21 Day Challenge Workbook

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The key takeaways are that implementing a new positive habit for 21 days can help make it a permanent change, and setting specific and achievable goals along with having a support system are important for staying motivated.

Some tips for staying motivated discussed are setting specific and achievable goals, getting a 'success buddy' for accountability, and making goals that are not too difficult initially.

Setting specific goals helps provide a clear plan and measurable steps to achieve overall goals. It also helps with following through on actions needed to succeed.



-Are You Ready for the 21-Day Challenge?

Do you feel you've fallen off the wagon with your diet and health
Are you sitting on the fence, knowing what you SHOULD be doing but not
having the guts to go about it wholeheartedly?
Do you have problems making something a habit, like daily exercise?
Are there at least some ways in which you could improve your health
and life by creating a new positive habit?
If you've answered yes to at least one of the questions above, you're in
for some amazing changes.
You see, I've realized over the years that it can be very hard to create
new positive habits if they are not reinforced *every day*.
It's been found that it only takes 21 days to create and implement a
new positive habit!
Start your own 21-Day Challenge, using the tools provided in this book.
You will be amazed by what you can accomplish.


4 Secrets for Staying Motivated

One of the biggest problems most people face is keeping the motivation to
stick with any diet or exercise program, or other positive habit. It could be one
of several things, such as:
- Staying on the diet you know is best for you.
- Giving your body the daily exercise it needs.
- Improving your exercise routine by adding new elements to it.
- Getting enough sleep.
- Staying organized and focused.
- Completing projects.
- Applying the information you've paid to learn!
I've found over the years that while reading a book or going to a seminar might
give you a quick boost of inspiration, it's usually not enough to do the necessary
steps day after day to REALLY get the results that you desire. It's one thing to
KNOW what to do, but it's another thing to actually DO it! So here are some
important secrets for staying motivated, no matter what you try to
#1: Set Your Intentions
You need to set specific intentions (or goals) that will help you get where you
want to go. For example, just saying that you want to get in shape will only
get you so far. You want to have specific, measurable steps that will help you
get there, such as:
- Do at least 10 minutes of cardio every day.
- Go to a yoga class once a week.
- Go to the gym at least twice a week.
By taking each of your big goals (getting in shape, eating a raw-food diet or
eating well, etc.) and breaking them down into specific intentions that are
ACTIONS you can take either once or on an ongoing basis, you will have a great
plan to help you succeed. You also need to write them down.
#2: Make Your Intentions Achievable
The problem most people make when they set their intentions is they make
them too difficult to achieve! They say, I'm gonna run everyday for 30
minutes when they haven't been doing it for months!
Here's an important piece of wisdom: Goals that are set too high are
invitations for making excuses. Make your intentions small and achievable at


first. Once you've succeeded, then add to them or revise them. Don't set
yourself up for failure by making your intentions too big at first.
#3: Get a Success Buddy
Ok, you may have a clear idea of what you need to do. You may have even
written down your intentions as I described above. But when YOU are the only
source of motivation, what may happen is that you won't take it seriously
enough and won't FOLLOW THROUGH.
So the next secret is you need to be accountable to somebody for following
through on your intentions. You need a success buddy, or a coach, or both!
A success buddy is a person with whom you share your intentions and who
shares his or her intentions with you.
That way you are accountable to somebody. Your success buddy can be your
best friend, your spouse, or just an Internet buddy. But what's important is that
you check with her on a regular basis.
In your meetings, either in person, by phone or by e-mail, you'll check in with
each other to find out how you followed through with your intentions, and what
you intend to do to improve before your next meeting.
NOTE: My upcoming program Raw Health Mastermind, will feature a service
that will allow you to find your own success buddy to help you succeed with
your goals.
#4: Get Ongoing Support
You may be thinking to yourself, Wow, this makes a lot of sense, and then do
nothing about it. Why? You need more support. You need ongoing support.
The best athletes in the world have coaches. The best artists in the world have
teachers. Even the best trainers in the world have their own trainers.
Even if you're not a top-athlete, you also need ongoing support. There are
several sources of support available, such as:
- Coaching programs, such as the upcoming Raw Health Mastermind.
- E-Zines and publications such as Pure Health & Nutrition
- Live seminars or teleseminars.
- Internet forums.
- Online programs that offer support.


The beauty of coaching is that your coach will not only help you succeed with
your goals and intentions, but will also help you *celebrate* all the progress
you've made already, which we often tend to forget! Whenever you can, get
the support you need to help you succeed, in your health or in your life. You
will be surprised by how far you can go.

Implementing New Positive Habits

Now, youre going to decide how to improve 3 positive habits over the
next 21 days.
First, you have to decide what your 3 Habits are going to be.
About Your Habits, Remember the Following:
Achievable: If you set your mind to it, your chances of succeeding should
be at least 9 out of 10. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting your
target too high!
Measurable: Your habits should be easily measurable, not general or
vague. For example: 15 minutes of cardio exercise per day is good, but
not exercise more often.
Daily: Your habit should be something that you're going to repeat every
day. For example, it could be drinking 1 quart of green smoothie every
day but NOT go to the gym at least 2 times a week.
Habit: The whole purpose of this is to implement NEW habits into your
life, so it is important to set targets that you can achieve. It's better to
get in the habit of exercising just 15 minutes every day, and then later
increase it to 30 minutes, rather than try to exercise 30 minutes right
away and fail. It's making it a HABIT that is important.
Challenge: Your habits should challenge you to go out of your comfort
zone. Ask yourself, What is the one thing that would benefit me the
most but that I'm afraid, or too lazy to do?
Commitment: Don't write anything down unless you absolutely commit to
doing it. Once you decide to join this program, there's no quitting.
There's no sitting on the fence. That's why I want to emphasize the fact
that you should make your intentions


Your Three Positive Habits

You will choose 3 positive habits, in 3 different areas:
1- Diet and Nutrition: Here are some examples, Eat at least 2 raw
meals everyday, Give up coffee, Drink at least 1 quart of green
smoothie everyday, Eat no more than 1 small avocado, Eat 100%
raw, Eat only fruits and vegetables with no fat, etc.
2- Exercise and Fitness: Here are some examples, the first one being
one we would recommend, Exercise at least 15 minutes every day. Go
for a 30 minute walk every day, Do at least 50 push-ups every day,
Do at least 20 minutes of yoga every day, etc.
3- Other Lifestyle Factor. Your habits in this area should be really easy
to achieve. In this category, we include other aspects of health such as
sleep, meditation, mental poise, self-care and balance, spirituality and
devotion, etc.
Here are some examples, Go to bed before midnight every day, Go to
bed before 11 p.m. every day,, Meditate for at least 10 minutes every
day, Do positive affirmations every morning, Read at least 5 pages of
an inspirational book, Pray every day, Write at least 1 paragraph in
my personal journal every day, Take a walk in nature every day for at
least 10 minutes, etc.


Make a Commitment!
---> Please take a moment to decide what your intentions are going to
be, and write them down below.
I also want you to sign this below, as if it were an important contract. It
MY NAME__________________________________
MY THREE POSITIVE HABITS, for my 21-Day Challenge, starting on
______________ (decide a date, and mark it in your calendar)

Diet & Nutrition:

Exercise & Fitness:
Other Lifestyle Factors:
I HEREBY commit to completing this 21-Day Challenge, using the workbook
everyday to help me in my progress.


Your Success Buddy

Another thing: I would like you to you to find one person who can join
you for this 21-Day Challenge.
Why is this important? Let's face it, you will greatly increase your
chances for success when you team up with a buddy someone who
holds you accountable daily and supports you in your process.
Think of the people that support you in your life. Choose someone who
celebrates your successes when they happen. That is your ideal buddy.
NAME OF MY BUDDY: _________________________________________

How to Use this Workbook

! Print this workbook, and place it in a binder for easy reference.
! Read the theme article for each week at the beginning of the week.
! Use the workbook everyday.
! At the beginning of each day, write down your 3 positive habits youre
working on (yes, I do want you to write them down everyday!), and then write
down your top-priorities for the day. This will give you a greater focus for the
! At the end of the day (before going to bed), write down 5 successes youve
experienced that day, now matter how big or small they are! If you cant find
anything, lower your standards.
! Also write down 3 things you would have done differently today.
! Take some time to review the previous days.
! Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your life. We all have been
blessed with many gifts.
! Dont forget to read the inspirational quotes each day!


Week 1
The first step to succeed in any endeavor is to make a commitment. If you are
to get anything accomplished you must first make a commitment to the task.
Have you ever really achieved anything without first deciding to put in the time
and effort to get it done?
This is true whether you are talking about learning the alphabet or learning to
ski. You must first make up your mind to do it and then go through the steps
necessary to achieve that particular goal.
Having an interest in improving your health and well-being is not the same as
making a commitment to the changes necessary to bring about the changes you
desire. There's a difference between interest and commitment.
When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances
permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only
A true commitment is a heart felt promise to yourself, from which you will not
back down, no matter what the circumstances may be!
So when you set out, implement a new positive habit, ask yourself what is your
level of commitment. On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you range?

1 would be having no desire whatsoever to do anything.

10 would be being ready to do whatever it takes. Ill accomplish this no

matter what, or I will die trying!

Does that sound hard to do? Read on, as Ill give you some suggestions as how
to generate that kind of level of commitment.
When it comes to health and wellness in general, and physical exercise in
particular, many people have good intentions and dreams. But, only a few are
willing to commit to what is necessary to achieve them.
Are you ready to make a commitment to live a healthier lifestyle? If you
answer is yes, I want to ask you a few questions to test your commitment level.
I need you to be honest with your answers. In fact, why dont you write down
your answers? Here it goes.



What are your health and fitness goals?


How badly do you want to achieve your health and fitness goals?


What will achieving those goals mean to you?


What price are you willing to pay to make this happen?


Do you believe you can make the necessary changes to improve your life?

If you had a hard time finding answers to these questions, then it means you
need to ask yourself more questions.
The ability to achieve your goals and dreams will be determined by the level to
which you are willing to commit. To generate that kind of commitment, you
first must open yourself to the idea of change.
Its hard to come up with a high level of commitment out of the blue. This is
the result of a process which starts by saying, Im open to change! As your
level of inspiration grows, your potential for commitment will also grow.


What is Commitment?
Think for a moment about athletes or performers in any field. Think of the
endless hours of practice and training day after day, week after week, month
after month, and year after year. Think of the sacrifices the best athletes and
performers make; the lack of a social life; the defeats and sometimes setbacks.
It is their commitment that enables them to make the sacrifices and meet the
challenges to achieve success. They remain committed and over time they are
rewarded with success.
You could make a commitment to your physical well-being today. Physical
fitness may be the ultimate investment opportunity. Think of it this way. If you
are willing to make the commitment you will feel and look healthier. You will
have an abundance of energy and be more self-confident. You will become
more productive and discover a more joyous and fulfilling life.
These are rewards that money cannot buy they are the rewards of your
commitment. The commitment to exercise becomes even more attractive when
you consider there is absolutely no downside. You have everything to gain and
nothing to lose.
But anything you try to achieve that is worthwhile, will meet with resistance.
This resistance can take the form of family friends, advisers, self-doubt, selfdefeating habits, lack of money, peer-pressure and many other unforeseen
circumstances. When resistance comes, hold fast to your commitment.
Here are a few situations that sometimes inhibit a persons willingness to "step
out" and make a change or take a chance:




Sometimes you lose track of what is really important. Forget about the less
important activities that tend to clutter your daily routine and focus on
exactly what needs to be accomplished to reach your goal.
Looking at the "big" picture can seem overwhelming. And the bigger the
task, the more overwhelming it can seem. Break the task apart into smaller
pieces. If you want to lose 50 pounds try losing 10 pounds and repeat the
process five times! Do you need to start an exercise program? Begin with
short, simple exercises and then slowly expand your routine. Don't exercise
too hard when first starting-out or you will become stiff, tired, disillusioned
and soon quit.
Take the first step; acknowledge the fear and the next step will come
easier. Once fears are acknowledged, they usually quiet down.
There are days when we just plain lack the enthusiasm and motivation to
continue. It's part of human nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are
doing it. What do you want your life to be like in the future? There are many
tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are necessary to live a
happy and productive life. Stay committed.




Make a decision. Indecision can be defeating, but doing "anything" is better

than doing nothing. There are no wrong choices and very few choices that
can't be undone or done again. Can't decide on a particular exercise program
or routine? Pick a few exercises and start with something simple. If you don't
like it, go on to the next exercise.

To reap the benefits of healthy eating, exercise or any other health related
endeavor, you must agree to become a willing participant. You must commit
yourself. This will require diligence and commitment on your part.
Keep in mind as you embark on your mission that you are investing in
something near and dear to your own heart - your life and a future of healthy
To give you an idea of the level of commitment I am talking about I will tell
you about Kevin, a 34-year-old technician for a large corporation. Kevin always
dreamed of being an athlete and following in the footsteps of his older brother
who was a champion athlete.
But Kevin had a problem: He had severe cerebral palsy. In spite of that, he
could ride a tricycle by using his left arm to grip the handlebar and his left leg
to peddle.
One day Kevin learned about an around the world bike trip, he signed up to
ride the final 3,000 miles. During the 50-day ride from Los Angeles to
Washington, D.C., Kevin fell two, three, and sometimes four times a day. Each
time, he picked himself up and kept going. He had made a commitment to
complete the ride.
By the time he got to St. Louis, Kevin could hardly walk. Two days before the
end of the trip, Kevin slammed into the back of another bike and went flying
through the air and hit the ground. He sustained a severe injury.
Blood gushed from his forehead and the medical team wanted to take him out
of the ride, but he refused. Kevin struggled through the last three miles of the
day and that night received 12 stitches. He had already received 30 or 40
stitches over the course of the trip.
On the final day, Kevin rode triumphantly into Washington, D.C., with his
teammates and his brother. Now Kevin circles the state of Michigan every
summer to raise funds and awareness for individuals with cerebral palsy. Thats
Commitment means that what you thought was impossible is now possible for
you. It means that frustration and failure become building blocks instead of


stumbling blocks. Commitment means you will do what you set out to do,
whether the odds are in your favor or not.
Make the commitment today that will lead you on the path to the healthy
lifestyle you deserve. Take the challenge now.




Wheresoever you go, go with

all your heart.
Co nf u ci us

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



To have striven, to have

made the effort, to have been
true to certain ideals - this
alone is worth the struggle.
Si r Wil lia m Os le r

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________




The best way to predict the

future is to invent it.
A lan Ka y

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________




Excellence is to do a common
thing in an uncommon way.
Bo o ke r T. W as hin gto n

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________




Don't compromise yourself.

You are all you've got.
J ani s Jo pli n

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________




Effort only full releases its

reward after a person refuses
to quit.
Nap ol eo n Hil l

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________




You may have to fight a

battle more than once to win
Ma r ga r et Th a tche r

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



Week 2
Pushing Your Limits
I am always impressed and inspired by those who push the limits and achieve
their dreams. These people tend to reach or go well beyond their goals because
they see limits as opportunities.
One thing these people have in common is an adamant belief in themselves and
an indestructible ability to always think positively and find a way around
obstacles. These are the people who have learned to push the limits by
challenging themselves to keep going, especially when the going gets tough.
They are always open to change and are willing to go beyond what is
Are you willing to push the limits? Are you ready to know the joy of setting,
reaching and going beyond your health and fitness goals? Will you commit
yourself to do what is necessary to succeed? This, of course involves going
beyond your comfort zone and being willing to keep going, keep pushing, keep
on following the path you know will ultimately lead to success.
Think FIT
When it comes to physical fitness I suggest that you think FIT.
FIT - F.I.T. is an acronym for Frequency, Intensity, and Time. Frequency
means you must put yourself on a set schedule of physical exercise. After you
have adjusted to the schedule it is time to Intensify, which means you must
push yourself to step up your routine. Time involves increasing the amount of
time you engage in a particular aspect of your routine. In taking these steps
you are beginning to Push Your Limits.
Let me share with you some proven techniques to help you set and go beyond
your goals. These
methods will enable you to push the limits in every area of your life. Here



Continue working on your positive habits. Use this workbook, and join a
support-coaching group such as the Raw Health Mastermind (coming in April).
Each night make a list of the things you want to accomplish the following
day before you go to bed. This helps your subconscious mind to start
working on the list, and it will also clear your mind for the night. This list
gives you a starting point for the day and will keep you from becoming
overwhelmed because you know what you need to accomplish.
Exercise daily. It will make you feel more energized throughout my day.





Plan your meals. This is probably the most overlooked area in most peoples
fitness and daily routines. You may include this plan on your night before
to do list. At the very least, make a quick mental note of what youll be
eating and make sure you have sufficient quantities of fruits and vegetables
in your house. If not, plan to go buy more.
Jot down 5 things that went well over the course of each day and 5 things
you would have done differently. I suggest you do this immediately before
writing your list of to do items for the next day. Reflect on each item
mentally. Only write down the things you really need to take from any
experience. This will show you what you have accomplished each day. Also,
it shows you the things that did not go so well and gives you time to think of
how to correct them.

Pushing your limits involves expanding into new areas in your life, making
changes, and making progress towards your dreams and goals. To do this you
have to move out of our comfort zone. It is normal to experience fear and
insecurity. We grow and see success as we face the fear and do what we
committed to anyway.
The Comfort Zone
The greatest growth in life comes from pushing through your present comfort
zone. Let me give you an example of what Im saying.
A baby feels safe, warm and secure in the mothers womb. But to stay there
much longer than the gestation period would mean certain death for both the
mother and child. Life began for all of us as we left the comfort and security of
the womb and faced the strange and unfamiliar world outside.
Our first breath is often a painful experience, a cry of protest and perhaps
even temporary discomfort. Yet without this experience, our lives would have
ended minutes after birth.
Every milestone of growth and accomplishment for a young child involves
leaving an existing comfort zone. It starts with learning to roll over, to crawl,
the first step, many new, first experiences that push from the familiar into the
unknown. For the child the process of pushing through their area of comfort
leads to increasing independence and the formation of their unique personality
and character.
The same principle applies to adult life. In order to enrich your life, it is
necessary to push the limits and step out of your present comfort zone.
Personal growth occurs when a person moves out of their area of comfort and
into the unknown and accepts the challenge of a fresh experience.



In my upcoming Raw Health Mastermind program, well provide you with a

system that will help you make progress faster by stepping out of the comfort
What holds you back?
Whenever we take on a new project, or venture we often have some fear. Fear
is natural and is to be expected. Fear is the body's way of letting us know we
are moving out of our comfort zone.
Fear can warn you and enable you to be more aware and cautious, but it need
not stop your progress. If you want to move forward on the journey towards
where you want to be, you will have to confront your fears. You have to push
beyond the limits of fear. Dont allow fear to keep you from achieving your
goals and aspirations.
Push your limits. Remember the old adage - "Nothing Ventured, Nothing
Pushing through to leave your comfort zone is hard work. Nature demonstrates
this for us. Take, for example, a the chick pecking it's way out of the eggshell
or the butterfly struggling from it's cocoon. Both illustrate how struggle is
necessary in order to bring life, growth and success.
Every time you push through the limits you will never be the same because you
achieve success and a new confidence that leads to even more growth. Oliver
Wendell Holmes, Jr. United States Supreme Court Justice, once said - Man's
mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
Life moves into a new dimension through each experience of pushing the limits
and discovering new possibilities. Keep pushing through and moving toward
your goal of reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Dont put it off any
longer. You can begin today. Take the challenge. Do it now.




You can do what you have to

do, and sometimes you can do
it even better than you think
you can.
Ji m my Ca rte r

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



I'm easily satisfied with the

very best.
Win ston C hu r chi ll

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 10

I can't imagine a person

becoming a success who
doesn't give this game of life
everything he's got.
Wa l te r C ro nki te

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 11

Never leave that 'til

tomorrow which you can do
Be nja min F ra nk lin

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 12

I do the very best I know how

- the very best I can; and I
mean to keep on doing so
until the end.
A br aha m Lin co ln

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 13

Hold yourself responsible for

a higher standard than
anybody expects of you.
Never excuse yourself.
H en ry W ar d Be e ch er

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 14

Good, better, best; never let it

rest till your good is better
and your better is best.
Un kn o wn A utho r

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



Week 3
Keeping the Momentum
After you have implemented some positive habits and maybe you have even
impressed yourself by what you can do you must keep the momentum. It is
possible that even after you have pushed the limits there is the chance you
could go back to your old habits.
Keep your commitment so that you will steadily grow. Fight off discouragement
and the temptation to give up. Let me share with you some strategies to help
you keep the momentum.
Keep in mind that your new lifestyle is a process. Along the way with regular
exercise you start to feel good, get energized and your self-esteem will rise
along with your self-confidence. You will start to lose weight and begin to look
better than ever.
But watch out, there are roadblocks along the way. Things that are unforeseen
in life may pop up and throw you off the new healthy road youre traveling.
Many of these things are unavoidable and are just a part of how life is.
However, you can begin now to prepare for some of the challenges that will
come your way.
One thing you could do right now is make a list of different things or
circumstances that might get in the way of your new habits and motivation.
Prepare yourself with a backup plan.
For example, if you plan to workout at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday. and
Friday and you want to walk, jog or ride a bike on the other days you can also
switch up if the weather prevents one or the other.
You can also switch up if you have to work late or if an emergency comes up.
Set up an alternate schedule and stick to it. Also, when you are going out of
town plan in advance for your meals and exercise schedule. This will help you
stay in rhythm and keep the momentum going.
Keep in mind there are many other factors that can cause you to lose your
momentum besides scheduling issues. Stop and think about it: What is it,
really, that gets in your way? What things typically distract you, dampen your
spirits or throw you off track? Is there anything you can identify that prevents
you from staying the course?
Perhaps you struggle with unrealistic goals, work addiction, or self- defeating
beliefs. All of these are familiar and powerful momentum killers. Here are


some pointers to help you build and maintain maximum momentum.

Stand up for yourself - Weak boundaries can make implementing positive
habits especially challenging. For example, Ive heard many people say, Im
influenced by my friends. They often persuade me to eat junk food.
If someone you know often undermines your efforts to get in shape, its time to
stand up for yourself. Make it clear that you are determined to succeed and
you would like the support of the people around you. Specify what kinds of
support you wish to receive, then stand firm and refuse to allow anyone to
disrupt your momentum.
Reaffirm Your Commitment One of the best ways to reaffirm your
commitment to your positive habits is to write down a list of all the reasons
WHY you want to accomplish these habits. Write a list for each positive habits.
For example, if one of your habits is to go to the gym or exercise at least 3-5
times a week, then write down a list of reasons WHY you want to do this and
how it will improve your life. Your list should ideally contain 50 items, and
certainly no less than 20. Then print out or post this list somewhere where you
can see it, and refer to it regularly.
Find out what your momentum busters are. There are certain situations that
make us fall off the wagon. They are different for everybody. For example, for
me, going on a vacation is terrible for my exercise routine. Thats why Im
working on a 15-minute back-up plan I can follow anywhere in the world when
Im traveling. So short of doing by full routine, all I have to commit too is a 15minute travel routine, and this keeps me fit.
By writing down every day 5 things that you would have done differently, youll
see some patterns as far as what your momentum busters are. Once youve
identified them, make sure you have a plan to avoid running in the same
situation in the future.
Another very important factor in keeping the momentum is to find fun in your
new lifestyle. Now that you are feeling better and moving better due to the
healthy changes you have made you are ready to discover or re-discover the
fun aspects of being physically fit. Identifying activities that bring you joy will
strengthen your resolve and help you sustain momentum as you strive to
improve your health. Try doing something new and exciting:


Run on the beach or along a river at sunset or sunrise with your friend or
Learn to golf, or Rollerblade, ice skate, rock climb or cross-country ski.
Join a baseball, hockey, soccer or basketball league for adults.
Train to enter a road race or to improve your performance in a particular




Enter a charity marathon

Take dance classes (aerobic, ballroom, tap, line, folk, salsa or swing).
Play jump rope, street hockey or capture-the-flag with your kids.
Row a boat or paddle a kayak or canoe on a scenic pond or lake.
Play tennis, racquetball or Frisbee in the park.
Try a new, healthy recipe.

However you do it, keep the momentum going. Find those every day very doable things that help you stay motivated. Remember the role that positive
personal relationships play in your overall health and well-being. Ask you
significant others to help you maintain your positive habits. Remember, this is
a process. A day by day, week by week, month by month, ongoing process to
improve the quality of the rest of your life.



DAY 15

To finish first, you must first

Ri ck M ea r s

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________


DAY 16

Keep your eyes on the stars

and your feet on the ground.
T he od or e R oo se vel t

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 17

Perseverance is not a long

race, it is many short races
one after another.
Wal ter El lio tt

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 18

The successful man is the

average man, focused.
A u th or un k no wn

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 19

I want you to start a crusade

in your life - to dare to be
your best.
Willi a m Dan fo rth

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 20

We can do anything we want

to do if we stick to it long
H el en Kel le r

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



DAY 21

Once you learn to quit, it

becomes a habit.
Vin cen t L om ba rdi

My 3 Positive Habits
! Diet & Nutrition:___________________________________________
! Exercise & Fitness:_________________________________________
! Other Lifestyle Factors:_____________________________________
Priorities for Today
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
! ____________________________________________________________
List 5 Successes for the Day
1- _____________________________________________________________
2- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things I Would Have Done Differently Today
1- _____________________________________________________________
3 Things Im Grateful for:
1- _____________________________________________________________
3- _____________________________________________________________



Youve made it!
Please fill out the following questionnaire:
Were you able to implement at least one positive habit:

! Yes ! No
What would you have done differently?
List 5 main successes youve experienced in the last 21 days:

! _____________________________________________________________
! _____________________________________________________________
! _____________________________________________________________
! _____________________________________________________________
! _____________________________________________________________
What have you learned about yourself in the last 21 days?
Thank you for your efforts! Look back at what youve accomplished, and
acknowledge yourself for what youve done, no matter how big or small!
Id love to hear from you. Would you care to leave me your feedback on this
workbook and how it has helped you?
Just go to: www.fredericpatenaude.com/testimonial.html
Also, my membership program, Raw Health Mastermind, should be available in
April, 2006. Look for it at this website (should be operational in mid-March, or


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