Beam Stress Deflection D 1312

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Stress and Deflections in Beams

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Stress and Deflections in Beams

Beams and shafts - deflection and stress calculator
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The calculator below can be used to calculate maximum stress and def loads.

Beam Supported at Both Ends, Uniform Load

Maximum Stress

Steel Beam Beam Stress

Convert Units

o o

Maximum stress in a beam with uniform load supported at both ends c


= y q L2 / 8 I



Stress and Deflections in Beams

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where = maximum stress (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi) y = Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis X (m, mm, in) q = uniform load (N/m, N/mm, lb/in) L = length of beam (m, mm, in) I = moment of Inertia (m4, mm4, in4) 1 N/m2 = 1x10-6 N/mm2 = 1 Pa = 1.4504x10-4 psi 1 psi (lb/in2) = 144 psf (lbf/ft2) = 6,894.8 Pa (N/m2) = 6.895x10-3 Maximum deflection can be expressed as = 5 q L4 / E I 384 where = maximum deflection (m, mm, in) E = modulus of elasticity (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)
Metric Units

m km in ft yards miles nautical miles


m3 liters in3 ft3 us gal



m/s km/h ft/min ft/s mph knots

6 5000 78125000 200000

q - Uniform load (N/mm) L - Length of Beam (mm) I - Moment of Inertia (mm4) E - Modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2)) y - Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis (m


Pa (N/m2) bar mm H2O kg/cm2 psi inches H2O

150 Calculate!


m3/s m3/h US gpm cfm

1 mm4 = 10-4 cm4 = 10-12 m4 1 cm4 = 10-8 m = 104 mm 1 in4 = 4.16x105 mm4 = 41.6 cm4 1 N/mm2 = 106 N/m2 (Pa)

Imperial Units

100 100

q - Load (lb/in) L - Length of Beam (in) I - Moment of Inertia (in4) E - Modulus of Elasticity (psi) y - Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis X


Free Industry Magazines Military & Aerospace Electronics

285 29000000 6.25 Calculate!


Stress and Deflections in Beams

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Example - Beam with Uniform Load, English Units

The maximum stress in a "W 12 x 35" Steel Wide Flange beam, 100 inc modulus of elasticity 29000000 psi, with uniform load 100 lb/in can be c = y q L2 / 8 I E&P (Hart's E&P) = (6.25 in) (100 lb/in) (100 in)2 / 8 (285 in4) = 2741 (lb/in2, psi) The maximum deflection can be calculated as = 5 q L4 / E I 384 = 5 (100 lb/in) (100 in)4 / (29000000 lb/in2) (285 in4) 384 Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment = 0.016 in

Beam Supported at Both Ends, Load at Center

Engineering Standards

Maximum Stress

Maximum stress in a beam with uniform load supported at both ends c =yFL/4I where = maximum stress (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi) y = Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis (m, mm, in) F = load (N, lb) L = length of beam (m, mm, in) I = moment of Inertia (m4,mm4, in4) Maximum deflection can be expressed as = F L3 / E I 48 where = maximum deflection (m, mm, in) (4) (3)


Stress and Deflections in Beams

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E = modulus of elasticity (Pa (N/m2), N/mm2, psi)

Metric Units

30000 5000 78125000 200000 150 Calculate!

Imperial Units

F - Load (N) L - Length of Beam (mm) I - Moment of Inertia (mm4) E - Modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2) y - Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis (m

10000 100 285 29000000 6.25 Calculate!

F - Load (lb) L - Length of Beam (in) I - Moment of Inertia (in4) E - Modulus of Elasticity (psi) y - Perpendicular distance from to neutral axis (i

Example - Beam with a Single Center Load

The maximum stress in a "W 12 x 35" Steel Wide Flange beam, 100 inc modulus of elasticity 29000000 psi, with a center load 10000 lb can be =yFL/4I = (6.25 in) (10000 lb) (100 in) / 4 (285 in4) = 5482 (lb/in2, psi) The maximum deflection can be calculated as = F L3 / E I 48 = (10000 lb/in) (100 in)3 / (29000000 lb/in2) (285 in4) 48 = 0.025 in

Some Typical Vertical Deflection Limits

total deflection : span/250 live load deflection : span/360 cantilevers : span/180 domestic timber floor joists : span/330 (max 14 mm) brittle elements : span/500 crane girders : span/600


Stress and Deflections in Beams

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Stress and Deflections in Beams

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