1998 10nl
1998 10nl
1998 10nl
Welcome New Residents! Karen Breen-Bondie . Carol Frederick . . . . . Lisa Canada . . . . . . . Ellen Hill . . . . . . . . . Eric Shapiro . . . . . . . 657 W. Drayton . . 640 W. Woodland 466 W. Woodland 300 W. Drayton . . 429 W. Drayton . . 399-2607 547-9389 543-5843 545-6574 398-7886 Our neighborhood block association has the distinction of being one of the oldest in the state. Formed in 1924 to protect the integrity of the neighborhood against condemnation and re-zoning problems which arose from the widening of Woodward, we have maintained an active and independent relationship with City government, while at the same time striving to work with it for the common good of both the City and neighborhood. However, the success of this organization is dependant upon your involvement. Wont you join us in preserving the neighborhood we love? Next Meeting: October 21st
Join us on Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m. at Roosevelt Elementarys Library (2610 Pinecrest). Topics of discussion will be Thermo-Fires (23245 Woodward) desire to place a parking lot behind their building; and resolution of Wetmore agreement. Read this issue for further detail. Use the parking lot entrance and follow the signs once inside the building. We hope to see you there!
October 1998
Thermo-Fire Parking Lot Earlier this year, the Association was approached by Kevin Knight, co-owner of Thermo-Fire, a business located between W. Maplehurst and W. Lewiston at 23245 Woodward. Mr. Knight expressed interest in developing a non-conforming piece of residential property he owns (i.e., a piece of land too small to build a home upon) into a 20 space parking lot. The land in question is directly behind Thermo-Fire and just east of 159 W. Maplehurst. The Association officers and block directors met and discussed Mr. Knights plan in August. We determined that the residents with adjoining property to this proposed parking lot, officers and block directors should meet with Mr. Knight to discuss his proposal. An informal gathering was held on September 16th at Thermo-Fire whereat Mr. Knight showed us what he envisioned the property would look like with landscaping, paving and a surrounding wall. We made no agreements, only discussed concerns and posed questions. There is a legal history in reference to this property dating back to 1959,
Block Directors
Upper Oakridge 414-671 . . . Lower Oakridge 225-391 . . . Upper Drayton 416-671 . . . . Lower Drayton 215-413 . . . . Upper Woodland 415-671 . . Lower Woodland 151-393 . . Upper Maplehurst 415-667 . Lower Maplehurst 156-391 . Lower Lewiston 156-490 . . .
Katrina Collins . . . . . 550 W. Oakridge . 547-0609 Mary Ann Page . . . . 341 W. Oakridge . 541-9014 George Tarvis . . . . . . 467 W. Drayton . . 547-5722 Darcey McLaughlin . . 241 W. Drayton . . 542-4682 Bill & Carol Frederick 640 W. Woodland 547-9389 Phil & Carol Kauffman 225 W. Woodland 545-3354 Ken Kamerschen . . . 578 W. Maplehurst 544-7481 VACANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dale Gaden . . . . . . . 430 W. Lewiston . . 541-1889
Please note that Livernois is the dividing point of upper and lower addresses
which basically states that any present and future landowner is permanently restrained from using the property for manufacturing or other business purposes, or from using the property for parking where the parking is in conjunction with business or manufacturing operations, or considered independently would constitute a business use. The association is interested in pursuing an amicable agreement with ThermoFire. Please plan to attend our meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m. at Roosevelt Elementary. We need your ideas, opinions and observations. Our intention is to arrive at a consensus, either as a group or selecting a small committee of residents to represent the Association, and vote on a proposed agreement at our next annual meeting in the first quarter of 1999. Some of the items we are considering including in the agreement: privacy screening (landscaping) for 159 W. Maplehurst, an eight foot retaining wall, locking chains/gates, limiting hours of parking lot operation, etc. Wetmores Agreement Contrary to December 1994's Association newsletter which stated an agreement had been reached with the Association and Wetmores in reference to much of the same issues we are facing with Thermo-Fire, nothing has been signed or filed with the Oakland County Circuit Court. This is also another issue that needs to be resolved.
What an agreement will accomplish is the legal clout necessary to make these establishments adhere to what was agreed upon, (e.g., no overnight parking, parking during business hours only, cleanliness guidelines, gardening procedures/services, etc.). We will be discussing this matter at our October 21st meeting also. Treasurers Report By Eric Shapiro We are only in fair shape in terms of the treasury. The current balance is only $2,555, which is the lowest it has been, approaching winter, for many years. Lower Maplehurst had zero participation and only $24 the previous year. To make matters worse this is one of our largest blocks that, in the past, collected $500+. We only received $60 from Lower Lewiston and Lower Drayton is down $100+ this year. Upper Oakridge is down about $50. Dues is still only $12 per household. The majority of our annual budget is used for sidewalk snow removal. A portion is also used for Christmas luminaries, the summer party and reproducing this newsletter. If you havent already done so, please drop off a check, payable to Woodland Park Improvement Association, with your block
Summer Party - 1999 Feedback Ive heard to make next years block party even better: Organized games NOT having it on the last day of school Street vs. street competitions Face painting, etc.
Survey Responses Forty responses were received from the insert that was included in our last newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to let us know what is on your mind. We have been reviewing and looking into the various suggestions and concerns that were given. Many suggestions mentioned implementation of programs that need volunteers. If you are interested in landscaping, visiting new neighbors on behalf of your block or want to get more involved with the block club, please step forward. We need you! Did You Know... ...that residents can purchase trees through the Department of Public Services at greatly reduced prices? An 8' to10' tree sells for $55, almost half of what you would expect to pay at a nursery. Call the DPS at 546-2519 for more information. Trees available this year included: Red Sunset Maple; Marshall Seedless Ash; White Ash; Greenspire Linden; Red Oak and Crimson King Maple. Tree selections vary from year-to-year. Purchase is made during the month of August. Check your Summer DPS Newsletter for future information.
Article Contributions Sought Homestead, the Associations newsletter, is interested in article submissions featuring residents, birth announcements, new resident information, Ferndale restaurant reviews and other Ferndale events. E-mail your submissions to [email protected], fax them to 248.399.2601 or drop them off at 657 W. Drayton. Thanks!
If you are interested in helping plan next years party, please contact Karen Breen-Bondie at 399.2607. URGENT! BLOCK DIRECTOR NEEDED! We are in desperate need of a block director for Lower Maplehurst. Your block needs representation especially now that there may possibly be an impact to the property directly east of 159 W. Maplehurst. A spokesperson from your street will help provide the necessary voice to our infrequent meetings. What does a block director do? He or she ensures that dues are collected annually, that newsletters are distributed and luminaries are set up. Block directors and officers meet approximately three to four time a year. Meetings are informal and last about an hour. Walking Club Update Thank you for your interest in a neighborhood walking club. All responses have been given to Lori Kodan (584.2709) so that she can coordinate this great idea!