The Christian Messenger: April 1, 2012

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April 1, 2012

The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ 115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130
740-654-0626 e-mail [email protected]

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunrise Service 7:00am Easter Breakfast 8:00am Sunday School 9:15am Morning Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 6:00pm
A note to our congregation Glens departure has happened much faster than we had anticipated. This will be a challenging time for them as well as for our church family. Please keep everyone in your prayers. Now more than ever we need to work together and we need adults to volunteer to assist with all current ministries we offer! Our biggest staffing challenge appears to be in our Sunday morning Hosanna ministry. After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, the Elders and I have evaluated what our biggest needs are at the Fifth Avenue Church of Christ. It is our desire to hire two individuals who will serve this congregation on a part-time basis. We are seeking to hire a part-time Childrens Minister and a part-time Worship and Outreach Minister. As for our teen ministry, we plan to fill this void with a volunteer staff. We will keep you up to date with our hiring process as it unfolds. Again, we thank you for praying that God will lead us as we seek to better reach the community of Lancaster for Christ. In His Service, Brad Seevers

Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister Glen Shady Youth Minister (740-438-5257) Sunday Services 1 Worship 8:00 a.m. 2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.

Love God and Love People


Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Family Reunion (03/28) Weekly Budget Budget Received Keenagers Jan Foss Memorial 87 92 100 192 45 49 $ 4,633.00 $ 4,891.10 $ 172.00 $ 545.00


KEENAGERS RETREAT: This annual one day retreat will be held at Round Lake on Tuesday, April 10. This years featured speaker is Mark Taylor, the Editor of Christian Standard. The registration fee of $26 includes a continental breakfast, lunch and supper. I am suggesting $3 per person for travel. Our departure will be at 7 AM. A sign-up sheet is posted and you will find registration forms posted as well. Complete the registration form and return it to me along with your fee. (Checks may be made to Round Lake Christian Camp.) I must know, by April 4, how many are going. WEDNESDAYS: Our 10:00 am and 6:30 pm study groups will resume on April 4. We will, either, be having a final lesson on the Inter-Testament Period, or will launch a study on II and III John. SUNDAY EVENINGS IN THE SANCTUARY: This week, we will be having a Mystery Speaker. Next Sunday evening, April 8, we will be returning to the series on The Hard Sayings of Paul. The theme, at that time, will be Who Is Worse Than An Unbeliever? The text is found in I Timothy 5:8. The following week, April 15, the theme is All Things For Good (Romans 8:25). I invite you to join us for these 6:00 PM services each week. (Communion is available.) SENIOR SAINTS IN THE SMOKIES: May 28 through June 1 is the date we have reserved for attending this gathering in Knoxville, Tenn. This is a great event, designed for those 55 and older. I have registration brochures available. I do need to know, as soon as possible, if there are those interested in attending. Please let me hear from you. FINAL THOUGHT: The Bible tells us to love our neighbors and our enemies. Could it be that they are the same people?


(one combined worship at 10:00 a.m.) At the Table Serving Pastor of the week PM Deacon Tom Puckett and Nick Hinson Tim Huffman, Neal Rudolph, Dale Thornton, Ned Tomlinson Tom Puckett Tim Huffman

COMMUNION PREPARATION 10:00 Service GREETERS 10:00 Service NURSERY Sunday School 10:00 Service Sunday School Helper VISITOR CENTER 10:00 Service SECURITY Bible School 10:00 Service Evening Worship

Fred Griffith

Dick and Marg Shumaker

Margie Ayers and Hannah Ross Nick and Tracy Hinson Carolyn May

Bev Puckett

Bill Kelly Mike Bussey Dick Shumaker

If you will be graduating from High School or College this Spring, please let the church office know.

Mens Trap Shoot

Saturday, April 21st at 5:00 p.m. (Rain or Shine!)

WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus on loving God, loving people, and turning the world upside down.

Sunday School Classes for All Ages

Classes at 9:15 unless noted Nursery (Birth through 3 years old) Jesus Loves Me Room 102 Courtney Beiter, Coordinator Young Children (Ages 4 through 2nd Grade) Who is Jesus? Room 101 Deborah Will, Teacher Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades) Be Wise and Trust God in His Power Room 106 Sheri Puckett, Teacher Junior and Senior High Acts of the Apostles Room 301 Nick Hinson, Teacher Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.) Genesis Room 214 Cassie Bull, Teacher Ladies Class Women of the Bible Room 209 Beverly Puckett, Teacher Mens Class The Names of God Room 205 Tom Puckett, Teacher Adult Class Curious 202 Fellowship Hall Brad Seevers, Teacher Harmony Adult Class God Establishes a Faithful People Room 204 Dave Tingler, Teacher Philothean Adult Class Parables Room 108 Jim Love, Teacher Adult Class Apologetics Room 214 Glen Shady, Teacher

We are happy you chose to worship with us today. We hope you return next week and bring your friends with you. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out a Silent Roll Call Card, located on the back of the pew, you can then place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you. For more information about our great church, contact our minister, Brad Seevers at [email protected] or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a great week and may God bless your life.

Joy In Christ
A Bible-study on the Book of Philippians

Every Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Led by Scott Brown Location: Larry & Phyllis Busseys 150 King Street


Mens Fraternity
What Men Need to Hear

Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

Led by Brad Seevers Location: FACC Fellowship Hall

Pastor of the Week Tom Puckett

Core Values...
Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are:

Christ-Centered Worship
We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through grace-based preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16).

Church Health and Biblical Balance

Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmony & live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)

Global Evangelism
We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and Soon-Coming King (Acts 20:27).

Fellowship and Ministry

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip them to find a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also want His church to be the living evidence of His love and power to the world.

How Can I respond today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on all issues. We believe that Gods Word is clear concerning what a person must do to become a Christian. Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit into your life. To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that you come forward during our commitment song at the conclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believers are welcome to become members at FACC by coming forward on Sunday morning or by seeing our Senior Minister to discuss this further. We ask that you complete a series of Curious classes to help you better understand what you are committing to as a member.

We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. In other words, we want to see the things you are taught actually change your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

Social Conscience
We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Biblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).


Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


To Love God and Love People!


At the Table 1st Larry Bussey and Dick Shumaker Dale Rose, Jack Hardwick, Serving 1st Carmel Marsh, Don Taylor Larry Bussey and Ned Tomlinson At the Table 2nd Dale Rose, Rod Troutman, Serving 2nd Mike Bussey, Josh Czich Larry Bussey Pastor of the week Dale Rose PM Deacon COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship 2nd Worship GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship

Vacation Bible School

June 11-15, 2012 There will be a meeting for everyone interested in helping with VBS on Sunday, April 15th following the 2nd Worship Hour.

Larry King Fred Griffith

Ruth Andrews and Jeanne Noble George and Alberta Ellis

Reta Conrad and Laura Wersell Tracy Eldridge and Marie Huffman Norma Holtom

Sunday School Helper VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Shirley Alexander Kim Seevers

Paul Alexander Ray Coats George Lambert Jim Puckett

If you have noticed our military board, you will know how many heroes we have in our church family. Since we need to honor our boys and girls we will have a military hero of the month and we ask the congregation to send cards and letters, and a care package will be sent to our hero of the month. The hero for April is Mark Conrad, the grandson of Ralph and Reta Conrad. Marks address and a list of the supplies needed for the care package are posted on the bulletin board by the drinking fountain and the supplies can be placed in the basket in Room 214.

Easter Flowers
This year we will not be taking orders for Easter flowers. If you would like to remember or honor a loved one at this time, we will be making cards with their name on it. The card will then be placed in front of a wooden cross. The cards are available for a donation of $5.00. The money raised will go into the Easter offering. Orders will be taken today in the parlor. If you have questions please call Beverly Puckett at 654-4472.

Mens Fraternity Event

Columbus Clippers vs. Toledo Mudhens April 24th at 6:30 PM Cost: $12 Must purchase tickets from Brad by April 8th

Thursday, April 12th at 6:00 p.m.

Ladies Movie Night

We will be watching the 1953 version of Titanic starring Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb. Bring your favorite finger food to share. Drinks will be provided.

Today .
Blood Pressure Checks
(in outer office)

The Easter offering is designated for IDES (International Disaster Emergency Service) for relief for the recent tornado victims. You can read more about the work of IDES at

Mark your calendar

Congratulations to Katie Souders, Gideon Brown, Andrew Brown, and Esther Wersell for 150 points in their Upper Elementary Sunday School Class. We so appreciate your efforts in Bible Memory Work, Faithful Attendance and bringing your Bible to class. Enjoy those well-earned Gift Cards. ~Teacher: Sherri Puckett

Sunday, April 8th Carriage Court Service, 2pm Tuesday, April 17th Dorcas Society Meeting, noon Wednesday, April 18th Elders Meeting, 7:30pm

Its A Baby Shower!

For Miranda and Haylea Knoellinger Sunday, April 22, 2012 ~ 2:00 p.m. In the church fellowship hall. All ladies are invited to attend!

Prayer Requests

Ron Ogden Liz Reed Our Troops Stacy Byers

Sharon Britch Roger Davis Don Taylor George Miller Wib Sparks

Ed and Norma George Dorothy Herman Mark Hartman George Andrews Gerry Cox

Phyllis Bussey Wanda Dickson Aaron Marshall Debbie Wright

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