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Updated EE Syllabus

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S.N o.

Cours e No.



Evaluation Assignm ent MidSem 20 20 20 20 20 End -Sem 70 70 70 70 70

Total Mark s 100 100 100 100 100

Cred it Type 4C 4A 4C 4A 3C


*EE20 1 *EE20 2 *EE20 3 *EE20 4 *EE20 5 *EE20 6 *EE20 7 *EE20 8 *EE20 9 *EE21 0S

Electronic Devices and Circuits Hydraulic and Thermal System Network Analysis and Synthesis Mathematics-III Electrical Electronic Measurement and

310 400 310 310 300

10 10 10 10 10


Electrical MachinesI Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab. Electrical and Electronic Measurement Lab Electrical MachinesI Lab. Term Paper

300 003 002

10 10 10

20 20 20

70 70 70

100 100 100

3C 3C 2C


002 001 30 hrs

10 10

20 20

70 70

100 100 1000

2A 1A 30

Subjects mark with asterisk (*)are common with EEE


S.N o.

Cou rse No. *EE 211 *EE 212 EE 213 *EE 214 *EE 215 *EE216 *EE 217 *EE 218 *EE 219 *EE 220


LTP Assignm ent

Evaluation Mid-Sem End -Sem 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Tota l Mar ks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000

Cred it Typ e 4C 4C 4C 4C 3C 3H 3C 2C 2C 1C 30


Linear Circuit


310 310 310 310 300 300 003 002 002 001 30 hrs

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Electromagnetic field Theory Control System-I Power System I Digital Circuits & Systems Electrical Machines-II Linear Integrated Circuit Lab Control Lab System

Digital Circuits & Systems Lab Term Paper

SCHEME FOR B.Tech. FIFTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.N o. Cour se No. Subject LTP Evaluation Assignm ent 310 310 10 10 MidSem 20 20 End -Se m 70 70 Total Mark s Cred it Type


*EE30 Power Electronics 1 EE 302 Modern Instrumentation Techniques

100 100

4C 4C


*EE30 Power System-II 3 EE30 4 Control Systems-II and

310 310 310

10 10 10

20 20 20

70 70 70

100 100 100

4C 4C 4C

*EE30 Microprocessor 5 Applications


EE30 6 EE30 7

Electrical Machines-II Lab Modern Instrumentation Lab

002 002 002

10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20

70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100

2C 2C 2C 4C*

*EE30 Power System Lab 8 EE30 9 Minor Project-I

Industrial Training (Durations 4 weeks in winter vacation at the end of Vth semester) TOTAL

26 hrs



Note: VS credit is not included in the total Credits Subjects mark with asterisk (*) are common with EEE

SCHEME FOR B.Tech. SIXTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.N o. Cour se No. Subject LTP Evaluation Assignm ent 310 AC 310 10 10 MidSem 20 20 End -Se m 70 70 Total Mark s Cred it Type


*EE31 Electrical Drives 1 EE31 2 Flexible Transmission Systems

100 100

4C 4C


*EE31 Microcontroller and 3 Embedded System EE 314 EE 315 Principles Communication Digital Processing of Signal

310 310 310 002

10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20

70 70 70 70

100 100 100 100

4C 4C 4C 2C

*EE31 Power Electronics 6 and Electrical Drives Lab *EE31 Microprocessor and 7 Microcontroller Lab *EE31 VivaVoce 8 Examination of VSem of Industrial Training EE Minor project


002 -

10 10

20 20

70 70

100 100

2C 2A








Industrial Training (Durations 12 weeks in Summer vacation at the end of VIth semester) TOTAL

26 hrs



Note: VS credit is not included in the total Credits Subjects mark with asterisk (*)are common with EEE

SCHEME FOR B.Tech. SEVENTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.N o. Cour se No. Subject LTP Evaluation Assign ment Design of Electrical Systems Switch Gear Protection Elective I Open Elective I Design of Systems Lab Electrical and 310 310 310 310 003 003 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 hrs MidSem 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 End -Se m 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Total Mark s Cred it Type


EE 401 EE 402 EE 403 EE 404 EE 406 EE 407 EE 409 EE 410


100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000

4C 4C 4C 4C 3C 3C 4A 4C 30

Digital Signal Processing Lab Viva Voce Examination of VI Industrial Training Major Project (Part-I)

Elective-I EE 403-1 Generalized Machines EE 403-2 Distributed Generation Systems. EE 403-3 Power System Communication EE403-4 Electric Traction and Drives EE 403-5 High Voltage Engineering

Open Elective I EE 404-1 Instrumentation Biomedical

EE 404-2 2 Power System Stability EE 404-3 System Restructured Power

EE 404-4 Power Plant Engineering EE 404-5 Intellectual property rights and Entrepreneurship

EE 403-6 Advanced control system

EE 404-6 Database management System

SCHEME FOR B.Tech. EIGHTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.N o. Cour se No. Subject LTP Evaluation Assignm ent HVDC Transmission System Elective II (Open) Elective II Switchgear Protection Lab Elective II Lab Project (Part-II) Seminar / Report 18 hrs and 310 310 310 003 003 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 MidSem 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 End -Se m 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Total Mark s Cred it Type


EE 411 EE 412 EE 413 EE 415 EE 416 EE 417 EE 418


100 100 100 100 100 400 100 1000

4C 4C 4C 3C 3C 10C 2C 30

Elective II EE 412-1 Digital & Optical Communication Systems EE 412-2 Telemetry & SCADA Systems EE 412-3 Operating System Design EE 412-4 Computer Control of Processes


Elective -II EE 413-1- Power System Planning

EE 413-2 Soft Computing Techniques EE 413-3 Optimal Control Theory EE 413-4 Active and Passive

EE 412-5 VLSI Design EE 412-6 Power System Dynamics and Control

Network Synthesis EE 413-5 Power Plant Instrumentation EE 413-6 Reliability Engineering

B.TECH. (EE) II-Year, IV-Semester Theory Paper I EE-211

EE-211 Linear integrated Circuits LT P CREDIT 310 4 ANALOG ELECTRONICS: UNIT-I: Special Diodes- LED, Varactor diode, Photo diode, Schottky diode, Tunnel diode; their characteristics and applications. Transistors as a switch. UNIT-II Frequency Response: Amplifier transfer function, low and high frequency response of common emitter and common source amplifiers. Feedback: General feedback structure; properties of negative feedback; seriesseries, series-shunt, shunt series and shunt-shunt feedback amplifiers. UNIT-III: Basic principle of sinusoidal oscillator, R-C Phase Shift and Wein Bridge oscillators, tuned oscillators- Collpits and Hartley; Crystal oscillator Integrated Circuits and Systems: UNIT IV Feedback Amplifiers: General feedback structure, properties of negative feesback, basic feedback topologies, determination of loop-gain, stability problem. Power Amplifiers: Classification of output stages of amplifiers (Class A, B, AB and C, Power BJTs, IC Power amplifiers, MOS Power transistors. UNIT V IC OP-AMP applications: OP-AMP fundamentals (Brief review of differential amplifier, current mirror, active load, level shifter, output stage; ac and dc characteristics) basic building blocks using Op-AMPS, inverting/non inverting VCVS, integrators, differentiators, CCVS, Instrumentation amplifiers, Biquad filter (LP, HP, BP and notch), Oscillators, A/ D & D/A convertors. UNIT VI Non-linear Amplifiers: Logarithmic amplifiers, Log/antilog modules, Precision rectifier, Peak detector, Sample and Hold circuits.

Reference Books: 1. Taub & Schilling Digital Electronics- Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Anil K. Maini, Digital Electronics: Principles and Integrated circuits Wiley India Ltd, 2008. 3. Millman, J. and Grabel A, Microelectronics Mc Graw Hill 4. Anand Kumar, Switching Theory and Logic Design Prentice Hall of India, 2008. 5. Aloke. K. Dutta, Semiconductor Devices and circuits, Oxford University Press, 2008. Sedra A. S. and Smith K. C , Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford university Press, (Fifth Edition) 6.M. H. Rashid, Microelectronic Circuits : Analysis and Design, Oxford University Press

EE-212 Electromagnetic Field Theory

B.TECH. (EE) II-Year, IV-Semester Theory Paper II EE-212

LTP Credits

310 4 UNIT I Mathematical Orientation: Review of gradient curl and divergence operations. Volume, surface and line integrals, vector identities, coordinate system and transformation of vectors in various coordinate systems, dirac delta function. UNIT II Static Electric Fields: Coulomb force, field due to number of charges, charge density functions, Dirac delts representation of charges, fields due to various sources, scalar potential, method of evaluating fields, fields in dielectrics, polarization, D and P vectors, electric dipole and dipole moment, concept of simple medium, boundary conditions, capacitors, energy stored in electric fields, solution of Laplace equation in various coordinate system by separation of variables. Field mapping and conformal transformation, statement and interpretation of Maxwells equations. UNIT III Steady Magnetic fields: Lorentz force equation, concept of magnetic intensity and magnetic field, Boit Savart law, magnetic vector potential, force and torque between the current carrying conductors, loops, solenoid, magnetic material, magnetic dipole M vector, calculation of inductance for simple geometries, energy stored in a magnetic field, solution of magnetic static problems by separation of variables, field mapping and conformal transformation, magnetic circuits, statement and interpretation of Maxwells equations. UNIT IV Time Dependent Fields: Generalization of Maxwells equations in source free medium, plane waves and plane wave reflections at conductor and dielectric interfaces; wave propagation in conducting and dielectric media, concepts of surface impedance and skin effect. Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem UNIT V Guided Waves: Waves Between Parallel Planes, Transverse Electric Waves (TE), Transverse Magnetic Waves (TM), Characteristics of TE and TM Waves, Transverse Electromagnetic Wave, Velocity of Propagation, Attenuation of Wave in Parallel Planes. Suggested Readings:

1. John. D.Kraus, Electromagnetic, McGraw Hill book Co., New York, Fourth Edition, 1991. 2. William H. Hayt, Engineering Electromagnetic, Tata McGraw Hill edition, 2001. 3. Joseph. A. Edminister, Theory and Problems of Electromagnetic, Second edition, Schaum Series, Tata McGraw Hill, 1993. 4. I.J. Nagrath, D.P. Kothari, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, Second Edition, 1997. 5. Kraus and flesish, Electromagnetic with Applications, McGraw Hill International Editions, fifth Edition, 1999. 6. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetic, Second edition, Oxford University Press, 1995.

EE-213 Control System-I

B.TECH. (EE) II-Year, IV-Semester Theory Paper III EE-213

LTP Credits

310 4 UNIT I Introduction to Control System:-Linear, Non Linear, Time Varying and Linear Time Invariant System, Servomechanism, Historical Development of Automatic Control and Introduction to Digital Computer Control, Mathematical Models of Physical Systems, Differential Equations of Physical Systems, Transfer Functions, Block Diagram Algebra and Signal Flow Graphs. UNIT II Feed Back Characteristics of Control Systems:-Feedback and Non-feedback Systems Reduction of Parameter Variations By Use of Feedback Control Over System Dynamics By Use of Feedback Control of Effects of Disturbance Single By Use of Feedback and Regenerative Feedback. Control Systems And Components:-DC and AC Servomotors, Synchro Error Detector, Tacho Generator and, Stepper Motors etc. UNIT III Time Response Analysis, Design Specifications And Performance Indices:Standard Test Signals, Time Response of First-order Systems, Time Response of Second-Order Systems, Steady-State Error and Error Constants, Effect of Adding a Zero to a System, P, PI and PID Control Action and Their Effect, Design Specifications of Second-Order Systems and Performance Indices. UNIT IV Concepts of Stability And Algebraic Criteria:-The Concept of Stability, Necessary Conditions for Stability, Hurwitz Stability Criterion, Routh Stability Criterion and relative Stability Analysis. The Root Locus Technique:-The Root Locus Concept, Construction of Root Loci, Root Contours, Systems with Transportation Lag, Sensitivity of the Roots of the Characteristic equation, MATLAB : Analysis and Design of Control Systems. UNIT V Frequency Response Analysis:-Correlation Between Time and Frequency Response, Polar Plots, Bode Plots, and All Pass and Minimum-Phase Systems.


Stability In Frequency Domain:-Mathematical Preliminaries, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Definition of Gain Margin and Phase Margin, Assessment of Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion and Closed-Loop Frequency Response. UNIT VI Introduction to Design:-The Design Problem, Preliminary Considerations of Classical. Design, Realization of Basic Compensators, Cascade Compensation in Time Domain Cascade Compensation in Frequency Domain, Tuning of PID Controllers. MATLAB based Frequency domain analysis of control system. Suggested Readings: 1. Nagrath , I. J. & Gopal M. Control Systems Engineering New Age International. Publishers 2. Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering Prentice Hall of India. 3. Kuo, B. C. Automatic Control System Prentice Hall of India. 4. Scheultz & Melsa Linear Control Systems. 5. Nise, Norman, S., Control System Engineering John Wiley and Sons.

B.Tech II year, IV Semester Examination Theory Paper-IV, EE-214

EE-214 Power System - I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Unit-I Power System Components: Single line Diagram of Power system, Brief description of power system Elements: Synchronous machine, transformer, transmission line, bus bar, circuit breaker and isolator Supply System : Different kinds of supply system and their comparison, choice of transmission voltage Transmission Lines: Configurations, types of conductors, resistance of line, skin effect, Kelvins law. Proximity effect Unit-II Over Head Transmission Lines: Calculation of inductance and capacitance of single phase, three phase, single circuit and double circuit ,transmission lines, Representation and performance of short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect. Surge impedance loading Unit-III Corona and Interference: Phenomenon of corona, corona formation, calculation of potential gradient, corona loss, factors affecting corona, methods of reducing corona and interference. Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference with communication lines Overhead line Insulators: Type of insulators and their applications, potential distribution over a string of insulators, methods of equalizing the potential, string efficiency Unit-IV Mechanical Design of transmission line: Catenary curve, calculation of sag & tension, effects of wind and ice loading, sag template, vibration dampers


Insulated cables: Type of cables and their construction, dielectric stress, grading of cables, insulation resistance, capacitance of single phase and three phase cables, dielectric loss, heating of cables Unit-V Neutral grounding: Necessity of neutral grounding, various methods of neutral grounding, earthing transformer, grounding practices Electrical Design of Transmission Line: Design consideration of EHV transmission lines, choice of voltage, number of circuits, conductor configuration, insulation design, selection of ground wires. EHV AC and HVDC Transmission: Introduction to EHV AC and HVDC transmission and their comparison, use of bundle conductors, kinds of DC links, and incorporation of HVDC into AC system Suggested Readings: 1.W. D. Stevenson, Element of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 2.C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems New age international Ltd. Third Edition 3.Asfaq Hussain, 'Power System, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 4.B. R. Gupta, Power System Analysis and Design Third Edition, S. Chand & Co. 5.M. V. Deshpande, Electrical Power System Design Tata Mc Graw Hill. 6.M. V. Deshpandey, Elements of Power System Design, Tata McGraw Hill, 7.Soni, Gupta & Bhatnagar, A Course in Electrical Power, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 8.S. L. Uppal, Electric Power, Khanna Publishers 9. S.N.Singh, Electric Power Generation, Transmission& distribution. PHI Learning

B.Tech II year, IV Semester Theory Paper-V,EE -215

EE-215 LTP Digital Circuits and System Credits 3 10 3

UNIT I Review of number system; types and conversion, codes. Boolean algebra : DeMorgans Theorem, switching functions and simplification using K-maps & Quine McCluskey method. UNIT II Design of Logic gates, subtractor, comparators, code converters, encoders, decoders, multiplexers and de-multiplexers. Function realization using gates & multiplexers. UNIT III Flip flops SR, D, JK and T. Analysis of synchronous sequential circuits ; design of synchronous sequential circuits Counters, state diagram ; state reduction ; state assignment Shift Registers. Analysis of asynchronous sequential machines, state assignment, asynchronous design problem.. UNIT IV Memories: ROM, PROM, EPROM, PLA, PLD, FPGA, digital logic families: TTL, ECL, CMOS. Suggested Readings:

1. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India,2002.

2. John M. Yarbrogh, Digital Logic, Application & Design.


3. Charles H. Roth, Fundamentals Logic Design, Jaico Publishing. IV edition, 2002. 4. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 8th edition, Pearson Education, 2003.

5. John F. Wakerly, Digital Design Principals and Practice. 3rd edition , Pearson Education, 2002.

B.TECH. III Year, IV Semester Theory Paper VI EE- 216

EE-216 Electrical Machines-II LTP Credits 3 10 4 Unit I Synchronous Machines: General constructional features, methods of excitation, flux and mmf relationship, phasor diagram, non-salient pole machine, generator and motor action, salient-pole synchronous machine, two-reaction theory, phasor diagram, steady state equivalent circuit determination of synchronous reactance, effect of saturation, load characteristics effect of variation of excitation, regulation of an alternator, steadystate power flow, power-angle characteristics.Interconnected synchronous generators, control of active power by additional field winding, D.W.R., starting phenomena of synchronous motor, armature winding, solid state control of synchronous machines. Unit II Single phase Induction Motor: Construction, double revolving field theory and cross field theory, starting methods, speed torque characteristics, equivalent circuits, phasor diagram and condition for maximum torque determination of equivalent circuit parameters, applications. Unit-IV Induction generators: Self excited induction generator, self excitation phenomenon, selection of excitation capacitor, voltage regulation and reactive power compensation. Grid connected induction generators, doubly excited machine as induction generator for application to wind energy. Unit- V Electrical Transients and Dynamics of Electrical Machines: Electrical Transients in synchronous machines, synchronous machine reactances and time constants, Dynamics of synchronous and induction machines. Unit VI Single phase AC Commutator Motors: Single phase series motor, compensated and uncompensated motors, universal motor characteristics single phase repulsion, motors principles of operation and operating principles, characteristics and applications. Suggested Readings: 1. Nagrath, I.J. and Kothari. D.P. Electric Machines, T.M.H. Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi 1990.


2. Fitzgerald, A.E. Charles Kingsley Jr. Stephen D. Umans, Electric Machinery, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1992. 3. Syed A. Nassar, Electric Machines and Power System, Volume I, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1995.

B.Tech. (EE) II year, IV Semester Practical Paper I,

EE-217 Linear integrated Circuits lab L Credits 0 2 2 Based on course work corresponding EE-211 0 T P

B.Tech. (EE) II year, IV Semester Practical Paper II

EE-218 Control System Lab L P 2 2 Based on course work corresponding EE-213 Credits 0 0 T

EE-219 Digital Circuits and System Lab T 0 0 2 P

B.Tech (EE) II year, IV Semester Practical Paper III

L Credits 2 Based on course work corresponding EE-215

EE-220 Term paper

B.Tech. (EE) II year, IV Semester Practical Paper IV

L T Credits 0 P

EE 301 Credit

Power Electronics

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper I EE-301


3 10 4 Unit- I Power Semiconductor Devices (PSD): Power Diodes, Enhancement of Reverse blocking capacity, Reverse Recovery Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Structure, v-I characteristics, turn ON and turn OFF


characteristic, ratings, control circuits design and protection circuits. Gate turn off thyristor (GTO) v- characteristic, turn ON, turn OFF characteristic, limitation of power handling capability, GTO snubber consideration exc., Triac and its application, power MOSFETs, operation modes, switching characteristics, power BJT, second breakdown, saturation and quasi saturation state. Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT) Basis structure, V-I characteristics, switching characteristics, device limitations and safe operating area (SOA) etc. Introduction to emerging devices and circuits, MOS controlled thyristors, integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT), Power Integrated Circuits (PICs) and smart power control chips. Unit- II Power Electronic Converters: Single phase and three phase uncontrolled and controlled AC to DC converters analysis, DC to AC converters (inverters) single phase half bridge, full bridge and switch mode inverters, three phase inverter with 120o and 180o mode of control, Series inverter and parallel inverters, Choppers principle, first quadrant, second quadrant and multi quadrant and multi quadrant choppers and their analysis. Switch mode converters AC to AC converters, cyclo-converters topology and structure of matrix power electronics converters, converter protection and future converter applications. Unit- III Pulse width Modulation for Power Electronics Converters: PWM methods, voltage control PWM, SPWM, selected harmonic elimination, minimum ripple current , current control PWM, Adaptive hysteresis band method, space vector method, performance criterion, open loop and closed loop PWM schemes etc. Unit- IV Motor Drives Applications: Criterion for selecting drive components, DC motor drives, rectifier control of DC motors, chopper control of DC drives, Multi-quadrant control of chopper fed motors, closed loop control of DC drives, Introduction to Induction motor drives: Comparison of variable frequency drives. Field orientation control principles for induction motors, Introduction to synchronous motors drives and PMBLDC drives. Unit- V Electric Utility Applications: Brief introduction to UPS, HVDC, Static Var compensators and STATCOM, Active filters etc. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Power Electronic, Converters, Applications and Design Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. Modern Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives B.K. Bose, Pearson Education, India. Fundamental of Power Electronics, Robert W. Erickson and Dragon Maksimovie, Springer International Edition. Modern Power Electronics, Evolution, Technology and Applications, Edited by B.K. Bose, A JAICO Book.



Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives, Gopal K. Dubey, Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, New Jersey.

6. Power Electronics and Motor Control, Shepherd, W. University Press, Cambridge.

EE-302 Modern Instrumentation Techniques 0 4

B.TECH. III Year, V Semester Theory Paper II EE-302

LTP Credits 3 1

Unit 1 Introduction to a general instrumentation system: 1. Single line diagram and introduction to various components of a general instrumentation system. Unit II Signals and noise in instrumentation: 1. Introduction to deterministic and random signals. 2. Statistical representation of random signals (probability density, spectral density and auto/ cross co-relation functions. 3. Effect of noise and interference on measurement circuits. 4. Noise sources and coupling mechanism. 5. Methods of reducing effects of noise and interference. Unit -III Sensing elements (transducers): 1. Potentiometers, resistance thermometers, strain gauges. 2. Capacitive sensing elements: variable, separation, area & dielectric type. 3. Inductive sensing elements: variable reluctance, LVDT and displacement sensors. 4. Velocity sensors/speed sensors. 5. Thermocouples. 6. Force, torque, acceleration, pressure sensors. 7. Piezoelectric, piezoresistive sensing elements. 8. Electrochemical sensors. Signal conditioning in instrumentation system: 1. General properties of amplifiers. 2. Differential amplifiers. 3. Operational amplifiers: characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier, various linear circuit applications like, addition, subtraction, different ation, integration, and filtering applications (LP, BP, HP, Notch & all pass filters) IC universal filters.



4. Non linear circuit applications like, A/D, D/A conversion, S/H circuits voltage controlled as oscillators, precision rectification, peak detection voltage comparators, log/antilog amplifiers. 5. Analog multipliers, phased lock loops, IC power amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, etc. 6. Tran conductance amplifiers. Unit IV Wave form generators: IC 555 timer, crystal controlled oscillators. 1. Triangle wave & saw tooth generator. 2. Sine wave generators. 3. Function generator (multiple op-amp type), IC function generator. Unit V IC regulated power supplies Data acquisition and communication: 1. AC carrier systems. 2. Current transmitters 3. Time division multiplexing 4. Typical DAS 5. Serial and parallel digital signal 6. Error detection and correction 7. FSK 8. Communication system for measurement different buses like, IEEE-488, Suggested Readings: 1. Principles of measurement systems, 3rd J.P. Bentley, Pearson education. 2. Elements of electronic instrumentation and measurement, 3d. Ed. J.J. Carr, Pearson Education. 3. Students reference manual for Electronic instrumentation laboratory Stanley wolf & R.F.M. smith, PHI, 1990 4. Design and Application of analog integrated circuits Sidney soclof, PHI 5. Applications and design with analog integrated circuits, J.M. Jacob, PHI 6. Electrical & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

B.TECH. III Year, V Semester Theory Paper III EE- 303

EE LTP Credit 303 Power System II

3 10 4 Unit-I Representation of Power System Components: Synchronous machines, Transformers, Transmission lines, One line diagram, Impedance and reactance diagram, per unit System Symmetrical components: Symmetrical Components of unbalanced phasors, power in terms of symmetrical components, sequence impedances and sequence networks.


Symmetrical fault analysis: Transient in R-L series circuit, calculation of 3-phase short circuit current and reactance of synchronous machine, internal voltage of loaded machines under transient conditions Unit-II Unsymmetrical faults: Analysis of single line to ground fault, line-to-line fault and Double Line to ground fault on an unloaded generators and power system network with and without fault impedance. Formation of Zbus using singular transformation and algorithm, computer method for short circuit Calculations Unit-III Load Flows: Introduction, bus classifications, nodal admittance matrix ( BUS Y ), development of load flow equations, load flow solution using Gauss Siedel and Newton-Raphson method, approximation to N-R method, line flow equations and fast decoupled method Unit-IV Power System Stability: Stability and Stability limit, Steady state stability study, derivation of Swing equation, transient stability studies by equal area criterion and step-by-step method. Factors affecting steady state and transient stability and methods of improvement Unit-V Travelling Waves: Wave equation for uniform Transmission lines, velocity of propagation, surge impedance, reflection and transmission of traveling waves under different line loadings. Bewlays lattice diagram, protection of equipments and line against traveling waves Unit VI Economic Operation of Power Systems: Optimum generator allocations without and with transmission losses, transmission loss coefficients and their calculations, automatic load dispatching. Tie-line bias control. Introduction to load frequency control. Suggested Readings: 1. W.D. Stevenson, Jr. Elements of Power System Analysis, Mc Graw Hill.2. C.L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power System, New Age International. 2. Chakraborthy, Soni,Gupta & Bhatnagar, Power System Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 4. T.K Nagsarkar & M.S. Sukhija, Power System Analysis Oxford University Press,2007. 5. L. P. Singh; Advanced Power System Analysis & Dynamics, New Age International 6. Hadi Sadat; Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill. 7. D.Das, Electrical Power Systems New Age International, 2006. 8. J.D. Glover, M.S. Sharma & T.J.Overbye, Power System Analysis and Design Thomson, 2008. 9. P.S.R. Murthy Power System Analysis B.S. Publications,2007. 10. Stagg and El-Abiad, Computer Methods in Power System Analysis Tata Mc Graw Hill 11. Kothari & Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis Tata Mc. Graw Hill. 12. Olle. I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory An Introduction, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2003.


EE-304 Control Systems-II

B.TECH. III Year, V Semester Theory Paper IV

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit I Introduction to Control System: Linear, Non Linear, Time Varying and Linear Time Invariant System, Servomechanism, Historical Development of Automatic Control and Introduction to Digital Computer Control, Mathematical Models of Physical Systems, Differential Equations of Physical Systems, Transfer Functions, Block Diagram Algebra and Signal Flow Graphs. Unit II Feed Back Characteristics of Control Systems: Feedback and Non-feedback Systems Reduction of Parameter Variations By Use of Feedback Control Over System Dynamics By Use of Feedback Control of Effects of Disturbance Single By Use of Feedback and Regenerative Feedback. Unit- III Control Systems And Components: DC and AC Servomotors, Synchro Error Detector, Tacho Generator and, Stepper Motors etc. Unit- IV Time Response Analysis, Design Specifications And Performance Indices:Standard Test Signals, Time Response of First-order Systems, Time Response of Second-Order Systems, Steady-State Error and Error Constants, Effect of Adding a Zero to a System, P, PI and PID Control Action and Their Effect, Design Specifications of Second-Order Systems and Performance Indices. Unit V Concepts of Stability And Algebraic Criteria: The Concept of Stability, Necessary Conditions for Stability, Hurwitz Stability Criterion, Routh Stability Criterion and relative Stability Analysis. Unit VI The Root Locus Technique: The Root Locus Concept, Construction of Root Loci, Root Contours, Systems with Transportation Lag, Sensitivity of the Roots of the Characteristic equation, MATLAB : Analysis and Design of Control Systems. Unit- VII Frequency Response Analysis: Correlation Between Time and Frequency Response, Polar Plots, Bode Plots, and All Pass and Minimum-Phase Systems. Unit- VIII Stability In Frequency Domain:Mathematical Preliminaries, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Definition of Gain Margin and Phase Margin, Assessment of Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion and Closed-Loop Frequency Response. Unit IX Introduction to Design:The Design Problem, Preliminary Considerations of Classical.Design, Realization of Basic Compensators, Cascade Compensation in Time Domain Cascade Compensation in Frequency Domain, Tuning of PID Controllers. MATLAB based Frequency domain analysis of control system. Suggested Readings:


1. Nagrath & Gopal Control Systems Engineering New Age International. Publishers 2. Ogata Modern Control Engineering. 3. Kuo B.C. Automatic Control System. 4. Scheultz & Melsa Linear Control Systems. 5. D Azzo & Houpis Linear Control Systems Analysis & Design.

EE-305 Microprocessor and Applications

B.TECH. III Year, V Semester Theory Paper V

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit- I Microprocessor Architecture: Functional block diagram, signals, buses, memory and its interfacing, I/O ports and mapping, Timing diagram, interrupts structure, concepts of data transfer. Basic idea regarding fetching and execution of simple programmers from CPU. Unit- II Programming in assembly Languages: Instruction format and addressing modes, assembly language format, and data transfer, data manipulation and control instructions, programming for loop structure with counting and indexing application of look up table, subroutine, stack operation, polling and interrupt based control transfer. Unit- III Peripheral interfacing: Hard shaking bidirectional data transfer, study of architecture and programming peripheral interface, 8255 PP1,8251 USART, 8279 keyboard and display controller, 8253 timer/counter interface. A/D and D/A converter interfacing, serial communication. Unit- IVArithmetic operators and algorithms: Fixed point, floating point and fractional arithmetic operations (Addition, substation, Multiplication and division), signed arithmetic, overflow conditions, Boolean algorithm. Unit V Applications: Keyboard & display interface, stepper motor control application to measurement & instrumentation, distributed data acquisition system, assessment of power factor, real & reactive power. Suggested Readings: 1. Wiley 2. 3. 8051 R.S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Application, Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1995. Muhammad Ali Mazidi & Janice Gilli Mazdi, The 8051 Micro Controller and Embedded Systems, Pearson Eduction, 5th Indian reprint, 2003. William Kleitz, Microprocessor and Micro Controller Fundamental of 8085 and Hardware and Software, Pearson Education, 1998.

B.TECH. III year, V Semester Practical Paper I

EE-306 Electrical Machines II Lab L T P Credits


Based on course work corresponding EE-216

EE-307, Instrumentation Techniques Lab

B.TECH. III year, V Semester Practical Paper II

L T P Credits

Based on course work corresponding EE-302 B.TECH. III year, V Semester Practical Paper III
L 0 0 2 2 Based on course work corresponding EE-305 EE-309 Minor Project T P Credits

EE-308, Microprocessor and Applications Lab

B.TECH. III year, V Semester Practical Paper IV

L 0 0 2 T P 4 Credits

EE 311 Electrical Drives Credit

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper I


3 10 4 Unit- I Synchronous Reluctance Motors: Constructional features-Types Axial and radial air gap motors Operating principle Reluctance Phasor diagram Characteristics Vernier motor. Unit- II Stepping Motors:


Constructional features Principle of operation Variable reluctance motor Hybrid motor Single and multi stack configurations Theory of torque predictions Linear and Non linear analysis characteristics Drives circuits. Unit- III Switched Reluctance Motors: Constructional features Principle of operation Torque prediction power controllers Non liners analysis Microprocessor based control Characteristics Computer control. Unit- IV Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: Principle of operation EMF and torque equations Reactance phasor diagram Power controllers converter volt ampere requirements torque speed characteristics Microprocessor based control. Suggested Readings: 1. T.J. E. Miller, Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drivers, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989. 2. P.P. Aearmley, Stepping Motors, - A guide to Motor Theory and Practice, Peter Perengrinus, London, 1982 3. T. kenjo, Stepping Motors anad Their Microprocessor controls, Clarendon Press London, 1984 4. T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors, Clarendon Press, London, 1988

EE-312 Flexible AC Transmission Systems

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper II LTP

3 10

4 Unit- I Economics of Generation, Transmission and Utilization: Fixed and running charges, tariffs, load factor, diversity factor and their influence on the energy cost; load curves, load duration curves; Kelvins Law, selection of transmission voltages, generation of corona currents, losses, propagation etc. Unit- II Inter connected Operation: Role of pumped storage station in an interconnected system, hydro-thermal economic operations. Unit- III System representation: Single line representation per unit system, modeling of Power System Components. Unit- IV Load flows: Establishing the basic load flow equations including voltage regulated bus, numerical techniques for the solution of load flow equations. Suggested Readings: 1. Olle. I. Elgerd, Electric Energy Systems Theory An Introduction, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2003. 2. C.L.Wadha, Electric Power Systems, New Age International Publications(p) Ltd., New Delhi



3. I.J.Nagrath, D.P.Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi 4. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. 5. D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. 6. Allen J.Wood, B.TECH.Wollegberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, Johan Willey and Sons 7. Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, A Course in Electrical Power Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi

EE 313

Microcontroller and Embedded System

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper III

L T P Credit 3 10 4

Unit- I 8051 Architecture: Basic organization 8051 CPU structure Register file Interrupts Timers Port circuits Instruction set Timing diagram addressing modes Simple Program and Applications. Unit- II Peripherals and Interfacing of 8051: Typical Bus structure Bus memory organization Timing characteristics Extended Model and Memory Interfacing Polling Interfacing Basic I/O devices Analog and Digital interfacing PWM mode operation Serial port application. Unit- III Peripherals and Interfacing of 8096: Analog Interface Serial Ports Watch dog timers Real Time Clock Multitasking Bus control Memory Timing External ROM and RAM expansion PWM control A/D interfacing. Unit- IV Case Study Using 8051 and 8096: Real Time clock DC Motor Speed Control Generation of Gating Signals for Converters and Inverters Frequency Measurement Temperature Control. Organization of a microprocessor, register organization, C.P.U. Description of timing and control units, interfacing memory & I/O devices Synchronous & Asynchronous data transfer, Interrupt, Polling, DMA, Introduction to Pentium and Pro-Pentium microprocessor. Basic organization of 8051, 8097, MC68HC11, PIC16CXX, SLK-51 microcontrollers, instruction set- timing diagram, address modes, simple program and applications. Unit- V Embedded system : Embedded system and their components, categories of embedded systems. Stand alone, Real time Networked and Mobile etc., Requirements of embedded systems. Reliability, cost effectiveness, low power consumption, efficient use of processing power, efficient use of memory, approximate execution time, challenges and issues in embedded software development. Co design operating system, efficient I/O testing and debugging. Hardware Architecture for embedded systems. Embedded Applications. Suggested Readings:


1. John B. Peatman, Design with micro controllers, McGraw Hill International Ltd, Singapore, 1989. 2. Intel manual on 16 bit embedded controllers, Santa Clara, 1991. 3. Myko Predko. Programming and customizing the 8051 micro controller, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 4. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie mazidi. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems, Pearson Education, 2004. 5. Michael Slater, Microprocessor based design, A Comprehensive guide to effective hardware design, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1989 6.

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper IV EE- 314

EE-314 Principles of Communication L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Electronic Communication systems: Introduction, Electronic communication system, Types of communication system: Frequency spectrum of EM waves, Modulation, Bandwidth and information capacity, Transmission Noise: Internal noise (Thermal, shot , Transit time Miscellaneous); External noise ( Atmospheric , Industrial , Extra Terrestrial); Noise calculations; Noise figure; Noise temperature. UNIT II Amplitude Modulation systems: Transmission (Principle, spectrum, efficiency, power and current calculation); AM envelop; AM Modulator circuits; AM transmitters; QAM; AM Receivers: Receiver Parameters; (Selectivity, sensitivity, dynamic range, fidelity); TRF Receiver; Superhetrodyne receiver, Low noise Amplifier, Mixer / converter, Noise limiter, Automatic Gain Control circuit UNIT III Single sideband communication systems: Single Sideband system, AM SSB full carrier, AM SSB reduced carrier, AM SSB suppressed carrier, AM independent sideband, AM vestigial sideband, Comparison of single sideband transmission to conventional AM, Single sideband generation methods; Single sideband transmitter.

UNIT IV Angle Modulation system: Mathematical Analysis, Deviation sensitivity, Waveforms, Phase deviation and modulation index, Frequency analysis of angle modulated system, Bandwidth requirement of angle modulated system; Noise and angle modulation, Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, Generation of FM waves, Demodulation of FM waves, Angle Modulation vs. amplitude modulation. UNIT V Pulse Analog Modulation-Nyquist theorem: Practical sampling, PAM, PWM and

PPM generation and detection.

Noise in CW modulation: Noise calculation in communication system, Noise in Amplitude

modulation system, Noise in Angle modulated system, Narrow band noise.

Suggested Readings:


1. 2. 3.

4. W. Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems Pearson Education, 5th Edition

B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication System Oxford University Press 3 rd Edition. Taub Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems TMH, 2nd Edition. Simon Haykin , Communication Systems John Wiley & Sons Inc, 4th Edition

EE 315

Digital Signal Processing

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Theory Paper V EE -315

LTP Credit

310 4 UNIT I Introduction: Classification of Systems : Continuous , discrete , Linear , Casual Stable Dynamic recursive , time variant Classification of Signals : Continuous and discrete Energy and Power; Mathematical representation of Signals, Spectral density , Sampling Techniques, Quantization, Quantization error, Nyquist state and Aliasing Effect.Digital Signal Representation, Analog to Digital Conversion UNIT II Discrete Time System Analysis: Z transform and its properties Inverse Z Transform; Difference equation-Solution by Z transform Application to Discrete System, Stability Analysis, Frequency response , convolution Fourier transform of Discrete Sequence , Discrete Fourier Series Unit III Discrete Fourier Transformer & Computation: DFT Properties , magnitude & phase representation ,Computation of DFT using DIT & DIF FFT using radix 2 Butterfly structure Unit IV Digital filter design: FIR & IIR filter realization parallel & cascade forms . FIR design Windowing Techniques need And choice of windows liner phase characteristics . IIR Design , Analog filter design Buttervorth & chevyshev approximation ; digital design using impulse and variant and bilinear transformation- Warping , pre warping frequency transformation Unit-V Programmable DSP Chips: Architecture and features of TMS320C54 Signal Processing Chip- Quantization effects designing digital Filters Suggested Readings: 1. John G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing. 2. Ashok Ambardar, Analog and Digital Signal Processing. 3. L. R. Rabiner, B. Gold , Theory and Applications of Digital Signal Processing, PHI, 1975 4. Richard G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing. 5. Roman Kuc , Introduction to Digital Signal Processing.

6. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing.

7. S.K Mitra Digital Signal Processing A Computer based Approach Tata Mcgraw Hill New Delhi


EE 316 Power Electronics & Drives Lab

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Practical Paper I

L T P Credit 0 02 2 Based on course work corresponding EE 311 & 314

EE 317 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Practical Paper II

L T P Credit 0 02 2 Based on course work corresponding EE 313

EE 318 Minor Project

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Practical Paper III

L T P Credit 0 02 4

B.TECH. III Year, VI Semester Practical Paper IV

EE 319 Viva Voce examination of V Semester Industrial Training LTP 0 02 Credit 2

EE-401 Design of Electrical Systems

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper I

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit I General Theory Line Diagram from generating station to consumers end, including substation and transmission line. Need of substation, budgeting and financing, site acquisition, traditional and innovative substation design, construction and commissioning process. Unit- II Gas insulated and air insulated substations: Interface between automation and substation, substation integration and automation, substation grounding and substation fire protection. Unit- III Seismic considerations and oil containment


Unit IV Thermal Problems: Generation, flow and dissipation of heat losses, thermal capacity, temperature rise curves, ratings of machines; cooling media, ventilation types of cooling; standard enclosures. Unit V Factors in Design: Specifications for machines, out-put equation: limitations in design; electric and magnetic loadings, space, winding and other factors and their effects on machine performance; mechanical and high speed problems. Unit- VI Design of Single and three phase Transformers and Induction machines Unit VI Polyphase Induction Machines: Details of construction; stator design, output equation, separation of D and L, specific loadings, leakage reactance, rotor design, slip ring and squirrel cage motors, harmonic, effects and slot combination, magnetizing current and losses; circle diagram from design data and prediction of characteristics. Suggested Readings: [1] A.K.Sawhney, 'A Course in Electrical Machine. Design', Danpat Rai & Co., 1998 (2) Principles Of Electrical Machine Design by R. K. Agarwal .... R Birla Publications (regd), Paperback - 2006, ISBN 8186270302

EE-402 Switchgear & Protection

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper II

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit- I Fault calculations: Calculation of symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault currents in power system networks using the symmetrical components, use of current limiting reactors. Unit- II Introduction to protective schemes: Principles and need for protective schemes, zones of protection and essential quantities of protection, protection scheme. Operating principles of relays universal relays: torque equation R-X diagram. Electromagnetic relays over current, directional distance and differential negative sequence relays static relays amplitude and phase comparators. Microprocessor and PC based relaying. Unit- III Apparatus protection: Transformer generator, motor, protection of bus bars and transmission lines current. Unit IV Switch gear: Classification of switch gear, arcing phenomenon and principal of are interruption AC and DC circuit breaker different types of circuit breakers and their construction. Features of Air blast, vacuum, SF6 CBs, Testing and selection of circuit breakers. Suggested Readings: 1. B. Racindranath, and N. Chander, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi


2. C. Russel Mason, Art and Science of Protective Relaying, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 3. Sunil S. Rao, Power System Protection, Khanna Publications, New Delhi 4. P.M. Anderson, Power System Protection, IEEE Press 5. Power System Protection (Vol.1-IV)IEE Press 6. B. Ram, DH Vishwakarma, Power System Protection and Switchgear, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

EE-403, Elective I ( 1 to 6) L T P Credits 3 Elective I Elective-I EE 403-1 Generalized Machines EE 403-2 Distributed Generation Systems. EE 403-3 Power System Stability EE403-4 Electric Traction and Drives EE 403-5 High Voltage Engineering EE 403-6 Advanced control system 1 0 4

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

EE-403-1 Generalized Machines L T P 0 4 Credits 3 1

Unit - I Basic of the generlised theory, basic two pole machines, convention, per unit systems, Krons primitive machine, leakage flux in machines with more than two windings: voltage and torque equations. Unit- II Transformations- invariance of power, transformation from 3 - phase to two phase, transformation from rotating axes to stationary axes, transformed impendance marix, torque equations. Unit - III Application of the theory to d.c. machine d.c. generator with sudden short circuits, transfer functions of d.c. machines Linearization techniques for small perturbations, electric braking of d.c. motors. Unit -IV


Application to 3 phase Synchronous machine- Transient analysis, sudden reactive loading, Reactances and time constants from equivalent circuits. Sequence reactances measurement of parameters, reactances and time-constants from short circuit oscillogram. Application to polyphase induction motor transformation, induction motor with unbalanced supply voltage, effect of space harmonics on 3phse inductance motor performances. Unit - V Application to a.c commutators machines, series motor repulsion motor, scharge motor.

EE-403-2, Distributed Generation Systems

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit I Distributed Generation Electricity Generation in Transition, Distributed Generation with Fossil Fuels, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Technologies, Biomass for Electricity, MicroHydropower Systems, Fuel Cells and Wind Energy based Generation. Unit II Asynchronous Generators and Generator Drives Unit III Control of Wind Energy Systems Overview of Wind Turbine Control Systems, Typical Grid-connected Turbine Operation, Supervisory Control Overview and Implementation and Dynamic Control Theory and Implementation Unit- IV Solar Photovoltaic Power System, Solar Commercial Power Plants Unit V Energy Storage Various Batteries and their Equivalent Electrical Circuit, Performance Characteristics Battery Charging, Battery Management, Flywheel, Compressed Air and Superconducting Coil Unit- VI Stand-Alone System PV Stand-Alone, Wind Stand-Alone, Hybrid System, Hybrid with Diesel, Hybrid with Fuel Cell, Mode Controller, Load Sharing, System Sizing, Power and Energy Estimates, Battery Sizing, pv Array Sizing, Wind Farm Sizing Unit VII Grid-Connected System Interface Requirements, Synchronizing with Grid, Inrush Current, Synchronous Operation, Load Transient, Safety, Operating Limit, Voltage Regulation, Stability Limit, Energy Storage and Load Scheduling, Utility Resource Planning Tool. Unit VII Electrical Performance


Voltage Current and Power Relations, Component Design for Maximum Efficiency, Electrical System Model, Static Bus Impedance and Voltage Regulation, Dynamic Bus Impedance and Ripple, Harmonics Unit VIII Power, Harmonic Distortion, Voltage Transients and Sags, Voltage Flickers, Renewable Capacity Limit, Systems Stiffness, Interfacing Standards, Lightning Protection Unit IX Economics of Distributed Resources Unit- X UPS & Battery Energy Storage Systems Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Applications of UPS Systems , Distributed Approach, Centralized Approach, Power Factor Correction in UPS Systems, Battery Energy Storage Systems, Grid Synchronization, Storage & Power Conditioning modes. Wind and Solar Power Systems Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. Wind and Solar Power Systems: Mukund R. Patel, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems: Gilbert M. Masters

EE-403-3 Power System Stability

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P 0 4 Credits 3 1

Unit- I The Stability Problem: Origin of the stability problem, definition of stability terms, power angle diagrams. Unit- II Steady State Stability: The steady state power limits of simple systems with synchronous loads-analytical and graphical methods, methods of improving steady state stability limits, elementary aspects of dynamic stability. Unit- III Transient Stability: Review of the laws of mechanics, swing equation for a single machine connected to an infinite bus, net-work reduction techniques, equal areas criterion of stability, solution of wing equation by numerical methods (step by step solution), Runge kutta method. Critical clearing angle and time, analysis of two finite machine system and multimachine systems, effect of grounding on stability, methods of improving the transient stability. Unit- IV Voltage and angle stability: Angle Stability, Reactive Power Flow, Reactive Power Transmission, Voltage Stability, P-V Curves methods of improving stability, HVDC Operations, Introduction to FACTS devices, and Enhancement of stability by application of FACTS devices. Suggested Readings:


1. P.Kundur. Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill, Publication, Co., New Delhi 2. Hadi Saadat. Power System Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi 3. I.J. Nagrath, D.P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. 4. John J. Grainger and W.D. Stevenson Jr., Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill International Edition 5. E.W. Kimbark, Power System Stability Vol I-III John Wiley and Sons 6.

EE-403-4 Electric Traction and Drives

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P Credits

3 1 0 4 Unit- I Dynamics of Electric Drives Types of loads, quadrantal diagram of speed time characteristics, Basic and modified characteristics of dc and ac motors. Unit- II Starting of Electric Motor Acceleration time, energy loss during starting, Electric Braking braking of motors during lowering of loads, braking while stopping, dynamics of braking. Unit- III Rating and heating of Motors Loading conditions and classes of duty, determination of power ratings of electric motors, effect of load interia, load equalization, environmental factors. Unit- IV Industrial Applications Description of devices for steel, paper, cement and textile mills etc Drives for Numerically controlled machines. Unit- VI Electric Traction: Speed time curves and machines of train movement, traction systems and power supply, systems of current collection. Overhead equipment, Traction motor control, Electric signally, Train Suggested Readings:

1. E. Openshaw Taylor, Utilization of Electrical Energy in SI Units, Orient Longman

Pvt.Ltd, 2003.

2. B.R. Gupta, Generation of Electrical Energy, Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd, 3. 4. 5. 6.
New Delhi, 2003. H. Partab, Art and Science of Utilisation of Electrical Energy, Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi, 2004. .Gopal.K.Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. C.L. Wadhwa, Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy, New Age International Pvt.Ltd, 2003. J.B. Gupta, Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction, S.K.Kataria and Sons, 2002.

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester 31

EE-403-5 High Voltage Engineering

Theory Paper III

L T P 4 Credits 3 1 0

Unit- I High Voltage Laboratory Testing: Generating H.V.A.C, by case- caded transformers, resonance transformers, generation of H.V.D.C. by rectifier circuits, electrostatic generators, generation of impulse voltage using Marxs circuits, construction operation and mathematical analysis of simple impulse circuits, use of sphere gaps for the measurement of high voltages, use of high speed C.R.O. brief description of continuously evacuated and sealed off C.R.O., recurrent surge oscillographs and relevant techniques for their measurements. Unit- II Over Voltages: Origin and characteristic of over voltage (surges) on transmission systems, reflection and refraction of traveling waves, lattice diagram, modern theories about lightning, instruments for the measurement of lightning discharge. Unit- III Corona: Critical disruptive voltage, factors affecting Corona loss, advantages and disadvantages. Unit- IV Electrical Discharges: Elementary ideas of dielectric breakdown, breakdown of air, discharge in gases, Townsends mechanism, streamer process, conditions of spark over, mechanism of wet spark over, use of condenser bushings. Unit- V Problem of Insulation : Brief details of the high voltage testing of insulators, transformer, and cables, use of high voltage Schering Bridge. Unit- VI H.V.D.C. Transmission : Advantages and drawbacks, modern trends in H.V.D.C. transmission, use of ground return, circuit breaking and problem of KVAR. Suggested Readings: 1. M.S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, High Voltage Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi 2. E. Kuffel and W.S. Zeengl, High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, Pergamon press, Oxford, London, 1984. C.L. Wadhwa, High Voltage Engineering, New Age International publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

EE-403-6 Advanced Control System

BTECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III 32

L T P 3 1 0 4


Unit- I Systems: Liner and non-linear system, Linearization of Physical Systems. Unit II State Space Analysis: Realization of state models, solution of state equation, state transition matrix and its properties, free and forced responses, Properties, controllability and observability. Design of state feedback pole assignment technique. Unit- III None Linear Systems: Types of non-linearity, typical examples, equivalent linearization, phase plane analysis, limit cycle, describing functions lP, PI, PID Ratio Control & Cascade Control Z Transformation, Sampling and hold pulse transfer function & state variable approach.

EE-404, Open Elective I

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

Open Elective I EE 404-1 Biomedical Instrumentation EE 404-2 Power System Communication EE 404-3 Restructured Power System EE 404-4 Power Plant Engineering EE 404-5 Intellectual property rights and Entrepreneurship EE 404-6 Database management System

EE-404-1 Open Elective I Bio- Medical Instrumentation

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P Credit 3 1 0

UNIT I Introduction: Specifications of bio-medical instrumentation system, ManInstrumentation system Components, Problems encountered in measuring a living system. Basics of Anatomy


and Physiology of the body. UNIT-II Bioelectric potentials: Resting and action potentials, propagation of action potential, The Physiological potentials ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG and Evoked responses UNIT-III Electrodes and Transducers: Electrode theory, Biopotential Electrodes Surface electrodes, Needle electrodes, Microelectrodes. Biomedical Transducer UNIT IV Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography ECG amplifiers, Electrodes and Leads,ECG recorders Single channel, Three channel, Vector Cardiographs,ECG System for Stresses testing,Holter recording, Blood pressure measurement, Heart sound measurement. Pacemakers and Defibrillators. UNIT-V Patient Care & Monitoring: Elements of intensive care monitoring, displays, diognosis, Calibration & Reparability of patient monitoring equipment. UNIT VI Respiratory system Measurements: Physiology of Respiratory system .Measurement of breathing mechanism Spirometer.Respiratory Therapy equipments: Inhalators, Ventilators &Respirators, Humidifiers, and Nebulizers & Aspirators. UNIT-VII Nervous System Measurements: Physiology of nervous system, Neuronal communication, Neuronal firing measurements. UNIT VIII Ophthalmology Instruments: Electroretinogram, Electrooculogram, Ophthalmoscope, Tonometer for eye pressure measurement. UNIT- IX Diagnostic techniques: Ultrasonic diagnosis, Ecocardiography, Ecoencephalography, Ophthalmic scans, X-ray & Radio-isotope diagnosis and therapy, CAT-Scan, Emission computerized tomography, MRI. UNIT X Bio-telemetry: The components of a Bio-telemetry system, Implantable units, Telemetry for ECG measurements during exercise, for Emergency patient monitoring. UNIT-XI Prosthetic Devices and Therapies: Hearing Aides, Myoelectric Arm, Dia-thermy, Laser applications in medicine.: Suggested Readings:
1. Khandpur R.S.- Biomedical Instrumentation- TMH 2. Venkata Ram,S.K.-Bio-Medical Electronics&Instrumentation (Revised)- Galgotia. 3. Cromwell- Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements- PHI 4. Webster,j.g. Bio- Instrumentation ,Wiley (2004) 5. Ananthi,S. A Text Book of Medical Instruments-2005-New Age International 6. carr&Brown Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology Pearson 7. Pandey & Kumar-Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation. Kataria

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester 34

EE-404-2, Open Elective I

Theory Paper III

L T P 310 4

Power System Communications Credit

UNIT I Introduction, coks requirement for telemetry, teleprotection. UNIT II Analog and digital communication- speed and requirements. UNIT III Noise in power systems, communication link, PLCC microwave, telephone line, satellite, fibre optic channels. UNIT IV Requirements of various communication equipments used in power systems. Computer networking in power systems. Suggested Readings: 1. Stallings, W., Data & Computer Communications, PHI, India. 2. Haykin, S., Communication System, John Wiley. 3. Dostert, K. and Franzis V., Power line Communications Springer.

EE-404-3, Open Elective I

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

L 310

Restructured Power Systems T P Credit 4

UNIT I Fundamentals of restructured system, market architecture, load elasticity, social welfare maximization. UNIT II OPF: Role in vertically integrated systems and in restructured markets, congestion management, optimal bidding, risk assessment and hedging, transmission pricing and tracing of power. UNIT III Ancillary services, standard market design, distributed generation in restructured markets, developments in India, UNIT IV IT applications in restructured markets, working of restructured power systems, PJM. Suggested Readings 1. L.Philipson and H. Lee Willis, Understanding Electric Utilities and Deregulation, Marcel Dekker, 1998.


2. Kankar Bhattacharya , Math Bollen and J.E. Daadler, Operation of restructured Power Systems, Kluwer, 2001. 3. M. Shahidepour and M. Alomoush, Restructured Electrical Power Systems, Marcel Dekker, 2001 .

EE-404-4 Open Elective I

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

Power LTP

Plant Credits


3 10 4 UNIT I Rankine Cycle: Application of Rankine Cycle to power genetation. Effect of steam pressure temperature and back pressure on the efficiency. Reheating and Regenerative feed water heating cycle. UNIT II Steam Turbines : Flow of steam through nozzles. Critical pressure ratio. Determination of throat and exit areas, classification of steam Turbines Compounding of Steam Turbine, Velocity diagrams, Condition for maximum efficiency in Impulse and Reaction Turbines Governing of Steam Turbines. Construction and Working of different types of condensers, Air leakage, Vacuum efficiency, Cooling towers, Feed water treatment. UNIT III Steam Generators: Storage of coal at plant site, In-plant handling, coal feeding, burning methods and related equipments. Pulverised fuel firing system, Pulverised fuel burners.Ash handling systems. Gravitational separators, cyclone swparator, Electrostatic precipitators Circulation Boilers and their characteristics and applications Location of heating surfaces like evaporator, Superheater, Reheater and Economiser. UNIT IV Controls: Important instruments on steam generators, combustion control and superheater ttemperature control. Other Power Plants: Diesel plants, Gas turbine plants, Hydro Electric Plants, Nuclear Plants, Fields of application as Base load, Peak load and stand-by units. Suggested Readings: 1. Power station Engineering and Economy by Bernhardt G.A. skrotzki and William A. Vopat Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 20th reprint 2002. 2. Power Plant Engineering: P.K. Nag Tata McGraw Hill second Edition 2001. 3. An introduction to power plant technology by G.D. Rai-Khanna Publishers, Delhi 110005.

EE-404-5 Open Elective I

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III


Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship Credit


31 0 4 UNIT I Basic Principles and acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights Philosophical Aspects of Intellectual Property Laws , Basic Principles of Patent Law, Patent Application Procedure, Drafting of a Patent Specification, Understanding Copyright Law, Basic Principles of Trade Mark, Basic Principles of Design Rights, International Background of Intellectual property. UNIT II Ownership and Enforcement of Intellectual Property RightsPatent Objectives, Rights, Assignments, Defenses in case of Infringement. UNIT III Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial perspective, Start - up strategies, business idea evaluation, business plan writing, introduction to entrepreneurial finance and venture capital, managing growth and delivering innovative products, entrepreneurial opportunities, technologies, business models and personalities, benefit and /or negative impact to creating the new business? (risk tolerances, comfort in low data situations, ability to sell), (judgment, ability to coordinate with many), (scope, risk, return expectation).

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Theory Paper III

EE-404-6, Open Elective I DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM T P Credit 310 4 L

UNIT-I Introduction: An overview of database management system, database system Vs file system, Database system concept and architecture, data model schema and instances, data independence and database language and interfaces, data definitions language, DML, Overall Database Structure. UNIT-II Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model: ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, Concepts of Super Key, candidate key, primary key, Generalization, aggregation, reduction of an ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model, relationship of higher degree. Unit-III Relational data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints, entity integrity, referential integrity, Keys constraints, Domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus. UNIT-IV Introduction on SQL: Characteristics of SQL, advantage of SQL. SQl data type and literals. Types of SQL commands. SQL operators and their procedure. Tables, views and indexes. Queries and sub queries. Aggregate functions. Insert, update and delete operations, Joins, Unions, Intersection, Minus, Cursors, Triggers, Procedures in SQL/PL SQL Unit-V


Data Base Design & Normalization: Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependence, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design. Unit-VI Transaction Processing Concept: Transaction system, Testing of serializability, serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule, recoverability, Recovery from transaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling. Distributed Database: distributed data storage, concurrency control, directory system. Unit-VII Concurrency Control Techniques: Concurrency control, Locking Techniques for concurrency control, Time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity, Multi version schemes, Recovery with concurrent transaction, case study of Oracle. Books 1. Date C J, An Introduction to Database Systems, Addision Wesley 2. Korth, Silbertz, Sudarshan, Database Concepts, McGraw Hill 3. Elmasri, Navathe, Fudamentals of Database Systems, Addision Wesley 4. ONeil, Databases, Elsevier Pub. 5. Leon & Leon,Database Management Systems, Vikas Publishing House 6. Bipin C. Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Gagotia Publications 7. Majumdar & Bhattacharya, Database Management System, TMH 8. Ramkrishnan, Gehrke, Database Management System, McGraw Hill 9. Kroenke, Database Processing Fundamentals , Design and Implementation Pearson Education
EE-406, Design of Electrical System Lab

B.TECH. IV Year, VII- Semester Practical Paper - I

L T P 0 0 2 2 Based on course work corresponding EE - 401 Credits

EE 407,

B.TECH. IV Year, VII Semester Practical Paper II Digital Signal Processing Lab L T P

Credit 0 02 2 Based on course work corresponding EE 315


EE 407,

B.TECH. IV Year, VII Semester Practical Paper III Major Project (Part - I) L T P Credit 0 02 4

B.TECH. IV Year, VII Semester Practical Paper IV EE 408, Viva Voce Examination of VI Semester Industrial Training LTP Credit 2

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII Semester Theory Paper I

EE-411, H.V.D.C Transmission

4 Unit- I DC Power Transmission Technology: General aspects of AC and DC power Transmission, Comparison, Applications, Planning and Description of HVDC transmission. Unit- II Power Switching Devices for HVDC Systems: Thyristor value, construction, design, firing and control units protection value tests. Introduction to GTO and IGBT as power switch. Unit- III Analysis of HVDC Converters: Pulse number, choice of converter configuration, simplified analysis of Graetz converter circuit, two and three value, three and four value conduction modes converter bridge characteristics 12, 24, 48 Pulse converter arrangements, characteristics of 12, 24, 48 Pulse converters, capacitor commutated converters, analysis and characteristics. Unit- IV HVDC Systems and Control: Schemes and configuration of HVDC systems, principles of DC link control, converter control characteristics, Firing angle controls, currents and extinction angle control, Starting and stopping of DC link, Frequency and power control, stabilization of AC Tie lines, Emergency control, Reactive power control, Sub synchronous damping control, telecommunication requirements. Unit- V Faults and Protections: Converter faults, protection against over currents, over voltages and their protection, transient over voltages, smoothing reactor, corona effects, radio interference, Anaible noise, line insulators, line faults, DC breakers, Effect of proximity of AC and DC transmission lines. Unit- VI Reactive Power Control and Harmonic Compensation: Reactive power requirement of HVDC systems, Sources of reactive power, Static for systems, introduction to STATCOM, Reactive power control during transients, Generation of harmonics, AC and DC tilters. Unit- VII

L T P Credits 3 1 0


Multiterminal DC Systems: Types and applications of MTDC systems, control and their protection. Unit- VIII HVDC Based on Voltage Source Converters: Voltage source converters, concepts of bidirectional power flow, control of converters, independent control of real and reactive power, DC bus regulation, Multiterminal configuration, application with Distributed power generation. Suggested Readings: 1. Padiyar, K.R., HVDC Power transmission system, Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi 1990. First edition. 2. Erieh Uhlmann, Power Transmission by Direct Current, Springer International Edition 3. C. Adamson and N.G. Hillgorani, High Voltage DC current Power Transmission, (London) Garraway 1960 4. J. Arrillaga, High Voltage DC current Transmission(London) Peter Peregrinus, 1983

EE-412, ELECTIVE- II (Open)

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII Semester Theory Paper II

L T P Credits 3 1 0 4

Elective II EE 412-1 Digital & Optical Communication Systems EE 412-2 Telemetry & SCADA Systems EE 412-3 Operating System Design EE 412-4 Computer Control of Processes EE 412-5 VLSI Design EE 412-6 Power System Dynamics and Control

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II

EE-412-1 Digital & Optical Communication System L T P 3 1 Unit- I Digital Communication System 0 4 Credits

Signal representation, statistical decision theory, introduction to digital communication, sampling theorem, random signals and noise, signal to noise ratio. PCM, quantization noise, bandwidth, advantages over analog communication, PCM system, differential PCM, digital modulation, digital multiplexing, TDMA. CDMA and of DM. Unit- II Optical communication system:


Types of optical fibers step index and graded index, multimode and single mode, attenuation and dispersion in fibres, optical transfers LEDs & laser diode, cellular and mobile communication.

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II

EE-412-2, Telemetry & SCADA Systems L T P 3 1 0 4 Credits

UNIT-1 SCADA Concept of Supervisory control & Data Acquisition System, Component and types of SCADA systems, CT, PT, Voltage to current, current to voltage converters, RTUs etc. Supervisory and control functions, man-machine communication, operator console, VDU display and its use, operator dialogues, mimic diagram functions, printing facilities etc. SCADA system structures, system classes, system interactions, performance criteria, software and hardware considerations, data bases, reliability and simulations, technical realizations, local system, UNIT-II Communication system, central system, control system supervision & system maintenance. Application functions-real time network modeling, security management, production control and training simulators. Introduction to communication systems, Hotline, PLCC, Mobile, Satellite, Microwave & Optical fibre communications. Transputerised SCADA system, SCADA on embedded FPGA. Suggested Readings: 1. Krishana Kant, Computer-based Industrial Control, PHI Publication. 2. Liptak, Process Control, CRC Publication. 3. Madiseth & Williams, Digital Signal Processing, CRC Press, IEEE Press. 4. Kissel, Industrial Electronics, PHI Publication.

EE-412-3, Operating System Design 3 Unit- I Operating System An Overview

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II

L T P 1 0 4 Credits


What is an OS? Mainframe systems Desktop systems Multiprocessor systems Distributed systems Clustered systems Real time systems Handheld systems. Computer system operation I/O structure Storage structure storage hierarchy Hardware protection Network structure. System components Operating system services System calls System programs System structure Virtual machines System design and implementation System generation. Unit- II Process Management Process concept Process scheduling Operating on processes cooperating processes inter process communication communication in client server systems. Threads Overview Multithreading models Threading issues, Basics concepts Scheduling ceiteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple processor scheduling real time scheduling process scheduling models. The critical section problem Synchronization hardware - Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization critical regions Monitors - Atomic transactions. System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks Deadlock prevention Deadlock avoidance Deadlock detection Recovery from dead lock. Unit- III Storage Management: Background swipping contiguous memory allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation with paging. Background Demand paging Process creation Page replacement allocation of frames Thrashing,. File concept: Access methods Directory structure File system mounting File sharing Protection. File system structure - file system implementation Directory implementation Allocation methods free space management Efficiency and performance Recovery. Unit- IV I/O Systems: I/O hardware - Application I/O interface Kernel I/O subsystem Transforming I/O to hardware operations Streams Performance. Disk structure Disk scheduling Disk management Swap-space management RAID structure Disk attachment Stable - Storage implementation Tertiary storage structure. Unit- V Distributed Systems Background Topology Network types Communication communication protocols Robustness Design issues. Naming and transparency Remote file access Stateful versus stateless service File replication. Event ordering Mutual exclusion Atomicity Concurrency control Deadlock handling Election algorithms Reaching agreement. Suggested Readings: 1. Abrabham Silberschatz, peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System concepts, Sixth Edition, Window XP update, John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd, 2002. 2. Harvey M Deitel, Operating Systems, Second Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., 2002 3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2000 / PHI 4. William Stallings, Operating System, Pearson Education, 4th Edition, 2003 / PHI


B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II EE-412-4 Computer Control of Processes



3 1 0 4 Unit 1 Introduction to Process Control Introduction to process control, basic control action on / off, P, PI, PID, floating control and Electronic controller, tuning. Line diagram from process plant to computer system, loose coupled system and Tight coupled system, communication media and bus. Protocol and Architectures: Evolution of data networks, network architecture. Protocols- layered approach-OSI model-DoD model-Hierarchical Approach-Local Network Technology- Bus/Tree topology-Ring topology-medium access protocolsDetails of IEEE 802, X.25, datagram, HDLC standards. Signals from process instrumentation, signal conditioning for the control computer, signal transmission, time division multiplexing, signal termination, impedance matching filtering, Numerical filtering, correction for non-linearities. The computer control system. CPU, relationship of word length to performance, peripheral devices,. Unit- 2 Programmable Logic Controllers: Evolution of PLC Sequential and Programmable controllers Architecture Programming of PLC Relay logic and Ladder logic Functional blocks Communication Networks for PLC, field bus such as profi-bus, mod-bus etc. Unit 3 Distributed Control System: Evolution of DCS Architecture Local control unit Operator interface Engineering interface. Suggested Readings: 1. George Stephanopolus, Chemical Process control, Prentice Hall India? 2. Harriot P., Process control, Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi,1991. 3. Norman A Anderson, Instrumentation for process measurement and control CRC Press LLC, Florida, 1998. 4. Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F Edgar, Duncan A Mellichamp, Process dynamics and control, Wiley John and Sons, 1989. 5. Marlin T.E., Process control, second edition McGraw hill, New York, 2000. 6. Balchan J.G. and Mumme G., Process control structures and applications, Van Nostrand Renhold Co., New York, 1988. 7. Lucas M.P, Distributed Control System, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. NY 1986. 8. Pertrezeulla, Programmable Controllers, McGraw-Hill, 1989. 9. Kevin M. Daugherty, Analog to Digital conversion A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1995. 10.N. Mathivanan, Microprocessors, PC Hardware and Interfacing, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2003. 11.Krishna Kant, Computer based Industrial Control, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1997. 12.H.S. Kalsi, Electronic Instrumentation, Technical Education Series (TES)/TMH, New Delhi. 13.Buchanan., Computer busses, Arnold, London, 2000.


14.Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003. 15.Achyut S. Godbole, Data Communications and Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002. 16.W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communication, 2nd Edition New York, Macmillan, 1998.

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II

EE-412-5, VLSI Design L T P 3 1 0 Credits 4

Unit 1 Basic MOS Transistor Enhancement mode & Depletion mode Fabrication (NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, BiCMOS) Technology NMOS transistor current equation second order effects MOS Transistor Model. Unit II NMOS & CMOS Invertor and Gates NMOS & CMOS inverter Determination of pull up / pull down ratios stick diagram lambda based rules super buffers BiCMOS & steering logic. Unit III Sub System Design & Layout Structred design of combination circuits Dynamics Cmos & clocking Tally circuits (NAND-NAND, NOR-NOR and AOI logic) EXOR structure Multiplexer structures Barrel shifter. Unit- IV Design of Combination Elements & Regular Array Logic:NMOS PLA Programmable Logic Devices Finite state Machine PLA introduction to FPGA. Unit V VGDL Programming: RTL Design combinational logic Types Operators Packages Sequential circuit Sub programs Test benches (Examples: address, counters, flipflops, FSM, Multiplexers/ Demltiplexers). Suggested Readings: 1. D.A. Pucknell, K. Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 2. Eugene D. Fabricius, Introduction to VLSI Design , Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. N.H. Weste, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson Education, India, 2002. 4. Charles H. Roth, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Jaico Publishing House, 1992.



Zainalarsed in Navabi, VHDL Analysis and Modelling of Degital Systems, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998. 6. Douglas Perry, VHDL Programming By Example, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 3rd Edition.

EE-412-6 Power System Dynamics and Control L T P 3 1 0 Credits

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper II

4 Unit 1. Introduction: Load characteristics and modeling, power systems interconnection un integrated and integrated operation. Hydroelectric plant Unit 2. Automatic Generation Control: Fundamentals of speed governing control of generating unit Power output composite regulating characteristic of Power Systems Response rates of turbine governing systems fundamentals of automatic generation

control Implementation of AGC development of state variable model for a two area Power Systems for use in simulation of AGC. Under frequency Load Shedding And computation of setting for under frequency relays. Unit 3. Reactive Power and Voltage Control: Modelling of AVR loops: Components stability compensation Production and absorption of reactive Power methods of voltage control shunt reactors shunt capacitors series capacitors synchronous condensers static var systems Principle of transmission system compensation modeling of reactive compensating devices Application of tap changing transformer ULTC control systems. Unit 4 Security Control of Power Systems: System operating states by security control functions monitoring, evaluation of system state by contingency analysis corrective controls (Preventive, emergency and restorative) Energy control center SCADA system function monitoring, data acquisition and controls EMS system Unit 5. State Estimation: Maximum likelihood Weighted Least Squares Estimation:- Concepts matrix formulation Example for Weighted Least Squares state estimation; State estimation of an AC network: development of method Typical results of state estimation on an AC network State Estimation by Orthogonal Decomposition algorithm Introduction to Advanced topics: Detection and Identification of Bad Measurements, Estimation of Quantities not Being


Measured, Network Observability and Pseudo measurements Application of Power Systems State Estimation. Unit 6. Power System Control under Deregulated Environment: New system structures under competition Classification of operational tasks in todays power industry Temporal decomposition within the real time operation classification of operational tasks in the competitive industry meeting predicted demand in todays industry meeting demand in the new industry balancing supply and demand in real time Load frequency control under deregulated environment. Suggested Readings: 1. Elgerd O.I, Electric Energy System Theory an Introduction, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2002 2. Kundur. P., Power System Stability and Control, EPRI Publications, California , 1994. 3. Allen J. Wood and Bruce. F. Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, John Wiley & sons, New York, 1996. 4. Mahalanabis A.K., Kothari. D.P. and Ahson. S.I., Computer Aided Power System Analysis and Control, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Ltd, 1984. 5. Marija IIic, F. Galiana, L. Fink, Power System Restructuring : Engineering and Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. 6. Vaibhav Donde, M.A. Pai & Ian A. Hiskens Simulation & Optimization in an AGC system after deregulation, IEEE transactions on Power Systems Vol: 16, No. 3, Aug. 2001.

excitations. EE-413, B.TECH. IV Year, VIII Semester Theory Paper III

Elective -II EE 413-1 Power System Planning EE 413-2 Soft Computing Techniques EE 413-3 Optimal Control Theory EE 413-4 Active and Passive Network Synthesis EE 413-5 Power Plant Instrumentation EE 413-6 Reliability Engineering

L T P Credits 3 1 0

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III

EE-413-1 Power System Planning L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Introduction-Power planning, power system development and growth, power sources, planning tools, Electricity regulations. Electricity Forecasting. Generation Planning. Transmission and distribution network planning. New operation and planning policies.


Allocation of reserve. Demand side bidding. Pricing schemes. Competitive electricity markets. Environment effects. Technology and Innovation (Modern Trends). Suggested Readings: 1. Sullivan-Power System Planning. 2. Pabla, A.S., Electric Power System Planning, Macmillan, India.

EE-413-2 Soft Computing Techniques 3 1

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P 0 4 Credits

UNIT-I INTRODUCTION Introduction to crisp set and fuzzy sets, Operations on fuzzy sets. Fuzzy relations, fuzzy measures, uncertainly and information, uniqueness of uncertainty measures, applications of fuzzy logic in intelligent control system design. Mamdani controllers, Takagi- Sugeno controller. UNIT- II Introduction to neural Network. Learning process correlation matrix memory. The perception. Least-mean-square algorithm multilayer perception, radial basis, function networks. Self organizing systems Neuro-dynamics. Temporal processing, application of neural network in process control. UNIT-III Fuzzy Controllers and Evolutionary Algorithms: Evolution Strategies, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimising Fuzzy Controllers, A Genetic Algorithm for Learning a TSK Controller, applications. Suggested Readings: 1. Jacek. M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House, 1999. 2. KOSKO,B. Neural Networks And Fuzzy Systems, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1994. 3. KLIR G.J. & FOLGER T.A. Fuzzy sets, uncertainty and information, PrenticeHall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1993. 4. Zimmerman H.J. Fuzzy set theory-and its Applications-Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. 5. Driankov, Hellendron, Introduction to Fuzzy Control, Narosa Publishers.

EE-413-3, Optimal Control Theory 3 UNIT-I Introduction:

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P 1 0 4 Credits


Statement of optimal control problem-Problem formulation and forms of optimal control-Selection of performance measures. Necessary conditions for optimal control -Pontryagins minimum principle State inequality constraints - Minimum time problem. UNIT-II LQ Control Problems and Dynamic Programming: Linear optimal regulator problem - Matrix Riccatti equation and solution method Choice of weighting matrices Steady state properties of optimal regulator Linear tracking problem LQG problem Computational procedure for solving optimal control problems Characteristics of dynamic programming solution Dynamic programming application to discrete and continuous systems Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. UNIT-III Numerical Techniques for Optimal Control: Numerical solution of 2-Point boundary value problem by steepest descent and Fletcher Powell method solution of Ricatti equation by negative exponential and interactive methods. UNIT-IV Filtering and Estimation: Filtering Linear system and estimation System noise smoothing and prediction Gauss Markov discrete time model Estimation criteria Minimum variance estimation Least square estimation Recursive estimation. UNIT-V Kalman Filter and Properties: Filter problem and properties Linear estimator property of Kalman Filter Time invariance and asymptotic stability of filters Time filtered estimates and signal to noise ratio improvement Extended Kalman filter. Suggested Readings: 1. Krik D.E., Optimal Control Theory An introduction, Prentice hall, N.J., 1970. 2. Sage, A.P., Optimum System Control, Prentice Hall N.H., 1968. 3. Anderson, BD.O. and Moore J.B., Optimal Filtering, Prentice hall Inc., N.J., 1979. 4. S.M. Bozic, Digital and Kalman Filtering, Edward Arnould, London, 1979. B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III EE-413-4, Active and Passive Network Synthesis L T P Credits 3 1 0 4

UNIT-I Network functions: Network function for one port and two port ,Calculation of network functions (i) Ladder networks (ii) General networks. Poles and zero of network functions, restrictions on pole and zeros locations for driving point functions and for transfer functions. Time domain behavior from poles and zero plot; stability of achieve. UNIT-II


Networks: Elements of Reliability Theory. sensitivity and stability , Positive real function Elementary synthesis procedures. UNIT-III Synthesis of one port networks with two kinds of elements: Properties of L- C immittance functions, synthesis of L-C Driving point impedances, properties of R-C impedances or R-L , admittances properties of R-L impedances and R-C admittances synthesis of certain R-L-C functions. UNIT-IV Passive network Synthesis: Positive real function, driving point and Transfer impedance function, necessary conditions for driving pt & transfer function L-C network, synthesis of dissipative network, two terminal RL and RC networks. UNIT-V Active networks: State Variable theory, operation of amplifier circuits, Active RC synthesis, stability of active network, filter design. Suggested Readings: a. Acive Integrated circuit synthesis, By:- Robert W. Newcomb. b. Network Analysis & Synthesis, By:- Franklin F. Kuo.

EE-413-5, Power Plant Instrumentation 3 1

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P 0 4 Credits

UNIT I General scope of Instrumentation Measurements on Boiler Plant, Turbo generator Plant and nuclear Reactors. UNIT- II Fuel Measurement and various types of weighters Pressure Measurement capsules, Bellows and Diaphragm gauges The Boundon Tube Pressures gauge Pressure Transducers. UNIT-III Temperature Measurements Steam and waterflow measurements Gas analysis Meters smoke Measurements of in purities in feed water and steam. UNIT- IV Transducers for remote position and control. Calibration and testing of Instrumentation and connected equipment, Data loggers and computers.

EE-413-6, Reliability Engineering 3

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Theory Paper III

L T P 1 0 4 Credits

UNIT- I Basic probability theory, review of concepts, probability distributions. Markov processes, State Transition Matrix and state Transition Diagram. UNIT- II


Definition of Reliability, general reliability function, evaluation of reliability using state enumeration. Tie set and cut set method. Reliability indices from state transition matrix and state transition diagrams . UNIT- III Models for generation system reliability evaluation, loss of load indices, energy indices, frequency and duration methods . Reliability evaluation of two area interconnected system. Conditional probability approach for reliability evaluation of a generation-transmission system . UNIT-IV Transmission system reliability evaluation using average interruption rate method and frequency and duration methods . Evaluation of interruption indices for radial distribution systems . Introduction to protective system reliability evaluation. Suggested Readings: 1. Billington, Ringley & Wood, Power System Reliability Calculation, MIT Press. 2. Endeerny, J, Reliability Modelling in Power System, John Wiley, NY. EE-414, Switchgear and Protection Lab

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Practical Paper - I

L T P Credits 0 0 2

Based on course work corresponding EE 402 EE-415, Elective II Lab

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII- Semester Practical Paper - II

L T P Credits 0 0 2

Based on course work corresponding EE - 412 EE 416, SEMINAR LTP Credit 0 02 EE 417 Major Project (Part -II) 2

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII Semester

B.TECH. IV Year, VIII Semester

L T P Credit 0 02 10


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