A Wearable, Wireless Gaze Tracker With Integrated Selection Command Source For Human-Computer Interaction
A Wearable, Wireless Gaze Tracker With Integrated Selection Command Source For Human-Computer Interaction
A Wearable, Wireless Gaze Tracker With Integrated Selection Command Source For Human-Computer Interaction
A Wearable, Wireless Gaze Tracker with Integrated Selection Command Source for Human-Computer Interaction
Ville Rantanen, Toni Vanhala, Outi Tuisku, Pekka-Henrik Niemenlehto, Jarmo Verho, Veikko Surakka, Martti Juhola, and Jukka Lekkala
AbstractA light-weight, wearable, wireless gaze tracker with integrated selection command source for human-computer interaction is introduced. The prototype system combines head-mounted, video-based gaze tracking with capacitive facial movement detection that enable multimodal interaction by gaze pointing and making selections with facial gestures. The system is targeted mainly to disabled people with limited mobility over their hands. The hardware was made wireless to remove the need to take off the device when moving away from the computer, and to allow future use in more mobile contexts. The algorithms responsible for determining the eye and head orientations to map gaze direction to on-screen coordinates are presented together with the one to detect movements from the measured capacitance signal. Pointand-click experiments were conducted to assess the performance of the multimodal system. The results show decent performance in laboratory and ofce conditions. The overall point-and-click accuracy in the multimodal experiments is comparable to the errors in previous research on head-mounted, single modality gaze tracking that does not compensate for changes in head orientation. Index TermsAssistive technology, capacitive facial movement detection, gaze tracking, human-computer interaction, multimodal interaction.
UMANCOMPUTER INTERACTION (HCI) devices that use information measured from the head area can
Manuscript received December 23, 2010; revised April 8, 2011; accepted May 20, 2011. Date of publication May 31, 2011; date of current version September 2, 2011. This work was funded by the Academy of Finland, funding decision nos. 115609, 115997, and 116913. V. Rantanen, J. Verho, and J. Lekkala are with Sensor Technology and Biomeasurements, Department of Automation Science and Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (e-mail: ville.rantanen@tut.; jarmo.verho@tut.; jukka.lekkala@tut.). T. Vanhala is with the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tampere, Finland (e-mail: toni.vanhala@vtt.). O. Tuisku and V. Surakka are with Research Group for Emotions Sociality and Computing, Tampere Unit for ComputerHuman Interaction (TAUCHI), School of Information Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland (e-mail: [email protected].; veikko.surakka@uta.). P.-H. Niemenlehto is with the Nokia Corporation, Tampere, Finland (e-mail: [email protected]). M. Juhola is with Data Analysis Research Group, School of Information Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland (e-mail: martti.juhola@ cs.uta.). Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TITB.2011.2158321
provide interaction methods that are more natural, intuitive, or advantageous in some other way compared to the traditional interaction devices, keyboard, and mouse. One target group is physically disabled people that may lack the mobility to use their hands in the interaction. Different approaches to use information from the head area include using electromyographic (EMG) signals [1], electrooculographic (EOG) signals [2], brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) [3], and gaze tracking [4]. The most accurate methods to track the gaze have been the video-based ones that determine the orientation of an eye or eyes by either remote or head-mounted cameras. With remote cameras, the cameras are xed on a remote location and the location of the eyes may move relative to the cameras, but with head-mounted ones the cameras are xed on the head, and the relative location of the eyes stays approximately the same at all times. Different studies have reported that with the headmounted cameras the tracking errors are less than 2 [5], [6], and the same accuracy can be achieved with a single remote camera [7]. Commercial devices with multiple remote cameras report higher accuracies, up to 0.5 [8]. The degree of mobility required by the application is one key factor in selecting between head-mounted and remote devices; the former may allow totally free movements while the latter require the user to stay relatively still for a decent view to the users eyes. Another factor is the obtrusiveness of the system: Remote devices do not disturb the user, but head-mounted ones may be uncomfortable if they are not light and small enough. Head-mounted, video-based gaze trackers have been built from low-cost, off-the-shelf components to get good performance with reasonable cost. In 2004, Babcock and Pelz [9] built a light-weight device targeted for research purposes. Li et al. [5] carried out similar research, and presented their device with open source algorithms for gaze tracking. Ryan et al. [6] also made a similar device and developed the algorithms further. A low-cost tracker with a wearable display has been made by San Agustin et al. [10]. Franchak et al. [11] made a head-mounted gaze-tracker that was wireless and lightweight enough to be worn by infants for their behavioural analysis. There are several methods to implement a selection command source, i.e., a method for clicking, in HCI where gaze tracking is used for cursor control. The traditional way is to make a selection after the users gaze has dwelled on the same location for predetermined amount of time [4]. Other methods include making gestures with the gaze, blinking, and winking. These
have been detected, for example, by imaging the eyes [12] and recording EOG signals [13]. EMG measurements and voluntary facial activations of different muscles have also been used in indicating selections. San Agustin et al. [10] used an inexpensive commercial EMG device to indicate selections. Using voluntary frowning and smiling gestures have been shown to even beat mouse in speed in point-and-click operations [14][16]. A capacitive measurement method to replace EMG measurement with a more comfortable one has been presented [17]. It removes the need for skin preparation and electrode attachment on the skin. Additionally, Lee et al. [18] have used a BCI to make selections. The presented prototype system implements the two interaction modalities of the mouse: 2-D pointing and indicating selections. The pointing is achieved with head-mounted, videobased gaze tracking, and selections are made with facial gestures detected with a capacitive measurement integrated in the head gear. The system includes two cameras: one images the eye and other the users scene. A shoulder bag that contains radios and batteries to allow wireless operation is included. The measured data are processed in realtime to make the cursor movements and selections. The system also takes advantage of low-cost, offthe-shelf components as components required for gaze tracking do not need to be expensive to give good performance. The main target group is physically disabled people that do not have the mobility required to use keyboard and mouse. The wireless operation was implemented to remove the need to take off the device when moving away from the computer. This is useful for users in motorised wheelchairs, and allows future use in more mobile human-technology interaction applications, e.g., as a control device for assistive technology. Point-and-click experiments were carried out in laboratory and ofce conditions to evaluate the performance of the multimodal system, and to nd out the need for further development. II. METHODS A. Video-Based Gaze Tracking Techniques Commonly used methods in video-based gaze tracking are the bright pupil and dark pupil techniques [5]. In the former, the eye is illuminated with a light source close to the optical axis of the imaging device. This makes the light go through the pupil to the retina and reect back, causing the pupil to appear brighter in the image than the surrounding iris. In the latter, the light source is positioned so that the pupil is not observed as bright but darker than the iris. A corneal reection of the light source can be observed and used in the tracking as a reference point to compensate for camera movements. The corneal reection is the so called rst Purkinje image that reects from the outer surface of the cornea [19]. Other three Purkinje images reect from other optical interfaces in the eye and are a lot weaker, with the second one having intensity less than 1% of the rst ones. Infrared light sources are used for the illumination not to disturb the user, and to make the iris always appear lighter than the pupil despite the colour of the eye in the visible light range. The presented prototype system uses one infrared light source and the dark pupil technique.
Fig. 1. Wearable prototype device: (a) shows the entire wearable device, and (b) shows the frames worn on head.
Fig. 2. Components responsible for the wireless operation: (a) the power supply circuit, (b) the video transmitters, (c) a receiver, (d) the transmitter, and (e) receiver for the capacitive facial movement detection.
B. Capacitive Facial Movement Detection Facial movements can be detected similarly as capacitive proximity sensors or push-buttons detect objects in their vicinity. The measurement method for detecting facial movements capacitively in human-computer interaction has been introduced in [17]. The method is simple: A pair of electrodes is used to form an electric eld, a conducting object in this electric eld shunts the eld partly to the ground, and the shunting can be detected by measuring the capacitance between the electrodes. With proper electrode placement, specic facial movements can be targeted with the measurement. The current implementation targets frowning and lifting eyebrows. In [17], the method detected these with overall efciencies of 87.7 17.7% and 97.0 5.03%, respectively. C. Hardware of the Prototype System Fig. 1 shows the wearable prototype device. The measurement and imaging parts are constructed on frames of glasses, and a shoulder bag is accompanied to carry the batteries, the power supply circuitry, and the wireless transmitters. To receive the data, receivers are required together with frame grabbers for sampling the video streams. The components responsible for the wireless operation are shown in Fig. 2.
1) Gaze Tracking Hardware: Low-cost CMOS cameras with analogue video output and low power consumption were used. The eye camera is a grayscale pinhole camera modied to image only infrared wavelengths. An infrared light emitting diode (LED) is used to provide illumination and a corneal reection for gaze tracking. The resolution of the camera cell is 352 288 pixels, and the lens viewing angle is approximately 50 . The scene camera has colours, 597 537 pixels, and a viewing angle of approximately 70 . Both cameras output PAL video signal and, thus, the frame rate is 25 fps. Shutter, gain, and white balance are handled automatically by the cameras and focusing is done by hand. One-time focusing is sufcient for both cameras. The depth of view of the scene camera allows to image objects at greatly varying distances. The wireless transmitters for the video signals use low-cost radio modules (AWM630TX by Airwave Technologies) that have four selectable channels within the 2.4 GHz ISM radio band. The transmitters were bought as ready-made units. The video signals are received with corresponding low-cost receiver modules (AWM634TX) in ready-made units. The used frame grabbers were also lowcost ones (Movie VOX minis by MSI). 2) Capacitive Facial Movement Detection Hardware: The sensor used in the capacitance measurement is a programmable controller for capacitance touch sensors (AD7142 by Analog Devices). The sensor circuit board is on the frames between the eyes. Behind the circuit board, facing the junction between the nasal and the frontal bone, is a circuit board with the measurement electrodes. The electrodes are in a layout of three concentric rings, as described in [17]. The innermost and outermost rings together form one electrode, and the middlemost forms the other. Additional electronics on the frames include a microcontroller (ATmega168P by Atmel) to process the data from the capacitance sensor. The sampling frequency of the capacitance measurement is a bit below 90 Hz. The wireless transmitter for the capacitance measurement has a microcontroller (ATmega128L by Atmel) and a 2.4 GHz ZigBee-ready RF transceiver (CC2420 by Texas Instruments). Its antenna is a planar inverted F-antenna on its PCB. The receiver has the same components and a USB to RS232 interface (FT232R by FTDI) for USB connectivity. The wireless link is shown as an RS232 connection on both ends. Commercial devices are available for this purpose, but we made our own to have full control over its operation. The link was made so that data resending was not done if it failed. For real-time HCI, resending lost packets is futile as delayed data reects past activity of the user. The operating frequency for the link is automatically selected when the receiver is connected to the computer. 3) Power Supply: A power supply circuit provides supply voltages to the wearable components. A step-up controller (MAX668 by Maxim Integrated Products) provides a 9 volt supply for the cameras. The same voltage is also fed to a stepdown switching regulator (LT1933 by Linear Technology) to form a 5 volt supply for the infrared LED, the capacitance measurement electronics, and the radio transmitters. With the current conguration, the wearable device can operate for approximately 7 hours with 4 AA batteries.
D. Software of the Prototype System The software for online processing of the data from the prototype device and translating the obtained information to onscreen cursor movements and selections was implemented using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) version 9.0, the OpenCV library version 2.0, OpenEyes software, and the Boost libraries. It can be run on a regular desktop or laptop computer. 1) Gaze Tracking Algorithm: a) Feature Extraction: To determine the gaze location on a computer screen, the orientation of both the head and the eye need to be tracked. The head orientation is estimated from the scene camera image, while the orientation of the eye is computed based on pupil and corneal reection detected from the eye camera image. Computer vision algorithms from OpenCV are used in extracting features from these images [20]. Intrinsic camera parameters (e.g., focal point) and distortions (e.g., lens distortion) are accounted for in coordinate transformations. The camera parameters were estimated using the commonly used chessboard calibration procedure, as described in [20]. For the head orientation estimation, markers are placed on the frame of the computer screen to detect the screen. Markers are pink squares with 1-cm-long sides. One is placed to each screen corner and one to both of the midpoints of the top and bottom frame. Colour ltering in the HSV color space is used to extract possible markers from the images. If six image regions large enough are found, their center points are used as the marker locations. Top and bottom rows of markers are identied by minimizing mean squared error of two (three-point) lines tted to the set of marker points. The visual markers in the image are then assigned to each physical marker location based on their relative locations, while assuming less than 90 rotation. Finally, the translation and rotation of the camera are computed based on these point correspondences by minimizing the reprojection error [20]. To determine the eye orientation, we chose to use a featurebased approach to nd the locations of the pupil and the corneal reection. First, the image is preprocessed by equalizing the histogram of the image and removing noise with a Gaussian lter. Next, the darkest pixels in the image are retained using a binary threshold lter. Convex hulls are computed for the contours in the image using Sklanskys algorithm [20]. Too short contours or contours with too small enclosing area are excluded. Ellipses are tted to the convex hulls using the leastsquares approach and the circumferences of the ellipses and the convex hulls are calculated. A measure for the sphericity of each convex hull is calculated by multiplying the ratio of the circumferences of the convex hull and the related ellipse with the ratio of their areas. Finally, the ellipse tted to the hull with the highest sphericity is identied as the pupil if the sphericity exceeds a predetermined threshold. Brief experiments were ran to select a suitable threshold. If the pupil is found, the corneal reection is searched from its vicinity. A binary threshold is applied to the preprocessed image to retain the brightest pixels. Again, convex hulls are computed for the contours. Too short contours and contours with too large area with respect to the
pupil area are excluded before a circle is tted around each contour. The one with the shortest distance from the pupil center is identied as the corneal reection. Finally, eye orientation is computed as a 2-D vector between the centers of the pupil and the corneal reection. b) Calibration: Calibration is required to map the eye orientation as the point of gaze on the scene image. The participant is asked to xate on a 3 3 grid of points that are displayed one at a time in random order. Sufcient amount of eye and head orientation samples are collected from each calibration point. The center of mass for the eye orientation samples is computed for each point, and a number of samples closest to the center of mass is included while calculating the corresponding location of the calibration point in the scene camera image. The location is computed by projecting the screen coordinates of the point to the image plane of the scene camera. The calculated head orientation is used in performing the projection. Then, the coordinate pairs (i.e., the eye orientation and the scene image coordinates of the calibration point) are grouped into a constraint matrix that is used to compute a homography matrix using singular value decomposition [21]. From then on, the homography matrix can be used to transform eye orientation values to gaze coordinates relative to the scene image. c) Scene to Screen Coordinate Projection: To use the gaze for pointing on the computer screen, gaze coordinates are rst projected from the scene camera image plane to physical coordinates in 3-D space. From steps above, values for the scene image coordinates (mT ), the intrinsic scene camera parameters (A), and the rotation (R) and translation (t) of the scene camera are used in the projection. With these values, the point of gaze on the screen (MT ) can be solved from (1), where s is a scalar that can be solved [20] smT = A[R | t]MT . (1)
E. Experiments An experimental procedure that resembles actual use in the target application was carried out. It consisted of individual pointing tasks similar to the ones commonly used to evaluate how HCI pointing devices perform [15], [16]. The procedure included point-and-click operations to select on-screen targets. The targets appeared in pairs of two: a home square and a target circle. Their sizes varied, the diameters or side lengths were 25, 30, and 40 millimeters, and the locations varied on the screen. The participants made the selection of the target with either frowning or lifting eyebrows according to their own preference. Once the square and the circle were selected, another pair was introduced. The cursor was visible during the experiments. Each participant had to select 72 pairs of targets in two locations: laboratory and ofce. The laboratory and ofce were selected to study the effects of varying levels of environmental control on the performance of the system. Conditions at the laboratory were more strictly controlled, for example, lighting was kept constant throughout the experiments. The conditions in the ofce reected a common modern work environment, for example, there were closed Venetian blinds that allowed small changes in lighting. Further, the laboratory was shielded from electromagnetic interference, but in the ofce there were several sources of error (e.g., WLAN and Bluetooth devices) in the 2.4 GHz frequencies that the wireless links of the prototype use. In the laboratory, the participants carried out the experimental procedures alone in the room, but in the ofce the experimenter was present in the same room. The computer screen in the laboratory was a 15 inch display with a resolution of 1024 768, and it was mounted directly in front of the user. The ofce computer had a 24 inch widescreen display with a resolution 1920 1200, and it was on the table farther down relative to the user. The viewing distance of the display was approximately 1 meter in both places, and the participants sat still throughout the experiments. Ten participants, ages ranging from 26 to 42, took part in the experiments. They were selected from volunteers so that rst ve male and ve female were chosen. All participants had normal vision and were not disabled. F. Measurement Data Analysis Capacitive signals, image data and information from the algorithms were logged during the experiments for analysis. The image data consisted of eye and scene camera frame pairs that were saved whenever the corneal reection could not be found. Additional frame pairs were saved periodically. The saved video frames were classied based on visual inspection to assess the performance of the prototype system. Each eye camera frame was classied as: a frame with fully visible pupil, a frame with the pupil not fully visible, or a distorted frame. The scene camera frames were classied as distorted or not distorted. Based on the classications and the logged data, different statistics were calculated to represent the performance of the prototype system. For evaluating the overall performance, point-and-click accuracies were calculated. The accuracy is expressed as the pointing error of the selections and calculated as the angle
Finally, the physical coordinate of the point of gaze is transformed to a pixel coordinate on the computer screen. A moving average lter of 10 samples is used to process the pixel coordinates in order to reduce jitter during xations. The ltered pixel coordinates are used for pointing objects on the computer screen. 2) Capacitive Facial Movement Detection Algorithm: The algorithm used for detecting frowning and lifting of eyebrows from the measured signal is almost identical to the one described in [17]. First the signal is preprocessed with a drift removal lter, rectied and processed with a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processor to produce an adaptive threshold for obtaining a binary signal of ones and zeros depending on whether the rectied signal exceeds the threshold. The binary signal is then processed with an integrator, and the output is compared with a second threshold to decide if a movement has occurred or not. The movements are classied to frowns and eyebrow lifts with a simultaneous application of a signum function, a delay line, and a second integrator to the input signal after the drift removal. The current implementation of the CFAR processor uses only the samples that precede the current sample in time to shorten the delay between the actual onset of facial movement and the detected point of onset as given by the algorithm.
Fig. 3. (a) Typical and (b) distorted eye image with a detected pupil and corneal reection. The images are cropped to show only the eye region.
between the center point of the target and the cursor location when the selection was made. The angle was approximated as the arc tangent of the ratio of the on-screen error distance and the distance from the user to the monitor. The latter is long enough for the approximation to be valid for small error distances. Error angles beyond 1.5 times the interquartile range from the upper quartile were considered as outliers with each participant in both locations individually. III. RESULTS Based on the logging scheme of the data, the amount of saved frames and logged data varied between participants and locations. The average duration of an experiment was 13.8 min, or 20,700 frame pairs. The amount of saved frames pairs was 757 on average. The average percentages of distorted frames from a single camera stayed lower than 1.1% in both laboratory and ofce. Maximum percentages were 0.76% and 4.74% in the laboratory and ofce, respectively. These correspond to one distorted frame every 5.29 and 0.84 sec, respectively. The number of consecutive distorted frames from a camera had median values of 1 or 2 frames with all participants at both locations, upper quartiles of up to 3 frames, and maximum values of 8 and 24 frames for laboratory and ofce, respectively. Capacitive facial movement detection signal was transmitted without loss of samples in both locations. A typical image of an eye with a detected pupil and corneal reection is seen in Fig. 3(a), and 3(b) shows how the distortions look in the worst case. In the eye camera frames, the pupils were fully visible in 85.0 9.86% of the frames with no statistically signicant differences between the two locations. False alarms, i.e., detected pupils and corneal reections when the pupil is not fully visible or the frame is distorted, were detected at a percentage of 16.6 10.8% with no statistical difference between the locations. The main results of the performance of the prototype system during the experiments are shown in Tables I and II. Outlier removal removed 11.3 3.41% of the selections contributing to point-and-click errors. This corresponds to one outlier for every 7.18 selected targets. The distributions of the point-and-click errors are shown in Fig. 4. As a comparison to the errors shown, the accuracies required to hit the targets in the experimental set-up are 0.716 , 0.859 , and 1.15 for target sizes 25, 30, and 40 millimeters, respectively. Fig. 5 shows the distributions of the lengths of the sequences of frames that were not successfully tracked during the experTABLE II RESULTS FROM THE EXPERIMENTS IN THE OFFICE.
Fig. 4. Distributions of the point-and-click errors: (a) at the laboratory and (b) the ofce prior to outlier removal. Horizontal lines represent medians, the boxes extend from lower to upper quartiles, and whiskers up to the last error not considered an outlier. There is a statistically signicant difference in the medians between the two conditions with participants 4m, 7f, 8f, and 10f.
iments, either due to distorted frames or a failure in detecting the pupil and the corneal reection. IV. DISCUSSION The reliability of the prototype system in terms of distortions in the video frames and the loss of samples of the capacitive
Fig. 5. Distributions of the lengths of the nontracked sequences that are introduced by the failure to detect the pupil and the corneal reection or by consecutive distorted frames. The circles indicate outliers according to the same criterion that was used for the point-and-click errors. The locations were: (a) the laboratory and (b) the ofce.
signal is good. The amounts of distorted frames are acceptable even in ofce conditions where the distortions sometimes have a noticeable duration. The main source of distortions seem to be wireless networks operating in the same frequencies as our video transmission. Common Bluetooth devices, such as mobile phones, do not interfere with the video transmitters, since they have Class 2 radios with output power of only 4 dBm distributed throughout the 2.4 GHz band as opposed to the video transmitters with 10 dBm output on a more limited bandwidth. This suggests that fully distorted frames result from higher power WLAN routers that are more focused to certain frequency channels. However, the facial movement detection signals are transmitted perfectly even in the ofce indicating that the digital radio and its low bandwidth requirement allows reliable operation. The results show that with all the participants the pupils were fully visible most of the time, which is required for optimal accuracy as the pupil extraction algorithm is intended for use with fully visible pupils. However, participants 4m and 7f suffered from somewhat decreased visibilities in the ofce, and 10f in the laboratory. Lower-light conditions, pupil dilation, and gazing downwards caused the upper eyelid to occasionally obstruct the pupil. The percentages of detected corneal reections show that the detection suffers from performance issues with some participants. The performance is still reasonable except for participant 6f in the ofce. The degraded performance is caused by eye make-up that interfered with the pupil detection by introducing additional dark image regions next to the pupil. Sometimes such regions are extracted as a part of the pupil which decreases the accuracy. The make-up also introduced more false alarms with few participants, while false alarms in general were rarely encountered. The marker detection efciency of the head orientation determination is seen to be relatively poor and to differ signicantly between the two experimental conditions. Especially in the slightly varying lighting of the ofce, the xed thresholds of the marker detection were too strict. However, the percentages still correspond to a few detected markers a second, which is sufcient in rather static HCI use. Nontracked sequences during which gaze tracking information is not obtained due to undetected pupils and distorted frames last up to 31 frames, or 1.24 seconds. Previous discussion on pupil detection explain some of the sequence lengths, but with
participant 2m in the ofce the prolonged sequences are a combined result of normal amount of undetected pupils and some longer lasting distortions. Still, majority of the nontracked sequences can be tolerated as the 10 sample moving average ltering in the gaze tracking just ignores missing samples. The performance of the capacitive facial movement detection algorithm is not evaluated at this time as the changes to the algorithm are minor compared to the algorithm presented and evaluated in [17]. However, the number of outliers in the pointing errors suggests that the sensitivity of the algorithm should be reduced to avoid false detections. Since the cursor was shown to the participants during the experiments, most of the outliers cannot be a result of intentional clicks. The performance of the prototype system in terms of pointand-click accuracy is promising. The mean and median accuracies reached in both locations are good. However, the error distributions show that there are differences in the distributions between the two conditions. With four participants, the differences in median errors are statistically signicant. While median and mean errors still are quite small, the consistency of operation is compromised in the ofce conditions. In addition to the already discussed issues affecting the accuracy, inaccuracies may be introduced when the eye is more close to the extremities of its rotational range. Then the distance between the pupil and corneal reection in the eye camera image experience smaller changes with eye rotations than when gazing toward the camera. This makes tracking more sensitive to small errors and possible errors in calibration also cumulate. In the ofce, these might affect more as the display is farther down relative to the user. While considering the accuracy, it should also be noted that the way the errors were calculated based on successful clicks ignores systematic errors that do not allow pointing near the object to try to make the click. The smallest gaze tracking errors reported by Li [21] vary between 0.596 0.288 and 1.05 0.459 degrees in different repetitions of the accuracy evaluation. Ryan et al. [6] report their average error to be less than 2 . Franchak et al. [11] have average errors between 2 and 3 with their target group that is infants. Our accuracies are comparable to the ones by Li. However, the accuracies of Li have been determined as gaze tracking accuracies often are: in a limited experimental situation where the head is xed and the user gazes calibration points onscreen. Our accuracies were calculated as the actual errors in the point-and-click experiments. Thus, our errors represent the accuracy of the multimodal system as affected by both eye and head tracking accuracies and their cumulative errors. The facial movements that were used for clicking may also have an effect on the accuracy, since the head-mounted device might move while making the clicks, and the xation target of the gaze might also slightly change when making the voluntary facial movements. However, it should be noted that mean is not a good metric for the error in gaze tracking or in point-and-click tasks as the distribution is not normal. The introduced multimodal prototype system is mainly targeted to individuals with disabilities, but the study was carried out with healthy participants. Using such participants was considered reasonable at this stage of development. Also, while the
number of participants was low, the amount of data collected still is vast and covers different problematic scenarios encountered by the system. When considering eye movements only, studies also show that eye movement behavior has large intraindividual variability as Bollen et al. [22] state about saccadic eye movements. This indicates that a broad variation could be met from a relatively small group of subjects. Also, possible jitter introduced in the gaze tracking with disabled users due to abnormal eye behaviour could be overcome, for example, with the introduction of an adaptive method that adapts to individual jitter characteristics as described by Sesin et al. [23]. V. CONCLUSIONS The main result of this study is the introduction of a functional, multimodal prototype system combining head-mounted, video-based gaze tracking, and capacitive facial movement detection. The gaze tracking hardware components were cheap commercial ones. In the context of real-time applications and HCI, the system includes the rst wireless implementation of a video-based gaze tracker. As opposed to previous studies on head-mounted gaze trackers in HCI, the prototype system uses head orientation compensation to allow natural head movements. The achieved point-and-click accuracies suggest that the mapping of the gaze direction to on-screen coordinates does not compromise the accuracy relative to pure gaze trackers, which is a promising result. Limitations of the study included using limited number of healthy participants as opposed to the main target group of people with physical disabilities. Another limitation is that the system suffers from some performance issues mostly associated with the pupil detection algorithm that does not represent the state-of-the-art. The system could be further developed by updating the hardware. Distortions in the videos could be avoided with more powerful transmitters, or ones utilizing alternative frequency bands such as 5.8 GHz. Both types of transmitters are commercially available. The algorithms should be partially updated also. The pupil detection algorithm should be made more robust. The Starburst algorithm described by Li et al. [5], [21] represents such an approach. Chen et al. [24] have also described a robust way of extracting the iris and the pupil from images. The 10-sample moving average ltering in the gaze tracking should also be replaced with a better alternative. Kalman lter or the jitter removal by Sesin et al. [23] could be considered. Additional accuracy could be achieved by modelling the 3-D structure of the eye in the tracking. The screen detection should also be improved. A reasonable way is detecting the screen itself or possible on-screen markers. REFERENCES
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