Top Ten Reasons To Stop Facing Reality by Sue Frederick
Top Ten Reasons To Stop Facing Reality by Sue Frederick
Top Ten Reasons To Stop Facing Reality by Sue Frederick
Sue Frederick
Author of Dancing AtYour Desk and BrilliantDay
Top Ten Reasons to
Sue Frederick
Content Copyright © 2006 BrilliantWork/Sue Frederick
Design Copyright © 2006 Malowany Associates
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Sue Federick
Post Office Box17343
Boulder, Colorado 80308
Telephone 303-939-8574
[email protected]
To Sarah and Kai –
Other books offered in the Continuum Series: May you never face reality.
BrilliantDay 7 Quick Solutions to Turn Your Day Around
BrilliantLove 10 Steps to Awesome Love
BrilliantWork 7 Steps to Corporate Mastery
BrilliantParent 7 Steps to Brilliant Parenting
Dancing at Your Desk A Metaphysical Guide to Job Happiness
(7 Secret Steps to Finding Work You Love)
Praise for Stop Facing Reality Table of Contents
“Wow! This is life-changing work. Sue makes every dream you’ve ever had INTRODUCTION ………………........………………………….....1
seem possible again.Within the first pages, I saw my old story in a new light Walk away from pitiful right now!
and changed it for the better.” How I know this is true
Peg Anderson, Houston, Texas
CHAPTER 1 - WHAT IS REALITY? ............................................18
“Thanks to Sue, I’m loving life.This work made a huge difference in how Einstein’s journey
Research on the nature of reality
I function each day. I’m bursting at the seams with energy.”
What does this have to do with you?
Julie Turner, Phoenix, Arizona
CHAPTER 2 - WHAT ABOUT MY PAIN? …….................……. 28
“Sue’s humorous and down-to-earth style makes quantum physics as fun as Why would you do that to yourself?
eating ice cream. She’s the Emeril of Enlightenment.” Pain fuels your career
Peter Mitchell, Seattle, Washington Pain as fuel for a better life
How do we get through the pain?
“If you want a better life, there’s no happier place to start than with this Who will you be now?
book. I can’t say enough good things about Sue and her awesome paradigm-
shifting work.” CHAPTER 3 – HOW DO I MAKE IT BETTER? ........................42
How does this energy-thing work?
Katherine Dreyer, co-author of Chi Walking
Fill your fuel tank
San Rafael, California Name those characters
Solutions vs. Problems: Proper focus
“Sue’s brilliant overviews of quantum-physics combined with her practical tools What you believe is what you get
for changing your life make this a must-have book. After the first chapter, Are you giggling yet?
Remember happiness
I gave up “pitiful” forever. And that’s huge for me.” What’s so great about me?
Debra Lambert, Denver, Colorado What are we afraid of?
Laughing at life
Finding gratitude
The magic of sweetness
Ask for guidance
CHAPTER 4 –MONEYMONEYMONEY….......................…….68
The energy of money
Girlfriends, stop being pitiful about money!
CHAPTER 8 – WHAT’S MY DREAM? ………...................….......128 3. There’s no one to blame for your REALITY but you.
It has to make you giggle
Essential principles for dreaming up a better life
Get a daydream! 4. When you’re being REALISTIC, you’re accepting
other people’s “realities” instead of yours.
CHAPTER 9 - MY REINVENTION PLAN ……..................…....136
10 Commitments to reinvent yourself
Reinvention 101: Getting love
5. If you’re facing REALITY, you’re being a victim and
Getting work you love avoiding responsibility for your own happiness.
Getting healthy
Getting abundant
Getting divine 6. When you change your mind, it changes your REALITY.
Reinventing the holiday season
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
you willing to consider that 20 years from now the quantum physicists
will have proven scientifically that this physical world is a manifestation of
our inner world of thoughts and beliefs, and that the Law of Attraction is
as powerful and as constant as the Law of Gravity?
Consider this:
Your thoughts are written across the sky for everyone to read, and
they’re more powerful and clear than the words you speak.
When you’re unhappy with anyone, they feel your thoughts and align If you want greater love, health, success, or abundance …
themselves with your vision of their bad behavior.
When you hate your job, everyone at work knows it because they feel
the energy coming from your negative thoughts; so your job gets
worse and worse until you get fired or laid off.
Every time you tell yourself you’re “facing reality” by not pursuing your
dreams, you’re creating a reality where your dreams can’t come true.
“Facing reality” has been your way of avoiding responsibility for your
own happiness.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
Here are top ten reasons to stop facing reality: 3. There’s no one to blame for your reality but you.
Believing in a reality of unhappiness, loneliness, meaningless work,
1. You don’t understand what reality is.
poor health and not enough money makes that reality true for you. Look
You’ve been misled into believing that the seen world is more real
at your life right now, and see what you’ve created.
than the unseen world of thoughts, beliefs and energy. Quantum physicists
If you’re blaming your spouse, mother, manager, a corporation, or
remind us that at the core of all matter (which makes up our reality) are
the current economic situation for your unhappiness, realize you chose all
endless waves of light. They remind us that the observer (you) determines
of those external circumstances to push you forward.You are NOT the
the form and shape of reality.
victim in any area of your life;You’re the magnificent creator.
This means that you choose your reality when you choose your
thoughts and beliefs. And, as the physicists and the great spiritual teachers
4. When you’re “being realistic,” it means you’re accepting other people’s defini-
point out, we are vibrational beings sending out vibrational frequencies
tions of “reality.”
which interact with other vibrational frequencies.
You’re accepting what other people have imagined into existence
We connect with and attract people, circumstances and opportu-
for you. And you’re NOT being creative or brave enough to imagine, and
nities that exist on the same vibrational frequency as the one we are send-
then attract, a better scenario for yourself.
ing out. This is known as the Law of Attraction and it’s as reliable as the
Law of Gravity. 5. If you’re “facing reality,” it means you’re being a victim to your circumstances
Don’t worry.You’re not alone in misunderstanding how these and avoiding taking responsibility for your own happiness.
things work in our world. It’s our human challenge to figure this out. All Being a victim is energetically the worse vibration you can align
of our preciously held “realities” only exist because someone else intended yourself with. It sends out a strong message that you accept and believe in
them into existence. What reality are you intending into existence right tragedy, hardship, lack, loneliness, and illness.
now? Look closely at your life for the answers to that question. Your resigned acceptance of those circumstances attracts them
right to you. There are no problems you need to fix, only vibrations you
2. Your focused attention on the circumstances of your life (good and bad)
need to raise.
forces them into reality.
What you focus on gets bigger, because you’re giving it energy 6. When you change your mind, it changes your reality – for better or worse.
with your thoughts. This is why it’s essential to focus on the reality you After you change the way you’re thinking and feeling about your
want to be true. Do you dream about the career you would love? Or, a life, you can face the new and improved reality that you’ve created. For
bank account with a six-figure balance? Or do you believe that the job example, change your belief to: “I have always been abundantly successful
market is bad; no one would hire you; and you’ll never get out of debt? when I pursue my dreams.” This is now your new reality. Embrace it. Feel
Your life is a physical manifestation of YOUR dearly held beliefs. Look it. Believe it, giggle about it, and it’s on its way.
around you to see what you believe. If you don’t like what you see, change
your beliefs. Make a course correction in your life NOW.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
7. You don’t understand how powerful you are; You’re infinitely more powerful How I know this is true…
than you’re acting.
You are a divine being tapped into source energy in order to I was born in New Orleans to a French Cajun mother who came
manifest divinity (not to be pitiful and powerless). Don’t insult your divin- from a long line of women with “the gift.” I inherited a double dose of
ity by dreaming small and living small.You’re part of the source, and you’re telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition from her and her mother, and on
here to create. back through generations of Degas women.
These unusual gifts were nurtured by the mysterious city of my
8. You don’t understand why you’re here. (It’s not about suffering and struggle). childhood. In the haunted alleys of the French Quarter, most everybody
You’re here to make the world better with your dreams, creations, gives respect to the “unseen” world in some form or other - from voodoo
ideas, talents and intentions.You’re here to raise the energetic vibration of to Catholicism, psychics, vampires and Mardi Gras.
the planet – not diminish it.Your actions mean almost nothing. It’s your My early years were flavored with this spicy magic - from my
common vibrations (made from your everyday thoughts and feelings) that Grandpa’s stories of the swirling Mississippi River to the unforgettable im-
are making things on this planet better or worse for everyone.You’re either ages I absorbed in the dark recesses of Crescent City life. I thrived on the
part of the problem or part of the solution – depending on the thoughts rhythms of my crazy Cajun ancestors.
you think. And like them, I heard other people’s thoughts and had too vivid
dreams of events that would happen in the future. Sometimes this was
9. Geniuses always challenge reality. helpful; mostly it just contributed to my “nerdy” childhood. In first grade,
The geniuses of our time (from Newton to DaVinci) challenged when the school bully had me cornered behind a building, I spoke his
our dearly held beliefs about reality and advanced humanity’s development thoughts out loud, and he took off running like he’d seen a ghost. In high
considerably. They gave us gravity, relativity, flight and a number of other school, I dreamt the exact details of a car wreck and was able to prevent it
ideas that defied the acceptable reality of the times. Be a genius; we need from happening the next day. When I got pregnant at the age of 42, I
more geniuses – not more pitiful thinkers. dreamt of my unborn child - who told me her name was Sarah and that
she really loved me. I saw her perfect face as clear as a photo, and it’s the
10. The road to happiness requires taking a long honest look at your “reality” exact face that I see today when I look at her.
and dreaming up a better one. My psychic gift is most powerful now that I use it to help others.The
Stop wasting time being unhappy, limited, small or pitiful because precognitive images that I see help me guide my clients to their true work.
you’re “accepting reality.” Dream bigger! Create a new “reality” that follows But it took nearly 55 years to embrace this ability to see the unseen world
YOUR bliss. The entire world will benefit from your new and improved and learn what it had to teach – rather than being ashamed or afraid of it.
“reality.” In this book, I’ll share the journey and the wisdom gained from it.
I don’t believe my gift is unique; most of us have easy access to the quantum
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
field. I was just ridiculously “open” to these other realms – whether I However, the idea of convent life was strangely comforting - until
wanted to be or not. seventh grade when I saw the Beatles perform on the Ed Sullivan Show.
And, trust me, I didn’t want to be. Being psychic was not “cool” in From then on, my future was clear – to marry Paul McCartney.
the 50s; it was more “crazy” than cool, and I didn’t want to be crazy. Gidget Meanwhile, the dreams continued. We spent summers at our beach
wasn’t crazy and neither was Hayley Mills. In the days of Marilyn Monroe house in Long Beach, Miss., where I often woke everyone up with piercing
and Elvis Presley, pony tails, and sock hops - normal was “in.” That’s all I screams about the wall of water washing over our house and sweeping
aspired to be. away everything we owned.
When I started first grade, I could hear the teacher’s unspoken This vivid precognitive dream was repeated throughout most of
thoughts as clearly as the bully’s in the back row. It was an overwhelming my childhood. My brothers learned to throw a pillow at my head - before
amount of information to take in. I developed panic attacks; my throat would the screams could wake our baby sister. But the dreams made my grandfather
constrict because I couldn’t “swallow” this chaos of jumbled awareness. uneasy. He had weathered numerous hurricanes in the house and was
Teachers labeled me “intelligent and highly-strung.” But the labels confident that our home was built like a fort.Yet, as I got older, he would
didn’t help. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me; I was ashamed ask for more details of the dream – which I would share as best as I could.
of being different. AND I was enormously stubborn. My arm could have One night, when we were sharing stories, he put his hand into the
fallen off in the middle of class, and I would have denied that anything moonlight shining through our window. “You see that light, Sue Ellen.
unusual had happened. That’s perpetual light – that’s what God is. And God is always with us.”
Southern girls from middle-class, Catholic families aren’t allowed That simple conversation became the foundation for my lifelong
the luxury of psychic powers. When I talked about things I had dreamt understanding of divinity as ever-present divine light. This awareness
that came true, people left the room; they told me I had an overactive helped calm the fears that my dreams inspired.
imagination. I lost friends. So I learned to keep it to myself. The summer I turned 17, Hurricane Camille sent a 30-foot-wall of
But the dreams were relentless; I dreaded going to sleep because it water over our Long Beach house and left nothing but the concrete foun-
meant entering into an alternate reality of precognitive dreams and astral dation. We had evacuated, so no one was hurt. But the loss of Long Beach
travel that was terrifying for a kid. Today I would be diagnosed with “night was a trauma that our family never fully recovered from. It marked a turning
terrors” and given drugs to knock me out. But in the 50s, I was on my own. point in my life; I left for college that same summer and never came home
So I taught myself to pray the Our Father incessantly-even during my sleep. again. If Long Beach had still stood, I would have come back to the place
As a child, I took great comfort in Catholicism’s rituals and saints. I had loved most.
In that world, my dreams were nearly acceptable. I prayed fervently to the Another recurring dream was of seeing the city of New Orleans
Virgin Mary during mass – which attracted the admiration of my third- underwater. In the dream, I was in a car with my family on a city street,
grade teacher, Sister Mary Leo. She took me aside and said I was well-suited and suddenly we were submerged under five feet of water. Or we would
for the “religious life” - meaning that I would be a good nun (or nerd… be driving across the Lake Ponchatrain Causeway, when the road would
my interpretation.). disappear into the water, and we would drive off the edge.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed the city and the Lake Pon- So I became determined to align myself with my father’s “realis-
chatrain Causeway exactly as I had seen it in my dreams for 30 years. tic” view of the world. He was an engineer and focused on how things
I’ve dreamt of other events – from plane crashes to nuclear explosions - worked in the “seen” world. I adored his kind, sweet spirit, and didn’t want
that I later watched unfold on television news. And I’ve dreamt of numer- to shame him by being different. He didn’t like different.
ous smaller moments that were only significant for my future. I kept the dreams and visions to myself. I knew that I had the
But my biggest childhood challenge was getting “stuck” between power to see the other world, but I saw no good reason to. It would only
the realms after having one of these precognitive dreams. I would wake up, cause trouble. And, hey, Gidget never saw spirits or had weird dreams. Nei-
but not really. I could see people and objects, yet I wasn’t fully in my body ther did Paul McCartney. And, as my mother pointed out, talking about
and didn’t feel like I was here. I didn’t know where I was, and it felt awful. this stuff could get me a stint in the local mental hospital.
This phenomenon continued well into my teen years. My father was a pa- But adolescence was tough. When I was in high school, the pre-
tient man, and he spent many nights walking from room to room with me cognitive dreams became so intense that I had to share them with some-
until I was okay – even though he never understood what I was experi-
one; I chose my father. After he witnessed a few of my dreams come true
encing. My Cajun mother wanted nothing to do with this strange behav-
– down to the last detail – he became fascinated - in an engineer’s way of
ior. It reminded her of things from her own childhood that she no longer
wanting to understand how precognition worked.
wanted in her life.
One morning, I told my dad about a dream in which I was com-
Her Cajun family had a long tradition of intuitives – a few of
ing home from school on Old Shell road in my friend, Gwen’s, car - but
whom had been labeled crazy and put away. So most of the powerfully in-
Denise was driving. A large green truck with two green doors and a pad-
tuitive women in her family kept quiet about their dreams and their abil-
lock holding them shut was right in front of us. It braked suddenly, and
ity to know what was happening to far away loved ones.
our car slammed into it.
But when we got together for family gatherings, I heard the sto-
As I told my father this dream on the way to school, we argued
ries of dreams that came true and of waking in the night knowing when
about if people really dreamed in color. In the 60s, it was believed that
someone had died – before the phone rang to bring the news.
dreams were only in black and white. I insisted that the truck was green.
Mom had married well – to a wealthy, blue-eyed, Irish-Catholic
boy.Yet every time she looked at me, she saw what she had chosen to leave By the end of the school day, I had forgotten the dream com-
behind. When her mother told her that “Sue has the gift,” this was not pletely. Gwen offered me a ride home, and we headed down Old Shell
good news to my mom. Her Cajun background was her shame, and I was Road. After a few minutes of driving, Gwen said she had a headache, and
clearly a Cajun child – complete with dark skin and dark eyes. we pulled over to let Denise drive. We were laughing about an upcoming
Besides passing along the gift – my mother supplied me with a school dance, when the green truck with two doors held together by a
most essential tool: unflinching determination. Without her tremendous padlock pulled in front of us.
strength, I would have gotten lost in the confusing world of telepathy and “It’s my dream!” I screamed. “Don’t hit it!” Denise slammed on
clairvoyance. Mom’s message was clear: Fit in, be strong, and have a con- the brakes just as the truck suddenly slammed on its brakes in front of us.
ventional life. There were NO options. We barely avoided the collision. No one was hurt.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
My father was impressed by the accurate details of this precogni- Eventually, I finished my bachelor’s degree in psychology and
tive dream. Like the engineer he was, he wanted to understand how the worked numerous careers - from Montessori teacher, to career counselor,
mind could see events that would happen in the future. We got books to Colorado Outward Bound Mountaineering instructor.
from the library on Extra Sensory Perception, the paranormal, ghosts, and I discovered a love for intense outdoor adventure sports such as
the supernatural. But there wasn’t much helpful information available at rock climbing and mountaineering; since they grounded me in physical
the local library. This was long before the internet, and most books we reality. By this time, I had decided that the seen world was the only reality
found described hauntings, poltergeists, and UFO sightings. worth worrying about - if one wanted to have a good life. So I kept my
Dad knew I was “different,” and he was amused by it. But he clearly dreams to myself, and only used my intuitive powers to prevent accidents
wanted me to get over it, get good grades, and go to college. So I did. during our mountaineering expeditions.
In 1969, I went to the University of Missouri for journalism. But everything changed in 1978. I met and married a fellow moun-
Within a few months, the walls around my limited Southern Catholic taineer, Paul Frederick. We were crazy in love and planning a family when
world crumbled. I was drawn to exploring unconventional ideas such as he was diagnosed with colon cancer and given two weeks to live. From the
Yoga, Theosophy, communal living, natural foods, and organic farming. moment of his diagnosis, we were determined to overcome it. Paul, who was
Theosophy, a powerful combination of theology and philosophy, only 35, would survive. We explored conventional and alternative healing
was a godsend for me. It scientifically explained the unseen realms that I methods and quickly became immersed in energy work, visualization, herbal
had always experienced but never understood. Applying Theosophy’s me- medicine, and Native American medicine. Paul was part Cherokee, so his
thodical, practical approach to understanding my precognitive dreams and mother provided us with books and healers from the Native American tradi-
telepathy was like finding water in a desert. I wasn’t crazy after all! Books tion. She got us an audience with a famous Sioux healer, Chief Fools Crow.
had been written about this stuff – by brilliant people – not lunatics! We were also taught to meditate and visualize Paul’s body ridding
During my freshman year, I dropped out of college to live on an itself of the cancer. I was quite good at this, and within a few months Paul
organic farm commune; we explored alternative energy, natural food, and seemed better. But whenever we made one step forward, we took two steps
spirituality. I felt at peace with myself for the first time. back. His health was riddled with complications from the disease and the
Even though I looked, dressed and acted like a typical hippie-child treatments. Nine months went by as we bounced from hope to despair with
every new setback. Eventually, we took a desperate trip to North Dakota.
of the 60s, I didn’t use drugs – even marijuana. It didn’t take long to figure
There, in Lakota Sioux Holy Land, the Native American healers
out that I was already “far out” enough, and drugs put me into dangerous
we visited told me I had “powerful medicine” that I could use to help
realms. All I had to do was hang out with people who were dropping acid,
Paul. But it was not in the way I was hoping for. Chief Fools Crow took
and I got higher than they were.
us through an emotional healing ceremony and then took me for a walk
But because I wasn’t ingesting hallucinagenics, I could be relied
on the grounds near his home. He said that Paul had long ago decided to
upon to talk friends down from bad acid trips – which I often did. And I was die, and he had chosen me to help him die well.
quite good at it.Their out-of-body experiences were eerily similar to the Fools Crow assured me that he would personally guide Paul
nights I spent trying to get back into my body after a precognitive dream. through the other realms when the time came. But he said I needed to
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
step up to the plate and use my wisdom to help Paul cross over. His words him to leave his body and fly out into the soothing summer rain storm.
forced me to put my grief on hold and find my healing power. My job As soon as we spoke those words, Paul’s breathing changed. He
was clear – let go of my desire to keep Paul alive, and guide him through took one long peaceful sigh, and his spirit left his body. I saw it leave as
his death fearlessly. clearly as you can see your hand in front of your face. It was an image I’ll
Over the next few months, as Paul’s health deteriorated, I experi- never forget. It was Paul’s gift to me.
enced many extraordinary other-realm experiences with him. Even though I could never again doubt the spirit world or my ability to see it.
we were back home in Boulder, Colorado, Chief Fools Crow was Paul’s con-
That final moment was a confirmation of what I was here to do. I realized
stant dream companion. Paul awoke each morning with a new story to report
for the first time that we are all in charge of how and when we die – even
about something Fools Crow had taught him the night before.The most dra-
how and when we take our last breaths. And I knew with every cell in my
matic was Paul’s sudden ability to speak Lakota – the language of the Sioux.
body, that death was only a passage of the spirit into the unseen realms.
In the last few weeks before he died, Paul woke up singing a
A few years later, my best childhood girlfriend died after a two-year
Lakota death song every morning. He said Fools Crow taught him two
songs – one to deal with the pain and one to help him die. When the doc- bout with Leukemia, and my father died one month after being diagnosed
tors heard this strange singing, they thought he was either speaking in with lung cancer.Though I wasn’t able to be with either of them when they
“tongues” or was delirious, and they reported this in his medical charts. In died, they both appeared and spoke to me at the moment of crossing over.
college, I had studied Native American history and was very familiar with By this time, I was clear beyond all doubt that we are spiritual be-
the language of Lakota. I knew exactly what he was singing. ings having a human experience – rather than the other way around.Yet I
was a tormented soul. Paul, Crissie, and my father were the wisest and most
On a rainy summer day in July 1980, Paul woke up vomiting blood.
loving people I’d ever known - yet they had suffered tremendously.
With the help of our Hospice nurse, we took him to the ER to have the
Why? What was the point of suffering? What is the point of human
bleeding stopped. Paul slipped into a coma during the procedure, and we
existence? Why do good people suffer? These questions haunted me at
checked into the hospital. I was exhausted and nauseous and didn’t want
night, and in the daytime they fueled my career as a passionate student of
him to linger in a coma and suffer anymore. His breathing was labored
every spiritual discipline from Catholicism to Theosophy, Buddhism, Hin-
and unchanging, and doctors said it could continue like that for days.
duism and A Course in Miracles. I lived in and out of ashrams, and made
Our room filled with friends and family as time slowly ticked by.
my living as a health journalist and magazine editor. At the age of 42, I
For nearly 24 hours, the accumulated stress of the past year washed over
gave birth to a precious baby girl named Sarah.
me in waves of nausea. Eventually, I fell asleep on the floor. As soon as I
Yet there was a huge missing piece in my life. I still had not dis-
dozed off, Paul appeared in front of me. He was smiling and quite happy.
covered why we’re here and why we suffer…until one moment when all
He touched my arm and said, “Don’t worry. I’m free. But what are you
the pieces finally came together.
waiting for? You said I could die in your arms.”
This transformation happened in my acupuncturist’s office and it
I awoke with a jolt and cleared everyone out of the room. Paul’s
only took 15 minutes. Here’s how it went:
mother and I stood on either side of him. We rubbed his arms and legs and
told him it was okay to go now – that we wanted him to be free. We told
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Introduction
I awoke on a November morning, to hear a voice inside my head through acupuncture treatment. I had also experienced it through various
say, “Welcome back to the nightmare.” As a single mom of a nine-year- forms of meditation, chanting and prayer at various times in my life. But
old daughter, I had launched a career-coaching business while living on a for the first time, I realized that I could shift my energy in a second, by
second mortgage (which was now gone), and I had massive credit card shifting my feelings from fear to joy. And I suddenly realized how easy and
debt. The bill collectors called everyday. how brilliant it was.
Immediately, I went back into my terror of bankruptcy, losing my Ten minutes later when he reappeared back into the treatment
home, and ruining my daughter’s life. I could feel this terror in my body, room, we discussed a few more details of his ideas; we discussed how these
in my stomach, and it was making me physically ill. I felt so physically ill principles have been explained in different ways in various traditions from
that I went to see my acupuncturist (an old friend) after I took my daugh- Course in Miracles to Buddhism and Hinduism.
ter to school. As a student of spirituality, I had prayed and meditated everyday
While he was treating me, I talked about my fear of ruining my for more than 30 years. But the missing link for me had been realizing
daughter’s life, of losing our home, and I cried and cried. He listened. He that my feelings were creating my vibrations, and that I could change my
waited. When I had gone on long enough about my looming disasters, he feelings in an instant – no matter my circumstances. And suddenly, in one
spoke calmly and clearly. moment, I gained control of my life.
“Sue, the universe operates according to the law of physics. It From that moment on, I saw everything in a completely different way.
doesn’t care a hoot about all of your hard work, your good intentions, or I realized that my work as a career counselor had sometimes transformed
your wonderful daughter. It simply feels your vibrations and sends you people’s lives because I had successfully given those clients a vision of their
back more of the same. Every moment that you spend in this state of fear, ideal work to hold onto - while they went about doing all the “right”
you are attracting exactly what you fear into your life. It’s simply physics.” career actions.
He asked me what my life would look like if he suddenly gave me Yet other clients hadn’t been able to feel what this new career
$200,000. I took a huge sigh of relief and told him how I would pay off all of would be like, and thus hadn’t been able to transform their lives. Ultimately,
my debts, and Sarah I would take a trip to London to see the Globe Theater they hadn’t been able to raise their energy vibrations to attract positive
because she loves Shakespeare. As I began describing to him in detail what that opportunities.
would be like, I felt lighter and happier until I was giggling as I talked about it. AND I began to see which techniques I had been using success-
“Do you see how quickly you shifted your feelings and now feel fully with clients to get them to FEEL their new careers, and use their energy
joy instead of fear, even though nothing in your circumstances has really as a positive force for change. My practice changed completely. My busi-
changed?” he asked. “Hold onto that new feeling as if you had that new ness took off, my clients had miraculous results from my work, and my
life, and you will begin attracting it.” bank account grew substantially. My life has never been the same.
Then he left the room. As I lay on the treatment table with
acupuncture needles stuck in various places, I felt new, healthy energy
surging through my body. I had always experienced this elevated energy
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What is reality?
Don’t worry.You’re not alone in misunderstanding how these slits in steel plates to observe their behavior, and an unpredictable, random
things work in our world. It’s our human challenge to figure this out. All order unfolded - which contrasted sharply with the order and predictability
of our preciously held “realities” only exist because someone intended them of Newtonian physics.
into existence. What reality are you intending into existence right now? As the classic “double-slit” physics experiment showed, the behavior
Look closely at your life for the answers to that question. of very tiny particles (electrons) is unpredictable - and influenced by the
When we look at the work of quantum physicists we begin to observer. In other words, physicists found that electrons being watched
understand how “creating your reality” works on a sub-atomic level. Let’s through the microscope appeared where the observer expected them to
start with Einstein… appear and they behaved differently according to who was watching them.
Even though Einstein’s work had been a part of this discovery, this
Einstein’s Journey idea of random molecular behavior disturbed him deeply. He responded
Even though Einstein’s work played a large role in the origins of that “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” When confronted with the
idea that the observer was determining the behavior of these electrons, he
quantum physics, ultimately he couldn’t accept the ramifications of quan-
replied – quit telling God what to do.
tum physics. It conflicted with his view of divine order.
Einstein spent the next 50 years of his life trying to disprove
Einstein loved order. He was schooled on Newtonian physics
quantum mechanics and trying to create a new theory to reinstate “divine
which offered a clear understanding of cause and effect and a comfortable
order” to the universe. He called his new theory “the theory of every-
ability to predict how objects behaved in space and time.
thing.” But when he released his work, his findings were ridiculed by the
If you know the weight and speed of an apple falling from a tree,
scientific world and proven wrong. He died in 1955, feeling like he had
you can predict how long it will take the apple to hit the ground because
failed to disprove the chaotic world of quantum mechanics that, he be-
of Newtonian physics. And because of Newton we can do great things -
lieved, eliminated God from the equation.
like send rockets to the moon. In the world of the very large – there are
Yet if Einstein had lived longer he might have delighted in the
few mysteries.
current idea that WE are part of the divinity of God – that WE are con-
Einstein loved this “divine order” of an “elegant universe.” He
nected to the divine source energy that created this universe. And OUR
loved the predictability of a world overseen by a “God in heaven” keeping
observations matter in the creation of every particle of this amazing uni-
things in order.
verse. As part of divine source energy, we are constantly rearranging sub-
His theory of relativity E=MC2 said there was a limit to how fast
atomic particles with our thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
things could go before they turned into energy; it also said that everything
The early quantum physicists were wrong when they said the uni-
we see in the seen world is made of energy – or waves of pulsing light.
verse was unpredictable and chaotic – a world of probability - which upset
However, as Einstein and others proved, the world of the very small
Einstein. Because the divine order of our universe comes from us – the
behaves quite differently from the predictable world of the very large. With
observers – who create our world with thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
the advent of high-powered microscopes, physicists were able to study the
Rest easy Einstein, this universe is in divine order after all; we are
behavior of sub-atomic particles. They began putting electrons through the divinity.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What is reality?
A summary of recent research on the nature of reality: Most people don’t affect reality in a consistent substantial way be-
cause they don’t believe they can, he proposes. “They write an intention
1. William Tiller, Ph.d….. and then they erase it because they think it’s silly. I mean, I can’t do that.
And then they write it again, and then they erase it. So, time average, it’s a
“I’ve come to the conclusion that we are all spirits, and that our very small effect. And it really comes down to the fact that they believe
spirit parents dressed us in these human bodies and put us in this playpen, they can’t do it,” says Tiller.
called Earth, to learn what we truly are and to realize our true power.”
Sound like a New Age guru? Guess again. This is a concluding 2. Physicist Amit Goswami, Ph.D., in his book The Self Aware Universe,
statement from a presentation given by physicist William A. Tiller, Ph.D., says that we must give up our precious assumption that there is an objec-
former professor at Stanford University and Associate Editor of two scien- tive reality out there independent of consciousness. He explains that the
tific journals, who has published more than 250 scientific papers in his 52 universe is “self-aware” and that it is consciousness itself that creates the
year-long scientific career. physical world. He comes to this conclusion by way of quantum physics.
You may remember Tiller from the movie What the Bleep Do We “Quantum physics presents a new and exciting worldview that
Know? challenges old concepts, such as deterministic trajectories of motion and
His research, replicated in several controlled laboratory settings causal continuity. If initial conditions do not forever determine an object’s
across the country, shows that when human beings intentionally concentrate motion, if instead, every time we observe, there is a new beginning, then
on vials of purified water, their minds can increase the Ph of that water by the world is creative at the base level.”
several units – with no chemical additions to the air or water. Goswami, currently a senior resident researcher at the Institute of
According to Tiller, author of Conscious Acts of Creation:The Noetic Sciences, contends that we are creating every moment of “reality”
Emergence of a New Physics, when individual minds focus their attention as we go along – with our consciousness. “Naturally we project that the
on anything, a quantum energy surge occurs which has a physical and meas- moon is always there in space-time, even when we are not looking. Quan-
urable effect on our “reality.” tum physics says no. When we are not looking, the moon’s possibility wave
Again and again in various rigorous scientific experiments (pub- spreads, albeit by a minuscule amount. When we look, the wave collapses
lished in major scientific journals such as Journal of Scientific Exploration, instantly; thus the wave could not be in space-time… There is no object
American Journal of Cardiology, and International Journal of Psychophysi- in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it.”
ology), Tiller has demonstrated the power of our thoughts. His conclusion In his book, Physics of the Soul, Goswami, who taught physics for
is bold and simple: This earthly reality is our “playpen,” and our focused 32 years and was a professor of Theoretical Science at the University of
thoughts are creating our day-to-day experiences. Oregon, explains this concept in more detail: “Suppose we release an elec-
“There is a consciousness that is a measurable energy, and that tron in a room. In a matter of moments, the electron wave spreads all over
consciousness is a core element of life….Our intention changes physical the room. And now suppose we set up a grid of electron detectors, called
reality,” reports Tiller. Geiger counters, in the room. Do all the counters go ticking? No. Only
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What is reality?
one of the Geiger counters ticks. Conclusion? Before observation, the described in quantum physics. His research shows how our thoughts and feel-
electron does spread all over the space, but only as a wave of possibility. ings are accessible to everyone – through the quantum field.
Observation brings about the collapse of the possibility wave into an ac- Entanglement, a prediction of quantum theory that Einstein
tual event.” couldn’t quite believe (calling it “spooky action at a distance”), refers to
connections between separated particles that persist regardless of distance.
3. Joseph Dispenza, D.C., highlighted in the movie What the Bleep Do We These connections, says Radin, imply that at very deep levels, the separa-
Know?, has the gift of taking the complicated world of quantum physics tions that we see between ordinary, isolated objects are illusions created by
and relating it to every day life. He explains, “Everybody has had the ex- our limited perceptions. “The bottom line is that physical reality is con-
perience of making up their mind that they’ve wanted something. That’s nected in ways we’re just beginning to understand,” he explains.
Quantum Physics in action. That’s manifesting reality.” Radin believes that entanglement suggests a scenario that ultimately
Dispenza contends that we’ve been conditioned to believe that leads to a vastly improved understanding of psychic phenomena such as
the external world is more real than the internal world. “This new model telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. In his laboratory studies, he has
of science says just the opposite. It says what’s happening within us will found overwhelming evidence of our human ability to hear each other’s
create what’s happening outside of us.” thoughts and predict the future. This repeatable laboratory evidence suggests
Dispenza teaches his students a meditation technique that applies that we have the capacity to perceive distant information and to influence
the principles of quantum physics to the practical task of having a good distant events across space and time, he reports.
day: Before starting your morning routine, Dispenza advises, picture little “Someday psi (psychic phenomena) research will be taught in
events that you would like to see happen during your day. Then ask to universities with the same aplomb as today’s elementary economics and
recognize these little surprises in order to remind yourself that you are biology. It will no longer be considered controversial, but just another facet
creating circumstances at a very base level. of Nature one learns as part of a well-rounded education,” he concludes.
Dispenza’s studies of the brain illustrate how the thoughts we think “In that future, no one will remember that psi was once considered the far
on a regular basis become habitual patterns that then determine our responses fringe of science.”
to the external world. “If you’re repeatedly feeling depressed or angry, it’s
because you’re thinking the same thoughts day after day. Those addictive 5. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief,
thought patterns prevent you from creating a better life,” he explains. “When has proven in the lab that every gene has a switch that we either turn on or
we change the way we think, and we change our habitual response to our off – with our thoughts, beliefs and emotions. We are not simply products
environment, we begin to create new possibilities in our lives.” of our genetic make-up, he concludes, that by a subconscious process not
yet clearly understood we are choosing which genes to activate and which
4. Dean Radin, Ph.D., Laboratory Director at the Institute of Noetic Sciences to ignore. “Genes-as-destiny theorists have obviously ignored hundred-
and author of The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds has spent decades year-old science about enucleated cells, but they cannot ignore new re-
in the lab exploring psychic phenomenon as evidence of our “entanglement” search that undermines their belief in genetic determination,” he explains.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What is reality?
While the Human Genome Project was making headlines, a Pert’s groundbreaking research also illustrates the addictive nature
group of scientists were inaugurating a new, revolutionary field in biology of our emotions. When we repeatedly react to our environmental circum-
called epigenetics. The science of epigenetics, (which literally means “con- stances by feeling angry, for example, feeling angry becomes an addictive
trol above genetics”) profoundly changes our understanding of how life is response to our world that physically changes receptor sites on certain cells.
controlled. In the last decade, epigenetic research has established that DNA Eventually those cells require the chemicals produced by feeling anger – on
blueprints passed down through genes are not set in concrete at birth. a daily basis in order to survive. Thus we look for situations that make us
“Genes are not destiny!” says Lipton. angry, so we can get our emotionally addictive chemical needs met.
Environmental influences, including nutrition, stress and emotions, Pert contends that we can change this chemical pattern when we
can modify those genes, without changing their basic blueprint, he ex- interrupt the cause and effect response we have to our environment. For
plains. “And those modifications, epigeneticists have discovered, can be example, if we choose to laugh instead of yell in a situation that usually
passed to future generations as surely as DNA blueprints are passed on.” makes us angry, we begin to change our cellular receptor sites. Eventually
The character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by those cells become addicted to the feeling of laughter – instead of anger,
our responses to the environmental signals that propel life, he says. “The explains Pert. “You can literally become the architect of your cellular
belief that we are frail biochemical machines controlled by genes is giving structures – including your immune system – by choosing which emo-
way to an understanding that we are powerful creators of our lives and the tions to feel consistently on a daily basis.”
world in which we live,” concludes Lipton who taught Cell Biology at the
University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed pio-
neering studies at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
It’s impossible to live a lifetime without pain. However, you DO Let’s put a new twist on this:
have a choice in how you react to the pain, and what you choose to learn
from it. You weren’t abandoned by anyone, ever.You only abandoned your own
The problem is, you’re addicted to your story…the painful history magnificence.
that you drag around with you. Maybe it’s your childhood, a divorce,
bankruptcy, or the death of someone you love. You weren’t betrayed by anyone.You betrayed your own magnificence.
Your story says: “I was abandoned, hurt, rejected, betrayed, abused,
fired, unemployed or bankrupted.” (Insert the verb of your choice.) It Nobody fires us, we fire ourselves.
doesn’t matter if you never speak about your story.
No one lays us off. We lay ourselves off.
What matters is that you BELIEVE your story. And what matters most is that
you have confused YOU (the powerful divine light being) with your story. No one abuses us. We abuse our own magnificent selves.
You drag that pitiful old story with you into every new job, rela-
tionship, and experience. Not only does that story define your past, but How? With our fear and negative beliefs.
now it defines your future.
From your old story, you create a stance in life. It goes like this: We have our hands on the steering wheel every minute of every
Bad things have happened to me (such as divorce, loss, being laid off, sick, day, of every year, of our lives. If we don’t like where we’ve ended up, we
or broke). Therefore, the world is a dangerous place. can turn the wheel in a new direction.
When faced with a new experience, you project your old beliefs Look back at your life’s journey. Take away the bad guys. Take
into the new empty space - which is filled with possibility.You pollute away all the players in your drama whom you’ve blamed for your pain.
your future and destroy wonderful new possibilities with your old story. Now what do you have?
Let’s say you fall in love. Instead of being filled with love and opti- You have your own pitiful self abusing your own magnificent self.
mism, you project fear into the new relationship, and thus sabotage it from You have your pitiful self abandoning, hurting, and rejecting your magnifi-
the beginning. cent self.You have your own fearful beliefs sabotaging your brilliant self.
Or you get a great new job. Instead of showing up filled with pas-
sion and brilliance, you’ve already picked out the co-worker who’s going to
give you trouble.You’re projecting your past experiences onto him or her.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
Why Would You Do That to Yourself? Even for those people, the voice inside still says, “You don’t REALLY
have the power.” And that voice gets louder the older we get, because we
You don’t do it on purpose.You do it because you don’t under- see bad things happen: car accidents, wars, disease, deaths, divorces and
stand your own power.You’ve forgotten who you are.You’ve bought into bankruptcies.
the popular mindset and accepted the cultural beliefs that were handed to We say, “See! Life is difficult and nobody gets what they want - at
you.You fit in - in order to be loved. least not for very long! (Richard Hatch, who won $1 million on ‘Survivor,’
Everyone has the need to be loved. We learn at a young age that ended up in jail. And beautiful Jennifer Aniston was left for another
in order to get the love we want - we have to follow the tribal rules. woman). See! We must be victims after all.” And our lives get more and
Our society’s limited beliefs tell us we’re pitiful (like everyone more pitiful.
else), and we’re here to play it small. We accept that we’ll get sick often
and probably die from a painful disease. We accept that we should get a Who has the power in your life? Only you. You have your hands on YOUR
job like everybody else and make a decent living (with benefits). We be- steering wheel, and your foot on YOUR gas pedal.
lieve that few people ever become abundantly rich, successful or happy. Every thought you think fuels your car, and every emotion you feel determines
your direction. Act like it, and you might surprise yourself.
(Wow… what a pitiful life that is…)
Here are ten ways to own your power:
So we get depressed, sad, and anxious - because we know better.
We know that something is missing. We know we’re here for something 1. Remember, the only question ever worth asking is: What do I want
greater. to happen?
That dissonance inside of us gets so disturbing that we try to de-
stroy the voice that tells us WE have the power – because that belief does- 2. The only activity ever worth doing is: Dreaming up a better world,
n’t jive with what society and our families are telling us. We diminish our relationship, bank account, health prognosis or career.
power to fit in.
3. The only reality you ever need to accept is the one you want to happen.
We may turn to food, drugs, alcohol, sex, depression, anger or any
number of possible addictions in order to dull the voice in our heads that’s 4. Stand in front of the mirror and say, “I’VE got the POWER to make
screaming: “Don’t settle for this pitiful life! You’re here to DO and BE things better!” Walk around saying that until you giggle. Now your life
something wonderful!” is headed in the right direction.
Occasionally, somebody sneaks a few bigger thoughts and dreams
into their existence, and they get to be the boss, entrepreneur, CEO, Artist,
or Physician.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
5. Whenever you have a choice to make, base your decision on this Pain Fuels Your Career
Here’s the secret: The more pain you feel, the more energy you
“Will it make me feel powerful or pitiful to do this?” If the answer is
have to launch your new life and a more meaningful career. See the pain
“powerful” - that’s a yes. Will it make me feel powerful or pitiful to
as fuel – not as something that stops you from moving forward.
take that job, start that business, write that book, invest in that property,
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” Carl Jung
get into that relationship, or say those words?
When you’re unhappy, it’s time to face your greatest ally – your pain.
6. Your choice always has to be for your powerful self, because that’s The pain you’re feeling deep inside of you is like a beacon calling for your
where your brilliance and inspiration lives. That’s where you stop attention. It’s telling you what you need to know so your life can improve.
insulting your own divinity – the fabric you were made from which Remember, everything is energy. We are made of vibrating pure
is divine source energy. energy and as we vibrate, we attract. Our emotions, thoughts and beliefs
create the vibrational messages that we send out. These vibrational messages
7. Quit living like a rat in a maze. Get the eagle’s view of your life – the either help or sabotage our efforts to have a wonderful life. And these vibra-
big picture. Figure out who you want to end up being, and turn your tions have nothing to do with how we’re “acting” on the surface.
car around now. We may be acting like we’re fine, but the universe and everyone
in it feels our true vibration of pain or joy - and that’s what they respond
8. Remember:You have no one to blame for any circumstance in your to. And that’s what we attract more of.
life. Every external circumstance (from your bank account balance to Your pain needs to be recognized, listened to, and turned into fuel
your health) is a result of your inner thoughts and beliefs about what to move your life forward. How do you turn your pain into fuel? First by
is possible for you. recognizing what your greatest pain is, and then by recognizing how to
heal that pain through your work - or your actions in the world.
9. Give up “wanting to change” or “needing to change.” That comes from
Your work then becomes a powerful platform for healing you and
a state of pitifulness – not magnificence. Either do it or don’t do it.
healing others. Remember, the more pain you have, the more fuel you
have. Consider your pain to be your greatest blessing and move forward.
Quit WANTING anything to happen.
You’ll find more information about this link between pain and
10. Remember, it’s never a problem. It’s a frequency. Change your energy
career in my book Dancing at Your Desk: A Metaphysical Guide to Job
frequency from pitiful to powerful, and the problem dissolves.You
become part of the force, part of divinity, and all obstacles dissolve in
your path.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
Pain as Fuel for a Better Life Don’t bother blaming your bad health or emotional tendencies on
your genetic coding. As I mentioned in Chapter One, cell biologist Bruce
The moment you begin to feel gratitude for your pain (because Lipton, PhD, author of Biology of Belief, has been proving in the lab for
you realize it’s a divine gift to help you find your way), the pain becomes 20 years that our genes have a switch that gets turned on or off with an
your fuel. interaction between our thoughts and environment.
(Remember there are no accidents).You chose the players and You have your father’s addictive nature or your mother’s body-
challenges in your life before you were born into this lifetime. type? You chose to have it – when you chose certain thoughts and beliefs.
You lined up your family, friends, teachers, losses, failures, and You can un-choose it too.
challenges, so that your weakness would be revealed to you.You planned Remember, you are NOT the victim in any area of your life;
how you would overcome those challenges and become your best self. You’re the magnificent creator.
Don’t disappoint your divine self!
It’s time to step back from your story and ask: Why did I choose How Do We Get Through The Pain?
these players? What role was my father playing? My mother? My spouse? Everyone will have times of deep loss and despair. The purpose of
My children? What do I want my life to look like instead? searing, gut-wrenching pain is to open your heart to greater compassion
These are the only questions worth asking. Forget about “why.” and a greater ability to love.
We get truly stupid over “why.” This is where psychology went wrong. Feel the pain as long as you want to. Just don’t get stuck in it.
Psychologists and psychiatrists teach people to focus on “why” instead of You’ll know when your spirit is fed up with the pity party and wants to
“what next?” As a result, their patients spend years analyzing what went move on. Don’t linger a minute longer in “pitiful.”
wrong in the past. I’ve experienced the loss of many people I’ve loved. Through those
Yes, it’s true that understanding “why” can give us wisdom. But it experiences, I’ve found a very helpful way to feel and release the pain –
doesn’t get us to a better life. Only when we ask, “What do I want to hap- twice a day. If you follow this meditation outlined below, you’ll move
pen next?” do we improve our lives. through your pain faster and be able to create your new life.
If you’ve called in lots of challenges, it means you have a strong spirit, and
you’re here to do great work. The more pain you’ve experienced, the
more powerful you are, and the greater the work you’re here to do. Quit
complaining and get to work!
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
The “Break Your Heart Wide Open” Meditation ately wants you to let go and be happy again. Releasing your attachment is
the greatest gift you can give someone who has passed on. Bless them on
1. Start each morning with a ten minute meditation. During this their way to the higher realms.
meditation quiet your mind with mantra or prayer. If you could have a conversation with your deceased loved one, he
or she would tell you that your grief hurts them too.Your painful attach-
2. At the end of the meditation, when your mind has settled down, ask
ment prevents them from moving on to the great adventure awaiting
to fully feel the pain in your heart.
them in the higher realms.
3. Focus your attention on the heart chakra and deeply experience the When my husband died, Chief Fools Crow (who was in North
pain. Feel it until it doubles you over. Cry it out. Dakota and miles from civilization) hiked to a phone booth in order to
call our mutual contact in Denver - who then called me in Boulder and
4. Picture the pain leaving your heart chakra and moving out of you -
said, “Paul has passed on now, and the spirit guides are guiding him to
up to the divine source. Give it away to God – to the divine realm.
higher realms. But if you wallow in your grief, you’ll prevent him from
See divine beings taking it from you as a gift.
moving on to where he needs to go to find peace.”
5. Offer to relieve the suffering of humanity. Picture a sick child in a This phone call greeted me the moment I returned home from
third-world country. Tell her you’ll take her pain – so she doesn’t have the hospital after Paul had died. His words truly helped me; I didn’t want
to feel it anymore. Feel her pain and release it to the divine beings. to hurt Paul by holding onto my grief.
If the person you’re grieving over is still alive, but they’ve chosen
6. Repeat this meditation at the end of the day before going to sleep.
not to be in a relationship with you – you have only one option.
Throughout the day, say this to yourself:
Who Will You Be Now? “Okay, I wasn’t being my brilliant self. My energy was terrible, so
she (or he) left me. Now I am doing everything in my power to raise my
Whenever we’re experiencing deep loss or illness, we stop dream- energy. I will soon attract him (or someone greater) into my life.”
ing. We only focus on the pain and the past. Have you ever seen a dog lick Remember, life is simply an energy contest. The person with the
its wound obsessively and thus prevent healing? That’s what we do with best energy always attracts the life and love they want.
our pain.
It’s okay to do this for a little while. But recognize that it’s not
helping you. In order to make things in your life get better – you have to
start dreaming of what you want next.
When a loved one has died, we sometimes feel like we’re betray-
ing them if we move on and stop licking the wound. This is clearly not
the case.Your loved one is watching you from the other realm and desper-
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What about my pain?
Here’s a helpful exercise to move you forward and away from grief. Use Your Energy
Find a quiet place and sit with a journal. Write your answers:
It should be obvious to you now (genius that you are!) that you
1. Who will I be one year from now without this pain? will recover more quickly, move forward in a more positive direction, and
attract happier people and circumstances into your life when your energy
2. Who would my loved one (the person you are grieving over)
tank is full.
want me to be?
In Chapter Three, you’ll find many practical techniques for raising
3. What does my new and improved life look like? Where do I live? your energy in the midst of dire circumstances. I especially recommend
What does my body feel like? using sweetness, gratitude and humor (EPR).
But please recognize that your pain is a gift and be grateful for it.
4. What is my career like?
You chose your pain to guide you to a better life – and more meaningful
5. How do I feel emotionally in this new life? work.
In fact, you chose (consciously or unconsciously) every important
Draw a picture of the new and improved you. Put this picture on your job you’ve had because it was healing you. Our work heals us by letting us
bathroom mirror and look at it every morning. offer to the world exactly what we need to heal ourselves.
Say this out loud: “I am moving forward with my life and not fo-
By seeing and reinforcing this image of the new you (wiser, stronger, cusing on my pain. I’m attracting work that heals my pain, helps the
smarter, more powerful and compassionate - and free of this crippling world, and brings me joy.”
pain), you will be rearranging the sub-atomic particles to make this trans-
formation happen. Write Your Answers:
1. When I was a child, what caused me the greatest pain and why?
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
Chapter 3
How do I make it better?
“We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.”
It becomes your ally and moves you forward.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
Do you dream of having a loving relationship with your partner Quantum physicists and all the great spiritual teachers have aligned
or do you focus on your partner’s negative traits that drive you crazy? themselves behind one idea – everything is energy. Everything you see, sit on,
Your life is a physical manifestation of your dearly held beliefs. feel – the sun on your face, children’s laughter, a good run, prayer, a great kiss
Look around you to see what you believe. If you don’t like what you see, – is all source energy: that which everything and everyone came from.
change your beliefs. Make a course correction in your life. You are composed of this same energy and its frequency can be
You may have many challenges in your life right now.You may raised or lowered according to your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The fre-
have lost someone you love or be bankrupt, lonely or sick. But you’re still quencies you send out at any given time attract like frequencies. That’s
not a victim. It’s time to wake up… why on a bad day you attract only bad things, and the day gets worse by
the minute, and vice versa.
I’ll never find true love. Each of us has an energy continuum – negative at the bottom,
positive at the top. Positive energy includes our brilliance, goodness, divin-
I catch every virus that goes around.
ity, inspiration, love, passion, optimism, happiness and joy (our connected-
I’ll never find work I love. ness). When we’re at the high-end of our continuum, we’re brilliant and
My health gets worse every year. gorgeous and we attract everything we want. This is our brilliant self and
I’ll never get out of debt. this is who we want to be.
Negative energy includes our anger, depression, sadness, guilt, pes-
If you agree with even one of those statements, you are a victim simism, sense of lack, deprivation, drudgery and separateness – not only
of your own negative thinking. Consider the possibility that the only thing from others but from our source energy. When we’re at the bottom of our
stopping you from having work that you love, perfect health, abundant love continuum – we’re being pitiful. All of us go there! Don’t be ashamed of
and the life you dream of is your negative thinking – not the limited re- it. We all have a “pitiful” self.
sources or abusive family members or the millions of other excuses we Everyday we bounce up and down on this continuum depending
come up with for not having a successful life. on our circumstances. We say, if only my circumstances would change I
could be happy. The ultimate joke is that if we get happy, our circum-
stances will change to meet us.
How does this energy-thing work?
The trick is knowing when we’re acting from the pitiful self and
All of us have a million reasons to feel bad at any given moment
learning to move our energy towards the brilliant self.
during our day. Circumstances change for the better and for the worse in
Why bother? Moving up the energy continuum by changing your
a constant flow of events. We react to those circumstances as we’ve been
energy to a higher frequency and opening up to source energy connects
taught by our families and friends. We believe we have little choice in how
you to your inspiration, spirituality and goodness. It changes your life imme-
we react. And even if we did react in a different way, what would it mat-
diately! It attracts every good thing that you’ve been wanting into your life.
ter? Well, it matters. Here’s why:
44 45
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
How does your energy affect your career? From the low end of your Fill Your Fuel Tank
energy continuum you can’t even imagine finding work you love - much
less muster the energy to go out and find it. From the high-end of your See your energy continuum as a fuel gauge. When your fuel tank
continuum, you’ll get new ideas, tap into your brilliance and inspiration, in your car nears empty, you start worrying about running “out of gas”
run into exactly the people you need to see, and get caught in the flow of and being stranded – which is separateness and stagnation.
positive energy that guides you to your dream career. When it’s full, you’re confident and able to explore.You have un-
How does your energy affect your relationships – or lack thereof? limited energy and ideas – which is connectedness, inspiration and pro-
Only from the high-end of your continuum can you attract love. When ductivity. So what fills your tank?
you’re feeling pitiful at the low end, your energy is so negative that you
only attract rejection or anger. It’s simply physics. The first law of getting 1. Draw a graph of your continuum from high to low (see example
love is to FEEL love. Once you’re feeling it and sending it out, it naturally below). Write words next to the top, middle and bottom that describe
flows back to you. your personal emotional traits at each point.
Your health? Health only lives at the high-end of your continuum.
Dr. Candace Pert’s work with immune system cells shows clearly how our For example, next to the top you could write funny, excited, talking
beliefs and feelings enhance or deplete our own immune systems. It’s frequently, etc. At the bottom you could write sullen, quiet, not laughing,
pretty clear: when we’re happy, we’re healthy. When we believe we deserve weepy – or whatever your personal behaviors are at each point.
Wake Up!
You have to take responsibility for where you are on your continuum and
how it affects what happens to you. Begin experimenting with your energy
to see how it affects your day. Learn to recognize where you are; that’s the
first step towards being able to change it.
46 47
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
In this book, I’ll teach you many ways to turn your negative en- How do you feel when you think about your problems all day
ergy into powerful positive energy – no matter how pitiful you feel. The long? Do you toss and turn at night worrying about your job, money, rela-
first step is redirecting your thoughts. Use these positive affirmations every tionships or health?
time you notice yourself thinking negative thoughts: Do you sense how this low-end negativity brings you down?
When we focus on the problems, our energy sinks to the low end of our
I am already living from the high-end of my energy continuum where abun- continuum. And our problems get bigger. (What we focus on always gets
dance and success flow effortlessly into my life. bigger because our thoughts give it energy.)
One of the fastest ways to feel happier and have better energy is
When I look for a job while using my high-end energy, I attract wonderful to focus on at least three potential solutions to every problem you think
opportunities. about. This shifts the mind from limited, negative thinking to open, cre-
ative, source-energy thinking that is open to new possibilities. NO more
When my energy is great, I attract all the love I want.
focusing on your “insurmountable” problems! Only focus on solutions!
When my energy is positive, my body heals itself. What is your daily feel-better plan for raising your energy level?
These often include exercise, healthy foods, prayer or meditation, positive
Remember, our consciousness controls our minds. Our minds are affirmations and most of all – dreaming of what you want to happen and feel-
mostly under-trained and under-used. They flit from thought to thought ing as if it has happened.
like wild monkeys. They have to be obsessively occupied with a thought at
all times.You can’t just take away their favorite toys – those addictive neg- 1. Write down three problems facing you right now and next to each
ative thoughts – without immediately replacing them with positive one write a positive solution – even if you don’t believe it’s possible.
For example - Problem: I can’t find a job (or partner) that I love. Or, my
You might not even believe the new positive thoughts. But you’re
loved one will die (or leave me) and I’ll be alone and in pain forever.
breaking an old habit; you have to go through the motions of making the
change until you become the change. Solution: I intend to raise my energy to the high-end of my continuum
and attract a fabulous career (or loving mate). If something leaves my life,
it will be replaced by something even more wonderful.
50 51
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
Repeat these positive statements several times out loud.You must hear The only difference between those who have wonderful lives and
your own voice speaking these words. those who don’t - is the ability to pursue your dreams - no matter what
negative beliefs you hear inside your head.You just have to say, “So what,”
Problems Solutions and keep going. (It helps to replace that negative tape with a positive one).
1. 1. At a workshop I gave recently, a brilliant, successful business man,
whom everyone admired, was participating in the Burning Up Your Tapes
2. 2.
exercise. When it was his turn, he tearfully said, “I’m burning up the tape
3. 3.
that tells me everyday that I’m a failure at everything I do. I’m so sick of
hearing that in my head, and I know it’s stopping me from being happy.”
What You Believe Is What You Get The rest of the group was deeply moved to hear this confession
from someone so successful. It was a realization that we all struggle with
Realize how your negative beliefs are creating your reality. When the same inner negativity – no matter how good our lives look on the
you think, “Well, it doesn’t matter how hard I work, I never get recogni- outside.
tion,” or “I’m just not good at relationships,” or “Nobody ever gets ahead As Dean Radin, Ph.D., points out in his research – we are all
in life,” the universal source feels that low-end-vibration belief and pro- made from the same energy. We are actually one living, breathing organism
vides you abundantly with more of the same negative energy to match connected together with every thought we think, he says.
what you’re sending out.
The source energy aligns itself with your belief and says, “Okay, 1. Describe one overriding negative belief that is sabotaging your life.
make it so! The first step to changing things for the better is recognizing Say it out loud, then toss it into the bonfire.
your negative beliefs. 2. Write down three negative beliefs that are haunting you today and
In my workshops, we play a game called Burning Up the Tapes. I write positive antidotes to them.
ask everyone to sit in a circle and imagine a huge bonfire burning in the
middle of the circle. Example: No matter how hard I work I never make enough money.
One-by-one we go around the circle and share a negative belief Antidote: When I work with inspiration from the high-end of my contin-
that we no longer want to sabotage our lives. We explain what the belief is uum, I’m recognized and financial abundance flows into my life.
and how it hurts us. Then we throw that old tape into the fire to be
burned up and destroyed forever. Example: No matter what I do I never get enough love.
Every time I do this exercise, I’m amazed at how much alike we Antidote: When I live with inspiration from the high-end of my contin-
all are. Even the most powerful, successful people in the world struggle uum, I’m connected to source energy where boundless love flows to me.
with negative beliefs telling them they’re losers, not good enough, not
smart enough, etc.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
Negative Beliefs about Life Antidotes 1. Draw a picture of your perfect life and carry it in your wallet.
1. 1. Look at it every day.
2. 2.
2. Create a picture collage from magazine pictures of everything that
3. 3. makes you happy. Put it on your bathroom mirror.
3. Spend ten minutes every morning doing this meditation: First, sit in
prayer or meditation to quiet your mind. When your mind is quieted
down – see images from your happy new life. Picture a luxurious
vacation with loved ones, a new home, a great relationship. See your
Are You Giggling Yet?
body looking healthy and fit, and your bank account with a six-figure
balance. See it all until the images make you giggle. Once you start
Here’s a powerful tool for raising your energy - the $5 million
giggling, it’s on its way into your life.
game. I’m putting $5 million into your bank account. It’s all your money.
You don’t have to tell the IRS, your spouse, or parents.
Now picture your perfect life from that place of abundance. Where Remember Happiness
would you live? What would you do for a career? (You still need to connect
to the world in a meaningful way). What choices would you make? All of us can remember a time in our lives when we were won-
What images come to mind as you think of this life? Would you derfully happy and content. Right now, sit and remember that time until
have a swimming pool in your yard? Would you travel the world? Would you can feel it again. Marinate in those happy memories -complete with
you write a book? Would you go to film school to become a film director? images, smells and sounds from that time. (You can use music to take you
Draw a picture of all the happy images that come to mind when back there).
you think of this new life of abundance and limitless choices. Fill the page Write down five essential things that made you happy back then.
with images of your happiness. Make them so grand and silly that they Examples: I was healthy and fit. My lifestyle was simple and free. I was part
make you giggle. Put this picture where you can look at it everyday. of a community. I was passionate about my work.
Memorize the images. Look at the list you’ve just written. This is your guide to future
Our minds manifest our future from images that we send out into happiness. Take three of these things and create a plan to make them part
the universe when we’re dreaming (or worrying). Those powerful images of your current life.You’ll once again find the peace and joy that has es-
rearrange sub-atomic particles to make our dreams (or our worries) come caped you in your current circumstances.
true. The more time we spend dreaming of our brilliant new life, the more
powerfully the universe lines up events and circumstances needed to make
it come true.
54 55
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
Remember – you DON’T have to be realistic! If you find your- work.You were not born a software engineer.You were born with a talent
self saying, “I can’t…he won’t let me…there’s not enough…” for creatively solving problems, thinking analytically, and communicating
- STOP EVERYTHING! complex information in a simple form. Those talents can be transferred to
a number of different careers.You are your talents – not your skills. Get
AND STOP THINKING LIKE A VICTIM! clear on what they are.
Go back to dreaming of the life you want – in spite of your chal- Write your three strongest natural talents:
lenging circumstances. Create an impossible dream and an outrageous plan
to get there. Switch from despair to hopeful - and you’ve changed your
energy significantly enough to start attracting better circumstances. 2.
56 57
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
These are things that WILL help you: Pumping your energy to the high-
Laughing at Life: Humor
end of your continuum, dreaming of what you want, laughing, seeing a
Humor is a quick and easy way to tap into source energy. When
coach/therapist who makes you move forward, taking three positive steps
we laugh with big, open-hearted unrestrained laughter, we are recognizing
in ANY new direction.
the absurdity of life. We start to see the big picture. We diffuse tension and
anger. And we start connecting.
BEING UNHAPPY is not an option. Take a step in any possible new direc-
For example, in a job interview suppose you’re asked, “What would
tion. Walk away from pitiful. Pump the good energy until you’re in the
a past manager say was your greatest flaw?” The standard answer is, “All my
flow;You’ll get pulled in the right direction.
managers say I work too hard.” To make a bigger impression--and ease the
tension inherent in an interview--say something silly, like “What flaw would
you like me to have?” or “Where do I start?” Suddenly, the two of you are
laughing – and connecting. Now your energy is higher on the continuum
where new possibilities reveal themselves.
58 59
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
When your teenager comes home from school after having “the Finding Gratitude
worst day of my life” – choose to make him laugh. When you use humor, Of all the feelings we can tap into, gratitude has the highest vibra-
the energy between you shifts to a higher vibration. Then you can solve tion. When you get gratitude pulsing through you, you’ll feel opened up
the problem at hand. and receptive to source energy. By sending this high-level emotion to
Recently, I was waiting in a long line at the post office. Everyone someone you have conflict with, the conflict will begin to soften.You will
waiting in the line was angry and getting angrier as the minutes ticked by. no longer be a victim to this relationship.
Only two clerks were working, and eight windows were closed for busi- For example, suppose your co-worker or spouse is driving you
ness. One of the clerks looked at the other and said, “Sorry. It’s time for my nuts. Focus on one thing about that person you’re grateful for; maybe it’s
break.” He shut his window and walked away. her humor, warmth or sense of determination. Find one quality you like,
People who were waiting in the line moaned as he left. Everyone and hold it in your attention. Or, in the midst of any conflict, focus on
was complaining. The one remaining clerk looked up at this long line, one thing in your life that you’re grateful for, whether it’s your cat, a loved
which meandered out into the lobby, took a deep breath and announced, one, your family or that you still have a healthy body and can take one
“Sorry everyone. It’s time for my break too.” As the crowd gasped in dis- more breath.
belief, she smiled at the line of angry people and said, “Gotcha!” If you’re in the middle of a tough meeting, or taking care of a sick
Everyone in the line laughed with her; the energy in the room child, feel gratitude that you have a job, gratitude that you have a child --
was instantly and visibly transformed by her humor. People began joking whatever you can find.You don’t have to say anything, just feel grateful.
and talking to one other. Each customer who walked up to her window This inner shift to gratitude will cause the energy in the room to shift
laughed and joked with her. With that one humorous moment, she trans- without speaking a word. Just try it and see.
formed a room full of angry customers into her allies--in spite of a hope-
less situation. It was brilliant to watch, and it improved her day (and
everyone else’s) immensely.
Humor works wonderfully with angry people. There’s a deep
connection between humor and anger. The best comedians tap into their
anger – think of Tim Allen, or Whoopi Goldberg.
When my teenaged daughter is angry at me, the best way to save
the situation from spiraling downward is to make her laugh. The laughter
shifts our energy higher on the continuum; then we can solve the problem
that caused her anger in the first place.
60 61
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I make it better?
2. Look into the mirror until you can find your innate sweetness.
1. Right now, turn to anyone near you and tell them a funny story that
cracks you up. 3. Speak to a friend using your genuine, sweet, silly, vulnerable self.
2. Write the name of a good friend who makes you laugh and plan to 4. Hold a baby and softly kiss its head.
call that person tonight.
5. Describe a memory of a time in your life when you experienced
3. List three comedy movies you love to watch. Make a date to watch abundant sweetness with another person:
each one. Write the date next to the movie.
6. Write the name of a challenging person in your life who you intend
4. List three more friends who always make you laugh. Make a date to to use more sweetness with:
spend time with each one of them. Write the date next to the person’s
If we switch to sweetness in the midst of conflict, we’ll see instant
positive results and a better resolution. Try it! Send divine sweet
5. Think of your current painful situation in terms of its humor potential thoughts and feelings to the person who is troubling you most. See
and let yourself laugh out loud about it. them as a sweet baby smiling at you. Imagine cradling them in your
arms. Not only will you increase the frequency of your energy, you
6. Approach the person you are most upset with by using humor to
will begin to transform this relationship.
change the situation – but not degrading, joke-type humor. Warm,
accepting laughter will change the ridiculous situation you both find 7. Write three things you can do to bring more sweetness into your life:
yourselves in. Write down who the person is and when you plan to
do this:
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
Dialing Up Divinity
If there’s one area of life where we get pitiful most often – it’s
MONEY! From the time we’re born, we absorb negative messages about
money. Do any of these sound familiar?
68 69
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Money, Money, Money!
Remember, money is made of energy – like everything else in The problem that most of us have is: We’re addicted to feeling lack
this universe. We attract it with our energy and focus. When you’re in your when we think about money. We long for money. We worry about it.
pitiful self, whether you’re feeling fear, desperation or greediness, you When it comes in, we hoard it fearfully.
won’t attract abundance – no matter how hard you work. All of those emotions come from lack, and as long as we send out
And when you’re being REALISTIC, it means you’re accepting the vibration of lack, money will never come to us in significant amounts.
other people’s “realities” instead of yours. Do you believe we have a bad It’s easy to imagine a hefty bank balance and feel better for a little
economy? Do you believe your chosen career field will never provide while. The harder work comes when we go inside and dig out the negative
enough money? Do you believe your future will be filled with debt? beliefs we’ve been carrying around about money - for lifetimes.
What you believe is what you get. You may have spent lifetimes on the streets as a beggar.You might
Are you focusing on the lack of abundance in your life? You’ll have the feeling of “desperation” permanently attached to the thought of
attract more lack. Are you feeling comfortable that money flows to you money. If so, your work is to change that energetic link between money
when you need it? Do you believe you can manifest your dreams with and fear.
abundance? Or you might have used money selfishly and kept it from people
If you’re like most people – you’re focusing on the lack of money who deserved it. Now when you attract money, you feel guilty. So the
in your life. Ask yourself, “If I’ve thought this way about money my entire money goes away. (Money isn’t attracted to guilt).
life and never attracted abundance, is it worth changing my thinking to Or you may have stolen money, and been caught and punished for
try something new?” your crime. Now, in this lifetime, money is linked to punishment in your
emotional blueprint. So you don’t attract it.
Let’s play the $5 million game: I’m putting $5 million into your bank Or you may be quite wealthy right now. Ask yourself how com-
account and it’s all yours.You don’t have to tell the IRS, your family or fortable that wealth is to you? If the answer is, “It makes me uneasy,” the
friends.Take a breath and feel your new happy life. wealth will soon be gone.
In order to attract and live in abundance, we must LOVE abundance
Did you notice how your energy shifted when you imagined and believe we’re worthy of it. We are divine beings, you remember. We’re
abundant money in your bank account? Stand in front of the mirror while not here to struggle. When we have abundance, we can do great things for
you imagine a six-figure balance in your bank account. Watch your physi- the world.
cal presence change in front of your eyes. You could start a non-profit to help children or single moms – or
You’ve just shifted your energy away from lack to abundance. follow whatever passion you have to make the world a better place. That is
Now, as long as you can hold on to that feeling – your energy is rearrang- the purpose of abundance – to create a better world.
ing sub-atomic particles to create opportunities and circumstances to Get creating! Stop whining about lack of money. Imagine you have
bring wealth into your life. abundance, you’re worthy of it, and you’ll make the world a better place
with it. Only then is your energy where it needs to be to attract money
into your life.
70 71
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Money, Money, Money!
Write down three negative beliefs you have about money. Write their an- Girlfriends, don’t get your feelings hurt when I tell you this: Most of
tidotes next to them. us are “pitiful” when it comes to thinking about money and careers. There
are many amazing and powerful business women in the world (and I’m
Negative Beliefs about Money: blessed to know several of them). However, I’m too often reminded of
how limited our thinking can be.
(Example: I’ll never make enough money to...)
It’s not completely our fault. But that doesn’t matter. Most of us
1. have been “programmed” to think small from the time we were little – by
2. culture and parents. Our mission is to break through that limited thinking
3. and become our greatest, most powerful selves. This breakthrough starts
inside of us.
Antidotes: Here’s an example: A man and woman with similar backgrounds
(I am already raising my energy and attracting…) both apply for the same job. During salary negotiation, the man exagger-
ates his previous successes (because honestly that’s how he thinks of them)
and the woman downplays hers (because that’s how she thinks of them).
The man gets the job even though the woman would have been twice as
3. brilliant and worked twice as hard.
Or, they’re both hired. But the man demands and gets a better
starting salary and benefits plan. Later, they compare notes and the woman
is horrified. She feels she has been treated unfairly. She has. But she created
it with her “pitiful” thinking.
The way we’re treated by others has everything to do with our
own internal thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Remember, the unseen world
72 73
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Money, Money, Money!
creates the seen world. We are vibrating, pulsing beings sending out mes- Women are filled to the brim with negative beliefs about money and
sages 24 hours a day and these messages have little to do with the words career, and they’re not even aware that they have these tapes running
we speak. Everyone and everything around us is constantly reacting to our through their heads. Examples: I don’t want to do anything foolish with
vibration – which comes from our thoughts, beliefs and feelings. my money; I don’t want people to think I’m greedy; I don’t understand
If you’re even slightly intimidated by the world of business, finance enough about running my own business to be successful; I’m an artist and
or career – you’ve already lost the battle - because everyone feels it. artists don’t make big money; I love helping people and people who do
Here’s another example: A man and a woman start similar businesses. good things in the world rarely make good money at it; I didn’t really
The woman decides to start hers with a small “pitiful” loan from her manage that big project on my own - I had lots of good people helping
wealthy Uncle. She’s afraid of going too far in debt and doesn’t want to do me; If I save all my money from the job I hate, I can retire in 10 years and
anything “foolish.” then I’ll do what I want to do; I’m not smart enough, good enough, worthy
As a result of not having enough funding to launch her business enough, powerful enough…. Blah blah blah…pitiful thinking.
correctly (with proper marketing, PR, advertising and staffing) her busi-
ness does not generate the sales it needs to succeed. Until we recognize these negative beliefs sabotaging us
She gives up the business within a year. She creates a negative belief 24 hours a day – we are powerless to turn them around.
around that failure that then hinders her ability to try again. Instead, she
goes back to working for someone else and following someone else’s dream. Here are 5 steps to un-pitiful career thinking for women:
The man goes to a bank, finds investors, exaggerates his potential
future profits and walks away with generous funding – enough to do major 1. Think like a man. Don’t go overboard with this. But adding a bit of
advertising, marketing, PR, and staffing. Within a year, he has met his sales testosterone to your mindset will help jumpstart you into a new paradigm.
goals and his investors are pleased. He gets more money. Five years later, It’s just so darn natural for men to feel successful in the world that they’re
he’s so successful that his business has expanded beyond expectations and used to vibrating success energy wherever they go. Women are so used to
he’s on his way to financial freedom. He’ll never work for a “boss” again. playing it small that we have to work very hard to turn that pitiful vibra-
tion around. If you want your life to be better than it’s been, it’s worth the
The problem is twofold: effort of turning around your pitiful thinking about career and money. For
example, if you’re applying for a sales job, tell them you EXCELLED at
Women tend to dream “small” because they don’t want to be “greedy”
your past job and you’re capable of doing ANYTHING you put your
and they really want to help people.That’s wonderful. Men need more of
mind to - in spite of the voices in your head that doubt that. (Quiet those
that generosity. But at the end of the day, who can help the world more? A
voices with: “I have always been as powerful and successful as … name
successful millionaire who donates money and starts non-profit organizations
someone you admire.”)
for worthy causes? Or a barely making ends meet, overworked corporate ex-
ecutive? Think of Oprah as a great example of someone who is doing good
in the world because she had a huge dream and made it happen.
74 75
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Money, Money, Money!
2. Understand with every fiber of your being that the unseen world creates the
seen world. Your thoughts, beliefs and emotions pulse from you to interact 5. And finally, here’s the gift that you already have and don’t use often
with all external circumstances.Yes, the economy is tough and yes … blah enough. MAKE IT FUN! That’s your natural instinct even though you
blah blah. But your success depends entirely on the internal stream of may have toned it down to succeed “in a man’s world.” Forget that! That’s
thoughts and beliefs that you’re mostly not aware of.You are NEVER a pitiful thinking. We women know how to laugh and play and enjoy our-
victim - no matter how it looks in the seen world. selves. That’s a huge gift. From the perspective of quantum physics, if
you’re having fun your energy is good. And that means you’re sending out
3. Dream much, much, much bigger! If you want to start a business, chances very powerful vibrations that attract success and happiness – in spite of
are huge that you’re aiming too small. Thinking of a small coffee shop? how dire your circumstances may look. This is why girlfriends get to-
Why not think of a huge nationwide chain of coffee shops? The bigger gether and laugh - no matter what. We innately understand this! Use this
the dream, the more excited we get and investors get; and the greater the feminine gift to your advantage in the business world. Make people laugh,
money flow towards our dream. Most dreams fail because they’re too spread the fun. This great energy will come back to you all wrapped up as
“pitiful” and they can’t attract enough energy (money) to make them suc- SUCCESS! Let’s summarize:
cessful. And if you’re applying for a job, why aren’t you applying for the
management job or the top position? Listen hard to your answer. Is it piti- 5 Steps to Un-pitiful Career Thinking
ful thinking that’s stopping you? If so, turn that belief around.
1. Think like a man
2. Recognize that the unseen is creating the seen
4. Don’t EVER get your feelings hurt. It’s a waste of your time and energy,
3. Dream much bigger
and it sabotages your success and happiness. I’m not saying it’s bad to be
4. Don’t ever get your feelings hurt!
“sensitive.” In fact, being sensitive means you’re powerfully telepathic and
5. Make it fun!
can pick up thoughts and emotions from other people. Everyone’s unspo-
ken thoughts and feelings are clearly registered in the quantum field for
anyone to see. (Read Dean Radin’s Entangled Minds).Yes, that person over
there may be thinking rude thoughts about you. But get over it! That’s
their issue not yours. It doesn’t matter a hoot. Insensitive men have the
benefit of not even being aware of other people’s thoughts or feelings.
Your task is to BECOME the love and acceptance that you want from
others. When it’s generating out from you, you won’t notice what anyone
else is doing.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
78 79
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
I’m asking you to suspend your critical thinking for a few moments For example, if you feel love and happiness – in spite of your part-
while you read this chapter. If you want more love than you have in your ner – you’ll rise to the high-end of your continuum where you’ll have the
life right now, it’s worth trying some new ideas. power (energy) to improve your relationship.
When you’re at the high-end, you’ll attract love, passion, respect
and goodness from your partner (and everyone else). When you’re at the
Ten Steps to Awesome Love!
bottom, you’ll only attract rejection, cruelty, coldness, and more negativity.
As long as you stay at the bottom of your negativity, your partner will meet
When we fall in love, our energy is at the high end of our contin-
you there - where there’s little love or happiness.
uum. We’re pulsing with joy, happiness, and confidence; we attract our
Want more blame and anger directed towards you? Feel blame
partner with that high-end energy.
and anger towards your partner. Want more love and appreciation from
When the usual complications and challenges reveal themselves,
your partner? Feel love and appreciation for your partner. It’s really that
we struggle to feel that original connection. We fall into blame and disap-
simple. But first you have to break your addictions to feeling victimized,
pointment – which is our low-end negativity. We don’t understand why
abusive, critical, needy or empty inside.
the fun, sweetness and passion are gone.
These next ten steps will help you break those negative relationship addic-
As you can guess by now, the answer to the mystery is: ENERGY.
tions. If you practice these faithfully, you’ll create an entirely new and
Moving up your energy continuum, by changing your energy to a higher
wonderful energetic dance between you and your partner.
frequency, improves your relationship immediately.
At the high end of your continuum, you tap into brilliance, good-
1. Give
ness, divinity, inspiration, passion, optimism, happiness and joy. This is
2. ReFocus
where awesome love lives. And this is where you attract the love you want.
At the low end, you feel anger, depression, sadness, guilt, pessimism, 3. Laugh
sense of lack, deprivation, and separateness. Love doesn’t exist in this nega- 4. Un-Box
tive state. 5. Forgive
Everyday we bounce up and down on this energy continuum 6. Be Grateful
reacting to our partners. We say, if only my partner would change I could
7. Sweeten Up
have a loving relationship. We’ve got it backwards.
8. Dance
The quality of your energy is directly responsible for the happiness or unhap- 9. Speak the Unspoken
piness of your relationships. 10. Fantasize
80 81
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
Read this list out loud. By naming these good qualities, you’re focusing on
the brilliance in your partner.You’re seeing their best self. This is exactly
what you want them to focus on in you.
82 83
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
Share what you’ve written above with your partner. 2. Say to your partner: Allow me to be who you want me to be. Please
don’t see me as separate and different from you.
3. List the qualities that you and your partner share (such as a sense of
humor, intelligence, compassion, love of nature, etc.):
84 85
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
love we want.” 3.
86 87
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
I see the sweetness in you and I love it. I will bring my sweetness to resolve 2. Describe how you would like it to be:
our challenges. I will bring my sweetness to help us reconnect.
3. What are you willing to do to make that happen?
Extra Credit: Make love with sweetness, cherishing each inch of your part-
ner, and revealing your sweet vulnerable self as honestly as you can. 4. Write three things you can do to improve this dance with your part-
Write your thoughts on what you would like that to be like:
88 89
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality Love is all I need.
There’s a truth I need to speak in order to be connected to you. Hold these dreams in your heart as sure things – not as longings.
1. Here’s what I love about us…. They’re simply going to happen.
3. Maybe we could leave the kids with my sister for the weekend and …
If you practice these ten steps with your partner every month, your
relationship will live brilliantly ever after… And so will you!
Your intention must be to empower your partner to solve the problem.
In this way, you both ultimately get what you want.
Take turns sharing this. Let one partner speak uninterrupted for one
minute, while the other only listens. Then switch.
90 91
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
Chapter 6
My Brilliant Career
As the poet David Whyte reminds us: “Work is where the self meets
the world.” This elegant statement explains why work is essential to our
happiness. In the past, life was not centered around work – but it is today.
If you don’t love your work, you won’t love your life. It’s that simple.
We spend 85% of our waking hours at work – which leaves very little
time for other activities that give our lives meaning.
If you’ve bought into the myth of job security and benefits that
are supposed to make you happy – how’s that working for you?
Is it time to reinvent? Have you been fired or laid off? Do you long
to start your own business? Are you a software engineer who longs to be a
teacher? A stay-at-home mom reentering the work world after 20 years? An
executive assistant who wants to be her own boss?
The only thing stopping you from having meaningful work that
you love passionately (and that provides for you abundantly) – is your own
pitiful thinking.
92 93
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
We’re back to that again, aren’t we? Yes, so let’s get to it and start STEP ONE: Open Your Eyes!
digging out those pitiful beliefs that are getting in your way to finding job Realize that you’re not a victim to the bad economy, job market
happiness. or your limited job skills.You have your hands on the steering wheel
(whether it feels like it or not).Your life is on purpose.You designed it to
7 Steps to Reinvent Your Career get where you are. Quit feeling sorry for yourself, blaming, arguing and
being depressed. Take back your power and start dreaming up something
fired - has been on purpose.You called up the wonderful and terrible Are you afraid to pursue a better career because it’s not “realistic?”
players in your drama and perfectly designed your good and bad circum- Okay, let’s review: When you “face reality” you’re accepting someone else’s
stances. Why? idea of how life works and what is possible for you. When you say, “I will
only face the reality I want to see,” you gain control of your life.
To remember who you are. If you could peel off your human-body-suit and see the “unseen”
To remember your divine innate power. world, you would realize that beneath your “visible” body is another body
To find your gifts and bring them to the world through your work. made of pulsing light.You would understand (without question) that your
thoughts and beliefs emit powerful vibrations that everyone can feel.
If you believe you’ll never find work you love, that negative belief
emits a strong pulsing vibration that arranges those exact circumstances in
your life. If you want a better career, you have to turn around your nega-
tive beliefs about what is possible for you. If not, every thought you think
will sabotage your success.
What do you really want right now? Chances are you’re getting
exactly that. There are no victims here – just powerful manifesting beings
using their energy to make their lives better or worse. How are you using
your energy? How are you using your thoughts and beliefs?
94 95
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
STEP TWO: What Would You Love Doing? From that place of unlimited possibility, write down 10 careers you’ve
We’re told from the time we’re children to stop dreaming, to get often dreamed of. Whether they’re silly or serious, write them here.
our heads out of the clouds and face reality.Yet dreaming creates reality.
Dreams make us feel happy, raise our energy levels, and tap into our bril- Work I Might Love:
liance – which is where solutions live. 1.
Quit facing reality (and being pitiful). Instead, start dreaming of 2.
what you want to happen. Sit quietly for ten minutes and ask yourself:
What would make me happy right now? What would make me happy this
week? What do I want to happen in the next six months? Where do I 4.
want my life to be one year from now? What do I want my life to look 5.
like in five years? 6.
When the answers make you giggle, you’ve got it right.Your inspired
dreams send out vibrations that pulse into the universe lining up events,
circumstances and people in alignment with your desires.When your next 8.
thought is “Well, that can never happen,” you erase those possibilities from 9.
happening. It’s like a wave crashing over a sand castle. 10.
You won’t find your true work by thinking in a limited, small-
minded way.You must dream BIG in order to find new answers. Only then Write three dreams you WILL manifest before you die:
are you tapped into your creative source energy and true divine power. 1.
Play the $5 million game: Pretend I’ve just put $5 million in your bank
account.You don’t have to tell anyone else about the money. It’s all yours.
Feel the shift in your energy as you imagine this. Take a deep 3.
breath and feel the freedom of your new life.
You’ve just come back from an extended vacation and you’re
completely rested.You still have abundant money and always will. But you
must choose work you would love. What career would you choose?
Write it down:
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
What Are Your Unique Gifts? If that doesn’t work, change careers and find work that uses your
Talents are different from learned skills. Talents are the unique, unique gifts. When we use our talents and gifts, we’re plugged into source
natural gifts that flow easily and gracefully through you.You weren’t born energy and we’re operating from the high-end of our continuum. That’s
a software engineer.You were born with an ability to solve problems, where we want to operate from whenever possible. That’s what leads to
think analytically and communicate complex material in a way that others success.
can understand. Learning how to write software is only a learned skill.
You’re capable of learning any skill you put your mind to. Gift or Shadow? Your Choice…
When you emphasize your unique talents and gifts in your career (Your greatest gift is also your darkest shadow.)
(rather than your learned skills), your work becomes energized and inspired. When we ponder our purpose here in the great human experiment,
And you create abundant success in your life. The first step is recognizing we realize that all of us have unique gifts, and those gifts are on purpose.
what your unique gifts are. My gift is intuition, seeing the potential in people.Yet when I’m
Think about those innate talents that come gracefully and naturally not living up to my gift, the unused gift can be my shadow - allowing me
to you – those things you find yourself longing to do – such as organizing a to see the weaknesses in each person. This is why it’s so important to claim
room, inspiring others to meet a goal, communicating complex information your gifts and live up to them.
in a way that others can understand, leading a team, solving problems, being Let’s imagine that your gift is being a leader, thinking out of the
happy, creating beautiful things. box, and forging a new path. When you’re using that talent in your work
(by being a manager, CEO or entrepreneur) you feel inspired and ener-
Write down your three strongest natural talents: gized, and people naturally are drawn to you.
When you’re not living up to your gift (not being a manager but
instead answering to someone else), you’ll feel isolated, misunderstand,
2. separate and alone. Those same individualistic qualities that make you a
3. powerful leader will become your shadow.
When I’m not using my gift for good, I see the flaws and weak-
If you’re not working in your talent, your work is drudgery, unin- nesses that are stopping people from being their greatest self. If I focus on
spired and will be unsuccessful. Most “bad attitudes” come from people who those flaws, I’m not helping anyone.
feel they’re not being honored and recognized for what they have to offer. So I have a responsibility to embrace the potential in everyone
If you’re feeling this way, go to your manager (when you’re at the (that I can clearly see) and help them move forward. My shadow side
high-end of your continuum) and say “These are my gifts and talents! This would rather just be the critic – it’s easier.
is how you can get your true money’s worth out of me – by letting me As you can see, my true work MUST involve my gift. That’s why
focus on these tasks.” I coach clients, teach classes, write books and give keynotes – because I’m
using my gift to help the world. Are you?
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
STEP FOUR: Follow The Pain STEP FIVE: See What You Want!
As we discussed in Chapter Two, our work is ALWAYS healing us If you spent even a couple minutes each day seeing positive out-
and healing the world as well - by letting us offer to the world exactly comes for your worries, your life would go in a better direction. Isn’t it
what we need to heal ourselves. worth a little experimenting?
By facing our pain, we turn it into energy. It moves us forward. When we imagine what we want to happen, we tap into our
Ask yourself what pain needs healing now? Let that answer guide you to creative energy – the boundless realm of ever-changing possibilities. Our
work you love. powerful thoughts attract circumstances and people in alignment with
For example, if you felt unempowered as a child, perhaps your what we’re focusing on.
true work involves helping people find their greatness and believe in Before going to that job interview or asking a banker for a new
themselves. business loan, take a moment and see the interaction going beautifully
If you lost someone you love to disease, perhaps your work is to with everyone operating from their high-end (especially you).
help people live healthy lives. Skip back to Chapter Two for an in-depth See the banker saying, “Yes, I think we can…” See the company
look at how to use your pain to find your meaningful work. CEO saying, “Yes, we’re always looking for people like you…” See lots of
laughter and good feeling in the room.
First ask, “What do I really want?” Then see it happening. Those
two steps alone will change your life.
1. Write down what you want to happen in your next job interview
(or when getting your first new client):
2. Now let’s go for the big dream. Write down what you want your
perfect life to look like in five years. Where will you be living? What
will your career be? How much money will be in your bank account?
3. Ask your loved ones to share their five-year-dream. Use the joy and
excitement from those dreams to support each other to achieve
personal success.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
STEP SIX: Take Action and Move It Forward! 5. Write three steps you can take this week to make your dream happen:
After doing the steps described above, it’s essential that you take 1.
action. Go out into the world and research your ideas; Meet people, network,
make phone calls, and take tangible steps in a new direction.
Once you begin moving forward in any direction – even the 3.
part of a vortex of positive energy that moves you into the right place at the Well….duh…. Fear of failure is simply FEAR. And fear is at the
right time. low-end of your energy continuum. It’s your negativity. Whenever you
HOWEVER, it’s essential when networking that you send out operate from fear of failure, things don’t turn out well.You actually attract
pure positive energy to everyone you meet. Tell people who you are, what negativity into your life with your fear.
your talents are, and what you dream of doing. Change your energy to the high-end and operate from optimism,
Gracefully omit the dire circumstances you face and the horrendous happiness and inspiration. It’s the only way to guarantee success. See the
challenges you’ve survived. People won’t remember the words you say, but perfect outcome happening before you take an action step.
they will remember your good energy. That positive memory will make Maybe you ARE aware of how your fear of failure is stopping
them think of you when an opportunity arises. you. However, if you’re like most of us, you may have a fear of success that
sabotages you even more. Have you ever thought: “Who do I think I am
Here are some examples of taking action: to want great success and wealth?”
Do you believe that few people ever get true success or happiness,
1. Call two people who are working in the career you’re interested in. and you’re not worthy of being one of them? Have you ever succeeded at
Ask them how they got started and how they like it. Ask for advice something impressive and then questioned if you were worthy of that
2. Research your new career on the internet and make three phone calls we really are. It’s terrifying to believe in our greatness. Then we have to
3. Write a brochure or business plan (or design a website) for your new against every message we’ve ever been taught. If we believe what we’ve been
business idea. taught – that humans are limited beings with limited capacity for happiness
– we settle for a “normal” life and limited amounts of EVERYTHING.
4. Get resume help or create a powerful resume yourself. We can blame our failures on everything and everyone but our-
selves. Dare yourself to break out of this limited thinking!
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
Write your negative beliefs about what you deserve: Get Inspired First!
When we’re at the high end of our continuum, we’re plugged into
1. Only selfish (or extremely brilliant) people make lots of money and
our inspiration and work flows effortlessly, fluidly and exceeds expectations.
have easy lives.
When we’re at the lower end of our continuum, every task seems
2. like overwhelming drudgery. Nothing flows and every chore takes twice
3. as long as it should. Think of opening up to receive inspiration rather than
forcing it.
Write the positive affirmations to reverse that belief: Know when to stop working and when to start working. That’s
the difference between inspiration and drudgery.
1. I intend to work from the high-end of my continuum with such Everybody has their own unique way of moving from drudgery
passion that I will attract great wealth and ease into my life – and use to inspiration – or getting into the groove. Before starting any large task
my wealth to help others. you need to move your energy to the high end of your continuum.
2. Think of matching your energy level to the task level. If it’s a large
3. and overwhelming task, you must be at the top of your gauge before starting
– so you’ll have lots of fuel in your tank.
Examples: Go for a walk to get the energy moving in your body. See the
project already finished – effortlessly. Write yours:
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
STEP SEVEN: Change it! Write three current situations that really need to change but you’ve been
Change is always the solution – not the problem. Our bodies are afraid to initiate the change.
constantly changing; our cells replicating and dying. Our minds and spirits Next to each one, write the first step you’d need to take to begin chang-
change as we have new experiences. ing the situation.
When we’re changing, we’re in the flow of life. If we’re not 1.
changing and moving forward, we’re stagnant and cut off from source en-
ergy. From the high-end of our continuum, we embrace change because
we remember that it always takes us to a better place.
Your career is not a solid, unchanging object.Your career is energy
Now make a promise of three things that you’ll do to get happier.
– like everything else. It changes form as you interact with the world and
Examples: Walk around the block twice everyday no matter how busy you
have new thoughts and beliefs.
are. Pause and evaluate where you are on the continuum before reacting.
What works for you today will change tomorrow. That’s a good
Practice EPR.
thing! Ride the wave of change and life will unfold gracefully.
Write yours:
Write down an unexpected event that happened at least five years ago – that
you were upset about at the time. Now write three good things that came from 1.
that experience: 2.
1. 3.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at
change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention
Write down an approaching change in your career and what scares you
about it.
Write three good things that could possibly come from this change.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
Nine Ingredients for a Brilliant Entrepreneur Unfortunately, we have been raised in a world that primarily focuses
on what we don’t want to happen.This lack of mental discipline has pro-
Many of you have already taken a bold step and launched your vided us with exactly the opposite of the tools we need for a successful life.
own business. Bravo! Well-done! Now you MUST face your negative be- Your mind is a powerful machine that sends out a vibrational code
liefs head on. with every thought. This vibrational code is so magnetic that it interacts
When you’re the boss, your energy determines the success or fail- with the vibrations sent out by every other living being.Your mind sends a
ure of the company – often quite dramatically. For example, do you be- negative thought into the universe and that thought acts like a powerful
lieve any of these statements: magnet.
To be successful, we must dream big. Dreaming gives form and
Most small business go under in the first year. energy to what you DO want to happen; Worrying gives form and energy
The economy is terrible for starting a business. to what you DON’T want to happen.
You can’t be financially successful being an artist. From now on, when a problem flits across your mind, follow it
There are already too many therapists in this town. immediately with three possible solutions. And when someone tells you to
face reality, say this: “I will face the reality that I want to happen.”
This is what I call pitiful thinking, and it’s certainly not the way a success-
ful entrepreneur thinks. Remember, as the quantum physicists explain, we 1. Stop the pitiful thinking!
send out vibrational frequencies which interact with other vibrational
frequencies. We connect with and attract people, circumstances and oppor- I can’t do what I really want to do (open an art gallery, start a
tunities that exist on the same vibrational frequency as the one we are llama ranch, or run a retreat center), so I’ll do this smaller, more acceptable
sending out. Think a thought and it’s on its way to becoming your reality. business – like corporate consulting or real estate. I certainly can’t take out
If you want to be successful, focus on what you want to happen. a big business loan in this bad economy, so I’ll get my little business going
For example; How much income do you want to generate in your first without much initial investment. I’ll play it safe…
year of business? How many new clients or customers do you need in a By this process of “pitiful thinking” we minimize and minimize
month? How big of a business loan or investment do you need to get our dreams until they aren’t grand enough dreams to excite us anymore.
started? Who would be your perfect business partner? Who would you Yet without exciting our passions and our innate drive to create joy and
love to have on your board of directors? How terrific can your product be abundance, we will not succeed. And so we fail at our little dreams. Then
so that it stands out from the competition? we have “proof ” that our big dreams would never work because we
These are the questions that a successful entrepreneur focuses on. couldn’t make a “little” dream succeed.
Worrying about what could go wrong is giving our attention to things we We’ve got it backwards. If we’d gone after the big dream, we would
don’t want to happen – and thus attracting those negative circumstances have rallied our passion and joy behind it. That positive energy would have
with the magnetic power of our thoughts. made our big dream succeed in spite of challenging circumstances. Recog-
110 111
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
nize that the ideas that come to you when you’re in the pitiful end of your 3. What do you really want to happen?
energy continuum are never going to be brilliant, divinely inspired or
hugely successful. This is the only question worth asking – ever. Ask it right now. Keep ask-
Don’t insult your divinity by dreaming small and living small. ing it until you get a clear answer.
You’re part of source energy, and you’re here to create. Only by using your
fullest potential, can you make the world a better place. 4. Save your business with EPR
2. Create your giggle team Of course you’ll run into challenging situations and people as you
build your business. What then? Use Energetic Personal Resuscitation to
The bigger the dream, idea or plan and the more it makes you giggle, raise your energy to a higher vibration - humor, gratitude and sweetness.
the more successful you’ll be.Your high-end passion and excitement will I’ve written about EPR many times in this book, so I won’t go into detail
guarantee that your idea attracts what it needs to succeed. about it here.
When you’re successful, will you be on Oprah? Will you a have a However, I guarantee you that these three tools are your easiest,
best selling book, or a successful art gallery? Will you have a waiting list of most powerful ways to raise the energy (yours and everyone else’s) to a
clients because you’re so busy? Will you be invited to speak on a business higher vibration. EPR works like a charm whether you’re in a tough busi-
panel with Donald Trump? Will you receive thousands of testimonial let- ness meeting or a nerve-racking business presentation to a potential investor.
ters saying that your new product improved lives? What makes you giggle?
Remember this song you learned as a child: “Row, row, row your 5. See it before you be it
boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a
dream.” Sing that song as if it’s your mantra. Sing it today until you giggle Going to meet with a banker or potential investor? Pause for a
at yourself. Then you’re on your way to higher energy and greater success. moment. Clear your head. See the meeting concluding with everyone
Along with your giggle dream, create your giggle team. Imagine feeling good and shaking hands. See positive energy flowing around the
sitting around a table with the best and brightest minds in your field. room. Picture everyone satisfied and happy about the outcome of the
Think of how much fun it will be to work with these brilliant partners. meeting. That’s all you need to see. Leave the rest of the details to be filled
When you imagine having a meeting, does it make you smile? If so, in by source energy.
you’ve got your giggle team. Practice this technique before going grocery shopping, looking
Don’t be pitiful and think these experts would never be interested for a parking place, or going out to dinner.You’ll be amazed at how pow-
in your business. Call them. Ask for ten minutes of their time. See if they erful a tool this is. Gain your confidence by doing this exercise with little
connect with your dream. Miracles happen all the time; they follow the things (like finding a parking place). Then when you really need a meeting
positive energy. to go well, you’ll be an expert at seeing it first.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Brilliant Career.
Become aware of what you’re feeling and where you are on that “I don’t have enough time to get everything done.” How often
energy continuum. If you want better circumstances or relationships in have you said that? Quantum physicists tell us that time is not linear. It’s
your life or business, focus on how to raise YOUR energy higher on your not a cassette tape that you can fast forward to the future or rewind to the
continuum.Your higher energy will transform every situation and rela- past. Instead, time is really happening all at once; it’s similar to a CD with
tionship for the better. different tracks running parallel to each other.You can jump to a different
What would make you feel better right now? What would make track where you have always had enough time.
you feel better tomorrow? Dream it. Do it. Raise your energy, and you’ll Try it now by saying, “I have always had abundant time to get
attract what you truly want. everything done.” As Einstein said, “Space and time are not conditions in
which we live. They are modes in which we think.”
7. Take action every day Change your mind about what is possible, and you change the
world – especially your world.
Make at least three phone calls everyday to research your business
idea. Investigate how others have succeeded and failed, talk to the experts,
line up your giggle team, and research your competitors on the web.
Ask everyone to give you a name of someone who is doing a
similar business. As you network this way, put out pure positive energy and
intent.You’ll quickly attract the solutions you need to be successful.
8. Shake it up baby!
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
Chapter 7
But I don’t feel so good.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality But I don’t feel so good.
want it to. But you can hang your hat on the fact that most of us have at Who are we to disagree?
least one area of pitiful still left to be figured out. I’m going to be bold here and tell you something outrageous:
Health and money are the two scariest areas for most of us. That’s Every illness or injury you’ve had has been of your choosing.You’ve at-
because the stories we’ve been told about money and health – are designed tracted it by the nature of your thoughts and innate beliefs about what
to emphasize our powerlessness. you deserve and what you want. And sometimes, you’ve signed up for it
Imagine saying to your banker: “Hey, don’t worry about my over- before you were born.
drawn account. Take a chill pill. I’ll do some dreaming this weekend and And guess what - no matter how much you’ve suffered - it’s your
see what abundance I can pull my way.” gift to yourself!
Pretty ridiculous, huh? What about this one? Why? Because illness and injury provide you an amazing oppor-
Imagine saying to your doctor, “Hey, I don’t want to have an MRI tunity to reconnect with your divinity - as long as you’re not wallowing in
or a mammogram today. I scan my body energetically each morning when your pitiful self. If you wallow in the self-pity – the lesson is lost and your
I meditate. If I feel something wrong – I redirect my cells to heal it.” pain is for nothing.
Or how about this one: “Doc, if you give me an MRI or mammo-
gram when I’m having a bad day, it will probably show something wrong
But I Don’t Want To Be Sick!
with me. If you take it when I’m feeling happy, it will show perfect health.
Have you ever been exhausted at work and needed a break but
But once it appears on your tests, and you give it a diagnosis – then I’m
knew that wasn’t possible because of your deadlines? And then did you
stuck with it. That’s because when I hear about it from you, and see it on
notice a little tickle at the back of your throat?
the big screen, it will become permanently ‘real’ in my body.”
And did you recognize that brief moment when you knew that you could
fight it (with intention) and it would go away? Do you remember also
While I completely believe and adhere to those two statements above, you shouldn’t
knowing that you could let the virus get you, and then you’d get some
try them at home.You’re just not there yet.You’ve been going to doctors since you
bed rest that you truly needed (but aren’t allowed to ask for)?
were born, and they’ve been telling you what was wrong with you and how to solve
You give in – get sick with the virus, stay in bed for a day if
it - for as many years as you’ve been alive.
you’re lucky, get a small break from the pressure – but then life gets harder.
Our entire economy is based on this type of doctor/patient rela- Why? Because now your body is engaged in all-out war with the virus
tionship. The pharmaceutical companies thrive on it, and our parents and cells - so you truly are exhausted.Yet our culture demands that you get
grandparents sing the praises of this “modern” medicine. back to work ASAP. So you drag your bad self back to work feeling pitiful.
What have you gained? Not very much… Just the right to spend a little
time indulging in your pitiful self.
Even if you do get to stay in bed for a week and truly rest and
nurture yourself, what have you gained? Not much.You’ll feel run-down
for weeks.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality But I don’t feel so good.
It’s time to recognize that you’re using illness as a way to escape Everybody Gets Sick Sometimes
the pressure of having to be “perfect” - and that you’re getting sick in
order to take a vacation. Yes, we’ve all bought in to the belief that human beings are de-
There’s a better way.Your life is off-balance and you need to find signed to get sick.You’ve been hearing that since your mom first took you
other ways to relax and enjoy yourself; maybe you need to reinvent your to the doctor.
career or relationships. Ultimately, what you really need is a new pattern
of thinking happier thoughts and feeling more joy everyday.
“Everybody’s getting it.”
Is your eyesight going bad? Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal
“There’s not much you can do.”
Your Life, would ask: “What it is that you don’t want to see?”
Just been diagnosed with MS? What is it that you don’t want to “One in three people is diagnosed with cancer.”
do? Where is it that you don’t want to go anymore? “You’ve been exposed to a lot of toxins…”
When you answer these questions honestly, you can begin to heal “Your immune system isn’t strong enough.”
yourself, Hay teaches. In her workshops and sessions, she helps people find “You have the gene for breast cancer.”
the core issue that their illness is trying to resolve for them. When that
“Earaches are a normal part of childhood.”
issue is resolved without the illness, the illness can go away.
“You’ve been under a lot of stress.”
What is your illness trying to tell you? To reinvent your career?
Get out of a toxic relationship? Focus on your needs instead of others? “Acne is normal in teenagers.”
What purpose is your diagnosis serving in your life? How is your life dif- “You’re in your 50s now so you’ll probably get
ferent now than it was before diagnosis? heart disease, cancer, or diabetes.”
Whatever comes to your mind when you ask those questions -
write it here: These negative messages thrive in our culture. The largest sector
of our money-making economy is the pharmaceutical industry – the folks
who make the drugs that are the “only hope” for curing whatever ails us.
In effect, illness fuels our economy. If we stopped getting sick, the
economy would take a dive.You see, there’s a lot invested in our getting sick.
The natural health industry (based on herbs, homeopathy, vita-
mins and natural foods) is gaining momentum slowly. However, this indus-
try is based on similar negative beliefs:Your immune system isn’t strong
enough. There are a lot of illnesses out to get you.Your body is filled with
toxins… or parasites.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality But I don’t feel so good.
However, the darkest beliefs poisoning us are the ones we picked I Believe! I Believe!
up in childhood. Those beliefs were delivered (with love) by our family
members whenever we got sick. “Honey, you’re just not very strong at Let’s look at what some revolutionary scientists are saying about
fighting off these viruses.” Or, “You catch everything that goes around.” sickness and health. In Chapter One, I mentioned cell biologist Bruce
If your busy parents only took time to be with you when you got Lipton, Ph.D., author of Biology of Belief.
sick, you connected sickness with being loved. Whenever you needed love In his book, Lipton, former Stanford University Medical School
or attention, you suppressed your immune system (with your thoughts and professor, reminds us that we are not powerless biochemical machines who
emotions) so you could get in bed for lots of chicken soup and attention. can cure ourselves by popping a pill every time we get out of tune. “Every
All of this would actually be okay if we only got little colds and time a drug is introduced into the body to correct function A, it inevitably
could bounce right back to health the minute we wanted to. The problem throws off function B, C, or D. It is not gene-directed hormones and neu-
is that once we give in to these negative beliefs, we become addicted to rotransmitters that control our bodies and our minds; our beliefs control
getting sick whenever we need love. Or we become addicted to getting our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives.”
sick in order to get out of doing things we don’t want to do. And eventu- Lipton, with more than 30 years of studying how cells behave, and
ally, we have no conscious control over this behavior. It controls us. how we’re influenced by our genetic blueprint, comes to this conclusion:
This might even be okay when we’re children. But the older we “When we truly understand the New Biology, we will realize that the
get, the more serious the illnesses are that we attract with these crazy be- fully conscious mind trumps both nature and nurture.”
liefs. Eventually, we get a diagnosis of cancer, and we wonder how we got Lipton urges us to suspend the archaic beliefs we’ve acquired from
there. The path to that diagnosis began when we were little. science and the media and begin exploring our own inner healing powers.
What brings him to this bold conclusion in spite of his conventional med-
1. Write down all the messages you remember hearing from your family ical training?
members about health: He tells a story of browsing in an airport bookstore while waiting
to catch a flight to a new job as a medical school professor in 1982. He
2. Write down your beliefs about how strong or weak your immune stumbled across two books on quantum physics – a subject he had avoided
system is to fight off illness: in college. (Medical students aren’t required to study quantum physics – a
fact that Lipton says is a big reason for conventional medicine’s misunder-
3. Write a story from childhood about an illness you either avoided, standing of the human bodies’ ability to heal itself.)
overcame or succumbed to and the message you learned from that:
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality But I don’t feel so good.
Recalls Lipton: “Before boarding that plane in Chicago, I had no Holy Molecules Of Emotion!
idea that quantum physics was in any way relevant to biology. By the time
the plane landed, I was in a state of intellectual shock. I realized that quan- If you’re questioning your ability to control your immune system
tum physics is relevant to biology and that biologists are committing a with your thoughts and beliefs, take a look at Candace Pert’s work. In study
glaring, scientific error by ignoring its laws… We stick to the physical after study, Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion, has shown how our im-
world of Newtonian physics and ignore the invisible quantum world of mune cells respond to the emotions we feel (which come from the thoughts
Einstein, in which matter is actually made up of energy and there are no we think). Her findings: A happy, optimistic thought will boost immune-cell
absolutes.” functions, while negative thoughts deplete our immune systems.
If medical students were thoroughly schooled in quantum physics, he As professor of physiology and biophysics at the Georgetown
believes, conventional medicine would radically change its tactics – working University Medical School, Pert’s research revealed the specific process by
with the energetic healing powers of the body rather than ignoring them. which our cells respond to our feelings - through peptides and their re-
What does this mean to you? Whenever you catch yourself worry- ceptors. Dr. Pert, Ph.D., published over 250 scientific articles on the role
ing about a medical condition that you have or don’t want to get, turn the of these neuropeptides in the immune system.
worry into an intention. Pert has evaluated numerous bodymind healing approaches such
For example, whenever I find myself worrying about getting as visualization: “Through visualization, for example, we can increase the
cancer, I say: blood flow into a body part and thereby increase the availability of oxygen
“I’m washing my body with white cleansing light and all of my and nutrients to carry away toxins and nourish the cells,” she explains.
cells are moving into the divine order of perfect health.” In recent years, Pert has left the academic world to spread the
word about this “new paradigm of healing” that her work has uncovered.
1. Write your intention for the medical condition that’s worrying you: She believes we all have the power to heal ourselves from within – once
we break our emotional addictions to feeling bad, unworthy or not pow-
2. My next step is visualizing white light washing through me and leaving erful enough. “Even when we are stuck emotionally, fixated on a version
my insides sparkling with health and divine order. of reality that does not serve us well, there is always a biochemical poten-
tial for change and growth.”
Take a moment to visualize your intention. Her new book, Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d, out-
lines these inner processes and offers simple exercises designed to boost
immune system functioning and turn our thoughts, beliefs and emotions
into powerful healing allies.
“We must take responsibility for the way we feel,” she concludes.
“The notion that others can make us feel good or bad is untrue. Con-
sciously or – more frequently – unconsciously, we are choosing how we
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality But I don’t feel so good.
feel at every single moment. The external world is a mirror of our beliefs shut down (like weeds wrapped around a garden hose, his doctors told
and expectations. Why we feel the way we feel is the result of the sym- me). I believe he had a very deep, old belief that he wasn’t worthy of
phony and harmony of our own molecules of emotion that affect every as- healing, and that suffering was good for his soul. These two buried
pect of our physiology, producing blissful good health or miserable disease.” beliefs sabotaged our healing efforts.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
128 129
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What’s my dream.
It Has To Make You Giggle Over the next few weeks I was haunted by Dana’s story. There are
no accidents, and I knew I was meant to get tangled up in her dream. But
When you dream or imagine, you’re sending out a strong vibration how could I help her, I wondered? I didn’t have enough money to send
asking for what you want. A small dream has a fairly weak vibrational code her to Africa by myself. I thought about a fund raiser, but when I ran the
pulsing from it. It doesn’t have much power to rearrange sub-atomic parti- numbers they didn’t add up to the $5,000+ that Dana would need.
cles in your favor. But a great dream that makes you giggle has a powerful Dreaming bigger is always the answer – I tell my clients. So I followed
pulse capable of moving mountains. my own advice and dreamt bigger until I saw a non-profit foundation called
Have you ever gotten entangled in someone else’s giggle dream? I the Giggle Dream Foundation that would fund dreams like Dana’s. Now, I
have. My client, 35-year-old Dana Phillips, was born with a neurological was getting excited. After many phone calls to folks involved in non-profits, I
disorder that caused problems with walking and speech. I had been help- had a plan and had generated enough excitement to get things rolling.
ing Dana reinvent her career from massage therapist to something less Over the next few months, I wrote press releases, did media inter-
physically demanding. Dana was frustrated that she couldn’t get excited views, and met with potential investors. Four months after Dana told me
about a dream and didn’t know what she wanted to do with her career. her story, we launched our first Giggle Dream Foundation fund raiser and
She was searching for more meaning in her life. raised $5,000+ to send Dana to Africa. The trip was a life-changing expe-
I hadn’t seen Dana for several months when she called to update rience for Dana and has since launched her on a new and exciting career
me. She had just recovered from open-heart surgery and a near-death ex- working for a non-profit agency.
perience in the operating room. It turns out she had a genetic heart defect Now we have a Board and a team of people supporting our Giggle
that had grown worse over the years until emergency surgery was required. Dream Foundation. We receive several “giggle dreams” through our website
But she was beginning to feel better, and she scheduled an appointment. each day, do regular fund-raising, and fund one giggle dream every year.
When Dana walked in the door I could see her transformation. The Foundation has become one of my favorite and most meaningful ac-
There was clarity in her eyes, and she was glowing with radiant, divine energy. tivities. Dana’s dream inspired me to think bigger about making the world
She looked as if she had been out of her body during surgery - cavorting with a better place. That’s the power of one person’s Giggle Dream.
the angels. It wasn’t what I had expected to see. Don’t we owe it to each other to dream bigger and inspire the
During our session, Dana shared an unforgettable story of nearly world to do great things? I think so. Let’s get dreaming!
dying during surgery and realizing, at the moment of awakening, what her
dream was: She would find a way to go to Africa and volunteer with the
As I listened to her story and her fearless intention to fulfill her
dream – in spite of the physical challenges she faced in her life – I knew I
would help her… somehow.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality What’s my dream.
Five Essential Principles For Dreaming Up a New 2. You’re here to live a BIG life – not a small, pitiful life.
and Improved “Reality:” For the most part, we’re pitiful dreamers. When people ask what
we want to happen, our answer is usually less than inspiring: “Take a couple
1. Remember Einstein’s big idea: E=MC2
weeks off, visit a friend, retire with a good pension plan, etc.”
(Energy = mass times the speed of light squared)
The purpose of life is much grander than that.You’re here to live
up to your greatness – not your pitifulness. Stop playing life small. It’s not
Try this idea:
doing you (or the world) any good. The world needs greatness: great ideas,
passion, brilliance, and courage.
(Giggle = Energy Squared = Manifestation)
Who makes the world a better place? Joe Schmoe, who complains
about his job and can hardly pay the bills, or Oprah, who has created
If you’re not giggling when you imagine your dream coming true,
enough abundance to open a school for girls in Africa?
your dream is just not big enough to be successful. If you’re not excited
about your dream, nobody else will be either.
3. You may have failed before…
Passion, fun and excitement are pure energy; the greater the ex-
citement about a dream, the stronger the energy rallies behind it. To make
You’re going to drag some old baggage into your new creation.
a dream come true takes BIG energy. That energy push is up to you.
You’ll hear the old fear voices say: “Well, it didn’t work out last time. Who
When you dream about something you want and send your giggle
do you think you are? Nothing ever works out the way you want it to.”
out into the universe, that giggle of excitement gives your dream energy to
Your past disappointments will try to get in the way of your cur-
attract the necessary people and circumstances.
rent dreaming. Only a new dream that makes you giggle will be strong
Nothing raises your energy like dreaming. When you’re having a
enough to override those old voices and inspire you to say, “Who cares?
difficult day, the quickest way to make it better is to ask, “What do I want
I’m doing it anyway.”
to happen next?” Start with little things like, “to get a cup of coffee.” Build
When you were a child, you dreamt of magical circumstances and a
your way up to bigger dreams: to take a day off, go skiing or have lunch
great life. As you grew up, you were told to stop dreaming, get your head
with a friend.
out of the clouds and face reality.You gave up your dreams in order to fit in.
Then jump to the grand dreams: your new house, a happier career,
But when you stopped dreaming, you gave up your power to create.
writing your book, making your film - until finally you’re giggling. Now
You lost your way and forgot why you’re here. Now it’s time to remember.
you’ve raised your energy to the high end of your energy continuum. Now
The world needs your dreams!
you’re powerful enough to attract the energy to make it happen.
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What’s my dream.
4. At the end of your life when you look back 1. Take a piece of blank paper and draw a picture of your perfect life.
Fill it with images of you and your loved ones doing things you enjoy
You’ll wish you had gone after your big dreams.You’ll say, “Why such as traveling or living in a new home.
didn’t I go to medical school? Why didn’t I take that trip to Europe? Why
didn’t I pursue my music?” Or cut out pictures from a magazine that represent circumstances and
We get lost in the details of our lives. We become like ants focused relationships you want in your life. Look at those images everyday.
At the end of your life, those small details will not matter at all.
However, the big picture will be glaringly obvious to you.You’ll see the “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” – Carl Sandburg
grand road-map of your life.You’ll ask “Why didn’t I take that turn? Why
didn’t I explore the unknown?” When we dream and imagine what we want to happen, we tap
The best legacy you can leave your loved ones is showing them into source energy. We tap into the boundless realm of ever-changing pos-
that you followed your dreams and lived a happy, fulfilled life.Your life will sibilities – rather than our limited view of fixed outcomes which is all we
inspire others to go after their dreams. When one person lives up to their can see from the bottom end of our continuum.
greatness, it inspires dozens, even hundreds, around them to do the same. By changing beliefs and seeing positive outcomes to our chal-
lenges, we set the energy in place to make what we want happen. This is
We’re all part of source energy – which means divinity. Don’t insult where you always end up arguing with so and so, take a moment and see
the divine fabric you’re made of by wallowing in your negativity. Sure the meeting or social event going beautifully with everyone operating
there are circumstances you’ve signed up for that aren’t pretty. But you from their high-end (especially you). See the person you usually disagree
signed up for those challenges exactly because you knew you could over- with telling you that they loved talking to you. See lots of laughter and
come them.You knew you were capable of rising above the obstacles and good feeling in the room.
moving forward with greatness.You intended to be a hero! Right now, see the picture of your perfect day. Hold this vision in
Don’t disappoint yourself. Tackle your challenges head-on as if your heart as a sure thing – not as a longing. It’s simply going to happen.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
Imagine your perfect life five years from now or even just five minutes from now.
Chapter 9
Where will you be?
Who will you be with?
My Reinvention Plan
What will you be doing?
What wonderful miracles will you have in your life?
1. Write down the details of your perfect day (for today or tomorrow):
Get excited about it. Write the dream here. Add to it each week.
1. Play with Your Energy
Every morning and evening, evaluate where you are on your
energy continuum, and take note of what circumstances happen to you
when you’re at the top of your continuum vs. the bottom.
Simply check in with yourself and ask, “Where am I on my con-
tinuum right now?” After you’re clear on that, observe how your day goes.
Notice how raising your energy improves your day.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Why? Because you’ll realize how powerful you are; that you’re Magic happens all the time; people launching businesses find per-
not a victim to your circumstances. fect investors or partners. People who want to work for more enlightened,
Raise your energy and feel good even when you open impossible lucrative corporations – get offered jobs at those companies. People fall in
bills. Imagine playing your favorite sport and feeling energized - whenever love. And many people have miraculous healings. If this magic is not hap-
a virus tickles your throat. Dream of your perfect loving relationship as if pening in your life, it’s because of your thoughts and beliefs about what is
you already have it. See yourself already doing the work you love. possible.
All of those energy tricks will jumpstart you into a higher energy Remember, nothing happens unless first a dream. The bigger the
level – no matter your circumstances. dream, the more excited you’ll be about it, and the more energy it will at-
tract to help it come true.
2. Kick It Up a Notch
Take three actions each day that make you happy and improve your 4. Drop Something Old
energy. These can be simple things like exercise, meditation or laughter. Improve one important relationship each month using gratitude,
Why? Because when your energy is at the top of your continuum, sweetness and humor. These three emotions are your Energetic Personal
you manifest dreams, attract new opportunities, tap into your inspiration, Resuscitation (EPR) tools. Pick a relationship that needs improving and
and find new solutions to problems. It’s really pretty simple – get happy decide to use abundant gratitude, sweetness and humor to make it better –
and your life improves. no matter how you feel about this person.
Quit worrying about why things are the way they are, or why YOU Why do this with difficult relationships? Because this positive en-
are the way you are. Stop worrying about money, love, health, the world ergy shift makes your life better. Don’t weigh yourself down with negative
economy, war and pollution.Your worries only produce negative energy energy towards other people. When you’re feeling angry or blameful,
which makes life worse for everyone – especially you! you’re at the low end of your energy continuum, and nothing good will
come to you there. Clean out the negative emotions in your life, and rise
3. Dream from Morning till Night up your continuum to be your most powerful self – which is who you
Spend 10 minutes each day dreaming of the life (and career) you need to be to manifest a better life and career. (For more info about using
truly want by asking the question “What is my ridiculously wonderful EPR, read Chapter Two.)
dream life?” (When the dream makes you giggle, you’ve got it right.)
Why? Dreaming raises our energy and shifts our focus to the big 5. Be a Practitioner Instead of Victim
picture of life. Only from that enlarged view can we begin to create the Use EPR everyday to improve one challenging situation you find
vortex of energy that attracts new opportunities and circumstances into yourself in. For example, say you have a dreaded weekly staff meeting or
our lives – whether it’s a powerful promotion, a fabulous career, or a lov- social obligation. Go into the meeting or social gathering with the inten-
ing relationship. tion to improve its direction using humor, gratitude and sweetness with
everyone in the room – in spite of how you feel about them or their ideas.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Why? Your strong, positive energy will attract the circumstances 7. It’s Not About You!
you desire – whether it’s a promotion, a productive staff, or a “yes” to your Each month, turn around one aspect of your negativity – such as
new ideas. getting your feelings hurt. For one month, you will not be offended ever –
It works the same way when you’re stuck in a long line at the post no matter what happens at work or home.You’ll take in all negative feed-
office, or feeling uncomfortable at a dinner party. Show up to the most in- back as information to be processed in order to become your best, most
timidating situations intent upon using your gratitude, sweetness and humor powerful self. When you feel yourself becoming offended, laugh instead.
to make everyone feel happier. They will. And so will you. See the humor in your shortcomings.
Why? Because being offended is negative energy and it puts you
6. Get a Best Buddy (who loves to laugh): way down on the bottom of your continuum.You need to be at the top of
It’s time to clear out old friends who make you feel bad about your game (er…continuum) in order to create a new life or happier career.
yourself. It’s essential to make strong connections with a friend or partner
who believes in your best self. This will be your new Best Buddy. This is
8. Focus on Your Future
the person you can count on to say, “I know you can do this. I see your
Drop your old story. Remember, nobody has abandoned, hurt, re-
talents.You can do whatever you put your mind to!”
jected, or betrayed you.You called up all the players in your drama and
If there isn’t anyone in your life like that, find, or hire, somebody
perfectly arranged all your challenges - to get you to this point of reinven-
to do this with you. Send a request to the universe to surround you with
tion. Don’t disappoint yourself now. Focus on your future – not your past.
people who see the best in you and help you bring your gifts to the
And always focus on solutions to your problems rather than the
world. Ask for this to happen, and it will.
problems. When you find yourself worrying about money, your job or
Tell your new best buddy to help you redirect your thoughts in a
your loved ones, shift your mind to what you want to happen – rather
more positive way by pointing out your negative beliefs. This is why your
than what is happening. This step alone can transform your life.
best buddy has to love to laugh. Without a sense of humor, this won’t be
Remember, we are the observers to our world - affecting it with
any fun. It has to be fun, or you’ll soon stop doing it.
our observations. When you focus on a problem, you’re sending it energy
Humor is magical, and you want more laughter in your life from
with your thoughts. Energy makes possibility take form. Stop focusing on
now on.You especially want more laughter in your relationships. Start
what you don’t want to happen! See only what you want to happen, and
with this best buddy relationship and move on from there – creating many
that possibility begins to take form.
healthy, supportive friendships in your new life.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Reinvention 101 This is the most powerful secret to having loving relationships: Be the love you
want to get!
Write your answers to the above questions and discuss them with your coach
(or partner).
When we send that love out to EVERYONE in our lives exactly as we’d like to
receive it, we no longer feel empty, lonely or unloved.
That unrestrained love that flows from us eventually flows right back to us -
with abundance.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Plan 3 silly things to do together to rekindle playfulness in your relationship. Examples: I’m grateful that you’re a good father/mother to our child. I’m
(If you’re single describe three silly things you would love to do with your grateful that you support me in my work. I’m grateful for your honesty.
dream partner). I’m grateful that I can talk to you. I’m grateful that I can laugh with you.
I’m grateful for your wisdom. I’m grateful for our passionate sexual con-
Examples: Watch your favorite comedy movie or TV show together. Do nection.
something silly like miniature golf. Go out for ice cream cones.
Write yours:
Write yours: 1.
1. 2.
2. 3.
See your partner as a baby smiling at you. Imagine cradling them in your
1. Write your thoughts on what it would be like to trade costumes/ arms. Write your thoughts about this image:
personalities with your partner:
Speak Your Truth:
2. List the qualities that you and your partner share (such as a sense of
humor, intelligence, compassion, love of nature, etc.): There’s a truth I need to speak in order to be connected to you.
1. Here’s what I love about us….
3. Write to your partner: “I forgive you for …. And I recognize that I
2. Here’s what’s not working for me…
have been part of this dance.”
3. Here’s a possible solution …
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Your intention must be to empower your partner to solve the problem. Dreamy Love
In this way, you both ultimately get what you want.
1. What would your relationship look and feel like if you were crazy in
Write your three points of truth here: love right now? Write your image of this:
2. Imagine being divinely happy in this (or any) relationship one year
2. from now. What would it look like? Imagine a future together that
3. makes you giggle. Write down your one-year giggle dream:
3. Imagine your perfect shared life five years from now. Dream it until it
makes you giggle. Write down your five-year giggle dream:
6. Write the action plan of your inner reinvention that needs to take
place before you can attract this great love. For example:
Places to go:
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
1. What’s up with work and how’s that working for you? Draw a picture of you doing work you love that brings abundance into
2. What do you like about your present or most recent job? your life:
3. What are you really good at in your job?
Draw a picture of you teaching others to find work they love.
4. What are your talents?
What are you telling them?
5. What do you value in a job?
6. What do you do poorly at work? Draw a picture of you receiving abundant praise for your work.
7. What are the key requirements for work you would love? What does your face look like?
8. What has been the favorite job of your life and why did you love it?
9. What elements of that happy work experience can you bring into List the qualities you love in your current career (or in the career you’re dream-
your life today? ing of ) and explain why you love them:
10. What did you learn about work from your parents?
11. Did they love their work?
12. What would you change in your present career to make it enjoyable
for you?
13. What will you have in your next job? 4.
14. What do you believe about work? For example, do most people love 5.
their jobs? Why do you work?
15. If you had $5 million in your bank account, perfect health and Plan 3 inspired actions you can take to begin reinventing your career this week:
abundant love in your life, but had to have a career, what career 1.
would you choose? 2.
16. If you had all the knowledge and skill to write a book about a subject 3.
you love, what book would you write?
17. If you were forced to go back to college, what degree would you get?
18. How does your deepest pain guide you to meaningful work?
Write your answers to the above questions and discuss them with your coach.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
List the qualities you love about your body and explain why you love them: 3. Think of three things about your life that you’re extremely grateful for.
2. Write yours:
3. 1.
4. 2.
5. 3.
Plan 3 things to do to rekindle health and energy in your body. For example, See yourself as a newborn baby. Imagine giving yourself helpful guidance
join a gym; walk everyday; eat natural foods; get a new doctor, quit your job, etc. for the lifetime to come. What would you say to yourself as a baby so that
you could live a healthy life?
Write yours:
1. Speak Your Truth:
There’s a truth I need to speak in order to heal myself:
1. Here’s what I love about my life….
1. Write your thoughts on what it would be like to feel completely in 2. Here’s what’s not working for me…
control of your health by using your mind to heal yourself: 3. Here’s a possible solution …
2. Write a letter to your body saying: “I forgive you for having this (Be sure to include a possible solution.)
illness. Please forgive me for … I recognize that you are trying to tell Write your three points of truth here:
me something. I hear you and I’m changing for the better today.”
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Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Dreamy Health 5. Write the action plan of your inner reinvention that needs to take
place before you can attract this great health. For example:
1. What would your body look and feel like if you were abundantly
healthy right now? Write your image of this: Inner beliefs to turn around:
Places to go:
3. Imagine your perfectly healthy body five years from now. Dream it
until it makes you giggle. Write down your five-year healthy
giggle dream: New actions to take:
156 157
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Remember: When we raise our energy (in spite of our debts or diminishing
bank balance) we connect with our divinity and only then can we attract
The abundance that flows from us unrestrained flows right back to us in even
greater amounts. This is the most powerful secret to attracting abundance!
158 159
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Plan 3 silly and generous things to do with your money to rekindle playfulness Speak Your Truth:
around abundance. Examples: Take a vacation; donate to a non-profit or-
ganization; give money anonymously to a needy friend; buy a fabulous There’s a truth I need to speak in order to attract greater wealth into my life.
gift for someone you love.
1. Here’s what I love about having money….
When you feel your mind settle down, flash a happy image of your abun-
4. Let this be your new affirmation:
dant new giggle life (driving a fabulous car, traveling, buying gifts, etc).
“From this moment on, past mistakes and painful moments around
money are forgiven and forgotten. I now welcome effortless abundance
Look at that image until it fades. Then go back to quieting your mind.
into my life.”
Once again flash an image of your giggle life. Repeat this process for 20
minutes a day.
160 161
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
Dreamy Wealth 5. Write the action plan of your inner reinvention that needs to take
place before you can attract this great wealth. For example:
1. What would your life look and feel like if you were crazy wealthy
right now? Write your image of this: Inner beliefs to turn around:
Places to go:
3. Imagine your fearlessly wealthy life five years from now. Dream it
until it makes you giggle. Write down your five-year giggle dream:
4. Host a cocktail party for your friends. Announce that they must
come as “who they want to be.” Action Steps for this week:
162 163
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
164 165
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
1. Write a letter to God (or to your divinity) saying: “I forgive you for Dreamy Divinity
…. Please forgive me for …. I recognize that I have been part of this
dance. I welcome you back into my life fully.” 1. What would you look and feel like if you were divinely connected to
God (or the other realms) right now? Write your image of this:
2. Let this be your new affirmation:
“From this moment on, past mistakes and painful moments are
forgiven and forgotten, and I welcome divinity back into my life.”
3. See yourself as a baby full of divine sweetness. What would you tell
2. Imagine being divinely connected to your spiritual self one year from
yourself to guide you through this lifetime without losing your divinity.
now. What would it look like? Imagine a future that makes you giggle.
Write your thoughts:
Write down your one-year giggle dream:
166 167
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
4. Write the action plan of your inner reinvention that needs to take Part of your reinvention plan includes thinking differently about the
place before you can attract this great relationship with the divine. events in your life. For example, the holiday season. Here’s a guide to:
For example:
Reinventing the Holiday Season
Inner beliefs to turn around:
If you’re like most of us, you’ve had some great holiday seasons
and some “pitiful” ones too. These five easy steps will guarantee happy
holidays this year for you and your loved ones:
New ideas to explore:
1. See a New Possibility
Starting today, spend five minutes everyday picturing exactly how
you want your holiday season to go. Here are some ideas: Abundant money
People to talk to:
in your checking account; stress-free shopping trips; easy home-cooked
meals that delight your guests; laughter and warm feelings between family
members; a sense of peace and well-being.
Places to go: When you find yourself picturing a stressful or lonely holiday season,
instead dream of what you want to happen.
If you spend only 5 minutes a day seeing happiness, love and ease
throughout the holiday season, you’ve just re-patterned your thinking and
New actions to take:
reprogrammed your future.You have nothing to lose but the holiday blues.
168 169
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality My Reinvention Plan.
When we focus on the details of life, we lose our perspective on 4. Laugh Outrageously:
what’s truly important, and we get “pitiful.” We feel angry, stressed, afraid, We all know, but often forget, that humor is one of our greatest
depressed, overwhelmed or disappointed. All of these emotions are at the gifts. Genuine laughter is probably the most powerful tool we have to in-
low end of our energy continuum; they are our “pitiful” selves. stantly feel better. When facing a challenging moment, we can focus on
Nothing good happens when we’re being pitiful. If we’re reacting the problem and sink to the lower end of our continuum. Or we can see
to a situation or person that we don’t like, we’re letting our circumstances what’s funny about the situation and feel our energy instantly improve.
dictate who we are. When we’re focused on what we want to happen in- When we make other people laugh, the world gets significantly better for
stead, we’re gaining control of our lives and no longer being victims. As everyone – including us!
soon as we make this emotional shift, better circumstances are on their way. When your family or friends are annoying you, take a moment to
Start each day of this holiday season with these two questions: see what’s ridiculous about the situation. There’s a lot of wonderful comedy
What do I want to happen today? What can I do today to get my energy taking place right in front of your eyes – even in the worst of circum-
higher on my continuum? stances. Appreciate it!
Our humor reveals the absurdity of life. It reminds us of the bigger
3. Drop the History! (No more ghosts of Christmas past!) picture - which is truly a hoot! This is quite a ridiculous drama we’re all
Imagine you’re from another planet, and you’ve just landed here. participating in, and laughter makes it more fun for everyone. At least once
You’re looking around at holiday celebrations in awe – like a child seeing an hour, use your divine talent for laughter to make difficult moments easier.
them for the fist time.You’re excited and curious with no past reference
point as to whether you like these strange celebrations or not.
Without past disappointments or “greatest moments” to reflect
back on, you no longer have a “story” about the holidays. That old pitiful
story has been a heavy weight dragging you down. Let it go.You’re start-
ing from scratch now.
Finally, you’re back to the only question that matters:
“What do I want to happen?” Keep focusing on your future, and not your past,
by asking that question.
170 171
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
5. Be Relentlessly Grateful:
So you didn’t get the silk robe you really wanted. Or your
Chapter 10
mother-in-law is talking non-stop and driving you crazy. Take a moment
to find something about the moment that you can be grateful for. How do I fix the world?
For example, if you have a loving relationship with your partner,
focus on that instead of the gifts. Or perhaps your mother-in-law was the
most helpful person in your life after your children were born. Focus on that.
In spite of what we may have been taught, focusing on what’s wrong
with our loved ones, or with our circumstances, only makes things worse.
One of the quickest ways to shift your perspective for the better is
by feeling gratitude. When you focus on what you’re grateful for in a per- “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
son, relationship or situation, things shift for the better. Suddenly you feel Hamlet
happier and your energy moves higher on your energy continuum. Shift-
ing your perspective this way immediately attracts better relationships and
circumstances into your life. When we forget who we are (divine beings turning dreams into
physical reality), we feel powerless and angry. We look at our world and
For five minutes each day, focus on what you’re grateful for - until focus on the things we don’t like: poverty, global warming, wars, etc.
that’s all you can see. Try this on your birthday, anniversary and Valentine’s We march against war, argue about corrupt politicians, and rage
Day as well. Pretty soon, you’ll have a new program in place that serves you against our economically unjust world.Yet, all of our good intentions are
and your loved ones much better than the old program ever did. wasted. Why? Because our blameful, angry or despairing energy only lowers
the vibration of this planet, and makes it harder for a better world to manifest.
The law of attraction that governs how our world behaves is as
unfailing as the law of gravity. Angry energy attracts angry circumstances.
If you jump out of a tall building, you’ll hit the ground in spite of
how good a person you are. If you spend your time feeling angry about
the war, the president, global poverty or environmental destruction – your
good intentions don’t matter a hoot. What you’re creating is more war, bad
presidents, greater poverty and a dying planet.
In his enlightening book, Power vs. Force, David Hawkins, M.D.,
Ph.D., points out that the only path to healing ourselves or our planet is
172 173
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I fix the world?
to take personal responsibility for the frequency of energy we’re sending When we live our lives from a sense of abundance and prosperity
out into the world. “Everything in the universe constantly gives off an en- – not lack – we create the prosperity needed to feed the world. If we all
ergy pattern of a specific frequency that remains for all time and can be shifted our energy a few notches higher today, the planet would change
read by those who know how.” for the better – because its vibration level would be raised.
Raise our energy to a higher frequency, says Hawkins, and we “The difference in power between a loving thought and a fearful
raise the energy frequency of those around us – potentially affecting thou- thought is so enormous as to be beyond the capacity of the human imagi-
sands of other people. nation to easily comprehend,” says Hawkins. “Even a few loving thoughts
“In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in during the course of the day more than counterbalance all of our negative
our private world improves the world at large for everyone,” explains thoughts.”
Hawkins. “We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind Yes, you need to DO something. But start by FEELING some-
so that any increment we add comes back to us… What we do to serve thing better than what you’ve been feeling. Break your addictions to fear,
life automatically benefits all of us because we’re all included in that which blame, lack and pitifulness. Those are the addictions of our entire planet –
is life… It’s a scientific fact that what is good for you is good for me.” and that’s why we’re where we are.
If we’re angry and full of blame at the powers that be, our energy It’s up to you and your dreams to change the “reality” we’re stuck
creates more war-like behavior on the planet. If we’re stuck in the mentality in. The actions we take are not nearly as important as the feelings we feel
of lack – feeling like there’s never enough money or success to go around and the dreams we dream. If you can’t control your own negative thoughts,
– our energy creates more poverty and famine. you’re making our planetary troubles worse with each thought you think.
Our negative energy destroys pristine forests as much as global Control your mind and heart, and you will make the world a better place
warming. It’s the quality of our personal day-to-day energy that either makes for everyone.
us part of the problem or part of the solution. Stop wasting time being unhappy, limited, small or pitiful because
“Every thought is known and recorded forever. There are no you’re “accepting reality.” Create a new “reality” that follows YOUR bliss.
secrets; nothing is hidden, nor can it be,” says Hawkins. The entire world will benefit from your new and improved “reality.”
Action is helpful, but true action begins inside of you. It begins “To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give
with the dream you carry in your heart for a better world. As you imagine to the world;” explains Hawkins. “And the gift comes back to its source.”
this planet full of peace, health, abundance, prosperity, and comfort for all
– you rearrange the sub-atomic particles to make that become a reality.
Our dreams are entangled. We must teach each other what to
focus on and what to ignore, and remind each other how to dream. When
we feel peaceful even towards the most aggravating driver on the highway,
we create a world where it’s possible for our global nations to feel peaceful
towards each other.
174 175
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I fix the world?
Stop the Pitiful Thinking! The biggest obstacle to a magnificent life and a healthy, thriving
planet is our limited thinking about what is possible. We live in a negative-
Let’s make this year a “revolutionary” year in your life and for our based culture.We tell ourselves, “The world is full of ‘bad guys’ who need
entire world. Here’s how it begins: Ask yourself, “What do I really want in to be punished.” Or, “The ‘bad guys’ are controlling the money and there’s
my life - and for our planet?” nothing I can do about it. Or, there’s not enough abundance to go around
That slight shift in your perspective – into your imagination – – someone has to suffer.”
puts you back into the driver’s seat. It shifts your energy to the high end of This is “pitiful thinking.”
your continuum – to your love, divinity, inspiration and power. This is When we’re in that state, we’re being pitiful – which is the oppo-
where you need to be – for everyone’s sake. site of powerful. Do you really believe we’re here to live pitiful lives? Do
Albert Einstein once said - you can’t solve a problem with the you really believe we’re here to act small - or just get by? Do you really
same mind that created the problem. He was talking about shifting your believe our planet is doomed?
perspective to the high-end of your energy continuum – to your inspira- What if we’re here to be our greatest selves rather than our small-
tion. Dreaming gets us there. est selves? What if your energy can make the world a better place? Do you
Your dreams are the key to your happiness and to solving global think we can change the world when we’re in our “pitiful place” of limited
problems.You may have buried your dreams long ago. We want to fit in to thinking and fear-based choices? Or, can we make a difference by living
society, so we bury our dreams and travel down the path of limited thinking with power, courage and grand thinking?
and limited possibilities. When you’re faced with a challenge, do you think small? Do you
When we bury our dreams, we bury our power. We lose our way diminish your power and extinguish your dreams? If so, you’re hurting
in the world. When we let ourselves dream of what we truly want, we yourself and the people you love.You’re sabotaging your life as well as our
experience a shift of energy. We begin to feel happy. planet’s future.
Our energy raises higher up on our energy continuum until we When you face a dilemma, it’s more important than ever to think
are connected to our divinity, our inspiration, our source energy, and our BIGGER – to be powerful rather than pitiful.
brilliance. From this perspective, we attract better opportunities, people When we’re being our most magnificent, successful selves, we truly
and circumstances into our lives – people who will help us and the entire have something to offer the world. We can change the world and help
planet move towards the life we all truly want. others only from the high-end of our continuum.
Magic happens – but only when we’re at the high-end of our Get over your pitiful thinking now! At the end of your life, you
continuum. And dreaming gets us there. Without dreaming of a better won’t be wishing you had just “gotten by.”You’ll be wishing you had lived
world, we won’t create one. Without dreaming of a magnificent relation- large and gone after your dreams.You’ll wish you had been magnificent.
ship, you won’t find one.
Quit facing reality! Face your dreams! The dreams change every-
one’s reality!
176 177
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I fix the world?
I challenge you today to start dreaming of a bigger life and a What Does a Thriving Planet Look Like?
healthy, thriving planet. Dream it until it makes you giggle. Once you’re
giggling, you’re onto something. Once you’re laughing out loud at the 1. Sit with paper and crayons and draw your images of what global health,
thought of it, you’ve got the right energy moving. prosperity and peace would look like on our planet. Put your finished
Pump your energy to the high-end of your continuum, and you’ll artwork on the kitchen table and look at it each day while you eat.
be able to attract the people, circumstances and opportunities to make your Imagine what it would feel like to live on this planet.
global dreams come true. Focus only on what you want to happen.
Nothing good happens when we’re pitiful. Magnificent things hap- 2. Make a collage of photos, clippings and headlines that represent this
pen when we’re powerful. Ask yourself right now, “What do I really want? new world view. Hang it in a prominent place in your home.
Am I being pitiful or powerful?” Keep asking until you hear your truth.
Now you’ve joined the revolution. We’re transforming our world 3. Sit for ten minutes each day quieting your mind through prayer or
from pitiful, unhappy victims to powerful, magnificent beings – one meditation. When your mind has quieted, picture your life on Earth
thought at a time – one day at a time. without disease, famine, poverty, pollution, or war. Feel what that life
would feel like for you. See it until it makes you giggle.
My Talents And The World 4. Whenever you feel anger about war or pollution, instantly replace that
feeling with an image of our planet without war or pollution. See the
1. In previous chapters you outlined your unique gifts and talents. Look
world as you want it to look. Switch from anger and blame to new
at that list again and brainstorm ways that you can use those gracious
ideas and dreams of how to make life better. Now you’re part of the
gifts to help the world at large. Write your ideas here:
solution – rather than the problem.
2. Have a dinner party and ask everyone to write their individual list of
talents. Pool them together into one group list.
Ask each guest to write three ways that this group can use their talents
to help solve this problem. Spend the rest of the evening brainstorming
plans and solutions.
178 179
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality How do I fix the world?
3. Start an environmentally focused brainstorming group in your Explain how you will personally work towards this goal using your unique
community. Meet monthly to come up with brilliant solutions – talents. Ask for a response.
never tried before – to reduce pollution in your area. It’s essential to
explore new ideas – even outrageous ones – rather than the tried Tape the letter to your bathroom mirror. Mail it to your friends in place
and true ideas that don’t generate passion anymore. of a Happy Holidays letter. Send it to a magazine for publication.
Practice Random Acts of Inspiration You’ve now officially put in your request – and your dream is already on
its way to coming true.
1. When a friend is facing a challenge, draw a picture of them as their
best, strongest, healthiest and most beautiful self – overcoming that
challenge. Present the sketch to them with a letter describing all the
strengths and talents you see in them.
Dream on!
2. Whenever you’re out and about, tell random salespeople, clerks, and
waiters all the good things you see in them. Focus on their strength,
courage, beauty, humor or whatever you can see. Remind them of Dream bigger!
how powerful they are.
3. Call someone who you’ve been unhappy with. Tell them everything Dream until it makes you giggle!
about themselves that you’re grateful for.
4. Pick one day of the week to always be your Gratitude Day. On that
day, no matter what happens, focus on what you’re grateful for about
it. Tell everyone you interact with how grateful you are for the good
things you see in them.
180 181
The Continuum Series
by Sue Frederick
7Quick Solutions to Turn Your Day Around
7 Steps to Corporate Mastery
10 Steps to Awesome Love
or by phone: 303-939-8574
or [email protected]
perspective,” has been featured in Yoga Journal, Natural Health and Nexus Magazines.
She’s a frequent guest on radio and TV shows and has presented workshops at venues such 7 Easy Steps to Corporate Mastery
as The Crossings Retreat Center, New Hope Natural Products Expo, World Wellness Weekend, Sue Frederick & Gene Mal-
National Hospice Association, and the National Career Development Association. Her books
include Dancing at Your Desk: A Metaphysical Guide to Job Happiness and BrilliantDay:
Putting personal and business power to work...brilliantly.
7 Solutions to Turn Your Life Around. She’s also the founder of BrilliantWork, BrilliantDay
Sue’s Background Top-rated Keynote Speaker
As a rock climbing and mountaineering instructor, Sue Frederick honed her teach- Energy / Passion / Wisdom / Fun
ing, mentoring and coaching skills while leading extreme survival
Sue Frederick’s inspiring keynotes, workshops and seminars have delighted and
courses through the Colorado Rocky Mountains for Outward Bound. inspired corporate, regional and local clients for years.
As a former Vice President of Content for (the leading natural health Her topics include:
website) and Delicious Magazine, she mastered the intricacies of corpo-
Top Ten Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
rate survival by helping employees increase their productivity by teaching them
Extreme Energy Makeover
to work to their fullest potential.
Dancing at Your Desk
Today, as the founder of BrilliantWork, Sue is passionate about helping
7 Steps to Corporate Mastery
people be brilliant at work – everyday.
7 Steps to a Stress-free Workplace
184 185
What People Say About Sue
“Sue Frederick was recently the Plenary Speaker for a 2-day Business DevelopmentTraining for “Sue Frederick exudes energy, passion and wisdom in her presentations. She is so engaged
Hospice Professionals. Sue is dazzling AND down-to-earth, and people engage with her and her – and engaging – that she brings others to a point of taking action for positive change.”
material immediately.
Lynne Brenner, HR Director, New Hope Natural Media
She gives permission for the audience to have fun with the learning, and she offers immediate,
tangible solutions so the audience can begin to feel “their brilliant selves” minutes into the
presentation. Employees left the one-hour talk resourced with simple, effective tools to build on “Sue teaches people to solve problems in innovative, more effective ways. And she teaches them
awarenesses gained during the talk. to work more honestly – using their inspiration to increase productivity.”
You could literally feel the audience start pulsing with greater energy and brilliance emerging Amy Maranowicz, HR Assistant Director, First National Bank
before our very eyes! This positive tone and energy that Sue initiated continued throughout the
entire 2-day conference.The ensuing conference material demanded that participants’shift to hours
of high-level business concepts, cognition, and didactic in-services; the vibrancy, motivation, “Isn’t that something! That our members purchased property as a direct result of your Keynote!
and learning from Sue were an absolutely marvelous combination for the conference’s lofty Outstanding and kudos to you! From what I’ve heard, you struck a cord with many attendees,
right-brain learning goals! I highly recommend Sue’s teaching for any and all Business Leaders particularly in two areas. By directing the audience to give names to those two alternating sides
who want to find effective, interesting, and enlightened ways to reach their staff. of our personalities (one with grace and the other without), you identified a reality that besets
everyone. In doing so, the chasm that separates individuals shrunk a bit and became smaller.
One of the ways I judge the success of a presenter is how long the information “lingers.” Here, Additionally, your use of the term “giggle” to specify an almost absurd appearing accomplish-
at Hospice of Metro Denver, the wisdom of Sue is still flowing in our conversations. On a ment/goal and/or dream freed attendees from inherent restraints in a way that transformed
regular basis, I hear, “I am at or not at the high end of my continuum,” or “I tried hard not to seriousness into joy. Congratulations!”
go to my pitiful self; I used EPR to help stay productive.”
Steve Bergstrom, CEO,
Sue’s work is dynamic, it reaches out and grabs you, and her teachings should be part of every
busy business professional’s day!”
“Wow! We’re functioning from the high-end of our continuums now, and it’s amazing how
Beth Davis, CEO, Hospice of Metro Denver productive and inspired we feel. Now I personally understand how to help my teammates
function from their high-end as well.”
“Sue’s workshop (Dancing at Your Desk) is excellent. She trains your mind to focus on the David Coxen, TRS Division, American Express
inspirational and joyful aspects of your personal and professional life, and then teaches you how
to project it outward. It’s amazingly uplifting.”
186 187
Top Ten Reasons to
This laugh-out-loud, mind-changing, high-energy book will make you
“walk away from pitiful” forever.