Mechanism of action and indications (Why med ordered) Nursing Implications (what to focus on)
Hypertension, angina pectoris and vasospastic angina. Contraindications/warnings/interactions -
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and rapid ventricular Hypersensitivity, artificial pacemaker
rates in atrial flutter or fibrillation. Inhibits transport of
calcium into myocardial and vascular smooth muscle Common side effects – arrhythmias, CHF, peripheral
cells, resulting in inhibition of excitation-contraction edema
coupling and subsequent contraction. Afib.
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine – Serum
medicines (ask patient specifically) – Antihypertensives, potassium levels, renal and hepatic functions
NSAIDs, grapefruit juice periodically.
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this
medication – Take med at same time, avoid grapefruit
juice, monitor pulse, change positions slowly, good
dental hygiene, avoid photosensitivity.
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Why would you hold or Evaluation Check after
(Pre-administration assessment) – BP, pulse, not give this med? – HR < 50 bpm giving Decrease in BP,
I&O, daily weight. Assess for signs of CHF Increase in activity
(peripheral edema, rales/crackles, dyspnia, tolerance and sense of
weight gain, jugular venous distention. well-being.