Week 30 Newsletter

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Apostles Lutheran School Junior Kindergarten

April 2, 2012
e - ma i l : w c r o f t s @ A p o s t l e s S J . o r g

Its time to register to the next school year. The registration deadline for returning families to hold your childs spot for next year is Friday, April 6. Please visit the school website for additional information.

Mrs. Crofts Classroom Newsletter

Zoo-Phonics News
It will be a wacky week with Willie weasel. We could even end up with a wacky Wednesday. Attached are the reading charts for April. You are not required to read every day since there are only 20 boxes. The days of the week listed at the top of the chart are only suggested days because I dont like the way it looks to keep it blank. Remember the goal is 10-20 minutes of someone reading to your child per day. These charts are due no sooner than April 21, and no later than April 30.

This week you have a few more opportunities to join us for worship. Maundy Thursday services are at 5 and 7 PM with a chili supper from 5:30-6:30 PM. Good Friday services will be held at 2 and 7 PM on Friday. The 2PM service features songs from each of the grade levels of school children-excepting Jr. Kindergarten. You are welcome and encouraged to attend these special worship services in preparation for the glorious celebration of Easter.

Other Classroom News

If you do not have a church home please consider joining us for our Easter celebration services. The times are noted to the right. You are also welcome to enjoy a light brunch that is served between services.

Well continue to discuss that very busy Easter Sunday with Jesus appearances to Mary Magdalene. We will use the rest of the week to review the events of Holy Week. In math well be introduced to the quarter as well as working with numbers and pattern blocks.

I pray that you enjoy a wonderful Easter vacation next week. Gods blessings on your celebration of the new life our Savior won for each of us that first Good Friday and Easter!

Upcoming Events

April 5: Maundy Thursday Service 5/7 PM Chili Supper 5:30-6:30 April 6: Good Friday Service 2 PM, 7PM

Easter Services 7:30, 8:45,

April 8:

11:15 AM; Brunch served

between services
April 9-13 No SchoolEaster Vacation April 27: Teacher Collaboration MeetingNo Hot Lunch Available April 28: Wheels On Workshop 10 AM (Just in case you need a little assistance assembling your Pine-Wood Derby car.) April 29: Kindergarten Classes Sing early service

He has risen! Hallelujah!

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