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town of ridgeland ignores state law in i95 photo ticket scam

p6 .

february 10, 2011 volume 6 issue 20

Publisher Paul Blake [email protected] ArTs eDiTOr Judit Trunkos [email protected] cOlATheATer.cOm S.M. Baleem, Garrett Kellerhals Design Lisa Corbin music Kingsley Waring
pg. 6

the good fight the power of ignorance conservation hotlist. cover those profiting have contribution ties to state politicians news state department approved export of u.s.-made tear gas to egyptian govt vocal booth mission bell music the unawares at nbt movies the sanctum 3 5 6 11 10 12 13

soundboard punk/indie/emo/ska/hardcore/metal/rock movie review movie times at the nick and big mo drive-in savage love adult sex advice Jonesin crosswords cartoons derf & red meat sudoku 10 12 12 13 14 14 15
pg. 10

AccOunT execuTives James Wallace, Jen Snyder

cOnTribuTOrs S.M. Baleem, Garrett Kellerhals, WR Marshall, Todd Morehead, Will Moredock, Ted Rall, Dan Savage, Kingsley Waring, Baynard Woods cOlumbiA ciTy PAPer 2965 North Main Street Columbia, SC 29201 803.218.9455 (DiaL aRea CoDe)

Advertisers in Columbia City Paper assume responsibility for the entire content of the advertisements. The first copy of Columbia City Paper is free. Additional copies are $1 and two-bits each. Views expressed do not necessarily represent the opinions of Columbia City Paper or its publisher. (C) Columbia City Paper, LLC

ThePgood fighT T i
he oWer of gnorance
Its what fuels South Carolinas political culture Its times like these that make me suspect that South Carolina Republicans underfund the states public schools with the malicious intent By Will Mordock of keeping people too ignorant to understand what the hell is going on. Want some proof? On the heals of Decembers Secession Ball, in which grown men and women dressed up in their Confederate regalia and strutted about Gaillard Auditorium, the Stephen Dill Lee Institute described by the Post and Courier last week as something of a Confederate think-tank formed by the Sons of Confederate Veterans hosted a downtown conference under the name Lincoln vs. Jefferson: Opposing Visions of America. I did not attend this little shindig, in part because I refused to shell out the $150 admission, but also because I had a pretty good idea what the conclusions of the participants would be. When the SCV starts talking about Abraham Lincoln, you dont have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. And in case there was any doubt, an SCV spokesman spelled it out: Jefferson was a proponent of decentralized government, while Lincoln was for big government and high taxes. Ah, yes. Big government and high taxes, those boogaboos of conservatives and white southerners, two groups which are pretty much synonymous. But what conservatives cannot understand or choose to ignore is that political power cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be moved around. The Founders of the Republic sought to balance that power between the states and the federal government. Thomas Jefferson the hero of the neo-Confederates dreamed of a bucolic, idyllic yeomans republic, in which citizens (white, of course) lived in relative equality on their own farms, traded in the local economy and were barely touched by outside commerce or federal authority. Good theory, but Jeffersons vision was never more than a fantasy. The ink wasnt dry on the Constitution before the Industrial Revolution exploded on the North American continent and transformed the new nation. The driving force behind that transformation was the privately held corporation. The Founders could never have imagined the magnitude of modern corporations, some of which are larger than the economies of whole nations. They could never have imagined the influence these behemoths would exercise over our society, our economy, our environment. If they had, I like to think they would have designed their Constitution very differently. To repeat: Political power cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be moved around. Corporations have accrued such power in recent decades that they collectively have become the most powerful force in America. And yet there is scant recognition of them in the Constitution. For all their benefactions, corporations corrupt our politics, despoil our environment, send out jobs overseas, and crash our markets. And the only authority with any hope of checking or balancing this undemocratic, multinational power is the federal government. It is the feds who have created the most effective laws to protect the nations environment; regulate its banking, finance, and insurance; enforce safety standards for its food and drugs; create rules for resolving labor-management disputes; provide healthcare for all; and so much more. The federal government does these things because the states are physically and legally powerless to regulate the likes of Ford Motor Co., BP, Dow Chemical, Bank of America, Kraft Foods, Southwest Airlines. These companies must be held to some level of accountability. Trust and dependability are the pillars of a modern industrial democracy. Federal law and regulation are the only things which keep giant corporations from grinding all of us under their heel. And the feds havent been doing such a good job lately. Behold the wreck Wall Street made of our economy two years ago. What is amazing to the outsider and the educated person is the way white South Carolinians are constantly denouncing the federal government, its laws and the taxes necessary to support it. They just cant get past that Civil War thing. A century and a half later, the federal government is still the enemy. In recent months we have seen white South Carolinians vote overwhelmingly to obstruct Washington in supporting workers right to organize with the Card Check rule. This state is considering becoming the first state to withdraw from the federal Medicaid program. Last week Sen. Lindsay Graham announced that he would introduce legislation to exempt the state from participating in the new healthcare reform law. He did not explain how we were supposed to take care of the 40 percent of our people who are uninsured. The list of such follies would fill volumes. Regulation follows technology and commerce with the certainty of gravity. To acknowledge that simple fact would transform South Carolinas politics and culture. No wonder our politicians dont want us to know it.

february 10, 2010

Lets Not Waste an Opportunity Thanks to all the legislators who attended the Senate and House Conservation Briefings. To read more about the 2011 Common Agenda, representing the vision of over 45,000 South Carolinians visit http:// makeconservationcount.org/. One major 2011 priority of the states conservation community is to bolster the recycling industry, one of the fastest growing sectors of the American economy. In 2009 the recycling industry created 1,354 new jobs, $6.5 billion in economic impact, and over $300 million in capital investments in South Carolina. In an effort to create jobs and reduce the amount of trash we send to landfills, we support S.461, the Alcohol Beverage Container (ABC) Recycling bill, introduced by Sen. Ray Cleary last week. S.461 would require bars and restaurants to start recycling their plastic, glass, aluminum containers and cardboard boxes by 2013. This legislation would grow the recycling sector by 12 percent annually and create over 36,000 jobs in five years. Recycling legislation offers our state a win-win-win by boosting our economy, helping the environment, and lowering taxes. In the Senate:

Alcohol Beverage Container (ABC) Recycling bill (S.461, Sen. Ray Cleary) PRIORITY Last week, Sen. Cleary, introduced this bill, a major 2011 priority for the conservation community. S.461 would require bars and restaurants to start recycling their plastic, glass, aluminum containers and cardboard boxes by 2013. This legislation would lead to lower taxes, since it costs significantly less to recycle our trash ($30 a ton) than to send it to a landfill ($50 a ton) or to incinerate it ($75 a ton).This bill has been referred to the Judiciary Committee.

report and request to the Ways and Means Law Enforcement Subcommittee (Rep. Mike Pitts- Chair, Lonnie Hosey, Gary Simrill and G. Murrell Smith) and Agriculture Wildlife Subcommittee (Rep. Ted Vick-Chair, Bill Hixon, Kenneth Hodges and Kevin Ryan) whi! ch made favorable comments. This week, the aforementioned House Ways and Means Natural Resources Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Tracy Edge will hear budget requests from the Department of Agriculture Tuesday, February 1st one and a half hours after adjournment, or approximately 2:30 p.m., in Blatt Room 523. Also, the House

S.461 would require bars and restaurants to start recycling their plastic, glass, aluminum containers and cardboard boxes by 2013.
In the House Natural Resource Agency FundingPRIORITY Forestry, agriculture, outdoor recreation and tourism account for $54 billion, or about one-third, of our economy. Thats over 450,000 jobs, or 25% of all jobs in South Carolina. However, the combined budgets of South Carolina Agriculture Department, Forestry Commission, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism account for less than one percent of the state budget. Last week, the Ways and Means Natural Resources Subcommittee (Rep. Tracy Edge- Chair, Jim Battle, Chip Huggins and Denny Neilson) heard budget requests from the Forestry Commission, and wed like to thank them for their positive response. DNR also presented its budget Ways and Means Tourism Subcommittee (Rep. Jim Merrill- Chair, Liston Barfield and Gilda Cobb-Hunter) will meet Tuesday, February 1 at 9:30 a.m. in Blatt Room 511 to hear the budget requests of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. Phosphorus Ban (H.3467, Rep. Dwight Loftis and Mike Pitts) SUPPORT Rep. Dwight Loftis and Mike Pitts introduced this bill last week, which prohibits the use, sell or manufacture of dishwashing detergents containing phosphates, a harmful chemical found in our lakes and rivers. Phosphorus is already banned in 15 states because it kills fish and lowers recreational revenues and home values. This bill has been referred to the Agriculture Committee. Protecting Our Groundwater (H.3389, Rep. Robert Brown) SUPPORT H.3389 would require any construction, demolition or installation of a landfill to adhere to proper guidelines. Specifically, landfill liners would be used to prevent seepage into the groundwater lying underneath it. This bill would help ensure that neither our communities nor our natural landscape would be adversely affected by contaminated groundwater from landfills. The House Agriculture and Environmental Affairs I Subcommittee (Rep. David HiottChair, Bill Crosby, Chandra Dillard and Chris Murphy) will discuss this bill Tuesday, February 1st at 2:30 p.m. in Blatt Room 410.

february 10, 2011

By Paul Blake A former Tennessee Highway Patrol officer and his business partner have formed a company selling camera-operated ticket systems, but there are problems in that its execution in Ridgeland, S.C. violates the law and endangers drivers. On the evening of November 4, 2010, I was driving down Interstate 95 when a bright white flash blinded me. It was the kind of light flash one might expect before being kidnapped by aliens. My butt cheeks clenched; I wasnt willing to go easy! Thankfully, I didnt receive an uninvited anal probe. Instead, on November 18, a uniform traffic ticket arrived in the mail. The ticket alleged I had been driving 11 miles per hour over the posted speed limit at the time the bright light nearly blinded me and sent me into oncoming traffic. The ticket was accompanied by a cover letter from Ridgeland Police Chief Richard Woods, who stressed how dangerous it is to drive more than 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, and explained the various ways I could remit the $133 fee payment to the Town of Ridgeland. I refused to pay this ticket, as Ridgelands automated ticketing system seemed inordinately unsafe and reeked of corruption once I had done a bit of investigation into the matter. City Paper discovered that Ridgeland has annexed a portion of I-95 and has been issuing thousands of traffic tickets with an automated system, trumping the authority of the South Carolina Highway Patrol. The camera system takes pictures of drivers supposedly exceeding the speed limit. The Town of Ridgeland and Mayor Gary Hodges shares the profits of every ticket with a small company called iTraffic, owned and operated by William Danzell and Nickey Maxey. Heres the catch: no law enforcement officer personally serves the speeding february 10, 2011 6

driver, as is required by S.C. 5-7-110. Ridgeland officials claim they fulfill the statutory requirement that an officer issue a citation personally because there is an officer stationed inside a RV just outside the camera. This officer supposedly monitors the camera as tickets are electronically issued. Not only is this poor legal reasoning, but from reading various lies on the Ridgeland town website, I was positive that these officials were full of shit. Thus, on December 23, I did my civic duty and drove the City Paper van to Ridgeland. (I did this despite the fact that I was convinced there was a bench warrant issued for me due to the fact that I had skipped Ridgelands kangaroo court date for my fraudulent ticket.) I parked next to the RV and forcibly banged on the door for several minutes to see if anyone was inside. I was looking forward to grilling the officer in the RV, but if anyone was in there, he must have had doughnuts stuffed inside his ears. Either that or he was watching gay porn so loudly that the only banging he could hear was his own. You decide. I might add that traffic on I-95 was running quite smoothly that day until I approached the Ridgeland exit. Traffic slammed to a halt right at the exit, which I thought was an indication that word had spread about the illegal ticketing scam of the Town of Ridgeland. Even redneck truck drivers knew what these town crooks were up to. Unfortunately, the halted traffic was the result of a bad traffic accident in the southbound lane directly across from the RV. I almost laughed after hearing all the comments Mayor Hodges had made about the iTraffic system being about safety. However, as there was a good possibility the victims in those cars were seriously injured, it was anything but a laughing matter. When power-hungry, redneck officials start operating outside the law, folks have to rely on Uncle Sam and the ol federal government to make things

right. On December 20, 2010, Strom Law Firm filed suit in federal court on behalf of three pissed-off Florida residents who had fallen victim to the Ridgeland traffic scam. Jeremy Glenn Ahlum, Mark William Emery and James Gary Gain all challenge Mayor Hodges, Chief Woods and the Town of Ridgeland on the legality of the tickets and the general intentions of town officials involved in the scam. The lawsuit asks for all Ridgeland tickets issued by the iTraffic system to be thrown out and fines returned to their victims. According to the suit, if a driver ignores the towns illegally-generated ticket, the Town of Ridgeland may issue a bench warrant for the drivers arrest or take action to suspend the drivers license. (Full disclosure: The author of this article is at an undisclosed location which may or may not be a barstool at Goatfeathers. Just try to come get me, you redneck assholes.) On November 22, 2010, City Paper sent Mayor Hodges and Chief Woods of Ridgeland a formal records request via certified mail. To commemorate the holiday season, we sent it in festive

Christmas bubble wrap decorated with the classic Peanuts cartoon characters. We requested various documents and details of total fees, compensation and or commission provided to iTraffic Safety, William Danzell and Nickey Maxey. This includes but is not limited to any monthly maintenance fees and copies of any agreements in addition to the original iTraffic contract. Is anyone surprised by the fact that Mayor Hodges & Company have not replied? Good Ol Boys When Nickey Maxey created iTraffic, he had plenty of experience from his time in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he made millions off of contracts to place pay phone systems in jails. His connection in the endeavor, former Knoxville Sheriff Tim Hutchinson, has had his own bank

Their company iTraffic Safety, LLC gave $2,000 to the Nikki Haley campaign and $1,000 to Vincent Sheheen just in case she didnt pan out. The largest buttering up to legislators might be the $3,500 they gave to the Palmetto Leadership Council.

loan problems and was sued by Citizens National Bank, of Athens, Tennessee, for $4.8 million in March of 2010. Hutchinson and Maxey are much closer than just Facebook friends. Records show that the both individuals have a history on failing to pay on millions of dollars in loans with banks. Maxey built a mansion in Hilton Head, which was sold at a foreclosure auction to Liberty Savings Bank for $4.2 million. The bank assumed an additional $2 million owed on a second mortgage. A questionable land deal was also exposed in Knoxville News-Sentinel in 2004, by reporter Scott Barker who wrote: RMCH Developers bought the land from Nickey Maxey, another associate of the sheriff who receives business from the Sheriffs Office, for $1.32 million, nearly five times the going rate for Wears Valley on a per acre basis. Maxeys current business partner for iTraffic is William Danzell. Securities and Exchange Commission records show that Danzell was involved with a ticket camera company similar to iTraffic in Knoxville called Nestor. Knoxville News Sentinel reported in 2007 that Nestor ultimately went out of business, but not before Danzell tried to force the board of directors to name Hutchinson and Maxey to the Nestor Board. Maxey brought his Knoxville brand of nepotism to Ridgeland, South Carolina, in August 2010 with the implementation of the iTraffic system. Strom Law Firms suit alleges that iTraffic is getting a cutback of half of every ticket written, but Mayor Hodges during a Senate subcommittee hearing claimed the figure is $24.50 per ticket. It is difficult to determine exactly

how many tickets are being issued and how the funds are being distributed, due to the secrecy of the Town of Ridgeland and the fact that it ignores state records requests filed by this newspaper. According to a January 27 article by The State called Ban on highway cameras advances, the State of South Carolina gets $84 every ticket and Hodges admitted Ridgeland netting about $100,000 from the tickets to date. The ticket scam may be coming to an end as a state Senate subcommittee Perhaps U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson (right) will help Ridgeland gave its approval to a bill Mayor Gary Hodges (left) find jobs and revenue for to ban the cameras. During Ridgeland that doesnt involve violating state law and that hearing state Sen. Larry sharing the profits with legislators. Grooms, R-Berkeley, told town officials, You are operating in allegations in its official complaint, While Defendants contend that the traffic defiance of the law. enforcement is to promote safety, the program was truly designed to generate Is it about Safety? Ridgeland officials claim that their revenue. Moreover, the traffic enforcement automated ticketing outfit is all about actually creates additional danger due to the placement of the traffic control vehicle safety. The Town of Ridgeland claims the and the blinding flash of light used to take camera light used is a soft red light. a photograph of prospective and alleged However, City Paper tested the system at violators. Ultimately, if the setup is about night by repeatedly driving past the RV safety, then why is iTraffic palling at over 80 miles per hour. We cannot for the life of us understand how a blinding around with state politicians and offering white light could be construed as a soft them thousands of dollars in campaign red light, anymore than the single-finger contributions. It sure seems that theyre gesture issued by this reporter towards the more interested in protecting their revenue camera and the Town of Ridgeland is to be stream than anything else: Maxey contributed $750 to State construed as a friendly wave. Senator Tom Davis. iTraffic Safety, Strom Law Firm makes similar LLC, gave $2,000 to the Nikki Haley campaign, and $1,000 to Vincent Sheheen just in case she didnt pan out. But the largest legislative buttering up might be the $3,500 they gave to the Palmetto Leadership Council. Maxey also openly invited Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer to stop by his government-subsidized farm in Estill, South Carolina. Maxeys farm has received $13,754 in USDA subsidies for his property to date. There is a bit of irony in these subsidies, when his business partner Danzell posted openly on Facebook, Is our Government too big to Nikki Maxey and his buisness partner William Danzell can be seen buttering up fail? or will it fail because it is too big? influential state politicians on Facebook. In the end, if the Town of Ridgeland is ultimately concerned about safety, then why isnt it bothering to stop drivers on I-95? The town seems content to let drivers careen recklessly en route to Georgia so long as they get their $133. For now victims of the scam can only wait for legal rulings in Federal court or wait for the cameras to be banned. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is raise your middle fingers high towards the sky as you drive through the town of Ridgeland! [email protected]

february 10, 2011

Peace and blessings. Hope you have been good out there. Congrats to Columbia City Paper for being one of the truly funky papers around. Hope your Black History Month is going well. Time has been breezing by, but winter is still in our grasps. Much love goes to all of you up north who have been buried by the snow for weeks now. The sun always comes out though. Be patient. 2011s music season keeps rolling on. Last issue we covered a few treats from Boston (Statik Selektah & Termanology). Today well delve a little deeper into someone with roots here in the Palmetto State, Amos Lee. Lets get it.

REVIEW The following info was taken from my latest perusal of Amos Lees Amazon store as I sought to purchase Mission Bell, his latest release on Blue Note Records. Taking inspiration from soul greats, Stevie Wonder and Bill Withers, and folk legends, John Prine and Dave Van Ronk, Amos Lee directs his music with a spirit and presence rooted in American tradition. Amos delivers a unique brand of folk-soul music that aims to unite, uplift, and inspire. The folk side is reflected in his nimble acoustic guitar playing and the intimacy DJ KINGPIN-Villain of of his live performances. The soul strain ([email protected])

comes through in the engaging song-poetry of his lyrics and in what the Philadelphia Inquirer described as his easygoing voice and raw, unedited emotion. Releasing his first album back in 2005 (Amos Lee), with the great Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight; I was extremely proud to be a personal friend to and music maker with Mr. Lee (a former USC grad and employee along with myself of the timeless Papa Jazz Record Shoppe5 Points). Since that time, Amos Lee has traveled countless miles and touched countless hearts. From crafting a few more albums, Supply & Demand (2006), Last Days at the lodge (2008), and the current Mission Bell (2011), to recording and touring with music royalty (B.B. King, Norah Jones, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, and more); Amos Lee has become a reminder of how important and powerful music is. Mission Bell (Blue Note Records) is an album filled with love, lessons, and life fulfilled. El Camino, Violin, Out of the cold are perfect examples of Amos vocal and technical abilities. His acoustic guitar playing is reminiscent of Willie Dixon, yet is as forward grooving as the Kings Of Leon on a good day. Cup of Sorrow (my personal favorite) and Jesus are two examples of the strength and desire the human spirit can posses to improve our existence. Mission Bell is a great introduction to anyone out there who has never heard of Amos Lee before. If you have, this would be the perfect time and opportunity to support the beautiful vision he relays through song. Support good music. WORDS OF WISDOM Catch you next issue. Enjoy all the time you are given!!! Vinyl


february 10, 2011

by Marian Wang, ProPublica The tear gas canisters used by Egyptian police against the protesters bore the label Made in U.S.A., stirring controversy and bolstering the impression among Egyptians that the United States has propped up a dictatorship at the expense of its citizens. Two government agencies, the Department of State and Department of Commerce, regulate the export of tear gas by granting export licenses allowing U.S. manufacturers to sell tear gas to foreign buyers. The State spokeswoman, Nicole Thompson, said she didnt immediately know when the approval was given for Egypt. The chemical compounds in the tear gas determine whether its State or Commerce

Why did the State Department license the sale of American-made tear gas to be used by the Egyptian police, when the State Department itself has documented the polices history of brutality?
thats responsible for licensing the product. In general, the State Department licenses the export of defense itemsincluding military-grade tear gasas spelled out on its Munitions List. The Commerce Department licenses the export of tear gas formulations that are considered dual usethat is, for either military or civilian purposesas well as products considered strictly civilian. The tear gas canisters photographed in Egypt and Tunisia appear to have been manufactured by Combined Systems Inc. The company did not respond to our requests for comment. A spokesman for the company had previously told CNN that it operates well within the law by selling tear gas to countries like Tunisia and Egypt. CNN also reported that labels on the tear gas canisters found in both countries read, Danger: Do not fire directly at person(s). Severe injury or death may result. According to CNN, a 32-year-old photographer in Tunisia died recently after he was hit by a tear gas grenade at close range.

In the case of the tear gas used in Egypt, the State Department confirmed to me that it approved the sale of tear gas as a direct commercial sale between the manufacturer and the government of Egypt, as opposed to a government-to-government sale. As part of a multi-agency approval process, the State Department said it takes a number of issues into consideration, including whether the purchaser could use it in a way that violates human rights. We want to ensure that when a defense article is being sold to a government, say the government of Egypt, we want to make sure its not going to fall in hands of another government or any individual or organization who wants to do harm,

explained Thompson. So, why did the State Department license the sale of American-made tear gas to be used by the Egyptian police, when the State Department itself has documented the polices history of brutality? When I asked this question, I received the following response, in full: The US government licensed the sale of certain crowd dispersal articles to the government of Egypt. That license was granted after a thorough vetting process and after a multi-agency review of the articles that were requested. Noticeably absent in that answer was anything about the Egyptian police. When I pressed further and mentioned this WikiLeaks cablewritten by U.S. Ambassador Margaret Scobey describing routine and pervasive police brutality and torture in Egyptthe response was immediate. I cannot provide any authentication of anything that has been published by the website WikiLeaks, Thompson said.

february 10, 2011


Thursday February 10 New Brookland Tavern The Shaniqua Brown Sleepy Eye Giants Junior Astronomers Sons Of Young Utopia Open Mic w Bentz Kirby The White Mule Taylor Moore w The Lion in The Winter,Tylor Boone and Mark Webb Jr, Friday February 11 New Brookland Tavern The Unawares (CD Release) Mercy Mercy Me Coma Cinema DJ Chris Wenner Post-Show Dance Party Utopia Will Pittman The White Mule Sounds of Suburbua w Blue Train Saturday February 12 Art Bar

American Gun Valentines Heartbreak, Whiskey Gentry, Chuck Mims New Brookland Tavern Marry Me Joanna A Bridge North Aaron Berg & The Heavy Love The John King Band Utopia The Whatever Trio The White Mule Hanna Miller w Neal Carptenter (early show) Late show: Coles Whalen w/ Lera Lynn Sunday February 13 New Brookland Tavern Invoking The Abstract We Sail At Dawn Dem Jump Out Boyz E Blue Fast Money Clique Monday February 14 New Brookland Tavern NBTs Acoustic Competition Sponsored By the Jam Room

& Scene SC Grand Prize: Acoustic Demo at The Jam Room w/ 50 CDs Tuesday February 15 New Brookland Tavern New Music Night w/: Mark Webb Dawn Shredder Lost In The Middle TBA The White Mule Sharks Parlor Wednesday February 16 New Brookland Tavern The Status Victory In Numbers TBA The White Mule Natalia Zukerman & Garrison Starr Thursday February 17 New Brookland Tavern TBA Utopia Open Mic w Kieth Bates

The White Mule Jill Andrews (the everybodyfields) w/ Emily Lynch Friday February 18 New Brookland Tavern Brand New Sin Havoc Din Beneath Me Sylis Utopia The Dirty Lowdown Acoustic The White Mule Chris Compton Trio w/ Perfect Rescue Saturday February 19 Art Bar Carolina Chupacabra, SpaceCoke Utopia Miles Franco and Reggie Paxton The While Mule Hot Lava Monster (acoustic full band) w/ tba Sunday February 20

So this issues pick is The Unawares CD release party...if you dont know The Unawares are releasing thier album When the Trees are Empty and the great thing is the price of the show includes a free CD so after you hear their awesomeness you can share the magic with your friends. We here at CCP are big fans. We

like their guitar heavy indie rock/post-hardcore sound. If you havent seen them preform before then shame on you...head out to NBT hear what you are missing. Be prepared to party all night as DJ Chris Wenner knows how to throw an after party. music@ columbiacitypaper.com

02/18/11 :: Friday The B-52s Classic Center Athens The Highballs Melting Point Athens Sumilan Bar

Road TRip
Asheville, NC Jackass Flats Jack of the Wood Asheville, NC Fools And Horses Ultimate Basement Mill Spring, NC The Rye Athens Lotus Daedelus Orange Peel Asheville, NC Freepeoples Frequency Stella Blue Asheville, NC JazzChronic The Emerald Lounge Asheville, NC The Malah PlayLow The Garage at Biltmore Asheville, NC Missy Raines & The New Hip Onward Soldiers Casbah Charlotte, NC Excision antiserum Downlink Neighborhood Theatre Charlotte, NC Jill AndrewsThe Evening Muse Charlotte, NC The Band of Heathens Visulite Theatre Charlotte, NC Now You See Them Feed and Seed Fletcher, NC Her & Kings County City Limits Rockingham, NC The Train Wrecks Awendaw Green Awendaw, SC Zach Deputy The Venue on Broad Camden, SC Cornmeal The Pour House Charleston, SC .Soulution. Brown Street Club Greenville, SC Standing Small The Channel Greenville, SC Paul Cataldo Morgan Creek Grill Isle of Palms, SC Groove Stain Bourbon Street Bar & Grill Myrtle Beach, SC 02/19/11 :: Saturday Fools And Horses Flicker Theater and Bar Athens, Matt Joiner Melting Point Athens, Domino Effect Rye Bar Athens, Punch Brothers University of Georgia Athens, GA Blackberry Smoke Coyotes Nightclub Augusta, GA Brock Butler Locos Savannah, GA Plumnelle Moon Dingus Magees Statesboro, GA ANA SIA The Glitch Mob Asheville Civic Center Asheville, NC Seldom Scene Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville, NC Spiritual Rez iLa Mawana Emerald Lounge Asheville, NC Eliot Lipp Thump! Mindelixir The Garage at Biltmore Asheville, NC Richard Gilewitz The Guitar Trader Asheville, NC Cornmeal Jackass Flats Pisgah Brewing Black Mountain, NC The Chairmen of the Board Amos Southend Charlotte, NC

Steve Forbert Blumenthal Performing Arts Center Charlotte, NC Pat Green Coyote Joes Charlotte, NC Missy Raines & The New Hip Double Door Inn Charlotte, NC Charlotte Symphony Orchestra Video Games Live Ovens Auditorium Charlotte, NC Umphreys McGee Zach Deputy The Fillmore Charlotte, NC Thank You The Milestone Charlotte, NC Weedeater Tremont Music Hall Charlotte, NC The Train Wrecks Plums Beaufort, SC Paul Cataldo Kudu Coffee House Charleston, SC Whos Bad The Music Farm Charleston, SC Dave Matthews Tribute Band House of Blues N. Myrtle Beach, SC

The Packway Handle Band Stillwater Taproom Augusta, GA Brock Butler Locos Savannah, GA Jefferson Fox Sentient Bean Savannah, GA Domino Effect Dos Primos Statesboro, GA How I Became the Bomb Broadways Asheville, NC Dailey & Vincent The Grascals Crowne Plaza Resort Asheville, NC Kung Fu Dynamite Emerald Lounge Asheville, NC Dave Desmelik French Broad Brewing Co. Asheville, NC


february 10, 2011

Sanctum Sully Grey Eagle

Movie times listed are for the weekend of February 10. Please confirm times with theater. Regal Columbia Cinema 7 3400 Forest Drive Suite 3000, Columbia, SC 29204 Gnomeo and Juliet 3D new! (G, No Passes) 2:40 4:45 7:00 9:30 Just Go With It new! (PG-13)1:50 2:20 4:30 5:00 7:10 7:40 9:50 10:20

movie times
Just Go With It new! (PG-13, No Passes) 10:50am 1:40 4:30 7:20 10:10 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never new! (G, No Passes) 10:30am 1:20 4:10 6:50 9:30 Regal Columbiana Grande Stadium 14 1250 Bower Pkwy, Columbia, SC 29212 The Eagle new! (PG-13) 1:30 4:40 7:20 10:00 Just Go With It new! (PG-13, No Passes) 1:40 2:10 4:30 5:00 7:10 7:40 9:50 10:20 The Roommate new! (PG-13) 2:25 5:05 8:00 10:30 1:35 4:05 7:30 9:45 The Mechanic (R) 1:25 4:10 7:55 10:05 The Rite (PG-13) 1:55 4:20 7:15 9:40 No Strings Attached (R)1:45 4:25 7:45 10:25 The Dilemma (PG-13) 1:10 3:55 7:00 9:30 The Green Hornet 3D (PG-13) 1:00 4:00 6:55 9:35 True Grit (PG-13) 2:20 4:55 7:35 10:15 Black Swan (R) 2:00 4:50 7:25 10:10 The Kings Speech (R) 1:20 4:15 7:05 9:55 Tangled 3D (PG) 2:15 4:35 6:50 9:10 Carmike 14 122 Afton Court, Columbia, SC 29212 Gnomeo and Juliet new! (G) 1:30 3:40 5:45 7:50 9:55 Gnomeo and Juliet 3D new! (G)Digital 3D 1:00 3:10 5:15 7:20 9:25 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never new! (G) 2:00 4:40 7:30 10:00 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D new! (G) Digital 3D 1:30 4:10 7:00 9:30 Sanctum new! (R) 1:55 4:30 7:15 9:50 Sanctum 3D new! (R) Digital 3D 1:20 4:00 6:45 9:20 Season of the Witch (PG-13) 3:55 9:35 Blue Valentine (R) 1:15 4:15 7:05 9:45 Gullivers Travels (2010) (PG)1:40 4:15 6:50 9:10 Country Strong (PG-13) 1:10 4:05 6:55 9:45 Little Fockers (PG-13) 2:05 4:35 7:25 10:05 The Fighter (R) 1:35 4:25 7:15 9:55 Tron: Legacy (PG) 1:05 6:45 The Tourist (PG-13) 1:45 4:20 7:05 9:40 127 Hours (R) 2:10 5:00 7:35 10:05 Regal Sandhill Stadium 16 450 Town Center Place The Eagle new! (PG-13) 11:55am 2:30 5:05 7:40 10:20 Gnomeo and Juliet new! (G) 12:30 2:40 4:50 7:30 9:50 Gnomeo and Juliet 3D new! (G) 12:00 2:10 4:20 7:00 9:20 Just Go With It new! (PG-13) 11:50am 1:30 2:30 4:10 5:10 7:20 7:50 10:00 10:30 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never new! (G) 12:15 2:45 5:15 7:45 10:15 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D new! (G) 11:45am 2:15 4:45 7:15 9:45 The Roommate new! (PG-13) 12:10 2:25 4:40 8:00 10:20 Sanctum new! (R) 4:15 9:40 Sanctum 3D new! (R) 12:25 2:55 5:20 7:55 10:25 The Mechanic (R) 2:00 7:25 The Rite (PG-13) 2:50 5:20 7:55 10:30 12:20pm No Strings Attached (R) 12:05 2:35 5:00 7:35 10:05 True Grit (PG-13) 1:45 7:35 Yogi Bear 3D (PG) 12:10 2:20 4:30 7:05 9:30

The Dilemma (PG-13) 4:25 10:10 The Green Hornet (PG13)1:20 4:05 7:05 9:55

The Kings Speech (R) 1:15 4:00 7:10 10:00 Nickelodeon http://www.nickelodeon. org/ 937 Main Street WHITE MATERIAL FEBRUARY 11-17, Friday-Thursday Screening times TBA Writer-director Claire Denis returns to Africa -- her childhood home and the site of her 1988 film, Chocolate -- to spin this tale of a country torn apart by civil war, as African soldiers force French nationals to abandon their land. At the center of the story is Maria (Isabelle Huppert), a white woman who ignores her familys fears and steadfastly refuses to leave her coffee plantation. Isaach De Bankol and Christopher Lambert also star. St. Andrews Cinema 5 527 St Andrews Road (803) 772-7469 Please call Regal Pastime Pavilion 8 929 North Lake Drive, Lexington, SC 29072 The Eagle new! (PG-13) 2:25 5:15 7:50 10:20 Gnomeo and Juliet 3D new! (G, No Passes) 2:40 4:50 7:00 9:30 Just Go With It new! (PG-13, No Passes) 2:20 5:00 7:35 10:10 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D new! (G, No Passes) 2:00 4:30 7:15 9:45 The Roommate new! (PG-13) 2:50 4:55 7:25 9:35 Sanctum 3D new! (R) 2:45 5:10 7:30 10:00 No Strings Attached (R) 2:10 4:35 7:05 10:05 The Green Hornet 3D (PG-13) 2:05 4:40 7:20 9:55

Cast: Richard Roxburgh, Rhys Wakefield, Ioan Gruffudd, Alice Parkinson, Dan Wyllie, Christopher Baker, Nicole Downs, Allison Cratchley, Cramer Cain Director: Alister Grierson Synopsis: An underwater cave diving team experiences a life-threatening crisis during an expedition to the unexplored and least accessible cave system in the world. The Bottom Line: With a big name like James King of the World Cameron serving as executive producer, you would think that Sanctum would be top-shelf entertainment on the big screen, right? Yes and no. While the film displays great visuals and delivers a load of suspense, its downfall is the fact that it tries too hard to be good. Sanctum is inspired by true events that happened to the films co-writer/producer Andrew Wight, who went cave diving and became trapped with 14 other people in a cave. The entrance collapsed and they had to find another way out. In this story, a group of cave divers led by the no-nonsense Frank McGuire (Roxburgh) have been exploring the Esa-ala Caves in the South Pacific, the largest, most beautiful and least accessible cave system on Earth. The team is soon joined by Franks

teenage son Josh (Wakefield), American financier Carl Hurley (Gruffudd) and his girlfriend Victoria (Parkinson). However, because of what Frank does, he and Josh dont exactly see eye-to-eye, leading to friction between the two. Unfortunately, the father-son quasi-estrangement and the tragic accidential death of one of Franks team members doesnt compare to the oncoming change in weather: a treacherous storm which leads to most of the team being trapped inside the cave with no way out. Now, with raging waters to confront, sickness setting in and facing panic & death at every turn, they must travel down to the deepest underwater depths to escape out of the cave alive. The 3D is surpremely effective, the story has legs and director Grierson can have you literally feeling the suspense, but all that changes at certain times during the movie when the cast have to deliver lines that somehow dont deliver too well. Sanctum is a fun popcorn flick that harkens back to the days of 1989s The Big Blue or Camerons own The Abyss, which was released the same year, but alas, its too much of an overachiever to be fully recommended. Written by Keith Adams http://www.moviefilmreview.com/ author/BMoreDefender22

Sanctum 3D new! (R) 2:30 5:10 7:45 10:15 No Strings Attached (R) 2:15 4:55 7:25 10:00 Blue Valentine (R) 2:10 4:50 7:30 10:10 Country Strong (PG-13) 4:40 10:05 The Fighter (R) 2:00 7:20 Carmike Wynnsong 10 5320 Forest Drive, Columbia, SC 29206 The Eagle new! (PG-13) 1:20 4:10 7:05 9:55 Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D new! (G) Digital 3D 1:30 4:05 6:40 9:15 The Roommate new! (PG-13)1:35 4:00 7:15 9:45 The Mechanic (R) 1:30 4:55 7:20 10:00 The Rite (PG-13) 1:35 4:20 7:00 9:40 The Green Hornet (PG13) 1:40 4:25 7:10 9:50 True Grit (PG-13) 1:25 3:55 7:15 9:45 Black Swan (R) 1:20 3:50 7:10 9:40 Tangled 3D (PG) Digital 3D 1:15 3:40 7:05 9:30 AMC Dutch Square 14 800 Bush River Rd., Columbia, SC 29210 Gnomeo and Juliet new! (G, No Passes) 10:10am 12:40 3:00 5:30 7:50 10:05


february 10, 2011


Im from the other side of the country, but Im sitting in my lovers San Francisco apartment wondering what Im doing. I flew out here to spend five glorious days with her. We connect sexually (shes a Dom stone-butch top, Im a queer femme sub), we connect intellectually, and we make each other laugh. Im head over heels for her and for this city. But shes literally twice my age. In no way does this bother me. Shes handsome and wonderful, and Im so proud to be with her. But she frets that shes too old for me and will die before me and it isnt fair to have the feelings we do. I can hang on to this ledge, Dan, and not let myself utterly fall for this woman so that she doesnt break my heart when she says we must part as friends. I think that is what is coming. But I know she feels conflicted, and I cant see anything wrong with the two of us enjoying what time we have together. Why deny something we both want, if its what we both want? If I have to just walk away from this with a slew of great memories of a loving introduction to the greatest city on earth, there are certainly worse things. But I wish I could convince her to at least let us have a chance. Lost In Fog Everyday Start with the clichsAge is just a number, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, Someones gotta change your diapersand finish with a grace note: You love her, and you want to be with her, and you hope youll always be close, whatever she ultimately decides. That said, and forgive me for this, LIFE, its possible that although this woman is what you want, youre not what she wantsfor reasons that have nothing to do with age. She may be pointing to the obvious age discrepancy because its a convenient, face-saving out, a way for her to pull the plug while sparing your feelings. So a word of warning: If she cites age, you may be tempted to press your caseand you should, up to a pointbut press too far, and she may wind up telling you the inconvenient, facesquandering, feelings-spearing truth. Im a bi male in a long-distance, long-term, and hypothetically poly relationship, and Im going to a speed-dating event soon. Our relationship is hypothetically poly in that my boyfriend and I have not had a third in a few years. Ive had a couple dates in that time (with both guys and girls), disclosed, introduced them to my boyfriend, etc., and done everything a good poly boy is supposed to do. I didnt end up dating any of them, just from lack of personality/sexual compatibility. Ive never been to a speed-dating event before, though, so Im not sure about protocol. I think that bringing up bi/poly would make the whole five minutes (or whatever) about that, and Id really rather talk about mutual interests etc. Sexual orientation is a rather overdone topic to me, and talking about only that wouldnt let me figure out if Im even interested in the other person. Im not embarrassed by it at all (Im completely uncloseted); Id just rather talk about more interesting things. So should I disclose during a speed date that I am (1) poly and/or (2) bisexual, or should I save it for a follow-up date? Speed Disclosure I tried to contact a few speed-dating businesses but couldnt find one with a contact phone

Sex advice by Dan Savage

Jonesin crosswords
by Matt Jones

Mix Masters--theyll get the party going.

58 Crocodiles dinner, often 59 Paper towel roll leftover 60 Pioneering hot jazz guitarist 64 Colin Hanks, to Tom Hanks 65 Settled 66 Yom follower 67 Award bestowed by The Queen, for short 68 Go fast 69 Squeezable African drum

number on its websiteand that fact, coupled with the Mountain-Dew-swilling-teenager-on-MySpace quality of the sites, kind of makes commercial speed-dating services look tawdry. Anyway, SD, disclosure is called for when a routine, obvious, and logical assumption is incorrect. Since most people are straight, the onus is on the gay person to come out. Since most gay people arent morons, the onus is on members of GOProud to identify themselves before disrobing. Other speed daters are going to make the reasonable assumption that you are (1) single and (2) gay or straight, depending on whether were talking about a gay or straight speed-dating event. That said, SD, due to prejudices beyond your controlbiphobia, polyphobiayou may omit the bi/poly info about yourself on that first five- minute date. But youre obligated to disclose before a second date is arranged. Not to spare the women and/or men you might wind up dating from the unspeakable horrors of going out with a bi/poly dude, but to avoid wasting time on women and/or men who cant handle it. I am a 19-year-old straight male who is only attracted to chubby girls, though I myself am rather skinny. It took a while, but Ive learned to embrace this (though at first it seemed almost as scary as if I were to come out as gay). However, the problem I seem to have now is that the girls whom I find attractivebig girlsdont think of themselves as attractive, and that is a turnoff for me. Despite what seems like constant effort on my part to raise my exes confidence in themselves, they never got any better and the relationships always ended. Im not exactly bursting with confidence myself, either, but I tried my best to be a loving and supportive boyfriend. Yet time and time again, their images of themselves somehow seemed to actually turn worse, not better. I attribute a lot of their initial insecurity to the media, but I cant help but believe I somehow screw up and exacerbate it. Troubled Horndog In Need Youre young and youve accepted your attraction to bigger girls, THIN, and thats great. But the girls youve datedpresumably close to your ageare doubtless still struggling with all the shit thats been thrown at them about their bodies. To grow confident about something that caused you a lot of painto say nothing of being with someone whos attracted to you in large part because of that somethingcan take time. That said, THIN, if all the bigger girls youve dated emerged from your relationship feeling worse about themselves and their bodies... you might be doing something wrong. Were you treating your girlfriends like human beings and talking about their bodies in a way that made them feel attractive? Or did you treat them like fetish objects? Im a gay college student whos into bondage and kink. Im also very involved with the Episcopal Church and want to become a leader in my church. I dont think that my predilection for bondage and my desire to pursue ordained ministry conflict, especially because I am fairly monogamous. Is there a conflict? Wannabe Ordained Kinkster I dont see a conflict, WOK, but I am not now, nor have I ever been, the Archbishop of Canterbury. If you can meet and marry a nice boy who shares your kinks, and you remain successfully monogamous, and you have no desire to go to the Folsom Street Fair or post play pictures of yourself on kinky personal sites, I dont see how your coreligionists will learn about your sexual interests, much less be scandalized by em. That said, WOK, um... I have nothing more to add. Fuck Sarah Palin, go Bears, preorders: tinyurl. com/4f2g524.

Across 1 Magic spirit 7 Mrs., in Munich 11 Electrical unit 14 Some belly buttons 15 He clashed with OBrien 16 Hip-hops ___-A-Fella Records 17 Currency in the Horn of Africa 20 Seahawks safety ___ Scott 21 Salary limit 22 Sleep aid once advertised to help you get your Zs 23 ___-OZN (1980s group with the hit AEIOU, Sometimes Y) 24 Reach for the ___! 25 Seminole leader 27 Carve in marble 29 Hard to hold 31 Flee the premises 32 Took a break 34 Prefix meaning times one trillion 36 Speck in la mer 37 Star of Amistad and The Tempest 41 Sprechen ___ Englisch? 42 Second word of many fairy tales 43 Kissing in front of everyone, e.g. 44 Table scrap 45 Steven Tylers show, to fans 47 Thats hilarious, in Internetspeak 50 Settled 53 Hairy beast 55 Lutelike instrument 57 Snaggable fabric

Down 1 Ram maker 2 Fruity concession stand bit 3 Contradicting phrase 4 Pen ends 5 New beginning? 6 Self-defeating words 7 Go nuts 8 The Crying Game star 9 Curry of Today 10 Home of the Tar Heels, as sometimes abbreviated 11 Handel work 12 State capital that means sheltered bay 13 Die Hard main character John 18 Actor Diggs 19 Deli bread 24 SeaWorld star attraction 25 Bread spread 26 Coffeehouse additive 28 CBS show that sometimes features weird fetishes 30 Prefix before musicologist 33 Subject of debate 35 Late Giant wrestler

37 Someones gotta do it, its said 38 One way to leave, in song 39 Lymphatic mass 40 ___ Paulo, Brazil 41 Enemy to remain nameless 46 Clinton nominee Guinier 48 Time for afternoon tea 49 Heartbeat noise 51 One billion years 52 One of the deadly sins 54 Ashton Kutcher show 56 Raison ___ 58 It may be spliced 59 Cassette 61 Fertility clinic stock 62 DVR button 63 K leadup 2011 Jonesin Crosswords (editor@ jonesincrosswords.com) e musicologist 33 Subject of debate 35 Late Giant wrestler 37 Someones gotta do it, its said 38 One way to leave, in song 39 Lymphatic mass 40 ___ Paulo, Brazil 41 Enemy to remain nameless 46 Clinton nominee Guinier 48 Time for afternoon tea 49 Heartbeat noise 51 One billion years 52 One of the deadly sins 54 Ashton Kutcher show 56 Raison ___ 58 It may be spliced 59 Cassette 61 Fertilit


february 10, 2011

february 10, 2011


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