Open University Tides
Open University Tides
Open University Tides
' ... being governed by the watery Moon ... ' Richard III, Act II, Scene II. The longest oceanic waves are those associated with the tides, and are characterized by the rhythmic rise and fall of sea-level over a period of half a day or a day (Figure 1.2). The rise and fall result from horizontal movements of water (tidal currents) in the tidal wave. The rising tide is usually referred to as the flow (or flood), whereas the falling tide is called the ebb. The tides are commonly regarded as a coastal phenomenon, and those who see tidal fluctuations only on beaches and in estuaries tend to think (and speak) of the tide as 'coming in' and 'going out'. However, it is important to realize that the ebb and flow of the tide at the coast is a manifestation of the general rise and fall in sea-level caused by a longwavelength wave motion that affects the oceans as well as shallow coastal waters. Nonetheless, because of their long period and wavelength (Figure 1.2), tidal waves behave as shallow-water waves. Do bear in mind also, from Section 1.6.3, that the destructive waves generated by earthquakes are not 'tidal waves' as so often reported in the press - they are tsunamis, which also behave as shallow-water waves because of their long wavelength. From the earliest times, it has been realized that there is some connection between the tides and the Moon. High tides are highest and low tides are lowest when the Moon is full or new, and the times of high tide at any given location can be approximately (but not exactly) related to the position of the Moon in the sky; and, as we shall see, the Sun also influences the tides. Before discussing these relationships, we shall first describe some principal features of tidal wave motions. Figure 2.1 is a tidal record, showing regular vertical movements of the water surface relative to a mean level, over a period of about a month.
Figure 2.1 A typical 30-day tidal record showing oscillations in water level with a period of about 12.5 hours, at a station in the Tay estuary, Scotland.
51 If you compare Figures 2.1 and 1.5, you will see two important differences between wave motions resulting from the tides and those associated with wind-generated waves. These are: 1 The period of the oscillations of wind-generated waves (Figure 1.5) is typically in the order of seconds to a few tens of seconds, and both period and amplitude of the oscillations can be quite irregular. In contrast, Figure 2.1 shows the period of the tides to be about 12.5 hours, i.e. high and low tides occur twice a day, and both period and amplitude vary in a systematic way. (Figure 2.1 illustrates a semi-diurnal tide; we shall consider the different types of tide later.) 2 Although the amplitude (and height) of tidal and wind-generated wave motions is of the same order in both Figures 1.5 and 2.1, we have seen that the heights of wind waves can range from virtually zero to 30 m or more (Section 1.6.2). By contrast, in most places the tidal range is typically of the order of a few metres, and tidal ranges of more than about 10 m are known only at a few locations. Tidal range nearly always varies within the same limits at any particular location (Figure 2.1), and because the cause of tidal wave motion is both continuous and regular, so that the periodicities that result are pre-determined and fixed (as you will see shortly), tidal range can be very reliably predicted. Wind-generated waves, on the other hand, are much less predictable, because of the inherent variability of the winds. Tidal waves are what are known as 'forced waves'because they are generated by regular (periodic) external forces, and therefore do not behave exactly like the gravity waves considered in Chapter 1. For practical purposes, however, they can be treated as gravity waves, especially in the deep oceans.
A 7-8-day periodicity can also be seen: around days 9 to 11 and 23 to 26, :he tidal range is more than twice what it is around days 0 to 2 and 16 to 18, This 7-8-day alternation of high and low tidal range (spring and neap tides, respectively) can also be predicted with great accuracy and characterizes iides all over the world (see Section 2.2.1).
Spring tides have an amplitude of nearly 3 rn (i.e. above and below the nean water level), so the spring tidal range is close to 6 m. In contrast, the leap tides have a range of little more than 2 m. Where there is urban or industrial development in coastal areas, it is common "or high and low tidal levels to be quite rigorously identified, because along gently sloping shorelines a tidal range of even a couple of metres results in substantial areas of ground being alternately covered and exposed by the tooding and ebbing tides. In coastal areas, maps and plans commonly "ndicate Mean High Water and Mean Low Water, as well as the Mean Tide _~evel. The Mean Tide Level is often used as a datum or baseline for ;opographic survey work, i.e. it is the baseline for all measurements of elevation and depth on maps and charts. For example, in Britain, this baseline ~known as the Ordnance Datum) is the Mean Tide Level at a specific location at Newlvn in Cornwall.
52 This discussion of tidal levels raises an important general point about people's perception of the tides. As mentioned earlier, those who see tidal fluctuations only on beaches or in estuaries tend to perceive the tide as 'coming in' and 'going out'. In fact, the sea advances over and retreats from the land only because the water level is rising and falling with the passage of tidal waves like those illustrated in Figure 2.1. So much for some basic descriptions of the tides. We must now consider the forces that cause them. The relative motions of the Earth, Sun and Moon are complicated, and so their influence on tidal events results in an equally complex pattern. Nevertheless, as we have just seen, the actual motions of the tides are quite regular, and the magnitudes of the fide-generating forces can be precisely formulated. Although the response of the oceans to these forces is modified by topography and by the transient effects of weather patterns, it is possible to make reliable predictions of the tides for centuries ahead (and indeed to relate specific historical events to tidal states many centuries in the past).
The Earth and the Moon behave as a single system, rotating about a common centre of mass, with a period of 27.3 days. The orbits are in fact elliptical, but to simplify matters we will treat them as circular for the time being. The Earth rotates eccentrically about the common centre of mass (centre of gravity), which is within the Earth and lies about 4700 km from its centre. Figure 2.2 illustrates the motions that result. The principal consequence of the eccentric motion about the Earth-Moon centre of mass is this: All points on and within the Earth must also rotate about the common centre of mass and so they must all follow the same elliptical path. So each point must have the same angular velocity (2rc/27.3 days), and hence will experience the same centrifugal force (which is proportional to acceleration towards the centre, i.e. to the product of the radius and the square of the angular velocity). The eccentric motion described above has nothing whatsoever to do with the Earth's rotation (spin) upon its own axis, and should not be confused with it (we have shown the Earth's rotation axis on Figure 2.2 for the situation where the Moon is directly above the Equator, which happens only twice every 27.3 d a y s - see Section 2.1.1 and Figure 2.8). Nor should the centrifugal force resulting from the eccentric motion (which is equal at all points on Earth) be confused with the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's spin (which increases with distance from the rotation axis). If you find these concepts difficult, the following simple analogy may help. Imagine you are whirling a small bunch of keys on a short length (say 25 cm) of chain. The keys represent the Moon, and your hand represents the Earth. You are rotating your hand eccentrically (but unlike the Earth it is not spinning as well), and all points on and within your hand are experiencing the same angular velocity and the same centrifugal force. Provided your bunch of keys is not too large, the centre of mass of the 'hand-and-key' system lies within your hand.
Figure 2.2 Rotation of the Earth-Moon system (not to scale). The Moon orbits the Earth about their common centre of mass (located within the Earth) once every 27.3 days. The centre of the Earth also rotates about this centre of mass once every 27.3 days, describing a very much smaller orbit (fine black line), as do all other points on and within the Earth. Note that the orbits are shown as circular for simplicity, whereas in fact they are elliptical (see later text); note also that the Earth's own central rotation axis is shown here as perpendicular to the plane of the Moon's orbit, which happens twice every 27.3 days - see Figure 2.8.
In the text which follows, you do not need to understand the details of the explanation related to Figures 2.3 and 2.4. However, you do need to be aware of the relationship embodied in Equation 2.2 on p. 55, i.e. that tideproducing forces are inversely proportional to the cube of the Earth-Moon distance, and that the tide-producing forces are greatest along the small circles shown in Figure 2.4(a). The total centrifugal force acting on the Earth-Moon system exactly balances the forces of gravitational attraction between the two bodies, so the system is in equilibrium, i.e. we should neither lose the Moon, nor collide with it, in the near future. The centrifugal forces are directed parallel to a line joining the centres of the Earth and the Moon (see red arrows on Figure 2.3, overleaf). Now consider the gravitational force exerted by the Moon on the Earth. Its magnitude will not be the same at all points on the Earth's surface, because they are not at the same distance from the Moon. Points nearest the Moon will experience a greater gravitational pull from the Moon than those on the opposite side of the Earth. Moreover, the direction of the Moon's gravitational pull at all points will be directed towards its centre (see blue arrows on Figure 2.3), so it will not be exactly parallel to the direction of the centrifugal forces, except along the line joining the centres of the Earth and Moon. The resultant (i.e. the composite effect) of the two forces is known as the title-producing force. Depending upon its position on the Earth's surface with respect to the Moon, this force is directed into, parallel to, or away from, the Earth's surface. Its direction and relative strength (not strictly to scale) is shown by thick purple arrows on Fieure 2.3.
:igure 2.3 The derivation of the tide-producing :orces (not to scale), for a hypothetical water:overed Earth. The centrifugal force has exactly :he same magnitude and direction at all points, Jvhereas the gravitational force exerted by the Aoon on the Earth varies in both magnitude inversely with the square of the distance from :he Moon) and direction (directed towards the Aoon's centre, but shown with the angles ~xaggerated for clarity). The tide-producing force at any point (thick purple arrows) is the resultant _~fthe gravitational and centrifugal force at that )oint, and varies inversely with the cube of the :listance from the Moon (see text).
Fg= R2 where M 1 and M2 are the masses of the two bodies, R is the distance between their centres, and G is the universal gravitational constant (whose value is 6.672 x 10-11N m 2 kg-2).
However, we need to reconcile Equation 2.1 with the statement in the caption to Figure 2.3 that the magnitude of the tide-producing force exerted by the Moon on the Earth varies inversely with the cube of the distance. Consider the point marked G on Figure 2.3. The gravitational attraction of the Moon at G (/'go) is greater there than that at the Earth's centre, because G is nearer to the Moon by the distance of the Earth's radius (a). The gravitational force exerted by the Moon at the Earth's centre is exactly equal and opposite to the centrifugal force there, so the fide-producing force at the centre of the Earth is zero. Now as the centrifugal force is equal at all points on Earth, and at the Earth's centre is equal to the gravitational force exerted there by the Moon, it follows that we can substitute the expression on the fight-hand side of Equation 2.1 (i.e. GMaMz/R2) for the centrifugal force.
bb I'he fide-producing force at point G (TPF6) is given by the force due to gravitational attraction of the Moon at G (Fgc) minus the centrifugal force at G, i.e.
GMIM2 GM1M2 TP F G = ( R - a )-----7 - - - - - T - - R
Now a is very small compared to R, so ( 2 R - a) can be approximated to 2R, and ( R - a) 2 to R 2, giving the relationship:
TPFc= GM1Mz2a
You may have considered point G as your answer. Certainly, G is nearest to ~:heMoon, and hence is one of the two points where the difference between :he centrifugal force and the gravitational force exerted by the Moon is greatest. However, at point G all the resultant tide-producing force is acting vertically against the pull of the Earth's own gravity, which happens to be about 9 x 106 greater than the fide-producing force. Hence the local effect of -he fide-producing forces at point G is negligible. Similar arguments apply at )oint A, except that the gravitational attraction of the Moon at point A (FgA) :s less than the centrifugal force, and consequently the fide-producing force at A is equal in magnitude to that at G, but directed a w a y from the Moon (Figure 2.3). The points we need to identify are those where the horizontal component of the fide-producing force, i.e. the tractive force, is at a maximum. Such points do not lie directly on a line joining the centres of the Earth and Moon, and so Equation 2.2 becomes slightly more complex. For example, at point P on Figure 2.4(a) the gravitational attraction (Fgp) would be, to a first approximation:
( R - a cos l/t)2
The length a cos ~ is marked on Figure 2.4(a) ( ~ is the Greek letter 'psi'). Equations such as 2.3 can be used to show that the tractive force is greatest at )oints along the small circles defined in Figure 2.4(a), which have nothing to
do with latitude or longitude.
It is the tractive force that causes the water to move, because this horizontal zomponent (by definition parallel to - i.e. tangential to - the Earth's surface at the location concerned) is unopposed by any other lateral force (apart from friction at the sea-bed, which is negligible in this context). The gravitational force due ~o the Earth is much greater than the tractive force but acts at fight angles to it and so has no effect. The longest arrows on Figure 2.4(b) show where on the Earth the tractive forces are at a maximum when the Moon is over the Equator.
Figure 2.4 (a) The effect of the gravitational force of the Moon at three positions on the Earth. The gravitational force is greatest at G (nearest the Moon) and least at A (furthest from the Moon). At P the gravitational force is less than at G, and can be calculated from Equation 2.3. The tide-producing forces are smallest at A and G, but greatest at P, and all other points on the two small circles. The value for the angle for these circles is 54 ~ 41 ". The circles have nothing to do with latitude and longitude. For ~xplanation, see text. ~b) The relative magnitudes of the tractive orces (i.e. of the horizontal components of the :ide-producing forces, shown as purple arrows )n Figure 2.3) at various points on the Earth's ~urface. The Moon is assumed to be directly _~verthe Equator (i.e. at zero declination, see Section 2.1.1). Points A and G correspond to :hose on (a) and in Figure 2.3.
In this simplified case, the tractive forces would result in movement of water towards points A and G on Figure 2.4(b). In other words, an equilibrium state would be reached (called the equilibrium tide), producing an ellipsoid with its two bulges directed towards and away from the Moon. So, paradoxically, although the fide-producing forces are minimal at A and G, those are the points towards which the water would tend to go. Figure 2.5 shows how such an equilibrium tidal ellipsoid would look in the simplified case we have been considering, i.e. a completely water-covered Earth with the Moon directly above the Equator and the distribution of tractive forces as in Figure 2.4(b). If you found Figures 2.3 and 2.4 and related text and equations difficult to follow, here is a shorter explanation of why there are two equilibrium tidal bulges (Figure 2.5). The centrifugal force acts in the same direction all over the Earth, i.e. away from the Moon (Figure 2.3). Moreover, on the side of the Earth away from the Moon, the gravitational attraction due to the Moon is less than it is on the side of the Earth facingthe Moon. The resultant fideproducing force thus acts away from the Moon at points such as A on Figure 2.3. That is why there is a tidal bulge away from the Moon as well as a bulge towards it (Figure 2.5). The mathematics of the relationship is such that theoretically the corresponding tide-producing forces on either side of the Earth are equal and opposite.
Figure 2.5 The equilibrium tidal ellipsoid (not to scale) as it would appear on a water-covered Earth with the Moon directly above the Equator.
In practice, the equilibrium ellipsoid does not develop, partly because the Earth is not of course entirely water-covered, but chiefly because the Earth rotates about its own axis. If the two bulges were to maintain their positions relative to the Moon, they would have to travel around the world at the same rate (but in the opposite direction) as the Earth rotates about its axis. Any point on the Earth's surface would thus encounter two high and two low tides during each complete rotation of the Earth (i.e. each day), as illustrated in Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6 shows both Moon and tidal bulges remaining stationary during a complete rotation of the Earth. That cannot be the case, for the Moon continues to travel in its orbit as the Earth rotates. Because the Moon revolves about the Earth-Moon centre of mass once every 27.3 days, in the same direction as the Earth rotates upon its own axis (which is once every 24 hours), the period of the Earth's rotation with respect to the Moon is 24 hours and 50 minutes. This is the lunar day.
-igure 2.6 Rotation of the Earth within the ]quilibrium tidal bulge (seen from above the ~lorth Pole and not to scale), showing how a )oint on the Earth's surface would experience 9 high tides (1 and 3) and two low tides wo "2 and 4) during each complete rotation of the -arth about its axis.
The interval between successive high (and low) tides would be about 12 hours 25 minutes - and the interval between high and low tide would be close to 6 hours 121 minutes. This is the reason why the times of high tides at many locations are almost an hour later each successive day (Figure 2.7, overleaf). The equilibrium tidal concept also brings out another very important aspect of tidal wave motions.
:igure 2.7 The relationship between a solar day )f 24 hours and a lunar day of 24 hours and 50 ~inutes as seen from above the Earth's North ~ole. Point X on the Earth's surface when the /loon is directly overhead comes back to its 3tarting position 24 hours later. Meanwhile, the /loon has moved on in its orbit, so that point X 1as to rotate further (another 50 minutes' worth) ]efore it is once more directly beneath the /loon. (Diagram not to scale.)
There are two 'peaks' (high tide, 1 and 3 in Figure 2.6) and two 'troughs' (low fide, 2 and 4 in Figure 2.6) for one Earth circumference, which is about 40 000 km. So the wavelength of the bulges in Figures 2.5 and 2.6 is of the order of half the Earth's circumference (~20000 km). Even in the real oceans, tidal wavelengths are many thousands of km, and the average depth of the ocean basins is less than 4 km, i.e. much less than 1/20 of the wavelength (Section 1.2.3). So tidal waves must travel as shallow-water waves, and their speed is governed by Equation 1.4, i.e. the shallower the water the slower they travel. Moreover, just as the height of wind-generated waves increases as they are slowed down on 'feeling' the sea-bed (Section 1.5), so also does tidal range increase as the tidal waves are slowed down over the continental shelf. Tidal ranges are greater and tidal currents are therefore faster in shallow seas and along coasts than in the open oceans (cf. Figures 2.14 and 2.15).
Your answer to Question 2.2 shows that in practice an equilibrium tide cannot occur at low latitudes on E a r t h - though it could in principle do so at high latitudes, where distances round the Earth are much less.
59 The concept of the equilibrium tide was developed by Newton in the seventeenth century, and we have seen that it demonstrates the fundamental periodicity of the tides on a semi-diurnal basis of 12 hours and 25 minutes (Figures 2.6 and 2.7), also that tidal waves must travel as shallow-water waves in the oceans. We can use this concept to explore other aspects of tidal phenomena too, even though the actual tides cannot behave like the equilibrium tide (see Section 2.3) because of the existence of continents.
The relative positions and orientations of the Earth and Moon are not constant, but vary according to a number of interacting cycles. As far as a simple understanding of the fide-generating mechanism is concerned, only two cycles have a significant effect on the lunar tides. 1 The Moon's declination The Moon's orbit is not in the plane of the Earth's Equator, but is inclined to it (Figure 2.8). This means that a line joining the centre of the Earth to that of the Moon makes an angle ranging from zero up to 28.5 ~ on either side of the equatorial plane (see later text). This angle is the declination of the Moon. The result is that, to an observer on Earth, successive paths of the Moon across the sky appear to rise and fall over the 27.3-day period of rotation of the Moon about the Earth (strictly, about the centre of mass of the Earth-Moon system, Figure 2.2), in a similar way to the seasonal variation of the Sun's apparent daily path across the sky over the course of a year (i.e. lower in the sky in winter, higher in the summer, see Figure 2.11).
:igure 2.8 Declination of the Moon results rom the plane of the Moon's orbit being at an ingle to that of the Earth's Equator (shaded). For lumbers, see text. Diagram is not to scale, and :he Moon's orbit is shown as circular for 3implicity (see item 2 overleaf).
At which of the numbered positions of the Moon in its orbit in Figure 2.8 is the declination at a maximum and at which is it zero? What is the time interval between the successive numbered positions on Figure 2.8? Declination is maximum at positions 1 and 3, and zero at positions 2 and 4 when the Moon is overhead at the Equator. The interval between successive numbered positions in Figure 2.8 is close to seven days (27.3/4). Since the maximum lunar declination is 28.5 ~, the Moon can never be seen directly overhead poleward of latitude 28.5 ~ N or 28.5 ~ S. So, for example, in southern Britain at about 50 ~ N, the Moon (like the Sun) is always seen in the southern sky. Conversely, in Tasmania for example, at about 40 ~ S, the Moon (like the Sun) is always seen in the northern sky.
60 When the Moon is at any angle of declination other than zero, the plane of the two tidal bulges will be offset with respect to the Equator, and their effects at a given latitude will be unequal, particularly at mid-latitudes. Hence the heights reached by the semi-diurnal (i.e. twice daily) high tides will show diurnal (i.e. daily) inequalities (Figure 2.9); these will be greatest when the Moon is at maximum declination.
-igure 2.9 The production of unequal tides itropic tides- see text) at mid-latitudes zonsequent upon the Moon's declination. An Jbserver at Y will experience a higher high tide :han an observer at X; 12 hours and 25 minutes ater, their observations will be reversed.
Your answer to Question 2.3 emphasizes the cyclical nature of this diurnal tidal inequality. At maximum declination, the Moon is approximately above one of the Tropics (latitude 23.4 ~ N or S), the diurnal inequality is greatest all over the world, and the tides are known as tropic tides (Moon at positions 1 and 3 on Figure 2.8); whereas at minimum (zero) declination (when the Moon is above the Equator), there is no diurnal inequality anywhere in the world and the tides are called equatorial tides (Moon at positions 2 and 4 on Figure 2.8).
2 The Moon's elliptical orbit The orbit of the Moon around the Earth-Moon centre of mass is not circular but elliptical, and the Earth is not at the centre of the ellipse, but at one of the foci (Figure 2.10). The consequent variation in distance from Earth to Moon results in corresponding variations in the tide-producing forces. When the Moon is closest to Earth, it is said to be in perigee, and the Moon's tide-producing force is increased by up to 20% above the average value. When the Moon is furthest from Earth, it is said to be in apogee, and the fide-producing force is reduced to about 20% below the average value. The difference in the Earth-Moon distance between apogee and perigee is about 13 %, and tidal ranges are .~reater when the Moon is at perigee.
61 The Moon's elliptical orbit itself precesses, i.e. it rotates, as illustrated in Figure 2.10, and it takes 18.6 years to complete a full precessional cycle. In addition, the plane of the lunar orbit makes an angle of 5 ~ with the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun (known as the plane of the ecliptic). The plane of the Earth's Equator is at an angle of 23.4 ~ to the plane of the ecliptic (see Figure 2.11), so the maximum declination of the Moon ranges from 18.4 ~ (23.4 ~ - 5 ~ to 28.4 ~ (23.4 ~ + 5~ during the course of the 18.6-year precession cycle. We shall not go into the details of how these additional complications affect the tides other than to observe briefly that: 1 The 18.6-year period of the precession cycle can be identified in longterm tidal records. 2 The combined effects of the relationships depicted in Figures 2.2 and 2.1C cause small variations in the Earth-Moon period of 27.3 days (Figure 2.2), as well as in the declination cycle (27.2 days) and the perigee-apogeeperigee cycle (27.5 days). 3 The elliptical form of the lunar orbit causes the Moon to travel faster at perigee than at apogee, leading to variations in tidal cycles round the average of 12 hours 25 minutes (or 24 hours 50 minutes).
:igure 2.10 Successive positions of the lunar orbit in the 18.6-year precession cycle seen :rom above the North Pole (not to scale). Note that the sense of rotation of the orbit is 9pposite to that of both the Earth about its axis and of the Moon about the Earth.
We now tum to consideration of the way in which the Sun influences the :ides.
Like the Moon, the Sun also produces tractive forces and two equilibrium tidal bulges. Although enormously greater in mass than the Moon, the Sun is some 360 times further from the Earth, so the magnitude of its tideproducing force is about 0.46 that of the Moon. As we saw in Section 2.1, tide-producing forces vary directly with the mass of the attractingbody, but are inversely proportional to the cube of its distance from Earth. The two solar equilibrium tides produced by the Sun sweep westwards around the globe as the Earth spins towards the east. The solar tide thus has a semidiurnal period of twelve hours. Just as the relative heights of the two semi-diurnal lunar tides are influenced by the Moon's declination, so there are diurnal inequalities in the solarinduced components of the tides because of the Sun's declination. The Sun's declination varies over the seasonal yearly cycle, and ranges up to 23.4 ~ either side of the equatorial plane. This angle of 23.4 ~ is the angle between the plane of the Earth's Equator and the plane of the ecliptic (Section 2.1.1) and is therefore also the tilt of the Earth's axis (Figure 2.11). As in the case of the Moon's orbit round the Earth, the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is elliptical. When the distance between Earth and Sun is at a minimum the Earth is said to be at perihelion; when it is at a maximum, the Earth is said to be at aphelion. However, the difference in Earth-Sun distance between perihelion and aphelion is only about 4%, compared with an approximate 13% difference in Earth-Moon distance between lunar perigee and apogee. Characteristics of the Earth's orbit round the Sun change cyclically over periods of tens of thousands of years, and these will of course affect the tides, but not on time-scales which concern us for the purposes of this Volume.
:igure 2.11 The Earth's elliptical orbit round :he Sun (not to scale), illustrating four monthly )ositions corresponding to the seasonal cycle, at 3ummer and winter solstices, and at spring and autumn equinoxes. The plane of the Earth's -quator makes an angle of 23.4 ~ with the plane )f the ecliptic (plane of Earth's orbit), so the tilt _~fthe Earth's axis is 23.4 ~ and that is why the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are at latitudes 23.4 ~ N and S respectively. The Earth is closest :o the Sun in January and furthest away in July.
n order to understand the interaction between solar and lunar tides, it is lelpful to consider the simplest case, where the declinations of the Sun and Moon are both zero. Figure 2.12 (overleaf)shows these conditions, looking ]own on the Earth from above the North Pole. In Figure 2.12(a) and (c), the fide-generating forces of the Sun and Moon are acting in the same ~lirections, and the solar and lunar equilibrium tides coincide, i.e. they are in ~hase, so that they reinforce each other. The tidal range produced is larger :han the average, i.e. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower. Such :ides are known as spring tides. When spring tides occur, the Sun and Moon are said to be either in conjunction (at new M o o n - Figure 2.12(a)) or in opposition (at full M o o n - Figure 2.12(c)). There is a collective term for L~oth situations: the Moon is said to be in syzygy (pronounced 'sizzijee'). In Figure 2.12(b) and (d), the Sun and Moon act at right angles to each ~ther, the solar and lunar tides are out of phase, and do not reinforce each ~ther. The tidal range is correspondingly smaller than average. These tides are known as neap tides, and the Moon is said to be in quadrature when neap tides occur. Inshore fishermen sometimes refer to spring and neap :ides by the descriptive names of 'long' and 'short' tides respectively. The complete cycle of events in Figure 2.12 takes 29.5 days and the reason why this cycle is different from the Earth-Moon rotation period of 27.3 days (Figure 2.2) can be seen by reference to Figure 2.13(a) (which is analogous to Figure 2.7). It is simply that in the 27.3 days taken by the Moon to make a complete orbit of the Earth, the Earth-Moon system has also been orbiting the Sun. For the Moon to return to the same position relative to both Earth and Sun, it must move further round in its orbit, and that takes an extra 2.2 days or so, Figure 2.13(b) is a summary diagram of the combined motions of Earth and Moon about the Sun. It shows how both the Moon and the centre of the Earth trace out undulating paths as they themselves rotate about their zommon centre (the centre of mass of the Earth-Moon system, Figure 2.2). The diagram also illustrates the 29.5-day spring-neap cycle of Figure 2.12, a period sometimes called the synodic month but more commonly known as the lunar month (i.e. the period between successive new Moons). The 27.3-day period of rotation of the Moon about the Earth-Moon centre of mass is known as the sidereal month.
It is crucial to realize from Figure 2.12 that spring and neap tides must each 3ccur at about the same time all over the world, because the Earth rotates within the tidal bulges (cf. Figure 2.6), which themselves move only in response to orbital motions of Moon and Earth. For the same reason, the tropic and equatorial tides (Section 2.1.1) must also occur at the same times.
Figure 2.13 (a) Diagram (not to scale), illustrating how the Moon (shown here in conjunction) must travel further round its orbit to return to the same position relative to both Earth and Sun, because the Earth has also moved in its orbit relative to the Sun. For simplicity both orbits are portrayed as circular. (b) Summary diagram (not to scale) of combined motions of Earth and Moon about the Sun and about the centre of mass of the Earth-Moon system. For simplicity, orbits are assumed to be circular. Note: synodic month = lunar month (see p. 63).
The regular changes in the declinations of the Sun and Moon, and their cyclical variations in position with respect to the Earth, produce very many harmonic constituents, each of which contributes to the tide at any particular time and place. One interesting situation is the 'highest astronomical fide', i.e. that which would create the greatest possible tideproducing force, with the Earth at perihelion, the Moon in perigee, the Sun and Moon in conjunction and both Sun and Moon at zero declination. Such a rare combination would produce tidal ranges greater than normal, all over the world. For example, at Newlyn, Cornwall, the normal tidal range is about 3.5 m, the mean spring tidal range about 5 m, and the highest astronomical tidal range about 6 m. However, there is no immediate need to sell any seaside property which you may o w n - the next such event is not due until about AD 6580.
When Newton formulated the equilibrium theory of tides in the seventeenth century, he was conscious that it was only a static treatment of the problem and thus only a rough approximation. He was well aware of discrepancies between the predicted equilibrium tides and the observed tides, but did not pursue the matter any further. The equilibrium theory is of limited practical value, even though certain of its predictions are correct, notably that spring and neap tides will occur at new and full Moon (Figure 2.12), that the range of spring tides will typically be two or three times that of neap tides (cf. Figure 2.1), and that tidal inequality is related to declination (Figure 2.9). There are a number of reasons why actual tides do not behave as equilibrium tides. 1 As discussed earlier, the wavelength of tidal waves is long relative to depth in the oceans, so they travel as shallow-water waves (Section 2.1) and as we have seen (Question 2.2) their speed is governed by c = ~/gd (Equation 1.4). The speed of any wave longer than a few km is therefore limited to about 230 m s-1 in the open ocean, less in shallower seas. This is much slower than the linear velocity of the surface of the rotating Earth with respect to the Moon: 448 m s-1 at the Equator (Question 2.2(a)). (In fact, this linear velocity decreases with distance from the Equator: to c. 230 m s-1 at about latitudes 60 ~ N and 60 ~ S, to 78 m s-1 at 80 ~ latitude, and zero at the poles themselves.) 2 In any case, the Earth rotates on its axis far too rapidly for either the inertia of the water masses or the frictional forces at the sea-bed to be overcome fast enough for an equilibrium tide to occur. A time-lag in the oceans' response to the tractive forces is thus inevitable, i.e. there is a tidal lag, such that high tide commonly arrives some hours after the passage of the Moon overhead. Because the linear velocity of the surface of the Earth with respect to the Moon decreases polewards (cf. (1) above), the tidal lag is greatest at low latitudes (c. 6 hours), decreasing to zero at about latitude 65 ~ - but the precise lag is always constant for a particular location. In addition, at most localities, spring tides occur a day or two after both full and new Moon (cf. Figure 2.12), and the time difference (in days) between the meridian (overhead) passage of full or new Moon and the Occurrence of the highest spring high tide is sometimes called the age of the tide. 3 The presence of land masses prevents the tidal bulges from directly circumnavigating the globe, and the shape of the ocean basins constrains the direction of tidal flows. In fact, the only region of the oceans where a westward-moving tidal bulge could travel unimpeded around the world is the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. 4 Except at the Equator, all lateral (horizontal) water movements (including tidal currents) are subject to the Coriolis force, which deflects winds and currents cum sole (literally 'with the Sun'), i.e. to the fight, or clockwise, in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left, or anticlockwise, in the Southern Hemisphere.
67 The dynamic theory of tides was developed during the eighteenth century by scientists and mathematicians such as Bernoulli, Euler and Laplace. They attempted to understand tides by considering ways in which the depths and configurations of the ocean basins, the Coriolis force, inertia, and frictional forces might influence the behaviour of fluids subjected to rhythmic forces resulting from the orbital relationships of Earth, Moon and Sun. As a consequence of the many and varied factors involved, the dynamic theory of tides is intricate, and solutions of the equations are complex. Nevertheless, the dynamic theory has been steadily refined, and computed theoretical tides are very close approximations to the observed tides. The combined constraint of ocean basin geometry and the influence of the Coriolis force (items 2 and 4 on p. 66) results in the development of amphidromic systems, in each of which the crest of the tidal wave at high water circulates around an amphidromic point once during each tidal period (Figures 2.14 and 2.15 overleaf). The tidal range is zero at each amphidromic point, and increases outwards away from it. In each amphidromic system, co-tidal lines can be defined, which link all the points where the tide is at the same stage (or phase) of its cycle. The successive co-tidal lines radiating outwards from the amphidromic point thus indicate the passage of the tidal wave crest around it. Cutting across co-tidal lines, approximately at right angles to them, are :o-range lines, which join places having the same tidal range. Co-range lines form more-or-less concentric circles about the amphidromic point, "epresenting larger and larger tidal ranges the further away they are from it. Figure 2.14 shows the amphidromic systems for the North Sea, and Figure 2.15 shows the computed world-wide amphidromic systems for the _~ominant tidal component resulting from the diurnal influence of the Moon ,~see also Section 2.3.1).
nspection of Figures 2.14 and 2.15 shows that, with a few exceptions, the :idal waves of amphidromic systems tend to rotate anticlockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. At first sight, this pattern of rotation appears to conflict with the principle that the 20riolis force deflects moving fluid masses c u m sole, but we need to bear in hind that the direction of motion of tidal w a v e s is not synonymous with the novement of individual parcels of water.
:igure 2.14 Amphidromic systems around the 3ritish Isles. The figures on the co-tidal lines fred) indicate the time of high water (in hours) after the Moon has passed the Greenwich ~eridian. Blue lines are co-range lines, with :idal range in metres.
Consider the enclosed basin shown in Figure 2.16 (on p. 70). The 'bent' arrows in Figure 2.16(a) show how water moving in response to the flooding tide, i.e. in the tidal currents, is deflected to the fight by the Coriolis force (the basin is in the Northem Hemisphere), and the water is piled up on the eastem side. Conversely, when the tide ebbs, the water becomes piled up on the western side (Figure 2.16(b)). Hence, because the tidal wave is constrained by land masses, an anticlockwise amphidromic system is set up (Figure 2.16(c) and (d)). It is also very important to remember that tidal waves behave as shallowwater waves, so their orbital motions are flattened like those in Figure 1.8(d). Tidal currents are the horizontal water movements that accompany the rise and fall of the tides as the tidal wave form rotates about the amphidromic point, and of course tidal currents change direction during the tidal cycle (see Section 2.4.1).
Figure 2.15 Computer-generated diagram of world-wide amphidromic systems for the dominant semi-diurnal lunar tidal component M2 (see Table 2:1 on p. 71). Blue lines are co-range lines and red lines are co-tidal lines.
The main exceptions to the general pattern of rotation of tidal waves round amphidromic points shown on Figure 2.15 are amphidromic systems less obviously constrained by land masses, e.g. in the South Atlantic (centred on 20 ~ S, 15 ~ W), mid-Pacific (centred on 20 ~ S, 130 ~ W), and North Pacific (centred on 25 ~ N, 155 ~ W); or in certain cases where the amphidromic system rotates about an island, e.g. Madagascar.
Tidal waves in amphidromic systems are a type of Kelvin wave, in which the amplitude is greatest near coasts (Figure 2.16). Kelvin waves occur where the deflection caused by the Coriolis force is either constrained (as at coasts) or is zero (as at the Equator).
Figure 2.16 The development of an amphidromic system. The hypothetical basin shown is in the Northern Hemisphere. Note: In (a) and (b), the 'bent' arrows show how the Coriolis force deflects the moving water, 'piling it up' against the sides of the basin. (a) Flood tide. Water is deflected by the Coriolis force to the right, i.e. towards the east. (b) Ebb tide. Returning water is deflected by the Coriolis force to the right, i.e. towards the west. (c) An anticlockwise amphidromic system is established. Times, t, are in twelfth parts of the tidal period, T (= 12 hr 25 rain.). (d) The tidal wave travels anticlockwise. Numbers on co-tidal lines correspond to values of tin (c).
The harmonic method is the practical application of the dynamic theory of tides and is the most usual and satisfactory method for the prediction of tidal heights. It makes use of the knowledge that the observed tide is the sum of a number of harmonic constituents or partial tides, each of whose periods precisely corresponds with the period of some component of the relative astronomical motions between Earth, Sun and Moon. For any coastal location, each partial tide has a particular amplitude and phase. In this context, phase means the fraction of the partial tidal cycle that has been completed at a given reference time. It depends upon the period of the tideproducing force concerned, and upon the lag (Section 2.3) of the partial tide for that particular location.
71 The basic concept is analogous to that illustrated in Figure 1.9, though with a great many more component wave motions (partial tides). The wave form that represents the actual tide at a particular place (e.g. Figure 2.1) is the resultant or sum of all of the partial tides at that place. An example using just two partial tides is illustrated in Figure 2.17: the combination of a diurnal and a semi-diurnal component produces two unequal high tides (H and h) and two unequal low tides (L and 1) each day, and the time interval between the higher low tide (1) and the lower high tide (h) is significantly shorter than that between H and 1 or L and h. Tides like these, characterized by high and low tides of unequal height, are known as mixed tides, and are common, for example, along the Pacific coast of North America (see also Figure 2.18).
Figure 2.17 Mixed tide (purple) produced by the combination of a diurnal (red) and a semidiurnal (light blue) partial tidal constituent. H and h = high tides; L and I= low tides. For simplicity, the semi-diurnal period is shown as 12 hr, whereas the M2 period is 12 hr 25 rnin.
In order to make accurate tidal predictions for a location such as a seaport, the amplitude and phase for each partial tide that contributes to the actual tide must first be determined from analysis of the observed tides. This requires a record of measured tidal heights obtained over a time that is long compared with the periods of the partial tides concerned. As many as 390 harmonic constituents have been identified. Table 2.1 shows the nine most important of these: four semi-diurnal, three diurnal and two longer-period constituents. Table 2.1 Some principal tidal constituents. The coefficient ratio (column 4) is the ratio of the amplitude of the tidal component to that of M2. Name of tidal component Symbol Period in solar hours Coefficient ratio (1142=lO0) 100 46.6 19.2 12.7 58.4 41.5 19.4 17.2 9.1
Principal lunar Principal solar Larger lunar elliptic Luni-solar M2 $2 N2 K2 K1 O1 P1 Me Mm 12.42 12.00 12.66 11.97 23.93 25.82 24.07 327.86 661.30
Luni-solar Principal lunar Principal solar
Longer period:
Lunar fortnightly Lunar monthly
72 Semi-diurnal partial tides result from tide-producing forces that are symmetrically distributed over the Earth's surface with respect to the Sun and Moon, as illustrated in Figures 2.3 and 2.4. M2 and $2 are the most important ones, because they control the spring-neap cycle (Figure 2.12). The last column of Table 2.1 shows that $2 has only 46.6 per cent of the amplitude of M2, because although the Sun is much more massive than the Moon it is also much further away (Section 2.2). Diurnal tides are principally a consequence of lunar and solar declination (Figures 2.8 and 2.11), and relate to the diurnal inequalities described on p.60. Thus, on Figure 2.9 there is a high diurnal tide at point Y and a low diurnal tide at point X. Half a day later, the diurnal tide will be high at X and low at Y, as the Earth rotates within the equilibrium tidal bulge. The tidal range at both X and Y will be lowest when the Moon is at zero declination. However, at locations where the semi-diurnal influence is minimal (p.73), only diurnal tides occur (see Figure 2.18(a), p.74) and tidal ranges are smallest when lunar declination is zero.* Before moving on, it is worth noting some regularities among other constituents in Table 2.1. The luni-solar diurnal partial tide, K1, has twice the period of its semi-diurnal counterpart K2, but has much greater amplitude, while the average of K1 and P1 is exactly 24 hours. Small departures of the periods of some semi-diurnal and diurnal constituents (e.g. N2, P1) from a simple relationship with those of M2 and $2 result mainly from complications related to the orbits of Moon and Earth (Figures 2.10 and 2.11). With regard to the longer cycles listed in Table 2.1, the lunar fortnightly period (Me) w o r k s o u t to 13.66 days, almost exactly half the 27.3-day period of the Moon's rotation about the Earth-Moon centre of mass; while the lunar monthly period (Mm) is very close to the perigee-apogee cycle of 27.5 days mentioned in relation to Figure 2.10. There are of course still longer cycles, an obvious example beingthe 18.6year period related to precession of the lunar orbit (Figure 2.10); and there are shorter-period constituents as well (see Section 2.4). Even using the few major constituents in Table 2.1, analysis of tidal records and production of fide-tables for a port for an entire year used to be a very time-consuming activity. In the early years of harmonic analysis, they were computed by hand. The first machine to do the job was invented by Lord Kelvin in 1872. Electronic computers are admirably suited to this repetitive procedure, and fide-tables for individual ports all over the world now take little time to prepare. The precision achieved by radar altimeters (Section 1.7.1) is such that tidal ranges in the deep oceans can be determined using information on tidal amplitude and phase extracted from the satellite data. Results are in good agreement with predicted values, and are nowadays supplemented by tidal data from the deep-sea pressure gauges mentioned in Section 1.7, placed at strategic locations in the oceans, far from land.
*The period between high and low 'lunar' diurnal tides is much shorter than that between high and low 'solar' diurnal tides. That is because the Moon's declination changes from zero to maximum and back every two weeks or so (Figure 2.8), whereas the same change in solar declination takes about six months (Figure 2.11).
Having examined the theory, let us see how the actual tides behave in different places. Every partial tide has its own set of amphidromic systems, and their amphidromic points do not necessarily coincide.
It would be predominantly diumal. The tidal range increases with distance from the amphidromic point (Figure 2.16), so in this case, the tidal range due to the semi-diumal constituents would be small relative to that due to the diurnal constituents. Tides can in fact be classified according to the ratio (F) of the sum of the amplitudes of the two main diumal constituents (K1 and O1) to the sum of the amplitudes of the two main semi-diumal constituents (M2 and $2). Some examples are illustrated in Figure 2.18.
Figure 2.18 shows only a selection of the many possible types of tides that can occur. The actual tides at any particular location result principally from the combination of amplitude and phase of the diurnal and semi-diurnal constituents (Table 2.1) at that location. A high value of F (say above 3.0) implies a diurnal tidal cycle, i.e. only one high tide occurs daily, and fluctuations in tidal range are largely due to changes in the Moon's declination (Figure 2.9). Low values of F (say less than 0.25) imply a semidiurnal tide, and the fluctuations in tidal range are mainly due to the relative positions of Sun and Moon, giving the spring-neap variation (Figure 2.12), and variations in lunar declination have only a relatively small effect.* Between these two extremes are the mixed tidal types, where daily inequalities are important, and there can be considerable variations in the amplitudes of, and time intervals between, successive high tides. The middle two tidal records in Figure 2.18(a) show diurnal inequalities where typical 'large tides' alternate with 'half-tides' (cf. Figure 2.17), and there is an additional contribution to the diurnal inequality resulting from the changing declination of the Moon, i.e. the change from tropic to equatorial tides and back again (Section 2.1.1). For example, the transition between tropic and equatorial tides can be seen at around days 6-9 and 19-22 in the record for San Francisco (Figure 2.18(a)), as lunar declination passes through zero. However, changes in the Moon's declination have less effect at higher latitudes, and diurnal inequalities are therefore not an obvious feature of tides around Britain, for example. The configuration of an ocean basin determines its natural resonant period (Section 1.6.4), and along open ocean coasts the type of tide (Figure 2.18(a)) depends upon whether the adjacent ocean responds more readily to diurnal or semi-diurnal constituents of the tide-producing forces. In the Atlantic Ocean and most of the Indian Ocean, the response is mainly semidiurnal, though the natural period of the Gulf of Mexico appears to be about 24 hours, and diurnal tides predominate there. In the Pacific Ocean, the diurnal response is more significant and tides are usually of the mixed type, though they are predominantly diurnal in northern and some western parts of the Pacific (cf. Figure 2.18(a)).
*With increasing values of F (signifying greater influence of diurnal constituents) the time interval between maximum (or minimum) tidal ranges decreases from about 15 days (approximately half of 29.5 days) to about 13.5 days (approximately half of 27.3 days).
Figure 2.18 (a) Examples of different types of tidal curves, in England, the USA, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Note that the vertical scales are not the same in each record. For full explanation, see text. (b) The tidal measuring station at Cascais harbour, Portugal, in use since the late 19th century, is one of the longest-serving stations in the European tidal gauge network. The recorder is at the top of a 'stilling' well which dampens the oscillations of swell and other wind waves entering the harbour.
75 It is worth mentioning here that, at any particular location, the highest and lowest spring tides will occur at the same times of day (~6 hr 25 min. apart). That is because the alternation of spring and neap tides is determined by the Sun (Figure 2.12) and the period of the $2 constituent is 24 hr (Table 2.1). As you might expect, a similar relationship applies to neap tides. The feeding and reproductive behaviour of many marine animals, especially those living in nearshore and shallow shelf waters, is 'tuned' to tidal cycles, notably the 29.5-day lunar or synodic month (the spring-neap period, Section 2.2.1)- see also Section 2.4.1. In shallow water, local effects can modify tidal constituents such as Me, particularly by producing harmonics whose frequencies are simple multiples of the frequency of the constituent concemed. These harmonics result from frictional interactions between the sea-bed and the ebb and flow of the tide especially in shallow waters. For example, the quarter-diurnal constituent M4 (twice the frequency of M2) and the one-sixth-diurnal constituent M 6 (three times the frequency of M2) are generated in addition to the semi-diurnal constituents. In most locations, the effect of these two harmonics is insignificant compared with the principal constituents, but along the Dorset and Hampshire coasts of the English Channel each has a larger amplitude than usual. Moreover, the two harmonics are in phase, and their combined amplitude is significant when compared to that of M2. (Just west of the Isle of Wight, M2 is about 0.5 m, M4 about 0.15 m, and M6 about 0.2 m.) The additive effect of all three constituents causes the double high waters at Southampton and the double low waters at Portland. However, there is no truth in the popular myth that double high water at Southampton is caused by the tide flooding at different times around either end of the Isle of Wight. The Mediterranean and other enclosed seas (e.g. Black Sea, Baltic Sea) have small tidal ranges of about 0.5 m or less, because they are connected to the ocean basins only by narrow straits. The tidal waves of the major amphidromic systems (Figure 2.15) cannot themselves freely propagate through these restricted openings. However, interaction between Atlantic tides and the shallow-water shelf region near Gibraltar for example, results in the generation of internal waves, which do propagate into the Mediterranean (Figure 1.23(b)) - and the internal waves seen in Figure 1.23(a) in the South China Sea may have a similar cause. By contrast, it is unlikely that similar packets of internal waves would occur where the Bosphorus connects to the Black Sea because the tidal range in the adjacent Mediterranean is negligible.
We saw at the end of Section 2.1 that tidal range and tidal currents increase as tidal waves are slowed in shallow water (Equation 1.4), and on continental shelves tidal currents typically reach speeds of 1 to 2 knots (0.5 to 1 m s-l). Tidal currents of necessity have the same periodicities as the vertical tidal oscillations, and in restricted channels (e.g. estuaries) they flow in one direction for one half of the tidal cycle and in the opposite direction for the other half of the cycle. Such back and forth motions are the principal reason why tides are not very good at flushing away pollutants: what you discard or discharge on the falling tide may come back to you when the tide rises again (see also Section 2.4.3). In wide bays and estuaries and in the open sea, however, the Coriolis force causes the currents to constantly change direction so that the water particles tend to follow a more-or-less elliptical path rather than having a simple to-and-fro motion.
Figure 2.19 A variety of tidal ellipses. Each shows the change in direction and speed of current at one location (i.e. notthe path of a water particle). (a) Representation of a linear ebb-flow-ebb tidal current system. (b) A more typical tidal ellipse, showing changing directions of tidal current during a cq tidal cycle. In both (a) and (b), arrows represent current speed and direction, and length is proportional to current velocity at the relevant time. Numbers refer to lunar hours (62 measured after an arbitrary starting time in the cycle. (c) Three irregular and asymmetrical tidal ellipses in Lyme Bay, from current meter meas averaged over a lunar month in summer. Arrows represent current speed and direction, ar numbers show time in hours either side (+/-) of predicted high water (HW) at Devonport, I
Tidal current patterns can be conveniently represented by diagrams in the direction and speed of current flows, measured at specific locations intervals throughout the tidal cycle, are recorded by arrows of appropria length plotted from a common origin, i.e. vector arrows. Figure 2.19(a) a simple to-and-fro motion, with tidal currents flowing NNW througho~ of the tidal cycle, and SSE during the other half. The arrows at each into are of different lengths because the currents wax and wane with the tida and flow. In Figure 2.19(b), the currents display the more usual elliptica pattern, increasing in speed as they swing from WNW to NNW, decrea, again as they swing back to ESE, and then speeding up again in southe~ directions, before completing the cycle. The sense of rotation of tidal e] may be either clockwise or anficlockwise, but rotations cure sole tend t~ favoured if there are no constraining land masses. Figure 2.19(c) shows three typically irregular asymmetrical tidal ellips~ drawn from current meter measurements made in Lyme Bay, off south-'
77 England. The dominant tidal flows are generally between north-east and south-west, modified off the mouth of the Teign estuary by an easterly component resulting from the flow of the fiver (see also Chapter 6). On continental shelves and in shallow seas generally, it is usual for the tidal ellipses (Figure 2.19) to be asymmetrical, because the peak ebb and flow tidal currents tend to be unequal, i.e. complete reversals of tidal current flow are rare. Part of the reason for this is the interaction between tidal constituents of different periods. Figure 2.20 shows such an interaction, between the larger semi-diurnal M2 constituent and the smaller quarter-diurnal M 4 constituent (Section 2.4). In this example, the two constituents are in phase such that the flood tidal current is strengthened because the two 'crests' coincide, while the ebb tidal current is weakened because the 'trough' of M2 coincides with the 'crest' of M4. Asymmetry and/or distortion of the tidal ellipse also occurs if a persistent current is superimposed on the tidal flow, for example the ellipse off the Teign estuary in Figure 2.19(c). The patterns of tidal current flow in shelf seas are additionally modified by factors such as the shape of coastlines, bottom topography, and local weather conditions, as well as fronts (see Figure 2.22). All of these can reinforce the effect illustrated in Figure 2.20 and further contribute to distortion and asymmetry of the idealized tidal ellipses (Figure 2.19). The result is that there are residual currents, long-term net movements of water in fairly well-defined directions. Residual currents can be of considerable significance for the movement of sediments (see Chapter 4), though their speeds are typically only a few cm s-1. The effect of the sea-bed upon tidal current velocity in shallow water is illustrated in Figure 2.21, which shows a series of current velocity profiles during a tidal cycle. Retardation of the flow towards the bottom of the profile is a consequence of friction with the sea-bed which produces vertical current shear, i.e. change of current velocity with height above the bed. Tidal ellipses at the surface and near the bed are often out of phase, so that the surface and near-bed currents turn (from flood to ebb or vice versa) at different times. The result of such a 'phase difference' is particularly clear in the velocity profile for hour 3 in Figure 2.21. The turbulence resulting from friction with the sea-bed causes vertical mixing of the water column, which can extend to the surface in areas where the water is shallow and/or where the tidal current is strong enough. In other areas, where tidal currents are weaker and/or the water is deeper, less mixing occurs, and stratification, with layers of different densities, can develop when surface waters are warmed in summer. The inclined boundaries or fronts between contrasting areas of mixed and of stratified waters typically have gradients of between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 and are often sharply defined, with rnarked differences in water density on either side of the front (Figure 2.22). Density must increase downwards in both stratified and unstratified waters, but the average density on the stratified side of the front is less than that of the mixed water column on the other side. Turbulent mixing of surface waters by winds will break down upper layers of the stratification and will reinforce mixing by tidal currents on the other side. During winter in mid- and high latitudes, cooling and mixing by strong winds breaks down the stratification completely, causing the fronts to disappear. Fronts are generally zones of convergence of surface water and are often visible as lines of froth and/or floating debris. They are also generally regions of elevated nutrient concentrations and hence of high biological production.
Figure 2.20 The combination of the semidiurnal M2 and quarter-diurnal M4 tidal constituents. When the semi-diurnal M2 (blue) and the quarter-diurnal M4 (red) tidal constituents are in phase, the flood tide is strengthened and the ebb tide is weakened (purple curve, lower picture).
Figure 2.21 A series of tidal current velocity profiles, showing vertical current shear due to retardation of the flow close to the sea-bed. The numbers refer to time in lunar hours after an arbitrary starting time, and only half a tidal cycle is shown. Note that at hour 3 water at the surface is moving in one direction while water near the bed is moving in the other.
Figure 2.22 (a) Diagrammatic section (with greatly exaggerated vertical scale) through a tidal front between stratified and tidally mixed waters in a shallow sea (such as the North Sea). Note that fronts are typically zones of transition rather than sharp boundaries. (b) Satellite image of sea-surface temperature in the North Sea in June 1996, showing the Flamborough Head Front at about 54 ~ 30'N as a wavy boundary zone between well-mixed cooler water (<10 ~ to the south, and warmed stratified water (surface >11 ~ to the north. (The colour scale has been chosen to show the position of the front as clearly as possible.) The front tends to disappear in winter, when winds are strong.
79 Tidal waves are progressive waves (Section 1.1.1), so we would expect tidal currents to be strongest at high and low tides, i.e. as the crest and trough of the tidal wave pass through. This is the case in the open ocean and along straight coastlines where cliffs enter relatively deep offshore waters (though there is some frictional retardation, leading to lateral current shear, and tidal currents close to shore are in general slower). Where coastlines are irregular, with bays and estuaries and/or there is a shelving sea-bed and relatively shallow offshore waters, tidal waves entering the bays and estuaries can be envisaged as being somewhat analogous to the long low swell waves that slide gently up beaches, often without breaking (cf. Figure 1.18(d)) - though of course on a time-scale of hours rather than seconds or minutes. In these circumstances, as anyone who has observed a tidal estuary can testify, tidal currents are minimal at both high and low water; i.e. there is slack water at those times (the 'turn of the tide'), and tidal currents tend to be strongest at around mid-tide during both ebb and flow phases. Tidal currents in shallow seas are utilized by some bottom-dwelling (demersal) fish populations to save energy while migrating between their feeding and spawning grounds- a good example is afforded by plaice in the North Sea. When the tide is running in the required direction, the fishes swim with the current a few metres above the bottom. At slack water, they descend to the sea-bed and remain there during the other half of the tidal cycle (while the tidal currents flow in the opposite direction), ascending into the water column when the tide runs favourably once more. This selective tidal stream transport, as it is known, has been well documented for several decades, both by electronic tagging of fishes and by trawl catches at different tidal states. In some larger embayments, reflection of the progressive tidal wave entering the basin will result in a standing wave being established if the basin is of appropriate length (Section 1.6.4). Under these circumstances, the tidal wave is reflected back to the entrance of the basin to coincide with the arrival of the next tidal wave. The result is to increase the amplitude of the tidal wave, and tidal ranges in such embayments can be very large. The length (270 km) and average depth (60 m) of the elongate Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, give it a natural resonant period almost exactly that of the semi-diurnal tide. As a result, there is a strong resonant oscillation, a tidal range of some 15 m at the head of the bay, and strong tidal currents, especially during mid-tide (cf. Figure 1.20(c) and (d)).
In the larger North Sea, the tidal oscillations are partly determined by the dimensions of the North Sea basin (which has a natural resonant period of about 40 hours, cf. Equation 1.18), and partly by the progressive semidiurnal tides entering from the Atlantic (Figure 2.14). As a result, a standing wave with three nodes tends to develop in the North Sea. However, as the basin is large enough for the water to be deflected by the Coriolis force, the nodes of the three standing waves have become the amphidromic points of Figure 2.14. As a result, the progress of the tidal waves around the amphidromic points in the North Sea resembles that in Figure 2.16(d).
80 Some British bays and estuaries have relatively large tidal ranges (see Figure 2.24 on p. 83), often because of resonance. In the Wash, for example, the range is nearly 7 m. In the Bristol Channel it is about 12 m, which is very large. Here, resonance is reinforced by the funnelling effect as the tidal wave travels up the narrowing Severn estuary- its crest length shortens and its height increases, cf. Equation 1.15, Section 1.5.1. Resonance is also possible on continental shelves open to the ocean (i.e. not enclosed, like the North Sea). The continental shelf bordering most continental regions is overlain by water rarely more than 200 m deep, and it extends to the shelf break, the edge of the shelf, which is effectively the top of the continental slope, where water depths increase relatively rapidly (see Chapter 3). Resonance is theoretically possible where the shelf width (the distance from the coast to the shelf break) is about one-quarter of the tidal wavelength (or simple multiples thereof, e.g. 3/4, 5/4). The relationship is identical to that shown in Figure 1.20(c), where 'basin length' = continental shelf width, and there is a node at the shelf break. In water depths of about 100 m, the tidal wavelength for M2 (the principal lunar semi-diurnal component, Table 2.1) is about 1400 km. A shelf width of some 350km is thus required for resonance to occur, and most continental shelves are narrower than this. Nonetheless, the wider the shelf, the more closely the conditions approach those required for resonance, and there is a rough correlation between shelf width and nearshore tidal range. Increased tidal range means increased tidal current speeds. For example, mean near-surface spring tidal current speeds around the British Isles exceed 1.5 m s-1 in places. Strong tidal currents can be produced where the flow is constrained by the presence of islands, narrow straits or headlands. This is because of the requirement for continuity, i.e. volumes of water flowing into and out of a given space per unit time must be equal. If a current is forced to become narrower, it will speed up (a shoaling sea-floor can have a similar effect). Where the Cherbourg peninsula of north-west France reaches out towards the Channel Island of Alderney, spring tides can routinely generate currents of 10 knots (c. 5 ms -1) and interaction between tidal currents and other currents can result in confused seas - even white-capping - on an otherwise calm day. The sea off the tip of Portland Bill, Dorset, can present similar problems. Such areas are marked on navigational charts as 'overfalls', and are particularly to be avoided when waves are steepened by opposition to such tidal currents. Currents associated with tidal flows include so-called 'hydraulic currents'. Water tends to 'pile up' at the entrances to narrow straits, leading to a downward slope of the sea-surface in the direction of flow. This slope causes a horizontal pressure gradient along the strait, generating a 'hydraulic' component of the current. The tidal currents causing the legendary Lofoten Maelstrom off the northern coast of Norway, for example, are probably enhanced by hydraulic pressure gradients along channels between the Lofoten Islands. Renowned for centuries in Scandinavian folk lore, the Maelstrom gained world-wide notoriety for dangerous currents and whirlpools through the stories of Edgar Allan Poe (Descent into the Maelstrom, 1841) and Jules Verne (20 000 Leagues under the Sea, 1869). Sadly, as is often the case, reality does not quite live up to the legend. The tidal currents have been said to run at speeds of 5 or 6 m s-1. Although there are no current meter records against which to check these estimates, speeds nearer to 3 m s-1 are considered more likely by modem observers. Eddies and zones of lateral current shear appear on satellite images of the area, and the Maelstrom of legend could be a fictional amalgam of such eddies, especially as the tidal currents have long been known to rotate during the tidal cycle.
An additional complication in the prediction of tidal heights is that meteorological conditions can considerably change the height of a particular tide, and the time at which it occurs. The wind can hold back the tide, or push it along, and changes in atmospheric pressure can also affect the water level.
Thus, not only wind changes but changes in atmospheric pressure can cause the actual water level to be very different from the predicted value, especially during storms. The combined effects of wind and low atmospheric pressure can lead to exceptionally high tides, termed positive storm surges, which threaten low-lying coastal regions with the prospect of flooding. On the other hand, abnormally low tides, termed negative storm surges, may occur during periods of high atmospheric pressure, especially if there are strong offshore winds. Although less common, these surges can cause problems in shallow seas for large ships such as supertankers which have a relatively deep draught. The most catastrophic positive surges are those caused by tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes) or by severe depressions in temperate latitudes. One of the worst in recent history struck the north coast of the Bay of Bengal in 1970, killing 250 000 people; a subsequent surge in 1985 caused the loss of 20 000 lives. The well-documented North Sea storm surge of 1953 led to sea-levels locally up to 3 m above normal and caused 1800 deaths in Holland and 300 in England. In this case (as with most positive surges), high spring tides, strong onshore winds and very low barometric pressure all combined to produce an abnormal rise in local sea-level. In 1986, more than 30 years after this disaster, a barrier 8 km long was built across the eastern Scheldt, completing the final stage of the Delta Project which is intended to protect the Netherlands from another such flood catastrophe. The Thames Barrage provides similar protection for the lowlying areas in and around London. Early warning of storm surges is now routine in many parts of the world (including eastern England and vulnerable parts of the Indian sub-continent), because accurate meteorological and tidal data have become more readily available, and forecasting is aided by satellite tracking of storms as well as by computermodelling of past surges. Britain's storm-surge warning service is based at the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory at Bidston on Merseyside, where the nation's tide-tables are also compiled. Storm surges in the North Sea can, in theory, add as much as 4 m to the normal tidal height, but fortunately most storm surges (of which there are, on average, about five per year) increase high tide levels by only about 0.5 to 1 m. They are usually associated with eastward-moving depressions, and follow a three-phase pattern: 1 The first signs are evident as a relatively small positive storm surge in the North Atlantic, with water being displaced by south-westerly winds to the north-east Atlantic.
82 2 At the same time as the events in (1), a negative surge is experienced on the east coast of Britain as the south-westerly winds displace water to the north-east corner of the North Sea. This negative surge travels southwards down the east coast and swings eastward across the southern part of the North Sea, following the amphidromic system shown in Figure 2.14. 3 As the depression moves across Britain and out over the North Sea, the wind veers (i.e. swings in a clockwise direction) to blow from the northwest. The next high fide, by now travelling southwards down the North Sea, is thus reinforced not only by the wind but by the Atlantic surge referred to in (1) above, which by this time is displacing water into the northern part of the North Sea. This large positive surge travels down the east coast of Britain, and reaches a maximum in the south-western corner of the North Sea. The problem is compounded partly by the funnelling effect imposed by the basin shape (cf. Equation 1.15), and partly by the 'piling up' of water onshore because of the Coriolis force (Section 2.3): water being driven southwards by the strong winds is deflected to the fight, towards the east coast of England. In addition, the arrival of the surge may coincide with the arrival of the low pressure area in the centre of the depression, thus increasing local sea-level still further. Storms occur every winter and you might wonder why floods caused by storm surges are not more common. The answer is that severe flooding will only happen when low pressure and strong onshore winds coincide with a high spring t i d e - a storm surge at low tide can be considered a non-event.
Sea-levels have risen since the last glacial period, and many river valleys have become inundated by the sea, forming tidal estuaries or rias. Tidal waves propagate up the estuaries, the speed of travel depending upon the water depth (Equation 1.4). Hence the wave crest (high water) will travel faster than the wave trough (low water). As a result, there is an asymmetry in the tidal cycle, with a relatively long time interval between high water and the succeeding low water, and a shorter interval between low water and the next high tide (Figure 2.23). The maximum speeds of the tidal currents in estuaries may not always be in phase with the tidal crests and troughs. Thus, at the estuary mouth, the tide may behave as a progressive wave and the maximum speed of the flooding tide will coincide with high water; whereas further up-fiver, the tide may behave as a standing wave and high tide will be a time of slack water (i.e. zero current). However, the ebb current will invariably persist for longer than the flood, partly as a result of the asymmetry of the estuarine tidal cycle referred to above (Figure 2.23), and partly because the freshwater discharge into the fiver results in a net seaward discharge of water - so ebb tidal currents in estuaries can actually be stronger than flood tidal currents, despite the tidal asymmetry. Many towns and cities sited near such estuaries rely upon this net seaward flow to carry away sewage, a strategy which has sometimes only mixed success (cf. beginning of Section 2.4.1). In some tidal rivers, where either the river channel narrows markedly, or the gradient of the river bed steepens, the tidal range can be increased and a tidal bore may develop. The formation of tidal bores has features in common with the propagation of waves against a counter-current (Section
Figure 2.23 A tidal curve for the Hudson River estuary near Albany, New York, showing a typical estuarine tide with peaks tending to catch up with the preceding trough. Numbers on the horizontal axis are time in hours.
83 1.6.1). The rising tide may force the tidal wave-front to move faster than a shallow-water wave can freely propagate into water of that depth, according to Equation 1.4 (cf. Section 2.3, item 1). When this happens, a shock wave is formed, analogous to the 'sonic boom' that occurs when a pressure disturbance is forced to travel faster than the speed of sound. The tidal bore propagates as a solitary wave with a steep leading edge, moving upstream as a rolling wall of water. Most tidal bores are relatively small, of the order of 0.5 m high, but some can be up to ten times that height. The Severn River bore in England reaches heights of 1-2 m on spring tides, whereas the Amazon bore (the pororoca) reaches about 5 m, and moves upstream at about 6 m s-1 (12 knots). Other rivers where bores develop include the Colorado, Trent, Elbe, Yangtze and the Pefitcodiac, which flows into the Bay of Fundy, notable for its large tidal range (Section 2.4.1).
Power can be generated by holding incoming and outgoing tides behind a dam, using the head of water so produced to drive turbines for electricity generation. The tidal range determines the potential energy available at any locality, and on average must exceed 5 m for electricity generation to be economic. Suitable locations are limited to those where such tidal ranges exist and where dams can feasibly be built (Figure 2.24).
Figure 2.24 Tidal range (in metres), and the sites of actual (La Rance) and potential tidalpower barrages.
84 One such site is the Rance estuary in Brittany (Figure 2.25), operating since 1966. A much larger scheme for Britain's Severn estuary has been proposed and discussed many times. Although such a scheme would produce an appreciable proportion (in the order of 6%) of Britain's electrical power requirements, dam construction would dramatically affect the patterns of currents and sediment movements, and ecological disturbance would be inevitable- all factors to be considered whenever schemes of this kind are planned. It has also been proposed that the reversing flows of strong tidal currents in narrow straits and channels could be harnessed simply by installing turbines in the water. One location where this has been investigated is among the Orkney and Shetland Islands off northern Scotland, where tidal currents commonly exceed 2 m s-1. The idea is simple enough in principle, but the practical problems are considerable.
Figure 2.25 (a) The location of La Rance tidal power station. It has been producing about 550 106 kWh annually since 1966. (b) An aerial view of La Rance.
1 Tides are long-period waves, generated by gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and Sun upon the oceans. They behave as shallow-water waves because of their very long wavelengths. Tidal currents are the horizontal water movements corresponding to the rise and fall (flood and ebb) of the tide. 2 A centrifugal force, directed away from the Moon, results from the Earth's (eccentric) rotation (period 27.3 days) around the Earth-Moon centre of mass, which is within the Earth. This centrifugal force is exactly balanced in total by the gravitational force exerted on the Earth by the Moon. However, gravitational force exceeds centrifugal force on the 'Moon-side' of Earth, resulting in tide-producing forces directed towards the Moon, whereas on the other side of the Earth centrifugal force exceeds gravitational force, resulting in tide-producing forces directed away from the Moon. 3 Tractive forces (horizontal components of tide-producing forces) are maximal on two small circles either side of the Earth, and produce two (theoretical) equilibrium tidal b u l g e s - one directed towards the Moon, and the other directed away from it. As the Earth rotates with respect to the Moon (with a period of 24 hours 50 minutes), the equilibrium tidal bulges would need to travel in the opposite direction (relative to the surface of the rotating Earth) in order to maintain their positions relative to the Moon. The elliptical orbit of the Moon about the Earth causes variation in the tideproducing forces of up to 20% from the mean value. 4 With the Moon overhead at the Equator, the equilibrium tidal bulges would be in the same plane as the Equator, and at all points the two bulges would theoretically cause two equal high tides daily (equatorial tides). The Moon has a declination of up to 28.5 ~ either side of the Equator, and when the plane of the tidal bulges is offset with respect to the Equator, there are two unequal, or tropic, tides daily. The declination varies over a 27.2-day cycle. 5 The Sun also produces tides which show inequalities related to the Sun's declination (up to 23.4 ~ either side of the Equator), and vary in magnitude due to the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The Sun's fide-producing force has about 46% of the strength of the Moon's. Solar tides combine with and interact with lunar tides. When Sun and Moon are in syzygy, the effect is additive, giving large-ranging spring tides; but when Sun and Moon are in quadrature, tidal ranges are small (neap tides). The full cycle (a lunar month), includes two neaps and two springs, and takes 29.5 days. 6 Tidal speed is limited to about 230 m s-1 in the open oceans (less in shallower seas), and land masses constrain tidal flow. Water masses h a v e inertia and experience friction with coasts and the sea-bed, so they do not respond instantaneously to tractive forces. The Coriolis force, and constraining effects of land masses, combine to impose amphidromic systems upon tides. High tidal crests circulate (as Kelvin waves) around amphidromic points which show no change in tidal level, i.e. tidal range increases with distance from an amphidromic point. Amphidromic systems tend to rotate in the opposite direction to the deflection caused by the Coriolis force.
86 7 The actual tide is made up of many constituents (partial tides), each corresponding to the period of a particular astronomical motion involving Earth, Sun or Moon. Partial tides can be determined from tidal measurements made over a long time at individual locations, and the results used to compute furore tides. Actual tides are classified by the ratio (F) of the summed amplitudes of the two main diurnal constituents to the summed amplitudes of the two main semi-diurnal constituents. 8 Tidal rise and fall are produced by lateral water movements called tidal currents. Tidal current vectors typically display 'tidal ellipses' rather than simple to-and-fro motions. 9 Areas of low atmospheric pressure cause elevated sea-levels, whereas high pressure depresses sea-level. A strong wind can hold back a high tide or reinforce it. Storm surges are caused by large changes in atmospheric pressure and the associated strong winds. Positive storm surges may result in catastrophic flooding. 10 In estuaries, the tidal crest travels faster than the tidal trough because speed of propagation depends upon water depth; hence the low water to high water interval is shorter than that from high water to low water. Tidal bores develop where tides are constrained by narrowing estuaries and the wave-front is forced by the rising tide to travel faster than the depthdetermined speed of a shallow-water wave. Where tidal ranges are large and the water can be trapped by dams, the resultant heads of water can be used for hydro-electric power generation.
Now try the following questions to consolidate your understanding of this Chapter.