1997 12nl
1997 12nl
1997 12nl
: PresUfent
nus letter marks
my farewell note to
all of my friends
- and former neigh-
bors in Woodland Park. After 15
years on West Woodland, Ellen and
I and our boys have moved to 14
Mile and Evergreen, in Beverly
Hills. The move was made with
more than a little regret, although
our immediate neighbors will prob-
ably be relieved to be fret! of secret
forts and hidden passageways to
friends' houses.
l nm also sorry to be leaving the
u'dividuals who worked so hard to
keep the neighborhood organization
s trong and active. I was involved
with the Woodland Park
Improvement Association for 14 of
the 15 years I lived in the neighbor
hood; sorr.e of the block dinectors in
the neighborhood have been
involved longer than that. Many of
the current officers and dinectors
have been active for years. Other
current residents of the neighbor
hood have giv"n timP and effort
C'I\"C:' !:."lc Yl!ilrS. The vrgar-J.zativn still
needs help, however. A new presi-
dent must be elected early in 1998,
to carry on the the Woodland Park
Association. Woodland Park is the
oldest con:inuous neighborhood
association in Ferndale, and one of
the oldest in the entire state. It was
founded in 1924, partly to maintain
the appearance of the neighbor-
hood, and also out of concern that
the neighborhood not be irreparably
damaged by the State's widening of
Woodwand Avenue. At the time,
Wood ware! Avenue consisted only
of two lanes in what are today the
northbound lanes. Ferndale had a
thriving downtovm business located
in what are now the southbound
lanes of Woodward. Condemnation
to widen Woodward Avenue
removed many vlable businesses,
and left the remaining ones without
adequate parking, a situation which
contmues today. In our automotive-
oriented society, inadequate parking
often means the death of businesses,
which in tum brings pressure on
homeowners in tt.e torm of tugher
property taxes to replace tax rev
enues lost from business failure.
TwPnty-fivc ye:us ago, Royal Oak's
downtown was struggling to stay
alive. It benefitted from
Birmingham's resurgence: when
Birmingham became too pricey,
business and people bought in
Royal Oak. Royal Oak solved its
congestion proble:n
to accc)m.tnoclate
its patrons, and the whole city bene-
fitted. Ferndale, in tum, may benefit
from Royal Oak's overheated prices,
it it can also solve this problem. To
do so, it will have to create more
parking. P1essurc will increase as
Royal Oak's southeast comer of
Woodward and 696 develops, and
as the new stadiums are built on the
north edge of downtown Detroit. If
the State permits development of
the State Fair grounds, demand for
Ferndale property, and parking, will
skyrocket. Woodland Park is located
along some of the most commercial-
ly desirable property in Ferndale, all
of it subject to the5e pressures. The
Woodland Park Association has
been the protector and watchguard
for neighborhood z.oning and land
use issues since its first court action
in 19%. But times are changing. and
the Association wiU need someone
to lead it on these and
other issues in 1998.
Woodland Park needs
a new president.
After 11 years in this
position, my time to step down has
come. It's time for new leadership.
The time demands are not all that
great, probably between 10 and 20
hours per year. The organization is
m good shape financially, 1tas terru-
ic organizers, a nearly full retinue of
block directors, and the will to con
tinu4!. Wh:t.t it needs is o. new
denL 1f you are interested. please
call Carol Frederick, or any one of
the individual officers or block
directors whose names arc listed in
this newsletter. You will benefit, not
jus t in u better neighborhood, but
by gettmg to know your r.eighbors,
learning to work with city officials
(many of whom also live in this
neighborhood), and from the
knowledge that your efforts ha\'e
made a difference. There <.re intan-
gible benefits to participating in this
organiz.'ltion that go far beyond
mere property value. If you want a
better community, give so:nething
of yourself.
Although this is "goodbye", I'U
continue to see many of you. Our
children still attend Harding
Elementary (a great school), and I
have offered to the
Association resolve parkirg matters
involving Wetmore's and the lot
located on the south side of
Maplehurst near Woodward. To all
of you, thank you for the
opportunity to work with you for a
better community. I hope you have
benefitted as much as I.
L yfe <I{ussefl
'Treasurer's <Rszort
The association has
a current balance
of $3050. The funds ' '-'1:!=......,,
go towards paying for
snow removal, luminaries on
Christmas Eve and to cover miscel-
laneous expenses associated with
the annuru swruner party. Dues arc
an extremely modest 512.00 per
household and 100% coUection is
criticru to the continued success of
the Assodation. Please pay your
blc;>c;k !:>y c<1sh or check as
they will be calling on you in the
near future. Or, if you would really
like to hel p your block director. you
can drop off a check for $12, made
out to the Woodland Park
Association, at the address listed for
your block director in this newslet-
ter. I'm sure it would be greatly
appreciated! My personal thanks to
aU the block directors both old and
new for m."\ki.ng my job easier.
Special thanks to Phil and Carol
Kauffman of Lower Woodland and
Bill and Carol Frederick of Upper
Woodland who make 100% their
standard year after year.
January 20th
Roosevelt Elementary
Media Center
Please mark
your 1998
This is our
annual meeting that has been miss-
ing for the past couple of years. It
gives the organization an opportu-
nity to update residents on our
community, welcome new residents
ilild strengthen the orgililiution. We
have invited the Director
and Executive Vice President of
Femdale' s of
Ms. Joan Stefanski to talk with us
about our community, She will be
first on the agenda followed by an
update on the organization, includ-
ing our quest for a new president.
The organization is in need of active
participation by more residents.
Without new participation this
association may disappear! Please
mark your cruendar and join us.
Any questions, please call Carol
Frederick at 547-9389.
<JJie 'WoodTazuf<ParR
President: VACANT
Vice Pres: Carol Frederick
Treasurer: Eric Shapiro
Secretary: Ellen Hill
!}}Coc& <Directors
Upper Oakridge, 414-671
Katrina Collins (550) 547-ool9
Lower Oakridge, 225-391
Lorrie Kodan (229) 584-2709
Upper Drayton, 416-671
George Tarvis (467) 547-5722
Lower Drayton, 21!>-413
Darcy McLaughlin (241) 542-4682
Upper Woodland, 415-671
Bill/Carol Frederick (640) 547-9389
Lower Woodland, 151-393
Phil/Carol Kauffman (225) 545-3354
Upper Maplehurst, 415-667
Ken Kamerschen (578) 544-7481
Lower Maplehurst, 156-391
Randy Boulier (360) 545-2417
Lower Lewiston, 156-490
John Hammen (452)
Steve Roberts (440)
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