Tick length) are red from the midi input le like in the previous synchronization mode, but this time the output mode is automatically switched to Buered output and the length of the midi buer is calculated to match the values acquired from the external audio signal. The execution of the block is no more set to periodic (like in the other synchronization modes) but his activation is set to Event based, the block is activated each time it receives an audio buer from the input pin. When an input audio buer arrives, the block starts to ll the output buer with midi messages until his length (in milliseconds) matches the input ones and then it is sent trough out the output pin. In this way, each time an audio buer is generated from i.e. an mp3 reader block, a midi buer with the same length is generated too. This is very useful to synchronize a midi le with an external media source. - User specied period: the execution period can be specied by the user ignoring the Time division value and all the Set Tempo meta-event messages in the input midi le. REMARKS Some midi meta-event (like the Time Signature messages to change Metric values) are ignored by the midi le parser.


Parameters File Name id File type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Midi les (*.mid)*.midAll les (*.*)*.* File Name Restart on end of le id Eof type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Restart on end of le Synchronization mode id sync mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Internal clock layout Use external audio clock User specied period domain [ 0, 3 ) It allows to choose the synchronization mode Period id Periodic type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Period Output mode id device mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Multi channel layout Mixed channel Buered mode domain [ 0, 3 ) It allows to choose the output mode


Buer length (ms) id buer length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter species the length of the output buer in milliseconds Velocity id Velocity type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Velocity




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RebuerAudio Base base rebueraudio Mirko Demurtas

Rebuer audio streams in a dierent audio buer with a specied dimension. Error and Warning Messages During initialization phase - The output buer has *** instead of *** samples Inputs Input audio stream id type type id input audio stream Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Audio Stream that must be rebuered.

Outputs Output audio stream id output audio stream type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Audio Stream rebuered. Parameters Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger


Reset the buering of input stream Delay id delay type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Delay Sliding id sliding type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Sliding Buering id type type id type buerinf type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Buer Time layout Number of sample Frame per second domain [ 0, 3 ) Buering description

Durate stream id buer duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Durate Audio stream output




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Receive Base base recv Alessandro Fausto

Receive a datatype from a sender block or external application using various protocols.This new version has the ability to declare the output datatype using the init informations received from the SendToNetwork2 block. This is possible only when the protocol used by this two blocks is UDP v2.0 or TCP v1.0. In this case a new parameter appers and the user can be toggle between the old style initialization (input pin) or new style initialization (sended informations). In the initialization of the patch this block check 10 times per seconds if the datatype initialization data is arrived. If the initialization packet is not received in less than 3 seconds the block print a error message and stop the patch initialization because a block must declare its output datatype before exit the Init() function. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output This input is used to initialize the datatype given as output. A warning message is printed if the datatype sent from the sender block is dierent from the input datatype. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input inherited id *no* The output datatype is initialized using the same type and initialization parameter of input datatype. A warning message is printed if the datatype sent from the sender block


is dierent from the input datatype. Parameters protocol id parameter mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: UDP v. 1.0 layout UDP v. 2.0 TCP v. 1.0 domain [ 0, 3 ) The UDP version 1.0 is the eyesweb network protocol used before XMI 5.0.4. The other two protocols are the newer versions.The UDP version 2.0 has better errors handling and use less bandwidth than UDP version 1.0 protocol.The TCP version 1.0 use the same techniques of UDP v2.0 but use one TCP stream to send the data. Sender address id dest address type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string IP address (or fully qualied hostname) of the sender computer. Calc. presentation time id cal presentationTimeId type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Recalculate the presentation time using the received dt duration. Ignores the received presentation time Statistics id out statistics type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output two counters.The counterValid output is the number of datatypes correctly received.The counterWrong output is the number of datatypes received with errors.The errors can be incomplete reception or detection of corrupted data. Remote Port id init info port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This is the remote TCP port number where the sender computer wait for receiver requests.


Datatype id type type id

inizialization init from sender Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: from input datatype layout from sender information domain [ 0, 2 ) Select between initialization from init information sent by sender block or from input datatype





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Rectangle2DGenerator Base base rectangle2d generator int Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Generates a bidimensional rectangle. The rectangle can be drawn if parameter domain is set to graphic mode Outputs Rectangle id value type Base, Rectangle 2D int type id base, rectangle 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rectangle created according to the parameter Rectangle. Parameters mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Rectangle layout Points Coordinates domain [ 0, 3 ) If parameter is set to rectangle value, then the input of parameter Rectangle must be a rectangle datatype. If the parameter is set to points value then the input of Rectangle must be a couple of point datatype (upper-left, lower-right). If the parameter value is coordinates then Rectangle must be upper-left and lower right points splitted into four integer values. Mode id type type id


Domain id type type id

domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Int Geometric Double layout Graphic Int Graphic Double domain [ 0, 4 ) Specied the type of output. Its possible choose double or int type. Moreover its possible to create a geometric point datatype or a graphic point that can be drawn X1 id x1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Abscissa of upper left point Y1 id y1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Ordinate of upper let point X2 id x2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Abscissa of lower right point Y2 id y2 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Ordinate of lower right point


Matrix Trasform id mode trasform type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Matrix Rotate layout Translate Scale domain [ 0, 4 ) Matrix Trasform Matrix trasform id trasform type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Matrix trasform





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Rectangle3DGenerator Base base rectangle 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional rectangle, represented by the upper,left origin, and 3 sizes. Outputs OutputRectangle3D id rectangle output type Base, BaseGeometricRectangle3Double type id base, base geometric rectangle 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Rectangle 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XOrigin id x parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of origin


YOrigin id y parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Y coordinate of origin ZOrigin id z parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of origin XSize id type type id Lenght YSize id type type id Lenght ZSize id type type id Lenght

xsize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of x side

ysize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of y side

zsize parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of z side



RectangleOperations2D - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleOperations2D - double Base base rect2d double op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between 2 rectangles Inputs Rectangle 1 id type type id rect1 Base, Rectangle 2D double base, rectangle 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2 id type type id

rect2 Base, Rectangle 2D double base, rectangle 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second rectangle of the selected operation


Outputs Output rectangle id rect out type Base, Rectangle 2D double type id base, rectangle 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation Parameters Operation id operation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Intersect layout Union domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of the operation Intersection or union.



RectangleOperations2D - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleOperations2D - int Base base rect2d int op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between 2 rectangles Inputs Rectangle 1 id type type id rect1 Base, Rectangle 2D int base, rectangle 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2 id type type id

rect2 Base, Rectangle 2D int base, rectangle 2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second rectangle of the selected operation


Outputs Output rectangle id rect out type Base, Rectangle 2D int type id base, rectangle 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation Parameters Operation id operation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Intersect layout Union domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of the operation Intersection or union.



RectangleOperations3D - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleOperations3D - double Base base rect3d double op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between two 3d rectangles Inputs Rectangle 1 id type type id rect1 Base, Rectangle 3D double base, rectangle 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2 id type type id

rect2 Base, Rectangle 3D double base, rectangle 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second rectangle of the selected operation


Outputs Output rectangle id rect out type Base, Rectangle 3D double type id base, rectangle 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation Parameters Operation id operation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Intersect layout Union domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of the operation Intersection or union.



RectangleOperations3D - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleOperations3D - int Base base rect3d int op Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Calculate union or intersection between two 3d rectangles Inputs Rectangle 1 id type type id rect1 Base, Rectangle 3D int base, rectangle 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* First rectangle of the selected operation

Rectangle 2 id type type id

rect2 Base, Rectangle 3D int base, rectangle 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Second rectangle of the selected operation


Outputs Output rectangle id rect out type Base, Rectangle 3D int type id base, rectangle 3d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rectangle obtained after the selected operation Parameters Operation id operation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Intersect layout Union domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the type of the operation Intersection or union.



RectangleToPointAndSize - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleToPointAndSize - double Base base RectToPoinandSizeDouble Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Convert a double rectangle to its origin point(x,y) and size(width,height) Inputs Rectangle to origin and size id rect2d type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The rectangle that must be converted. Outputs Origin id point2d type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Origin point (x,y) of the rectangle.This output is usually used to calculate bounding rectangle with the size of the object. Size id type type id inplace id inherited id

size2d Base, Size 2D double base, size2d double *no* *no*


Size of rectangle (width and height). If these two values are added to origin point the result is the bounding rectangle.



RectangleToPointAndSize - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RectangleToPointAndSize - int Base base RectToPoinandSizeInt Mirko Demurtas Roberto Sagoleo

Convert an integer rectangle to origin point(x,y) and size(width,height) Inputs Rectangle to origin and size id rect2d type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The rectangle that must be converted. Outputs Origin id point2d type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Origin point (x,y) of the rectangle.This output is usually used to calculate bounding rectangle with the size of the object. Size id type type id inplace id inherited id

size2d Base, Size 2D int base, size2d int *no* *no*


Size of rectangle (width and height). If these two values are added to origin point the result is the bounding rectangle.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Remap Base base remap Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Modify the input image according to x and y input map table Inputs Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image

X map id type type id

x map Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* X map


Y map id type type id

y map Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Y map

Outputs Remapped image id output remapped type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Remapped image Parameters Dest. ROI id dest-roi type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int Destination ROI Interpolation Algorithm id interpolation algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest neighbour Linear layout Cubic Super Sample domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., cubic) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.



RemapMatrix - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RemapMatrix - double Base base remap doublematrix Paolo Coletta

Remap items of a matrix using two auxiliary matrices as maps for rows and columns. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix containing the items to be remapped.

Rows map id type type id

row map id Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Each item of this matrix contains the position (row) where to move the corresponding item of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of this matrix has value m, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (m, ?) position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


Columns map id type type id

column map id Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Each item of this matrix contains the position (column) where to move the corresponding item of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of this matrix has value n, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (?, n) position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter). Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix containing the remapped values.



RemapMatrix - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RemapMatrix - int Base base remap intmatrix Paolo Coletta

Remap items of a matrix using two auxiliary matrices as maps for rows and columns. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix containing the items to be remapped.

Rows map id type type id

row map id Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Each item of this matrix contains the position (row) where to move the corresponding item of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of this matrix has value m, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (m, ?) position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter).


Columns map id type type id

column map id Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Each item of this matrix contains the position (column) where to move the corresponding item of the input matrix when copying it to the output matrix. I.e., if item (i,j) of this matrix has value n, then the (i, j) item of the input matrix will be moved to the (?, n) position of the output matrix (the value of ? depends on the other parameter). Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output matrix containing the remapped values.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RemoveByLabel Base base RemoveByLabel Simone Ghisio

The block allows to select a subset or a single item from the input labelled set. Inputs InputLabelledSet id type type id input labeled set Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.

OutputString id type type id

input string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Output Geometric Labelled Set of homogeneous geometric object.


Outputs InputLabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Input Labelled Set. This is a non homogeneous list of geomteric object.





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RemoveDuplicates Base base remove duplicates Mirko Demurtas

This block removes adjacent consecutive duplicate datatypes Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

RemoveShape2D-double Base base RemoveShapeDouble Simone Ghisio

This block removes shapes from the input list according to parameters area and height. Double version of the block. It works with double shapes. Inputs InputList id type type id input shape list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace OutputList referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes

Outputs OutputList id type type id inplace id inherited id Output list input shape list Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype InputList *no* without removed shapes.


Parameters Mode id type type id par mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Threshold layout Linear domain [ 0, 2 ) Actually it works only in Threshold mode

area id par area type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of this parameter is the minimum area allowed of the shape. height id par height type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of this parameter is the minimum height allowed of the shape.





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RemoveShape2D-int Base base RemoveShapeInt Simone Ghisio

This block removes shapes from the input list according to parameters area and height. Integer version of the block. It works with int shapes. Inputs InputList id type type id input shape list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace OutputList referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes

Outputs OutputList id type type id inplace id inherited id Output list input shape list Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype InputList *no* without removed shapes.


Parameters Mode id type type id par mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Threshold layout Linear domain [ 0, 2 ) Actually it works only in Threshold mode

area id par area type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The value of this parameter is the minimum area allowed of the shape. height id par height type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The value of this parameter is the minimum height allowed of the shape.





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RemoveSparsePixle Base base RemoveSparse Mirko Demurtas

This block remove sparse pixel Inputs Input id type type id Input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Image

Outputs Output id Output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Image





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RescaleInRangePoint3D-Double Base base point 3d rescale double Simone Ghisio

Rescale geometric objects according to parameter values.The rescaling is linear. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* 3D obect to be rescaled

Required interfaces base, 3d rescale in range double Outputs Output3D id output 3d type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* 3D obect rescaled Parameters StartRangeInputX id param start range input x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 807

Start Range Input. EndRangeInputX id param end range input x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Input. StartRangeOutputX id param start range output x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Output EndRangeOutputX id param end range output x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Output StartRangeInputY id param start range input y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Input. EndRangeInputY id param end range input y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Input. StartRangeOutputY id param start range output y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Output EndRangeOutputY id param end range output y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Output


StartRangeInputZ id param start range input z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Input. EndRangeInputZ id param end range input z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Input. StartRangeOutputZ id param start range output z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Output EndRangeOutputZ id param end range output z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Output





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RescaleInRangePoint3D-Int Base base point 3d rescale int Simone Ghisio

Rescale geometric objects according to parameter values.The rescaling is linear. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* 3D obect to be rescaled

Required interfaces base, 3d rescale in range int Outputs Output3D id output 3d type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* 3D obect rescaled Parameters StartRangeInputX id param start range input x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int 810

Start Range Input. EndRangeInputX id param end range input x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Input. StartRangeOutputX id param start range output x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start Range Output EndRangeOutputX id param end range output x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Output StartRangeInputY id param start range input y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start Range Input. EndRangeInputY id param end range input y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Input. StartRangeOutputY id param start range output y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start Range Output EndRangeOutputY id param end range output y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Output


StartRangeInputZ id param start range input z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start Range Input. EndRangeInputZ id param end range input z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Input. StartRangeOutputZ id param start range output z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Start Range Output EndRangeOutputZ id param end range output z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int End Range Output




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ResizeRoi Base base resize roi Paolo Coletta

This block changes the size of the input Roi by adding the user-specied quantities to the width and height of the Roi. The user can choose whether the resulting Roi is centered with respect to the original one; if not, the point that remains xed can be specied Inputs InputROI id type type id input roi Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace OutputROI referred as inherited *no* Input ROI

Outputs OutputROI id output roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id InputROI inherited id *no* Resized Roi


Parameters Type id type type id m typePtr Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Specify whether ROI coordinates and size are expressed as normalized oating-point (double) numbers or as integer numbers ROI Oset id m roiOsetPtr type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Top Left Top Center Top Right Middle Left layout Middle Center Middle Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right domain [ 0, 9 ) Specify the position of the xed point of the input ROIwith respect to the generated output rectangle Size id parameter size type Base, Size 2D double type id base, size2d double Species the amount of change that occurs in the width and height. Use negative value to shrink the input Roi, positive values to enlarge it




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Roi2DDoubleToRoi2DInt Base base roi2ddouble to roi2dint Paolo Coletta

Convertes a Roi2DDouble datatype to a ROI2DInt datatype. Coordinates of a ROI2DDouble datatype are usually normalized in the reange [0.0 - 1.0], thus, this block provides a size datatype as a parameter, which is used as a multiplier of the input ROI before being converted to an integer ROI Inputs Input ROI id type type id input Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input ROI in double coordinates

Outputs Output ROI id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int output Base, Roi 2D int base, roi2d int *no* *no* ROI in integer coordinates


The input Roi2DDouble datatype is normalized with respect to a given size (usually the size of the original image). To convert it to a ROI2DInt datatype we need to know that size, in order to denormalize it. In practice, the input value is multiplied by the size before being converted to an integer ROI




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RoiToRectangle Base base RoiToRectangle Gualtiero Volpe

This block converts a Region of Interest (ROI) in a geometric or graphic rectangle. It allows setting the graphic properties of the output rectangle. Inputs id type type id InputROI Base, Roi 2D int base, roi2d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id OutputRectangle Base, Rectangle 2D int base, rectangle 2d int *no* *no*


Parameters id type type id RectType Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Geometric Integer Geometric Real layout Graphic Integer Graphic Real domain [ 0, 4 ) id Color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor id Thickness type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id IsFilled type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool id FillColor type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Rotate Base base RotateObject2D Mirko Demurtas

This block rotates the input geometric or graphic 2D object. The block input is generic but it accepts only 2D rotable objects. Inputs Input object id type type id InputObject Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output object referred as inherited *no* The input 2D object to be rotated.

Required interfaces Base, Transformations2D Outputs Output object id OutputObject type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input object inherited id *no* The output rotated 2D object.


Parameters Rotation angle id RotationAngle type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The rotation angle in radiants to be applied to the input object. Rotate vertexes id Compute type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If false the transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and the parameter is set to false the rotation is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true, the vertexes of the object is actually rotated and the object is redrawn changing the origin of the axis, so the rotation might not be visible. If in the patch some blocks of transformation are used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to true computes alle the previous transformation on the vertexes.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Rotate3D-Double Base base rotate 3d double Simone Ghisio

Rotate the 3D object, updating angle values. The block applies the transformation to the object. It means that coordinates are updated according to transformation value parameters. This applying is necessary to rotate object around a generic point. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d rotate Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters AngleX id type type id Angle AngleY id type type id Angle AngleZ id type type id Angle param x rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around x axis.

param y rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around y axis.

param z rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around z axis.

RotationCenterX id center x type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Center ofrotation on x axis. RotationCenterY id center y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Center ofrotation on y axis. RotationCenterZ id center z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Center ofrotation on z axis.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Rotate3D-Int Base base rotate 3d int Simone Ghisio

Rotate the 3D object, updating angle values. The block applies the transformation to the object. It means that coordinates are updated according to transformation value parameters. This applying is necessary to rotate object around a generic point. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d rotate Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output 3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters AngleX id type type id Angle AngleY id type type id Angle AngleZ id type type id Angle param x rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around x axis.

param y rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around y axis.

param z rotation Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double of rotation around z axis.

RotationCenterX id center x type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Center ofrotation on x axis. RotationCenterY id center y type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Center ofrotation on y axis. RotationCenterZ id center z type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Center ofrotation on z axis.




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SI-1280 Base base SI-1280 Alberto Massari

Acquire video stream from USB2 camera Outputs Acquired video id video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the video stream coming from the camera Parameters Camera ID id camera-id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 7 ] The number of the camera (0-7) Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int The dimension of the acquired window Window oset id window oset type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int The location of the top left corner of the acquisition window, relative to the full 1280x1024 window.


Vertical mirror id vert mirror type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the image must be swapped vertically Horizontal mirror id horiz-mirror type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the image must be swapped horizontally Clock id clock type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 7 MHz 8 MHz 9 MHz 10 MHz 15 MHz 20 MHz 25 MHz 30 MHz 35 MHz layout 40 MHz 41 MHz 42 MHz 43 MHz 44 MHz 45 MHz 50 MHz 55 MHz 60 MHz Acquisition clock; frame rate is given by the formula clock/((columns+150)*rows) Subsample id subsample type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the specied acquisition window should be subsampled by a factor of 2. E.g. an acquisition window of 1280x1024 with subsampling on will generate a frame of 640x512 covering the entire window


Color Mode id color-mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: layout Black & White The color mode of the acquired video; it can be black & white or color Gain id gain type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 1.410 1.620 1.880 2.170 2.520 2.920 3.380 3.900 layout 4.500 5.170 5.930 6.760 7.860 8.640 9.610 10.690 The global gain of the camera Black oset id black oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 127 ] Species the oset (in the range 0,127) of the black color Column oset id column oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the column balance


Shutter type id shutter type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Rolling Shutter Triggered Shutter, 32 clocks Triggered Shutter, 64 clocks Triggered Shutter, 128 clocks layout Triggered Shutter, 256 clocks Rolling Shutter, Dual Slope 1 Rolling Shutter, Dual Slope 2 Rolling Shutter, Dual Slope 3 Species if the camera will use a full frame (aka progressive scan) shutter, or a rolling shutter. The dual slope mode allows to compensate for bright and dark areas in the same picture. The number of clocks in the full-frame mode are multiplied by the exposure time to obtain the acquisition window. Rolling shutter window id rolling shutter window type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Species the number of rows that will be acquired at the same time; it must be less than the total number of rows. Exposure id exposure type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 4096 ] When the camera is in full-frame mode, species the number of cycles that each exposure will take Color resolution id bit resolution type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bit layout 12 bit Species the number of bits (8 or 12) used by each pixel in the resulting image


Max queue size id max queue size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ -1, +innity ) Species the maximum size of the interna queue of images. Having a queue of size greater than zero may help to avoid loosing frames. However, a limit is needed to avoid a costant grow of the mmory requirements. Use -1 to mean n limit




bitmap Sample by Energy.png Sample by Energy.png class name catalog name catalog id class id authors SampleCounterByEnergyPerc Base base Counter Sample by Energy Simone Ghisio

Count values by a given percentual of energy Inputs Input Buer id type type id input sound buer Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input buer that must be elaborated

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Value Parameters THR id threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 830 output value Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SampleEntropy Base base sampleentropy Maurizio Mancini

Computes the sample entropy of the input data. Inputs Input time series id type type id sampleentropyinput Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The time series containing the input data.

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Sample entropy id sampleentropyoutput type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The sample entropy of the input time series. Normalized timeseries id normalizedoutput type Base, TemporalData type id base, temporal data inplace id *no* inherited id *no* 832

This is the normalized version of the input timeseries (if the normalization parameter is set to true). Parameters algorithm type id sampleentropyalgotype type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: algorithm 1 layout algorithm 2 domain [ 0, 2 ) The block can compute sample entropy with dierent algorithms. m id sampleentropym type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This is the length of subvestors on which the sample entropy is computed. Maxmimum value for m is the length of the input time series minus 1. r id type type id If two sampleentropyr Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double subvectors distance is less than this parameter than they match.

normalize id sampleentropynormalize type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Normalize the input time series.




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Savitzky-Golay Base base savitzkygolaylter Maurizio Mancini

Computes the Savitzky Golay lter on the input time series. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters Filter order id lterorder type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int output Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input *no* smoothed time series


The higher the order the strongest the intensity of smoothing Output type id typeparam type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Smoothed signal Smoothed 1st derivative layout Smoothed 2nd derivative Smoothed 3rd derivative domain [ 0, 4 ) Type of output: ltered signal, ltered 1st derivative, ltered 2nd derivative, ltered 3rd derivative Input timeseries mode id modeparam type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Buer layout Sliding window domain [ 0, 2 ) The input timeseries can be a buer or a sliding window Output delay (samples) id delayedparam type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The output can be delayed to obtain a more stable signal





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ScalarDisplay Base base Display Mirko Demurtas

Displays one or more scalar (integer or double) number(s). The user can select the font used to display the scalar value(s). If more than one scalar is displayed, then, the values are vertically stacked within the same window. Each input can be assigned a label (through the custom dialog of the block) which is displayed next to its value. Inputs Input 0 id type type id Input000 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 0 of the block

Parameters Number of inputs id nInput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 16 ] Number of inputs of the block. All inputs are displays in the block area, vertically stacked. Each input can be assigned a label which is displayed next to its value. Font id type type id This is

LabelFont Kernel, Font kernel, font the font used to display the scalar value and the associated label.




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ScalarRescaler Base base Rescale Mirko Demurtas

The block rescales input value in an output value using input and output range parameters. In custom mode the user must provides both the input and output ranges. In automatic mode the user must provides just the output range. The input range is calculated setting end and start input range as maximum and minimum input values. In this mode its possible to evaluate input and update min/max values or just rescale input value without update the range. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input value.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output rescaled value.


Parameters Mode id type type id param mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Custom range layout Automatic range domain [ 0, 2 ) Set the input range mode parameter. In custom mode the user must provides the input range. In automatic mode it is calculated setting end and start input range as maximum and minimum input values. Start Range Output id param start range output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Output End Range Output id param end range output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Output Start Range Input id param start range input type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Start Range Input. Ignored in automatic mode. End Range Input id param end range input type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double End Range Input. Ignored in automatic mode. Update id param update type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Use input value to update max and min values. Not used in custom mode.


NotUpdate id param not update type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Use old max and min value. Not used in custom mode. Update mode id param update mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Updating layout NotUpdating domain [ 0, 2 ) It shows if the block is updating max and min values or not. Not used in custom mode.




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ScalarToAudio Base base scalar to audio conversion Carlo Drioli Paolo Coletta

Generates an audio buer for each scalar input value. Inputs Input scalar id type type id input scalar Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input scalar

Outputs Output buer id output buer type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer Parameters sampling rate id Sampling rate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 160, 48000 ] sampling rate


frame size id Frame size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( -innity, +innity ) frame size carrier frequency id Carrier freq type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double carrier frequency modulation type id Modulation type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: None AM modulation layout FM modulation AM+FM modulation domain [ 0, 3 ] modulation type




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Scale Base base ScaleObject2D Mirko Demurtas

This block scales the input geometric or graphic 2D object. Inputs Input object id type type id InputObject Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output object referred as inherited *no* The input 2D object to be scaled.

Required interfaces Base, Transformations2D Outputs Output object id OutputObject type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input object inherited id *no* The output scaled 2D object. Parameters Scaling factor along X id ScalingFactorX type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


The scaling factor to be applied to the input object along the X axis. Scaling factor along Y id ScalingFactorY type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The scaling factor to be applied to the input object along the Y axis. Compute id Compute type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If false the transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and the parameter is set to false the rescaling is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true, the vertexes of the object is actually rescaled and the object is redrawn changing the origin of the axis, so the rescaling might not be visible. If in the patch some blocks of transformation are used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to true computes alle the previous transformation on the vertexes.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Scale3D-Double Base base scale 3d double Simone Ghisio

Scale the 3D object, updating scaling values. The block doesnt apply the transofmration to the object. It means that scaling are updating, but not the coordinates. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d scle Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters ScaleX id type type id Scaling ScaleY id type type id Scaling ScaleZ id type type id Scaling param x scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on x axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

param y scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on y axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

param z scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on z axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Scale3D-Int Base base scale 3d int Simone Ghisio

Scale the 3D object, updating scaling values. The block doesnt apply the transofmration to the object. It means that scaling are updating, but not the coordinates. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d scle Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters ScaleX id type type id Scaling ScaleY id type type id Scaling ScaleZ id type type id Scaling param x scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on x axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

param y scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on y axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.

param z scale Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double value on z axis. 0 value means that not rescale along the axis.





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SegmentHistogram Base base segment histogram Simone Ghisio

This block search segments in the input blob. The block nds black segments inside white border or white segments inside black border. Inputs Input Blob id type type id input blob Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input silhouette of the image.

Outputs Output Histogram id output image type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output segments Histogram


Parameters Scan direction id scan direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Vertical layout Horizontal domain [ 0, 2 ) Scan Direction BlackOrWhite id hole color type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Black layout White domain [ 0, 2 ) Select if the block search black segments inside white or white segments inside black. BorderWidth id border width type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Minimum Border Width SegmentWidth id hole width type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Minimum Segment Width




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SelectInterval Base base select interval Paolo Coletta

Given a time as input, select the index of the time-interval to which the input belongs Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input time

Outputs Found id type type id inplace id inherited id A boolean output found Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no* specifying whether the given time was found in any of the intervals

Label Index id output label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The label of the selected interval


Parameters Intervals id intervals type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Intervals are specied as a semicolon-separated sequence of: starttime endtime label where starttime and endtime are oating-point time values expressed in seconds, label is an optional free-text string Enable output index id enable output index type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block will provide an output representing the zero-based index of the interval Enable output label id enable output label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block will provide an output representing the label of the interval Enable output start time id enable output start time type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block will provide an output representing the start time of the interval Enable output end time id enable output end time type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the block will provide an output representing the end time of the interval



SelectMultipleTrackedShape Double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SelectMultipleTrackedShape Double Base base select multiple tracked blobs Paolo Coletta Simone Ghisio

Selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on their area, size, or contraction index. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Labelled set of tracked shapes. Shapes tracking is assumed to be perfomed elsewhere; this block just selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on a user-specied criteria Outputs Output datatype id blob 0 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Label id type type id inplace id inherited id

label 0 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*


Found id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters

found 0 Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*

Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Once the shapes to be tracked are selected, they are conrmed in following frames, even if they do not satisfy the given criteria anymore. E.g., if a criteria is the biggest area, the shape with the highest area may be selected at a certain time instant; in the subsequent frames it is selected regardless of its area: i.e., should a biggest shape appear, the current one is still selected and the new one is ignored. The reset command causes the criteria to be evaluated again, thus, a new set of shapes will be selected. Order id type type id

order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ascending layout Descending domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the order used to extract shapes

Criteria id type type id

extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Area Height layout Width Distance from point domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the feature used by the algorithm to extract shapes


Num shapes id num blobs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the maximum number of shapes to be selected. Autoreset id autoreset on type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No autoreset layout OnTopN domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the autoreset



SelectMultipleTrackedShape Int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SelectMultipleTrackedShape Int Base base select multiple tracked blobs int Paolo Coletta Simone Ghisio

Selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on their area, size, or contraction index. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Labelled set kernel, labeled set required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Labelled set of tracked shapes. Shapes tracking is assumed to be perfomed elsewhere; this block just selects a subset of the tracked shapes basing on a user-specied criteria Outputs Output datatype id blob 0 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Label id type type id inplace id inherited id

label 0 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*


Found id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters

found 0 Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*

Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Once the shapes to be tracked are selected, they are conrmed in following frames, even if they do not satisfy the given criteria anymore. E.g., if a criteria is the biggest area, the shape with the highest area may be selected at a certain time instant; in the subsequent frames it is selected regardless of its area: i.e., should a biggest shape appear, the current one is still selected and the new one is ignored. The reset command causes the criteria to be evaluated again, thus, a new set of shapes will be selected. Order id type type id

order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ascending layout Descending domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the order used to extract shapes

Criteria id type type id

extraction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Area Height layout Width Distance from point domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the feature used by the algorithm to extract shapes


Num shapes id num blobs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the maximum number of shapes to be selected. Autoreset id autoreset on type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No autoreset layout OnTopN domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the autoreset




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SelectShapeInListDouble Base base SelectShapeInList-Double Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes as output. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutive lists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the same shape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape is matched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes are identied new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapes in consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with a user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in the previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similar area. The double version of the block expects oating-point coordinates from the user for the area- and position-related paramaters. The oating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0 - 1.0] with respect to the size of the image from which the shapes were extracted. Thus, for the position coordinates (0.0,0.0) is always the upper-left corner, and (1.0,1.0) is the lower-right corner. Inputs InputList id type type id input shape list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes


InputImage id type type id

input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output labelled set of matched shapes Parameters MaxElapsedTime id max elapsed time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max elapsed time MinMatchedThreshold id min matched threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Min matched threshold Method id type type id

method Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: CrossCorrelation layout Distance domain [ 0, 2 ) Method


Replace id replace type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Replace




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SelectShapeInListInt Base base SelectShapeInList-Int Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes as output. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutive lists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the same shape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape is matched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes are identied new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapes in consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with a user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in the previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similar area. The integer version of the block expects integer coordinates from the user for the area- and position-related paramaters. The integer cordinates are expressed in pixels and are reletive to the image from which the shapes were extracted. Inputs InputList id type type id input shape list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes


InputImage id type type id

input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image

Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output labelled set of matched shapes Parameters MaxElapsedTime id max elapsed time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max elapsed time MinMatchedThreshold id min matched threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Min matched threshold Method id type type id

method Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: CrossCorrelation layout Distance domain [ 0, 2 ) Method


Replace id replace type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Replace




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Send Base base send Alessandro Fausto

Send a datatype to a receiver block or external application using various protocols.This new version has the ability to declare the output datatype using the init informations received from the SendToNetwork2 block. When the block use the UDP v2.0 or TCP v1.0 protocols you can change at run time the compression algorithm. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This datatype is sent on the network.

Parameters protocol id parameter mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: UDP v. 1.0 layout UDP v. 2.0 TCP v. 1.0 domain [ 0, 3 ) The UDP version 1.0 is the eyesweb network protocol used before XMI 5.0.4. The other two protocols are the newer versions.The UDP version 2.0 has better errors handling and use less bandwidth than UDP version 1.0 protocol.The TCP version 1.0 use the same techniques of UDP v2.0 but use one TCP stream to send the data.


Port id type type id This is

init info port Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int the local TCP port number where the sender wait for receiver connections.

Compress id compress algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: no compression layout ZLIB compression domain [ 0, 2 ) This parameter select what algorithm is used for data compression. At this time is available no compression or zlib compression.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Set-Reset Base base SetReset Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks implements a set-reset ip-op. Inputs Set id type type id Set Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Set the output to true.

Reset id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Reset the output to Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Active

Reset Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool required for execution read only *no* *no* false.

Output Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool *no* *no*


Parameters Initial state id InitialState type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Use this parameter to set the initial state of the ip-op, i.e., whether at the start of the patch it should be set or reset. Undened behaviour id UndenedBehaviour type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Ignore layout Set Reset domain [ 0, 3 ) This option let you manually specify the behaviour of the block in cases where the behaviour is usually undened (set-reset bot specied at the same time). If set to ignore the behaviour is undened, thus, a warning is given and no output is generated. The other options let you choose which is the prioritary input.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SetMousePosition Base base SetMouse Mirko Demurtas

This block moves the mouse to the given position Inputs X id type type id InputX Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* X

Y id type type id

InputY Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Y


Parameters Action id type type id Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Move layout Click Move and Click domain [ 0, 3 ) Action

Button id type type id

TypeClick Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Left layout Right domain [ 0, 2 ) Button




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SetNullROI Base base set null roi Paolo Coletta

Set (or unset) the null ag of a ROI parameter Inputs Input Roi id type type id input roi Base, Roi 2D double base, roi2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace IsNull referred as inherited *no* The input Roi on which to set the Null ag

Outputs IsNull id type type id inplace id inherited id The NULL Parameters Type id type type id type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) 870 output roi Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype Input Roi *no* ag of the input Roi

Specify whether input Roi has normalized oating-point (double) coordinates or integer coordinates Null id type type id Specify

param null Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool the value to assign to the Null ag of the Roi datatype received as input




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SetROI Base base image set roi Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Sets the Region Of Interest (ROI) of the image. Subsequent operations will only aect the ROI instead of the whole image. ERRORS Coordinates type mismatch. The Coordinates type parameter contain an invalid identier, select a correct value from the drop down list. Inputs Input image id type type id input video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output image referred as inherited *no* Input image

Required interfaces Base, ImageROI Outputs Output image id output video stream type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input image inherited id *no* Output image


Parameters Coordinates type id coordinates type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer coordinates layout Floating-point coordinates domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use integer or oating-point coordinates. Integer coordinates must be contained inside the boundaries of the rst input image. Floating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the input image. ROI coordinates id double roi type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double ROI coordinates normalized in the range [0.0, 1.0] with respect to the size of the input image.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SetShapeProperties Base base set shape properties 2d Paolo Coletta

This block changes the graphical appearance of the interior of graphical geometric objects; in particular, it can change their ll color. Inputs Input Graphical Object id input type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Graphical Object referred as inherited *no* The input bidimensional graphical object of which to change the properties Required interfaces Base, GraphicShape2D Outputs Output Graphical Object id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input Graphical Object inherited id *no* A bidimensional graphical object where the shape properties have been changed by this block.


Parameters SetFilled id set lled type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the lled property of the graphical geometric datatype. Filled id lled type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the shape is lled or not. SetFillColor id set color type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the color of the graphical geometric datatype. FillColor id color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Species the color of the graphical geometric datatype. SetFillAlpha id set alpha type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype. FillAlpha id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the alpha level of the graphical geometric datatype.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SetStrokeProperties Base base set stroke properties 2d Paolo Coletta

This block changes the graphical appearance of the contour of graphical geometric objects; in particular, it can change their width and color. Inputs Input Graphical Object id input type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Graphical Object referred as inherited *no* The input bidimensional graphical object of which to change the properties Required interfaces Base, StrokeProperties Outputs Output Graphical Object id output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input Graphical Object inherited id *no* A bidimensional graphical object where the stroke properties have been changed by this block.


Parameters SetColor id set color type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the color of the graphical geometric datatype. Color id color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Species the color of the graphical geometric datatype. SetAlpha id set alpha type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype. Alpha id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the alpha level of the graphical geometric datatype. SetWidth id set width type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether to set the width of the graphical geometric datatype. Width id width type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the width of the graphical geometric datatype.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Shape2DInfo-double Base base extract blob2d info Paolo Coletta

Extracts informations about a Shape2D , such as baricenter, area and bounding rectangle. Remarks If parameter type is set to int value then the informations are absolute. The value of area, baricenterand bounding rectangle are calculated in pixel. If the parameter is set to double value then theinformations are calculated in relative mode. The area is relative to the entire image. For example area=0.5 menas thatthe area of the shape is half area of the entire image. The value of baricenter is relative to the image too. Baricenter=0.2means that the coordinates of the point is in the middle of the image. The same thing for the rectangle. Inputs Shape id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input shape

Required interfaces Base, Shape2DDouble Outputs Area id type type id inplace id inherited id area Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* 878

Area of the input shape Baricenter id type type id inplace id inherited id Baricenter

baricenter Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double *no* *no* of the input shape

BR id bounding rect type Base, Roi 2D double type id base, roi2d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Bounding rectangle of the input shape




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Shape2DInfo-int Base base extract blob2d info int Paolo Coletta

Extracts informations about a Shape2D , such as baricenter, area and bounding rectangle. Remarks If parameter type is set to int value then the informations are absolute. The value of area, baricenterand bounding rectangle are calculated in pixel. If the parameter is set to double value then theinformations are calculated in relative mode. The area is relative to the entire image. For example area=0.5 menas thatthe area of the shape is half area of the entire image. The value of baricenter is relative to the image too. Baricenter=0.2means that the coordinates of the point is in the middle of the image. The same thing for the rectangle. Inputs Shape id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input shape

Required interfaces Base, Shape2DInt Outputs Area id type type id inplace id inherited id area Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no* 880

Area of the input shape Baricenter id type type id inplace id inherited id Baricenter

baricenter Base, Point 2D int base, point 2d int *no* *no* of the input shape

BR id bounding rect type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Bounding rectangle of the input shape




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Shape2DTracking-double Base base blob 2d double matching Paolo Coletta Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes as output. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutive lists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the same shape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape is matched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes are identied new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapes in consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with a user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in the previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similar area. The double version of the block expects oating-point coordinates from the user for the area- and position-related paramaters. The oating-point coordinates are normalized in the range [0.0 - 1.0] with respect to the size of the image from which the shapes were extracted. Thus, for the position coordinates (0.0,0.0) is always the upper-left corner, and (1.0,1.0) is the lower-right corner. Inputs InputList id type type id input blob list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes


Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output labelled set of shapes Parameters AreaWeight id area weight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Area Weight PositionWeight id position weight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Position Weight Filtering id type type id criteria ltering criteria Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Speed layout Position domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use speed or position to lter out shapes

InitialMaxSpeed id initial max speed type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Initial Max Speed MaxSpeed id max speed type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Max Speed


InitialMaxDistance id initial max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Initial max distance MaxDistance id max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Max distance AllowOverlaps id allow overlaps type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Allow Overlaps TimeUnit id time unit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Time layout Frames domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use the time-based or frames-based parameters to tune the persistence and redemption values MinPersistenceTime id min persistence time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Min Persistence Time MaxPersistenceTime id max persistence time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max Persistence Time MaxRedemptionTime id max redemption time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max Redemption Time


MinPersistenceFrames id min persistence frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Min Persistence Frames MaxPersistanceFrames id max persistence frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Max Persistence Frames MaxRedemptionFrames id max redemption frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Max Redemption Frames




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Shape2DTracking-int Base base blob 2d int matching Paolo Coletta Simone Ghisio

This block receives a list of shapes in input, and provide a labelled set of shapes as output. It tries to track the shapes in the input list: when a shape is found in consecutive lists it is assigned an unique label and added to the output labelled set. When the same shape is found in subsequent lists, it is assigned the same label. In practice, if a shape is matched, then its label does not change in the output labebel set; when new shapes are identied new labels are generated and bound to such shapes. The criteria to match shapes in consecutive frames (lists) are its area and position; both criteria can be weighted with a user-given weight. If position is used, then a shape is matched with the nearest one in the previous list, whereas if area is used a shape is matched with the one with the most similar area. The integer version of the block expects integer coordinates from the user for the area- and position-related paramaters. The integer cordinates are expressed in pixels and are reletive to the image from which the shapes were extracted. Inputs InputList id type type id input blob list Kernel, List kernel, list required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input list of shapes

Outputs OutputLabelledSet id output labeled set type Kernel, Labelled set type id kernel, labeled set inplace id *no* inherited id *no* 886

Output labelled set of shapes Parameters AreaWeight id area weight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Area Weight PositionWeight id position weight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Position Weight Filtering id type type id criteria ltering criteria Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Speed layout Position domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use speed or position to lter out shapes

InitialMaxSpeed id initial max speed type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Initial Max Speed MaxSpeed id max speed type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Max Speed InitialMaxDistance id initial max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Initial max distance


MaxDistance id max distance type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Max distance AllowOverlaps id allow overlaps type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Allow Overlaps TimeUnit id time unit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Time layout Frames domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether to use the time-based or frames-based parameters to tune the persistence and redemption values MinPersistenceTime id min persistence time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Min Persistence Time MaxPersistenceTime id max persistence time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max Persistence Time MaxRedemptionTime id max redemption time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Max Redemption Time MinPersistenceFrames id min persistence frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Min Persistence Frames


MaxPersistanceFrames id max persistence frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Max Persistence Frames MaxRedemptionFrames id max redemption frames type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Max Redemption Frames




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Sigmoid Base base Sigmoid Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the sigmoid of the input value according to the specied parameters. Inputs id type type id Input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters id A type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id B type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


id HO type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id VO type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id type type id SigType Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Sigmoid layout Inverse sigmoid domain [ 0, 2 )





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SignalGenerator Base base SignalGenerator Roberto Sagoleo

This block generates a signal according to the waveform specied as parameter. Outputs Output Signal id OutputSignal type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output of the signal generator. Parameters Sampling Frequency id SamplingFrequency type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Sampling frequency of the generated signal. Signal Frequency id SignalFrequency type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Signal frequency of the generated signal. Signal Phase id SignalPhase type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Signal phase of the generated signal.


Signal Oset id SignalOset type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Signal oset of the generated signal. Signal Amplitude id SignalAmplitude type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Signal amplitude of the generated signal. Output Type id OutputType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Double Matrix [1xN] Double Matrix [Nx1] domain [ 0, 3 ) Output type of the generated signal. Waveform Type id WaveformType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Zero Constant Sine layout Cosine Square Triangle SawTooth domain [ 0, 7 ) Waveform type of the generated signal. Buer Size id BuerSize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Size of the waveform signal buer




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Size2DGenerator Base base point 2d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a size datatype. Size datatype is made of two values: height and width. Its possible to create a double or integer size. The block accepts as input a size value or height and width values. Outputs output size id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: size layout dimensions domain [ 0, 2 ) It species the type of parameter by wich the output is modied. If the value is set to size value then the parameter is a size datatype. Otherwise its possible modied height and width separately. output value Base, Size 2D int base, size2d int *no* *no* size datatype. Size is made of height and width integer or double.


Domain id type type id

domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: integer layout double domain [ 0, 2 ) It species if the size output is integer or double.

integer height id height type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int It species integer height value of size datatype. integer width id width type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int It species integer width value of size datatype.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Size3DGenerator Base base size 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional size, represented by 3 values of size. Outputs OutputSize3D id size output type Base, BaseGeometricSize3Double type id base, base geometric size 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output size 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XSize id type type id Size on

x parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double axis

YSize id y parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Size on y axis ZSize id type type id Size on

z parameter Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double z axis




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Slope Base base slope limiter Paolo Coletta

Generates a linear slope from the current value to the target value Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Parameters Initial value id initial value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double target value id current value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Up step id up step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Down step id down step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Jump id jump type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger If triggered, the slope immediately jumps to the target value, wihtout repecting the UpStep or DownStep bounds Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger If triggered, the slope immediately reset the value to initial value, wihtout repecting the UpStep or DownStep bounds



Smoothness Index

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Smoothness Index Base base smoothnessindex Maurizio Mancini

Computes the smoothness index of an input trajectory. Inputs Input time series id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* It MUST be a sliding window time series containing the 2D coordinates of the sampled trajectory. Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Smoothness Index id output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the smoothness index of the trajectory obtained by collecting the input points. Parameters Standard id type type id deviation length stdlength Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int 900

Length of the internal buer to compute curvature and velocity standard deviation. Movement threshold id movementthreshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double If the input movement is less than this threshold the Smoothness Index is not computed and is set to the value of Upper Limit parameter value. Upper Limit id upperlimit type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of the Smoothness Index value is clipped by this value. Output type id outputtype type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Smoothness Index layout Curvature Velocity domain [ 0, 3 ) The block can compute the trajectory smoothness, curvature and velocity.



SortMatrix - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SortMatrix - double Base base sort doublematrix Paolo Coletta

Sort items of a matrix. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input matrix of real values to be sorted.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output matrix containing the sorted values. Rows map id row map id type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Species the row of the nal position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has been moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value m (destination row).


Columns map id column map id type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Species the column of the nal position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has been moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value n (destination column). Parameters Sort mode id sort mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sort by row (xed row) layout Sort by column (xed column) Global sort (change row and column) domain [ 0, 2 ] Species how to move the element inside the matrix. If sort mode is by row, then the items are moved inside the same row. If the sort mode is by column, then the elements are moved inside the same column. The global mode let items to move both in row and column, thus a global ordering can be found. Order id type type id

sort order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ascending layout Descending Shue domain [ 0, 2 ] Species wether to use an ascending, descending, or shue order.

Generate map id generate map type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species weather the block must generate as output the map used to sort the items. By default it is enabled, however, since it may be CPU intensive for huge matrices, it can be disabled.



SortMatrix - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SortMatrix - int Base base sort intmatrix Paolo Coletta

Sort items of a matrix. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output referred as inherited *no* Input matrix of real values to be sorted.

Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id Input inherited id *no* Output matrix containing the sorted values. Rows map id row map id type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Species the row of the nal position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has been moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value m (destination row).


Columns map id column map id type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Species the column of the nal position of the corresponding item. If item (i, j) has been moved to position (m, n), the (i, j) item of this matrix contains value n (destination column). Parameters Sort mode id sort mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Sort by row (xed row) layout Sort by column (xed column) Global sort (change row and column) domain [ 0, 2 ] Species how to move the element inside the matrix. If sort mode is by row, then the items are moved inside the same row. If the sort mode is by column, then the elements are moved inside the same column. The global mode let items to move both in row and column, thus a global ordering can be found. Order id type type id

sort order Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Ascending layout Descending Shue domain [ 0, 2 ] Species wether to use an ascending, descending, or shue order.

Generate map id generate map type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species weather the block must generate as output the map used to sort the items. By default it is enabled, however, since it may be CPU intensive for huge matrices, it can be disabled.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpawnCommand Base base spawn command Simone Ghisio

Creates and executes a new process, concurrently with the caller (this) process, basing on the spawn system call. The input string has this syntax: cmdname arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn. The cmdname argument species the le that is executed as the new process and can specify a full path (from the root), a partial path (from the current working directory), or just a lename. If cmdname does not have a lename extension or does not end with a period (.), the spawn function rst tries the .COM extension, then the .EXE extension, the .BAT extension, and nally the .CMD extension.If cmdname has an extension, only that extension is used. If cmdname ends with a period, the spawn call searches for cmdname with no extension.If cmdname contains a drive specier or any slashes (that is, if it is a relative path), the spawn call searches only for the specied le; no path searching is done. arg1 arg2 ... argn are the arguments to the new process. Inputs Input Command id type type id command string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The command-line of the process to be executed

Parameters Allow duplicates id allow duplicates type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, dusplicates commands are executed. If set to false, only the rst occurance is executed





Char.png Char.png SpecialCharacterGenerator Base base Special Char Mirko Demurtas

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

This block generates a special character, such as a newline, a tab, etc. Outputs String id type type id inplace id inherited id String Parameters Special Char id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: \n \r layout \t SPACE domain [ 0, 4 ) Special Char Output Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpectralEnvelopExtractor Base base spectral envelope extractor Paolo Coletta

Performs analysis on the FFT Inputs t id type type id t Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input: Fast Fourier Transform

Outputs maxima values id maxima values type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* If Inferior armonics=False: Output: Matrix of maxima values (Number of Channel X Number of armonics + 1) The Pitch value is at the beginning of the buer of every channel If Inferior armonics=True: Output: Matrix of maxima values (Number of Channel X (Number of armonics * 2) + 1) The Pitch value is in the center of the buer of every channel. Inferior armonics are stored in a simmetric way as the superior armonics.


maxima frequencies id maxima frequencies type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* If Inferior armonics=False: Output: Matrix of maxima frequencies (Number of Channel X Number of armonics + 1) The Pitch frequencies is at the beginning of the buer of every channel If Inferior armonics=True: Output: Matrix of maxima frequencies (Number of Channel X (Number of armonics * 2) + 1) The Pitch frequencies is in the center of the buer of every channel. Inferior armonics are stored in a simmetric way as the superior armonics. Parameters pitch id pitch type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Pitch is the perceived fundamental frequency of a sound. number of armonics id number of armonics type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of armonics to try Inferior Armonics id Inferior Armonics type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If selected nd also inferior armonics interval scaling factor id interval scaling factor type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Interval scaling factor that increase/decrease the range of searching of armonics




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpectrumAnalyzer Base base spectrum analyzer Paolo Coletta

Make a graphic equalization of the Fft Inputs Fft id type type id Fft Base, Audio FFT buer base, audio tbuer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Fft signal

Outputs Spectrum id type type id inplace id inherited id Spectrum Parameters Frequencies id matrix param type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix Vector of Frequencies Spectrum Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix *no* *no*





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpectrumCompare Base base SpectrumCompare Simone Ghisio

This block compares the spectrum input matrix Inputs Input id type type id InputMatrix Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Perc id Perc type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Perc Range Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


learning id type type id

learning Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Learning layout Working domain [ 0, 1 ] learning ON OFF

Path id Path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Bin les (*.bin)*.binAll les (*.*)*.* Path le ThreshZero id ThreshZero type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Threshold Zero




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StereoCorrespondence Base base stereocorrespondence Maurizio Mancini

Computes the sample entropy of the input data. Inputs Input image 1 id type type id sc input1 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The rst image provided as input.

Input image 2 id type type id

sc input2 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The second image provided as input.

Outputs Stereo correspondence id sc output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


The stereo correspondence. Parameters Number of disparities id sc disparities type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of disparities of the graph cut-based stereo correspondence algorithm. Maximum number of iterations id sc iterations type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int On each iteration all possible (or reasonable) alpha-expansions are tried.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringDelimiters Base base string delimiters Simone Ghisio

Add specied delimiters to input string. Inputs InputString id type type id input string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input string to delimit

Outputs OutputString id output string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output string delimited Parameters Begin id begin type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string First delimiter


End id type type id Second

end Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string delimiter





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringSelector Base base string selector Simone Ghisio

Select a string form string parameters. Inputs Selector id type type id select Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Index of parameter string to select.

Outputs SelectedString id output string type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* String selected from parameters. Parameters StringNumber id num string type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of strings from which select the output one.


string00 id type type id String string01 id type type id String

string 00 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string 00.

string 01 Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string 01.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringToInt Base base string to int Paolo Coletta

Converts a string representation of an integer number, to the corresponding integer number. Inputs InputString id type type id input Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input string should contain only digits (optionally an initial sign) to be convertible to int. Outputs OutputInt id type type id inplace id inherited id The integer output Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no* number





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringToScalar Base base string to scalar Simone Ghisio

Convertrs a string into a number. Inputs InputString id type type id input Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input string should contain only digits (optionally an initial sign) to be convertible to int. Outputs OutputInt id type type id inplace id inherited id The integer output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no* number


Parameters Mode id type type id mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SymmetryIndex Base base symmetryindex Maurizio Mancini

This block computes the symmetry index of a given blob. Inputs Input blob id type type id symmetryindex blobinput Base, Blob 2D base, blob2d required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input blob, on which the symmetry index is computed.

Outputs Symmetry Index id symmetryindex indexoutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The symmetry index of the input blob.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Synchronizer Base base Synchronizer Alberto Massari

This block ensures that the data coming to the input channels has the specied duration Inputs Input data 1 id type type id Input1 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Output data 1 The data to be synchronized

Outputs Output data 1 id Output1 type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input data 1 inherited id *no* The synchronized version of the input data Parameters Temporal id type type id domain Window Temporal Window Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )


The duration of each generated output (in msec); if set to 0, the duration is taken from the rst input Number of Inputs id Number of Inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) The number of inputs to be synchronized Input 1 Type id Input 1 Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Video layout Audio Generic TimeSeries domain [ 0, 3 ) The type of the Nth input




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ThresholdCrossingDetector Base base audio threshold Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta Alberto Massari

Detects wether the audio signal has gone over a specied threshold; provides the sample where the threshold has been exceeded Inputs Audio input stream id type type id input audio stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited Audio output sample This is the audio stream where the threshold overcoming is searched for. Event if this might also be a multichannel audio stream, only one channel is analized when looking for the threshold (the channel is specied via the parameters of the block). Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs Audio output sample id output sample type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Audio input stream inherited id *no* The audio sample that begins at the sample where the threshold has been crossed.


Over-threshold value id output value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Value of the rst sample that exceeded the threshold. This is the original value, even if the block is working in absolute (unsigned) mode. That is, it may also be a negative value. Sample index id output samplendx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the rst sample that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the over-threshold value output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If the threshold is not exceeded, no output is generated. Sample Channel id output sample channel type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Index of the channel that exceeded the threshold. Note that this output, as well as the over-threshold value output, is generated only when the threshold is exceeded. If the threshold is not exceeded, no output is generated. Parameters Threshold id threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Value to be compared to each sample in the specied channel. Direction id direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Both layout Up Down domain [ 0, 3 )


Direction in which the overcoming must occur for this block to generate an output. If direction is Up then an output is generated only when the sample values is bigger or equal than the threshold and the previous sample value is less than the threshold. The Down direction mean that a sample is less or equal than the threshold and the previous one is bigger than the threshold. The Both direction occurs in both cases. Sign mode id signmode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Absolute value layout Signed value (original value) domain [ 0, 2 ) This parameter species wether the value of the sample is analyzed as it is, or if it absolute value is kept into account. Sample delay id sample oset type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of samples after the point where the threshold was crossed from which the output sample will be extracted. It can be a negative number. Under-threshold samples id sample oset out type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) The output audio sample will contain at most N consecutive samples that are below the given threshold, after which it will be silenced; when N==0, the original audio will be reported Sample Length id sample length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) This value species the number of samples that will be extracted into the output audio buer, starting at the sample position where the threshold has been crossed. Normalize output signal id normalize sample type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Species whether the output signal will be normalized, so that its energy will be equal to 1




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ThresholdCrossingDetector Base base ThresholdCrossing Gualtiero Volpe

This blocks outputs a bang whenever a given threshold is crossed. Inputs Input id type type id Input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input value.

Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id An output Output Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger *no* *no* bang is returned whenever the given threshold is crossed.


Parameters Crossing id type type id direction Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Both layout Upward Downward domain [ 0, 2 ] Three directions for threshold crossing are available: upward, downward,and both.

Threshold id Threshold type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The value of the threshold.



Time series reader

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Time series reader Base base timeSeriesReader Alessandro Fausto

Read from le a previously dumped time series (single channel). The sample can be writed using 32bit or 64bit oating point format. Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id This is the Parameters File id param lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=All les (*.*)*.* Each channel is saved into a lename created appending the channel number to this lename. The extension is set to .raw output Base, TemporalData base, temporal data *no* *no* output time series


Format id type type id

param format Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 32bit oat (oat) 64bit oat (Double) layout Normalized 32bit oat (oat) Normalized 64bit oat (Double) domain [ 0, 4 ) Denes the format used to write the sample into the le : oat each sample is writed as 32bit oating value; double each sample is writed as 32bit oating value; Number of samples id param numberOfSamples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) number of samples stored into the TimeSeries datatype Nominal Frequency id param nominalFrequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype Range Min id param rangeMin type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value that a sample can assume (if the input is less than this value, this value will be used) Range Max id param rangeMax type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value that a sample can assume (if the input is more than this value, this value will be used)



Time series writer

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Time series writer Base base timeSeriesWriter Alessandro Fausto

Write each channel of input time series as raw les. The sample can be writed using 32bit or 64bit oating point format. Inputs Input id type type id input Base, TemporalData base, temporal data required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Parameters File id param lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=All les (*.*)*.* Each channel is saved into a lename created appending the channel number to this lename. The extension is set to .raw


Format id type type id

param format Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 32bit oat (oat) 64bit oat (Double) layout Normalized 32bit oat (oat) Normalized 64bit oat (Double) domain [ 0, 4 ) Denes the format used to write the sample into the le : oat each sample is writed as 32bit oating value; double each sample is writed as 32bit oating value;




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TimeSeries2Matrix Base base TimeSeries2Matrix Alessandro Fausto

Translate one static time series into a matrix. Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the input matrix

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries Outputs output matrix id outputMatrix type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This matrix contains the values of input time series


Parameters Mode id type type id Output Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: By row layout By column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Denes how the matrices are converted into time series: By row generate the time series using one rows per channel. The number of samples is xed and equal to the number of columns. By column generate the time series using one columns per channel. The number of samples is xed and equal to the number of rows.Automatic generate the time series using this rules . if the number of row is greater than number of column the time series is generated using the By row mode, otherwise is used the By column mode.




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TimeSeriesGenerator Base base TimeSeriesBuilder Alberto Massari Gualtiero Volpe

Creates a TimeSeries datatype aggregating single values.The user can choose to generate a time series with static o dynamic lenght.The rst case is the default mode, in this mode the datatype is generated when the buer is completely lled.In the second case the TimeSeries is generated when the maximum number of samples is reached or when the user trigger the generate parameter. A minimum and maximum threshold can be applied to the input value. REMARKS Whit dynamic TimeSeries the input values are appended to the internal buer.If the generate parameter is never triggered the internal buer grow in size without any limit In the future a maximum size parameter can appear in order to limit the maximum length of TimeSeries. When this limit is reached the TimeSeries is automatically generated. ERRORS Out of memory. The TimeSeries has completely lled the available memory. Inputs single value id type type id single value 0 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* A single value to be added to the series

Outputs output id output type Base, TemporalData type id base, temporal data inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The generated TimeSeries


Parameters Output Type id Output Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Static time series layout Dynamic time series domain [ 0, 2 ) It species whether the blok generates a static time series or a dynamic time series Number of Channels id Number of Channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of inputs that will be stored as dierent channels in the resulting TimeSeries datatype Nominal Frequency id Nominal Frequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The sampling frequency of the resulting TimeSeries datatype Range Min id Range Min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value that a sample can assume (if the input is less than this value, this value will be used) Range Max id Range Max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value that a sample can assume (if the input is more than this value, this value will be used) Buer Length id Buer Length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 1, +innity ) The number of samples stored in a single instance of the output


Mode id type type id

Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Buer layout Sliding window domain [ 0, 2 ) It species whether a time series buer is returned only when it is full or a sliding windows mechanism is used.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Translate Base base TranslateObject2D Mirko Demurtas

This block translates the input geometric or graphic 2D object. Inputs Input object id type type id InputObject Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output object referred as inherited *no* The input 2D object to be translated.

Required interfaces Base, Transformations2D Outputs Output object id OutputObject type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id Input object inherited id *no* The output translated 2D object. Parameters Translation along X id DX type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


The translation to be applied to the input object along the X axis. Translation along Y id DY type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The translation to be applied to the input object along the Yaxis. Compute id Compute type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If true the block computes the transformation on the vertexes of the object. If false the transformation is applied to the entire object.If the input object is graphic and the parameter is set to false the translation is visible, otherwise if the parameter is set to true, the vertexes of the object is actually translated and the object is redrawn changing the origin of the axis, so the translation might not be visible. If in the patch some blocks of transformation are used(Rotate, Scale, Translate) each one that set Compute to true computes alle the previous transformation on the vertexes.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Translate3D-Double Base base translate 3d double Simone Ghisio

Translate the 3D object, updating translate values. The block doesnt apply the transofmration to the object. It means that translation values are updating, but not the coordinates. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d translate double Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters TranslationX id param x translation type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Translation on x axis. TranslationY id param y translation type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Translation on y axis. TranslationZ id param z translation type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Translation on z axis.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Translate3D-Int Base base translate 3d int Simone Ghisio

Translate the 3D object, updating translate values. The block doesnt apply the transofmration to the object. It means that translation values are updating, but not the coordinates. Inputs Input3D id type type id input 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Generic input 3D

Required interfaces base, 3d translate int Outputs Output3D id type type id inplace id inherited id Output3D. output 3d Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype *no* *no*


Parameters TranslationX id param x translation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Translation on x axis. TranslationY id param y translation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Translation on y axis. TranslationZ id param z translation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Translation on z axis.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Triangle3DGenerator Base base triangle 3d generator Simone Ghisio

Generates a tridimensional triangle, represented by 3 points. Outputs OutputLine3D id line output type Base, BaseGeometricTriangle3Double type id base, base geometric triangle 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output Line 3D Parameters Mode id type type id mode parameter Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) Mode

XACoordinate id xa parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of rst point YACoordinate id ya parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 946

Y coordinate of rst point ZACoordinate id za parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of rst point XBCoordinate id xb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of second point YBCoordinate id yb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Y coordinate of second point ZBCoordinate id zb parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of second point XCCoordinate id xc parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate of third point YCCoordinate id yc parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Y coordinate of third point ZCCoordinate id zc parameter type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate of third point




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TriangleSymmetryIndex Base base trianglesymmetryindex Maurizio Mancini

This block computes the symmetry index of a given triangle. You have to provide the triangle vertices as input (upper vertex, left vertex, right vertex). The output varies between 0 (perfect symmetry) and 1 (total asymmetry). Inputs Triangle upper vertex id trianglesymmetryindexinput1 type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the upper vertex of the triangle on which we compute the symmetry index. Triangle left vertex id type type id

trianglesymmetryindexinput2 Base, Point 2D double base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the upper vertex of the triangle on which we compute the symmetry index.


Triangle right vertex id trianglesymmetryindexinput3 type Base, Point 2D double type id base, point 2d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the right vertex of the triangle on which we compute the symmetry index. Outputs Triangle symmetry index id trianglesymmetryoutput type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the symmetry index of the input triangle.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Trigger Base base Trigger Marzia Simonetti

This block acts like a switch which is always open, i.e., data does not pass through it. When a command is given the switch is closed just the time to let one datatype to pass through, then, the switch is open again Inputs Trigger name id type type id Input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Trigger input description

Outputs Trigger Output name id Output type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Trigger Output description Parameters Trigger close parameter id Parameter type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Trigger close parameter description




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VectorDecomposer Base base VectorDecomposer Roberto Sagoleo

Extracts one or more items from a vector. Inputs input vector id type type id input vector Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input vector to be decomposed.

Outputs output scalar id output scalar000 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* N-th Scalar output. output scalar id output scalar001 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* N-th Scalar output.


Parameters Output type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Integer layout Double domain [ 0, 2 ) Denes the type of the output matrix (integer or double): integer: the output matrix will be of integer values. double : the output matrix will be of double values. number of output scalars id number of output scalars type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of scalar outputs.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VectorGenerator Base base VectorGenerator Gualtiero Volpe

This block generates a vector whose values are set according to a function specied as parameter. Outputs Output vector id VectorOutput type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The generated output vector. Parameters Output type id OutputType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Real layout Integer domain [ 0, 2 ) The desired type of the items of the output vector. It can be either integer or real. Size id Size type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The size of the output vector.


Row vector id RowVector type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Set this parameter to true if you want the output vector to be a row vector; set it to false otherwise. Output function id OutputFunction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: layout Progressive The output function that generates the items in the output vector. Start id Start type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The starting value for the progressive vector. Step id Step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step (distance between two consecutive numbers in the vector) for the progressive vector.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VectorRemapper Base base VectorRemapper Gualtiero Volpe

This block remaps and quantizes the items in the input vector. Inputs Input Vector id type type id InputVector Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input vector to be remapped

Outputs Output vector id OutputVector type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Remapped output vector Parameters Number of items id NumberOfItems type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of items in the output vector


Low bound id LowBound type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Lower bound of the output vector High bound id HighBound type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Higher bound of the output vector Show warnings id ShowWarnings type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set warnings are shown in the EyesWeb message bar





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VibeExtraction Base base vibeextraction Maurizio Mancini

Extract silhouette using the Vibe algorithm. Inputs Input image id type type id vibeextraction input Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The image on which perform the background subtraction. Use a BW or RGB forma, otherwise conversion will occur. Outputs Output image id vibeextraction output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The segmented output image, with background pixels in black and foreground pixels in white. Parameters number of samples id vibeextraction samplesnumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int


Species the number of samples used in the internal model. This parameter is applied only on patch startup or when resetting the model. matching threshold id vibeextraction matchingthreshold type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter is applied only on patch startup or when resetting the model. matching number id vibeextraction matchingnumber type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter is applied only on patch startup or when resetting the model. update factor id vibeextraction updatefactor type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter is applied only on patch startup or when resetting the model. Reset id type type id Causes

vibeextraction reset Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger the internal model to be reset discarding all data.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VideoGram Base base video gram Paolo Coletta

Computes an horizontal or vertical videogram given an image as input. For more info about motiongrams and videograms, see Jensenius, A. R. (2006). Using motiongrams in the study of musical gestures. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, 6-11 November, New Orleans. Inputs videoimage id type type id video image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* (BW) video image

Outputs videogram id type type id inplace id inherited id Videogram video gram Base, Image base, image *no* *no*


Parameters length id length type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of frames needed to build a full motiongram Mode id type type id

mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Horizontal layout Vertical domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the videogram is horizontal or vertical

Direction id direction type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa Direction id end of image mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Loop layout Scoll domain [ 0, 2 ) Species whether the videogram is computed from left to right or viceversa




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VideoTapeRecorder Base base video tape recorder Paolo Coletta

Controls a Video Tape Recorder (VTR) device Notes With the partial support of the EU ICT Project MIROR (Musical Interaction Relying on Reexion), 2010-2012 Outputs Timecode id type type id inplace id inherited id timecode Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time *no* *no*

Status id status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Provides an integer number representing the status of the device according to the following schema: -1: unknown status 0: device error 1: playing 2: stopped 3: paused 4: fast forward 5: rewind 6: recording 7: paused recording


Parameters Device id type type id Name device name Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string of the virtual device. If none is specied, the default device will be used

Rewind id rewind type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Step Backward id step backward type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Pause id pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Play id play type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Step Forward id step forward type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger FastForward id fast forward type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger


Record id record type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Pause Record id pause record type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WMVFileReader Base base WMVReader Massimiliano Peri

Read WMV les Parameters Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, layout SaveMode=false, OverwritePrompt=true WMV le path Load File Info id load le info type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Load le information and modify the block signature Make Indices id make indices type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Make indices for the selected le. With indices the seeking of the le is more accurate Start time id start time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Start time


Duration id duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Duration of playback




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WMVFileWriter Base base WMVWriter Massimiliano Peri

Write WMV Files Parameters Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Windows media video les (*.wmv)*.wmvAll les (*.*)*.* Path of the destination le


Prole id type type id

prof mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Custom 352x288 3 Mbps 44100 Hz 352x288 3 Mbps 48000 Hz 352x288 6 Mbps 44100 Hz 352x288 6 Mbps 48000 Hz 352x288 3 Mbps 352x288 6 Mbps 768x576 3 Mbps 44100 Hz 768x576 3 Mbps 48000 Hz layout 768x576 6 Mbps 44100 Hz 768x576 6 Mbps 48000 Hz 768x576 8 Mbps 44100 Hz 768x576 8 Mbps 48000 Hz 768x576 12 Mbps 44100 Hz 768x576 12 Mbps 44800 Hz 768x576 3 Mbps 768x576 6 Mbps 768x576 8 Mbps 768x576 12 Mbps domain [ 0, 19 ) Prole type

Windows Media Prole lename id lename settings type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Windows media prole les(*.prx)*.prxAll les (*.*)*.* Path of the Windows Media Prole le Compression rate (Kbps) id compression rate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Video Bitrate (Kbps)


Input frame rate id video input fps type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Input frame rate Number of text input stream id text stream count type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of text input stream Vertical Mirror id vert mirror type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Vertical Mirror Rec id rec type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Rec Pause id pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Pause Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WaveFileWriter Base base audiosave Mirko Demurtas

Save the audio stream to a wave le. Each sample is converted to the 8bit or 16bit format Inputs Audio id type type id input audio stream Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Audio

Parameters Name File id le type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Audio File(*wav)*.wavAll les (*.*)*.* File Name


File Format id format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: PCM8 layout PCM16 domain [ 0, 2 ) PCM Format




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WeightedVectorDistance Base base WeightedVectorDistance Gualtiero Volpe

This block computes the distance between the input vectors applying to components the weights provided as parameter. The degree of the distance can also be chosen (being degree = 2 the traditional Euclidean distance). Inputs id type type id InX Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* id type type id InY Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Outputs id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Parameters id Degree type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double id UseWeights type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool id Weights type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WriteImage Base base write image Paolo Coletta

Write an image to le Notes Replaces a previous block named JPEGWriter Inputs Input Image id type type id input Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*

Required interfaces kernel, image exchange format Parameters

Destination path id path type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Jpeg les (*.jpg,*.jpeg)*.jpg;*.jpegPortable Network graphics les (*.png)*. Full pathname of the destination le


Image File type id image le type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Jpeg TGA BMP JNG KOALA LBM IFF MNG PBMRAW PCD PCX ICO PBM PGM PGMRAW PNG PPM PPMRAW layout RAS TIFF WBMP PSD CUT XBM XPM DDS GIF HDR FAXG3 SGI EXR J2K JP2 PFM PICT RAW Automatic domain [ 0, 37 ) Species the type of the image. Specifying the image type, instead of letting the block deduce it from the image header, may reduce the time needed to load the image


Quality id quality type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Quality of the compression(if used). This parameter only aects compressed formats. Some formats do not guarantee a continuos tuning of the quality; in such case the given value may be quantized to the appropriate number of levels. In any case, when the quality parameter is used, 0.0 is the lowest quality, 1.0 is the highest quality.



WriteMatrixToFile - double

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WriteMatrixToFile - double Base base doublematrix to le Paolo Coletta

Writes a matrix of double numbers to a text le. Inputs Input matrix id type type id value Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix

Parameters File name id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Species the name of the le.



WriteMatrixToFile - int

class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WriteMatrixToFile - int Base base intmatrix to le Paolo Coletta

Writes a matrix of integer numbers to a text le. Inputs Input matrix id type type id value Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input matrix

Parameters File name id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Species the name of the le.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WriteToFile Base base WriteFile Mirko Demurtas

This block writes multiple streams of data to a proprietary EyesWeb le format. Files usually have extension .ebf. Inputs Input id type type id Input000 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input

Parameters Name File id File type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Eyesweb Binary File (*.ebf)*.ebf(*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* Name File


File mode id FileMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: OVERWRITE layout APPEND domain [ 0, 2 ) File mode Raw Mode id Raw type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Raw Mode TimeStamp id TimeStamp type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool TimeStamp Data Separator id SeparatorData type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: SPACE layout TAB ; domain [ 0, 3 ) Data Separator In Matrix Separator id MatrixData type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: SPACE layout TAB ; domain [ 0, 3 ) In Matrix Separator


Row Separator id SeparatorRow type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: CR/LF layout CR LF domain [ 0, 3 ) Row Separator File Separator id SeparatorFile type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: CR/LF layout CR LF domain [ 0, 3 ) File Separator n Input id nInput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) n Input Enable Stop Time id bTimeStop type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable Stop Time Stop Time id TimeStop type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Stop Time Enable Stop Patch id PatchStop type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


If enabled, the le writer status is switched to STOP as the user stops the patch execution Recorder id type type id Status RecorderStatus Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Record layout Pause Stop domain [ 0, 3 ) Recorder Status

Record id Record type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Record Pause id Pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Pause Stop id Stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WriteToFile Base base WriteToFile Simone Ghisio

Save inputs data in a text output le. Inputs can be non homogeneous type (int, double, bool, string, int or double matrix). Inputs Input00 id type type id input 00 Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input 00.

Parameters FileName id le name type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=true, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Text les (*.txt)*.txtAll les (*.*)*.* File Name


FileMode id le mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Append layout Overwrite domain [ 0, 2 ) Species if the le is overwited or appended every time the patch is started. InputNumber id n input type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of input to be saved. They can be non homogeneous type. TimeMode id time mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Formatted domain [ 0, 2 ) Species if the le is overwited or appended every time the patch is started.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ZStarIn Base base ZStarIn Alessandro Fausto

This block receive and decode the data sent by the ZStar triaxial accelerometer board (RD3152MMA7260Q). Notes The output is refreshed only when a complete packet is received and decoded. Inputs Serial Data id type type id InputSerialData Kernel, Byte kernel, byte required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Bytes received from the ZStar serial port.

Outputs OutputString id OutputString type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Raw data packet, formatted as string, received from ZStar serial port.


OutputButtonS1 id OutputButtonS1 type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* S1 button status of ZStar sensor board OutputButtonS2 id OutputButtonS2 type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* S2 button status of ZStar sensor board OutputTemperature id OutputTemperature type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Temperature of ZStar sensor board OutputVoltage id OutputVoltage type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Battery voltage of ZStar sensor board. Normal voltage is 3.6 Volts, when this value is under 3.2 Volts the battery can be considered depleted. OutputXAccel id OutputXAccel type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* X component of accelleration


OutputYAccel id OutputYAccel type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Y component of accelleration OutputZAccel id OutputZAccel type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Z component of accelleration Parameters Acceleration output id ParamAccelOutputMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: oating point components layout oating point matrix domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the datatype or format used to output the accelleration values.When is selected oating point components the accelleration values is returned separated into X, Y, Z components.In the other case the accelleration values is returned into a vertical [ X ; Y ; Z] matrix.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ZStarOut Base base ZStarOut Alessandro Fausto

This block send control commands to the ZStar triaxial accelerometer board (RD3152MMA7260Q). Notes To schedulate the execution of this block you must use the syncIn pin feature. Outputs OutputCommandString id OutputCommand type Kernel, Byte type id kernel, byte inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Command sent to ZStar board Parameters Command id paramCommand type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: automatic Initialize for 16bit samples read accelerometer data layout read extended accelerometer data read calibration data read accelerometer range Force channel selection domain [ 0, 7 ) This command is sent to the sensor board at each execute cycle.With automatic the block perform the standard initialization of the board and start to poll the accelerometers values. With Initialize for 16bit samples, read accelerometer data, read extended accelerometer data, read calibration data and read accelerometer range the block send the


corresponding command to the board.With Force channel selection the block force the board to use the channel selected using the channel parameter. Channel id paramChannel type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: automatic handshake channel 0 channel 1 channel 2 channel 3 channel 4 channel 5 channel 6 layout channel 7 channel 8 channel 9 channel A channel B channel C channel D channel E channel F domain [ 0, 17 ) This parameter select the wireless channel used for communication between the USB Key and the wireless sensor board. This value is used only when the force channel selection command is issued.



Audio FFT buer
Audio FFT buer Base base audio tbuer

class name catalog name catalog id class id

The FFT audio buer contains a chunk of audio samples in the frequency domain Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Audio buer
Audio buer Base base audio buer

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Audio buer containing 64 bit oating point samples Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, StaticTimeSeries


Audio clock
Audio clock Base base audio clock

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A datatype containing information about the sampling rate and buer size of an audio signal. It is primarly used to propagate such info and as a trigger for block activation, thus, the datatype itself does not contain additional methods with respect to the IDatatype interface.



BaseGeometricEllipse3DInt Base base base geometric ellipse 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::ellipse int Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int base, 3d rescale in range int base, convert to string


BaseGeometricEllipse3Double Base base base geometric ellipse 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::ellipse double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate


base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double base, 3d rescale in range double base, convert to string


BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt Base base base geometric labelled set 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a geometric labelled set of tridimensional objects Supported interfaces base, base geometric 3d int Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int kernel, container base, 3d rescale in range int


BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double Base base base geometric labelled set 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional point double


Supported interfaces base, base geometric 3d double Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double kernel, container base, 3d rescale in range double


BaseGeometricLine3DInt Base base base geometric line 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::line int Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int base, 3d rescale in range int



BaseGeometricLine3Double Base base base geometric line 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::line double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double base, 3d rescale in range double


BaseGeometricPoint3DInt Base base base geometric point 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::point int Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle


base, 3d translate int base, 3d rescale in range int


BaseGeometricPoint3Double Base base base geometric point 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::point double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double base, 3d rescale in range double


BaseGeometricRectangle3DInt Base base base geometric rectangle 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional rectangle int Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d


base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int base, 3d rescale in range int


BaseGeometricRectangle3Double Base base base geometric rectangle 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional rectangle double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double base, 3d rescale in range double


BaseGeometricSize3DInt Base base base geometric size 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::size int


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d scle base, 3d rotate base, 3d rescale in range int


BaseGeometricSize3Double Base base base geometric size 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::size double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d scle base, 3d rotate base, 3d rescale in range double


BaseGeometricTriangle3DInt Base base base geometric triangle 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional triangle int


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt base, base geometric 3d int base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate int


BaseGeometricTriangle3Double Base base base geometric triangle 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional Interface::triangle double Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, base geometric 3d double base, 3d conversion 2d base, 3d rotate base, 3d scle base, 3d translate double


Blob 2D
Blob 2D Base base blob2d

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional blob


Supported interfaces Base, Drawing Base, GraphicShape2D Base, StrokeProperties Base, Rotate Base, Shape2DInt Base, Shape2DDouble


DynamicTemporalData Base base dynamic temporal data

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A datatype holding a temporal sequence of double values. The lenght of the sequence can change along time. Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, DynamicTimeSeries


Ellipse 2D double
Ellipse 2D double Base base ellipse 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional ellipse with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Ellipse 2D int
Ellipse 2D int Base base ellipse 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional ellipse with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D


Ellipse 3D double
Ellipse 3D double Base base ellipse 3D double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional ellipse with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DDouble Base, Transformations3D



Ellipse 3D int
Ellipse 3D int Base base ellipse 3D int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional ellipse with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DInt Base, Transformations3D


Geometric Labelled Set 2D double

Geometric Labelled Set 2D double Base base geometric labeled set 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A labelled set containing geometric bidimensional datatypes Supported interfaces Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D kernel, container


Geometric Labelled Set 2D int

Geometric Labelled Set 2D int Base base geometric labeled set 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A labelled set containing geometric bidimensional datatypes


Supported interfaces Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D kernel, container


Graphic Ellipse 2D double

Graphic Ellipse 2D double Base base graphic ecllipse 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional graphical ellipse with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D


Graphic Ellipse 2D int

Graphic Ellipse 2D int Base base graphic ecllipse 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional graphical ellipse with integer coordinates


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D


Graphic Labelled Set 2D double

Graphic Labelled Set 2D double Base base graphic labeled set 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A labelled set containing graphic bidimensional datatypes Supported interfaces Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D


Graphic Labelled Set 2D int

Graphic Labelled Set 2D int Base base graphic labeled set 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A labelled set containing graphic bidimensional datatypes Supported interfaces Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D



Graphic Line 2D double

Graphic Line 2D double Base base graphic line 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical line with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties


Graphic Line 2D int

Graphic Line 2D int Base base graphic line 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical line with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties



Graphic Point 2D double

Graphic Point 2D double Base base graphic point 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical point with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties


Graphic Point 2D int

Graphic Point 2D int Base base graphic point 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical point with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties



Graphic Polygon 2D double

Graphic Polygon 2D double Base base graphic polygon 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical polygon with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties


Graphic Polygon 2D int

Graphic Polygon 2D int Base base graphic polygon 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical polygon with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties



Graphic Polyline 2D double

Graphic Polyline 2D double Base base graphic polyline 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical polyline with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties


Graphic Polyline 2D int

Graphic Polyline 2D int Base base graphic polyline 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical polyline with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties



Graphic Rectangle 2D double

Graphic Rectangle 2D double Base base graphic rectangle 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical rectangle with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D


Graphical rectangle 2D int

Graphical rectangle 2D int Base base graphic rectangle 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional graphical rectangle with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D Base, Drawing


Base, StrokeProperties Base, GraphicShape2D


Image Base base image

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a multichannel and multi colormodel image Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, Logical Operations Kernel, MonadicArithOp Kernel, MonadicLogicalOp Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpInt Kernel, ThresholdOpDouble kernel, image exchange format base, memory buer Base, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI Base, ImageMirror Base, ImageTranspose Base, Rotate base, image lter base, image optimized lter base, draw lled shapes base, pixelwise comparison op



Line 2D double
Line 2D double Base base line 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional line with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Line 2D int
Line 2D int Base base line 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional line with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D


Line 3D double
Line 3D double Base base line 3D double

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Represent a tridimensional line with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DDouble Base, Transformations3D


Line 3D int
Line 3D int Base base line 3D int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional line with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DInt Base, Transformations3D


MIDI Base base midi

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A MIDI event



MIDI buer
MIDI buer Base base midibuer

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A sequence of MIDI events


PCMAudioBuer Base base pcm audio buer

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Stores an audio buer in PCM format Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble base, memory buer base, pcm conversion kernel, conversion


PCMAudioBuer Base base pcm audio dynamic buer

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Stores an audio buer in PCM format Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


base, memory buer base, pcm conversion kernel, conversion


Point 2D double
Point 2D double Base base point 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional point with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Point 2D int
Point 2D int Base base point 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional point with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D



Point 3D double
Point 3D double Base base point 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional point with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DDouble Base, Transformations3D


Point 3D int
Point 3D int Base base point 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional point with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DInt Base, Transformations3D


Polygon 2D double
Polygon 2D double Base base polygon 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Represent a bidimensional polygon with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Polygon 2D int
Polygon 2D int Base base polygon 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional polygon with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D


Polyline 2D double
Polyline 2D double Base base polyline 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional polyline with oating point coordinates


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Polyline 2D int
Polyline 2D int Base base polyline 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional polyline with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D


RawData Base base raw data

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Contains an unstructured datatype. RawData is used by blocks which handle datatypes as memory buers, with no further information about them. For instance, a block sending data throw the network or receiveing data from the network migth know anything about the datatype, just their size. Other blocks in the patch will do the specic processing. Supported interfaces base, memory buer



Rectangle 2D double
Rectangle 2D double Base base rectangle 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Shape2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Rectangle 2D int
Rectangle 2D int Base base rectangle 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Shape2DInt Base, Transformations2D



Rectangle 3D double
Rectangle 3D double Base base rectangle 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional rectangle with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DDouble Base, Transformations3D


Rectangle 3D int
Rectangle 3D int Base base rectangle 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional rectangle with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DInt Base, Transformations3D


Roi 2D double
Roi 2D double Base base roi2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Represent a bidimensional region of interest with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Roi 2D int
Roi 2D int Base base roi2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional region of interest with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Size 2D double
Size 2D double Base base size2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional rectangle with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble



Size 2D int
Size 2D int Base base size2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional size with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


TemporalData Base base temporal data

class name catalog name catalog id class id

A datatype holding a temporal sequence of double values Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Kernel, StaticTimeSeries


Vector 2D double
Vector 2D double Base base vector 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional vector with oating point coordinates


Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DDouble Base, Transformations2D


Vector 2D int
Vector 2D int Base base vector 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a bidimensional point with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex2DInt Base, Transformations2D


Vector 3D double
Vector 3D double Base base vector 3d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional vector with oating point coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble


Base, Vertex3DDouble Base, Transformations3D


Vector 3D int
Vector 3D int Base base vector 3d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Represent a tridimensional vector with integer coordinates Supported interfaces Kernel, Arithmetic Operations Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpInt Kernel, ScalarArithmeticOpDouble Base, Vertex3DInt Base, Transformations3D


Datatype converters
AudioBuerToAudioClock Base base audio buer to audio clock converter

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts an audio buer to an audio clock datatype.


Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter

Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter Base base base geometric point 3d to geometric point 3d converter int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This converter convert the new base geometric point 3Dto the old point 3D



Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter

Base geometric point 3D to geometric point 3D converter Base base base geometric point 3d to geometric point 3d converter double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This converter convert the new base geometric point 3Dto the old point 3D


Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Double

Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Double Base base geom to graphic converter ellipse double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Ellipse 2D Double To Graphic Ellipse 2D Double


Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer

Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer Base base geom to graphic converter ellipse int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer To Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer


Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Double

Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Double Base base geometric labeled set 2d double to graphic labeled set 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Automatically converts a Geometric LabelledSet 2D Double datatype to a Graphic LabelledSet 2D Double datatype, such that it can be drawn



Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Int

Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int To Graphic LabelledSet 2D Int Base base geometric labeled set 2d int to graphic labeled set 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Automatically converts a Geometric LabelledSet 2D Int datatype to a Graphic LabelledSet 2D Int datatype, such that it can be drawn


Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic ine 2D Double

Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic ine 2D Double Base base geom to graphic converter line double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Line 2D Double To Graphic Line 2D Double


Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integer

Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integer Base base geom to graphic converter line int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Line 2D Integer To Graphic Line 2D Integer


Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Double

Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Double Base base geom to graphic converter point double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Point 2D Double To Graphic Point 2D Double


Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer Base base geom to graphic converter point int

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer


Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer

Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer Base base geom to graphic converter polyline int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Point 2D Integer To Graphic Point 2D Integer


Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2D Double

Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2D Double Base base geom to graphic converter polyline double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Polyline 2D Double To Graphic Polyline 2D Double


Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Double

Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Double Base base geomrect2ddouble to roi2ddouble

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Convert Geometric Rect 2d Double To ROI 2d Double


Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integer

Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integer Base base geomrect2dint toroi2dint

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Convert Geometric Rect 2d Integer To ROI 2d Integer



Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2D Double

Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2D Double Base base geom to graphic converter rectangle double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Rectangle 2D Double To Graphic Rectangle 2D Double


Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer

Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer Base base geom to graphic converter rectangle int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer To Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer


Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Double

Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Double Base base graphic to geom converter ellipse double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Ellipse 2D Double To Geometric Ellipse 2D Double


Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer

Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer Base base graphic to geom converter ellipse int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Ellipse 2D Integer To Geometric Ellipse 2D Integer



Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Double

Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Double Base base graphic to geom converter point double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Point 2D Double To Geometric Point 2D Double


Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer Base base graphic to geom converter point int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer


Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer Base base graphic to geom converter polyline int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Point 2D Integer To Geometric Point 2D Integer


Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2D Double

Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2D Double Base base graphic to geom converter polyline double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Polyline 2D Double To Geometric Polyline 2D Double


Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2D Double

Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2D Double Base base graphic to geom converter rectangle double

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Graphic Rectangle 2D Double To Geometric Rectangle 2D Double


Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer

Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer Base base graphic to geom converter rectangle int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Graphic Rectangle 2D Integer To Geometric Rectangle 2D Integer


PCMAudioBuerToAudioClock Base base pcm audio buer to audio clock converter

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Converts a PCM audio buer to an audio clock datatype.


ROI 2d Double To Geometric Rect 2d Double

ROI 2d Double To Geometric Rect 2d Double Base base roi2ddouble to geomrect2ddouble

class name catalog name catalog id class id

ROI 2d Double To Convert Geometric Rect 2d Double


ROI 2d Integer To Geometric Rect 2d Integer

ROI 2d Integer To Geometric Rect 2d Integer Base base roi2dint to geomrect2dint

class name catalog name catalog id class id

ROI 2d Integer To Convert Geometric Rect 2d Integer



Static to Dynamic Temporal Data Converter

Static to Dynamic Temporal Data Converter Base base static to dynamic temp data converter

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This converter converts a static time series to a dynamic one, i.e., a time series where the number of samples and the number of channels can be changes at run-time.


Datatype interfaces
Drawing Base base drawing

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the interface of datatypes supporting the possibility to be drawn over a bitmap


GraphicShape2D Base base graphic shape

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of graphical shapes and declares the methods to change the color and the ll properties of the shape.


ImageConversion Base base image conversion

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to convert between dierent image formats



ImageMirror Base base image mirror

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to mirror an image, i.e., to ip it around an horizontal or vertical axis.


ImageROI Base base image roi

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to specify a ROI (Region Of Interest), i.e., a rectangle inside the image where the following operations will work. Image outside the ROI can assume undened values.


ImageTranspose Base base image transpose

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Image datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to transpose an image.


Rotate Base base rotate

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Datatypes implementing this interface support the possibility to rotate object.



Shape2DDouble Base base shape 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of shapes 2d


Shape2DInt Base base shape 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of shapes 2d


StrokeProperties Base base stroke properties

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of graphical objects having a visible contour and declares the methods to change the color and the width of the contour


Transformations2D Base base trasformation 2d

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This interface declares the methods to perform operations (e.g., Scale, Rotate, Translate, etc.) on geometric/graphics objects


Transformations3D Base base trasformation 3D

class name catalog name catalog id class id


This interface declares the methods to perform operations (e.g., Scale, Rotate, Translate, etc.) on geometric/graphics objects


Vertex2DDouble Base base vertex 2d double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of double geometric datatypes, and provides the methods to enumerate the vertices of geometric shapes


Vertex2DInt Base base vertex 2d int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of integer geometric datatypes, and provides the methods to enumerate the vertices of geometric shapes


Vertex3DDouble Base base vertex 3D double

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of double geometric datatypes, and provides the methods to enumerate the vertices of geometric shapes


Vertex3DInt Base base vertex 3D int

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This is the base interface of integer geometric datatypes, and provides the methods to enumerate the vertices of geometric shapes



Development Stage
Development Stage Base base development stage

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This category claries the development stage of the block (i.e., alpha, beta, production, stable). Alpha A block at alpha stage is .... Beta A block at beta stage is .... Production A block at production stage is .... Stable A block is stable....


Development Stage
Development Stage Base base development stage

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This category claries the development stage of the block (i.e., alpha, beta, production, stable). Alpha A block at alpha stage is .... Beta A block at beta stage is ....


Production A block at production stage is .... Stable A block is stable....


Final User Category

Final User Category Base base nal user

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This category species the class of expected nal user for this block. Artist An user which can envision nice applications, but which has a poor knowledge in the computer science eld.... Developer An user which is able to develop source code in some programming language, or has a deep knowledge of EyesWeb scheduling mechaninsm.... Phisician An user which can understand physic laws, but cannot understand computer science....


Final User Category

Final User Category Base base nal user

class name catalog name catalog id class id

This category species the class of expected nal user for this block. Artist An user which can envision nice applications, but which has a poor knowledge in the computer science eld....


Developer An user which is able to develop source code in some programming language, or has a deep knowledge of EyesWeb scheduling mechaninsm.... Phisician An user which can understand physic laws, but cannot understand computer science....


Alberto Massari
Alberto Massari Base base alby

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Alessandro Fausto
Alessandro Fausto Base base alessandro

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


Andrea Ricci
Andrea Ricci Base base andrea

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Barbara Mazzarino
Barbara Mazzarino Base base barbara

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Carlo Drioli
Carlo Drioli Base base carlo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Giovanna Varni
Giovanna Varni Base base giovanna

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


Gualtiero Volpe
Gualtiero Volpe Base base gualtiero

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Marzia Simonetti
Marzia Simonetti Base base marzia

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


Massimiliano Peri
Massimiliano Peri Base base massy

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Maurizio Mancini
Maurizio Mancini Base base maurizio

class name catalog name catalog id class id

EyesWeb Developer mailto:[email protected]


Mirko Demurtas
Mirko Demurtas Base base mirko

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


Nguyen, Dinh Quan

Nguyen, Dinh Quan Base base PARS Author

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Student, EU-Erasmus Mundus Project EMARO 09-10


Paolo Coletta
Paolo Coletta Base base paolo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Roberto Sagoleo
Roberto Sagoleo Base base roberto

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Simone Ghisio
Simone Ghisio Base base simone

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


InfomusLab Base base infomus

class name catalog name catalog id class id

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it


NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C. Base base numensoft

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Microsoft Certied Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support: [email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


Chapter 10 System Catalog




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ADAMInput System system adam-gpi-in Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Outputs Digital Input id type type id inplace id inherited id input state Kernel, Integer matrix. kernel, int-matrix *no* *no*


Digital Input Digital Output id output state type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Digital output Parameters Refresh id refresh type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Refresh Module id type type id

module Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 6050 6051 layout 6060 6066 domain [ 0, 4 ) Module to connect

IP Address id ip-address type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string IP Address TCP Port id tcp-port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 65535 ] TCP Port (DEFAULT: 502)


Conn. Timeout id comm-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Connection timeout (ms) Send Timeout id send-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Send timeout (ms) Recv Timeout id recv-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Receive timeout (ms)





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ADAMOutput System system adam-gpi-out Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Parameters Output State id DO-Signal type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix Matrix for digital output value Module id type type id

module Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: 6050 6051 layout 6060 6066 domain [ 0, 4 ) Module to connect


IP Address id ip-address type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string IP Address TCP Port id tcp-port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 65535 ] TCP Port (DEFAULT: 502) Conn. Timeout id comm-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Connection timeout (ms) Send Timeout id send-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Send timeout (ms) Recv Timeout id recv-timeout type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Receive timeout (ms)





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

AudioDisplay System system audio display gdi Alessandro Fausto Mirko Demurtas

This block visualizes the input audio signal using the Windows GDI library. When the bitrate of audio input is high and the buer size is small, drawing the waveform generates a very high refresh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive because they miss the processing power required to both refresh the display and interact with the user. To avoid this situation, set the Refresh mode parameter to Frequency limited or to Time limited. REMARKS When the display is shrinked to a pixel dimension lower than the buer size (or 640 pixels at maximum) the waveform is distorded by the zoom factor. ERRORS Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list: LIST The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the LIST are ignored because relative to an older version of DisplayGDI block. Inputs Audio Buer id type type id input audio Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Audio Buer

Required interfaces Kernel, StaticTimeSeries


Parameters Label id Label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Label Merge channels id Merge channels type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Merge channels




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

AudioFileReader System system audio le reader mmstream Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Reads an audio stream from le.

Remarks It is based on DirectShow streaming technology, thus,it should be able to read all les that DirectShow can read. It is limited to the main audio stream, thus, if the le contain more than one audio stream, only one is read and the other ones are ignored. The le can be changed at runtime, thus, since the audio datatype is supposed to have a constant format (num samples, sampling rate, num channels) during tuntime, the block may need to convert the audio format. Thats why the block exports parameter to specify the audio buer format: since the le is not constant during execution, the audio format cannot be deduced from the le (which could also not be specied when patch starts). However, it is possible to set zero values for this info, in such case, if a lename is specied at startup, the info is taken from that le (and maintained throughout execution), otherwise it assumes default values. ERROR AND WARNING MESSSAGE - During Initialization phase - - Failed to create the multimedia le reader allocation thread. JoinInit failed. - Failed to create the multimedia le reader allocation thread. Thread initialization failed. - Invalid Master ID: if the Sincronization type is set to Master and the string that species the master is invalid. - During execution phase - - CAudioFileReaderImplMMStream::CMMediaCreationThread::WaitFileR FAIL. Outputs Output buer. id audio stream type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output buer. Its and audio buer datatype.


File cued id type type id inplace id inherited id Generate a

le cued Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger *no* *no* bang when the le is cued successfully

EndFile id le end type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Generate true when the le is played Parameters Audio le reader id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Audio les (*.wav,*.mp3, *.wma)*.wav;*.mp3;*.wmaAll les (*.*)*.* Species the name of le to read. Sampling rate id sampling rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Sampling rate of the output buer. It can be dierent from the sampling rate of the le, even because the le can change at runtime. Moreover, les with a dynamic sampling rate are supported. Time to goto id goto time type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Species the time to be reached


Goto id type type id Forces

goto Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger the le to reach the specied position

Frames before seek id frames before seek type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the number of frames to skip before performing a seek. In many cases, decompressing and skipping frames gives a better performance than seeking to the desired position. Number of channels id num channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Speciies the number of channels of the output buer. Can be mono (1 channel) or stereo (2 channels). Start time id media startime type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Species the start position of the le Duration id media duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Species the length of the portion of the le to be read. Use zero to specify the whole le. Playback rate id playback rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the playback rate. Use 1.0 for normal speed, higher values (e.g., 2.0) for fastforward, lower values for slow motion. Negative values mean going backward. Note that audio is always muted for playback rate dierent from 1.0.


Player status id status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stopped layout Paused Playing domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the status of the player. If no le is currently executing, this parameter is ignored, however it species whether the block is stopped, is paused, or is playing. When the block is stopped the output is a black frame; when the block is paused the output is a xed frame (the last played one); when the block is playing the output changes at each step. If this parameter is changed at design time or when no le is playing, its value is used as an initial status. End of le id eof type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stop layout Pause Loop domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the behaviour when end of le is reached. Play id play type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Start (or resume) playing the selected le Pause id type type id Pause

pause Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger at the currently reached frame

Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop playing, produces a black frame as output


Master ID id master id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Master identier Syncronization Type id sync type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Standalone layout Master Slave domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the type of syncronization Auto generate mediatime id auto generate mediatime type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If the le set has not an audio stream and the block is set as Master, It generate a silent sound buer with valid mediatime Generate cued bang after failure id generate cued if failed type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Generate cued bang after a failure of a change lename Buering id type type id type type of buering Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: numsamples layout buertime fps domain [ 0, 3 ) It species how the block calculates the buer lenght. Its possible set the dimension according to number of samples value, buer time duration or in frame per second.


number of samples id number of samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) It species the number of samples for each buer. Usually 1764.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DirectSoundInput System system dsound input Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Captures an audio stream using Microsoft DirectSound Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Device id type type id Virtual device Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string Device audio stream Base, Audio buer base, audio buer *no* *no*

Samples id samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Samples Sampling rate id samplingrate type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Sampling rate


Num. channels id num channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of audio channels Physical buer duration id physical buer duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Physical buer duration Delay id max delay type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Delay




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DirectSoundOutput System system dsound output Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Renders an audio stream using Microsoft DirectSound. Inputs Input id type type id audio stream Base, Audio buer base, audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input audio buer

Parameters Device id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Virtual directsound output device. If this eld is empty the output device is selected according to EyesWeb Control Panel Volume id volume type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Volume of audio stream. Its normalized and the value must be included in [0,1]


Physical buer duration expressed in time units id physical buer duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Physical buer duration Delay id type type id Delay

delay Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time of output buer compared to the input stream




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DisplayDirectX System system image display Massimiliano Peri

This block show the input image using the DirectX graphic library, verion 9.0. The input image is immediately painted on the display output.This block also permit to select the quality of image scaling algorithm. Details Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board (GPU) without the intervention of CPU. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. To display a image with this color space you must convert the color space to one of the supported color space. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. Notes Error list: DirectX libraries could not be initialized. This error occur when the DirectX 9.0 is not installed. DirectX libraries will be initialized in emulation mode. Not all the functionalities will be available. This error occur when the DirectX library do not support some of the hardware accelleration used by this block. The alpha channel is not supported for X color space Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha The X color space is not supported. Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV Inputs Image id type type id video stream Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no*


Image to be painted on the display. The I420, YV12 and HSV color spaces are not supported. the alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. Required interfaces Base, ImageConversion Base, ImageROI Parameters LetterBox Mode id letterbox mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No letterbox CenterMiddle NoneTop NoneMiddle NoneBottom LeftNone LeftTop LeftMiddle layout LeftBottom CenterNone CenterTop CenterBottom RightNone RightTop RightMiddle RightBottom domain [ 0, 16 ) Species where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in No letterbox the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to cover all available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space. This enumerator species where to place such black frame. Since the user might not know in advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each mode species how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle means that if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, and the matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image will be vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the rst referring to the horizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontal centering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assume values none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is needed on that direction, than the image is stretched to ll the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTop means that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is applied and the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination


rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below. Interpolation id ltering type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Point Linear layout Anisotropic Pyramidal Gaussian domain [ 0, 5 ) Interpolation Delay id delay type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Delay




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DisplayDirectX-2 System system D3DImageDisplay Alessandro Fausto Massimiliano Peri

This block show the input image using the DirectX graphic library, verion 9.0. The user can chose between two dierent visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The ignore presentation time is the default mode (the only mode available in DirectX and GDI displays).In this mode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.When in respect presentation time mode the display paint the image when its presentation time is reached.When a new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. The presentation time is lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentation time is close to current time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater than current time: the image is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximum number of ordered queue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (run time).This block also permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scaling. The user, acting on Output queue status parameter, can enable or disable the output of internal queue status.See the Extracted image counter and Queued images outputs pin description for more details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and to generate a related output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed or selection mouse handling modes. See the paramemter Mouse handling for more details. REMARKS Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board (GPU) without the intervention of CPU. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. To display a image with this color space you must convert the color space to one of the supported color space. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. ERRORS Load of parameter values failed: This warning occur when Eyesweb encounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch le. In this case some parameters can be reset to default value. DirectX libraries could not be initialized. This error occur when the DirectX 9.0 is not installed. DirectX libraries will be initialized in emulation mode. Not all the functionalities will be available. This error occur when the DirectX library do not support some of the hardware accelleration used by this block. The alpha channel is not supported for X color space Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha The X color space is not supported. Add


one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image to display.

Parameters Presentation time id QueueAlgo type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: ignore the presentation time layout respect the presentation time domain [ 0, 2 ) To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parameter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (ignore, respect). When ignore is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), otherwise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches the presentation time. Queue max size id QueueMaxSize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue. Purge queue id QueuePurge type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Drop all images contained into the internal queue.


Output queue status id ParamOutputQueueStatus type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of image skipped in the last execution cycle). Mouse handling id ParamOutputMouseMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none output position layout output click position output selection rectangle domain [ 0, 4 ) This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position. Flip image id ImageFlip type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none vertical (Y axis) layout horizontal (X axis) vertical & horizontal (both axis) domain [ 0, 4 ) Flip image over Y (ipping), X (opping) or both axis. Interpolation id ltering type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Point Linear layout Anisotropic Pyramidal Gaussian domain [ 0, 5 ) The color of points obtained during the zoom operations can be calculated with dierent algorithms. Choices are point where the closest pixel is chosen, Linear which applies linear ltering (a method where a weighted average of the 2 by 2 pixels surrounding the


pixel is used) , Anisotropic which takes into account the angle a primitive is rendered, Pyramidal which takes 4 samples and uses a tent lter and Gaussian which also takes 4 samples but uses a Gaussian lter.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DisplayGDI System system display gdi Alessandro Fausto Mirko Demurtas

This block show the input image using the Windows GDI library. The user can chose between two dierent visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The ignore presentation time is the default mode (the only mode available in DirectX display).In this mode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.When in respect presentation time mode the display paint the image when its presentation time is reached.When a new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. The presentation time is lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentation time is close to current time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater than current time: the image is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximum number of ordered queue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (run time).This block also permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scaling.The user, acting on Output queue status parameter, can enable or disable the output of internal queue status.See the Extracted image counter and Queued images outputs pin description for more details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and to generate a related output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed or selection mouse handling modes. See the paramemter Mouse handling for more details. REMARKS The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space dierent from BW or BGR are converted into BGR color space. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use BW or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. ERRORS Load of parameter values failed: This warning occur when Eyesweb encounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch le. In this case some parameters can be reset to default value. The alpha channel is not supported for X color space Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha The X color space is not supported. Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list: LIST The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the LIST are ignored because relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block.


Inputs Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image to display.

Parameters Presentation time id QueueAlgo type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: ignore the presentation time layout respect the presentation time domain [ 0, 2 ) To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parameter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (ignore, respect). When ignore is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), otherwise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches the presentation time. Queue max size id QueueMaxSize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue. Purge queue id QueuePurge type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Drop all images contained into the internal queue. Output queue status id ParamOutputQueueStatus type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of image skipped in the last execution cycle). Mouse handling id ParamOutputMouseMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none output position layout output click position output selection rectangle domain [ 0, 4 ) This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position. Interpolation Algorithm id ltering type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: nearest neighbour interpolation linear interpolation layout cubic convolution interpolation interpolation by 3-lobed Lanczos-windowed sinc function domain [ 0, 4 ) Species the algorithm used to interpolate the image when resize is needed. A rough interpolation (e.g., nearest neighbour) may cause visible artifacts, however, the CPU usage to perform such interpolation is quite limited. A good quality interpolation (e.g., lanczos) provides better results but may cause an high CPU load.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

DisplayOpenGL System system GlImageDisplay Alessandro Fausto

This block show the input image using the OpenGL graphic library. The user can chose between two dierent visualization mode (ignore/respect presentation time).The ignore presentation time is the default mode (the only mode available in DIrectX and GDI displays).In this mode the input image is immediatly painted on the display output.When in respect presentation time mode the display paint the image when its presentation time is reached.When a new image reach the display input, thee case can be distincted : 1. The presentation time is lesser than current time: the image is dropped.2. The presentation time is close to current time: the image is painted.3. The presentation time is greater than current time: the image is inserted into a ordered queue.The used can select the maximum number of ordered queue elements (design time) and drop all elements from the queue (run time).This block also permit to mirror the texture and select the quality of image scaling.The user, acting on Output queue status parameter, can enable or disable the output of internal queue status.See the Extracted image counter and Queued images outputs pin description for more details. This block is also able to intercept some mouse events, and to generate a related output. The user can select among none, movement, button pressed or selection mouse handling modes. See the paramemter Mouse handling for more details. REMARKS Most of this block operation is done by the hardware of the graphic board (GPU) without the intervention of CPU. This block, if supported by GPU, take advandage from the following openGL extension:GL EXT bgra; GL EXT bgr; GL NV texture rectangle; GL ARB texture rectangle; GL EXT texture rectangle. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space dierent from RGB or BGR are converted into RGB color space. If the graphic board dont support the openGL BGRA and BGR extension, the BGR image is converted to RGB. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. Operation allway done in software: color space conversion, pixel format conversion, texture scaling. Operation allways done in hardware: Texture mirroring, image rendering. Operation done in hardware (if specic openGL extension is supported) or software (if is not supported): Color space conversion from BGR to RGB (GL EXT bgr and GL EXT bgra), texture scaling (GL NV texture rectangle, GL ARB texture rectangle and GL EXT texture rectangle). Operation allways done in software: Color space conversion, pixel format conversion. ERRORS Load of parameter values failed: This warning occur when Eyesweb


encounter a error loading the block parameters from the patch le. In this case some parameters can be reset to default value. The alpha channel is not supported for X color space Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: RGB with alpha, BGR with alpha, YUV with alpha The X color space is not supported. Add one image converter block before this block to convert the image into one of the following supported color spaces: BW, RGB, BGR, YUV, YUYV, UYVY, I420, YV12, HSV Inputs Image id type type id InputImage Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image to display.

Parameters Presentation time id QueueAlgo type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: ignore the presentation time layout respect the presentation time domain [ 0, 2 ) To respect the image presentation time this display use a ordered queue. This parameter selects the algorithm used to manage the presentation time (ignore, respect). When ignore is selected the input image is displayed immediately (bypassing the queue), otherwise the image is stored into the queue and is displayed when the clock time matches the presentation time. Queue max size id QueueMaxSize type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int This parameter set the maximum number of images stored into the internal queue.


Purge queue id QueuePurge type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Drop all images contained into the internal queue. Output queue status id ParamOutputQueueStatus type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Output the internal queue status (number of image into the queue, number of image skipped in the last execution cycle). Mouse handling id ParamOutputMouseMode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none output position layout output click position output selection rectangle domain [ 0, 4 ) This parameter enable, disable and select the Output mode of mouse click position. Flip image id BgFlip type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none vertical (Y axis) layout horizontal (X axis) vertical & horizontal (both axis) domain [ 0, 4 ) Flip image over Y (ipping), X (opping) or both axis. Filter id type type id

ltering Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Point layout Linear domain [ 0, 2 )


Texture image lter (Point, Linear) used when the texture is scaled. Point mode approximate the pixel color with the color of nearest point, Linear mode do a linear interpolation of neigthbour pixels colors.





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FilePlayer System system le player Paolo Coletta

This block plays the given le on the given output device. It is a sort of replacementent for a patch where you put both a le reader and an output block. In this case everything is done internally by the block; this implies that you have less control on the playback (e.g., you cannot apply eects to the data stream); however, in simple cases where no more than a simple playback is needed, this block might improve performance and simplify the patch layout Details The block internally uses DirectShow to playback the stream; for each le a new DirectShow graph is created. If some les le to play, you probably miss some codecs in Windows. Notes Currently, only the audio stream of the le is played Outputs Status id status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The current player status End Of Stream id end-of-stream type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Triggered when the end of the stream is reached


Parameters Device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Name of the DirectShow-based le player virtual device Filename id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=All les (*.*)*.* Name of the le to be played Volume id volume type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the volume at which the le is played Pan id pan type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the balance of the stereo channel: -1.0 for left, 0.0 for center, 1.0 for right Position id position type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Status id type type id

status Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Playing layout Paused Stopped domain [ 0, 3 ) The parameter reect the status of the player device


Play id play type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Put the device in Playback mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial state of the device Pause id pause type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Put the device in Paused mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial state of the device Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Put the device in Stopped mode, if the patch is running, otherwise set the initial state of the device




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FrameGrabber System system wdmvideo input Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Captures a video from from WDM Video Input Device Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id Output Parameters Output datatype info id datatype info type Kernel, StringPair type id kernel, string pair layout Output Datatype info Device id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Device video stream Base, Image base, image *no* *no*


Image Color Model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: RGB (3 channels - 24 bits) BGR (3 channels - 24 bits) YUV (3 channels - 24 bits) BW (1 channels - 8 bits) YUYV (3 channels (Y,U,Y,V) ) layout UYVY (3 channels (U,Y,V,Y) ) I420 (3 channels planar (Y,U,V) ) YV12 (3 channels planar (Y,V,U) ) RGBA (4 channels - 32 bits) BGRA (4 channels - 32 bits) YUVA (4 channels - 32 bits) Image Color Model Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Output Image Size Frames per second. id fps type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Frames per second. Vertical Mirror id vert mirror type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Vertical Mirror Horizontal Mirror id horiz-mirror type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the image must be swaped horizontaly


Type id type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: AUTO layout PAL-B NTSC Type Video Quality: Gain Flag id gain ag type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Default layout Auto Manual domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the desired control setting for the Gain property. Default - use the current driver setting Auto - enables autogain Manual - set the user-specied value Video Quality: Gain Value id gain value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the value of the Gain property. Is is used only if Gain Flag is set to manual Video Quality: Brightness Flag id brightness ag type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Default layout Auto Manual domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the desired control setting for the Brightness property. Default - use the current driver setting Auto - enables autobrightness Manual - set the user-specied value Video Quality: Brightness Value id brightness value type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Species the value of the Brightness property. Is is used only if Brightness Flag is set to manual Override device init failed. id overridedeviceinitfailed type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If the system cannot initialize the selected WDM device the patch will be executed anyway. Custom device properties id device type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Default - none layout Video crossbar compliant device Decklink frame grabber domain [ 0, 3 ) Custom device properties




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FunctionEvaluator System system function evaluator Alberto Massari

Evaluate an arbitrary user-specied function on every input data. Remarks Allowed functions: abs, arg, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, oor,log, log10, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh, atan2, mod, pow Allowed constants: integer number, oating point numbers (decimal separator is .), or pi (3.1415...) Allowed operators: +, -, *, /, (means pow) Allowed variables: x1, x2, x3, ..., xN (the number depends on the number of inputs of the block) Examples: sqrt(x1)/(x12) Avoid white spaces. The above example works, but sqrt( x1 )/(x12) does not work Error and Warning Messages During Initialization Phase -The number of inputs of the signature does not match the value specied by the parameter of the block. -Syntax error: if evaluation tree is full Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This input represent the 0th operand involved in the operation.


Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Block output. It contains the result of the specied operation. Parameters Expression id expression type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The arithmetic expression to be evaluated Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the number of inputs of this block.The number of inputs is the same of the variables of arithmetic expression.




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GetFromHTTPVideoServer System system get-from-video-server Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Outputs Image id image output type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Decoded Jpeg Image Parameters IP Address id ip-address type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Ip Address TCP Port id tcp-port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 65535 ] TCP Port (DEFAULT: 777) Input Index id input ndx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Video Server input index


Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors) 1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point.


Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value). Has alpha id has alpha type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species whether the image has an alpha channel. Note that alpha channel is supported only with RGB, BGR, or YUV images. In all other cases this parameter should be set to false.


Refresh id refresh type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Refresh Keep aspect ratio id keep-aspect-ratio type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Keep aspect ratio





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GetMouse System system GetMouse Mirko Demurtas

This block capture the position of mouse pointer Inputs Clock id type type id Sync Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Clock

Outputs X id type type id inplace id inherited id X Y id type type id inplace id inherited id Y OutputX Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*

OutputY Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double *no* *no*


Parameters Type Output id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Coordinates layout Point domain [ 0, 2 ) Type Output Domain id type type id

Domain Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Double layout Int domain [ 0, 2 ) This parameter allows to choose if output is int or double type.

HorizontalResolution id XResolution type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Horizontal resolution of monitor. Its used only in double domain. VerticalResolution id YResolution type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Vertical resolution of monitor Its used only in double domain.




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HTTPVideoServer System system video-server Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Inputs Input image 0 id type type id input0 Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Image 0 to compress and send

Parameters Http server id http-server type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable Http 1.0 server IP Address id ip-address type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Web server Ip Address of the ethernet interface


TCP Port id tcp-port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 65535 ] TCP Port (DEFAULT: 777) Quality id type type id domain Quality

quality Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, 100 ]

Web server Root id doc-root type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string layout Folder Root document for the HTML 1.0 web server Number of inputs id num-inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input for the video server





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Joystick System system Joystick Gualtiero Volpe

This block retrives data from a joystick device. Outputs Joystick axes id Axes type Kernel, Double matrix. type id kernel, double-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The current x, y, and z values along the joystick axes. Joystick buttons id Buttons type Kernel, Integer matrix. type id kernel, int-matrix inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The current state of the joystick buttons. Parameters Device name id DeviceName type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The name of the joystick device.


Sampling period id SamplingPeriod type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time The sampling period for the joystick data stream. Enable axes output id EnableAxes type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the x, y, z coordinates output is enabled. Enable axis rotation output id EnableAxesRotations type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the axis rotation output is enabled. Enable buttons output id EnableButtons type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the buttons output is enabled. Enable sliders output id EnableSliders type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the sliders output is enabled. Enable POVs output id EnablePOVs type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the POVs output is enabled. X axis range min id XRangeMin type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value along the x axis.


X axis range max id XRangeMax type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value along the x axis. Y axis range min id YRangeMin type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value along the y axis. Y axis range max id YRangeMax type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value along the y axis. Z axis range min id ZRangeMin type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value along the z axis. Z axis range max id ZRangeMax type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value along the z axis.





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MatrixDisplay System system table display gdi Alessandro Fausto Mirko Demurtas

This block display the input matrix formatted as spreadsheet table. When the bitrate of input is high, drawing the display generates a very high refesh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive because the miss the processing power required to both refresh the display and iteract with the user. To avoid this situation, set the Refresh mode parameter to Frequency limited or to time limited. REMARKS When the display is shrinked to a dimension too small the cells became unreadable.In this case the suggested solution is to set the zoom mode to No t and then set a correct value into the zoom parameter.Use the scrollbars to see all cells. Inputs Input Table id type type id input table Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Table

Parameters double buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool enable double buering to avoid ickering, with a performance cost


Min Char id prm minchar type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Min Char Max Char id prm maxchar type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) This parameter set the maximum width (number of characters) of a single cell. If the number of character of the matrix element is above this threshold the value is substituted by # characters. In this case stop the patch, set this parameter to a greater value and restart the patch. decimal digits id prm digit type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, 10 ] This parameter represent the number of decimal digits to be displayed for all matrix element. This value must be any integer number greater or equal to zero. Font id prm font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font This is the font used to print the column header, row header and matrix element values.




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MatrixValueVsIndexDisplay System system matrix value vs index graph display Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the row/column index on the x axis and the row/column values on the y axis in a Display Window. Inputs Input Matrix id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according dierent criteria

Parameters Double Buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Render the graph using a back buer to avoid ickering, paying a slight performance cost Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state


Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label


X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis


Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Sample Mode id sample mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: By Row layout By Column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row or by column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows columns - by row)


Y Axis Scale id y axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Number of Plots id num plots type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of congured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specied number of plots these will have default parameters Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




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MatrixValueVsIndexOverlay System system matrix value vs index graph overlay Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the row/column index on the x axis and the row/column values on the y axis over an input image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The graph will be painted over this input image

Input Matrix id type type id

input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according dierent criteria


Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* The image containing the graph painted over the input image Parameters Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Canvas Transparent Fill id canvas ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Canvas will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Background Transparent Fill id plot bgnd ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Plot Background will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used)


Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area


Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font


X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks


X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line


X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Sample Mode id sample mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: By Row layout By Column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row or by column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows columns - by row) Y Axis Scale id y axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Number of Plots id num plots type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of congured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specied number of plots these will have default parameters Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label


Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixValueVsValueDisplay System system matrix value vs value graph display Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the specied row/column entries on the x axis and the remaining row/column values on the y axis in a Display Window. Inputs Input Matrix id type type id input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according dierent criteria

Parameters Double Buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Render the graph using a back buer to avoid ickering, paying a slight performance cost X Axis Index id x axis sample index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Specify the matrix row/column index of the entries that will be used as the values for the x axis of all the plots


Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Range Min id x axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the x axis X Axis Range Max id x axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the x axis X Axis Range Mode id x axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour


X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks


X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line


X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Sample Mode id sample mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: By Row layout By Column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row or by column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows columns - by row) X Axis Scale id x axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the x axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Y Axis Scale id y axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Number of Plots id num plots type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of congured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specied number of plots these will have default parameters


Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MatrixValueVsValueOverlay System system matrix value vs value graph overlay Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input matrix, using the specied row/column entries on the x axis and the remaining row/column values on the y axis over an input image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The graph will be painted over this input image

Input Matrix id type type id

input Kernel, Double matrix. kernel, double-matrix required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input matrix. Its entries will be drawn in a graph according dierent criteria


Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* The image containing the graph painted over the input image Parameters X Axis Index id x axis sample index type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Specify the matrix row/column index of the entries that will be used as the values for the x axis of all the plots Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Canvas Transparent Fill id canvas ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Canvas will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background


Plot Background Transparent Fill id plot bgnd ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Plot Background will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Range Min id x axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the x axis X Axis Range Max id x axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the x axis X Axis Range Mode id x axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation


X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area


X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Sample Mode id sample mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: By Row layout By Column Automatic domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine how matrix rows and columns are interpreted - By Row: a plot for each row of the matrix - By Column: a plot for each column of the matrix - Automatic: by row or by column, determined by the minimum matrix dimension (ex. rows columns - by row) X Axis Scale id x axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the x axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Y Axis Scale id y axis scale type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Linear layout 10Log10 (dB) 20Log10 domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the scale of the y axis. Note that when a logarithmic scale is selected, also the axis boundaries and the tick step will be expressed in the same scale Number of Plots id num plots type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of congured plots. If the input matrix contains more than the specied number of plots these will have default parameters


Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MidiInput System system midi input Mirko Demurtas

Gets message from the Midi port Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The output output Base, MIDI base, midi *no* *no* of the block is the midi message received through the midi port.

System Exclusive Messages id output system type Kernel, Byte type id kernel, byte inplace id *no* inherited id *no* System Exclusive Messages Parameters Midi device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the name of the midi device to use. If none is given, the default will be used. Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical Midi port Midi Buer id device mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Species the desired working mode





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MidiOutput System system midi output Mirko Demurtas

Send message to the Midi port Inputs Input id type type id input Base, MIDI base, midi required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The inputof the block is the midi message sended through the midi port.

Parameters Midi device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the name of the midi device to use. If none is given, the default will be used. Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical Midi port Midi Buer id device mode type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species the desired working mode





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MouseClickDisplay System system mouse display gdi Mirko Demurtas

Show the input image Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input image to show

Outputs X id type type id inplace id inherited id X Y id type type id inplace id inherited id Y OutputX Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*

OutputY Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int *no* *no*


Parameters Type Output id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Coordinates layout Point domain [ 0, 2 ) Type Output Mode id type type id

Mode Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Move Mouse Click Mouse layout Select Mouse Color of pixel domain [ 0, 4 ) Mode

Horizontal Mirror id MirrorX type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Horizontal Mirror Vertical Mirror id MirrorY type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Vertical Mirror External Sync id SyncExt type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool External Sync


Type of Coordinate id Coord type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Image layout Window domain [ 0, 3 ) Type of Coordinate PosX id prm posx type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int horizontal position of the window PosY id prm posy type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int vertical position of the window SizeX id prm sizex type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int horizontal size of the window SizeY id prm sizey type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int vertical size of the window Caption id caption type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Caption




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

MultimediaTimer System system multimedia timer Paolo Coletta

Provides the functionalities oered by the Windows Multimedia Timer. Outputs Output id output type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Trigger (bang) output which is raised each time the timer elapses Parameters Period id type type id Period period Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time of the multimedia timer




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

NetReceiver System system net receiver Simone Gambarotto Daniele Gambarotto

Receive data from the network. Outputs Datatype id output data type Kernel, Generic datatype type id kernel, generic datatype inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Generic Datatype Parameters Host id Host type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Host Address TCP Port id TCP Port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1024, 65535 ] TCP Port Filter id Filter type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filter


Socket Window id ShowWindowSocket type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Show Socket Window




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

NetSender System system net sender Simone Gambarotto Daniele Gambarotto

Send data to the network. Inputs id type type id input data Kernel, Generic datatype kernel, generic datatype required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Parameters id type type id domain TCP Port Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 1024, 65535 ]

id Filter type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Socket Window id ShowWindowSocket type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Show Socket Window




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

OSAudioMixerOutput System system mixer output Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Sends the received values to the mixer to set its sliders Inputs Mute id type type id 0 Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Mute

Volume id type type id

1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Volume

Parameters Mixer output id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string


Let you set the parameter of the Windows mixer Line id type type id

line Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: layout Master Volume domain [ 0, 1 ) Species the line that this mixer will act on

Source id type type id

source Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: CD Audio layout Master Volume domain [ 0, 2 ) Species the source that this mixer will act on

Use line id use line type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Species wether controls are relative to Line or Source





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarGraph System system scalar graph display gdi Alessandro Fausto Mirko Demurtas

This block display the graph of input scalar values using the Windows GDI library. The graph is composed on a canvas of 320x240 pixel.When the bitrate of input is high drawing the graph generates a very high refesh rate. In this case some personal computers seem not responsive because the miss the processing power required to both refresh the display and iteract with the user. To avoid this situation, set the Refresh mode parameter to Frequency limited or to time limited. REMARKS When the display is shrinked to a dimension lower than 320x240 pixels the graph lines are distorded. ERRORS Found outdated version of GDI display block, ignored parameter list: LIST The parameters loaded from the patch and listed into the LIST are ignored because relative to one old version of DisplayGDI block. Inputs Input id type type id InputData000 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input of scalar values to plot on the graph.

Parameters Label id Label type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Label


Numer of input id nInput type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input. min id min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Minimum value to plot. max id max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Maximum value to plot. Num X Axis id nXAxis type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of horizontal axis Num Y Axis id nYAxis type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of vertical axis time window id durate type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time This parameter sets the visible time window of the graph. The graph only shows the most recent value within the time window; as time increase (i.e., as the patch execution progresses) the time window is shifted. Color 001 Input id ColorData000 type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor This is the color used to paint the input number 001.


Show 001 Input id ShowData000 type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Show or hide the graph of input number 001 values.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsSampleDisplay System system scalar value vs sample graph display Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using its sample index on the x axis in a Display Window. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1

Parameters Double Buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Render the graph using a back buer to avoid ickering, paying a slight performance cost Visible samples id num visible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of samples visible along the X axis


Invisible samples id num invisible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale X axis mode id x axis mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout Scrolling Wrap Around domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid is xed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wraps around, no scrolling at all Wrap Marker Visible id wrap marker visible type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker Wrap Marker Line Style id wrap marker line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Wrap Marker Line Color id wrap marker line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line Wrap Marker Line Thickness id wrap marker line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 )


Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 )


Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation


X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area


X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot


Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsSampleOverlay System system scalar value vs sample graph overlay Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using its sample index on the x axis over an input image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The graph will be painted over this input image

Input 1 id type type id

input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1


Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* The image containing the graph painted over the input image Parameters Visible samples id num visible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) Number of samples visible along the X axis Invisible samples id num invisible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale X axis mode id x axis mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout Scrolling Wrap Around domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid is xed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wraps around, no scrolling at all Wrap Marker Visible id wrap marker visible type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker


Wrap Marker Line Style id wrap marker line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Wrap Marker Line Color id wrap marker line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line Wrap Marker Line Thickness id wrap marker line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas


Canvas Transparent Fill id canvas ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Canvas will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Background Transparent Fill id plot bgnd ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Plot Background will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area


X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis


Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label


Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsTimeDisplay System system scalar value vs time graph display Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) in a Display Window. Inputs Input 1 id type type id input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1

Parameters Refresh Period id refresh period type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Display refresh period Double Buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Render the graph using a back buer to avoid ickering, paying a slight performance cost Visible Duration id visible duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time


The time span of the X axis Invisible Duration id invisible duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Time span of invisible samples, used for autoscale X axis mode id x axis mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout Scrolling Wrap Around domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid is xed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wraps around, no scrolling at all Wrap Marker Visible id wrap marker visible type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker Wrap Marker Line Style id wrap marker line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Wrap Marker Line Color id wrap marker line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line Wrap Marker Line Thickness id wrap marker line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 )


Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 )


Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation


X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area


X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label


Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels


Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot


Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsTimeOverlay System system scalar value vs time graph overlay Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) over an input image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The graph will be painted over this input image

Input 1 id type type id

input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1

Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no*


The image containing the graph painted over the input image Parameters Visible Duration id visible duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time The time span of the X axis Invisible Duration id invisible duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Time span of invisible samples, used for autoscale X axis mode id x axis mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout Scrolling Wrap Around domain [ 0, 3 ) Determine the data behaviour along the X axis: - Fixed: the samples scroll but the grid is xed - Scrolling: the samples scroll along with the grid - Wrap Around: the data wraps around, no scrolling at all Wrap Marker Visible id wrap marker visible type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool When the x axis is in Wrap Around mode, show/hide the last sample marker


Wrap Marker Line Style id wrap marker line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Wrap Marker line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Wrap Marker Line Color id wrap marker line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Wrap Marker line Wrap Marker Line Thickness id wrap marker line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Wrap Marker line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas


Canvas Transparent Fill id canvas ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Canvas will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Background Transparent Fill id plot bgnd ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Plot Background will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line


Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line


Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area


X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis


Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label


Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsValueDisplay System system scalar value vs value graph display Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using a reference input value on the x axis in a Display Window. Inputs Reference Input id type type id reference input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The reference input will be used as the x axis value for the input values (used as the y axis values) Input 1 id type type id

input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1

Parameters Double Buering id double buering type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool


Render the graph using a back buer to avoid ickering, paying a slight performance cost Visible samples id num visible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number visible of samples Invisible samples id num invisible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background


Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area


Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font


X Axis Range Min id x axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the x axis X Axis Range Max id x axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the x axis X Axis Range Mode id x axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label


X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels


X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis


Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area


Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label


Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScalarValueVsValueOverlay System system scalar value vs value graph overlay Andrea Ricci

Draws the graph of the input scalar value(s) on the y axis using a reference input value on the x axis over an input image. Inputs Input Image id type type id input image Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* The graph will be painted over this input image

Reference Input id type type id

reference input Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The reference input will be used as the x axis value for the input values (used as the y axis values)


Input 1 id type type id

input 1 Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The scalar data of this input will be drawn in Plot 1

Outputs Output Image id output image type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* The image containing the graph painted over the input image Parameters Visible samples id num visible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number visible of samples Invisible samples id num invisible samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Number of invisible samples, used for autoscale Reset id reset type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Reset graph, clearing plot data and setting axes to the initial state


Canvas Fill Color id canvas ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Canvas Canvas Transparent Fill id canvas ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Canvas will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Background Fill Color id plot bgnd ll color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to ll the Plot Background Plot Background Transparent Fill id plot bgnd ll transparent type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if the color used to ll the Plot Background will be transparent (no ll) or not (ll color is used) Plot Border Line Style id plot border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Plot Border Line Color id plot border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot Border line Plot Border Line Thickness id plot border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Position id legend pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Legend Left layout Right Top Bottom domain [ 0, 5 ) Set the legend position around the plot area Legend Border Line Style id legend border line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Legend Border line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation)


Legend Border Line Color id legend border line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Legend Border line Legend Border Line Thickness id legend border line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Legend Border line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Legend Labels Font id legend labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Legend Labels Legend Labels Font Color id legend labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Legend Labels font X Axis Range Min id x axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the x axis X Axis Range Max id x axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the x axis


X Axis Range Mode id x axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the x axis autoscale behaviour X Axis Orientation id x axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: LeftToRight layout RightToLeft domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the x axis orientation X Axis Label id x axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the X Axis, leave blank for no label X Axis Label Position id x axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis label position around the plot area X Axis Label Font id x axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Label


X Axis Label Font Color id x axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Label font X Axis Tick Step id x axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the x axis tick marks X Axis Tick Labels Position id x axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Top Bottom domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the x axis tick labels position around the plot area X Axis Tick Labels Font id x axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels X Axis Tick Labels Font Color id x axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the X Axis Tick Labels font


X Axis Tick Line Line Style id x axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the X Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) X Axis Tick Line Line Color id x axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the X Axis Tick Line line X Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id x axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the X Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Range Min id y axis range min type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum value for the y axis Y Axis Range Max id y axis range max type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The maximum value for the y axis


Y Axis Range Mode id y axis range mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Fixed layout AutoScale AutoScaleInc domain [ 0, 3 ) Controls the y axis autoscale behaviour Y Axis Orientation id y axis orientation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: TopDown layout BottomUp domain [ 0, 2 ) Determine the the y axis orientation Y Axis Label id y axis label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The label drawn near the Y Axis, leave blank for no label Y Axis Label Position id y axis label pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis label position around the plot area Y Axis Label Font id y axis label font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Label


Y Axis Label Font Color id y axis label font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Label font Y Axis Tick Step id y axis tick step type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The step for the y axis tick marks Y Axis Tick Labels Position id y axis tick labels pos type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No Label layout Right Left domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the y axis tick labels position around the plot area Y Axis Tick Labels Font id y axis tick labels font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Specify the font used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels Y Axis Tick Labels Font Color id y axis tick labels font color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to draw the Y Axis Tick Labels font


Y Axis Tick Line Line Style id y axis tick line line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Y Axis Tick Line line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Y Axis Tick Line Line Color id y axis tick line line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Y Axis Tick Line line Y Axis Tick Line Line Thickness id y axis tick line line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Y Axis Tick Line line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Number of inputs id num inputs type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Number of input data series. Each serie is drawn as a separate plot Plot 1 Label id plot 1 label type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Plot 1 label


Plot 1 Line Style id plot 1 line style type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Null Solid Dash layout Dot DashDot DashDotDot domain [ 0, 6 ) Control how the Plot 1 line will be painted: - Null: the line will not be painted - Solid: the line is solid - Dash: the line is dashed - Dot: the line is dotted - DashDot: the line has alternating dashes and dots - DashDotDot: the line has alternating dashes and double dots NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 Line Color id plot 1 line color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Determine the color used to paint the Plot 1 line Plot 1 Line Thickness id plot 1 line thickness type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) Species the width of the Plot 1 line, in logical units. NOTE: if the line thickness is 1 then the line will be solid (this is due to a Win32 GDI limitation) Plot 1 No Autoscale id plot 1 no autoscale type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Determine if Plot 1 is excluded from autoscale or not




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ScreenCapture System system screen capture Massimiliano Peri

Capture part of the screen into one image with BGR color space and alpha channel. This block can do a single snapshot or repeatly capture the screen. Two dierent method are used to capture the screen: The rst use the GDIplus library; the second use the DirectX library. Outputs output id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Captured output image (BGR color space with alpha channel) Parameters Area id type type id This is image. rect Base, Roi 2D int base, roi2d int the part of the screen (in integer screen coordinates) captured into the output

Monitor index id screen device type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Select the monitor index, 0=primary 1=secondary ... Fps id fps type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


Numer of frames captured per second (FPS). Must be greather or equal to zero.If set to zero is captured only one frame at the patch start. Use DirectX id use dx type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Use the DirectX library to capture the screen area, otherwise is used the GDIplus library.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SendToPsyclone System system send to psyclone Mirko Demurtas

This block send data to a Psyclone whiteboard. Inputs Input SPC id type type id sendpsyclone SPC Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input SPC

Input TMP id type type id

sendpsyclone TMP Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input TMP


Input FLD id type type id

sendpsyclone FLD Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input FLD

Input PWR id type type id

sendpsyclone PWR Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input PWR

Parameters Whiteboard id sendpsyclone whiteboard type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The name of the Psyclone whiteboard Psyclone host id sendpsyclone host type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The IP address of the computer on which Psyclone is running Psyclone port id sendpsyclone port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The port on which Psyclone is running


Type id type type id

sendpsyclone type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: periodic layout non-periodic domain [ 0, 2 ) Type indicates whether the send data refers to an periodic (0) or non-periodic (1) value

Connect id sendpsyclone connect type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Connect




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SerialInput System system serial input Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Gets bytes from the serial (COM) port Outputs Output id type type id inplace id inherited id The output Parameters Serial device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the name of the serial device to use. If none is given, the default will be used. Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical COM port Device mode id device mode type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the desired working mode, e.g., 9600, N, 8, 1 output Kernel, Byte kernel, byte *no* *no* of the block is the byte received through the serial port.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SerialOutput System system serial output Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Writes bytes to the serial (COM) port Inputs Input id type type id input Kernel, Byte kernel, byte required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* The input of the block is the byte to be sent through the serial port.

Parameters Serial device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the name of the serial device to use. If none is given, the default will be used. Use the EyesWeb control panel to map the given device name to a physical COM port Device mode id device mode type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Species the desired working mode, e.g., 9600, N, 8, 1




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

StringDisplay System system string display Paolo Coletta Massimiliano Peri

Draws the input string inside the block area or in a separate window. The string is refreshed each time the input value changes. Inputs Input string id type type id string Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input string to display.

Parameters Font id font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font The font used to display the input string. Color id color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Font color (RGB model space)


Background color (RGB model space) id background color type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Color of the text background (RGB model space) Number of lines id number of lines type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of lines which compose the document on which the text is written Number of columns id number of columns type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, +innity ) The number of columns which compose the document on which the text is written Horizontal alignment id aligment type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Near (left) layout Center Far (right) domain [ 0, 3 ) Background color (RGB model space)




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TCPClient System system client tcp Mirko Demurtas

This block send the data received in input over a TCP connection Inputs Input id type type id input data Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input String

Parameters Host id Host type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Host Server Port id TCP Port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Port Server Connect on start id Connect type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Connect on start




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

TitleMachine System system title machine Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Superimpose text to the input image. It works in-place. Inputs Input Image id type type id input video stream Base, Image base, image required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace Output Image referred as inherited *no* This is the original image. The specied text will be added to the image.

Outputs Output Image id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id Input Image inherited id *no* This is the modied image, which contains the superimposed text. Parameters Title id type type id This is title Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string the text which is superimposed to the image.


Alpha level id alpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the alpha level of the superimposed text. A value of 0.0 means transparency, i.e., the text is not visible at all, a value of 1.0 means opacity, i.e., the text (where it is present) completely covers the image. Text orientation id orientation type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the text orientation (in degrees) Text color id rgbcolor type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor The color (RGB model space) used to paint the text Text font id font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font Font used to draw the text Text position id position type Base, Point 2D int type id base, point 2d int Text position Text bounding recangle size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Text bounding recangle size Horizontal ip id horizontal ip type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Horizontal ip


Vertical ip id vertical ip type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Vertical ip Horizontal alignment id horizontal alignment type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Near layout Center Far domain [ 0, 2 ] Species the horizontal alignment of the text. Near means left alignment, far means right alignment. Vertical alignment id vertical alignment type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Near layout Center Far domain [ 0, 2 ] Species the vertical alignment of the text. Near means top alignment, far means bottom alignment.





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors UDP client Inputs Input id type type id

UdpClient System system client upd Mirko Demurtas

input data Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input String

Parameters Host id Host type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Host Server Port id UDP Port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Port Server


Type id type type id

Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: String Integer layout Double Byte domain [ 0, 4 ) Type of input





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors UDP server Outputs

UdpServer System system server udp Mirko Demurtas

Output id output data type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output String Parameters Port id UDP Port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Port Server Type id type type id

Type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: String Integer layout Double Byte domain [ 0, 4 ) Type of output





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VideoFileReader System system video-le-reader ver 2 Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

Reads a video stream from le. Outputs Output video buer. id video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output video buer. File cued id type type id inplace id inherited id Generate a

cued le Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger *no* *no* bang when the le is cued successfully

Current frame time id outputtime type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Contains the time of the actual frame



File name id lename type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Multimedia les (*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.avi,*.wmv,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpeg,*.png,*.ti)*.mpg Species the name of le to read. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 ) The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr);


HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value). Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Video size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Output video size, in pixel ROI id roi type Base, Roi 2D int type id base, roi2d int The ROI (Region of Interest) of an image species a rectangular are of the image which contains valid data. The image outside this are is ignored, thus, operations on the image will only be applied in the area of interest. In many cases, this may reduce the amount of calculations performed. If set to NULL, then the ROI is ignored, i.e., the whole image is always used. Frames per second id fps type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Frames per second of the output streams. Usually 25 (PAL) or 30 (NTSC). Time to id type type id goto/end goto time Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, time


Species the time to be reached/nished Goto id type type id Forces

goto Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger the le to reach the specied position

Change Duration id endto type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Change Duration Interpolation id interpolation type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Nearest neighbour layout Linear Cubic domain [ 0, 2 ] Species the color model of the output image Algorithm id algorithm type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Algorithm is chosen by EyesWeb layout Fast Accurate domain [ 0, 2 ] Typpe of algorithm used when performing operations on images Frames before seek id frames before seek type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 0, +innity ) Species the number of frames to skip before performing a seek. In many cases, decompressing and skipping frames gives a better performance than seeking to the desired position.


Start time id media startime type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Species the start position of the le Duration id media duration type Kernel, Time datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, time Species the length of the portion of the le to be read. Use zero to specify the whole le. Playback rate id playback rate type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Species the playback rate. Use 1.0 for normal speed, higher values (e.g., 2.0) for fastforward, lower values for slow motion. Negative values mean going backward. Note that audio is always muted for playback rate dierent from 1.0. LetterBox Mode id letterbox mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: No letterbox CenterMiddle NoneTop NoneMiddle NoneBottom LeftNone LeftTop LeftMiddle layout LeftBottom CenterNone CenterTop CenterBottom RightNone RightTop RightMiddle RightBottom domain [ 0, 16 ) Species where to place mattes and image when using letterboxing. in No letterbox the aspectRatio is not preserved, and the source image is stretched or shrinked to cover all available space. In the other cases, the aspect ratio is (or might be) preserved, thus a


black frame might be needed on the horizontal or vertical side to cover the unused space. This enumerator species where to place such black frame. Since the user might not know in advance whether letterboxing will place mattes above/below or left/right, each mode species how to behave in both cases. As an example, the letterbox mode left-middle means that if the image needs mattes on the sides, the image will be put to the extreme left, and the matte will span the right side; if the image needs mattes above/below, the image will be vertically centered. Hence, the mode is made of two terms, the rst referring to the horizontal centering of the image, the second referring to the vertical centering. Horizontal centering may assume values none, left, center, or right. Vertical centering may assume values none, top, middle, or bottom. The term none means that if letterboxing is needed on that direction, than the image is stretched to ll the whole size. E.g., elmNoneTop means that is image is thinner than the destination rect, than no letterboxing is applied and the image is stretched horizontally. However, it the image is larger than the destination rect, than letterboxing is applied by putting the image on the top and a single matte below. Player status id status type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stopped layout Paused Playing domain [ 0, 3 ) Species the status of the player. If no le is currently executing, this parameter is ignored, however it species whether the block is stopped, is paused, or is playing. When the block is stopped the output is a black frame; when the block is paused the output is a xed frame (the last played one); when the block is playing the output changes at each step. If this parameter is changed at design time or when no le is playing, its value is used as an initial status. End of le id eof type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Stop layout Pause Loop domain [ 0, 2 ] Species the behaviour when end of le is reached. It can stop (black frames), pause (last frame) or loop (rewind and play).


Play id play type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Start (or resume) playing the selected le Pause id type type id Pause

pause Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, trigger at the currently reached frame

Stop id stop type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Stop playing, produces a black frame as output Frame up id frameup type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Go to the next frame. Frame down id framedown type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger Go to the previous frame. Keep last if mediatime unknown id keep last frame if mediatime is unknown type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If the block is in slave mode and receive from master an UNKNOWN time the last frame is kept otherwise a back frame is generated Generate frame on stop and pause id genearte frame on stop and pause type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool After a request of stop or pause state, the blocks generate a frame. Black for stop and last used frame for pause


Master ID id master id type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Master identier Syncronization Type id sync type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Standalone layout Master Slave domain [ 0, 3 ) Set the type of syncronization




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

VideoServerS1502e System system verint-video-server Andrea Ricci Massimiliano Peri Paolo Coletta

VideoServer S1502e Outputs VIDEO STREAM id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* VIDEO STREAM AUDIO STREAM id output audio stream type Base, Audio buer type id base, audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* AUDIO STREAM Parameters Size id size type Base, Size 2D int type id base, size2d int Size of the image, in pixels. Some commonly used sizes are given in the following, however, such values are just suggestions as the image datatype supports any size. 320x200 CGA (very old graphic cards) 640x480 VGA (old graphic cards) 1024x768 XGA (common resolution for 15 LCDmonitors) 1280x1024 SXGA (common resolution for 17 LCD monitors)


1400x1050 SXGA+ (many notebooks) 1600x1200 UXGA (20 LCD monitors) 1920x1200 WUXGA (modern widescreen monitors) 352x288 PAL QCIF 720x576 PAL Pixel model id pixel model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 unsigned 16 unsigned layout 16 signed 32 Float domain [ 0, 4 ) Pixel model of the image. Species the number of bits used for each channel, hence the color denition. May assume one of the following values: 8 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits unsigned integer; 16 bits signed integer; 32 bits oating point. Color model id color model type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: BW RGB BGR YUV YUYV UYVY I420 YV12 layout HSV BGRA RGBA YUVA HSVA ABGR ARGB AYUV AHSV domain [ 0, 17 )


The color model dene the way a color is stored into the image.May assume one of following values: BW (1 channel: grayscale); BGR (3 channel packed: Blue, Green, Red); RGB (3 channel packed: Red, Green, Blue); YUV (3 channel packed: Y, Cb, Cr); YUYV (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); UYVY (3 channel packed, undersampled 422: Y, Cb, Cr); I420 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); YV12 (3 channel planar, undersampled 411: Y, Cb, Cr); HSV (3 channel packed: Hue, Saturation, Value). Video ip id type type id S1502e Audio ip id type type id S1502e

videp ip Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string (VIDEO) videserver ip

audio ip Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, string (AUDIO) videserver ip

Video udp port id video port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int S1502e (VIDEO) videserver udp port Audio udp port id audio port type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int S1502e (AUDIO) videserver ipudp port




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WakeOnLAN System system wake on lan Paolo Coletta

Send a magic packet over the network to wakeup a PC. Parameters Wake now id wake bang type Kernel, Trigger datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, trigger When this command is received, the wake signal is sent. MAC address id ether addr type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Ethernet addresss of the target computer. It must be expressed in exadecimal format: 00:00:00:00:00:00.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WaveInput System system wave input Mirko Demurtas Paolo Coletta

Gets audio data from an input audio device using Microsoft Windows Multimedia API (also known as Wave APIs). Details The block provides two dierent settings for the number of buers to be used. The rst setting is for the number of buers used by the device, the device is for the number of buers used by the block Notes With the partial support of the EU IST Project 250026 - SIEMPRE (Social Interaction and Entrainment using Music PeRformance Experimentation), 2010-2012 Outputs Audio stream id output type Base, PCMAudioBuer type id base, pcm audio buer inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Audio stream captured from the specied device Parameters Device id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The audio input device to be used. If none is specied (empty string) the default one will be used Sampling id type type id rate samplingrate Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int


Sampling frequancy of the audio signal Samples per buer id samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The number of samples per each audio buer Number of channels id numchannels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Number of channels of the audio signal. Most devices only support mono (1) or setere (2) audio PCM format id pcm format type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: 8 bits unsigned 8 bits signed 16 bits unsigned 16 bits signed 24 bits unsigned (unpacked, 32bits storage) layout 24 bits signed (unpacked, 32bits storage) 24 bits unsigned (packed, 24bits storage) 24 bits signed (packed, 24bits storage) 32 bits unsigned 32 bits signed 32 bits oat domain [ 0, 11 ) Species the format of the output buer. The format used internally by the device might dier from this; however, the block will try to use the most similar format supported by the device Number of device buers id num device buers type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) The number of buers aects the internal storage of the device. Increasing this number makes acquisition more robust with respect to data loss, however it may increase device latency (which may raise up to number of buers - 1)


Number of block buers id num block buers type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) The number of buers aects the storage of the block. Increasing this number makes acquisition more robust with respect to data loss, however it may increase block latency (which may raise up to number of buers - 1) Lost buers mode id lost buers mode type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Minimize delay layout Minimize data loss domain [ 0, 2 ) Species how to handle the case where buers are lost. Minimizing delay more buers are lost at the same time, but latency is kept small. Minimizing loss less data is lost, but latency remains near its upper bound. Enable lost buers count id enable lost buers count type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool If set to true, the block will have an additional output to count the buers lost by the block. Note that the buers lost by the device are not counted




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

WaveOutput System system wave output Mirko Demurtas Paolo Coletta

Send audio data to an output audio device using Microsoft Windows Multimedia API (also known as Wave API). Notes With the partial support of the EU IST Project 250026 - SIEMPRE (Social Interaction and Entrainment using Music PeRformance Experimentation), 2010-2012 Inputs Audio stream id type type id input Base, PCMAudioBuer base, pcm audio buer required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Audio stream captured from the specied device

Parameters Device name id device type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string The virtual name of the device. If none is specied the default device will be used Min num id type type id domain device buers min num device buers Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int [ 0, +innity )


This value aects output latency. When the device is idle, and new data is available from EyesWeb, the device might send this new data out immediately (thus reducing the latency to zero) or wait for more buers to be available. This increase the output latency but makes audio more robust when the data is not provided with a stable datarate (e.g., due to high computational load) Num device buers id num device buers type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 2, +innity ) The maximum number of buers stored by the device. This may aect data loss





class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

fontgenerator System system font generator Simone Ghisio

This block generates font datatype according to parameters value. Outputs output font id output font type Kernel, Font type id kernel, font inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Output font Parameters escapement id escapement type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device. The escapement vector is parallel to the base line of a row of text.


FontName id font name type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: System Terminal Fixedsys Modern Roman Script Courier MS Serif MS Sans Serif Small Fonts 8514oem Marlett Arial Arabic Transparent Arial Baltic Arial CE Arial CYR Arial Greek Arial TUR Batang @Batang BatangChe @BatangChe Gungsuh @Gungsuh GungsuhChe @GungsuhChe Courier New Courier New Baltic Courier New CE Courier New CYR Courier New Greek Courier New TUR DaunPenh DokChampa Estrangelo Edessa Euphemia Gautami Vani Gulim @Gulim GulimChe @GulimChe Dotum 1254 @Dotum DotumChe @DotumChe Impact

Species the typeface name of the font. height id height type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The height, in logical units, of the fonts character cell or character. The character height value (also known as the em height) is the character cell height value minus the internal-leading value. italic id italic type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool An italic font if set to TRUE. orientation id orientation type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The angle, in tenths of degrees, between each characters base line and the x-axis of the device. strike out id strike out type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool A strikeout font if set to TRUE. underline id underline type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool An underlined font if set to TRUE. weight id weight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The weight of the font. If this value is zero, a default weight is used. width id width type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double


The average width, in logical units, of characters in the font. If lfWidth is zero, the aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to nd the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the dierence.


10.2 10.3

Datatypes Authors
Alberto Massari
Alberto Massari System system alby

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Alberto Massari
Alberto Massari System system alby

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Alessandro Fausto
Alessandro Fausto System system alessandro

class name catalog name catalog id class id

[email protected]


Andrea Ricci
Andrea Ricci System system andrea

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]



Andrea Ricci
Andrea Ricci System system andrea

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Carlo Drioli
Carlo Drioli System system carlo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer mailto:[email protected]


Daniele Gambarotto
Daniele Gambarotto System system daniele gambarotto

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional Microsoft Certied Solution Developer Microsoft Certied Systems Administrator


Gualtiero Volpe
Gualtiero Volpe System system gualtiero

class name catalog name catalog id class id

[email protected]


Massimiliano Peri
Massimiliano Peri System system massy

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Massimiliano Peri
Massimiliano Peri System system massy

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Mirko Demurtas
Mirko Demurtas System system mirko

class name catalog name catalog id class id

mailto:[email protected]


Paolo Coletta
Paolo Coletta System system paolo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Paolo Coletta
Paolo Coletta System system paolo

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional mailto:[email protected]


Simone Gambarotto
Simone Gambarotto System system simone gambarotto

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Software Engineer Microsoft Certied Professional Microsoft Certied Solution Developer Microsoft Certied Systems Administrator


Simone Ghisio
Simone Ghisio System system simone

class name catalog name catalog id class id

[email protected]


InfomusLab System system infomus

class name catalog name catalog id class id

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it


InfomusLab System system infomus

class name catalog name catalog id class id

InfomusLab. Info: [email protected] http://infomus.dist.unige.it


NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C. System system numensoft

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Microsoft Certied Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support: [email protected] http://www.numensoft.com



NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C.

NumenSoft s.n.c. di M. Peri & C. System system numensoft

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Microsoft Certied Partner. InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] Support: [email protected] http://www.numensoft.com


RCPStudio System system rcpstudio

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Studio associato Di Ingegneria. delgli ingegneri A.Ricci, P.Coletta e M.Peri InfomusLab Partner. Info: [email protected] http://www.rcpstudio.it


Chapter 11 3D Catalog
11.1 Catalog overview

...TODO...Alessandro please add-here the manually-generated documentation.



class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

3DDisplay 3D 3D GlDisplay Alessandro Fausto

This block display one tridimensional space (OpenGL library) Inputs Tridimensional space id InputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read write referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Tridimensional space to display


Parameters Camera type id CameraType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Free layout Look at Field Of View domain [ 0, 3 ) Type of camera ( Free, Look at, Field Of View). The free camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocally dened through its position and rotation parameters. The Look at camera have a xed point of view. This camera is univocally dened through its position and target position parameters.The Fielf Of View camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocally dened through its position and rotation parameters. Point Of View id CameraPosition type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double Camera point of view (space coordinates system, oating point values) Camera rotation id CameraRotation type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double Angular position of camera in degree (0-360 and multiples). Projection id ProjectionType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Orthonormal layout Perspective domain [ 0, 2 ) Projection type (Orthonormal, Perspective) Image output id parameter enable output image type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Each time this block repaint the tridimensional space one eyesweb Image datatype is given on output.The timings of image output is the same of tridimensional space repaint


event and is controlled by the display refresh parameters.The output image use RGB color space with 8 bit unsigned integer values for each color components. Grid/Axis on id axisGrid type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable or disable the visualization of system grid and axis (X: red,Y: green, Z: blue lines) and grid lines (X: red,Y: green, Z: blue lines) Grid scale id GridScale type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Adjust the grid scaling factor Axis scale id AxisScale type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Adjust the axis scaling factor Filter id type type id

ltering Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Point layout Linear domain [ 0, 2 ) Texture image lter used when the texture is scaled (Point, Linear). Point mode approximantes the pixel color with the color of nearest point, Linear mode does a linear interpolation of neigthbour points color. Canvas width id CanvasWidth type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Adjust the OpenGL canvas width. Canvas height id CanvasHeight type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Adjust the OpenGL canvas height.


left clip id ClipLeft type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The left clipping plane delimit the the bounding region right clip id ClipRight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double right clipping plane bottom clip id ClipBottom type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double bottom clipping plane top clip id ClipTop type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double top clipping plane znear clip id ClipNear type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Near Z clipping plane zfar clip id ClipFar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Far Z clipping plane




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Light3DGenerator 3D 3D Light3DGenerator Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one light Outputs light id type type id inplace id inherited id light Parameters enabled id type type id Enable Enable Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool or disable this light OutputLight 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light *no* *no*

Ambient color id Ambient type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Ambient color color id type type id Diuse

Diuse Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, rgbcolor color


Specular color id Specular type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Specular color Light type id Type type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Direction layout Positional Spotlight domain [ 0, 3 ) Select the light type (Directional,Positional,Spotlight) Light position id Pos type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double light position




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Material3DGenerator 3D 3D Material3DGenerator Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one material Outputs material id type type id inplace id inherited id material OutputMaterial 3D, Material3D 3D, 3D material *no* *no*


Parameters Preloaded material id PreloadedMaterials type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Custom Jade Obsidian Pearl Ruby Emerald Turquoise Black Rubber Black Plastic Bronze layout Polished Bronze Chrome Gold Polished Gold Copper Polished Copper Brass Silver Polished Silver Pewter domain [ 0, 20 ] A combo to select from preloaded material type Ambient color id Ambient type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Ambient color color id type type id Diuse Specular id type type id

Diuse Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, rgbcolor color color Specular Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, rgbcolor


Specular color Shininess id Shininess type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The shininess of material Emissive color id Emissive type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Emissive color




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Obj3DGenerator 3D 3D Obj3DGenerator Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one bidimensional rectangle with constant Z axis coordinate. If present, the image input is used as texture. Is not required and is overriden by the texure or texturemask parameter. The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space dierent from RGB or BGR are converted into RGB color space. If the graphic board dont support the openGL BGRA and BGR extension, the BGR image is converted to RGB. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format. The geometric properties of this rectagle is the position of the centre of gravity, the rotation relative to the axis, the size of it sides. Other properties are the color of the rectangle, the intensity of the alpha ( transparency of the object), the name of the le to be used as texture, the name of the le to be used as texture mask, the texture orientation relative to the system axis, the number of surface subdivisions. Inputs image id InputImage type Base, Image type id base, image required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This input pin accept an image and used it as texture. This input is not required and is ignored if the user enter a valid lename into the image or alpha mask parameters.The color space I420, YV12, HSV is not supported. The alpha channel is not supported on BW, YUYV, UYVY color spaces. All input images with color space dierent from RGB or BGR are converted into RGB color space. If the graphic board dont support the openGL BGRA and BGR extension, the BGR image is converted to RGB. All pixel depth greater than 8 bit per channel is converted to 8 bit per channel. This conversions increase the CPU usage, please use RGB or BGR space with 8 bit per channel pixel format.


Outputs object id OutputObject type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the bidimensional rectangle. To display this rectangle you must add this output pin to one of the input pin of SpaceAddObj and connect the output space to one openGL tridimensional display. Parameters Object position id ObjPos type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double Object position in the tridimensional space (space system coordinates - double) Object rotation id ObjRot type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double Object rotation over X, Y and Z axis (0-360 degree) Rectangle size id ObjSize type Base, Size 2D double type id base, size2d double Rectangle size (space system coordinates - double) Position id type type id type ObjPosType Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Baricenter left-bottom vertex layout right-bottom vertex right-top vertex left-top vertex domain [ 0, 5 ) Select what vertex is referenced through the object position


color id ObjColor type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor Object color (RGB values). This is the color of the rectangle, if one or more light is added to the object or to the system this color is modulated by the light intensities. Alpha id ObjAlpha type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Object opacity (double - 0.0 to 1.0). If equal or above 1.0f you get a completely opaque surface, if equal to 0.0 or below you get a completely transparent surface(), in the middle you have semi-opaque (or semi-transparent) surface. image id ObjTexture type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)*.BMP Image to be used as rectangle texture. This texture le override any existing input images and can be entered or changed at any time.The only supported format is Windows bitmap with 24bit RGB colors. The texture is loaded into the memory and inserted into a image cache, when the image is requested another time is loaded from the memory and not from the hard disk. This trick speedup the execution time but any changes made, into the runtime phase of Eyesweb, to the image le is not loaded into the rectangle texture. alpha mask id ObjTextureMask type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)*.BMP Image to be used as rectangle alpha mask texture. Where the image pixel is white the rectangle is considered transparent, where is black the rectangle is considered opaque and in the middle the rectangle is considered semi-opaque (or semi-transparent). This texture le override any existing input images and can be entered or changed at any time.The only supported format is Windows bitmap with 24bit RGB colors. The texture is loaded into


the memory and inserted into a image cache, when the image is requested another time is loaded from the memory and not from the hard disk. This trick speedup the execution time but any changes made, into the runtime phase of Eyesweb, to the image le is not loaded into the rectangle texture. Flip texture id ObjTextureFlip type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none vertical (X axis) layout horizontal (Y axis) vertical & horizontal (both axis) domain [ 0, 4 ) Mirror the image texture over X, Y or both axis. slices id ObjSlices type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 100 ] Number of rectangle subdivision done, for each side.The openGl library simulate the light computing the color intensity on polygon vertices and interpolate this colors on the interior of the poligon using the Gouraud algorithm (see this webpages for subdivision solution http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/lights.htm#ligh0010 and this webpages http://www.falloutsoftware.com/tutorials/gl/gl8.htm for advanced information on openGL lighting system). When using positional (as incandescent bulb) or spot light (as) in order to obtain realisting shades must have 10 or mode subdivision for each side, having a total of 100 vertices. Using this slices parameter the user can select the number of subdivision (rectangle per side) of the original rectangle. Whit one slices you have the original four vertices, whit N slices you have (N+1)2 vertices. When the light is direction or is not used at all the subdivision of the surface is not necessary, in this case use one single subdivision to limit the number of computation and vertex used to the minimum usefull number. When use a positional or spot light, as simple rule of nine, lesser is the distance between light and surface greater must be the number of slices used.This is due to the fact that when the distance between the light and the surface decrease the gradient of the illumination intensity computed on the subdivided vertex grow and the linearization between two vertex doesnt simulate the illumination intensity shades in the same manner a real light do.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ObjAddLight 3D 3D ObjAddLight Alessandro Fausto

This block add four lights to one tridimensional object Inputs tridimensional space id InputObj type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional space light0 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light light1 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited

InputLight0 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*

InputLight1 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*


tridimensional light light2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light light3 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light Outputs tridimensional space id OutputObj type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object inplace id *no* inherited id *no* tridimensional space Parameters add light id type type id Enable ParamEnable Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool or disable the adding of lights.

InputLight2 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*

InputLight3 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

ObjAddMaterial 3D 3D ObjAddMaterial Alessandro Fausto

This block set the material properties of one object Inputs tridimensional object id InputObj type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional object Object material id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited Object material Outputs tridimensional object id OutputObj type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object inplace id *no* inherited id *no* tridimensional space

InputMaterial 3D, Material3D 3D, 3D material no read only *no* *no*


Parameters add material id ParamEnable type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable or disable the material adding




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Point3DGenerator 3D 3D Point3DGenerator Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one tridimensional coordinate Outputs Point id Point3D type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Tridimensional coordinates Parameters X id X type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double X coordinate Y id Y type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Y coordinate Z id Z type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Z coordinate




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpaceAddLabelledSetDouble 3D 3D SpaceAddLabelledSetDouble Alessandro Fausto

Add a Geometric Labelled Set 3D Double to a space Inputs tridimensional space id InputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional space InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d double required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects. Outputs tridimensional space id OutputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space inplace id *no* inherited id *no*


tridimensional space Parameters Point radius id PointRadius type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Adjusts the axis scaling factor Detail id type type id

PointDivs Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: low (fast) layout medium high (slow) domain [ 0, 3 ) Adjusts the 3D points detail level. The higher the detail, the higher the computational time.




class name catalog name catalog id class id

SpaceAddLabelledSetInt 3D 3D SpaceAddLabelledSetInt

Add a Geometric Labelled Set 3D Int to a space Inputs tridimensional space id InputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional space InputGeometricLabelledSet3D id input labeled set 3d type Base, BaseGeometricLabelledSet3DInt type id base, base geometric labelled set 3d int required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* Input Geometric Labelled Set 3d of 3d objects. Outputs tridimensional space id OutputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space inplace id *no* inherited id *no* tridimensional space


Parameters Point radius id PointRadius type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Adjusts the axis scaling factor Detail id type type id

PointDivs Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: low (fast) layout medium high (slow) domain [ 0, 3 ) Adjusts the 3D points detail level. The higher the detail, the higher the computational time.




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpaceAddLight 3D 3D SpaceAddLight Alessandro Fausto

This block add one object to one tridimensional space Inputs tridimensional space id InputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional space light0 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light light1 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited

InputLight0 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*

InputLight1 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*


tridimensional light light2 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light light3 id type type id required read only/read write referred as inplace referred as inherited tridimensional light Outputs tridimensional space id OutputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space inplace id *no* inherited id *no* tridimensional space Parameters add light id type type id Enable ParamEnable Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool or disable the light adding

InputLight2 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*

InputLight3 3D, Light3D 3D, 3D light no read only *no* *no*




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpaceAddObjs 3D 3D SpaceAddObjs Alessandro Fausto

This block add one object to one tridimensional space Inputs tridimensional space id InputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional space object 0 id InputObject0 type 3D, object3D type id 3D, 3D object required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* tridimensional object Outputs tridimensional space id OutputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space inplace id *no* inherited id *no* tridimensional space


Parameters add objects id ParamEnable type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable or disable adding of objects objects id ParamEntries type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain [ 1, 100 ] Number of objects




class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

SpaceGenerator 3D 3D SpaceGenerator Alessandro Fausto

This block generate one tridimensional space Inputs image id InputBgImage type Base, Image type id base, image required no read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* image used as background texture Outputs Space id OutputSpace type 3D, space3D type id 3D, 3D space inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Tridimensional space identier Parameters Axis scale id AxisScale type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double A value less than 1.0 shrink the object ; A value grather than 1.0 enlarge the object ; A value equal to 1.0 leave unchanged the object ;


Flip X id AxisFlipX type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool ip x axis Flip Y id type type id Flip y Flip Z id type type id Flip z

AxisFlipY Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool axis

AxisFlipZ Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool axis

background color id BgColor type Kernel, RGBColor datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, rgbcolor background color background texture id BgBitmap type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Filename, MustExist=true, SaveMode=false, layout OverwritePrompt=true, Filter=Bitmap 24bit (*.BMP)*.BMP Image used as static background Flip texture id BgFlip type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: none vertical (X axis) layout horizontal (Y axis) vertical & horizontal (both axis) domain [ 0, 4 )


Flip texture over X, Y or both axis Background light id BgLight type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable or disable light eect on background texture




class name catalog name catalog id class id

glDraw 3D 3D glDraw

This block draws a 3D space into an image. Inputs 3D Space id type type id Input3DSpace 3D, space3D 3D, 3D space required for initialization required required for execution read only/read write read only referred as inplace *no* referred as inherited *no* This is the 3D space to be drawn by the block.

Outputs Output Image id OutputImage type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* This is the image resulting from the input 3D space drawing.


Parameters Camera type id ParameterCameraType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Free layout Look at Field Of View domain [ 0, 3 ) The free camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocally dened through its position and rotation parameters. The Look at camera have a xed point of view. This camera is univocally dened through its position and target position parameters. The Fielf Of View camera have free movement on the space. This camera is univocally dened through its position and rotation parameters. Projection type id ParameterProjectionType type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: Orthonormal layout Perspective domain [ 0, 2 ) Orthonormal projection is a at projection, that is, the same objects at far and near distance maintain the same size. Perspective projection scales objects depending on their distance from the camera, providing an eye-like result. Camera position id ParameterCameraPos type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double The position of the camera. Camera rotation id ParameterCameraRot type Base, Point 3D double type id base, point 3d double The rotation of the camera. Enable axis and grid diplay id Axis/Grid enable type Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, bool Enable (true) or disable (false) the axis and grid diplay (both at the same time).


Grid scale id GridScale type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Scaling factor for the grid display. Axis scale id AxisScale type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double Scaling factor for the axis display. Image Width id ImageWidth type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int The width of the output image. ImageHeight id ImageHeight type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int ImageHeight Clip left id ClipLeft type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The left clipping plane position. Clip right id ClipRight type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The right clipping plane position. Clip top id ClipTop type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The top clipping plane position.


Clip bottom id ClipBottom type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The bottom clipping plane position. ZNear id ZNear type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The Near clipping plane position, must be positive, dierent from zero. ZFar id ZFar type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The ZFar clipping plane position, must be positive, dierent from zero.



Light3D 3D 3D 3D light

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Stores information on light


Material3D 3D 3D 3D material

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Stores information on material


object3D 3D 3D 3D object

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Tridimensional object


space3D 3D 3D 3D space

class name catalog name catalog id class id

Tridimensional space



Alessandro Fausto
Alessandro Fausto 3D 3D fareale

class name catalog name catalog id class id descr




Chapter 12 National Instruments Catalog

12.1 Catalog overview

This catalog EyesWeb XMIadds support for some National Instruments devices.


NI USB-6210


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

NI USB-6210 National Instruments NationalInstruments USB6210 Alberto Massari

Acquires data from the NI USB-6210 device Outputs Output data id output data type Base, TemporalData type id base, temporal data inplace id *no* inherited id *no* The acquired data


Parameters Terminal id type type id Conguration Terminal Conguration Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, int Combo Box: Di layout RSE NRSE domain [ 0, 3 ) Denes how the sensor are attached: Di = the sensor is connected with two wires, connected to AIx and AIx+8 (e.g. AI0 is the positive wire, AI8 is the negative) RSE = the sensor is connected with one wire, and its value is relative to the AI GND input NRSE = the sensor is connected with one wire, and its value is relative to the AI SENSE input Number of channels id Number of channels type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) The number of channels to be acquired Sample Frequency id Sample Frequency type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The sampling frequency Number of samples id Number of samples type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int domain ( 0, +innity ) The number of samples contained in each output datatype Min Range id min range type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double The minimum voltage of the sensor (in Volt) Max Range id max range type Kernel, Double datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, double 1298

The maximum voltage of the sensor (in Volt) ChannelPort 1 id ChannelPort 1 type Kernel, Int datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, int Combo Box: AI-0 AI-1 AI-2 AI-3 layout AI-4 AI-5 AI-6 AI-7 domain [ 0, 8 ) The physical port that will be mapped to this output



Alberto Massari
Alberto Massari National Instruments NationalInstruments NationalInstruments author

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Infomus National Instruments NationalInstruments NationalInstruments company

class name catalog name catalog id class id


Chapter 13 Epix Catalog

13.1 Epix conguration

The Epix catalog adds support for the Epix framegrabbers. After having installed the hardware referring to the documentation provided with the board, you should prepare a conguration before being able to use the device in EyesWeb. The conguration le can be created with the XCAP software.Multiple devices on the same computer are supported: the following instructions cover the case of two Epix framgrabbers. Start the XCAP software. Choose Open/Close from menu PIXCI. You should see the following:

Click on the Multiple devices button. If the button is disabled, click on the Close button rst. The following dialog should appear:


Choose the device you want to congure for later use in EyesWeb, then click the Ok button. You should now be back to the Open/Close dialog. Push the Camera & Format button and, for each tab, choose the type of camera connected to the corresponding device:

Click OK to go back to the Open/Close dialog, then, click Open to tune the settings of each camera. For each camera, the software will show a window containing a snapshot


of the grabbed image, and a dialog to tune the camera specic settings:

The following sample pictures refer to the conguration of two Hitachi CameraLink cameras, a Hitachi-KP-F120-CL and a Hitachi-HV-F31-CL-S3; however, you should refer to the XCAP documentation for more details about the available settings.

Once the available cameras are completely tuned, you can export the conguration to


a le which will be later used by EyesWeb. Choose the Export item from the PIXCI menu; the follwing dialog should appear:

In the case of CameraLink cameras, be sure that Include CameraLink Serial commands is selected. The le must be exported with name epix conguration.fmt, and must be placed in the EyesWeb folder (i.e., the folder where the EywGUI.exe program is located). Once exported the le, you can close the XCAP software and run EyesWeb. To verify that the Epix devices are now available in EyesWeb, choose Options from the Tools menu. In the Device Mapping section, you should see have a section named Epix inc. In the case of multiple device, you may want to assign names to each device in order to be able to select them when you instantiate a block:


Epix Frame Grabber


class name catalog name catalog id class id authors

Epix Frame Grabber Epix epix framegrabber Massimiliano Peri


Acquire images from a device connected to an Epix frame grabber board Outputs Acquired image id output video stream type Base, Image type id base, image inplace id *no* inherited id *no* Acquired image from a device connected to the Epix frame grabber Parameters Device id deviceid type Kernel, String datatype (Kernel Catalog). type id kernel, string Epix device virtual name RGB id type type id Enable

rgb Kernel, Bool datatype (Kernel Catalog). kernel, bool color capture


Part IV Appendices


Appendix A Release notes


Appendix B Release notes

The most up-to-date version of EyesWeb XMI is EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0. The last stable version is EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0.


Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.3.0

Released on December 10, 2011 Kernel: optimized scheduling algorithm


Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.2.1

Released on June 10, 2011 Kernel catalog: implemented serialization for the List datatype Kinect catalog: added experimental support for the Microsoft Kinect device (based on the OpenNI sdk). Gui: the device conguration tab (kernel options) is now more robust with respect to broken device enumerators. Base catalog: added CannyEdgeDetector block Base catalog: added a Reset parameter to the SlopeLimiter block;, to reset the output value to the initial value Base catalog: the PcmAudioMixer block can now export the internal mixing matrix (useful when using the Smoothing parameters) Base catalog: improved CameraCorrection block Base catalog: added block ListPersistency, which removs items from a list if they are not persistent


Base catalog: added block MultipleListsRemoveDuplicates, which removes duplicates from multiple lists Base catalog: added parameters to the PFinder background subtraction algorithm to control how to update the background model of pixels corrisponding to foreground Base catalog: FFT block can now use dierent windowing functions, not only Blackman Base catalog: the GetMouse block can now procide normalized oating-point coordinates as output Base catalog: added the LocalBinaryPattern background subtraction algorithm Base catalog: added a block to compute the HammingDistance (number of dierent bits) between images Base catalog: added a block (selectIntervals) which looks for the input timecode in a given list of temporal intervals and return the index of the interval Base catalog: the AiReader block can now (optionally) generate silence if the le does not exist or is wrong. Base catalog: the LoadMarkers block now gives full information (begin and end)about the loaded intervals (before this change, only the interval start time was read from le). Base catalog: added support for 64bits integer to the OSC input block. Base and System catalog: added a device (System catalog) and a block (Base Catalog) to control VTR devices (e.g., Firewire tape cameras) System catalog: added WaveInput and WaveOutput blocks (and devices) to acquire and playback audio based on the Windows multimedia sdk (waveIn and waveOut functions) System catalog: added a block to send data through network to a Psyclone server System catalog: the StringDisplay block can now be congured (number of columns and rows, alignment, etc) Sdk: added functions to get characteristics of a given PCM format (e.g., bits per sample, signed/unsigned, etc.) Bugxes



Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.2.0

Released on December 10, 2010 Added the SARC catalog, developed and mantained by Queens University of Belfast. The catalog comes with many example patches available in the Patches/Sarc folder Switched to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (compiler VC 9.0). EyesWeb Mobile and MetaEyesWeb: compatibility betweeb 64 bits client and 32 bits server Kernel catalog - added Vector block, a generic vector-based datatype container Kernel catalog added a block to perform For iterations inside an EyesWeb subpatch Kernel catalog added a reset parameter to the Delay block Base catalog added a block implementing the PFinder background subtraction algorithm Base catalog the SelectMultipleTrackedBlobs now has more option to sort the blobs (area, bounding-rect width, bounding-rect height anda distance from a given point) Base catalog added blocks for Audio sinusoidal analysis (implemented by Carlo Drioli) Base catalog added block to perform PixelWise comparison between images Base catalog added a MP3 le reader in the BaseAudio catalog that uses the Intel UMC library (its also available on Linux) Base catalog added GeometricLabelledSetInt to GraphicLabelledSetInt converter Base catalog replaced the keepAspectRatio boolean oag of some blocks with a letterBoxMode enumerator to be able to decide where to place the image in the case that the aspect ratio is preserved and black mattes are added Base catalog added an option to the OpticalFlow block to compute optical ow between two images in input; also changed implementation to limit the computation to the current Roi Base catalog added FileOperation block, which performs operations onles (e.g., Move, Copy, Delete, etc.) Base catalog added LabelledSetMerge block, to merge two or more labelled sets Base catalog added ExtractColorBlobs block, to track blobs basing on colors (HSV) Base catalog added a block to add an item to a labelled set


Base catalog modied block ComposeAudioChannels to work on static timeseries instead of audio Base catalog added an Option to the CentroidsCalc block to compute only the half centroids with respect to a vertical axis, also added an option to insert into the labelled set even centroids that are computed but not explicitely required by the user Base catalog added HaarCascade block (with respect to the existing FaceDetection block, it provides a list of detected objects as output, instead of drawing them on the image) Base catalog added block ResizeRoi, shrink or enlarge the input roi System catalog added frame up and frame down buttons to the VideoFileReader System catalog added current frame time output to the VideoFileReader GpGPU catalog added block DrawText, to draw text on images using FreeType GpGPU catalog added pipelined mode to cuda host to device. Using pipelined mode causes a delay of a xed number of frames, but improves performance Sdk added interface IPixelwiseComparisonOp, which compare images pixel-by-pixel Sdk added interface ITranspose, which transposes an image (input size: w h , output size: h w) Sdk added interface IDrawtext, to draw text over an image (currently supported only by the CudaImage datatype) Sdk added interfaces IShape2DInt and IShape2DDouble, to query an image for Baricenter, Area, and BoundingRect Sdk added functions to simplify serialization of datatypes to std::strings Sdk added functions to check init info equality Sdk added functions to declare a font selector parameter pin Sdk added code to implement the Savitzky Golay lter Removed the EyesWeb Control Panel (as it is now available inside the GUI options) Bugxes EyesWeb depends on some external libraries/compilers, which are updated to the following versions: Boost 1.43.0 (also tested against boost 1.44.0) OpenCV 2.0 Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) library version 6.1 update 2


NVIDIA CG Toolkit 2.1 NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 2.3 Intel C++ Compiler Professional Edition version 11.1 update 3 Microsoft Windows Media SDK 9.5 Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft DirectX SDK November 2008 FreeImage 3.13.0 Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 9.0.50727.867 InnoSetup 5.3.6 Doxygen 1.5.8 Xerces 3.1 GCC 4.x (for linux builds)


Notes on EyesWeb XMI 5.1.0

Released on February 8, 2010 GPGPU catalog preview MetaEyw-Scripting support preview Linux version preview Changed version numbers schema to major.minor.release. Dierent release numbers with the same major and minor are binary compatible. Dierent minor numbers within the same major number are source compatible (i.e., your blocks can be rebuilt without changes to the source code) but not binary compatible. Dierent major number might require source code changes. Based on FreeImage Library to read/write images Kernel - Added a kernel option (RemoveDuplicates) to disable setting duplicate parameters (warning: setting this option to true may change behaviour of existing patches) Kernel - Added support for Catalog properties (see, e.g., here for a brief description) Kernel - Added support for Quota when logging to a given folder (see, e.g., here for a brief description)


Kernel - improved subpatches usability: input and parameter pins can now be connected to more than one pin inside the subpatch. Also implemented this enhancement, which means that subpatch input pins can be used as a sync source inside the subpatch. GUI - added support for parameters of type DatatypeSelector, which let the user select a specic datatype instance. Kernel Catalog - added the NULL ag to ROI to be able to distinguish between an empty ROI (the operation does not aect the image) and a NULL ROI (the ROI is not present, hence, the whole image is aected by the operation). Added block SetNullRoi to change this ag, and block IsNullRoi to read this ag. Kernel Catalog - added a Reset parameter to the Snapshot block Base catalog - Added block BoundRoiInRoi, which ensures that the input Roi is inside the Roi provided as a parameter Base catalog - Added block MoveAroundPoint, which provides as output a point which is at a given distance from the input point, and minimize distances from a given list of points Base catalog - Added block LoadMarkers, which loads audio markers from a text le. The le can be generated with third party SW, e.g., Audacity Base catalog - Added block Point2DDoubleToPoint2Dint, which converts the point coordinates from normalized oating-point to absolute integer Base catalog - Added parameter to Generic.FileWriter block to automatically stop the writer when patch execution is stopped Base catalog - added Jump parameter to the SlopeGenerator block Base catalog - added block FPS which computes the FramesPerSecond of an incoming stream of data Base catalog - added block MoveAroundPoint to compute the position of a ROI near to a point but not overlapping it Base catalog - added block PointInRoiList and PointInLabelledRoiList, to verify whether a point is inside a give list of rectangles. The Labelled version can bind a label to each rectangle Base catalog - improved block ReadImage to support caching of images, extraction of a subset of the image, cueing the next image to be read Base catalog - the DynamicToStaticPCMAudioBuer block now works with several variants of PCM datatypes. Base catalog - added ROI support to the ReadImage block (i.e., you can read a specic part of the image)


Base catalog - added block Quantizer Base catalog - added block BlobHistogram which computes the histogram of a blob along horizontal or vertical direction Base catalog - ListRemoveIf can now lter blobs in a list even basing on their laying inside a given rect Base catalog - Merged the hasAlpha tag with the color model tag for the Image datatypes. Consequently, many blocks dealing with images have lost the hasAlpha parameter, and the color model combos have more options (see here) Base catalog - added support for two more algorithms (Lukas Kanade and Block Mathcing) to the OpticalFlow block Base catalog - added ImageTranspose block (swap horizontal and vertical dimensions of an image) Steinberg catalog - The ASIO output block now uses silence at the and of the audio data (rst, the last buer was repeated) Steinberg catalog - The Asio output and ASIO input blocks notify ASIO Device initialization errors on the message console System catalog - Added block Multimedia Timer, which acts as a periodic bang generator, and uses the Windows Multimedia Timer System catalog - The DirectSoundOutput and DirectSoundInput blocks notify DSound Device initialization errors on the message console System catalog - The FrameGrabber block now let the user manually tune Gain, Exposure, etc at the driver level (note: some drivers do not support overriding Automatic settings) OSC - added support for bundles SDK - added a new block activation mode (OnPredicate) SDK - merged the Image hasAlpha ag with the colorModel ag (see, e.g., here for a brief description); modied many blocks to reect such change. EyesWeb Mobile - added server support for batch notications and for atomic setparameter operations (all set parameters executed within the same execution step) Bugxes EyesWeb depends on some external libraries/compilers, which are updated to the following versions: Boost 1.36.0 (also tested against boost 1.41.0) OpenCV 2.0


Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) library version 6.1 update 2 NVIDIA CG Toolkit 2.2 NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 2.2 Intel C++ Compiler Professional Edition version 11.1 update 3 Microsoft Windows Media SDK 9.5 Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Microsoft DirectX SDK August 2009 FreeImage 3.13.0 Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 8.0.50727.867 InnoSetup 5.3.6 Doxygen 1.6.1 Xerces 3.1 GCC 4.x (for linux builds)


Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release includes bugxes and new blocks. It is compiled with the Intel C++ compiler, in order to improve performance (warning, SSE2 support is required). The server code to support the EyesWeb Mobile client application has been merged in the deployed version of the kernel (rst it was released as a separate kernel dll). Released on July 13, 2009. EyesWeb Mobile - Added the EyesWeb Mobile application to the EyesWeb package Kernel - Adds support for EyesWeb Mobile; eywconsole help shows the option available to run EyesWeb as a server Kernel - Added a ag to Kernel::Init so that RegisterModule can avoid starting the RCF server (and force the rewall to ask whether it should be blocked) Kernel - Performance optimizations when executing subpatches Deployment The deployed version is compiled with the Intel C++ compiler The distributed SDK is still compiled with the Visual C++ compiler Added batch les to register/unregister dlls in debug and release mode Base catalog - Added ExtractMidiTimecode block


Base catalog - Blob2D datatype now requires initinfo to specify the size of the source image Base catalog - CentroidCalc block can now work on half silhouette (lower or upper part of the whole body) Base catalog - Added FaceDetection block developed by Matei Mancas Base catalog - Added CircularHough transform block Base catalog - Datatype deriving from ITimeSeries now share a common interface event for initialization data. In this way block operation on TimeSeries can be more generic (do not need to enumerate known datatypes) Base catalog - Matrix2TimeSeries: added an option to avoid data clipping (by default data is not clipped, except for old patches) Base catalog - TimeSeries.StatisticalOperations: a copy is now avoided unless it is really necessary (MaxAbs cannot be performed as a single IPP operation) Base catalog - PCM Audio Mixer has now an option for smoothed operations Base catalog - Blob2D serialization now uses RLE-encoding Base catalog - Add support for sending/receiving multiple data items in an OSC message Base catalog - Added block MatrixSum, which sums rows or columns of a matrix Kernel catalog - changed conversion from time to double, now the outcoming double represents the time in seconds (rst it was in 100ns). The conversion now has the same behaviour as the double to time conversion (where double values were interpreted as seconds) Steinberg catalog - The blocks VSTHost has been extended to accept all supported format of PCM datatypes Steinberg catalog - The blocks VSTHost now has a communication channel with the VST plugin though which the plugin can add non-numeric parameters and non-audio outputs System catalog - GetFromVideoServer: the KeepAspectRatio parameter can be changed even at design time Documentation - Added 3D and NationalInstruments catalog to the documentation Bugxes



Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugxes and new blocks. Released on February 13, 2009. Base catalog - Added DFlipFlop block which behaves like a D-type ip-op with generic input, startup value, reset and three dierent type of clock event (rise, fall or trigger) modes Base catalog - Added block CentroidsToLine which transforms the points (baricenters) extracted from the CentroidCalc block to a set of segments, in order to provide a better visual representation of the centroids Base catalog - Added parameters to the CentroidsCalc block to specify whether to alpha-lter the computed points, and to tune such ltering Base catalog - enhancements to the PeakDetector block: Added continuos signal parameter to analyze or ignore the last sample of previous time series added threshold mode parameter to select whether the threshold has to be compared with the sample values or with their absolute values added compare parameter to validate peaks only when they are above or below a given threshold Base Catalog - The AudioSave block now also supports the 8 bits (unsigned) format Base Catalog - Added StringToInt block, to convert a String datatype to an Integer datatype Base Catalog - Added blocks TimeSeresReader and TimeSeriesWriter, which read and write timeseries to le. The le is compatible with other software (e.g., Audacity) Base Catalog - Added a tracker based on proximity measures (square distance or correlation) Kernel - Improved logging (added logs when a patch is loaded, initialized, checked, started, stopped, uninitialized); also improved log info in the case of blocks without a label (not added to a patch yet, i.e., during patch loading): the classname is used instead of the label IDE - The revision number is now shown in the about box Setup - The Xvid coded is distributed with EyesWeb, in order to reduce the size of the redistributed media les IDE - Changed the prolinginfo dialog such that the mean execution time is shown near the block name, and the item are sorted by descending execution time IDE - Added a command to export the proling data to a text le



Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugxes and new blocks. Released on October 14, 2008. Base catalog - added block CentroidsCalc, which heuristically computes the position of some human-related body parts Base catalog - added block ExtractBlobFromList, which extract a blob out of an unordered list accordin to a given criteria (biggest one, smallest one, nearest to a given point, etc.) Base catalog - added blocks to work on GeometricLabelesSets (i.e., collection of geometric opbjects such as points, rectabngles, etc). The added blocks are: FilterGeometricLabeledSet - removes from the labeled set all items which are of types dierent from the user-selected one LabeldSetfeatures - compute some features on the items of the labelled set (i.e., mean velocity, direction, etc) Base catalog - added block LucasKanade (automatically select the some points to be tracked and track thems. Eventually reset the list of points to be tracked if some have been lost). There is also an alternative implementation of the block which separates the selection of the points from the tracking algorithm. Kernel - improved logging to le. Also added an option for each block in order to tune how much info to log for that block. Freeframe catalog - added native support for freeframe plugins version 1.0 Base catalog - Added ImageMorphingOperator, which perform morphological operations (e.g., erode, dilate, open, close) on images. The implementation of this block is based on the IPP libraries. An alternative implementation, which is based on the OpenCV libraries is available too Base catalog - Added ImageMorphingOperatorOpenCV, which perform morphological operations (e.g., erode, dilate, open, close, etc) on images. The implementation of this block is based on the OpenCV libraries. An alternative implementation, which is based on IPP libraries is available too (more performing but less exible) Base catalog - Added support for the Freescale ZStar triaxial accelerometer board (RD3152MMA7260Q) Base catalog - Added/reenginered many of the blocks drawing graphs: Scalar Graph ValueVsSample: graph of scalar values; uses the sample index for the abscissas Scalar Graph ValueVsTime: graph of scalar values; uses the time value (presentation time) for the abscissas


Scalar Graph ValueVsValue: graph of scalar values; uses the one the values for the abscissas Matrix Graph ValueVsSample: graph of matrices; uses the item index (column or row of the matrix) for the abscissas Scalar Graph ValueVsValue: graph of matrices; uses the one the rows (or columns) for the abscissas All the graphs are available both as displays (i.e., they have thier own display window), or as overlay (i.e., the draw over an image datatype). Base catalog - Added option to the SetReset block to handle the case of both inputs being true Base catalog - Extended EywQuery tool to generate the documentation for datatype converters and datatype interfaces Base catalog - added block MatrixConcatenate, which let on build matrices by placing two (or more) matrices side by side (horizontally or vertically) Base catalog - added block ImageConcatenate, which let on build images by placing two (or more) images side by side (horizontally or vertically) Base catalog - added ImageSetAlpha block, which set the alpha channel of an Image Base catalog - added MoveRect block, which moves a part of an Image (specied by means of a SetROI block) inside the image itself Kernel catalog - added functionalities to support system-wide keyboad press National Instruments catalog - added this new catalog to support NI acquisition boards. It currently supports the USB6210 device. Base catalog - added block to extract rotation info from an Ellipse datatype Base catalog - added some working modes to the PictureInPicture block (mask provided as input, global mask provided as a scalar number) Base catalog - added block SpectralEnvelopeExtractor (nd exact frequencies of armonics of a signal) Base catalog - added block ModPhase (converts FFT from Rael-Imaginary representation to Modulo-Phase representation) Base catalog - added block SpectrumAnalyzer (computes the energy in the specied bands) Base catalog - added block Videogram which computes the visualizations described in Jensenius, A. R. (2006). Using motiongrams in the study of musical gestures. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, 6-11 November, New Orleans.


Kernel catalog - added the WeightedSum block, which computes a weighted sum of input datatypes System catalog - optimization for drawing small cells in the matrix display block. System catalog - added support for SDIHD inputs of DeckLink framegrabbers Steinberg catalog - added some options to the ASIO device (and related blocks) to choose the buersize and to specify some bounds for the internal queues (prefer to be realtime rather than not loosing any data). Base catalog - added GetPixel block to extract info about a single pixel of an image. Base catalog - added converters from Geometric to Graphic labelled sets (it is now possible to draw the output of LKTracker and other blocks) Base catalog - counter block: added a working mode (active by default) to avoid the the need for a bang to start counting. Base catalog - time series generator: the block can now generate both xed-size and variable-size time series. Added support for Epix frame grabbers. Base catalog - BCDistorsion: added better heuristics to compute threasholds in automatic mode; also added some improvements when having dark foreground objects against a light background. SDK: added some descriptors to the signature of EyesWeb objects, besides the name and description elds which were currently available. The new descriptors are: details: containes a more dtailed description of the block notes: contain info which does not t other elds Kernel: returning false from the Execute method is now allowed and is considered an error to be logged. It does not cause rescheduling as it happended in older versions. SDK: the sdk now catches all unhandle exceptions of type std::exception derived or Eyw::IException-derived and logs them Breaking changes in the SDK since 5.0.1.x: your blocks need to be rebuild against the new sdk


Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugxes and new blocks. Released on April 15, 2008. Base and System Catalogs: improved management of display blocks (lower cpu usage)


Base Catalog: added blocks SetStrokeProperties and SetFillProperties to change the graphical appearance of geometric objects Kernel Catalog: improved MatrixFromFile block to support other separators besides white space Base catalog: xed an issue with eywconsolercf when the base folder for patches was specied as a relative path Base catalog: added an option to ReadFile block to delete the .bak les when converting an old format to a new one Base catalog: changed the IBlob2D datatype to support the IDrawing interface. In practice, this means that you can draw a blob with the generic DrawGraphicObject block. This is a breaking change for blocks using the IBlob2D datatype; recompiling them against the new sdk is needed. Base catalog: added block ExtractSingleBlob, to simplify blob extraction in controlled environments. Base catalog: improved DrawGraphicObject to support RGB and RGBA color formats (besides the already supported BGR, BGRA, and BW formats)


Notes on EyesWeb XMI

This release mainly includes bugxes and new blocks. For internal testing only, not ocially released. Documentation: added auto-generated documentation for many blocks Kernel: added notication of implicit converters usage even in the case of links to parameters Base Catalog: changed block ReadImagesFromFolder (System catalog) to block ReadImage with a simplied signature. Patches using this block need to be updated; in many cases the block GetIndexedPath has to be put before the ReadImagesFromFolder block Base catalog: added block to read AIFF les (AIFFReader) and a block to extract markings and other info from an AIFF le (AIFFInfo). Base catalog: added block GetIndexedPath, to extract a le (specied by an index) from a folder. Base catalog: added datatype PCMAudioBuer (only 16 bits PCM is implemented) Base catalog: added block PCMComposeChannels to compose the channels of PCM audio buers Base catalog: added block PCMMixer to mix the channels of a PCM audio buer


System catalog: AudioDisplayGDI can be now docked and has the fatures common to most EyesWeb displays Base catalog: FFTDisplay can be now docked and has the fatures common to most EyesWeb displays Base catalog: added block Size2DGenerator GUI: added description of selected treeview item Base catalog: added some predened FOURCC to the AviWriter block (simplies selecting the codec) and added the possibility to change the lename at runtime Kernel Catalog: added a working mode to the threshold block to use a single threshold value instead of two


Notes on EyesWeb XMI

Released on March 3, 2008. Documentation: improved documentation for many blocks Base catalog: added block for selection of tracked blobs System catalog: improved DirectSound input block by adding the possibility to specify the buer size in number of samples Base catalog: improved RebuerAudio block by adding the possibility to specify the buer size in number of samples


Appendix C Bugxes
C.1 EyesWeb 5.2.1

Fixed bug in MovingArithOpImpl. Reset with a window length greater than 0 did not work correctly Fixed bug in Image datatype: compressed formats (4:2:2) were not handled correctly Fixed bug in ImageDisplay: subsampled formats (e.g. YUYV) were not correctly visualized Fixed bug in Cuda Image datatype: the Cuda thread was not joined when closing Eyw. This could cause a crash when quitting Eyw


EyesWeb 5.2.0

Fixed bug in BaseMath: the ReadMatrixFromFile blocks fail to load matrix when the row lenght of text le is bigger than 4098 bytes Fixed bug in AudioFileReader and VideoFileReader: the synchronization mode was not initialized Fixed bug in Network Send and Receive block with UDP v. 2.0 protocol: could block on exit Fixel bug in LabelledSetExtract: if extracting elements by index and if index is not found, then the output timestamp should not be updated Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: crash if the folder is read-only (e.g., when running on Windows 7 and the catalog is in the Program Files folder) Fixed bug in TitleMachine block: with some color formats the text appeared twisted Fixed bug in FaceDetection block (see forum post. Some parameter values caused the underlying OpenCV libraries to crash Fixed bug in Rectangle2DGenerator: might crash when selection Int mode


Fixed bug in AIFF Reader: crashes if the index value is greater than the end of the le Fixed bug kernel (RCF server): crash when stopping a patch via MetaEyesWeb Fixed bug #295: input selector block causes the patch to slow down Fixed bug in VideoFileReader: could crash due to trying to extract an image from an empty list Fixed bug in CentroidsCalc: could crash in the case of empty sub-regions Fixed bug #233: reducing number of input in blocks with variable number of inputs might crash EyesWeb


EyesWeb 5.1.0

Fixed bug #214: Loops involving syncin pins were not correctly managed Fixed bug #191: The clear button of the DynamicToStaticPCMBuer did not work Fixed bug #217: Rotation parameter of Obj3DGenerator block was not preserved when a patch is opened Fixed bug #188: ExtractSubstring may crash Eyw when setting the last character to a value greater than the length of the string Fixed bug #205: Multiple selection may crash Eyw Fixed bug #262: Full Screen Monitor Index was not saved Fixed bug #241: EyesWeb crashes when MetaEyw is running while EyesWeb is started or stopped Fixed bug #252: Display blocks do not work in console mode Fixed bug #211: TitleMachine block does not work with 24 bits images Fixed bug #191: The clear button of the DynamicToStaticPCMBuer block does not work Fixed bug #187: An empty company name causes the catalog not to be registered Fixed bug #190: AIFFReader ignore the last marker Fixed bug #189: Periodic blocks inside subpatches were not activated Fixed bug #185: Strange behaviour of subpatch outputs Fixed bug #20: Editing a subpatch could crash EyesWeb Fixed bug #140: EyesWeb crashed when Bang block activated


Fixed bug #50: Closing Click Display External Window Crashes Eyesweb Fixed bug #111: TimeDelay block introduces crash on execution stop Fixed bug #177: All blocks in math.matrix.graph - crash when pressing reset in properties Fixed bug #173: Scalar display not working for greater than 1 input Fixed bug: Ellipse2DGenerator provided axes with integer range even in the case of double coordinates (which were expected to be normalized) Fixed bug: the device identier of the Mixer (audio) devices was not guaranteed to be unique (at least under Windows 7) Fixed a memory leaks related to inserting items into collections (labeled set or list): The Insert method returns an iterator which must be deallocated (or assigned to a smart pointer), otherwise it will be leaked Fixed bug in the RCF communication mechanism: The queue of the publisher thread (used to implement the callback mechanism) could grow undenitely Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: Dont allow EyesWeb-specic exceptions to reach the main function, as at that point the kernel has already been unloaded and the exception has been deleted Fixed bug in EywRegisterModule: On multiprocessor systems, several builds can end at the same time, resulting in EywRegisterModule being called to register N catalogs; this can lead to corruption of the catalog le, or simply crashes because opening the le fails Fixed bug in EywQuery: Dont allow EyesWeb-specic exceptions to reach the main function, as at that point the kernel has already been unloaded and the exception has been deleted Fixed bug: when installing as a service and specifying the server port, the commandline value was lost AIFFReader could crash when the chunck size was odd. GUI - EyesWeb could crash when saving Advanced Kernel Properties due to confusion among double and oat properties



Fixed bug #179: movingArithOp behaves incorrectly when reset Fixed bug #147: incorrect summed value in Operations.Moving Arithmetic


Base Catalog - PCMaudio-related blocks were many drawbacks which have been now xed SDK - license info was not registered The GdiDisplay block could draw some images skewd, according to the image size Fixed a bug in Blob2D internal memory deallocation (delete was used instead of delete[]) The block ZStarIn never report the state of Button S1 MatrixFromFile: xed an issue when reading single-line matrices from le. Size was not automatically detected Fixed issues with block Counter: Stop did not work; Bounded and Circular modes did not work in some cases

Fixed bug with FreeFrame plugins. If FrameCopy is not supported, invoking FF GETPLUGINCAPS return FF FAIL which is dened as 0xFFFFFFFF. This was used as the number of inputs/outputs of the block, causing Eyw to crash. 3DDisplay: check that the texture le exists before trying to load it GetMouse: the type could be changed at runtime causing a signature change event, which causes an EysWeb crash! Eyesweb crash when starting a patch containing the WaveFileWriter block with empty lename parameter Fixed some issues with delayed notication of parameter changes in subpatches ProximityMeasures: the block could cause Eyw to crash when the search ROI exceeded the image boundaries Fixed bug in block ColorToGray (image step was wrong)



Base Catalog - Block BooleanToTrigger used the same name and description for Mode and InitialState parameters Base Catalog - Fixed issue with DrawGraphicObjects. It was drawing all inputs even if unchanged; not it draws only changed inputs. An option to preserve the old behaviour is available Base Catalog - Extract Blob From List, when asked to use the contraction index, was examining an uninitialized variable, leading to random results; now it uses the return value of GetContractionIndex


Base Catalog - The MatrixConcatenate block could fail after the rst execution if the size of the input matrices was changed Base Catalog - Fixed bug with the Image datatype. An access violation could occur when performing a SetColor operation Base Catalog - Fixed a bug which caused the SignalGenerator block to crash with some buersizes Kernel Catalog - Fixed a problem with the InputSelector block which could slow down EyesWeb after running for a while if the Active input parameter was continuosly set (even if it was not actually changing) Steinberg Catalog - VST blocks would fail to instantiate because they would try to unregister an activation event on input would always fail because the block didnt register for input-based activation yet Steinberg Catalog - The last character in each VST parameter name was trimmed (even if it wasnt a space) Steinberg Catalog - When the VST reports an initial value that is outside the [0,1] range, force it to be a valid valu Kernel - Fixed wrong comparison of log level, which caused debug messages not to be logged to le Media Format - Fixed bugs with WMVReader, VideoServer, NetRecvUDP, NetSendUDP, VideoFileReader. They allocated a thread in the constructor; this could cause EywQuery to fail



Base Catalog - The colorToRGB block removeed the inputs without removing related activation events Base Catalog - The VSTHost block removeed the inputs without removing related activation events Base Catalog - Fixed bug in MovingArithmeticOp; initial value was taken from rst datatype instance instead of using an empty datatype Base Catalog - a WriteFile parameter was not correctly initialized when loading the patch from le. Base Catalog - the function CImageImpl::COpDisplatcher 8u C4::AddInt caused innite recursion Base catalog - xed some issue with the ImageMerge block which did not keep into account the position of the merged image


Base catalog - TemporalData::InitInstance was not copying the min/max value of the signal from the provided structure System catalog - AudioDisplayGDI now tells the graph what is the valid range of the samples, so that the graph is resized correctly GUI - When starting a patch fails, call PatchStop and PatchDone instead of just telling the engine to perform a done(), or the UI will keep the start and stop buttons enabled, with the engine already deinitialized. Clicking either button would then crash Eyesweb. Base catalog - Fixed biomobius bug #101 (problems activating Shimmer + Sc2Au + Mean block combination) 3D catalog - block 3DObjGenerator: when a parameter was changed the texture data was reset, thus losing all the information on dynamic texture Kernel - links to kernel parameters (parameters related to scheduling) could be lost Base catalog - ai reader: xed bug which could cause EyesWeb to crash. Buer size was not initialized) Base catalog - image datatype: xed bug which could cause EyesWeb to crash. The pitch size (size of the memory used by a single row of the image) could assume values below the required minimum. Base catalog - image datatype: xed bug in ImageGenerator. The size parameter could not be changed. Base catalog - PCM dynamic buer datatype: xed bug which could cause EyesWeb to crash when copying buers of non-zero size. System catalog - OSC reader/writer: xed bug which slowed down the block; each message sent/received was logged to the EyesWeb console. Base catalog - ai reader: xed bug which could cause a wrong signature when opening old patches. Base catalog - image datatype: xed wrong RGB to YUV conversion (8u format, 4 channels). Base catalog - image datatype: xed buer overow (32f format, YUV color model, 4 channels). Base catalog - audio datatype: xed buer overow in conversion to PCM. Kernel: xed scheduling-related bugs: blocks with only sync-in inputs were activated more than necessary if syncin pin was connected to a block which changed scheduling mode at runtime


Kernel: xed scheduling-related bugs: when changing activation mode at runtime from non-periodic to periodic, the block could not be activated Kernel: xed bugs in catalogs loading: a block without a library declaration caused the whole catalog not to be loaded. Now the catalog is loaded and the block is loaded too (but not visible in the treeview). A log message is written to le.



Kernel and SDK: xed a bug with some waiting functions. Wait could be silently abandoned earlier than necessary, causing unpredictable behaviours Kernel: xed bug when saving patches: FitMode and RequiredInterfaces were not saved Kernel: xed bug #164: when a mobius client stopped patch execution, both the client and the EyesWeb server could crash



Kernel: xed bug #161 (output of ScalarArithmeticOperation (double) excessive at Init) Kernel: xed bug #167 (conversion from integer matrices to double matrices was aected by the installation of the Legacy catalog). Base Catalog: xed bug #166 (the generic reader crashed when loading le with no saved datatypes) SDK (Wizard): dened a title for the wizard dialog, or random characters could be displayed BaseCatalog: xed some issues with FileReader which could cause EyesWeb to crash in the case of corrupted ebf les



Base Catalog: xed a bug in computation of Contraction Index Kernel Catalog: xed a bug with input selector when non-matching initinfo(s) were found Kernel: xed bug with blocks activation at Absolute times System Catalog: xed bugs with ScreenCapture block System Catalog: xed bug(s) with ROI and VideoFilereader


Kernel: xed bugs with implicit convertions: sometimes a longer converters chain could be chosen GUI: xed bug related to the import subpatch command System Catalog: xed bug with NetSendUDP block: could crash EyesWeb when initialization of other blocks failed Kernel: xed bug with Initialization-Deinitialization: Done method could be called even if Init was not called Base Catalog: xed bug(s) with geometric/graphic datatypes: double coordinates were not properly normalized in some cases System catalog: xed SystemDirectX block to pose less requirements on the HW Kernel: xed bug with syncin and exclusive mode when no link was connected to the sync pin System catalog: xed bug in StringDisplay: special characters (e.g., n, r) were not handled properly



Installer: installation of DirectX and Visual Studio redistributables was missing Installer: installation of OpenCV dlls was missing Kernel Catalog: inputselector crashed in the case of inputs of the same type but with dierent initinfo Kernel Catalog: generators did not go back to non continuous output mode SDK: nsc were not included correctly


Appendix D License
Use of EyesWeb (hereinafter SOFTWARE) is contingent on your agreement to the following terms: WARRANTY & USE: DIST University of Genoa grants you a limited, nonexclusive license to use the SOFTWARE free of charge for ANY purpose, commercial or private, without restrictions. DIST University of Genoa makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided as is without express or implied warranty. DIST University of Genoa is not obligated to provide maintenance or updates for the SOFTWARE. DISTRIBUTION: the SOFTWARE, in original version or in part, may be freely distributed, provided that this copyright and permission notice appear on all copies and supporting documentation, and that the DIST University of Genoa copyright notices are referred in the following ways: a) DIST University of Genoas copyright notice should be included in the documentation, regardless of the media used to supply the documentation; b) the DIST University of Genoa and EyesWeb Logos have to appear on software packages based on EyesWeb or using it, and on any related promotional material (DIST University of Genoa makes the logos available on the EyesWeb ftp site ftp://infomus.dist.unige.it); c) in the about box of the product, in the case that it is not the EyesWeb about box, DIST University of Genoa and EyesWeb must be cited in the following manner: EyesWeb is copyright c Laboratorio di Infomatica Musicale DIST University of Genoa (http://infomus.dist.unige.it); d) any public use of EyesWeb, or the distribution of any application based on EyesWeb, must be preliminarily notied to [email protected]; e) this license must be notied to any third party to which EyesWeb is redistributed. This license only covers EyesWeb and the libraries provided in the original installer. Other extensions (libraries or patches), provided by DIST or by third parties, may be subject to any license, provided that it is not in contrast with this license.



Third-party software

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org).


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