St. Philip Neri Parish: Palm Sunday April 1, 2012

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16 Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383 Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.


Palm Sunday April 1, 2012

Oper. Rice Bowl Reflection:

The Passion

Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Church Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am Church Mon. thru Thurs.: 8:00am Paulist Ctr. Chapel Friday: 12:10pm Paulist Ctr. Chapel Saturday: 8:00am Paulist Ctr. Chapel Reconciliation at 5:00pm on Saturdays in Church

As we reflect on the passion of Christ, we remember that more than 44 million people in the United States are living in poverty. While 75% of our gifts to Operation Rice Bowl support Catholic Relief Services programs around the world, 25% of our contributions remain in our diocese to support local hunger and poverty alleviation efforts. Your prayers, fasting, learning, and almsgiving through Operation Rice Bowl make a significant difference in the lives of people in our own community and in communities around the world. Collection for Rice Bowls is April 15th. You may put your Rice Bowl in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office.

Office Hours
CLOSED Monday Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Parish Staff
Pastor & Director of the NW Paulist Ctr. Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x.117 [email protected] Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x.111 [email protected] Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x.109 [email protected] Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x.107 [email protected] Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x. 103 [email protected] Parish Secretary & Bulletin Editor Mercy Rossi, x.101 [email protected] Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila [email protected]

High School Confirmation Schedule

Apr. 22 Retreat: 11:45a3:30p (sponsors/parent attends) Apr. 29: Confirmation Liturgy, 4m @ Holy Family

First Eucharist Schedule

Rehearsal is on Saturday, April 14th at 12:30pm. First Holy Communion is on Sunday, April 15th.

Easter Mass Schedule

Holy Thursday Mass: 7:00pm Church Good Friday Service: 7:00pm Church Holy Saturday Liturgy: 8:30pm Church Easter Sunday Liturgies: 8:30am & 10:30am Church

Palm Sunday April 1, 2012

This Weeks Calendar and Mass Intentions
Monday April 2 8:00am Mass ( Jane Kolongowski) Chapel Tuesday April 3 8:00am Mass ( Eulalia Rossetto) Chapel Wednesday April 4 8:00am Mass (for those in need of healing) Chapel Holy Thursday April 5 7:00pm Mass ( Eddy Valpiani <B> on 4/6) Church Good Friday April 6 7:00pm Service Church Holy Saturday April 7 8:30pm Mass (Bob & Mary Palmer <A>) Church Easter Sunday April 8 8:30am Mass (People of the Parish) Church 10:30am Mass ( Jane Kolongowski) Church 10:30am Deaf Community Mass Chapel Call the office if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death or marriage, birthday, etc. Church cleaning, April 28: Laurel Gonzalez, Karen Semprevivo, and Star Studonivic

Easter Flowers

April Calendar
Date April 1 Sunday April 1 Sunday April 3 Tuesday April 5 Holy Thurs. April 6 Good Fri. April 7 Holy Sat. April 8 Easter Sun. April 10 Tuesday April 11 Wednesday April 14 Saturday April 15 Sunday April 15 Sunday April 22 Sunday Event Palm Sunday Family Gathering/Palm Sunday Readers theater Communion Service (no morning Mass) Holy Thurs. Liturgy (no afternoon Mass) Good Friday Service (no morning Mass) Holy Saturday Vigil 8:30am Mass 10:30am Mass Adoration in Paulist Ctr. Chapel Pastoral Council Meeting First Communion Rehearsal French Toast Breakfast great food, good company, great prices First Communion Confirmation Retreat Location/Time Church 8:30am & 10:30am Carvlin Hall

If you are interested in contributing to the Easter Memorial Flowers, please feel free to put your money-offering in an envelope, mark it Easter Flowers, write to whom it is dedicated and who it is from. The envelope can be placed in the regular Offertory basket, taken to the office, sent to the office, or given to Rose Wolfe or Barbara Harrison.

Come Home for Easter

A parishioner has come up with the idea and will be sending personal cards inviting dormant Catholic family members and friends, as well as former parishioners to "Come Home for Easter" at St. Philip Neri Parish. If anyone else would like some cards to send to family or friends on your own, please contact Fr. Charlie, letting him know how many cards you would like.

Courtyard Senior Living at 10:30am Church 7:00pm Church 7:00pm Church 8:30pm Church 8:30am & 10:30am Paulist Center 9:00am-5:00pm Paulist Center 7:00pm Church 12:30pm Carvlin Hall after 8:30am & 10:30am Masses Church 10:30am Carvlin Hall 11:45am-3:30pm

Volunteers Needed for Parish Office

We are looking for temporary volunteers to help answer phones in the Parish Office until the Secretary/Receptionist positions are filled. We especially need a volunteer with database entry experience. If this opportunity is of interest to you, please contact Jeanne or Fr. Charlie at the Parish Office.

Book Sale Last Weekend

WOW! Thank you for helping the Book Sale to earn approximately $800.00. We had a lot of fun and we still have some books for the next sale!

Good Friday Way of the Cross

St. Philip Neri Church will be a Station on the neighborhood ecumenical Way of the Cross. The time for SPN parishioners to meet the procession at Ladd's Circle and the time for the Station at SPN will be announced at

the Masses on Palm Sunday.

April 29 Sunday

Confirmation Liturgy

Holy Family Church at 4:00pm

Palm Sunday April 1, 2012

Pastoral Corner
Called to be Prophets Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP Did you know that you are called to be a prophet? Yes, each of us who are baptized were anointed by the Holy Spirit to be a prophet. What does it mean to be a prophet? Its NOT about telling the future; but being a prophet is to follow in the great tradition of the Old Testament prophets, and finally to follow Jesus, the greatest prophet, and more than a prophet; he is the Son of God through whom we are reborn. But back to being a prophet. The Prophet Isaiah declares, The Lord God has given me a well-trained tongue, that I might know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear...[Isaiah 50:4-5] Notice that the prophet has been gifted to speak Gods Word, which he has first listened to (morning after morning) It is not the prophets own word but Gods word that he speaks, and it is given to him because he listens. What does it mean for us to speak a word to the weary? It means discerning the words that are just right for our listeners, so that they too may be enabled to hear the Word of God day by day. It means speaking it with a sensitivity and love that will enable them to discern through our words and kindness the word from God which is truly life- giving. How would we dare to offer ourselves to speak Gods Word, unless we had first been called to rebirth through reconciliation with God given to us through Jesus Christ? How would we know a word to speak that would rouse Faith in another, unless we have given our hearts ears to prayerful listening to the Word in Scripture? And unless, with the help of the Spirit we have done the best we could to embrace the Word in Scripture by putting that Word into practice. Especially by making charity (love) the foundation of our actions. In this way our tongues will be well-trained to know what to do and say so that we and others will be moved to follow Jesus day after day. So, then, we are all called to be Prophets, speaking Gods Word, and making love of him and love of neighbor the keystone of our daily lives. Then we will know that we have carried out our Spirit-driven Baptismal mission.

Parish Pastoral Council Nominations

Are you ready to serve? Are you interested in getting deeply involved with the work of St Philip Neri Parish? Then consider using your God-given talents and serving on the Pastoral Council. The Council advises and assists Father Charlie on ministries, programs and other important activities of the Parish. This year four seats are up for election. Pastoral Council candidates must be registered, active and concerned members of the Parish who would like to further the mission of the Church in southeast Portland. Currently we meet on the second Wednesday of the month generally from 7-8:30pm. Candidates must be 18 years old, of good judgment and dedicated to the faith. Nomination forms will be in the back of the Church on March 31-April 1 and April 7-8. Pray on this matter and consider either becoming a candidate or nominating someone you believe to be a good potential member. More on the Council. The Council is a Spirit-led body that meets monthly with the Pastor to discuss issues of importance to the Parish, to make recommendations to the Pastor, serve on committees, attend and participate in Parish activities, and assist at some Parish functions. All parishioners are welcome and invited to attend meetings and are asked to assist the Council in studying issues that impact the parish and helping to plan and run undertakings. We are dedicated to being a beacon in southeast Portland and modeling the modern Catholic Church to others in our community. So, pick up a form, reflect on this matter and let the Spirit guide you.

Repair Work on Church

Next Sundays Scripture Readings

Easter Sunday (April 8) Acts 10:34a, 3743 | Col 3:14 or 1 Cor 5:6b8| Jn 20:19 or Mk 16:17

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