09 0631-EN-Doc015 and 017
09 0631-EN-Doc015 and 017
09 0631-EN-Doc015 and 017
Bureau Europe et Atlantique Nord
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8 January 2010
: ICAO EUR Documentation Update of Companion Document to ICAO EUR Doc 017 and ICAO EUR Doc 015
: See paragraph 4
1. I have the honour to refer to the outcome of the discussions of the 51st Meeting of the ICAO European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG/51) that took place from 1 to 3 December 2009. 2. Among other issues, an updated version of the ICAO European Transition Methodology for the Introduction and Application of Non-visual Aids to All-weather Operations (EUR Doc 017) companion document (Transition Key Issues) was presented to the EANPG. The EANPG noted that EUR Doc 017 was first published in 2005 and had not been updated since. A number of AWO areas had made significant progress that should be reflected in the document. Accordingly most sections of the document had been amended to reflect the progress of technology and introduction of new operations. After due consideration of the issue, the EANPG endorsed the following Decision: EANPG Decision 51/4 - Revised ICAO EUR Doc 017 That the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic, take the necessary actions to publish the revised ICAO EUR Transition Methodology for the Introduction and Application of Non-visual Aids to All-Weather Operations (EUR Doc 017) companion document (Transition Key issues) as provided at Appendix F to this report. 3. Secondly, a proposal for amendment to the ICAO European Guidance Material on Management of Building Restricted Areas (EUR Doc 015) to take account of the impact of wind turbines on navigation aids was presented. This work was planned to be completed in the first half of 2010 and would be used to produce a separate proposal for amendment to EUR Doc 015. Additionally GBAS protection areas would need to be revisited and the affect of wind turbines on GBAS should be investigated. Also the issue of prediction tools to assess wind turbines impact on navigation systems would be studied. It was noted that these actions were included on the AWOG work programme. After due consideration of the issue, the following Decision was endorsed by the EANPG: EANPG Decision 51/5 Amendment to ICAO EUR Doc 015 on wind turbines impact on navigation systems That the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic, take the necessary actions to publish the revised ICAO European guidance material on managing building restricted areas (EUR Doc 015) as provided at Appendix G to this report. .../... Distribution : EUR Provider States in the EUR Region User States in the EUR Region EANPG AWOG
Tel.: National International 01 46 41 85 85 +33 1 46 41 85 85 Fax: National International 01 46 41 85 00 +33 1 46 41 85 00 E-mail: Web: [email protected] http://www.paris.icao.int
4. In this regard, I would like to inform you that the afore-mentioned enclosed documents have also been uploaded to the ICAO EUR/NAT website at the following: http://www.paris.icao.int/documents_open/subcategory.php?id=48 and you are invited to continue using these documents, as before in your national planning activities. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Companion Document to ICAO EUR Doc 017 ICAO EUR Doc 015
Identified Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to all-weather operations in the European Region of ICAO
Second Edition
JULY 2009
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
. 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 Format of the Transition Key Issues (TKIs) ................................................................................. 7 1.4 Identification of the relation between the different tasks ............................................................ 8 1.5 Maintenance of the Transition Key Issues (TKIs) Companion Document ................................ 8 2. TRANSITION KEY ISSUES MLS ..................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Ground equipment .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 MLS frequency protection........................................................................................................ 8 2.1.2 Potential sources of interference likely to affect the MLS ................................................... 9 2.1.3 Certification of MLS Ground Stations ................................................................................ 10 2.2 Airborne equipment ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Airborne certification process for MLS operations............................................................ 10 2.3 ATS Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.1 Definition of ATS procedures for MLS straight-in operations ......................................... 11 2.3.2 Evaluation of the extent to which traffic flow / longitudinal spacing / runway capacity can be improved by MLS ...................................................................................................................... 12 3. TRANSITION KEY ISSUES GNSS ................................................................................................. 13 3.1 General issues................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1.1 Institutional arrangements for provision of GNSS ................................................................ 13 3.1.2 Implementation of Galileo .......................................................................................................... 14 3.1.3 Data Quality ................................................................................................................................ 15 3.1.4 Develop SARPs for GNSS based approach systems .................................................................. 15 3.1.5 GPS to support NPA ................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.6 SBAS operations ......................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.7 GBAS to support CAT I operations ........................................................................................... 18 3.1.8 GBAS to support CAT II/III operations .................................................................................... 19 3.1.9 GNSS interference protection..................................................................................................... 20 3.1.10 Data collection activities to support operational approvals ................................................... 21 3.2 Airborne equipment ...................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.1 Standardisation and certification for GNSS-based NPA operations ......................................... 22 3.2.2 Standardisation and certification of airborne equipment for APV Baro operations ................ 22 3.2.3 Standardisation and certification of airborne equipment for APV SBAS operations .............. 23 3.2.4 Standardisation and certification of integrated/combined airborne receivers for GBAS CAT I operations ................................................................................................................................................ 23 3.2.5 Standardisation and certification of integrated/combined airborne receivers for GBAS CAT II/III operations ...................................................................................................................................... 24 3.2.6 Ensure waypoint database integrity ........................................................................................... 25 3.3 ATS Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 26 3.3.1 Develop Instrument Flight Procedures using GNSS.................................................................. 26 3.3.2 Definition of ATS procedures for GNSS .................................................................................... 27 3.3.3 Revised requirements for visual aids related to the introduction of GNSS ............................... 27 3.3.4 Potential of advanced operations of GNSS................................................................................. 28 4. TRANSITION KEY ISSUES AUXILIARY .................................................................................... 29 4.1 Alternate navigation aids .............................................................................................................. 29 4.1.1 Impact of new technologies on AOP ........................................................................................... 29 4.2 ATS Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 30 4.2.1 Inventory of optimum wake turbulence separation for use in Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) 30 4.2.2 Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) issues specific to AWO, including units of measurement ........................................................................................................................................ 30
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Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
4.3 Mixed Mode operations................................................................................................................. 31 4.3.1 Procedures for aircraft in sequence using different types of landing aids................................. 31 4.4 Aerodrome operations (AOP)....................................................................................................... 31 4.4.1 Specific AOP ............................................................................................................................. 31 4.4.2 Non-visual aids to support ground operations during low visibility conditions - ASMGCS .... 32 4.5 GNSS legal recording requirement .............................................................................................. 33
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
1.0 1.1
April 2005
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Second Edition
Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Aeronautical Communications Panel (ICAO) Working Group F of ACP Aeronautical Information Publication Aeronautical Information Services Aeronautical Information Services/Aeronautical Maps and Charts Former Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel (ICAO) Aeronautical Mobile (Route) System Air Navigation Commission (ICAO) Aerodrome Operations Former Aerodrome Operations Group of the EANPG Approach Approach with vertical guidance Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service Advanced SMGCS Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Flow Management Air Traffic Services All-Weather Operations All-Weather Operations Group of the EANPG Former ICAO All-Weather Operations Panel Basic Area Navigation Building Restricted Areas Category (of precision approach) Communications, Navigation, Surveillance / Air Traffic Management Conventional Navaids and Testing Sub Group of ICAO NSP EASA Certification Specifications for All Weather Operations EANPG Programme Coordinating Group Communications Collision Risk Model Combined Vision System Deutsche Flugsicherung, (German Air Navigation Services) Distance Measuring Equipment Precision Distance Measuring Equipment Document (in RTCA references) European Aeronautical Database European Aeronautical Safety Agency European Air Navigation Planning Group Former European Commission Directorate General VII European Civil Aviation Conference EUROCAE Document European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service European Space Agency EGNOS Signal and Data Provider European Satellite Services Provider European Operational Specifications ICAO European Region European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment European Regional Air Navigation Enhanced Vision System Federal Aviation Administration of the United States Frequency Modulation Frequency Management Group of the EANPG Ground Based Augmentation System Galileo Joint Undertaking
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region GLONASS GNSS GNSSP GPS GSA HUD IAR ICAO ILS IMTEG IOP ITU JAA JAR JAR OPS LTEP LVP MASPS MLS MMR MOPS MRD MTBO NATS NOTAM Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System Global Navigation Satellite System Former ICAO Global Navigation Satellite System Panel US Global Positioning System Galileo Supervisory Authority Head-Up Display Institutional Arrangements International Civil Aviation Organization Instrument Landing System Instrument Landing System/Microwave Landing System Transition Group Initial Operational Phase International Telecommunications Union Joint Aviation Authorities Joint Aviation Requirements Joint Aviation Requirements Operations ICAO Legal and Technical Experts Panel Low Visibility Procedures Minimum Avionics System Performance Specification Microwave Landing System Multi-Mode Receiver Minimum Operational Performance Specification Standards Mission Requirements Document Mean Time Between Outages National Air Traffic Services (UK) Notice To Airmen: A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations Non-Precision Approach Navigation Systems Panel (ICAO) NSP Spectrum Subgroup ICAO Obstacle Clearance Panel Operational and Certification Requirements (EUROCONTROL Task Force) Obstacle Free Zone Operations Operational Readiness Review Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Air Traffic Management Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Design of Instrument Procedures and their Operations Precision Approach Radar AWOG Project Team on the Building Restriction Areas AWOG Project Team on the Low Visibility Procedures AWOG Project Team on the Road Map Research and Development Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Operational Requirements, Criteria and Method of application Area Navigation Required Navigation Performance Runway Occupancy Time Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautical Telecommunication Committee Standards and Recommended Practices Satellite Based Augmentation System Single European Sky ATM Research Programme Signal-in-Space Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems ICAO Study Group on Simultaneous Operations on parallel and Near Parallel Instrument Runways Supplementary Procedures Synthetic Vision System To be determined
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Transition Key Issue Terminal Control Area ICAO Study Group for Testing of Radio Navigation Aids Technical Standard Order (FAA) United States of America ICAO Visual Aids Panel Very High Frequency VHF Omni-directional Radio Range Working Group World Geodetic System 1984 ITU World Radio Conference Any Landing system (e.g; ILS, MLS, GLS)
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
1. 1.1
1.1.1 The Transition Key Issues (TKIs) were developed during the initiation of the AWOG. IMTEG, the predecessor of the AWOG had identified in an early stage which issues - technical, institutional and operational - needed to be solved before a successful transition from ILS to new navigation aids for approach and landing could be made. This information was forwarded to the EANPG during the preparation of the EUR RAN Meeting of 1994. The EANPG endorsed this information and forwarded this to the AWOG. 1.1.2 Based on the ICAO Global Strategy adopted by the 11th Air Navigation Conference in September 2003, the purpose of the Transition Methodology described in ICAO Doc 017 is to enable a smooth introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in the EUR Region. The identification of critical obstacles to this process is essential to achieve this objective. Therefore, the AWOG developed an extensive list of TKIs for the transition phase. The list is detailed in Section 2. This information is essential for provider States and users when planning AWO based on current or new technologies. From this list of TKIs, the obstacles for planning are identified as the critical planning issues. 1.1.3 The information provided hereafter is not static but dynamic. The status of the TKIs changes when new information becomes available or technology evolves. Therefore, the list of TKIs and its corresponding tasks will be reviewed by AWOG on a regular basis. 1.2 Scope
1.2.1 In order to provide a complete overview of the activities necessary to guarantee the availability of AWO to the highest level of service (including safety aspects) in Europe, the possible obstacles on the introduction of new or the maintainability of existing non-visual aids have been identified. Therefore, TKIs have been defined in Section 2 for the following subjects with the accompanying objectives according to the global strategy: a) b) c) d) ILS, the planning aims to maintain ILS to the highest level of service as long as economically beneficial and operationally acceptable; MLS, the planning aims to enable introduction for precision approach operations where operationally required and economically beneficial; GNSS, the planning aims to enable introduction for non-precision and precision approach operations where operationally required and economically beneficial; Auxiliary, to identify TKIs on operational issues and the potential use of alternative navigation aids.
1.3.1 For each TKI, background and rationale are provided in order to explain the relation to other developments. A clear and unambiguous statement of the objective of each TKI is provided. Also an action programme has been developed, assigning different tasks which must be completed in order to solve the overall TKI, which means removing the obstacle. The definition of the different tasks includes the identification of the responsible bodies and appropriate target dates for completion. These target dates are estimates based on publicly available information. Some of the responsible bodies have confirmed the tasks assigned to them including the associated target date. The results of completed tasks will be referred to. 1.3.2 title;
Second Edition July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
background and rationale (describing the current and expected situation, its magnitude and impact); objective; milestones and tasks (with an associated action programme); comments; and reference documents. 1.4 Identification of the relation between the different tasks
1.4.1 It is essential for planning a transition for non-visual aids supporting AWO at an aerodrome to identify the issues to be resolved before a certain navigation system may be approved for a specific type of operation, e.g. the use of GNSS for CAT I operations. Therefore, each TKI is clearly defined. Different tasks to be performed are identified and these tasks are related in order to identify possible dependencies. The identification of different relations between the tasks is important. Several tasks can be performed sequentially (see Figure 1-4), e.g. Tasks B & C, however certain tasks may be performed in parallel, e.g. Tasks A & B to meet the objective. When tasks are sequential, this means that e.g. Task C cannot be performed without the result of Task B; for parallel tasks in the example the final objective is met when both Task A and Task C have been taken into account. 1.4.2 Possible delays in the execution of a task may impact the estimated time of meeting a specific objective. Therefore it is important that the target dates are confirmed by the responsible bodies to enable the development of a detailed planning of the tasks showing the expected timelines and the end date for meeting the objectives.
1.5.1 The TKIs are a living part of the Transition Methodology for AWO in the EUR Region (ICAO Doc 017). Due to their dynamic nature, the TKIs will be continuously reviewed in co-ordination with the appropriate working groups and bodies. In this context, some TKIs may be deleted when superseded, while new ones may be added when appropriate. As a consequence this document needs to be updated on a regular basis by the AWOG. 2. 2.1 2.1.1 TRANSITION KEY ISSUES MLS Ground equipment MLS frequency protection Background and Rationale: The MLS frequency band 5030 5150 MHz is currently allocated to the Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service (ARNS) and thus protected for use by aviation.
Second Edition July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
However at the WRC 2007 an allocation to the AM(R)S in the band 5 091-5 150 MHz (MLS extension band), limited to airport surface operations was agreed. This is a shared allocation with the aeronautical radio navigation service (MLS), fixed satellite service (FSS), aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) and an Aeronautical Security (AS) application intended for the provision of radiocommunication used in response to unlawful interruption of aircraft operations. The ARNS (MLS) and the new AM(R)S allocation have the same status and a precedence over other uses. Objective: To ensure that sufficient frequencies will be maintained for MLS applications. Milestones and Tasks: a) review/confirm plans for the implementation of MLS; b) ensure protection and allocation of MLS bands to ARNS [1] ; c) re-plan the MLS/DME channel requirements, ILS/MLS/DME triple pairing requirements including Responsibility States States FMG / ACP/WG-F Target Dates: as necessary before 2011 completed [2]
Comments: Simulations to assess MLS/DME and ILS/MLS/DME channel requirements, including triple pairing constraints, were performed by FMG in the past, but were based on old information contained in the COM-3 tables. For the WRC 2011 there is an attempt to allocate communications for UAS in the band 5 GHz. Therefore protection of MLS deployment needs to be supported. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Position for WRC2007 [2] FMG meeting Autumn 2007 2.1.2 Potential sources of interference likely to affect the MLS Background and Rationale: Although the MLS signal quality is less threatened by multipath and other interference mechanisms (e.g.: radio interference, signal reflections, military radiation) than ILS, the quality of the signal cannot be guaranteed in all conditions. Especially during advanced procedures, the signal of both MLS and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) may suffer from multipath interference. Guidance material should be developed for the proper identification of threats to the signal quality. Objective: Operational Requirements, Criteria and Method of application (RCM) available to detect and predict interference threats to MLS and DME signals and apply this information. Milestones and Tasks: a) identify the potential of interference mechanisms for straight-in MLS operations b) develop harmonised provisions for BRA to protect for MLS straight-in operations c) identify the potential of interference mechanisms for advanced MLS operations Responsibility PT/BRA Target Dates: completed [1]
completed [1]
As Necessary
Comments: ICAO has adopted propagation models. Although there is no plan to develop MLS curved approaches there is still some provision in ANNEX 10 Attachment G 14.3 on MLS curved
path procedures.
Reference documents: [1] ICAO EUR DOC015 European Guidance Material on Managing the Building Restricted Areas
Second Edition July 2009
10 2.1.3
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Certification of MLS Ground Stations Background and Rationale: Before a new landing aid is approved for operations, the navigationground stations need to be certified by the appropriate authorities. This process must be carried out for both CAT I and for CAT II/III operations. Objective: Certification of MLS Ground stations for the full range of AWO.
Milestones and Tasks: a) MOPS for MLS ground stations b) certification of MLS ground stations for CAT I c) certification of MLS ground stations for CAT II/III
Comments: Certification of the ground stations is a normal part of the implementation process. The certification is a site specific issue that still needs to be carried out each time. completed means here that at least one aerodrome in Europe has accomplished this task. Certification of MLS ground stations for CAT III was achieved at London Heathrow in March 2009. Reference documents: [1] EUROCAE ED-53A MOPS for MLS Ground Stations [2] ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids, MLS MTBO requirements [3] ICAO EUR Doc 012: European Guidance Material on Continuity of Service Evaluation In Support of the Certification of ILS & MLS Ground Systems [4] ICAO EUR Doc 016: European Guidance Material on Integrity Demonstration In Support of the Certification of ILS & MLS Systems 2.2 2.2.1 Airborne equipment Airborne certification process for MLS operations Background and Rationale: The demand for CAT III operations is growing in Europe. However, the continuation of ILS based CAT III operations cannot be guaranteed at some locations. Furthermore, at some aerodromes, GNSS based CAT III operations are not foreseen to be available in the appropriate time frame, which leaves MLS as the only option for the safe continuation of CAT III operations. Due to the necessity of interoperability between Regions and States, the Global Strategy identified the ultimate need for a multi-modal airborne landing capability. Therefore the availability of the MMR needs to be ensured. If required, activities to support the implementation of advanced operations could be undertaken after the certification for straight-in operations is completed. Objective: To develop both MLS CAT III receivers and the appropriate certification criteria for MLS operations as well as to ensure the availability of the MMR with MLS-capability. Milestones and Tasks: a) MOPS for the MLS receiver b) development of certification requirements for the MLS installations (incl. MMR) Responsibility EUROCAE JAA Target Dates: completed [1,4,5] completed [2]
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
avionics manufacturers, States JAA aircraft manufacturers, operators, States EASA / States aircraft manufacturers, operators, States aircraft manufacturers, operators, States
d) develop operational certification requirements for MLS operations e) operational approval of the aircraft for CAT I/II/III MLS autoland operations f) develop certification requirements for MLS installations to support advanced approach operations, when required; g) certification of the MLS installation (incl. MMR) to support advanced operations, when required. h) operational approval of the aircraft for CAT I/II/III advanced operations, when required
as necessary as necessary
as necessary
Comments: Certification MLS/MMR airborne equipment achieved October 2007 for straight in approaches. Operational approval for CAT III MLS autoland operations achieved March 2009. There is currently no plan to develop MLS curved approaches but there remains provisions in ANNX10 for such operations. Reference documents: [1] EUROCAE ED-36B MOPS for MLS stand-alone airborne receiving equipment [2] CS AWO - Certification Specifications for All Weather Operations subpart 1 and AMC to subpart 1 [3] EU OPS (Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3922/91 Annex III) [4] EUROCAE ED-74 MOPS for Combined ILS and MLS Airborne Receiving Equipment [5] EUROCAE ED-88 MOPS for MMR including ILS, MLS and GPS used for supplemental means of navigation [6] EASA list of ETSO authorisations 2 nd June 2009 2.3 2.3.1 ATS Procedures Definition of ATS procedures for MLS straight-in operations Background and Rationale: New technology prevents the use of new ATS procedures due to the changed criteria for the operations. Enhanced capacity and new ATS techniques must be based on ICAO SARPs and PANS. Potential new criteria for longitudinal spacing with MLS and adequate separation need to be developed. Objective: To provide users, providers and regulators a set of ATS procedures for the conduct of MLS operations. Objective: To provide users, providers and regulators a set of ATS procedures for the conduct of MLS operations.
Second Edition
July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Milestones and Tasks: a) define MLS sensitive and critical areas for straight-in operations; b) elaborate EUR SUPPs (Doc. 7030) for development of MLSbased ATS procedures for straight-in ILS look-alike operations c) develop ATS procedures for MLS CAT I straight-in operations d) develop ATS procedures for MLS CAT II/III straight-in operations
Comments: The basis for the short term MLS operations are ILS look-alike procedures. It is assumed that just a few airports will install MLS. These airports shall play a leading part in the development of operational procedures. Initiatives with respect to this issue are already foreseen. The results shall be forwarded to the AWOG for further initiatives with respect to the development of SARPs. MLS CAT I and MLS CAT II/III operations are being undertaken at London Heathrow and this experience has been used in the development of the guidance material for MLS procedures [3]. Reference documents: [1] ICAO PANS-ATM Doc. 4444 [2] ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids [3] ICAO EUR Doc 013 - European Guidance Material on Aerodrome Operations under Limited Visibility Conditions 2.3.2 Evaluation of the extent to which traffic flow / longitudinal spacing / runway capacity can be improved by MLS Background and Rationale: The introduction of MLS could have an impact on the longitudinal spacing standards between aircraft in the approach phase of flight as, amongst others, the MLS signal will not be interfered by aircraft which are leaving the runway. To obtain the full benefit of MLS, for instance the Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ), graded area and landing clearance delivery point must be assessed. This could have a positive impact on the maximum runway capacity and the total traffic flow. Objective: Evaluation of the impact of the introduction of MLS on the longitudinal spacing, the runway capacity and the traffic flow in general, whilst maintaining an acceptable level of safety. Milestones and Tasks: a) determination of the effect of the introduction of MLS on the minimum longitudinal spacing b) identify the need for early inclusion of Regional Provisions in Doc 7030 c) inclusion of ICAO provisions for implementing improved capacity in Procedures for Air Navigation Services, Air Traffic Management (PANS- ATM) Doc 4444 d) reassessment of OFZ due to current fleet capability e) safety assessment of optimised low visibility operations
Second Edition
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Comments: The maximum capacity gain when replacing ILS with MLS requires new procedures such as the trigger line concept described in ICAO EUR Doc 013. It has to be proven however that while maximising the capacity in low visibility conditions the level of safety remains acceptable notably compared to current operations. Reference documents: [1] Assessment of the impact of MLS implementation on CAT II/III runways capacity in low visibility conditions, European Commission Directorate General VII (EC DGVII), Transport Research/Air Transport, ISBN-92-827-5837-0, Luxembourg, 1996. [2] Preliminary Safety Case for Optimised operations under Low Visibility conditions Draft.
3.1 3.1.1
Milestones and Tasks: a) development of a GNSS Legal Framework to elaborate States and operators responsibilities b) reach agreement over institutional arrangements for the full range of GNSS operations c) develop an EGNOS operation approval mechanism
Comments: Some attempts have been made by E UROCONTROL in the Institutional Arrangement (IAR) Task Force and the ICAO Legal and Technical Experts Panel (LTEP). The successor of the IAR Task Force, since January 1998, is the GNSS Legal Task Force which is chaired by the Head of Legal Service, E UROCONTROL. Its mandate is to co-ordinate the European contribution to ICAO on the global GNSS legal framework and to develop proposals for a European legal framework on GNSS. With regard to ICAO the Task Force is currently participating as a member of the ICAO Study Group on legal issues. With regard to Galileo/EGNOS, the Task Force has prepared several submissions to the EC on the proposed legal and institutional framework and attended the EC Task Force meeting to put forward aviations position. At the ICAO General Assembly (28 Sept 8 Oct04) an important breakthrough has been achieved regarding the legal aspects of GNSS. Through a co-ordinated effort by European States and EUROCONTROL, the need for a GNSS Legal Framework has now been formally recognised and maintained with the highest priority on the legal programme of the ICAO Legal Committee. The Assembly directed the Secretary General to monitor and where appropriate, assist in the development of contractual frameworks on the basis, inter alia, of the structure and model proposed by EUROCONTROL and the ECAC States. This contractual framework is considered an initial step towards an International convention on GNSS. The European proposal for a CNS/ATM Contractual Framework has been drawn up to set out conditions for implementation and operation.
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July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
The regulatory aspects will cover legal liability aspects of the use of GNSS, including GPS and Galileo, which is an important pre-requisite for the evolution towards a more GNSS based Air Navigation System and safety related matters. The GNSS Legal Task Force is assessing how to apply the contractual framework to EGNOS in view of the service provision phase in the short term. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc 9750 - Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (includes LTEP Recommendations) [2] EUROCONTROL IAR Reports [3] ICAO General Assembly (28 Sept 8 Oct 2004) Resolution A35-3 3.1.2 Implementation of Galileo Background and Rationale: Currently the European Union, in co-operation with ESA, is developing a European satellite navigation system (Galileo) independent from GPS. Galileo will improve availability and continuity of service of current satellite based navigation system by providing a European civil satellite system inter-operable with the US GPS and the Russian GLONASS. Apart from the improved performance this may also solve some specific institutional issues related with using GPS for operations in Europe. There are still many issues to be solved such as the Galileo definition (service definition, the standardisation and architecture definition), for which the Galileo Mission Requirements Document (MRD) is the basis. An important issue is the integration of EGNOS in Galileo. Objective: Development of Galileo to improve overall GNSS performance and robustness. Milestones and Tasks: a) Galileo definition [MRD] b) Galileo frequency allocation c) Galileo development and in-orbit validation d) Galileo full deployment e) Galileo operational f) Galileo operational validation Responsibility EU/ESA EU / ITU EU / ESA EU / ESA EU / ESA Target Dates: completed [1] completed [2] 2010 2013 2013
Comments: The additional constellation provides the necessary availability for GNSS precision approaches. At the ITU World Radio Conference in 2000 (WRC-2000) radio frequencies have been allocated to Galileo. The Galileo Mission Requirements Document (MRD) contains the functional and performance requirements of the Galileo satellite navigation system. During 2009 ESA and EC are negotiating with industry the Galileo FOC procurement in parallel with a Galileo mission consolidation. It is expected that by early 2010, more consolidated information on the Galileo performances and dates will be available. Reference documents: [1] Galileo Mission Requirements Document [MRD], EU/ESA version 6, 2005 [2] ITU World Radio Conference Report (WRC-2000)
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July 2009
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Data Quality Background and Rationale: Operations based on GNSS will rely on a database of waypoints identifying the flight path to be followed. All necessary position fixes to support GNSS operations must be available in the WGS-84 standard reference frame. Relevant ICAO SARPs require States to publish charts with inter-alia the locations of navigation aids and ground facilities based on WGS-84 co-ordinates. In the ECAC area, E UROCONTROL coordinates the implementation of WGS-84. Additionally data integrity requirements remain a key issue. Objective: States to publish waypoint information in the WGS-84 co-ordinate system.
Milestones and Tasks: a) implementation of horizontal component of WGS84 b) implementation of vertical component of WGS84 c) verification of complete and proper implementation of WGS-84 d) Data Quality EC mandate e) Identify Terrain and Obstacle data requirements for annex 15 amendment f) FAS data block support tool to implementation
Target Dates: completed [1], [3] TBD [1], [2], [3] ongoing 2013 2012 As Necessary
Comments: The implementation of the WGS-84 is formally completed since 1 January 1998. However from the implementation and some database checks it appears to be necessary to verify the complete and proper implementation of the WGS-84. Moreover some specific issues remain with respect to the definition of future parking positions and taxiway in relation to SMGCS. A survey of all ECAC AIPs by E UROCONTROL, shows that not all States comply to WGS-84 yet. Annex 10 provides the FAS data block description; for APV approaches Annex 4 provides FAS data block charting requirements. There remains the need to harmonise the FAS data block production process and maintenance. Reference documents: [1] National AIPs. [2] ICAO Annex 15 and Annex 4 [3] ICAO WGS-84 Manual Doc 9674 3.1.4 Develop SARPs for GNSS based approach systems Background and Rationale: To ensure international interoperability and standardisation of GNSS based approach systems SARPs must be developed. Objective: To produce SARPs for GNSS Milestones and Tasks: a) develop SARPs for GPS L1
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Responsibility GNSSP
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
b) develop SARPs for GLONASS c) develop SARPs for SBAS L1 d) develop SARPs for GBAS for CAT. I e) develop SARPs for GBAS for CAT. II/III based on L1 f) applicability date of GNSS SARPs for all operations down to CAT I g) Galileo standardisation (SARPS) h) standardization of GPS L5 signal (SARPS) i) standardization of GLONASS L3 signal j) standardization of SBAS L5 signal k) standardization of combined used of GNSS signals l) develop SARPs for GBAS for CAT. II/III based on multi GNSS
2010/11 [2]
Comments: After GNSSP/3 the standards for GNSS CAT I service have formally been validated and recommended for inclusion in ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids. Amendment 85 and 86 of the SARPS will contain few changes required following notably GBAS CAT I initial implementation feedback. NSP decided to develop GBAS SARPs for CAT II/III operations initially based on GPS/L1 only. Work is currently progressed in ICAO NSP CAT III Sub Group (CSG , key issues in current discussion are the integrity concept and Time To alert as well as continuity. A conceptual framework document (technical concept) has been developed to help support the understanding of the new concept proposed that diverts from ILS look alike. For the long term perspective a multi GNSS GBAS CAT II/III SARPS is envisioned. The implementation of Galileo (TKI 3.1.9) or another stable core constellation is a determining factor to the availability of GBAS multi GNSS CAT II/III operations. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids [2] RTCA DO 261 NAVSTAR GPS L5 Signal Specification 3.1.5 GPS to support NPA Background and Rationale: Non-Precision Approach (NPA) requirements may be supported by ABAS [3] based on GPS, possibly including additional elements such as GLONASS or other aircraft sensors. If States wish to develop approvals for the introduction of NPA, the proposed navigation system elements must be identified. Objective: Approval for GPS based NPA.
This tentative date will be consolidated during NSP work plan update. These dates correspond to SARPS preparation process. Official publication in Annex 10 will depend on constellation deployment schedule and related SARPS validation activities. 2 As note 1
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Milestones and Tasks: a) identify architectures to support GPS NPA operations b) implement architecture to support GPS NPA operations c) safety case for GPS based NPA operations d) GPS approved for non-precision operations
Comments: JAA established the baseline requirements for the application of GPS for NPA operations [1]. In the near future EASA AMC 20-27 will be the basis for RNP APCH (i.e. GPS NPA) approval. It is up to the States to apply sufficient safety management in their decision of the application of GPS to support NPA operations. Reference documents: [1] AMC 20-5 AIRWORTHINESS APPROVAL AND OPERATIONAL CRITERIA FOR THE USE OF THE
[3] ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids 3.1.6 SBAS operations Background and Rationale: The European implementation of SBAS is covered in the EGNOS programme. States need all relevant information on EGNOS based APV operations before they can decide upon the best option (compared to Baro-based APV operations) for a transition from NPA operations at aerodromes in the EUR Region. An operational validation of EGNOS will need to take place after technical delivery of the SBAS system by the manufacturer. Objective: To implement EGNOS for APV operations in the EUR-Region and to approve its use. Milestones and Tasks: a) identify GNSS architectures to support APV operations b) EGNOS available (Signal in Space) * c) EGNOS Operational Validation * d) generic safety argument in support of APV operations based on EGNOS e) EGNOS approved to support APV operations * Responsibility States EC EC EUROCONTROL EC Target Dates: completed [1] 2010 Q2/2010 2009 Q2/2010
(*): as part of the ESSP certification by the French NSA and with the support of the other European NSAs Comments: EUROCONTROL started in 2005 the validation of the EGNOS signal and data against the requirements for aviation applications. Since April 1 st 2009 the EGNOS System Service Provider (ESSP) established by the European Commission is gradually handing over operations and maintenance of EGNOS. The setting up of the ESSP and its certification according to the Single European Sky legislation, including EGNOS validation activities and related work by EUROCONTROL on EGNOS aviation applications such as EGNOS-based APV are expected to enable aviation use of EGNOS for safety critical applications by mid 2010.
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Reference documents: [1] ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids [2] Civil aviation requirements for EGNOS, OCR/DP/157, E UROCONTROL Operational and Certification Requirements task force, October 15, 1999 (issue 3.0). 3.1.7 GBAS to support CAT I operations Background and Rationale: States need all relevant information on GBAS CAT I operations before they can decide upon the possible successor of ILS for AWO in the EUR Region. The introduction of GBAS to support CAT I requires additional effort in terms of siting criteria and frequency planning. If States wish to develop approvals for the introduction of CAT I services, the proposed navigation system elements must be identified. Objective: To decide upon the technical and operational options for the introduction of GBAS CAT I operations in the EUR Region and to approve its use. Milestones and Tasks: a) identify GBAS architectures to support CAT I operations b) assess the availability of frequencies for GBAS uplink facilities Responsibility GNSSP GNSSP Target Dates: completed [1] completed [2] completed [3], [4] [5] 2009 ongoing 2010 [3]; [7] as necessary as necessary 2009 [6] 2010??
c) develop siting criteria for locating GBAS ground stations for CAT ICAO I operations d) generic safety argument for GBAS based CAT I operations e) generic safety argument for GBAS based CAT I operations on parallel runways for independent operation f) GBAS CAT I ground station certification g) GBAS approved to support CAT I operations; EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL States States
h) GBAS approved to support CAT I operations on parallel runways States i) GBAS eligible to support lower than CAT I operations j) Update of Doc 013 to include lower than Standard CAT I operations EASA ICAO AWOG
Comments: Current ICAO EUR Doc 015 provides GBAS protection criteria for building application; Doc 015 does not currently address new GBAS installation but only provides the protections to be applied when building close to a GBAS Ground station. These criteria were established on early GBAS installations and thus are very conservative. This leads to significant GBAS siting constraints and thus can prevent GBAS installation at a number of Airports.. Nevertheless ICAO EUR Doc 015 is the only document that provides GBAS protection criteria; as such it is currently used by regulators. Therefore there is a need to assess the GBAS protection criteria when installing a new ground station based on GBAS Standards and taking account of the new antenna characteristics. EUROCAE WG28 should be tasked to assess the required protection criteria. Reference documents: [1 ICAO Annex 10, Volume 1 - Radio-navigation Aids [2] ICAO GNSSP WG-B, WP12 June 2000; and GNSSP WG-D, WP50 Sept 1997
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[3] ED-114 - MOPS for a GBAS ground facility to support CAT I approach and landing [4] ICAO EUR Doc 015 European Guidance Material on Managing the Building Restricted Areas [5] FAA LAA Ground Facility Siting criteria [6] EASA IR OPS [7] ICAO Doc 8071: Manual on testing of radio navigation aids 3.1.8 GBAS to support CAT II/III operations Background and Rationale: States need all relevant information on GBAS CAT II/III operations before they can decide upon the possible successor of ILS CAT II/III operations in the ICAO EUR Region. The CAT II/III requirements may be supported by a number of possible architectures including a combination of GNSS elements. The addition of the GPS L5 frequency would greatly benefit the robustness of GNSS CAT II/III operations. If States wish to develop approvals for the introduction of CAT II/III services, the proposed navigation system elements must be identified. Objective: To decide upon the technical and operational options for the introduction of GBAS CAT II/III operations in the EUR Region and to approve its use. Milestones and Tasks: a) identify architectures and requirements to support GBAS CAT II/III operations Responsibility NSP Target Dates: 2010 TBD 2010 2018 2015 2015 2015 2015 2020 2020 As necessary
b) develop siting criteria for locating differential ground stations for NSP/SSG CAT II/III operations c) consider the necessity and develop harmonised building restriction areas for GBAS CAT II/III operations d) full availability of GPS L5 signal e) safety case for GBAS L1 CAT II/III operations f) Implement architecture for GBAS L1 CAT II/III operations g) GBAS L1 approved as navigation aid for CAT II/III operations h) Update GBAS CAT II/III safety case to include multi GNSS capability i) Implement GBAS ground subsystem to support CAT II/III operations based on multi GNSS j) GBAS multi GNSS approved as navigation aid for CAT II/III operations k) Investigate GBAS L1 in support to other than standard CAT II operations AWOG US EUROCONTROL States States States EUROCONTROL States States States EASA
Comments: New operations named Other than Standard CAT II have been introduced recently in EU OPS and have been proposed for inclusion in EASA IR OPS, but are not recognised so far by ICAO.
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These operations offer more flexibility for the operators especially at airports where full CAT I or CAT II lighting would not be available. However these new operations identify a number of ATM requirements that would need to be captured and documented in guidance material such as ICAO EUR Doc 013 j) includes maintenance, testing, operational concept and procedures.
GNSS interference protection Background and Rationale: The potential interference mechanisms, both radio interference and atmospheric distortions for GNSS, need to be identified and assessed to maintain the safety in AWO. Multipath vulnerabilities are considered to be mitigated through the design of the GNSS augmentation service, in particular the GBAS ground facility. In respect to the use of GNSS as a future means of navigation for all phases of flight (including AWO) it is essential that the GNSS frequency band be adequately protected against interference. Objective: To define aviation requirements for the protection of the GNSS frequencies and to get international acceptance of these maximum allowable interference levels.
Milestones and Tasks: a) identify potential radio frequency interference mechanisms for GNSS b) develop protection levels against interference of the GNSS frequency band c) international acceptance of the developed protection levels against radio frequency interference d) define compatibility of DME GNSS signals e) assess interference to GNSS from ionospheric distortions
Target Dates: Completed [1], [2], [3], [4] completed [5], [6] completed [7], [8] completed [5] Completed [9]
Comments: At the WRC 2000 international acceptance on the adequate protection of GNSS satellite signals have been reached through co-ordination with regional frequency management bodies, ICAO and States. One item left from the meeting that needs to be considered is the mutual interference between GNSS and DME in the DME band (GPS L5 and Galileo E5 signals). The compatibility requirements between DME and GNSS signals have been defined and were accepted at WRC 2003. While not located in the GNSS frequency bands, the GBAS VHF Data Broadcast (VDB) forms an integral part of GBAS augmentation. Currently, no allocations are foreseen in the lower part of the navigation band, e.g., 108 to 112 MHz. However, should VDB allocations be extended to this band, current criteria to protect ILS from FM Broadcast interference (primarily intermodulation) may need to be revalidated for the GBAS VDB. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc 9849 GNSS Manual [2] RTCA DO235B Assessment of Radio Frequency Interference Relevant to the GNSS L1 Frequency Band [3] RTCA DO292 Assessment of Radio Frequency Interference Relevant to the GNSS L5 / E5A Frequency Band
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[4] Protection of GNSS operating in the band 1559 to 1610 MHz against unwanted emissions from Mobile Earth Stations operating in the band 1610 to 1626.5 MHz, ITU Attachment 9 to the Report of the First Meeting of the 8D-SRG (see Addendum 2 to Circular Letter 8/LCCE/40), ICAO, April 2 1997. [5] ICAO Annex 10 Vol 1, Radio Navigation Aids. [6] ICAO GNSSP Report, 23rd April 1999, Montreal. [7] EANPG conclusions 40/4, 40/56. [8] ICAO Doc 9718 - Handbook of Radio frequency spectrum requirements for civil aviation, including statement of approved ICAO policies. [9] ICAO Navigation Systems Panel: Ionospheric Effects on GNSS Aviation Operations, December 2006.
3.1.10 Data collection activities to support operational approvals Background and Rationale: To support the introduction and certification of GNSS based operations, data on performance of satellite navigation needs to be collected to support operational approval of satellite navigation. Objective: GNSS data collection to support GNSS system operational approvals (from En route to CAT III). Milestones and Tasks: a) data collection on GNSS capability of onboard integrity monitoring (SAPPHIRE) b) data collection on GNSS capability to support precision approach operations c) GBAS CAT I and EGNOS Validation tool development and qualification (PEGASUS) d) GBAS CAT II/III Validation Tool development and qualification (PEGASUS) e) EGNOS Data collection to support EGNOS approval f) EGNOS Data collection to support EGNOS approval (PEGASUS) Reference documents: [1] SAPPHIRE - First Results; EEC Report 330, 1998 (http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/publications/eecreports/1998/330.htm) [2] Investigation of Multipath Effects in the Vicinity of an Aircraft dependent on different Flight Profiles; EEC Report 357, 2000 (http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/publications/eecreports/2000/357.htm) [3] RAIM Study and SAPPHIRE RAIM Algorithms Validation; EEC Note 16, 2001 (http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/publications/eecnotes/2001/16.htm) [4] PEGASUS version Responsibility EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL States EUROCONTROL States EUROCONTROL States ESSP EUROCONTROL Target Dates: Completed [1], [2], [3] ongoing completed [4] 2010 2010 2010
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Airborne equipment Standardisation and certification for GNSS-based NPA operations Background and Rationale: Standards for airborne GNSS equipment are an essential element to enable certification and interoperability. Due to the necessity of interoperability between Regions and States, the ICAO Global Strategy identified the ultimate need for a Multi Mode Airborne Capability with GNSS elements. The availability of this equipment and stand alone equipment and their certification onboard aircraft needs to be ensured to support GNSS based NPA operations. Objective: Development of MOPS and Minimum Avionics System Performance Specification (MASPS) for GNSS Avionics Equipment using the MMR or stand alone equipment with GNSS NPA capability.
Milestones and Tasks: a) MOPS for GPS receiver for NPA b) MOPS for GPS element of MMR for NPA c) MOPS for SBAS for NPA d) certification of GPS receivers for NPA e) certification of EGNOS receivers for NPA f) certification of aircraft for GPS based NPA
Responsibility EUROCAE EUROCAE RTCA / EUROCAE JAA/ States EASA/ States EASA/ States
Target Dates: completed [1] completed [1], [2] completed [4], [5] completed [3] completed [5] Completed
Comments: It is assumed that the outcome of some tasks will possibly have an influence on other tasks (i.e. MOPS for CAT I versus CAT II/III). This means that all individual tasks are possibly related. However to maintain a total overview of tasks, NPA, APV, CAT I and CAT II/III are split in individual tasks. For the application of GNSS based NPA operations critical question is whether or not a satellite or aircraft based augmentation system needs to be available to fulfil all the operational requirements. Similar tasks will have to be repeated for receivers using GALILEO signals. Reference documents: [1] EUROCAE ED-72A MOPS for airborne GPS receiving equipment used for supplemental means of navigation [2] EUROCAE ED88 MOPS for MMR including ILS, MLS and GPS used for Supplemental Means of Navigation [3] ETSO C129a [4] RTCA DO-229D, MOPS for Global Positioning System/Wide Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment [5] ETSO C145/146 3.2.2 Standardisation and certification of airborne equipment for APV Baro operations Background and Rationale: The implementation of APV Baro is now a solution to comply with ICAO 36th assembly resolution on PBN implementation. Therefore standardisation of airborne receiver requirements and subsequent certification should be undertaken. Objective: Ensure certification of airborne equipments to support APV Baro operations
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Milestones and Tasks: a) certification of airborne equipment for APV Baro b) certification of aircraft for APV Baro operations Reference documents:
Standardisation and certification of airborne equipment for APV SBAS operations Background and Rationale: The implementation of SBAS is ongoing. Therefore standardisation of airborne receiver requirements and subsequent certification should be undertaken. Moreover at the GNSSP/3 the APV has been introduced. For this reason, the MOPS have to be adapted to accommodate this change. Objective: Ensure certification of SBAS operations and adapt industry standards to incorporate the APV operations.
Milestones and Tasks: a) adapt MOPS for SBAS to include APV and CAT I capability b) certification of EGNOS receivers for APV Reference documents:
[1] RTCA DO-229D, MOPS for Global Positioning System/Wide Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment [2] EASA AMC 20-28 is planned to be published in 2010. Draft AMC 20-28 is available under NPA 2009-04 since 23rd March 2009. 3.2.4 Standardisation and certification of integrated/combined airborne receivers for GBAS CAT I operations Background and Rationale: Standards for airborne GNSS equipment are an essential element to enable certification and interoperability. Due to the necessity of interoperability between Regions and States, the ICAO Global Strategy identified the ultimate need for a Multi Mode Airborne Capability with GNSS elements to cover all precision approach systems (ILS, MLS and GBAS).. The availability of this equipment and its certification onboard aircraft needs to be ensured to support GBAS CAT I operations. Objective: Development of MOPS and MASPS for GNSS Avionics Equipment and certification of the MMR with GBAS CAT I capability. Milestones and Tasks: a) MOPS for GBAS for CAT I b) certification of GBAS receivers for CAT I c) Approval of straight-in GBAS CAT I operations d) certification of GBAS CAT I system with autoland Responsibility RTCA / EUROCAE EASA / States States EASA Target Dates: completed [1], [2], [3], [4],[5] completed 2010 2012
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Comments: It is assumed that the outcome of some tasks will possibly have an influence on other tasks (i.e. MOPS for CAT I versus CAT II/III). Some aircraft are already certified for GBAS CAT I autoland (e.g.: A380) Reference documents: [1] RTCA DO-245 MASPS for Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) [2] EUROCAE ED-144 HIGH-LEVEL PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR A GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM / GROUND BASED AUGMENTATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT PRECISION APPROACH OPERATIONS, October 2007 [3] EUROCAE ED-88 Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Multi-Mode Airborne Receiver (MMR) including ILS, MLS and GPS used for Supplemental Means of Navigation; Note: ED-88A including GBAS CAT I is in final draft stage [4] RTCA DO-253C3 Minimum Operational Performance Standards for GPS Local Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment [5] ETSO-C161 Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Positioning and Navigation Equipment 3.2.5 Standardisation and certification of integrated/combined airborne receivers for GBAS CAT II/III operations Background and rationale: Standards for GBAS equipment are an essential element to enable certification and interoperability of CAT II/III operations. The availability of this equipment and its certification onboard aircraft needs to be ensured to support GNSS based CAT II/III operations. Objective: Development of MOPS and MASPS for GNSS Avionics Equipment and certification of the MMR with GNSS CAT II/III capability. Milestones and Tasks: a) MOPS for GBAS L1 system for CAT II/III b) Update of MMR MOPS (ED-88) to include GBAS L1element for CAT II/III c) certification of the MMR for GBAS L1 system for CAT II/III straight in operations d) certification of the aircraft for GBAS L1 CAT II/III for straight-in operations e) MOPS for GBAS multi GNSS for CAT II/III f) Update of MMR MOPS (ED-88) to include multi-GNSS CAT II/III g) certification of GBAS multi GNSS for CAT II/III operations h) certification of the MMR for GBAS CAT II/III multi GNSS straight in operations i) certification of the aircraft for GBAS multi GNSS CAT II/III for straight-in operations Responsibility RTCA EUROCAE EASA/ States EASA/ States EUROCAE EUROCAE EASA/ States EASA/ States EASA/ States Target Dates: completed[3] 2012 2013 2015 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
B version is the one relevant for CAT I use of C version is subject to restriction mentioned in its foreword.
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Comments: SARPs are essential to complete these tasks (TKI refers). It is assumed that when SARPs are available, MASPS are not necessary (beyond the content of ED-144 or its update) for the development of the GNSS receiver. It is also assumed that the outcome of some tasks will possibly have an influence on other tasks (i.e. MOPS for CAT I versus CAT II/III). GBAS multi GNSS CAT II/III operations development will depend strongly on multi frequency and multi constellation availability. EUROCAE is not planning to develop GBAS L1 CAT II/III MASPS beyond the contents of [2] refer to [1] (obsolete) for LAAS MASPS if needed. Reference documents: [1] RTCA DO-245A MASPS for Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) [2] EUROCAE ED-144 - High-Level Performance Requirements for a global Navigation Satellite System/Ground Based Augmentation System to support Precision Approach Operations [3] RTCA DO 253C: LAAS MOPS 3.2.6 Ensure waypoint database integrity Background and Rationale: Approach procedures making use of GNSS will require a database of waypoints to define the approach path. The integrity of onboard databases can only be assured to a certain level which may not be adequate for precision approach operations. The actual integrity of information provided by onboard databases must be quantified and other possibilities investigated such as up-linking waypoints from the ground. The latter leads to the requirement to assess the integrity of the ground based database. Objective: Quantify the integrity of information carried in onboard databases and assess the performance of other methods of providing the waypoints to the aircraft. Milestones and Tasks: a) publish the data integrity requirements in ICAO Annexes 4, 11, 14 and 15 b) determine the integrity of airborne database information c) determine the integrity of the GBAS Ground database information d) ensure the data integrity as specified in Annex 15 Responsibility ICAO EUROCONTROL EUROCAE States, aerodromes, manufacturers, operators States, EUROCONTROL Target Dates: completed [1], [2] Ongoing completed [1], [2] continuous [1], [2]
Comments: The quantification of the data integrity is the responsibility of States, database providers, aircraft manufacturers and aircraft operators. Combined RTCA/EUROCAE WGs have tackled the issues and the resulting requirements for database integrity are published in RTCA DO-200A/EUROCAE ED-76 and DO-201A/ED-77. EUROCAE DO-201A specifies the integrity and accuracy requirements for each waypoint. DO-200A describes the quality assurance procedures required around the establishment and the updating process for the database. Nevertheless the database integrity will have to be certified against these integrity values and this task is not closed, specifically for precision approach operations.
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Preliminary studies by EUROCONTROL demonstrated that the RNAV database integrity requirements are not met. A comprehensive assessment has started to compare different commercial databases, to verify national AIPs and compare AIPs with the databases. The introduction of a European Aeronautical Database may prove an essential improvement in maintaining the integrity of aeronautical data. Reference documents: [1] EUROCAE ED-76 / RTCA DO-200A Standards for Processing Aeronautical Data [2] EUROCAE ED-77 / RTCA DO-201A Standards for Aeronautical Information [3] ICAO Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts [4] ICAO Annex 11 Air Traffic Services [5] ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes [6] ICAO Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services 3.3 3.3.1 ATS Procedures Develop Instrument Flight Procedures using GNSS Background and Rationale: Due to the foreseen pressure to continue ILS-based AWO and to introduce new technologies for AWO at the same time, the proper, safe introduction of new technology, based on known criteria, should be safeguarded. This is especially true for the most critical operations known in aviation, (i.e. CAT II/III operations). Criteria to design aircraft operations shall be developed and agreed. Objective: Develop criteria to safeguard the continuation of safe AWO, based on new technologies, in CAT I, II and III conditions. Milestones and Tasks: a) development of a specific CRM for GNSS operations b) develop criteria for designing GNSS NPA procedures c) develop criteria for designing APV-I procedures d) develop criteria for designing APV-II procedures e) develop criteria for designing SBAS CAT I procedures f) develop criteria for designing GBAS CAT I procedures g) develop criteria for designing GBAS CAT II/III procedures h) design GNSS NPA procedures i) design GNSS APV procedures (either APV SBAS or APV Baro) j) design GNSS CAT I procedures k) design GNSS CAT II/III procedures Responsibility IFPP OCP OCP OCP IFPP OCP IFPP States States States States Target Dates: as necessary completed completed [1] completed [1] 2010 completed TBD ongoing as necessary as necessary as necessary
Comments: In the GNSS SARPs requirements will be stated on the signal-in-space performance. No guidance will be published in Annex 10 for the development of criteria for ATS procedures. Most probably, the ILS CRM can be the basis for approval of GNSS operations. However the ILS CRM might be more conservative than a GNSS CRM. Therefore continuation of the development
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of a specific GNSS CRM is recommended, due to the specific architecture and related safety requirements. For the purpose of GBAS CAT I criteria a Correlation study was performed in 2003 showing that no separate CRM was needed for GBAS CAT I. Such work needs to be reconducted for GBAS CAT II/III once prototype systems are available Depending on the progress of the GBAS CAT II/III SARPS the corresponding criteria are currently considered for inclusion in IFPP future work programme. Specific safety requirements for parallel approaches supported by GBAS are currently under investigation in IFPP. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc 8168 - PANS-OPS 3.3.2 Definition of ATS procedures for GNSS Background and Rationale: Introduction of new technology provokes a new way of operating in the ATS environment. R&D and trials should focus on the operational aspects, especially for issues such as SBAS/GBAS transition, range of Signal in Space (SIS) requirements for availability and continuity, ATC and flight crew training, GNSS information by Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), etc. This information should result in ICAO provisions for AWO based on these technologies. Objective: To gain knowledge for the safe and efficient AWO based on GNSS technologies. Milestones and Tasks: a) ICAO global provisions including ATS procedures supporting instrument approaches based on GNSS; b) identify the need for and if necessary propose EUR SUPPs (Doc.7030) for operations supported by GNSS c) APV SBAS and APV Baro Operational Concepts d) GBAS CAT I Operational Concept e) GBAS CAT II/III Operational Concept Responsibility ICAO ANC AWOG/States ICAO, Eurocontrol ICAO, Eurocontrol ICAO, Eurocontrol Target Dates: ongoing [1], [2] as necessary Ongoing Completed [3] completed [3]
Comments: Global provisions in PANS ATM are under review, in particular with regard to NOTAM requirements (e.g.: predicted RAIM holes). Operational concepts have to be developed in order to assess the impacts of GNSS technology on the existing operations and new operations such as APV. On the basis that GNSS should be used globally, it is not recommended to provide specific developments of Doc 7030. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc. 8168 PANS-OPS [2] ICAO Doc. 4444 PANS-ATM [3] EUROCONTROL GBAS Concept of Operation 3.3.3 Revised requirements for visual aids related to the introduction of GNSS Background and Rationale: The provisions of visual aids (marking and lighting) on and around aerodromes are governed by ICAO SARPs (Annex 14). The growing number of operations, the implementation of Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) and
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the use of new technologies (GNSS) may call for new or revised provisions. Especially the minimum lighting requirements associated with the introduction of APV, needs to be considered by ICAO. Before certain technology and possible corresponding procedures are implemented or decommissioned and in order to facilitate the installation of equipment and training of the users, sufficient lead time must be taken into account. Objective: To identify the need for new or revised ICAO provisions on visual aids (marking and lighting) for AWO, and develop such material. To identify the minimum lead time for users, providers and regulators for implementation/decommissioning of visual aids. Milestones and Tasks: a) identify the need for new or revised visual aids for AWO due to the introduction of GNSS b) development and inclusion of new requirements on visual aids in Annex 14 Responsibility GNSSP/3 Target Dates: completed [1]
ICAO Visual TBD Aids Panel (VAP) Comment: As a consequence an impact assessment of any identified change in Airfield Ground Lighting requirement due to GNSS operations on A-SMGCS Level 2 Safety Nets should be conducted. Reference documents: [1] GNSSP/3 Report [2] ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes
Potential of advanced operations of GNSS Background and Rationale: With the introduction of GNSS many additional advanced operations arise which cannot be provided by ILS (e.g. computed centre-line approaches, interception techniques, airborne capability levels, curved approaches, and use of data link). The purpose of this TKI is to identify these applications, the related benefits and the associated ATS and airborne procedures to allow the early use of such applications. Objective: Determine the advanced applications of GNSS, their potential benefits and the associated ATS and airborne procedures.
Milestones and Tasks: a) determine the advanced applications of GNSS b) assess the related benefits of advanced applications of GNSS c) ICAO global provisions for GNSS advanced operations included in PANS-ATM (Doc. 4444) d) identify the need for and if necessary EUR SUPPs (Doc. 7030) for GNSS advanced operations e) revise the advanced minimum parallel runway separation standards for GNSS and include them in the PANS-ATM (Doc. 4444) f) develop criteria for RNP transition to XLS operations
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Comments: See also TKI 3.3.2 Specific safety assessment to address GNSS continuity risk when supporting parallel operations is needed (ref to PANS OPS). An alternative would be to reassess the NTZ size taking full account of multiple simultaneous missed approaches.
4.1 4.1.1
Milestones and Tasks: a) gain knowledge on the potential impact of new technologies (other than MLS and GNSS) on AWO. b) EVS MASPs c) EVS operations d) CVS MASPs
Comments: This task is partly related to the development of A-SMGCS as it addresses notably the onboard capability required for taxiing on the airport. There will be a need to ensure compatibility/interoperability between on-board equipment and information/data received from third (Aerodrome/ATS) systems e.g. automated lighting systems to provide guidance and/or control. As far as development of technical and operational requirements for the approach and landing phases of flights are concerned the AWOG is the appropriate body. IR OPS introduces also EVS operation.RTCA SC213 and EUROCAE WG 79 have been progressing EVS standard. EVS MASPs has been published in 2008 reflecting the current existing system and taking due account of its limitations. The same working groups are currently developing the CVS (combined Visual system) MASPS [2]. CVS is a system that combines the information of the two systems:: EVS and SVS, thus providing increased integrity and situation awareness for guiding the pilot. CVS would allow for AWO including CAT III C and removing the need of autoland capability for such operations. The operational approval of E(F)VS is still not published as some remaining key issues are still pending. Reference document: [1] ED-179: MASPS for Enhanced Vision Systems, Synthetic Vision Systems, Combined Vision Systems and Enhanced Flight Vision Systems. [2] ED-180: MASPS for Enhanced, Synthetic and Combined Vision Systems with operational credit (other than NPA OPS 41) 41, reference ED-180 (due date: June 2010) [3] IR OPS NPA 02b [4] EASA Temporary Guidance Leaflet (TGL) 42 has been created to support the operational approval of E(F)VS (with airworthiness appendix) (pending)
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30 4.2 4.2.1
Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
ATS Procedures Inventory of optimum wake turbulence separation for use in Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) Background and Rationale: According to ICAO provisions on separation capacity is decreasing during LVP to ensure the required level of safety. Therefore, wake turbulences are not an issue within current provisions. Further refinement of the current criteria may be necessary to manage the risks attached to LVPs, especially when new technologies may improve the landing capacity based on other protection requirements of the ground systems.. With reduction of separation minima due to the use of new technologies it should be considered if the existing wake turbulence criteria are still appropriate for LVP conditions. Objective: Determination of optimum wake turbulence separations in LVP.
Milestones and Tasks: a) assess, in consultation with States and international organisations, if existing wake turbulence separations are appropriate for use in LVP b) develop new wake turbulence separations and inclusion in PANS-ATM (Doc. 4444) and in the AWO-Manual as appropriate.
Comments: An R&D programme may be necessary. Wake Turbulence research is being conducted by EUROCONTROL, which may contribute to this programme. Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) issues specific to AWO, including units of measurement Background and Rationale: Publication of Charts for AWO, and their contents, are governed by ICAO provisions contained in Annex 4, 15 and Doc. 8168. The implementation of WGS-84, as well as the advent of new Technologies and new Types of AWO procedures (e.g. Steep final, curved APP, RNAV), have called for the development of new/or revised ICAO provisions. Objective: To prepare provisions for Charts and Maps to allow operations based on new technology. Milestones and Tasks: a) assess the current ICAO provisions b) identify the need for new revised provisions c) include new provisions in Annex 15 and 4 d) identify the need for (Regional) Provisions on AIS/MAPs Responsibility ICAO ANC ICAO OCP ICAO ANC AWOG, EUROCONTROL Target Dates: completed Completed Completed [1][2] As Necessary
Comments: The MDA/DA charting and operational issue is still under discussion. Annex 4 amendment 54 includes definitions and introduction of new provisions concerning the Aerodrome Terrain and Obstacle Chart ICAO (Electronic). Minimum en-route altitudes, minimum obstacle clearance altitudes, logon address, ATS surveillance system terminology, aeronautical database requirements, approach fixes and points, aeronautical data quality requirements for gradients and angles, steep angle approach cautionary note, hot spot and intermediate holding, position including new symbols.
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Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Reference documents: [1] Annex 15 Amendment 33 [2] Annex 4 Amendment 54. 4.3 4.3.1 Mixed Mode operations Procedures for aircraft in sequence using different types of landing aids Background and Rationale: It is foreseen that ILS will co-exist for a long time beside MLS and GNSS. This will urge the need for appropriate ATS procedures to enable early benefits in a random mixture of ILS, MLS and GNSS traffic (e.g.: MLS-ILS-MLS to a single runway). A random mixture of ILS and MLS/GNSS traffic may cause substantial effects on the stability of the ATS operations. A new set of separation criteria could be the direct effect. R&D is necessary to substantiate the effects and to suggest operational, acceptable solutions. The immediate need is to manage a mix of ILS and MLS aircraft. Experience gained can later be applied to other mixes of traffic (e.g. ILS/GNSS or MLS/GNSS) as well. Objective: Provide ATS procedures for the optimisation of a random mixture of ILS and MLS/GNSS traffic to a single runway. Milestones and Tasks: a) development of ATS procedures to use in a random mixture of ILS and MLS traffic to a single runway in LVP b) inclusion of general provisions for mixed MLS/GNSS and ILS/GNSS operations in PANS/ATM Doc. 4444 c) identify the need for and if necessary develop proposed Regional Provisions (Doc. 7030) for mixed MLS/GNSS and ILS/GNSS Responsibility AWOG, PT/LVP ICAO ANC AWOG, PT/LVP, States Target Dates: completed [1] as necessary as necessary
Comments: States have the obligation to start R&D to develop these procedures to allow early benefits and forward the results to the ICAO ANC for incorporation in the relevant ICAO documentation. The AWOG shall follow these developments and focus on Regional Provisions in this field. There is a strong dependency between this issue and TKI 2.3.2. Additional work on Optimised Operations will allow capacity benefits to be achieved following the implementation of MLS and GNSS. Currently material in mixed landing mode operations is only available in EUR DOC 013. Reference documents: [1] ICAO EUR Doc 013 European Guidance Material on Aerodrome Operations under Limited Visibility Conditions 4.4 4.4.1 Aerodrome operations (AOP)
Specific AOP
Background and Rationale: With the increasing demand for optimised runway(s) utilisation and the increasing environmental constraints, providers, regulators and users should focus on new techniques for approach and landing. These techniques could potentially improve the capacity of aerodrome and reduce the negative impact on the environment (e.g. Intersection Take-Off; Multiple Touch-Down points; Reduced TO/LDG distances; Mixed operations; Noise alleviation; Operations on converging/intersecting runways). Objective: Optimise AWO planning in the EUR Region by applying new ATS techniques for approach and landing.
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Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
Milestones and Tasks: a) inclusion of improved runway operations on parallel and nearparallel runways in PANS ATM Doc. 4444 b) inclusion of PANS for advanced operations (e.g.: curved approaches, computed centreline, continuous descent) using MLS/GNSS in PANS-ATM Doc. 4444 c) development of SUPPs (intersection take-offs, approaches/departures) on improved RWY operations multiple line-ups, visual
Completed [2]
Completed [2]
Comments: Several tasks related to the optimisation of AOP were identified in the ECAC/APATSI programme. Some elements are being considered by the appropriate ICAO bodies for approval. Other elements are already being taken care of within IFPP. It should nevertheless be emphasised that there is no appropriate ICAO body studying these subjects. OCP and GNSSP stated that the separation aspects will not be taken into account in their work programme. The EUROCONTROL Working Group on Aerodrome and TMA operations is currently taking action in these directions. Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM [2] ICAO EUR Doc 7030 4.4.2 Non-visual aids to support ground operations during low visibility conditions - ASMGCS Background and Rationale: With the planning of AWO due account should be given to navigation requirements (related to situational awareness and guidance) in support of A-SMGCS. Special attention is necessary on the interface of landing and ground operations. This could eventually be improved by the introduction of new non-visual aids. The coordination of requirements for non-visual aids both for the approach and landing phase and for the guidance functionality on the ground is strongly recommended. Objective: Streamlining the developments in the approach and landing phase of a flight with the developments in the field of Ground operations. Milestones and Tasks: a) publication of initial ICAO operational requirements for A-SMGCS b) determination of need for Regional Provisions for A-SMGCS in Doc 7030 c) validation of operational requirements for A-SMGCS d) identify the requirements on the navigation system from the ASMGCS operational requirements Responsibility ICAO ANC EANPG EUROCONTROL States EANPG, EUROCONTROL States Target Dates: completed [1] TBD TBD TBD
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Transition Key Issues for the introduction and application of non-visual aids to AWO in EUR Region
on going
Reference documents: [1] ICAO Doc 9830 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual [2] EUROCAE ED-116 MOPS for Surface Movement Radar Sensor Systems for Use in ASMGCS [2] EUROCAE ED-117 MOPS for Mode S Multilateration Systems for Use in A-SMGCS [3] EUROCAE ED-128 - Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Levels 1 and 2 4.5 GNSS legal recording requirement Objective: To support post accident/incident investigation. Milestones and Tasks: a) Implement equipment or arrangements to meet legal recording requirements Reference documents: [1] ICAO ANNEX 10 Responsibility States Target Dates: Upon implementation
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. 1. 2. 3. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 2 3.1 Building .................................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 Building Restricted Area (BRA) ........................................................................................................ 3 4. 5. General procedure ................................................................................................................................... 3 Details of the two-step process ................................................................................................................ 4 5.1 Step 1 5.2 Step 2 6. 7. 8. .................................................................................................................................. 4 .................................................................................................................................. 5
BRA for omni-directional facilities ........................................................................................................ 5 BRA for directional facilities .................................................................................................................. 7 General notes for omni-directional and directional facilities .............................................................. 8 APPENDIX 1 Navigational facilities ............................................................................................... A-1 APPENDIX 2 Communication facilities ......................................................................................... A-2 APPENDIX 3 Surveillance facilities................................................................................................ A-3 APPENDIX 4 Wind-Turbine(s) Assessment for Navigational Facilities.A-4
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SUMMARY For the same CNS facilities widely differing protection zones are utilised by member states. This has led to the confusion of developers, planners, airport operators and others interested in the progressive development in, on and around sites where CNS facilities are necessarily located. This guidance material proposes harmonised protection zones and defines for the most common facilities a building restricted area (BRA). Buildings within this BRA have potential for causing unacceptable interference. All building activities in this area should be assessed. A process for the assessment of these buildings is identified herein.
1.1 Under the European Air Navigation Planning Group (EANPG) the All-Weather Operation Group (AWOG) addressing the sustainability of All Weather Operations (AWO) was presented with a paper highlighting a problem with the determination of Building Restricted Areas (BRAs). 1.2 It has been identified by numerous member states that the control of buildings and the approval processes employed may lead to widely ranging allowances of what is permitted. 1.3 The AWOG set up a Project Team on Building Restricted Areas (PT/BRA) to elaborate respective European Operational Requirements (OR) and develop guidance material in order to ensure signal in space requirements are maintained within specification for the respective Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) facilities used in support of the AWO. 1.4 In the context of this guidance material the definition of the word Building will be as defined in section 3 of this document. 1.5 Guidance material by its very nature is for guiding the user and hence the process identified herein allows a two step approach to the decision making process of whether a building causes unacceptable interference. 1.6 The principle behind this guidance material is to provide a readily accessible, practical standard procedure. This will enable member states to assess building applications to a known process. 1.7 It is provided for use by member states to aid the procedure of evaluating all planning applications for buildings. 1.8 It is recommended that the appropriate engineering authority be contacted for correct interpretation of the shapes included in the procedure. This is to ensure the shapes are used correctly for the appropriate facility.
Formatted: Widow/Orphan control, Keep with next
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2.1 This document establishes guidance material for determining whether the physical presence of a building may have an adverse effect on the availability or quality of CNS signals of the following ICAO recognised facilities: DME N VOR Direction Finder NDB GBAS (VDB & Receiver stations) ILS (Localiser, Glide-path, & Markers) SBAS (ground monitoring station) MLS (Azimuth & Elevation) VHF Communication Primary Radar SSR 2.2 Degradation of the signal in space caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI) is not covered in this guidance material. 2.3 The obstacle restrictions that are given in this guidance material do not take into account the effect of the proposed buildings upon VFR / IFR aeronautical operations. The criteria for evaluating buildings from an operational point of view are contained within Annex 14 (Aerodromes) and in ICAO Doc. 8168 (PANS OPS). 2.4 Satellite Up/Down links, VHF/UHF Ground/Ground communication facilities, Microwave links and HF facilities are not considered within this document. 2.5 Critical and Sensitive areas are based on the guidance found within Annex 10 and are not considered within this document. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3. 3.1 Monitoring sites and radio links are not considered within this document. PAR facilities are excluded from this document. Military communication facilities are not considered within this document. MLS and GNSS advanced operations are not considered within this document. Definitions Building
3.1.1 The development of the guidance material has been with the notion of building in mind. However the guidelines developed apply equally well for other objects whether moving or stationary, temporary or permanent causing interference to the radio signals of CNS facilities, such as machines, constructions used for the erection of buildings as well as excavation and spoil or even vegetation.
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3.2.1 In the context of AWO, the BRA is defined as a volume where buildings have the potential to cause unacceptable interference to the signal-in-space in the service volume of CNS facilities for AWO. All CNS facilities have BRA defined which are not limited to actual site boundaries of the facility but extend to significant distances from the facility. 3.2.2 4. Buildings mentioned in 6.4 & 7.7 should be assessed even when outside the BRA limits. General procedure
4.1 The general procedure is a two-step process (see Figure 1) for the approval of buildings that may adversely affect CNS facilities. 4.2 The analysis carried out under both processes should be formally recorded. The intention is that Step 1 should be an expedient evaluation and Step 2 should involve in-depth analysis. 4.3 For Step 1: Use the General Input Screening method for all applications. This screen is to be used by the appropriate authorities (for example: Airport, Planning, Local Official, Government Authorities who conduct the initial review of building applications) in order to ascertain whether approval can be given directly or it should be passed to the appropriate engineering authorities (Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel - ATSEP). 4.4 For Step 2: The ATSEP should carry out detailed analysis. This should cover all aspects of the CNS facility to be protected and the possible effects of the proposed building on the signal in space provided by these facilities.
Building application
6 Approval
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Definitions and explanation applicable to Figure 1 Step 1 4.5 4.5.1 4.6 Building application The application for a new building or modification to an existing or planned building. Infringe surfaces
4.6.1 This is where the generic screening method is applied to the proposal to determine if the BRA surfaces are infringed. In case of non-infringement the process is terminated and the application is recorded as approved. Step 2 4.7 Specialist engineering analysis
4.7.1 When an infringement of the BRA is identified, the application is handed over to the responsible engineering authorities for the CNS facilities. This is in accordance with the relevant formal approval process. The engineering authority will conduct appropriate analysis based on theory, experience and existing conditions. 4.8 Interference to facility performance
4.8.1 The results of the ATSEP analysis determine if the interference effects are acceptable or not. Where conflicting analysis or studies arise it is recommended that first consideration be given to altering the proposal. 4.9 Application rejection
4.9.1 The building applicant is notified of the rejection of the application by the appropriate authority. This does not preclude any modification that may be made to the application. Following rejection of the building proposal it may be possible to modify and re-submit the application. A modified proposal is subjected to the applicable review processes as identified in Figure 1. 4.10 Application approval
4.10.1 Approval for the building application is given when interference effects to facility performance are accepted. 5. 5.1 Details of the two-step process Step 1
5.1.1 The signal in the service volume for all CNS facilities must be protected from unacceptable interference. In order to achieve this, each type of facility must have its own safeguarded surface as defined by a shape of a certain form. The dimensions of the shape are dependent upon individual facility types. 5.1.2 Omni-directional facilities are assessed using the shape formed from a cone and cylinder (sees Figure 2.1 and 2.2). 5.1.3 5.1.4 Directional facilities are assessed using an adapted shape (see Figure 3). Local terrain and environmental constraints may modify the application of the shapes.
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5.1.5 The shapes generated, when applied to different CNS facilities, represent the individual safeguarded surfaces of these individual facilities. 5.1.6 Where these shapes overlap, they are identified as being clustered (e.g. at an airport). This then forms a 3 dimensional picture, which is represented as one shape and will form the basis of the overall airport BRA map. The facility that requires the most restrictive BRA takes precedence in step 1 and triggers a step 2 review. 5.1.7 The appropriate authority applies the BRA map as a template, including elevation information for the screening process. 5.1.8 It has been noted that the Critical and Sensitive areas, for particular system installations and runway profiles, need to be tailored by the ATSEP. These tailored areas are based on the guidance found within Annex 10. They are not considered in this document. 5.2 Step 2
5.2.1 The appropriate engineering authority that has responsibility for the CNS facilities in question conducts the second step of the review process. 5.2.2 This engineering authority conducts an analysis of the building proposal. The analysis is based on, although not limited to the experience and expert knowledge of the engineers undertaking the task. The procedure may cover theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and modelling in order to identify significant effects of the proposed building in the current environment. 5.2.3 During the analysis work, the engineers involved will gain an understanding as to the extent of the impact on the CNS facilities affected. There are three possible results from the initial analysis of the building application: a) b) c) The effects are unacceptable. Some effects are identified. Where this is the case or any doubt exists then further detailed analysis will need to be conducted. Negligible effects.
5.2.4 The output of these analyses results in an approval or rejection answer to the building application. It is recommended that where a definite answer is not forthcoming then the engineering authority should protect the facility by refusing the application. 5.2.5 If the result of the analysis is to reject the application there may be feedback available from the ATSEP. This is in order to allow some comment on the nature of the proposal and the aspects, which in their view are causing the unacceptable effects on the CNS facilities. 5.2.6 The rejection of the application does not preclude the applicant from re-submission. This may take the form of a new or modified building application, which is then re-assessed against the conditions extant at time of re-submission. 6. BRA for omni-directional facilities
6.1 The cylinder is referenced to the ground terrain; the cone is referenced to a horizontal plane. Where irregular terrain is present the BRA shape is adapted. 6.2 The BRA is considered to provide worst case protection.
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Direction finder figures may require modification if the antenna is installed at a high level.
6.4 It is recommended that buildings such as skyscrapers, large excavating works, TV towers and other high towers should be assessed at all times even outside the BRA for omni-directional facilities. Particular attention should be paid to clusters of buildings and overhead power lines. For surveillance and communication facilities it is recommended that wind turbine(s) should be assessed at all times even outside the BRA for omni-directional facilities. Additional guidance on the assessment of wind turbine developments for navigational facilities is given in Appendix 4.
Figure 2.1: Omni - Directional BRA Shape (three dimensional representation) j R
Second cylinder First cylinder Parameters: r (radius of first cylinder) R (radius of cone) (angle of cone) j (radius of second cylinder) h (height of second cylinder)
Origin of cone
Second cylinder
R j
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7.1 The directional BRA dimensions for variants of localiser systems will differ significantly, this is due to the aperture and antenna designs. 7.2 Wide aperture arrays (typically 24 / 25 element) will have additional protection through the use of the medium aperture BRA figures. Hence the guidance figures presented in table 2 only represent the BRA figures for medium aperture antenna arrays for facility performance category III facilities. 7.3 The end fire array glide-path will require a narrower protection zone due to the directivity of the antenna system. 7.4 MLS operations are to be taken as straight in approaches only, with narrow beam antennas. Advanced operations are not yet covered in the guidance material and hence Out of Coverage Indication (OCI) and back azimuth protection are not given. If advanced operations are planned then appropriate protection should be established. 7.5 Directional DME is assumed to be associated with landing systems. BRA volumes in both directions should be established where DME is used for go around procedures. 7.6 The directional shape is orientated by the appropriate ATSEP.
7.7 It is recommended that buildings such as , skyscrapers, large excavating works, TV towers and other high towers should be assessed at all times even outside the BRA for directional facilities. Particular attention should be paid to clusters of buildings and overhead power lines. Additional guidance on the assessment of wind turbine developments for navigational facilities is given in Appendix 4. Figure 3 Directional facilities shape Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2
D r
Figure 3.3
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Shape to be applied for the directional facilities Figure 3.1 End elevation Figure 3.2 Plan elevation Figure 3.3 Side elevation Figure 3.4 - Directional facilities perspective
8. 8.1
General notes for omni-directional and directional facilities Where facilities are co-located the most stringent BRA volume applicable should apply.
8.2 Non-standard installations (for example: height above 7m, mountain-top site, offset localiser) require careful assessment because changes in the radiation pattern will occur and hence more specific shapes may be required. 8.3 More capable antenna arrangements or advanced technology (e.g. wide aperture, out of phase clearance, Doppler techniques) will allow the reduction of the protection zone applied by the ATSEP. 8.4 8.5 Annex 14 surfaces are applicable and should also be taken into account. The shapes are applicable from ground terrain upwards.
8.6 Local terrain and environmental constraints (e.g. humped runways) may modify the application of the shapes.
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APPENDIX 1 Navigational facilities Table 1: Harmonised guidance figures for the omni-directional navigational facilities in accordance with Figures 2.1 and 2.2 Radius (r Cylinder) (m) Radius (j Cylinder) (m) Wind turbine(s) only Height of cylinder j (h -height) (m) Wind turbine(s) only Origin of cone and axis of cylinders
Alpha (a cone) ( )
Base of antenna at ground level Centre of antenna system at ground level Base of antenna at ground level Base of antenna at ground level Base of antenna at ground level Base of antenna at ground level Base of antenna at ground level Base of antenna at ground level
GBAS ground Reference receiver GBAS VDB station VDB station monitoring station
The heights and surfaces specified for wind turbine(s) apply to the tip of the turbine blade when vertical. Where the terrain cannot be considered to be flat, for example in the case of sloping terrain, then all wind turbine proposals should be assessed out to the full radius of cylinder j or the BRA adapted to the actual terrain.
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A1 - 2
Table 2: Harmonised guidance figures for the directional navigational facilities in accordance with Figure 3
Type of navigation facilities ILS LLZ (medium aperture single frequency) ILS LLZ (medium aperture dual frequency) ILS GP MType (dual frequency) MLS AZ MLS EL DME (directional antennas) Notes: The parameters (a) and (b) originate from the base of the antenna and follow the terrain. (r) originates from the base of the antenna and is referenced to the horizontal plane. is measured in a horizontal plane. Other specific notes pertaining to omni or directional shapes are included in the respective section of the procedure. In case of advanced operations supported by either MLS or GNSS, specific adaptation to the respective BRA will have to be made. A (m) Distance to threshold Distance to threshold 800 Distance to threshold 300 Distance to threshold b (m) 500 500 50 20 20 20 h(m) 70 70 70 70 70 70 r (m) a+6000 a+6000 6000 a+6000 6000 a+6000 D (m) 500 500 250 600 200 600 H (m) 10 20 5 20 20 20 L (m) 2300 1500 325 1500 1500 1500 ( ) 30 20 10 40 40 40
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APPENDIX 2 Communication facilities Table 3: Harmonised guidance figures for the omni-directional Communication facilities in accordance with Figures 2.1 and 2.2 Type of communication facilities VHF Communication Tx VHF Communication Rx Notes: ATIS is a service which is considered to have sufficient protection within VOR or VHF facilities. ADS ADSB & VDL mode 4 VDL ground stations This is considered to be protected within the VHF Communication protection volumes (includes all VDL modes / VDL data links in Communication due to the frequency of operation). Directional communication facilities may exist in support of AWO however it is recommended that protection should be established based on the omni directional shape. Alpha (a cone) ( )
Origin of cone
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APPENDIX 3 Surveillance facilities Table 4: Harmonised guidance figures for the omni-directional Surveillance facilities in accordance with Figures 2.1 and 2.2
Type of surveillance facilities PSR SSR Alpha (a cone) ( ) 0.25 0.25 Radius (R- cone) (m) 15000 15000 Radius (r cylinder) (m) 500 500 Origin of cone
Notes: SMR protection should be implemented in accordance with Line of Sight requirements. ASMGCS has to fulfil ICAO operational requirements. ASMGCS systems may be composed out of several different sub systems some ICAO recognised some not. The ICAO recognised facilities BRA are given in this document. BRA for the non-ICAO recognised facilities have to be developed to conform to their specific requirements.
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A - 4-1
APPENDIX 4 Wind-Turbine(s) Assessment for Navigational Facilities The guidance figures given in Appendix 1 Table 2, together with the application of ICAO Annex 14 surfaces, should provide sufficient protection for all directional facilities. The guidance figures given in Appendix 1 Table 1 should provide sufficient protection for all omni-directional facilities. The Step 2 Specialist engineering analysis process for VOR and Direction Finders (DF) is discussed in more detail below: VOR The impact of wind turbine(s) on VOR is difficult to assess for several reasons, including: a) the worst case errors may be experienced when the turbine blades are stationary (due to either high or low wind speeds). The actual error is a function of the orientation of the turbine and position of the turbine blades when stationary. b) the worst case error is due to the cumulative effect of a number of turbines, each of which may be acceptable individually. The cumulative effect at any position in the coverage volume is very sensitive to the exact location and orientation of the individual turbines. c) the largest errors are likely to be experienced at the limit of coverage and at low elevation angles. d) it is unlikely that the worst case errors can be confirmed by flight inspection due to the factors listed above. Proposed wind turbine developments should be assessed to a distance of 15 km from the facility. Further assessment is required for any turbines within 600 m, or if any turbines infringe a 1 degree slope from the centre of the antenna at ground level to a distance of 3 km,or if they infringe a 52 m horizontal surface from a distance of 3 km to 15 km. Where the terrain cannot be considered to be flat, for example in the case of sloping terrain, then all wind turbine proposals should be assessed out to 15 km or the BRA adapted to the actual terrain. In most cases single wind turbine developments are acceptable at distances greater than 5 km from the facility, and developments of less than 6 wind turbines are acceptable at distances greater than 10 km from the facility. However if VOR performance is already marginal this may not be acceptable. In cases where there are existing wind turbine(s) within the 15 km zone the assessment of new proposals needs to consider the cumulative affect of all the turbines, bearing in mind that the worst case error due to the existing wind turbine(s) is unlikely to have been measured by flight inspection.
Computer simulations can be used to assess the effect of wind turbine(s) on VOR using worst case assumptions as outlined above. In determining the acceptability of proposed wind turbine developments it is necessary to consider how much degradation of performance can be allowed. This requires consideration of the VOR error budget. The VOR bearing error at the output of the airborne receiver is made up of three main components. These are ground system errors, errors due to multipath, and airborne receiver errors. The ground system error is specified in ICAO Annex 10 to be within plus or minus 2. The Annex 10 standards do not specify the other error components but the guidance material states that a radial signal error of plus or minus 3 (95% probability) is achievable in practice. The material in ICAO Annex 11 Attachment A Material relating to a method of establishing ATS routes defined by VOR, makes the assumption that the VOR accuracy is as stated in this Annex 10 guidance material. Further guidance on flight inspection of VOR given in ICAO Doc 8071 states that the displacement of the course by a bend should not exceed 3.5 from either the correct magnetic azimuth or on the course average as provided by the facility. Since the 3.5 tolerance applies to the displacement from the correct magnetic azimuth this tolerance includes ground system errors as well as multipath errors.
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A - 4-2
To determine an appropriate tolerance for wind turbine developments it is necessary to take account of the flight inspection tolerances described above as well as the maximum radial alignment errors due to the ground station, including any north alignment errors due to changes in the magnetic variation. The existing bearing errors due to other sources of multipath, and the operational use of the facility in the sector affected also need to be considered. In assessing simulation results it is also appropriate to include a margin to allow for any uncertainty in the fidelity of the model. Taking all these factors into account it is clear that it would not be appropriate to allow a proposed development to cause a bend as large as 3.5. For example some engineering authorities have used a tolerance of 1 when assessing the acceptability of proposed developments using computer simulation. This is also consistent with the use of VOR to support RNAV operations. While the BRA is the same for conventional and Doppler VOR, the Doppler VOR is less susceptible to multipath interference.
Direction Finders (DF) The impact of wind turbine(s) on DF is difficult to assess for the reasons given above for VOR. Proposed wind turbine developments should be assessed to a distance of 10 km from the facility. Further assessment is required for any turbines within 500 m, or if any turbines infringe a 1 degree slope from the base of the antenna at ground level to a distance of 3 km, or if they infringe a 52 m horizontal surface from a distance of 3 km to 10 km. Where the terrain cannot be considered to be flat, for example in the case of sloping terrain, then all wind turbine proposals should be assessed out to 10 km or the BRA adapted to the actual terrain. In most cases single wind turbine developments are acceptable at distances greater than 3 km from the facility, and developments of less than 6 wind turbines are acceptable at distances greater than 6 km from the facility. However if DF performance is already marginal this may not be acceptable. In cases where there are existing wind turbine(s) within the 10 km zone the assessment of new proposals needs to consider the cumulative effect of all the turbines, bearing in mind that the worst case error due to the existing wind turbine(s) is unlikely to have been measured by flight inspection. Computer simulations can be used to assess the effect of wind turbine(s) on DF using worst case assumptions as outlined above. In determining the acceptability of proposed wind turbine developments it is necessary to consider how much degradation of performance can be allowed. The existing bearing errors due to other sources of multipath, and the operational use of the facility in the sector affected also need to be considered. In assessing simulation results it is also appropriate to include a margin to allow for any uncertainty in the fidelity of the model. END
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